Aug. 20 (Sun)


August 20-25, 2017 Istanbul Congress Center, Turkey


1 EACCME European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education

XVI. WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery to be held on August 20-25, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey,

has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) for a maximum of 40 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Each medical specialist should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

The EACCME® is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credits to AMA credits can be found at

Live educational activities occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS- EACCME® for ECMEC® credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defi ned by the Maintenance of Certifi cation Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Table of Contents August 20-25, 2017 -Istanbul Congress Center

02 Welcome Messages 54 Award Winners 02 • Welcome from the Congress President 54 • The Scoville Award 03 • Welcome from the WFNS President 55 • The Medal of Honor 04 • Welcome from the TNS President 58 • The Young Neurosurgeons Award

05 World Federation of Neurosurgical Socities 60 Useful Information about Istanbul, Turkey

06 Officers and Committees 62 General Information 63 • How to Get to Istanbul Congress Center by Transportation • 08 WFNS Committee Meetings Schedule 64 Official Hotels 66 • Tour Programs

10 Organization 70 Sponsors & Exhibitors 10 • Turkish Neurosurgical Society 70 • List of Sponsors 71 • Exhibition Floor Plan with List of Exhibitors • 12 Congress Information 72 Sponsor & Exhibitor’s Directory 12 • Congress Overview 12 • Registration 84 Daily Program 13 • Preview Room 86 • Sunday, August 20 13 • E-Poster Area 101 • Monday, August 21 13 • Office Hours 141 • Tuesday, August 22 14 • Floor Plan 185 • Wednesday, August 23 225 • Thursday, August 24 • 22 Program At-A-Glance 265 Friday, August 25

276 E-Poster 23 Guidelines 23 • Guidelines for Scientific Sessions 24 • List of Invited Faculty 318 Author List 28 • Plenary Speakers

51 List of Scholarship Recipients

Program book has been published as of August 08, 2017 1 Welcome Messages


Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, I would like to welcome you to the XVI. WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery in Istanbul, Turkey. It is a great honor to host the most in uential gathering of neurosurgeons and neuroscientists in this historic capital. With its bene cial location, connecting Europe and Asia, facilitating traveling to the “Olympics of Neurosurgery” and its welcoming atmosphere, Istanbul bridges the Orient and the Occident in the most natural manner, creating the perfect environment for the exchange of scienti c knowledge and friendship. Just as Istanbul unites in uences of its remarkable history with the young and modern vibe of a futuristic metropolis, the art of neurological surgery fuses established techniques with modern technology. The historical sites, ancient ruins of the Byzantine Empire, the traditional bazaars and the marvelous religious edi ces o er a one of a kind atmosphere, encapsulating the city and taking you on a unique journey through our history and culture. The breathtaking beauty of the turquoise sea of diamonds, the Bosporus, divides Asia and Europe, just to be joining the two beautiful shores in Istanbul. With great respect to our remarkable past, the city presents a modernized surrounding with its countless educational institutions, its developing infrastructure, and national and international shopping possibilities. We want to introduce you to the spark of the city and take you on an adventure you will always remember. Our mesmerizing social activities and surprises await you! Istanbul has always been the melting point of di erent cultural, religious, and political backgrounds and will now o er the stage for international neurosurgeons to get together in the name of science in de ance of political disputes around the world. It is in our power to pass our scienti c memento the next generation to let the spirit of neurosurgery evolve. Countless surgeons and scientists have honored this outstanding operation style and its sensitive approach. The earliest manifestation of interventions done to the skull were discovered when ancient skulls with arti cial holes were found. The establishment of the modern understanding of neurosurgery in the early 20th century evened out the scienti c journey for surgeons, who then operated in theaters and were respected for their craft. More and more young doctors were intrigued by the mysteries the brain was hiding. When  nally, in 1955, a meeting of senior European neurosurgeons and representatives of 17 national neurosurgical societies took place in Brussels, with which the WFNS laid its  rst milestone. The hard work of our teachers and their teachers is the reason we devote ourselves to go beyond limits and make the impossible possible. With great respect to the history of our profession, it is our duty to continue our mission and keep the Olympic  re of Neurosurgery alive. Our union on behalf of neurosurgery clears the way for innovation in our  eld. To aid this progression, we have to join forces, build up on previous knowledge and add new ideas, techniques and information to lead our minds to grow. The scienti c program of the World Congress 2017 o ers distinguished pre-congress courses, highly educational and fascinating presentations. I strongly believe these sessions, symposia and presentations will guide our young neurosurgeons, expanding their intellects and introducing them to paths for a brighter future. I am digni ed that in the face of current political disturbances and the internationally threatening terror, we have organized a state of the art congress, aiming to satisfy our highly-respected colleagues and dear friends. This is proof that science will always conquer fear and that we will always unite to carry out our profession with dignity and honor, regardless of boundaries we face. The amazing echo and positive response to our Congress with its 648 speakers from 90 countries despite the politically tumultuous times around the world,  lls me with pride and shows that science will always  nd its way. I owe gratitude to all my dear colleagues, who contributed immensely to the accomplishment of our congress. They worked sel essly for the success of the WFNS, and for that I am very grateful. On behalf of the Organising Committee, I wish you all an unforgettable time in Istanbul. May this congress lead to stronger friendships, inspirations and new international connections in the mission of our neurosurgical calling.

Uğur Türe President, WFNS XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery 2 Welcome Messages

Welcome from the WFNS President XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this 16th Congress of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. The WFNS World Congress is the most signi cant event in the WFNS Calendar, a time when our organization can discuss and review what has been achieved over the past four years, and a time to make key decisions about how we should proceed in the future. The WFNS World Congress is also an occasion where participants can engage with the latest developments in neurosurgical practice, and have an opportunity to listen to renowned researchers and practitioners from all around the world. Our world is changing very rapidly, especially in the realm of technology. The scienti c program which has been organized for this World Congress includes seminars which address the most advanced developments in our  eld. This is a challenging, stimulating and exciting time, and I know that you will  nd these qualities re ected in the presentations which have been selected by the Scienti c Committee of the WFNS World Congress.

Creating a World Congress like this takes an enormous amount of dedication, and time and e ort. I would like to thank Professor Ture, President of the World Congress, and his Organizing Committee and Professor Kiris, past President of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, and Professor Caglar, current President of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, for all that they have done to make this World Congress a success. I would also like to give a special thanks to Professor Solaroglu and his scienti c committee, who have organized the outstanding scienti c program which has been made available to participants at this WFNS World Congress.

We are truly fortunate to be able to meet together in this wonderful city of Istanbul. I know that you will enjoy seeing old acquaintances and meeting new friends, and that the information which you learn here will be of great value when you return to your practice as neurosurgeons. My best wishes to you all,

Yong-Kwang Tu President World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

3 Welcome Messages


Dear Friends and Colleagues

On behalf of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society; we are delighted and proud to host such an important event and welcoming you all in Istanbul for the WFNS XVI.World Congress of Neurosurgery.

The main goal of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul is to pave the way for a scienti c environme nt where recent developments in neurosurgery are reviewed, the results of research are discussed and ideas are exchanged.

The amazing beauty of İstanbul, city on two continents, will enable the participants to experience unforgettablememories. Furthermore, spending some time within our community will also give you a unique opportunity to enjoy the warm Turkish hospitality.

We will also o er a varied social programme to provide an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. We are con dent that our scienti c organisation, together with the well-known Turkish hospitality, will make the WFNS 2017 Istanbul a memorable event.

Look forward to endowing us with many precious and long-lasting memories to cherish.


Yusuf Şükrü Çağlar President of Turkish Neurosurgical Society

4 World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

WFNS Mission Statement XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

The World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) aspires to promote global improvement in neurosurgical care. The mission of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) is to work together with our member societies to improve worldwide neurosurgical care, training and research to bene t our patients.

About the WFNS

Founded in 1955, the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) is a professional scienti c, non-governmental organization composing of 130 member societies, consisting of 5 Continental Associations, 6 A liate Societies and 119 National Neurosurgical Societies, representing over 49,000 neurosurgeons worldwide. The WFNS is governed by an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of two delegates from each Member Society and an Administrative Council (AC) composed of the o cers of the Federation who are elected every four years. The EC meets every two years and is guided by the Administrative Council which meets at least annually. The goal of the WFNS are deliberated and pursued through scienti c, standing and ad hoc committees and during the International Congress of Neurological Surgery which takes place every four years. About the WFNS Congress

No Year Host City, Country Congress President I 1957 Brussels, P. Van Gehuchten II 1961 Washington DC, United States P. C. Bucy III 1965 Copenhagen, E. Busch IV 1969 New York, United States H. H. Merritt & A. E. Walker V 1973 Tokyo, Japan Keiji Sano VI 1977 Sao Paulo, Brazil Aloysio De Mattos Pimenta VII 1981 Munich, Germany Karl-August Bushe VIII 1985 Toronto, Canada Alan R. Hudson IX 1989 New Delhi, India Brigadier Ramamurthi X 1993 Acapulco, Mexico Mauro Loyo-Varela XI 1997 Amsterdam, Netherlands H. August Van Alphen XII 2001 Sydney, Australia Noel Dan XIII 2005 Marrakech, Morocco Abdeslam El Khamlichi XIV 2009 Boston, United States Roberto Heros XV 2013 Seoul, South Korea Hee Won Jung XVI. 2017 Istanbul, Turkey Uğur Türe

5 Offi cers and Committees


President : Uğur Türe Honorary Presidents : M. Gazi Yaşargil, H. Ziya Gökalp, Ertekin Arasıl, Tunçalp Özgen, Ethem Beşkonaklı Vice President : Mehmet Zileli Second Vice Presidents : Murad Bavbek, Y. Şükrü Çağlar, Talat Kırış Secretary : Yusuf İzci Assistant Secretary : Başar Atalay Treasurer : Feridun Acar Assistant Treasurer : Özerk Okutan Scienti c Program Chair : İhsan Solaroğlu

Local Arrangements Committee of 16th World Congress

Chairman : Mehmet Zileli Co-Chairman : Talat Kırış Co-Chairman : Y. Şükrü Çağlar Vice Chairman : Murad Bavbek Member : Nurperi Gazioğlu Member : S. Murat İmer Member : Kadir Kotil Member : İbrahim Ziyal

Senior Advisory Board of TNS Executive Committee of TNS

Osman Ekin Özcan Hüsamettin Gökay President : Y. Şükrü Çağlar Yamaç Taşkın Fahir Özer Vice president : Talat Kırış Secretary : Selçuk Peker M. Nur Altınörs Aysima Altınok Treasurer : Cengiz Çokluk Kaya Aksoy Sa et Mutluer Assistant Treasurer : H. Hayri Kertmen Member : M.Sedat Çağlı M. Necmettin Pamir Memet Özek Member : Tanju Uçar Ö. Selçuk Palaoğlu Nejat Akalan Member : Hakan Karabağlı Member : H. Önder Okay Zeki Şekerci Member : Pınar Akdemir Özışık

6 Offi cers and Committees

WFNS Administrative Council XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

President : Yong-Kwang Tu Assistant-Secretary : Gail L. Rosseau President-Elect : Franco Servadei Treasurer : Christopher M. Loftus First Vice-President : Hildo Azevedo-Filho Assistant-Treasurer : Amir Samii Secretary : Basant K. Misra President of WFNS Congress 2017 : Uğur Türe

WFNS Honorary Presidents

Adelola Adeloye Alan R. Hudson Edward R. Laws Leonidas Quintana Armando Basso Hee-Won Jung Friedrich Loew Mahadeeva Sambasivan Jacques Brotchi Tetsuo Kanno Mauro Loyo-Varela Robert F. Spetzler Maurice Choux Abdeslam El Khamlichi José-Gérardo Martin-Rodriguez Madjid Samii Noel G. Dan Shigeaki Kobayashi Jorge Mendez Lindsay Symon Sayed El Gindi Alexander Konovalov Russel Patterson Kintomo Takakura Roberto C. Heros Takeshi Kawase Fernando Rueda-Franco Jacques C. de Villiers

Other WFNS Offi cers

Coordinator of Committee Activities : Miguel Arraez Historian : Edward R. Laws Manager, Federation WEB : Merwyn Bagan

WFNS Central Offi ce

Address : 5 Rue du Marché 1260 Nyon, Vaud Switzerland Tel : +41 (0) 22 362 4304 • Fax: +41 (0) 22 362 4352 • E-mail: [email protected] • centraloffi [email protected] Contacts : Mrs Hsiao-Hui (Teresa) Chen Ms Yi Ling

7 Organization


08.30 - 12.00 WFNS Foundation Meeting Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Lobby Floor / Hall Mercury August 20 (Sun) 12.00 - 14.00 WFNS Foundation Meeting Lunch Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Lobby Floor / Bosphorus Terrace Restaurant 14.00 - 17.40 WFNS 1st EC Meeting Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Convention Center / Lower Level 08.30 - 17.30 WFNS 1st AC Meeting Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Lobby Floor / Hall Mercury August 21 (Mon) 12.30 - 14.00 WFNS 1st AC Meeting Lunch Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Lobby Floor / Bosphorus Terrace Restaurant 08.30 - 16.30 WFNS 2nd EC Meeting August 22 (Tue) Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Convention Center / Lower Level 12.45 - 14.30 WFNS 2nd EC Meeting Lunch 09.00 - 11.45 WFNS 3rd EC Meeting August 24 (Thu) Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Convention Center / Lower Level 12.00 - 14:00 WFNS 3rd EC Meeting Lunch 08.30 - 10.00 WFNS 2nd AC Meeting Hilton Bosphorus Hotel / Lobby Floor / Hall Mercury August 25 (Fri) 13.00 - 16.00 WFNS 3rd AC Meeting Istanbul Congress Center / Floor B2 / Hall Yıldız 1

WFNS Committee Meetings

23 August 2017@ Istanbul Convention Center (Congress Venue)

Room Floor 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 15:00-16:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 Nr.

Coordinator B3 43 Young Neurosurgeons Forum AANS Society Committee

Women in Neurosurgical B3 60 Neuroendoscopy Committee Neurosurgery Technology Committee Committee

Ethics & Medico-Legal B3 61 Neurotraumatology Committee Aff airs Committee

Neurorehabilitation B3 22 & Reconstructive Military Neurosurgeons Committee Neurosurgery Committee

Co-ordinating Peripheral Nerve Surgery Constitution & Bylaws Skull-Base Surgery B3 02 Committee for Committee Committee Committee International Initiatives




Inherited Tradition to New Horizons

The Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS) is dedicated to advancing the specialty of neurological surgery in order to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical management and care in Turkey and beyond the borders.

The history of neurosurgery as a practice may be somewhat brief when compared to all other medical practices. During recent excavations in Aşıklı Höyük, 35 skulls - which had undergone a surgical procedure called “trepanation” - were found. However, it is di cult to tell whether these procedures were performed because of medical reasons or religious purposes such as to exorcise demons. Although modern history of neurosurgery began in Turkey in the 20th century, in Anatolia thousands of di erent neurosurgical touchstones form modern procedures.

Brief History of Pre-TNS Era

This era starts with Dr. Cemil Topuzlu (1868-1958) who should be considered the founder of modern surgery in Turkey. Dr. Topuzlu operated on many surgical cases for Pott’s disease, spinal and cranial injuries and brain abscesses. One of his cranial abscess cases was presented to the French Surgical Societies, which had most likely been the  rst international neurosurgical presentation from Turkey.

In the years that followed, Dr. Alexander Kamburoğlu (?-1913), Dr. Garabe Yahoub (1865-1936), and Dr. Mim Kemal Öke (1884-1955) performed brain and spinal surgeries. Dr. Öke wrote the  rst neurosurgery book in Turkish called “Dimağ ve Cümcüme Afetleri ve Tedavileri (Disasters of the Mind and Skull and Their Treatment)”. Dr. Abdulkadir Cahit Tuner went to Germany for formal studies, and became the  rst neurosurgeon in Turkey in 1923. Until then all the neurosurgical procedures were performed by general surgeons.

In 1949, Dr. Hami Dilek founded the  rst clinic with a specialization program in neurosurgery. Later on, Dr. Feyyaz Berkay, who received his education in the USA, established the  rst neurosurgery clinic in Cerrahpaşa Medical School. Similarly, Dr. Bülent Tarcan, who was trained in the United Kingdom, returned to Turkey to establish the  rst neurosurgery clinic in Çapa Medical School. These were followed by the establishment neurosurgery clinics in Hacettepe University in 1960, in Ankara University in 1965, and Ege University in 1967. Neurosurgery clinics were sprung and spread all over Anatolia, while Dr. Berkay was a trailblazer in the foundation of the  rst Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS). The  rst Neurosurgery Congress convened in 1971, but due to the political atmosphere of the time, there were limitations and it could not be carried out as expected or planned. Unfortunately, in 1980 the Turkish military coup closed down almost all independent societies such as the Turkish Neurosurgical Society.

Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS)

The Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS) is the main society of the neurosurgical specialty in Turkey. TNS was established in October, 1985. There are at present almost 1800 neurosurgeons in Turkey. Today, with its 1200 members, the TNS is the main organization for neurosurgeons in our country. Neurosurgery in Turkey has been improving every year: today, many neurosurgical departments perform state of the art surgical and medical procedures.

In 1959, Dr. Türkmen, who completed training at Philadelphia Medical Center, founded the Neurosurgery Department in Hacettepe University School of Medicine and left Turkey in 1960. Dr Nurhan Avman (1928-1968) directed this department until 1965. After leaving Hacettepe University, Dr Avman founded the Neurosurgery Department in Ankara University. Later on, Dr. Avman would be the person who initiated the Turkish neurosurgery journey. During this period, in Europe, a Turkish genius, M.Gazi Yaşargil M.D., made a great breakthrough in neurosurgery and developed the concept of microneurosurgery technique.

The  rst neurosurgical society of Turkey was founded in Istanbul by 11 neurosurgeons in 1968; however, this society was closed as a result of the 1980 military coup. The Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNS) was later founded in Ankara by Nurhan Avman, Ertekin Erasıl, Hamit Ziya Gökalp, Aykut Erbengi, Vural Bertan, Süleyman Sağlam, Özdemir Gürçay, Yücel Kanpolat, and Tunçalp Özgen in 1985, and with unanimous vote, Dr. Avman was elected the  rst president of TNS. Subsequent 10 Organization

Turkish Neurosurgical Society XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery presidents were Dr. Aykut Erbengi, Dr. Özdemir Gürçay, Dr. Tunçalp Özgen, Dr. Yücel Kanpolat, Dr. Osman Ekin Özcan, Dr. Ertekin Arasıl, Dr. Yamaç Taşkın, Dr. M. Nur Altınörs, Dr. M. Kemali Baykaner, Dr. Kaya Aksoy, Dr. M. Necmettin Pamir, Dr. Nurcan Özdamar, Dr. Ö. Selçuk Palaoğlu, Dr. Mehmet Zileli, Dr. Ethem Beşkonaklı, Dr. Murat Bavbek, Dr. Uğur Türe, Dr. Zeki Şekerci, Dr. Talat Kırış and Dr. Şükrü Çağlar.

This non-governmental society arose to this day from the day it became active, and it accelerated the publishing of scienti c studies. TNS is the most prominent scienti c and professional organization in its  eld of activity. This society provides support for neurosurgeons all over the country and also encourages research activities among young trainees as well as funding scienti c projects. Nowadays, at least twelve scholarships for international courses are provided. The society also contributes to the specialty by merits awards for select scienti c studies, thereby enabling scienti c progress.

Under TNS, there are six education and training groups: (1) pediatric neurosurgery, (2) spinal and peripheral nerve surgery, (3) neuro-oncology surgery, (4) stereotactic, functional, pain and epilepsy surgery, (5) neurovascular surgery, and (6) neurotrauma. There are also 24 di erent boards under TNS such as social rights of membership, external relations, social responsibility projects, R&D activities, training of trainers, professional and personnel rights, and insurance system. They all together form a big structure, rapidly growing and becoming one of the most popular scienti c organizations of Europe and West Asia.

TNS is also an active member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). Therefore, TNS cooperates with these organizations in scholarship programs and establishing educational standards in the practice of neurosurgery. TNS is one of the best-organized national societies in Turkey. It has so far held 31 national congresses as well as numerous courses and hands-on workshops.

TNS organizes its annual national congress in April of every year. This year, the 31th National Neurosurgery Congress was organized in Antalya with at least 1400 participants. In addition, both national and International Basic Neurosurgery Courses are designed for residents in training and junior neurosurgeons. These consist of four annual courses, covering the key topics of Vascular Neurosurgery, Tumor, Neurotrauma/Functional Neurosurgery, and Spine/Peripheral Nerves. Hence, the course cycle takes four years to complete. Speci c course features include up to 10 hours of daily lectures, nearly 100 topics in each course. This year, as well as the TNS Congress, IBNC (Term II Course II, Neuro-oncology) was performed prior to congress sessions in Antalya. Today, these courses constitute some real success stories for TNS, with an increasing number of participants from all over the world.

TNS has 2 scienti c peer-review journals, both of which have been continuously in publication since 1989. The Turkish journal is called “Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi” and the international journal “Turkish Neurosurgery”. Besides journals, TNS publishes a bulletin each year and publishes all the oral and poster presentations of the national congress.

To increase the quality of education, a Neurosurgical Board has been introduced by TNS. Members who pass the oral and written board examination are given a certi cate. Although there is not any o cial sub specialization for neurosurgery, several internal TNS organizations focus on certain aspects of neurosurgical care. Several meetings and symposiums are performed by these subgroups all year round.


The evolution of Turkish Neurosurgery may re ect a deep inherited tradition toward innovation and development. This makes us proud of what we hace accomplished and shared in such a short time period. Turkish Neurosurgery is thankful to Gazi Yaşargil, “Neurosurgery’s man of the century” and all other masters who contributed to - and totally changed - the perspective of Neurosurgery toward lesser “No Man’s Land”.

On behalf of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, we are delighted and really excited to host you in Istanbul for the WFNS XVI World Congress of Neurosurgery. I hope that this event will promote the highest quality of neurosurgical practice all over the world.

11 Congress Information

Congress Information Congress Overview

Congress Title 16th World Congress of Neurosurgery Date August 20 (Sun) ~25 (Fri), 2017 Venue Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul, Turkey O cial Language English Website Hosted by World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies(WFNS) Organized by Organizing Committee of the 16th World Congress of Neorosurgery Congress Secretariat

T.:+90-216-357 23 23 pbx F.:+90-216-357 23 33 • E-mail: [email protected]


On-Site Registration Desk On-Site Registration Fee • Location On-site registration fee can be paid by either in Cash Lobby (B0), Istanbul Congress Center (USD) or Credit Card (Master - Visa). The on-site registration fees are as bellow; • Type • On site After Aug 15th • Operating Hours Physicians 1050 USD* 08:00~18:00, August 19 (Sat)~August 20 (Sun) AHP / Resident / Nurse / Student / 550 USD* 06:00~17:00, August 21(Mon) ~August 25 (Fri) Exhibitor / Spouse&Guest (Sp&G) Social Dinner 150 USD* Badge Reprint Fee: Attendees will incur a $30 fee for badge reprints. If you require a badge reprint, visit the Registration Desk in lobby of Istanbul Congress Center.

Name Tag Congress Kit Name tags will be used as passes. You are kindly requested to A congress kit distribution desk is located separately near the wear your name tag throughout the Congress. Please note that registration desk. admission to all the session rooms will be strictly restricted to Please pick up the congress kit after scanning the bar code at the registered participants wearing their name tags. There will your name tag. It contains a Final program, Note Pad&Pen and be sta to check your name tag at every gate of the scientific a Mini program book. session rooms and exhibition hall. Your name tag includes a barcode with your registration information. The Congress Kit and included materials CANNOT be replaced in the event of loss.

Certiticate of Attendance Certi cate of attendance will be issued and printed on the congress website ( after August 23 (Wed). If you want to obtain your certi cate and/or receipt, please print it out at the KIOSK near the registration desk from August 23 (Wed).

