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Summer 2009 | Issue 8 University of Reading Magazinefor Alumni and Friends The Sixties: how Reading developed during an unforgettable decade Also in this issue: Nicola Larder: Behind the screens Celebrating 100 years of the URE Museum Enterprise at Reading FEATURES Welcome from the NEWS Vice-Chancellor 04 08 Two new centres of excellence Welcome to the latest issue of the University of Reading he University has recently established the metabolic health. Professor Jon Gibbins, Director of ‘strategic and Magazine. I do hope you Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and the Institute says: ‘Research within the ICMR will en- enjoy reading about the wide large scale Neurodynamics (CINN). This represents a compass several different approaches from the study range of activities under- investment in strategic and large scale investment, involving of molecules that control the functions of cells and 06 taken at the University and scientists in Psychology, Pharmacy, Biosciences and tissues; to the study of individual cells and tissues in research’ the diverse paths followed T by your fellow alumni. Genetics, Mathematics, Cybernetics, Chemistry and health and disease; to human clinical trials to exam- We are continuing to Clinical Language Sciences. The Harry Pitt building ine the impact of new preventative or therapeutic invest heavily in new teach- has been completely refurbished, and its ground floor approaches on the risk of cardiovascular disease.’ ing and learning facilities now houses the Centre and a semi-independent MRI Professor Jon Gibbins, Director of the Institute for Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research. here at Reading, including Scanning Facility. The Centre is equipped with a com- 04 Celebrating 100 years of the Ure Museum state-of-the-art research plete range of imaging equipment. buildings and equipment, Professor Douglas Saddy, the Director of CINN, said: 06 Graduate Profile – Nicola Larder and improved services for ‘In addition to an exciting collection of people we have students. This year alone we have completed our new an exciting collection of technologies, and one special 08 The spirit of enterprise at the University of Reading £35million centre for the business school, and a new aspect of this collection is that it has been designed to £17million home for our pharmaceutical, biomedical and 10 ‘My Generation’: Reading in the 1960s cardiovascular research and teaching. work together in concert. This means that, for instance, In the league tables, you will find us towards the top it is possible for us to simultaneously record an MRI for research and student satisfaction in this country, and scan and an electroencephalogram, thereby being able in the global listing of the best 200 universities in the to look at blood flow and electrical activity in the brain world placing Reading amongst the top two per cent or so at the same time in the same individual.’ REGUlars of universities in the world. Each year, our graduates raise thousands of pounds for New biomedical research The formation of the Institute for Cardiovascular & 01 University News University projects, to support the Reading students of tomorrow in ways that have not previously been possible. Metabolic Research (ICMR) represents an exciting In the past five years we have raised more than £17mil- new era in the development of biomedical research at 14 Development, Alumni & Friends news lion to support University activities and projects which Reading. It will foster scientific interactions between otherwise would simply not have happened. Last year, 15 Where are you now? research groups undertaking basic biological research we distributed £9 million to Reading students, in grants, and those studying the impact of drugs and diet on bursaries and scholarships. A very big thank you to all of biological systems relevant to cardiovascular and 18 Events Round-up you who have made such an enormous difference to the University. You can also find out more in this issue about 20 Events Diary the Government’s Matched Giving Scheme – meaning that for every £3 you donate, we can reclaim an addi- tional £1 at no additional cost to you. Please help us to The ‘University of Reading Magazine’ is © The University of Reading 2009. maximise the full potential of this and together we can Gordon meets Gordon Adding to Beckett published by the Development and Alumni make a real difference to the University. University of Reading Magazine Relations Office of The University of Reading One of the privileges of my job is that I travel widely Gordon, the robot controlled by On the anniversary of Summer 2009, Issue 8. and designed by Lift Creative Communica- on behalf of the University and it was wonderful to meet a biological brain developed by a the death of legendary tion Design, Editor so many of you in the USA and Malaysia during this past team at the University of Reading, playwright Samuel Beckett year. I get to meet Reading graduates who have gone all Special thanks