
March 2019 Curriculum Vitae

Susan Olzak

Department of Sociology Stanford Stanford, 94305 [email protected]


1978. Ph.D. Sociology. Stanford University.


2017–Present. Emerita Professor of Sociology, Stanford University. 2014–September–October. Visiting Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum (WZB) Berlin. 2000–2001. Fellow-in-Residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Behavioral Sciences (NIAS). 1999–2015. Professor of Sociology, Stanford University. 1991–1999. Associate Professor of Sociology, Stanford University. 1990–1991. Associate Professor of Sociology, . 1984–1990. Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cornell University. 1987–1988. Visiting Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin. 1983–1984. Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Georgia. 1978–1983. Assistant Professor of Sociology, .



2006. The Global Dynamics of Race and Ethnic Mobilization. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1992. The Dynamics of Ethnic Competition and Conflict. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1986. Competitive Ethnic Relations. (with Joane Nagel). Orlando FL: Academic Press.

Refereed Articles

In press. “Which Side Are You On? The Divergent Effects of Protest Participation on Organizations Affiliated with Identity Groups” (with Giacomo Negro). Organization Science.

In press. “The Risk of Occupying a Broad Niche for Environmental Social Movement Organizations” (with Erik Johnson). Mobilization

2018. “Going Green: Environmental Protest, Policy, and CO2 Emissions, in U.S. States, 1990–2007” (with John Muñoz and Sarah A. Soule). Sociological Forum 33(2): 403-421.

2016. “The Effect of Category Spanning on the Lethality and Longevity of Terrorist Organizations” Social Forces 95 (2): 559-584. doi: 10.1093/sf/sow081

1 2016. “Friends or Foes? How Social Movement Allies Affect the Passage of Legislation in the U. S. Congress” (with Sarah A. Soule, Marion Coddou, and John Muñoz). Mobilization 21(2): 213- 230.

2014. “Prisoners and Paupers: The Impact of Group Threat on Incarceration in Nineteenth Century American Cities.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). American Sociological Review 79(3): 392-411.

2013. “Ethnic, Racial, and Nationalist Social Movements.” In James D. Wright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Ltd.

2013. “Competition Theory of Ethnic/Racial Conflict and Protest.” In David A. Snow, Bert Klandermans, Donatella della Porta, and Doug McAdam (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford UK: Blackwell Publishers.

2011. “Does Globalization Breed Discontent?” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55: 3-32.

2009. “Cross-Cutting Influences of Protest and Congressional Legislation in the Environmental Movement'' (with Sarah A. Soule). Social Forces 88: 201-225.

2008. “Organizational Innovation: Establishing Racial, Ethnic, and Women's Studies Programs in the U.S.” (with Nicole Kangas). Sociology of 8: 163-188.

2007. “Organizational Diversity, Vitality and Outcomes in the African American Civil Rights Movement.” (with Emily Ryo). Social Forces 85: 1561-1592.

2007. “Ethnic, Racial, and Nationalist Movements.” Pp. 4796–4799 in George Ritzer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford UK: Blackwell Publishers.

2004. “When Do Social Movements Matter? The Politics of Contingency and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972–1982.” (with Sarah A. Soule). American Sociological Review 69: 473–497.

2004. “Discursive Opportunities and the Evolution of Right-Wing Violence in Germany.” (with Ruud Koopmans). American Journal of Sociology 110: 198–230.

Reprinted in 2010, pp. 592-46 in Readings on Social Movements: Origins, Dynamics, and Outcomes, edited by Doug McAdam and David A. Snow. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press

2004. “Ethnic and Nationalist Social Movements.” Pp. 666–93 in David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford UK: Blackwell Publishers.

2003. “Racial Policy and Racial Conflict in the Urban , 1869–1924.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Social Forces 82:48–517.

2003. “The Impact of State Reforms on Anti-Apartheid Protest in South .” (with Maya Beasley and Johan L. Olivier) Mobilization 8: 26–50.

2002. “Immigration and Conflict in the United States.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Pp. 99–134 in Pyong Gap Min (ed.) s. Walnut Creek CA: Alta Mira Press.

2 2001. “The Ecology of Tactical Overlap in New Social Movements in West Germany.” (with S. C. Noah Uhrig). American Sociological Review 66: 694–718.