12 Congress Information

Preview Room Congress Information

If you submitted your oral presentation  le through the congress website, your files are already installed in PC at the preview room. You can check the submitted  le in the preview room. If you use the revised  le for your presentation, please up-load your  le at one of the PC’s at the preview room at least 3 hours before your presentation. The latest files are only remained in both PC at the preview room. Please up-load the  le at one of the PC’s at the preview room at least 3 hours before your session starts.

•Location Macka Hall at B2 Floor, Istanbul Convention Center •Operating Hours 07:00~17:00, August 20 (Sun) 06:00~17:00, August 21 (Mon)~ August 24 (Thu) 06:00~11:00, August 25 (Fri)

Important Notice • Be sure to check or modify your presentation materials at the Preview Room at least 3 hours before the start of the session. • If combining video clips with PowerPoint,it is strongly recommended that you check your presentation  le at least ONE DAY BEFORE your presentation so if there are any problems, we can deal with it. • If you do not check your presentation file at the Preview Room, you will be responsible for any problems or faults with your presentation materials. • It is NOT allowed to use your own laptop at the session room due to technical risk and time delay. You may supply your own laptop computer as a back-up. Particularly in the case of using MACs, you may have compatibility problems.

E-Poster Area

•Location Exhibition Area (B5), Istanbul Congress Center •Operating Hours 10:00~17:00, August 21 (Mon) ~ August 24 (Thu) 07:30~11:00, August 25 (Fri)

Off ice Hours

On-Site Secretariat Offi ce Information Desk •Location •Location Yildiz 2 Room, at B2 Floor, Istanbul Convention center Lobby (G0), Istanbul Congress Center •Operating Hours •Operating Hours 08:00~18:00, August 19 (Sat) ~ August 20 (Sun) 07:00~18:00, August 20 (Sun) 06:00~17:00, August 21 (Mon) ~ August 24 (Thu) 06:00~17:00, August 21 (Mon) ~ August 24 (Thu) 06:00~10:00, August 25 (Fri) 06:00~10:00, August 25 (Fri)

Tour Desk Exhibition Secretariat Off ice •Location •Location Lobby (G0), Istanbul Congress Center B5 Floor, Istanbul Congress Center •Operating Hours •Operating Hours 14:00~18:00, August 20 (Sun) 08:00~18:00, August 18 (Fri) ~ August 19 (Sat)~ August 20 (Sun) 07:00~17:00, August 21 (Mon) ~ August 24 (Thu) 06:00~18:00, August 21(Mon) ~ August 24 (Thu) 06:00~12:00, August 25 (Fri)

13 Congress Information

Congress Information Floor Plan TION RA REGI ST DESK TIO N RA DESK REGI ST

14 Congress Information


B2 15 Congress Information

Congress Information Istanbul Congress Center / Floor B2

Hall August 20 (Sun) August 21 (Mon) August 22 (Tue) August 23 (Wed) August 24 (Thu) Aug 25 (Fri)

PL-3 PL-2 Plenary Session-3 Plenary Session-2 GEN GEN General Session OC PL-1 PL-4 CC Harbiye General Session Global Neurosurgery Opening Ceremony Plenary Session-1 Plenary Session-4 Closing Ceremony M. Gazi Yasargil GEN 50 Years in Pediatric Microneurosurgery A Global View of Paediatric Neurosurgery MT-2/1 MT-1/1 Main Topics Session-14 Main Topic Session-1 LS MT-3/1 MT-4/1 LS Luncheon Symposium Main Topics Session-27 Main Topics Session-39 Luncheon Symposium (Medtronic) KL-3/1 KL-4/1 (Carl Zeiss) KL-2/1 SP Keynote Lectures-25 Keynote Lectures-37 MT-5/1 Beyazıt KL-1/1 Keynote Lectures-13 Pre-Congress Course NO.12 NO.15 Main Topics Session-51 Keynote Lectures-1 NO.07 Oral Presentations-49 Oral Presentations-73 NO.01 Oral Presentations-25 EXP.02 NO.16 Oral Presentations-1 NO.10 Oral Presentations-61 Oral Presentations-85 NO.04 Oral Presentations-37 Oral Presentations-13 YNF Young Neurosurgeon Forum MT-1/2 MT-2/2 MT-3/2 MT-4/2 Main Topic Session-2 Main Topics Session-15 Main Topics Session-28 Main Topics Session-40 KL-1/2 KL-2/2 KL-3/2 KL-4/2 Keynote Lectures-2 Keynote Lectures-14 Keynote Lectures-26 Keynote Lectures-38 MT-5/2 Üsküdar 2 NO.02 CM.01 NA.01 NA.02 Main Topics Session-52 Oral Presentations-2 Oral Presentations-26 Oral Presentations-50 Oral Presentations-74 NO.05 NO.11 NO.13 NA.03 Oral Presentations-14 Oral Presentations-38 Oral Presentations-62 Oral Presentations-86

MT-1/3 MT-2/3 MT-3/3 MT-4/3 Main Topic Session-3 Main Topics Session-16 Main Topics Session-29 Main Topics Session-41 KL-1/3 KL-2/3 KL-3/3 KL-4/3 Keynote Lectures-3 Keynote Lectures-15 Keynote Lectures-27 Keynote Lectures-39 Çamlıca MT-5/3 INF.01 NO.08 MSC.01 CM.04 Main Topics Session-53 Oral Presentations-3 Oral Presentations-27 Oral Presentations-51 Oral Presentations-75 EXP.01 CM.03 EXP.03 EXP.04 Oral Presentations-15 Oral Presentations-39 Oral Presentations-63 Oral Presentations-87 MT-1/4 MT-2/4 MT-3/4 MT-4/4 Main Topic Session-4 Main Topics Session-17 Main Topics Session-30 Main Topics Session-42 KL-1/4 KL-2/4 KL-3/4 KL-4/4 Keynote Lectures-4 Keynote Lectures-16 Keynote Lectures-28 Keynote Lectures-40 MT-5/4 Emirgan 2 FN.01 NO.09 SP.13 SB.01 Main Topics Session-54 Oral Presentations-4 Oral Presentations-28 Oral Presentations-52 Oral Presentations-76 FN.02 EDS.01 NO.14 EDS.03 Oral Presentations-16 Oral Presentations-40 Oral Presentations-64 Oral Presentations-88 MT-3/5 MT-4/5 Main Topics Session-31 Main Topics Session-43 MT-1/5 MT-2/5 LS LS Main Topic Session-5 Main Topics Session-18 Luncheon Symposium Lunchoen Symposium KL-1/5 KL-2/5 (Eurospine) (AONeuro) Keynote Lectures-5 Keynote Lectures-17 MT-5/5 Emirgan 1 KL-3/5 KL-4/5 NT.01 SP.06 Main Topics Session-55 Keynote Lectures-29 Keynote Lectures-41 Oral Presentations-5 Oral Presentations-29 FN.05 SB.02 NT.02 FN.03 Oral Presentations-53 Oral Presentations-77 Oral Presentations-17 Oral Presentations-41 EDS.02 FN.06 Oral Presentations-65 Oral Presentations-89 MT-1/6 MT-2/6 MT-3/6 MT-4/6 Main Topic Session-6 Main Topics Session-19 Main Topics Session-32 Main Topics Session-44 KL-1/6 KL-2/6 KL-3/6 KL-4/6 YNC Keynote Lectures-6 Keynote Lectures-18 Keynote Lectures-30 Keynote Lectures-42 MT-5/6 Üsküdar 3 Pre-Congress Course NV.01 NT.03 SP.14 PED.07 Main Topics Session-56 Oral Presentations-6 Oral Presentations-30 Oral Presentations-54 Oral Presentations-78 NV.04 NT.04 GK.01 PED.08 Oral Presentations-18 Oral Presentations-42 Oral Presentations-66 Oral Presentations-90 16 Congress Information

Istanbul Congress Center / Floor B2 Congress Information

Hall August 20 (Sun) August 21 (Mon) August 22 (Tue) August 23 (Wed) August 24 (Thu) Aug 25 (Fri)

MT-2/7 Main Topic Session-20 GEN MT-4/7 MT-1/7 General Session MT-3/7 Main Topics Session-45 Main Topic Session-7 Forum for the Political Main Topics Session-33 GEN and Socioeconomic 3D General Session MT-5/7 Üsküdar 1 GEN Development of 3D Session-1 Cavernous Sinus Main Topics Session-57 General Session Neurosurgery “Education 3D GEN Complications in and Training in 3D Session-2 General Session Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Analysis of Ethics in Neurosurgery Regional Needs and Aid Available” BR-1/1 BR-2/1 BR-3/1 BR-4/1 Breakfast Seminars-1 Breakfast Seminars-10 Breakfast Seminars-20 Breakfast Seminars-29 MT-1/8 MT-2/8 MT-3/8 MT-4/8 Main Topic Session-8 Main Topics Session-21 Main Topics Session-34 Main Topics Session-46 BR-5/1 KL-1/7 KL-2/7 KL-3/7 KL-4/7 Breakfast Seminars-38 Beylerbeyi 2 NA-1 Keynote Lectures-7 Keynote Lectures-19 Keynote Lectures-31 Keynote Lectures-43 MT-5/8 Pre-Congress Course NV.02 NV.06 SP.15 NV.11 Main Topics Session-58 Oral Presentations-7 Oral Presentations-31 Oral Presentations-55 Oral Presentations-79 SP.03 NV.07 NT.05 NV.13 Oral Presentations-19 Oral Presentations-43 Oral Presentations-67 Oral Presentations-91 BR-1/2 BR-2/2 BR-3/2 BR-4/2 Breakfast Seminars-2 Breakfast Seminars-11 Breakfast Seminars-21 Breakfast Seminars-30 MT-1/9 MT-2/9 MT-3/9 MT-4/9 Main Topic Session-9 Main Topics Session-22 Main Topics Session-35 Main Topics Session-47 BR-5/2 KL-1/8 KL-2/8 KL-3/8 KL-4/8 Breakfast Seminars-39 Beylerbeyi 1 NA-2 Keynote Lectures-8 Keynote Lectures-20 Keynote Lectures-32 Keynote Lectures-44 MT-5/9 Pre-Congress Course NV.03 PED.03 NV.08 NV.12 Main Topics Session-59 Oral Presentations-8 Oral Presentations-32 Oral Presentations-56 Oral Presentations-80 NV.05 PED.04 NV.10 TEC.01 Oral Presentations-20 Oral Presentations-44 Oral Presentations-68 Oral Presentations-92

BR-1/3 BR-2/3 BR-3/3 BR-4/3 Breakfast Seminars-3 Breakfast Seminars-12 Breakfast Seminars-22 Breakfast Seminars-31 MT-1/10 MT-2/10 MT-3/10 MT-4/10 Main Topic Session-10 Main Topics Session-23 Main Topics Session-36 Main Topics Session-48 BR-5/3 KL-1/9 KL-2/9 KL-3/9 KL-4/9 Breakfast Seminars-40 Tophane Keynote Lectures-9 Keynote Lectures-21 Keynote Lectures-33 Keynote Lectures-45 MT-5/10 PED.01 SP.07 NV.09 SP.21 Main Topics Session-60 Oral Presentations-9 Oral Presentations-33 Oral Presentations-57 Oral Presentations-81 PED.02 SP.10 SP.18 SP.24 Oral Presentations-21 Oral Presentations-45 Oral Presentations-69 Oral Presentations-93

17 Congress Information

Congress Information Floor Plan OR AT 2X ELEV 3B85 3B 75 3B77 3B78 3B 76 3B84 3B83 3B86 OR AT 2X ELEV 74 41 3B 3B51 3B ROOM 3B58 3B68 3B50 3B40 3B69 3B59 3B82 73 57 49 67 3B87 3B 3B 3B 3B39 3B B3/89 3B31 HALL 13 72 37 47 PR AY WC 3B 3B65 3B 3B 3B55 3B66 3B48 3B38 3B56 3B81 3B30 WC MA N N WO MA WC 3B71 3B88 3B54 3B64 3B36 3B46 3B35 3B53 3B45 3B63 70 3B 52 3B34 3B 3B62 3B44 T B3/61 B3/43 HALL 17 HALL 15 B3/60 HALL 16 ER B3/42 HALL 14


















18 B3 Congress Information

Istanbul Congress Center / Floor B3 Congress Information

Hall August 20 (Sun) August 21 (Mon) August 22 (Tue) August 23 (Wed) August 24 (Thu) Aug 25 (Fri)

BR-1/4 BR-2/4 BR-3/4 BR-4/4 Breakfast Seminars-4 Breakfast Seminars-13 Breakfast Seminars-23 Breakfast Seminars-32 MT-1/11 MT-2/11 MT-3/11 MT-4/11 Main Topic Session-11 Main Topics Session-24 Main Topics Session-37 Main Topics Session-49 BR-5/4 NA-1/B Hall 12 - KL-1/10 KL-2/10 KL-3/10 KL-4/10 Breakfast Seminars-41 Pre-Congress Course B3/01 Keynote Lectures-10 Keynote Lectures-22 Keynote Lectures-34 Keynote Lectures-46 MT-5/11 Discussion Groups-B NO.03 SP.08 PED.05 SP.22 Main Topics Session-61 Oral Presentations-10 Oral Presentations-34 Oral Presentations-58 Oral Presentations-82 NO.06 SP.11 PED.06 SP.25 Oral Presentations-22 Oral Presentations-46 Oral Presentations-70 Oral Presentations-94

BR-2/5 BR-3/5 BR-4/5 Breakfast Seminars-14 Breakfast Seminars-24 Breakfast Seminars-33 BR-1/5 MT-2/12 MT-3/12 MT-4/12 Breakfast Seminars-5 Main Topics Session-25 Main Topics Session-38 Main Topics Session-50 BR-5/5 NA-1/C MT-1/12 Hall 13 - KL-2/11 KL-3/11 KL-4/11 Breakfast Seminars-42 Pre-Congress Course Main Topic Session-12 B3/89 Keynote Lectures-23 Keynote Lectures-35 Keynote Lectures-47 MT-5/12 Discussion Groups-C MIL-1 SP.09 SP.16 SP.23 Main Topics Session-62 Military Neurosurgery Oral Presentations-35 Oral Presentations-59 Oral Presentations-83 Session-1 SP.12 SP.19 SP.26 Oral Presentations-47 Oral Presentations-71 Oral Presentations-95

BR-2/6 BR-1/6 Breakfast Seminars-15 Breakfast Seminars-6 BR-3/6 BR-4/6 MT-2/13 MT-1/13 Breakfast Seminars-25 Breakfast Seminars-34 Main Topics Session-26 Main Topic Session-13 KL-3/12 KL-4/12 NA-1/D KL-2/12 Hall 14 - KL-1/11 Keynote Lectures-36 Keynote Lectures-48 BR-5/6 Pre-Congress Course Keynote Lectures-24 B3/42 Keynote Lectures-11 SP.17 NT.06 Breakfast Seminars-43 Discussion Groups-D CM.02 SP.01 Oral Presentations-60 Oral Presentations-84 Oral Presentations-36 Oral Presentations-11 SP.20 NT.07 FN.04 SP.04 Oral Presentations-72 Oral Presentations-96 Oral Presentations-48 Oral Presentations-23

BR-1/7 Breakfast Seminars-7 KL-1/12 Hall 15 - Keynote Lectures-12 BR-2/7 BR-3/7 BR-4/7 BR-5/7 B3/43 SP.02 Breakfast Seminars-16 Breakfast Seminars-26 Breakfast Seminars-35 Breakfast Seminars-44 Oral Presentations-12 SP.05 Oral Presentations-24

Hall 16 - BR-1/8 BR-2/8 BR-3/8 BR-4/8 BR-5/8 B3/60 Breakfast Seminars-8 Breakfast Seminars-17 Breakfast Seminars-27 Breakfast Seminars-36 Breakfast Seminars-45

Hall 17 - BR-1/9 BR-2/9 BR-3/9 BR-4/9 BR-5/9 B3/61 Breakfast Seminars-9 Breakfast Seminars-18 Breakfast Seminars-28 Breakfast Seminars-37 Breakfast Seminars-46

BR-3/10 Hall 18 - BR-2/10 Breakfast Seminar-WIN B3/22 Breakfast Session-19 WFNS-Women in Neurosurgery

19 Congress Information

















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E Application image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Program At-A-Glance Congress Information Aug.25 (Friday) Closing Ceremony (CC) Ceremony Closing Breakfast Seminars (BR) Breakfast Main Topics Session (MT) Topics Main (GEN) (GEN) Ethics in Ethics Neurosurgery Cavernous Sinus Cavernous Aug.24 (Thursday) Social Dinner & Plenary Session (PL) Oral Oral (OP) Luncheon Symposia(LS) Luncheon Breakfast Seminars (BR) Breakfast Main Topics Session (MT) Topics Main (KL / OP) Presentations Presentations Presentations Presentations Keynote Lectures Lectures Keynote (3D) (3D) Session Session 3D Video 3D Video 3D Video 3D Video Oral (OP) Keynote Keynote (KL / OP) Presentations Presentations Presentations Aug.23 Lectures & Oral Lectures (Wednesday) Plenary Session (PL) Luncheon Symposia(LS) Luncheon Breakfast Seminars (BR) Breakfast Main Topics Session (MT) Topics Main (PED) (GEN) Global of Pediatric of Pediatric Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery A Global View Political and Political Forum for the for Forum Socioeconomic Development of Development Coff ee Break with Exhibitors Coff Neurosurgery (GEN) Neurosurgery Keynote Lectures & Lectures Keynote (OP) Young Young Coff ee Break with Exhibitors Coff Oral Presentations (KL / OP) Oral Presentations Aug.22 Forum (YNF)Forum (Tuesday) Neurosurgeons Neurosurgeons Oral Presentations Oral Presentations Plenary Session (PL) Luncheon Symposia(LS) Luncheon Breakfast Seminars (BR) Breakfast Main Topics Session (MT) Topics Main (GEN) (GEN) M. Gazi Yaşargil M. Gazi Yaşargil M. Gazi Yaşargil M. Gazi Yaşargil Microneurosurgery Microneurosurgery 50th Anniversary of 50th Anniversary of Military Session (MIL) Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Oral Aug.21 Keynote Keynote (KL / OP) Lectures & Lectures (Monday) Presentations Presentations (Invitation only)* (Invitation Presidential Dinner Presidential Plenary Session (PL) Oral Presentations (OP) Oral Presentations Luncheon Symposia(LS) Luncheon Breakfast Seminars (BR) Breakfast Main Topics Session (MT) Topics Main (GEN) (GEN) Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Complication in Complication General SessionGeneral (OC) Courses Aug.20 Opening Welcome Welcome Reception Ceremony (Sunday) 08:00-18:00 Pre-Congress Pre-Congress Time 10:30 11:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 16:00 07:00 08:30 08:30 10:30 18:30 16:00 16:30 16:30 18:00 20:00

Session Codes and descriptions 22 Guidelines

Guidelines for Scientific Sessions XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

About 687 papers will be presented at over 80 sessions on a wide variety of topics and formats providing participants with an exciting oppurtunity to learn and discuss the latest research& clinical finding and development of neurosurgical area.

Each session will be identi ed by a sesion code for participants to pick out the sessions they are interested in.”

Session Format Code Code Format Code Format

OC Opening Ceremony CC Closing Ceremony

BR-1/1 Breakfast Seminar / Day / Session No MT-1/1 Main Topic Session / Day / Session No

KL-1/1 Keynote Lecture / Day / Session No PL-1 Plenary Session / Session No

LS Luncheon Symposium YNF Young Neurosurgeon Forum

GEN General Session 3D-1 3D Session / Session No

MIL Military Neurosurgery Session

OP-NO.01-01 Oral Presentation / Category / Session No / Presentation No Code Format Code Format

NO Neuro-oncology EXP Experimental

FN Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery INF Infections

NT Neurotraumatology CM Chordoma

NV Neurovascular Surgery EDS Endoscopy

PED Pediatric Neurosurgery MSC Miscellanous

SP Spine and Peripheral Nerve GK Gamma Knife

NA Neuroanatomy SB Skull Base

MSC Miscellaneous TEC Technology

23 List of Invited Faculty

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES List of Invited Faculty (In alphabetical order according to first name)

A. Faleh Tamimi, Jordan Ali Erdem Yildirim, Turkey Bernard R. Bendok, USA A. John Popp, USA Ali F. Krisht, USA Bernardo Assumpcao De Monaco, Brazil A. SamyYoussef, USA Ali Hikmat Aziz, Iraq Bizhan Aarabi, USA Aaron Musara, Zimbabwe Ali Ihsan Okten, Turkey Bong-Soo Kim, USA Abbas Amirjamshidi, Iran Ali Zırh, Turkey Branislav Kolarowszki, Slovakia Abd-Elha z Shehab-Eldien, Egypt Aliasgar Moiyadi, India Boleslav L. Lichterman, Czech Republic Abderrahmane Sidi Said, Algeria Allan Taylor, South Africa Bruno Splavski, Croatia Abdelsammad El Azhari, Morocco Alp Ozgun Borcek, Turkey Bulent Duz, Turkey Abdeslam El Khamlichi, Morocco Alpaslan Senel, Turkey Burak Sade, Turkey Abdessamad El Ouahabi, Morocco Altay Sencer, Turkey Burcak Bilginer, Turkey Abdulrahman Al Anazi, Saudi Arabia Alvaro Campero, Argentina Cagatay Onal, Turkey Abdurrahman Bakir, Turkey Amal Abu Hamden, Australia Carlos Alegria, Portugal Abdurahmon U. Norov, Uzbekistan Amanj Hassan Ali, Iraq Celal Bagdatoglu, Turkey Abdurakhmon Mamadaliyev, Uzbekistan Amer AlShurbaji, Jordan Cem Atabey, Turkey Abolfazl Rahimizadeh, Iran Amir Samii, Germany Cem Yilmaz, Turkey Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed, Sudan Amir Dehdashti, USA Cengiz Cokluk, Turkey Abuzer Gungor, Turkey Amr Safwat, Egypt Cengiz Kuday, Turkey Aclan Dogan, USA Andras Buki, Hungary Chandra Limbu, Nepal Adailton Arcanjo Dos Santos Junior, Brazil Andre Tomasino, Germany Chandrashekhar Deopujari, India Adel El Hakim, Egypt Andreas Demetriades, UK Charles Teo, Australia Aftab Younus, South Africa Andre Grotenhuis, Netherlands Charles Y. Liu, USA Agahan Unlu, Turkey Andreas Gruber, Austria Chih-Hsiang Liao, Taiwan Ahmed Ammar, Saudi Arabia Andrew Kaye, Australia Chingiz Shashkin, Kazakhstan Ahmed Raslan, USA Andrew Maas, Belgium Ching-Po Lin, Taiwan Ahmed Alkhani, Saudi Arabia Andrew McEwoy, UK Christian Matula, Austria Ahmed Adnan Aljuboori, Iraq Andriy Sirko, Ukraine Christopher Kellner, USA Ahmed Zohdi, Egypt Anil Nanda, USA Christopher Loftus, USA Ahmed Ali Shah, Pakistan Anirban D. Banerjee, India Christopher I. Sha rey, USA Ahmet Bekar, Turkey Anthony Figaji, South Africa Claudio G. Yampolsky, Argentina Ahmet Dagtekin, Turkey Anton Valavanis, Switzerland Concezio Di Rocco, Italy Ahmet Gurhan Gurcay, Turkey Antonino Raco, Italy Cuneyt Temiz, Turkey Ahmet Hilmi Kaya, Turkey Antonio A. Do Souto, Brazil Damianos E. Sakas, Greece Ajit K.Sinha, India Armando Basso, Argentina Daniel Hanggi, Germany Akio Morita, Japan Artur Xhumari, Albania Daniele Rigamonti, USA Akira Matsumura, Japan Arturo Ayala Arcipreste, Mexico David Rojas, Chile Albert Su anov, Russia Ashraf El Badry, Egypt David Adelson ,USA Alberto Feletti, Italy Ather Enam, Pakistan David M. Hasan, USA Aleksandar Caparoski, Macedonia Atıl Kargı, USA David T. F. Sun, Hong-Kong Ales Hejcl, Czech Republic Atul Goel, India Davut Ceylan, Turkey Alessandra De Mauro Lima, Brazil Ayhan Attar, Turkey Debora Garozzo, Italy Alexandros Andreou, Greece Aykan Ulus, Turkey Deniz Belen, Turkey Alexander Brawanski, Germany Azam Syed Ahmed, USA Dinesh Thapa, Nepal Alexander Potapov, Russia Azevedo - Filho Hildo, Brazil Dirk Van Roost, Belgium Alexander Zouros, USA Azizz Rassi Neto, Brazil Djula Djilvesi, Serbia Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, Romania Azmi Alias, Malaysia Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo, Brazil Alf Giese, Germany Baki Albayrak, Turkey Edgardo Spagnuolo, Uruguay Ali Al Mashani, Oman Baris Turak, Eduard Zverina, Czech Republic Ali Alaraj, USA Basak Topkoru, Turkey Eduardo Ribas, Brazil Ali Arslantas, Turkey Basant K. Misra, India Eduardo Seoane, Argentina Ali Ayyad, Germany Basar Atalay, Turkey Edward Laws, USA Ali Dalgic, Turkey Bekir Tugcu, Turkey Eglis Valeinis, Latvia Ali Kafadar, Turkey Benaissa Abdennebi, Algeria Ehsan Mahmood, Bangladesh Ali Ozturk, USA Benedicto Oscar Colli, Brazil Eka J. Wahjoepramono, Indonesia Ali Savas, Turkey Beny Atmadja Wirjomartani, Indonesia Ekaterina Kondratyeva, Russia 24 List of Invited Faculty

