RULON~ October 15, 2019 eList MILLER BOOKS To Order: Call toll-free 1-800-441-0076 Outside the United States call 1-651-290-0700 400 Summit Avenue E-mail:
[email protected] St. Paul, Minnesota Other catalogues available at our website at 55102-2662 USA Member ABAA/ILAB ~ R a r e & f i n e b o o k s VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, and AMERICAN EXPRESS accepted. If you have any questions regarding billing, methods of payment, in many fields shipping, or foreign currencies, please do not hesitate to ask. Manuscripts 1. Gratian, Baltasar [i.e. Gracián y Morales, Baltasar.] The compleat gentleman: or a description of the several qualifications both natural and acquired, that are nec- essary to form a great man. Written originally in Spanish ... and now translated into English by T. Saldkeld. London: printed for T. Osborne, 1730. $1,250 First edition in English, 8vo, pp. [12], 236; 20th-century full crimson goat, gilt-paneled spine in 6 compartments, gilt-lettered direct in 3, t.e.g.; one or two tiny scuff marks; generally fine throughout. Baltasar Gracian was an aphorist, imaginary biographer, and novelist, who published studies of ideal figures and handbooks on the arts of rhetoric and comportment. Many high officials felt attacked by the controversial and critical works of this Jesuit priest-professor. Gracian refused to be censored, and was even- tually confined to solitary house arrest, where he died. His El Discreto (1640) is addressed to the ordinary man. He aimed at portraying what came to be regarded Containing Milton's final alterations later as the distinguishing qualities of the English 2.