2001. “Ethnic and Racial Social Movements.” Pp. 4796–4799 in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Press.

1999. “The Effects of Immigrant Diversity and Ethnic Competition on Collective Conflict in Urban America: An Assessment of Two Movements of Mass Migration, 1869-1924 and 1965–1993.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring) 18: 40–64.

1998. “Status in the World System and Ethnic Mobilization.” (with Kiyoteru Tsutsui). Journal of Conflict Resolution 42: 691–720.

1998. “Racial Conflict and Protest in South Africa and the United States.” (with Johan L. Olivier). European Sociological Review 14: 255–278.

1998. “Comparative Methods and Event Analysis: Black Civil Rights Protest in the United States and South Africa.” (with Johan L. Olivier) Pp. 253–283 in Acts of Dissent: New Developments of the Study of Protest, edited by Dieter Rucht, Ruud Koopmans, and Friedhelm Neidhardt. Berlin: Sigma Press. 1998. Published in the United States, by Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, Blue Ridge Summit PA, 1999.

1998. “Ethnic Protest in Core and Periphery States.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 21: 187–217.

1996. “Poverty, Segregation, and Race Riots, 1960–1993.” (with Suzanne Shanahan and Elizabeth H. McEneaney). American Sociological Review 61: 590–613.

1996. “Deprivation and Race Riots: An Extension of Spilerman's Analysis.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Social Forces 74: 931–961.

1994. “School Desegregation, Interracial Exposure, and Antibusing Activity in Contemporary Urban America.” (with Suzanne Shanahan and Elizabeth West). American Journal of Sociology 100: 196–214.

1991. “Ethnic Conflicts and the Rise and Fall of Ethnic Newspapers.” 1991. (with Elizabeth West) American Sociological Review 56: 458–474.

1990. “The Political Context of Competition: Lynching and Urban Racial Violence, 1882–1914.” Social Forces 69: 395–421.

1989. “Causes of Shifts in Occupational Segregation for the Foreign-born: Evidence from American Cities, 1870–1880.” Social Forces 68: 593–620.

1989. “Analysis of Events in the Study of Collective Action.” Annual Review of Sociology 15: 119–141.

1989. “Labor Unrest, Immigration, and Ethnic Conflict in Urban America, 1880–1914.” American Journal of Sociology 94: 1303–1333.

1987. “Causes of Ethnic Protest and Conflict in Urban America, 1877–1889.” Social Science Research 16: 185–210.


1986. “A Competition Model of Ethnic Collective Action in American Cities, 1877–1889.” Pp. 17–45 in Susan Olzak and Joane Nagel (eds.) Competitive Ethnic Relations. Orlando Fl: Academic Press.

1985. “Ethnicity and Theories of Ethnic Collective Action.” Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Social Change 8: 65–85.

1983. “Contemporary Ethnic Mobilization.” Annual Review of Sociology 9: 355–74.

1982. “Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States.” (with Joane Nagel). Social Problems 30: 127–43.

1982. “Ethnic Mobilization in Quebec.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 5: 253–75.

1982. “Sex Differences in the Implications of the Links Between Major Departments and the Occupational Structure.” (with James C. Hearn) Pp. 275–335 in Pamela Perun (ed.) The Undergraduate Woman: Issues in Educational Equity. Lexington MA: Lexington.

1981. “The Role of Major Departments in the Reproduction of Sexual Inequality.” (with James C. Hearn). Sociology of Education 54: 195–205.

1981. “Bringing Sociology Back In: Conveying the Sociological Imagination in a Changing Undergraduate Climate.” Teaching Sociology 8: 212–225.

Comments and Book Reviews

2016. “Disciplinary Divides in the Study of War, Terrorism, and Social Movements.” Mobilizing Ideas (March 6, 2016). https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2016/03/07/disciplinary-divides-in-the- study-of-wars-terrorism-and-social-movements/#comments

2008. Book review of From Black Power to Black Studies by Fabio Rojas. Contemporary Sociology 37: 473–4.

1990. “Report to The Human Sciences Research Council: Sociology in South Africa.” South African Sociological Review 3: 62–68.

1983. “Ethnic Ties and Political Mobilization: Comment on Leifer.” American Journal of Sociology 89: 188–92.