List of Invited Faculty (In alphabetical order according to first name) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

El Fatih Bashir Elmalik,, Sudan Fusao Ikawa, Japan Ignatius N. Esene, Cameroon Ella Kim, Germany G. Alexander Jones, USA Igor Lima Maldonado, Brazil Emel Avci, Turkey Gabriel Vargas, Colombia Ihsan Anik, Turkey Emin Ozyurt, Turkey Gail Rosseau, USA Ihsan Solaroglu, Turkey Ender Koktekir, Turkey Galip Zihni Sanus, Turkey Ilker Solmaz, Turkey Enkhbayar Tsevegbat, Mongolia Ganesalingam Narenthiran, UK Ilker Yaylali, USA Enrique Osorio-Fonseca, Colombia Gayrat M. Kariev, Uzbekistan Imad N. Kanaan, Saudi Arabia Enrique Urculo, Gelareh Zadeh, Canada Ioan Stefan Florian, Romania Enrique de Jongh, Cuba George Jallo, USA Isabelle Germano, USA Erdem Güresir, Germany George Paxinos, Australia Isao Date, Japan Erdinc Civelek, Turkey George Samandouras, UK Ishaq Ghanem, Jordan Ergun Daglioglu, Turkey George J. Dohrmann, USA Ismail Al-Kebsi, Yemen Erhan Arslan, Turkey Gerardo Guinto, Mexico Ismail Hakki Aydin, Turkey Erhan Turkoglu, Turkey German Posadas, Peru Ivan Humhej, Czech Republic Erich Fono , Brazil Giacomo Pavesi, Italy Ivan Radovanovic, Canada Erkan Kaptanoglu, Turkey Giancarlo Guizzard, Italy Jacques Morcos, USA Erkin Ozgiray, Turkey Gilbert Dechambenoit, France Jafri Malin Abdullah, Malaysia Erol Veznedaroglu, USA Gilberto Leung, Hong-Kong Jalal Najjar, Syria Ersin Erdogan, Turkey Giovanni Broggi, Italy James Rutka, Canada Ersoy Kocabicak, Turkey Giuseppe Lanzino, USA James K. Liu, USA Ertugrul Cakir, Turkey Gokhan Akdemir, Turkey James R.Van Dellen, UK Ethem Beskonakli, Turkey Gokhan Bozkurt, Turkey James Tait Goodrich, USA Evandro De Oliveira, Brazil Gokmen Kahilogullari, Turkey Jannick Brennum, Denmark Eylem Ocal, USA Gopal Raman Sharma, Nepal Janos Vajda, Hungary Fabian Cremaschi, Argentina Graham Fieggen, South Africa Jawad A. Bajwa, Saudi Arabia Fabio Santana Carvalho, Brazil Grigore Zapuhlih, Moldova Jean Goncalve De Oliveira, Brazil Fady T. Charbel, USA Guilhelme Carvalhal Ribas , Brazil Jesus Lafuente Baraza, Spain Faheem Sandhu, USA Guirish Solanki , UK Jing Chen, China Faisal Al Otaibi ,Saudi Arabia Gulgun Sengul Turkey Joachim Oertel, Germany Faruk Unal, Turkey Gustavo Isolan, Brazil Joao Luiz Pinheiro-Franco, Brazil Fatos Olldashi, Albania Gustavo Pradilla, USA Joao Paulo Farias, Portugal Federico Landriel, Argentina Hakan Emmez, Turkey Jorge Mura, Chile Felipe Albuquerque, USA Hakan Karabagli, Turkey Jose Lorenzoni, Chile Felipe Valdivia Bernstein, Chile Hakan Sabuncuoglu, Turkey Jose Nallino, Argentina Ferhat Harman, Turkey Hakan Seckin, Turkey Jose Alberto Landeiro, Brazil Feridun Acar, Turkey Hakan Simsek, Turkey Jose Marcus Rotta, Brazil Fernando Goldenberg, USA Halil Ibrahim Secer, Turkey Jose Zanoni Yada, El Salvador Fernando Knezevich, Argentina Hamit Selim Karabekir, Turkey Juan Barges-Coll, Mexico Fernando Lattore, Argentina Hasan Kocaeli, Turkey Juan A. Barcia, Spain Fernando Campos Gomes Pinto, Brazil Hayri Kertmen, Turkey Juan De Dios Del Castillo Calcaneo, Mexico Fernando G. Diaz, USA Heidi Beachli, Germany Juan Fernandez Miranda, USA Fernando Garcia Colmena, Argentina Henry Schroeder, Germany Juan Jose Mezzadri, Argentina Feyza Karagoz Guzey, Turkey Hikmet Ulug, Turkey Juan Luis Gomez-Amador, Mexico Francesco Dimeco, Italy Hirofumi Nakatomi, Japan Juha A. Hernesniemi, Finland Francesco Signorelli, France Horatiu Stan , Romania Julio Antico, Argentina Francesco Sala, Italy Hugues Du au , France Jun Muto, Japan Francesco Tomasello, Italy Huseyin Biceroglu, Turkey Jung-Yul Park, South Korea Francisco Gonzales Llanos, Spain Hyeun-Sung Kim, South Korea Justin Onen, Uganda Francisco Papalini, Argentina Ian E. McCutcheon, USA Jutty K.B.C. Parthiban, India Franco Servadei, Italy Ian F. Dunn, USA Kadir Erkmen,USA Fred Gentili, Canada Ibet Marie Y. Sih, Phillippines Kadir Kotil,Turkey Frederick Boop, USA Ibrahim Omerhodzic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Kaith Al-Mefty,USA Fumio Yamaguchi, Japan Ibrahim Sbeih, Jordan Kaoru Kurisu, Japan Funda Batay, Turkey Ibrahim Ziyal, Turkey Katsumi Sakata, Japan 25 List of Invited Faculty

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES List of Invited Faculty (In alphabetical order according to first name)

Kaya Aksoy, Turkey Marcio Rassi, Brazil Nabeel S. Alshafai, Canada Kaya Kilic, Turkey Marcius Benigno Marques Dos Santos, Brazil Nabil Abdel Rahman, Egypt Kazadi Kalangu, Zimbabwe Marco A. Molina-Martinez, Honduras Naci Balak, Turkey Kazuhiro Hongo, Japan Marco Gonzalez Portillo , Peru Nail Ozdemir, Turkey Kee B. Park, USA Marcos Masini, Brazil Najia El Abbadi Bendahane, Morocco Keki Turel, India Marcos Baabor, Chile Nasri J. Sami Khoury, Jordan Kemal Dizdarevic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Marcos Tatagiba, Germany Necati Tatarli, Turkey Kemal Koc, Turkey Marcos V. C. Maldaun, Brazil Necmettin Tanriover, Turkey Kenan Arnautovic, USA Mariano Socolovsky, Argentina Neil Martin, USA Keneshbek Yrysov, Kyrgyzstan Mario Izurieta, Ecuador Nejat Akalan, Turkey Kenichi Nishiyama, Japan Massimiliano Visocchi, Italy Nelci Zanon, Brazil Kenichiro Kikuta, Japan Matias Baldocini, Argentina Nejat Isik, Turkey Kentaro Mori, Japan Maurizio Fornari, Italy Nelson M. Oyesiku, USA Keramettin Aydin, Turkey Mauro Loyo Varela, Mexico Nevo Margalit, Israel Khalid Siddiqui, Saudi Arabia Maximilian Mehdorn, Germany Nezih Oktar, Turkey Kheireddine Bouyucef, Algeria Maximiliano Nunez, Argentina Nicholas C. Bambakidis, USA Kim J. Burchiel, USA Mehdi Sasani, Turkey Nico D’avella, Italy Konstantin Slavin, USA Mehmet Daneyemez, Turkey Nicolas Foroglou, Greece Konstantinos Fountas, Greece Mehmet Secer, Turkey Nidal Khasawneh, Jordan Koray Ozduman, Turkey Mehmet Volkan Harput, Turkey Nihat Egemen, Turkey Krassimir Minkin, Bulgaria Mehmet Zileli, Turkey Niklas Marklund, Sweden Kresimir Rotim, Croatia Melih Bozkurt, Turkey Niklaus Krayenbuhl, Switzerland Krishna Sharma, Nepal Memduh Kaymaz, Turkey Nikolay Konovalov, Russia Kudret Tureyen, Turkey Mete Karatay, Turkey Nikolay Angelov Peev, UK Kyu Sung Lee, South Korea Michael Schulder, USA Nils Ole Schmidt, Germany Lars Poulsgaard, Denmark Michael T. Lawton, USA Nobuhito Saito, Japan Leo DaCosta, Canada Michalis Spyrou, Cyprus Nobuo Hashimoto, Japan Leonidas Quintana, Chile Michiharu Morino, Japan Norihito Shimamura, Japan Likhith Alakandy, UK Michihiro Kohno, Japan Nur Altinors, Turkey Ling Feng , China Michihiro Tanaka, Japan Nurperi Gazioglu, Turkey Lot Boublata, Algeria Miguel A. Arraez , Spain Oguz Cataltepe, USA Luis Alencar Borba , Brazil Miroslav Galanda, Slovakia Okezie Obasi Kanu, New Zealand Luis Felipe Martin Del Campo Perez , Mexico Miroslav Vukic, Croatia Oleksandr Voznyak, Ukraine Lukas Rasulic , Serbia Mohamed El Beltagy, Egypt Oliver Bozinov, Switzerland Lut Sinasi Postalci, Turkey Mohamed El-Fiki , Egypt Omer Faruk Turkoglu, Turkey Lynne Lourdes Lucena, Phillippines Mohamed Arnaout, Egypt Onder Guney, Turkey M. Gazi Yasargil, Turkey Mohamed Hafez Ramadan, Egypt Onder Okay, Turkey M. Kemal Hamamcioglu, Turkey Mohamed Mohi Eldin, Egypt Ondrej Bradac, Czech Republic M. Kemal Ilik, Turkey Mohammad Hoassain , Bangladesh Onur Ulu, Turkey M. Memet Ozek, Turkey Mohammed Safari Haspani, Malaysia Onur Yaman, Turkey M. Necmettin Pamir, Turkey Moncef Berhouma, France Oscar Alves, Portugal M.Tariq Khan, Pakistan Morten Lund-Johansen, Norway Ossama Al-Mefty, USA Madjid Samii, Germany Moshe Hadani, Israel Osvaldo Vilela Filho, Brazil Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Morocco Mostafa Kotb, Egypt Ozerk Okutan, Turkey Mahmood Qureshi, Kenya Mourad Bouaziz, Tunisia Ozkan Ates, Turkey Makoto Taniguchi, Japan Muhammad Raji Mahmud, Nigeria Ozlem Yapicier, Turkey Mamytov Mitalip Mamytovic, Kyrgyzstan Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz, Saudi Arabia Pablo Rubino, Argentina Manas Panigrahi, India Murad Bavbek, Turkey Pablo Gonzalez Lopez, Spain Manuel Campos, Chile Murat Imer, Turkey Panagiotis Selviaridis, Greece Manuel Cunha E Sa, Portugal Murat Kutlay, Turkey Paolo Cappabianca, Italy Marc Sindou , France Murat Vural, Turkey Patrick W. Hitchon, USA Marc Eichler, USA Mustafa Baskaya, USA Paulo Pereira, Portugal Marcelo Olivero, Argentina Mustafa Berker, Turkey Paulo Abdo Do Sexio Kadri, Brazil Marcelo Platas, Argentina Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu, Turkey Paulo Porto De Melo, Brazil 26 List of Invited Faculty

List of Invited Faculty (In alphabetical order according to first name) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

Petar Vulekovic, Serbia Serdar Alp, Turkey Vairavan Narayanan, Malaysia Peter A. Winkler, Austria Serdar Isik, Turkey Venko Filipce, Macedonia Philippe Cornu, France Serdar Kabatas, Turkey Vicent Quilis-Quesada, Spain Philippe Schucht, Switzerland Serge Gorelyshev, Russia Victor Guzman, Chile Pinar Ozisik, Turkey Serdar Kahraman, Turkey Victor Perez, Mexico Prem S. Ramani, India Serdar Kaya, Turkey Victor L. Benllochpiquer Castro, Peru Rafael Garcia De Sola, Spain Serhat Baydin, Turkey Vijendra Kumar Jain, India Rajiv Midha, USA Serik Akshulakov, Kazakhstan Vinko Dolenc, Slovenia Ram Prasad Sengupta, UK Serkan Simsek, Turkey Virendra D. Sinha, India Ramachandra P. Tummala, USA Shaan Raza, USA Vladimir Benes, Czech Republic Ramiro Alvarado, Bolivia Sherif Ezzat, Egypt Volkan Etus, Turkey Ramiro Villavicencio, Bolivia Shigeaki Kobayashi, Japan Volker K. H. Sonntag, USA Raymond Sawaya, USA Shigeru Miyachi, Japan Volodymr Smolanka, Ukraine Remberto Burgos, Colombia Shlomi Constantini, Israel Waleed Azab, Kuwait Rene Corvalan, Chile Sobhy Houissa, Tunisia Walid Ismail Attia, Saudi Arabia Resha Shrestha, Nepal Soichi Oya, Japan Walter Johnson, Switzerland Reza Dashti, USA Soner Sahin, Turkey Wan Tew Seow, Singapore Richard Edwards, UK Songtao Qi, China Walter Stummer, Germany Robert Bartos, Czech Republic Souad Bakhti, Algeria Wilco Peul, Netherlands Robert F. Spetzler, USA Suat Celik, Turkey William Gormley, USA Robert J. Dempsey, USA Sudan Dhakal, Nepal William T. Couldwell, USA Roberto Del ni, Italy Sujoy Sanyal, India Y. Sukru Caglar, Turkey Roberto Heros, USA Sunit Das, Canada Yahya Guvenc, Turkey Roberto Herrera, Argentina Suresh Nair, India Yahya Cem Erbas, Turkey Roberto Leal Da Silveira, Brazil Suryakant Dugani, India Yasin Temel, Netherlands Rodolfo Casimiro Reis, Brazil Sushil Patkar, India Yasser Orz, Egypt Rosario G. Rodrigalvarez, Spain Sussan Salas, USA Yasuhiro Sanada, Japan Rouben V. Fanardjian, Armenia Tae-Ahn Jhang, South Korea Yavor Enchev, Bulgaria Ruchan Ergun, Turkey Tai-Tong Wong, Taiwan Yerbol Makhambetov, Kazakhstan Rudolf Fahlbusch, Germany Takamasa Kayama, Japan Yigal Shoshan , Israel Russell Andrews, USA Takeo Goto, Japan Yoko Kato, Japan Sabir Abdulogli Etibarli, Azerbaijan Takeshi Kawase, Japan Yong-Kwang Tu, Taiwan Sabri Aydin, Turkey Talat Kiris, Turkey Yoshimasa Niiya, Japan Sa Ur Rehman, Hong-Kong Tanju Ucar, Turkey Yoshitaka Narita, Japan Said Ait Benali, Morocco Tarik Tihan, USA Yoshitaka Hirano, Japan Sait Sirin, Turkey Tariq Salahuddin, Pakistan Yousef Al-Awadi, Kuwait Salman Sharif, Pakistan Tayfun Hakan, Turkey Youssef Bouzoubaa, Morocco Samer Elbabaa, USA Temitayo Shokunbi, Nigeria Yuanli Zhao, China Samir Acharya, Nepal Tenoch Herrada-Pineda, Mexico Yuichi Murayama, Japan Samuel Damin Carr De Muzio, Brazil Terry Coyne, Australia Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Taiwan Samuel C. Obaegbulam, Nigeria Thomas Santarius, UK Yunus Aydin, Turkey Samuila Sanoussi, Niger Tiit Mathiesen, Sweden Yury Shulev, Russia Sanford PC Hsu, Taiwan Tito Perilla Cepeda, Colombia Yusuf Duransoy, Turkey Sanjeev Kumar, India Tobias Alecio Mattei, Brazil Yusuf Izci, Turkey Savas Ceylan, Turkey Tomislav Sajko, Croatia Yusuf Tuzun, Turkey Scott Robertson, USA Torstein Meling, Norway Zafer Berkman, Turkey Sebahattin Cobanoglu, Turkey Tufan Hicdonmez, Turkey Zeev Feldman, Israel Sebastiao Gusmao, Brazil Tunc Oktenoglu, Turkey Zeki Sekerci, Turkey Sebastien Froelich, France Tuncalp Ozgen, Turkey Zvi Ram, Israel Sedat Cagli, Turkey Tuncer Suzer, Turkey Se-Hoon Kim, South Korea Ugur Ture, Turkey Selcuk Palaoglu, Turkey Uwe Max Mauer, Germany Selcuk Peker, Turkey Uygun U. Altibaev, Uzbekistan Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, USA Uygur Er, Turkey 27 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Disruptive Leadership Innovations by Ataturk, Churchill and Gandhi”


Dr. Anil Nanda is the Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at LSU Health Sciences Center at Shreveport. He has held the post since the department’s establishment in 1995. Prior to this, Dr. Nanda served  ve years as the Chief of Neurosurgery, then a section of the Department of Surgery. In the spring of 2002, Dr. Nanda successfully obtained accreditation of a neurosurgery residency program at LSUHSC-Shreveport, the  rst such program to be approved in the  ve preceding years.

A native of New York, Dr. Nanda earned his medical degree with honors from JIPMER, Madras University in 1982. Dr. Nanda completed his neurosurgery residency at the Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia followed by fellowship training in microneurosurgery and cranial base surgery at the University of Pittsburgh in 1990. In the spring of 2012, Dr. Nanda received his Master of Public Health degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. As part of his curriculum, Dr. Nanda helped pass the Louisiana Youth Concussion Law, requiring all schools, clubs, and other organizations that sponsor youth athletics to provide athletes and their parents with information about concussions and the potential long-term e ects of playing after a head injury. In 2017 he was awarded a Doctorate of Humane Letters by Centenary College and gave the commencement address.

Committed to the expansion of higher education, Dr. Nanda has been the invited guest lecturer and visiting professor at over 400 national and international conferences and institutions. He has also published over 425 peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as two books including “Principles of Posterior Fossa Surgery.” His e orts have been acknowledged and rewarded both on a local and national level—he has been honored with the Living Legend Award in 1996, recognition as an Outstanding Leader of 2005 by The Times in Shreveport, induction into the Junior Achievement of North Louisiana 2011 Business Hall of Fame for leadership, determination, ethics, and giving back to the community, and inclusion among the Best Doctors in America consecutively from 1996 to 2017. Dr. Nanda has served as President of the North American Skull Base Society (2005-2006), Louisiana State Neurosurgical Society (2005-2007), Southern Neurosurgical Society (2006-2007), and Society of University Neurosurgeons (2010-2011). He was awarded with the Distinguished Service Award from the Society of University Neurosurgeons in 2015 and is currently a member of the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS).

Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Hot Topics in Epilepsy Surgery”

Frederick BOOP

Dr Boop attended medical school at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, followed by a general surgery internship and residency in neurological surgery at the University of Texas San Antonio. During residency he spent an elective performing pediatric neurosurgery at The Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto where he was greatly in uenced by Dr Harold Ho man and Dr Robin Humphreys. Following residency Dr Boop took a fellowship in epilepsy and functional neurosurgery at the University of Minnesota followed by a fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He joined the faculty of the University of Arkansas in 1989, moving to the University of Tennessee Health Science’s Center, Memphis in 1999. He currently serves as the JT Robertson Endowed Chair of Neurological Surgery at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, as the St Jude endowed chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery and as Co-Director of the LeBonheur Neurosciences Institute. He is Past-President of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Chairman of the American Board of Pediatric Neurological Surgery (ABPNS) and is a Director of the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS). He is married to Lee Ann Boop and has two children, Sarah Boop BA,MpH,RN and Scott Boop BA,MpH, a junior medical student. Dr Boop’s interests include pediatric neuro-oncology, epilepsy surgery and congenital disorders of the nervous system. 28 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Outcome of Asleep DBS Surgery for Parkinson’s Disease - Asleep DBS Out- comes are Superior to Awake DBS in Quality of Life and Speech Function”

Kim J. BURCHIEL John Raaf Professor and Head Division of Functional Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery Oregon Health and Science University Portland, Oregon USA

Education 1968-1972 Univ. of California, Davis B.S. Biochemistry/Genetics 1972-1976 Univ. of California, San Diego M.D. 1977-1982 Univ. of Washington, Seattle Resident Neurological Surgery

Professional A liations 1982-1988 Univ. of Washington Associate Professor Dept. of Neurological Surgery 1988-2015 Oregon Health and Science Univ. Professor and Chairman Dept. of Neurological Surgery 2016-present Oregon Health and Science Univ. Professor and Head Division of Functional Neurosurgery

Honors and awards 1972 Univ. of California, Davis, Graduation with High Honors, Dept. of Biochemistry Honors 1975 Mead Johnson Excellence in Research Award 1975 Roche Laboratories Award in Neuroscience 1978 Western EEG Student Prize 1978 North Paci c Society for Neurology and Psychiatry Resident Award 1978 American EEG Society Hans Berger Award 1978 Western Neurosurgical Society Resident Award 1979 Western EEG Student Prize 1980 World Federation of Neurological Societies Seventh International Congress Award 1981 Seattle Surgical Society Resident Award 2000 Honored Guest, Japanese Society for Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery 2001 Foundation Visitor, Annual Scienti c Meeting of Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Brisbane, Australia 2002 Honored Guest, Korean Society for Functional & Stereotactic Neurosurgery 2003 American Medical Writers Association Honorable Mention (Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Assessment, Mechanisms, Management) 2011 Distinguished Service Award, Society of University Neurosurgeons 2015 Distinguished Service Award, American Association of Neurological Surgeons Honored Guest, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting 2016 Honored Guest, American Association of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Annual Meeting

Academic Interests Pathophysiological and genomic studies of trigeminal neuralgia Classi cation of trigeminal neuralgia and other facial pains Surgical management of pain Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for movement disorders and other disorders

29 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Current Technics in Craniovertebral Junction Surgery”

Atul GOEL Professional & Academic Positions Professor and Head: Department of Neurosurgery, King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth G.S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai, India, 1998 – Present. Consultant Neurosurgeon: TATA Memorial Hospital and Cancer Research Institute, 1999 – Present. Hon. Consultant Neurosurgeon, Lilavati hospital and research centre, December 2004. Honorary consultant to Governor of Maharashtra State, India, 2009

Editorial Positions and Professional Memberships Chairman, Editorial Board, Journal of Neurosurgery (Spine). Section Editor, World Neurosurgery Editor, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, INDIA, 2001 – June 2007,Neurology India, 2003 – 2008 December. Editor in Chief: International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2008, Journal of craniovertebral junction and Spine, 2009 Deputy Editor: Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 2009 Guest Editor: Critical reviews in Neurosurgery. Journal of World Federation of Neurosurgery, Volm-3, No. 1, February 2004. Associate Editor, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, INDIA, 1996-2001 Member, International Advisory Board, Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica, 2000 – Present, Editorial board, Surgical Neurology 2002-2009, Editorial Board, Surgical Neurology International, 2010, Editorial board Journal of Clinical Neurosciences, 2003-present, Editorial board, Journal of Neurosurgery (Spine) 2007- Present, Editorial board: Spine 2011, Editorial Board, Neurology INDIA, 1999 –2002, Editorial board, The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma, 2004-present, Editorial Board, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 2007, Editorial board member: Open Neurosurgery forum. 2008, Editorial Board, Skull Base surgery, 2010-2012, Editorial board: Journal of Neurological surgery- Skull base 2012, Member, International editorial board, World Neurosurgery (O cial Journal of World federation of neurological surgery), Editorial Board: Journal of Korean Neurosurgery. International advisory board, Pakistan Neurosurgical Journal. Member Advisory Board, Journal of Neurosurgery- 2007, Journal of Neurosurgery- Pediatrics 2007

Organizational positions Founder Member, Skull Base Society of India. Life member, Neurological Society of India, Society of Cerebrovascular surgery of India. Member: Cervical spine research society. World Academy of Neurosurgery. 2008 Honorary member: Japan Neurosurgical society. Venezuelan society of Neurosurgery, May, 2009. Miembro Honorario: La AcademiaMexicana de Neurologia, A.C., PuertoVallarta, Jalisco a 27 de octubre de 20008. Founder President: Maharashtra chapter of Neurosurgeons, 2006 International member: American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2008.Congress of Neurological Surgeons, America, 2008 President: Asia-Oceanian Skull Base surgery society. 2011-2014 Chairman: Education committee: Asian congress of neurological surgery, 2009. President: Indo-Japan society of neurosurgery. 2014.

