Minister of Mines
ANIWJAL REPORT cm THE MINISTER OF MINES YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1907, MINING OPERATIONSFOR GOLD,COAL, ETC., IN THE 8 ED. 7 REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF MINES. L3 REPORT MINISTER OF MINES, 1907. MAY IT PLEABE YOUR HONOUII: The Annual Report of the Provincial Mineralogist upon the Mining Industries of the Province for the rear 1907 is herewith respectfully submitted. RICHARD MCBRIDE, Minis& of h’iiaes. Minister of Mines’ 05c.9, March, 1908. 8 ED. 7 REFORT OF THE &h’E3TER OF MINES. L5 .REPORTOF BUREAU OF MINES. WILLIAM FLEET ROBERTSON, PROVINCIAL MINERALOGIST, SIB,-I have the hcmour to submit herewith my Annual Report on the Mining Industry of the PmGce for the year ending December 31st, 1907. The statistical tablea give the total mineral output of the Province to dste, and show in considerable detail the actual mineral production of the pest year, w baaed on amelter or mill returns; also, B summsry of the production of each of the last four years, thus illustrating by comparison the progress made in productive mining during this period. To facilitate comparison with information previously given, I ban retained, aa closely as was possible, the general form already established for such tables and for the Report. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, T%-ILL~AM FL~ZT ROBERTSON, Pmvincial Mineralogist. Bureau of Mims, %loria,~ B. c., Jfarch, 1908. 8 ED. 7 REPORT CIB TEF, MINISTER OF MANES. L7 MINERALPRODUCTION OF BRITISWCOLUMBIA. -:o:- METHOD OF COMPUTINQ PRODUCTION. In assembling the output for the lode mines in the following tables, the established custom of tbie Bureau baa been adhered to, viz.
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