1984. Book review of The Ethnic Revival by Anthony D. Smith. Social Forces 62: 284–5.

1984. Book review of Race, Ethnicity and Power by Donald Baker. Contemporary Sociology 1984. 13: 502–3.

Awards and Grants:

2018. Vice for Grant to the Department of Sociology, “The Impact of Protest on Gay and Lesbian Business Organizations.” Susan Olzak, PI.

2018. Freshman Seminar Extension Mentoring Project, Stanford University “The Impact of Protest on Gay and Lesbian Business Organizations.” Susan Olzak, PI. Funding for research assistants.


2016-17. Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Grant to the Department of Sociology, “The Impact of Ideological Categories and Specialization on the Longevity of Environmental Social Movement Organizations.,” and “The Impact of Protest on Gay and Lesbian Business Organizations.” Susan Olzak, PI.

2015-16. “The Impact of Protest, Conflict, and Debate on Changes in Immigration Policy in Western Europe.” Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), Religious Studies, and the Taube Center for Jewish Studies. Susan Olzak, PI.

2014-15. “Longevity of Environmental Organizations” and “The Impact of Protest on LBGT Organizations in U.S. Cities.” Funding for Undergraduate Research Assistance from the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Departmental Grants to the Sociology Department at Stanford University. Susan Olzak, PI.

2014-15. Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS) at Stanford University, Faculty Fellowship. “The Impact of Protest and Public Debate on Immigration Policy in Western Europe Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.” Susan Olzak.

2013-14. “Sources of Anti-Immigrant Policies, Discourse, and Attacks.” Funding for Undergraduate Research Assistance from the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Departmental Grants to the Sociology Department at Stanford University. Susan Olzak, PI.

2012-13. “Impact of Protest on Gay and Lesbian Organizations" and "Sources of Anti-Immigrant Attacks" (each employs 1-2 students). Susan Olzak, PI. Funding for Undergraduate Research Assistance from the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Departmental Grants to the Program on Urban Studies at Stanford University.

2011-12. Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS) at Stanford University, Faculty Fellowship Award to Susan Olzak “Pro- and Anti-Immigrant Mobilization in Western Europe.

2010-2011. United Parcel Service Endowment Award at Stanford University to Susan Olzak, PI, “Muslim Immigration in Western European Cities.”

2009-2010. National Science Foundation, Sociology Program Supplement Grant to SES-0620577. Susan Olzak, PI.

2008-2009. Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS), Stanford University, Seed Grant. “Globalization and the Environmental Justice Movement.” Susan Olzak, PI.

2008. Awarded the Waernska Chaired Professorship, Department of Sociology, University of Göteborg, Sweden for January-June 2009. (declined)

2006–2009. National Science Foundation Grant SES-0620577, Sociology Program. “Collaborative Research on Advocacy Group Activity and Legislative Change Concerning the Environment.” Susan Olzak and Sarah A. Soule, PIs.

5 2006–2007. United Parcel Service (UPS) Endowment Fund. “The Influence of the Pro-Environment Movement in California Cities.” Susan Olzak, PI.

2006–2007. “Social Protest in the United States, 1955-1995'” and “Factors Influencing the Establishment of Women's Studies and Ethnic Studies Programs in .” Susan Olzak, PI, Department of Sociology Grant, funding undergraduate research assistance, Office of the Vice- Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Stanford University.

2007–2008. “Environmental Justice and Social Movement Protest in California.” Susan Olzak, PI. Funding for Undergraduate Research Assistance from the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Departmental Grants to the Program on Urban Studies at Stanford University.

2004–2006.” Founding and Persistence of Women's Studies Programs in U.S. Higher Education.” Susan Olzak, PI. Iris M. Litt M.D. Fund, Stanford University, March 2004-present.

2000–2004. National Science Foundation Grant SES-9911296, Sociology Program: “Collaborative Research on the Dynamics of Collective Protest in the U.S., 1960–1995.” (PIs: Susan Olzak, Sarah Soule, Doug McAdam and John McCarthy). Data Available at Project Website: http://www.stanford.edu/group/collectiveaction/cgi-bin/drupal/

2002–2004: Three Consecutive Summer Research College Fellowships for Undergraduate Research Assistants. Susan Olzak, PI. Stanford University: Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE).