Publications summary Book 1. Kobayashi S, Goel A, Hongo K. Neurosurgery of Complex Tumors and Vascular Lesions. Churchill Livingstone, New York/ London, 1997. ISBN 044-3078-70X. 2. Goel A, Cacciola F: The Craniovertebral Junction: Diagnosis, Pathology, Surgical Techniques.2011, Georg ThiemeVerlag, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-13-149071-1

Number of Publications in peer reviewed and pubmed indexed journals–550 Academic Interests Entire spectrum of Neurosurgery 30 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Reconstructive Neurosurgery After TBI”

Alexander A. POTAPOV Date of birth : 5 July 1948, USSR O c e : N.N.Burdenko NSPCN 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., 16, 125047, Moscow, RUSSIA Tel/Fax : 007(499) 250-01-00, e-mail: [email protected]

Present Appointments • Professor of Neurosurgery, MD, PhD • Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) • Member of the President’s Council for Science and Education of the Russian Federation • Director of the Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute • Scienti c Secretary of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia • Co-Chairman of the Neurotraumatology Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) • Member of the Education and Training Committee of the WFNS • Chairman of the Website and Publication Committee of WFNS

Education, Scienti c Degrees, Professional Employment and social activity 1973 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, graduation with honors 1973- 1975 Intern, the Burdenko institute of neurosurgery 1975-1988 Medical doctor, medical research fellow, the Burdenko institute of neurosurgery 1982 Study at Karolinska University medical school 1980,1990 PhD, Doctor of Medical sciences 1988- 2014 Head of Neurotrauma Department, the Burdenko institute of neurosurgery 1989- 2014 Deputy Director, the Burdenko institute of neurosurgery 1992 Professor of Neurosurgery 2000-present Professor of the Chair of neurosurgery at the Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education (RMAPE) 2002-present Scienti c Secretary of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia 2006-2012 Head of Team for developing the Russian Guidelines for rendering high-technology medical assistance 2005-2008 Head of the working party for development of the Russian high-standard Guidelines for neurosurgery 2011 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) 2014 Director of the Burdenko institute of neurosurgery

Memberships 1989-present Member of the Editorial Boards of “World Neurosurgery”,“Neurosurgery”, Acta Neurochirurgica”, “Voprosi Neurochirurgii” 1999-present Invited speaker of the Educational Committee of the WFNS 2009 Honorary member of the Austrian Society of Neurosurgery 2009-2013 Chairman of the NT Committee, 2nd Vice-President at large and member of the Administrative Council of the WFNS 2010 Corresponding member of the German Academy of Neurosurgery (GANS) 2013-present Member of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee 2013-present Co-Chairman of the Neurotraumatology committee of the WFNS 2013 Corresponding member of the Royal Medical Academy of Belgium 2012-pres. Member of the bureau of the Council of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 2012-pres. Member of President’s Council for Science and Education of the Russian Federation 2014 Honorary professor of the National Centre of Neurosurgery, Astana, Kazakhstan 2015 Chairman of the Website and Publication Committee of the WFNS

Awards Medal “For Labor heroism” (1990), State Prize of Russia (1995), Order of Honor (1998), Prize of Government of the RF (2006), IY Degree Order “ For service to Motherland” (2008), State Prize of the RF (2009), Top Doctor Award “Vocation” (2013), Honored scientist of Russia

Authorship Author of 15 monographs, 3 manuals and over 400 papers 31 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 1 || August 21 (Mon), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center The Constituents of Microneurosurgery


Professor M. Gazi Yaşargil was born on July 6. 1925 in Lice, Turkey. He completed high school in Ankara, Turkey, studied two semesters of medicine at the Friedrich Schiller University,

Jena, Germany (1944-1945), and completed his medical doctor degree at the University of Basel, Switzerland in September 1949. Following his rotation program in neuroanatomy, neurology, psychiatry, internal medicine and general surgery (1950-1952), he began his neurosurgical residency (1953-1960) at the University Hospital in Zurich, under Professor H. Krayenbühl,

Professor G. Weber and Professor E. Zander. In 1960 he became privat docent, in 1965 Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, and in 1973 Ordinarius Professor and Chairman at the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, Zurich, until his retirement in January 1993.

During the  rst 12 years of his neurosurgery practice as resident, chief resident and docent (1953-1965), Professor Yaşargil was involved in developing percutaneous carotid, vertebral and orbital angiography. The detailed results have been published in  ve books (1957-1965)

In 1957 he learned stereotactic surgery with Professor Th. Riechert and Professor Fr. Mundinger in the Department of Neurosurgery, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, and introduced the application of high-frequency coagulation techniques on patients with Parkinsonism and movement disorders, in the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, Zürich. In 1961 he introduced the technique of spinal fusion using a telescopic screw device.

From October 1965 to December 1966 Professor Yaşargil spent 14 months in the animal laboratory at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Vermont Medical Center Burlington, USA, (Chairman Professor R.M. Peardon Donaghy). He learned and improved microvascular suture techniques on peripheral arteries, and pioneered the application of microtechniques to the cerebral arteries of dogs, subsequently establishing reconstructive microvascular procedures and by-pass surgeries on patients.

On his return to Zurich in December 1966, he began to apply microtechniques to the entire  eld of neurosurgery. Recognizing the phylogenetic and ontogenetic predilection sites of lesions of the central nervous system, and the distinct arrangement of the cranio-spinal cisterns, he developed transcisternal approaches to cranial and spinal lesions, and thus accomplished “pure lesionectomies” with the principle of complete elimination of the lesion at the  rst surgical exploration. The outcomes and results on several thousand patients have been summarized and presented in eight monographs, namely; Microvascular Surgery 1967, Microsurgery applied to Neurosurgery 1968, and Microneurosurgery in 6 volumes 1984 – 1996

Between November 1994 and July 2013 Professor Yaşargil was active as Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, USA (Chairman Professor Ossama Al-Mefty), where a renowned center for microneurosurgery was created, and regular microsurgery courses for young colleagues were o ered.

In November 2013 Professor Yaşargil was appointed Professor of Neurosurgeryat Yeditepe University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, (Chairman Professor Uur Türe), where he continues to be actively involved in microneurosurgical practice, teaching, lecturing and preparing publications.

32 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“How We Can Make Neurosurgery Simple and Safe - Personal Evolution of 50 Years” Madjid SAMII President of the International Neuroscience Institute (INI) at Otto-von-Guericke-University President of China INI Chairman (Retired) of Neurosurgical Departments Hannover School of Medicine and Klinikum Hannover Nordstadt Honorary President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Honorary President of the Continental African Association of Neurosurgical Societies (CAANS)

International Neuroscience Institute (INI) Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Str. 4, 30625 Hannover Tel. 0511-27092-700, Fax: -706 Email: [email protected]

1957 – 1963 Medical School University of Mainz, Germany, including second study of biology 1970 Associate Professor and Vice Director of Neurosurgical Department, University of Mainz 1971 Professor of Neurosurgery 1977 - 2002 Director of Neurosurgical Department Nordstadt Hospital Hannover 1988 Chair of neurosurgery at the Hannover Medical School 1991 Founder Member and 1st President of the German Society of Skull Base Surgery 1991 Founder and 1st President of Neurobionics Foundation Hannover 1992 President of International Skull Base Society 1995 Honorary President of German Society of Skull Base Surgery 1996 - 1998 President of the German Society of Neurosurgery 1996 - 2002 Director of the Neurosurgical Departments at Hannover School of Medicine and Klinikum Hannover Nordstadt 1997 – 2001 President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) 1998 – 2005 Founder and  rst President of WFNS Foundation July 2000 President of the International Neuroscience Institute (INI) Inauguration on 21 July, 2000 June 2001 Honorary President of CURAC (German Society for Computer- and Robot-assisted Surgery) Sept 2001 Honorary President of WFNS July 2004 Nomination as President of the China International Neuroscience Institute at the Capital University of Medical Sciences in Peking, China Since 2005 Honorary President of WFNS Foundation 2011 Founder and President of the Iran International Neuroscience Institute 2011 WFNS awarded Madjid Samii Medal of Honour 2011 WFNS Ambassador for Africa 2016 Honorary President of the Continental African Association of Neurosurgical Societies (CAANS)

Honorary doctors and professors of 21 universities worldwide. Honorary and/or corresponding member of 71 national and international scienti c societies. Visiting Professor of Neurosurgery at numerous universities in Europe, USA, Latin Amerika and Japan. Honorary citizen in 11 cities. Editor of 17 neurosurgical books and more than 500 publications.

33 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Negative-pressure Hydrocephalus: Still Under-recognized!”


Education 1979 Certi cation as M.D. from the Catholic University Nijmegen 1979 - 1981 Military duty as a medical doctor in the Dutch Army 1981 - 1987 Neurosurgical training at the Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus Städtische Kliniken Duisburg, Germany (Prof. Bettag) 1987 board certi cation as neurosurgeon both in Germany and in The Netherlands 1987 - 1995 Assistant professor at the University Hospital St. Radboud Nijmegen 1991 - 2011 Consultant neurosurgeon at the Rijnstate Hospital Arnhem 1995 - 1999 Associate professor and senior lecturer at the University Hospital St. Radboud 1999 - 2010 Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre 2001 - present Full clinical professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre 1999 - present Training Program Director, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

Professional Affi liations 2015 - 2017 President of the EANS 2011 - 2015 Secretary of the EANS 2007 - 2011 Chairman Postgraduate Education Committee of the EANS 2001 - 2017 Member of the Accreditation Committee NVvN (Netherlands Society of Neurosurgery) 2014 - 2017 Member of the Board of Directors of the AANS 2013 - present Executive Board Member Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2007 - 2017 Member of the Executive Board of IFNE (International Federation of NeuroEndoscopy) 2009 - present Delegate for The Netherlands at the WFNS (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies) 2004 - 2013 Delegate for The Netherlands in the EANS Training Committee 2013 - present Member of the Neuroendoscopy Committee of the WFNS 2011 - present Member of the NVMSR (Dutch Society for Medical Legal Expertise) 2009 - present Member of the Regionaal Tuchtcollege Zwolle (Medical Correctional Board) 2015 - present Associate Editor “Acta Neurochirurgica” 2014 - present Associate Editor “Innovative Neurosurgery” 2012 - present Member Editorial Board “Surgical Neurology International” Reviewer for several journals ( Acta Neurochirurgica, Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery, Central European Neurosurgery, Clinical Neurology& Neurosurgery, World Neurosurgery, Neurosurgical Review, Neurological Science, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cerebrospinal Fluid Research, Netherlands Journal of Medicine)

Honors & Awards Recipient of a Lifetime Achievement of the Government of Jalisco, Mexico Recipient of the AANS 2017 International Lifetime Recognition Award Honorary Member of 14 international neurosurgical societies Elected Member of the World Academy of Neurological Surgery and the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica

Academic interests Minimally invasibe and endoscopic techniques; skull base surgery; pituitary surgery; vascular neurosurgery; deep-seted and intraventricular tumors; cerebrospinal uid dynamics; neurosurgical education.

34 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Enhanced Understanding of the Molecular Biology of Brain Tumours: What Neurosurgeons Must Know?”

James T. RUTKA Primary O ce : The Hospital for Sick Children Division of Neurosurgery 555 University Avenue, Room 1503 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8 Telephone : 416-813-6425 Fax : 416-813-4975 Email : [email protected]

Born in Toronto, and educated at Princeton University (1975-1977), and Queen’s University Medical School (1977-1981), Dr. Rutka did an internship at McGill University (1981-1982) before entering the University of Toronto Neurosurgery Training Program in 1982. His training included a research fellowship at the Brain Tumor Research Centre, the University of California San Francisco where he obtained his PhD in Experimental Pathology (1984-1987).

Dr. Rutka assumed his appointment in the Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery in 1990, and has been on the surgical sta at the Hospital for Sick Children in the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery since that time. Dr. Rutka’s primary research and clinical interests relate to the science and surgery of human brain tumors. He has over 450 peer reviewed publications.

In 1999, Dr. Rutka was promoted to Professor in the Department of Surgery, and was appointed Chairman of the Division of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto. From 1999-2011, Dr Rutka held the Dan Family Chair in Neurosurgery. In 2009, he was the Honored Guest at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons’ Annual Meeting. In 2010-11, Dr Rutka served as President of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. In 2011, he became President of the World Academy of Neurological Surgery, and the American Academy of Neurological Surgery. In 2013, he became the  rst Canadian to be appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neurosurgery. In 2015, he was made an O cer of the Order of Canada.

35 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

Neuromorphologic Parallelism Between Gliomas and AVMs Anton VALAVANIS

Anton Valavanis was born in 1952 in Athens, Greece. He obtained his medical degree in 1977 and completed his residency in radiology, including training in neuroradiology, at the Department of Radiology of the University Hospital of Zurich. In 1985, he introduced MR-neuroimaging at the University Hospital of Zurich.

He started his career as Assistant Professor in 1984 and obtained full professorship at the chair of neuroradiology in 1994. The same year, he founded the Institute of Neuroradiology at the University of Zurich, and has been its Chairman ever since.

In the early eighties, he started developing and applying endovascular techniques for the treatment of CNS and head and neck vascular and neoplastic lesions. The Institute of Neuroradiology at the University Hospital of Zurich is recognised as one of the leading centres of interventional neuroradiology worldwide.

Since 1982, he has been a member of the governing council of the Neuroscience Center Zurich and ETH Zurich and later co-founded the Clinical Neuroscience Center at the University Hospital Zurich, where he currently serves as Chair of the governing council. He is also a founding member of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology, the Swiss Society of Neuroradiology and other prestigious organizations.

A dedicated researcher, his leadership abilities have been recognised by his peers both nationally and internationally. He served as President of the World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies from 1997 to 2002 and has been President of the Swiss Society of Neuroradiology since 2001. He served in the Executive Committee and as Chairman of the Committees on Interventional Neuroradiology and Head and Neck of the European Society of Neuroradiology, and also chairs the Scienti c Programme and Scienti c Award Committee of the World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology.

Over the years, he has received numerous honours for his outstanding work, including the Scienti c Award of the German, Swiss and European societies of neuroradiology and the James Bull Medal of the British Society of Neuroradiologists. He has been awarded Honorary Membership of the Hellenic Radiological and Neurosurgical societies, and of the Italian Society of Neuroradiology. He holds honorary directorships at the neuroradiology departments of the International Neuroscience Institutes of Hannover, Germany, and Beijing, China.

He served as Editor-in-Chief of Neuroradiologia Helvetica, and was the Editor-in-Chief of Neuroradiology from 1991 to 2005. He is also a member of the editorial board of various journals on neuroradiology, neurosurgery and skull base surgery.

He has authored or co-authored 200 original scienti c publications and two books, ‘Clinical lmaging of the Cerebellopontine Angle’ and ‘Interventional Neuroradiology’.

In addition to his proli c research, he has lectured extensively and has been invited to give more than 400 lectures all around the world. He was notably President of the 17th Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology, the International Congress of Head and Neck Radiology and the 1st Congress of the World Federation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Zurich in 1991. In 1992 he founded the ‘Zurich Course on Interventional Neuroradiology’, which has been held annually ever since and is recognised as one of the premier educational activities in the  eld. He has been honoured as the inaugural lecturer for the ‘M. Gazi and Dianne Yasargil Lectureship’ by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, US.

Prof. Valavanis is married to Dr. Susanne Valavanis-Bürli and has two daughters.


Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Acoustic Neuroma: Hear Me!”

Ossama ALMEFTY Director of Skull Base Surgery Brigham & Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School [email protected] Education 1972 MD – Damascus University Medical School 1974-1978 Neurosurgery Residency - West Virginia University 1986-1993 Professor of Neurosurgery – University of Mississippi, University of Loyola – Chicago 1993-2009 Professor and Chairman – University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Professional Affi liations Founding member and past president of World Academy of Neurological Surgeons Founding member and past president of North America Skull Base Society

Awards Olivercrona Medalist Magnus Medalist Cushing Metal for excellence and innovation Abulcasis Medal

Academic interests Microneurosurgery, Skull Base Surgery

38 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 2 || August 22 (Tue), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Is Aneurysm Clipping Still Relevant?”

Robert F. SPETZLER President and Chief Executive O cer, Director, and J. N. Harber Chair of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neu- rological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Education 1979 Board certi cation, American Board of Neurological Surgery 1972 – 1977 Residency, Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California 1971 – 1972 Internship, Northwestern University, Wesley Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois 1971 MD, Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois 1967 BS, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois

Academic Appointments 2014 – 2017 Chair, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona 2011 – 2017 Professor, A liate Faculty, Department of Surgery, Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona 2007 – 2017 Robert F. Spetzler Chair, Neurosurgical Education, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona 2007 – 2017 Adjunct Professor, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 1994 – 2017 Robert F. Spetzler Chair, Neurosurgical Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona 1991 – 2017 Professor, Section of Neurosurgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona

Professional Affi liations 2014 – 2017 Section Editor, World Neurosurgery 2011 – 2017 Appeals Panel, Neurosurgery, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education 1986 – 2017 Editorial Board, Neurosurgery Current memberships: American Academy of Neurological Surgery, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, Arizona Medical Association, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, German Society of Neurological Surgery, North American Skull Base Society, Society of Neurological Surgeons, World Academy of Neurological Surgery, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

Academic Interests Comparison of the safety and e cacy of microsurgical clipping to endovascular coil embolization for the treatment of ruptured cerebral aneurysms; retractorless surgery; safe entry zones; microvascular treatment of deep-seated lesions (e.g., arteriovenous malformations, cavernous malformations, spinal vascular malformations, subarachnoid hemorrhages).

39 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Long Term Results of High Flow Bypass in Treating Cerebrovascular Diseases and Skull Base Tumors”

Yong-Kwang TU

Dr. Tu completed his medical education at the Medical School of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan in 1976 and his neurosurgical resident training at the University Hospital in 1980. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences of the same university in 1984.

He joined the Taiwanese Medical Mission to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and served as the Chief of Neurosurgery at the King Fahd General Hospital in Jeddah for a year. Then, he went to Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston as research fellow in neurosurgery for four years. He was appointed as lecturer of surgery at Harvard Medical School in 1987.

After he returned back to Taiwan in 1988, he has been on sta of Department of Neurosurgery at National Taiwan University for his whole career, and became professor and chairman of the department. He was the deputy director of the Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Medicine at the National Taiwan University since the inaugurations of this center in May 2011.

The major clinical and research interests of Dr. Tu are physiology of cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism, cerebral protection, cerebrovascular surgery, skull base surgery and neurosurgical intensive care. He is the author of over 150 publications and organized many national and international conferences concerning these particular  elds. Dr. Tu is the pioneer of skull base surgery in Taiwan and Asia. He is the  rst person who described direct surgical approach to obliterate the carotid cavernous  stula in the world. He also owns one of the largest series of arteriovenous malformation surgery as well as surgery to complex and giant intracranial aneurysm in Asia.

He is a member of many prestigious neurosurgical societies including American Academy of Neurological Surgery, Japanese Neurosurgical Society and World Academy of Neurological Surgery.

Dr. Tu was the President of Taiwan Neurosurgical Society, Taiwan Stroke Society; Taiwan Society for Skull Base Surgery, Asian- Oceanian Society for Skull Base Surgery, International Congress on Cerebrovascular Surgery and Asian-Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons. He also serves as the Second Vice-president of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies since 2009. In 2011, he was elected as the President-elect of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. His 4-year term of Presidency started from September 2013 till August 2017. Dr. Tu retired from National Taiwan University after he reached his mandatory retirement age and became President of Taipei Neuroscience Institute at the Taipei Medical University.

40 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Decision Making in Skull Base Surgery”

Basant K. MISRA

Education 1970 - 1975 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) V.S.S. Medical College, Sambalpur University, Orissa, India 1977 - 1980 Master of Surgery (MS), General Surgery, Safdarjang Hospital, Delhi University, New Delhi, India 1980 - 1983 Master of Chirurgie (MCh) Neurosurgery All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, India 1984 Diplomate National Board of Examinations (NBE), Neurosurgery National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, India

Professional Affi liation 11.1.85 to 3.1.87 Commonwealth medical scholar and Honorary Registrar, Western General Hospital and Royal In rmary of Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh UK 1.5.85 to 31.5.86 Research Lecturer in Neurosurgery, University of Edinburgh, UK 1.6.86 to 3.1.87 Registrar in Surgical Neurology Western General Hospital, National Health Services, UK 04.01.87 - 12.01.91 Associate Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, Director SCTIMST, Trivandrum 13.1.91 to 15.11.95 Professor (Additional), Dept of Neurosurgery Trivandrum 1.1.2012 to 1.1.2014 Clinical Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia 16.11.95 till date Consultant Neurosurgeon, Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, P. D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre

Visiting Faculty • Brigham & Women’s Hospital & Havard Medical School, Boston • Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany • Acibadem University, Istanbul, Turkey • National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan • George Washington University, Washington DC, USA • University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA • Texas Technical University, USA • Himeji Heart & Brain Centre, Japan • All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi • VHS, Madras • Al Qassimi Hospital, Sharjah UAE • Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI)Lucknow. • Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology

Membership 2013 - 2017 Secretary, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 2015 - 2019 President, Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons 2016 - 2020 President, World Federation of Skull Base Societies 2015 - 2017 President, International Conference of Cerebrovascular Surgery

Academic Interests Microsurgery of cerebral aneurysm and cerebrovascular malformation Microsurgery of complex skull base tumour Computer and image guided microneurosurgery Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Radiosurgery.

41 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Surgery for Traumatic Brain Injury: Where Are We Now?”


