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Humanitarian Response Plan VENEZUELA HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN 2019 HUMANITARIAN HUMANITARIAN PROGRAMME CYCLE 2019 RESPONSE PLAN JULY - DECEMBER 2019 VENEZUELA PHOTO: UNICEF / Parraga 1 Venezuela: Target population per state RITISH VIRIN ISNS NTSERRT Atlantic Ocean INIC ST. UCIA REA EN DETALLE VRS NETHERNS NTIES !^ Caracas DCPITALISTRITO Caribbean Sea GRENADAISTRICTFEDERAL Gulf of Venezuela NUEVA ESPARTA FALCÓN CR Caracas TRINIDAD !^ SUCRE Y IRN R YARACUY TOBAGO Lake Maracaibo RUA UI TRUJI CJEES NS PORTUGUESA DELTA URIC ANZOÁTEGUI AMACURO MÉRI RINS TCHIR PURE GUYANA BOLÍVAR COLOMBIA PPUTIN TRETED 2, ,000 AMAZONAS ,000 1,000 RSI 1,000 19 Source: Humanitarian Country Team The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 05 Foreword by the Humanitarian Coordinator 43 Part 3 – Annexes • Annex 1: Key response monitoring indicators 06 Humanitarian Response Plan at a Glance • Annex 2: Disaggregation of target population by cluster • Annex 3: Code of Conduct/Rules of Engagement in the 09 The Humanitarian Response by the United Nations Humanitarian Country Team, Inter-Cluster Coordination and other Humanitarian Actors Group, the Clusters and participants in the HRP • List of acronyms 10 Part 1 – Country strategy • Guide to giving A. Strategic objectives B. Humanitarian Response strategy C. Operational capacity and challenges D. Humanitarian Coordination architecture E. Response monitoring and accountability F. Funding strategy G. Summary of needs, target population and requirements 24 Part 2 – Consolidated operational response plans by cluster 2.1 Water, sanitation and hygiene 2.2 Education 2.3 Nutrition 2.4 Protection 2.4.1 Child protection 2.4.2 Gender Based Violence 2.4.3 Shelter, Energy and Non-Food Items 2.5 Health 2.6 Food Security and Livelihoods 2.7 Coordination 3 VENEZUELA HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN 2019 PHOTO: UNICEF / Parraga NOTE: The 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan has been prepared by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in cooperation with Cluster Coordinators and other partners in-country. The response outlined in the Plan is based on the March 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview, which includes an analysis of humanitarian needs, based on the best secondary data available to the United Nations and partners at the time. The HRP will be monitored directly, and both achievements and challenges will inform its ongoing implementation. It will be updated as the humanitarian situation evolves and as additional and complementary information becomes available through new needs assessments. 4 4 FOREWORD BY THE HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR Foreword by the Humanitarian Coordinator This Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is a collective effort to coordinate and scale up the ongoing humanitarian response. It is an opportunity to significantly mitigate the humanitarian impact of the ongoing crisis on the most vulnerable people in Venezuela. The HRP aims to reach 2.6 million people by treatments for severe malnutrition and some focus their attention on meeting the needs the end of this year, which only represents 185,000 people have been provided with of the Venezuelan people. This HRP provides a limited number of all the people in need, access to safe water since January 2019. an internationally recognized framework for and includes 1.2 million girls and boys, These are a few of the key achievements of a principled, transparent, well-coordinated in the areas of health, water, sanitation the ongoing humanitarian response. and effective response, targeting the most and hygiene, food security, nutrition, During the first half of 2019, the UN set up vulnerable people. I urgently call on donors protection, shelter and non-food items, a humanitarian coordination architecture in to support this plan. At the same time, I call and education. The HRP has three strategic line with international standards as outlined on Venezuelan authorities and all segments objectives to assist the most vulnerable in UN General Assembly Resolution 46/182 of society and the international community to population groups. First, to provide (1991) and based on the humanitarian work together and jointly commit to helping vital assistance by improving access to principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality Venezuelans in need of assistance, including basic goods and services. Second, to and independence. The structure includes by creating consensus on ways to finance promote people’s protection and dignity by the designation of the Humanitarian the plan. strengthening community and institutional Coordinator who leads the Humanitarian The HRP is