2002–2008. Annual Academic Year Faculty Grants for Undergraduate Research Assistants from the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), Stanford University. Susan Olzak, PI.

2000–2001. Fellow-in-Residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Behavioral Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar NL.

1998–2000. National Science Foundation Grant SBR-9709356, Sociology Program: “Collaborative Research on the Dynamics of Collective Protest in the U.S., 1960–1980.” Susan Olzak and Doug McAdam, PIs. Includes a Supplementary Grant from the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program.

1997. William and Faculty Grants, International Studies Program, Stanford University: “Collaborative Project on Social Movements and Social Change in the U.S. and Germany, 1950–2000.” Susan Olzak, PI.

1996. Research Incentive Fund, Office of the Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate Policy, Stanford University: “Dynamics of Collective Protest in the U. S. and Germany.” Susan Olzak, PI.

1994. Honorable Recognition Award for Distinguished Publication, Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association, for The Dynamics of Ethnic Competition & Conflict.

6 1991–1995. National Science Foundation Grant SES–9196229, Sociology Program: “Racial Conflict in South Africa and the United States.” Includes a Supplementary Grant from the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program from NSF.

1992–1993. Multiculturalism Curriculum Development. Funding received from the Irvine Foundation, Stanford University, Susan Olzak, PI.

1985–1989. National Science Foundation Grant SES–8420173, Sociology Program: “Dynamics of Ethnic Mobilization.” Includes a Supplementary Grant from the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program.

1986–1989. , Population Sciences Program on U. S. Immigration Policy, Grant RF83043: “Ethnic Conflict and the New Immigration in the United States, 1965–85: Southeast Asians, West Indians, and Mexican Immigrants.”

1987. Cornell University, Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship.

1985. Cornell University, Women's Development Fund Award: “Application of Event History Methods to the Study of Collective Action.”

Professional Activities:

2007–2009. Member, Editorial Board, Mobilization: An International Journal. 2007–2013. Member, Editorial Board, Social Forces. 1996–1998. Member, Editorial Board, American Sociological Review. 1995–1997. Council Member, the Collective Behavior/Social Movements Section, ASA. 1985–1987. Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Forum. 1978-present. Member, American Sociological Association

Conference Papers and Technical Reports:

2016. “Protest Participation and Organizational Affiliation of Social Movements” (with Giacomo Negro). Paper presented at the Economic Sociology, Kellogg School, , Evanston IL, October 2016.

2013. “Does Spanning Ideological Categories Affect Terrorist Organizations?” (with Nandini Roy). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Organizational Ecology Conference, in Budapest, in July 2013.

2013. “Empirical Extensions of the Political Process Model: Congressional Committees and Agenda Setting” (with Scott Ganz and Sarah A. Soule). Presented at the International Analytic Sociology meetings in Stockholm, in June 2013.

2012. “Environmental Protest, Organizations, and Legislative Success” (with Sarah A. Soule, Marion Coddou, and John Muñoz). Presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, in Denver, Colorado, 2012.

2011. “The Study of War and Conflict: Assessing Sociology’s Potential Contributions.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Las Vegas, August.

7 2009. “The Effects of Contentious Politics on the Solar Industry in the United States.” (with Sarah A. Soule). Paper present at the annual meetings of The Academy of Management in Chicago, August.

2007. “Cross-Cutting Influences of Environmental Protest and Legislation” (with Sarah A. Soule). Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in New York City, August.

2007. “Conflits urbains et participation des femmes: Ou et quand sengagent-elles? Léxemple de la region de Québec, 1971–2001.” (transl. “Urban Conflicts and Women's Participation: Where and When Do They Become Involved? The Case of Quebec.” (with Catherine Trudelle) Paper presented at the 9th Colloque du CRISES, in Montreal, Quebéc, March 15–16.

2004. “Diversity and Vitality of the Black Civil Rights Movement, 1955–1988.” (with Emily Ryo). Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, in , August.

2003. “Obtaining a Ph.D. in the Social Sciences.” Presented at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education Conference at San Jose State University, November.

2003. “The Organizational Ecology of Women's Studies Programs in the U.S.” (with Nicole Kangas) Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, in Atlanta, August.