Born Forli, Italy, 07-08-51 Graduated in Medicine University of Bologna, 1976, Cum Laude Full Training in Neurosurgery 1985 Experience of work abroad: Sweden (Stocholm) , UK (She eld , Edinburgh) Sta Neurosurgeon at Bellaria Hospital Bologna (1985-1990) , Director of Neurotrauma and Emergency Dept. Bufalini Hospital Cesena (1990-2007) , Director of Neurosurgery-Neurotraumatology, University Hospitals of Parma and Reggio Emilia, Italy (2007-2016) Teaching professor of Neurosurgery, University of Padua and Parma, Italy Honorary Professor of Neurosurgery Burdenko Institute , Moskow Chairman the Neurotrauma Committee of the WFNS (2002-2009) President Elect, WFNS (2015) Invited speaker in the last 10 years to 45 international meetings in all the 5 Continents of the WFNS Visiting professor in UK, Taiwan, Russia, Argentina, Indonesia, USA, Chairman of 5 international training course for young Neurosurgeons, teacher in other 7 Courses Chairman Scienti c Committee Interim Meeting WFNS Chairman of 5 International Meetings 168 peer reviewed papers published together with 4 book chapters H-index=33 4246 total citations by 3008 documents In last 5 years: 20 papers on head injuries, 13 papers on brain tumors, 9 papers on spine and other topics

Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Low Grade Gliomas”

M. Necmettin PAMIR

Dr. Pamir was born in Nicosia- Cyprus on December 26th, 1953. He graduated from Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Medical School in 1976. He  nished his Neurosurgery training at Hacettepe University, Ankara in 1981. From 1984 to 1985 he completed clinical neurosurgical fellowships at Karolinska and Zurich Universities. In 1985 he became Assistant Professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine- Department of Neurosurgery and in the same year he earned the Associate Professor degree at the same department. In 1986 he was appointed as chairman of Marmara University School of Medicine-Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul. In 1991 he earned the Professors Degree at the same institution. In 1992 he was appointed as the director of Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences. In 1992 he completed skull-base surgery fellowships at Pittsburgh University, Virginia University and George Washington Universities. In 1995 he received Gamma-Knife training at Karolinska University in Stockholm-Sweden. He served as a member of the Marmara University’s Institute of Neurological Sciences Foundation-Board of Trustees, and as the Physician in Chief of Marmara University Hospital. Since 2008 Dr. Pamir is the chairman of Department of Neurosurgery at Acıbadem University, School of Medicine. Dr. Pamir has completed his role as Founding President of Acıbadem University, between 2008-2012. He also served as the President of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, as a member of Turkish Neurosurgical Society-Training Committee, and as the director of Turkish Neurosurgical Society training course and as a member of the Advisory Board of Turkish Neurosurgical Society. Internationally, he served as a member of the Training Committee of EANS, as a member of the WFNS- Stereotactic Radiosurgery working group, as  rst a member of the WFNS-Skull Base Surgery study group then as chairman of WFNS- SBSG an executive committee member and as the secretary then president of the Meningiomas and Cerebral Venous System Society, as the president of Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica, and as a founding member and secretary- treasurer of World Academy of Neurological Surgery. He is member of German Academy of Neurosurgery. Now he is acting president of World Academy of Neurological Surgery and President of Turkish Academy of Neurological Surgery. He is Chairman of the Governance and Auditing Committee and board member of EANS. He is on the review board of 9 international journals including Neurosurgery and Acta Neurochirurgica. He organized 15 international and national meetings. He is a member of 18 international and national societies. He is the only Turkish member of American Academy of Neurological Surgery. He has received 11 awards, including Gold Medal of Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica. He has given invited lectures in Neurosurgery Departments of 8 international universities. He has 228 international publications, 64 international conferences and invited lectures, 14 instructions at international courses, 67 conferences in Turkish, 4 edited books, 23 book chapters, 175 presentations at international meetings, 103 articles in Turkish Journals and 405 presentations at national meetings. He is married to Feriha Pamir and is a father of three. 42 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery “Sylvian Fissure Related AVM’s”

Evandro De OLIVEIRA Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery, Mayo Clinic-USA Director, Institute of Neurological Sciences Praça Amadeu Amaral, 27 –5º 01327-010-São Paulo –SP -Brazil Tel: 55 (11) 3288-8635 Email: [email protected]

Educational Background And Academic Titles 1969 M.D.: Santa Catarina Federal University School of Medicine, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil 1970-1972 Residency: Neurological Surgery, “Universidad del Republica, Faculdad de Medicina de Montevideo”, Uruguay 1981-1982 Research Fellow: Microneuroanatomy, University of Florida Department of Neurological Surgery, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. 1985-1998 Director: São Paulo Neurological Institute, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil 1989-1996 Associate Professor: Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine, USA 1990-2002 Assistant Professor: Neurosurgery Chief: Vascular and Tumors Group, Division of Neurosurgery, Sao Paulo University School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1996 Professor of Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery. University of Florida College of Medicine, USA 1998 Director: Institute of Neurological Sciences São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2003-2015 Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical Sciences School, State University of Campinas–UNICAMP. 2016 Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery at the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, USA

Fields of Research or Academic Interests Microsurgical anatomy; Cerebrovascular diseases; Brain tumors; Pituitary tumors; Spinal cord tumors; Epilepsy

43 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 3 || August 23 (Wed), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Treatment for Metastatic Brain Tumor: Focused on How Decrease Adverse E ects”

Takamasa KAYAMA O ce Address: Department of Advanced Cancer Science, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine. Iida Nishi 2-2-2, Yamagata, 990-9585, Japan

Current Titles and Affi liations President The Japan Neurosurgical Society Professor Department of Advanced Cancer Science Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine President Emeritus National Cancer Center.

Licensure / Board 1975 M.D. 1981 Board of the Japan Neurosurgical Society 1982 Ph.D.., Department of Neurosurgery, Tohoku University, School of Medicine

Education 1969-1975 Tohoku University School of Medicine

Professional Experience 1976 Guest researcher, Department of Pharmacology, Tohoku University School of Pharmacology 1978 Guest researcher, Department of Neurosurgery, Justus Liebig University West Germany(Professor HW Pia). 1981 Assistant, Department of Neurosurgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine. 1983 Sta , Department of Stroke Center and Neurosurgery, National Hospital Sendai. 1990 Lecturer, Department of Neurosurgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine (Professor Takashi Yoshimoto). 1994 Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery. Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine. 1996 Professor and chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine. 2002 Director, Yamagata University Hospital. 2003 Dean, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine. 2010 President, National Cancer Center. 2012 Special Adviser to the President, Yamagata University. 2012 President Emeritus, National Cancer Center. 2013 President,The Japan Neurosurgical Society 2015 Professor ,Department of Advanced Cancer Science, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine

44 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“More Than 10 Years Follow Up for the Results of Spinal AVM Treated Partial or Complete” Ling FENG “Revolutionary Change for Dural AVF Treatment 800 Cases Experience” “Hybrid Revasculization for Ischemia Stroke 100 Cases Experience” “More Than 10 Years Follow Up for the Results of Spinal AVM Treated Partially or Completely”

Professor and Chief Expert of Neurosurgical Department Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, CMU [email protected] People’s Republic of China

Education 1990 - 1991 Visiting Scholar in neurosurgery and neuroradiology, Institute of Neuroscience, London University, the U. K. 1986 - 1989 Post-graduate, Ph.D., M.D., Neurosurgery and Neuropathology, Medical Post-Graduate College of the PLA, Beijing. 1982 - 1983 Diplôme de Techniques Microchirurgicales and Advanced Training, Interventional Neuroradiology, Université Paris France. 1982 - 1985 Post-graduate, M.A., Neurosurgery, Medical Post-Graduate College of the PLA, Beijing. 1970 - 1973 Under-graduate, Medical Department, Military Medical College No. 3. Shanghai.

Professional Affi liations 2019 President-elect of WFNS Congress/Interim Beijing 2011 - 2017 President of Chinese Congress of Neurological Surgeons. 2016 Honorary President of Rehabilitation Hospital, PKU Healthcare Group. 2014 Director of WFNS Foundation Reference Center for Neurosurgery Training. 2012 Vice President of Chinese Medical Doctor Association 2011 First Vice Pres. International Society of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery (ISMINS) 2011 Dean of Neurointerventional Graduate School of CMU. 2011 - 2016 Executive Council Member of China Medical Women’s Association. 2009 - 2013 President of Women in Neurosurgery, WFNS 2009 - 2013 Vice-President of Minimum Invasive Neurosurgery and Vice-President of Vascular Surgery Sub-committee, WFNS. 2008 Member of WFNS Foundation and Education Committee. 2006 Vice-President of China International Neuroscience Institute, (CHINA-INI). 2005 Academic Advisor to Macao Society of Surgery and its Neurosurgery Branch. 2005 Director of the National Samii Skull Base Training Center. 2004 Editor-in-Chief, “Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases”. 2003 - 2009 Chair of the Sub-Committee of the Interventional Neuroradiology, WFNS. 2002 Director of the Beijing Center of Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2001 Director of the National Yasargil Microsurgery Training Center. 2000 - 2015 Chair, Department of Neurosurgery, Director of the Center of Interventional Neuroradiology, Xuanwu Hospital, CMU. 1999 - 2014 EC Member, Chair of the Education Committee, WFITN. 1997 - 2000 Director of Research Center for Interventional Neuroradiology, Beijing Hospital. 1994-2000 President, Asia-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (AFITN). Life Honorary President since 2000. 1992 - 2000 Professor and Deputy Chair of neurosurgery and neuroradiology, Beijing Hospital. 1977 - 1992 Resident, Consultant, Deputy Chair of Neurosurgical Dept., General Hospital of the PLA. 1973 - 1977 Resident, Department of Surgery, General Hospital of Nanjing Military Unit, the PLA.

45 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“What is new in WHO 2016?”


- Professor of Pathology, Neuropathology Unit, UCSF Medical Center - Principal Investigator, Brain Tumor Research Center, Neurological Surgery

1986 - 1989 Clinical Instructor, University of Istanbul, Istanbul Medical School, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Istanbul, Turkiye.

1988 - 1989 PhD Studies, University of Vienna, Department of Medical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria. Research Assistant.

1989 - 1990 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of South Florida, Department of Internal Medicine & H. Lee Mo tt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL..

1991 - 1992 House o cer, Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, New York, NY and Manager of the Recanati Research Laboratory.

1992 - 1994 Resident in Pathology, Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Pathology, New York, NY

1994 - 1995 Fellow in Oncologic Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Pathology. New York, NY.

1995 - 1997 Fellow in Neuropathology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Pathology. Stony Brook, NY.

1997 - 1999 Clinical Instructor, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Department of Pathology, Baltimore, MD.

1999 - 2002 Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Department of Pathology, Baltimore, MD.. Sta Pathologist, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Department of Pathology.

2002 - 2008 Associate Professor, UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Neuropathology Unit, Principal Investigator, UCSF Brain Tumor Research Center

2008 - present Professor, UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Pathology

Publications: Approximately 170 peer-reviewed articles, two books, 12 book chapters, and 160 published abstracts

Professional Associations: Vice President of Professional A airs, American Association of Neuropathologists, CME Subcommittee Chair, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Education Committee member, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Editorial Board Member in 4 scienti c journals, Reviewer in 25 scienti c journals, Course Co- director of 3 international professional conferences. Member of Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium, Member American Association of Cancer Research, Society of Neurooncology, College of American Pathologists, Childrens Oncology Group, American Association of Neurosurgeons-Tumor Section, Southbay Pathology Society, California Society of Pathologists, New York- Neuroplex Society.

46 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Contemporary Management of Cushing Disease: A Judgement Call?”


Doctor of Medicine (MD) German Board Neurosurgery Jordan Board of Neurosurgery Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon KFSH&RC Head section of neurosurgery KFSH&RC Director of Residency training program KFSH&RC Chairman Department of Neurosciences KFSH&RC Director of KFSHRC & WFNS international Skull Base fellowship Professor of Neurosurgery, college of Medicine, Alfaisal University Director of Neuroscience Curriculum @ Alfaisal University Direct WFNS&KFSHRC skull base courses (Riyadh) 2011, 2014 Gold Medalist Saudi Association of neurological Surgeons 2017 Fellow of the American college of surgeons Fellow of the international college of surgeons Fellow of the Royal College of surgeon, Edinburgh American academy of NS German Academy of NS World Academy of NS Honored Member of Japanese Society of NS WFNS skull Base training committee WFNS Anatomy committee WFNS Education committee Past president & Treasurer AOSBS Honorary President, Middle East Stereotactic and Functional NS Society President ACNS 2018 Regional Editor INS journal Editorial & advisory board member: MIN journal (discontinued) Skull Base Multi-disciplinary PANS journal (Past) Neurosurg. Review journal Acta Neurochurugica Neurosurgery International Journal Chinese NS journal Indian journal of NS Asian Journal of Neurosurgery

Areas of Interest & Expertise: Skull Base, pituitary & vascular Microsurgery, Endoscopy and minimally invasive Neurosurgery.

47 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center

“Misdiagnosis in SAH. In uence in the Outcome”

Edgardo SPAGNUOLO Born: April 10th, 1954, Montevideo

• Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery. School of Medicine. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay (UDELAR)

• Chairman and Professor of Department of Neurosurgery. Department of Surgery. Hospital Maciel (School Hospital). Montevideo, MSP-ASSE. Docent Unit, School of Medicine (UDELAR) Education Center for Residents in Neurosurgery of Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

• Chief of Department of Neurosurgery. Department of Surgery. Hospital Policial. Montevideo. Docent Unit. School of Medicine (UDELAR-ASSE)

• Chief of Department of Neurosurgery of CASMU. Medical Center of Medicine Sindicate of Uruguay. Montevideo.

• Head of Neurosurgical Services of three private hospitals in Montevideo (COSEM; SMI; MP)

• Past president of the “Uruguayan Society of Neurosurgery”

• Past President of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies . FLANC.(May 2014-October 2016).

- Active member of the Administrative Committee of the FLANC - 2 Vice president of WFNS (FLANC) from august 2017. - Member of the Board of the AANS (from 2014) - Member of the World Academy of Neurosurgery (From 2013) - Member of the EANS - Past President of the Neurovascular Surgery Committee of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

• Member of the Administrative Committee of the FLANC from 2006 (president of Neurovascular Section; Web Editor, Treasure, Vice President and President)

• Member of the Committee of the Neurosurgical Society: “CONOSUR” (Neurosurgical Society of neurosurgeons of the south of Latin America). Past member of the Administrative Committee as Secretary of the Society.

• Consultant for the Health Care Department of the Uruguayan Government,regarding neurosurgical techniques and new procedures

• Member of the Academic Unit of the Hospital Maciel. Montevideo, Uruguay

• President of the Scienti c Committee of the Hospital Maciel. Montevideo. Uruguay

48 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

“Problems and Solutions in Geriatric Spine Surgery”


Dr. Mehmet Zileli was born in 1956, graduated Ege Medical School in 1980, became Professor of Neurosurgery in 1996. He served as the Chief of the Neurosurgery Department in Ege University, Izmir, Turkey between 2009 - 2011.

He had research fellowship in Erlangen University, Germany with Prof. J. Schramm and short term clinical fellowship in Albuquerque, USA with Prof. E. C. Benzel.

He has been the Founding President of Spine Section of Turkish Neurosurgical Society (1995-1999), President of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society (2006-2008), President, Turkish Neurosurgery Board, (2010-2012), President, World Spinal Column Society (2010-2014), President of Middle East Spine Society (2011-2015), President of the Asia Paci c Cervical Spine Society (2014-2015). He has organized 6th Black Sea Neurosurgical Congress (2009), ACNS (Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons) (2012), Middle East Spine Congress (2011, 2013), APCSS (Asia Paci c Cervical Spine Society) Congress (2014), Advanced Spine Course since 1997 (17 courses) and Istanbul Spine Masters courses since 2015.

Dr. Mehmet Zileli has important contributions to education and training of spine surgeons in Turkey, by organizing 16 courses on spine surgery since 1997, three cadaver courses (2003, 2005, 2010). He has also been the host of the “Travelling Fellowship of Spine Society of Europe” (2002, 2003, 2004). He is the founder of the  rst spine fellowship program in Turkey that served many national (35) and international (43) fellows.

He is the author or co-author of 169 scienti c articles (92 international, 77 national), editor of 9 books, author of 24 international and 81 national book chapters. He has presented 426 papers or conferences in international meetings and 342 in national meetings. H index is 17. Number of citations is 873.

He is the member of 14 national and 20 international medical societies. He is the editorial board member and/or reviewer of 35 scienti c medical journal.

49 Scientifi c Program Plenary Speakers

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Plenary 4 || August 24 (Thu), 11:00~13:00 Harbiye Hall (B2), Istanbul Congress Center “Development of Microsurgical Robotic System for Neurosurgery, Introduction of Medical Engineering for Neurosurgery”


Faculty May 1982-March 1989 Clinical and research assistant in the Department of Neurosurgery, the University of Tokyo Hospital July 29, 1988 Japanese Board of Neurological surgeon April 1989-December 1990 Clinical Fellowship in the Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic (Director; Prof. T M Sundt Jr.) January 1991-March 1995 Resident fellow in the Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic (Director; Prof. D G Piepgras) April 1995-December 1995 Skull base Fellow/Instructor in the Department of Neurosurgery, George Washington University (Director; Prof. LN. Sekhar) January, 1996-June, 1996 Chief Resident Associate in Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic July, 1996-December, 1996 Stereotactic and Radiosurgery Fellow at the Mayo Clinic (Director: Prof. Robert J. Co ey) January, 1997-May,1997 Director of Neurosurgery at the Teraoka Memorial Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan June, 1997 Visiting Fellow for Endoscope Assisted & Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mainz, Germany(Director: Prof. A Perneczky) June, 1997-Aug.31, 1998 Assistant Professor at the Department of Neurological Surgery, George Washington University Co-Director Spine Center George Washington University Medical Center Sept.1, 1998- May15, 2001 Assistant professor, Director of Neurosurgery ward Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo Chairman: Takaaki Kirino, MD, PhD) May 16,2001-March 31, 2006 Associate Professor Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo April 1, 2006-Dec.2012 Director, Department of Neurosurgery & Stroke Unit NTT Medical Center Tokyo Jan. 1, 2013-Current Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery Nippon Medical School, Graduate School of Medicine

Visiting Professor June 2001 Massachusetts General Hospital Neurosurgery&Neurology Ground rounds May, 2002 Mayo Graduate School of Medicine June 2007 Harbor view Medical Center, University of Washington, Department of Neurosurgery July 2013 University of Washington, Department of Neurosurgery June, 2013 Dept. of Neurosurgery, Geneva University Hospital

Publications Over 200 peer reviewed journal publication including 2 articles in New England Journal of Medicine and 1 in Lancet Neurology. Total Impact factors: 560

50 List of Travel Grant & Scholarship Recipients

Registration and Accommodation Grant XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

With the generous support of Codman Neuro, Companies of Johnson & Johnson and TIKA, The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency Directorate, registration and accommodation grant was awarded to 192 quali ed young neurosurgeons.

Free registration and accomodation are awarded to each selected recipient to support their attendance.

Bangladesh Nazik Ahmed Kenya Ruhul Kuddus Ahmed M Sallam Sydney Kirui Kipkorir Rono Mohammad Atikur Rahman Michael Zohney Johny Abdul Wahid Agar Ali Kasmani Bipin Kumar Chaurasia Ahmed Mohamed Sawy Ismail Hossain Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro Kyrgyzstan Kanij Fatema Ishrat Zahan Islam Alaghory Ulanbek Kozubeav Mohammad Sumon Rana Mohamed Khaled Elkazaz Rokibul Islam Mali Ethiopia Moussa Denou Bolivia Abenezer Tirsit Aklilu Edgar M Carrasco Tsegazeab Laeke Teklemariam Moldova Mauricio Daniel Puch Andrei Peciul Guatemala Serghei Borodin Cambodia Henry Giovanni Del Cid Solares Constanta Dogaru Peciul Long Sor Alexandru Sumleanschi India Toma Sergiu Cameroon Hanish Bansal Ion Preguza Ignatius Esene Anirban Deep Banerjee Silvia Danu Ranjit Devidas Rangnekar Daria Tcaciuc Cape Verde Dhandapani Sivashanmugam Alexandru Andrusca Ana Cristina Veiga Silva Nagarjun Maulyavantham Nagaraj Milesh Nagar Mongolia Chad Sumit Goyal Tsevegbat Enkhbayar Yannick Canton Kessely Renu Saini Sachin A Borkar Morocco Cote d’Ivoire Deepak Keshav Bhanagle Davis Mpando Maman You Esperance Broalet Linga Raju Ts Ibrahima Berete Saif Ul Islam Fortune Gankpe Djibouti Prabu Raj Andi Perumal Raj Nabil Adio Mousse Mahamoud Ali Meidal Saurav Kumar Samantray Hajar Bechri Kodeeswaran Marappan Sidi Mamoun Louraoui Egypt Balasubramani Karuppannan Claire Karekezi Mohamed Adel Deniwar Ribhav Pasricha Milena Sayore Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Aly Sumeet G Pawar Mohammed Yassaad Oudrhiri Ahmed Said Mansour Vivek Tandon Li Iyane Olivier Ouambi Mohammed Mostafa Agamy Abhidha Shah Fahd Derkaoui Hassani Mohamed Khalid Eissa Mohammed Yassine Haouas Ahmed Mohamed Zaatar Indonesia Sidi Tarik El Hamdani Mohamed Shabaan Mohamed Yunus Kuntawi Aji Zakariae Benyaich Ehab Abdelhaleem Abdelsalam Oskar Ady Widarta Felix Kossi Kouma Segbedji Ahmed El Fiki Arwinder Singh Gill Alena Ameyo Nubukpo Gumenu Omar Youssef Rr Suzy Indharty Loukou Franck Kouakou Heba Elsayed Elsayed Thomas Tommy Amadou Hassane Ali Heba Ibrahim Abouzahra Andre Marolop Pangihutan Siahaan Mesbahi Tarek Ahmed Elsayed Sultan Andi Nugraha Sendjaja Skounti Khalid Ahmed Atallah Saad Rhonaz Putra Agung Zoubida Bargach Ali Salah Khedr Sevline Estethia Ompusunggu Geo rey Jeane Ndekha Tamer Ibrahim Metwaly Dewa Putu Wisnu Wardhana Bankole Nourou Dine Adeniran Mahmoud Mohamed Wahdan Himmiche Meryem Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Lateef Iraq Khadja Ibahioun Mohamed Elsayed Elsebaey Osama Arim Alhusain Nagm

51 List of Travel Grant & Scholarship Recipients


Nepal Senegal Yemen Sunil Munakomi Sarah Ntshindj Mutomb Ebraheem Gomaan Al Hamed Amit Thapa Magatte Gaye Dinesh Kumar Thapa Zimbabwe Sagar Koirala Sudan Kantenga Dieu Merci Kabulo Sudan Dhakal Moayad Moawia Zain Elabdin Ahmed Gratian Simbarashe Gwenero Resha Shrestha Mohammed Awad Elzain Kelvin Taurai Nemayire Samir Acharya Ahmed Zidan Hussein Lenin Moyo Rajendra Shrestha Ahmed Mohmmed Awad Elhaj Toivo U N Hasheela Krishna Sharma Sawsan Ahmed Aldeaf Nyararai Togarepi Chandra Prakash Limbu Serge Eddy Teneku Mba Syria Nigeria Mohammad Almohammad Aljawash Scholarship of Turkish Neurosurgical Otorkpa Joseph Ega Omar Ibrahim Abdallah Society Abiodun Luqman Azeez Turkey Olabisi Oluwagbemiga Ogunleye Tanzania Levent Aydın Henry Olayere Obanife Juma Magogo Mzimbiri Müge Dolgun Chika Anele Ndubuisi Duygu Dölen Kelechi Onyenekeya Ndukuba Tunisia Buruç Erkan Afeez Ajibade Aruna So ene Bouali Ayça Kaldırımoğlu Atef Ben Nsir Burak Kınalı Pakistan Mohamed Kilani Mehmet Can Ezgü Saad Akhtar Khan Erek Öztürk Muhammad Usman Ukraine Eyüp Can Savrunlu Ammar Bin Ahsan Artem V Rozumenko Fatih Yakar Sana Ullah Pathan Igor Tysh Murat Yücel Muhammad Faheem Khan Andriy Igorevich Pavlov Gökhan Canaz Asad Abbas Andrii Naboichenko Eyüp Çetin Noorulain Iqbal Myroslava Marushchenko Melih Çaklılı Asghar Khan Babar Valeriy Cheburakhin Emir Kaan İzci Peer Asad Aziz Abdul Bari Qureshi Taras Havryliv Merdin Lyutviev Ahmedov Sundus Ali Ievgenii Iarmoliuk Kadir Altaş Fauzia Sajjad Arthur Mumliev Murat Zaimoğlu Ijaz Hussain Wadd Andriy Smolanka Veysel Antar Fahmida Arab Mallah Ayfer Aslan Naveed Zaman Akhunzada Uzbekistan Songül Meltem Can Muhammad Irfan Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev Bilal Kılıçarslan Muhammad Tariq Dilshod Muhammadvalievich Mamadaliev Can Sarıca Waheed Alam Rakhmon Egamberdiev Şahin Hanalioğlu Adnan Ahmed Maruf Matmusayev Ahmet Öğrenci Gayrat Eshkuvvatov Tuğrul Cem Ünal Philippines Tokhir M Akhmediev Ibet Marie Y. Sih Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov Lynne Lourdes Navarrete Lucena


Award Winners


The Scoville Award is to recognize a neurosurgeon whose work been instrumental in advancing the art and science of neurosurgery. The William Beecher Scoville Award was created in his memory by his family and was awarded for the  rst time in 1993. Dr. Scoville was an inventive neurosurgeon who was well known for having developed the aneurysm clip that bears his name, as well as for his innovations in such areas as the surgery of seizure disorders and cervical disc diseases. Dr. Scoville was a world traveler and enthusiastic supporter of the WFNS. Not surprisingly, the criterion for the selection of an awardee is that the individual has notably advanced the art and science of neurosurgery and has also contributed to global communications among neurosurgeons, preferably through the WFNS. The  rst ward was presented to Dr. Henk Verbiest in 1997 and the last one in 2009 to Dr. Robert F. Spetzler in Boston. The awards shall be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the World Congress. ALEXANDER N. KONOVALOV, M.D., Ph.D., has been the director of the esteemed Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute for 32 years and is the foremost  gure in Russian neurosurgery. He brought neurosurgery in the former Soviet Union onto the world stage despite the isolationist policies of its former totalitarian regime. After the fall of the Soviet Union, he maintained the unity of the Eastern European neurosurgeons.