go to our designers at Trish O’Neill was on display in the Science (1906–1989), the University Lift (Matt Carey, BA Typography, 1997 and over the world – and changed it – in ways that are simply Museum in London recently. was delighted to announce Editorial Board Jo Lankester, BA Typography, 2005) and to astonishing. The University’s first five international stu- Professor Gordon Marshall, Vice- a valuable addition to its James Barr Ian Burn dents arrived in 1904, from Africa, Central America and Chancellor of the University visited Beckett Collection, the Ian Burn (PG Cert, Typography, 1999) Continental Europe. Today the University hosts several For further information concerning any of his namesake. Gordon the robot world’s largest collection of Caroline Bysh thousand international students and we have offices and the articles in this issue, please contact: became a media star in the summer resources connected to the Matt Carey (BA Typography, 1997) teaching collaborations throughout the world, including The Editor, University of Reading Magazine, when Reading researchers revealed writer of Waiting for Godot. Development & Alumni Relations Office, Carol Derham (BA Education, 1999) the Middle East, South Africa, China, India, Thailand, him to a worldwide audience. This The University pur- Blandford Lodge, Whiteknights, Reading Laura Garman (BA English & American Malaysia, and the Caribbean. cutting edge research is the first chased Reading Professor, RG6 6AH. Literature, 2008) Alumni tell me that the time they spent at Reading Samuel Beckett (© John Hayes). Tel: 0118 378 8006 Fax: 0118 378 6587 Liz Hinde transformed their lives. They, in turn, are transforming step in examining how memories and Beckett’s friend and email: [email protected] Jo Lankester (BA Typography, 2005) the lives of others. For more than 100 years, the talented manifest themselves in the brain, biographer, Jim Knowlson’s extensive collection of web: Brenda Morris (BA English, 2007) people who have been educated here have gone on to and how a brain stores specific Beckett materials thanks to generous contributions No part of this magazine may be repro- Sue Rayner (PG Cert, Typography, 1999; achieve great things. The hallmark of the Reading gradu- pieces of data. The key aim is that from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council/ duced without the prior permission of the HE Cert, Archaeology, 2002) ate is that, whatever they do in life and wherever they eventually this will lead to a better Victoria & Albert (MLA/V&A) Purchase Grant Fund and go, people who have been educated in this University are publisher. Whilst every care has been taken Ruhi Singh understanding of the development the Friends of the National Libraries. to ensure the accuracy of editorial content, bold and make a difference. Andy Wood of diseases and disorders which Professor Sue Walker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts no responsibility can be taken for any errors Thank you for your continued support. Professor Gordon Marshall meets Gordon and / or omissions. The views expressed in Cover Image: Courtesy of University affect the brain. the Robot. and Humanities said: ‘The acquisition of the Beckett this magazine are not necessarily those Special Collections. Can you identify Professor Gordon Marshall Collection is central to the research agenda.’ of the University of Reading, the Editorial these students? Vice-Chancellor Board or the Friends of the University. All rights reserved. University of Reading Magazine • 1 NEWS NEWS Guarding future Honorary degrees Turing Test comes to Arise, Sir John The University awarded Honorary Degrees to lead- The University is delighted to ers in the world of economics and typography, as congratulate its Chancellor, John Professor John Dunning OBE and Professor Michael Madejski, who was granted a food crops Twyman received their degrees at this year’s Reading knighthood in the Queen’s New Dr Matthew Ordidge, December Graduation Ceremony. Year Honours list. Postdoctural fellow It is with great sadness that we have to report Dr Madejski receives his honour in Biological Sciences, the death of Professor Dunning in February this for his services to charity. He is inspects apples at Brogdale. year. Professor John Dunning OBE was awarded champion of several charitable the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters. He was causes such as the John Madejski Emeritus Professor of International Business at the Academy – the borough’s first and University and was the first head of the Economics only academy, the John Madejski Department upon its establishment in 1964. garden at the Victoria and Albert Professor Michael Twyman was awarded the Museum, the John Madejski Fine Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters. Professor Rooms at the Royal Academy of Twyman began as a lecturer in Fine Art at the Art and the John Madejski ‘chair University. In the 1960s, he became head of a of reputation’ initiative at Henley unit that was the first of its kind in the world: Business School.