2003. “Law and Racial Conflict in the Urban United States, 1869–1924.” (with Suzanne Shanahan) Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, in Atlanta, August.

2003. “Contemporary Implications of Turn of the Century Racial Policy.” (with Suzanne Shanahan) Paper presented at The Color Lines Conference at , August.

2002. “The Global Dynamics of Ethnic Violence.” Presented at the Jackson School of International Studies, Seattle, , November.

2002. “Right-Wing Violence and the Public Sphere in Germany, The Dynamics of Discursive Opportunities.” (with Ruud Koopmans). Presented at the Conference on Conflict, Contention and Culture, Center for Arts and Cultural Studies, October.

2000. “Workshop on Ethnic Politics and Antiforeigner Violence in Western Europe.” Workshop Presentations at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Behavioral Sciences, September–June.

1999. “Immigration and Diversity: Analysis of Ethnic/Racial Conflict in Two Historical Periods.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Chicago, August.

1999. “The Global Dynamics of Ethnic Violence.” Presented at the Conference on the Causes and Dynamics of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity, and in Central and Eastern Europe, at the , May.

8 1998. “Collective Conflict in the United States, 1869–1924: Understanding the Impact of Diversity Upon American Race Relations.” (with Suzanne Shanahan). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association Meetings in San Francisco, August.

1998. “The Effect of Tactical Overlap on the Rate of Protest: The West German Women's Movement, 1950–1989.” (with S. C. Noah Uhrig). Presented at the Conference on Protest Event Analysis, Wissenschaftzentrum, Berlin, July.

1997. “A World-Systems Level Analysis of Ethnic Mobilization.” (with Kiyoteru Tsutsui). 1997. Presentation at the Annual meetings of the American Sociological, in Toronto, Canada. August.

1996. “Salience, Repression, and Social Change: Results from South Africa and the United States.” (with Elizabeth West). Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, August.

1996. “Ethnic Protest in Core and Periphery States.” Paper presented at the Center for International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) Conference on “Claims Making and Large-Scale Historical Processes in the Late 20th Century.” Stanford University, March.

1995. “Police Violence and Racial Unrest in South Africa and the United States.” (with Johan L. Olivier) Paper presented at the Workshop for Protest Event Analysis, Wissenschaftzentrum, Berlin, June.

1994. “Effects of Poverty and Residential Segregation on the Rate of Race Riots, 1960–1993.” (with Suzanne Shanahan and Elizabeth West). Presented at the Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, August.

1994. “The Dynamics of Ethnic Collective Action in South Africa and the United States: A Comparative Study.” (with Johan L. Olivier). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, Germany, July.

1993. “Sources of Contemporary Racial Unrest in the United States: From the 1960s Through 1990s.” (with Suzanne Shanahan and Elizabeth H. McEneaney). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Social Science History Association, Baltimore, August.

1993. “Theories of Ethnic Conflict and Subnationalism.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Miami, August.

1993. “The Effect of Conflict on Levels of Organization in African-American Communities.” (with Elizabeth H. McEneaney). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Miami, August.

1992. “Did Desegregation Cause Racial Conflict in America?” (with Elizabeth West and Suzanne Shanahan). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, August.

1992. “Dynamics of Ethnic Competition and Conflict in the Late Nineteenth Century in the United States.” Paper presented at the European University Institute, Italy, June.

1992. “School Desegregation and Racial Conflict in Contemporary Urban America.” Paper presented at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy June.


1990. “Desegregation Processes and Racial Conflict in Contemporary United States and South Africa.” Paper presented at the Conference on Collective Action Events and Cycles, organized by Sidney Tarrow, at Cornell University, October.

1990. “Desegregation and Ethnic Conflict.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington DC, August.

1990. “A Model of Racial/Ethnic Competition and Conflict: Event Analysis from 19th and 20th Century America.” (with Elizabeth West). Presented at the 12th World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July.

1990. “Ethnic Conflicts and the Resilience of Ethnic Newspapers.” (with Elizabeth West). Technical Report 90–8, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May.

1989. “Ethnic Conflicts and the New Immigrants, 1965–1985.” (with Elizabeth West) Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, August.