Alexander N. KONOVALOV MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosurgery

Honorary President of “N.N.Burdenko National Scienti c & Practical Center for Neurosurgery” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Address: the Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., 16 125047, Moscow, RUSSIA Tel/Fax: 007(499) 251-65-26 • e-mail: akonovalov@nsi,.ru; [email protected]

Date of birth: 12 December 1933 • Place of birth: Moscow • Citizenship: Russia • Knowledge of English: Fluent Present Appointments • Professor of Neurosurgery, MD, PhD • Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) • Honorary President of “N.N.Burdenko National Scientifi c & Practical Center for Neurosurgery” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation • President of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia • Honorary President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Education 1957 - 1966 Sta Neurosurgeon, the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery, Moscow 1966 - 1975 Deputy Director of the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery, Moscow 1975 - 2014 Director of the Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute, Moscow 1981 - 1991 President of the All-Union Neurosurgical Society 1982 - present Full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 1994 - present Head of Chair of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Academy of Post-Graduate Education 2000 - present Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2002 - present President of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russian 2014 - present Scienti c director of the Burdenko neurosurgical institute 2017 Honorary President of “N.N.Burdenko National Scienti c & Practical Center for Neurosurgery” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Awards and Honors 1975 - 1983 and Vice-President of the European Association of Neurosurgical 1987 - 1991 Societies (EANS) 1981 - 1985,1993 Vice-President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies 1991 President of the 9th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Moscow 1985 USSR State Prize Winner 1995 Russian Federation State Prize Winner 1999 Medal of Honor by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies 2003 Order for Service to Russia 2004 International Prize “Profession is Life” (in nomination – an outstanding director of a medical institution) 2004 Decorated with Olivecrona medal, Stockholm, Sweden 2007 State Prize of the Russian Federation 2007 Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation 2008 Decorated with II Degree Order of the Russian Federation “For outstanding service to homeland” 2009 Honorary President of the WFNS 2013 Award by President of the Russian Federation “Hero of Labor” 54 Award Winners

The Medal of Honor XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

For outstanding achievement in neurological surgery, scienti cally and professionally, the Federation may award a Medal of Honor to neurological surgeons. A special committee composed of  ve Honorary Presidents or other respected neurological surgeons shall be appointed by the Federation President to confer and advise the Executive Committee. The award shall be presented by at the Opening Ceremony of the World Congress.

Ossama AL-MEFTY Professor of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard School of Medicine, Boston - USA

It is one of the true professional honors of my career to date to introduce Dr. Ossama Al-Mefty today. He needs no introduction to this audience but I will make some personal remarks here as a tribute to him. He was born in Damascus, Syria in 1947. He graduated from medical school in 1972 and served his internship in Cleveland and a year in general surgery in Toledo, Ohio. From there, he matriculated into the neurosurgery program at West Virginia under Robert Nugent and John Fox for whom Dr. Al-Mefty has enduring respect. Even more signi cantly, he met his future wife Janice there. The details of Dr. Al-Mefty’s career journey are fascinating. He spent his  rst 4 years in private practice in Richmond. The next step in his career was a most transformative one and further energized one of the great surgical minds we have seen in neurosurgery – he answered an advertisement to enter academic practice that took him and his growing family to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. He did his  rst petroclival meningioma there and continued a lifelong professional partnership with John Fox; he refers to this as “his time in the desert.” He proceeded to join the University of Mississippi under Robert Smith (on the advice of Steve Mahaley). Here the prodigious writing in skull base gathered pace, and the now seminal work on the posterior petrosal approach was published. He then moved to Loyola, where among other accomplishments he began one of the great skull base fellowships in the world -- the dissemination of a surgical philosophy and concept of doctoring will be everlasting. More on that later. He then accepted the position of the Chair at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where he took a small department and – if you know him, this isn’t surprising – through sheer force of will, individual brilliance, and work ethic, created an internationally renowned group whose intellectual core principle was the advancement of microsurgery and its technical mastery in all areas of our specialty. When I review this time, of his many decisions 2 faculty recruitments in adult neurosurgery stand out in particular: Ali Krisht, for how he enabled a young brilliant surgeon to grow; and Professor Yasargil, for how he was unafraid to bring this most brilliant surgeon to the United States. I was tremendously fortunate to do my fellowship with him in Arkansas having trained in Boston at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and I can tell you it was the best year of my neurosurgical life to date. What you know about his surgical ability is true, but it’s even more impressive right next to him - the raw technical ability matched with experience is indescribable. He has made a career of showing us what is possible, and it changed the arc of my own trajectory. What I also saw when working alongside him day in and day out is what a wonderful doctor and human being this man is. He is principled; he is gracious; he has a terri c sense of humor; and I know that my own career has been forever bettered by his in uence. A legion of former fellows will say the same. His sons have observed rightly so that his career has been marked by a relentless commitment to doing good – for his patients, pupils, mentors, or the unknown person around the world. We left together to come to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital under his good friend John Popp where his in uence and overarching guidance to all of us has been priceless. His philosophy of medicine and surgery has been instilled in all corners of our institution. His accomplishments are well known – he has helped us de ne the foundational principles of skull base neurosurgery and has shown not just me but the world what is possible in attacking deep-seated lesions safely. He is probably best known for meningioma and chordoma. He has written over 500 papers, 10 books, and has been  ttingly honored by all of our societies. He co-founded the NASBS and the World Academy of Neurological Surgeons and the International Meningioma Society. His relationships internationally are vast and service to the world community well described. He counts many of you in this audience as trusted colleagues and friends. In all, his is as distinguished a career in medicine as one could imagine. He is married to the amazing Janice, and father to Kynda, Kaith, and Rami, and has 5 beautiful grandchildren – theirs is a wonderful and loving family who keep him in line, di cult as that is. His daughter is a successful attorney, and his sons will continue his neurosurgical legacy. We have our own mythology, our own pantheon in neurosurgery, and I think I speak for the World Federation in acknowledging his rightful place in it. To a world class intellect, man, mentor, doctor, surgeon, and, gratefully, friend – I present to you Dr. Ossama Al-Mefty.

Ian F. Dunn, MD, FAANS, FACS Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Harvard School of Medicine 55 Award Winners

WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Abdessamad EL AZHARI Professor of Neurosurgery, Chairman of Neurosurgery Department, University Hospital Ibn Rochd, Casablanca - Morocco

Doctor Abdessamad El Azhari was born in Khouribga, Morocco, August 23, 1952. After having  nished his primary, secondary, and High School in his home town, he moved to Rabat where he studied medicine at Mohammed V University of Rabat between 1973 and 1978. He graduated from the Medical School in 1979. Being attracted by a career at the university, he succeeded in the internship examination of the University Hospital Center. He prepared a thesis on the surgical treatment of exophthalmia. In 1981, he began his residency in neurosurgery in Casablanca, at the Department of Neurosurgery, Ibn Rochd Hospital Center, under the guidance of late Dr. El Faidouzi and later on under the supervision of Dr. M. Boucetta, Chairmen of the Neurosurgery Department in Casablanca respectively between 1981 and 1998. When he  nished his residency in neurosurgery in Casablanca, he carried out a two-year fellowship in Rabat at the Department of Neurosurgery chaired by Dr. A. El Ouarzazi. He completed a third year fellowship in Paris at Hopital La Pitie-Salpetriere, at the Department of Neurosurgery chaired by Dr. J. Philippon. During his three years fellowship, Dr. El Azhari focused his training on cerebrovascular surgery and some aspects of functional neurosurgery like deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease. Being back to Casablanca, he held a position of Assistant Professor in 1986, then Associate Professor in 1990, and Professor of Neurosurgery in 1993. In 1999, he was appointed Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at Ibn Rochd University Hospital Center in Casablanca. Since he began his career, Dr. El Azhari has been a hard worker, with skills in innovation, organization, and a great ability in bringing back together diverging opinions. These gifts enabled him to serve neurosurgery at the national, regional and international levels. At the national level, after being nominated as Chairman of the Neurosurgery Department, he succeed in a very few years in building a team of neurosurgeons able to manage patients from a very big city like Casablanca (more than 5 million inhabitants), but who are also able to improve neurosurgery by introducing microsurgical treatment of cerebral aneurysms, pediatric surgery, skull base surgery, and deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat Parkinson disease. At the university, he understood the importance of a multidisciplinary approach of neurosurgery, by bringing together education and training in neurosurgery on the one hand, and clinical neurosciences on the other. The role he has played in innovating training programs enabled him to be involved as Chairman of the teaching methodology commission at the University, and later on as Director of the Department of Head Diseases. Dr. El Azhari has always answered the call when it comes to organizing and planning for the development of neurosurgery in the country or in the region. He was a founder member then president then past president of the Moroccan Society of Neurosurgery, a founder member of Hassan II Foundation for the Prevention and Cure of Nervous System Diseases, a founder member of the Federation of Maghrebian Societies of Neurosurgery, a founder member, president, and past president of the African Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. He has chaired various congresses held by these societies, and always actively participated in the organization of the scienti c programs of all neurosurgical and neurosciences meetings held in the country. At the regional and continental levels, Dr. El Azhari has spared no e ort to contribute in advancing African neurosurgery. He has supported and participated from the beginning in the WFNS Rabat regional training program. Although he was a founder member and president of the biggest regional African society of neurosurgery, AFNS (African Federation of Neurosurgical Societies), he has kept on calling for the uni cation of African neurosurgeons in a single continental body. He has been the  rst to welcome the arbitrage of Prof. M. Samii and, using his skill of e ective negotiator, he has succeeded in convincing the members of the AFNS in 2013 in setting up the CAANS (Continental Association of African Neurosurgical Societies). His approach was hailed by all African colleagues. As a result, he was elected Honorary President of the CAANS during the Second CAANS Congress in Cape Town, July 26-28, 2016. At the international level, Dr. El Azhari has always been a strong supporter of the bid for Marrakech to host the  rst World Congress in Africa. He has participated in its promotion with great enthusiasm, and during the organization of the congress, he held a very di cult task, namely the position of Chairman of the Scienti c Program Committee. He convinced us in the Organizing Committee of the Congress to cover the maximum amount of expenses for young African neurosurgeons, in order to encourage them in participating in the scienti c program. Dr. El Azhari is very active in the French-Speaking Society of Neurosurgery. He has been member of its Administrative and Scienti c Board between 2010 and 2015. He has held the position of Secretary General in this society since 2016. Dr. El Azhari is also an active member in many national, regional and international societies. He has organized and chaired many congresses held by these societies. His main  elds of interest are: cerebrovascular surgery, functional neurosurgery, skull base neurosurgery, and pediatric neurosurgery. He has published 109 papers in national and international journals. He is the  rst indigenous African neurosurgeon to be a nominee for the WFNS Medal of Honor in the history of the Federation. It is my pleasure, on behalf of the Medal of Honor Committee, to congratulate him, his wife, and their three children.

Abdeslam El Khamlichi, MD Rabat WFNS Honorary President 56 Award Winners

Ram Prasad (Robin) SENGUPTA XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Professor of Neurosurgery, M.Sc., FRCS (England), FRCS (Edin) Doctorate of Medicine, New Castle University, New Castle - UK

Professor Dr. Ram Prasad Sengupta M.Sc., FRCS (England), FRCS (Edin) Doctorate of Medicine, New Castle University, popularly known as Robin, was born on December 31, 1937 at Chittagong, India, now in Bangladesh. Born to poverty, he sold fruits and tutored toddlers to make ends meet and for schooling. After  nishing high school, he did his intermediate Science in Chittagong and then moved to Calcutta in 1955. After considerable struggle, he got  nally admitted to National Medical College, Calcutta. He completed his MBBS from Calcutta University in 1961. On May 1st 1961, Robin left for London after one month of marriage to his nearly six decade’s wife Mrs. Tapati Sengupta. During his  rst house o cer position in Manchester, the nurses there called him‘Robin’ and the name stuck. His journey in Neurosurgery started with a ‘Locum’ job in the department of neurosurgery in New Castle General Hospital, UK and continued there as a consultant in neurosurgery, Mr. Sengupta did his FRCS from Edinburgh in 1967 and he also had a FRCS from England in 1969 and MSc from University of New Castle in 1976. After his training, Mr. Sengupta returned to settle down in India in 1971. While deciding what to do without a suitable opening in India, he got an o er from Prof. William Sweet to work with him at MGH, Harvard University. After a year with Dr. Sweet, he returned to New Castle and settled down there as a NHS Consultant. He travelled extensively to learn from great masters of neurosurgery. Of the many academic honours bestowed on him, Fellow Emeritus of the University of Durham (2001), Fellow of National Academy of Science (2009), Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery, TN MGR University Chennai (2009), Honorary Doctorate of Medicine (New Castle University, 2016) are noteworthy. It is indeed a rare tribute to his international reputation in Neurosurgery that New Castle General Hospital named the Neurosurgery Theater as ‘The Robin Sengupta Theatre’ in 2003. An unknown Indian initially, Robin got his due from his home country with many public recognitions like “Neurosurgeon of the Millennium” awarded by the Neurological Society of India, “Vivekananda Samman” award from the former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam in 2016, ‘Loka Kalyan Award’ from Mrs. Manjula Chellar, Honorable Chief Justice of Kolkata High court to name a few. For his services to people with neurological disorders in the UK and India, he was appropriately recognized by the Queen of England with the award of “O ce of the British Empire (OBE)’, a rare distraction indeed. The BBC selected Mr. Sengupta from 20,000 surgeons in the UK along with representatives of other workers in the NHS to make a documentary “A Picture of Health” shown on BBC 1 on 22nd April 2003. Mr. Sengupta is a world renowned aneurysm surgeon and travelled around the globe to give lectures and operate on aneurysms. However, he enjoyed the most when he was invited to many cities in India to operate and give lectures. During these visits Mr. Sengupta was struck by the number of patients coming to him from Calcutta. It dawned on him then that to bring up the neuroscience of the highest order to Calcutta will be his ultimate challenge. He dreamt big and dreamt of a Neuroscience Institute in Calcutta. It is indeed a great achievement that he succeeded and Institute of Neuroscience, Kolkata (INK) was inaugurated by the Honourable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee on 28th November 2014. ‘Robin’, Neurosurgery Ambassador of India, has been responsible for introducing many giants of neurosurgery to India and remains active till today sharing his time between New Castle and Kolkata. Dr. Sengupta is the  rst Indian Neurosurgeon to be honoured by the prestigious Medal of Honour of WFNS. It is my pleasure and privilege to congratulate him and his family on behalf of the WFNS.

Basant Misra Secretary, WFNS

57 Award Winners


WFNS will off er 5 awards for the best original unpublished papers whose fi rst authors are Young Neurosurgeons. These will be presented at the 16th World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey. Each Award includes • 1,500 USD prize • Prize certi cate • Registration fee for 16th World Congress • Accommodation for 16th World Congress Terms and Condition • Applicants must have obtained their neurosurgical quali cations within ten (10) years (and be less than 40 years old) • Residents and Students are not allowed to apply • Papers should contain original, unpublished work on basic research or clinical studies related to Neurosurgery. • Applicant must send a pdf  le (not more than 10 double spaced typewritten pages exclusive of  gures and tables) • Applicant must provide her/his curriculum vitae (CV) and a copy of ID or passport. • Each application should be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the head of the applicant’s Neurosurgical department. • The deadline for the application is 30th May 2017. The award will be presented during the opening ceremony of the 16th World Congress on 20 August 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Awardees of Young Neurosurgeons Award

Ahmed Faried Ibrahim Jalloh Xin Mei Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Clinical Fellow in Paediatric Department of Neurosurgery, Sun Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran– Neurosurgery, The Hospital for Sick Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Children, University of Toronto, Canada Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China Bandung 40161, West Java, Indonesia “Can lactate fuel the human brain? “Glioblastoma stem cell “Hypoxic Preconditioning Induced A comparison of oxidative lactate di erentiation into endothelial cells Angiogenesis Through HIF-1α metabolism in normal and evidenced through live cell imaging” Accumulation and VEGF expression traumatically injured brain” in Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Rat Model“

Alexander Perdomo-Pantoja Josue Avecillas Chasin Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Johns University of British Columbia, Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Department of Neurosurgery, Baltimore, Neurosurgery MD, USA Vancouver, Canada “Serum rs5050 AGT Polymorphism is “Stimulation of the tractography related to Poor Prognosis in Astrocytoma: de ned motor sub thalamic nucleus” Potential Biomarker in Blood” 58

Useful Information about Istanbul, Turkey


İstanbul is a transcontinental city straddling two continents by its inland sea Marmara. The city is divided into four regions and has a natural harbor, the Golden Horn. One of the world’s busiest waterways, the Bosphorus, is situated in northwestern Turkey between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Connecting the two seas, Bosphorus also separates İstanbul to two sides known as European side and Asian side.

Currency ATMs

The Turkish Lira is the o cial currency of Turkey. ATMs can be found all around the country. All Bank notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, of them o er foreign language options and pay 50, 100 and 200 TL. Coins come in the amounts out Turkish liras. Cash withdrawal limits vary of 1, 5, 10 and 25 Kuruş and 1 Lira. from bank to bank and are around 800 TL to 1.500 TL.

Changing Money Credit Cards

€ Foreign exchange o ces, which are known as Credit cards are widely used and accepted. $ $ “döviz bürosu” can be found throughout the Visitors can use their Visa, Mastercards, Amex country. Operating hours are mostly Monday and Diner’s. to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:00. In the arrivals section of Atatürk and Sabiha Gökçen Airport, there are 24- hour exchange o ces. Also the exchange o ces located in shopping malls and Weight and Measures touristicq areas are open later and on Saturdays. US Dollars and Euros are accepted in highly Metric System touristic districts like Sultanahmet and Taksim but rates are often not competitive.

Electricity Business and Banking Hours

220 volt, 50 cycle. Most hotels have a receptacle O ces and banks are generally open 09.00 to with 110 volts. Socket type is standard European 17.00 Mondays to Fridays, and close for lunch two-pin. 12.00 to 13.30.

Demographics Local Time

İstanbul is the largest populated city of Turkey UTC/GMT + 2 hours 136 with a population of 14.7 million.


Useful Information about Istanbul, Turkey

Offi cial Holidays Nature & Climate XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, İstanbul is a city where four seasons can be May 19th The Commemoration of Atatürk Youth experienced. Spring and autumn are two and Sports Day, August 30th Victory Day, October unpredictable seasons with a range from 29th Republic Day and 1st of May Workers’ Day are chilly to warm. The average winter weather is public holidays. Ramadan Bayram: 25-26-27 June between 5°C and 9 °C. During the summers (only for 2017) Kurban Bayram: 1-4 September average temperature is between 18 °C and 28 (only for 2017) °C. The hottest months are July and August while the coldest months are January and February.

Visas Post Offi ce

To enter into Turkey visas are required but most Post O ces and the Postal Service in Turkey are

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. adnestrud xzrcitetion ullameo laboris nisi ut ex ea.dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. of the visas can be purchased for £10 or $20 generally abbreviated to PTT. (

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. adnestrud xzrcitetion ullameo laboris nisi ut ex ea.dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. at Turkey’s airports or border gates. Since the

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. information of visas is changeable, please contact adnestrud xzrcitetion ullameo laboris nisi ut ex ea.dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing. the visa information for foreigners on Turkish Foreign Ministry website. Turkey’s electronic online visa application system o ers to its applicants a comfortable and practical way to obtain visa.


İstanbul’s telephone service has two area codes, one for the Anatolian side and one for the European. If the land line you need to call is on the other side you must also include its area code (0216 for the Anatolian side and 0212 for the European side). Turkey’s country code is 90.

Practical Turkish

Hello: Merhaba. (mehr hah bah) How are you?: Nasılsın? (na suhl suhn) Fine, thank you: İyiyim, teşekkürler. (ee yee yeem teh shek ür lerr) What is your name? : Adın ne? (ad uhn ne) My name is ____ : Adım ___ . (Ad uhm ___ .) Nice to meet you : Memnun oldum. (mem noon oll doom) Please : Lütfen. (Luet fen) Thank you.: Teşekkür ederim. (teh shek uer eh der eem) You’re welcome.: Bir şey değil. (bir shey de yeel) Yes: Evet. (eh vet) No: Hayır. (Hah yuhr) Excuse me? Bakar mısınız? (bah kar muh suh nuhz) Excuse me : (begging pardon) Afedersiniz. (af air dair sin niz) I’m sorry: .zür dilerim. (Ö zuer dil air rim) Goodbye: Hoşçakalın. (Hosh cha kaluhn) Goodbye: Güle güle. (guele guele) Good morning: Günaydın. (Guen eye duhn) Good afternoon: Tünaydın. (Tuen eye duhn) Good day: İyi günler. (e yee guen ler) Good evening: İyi akşamlar. (e yee ak sham lar) Good night: İyi geceler. (e yee ge jay ler) Good night (to sleep): İyi uykular (e yee yoo ku lar) Welcome: Hoşgeldin. (Hosh gel din) I don’t understand: Anlamıyorum (An-la-muh-yor-uhm) Where is the toilet?: Tuvalet nerede? (Too va let ner eh de?).

