• Babak D. Beheshti, Associate Dean of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at NYIT. • Clyde Bennett, Chief Healthcare Technology Strategist at Aldridge Health. • Ross Brewer, VP and MD of EMEA at LogRhythm. • Ben Desjardins, Director of Security Solutions at Radware. • Eric O'Neill, National Security Strategist at Carbon Black. • Jeff Schilling, Chief of Operations and Security at Armor. • Karl Sigler, Threat Intelligence Manager at Trustwave. • Sigurdur Stefnisson, VP of Threat Research at CYREN. • Amos Stern, CEO at Siemplify. • Ronen Yehoshua, CEO at Morphisec. ! Visit the magazine website at www.insecuremag.com Feedback and contributions: Mirko Zorz, Editor in Chief -
[email protected] News: Zeljka Zorz, Managing Editor -
[email protected] Marketing: Berislav Kucan, Director of Operations -
[email protected] (IN)SECURE Magazine can be freely distributed in the form of the original, non-modified PDF document. Distribution of modified versions of (IN)SECURE Magazine content is prohibited without permission. ! Copyright (IN)SECURE Magazine 2016. www.insecuremag.com Are all IoT vulnerabilities easily 5. Insecure or no network pairing control op- avoidable? tions (device to device or device to net- works). Every vulnerability or privacy issue reported 6. Not testing for common code injection ex- for consumer connected home and wearable ploits. technology products since November 2015 7. The lack of transport security and encrypt- could have been easily avoided, according to ed storage including unencrypted data the Online Trust Alliance (OTA). transmission of personal and sensitive in- formation including but not limited to user OTA researchers analyzed publicly reported ID and passwords. device vulnerabilities from November 2015 8. Lacking a sustainable and supportable through July 2016, and found the most glaring plan to address vulnerabilities through the failures were attributed to: product lifecycle including the lack of soft- ware/firmware update capabilities and/or insecure and untested security patches/ 1.