1989. “Organizational Response to Environmental Change: Ethnic Newspapers at the Turn of the Century.” (with Elizabeth West). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August.

1988. “Impact of Economic and Political Competition on Lynching and Urban Racial Violence, 1882– 1914.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in Atlanta, August.

1989. “Ethnic Conflicts and the New Immigrants, 1965–1985.” (with Elizabeth West) Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco.

1988. “Ethnic Conflicts and the New Immigrants, 1965–1985.” Technical Report 88–13, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, December.

1988. “Causes of Ethnic Conflict and Subnationalism.” Presented at the Workshop on Nationalism and International Conflict, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, December.

1988. “Ethnic Conflict and New Immigration: Southeast Asians, West Indians, and Mexican Immigrants, 1965–1985.” Technical Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, Research Program on U. S. Immigration (with Elizabeth West). October.

1988. “Impact of Economic and Political Competition on Lynching and Urban Racial Violence, 1882– 1915.” Technical Report 88–4. Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, September.

1988. “Were the Causes of Lynchings and Urban Racial Violence in Late 19th and Early 20th Century America the Same?” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August.

1988. “Causes of Shifts in Occupational Segregation for the Foreign-born: Evidence from American Cities, 1870–1880.” (with Elizabeth West). Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American

10 Sociological Association, in Atlanta, August 1988 (Revised in Technical Report 88–3. Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. September 1988).

1987. “Labor unrest, Immigration, and Ethnic Collective Action in Urban America, 1880 through 1914.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August (Revised in Technical Report 87–9. Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, August 1987).

1987. “Population Composition and Ethnic Job Segregation in American Cities in 1880.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Chicago, April 1987.

1987. “Immigration and Ethnic Conflict and Protest: Historical and Contemporary Patterns.” (with Johan Olivier and Elizabeth West). Presented at the Annual Meetings of Population Association, Chicago, April 1987.

1987. “Have The Causes of Ethnic Collective Action Changed Over a Hundred Years? Evidence fromthe 1870s and 1880s and the 1970s.” Technical Report 87–6. Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, March.

1986. “Ethnic Conflict and Protest and the New Immigration in the United States, 1865–1985. Research Design and Codebook.” (with Elizabeth West). Technical Report 86–19, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, September (Revised February 1994).

1986. “Causes of Ethnic Collective Action in Urban America, 1877–1914.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 1986. (Revised in Technical Report 86–14, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, August 1986).

1985. “Ethnic Protest and Conflict in American Cities, 1877–1889.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington DC., August.

1985. “Ethnic Collective Action in American Cities, 1877–1914: Research Design and Coding Procedures.” (with Denise DiGregorio). Technical Report 85–1, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, July.

1983. “The Economic Construction of Ethnicity.” Presented at the Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Detroit, August.

1983. “Gender Differences in Undergraduate Majors.” Presentation at the Conference on Education and Women, Organization of Women Faculty, Northwestern University, February.

1982. “Race and Ethnicity: Residual or Explanatory Concepts?” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, August.

1981. “The French Separatist Movement in Canada.” Presented at the Annual Meetings Of the American Political Science Association, New York, August 1981.

1980. “Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States: An Extension of the Competition Model.” (with Joane Nagel) Presented at the Annual Meetings at the American Sociological Association, Toronto, August.

11 1980. “Class and Higher Education.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, New York, March.

1980. “Does Sociology Have a Core of Knowledge?” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, March.

1979. “Links Between Major Departments and the Socio-Economic Structure: Implications for the Educational and Occupational Careers of Men and Women.” (with James C. Hearn). Presented at the Research Conference on Educational Environments and the Undergraduate Women, Center for Research on Women and Higher Education Resource Services, Wellesley College, September.

1978. “An Ecological-Competitive Model of the Emergence of Ethnicity: The French-Canadian Example.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August.

1973. “Marriage: Changing Styles and Alternatives.” Presented at the Status of Women Conference, San Jose State University, August.


“Causes and Consequences of Protest Against Police Violence in U.S. Cities, 1980-2017.” In progress.

“Civilian Review Boards and Urban Violence.” In progress.

“The Power of Ethnic Mobilization.” In progress.

“The Movement to Restrict Asylum Seekers in Five Western European Countries During the 1990s.” (with Brian D. Cook) Manuscript under revision.