61 General Information


3bridges 12.5 2 continents million international visitors in 2014 capital of th most empires visited city 3 5in the world

airports 3rd airport under 2 construction 233 hospitals

Europa Asia

imperial palaces 5dozens of 100 summer palaces and thousand bed capacity mansions

historical 4bazaars 8500 years of history million 15people international 78 visitors in 2015 museums

moderns universities and 112 Shopping malls 53 5 technoparks

62 General Information

İstanbul Metro Map XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Taksim closest to station ICC

63 General Information


01 Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus / Congress HQ Hotel 09 Konak Hotel Harbiye Mahallesi, Cumhuriyet Cad. 50 D, 34367 Inonu Mahallesi, Cumhuriyet Cad. No:75, 34437 Sisli / Istanbul Sisli / Istanbul T. +90 212 315 60 00 T. +90 212 225 82 50

02 Crowne Plaza 10 Nippon Hotel Bozkurt Mahallesi, Dolapdere Cad. No:161, 34375 Kocatepe Mahallesi, Topcu Cad 6, 34437 Sisli / Istanbul Beyoglu / Istanbul T. +90 212 291 60 80 T. +90 212 313 33 00

03 Cumbalı Butik 11 Point Hotel Taksim Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, Tavukcu Fethi Sk. No:31, 34380 Kocatepe Mahallesi, Topçu Cad. No:2, 34437 Sisli / Istanbul Beyoğlu / İstanbul T. +90 212 225 87 82 T. +90 212 313 50 00

04 Cumbalı Plaza 12 Ramada Plaza Hotel Bozkurt Mah, Dolapdere Cad. No:135, 34375 Halaskargazi Cd. No:63, Taksim, Beyoglu / İstanbul Sisli / Istanbul T. +90 212 315 44 44 T. +90 212 232 95 95

05 Divan Istanbul 13 Swissotel The Bosphorus Harbiye Mah., Asker Ocagı Cad. No:1, 34367 Visnezade Mahallesi, Acisu Sokagi No:19, 34357 Sisli / Istanbul Besiktas / Istanbul T. +90 212 315 55 00 T. +90 212 326 11 00

06 Elite World Prestige Hotel 14 The Marmara Hotel Kocatepe, Sehit Muhtar Cad. No:40, 34437 Taksim Meydani, 34437 Beyoglu / Istanbul Beyoglu / Istanbul T. +90 212 334 83 00 T. +90 212 297 13 13

07 Elite World Istanbul 15 The Marmara Pera Sehit Muhtar Mahallesi, Taksim Cad., 34437 Mesrutiyet Caddesi Tepebasi 34430 Beyoglu / Istanbul Beyoglu / Istanbul T. +90 212 334 03 00 T. +90 212 313 83 83

08 Grand Hyatt Istanbul 16 Titanic City Harbiye Mahallesi, Taskisla Cad. No:1, 34367 Kocatepe Mahallesi Lamartin Cad. No 47, 34437 Sisli / Istanbul Taksim / Istanbul T. +90 212 368 12 34 T. +90 212 238 90 90


General Information


66 General Information

İstanbul Tours XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

67 General Information


68 General Information

İstanbul Tours XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

69 Sponsors & Exhibitors


Platinum Sponsors (In alphabetical order)

Silver Sponsors (In alphabetical order)

Sponsors (In alphabetical order)


Supported by

70 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Exhibition Floor Plan & List of Exhibitors XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

Booth No. Name of Company (In alphabetical order) Booth No. Name of Company (In alphabetical order) 120 3D MediVision Inc. 15 Medtronic 107 Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş 34-35 Medyssey 1 B. Braun Aesculap 110 Möller Medical GmbH 112 Bezmialem Gamma Knife Unit 10 NEONER 26 Biokido 25 NEOS Surgery & MIZUHO Corporation 70 Brainlab Sales GmbH 27 - 28 Nöro Medikal Araçlar ve Sağl. Hizm. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti 20 Carl Zeiss Meditec Medikal Çözümler Tic. ve San. A.S. 113 Ono & Co. 16 Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies 99 Osteonic Co., Ltd. 132 DS Hitech, Inc. 133 Parsiss Co. 7 - 8 Elekta 116 Promedak 3 G. Surgiwear Limited 111 pro med instruments GmbH 126 - 127 GESCO Healthcare Private Limited 123 SCA Sharpline 114 INSUNG MEDICAL CO., LTD 9 Takayama Instrument, Inc. 103 - 104 Integra 122 Tasarimmed™ Tibbi Mamuller San. ve Tic. A.S. 127 JULLSURG MEDICALS PVT. LTD. 109 Tissuemed Ltd 74 KARL STORZ GmbH & Co. KG 125 “University of Health Science - Gülhane Medical Design and Manufacturing Center (MDMC)” 105 - 106 Kontour Medical Technology Co., Ltd 13 WFNS 2019 BEIJING 5 Leica Microsystems 14 WFNS 2021 BOGOTA 130 MECTRON SpA 11 - 12 Yeditepe University 128 - 129 Medprin Biotech GmbH

71 Sponsors & Exhibitors


Platinum Sponsors (In alphabetical order)

Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies

• Booth No : 16 • Website : • Address : 325 Paramount Drive Raynham, MA 02767, USA • Company Description : The Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies’ purpose is to reach more patients and restore more lives. Having advanced patient care for more than a century, these companies represent an unparalleled breadth of products, services, programs and research and development capabilities in surgical technology, orthopaedics, cardiovascular and specialty solutions with an o ering directed at delivering clinical and economic value to health care systems worldwide.

Carl Zeiss Meditec Medikal Çözümler Tic. ve San. A.Ş.

• Booth No : 20 • Website : • Address : Via Flat Plaza, Beştepe Mah., Nergiz Sok. No: 7, O s No: 43-44, Yenimahalle 06560, Ankara - Turkey • Company Description : ZEISS is an international leader in the  elds of optics and optoelectronics. The more than 24,946 employees of ZEISS generated revenue of about 4.511 billion euros in  scal year 2014/15. Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany. ZEISS has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. ZEISS develops and produces solutions for the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries, biomedical research and medical technology, as well as eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses, binoculars and planetariums. ZEISS is present in over 40 countries around the globe with more than 40 production facilities, around 50 sales and service locations, and over 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation).

72 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Silver Sponsors XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

B. Braun Aesculap Medtronic

• Booth No : 1 • Booth No : 15 • Website : • Website : • Address : Am Aesculap Platz 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany • Address : 20 Lower Hatch Street Dublin 2, Ireland • Company Description : • Company Description : B. Braun is one of the world´s leading healthcare suppliers As a global leader in medical technology, services and o ering innovative and high quality products and services solutions, Medtronic improves the health and lives of for hospitals and medical practices. The Aesculap Division, millions of people each year. We believe our deep clinical, with competence in the operating theater for 150 years, therapeutic and economic expertise can help address focuses on products and services for all of the core processes the complex challenges - such as rising costs, aging in surgery. populations, and the burden of chronic disease - faced In the  eld of Neurosurgery we understand the gravity by families and healthcare systems today. But, we can’t of the situation and consider it our duty, as a partner of do it alone. That’s why we’re committed to partnering in neurosurgeons, to support them with precise, reliable and new ways and developing powerful solutions that deliver high-quality solutions. better patient outcomes. Our products and services are designed to make their Founded in 1949 as a medical repair company, we’re now demanding working life easier, allowing them to turn among the world’s largest medical technology, services their full attention to saving people, prolonging lives and and solutions companies, employing more than 85,000 improving quality of life. people worldwide, serving physicians, hospitals and Aesculap Neurosurgery stands for products like YASARGIL patients in more nearly 160 countries. Join us in our aneurysm clips, Aesculap-Miethke Shunts and instruments commitment to take healthcare Further, Together. Learn for minimal-invasive neurosurgery. more at Aesculap Neurosurgery - Side by Side with neurosurgeons.

Sponsors (In alphabetical order)

3D MediVision Inc. Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş.

• Booth No : 120 • Booth No : 107 • Website : • Website : • Address : Unit#1002 Hotel President Business Center, • Address : Halk Sokak No: 5/A Yenisehir - Cankaya, Eulji-ro16, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea Ankara - Turkiye • Company Description : • Company Description : 3D MediVision is the world leader in digital 3d visualization We are working about book trade, especially medical titles and live-casting sytem. We are unique leading manufacturer approximately for 30 years in our country. Our works contains of 3d cameras and 2d/3d 4 channel recorder that they publishing, importing and marketing of many titles. help surgeons to view real vivid 3d images and real depth In general we are publishing about so many di erent topics. distinction while they are on surgery. We have 3d online While we are importing medical titles of di erent publisher contents service that we could edit and upload 3d contents for our stock, we are supplying special orders of our on our surg ix site from capture surgeons surgery through customer about all topics from whole the world. Of course our 3d cameras. as the result of developing of our business on every day we are selling and distributing all titles in our stock on our web site and sales o ces. We wish you have a bene cial congress. 73 Sponsors & Exhibitors


Bezmialem AONeuro Gamma Knife Unit

• Booth No : - • Booth No : 112 • Website : • Website : • Address : AONeuro Clavadelerstrasse 8 7270 Davos, • Address : Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversity Gamma Knife Unit, Switzerland 34093 Fatih, Istanbul - Turkey • Company Description : • Company Description : AONeuro, an initiative of the AO Foundation, is a worldwide, Bezmialem Gamma Knife Unit provides excellent care to multispecialty community of cranial neurosurgeons, the patients with brain tumor, vascular malformations neurologists, neuro-intensivists, and neurology-related and functional disorders such as Trigeminal neuralgia. A professionals who are committed to improving neuro patient multidisciplinary team including Neurosurgeons, Radiation outcomes. With its focus on education, AONeuro brings Oncologists, Neuro-radiologisst, Neuro-oncologists, Medical educational excellence to over 46,000 surgeons at 750 AO physicist and nurses evaluate and give the best and events worldwide each year. Its course o ering focuses on comprehensive treatment to our patients. Also, pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, Skull Base Surgery, and Cerebrovascular cases are treated with Anesthesiologists. Our dedicated Surgery. AONeuro also cooperates with regional, national, team at Bezmialem pioneer the concept of patient-centered and international neurosurgical organizations, as well as with in Neurological Surgery. its AOSpine and AOCMF colleagues, to provide the latest developments in the treatment of brain, facial, spinal cord trauma, and congenital anomalies.

Biokido Brainlab Sales GmbH

• Booth No : 26 • Booth No : 70 • Website : • • Website : • Address : Cinnah Caddesi, Farabi Sokak No:30/1 Çankaya • Address : Olof-Palme-Straße 9 81829 Munich, Germany 06960 Ankara - Türkiye • Company Description : • Company Description : Brainlab, headquartered in Munich, develops, manufactures Biokido; Research & Development company and manufacturer and markets software-driven medical technology, enabling settled in Ankara - Turkey, presents its innovative product access to advanced, less invasive patient treatments. DORA Motion (Digital Operating Room Assistant). Core products center on information-guided surgery, radiosurgery, precision radiation therapy, digital operating DORA Motion is a system that enables surgeons to reach and room integration, and information and knowledge manage the radiological images of the patient with only a exchange. Brainlab technology powers treatments in few hand movements without touching any surface, without radiosurgery and radiotherapy as well as numerous surgical any colleague’s help or any device during the operation.  elds including neurosurgery, orthopedic, ENT, CMF, spine DORA Motion targets less stress, maintains more control and trauma. Privately held since its formation in Munich, during operation. Germany in 1989, Brainlab has more than 11,800 systems installed in over 100 countries. Brainlab employs 1,370 people in 18 o ces worldwide, including 450 Research & Development engineers, who form a crucial part of the product development team.

74 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Sponsors (In alphabetical order) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

DS Hitech, Inc. Elekta

• Booth No : 132 • Booth No : 7 - 8 • Website : • Website : • Address : 3F, Jinyoung Bldg, 20, Olympic-ro 48-gil, • Address : Elekta AB Box 7593, 103 93 Stockholm, Sweden Gangdong-gu 05398, Seoul • Company Description : • Company Description : Elekta is proud to be the leading innovator of equipment DS Hitech was established in 1987. and software used to improve, prolong and save the lives We are a manufacturer specializing in TSA and Keyhole of people with cancer and brain disorders. Our advanced, surgery Instrument. e ective solutions are created in collaboration with We have ISO 13485 certi cate and are preparing CE certi cate. customers, and more than 6,000 hospitals worldwide rely on Elekta technology. Our treatment solutions and oncology We do business with many subcontractors as well as many informatics portfolios are designed to enhance the delivery university hospitals in Korea. of radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy, and to drive cost e ciency in clinical work ows. Elekta employs 3,600 people around the world. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Elekta is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

EUROSPINE, GESCO Healthcare Private The Spine Society of Europe Limited

• Booth No : - • Booth No : 126 • Website : • Website : • Address : Seefeldstrasse 16 CH-8610 Zurich/Uster, • Address : G-6, Gee Gee Crescent, 114 Poonamallee High Switzerland Road, 600 084 Chennai, India • Company Description : • Company Description : The aims of EUROSPINE are to stimulate the exchange of GESCO is a leading Spine, Neuro Implants and Instruments knowledge and ideas in the  eld of research, prevention manufacturing company with a Rich experience of 55 years. and treatment of spine diseases and related problems and to coordinate e orts undertaken in European countries for We manufacture and export : further development in this  eld. CRANIAL TRAY – (INFIGO), C-DISC – Arti cial Cervical Disc & Cranio Vertebral Junction Loops. Spine Implants RELIANT-Occipito-Cervico-Thoracic Spinal Fixation. DAS – Distractable Anterior Spacer. OCTACAGE – Cervical Anterior Fusion ALPHA-Single Lock Posterior Anterior Spinal System. CAPS-Cervical Anterior Plating System. BEAN CAGE – Transforaminal Lumbar Intervertebral Fusion cage TILF. RECAGE – Posterior Lumbar Intervertebral Fusion Cage PILF. CAGE. ETHAN – Anterior Spacer, COFS – Cannulated Odontoid Fixation System, Instruments like Retractor, Kerrison Punch, Disc Rongeur, Casper Distracter, Micro Instruments etc Dealers required. 75 Sponsors & Exhibitors



• Booth No : 114 • Booth No : 103 - 104 • Website : • Website : • Address : HQ: 168, Gieopdosi-ro, Jijeong-myeon, • Address : Immeuble Séquoia 2 97, Allée Alexandre Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, 26354, Seoul, Korea Borodine Parc Technologique de la Porte • Company Description : des Alpes 69 800 Saint-Priest, France Best quality product and service to the customer with • Company Description : ONLY ONE Integra is one of the world’s largest suppliers of neurosurgical Principle of Insung Medical, Korea. and surgical care products, providing a complete portfolio throughout the continuum of care. Product lines cover a number of neurosurgery specialties providing the surgeon the right solution in a variety of circumstances. Integra’s commitment to  nding innovative solutions tailored to the needs of neurosurgeons has enabled it to develop products that have in uenced generations of professionals. Every day, surgeons around the world hold Integra instruments in their hands or use Integra equipment. The company has developed a broad range of instruments for use in general medicine and a number of specialties. We wish you have a bene cial congress.

JULLSURG KARL STORZ GmbH & Co. KG Medicals Pvt. Ltd.

• Booth No : 127 • Booth No : 74 • Website : • Website : • Address : WZ-118, 1st Floor, (Rd B-Block), Opp. Mata Mandir, • Address : Mittelstr. 8, 78532 Tuttlingen Postfach 230, Above MTNL Exchange, Naraina Village, 78503 Tuttlingen, Deutschland - Germany New Delhi -110028, INDIA • Company Description : • Company Description : Since 1945, KARL STORZ family company has grown into a We, JULL SURG are the Manufacturer & Exporter of SURGICAL global manufacturer and distributor of endoscopes, medical INSTRUMENTS having our Head O ce at New Delhi, INDIA instruments, and devices. We are no giant on an international and at USA. scale but a leader in creativity, exibility, and expertise. Established in 1948, we have a long–standing global Our range of endoscopic instruments for human medicine, reputation for quality, excellence and outstanding service. veterinary medicine, and industrial endoscopy now includes Our instruments are well known for their high quality, more than 15,000 products. The most recent KARL STORZ durability and performance. developments are in digital documentation systems and Moreover, we manufacture instruments of the customer comprehensive operating room concepts. As a system design and shape also. supplier, we combine our expertise in endoscopy with software solutions to achieve integration in the operating room and to support clinical process and resource management. 76 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Sponsors (In alphabetical order) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

Kontour Medical Leica Microsystems Technology Co., Ltd

• Booth No : 105 - 106 • Booth No : 5 • Website : • Website : • Address : Block#6, Qinling Avenue, Xi’an High-tech • Address : FSM Mah. Poligon Cad. 8 Buyaka 3B D: 100 Zone 710304, Xi’an, China Ümraniye 34771, Istanbul - Türkiye • Company Description : • Company Description : Kontour Medical innovates, manufactures and markets Headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany, Leica Microsystems is a products for the surgical treatment of neurological trauma global organization o ering microscopy and digital imaging and tumor through the novel custom solutions to achieve solutions to life sciences, industrial and medical professionals. the convincing clinical outcome. Our mission is to provide unrivaled insight for our customers Founded in 2005, Kontour is privately owned and by pushing the limits of what has been previously possible headquartered in Xi’an, China. The Company has a pioneering and visible. focus on bringing the leading custom implants to the market. The medical division of Leica Microsystems o ers a range of In 2015, the world exclusive products, PEEK plate and screws, surgical microscopes and digital medical imaging solutions are invented and it delivers the revolutionary metallic-free for ophthalmology as well as neurosurgery, plastic and solution to the surgeons and patients. Kontour’s advanced reconstructive surgery, ENT, and dentistry. technology of neurosurgery has accelerated growth in Asia The company is represented in over 100 countries, has Paci c, the Americas, the EU and emerging international sales and service organizations in 20 countries, and an markets. international network of distribution partners.

MECTRON SpA Medprin Biotech GmbH

• Booth No : 130 • Booth No : 128 - 129 • Website : • Website : • Address : Via Loreto 15/A 16042 Carasco (GE), Italy • Address : Gutleutstraße 163-167, 60327 Frankfurt • Company Description : am Main, Germany • Company Description : Mectron has been active and successful in the dental  eld since 1979, developing and producing top quality devices. When Medprin Biotech GmbH is a high-tech enterprise co-founded mectron introduced PIEZOSURGERY® in 2001, the technology by outstanding biomedicine scientists in 2008, specializing was revolutionary for bone surgery: a device which provided in R & D and manufacturing of human tissue regenerative precision, safety, perfect ergonomics and the highest quality implantable devices. Our products have been CE marked to surgeons all aro und the world. Soon the new technology and sold to more than 40 countries, set up branches in became the benchmark for bone surgery devices. America, Germany and China. Once appreciated the intraoperative advantages obtained from the technology, mectron developed PIEZOSURGERY® devices speci cally indicated for medical  elds: PIEZOSURGERY® ex, PIEZOSURGERY® medical and the newPIEZOSURGERY®plus, which are today the best ultrasonic bone cutting devices Today more and more surgeons also discover the postoperative bene ts brought by PIEZOSURGERY® devices and speci cally faster and better bone healing, reduced postoperative pain, swelling and edema. Day afterday mectron continues to pursue the same philosophy of technical innovation and scienti c research to which it owes its history. 77 Sponsors & Exhibitors


Medyssey Möller Medical GmbH

• Booth No : 34-35 • Booth No : 110 • Website : • Website : • Address : 129, Hanbang expo-ro, Jecheon-si, • Address : Wasserkuppenstr. 29-31 36043 Fulda, Germany Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea , • Company Description : Jecheon-si, Republic of Korea Möller Medical is the world leading company in controlled • Company Description : CSF Drainage. The LiquoGuard product portfolio (www. o ers various bene ts as it provides a The Company has a pioneering focus on bringing leading “cruise controlled” CSF management, incl. automated and orthopaedic and neurosurgical spinal implants to market. controlled CSF drainage in a closed system, ICP measurement, documentation, detection of catheter occlusion, over drainage, slit ventricles, high- and low pressure, etc. Patients may be fully mobilized while they are pressure or volume controlled CSF drained and ICP monitored.

NEOS Surgery & NEONER MIZUHO Corporation

• Booth No : 10 • Booth No : 25 • Website : • Website : • Address : Abdi Ipekci Cad No 87/155 Bayrampasa 34030 Istanbul, Turkey • Address : Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, C/ Ceramistes, • Company Description : Cerdanyola del Vallès / 3-30-13 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 08290, Barcelona, Spain / 113-0033 Neoner designs, manufactures and distributes surgical Tokyo, Japan instruments and appliances speci cally for neuro and • Company Descriptions : spine surgeries. Research and development in the  eld of surface technologies are combined with scienti c studies NEOS Surgery is a technology company dedicated to in medicine to develop less invasive surgical solutions and the creation of Medical Devices for Neurosurgery, based reach best outcome for patients. Kerrison punches, rongeurs, in Barcelona (Spain). The company focuses on the R&D, curettes, spinal retractor systems, microsurgery instruments production and commercialization of innovative implants are among its neurosurgical product portfolio with many in the  elds of cranial and spinal surgery. other items to provide the excellence in operating room. MIZUHO Corporation is a Japanese company, who is one The good surgeons operate with any instrument, only the of the leading manufacturers of Operating Tables and bests use Neoner. Neurosurgery products worldwide. Established in 1919, celebrating the 100th anniversary in 2019. Top selling Sugita Aneurysm clips are distributed over 50 countries worldwide for more than 40 years since the  rst launch. To continue improving our unique technologies for the Sugita Aneurysm Clips and other products, we are actively installing cutting-edge technologies from Japan and overseas to create striking new products tailored to customer needs and to establish ourselves at the global zenith of medical equipment manufacturing. 78 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Sponsors (In alphabetical order) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

Nöro Medikal Araçlar ve Ono & Co. Sağl. Hizm. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti

• Booth No : 27 - 28 • Booth No : 113 • Website : • Website : • Address : Emek Mah. 33. Cadde No: 13/1, Çankaya • Address : 2-12-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, 104-0061, Tokyo, Japan 06500 Ankara, Türkiye • Company Description : • Company Description : Ono & Co. manufactures 3D medical models, KEZLEX®, based Noro Medikal, founded in 2009, have started its business on patients’ CT and MRI data. KEZLEX models precisely career with the aim of quality and trust in the sector and reproduce the inner structure, including bones, became the exclusive distributor of Symmetry Surgical nerves, and vessels. They can be cut, drilled and tapped (formerly Codman) in 2012, as a mixture of American quality with actual surgical instruments: the best tool for surgical and German discipline, Symmetry Surgical has been one simulation and education. Therefore, they have been the most successful surgical instrument producer all around adopted at many hands-on workshops worldwide. The the world and recently has the %90 of US Market. new endoscopic models are highly praised and have been adopted at many workshops as well. KEZLEX lineup includes In order to follow up the technologies in neuro surgery, Noro both standard models and case models. We manufacture Medikal has become the sole distributor of Scopis GMBH in new models upon your request with optimal material. 2015 and has been representing the quality and innovative technology of Scopis in Turkey.

Osteonic Co.,Ltd. Parsiss Co.

• Booth No : 99 • Booth No : 133 • Website : • Website : • Address : 1206Ho & 505-3Ho, 38, Digital-ro 29-gil, • Address : No. 36, Kabouli Building, Imam Khomeini Guro-gu 08381,Seoul, Korea Complex, Keshavarz Blvd. 1419733141 • Company Description : Tehran, Iran • Company Description : Various clinical challenges physician are facing these days in bone  xation surgery require solutions that can be only Parsiss Company has started its activities in the applications solved with innovative products. of new medical science technologies since 2006. We at Parsiss are increasingly focused on minimizing surgical Osteonic proudly meets these high demands set by the procedures’ invasiveness by designing & manufacturing industry, thanks to its cutting-edge development and of state-of-the-art surgical navigation systems. Parsiss manufacturing power coming from its key personnel with Navigation Systems are designed to meet a broad range of in-depth knowledge and experiences of more than two clinical demands in Neurosurgeries, ENT and Spine surgeries, decades in bone  xation product. enhancing surgeon’s ability to navigate instruments and Whatever we do, we always put our valued customers’ target speci c anatomical structures. Our streamlined satisfaction  rst, by applying the most stringent standard and easy to use systems have greatly enabled surgeons to both in R&D and Production. We pledge to go extra miles to con dently perform complicated surgical operations at a make our customers “100% satis ed.” You can count on us. faster pace, which results in shorter hospitalization period, faster recovery and lower costs.