an important tool to facilitate a mechanisms. And third, to build resilience, Country Team for strategic decision making, coordinated response to meet humanitarian support livelihoods and contribute to the the activation of eight thematic clusters to needs in Venezuela. The plan is realistic in sustainability of basic service provision. To operationalize the response and four field terms of operational capacities to deliver, meet these objectives, the United Nations coordination hubs to ensure the effective yet at the same time modest in terms of and its partners are seeking US$223 million. delivery of assistance as close to the people responding to the scale of needs. It will be In 2018, the United Nations began scaling in need as possible. This coordination revised and expanded for 2020 based on up the provision of humanitarian assistance, structure is essential in bringing together new available information on needs and complementing the actions of national all humanitarian actors, including national capacities. In the meantime, we will continue and international Non-Governmental and international NGOs, UN agencies, funds to seek financing to allow the scale up of the Organizations (NGOs). Between April 2018 and programmes and the Red Cross and humanitarian response in Venezuela with a and March 2019, the UN supported the Red Crescent Movement as an observer, focus on the most affected people. vaccination of 8.5 million children against all of whom have considerably increased measles and 4.7 million children against their capacities to be able to respond to diphtheria, helping to contain the spread of the current situation. The UN Office for communicable diseases. Over the past year, the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs the UN distributed 348 tons of medicines (OCHA) has also established a presence to and medical supplies to 41 priority hospitals support the whole structure. and 23 health facilities in 18 states. Some In a complex context, with acute 83,000 children under five and pregnant and humanitarian needs, it is critical that Peter Grohmann lactating women have received preventative national and international stakeholders Humanitiaran Coordinator for Venezuela 5 VENEZUELA HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN 2019 JU ECEER Humanitarian Response 2019 Plan at a Glance Summary POPULATION IN NEED POPULATION TARGETED REQUIREMENTS US PARTNERS PROJECTS 7M 2.6M $223M 61 98 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES S 1 Ensure the survival and welleing of the most vulnerale people y age, gender and diversity, improving their access to goods and essential services in uantity, uality, continuity and territorial coverage under a rightsased approach. S 2 Promote and reinforce the protection and dignity of the most vulnerale groups through a humanitarian response that strengthens institutional and community mecha- nisms, according to humanitarian principles and respect for human rights. S Strengthen the resilience and livelihoods of the most vulnerale people y age, gender and diversity and contriute to the sustainaility of essential services. PRIORITIZED STATES TARGET POPULATION BY STATE DISTRITO NUEV ESPRTA FEDERAL NUEV ESPRTA FALCN ISTRIT CPITAL NUEVA ESPARTA Caracas FALCÓN FALCNCR VRS VRS VRS SUCRE Caracas !^ YRCUY IRNA SUCRE SUCRE LR CR YRCUY IRNIRNA RUA R LRYARACUY CR UIA RUA UIA RU MONAS TRUJIO CJEES CJEES NAS UI TRUJI TRUJIO CJEES NS PRTUUES NOÁTEUI PORTUGUESA ELTA URIC PRTUUES NOÁTEUI DELTA ET ACUR URIC AMACUR URIC ANZOÁTEGUI AMACURO MÉRIA RI RIA RINS RINS RINS TÁCHIR TCHIR TÁCHIR VENEUEA PURE PURE PURE VR VR BOLÍVAR Prioritized States AMAZONS Target population 2, ,000 ,000 1,000 AMAZNS 1,000 19 AMAZONAS Fuente: Euipo Humanitario Pas Source: HCT The presentation of material in this report does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Date of creation: 29 July 2019 | Sources: OCHA and other humanitarian actors participating in the Humanitarian Response Plan 7 2,6M $223M 61 VENEZUELA HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN 2019 JU ECEER Humanitarian Response 2019 Plan at a Glance NUMBER OF PROJECTS AND FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Summary Projects Financial Reuirements UN gencies 32 73% POPULATION IN NEED POPULATION TARGETED REQUIREMENTS US PARTNERS PROJECTS 7M 2.6M $223M 61 98 National N 9 19 International N 10 6% STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES S 1 thers 7 2 Ensure the survival and welleing of the most vulnerale people y age, gender and diversity, improving their access to goods and essential services thers: academic and church in uantity, uality, continuity and territorial coverage under a rightsased approach. S 2 Promote and reinforce the protection and dignity
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