79 Sponsors & Exhibitors


PROMEDAK Teknolojik pro med instruments Sistemler Ltd. Şti. GmbH

• Booth No : 116 • Booth No : 111 • Website : • Website : • Address : Erler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı Üstün Dekocity • Address : Boetzingerstraße 38 79111 Freiburg, İş Merkezi No:348/67 Etimesgut 06790 Germany Ankara - Türkiye • Company Description : • Company Description : pro med instruments (PMI) was founded in 1993 and Promedak Teknolojik Sistemler Ltd. Sti. based in Ankara, is headquartered in Freiburg, Germany. Since 1998 the Turkey. Our main business is medical video solutions for DORO® product line is marketed worldwide. In 2003 we any surgical discipline mainly using SONY medical cameras, opened our subsidiary in the US. Our core products are recorders, monitors and printers. We are also o ering unique cranial stabilization and retractor systems for standard solutions for 4K, 3D and live surgery organizations worldwide. and intraoperative imaging neurosurgical applications. Our main mission is to follow the new technologies to serve In addition, our product portfolio o ers a wide range of always the best to our customers. accessories, customized products as well as a distinct selection of non-stick bipolar forceps. Our international distributors are chosen because of their high level of service, their focus and expertise in neurosurgery.

University of Health Science - Gülhane Medical Design and SCA Sharpline Manufacturing Center (MDMC)

• Booth No : 125 • Booth No : 123 • Website : • Website : - • Address : Emrah Neighborhood, General Tev k Sağlam • Address : Büyükdere Cd. Metrocity AVM Nr: 4 D Block Street, No:60 Etlik , Keçiören 06010, Floor 4 Levent 34330 Istanbul, Turkey Ankara - Turkey • Company Description : • Company Description : We, SCA SHARPLINE are dedicated to serving Neurosurgeons Medical Design and Manufacturing Center (MDMC), which with the highest raw stu . Handcrafted from the  nest located in Gülhane Settlement Ankara, Produces medical materials, SHARPLINE instruments are longer and lighter items primarily for veterans and for all patients. MDMC also to provide maximum comfort, with optimum handles for gives support to dental products, R&D Projects and other better control. Surgeons have remarked on the sharpness of Training and Project studies. İt’s a leading center that has our Kerrisons, Disc-Rongeurs, and Micro Scissors, a necessity ISO-13485 quality certi cate. The most important feature in saving valuable operating room time. Perfectly balanced of MDMC is: processes from design to manufacturing are for excellent feel and ease of use. carried out in same place. In this sense, it’s the only institution We have the ability to customize and modify instruments to in TURKEY.  t individual needs. We also provide ongoing development MDMC aims to be in partnership with other engineering of new products in cooperation with surgeons and and medical  elds for manufacturing special custom made healthcare professionals. products that have high and unique value in medical  eld. both standard models and case models. We manufacture new models upon your request with optimal material.

80 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Sponsors (In alphabetical order) XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

G. Surgiwear Limited Takayama Instrument, Inc.

• Booth No : 3 • Booth No : 9 • Website : • Website : • Address : Rasoolpur Jahanganj Near hahtoda Chauraha • Address : 3-4-4 Tanaka, Taito, 1100001 Tokyo - Japan Shahjahanpur-242001 UP India • Company Description : • Company Description : TAKAYAMA Instrument, Inc. produce micro instruments over Manufacturer of World’s most commonly used CSF shunt a century. SuperBypass, Kamiyama and all our instruments “Chhabra Shunt”. Every day developing new medical devices. are now available worldwide. Please come visit at our booth Calvario x for cranial ap closing system. Resorbable dura and take a look. Are you A NeruoSamurai? Yes, you are! patch, Cere lm to keep layers separate after de-compressive craniotomy. Craniomapper to mark lesions on skin after CT scan. Patient speci c titanium cranioplasty implants, patient speci c vertebral and mandibular implant. Soft HA patch for repair of hollow bone defects. Poly-caprolactone mesh, burr hole plug & cranial ap closing system. Injectable Hydroxyapatite cement and many many more new products.

Tasarimmed™ Tibbi Tissuemed Ltd Mamuller San. ve Tic. A.S.

• Booth No : 122 • Booth No : 109 • Website : • Website : • Address : Demirkapı Topçular Mah. Topçular Cad. Set üstü • Address : 5 Killingbeck Drive, Leeds, LS14 6UF, UK No:3 34055 Eyüp, İstanbul - Turkey • Company Description : • Company Description : Tissuemed Ltd is a UK company and a leading manufacturer Since 1997 TASARIMMED® ’ s focus has been developing and of a synthetic surgical sealant used in the prevention / marketing high value added and technologically advanced management of CSF leaks. implants. Further, the Company gives a great emphasis on product quality, reliability and safety, as such the Company TissuePatchDural™ is a sterile, synthetic, single-use, self- adheres to strict quality procedures and uses the highest adhesive, absorbable surgical sealant and barrier  lm used quality raw materials . to reinforce dura mater closure and to seal closure against TASARIMMED manufactures and for supplies following cerebrospinal uid (CSF) leakage. TissuePatchDural™ products:  lms are an alternative to liquid sealants, providing a zero preparation, easy to apply, and a functionally and SPINAL economically e ective method of sealing conventional • Posterior spinal systems for adults titanium dural closures. • Anterior spinal systems for adults titanium • Pediatric spinal systems titanium • Pyra-mesh systems • PLIF/ TLIF PEEK cage system • Anterior Cervical Lockings plates titanium • Anterior Cervical cages peek and titanium • Posterior Lumbar cages titanium 81 Sponsors & Exhibitors



• Booth No : 13 • Booth No : 14 • Website : • Website : • Address : Jianguo Road #126, Chaoyang District 100022 • Address : Bogotá, Colombia Beijing, China • Company Description : • Company Description : WFNS 2019 Congress will be held from September 9 to 12, 2019 at China National Convention Center located in downtown Beijing, China. The Congress President Prof. LING Feng cordially invites you to join this great event. Glorious Neurosurgery is the theme of the Congress. We aim to make the technological innovations and strengthen ties with the international  eld of neurosurgery. We are ready to share the current circumstances of Chinese neurosurgery with you. The Congress will be available to hear your unique understandings, share others’ experience with you and update the status of neurosurgical area for you!


• Booth No : 11-12 • Website : www. • Address : İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Cad. 26 Ağustos Yerleşimi 34755 Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey • Company Description : Yeditepe University was founded in 1996 by the ISTEK. In line with Atatürk’s principles and with the contribution of pioneering and distinguished academic and administrative sta , Yeditepe University aims to educate students who are inquisitive, innovative, well-equipped with technological skills, well-acquainted with world culture, equipped with all the quali cations required by the business world and who have a solid identity. With its up-to-date academic programs and training, Yeditepe University o ers an education compatible with the expectations of the information age. Yeditepe University carries out its academic mission through the School of Applied Sciences, and 13 faculties entailing 64 undergraduate programs.


Sunday August 20 Opening Ceremony Aug. 20 (Sun) At a Glance Pre-Congress Courses LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



08.00 - 10.10 NA-1 08.00 - 10.00 08.00 - 10.10 WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy YNC SP Committee WFNS Young Neurosurgeons WFNS Spine Committee Forum Committee A Joint Venture with SeENS International Neurosurgery Course

10.00 - 10.30 10.10 - 10.30 10.10 - 10.30 Coffee Break / Foyer Coffee Break / Foyer Coffee Break / Foyer 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1/A 10.30 - 12.10 10.30 - 13.00 WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy SP YNC Committee WFNS Spine Committee WFNS Young Neurosurgeons A Joint Venture with SeENS Forum Committee International Neurosurgery Course 12.10 - 14.00 “Discussion Groups-A” BM WFNS Spine Committee Business Meeting 13.00 - 13.30 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch / Foyer Lunch / Foyer 12.10 - 14.00 Lunch / Foyer 13.30 - 15.50 NA-1 13.30 - 15.30 WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy YNC Committee WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee A Joint Venture with SeENS 14.00 - 16.20 International Neurosurgery SP Course WFNS Spine Committee 15.30 - 16.00 15.50 - 16.00 Coffee Break / Foyer Coffee Break / Foyer 16.00 - 18.00 16.20 - 16.35 NA-1/A WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Coffee Break / Foyer 16.00 - 18.10 Committee YNC A Joint Venture with SeENS 16.35 - 18.10 WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee International Neurosurgery SP Course WFNS Spine Committee “Discussion Groups-A” 18.00 - 18.20 NA-1 - WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Committee A Joint Venture with SeENS International Neurosurgery Course 18.30 - 20.00 OC Opening Ceremony LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center


HALL BEYLERBEYİ -1 HALL 12 - B3 / 01 HALL 13 - B3 / 89 HALL 14 - B3 / 42

08.00 - 10.00 NA-2 WFNS Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches

10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break / Foyer 10.30 - 12.30 10.30 - 12.30 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1/B NA-1/C NA-1/D 10.30 - 12.30 WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy NA-2 Committee Committee Committee WFNS A Joint Venture with SeENS A Joint Venture with SeENS A Joint Venture with SeENS Microsurgical Anatomy and International Neurosurgery International Neurosurgery International Neurosurgery Approaches Course Course Course “Discussion Groups-B” “Discussion Groups-C” “Discussion Groups-D”

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch / Foyer

13.30 - 15.30 NA-2 WFNS Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break / Foyer 16.00 - 17.00 16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00 16.00 - 18.00 NA-2 NA-1/B NA-1/C NA-1/D WFNS WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Microsurgical Anatomy and Committee Committee Committee Approaches A Joint Venture with SeENS A Joint Venture with SeENS A Joint Venture with SeENS International Neurosurgery International Neurosurgery International Neurosurgery Course Course Course “Discussion Groups-B” “Discussion Groups-C” “Discussion Groups-D” Pre-Congress Course, Daily Program WFNS Spine Committee

Aug. Time : 08.00 - 10.00 SP / Pre-Congress Course-Spine 20 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia, Marcos Masini / Brazil (Sun) 08.00 - 08.20 Anterior Screw Plate Fixation for Unstable Odontoid Fractures with Bilateral Anterior Transarticular Screw Fixation. A New Comprehensive Treatment Sushil Patkar / India

08.20 - 08.40 Surgical Management of CV Junction Anomalies Prem S. Ramani / India

08.40 - 09.00 Basilar Invagination: Overview, Comments and Queries Prem S. Ramani / India

09.00 - 09.20 Minimal Access Surgery of Chiari 1 and Chiari 0 Malformation Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Phillippines

09.20 - 09.40 Anterior Cervical Fusion Using Stand-Alone Cages vs. Plated Fusion Se-Hoon Kim / South Korea

09.40 - 10.00 Discussion

Time : 10.00 - 10.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 10.30 - 12.10 SP / Pre-Congress Course-Spine Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia, Marcos Masini / Brazil 10.30 - 10.50 Spinal Extradural Neurofi bromas Surgical Approaches, Pitfalls and Complications Experience of 29 Cases Adel El Hakim / Egypt

10.50 - 11.10 Minimally Invasive Surgery of Spine Tumors Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Phillippines

11.10 - 11.30 (IM) Possibilities Tumor Craniocervical - Tumor Surgery & UPPER Spine Stabilization Wilco Peul / The Netherlands

11.30 - 11.50 Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome with Burst Stimulation Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia

11.50 - 12.10 Discussion

Time : 12.10 - 14.00 BM / WFNS Spine Committee Business Meeting Venue : Beyazit/B2

86 Pre-Congress Course, Daily Program WFNS Spine Committee

Time : 14.00 - 16.20 SP / Pre-Congress Course-Spine Aug. Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia, Marcos Masini / Brazil 14.00 - 14.20 Advanced CT and Navigation Assisted Surgery for Critical Spinal Cases 20 Maurizio Fornari / Italy (Sun)

14.20 - 14.40 Minimally Invasive Lumbar Disc Procedures Kresimir Rotim / Croatia

14.40 - 15.00 Intra-Discal Therapy - Facts and Fictions Marcos Masini / Brazil

15.00 - 15.20 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Intradural Tumors Oscar Alves / Portugal

15.20 - 15.40 Microsurgical Treatment for Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Marcos Masini / Brazil

15.40 - 16.00 Complication Management in ACDF Scott Robertson / USA

16.00 - 16.20 Discussion

Time : 16.20 - 16.35 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 16.35 - 18.10 SP / Pre-Congress Course- Spine Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia, Marcos Masini / Brazil 16.35 - 16.55 Minimizing Risk in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery David T. F. Sun / Hong-Kong

16.55 - 17.15 Long-Term Results of Various Operations for Lumbar Disc Herniation: Analysis of over 39,000 Patients George J. Dohrmann / USA

17.15 - 17.35 Feasibility of Expandable Cage for Vertebral Body Reconstruction in Unstable Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures via Single-Stage Posterior Approach: Surgical Results of 30 Patients Se-Hoon Kim / South Korea

17.35 - 17.55 Do We Need to Reconstruction Elderly Spine in Stenosis? Wilco Peul / The Netherlands

17.55 - 18.10 Discussion

87 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee

Aug. Time : 08.00 - 10.10 YNC / Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee Pre-Congress Course Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Alexander Potapov / Russia, Jacques Morcos / USA 20 08.00 - 08.10 Intro (Sun) Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK

08.10 - 08.40 Light up the No-man´s Land on the Brainstem Takeshi Kawase / Japan

08.40 - 09.10 Olfactory Groove and Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas: Surgical Treatment and Outcomes Benedicto Oscar Colli / Brazil

09.10 - 09.40 Appraisal of Extended Endoscopic Approaches Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands

09.40 - 10.10 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Diff erential Diagnosis, Management and Controversies Rajiv Midha / USA

Time : 10.10 - 10.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 10.30 - 13.00 YNC / Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee Pre-Congress Course Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderator: Franco Servadei / Italy, Mehmet Zileli / Turkey 10.30 - 11.00 Paediatric Brain Tumours: Strategies, Tactics and Tips Frederick Boop / USA

11.00 - 11.30 How Do I Do It: Surgery for Paediatric Spinal Cord Tumours Shlomi Constantini / Israel

11.30 - 12.00 Neuroendoscopy for Hydrocephalus and Intraventricular Tumours Volkan Etus / Turkey

12.00 - 12.30 Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis Mehmet Zileli / Turkey

12.30 - 13.00 Issues in Craniovertebral Junction and Spinal Stability Atul Goel / India

Time : 13.00 - 13.30 Lunch Venue : Foyer

88 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee

Time : 13.30 - 15.30 YNC / Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee Pre-Congress Course Aug. Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderator: Jannick Brennum / Denmark, Mahjouba Boutarbouch / Morocco 13.30 - 14.00 Management of Moya Moya Disease 20 Leonidas Quintana / Chile (Sun)

14.00 - 14.30 Management of Incident Cerebral Aneurysms and AVMs Francesco Signorelli / France

14.30 - 15.00 Neuroimaging in Head Injury Alexander Potapov / Russia

15.00 - 15.30 What is Diff erent About Paediatric Head Injuries? Anthony Figaji / South Africa

Time : 15.30 - 16.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 16.00 - 18.10 YNC / Young Neurosurgeons Forum Committee Pre-Congress Course Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderator: Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK, Amanj Hassan Ali / Iraq 16.00 - 16.30 Dilemmas in Managing Patients with Low-Grade Gliomas Jannick Brennum / Denmark

16.30 - 17.00 Current Management of High-Grade Gliomas Likhith Alakandy / UK

17.00 - 17.30 Temporal Lobectomy for Epilepsy: Indications, Surgery and Outcomes Ersin Erdogan / Turkey

17.30 - 18.00 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Current State and Future Directions Jawad Bajwa / Saudi Arabia

18.00 - 18.05 Complementary Copies of ‘Young Neurosurgeons Operative Database Pro 2017’ Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK

18.05 - 18.10 Closing Remarks Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK

89 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Committee A Joint Venture with SeENS International Neurosurgery Course

Aug. Time : 08.00 - 10.10 NA-1 / WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Committee Course 20 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic, / Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey 08.00 - 08.10 Intro (Sun) Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic, / Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey

08.10 - 08.50 Skull Base Anatomy and Angiography Anatomy (Basics) Igor Lima Maldonado / Brazil

08.50 - 09.10 Anterior and Middle Fossa Basic Approaches Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez / Spain

09.10 - 09.30 Venous Sinuses in Skull Base Surgery Thomas Santarius / UK

09.30 - 09.50 Subfrontal Approach Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez / Spain

09.50 - 10.10 Brainstem and Deep Seated Cavernomas - Approaches Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic

Time : 10.10 - 10.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1 / Discussion Groups-A Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2

Clinoidectomy: When, How? Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic, Takeo Goto / Japan

Time : 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1 / B Discussion Groups-B Venue : Hall 12-B3/01

Cribriform Plate Meningioma, Approach, n.I Function Igor Lima Maldonado / Brazil, Thomas Santarius / UK

Time : 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1 / C Discussion Groups-C Venue : Hall 13-B3/89

Sellar Region - Endo versus Open Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia, Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil

Time : 10.30 - 12.30 NA-1 / D Discussion Groups-D Venue : Hall 14-B3/42

Anatomical Quiz Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez / Spain

Time : 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Venue : Foyer

90 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Committee

Time : 13.30 - 15.50 NA-1 Aug. Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia, Tomislav Sajko / Croatia 13.30 - 13.50 Pterional and Variations 20 Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic (Sun) 13.50 - 14.10 Subtemporal Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil 14.10 - 14.30 Midline, Lateral and Far Lateral Approaches Takeo Goto / 14.30 - 14.50 Retrosigmoid Approach Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia 14.50 - 15.10 Supra-Infra for Skull Base Lesions Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic 15.10 - 15.30 Complication Avoidance in Skull Base Surgery Thomas Santarius / UK 15.30 - 15.50 Endoscopic Approaches Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia

Time : 15.50 - 16.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Discussion Groups “Solve a Case, How I Do It?” Time : 16.00 - 18.00 NA-1/A / Discussion Groups-A Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Petroclival Meningioma Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic, Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia

Time : 16.00 - 18.00 NA-1/B / Discussion Groups-B Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Sellar Meningioma Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil, Takeo Goto / Japan

Time : 16.00 - 18.00 NA-1/C / Discussion Groups-C Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Vth Nerve Schwannoma Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez / Spain

Time : 16.00 - 18.00 NA-1/D / Discussion Groups-D Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 CC Junction Tumor Thomas Santarius / , Victor Perez /

Time : 18.00 - 18.20 NA-1 / WFNS Neurosurgical Anatomy Committe Course Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 18.00 - 18.10 Course Evaluation All Faculty 18.10 - 18.15 Upcoming SeENS Course, 2018 Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey, Kresimir Rotim / Croatia 18.15 - 18.20 Closure 91 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches

Aug. Time : 08.00 - 10.00 NA-2 / Pre-Congress Course-Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches 20 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderator: Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 08.00 - 08.20 Craniometric Points Applied to Neurosurgical Practice (Sun) Guilhelme Carvalhal Ribas / Brazil 08.20 - 08.40 Anatomy of Sylvian Fissure Applied to Surgery Vicent Quilis-Quesada / Spain 08.40 - 09.00 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Central Core Eduardo Ribas / Brazil 09.00 - 09.20 Approach to Central Core AVM´s Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 09.20 - 09.40 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Limbic System Paulo Abdo Do Sexio Kadri / Brazil 09.40 - 10.00 Approach to Temporal Mesial Lobe Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

Time : 10.00 - 10.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 10.30 - 12.30 NA-2 / Pre-Congress Course-Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderator: Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 10.30 - 10.50 Surgery for Mesial Temporal Sclerosis (Amygdalohipocampectomy) Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

10.50 - 11.10 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Brainstem “Safety Entry Zone” Maximiliano Nunez / Argentina

11.10 - 11.30 Approach to Brainstem Cavernomas Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

11.30 - 12.30 Videos Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil, Ali F. Krisht / USA

Time : 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Venue : Foyer

92 Pre-Congress Course Daily Program Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches

Time : 13.30 - 15.30 NA-2 / Pre-Congress Course-Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches Aug. Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderator: Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 20 13.30 - 13.50 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Skull Base Vicent Quilis-Quesada / Spain (Sun)

13.50 - 14.10 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus Vicent Quilis-Quesada / Spain

14.10 - 14.30 Paraclinoid Aneurysms - Management Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

14.30 - 14.50 Basilar Aneurysms - Management Ali F. Krisht / USA

14.50 - 15.10 Approach to Cavernous Sinus Tumors Ali F. Krisht / USA

15.10 - 15.30 Approach to Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms Ali F. Krisht / USA

Time : 15.30 - 16.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Foyer

Time : 16.00 - 17.00 NA-2 / Pre-Congress Course-Microsurgical Anatomy and Approaches Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2

16.00 - 17.00 Videos Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil, Ali F. Krisht / USA

17.00 Closure

93 Daily Program Opening Ceremony

Aug. Time : 18.30 - 20.00 OC / OPENING CEREMONY 20 Venue : Harbiye/B2 (Sun) 20.00 Welcome Reception



Monday August 21 Aug. 21(Mon) At a Glance Daily Program

LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



07.00 - 08.30

08.30 MT-1/1 MT-1/2 MT-1/3 MT-1/4 - Main Topic Session-1 Main Topic Session-2 Main Topic Session-3 Main Topic Session-4 10.30

10.30 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 11.00

11.00 PL-1/1 - Plenary Session-1 13.00

LS 13.00 Luncheon Symposium - 14.00

14.00 KL-1/1 KL-1/2 KL-1/3 KL-1/4 - Keynote Lectures-1 Keynote Lectures-2 Keynote Lectures-3 Keynote Lectures-4 14.30

14.30 NO.01 NO.02 INF.01 FN.01 - Oral Presentations-1 Oral Presentations-2 Oral Presentations-3 Oral Presentations-4 16.00

16.00 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 16.30

16.30 NO.04 NO.05 EXP.01 FN.02 - Oral Presentations-13 Oral Presentations-14 Oral Presentations-15 Oral Presentations-16 18.00 Aug. 21(Mon)

Istanbul Congress Center

B2 B3


BR-1/1 BR-1/2 BR-1/3 BR-1/4 BR-1/5 BR-1/6 BR-1/7 BR-1/8 BR-1/9 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Seminars-1 Seminars-2 Seminars-3 Seminars-4 Seminars-5 Seminars-6 Seminars-7 Seminars-8 Seminars-9

MT-1/5 MT-1/6 MT-1/7 MT-1/8 MT-1/9 MT-1/10 MT-1/11 MT-1/12 MT-1/13 Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Session-5 Session-6 Session-7 Session-8 Session-9 Session-10 Session-11 Session-12 Session-13

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

KL-1/5 KL-1/6 KL-1/7 KL-1/8 KL-1/9 KL-1/10 KL-1/11 KL-1/12 Keynote Lectures-5 Keynote Lectures-6 Keynote Lectures-7 Keynote Lectures-8 Keynote Lectures-9 Keynote Lectures-10 Keynote Lectures-11 Keynote Lectures-12

GEN MIL-1 Complications in Military Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Session NO.03 SP.01 SP.02 NT.01 NV.01 NV.02 NV.03 PED.01 Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-5 Oral Presentations-6 Oral Presentations-7 Oral Presentations-8 Oral Presentations-9 Presentations-10 Presentations-11 Presentations-12

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

NT.02 NV.04 SP.03 NV.05 PED.02 NO.06 SP.04 SP.05 Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-17 Presentations-18 Presentations-19 Presentations-20 Presentations-21 Presentations-22 Presentations-23 Presentations-24

Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/1 / Breakfast Seminars-1 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Fabio Santana Carvalho / Brazil, Serdar Isik / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Lumbar Discal Disease, Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. Novel Technology Marco A. Molina-Martinez / Honduras

07.20 - 07.40 Computer Navigation for Minimal Access Surgery in the Lumbar Spine Fernando G. Diaz / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Minimally Invasive Surgical Management of Thoracic Disc Herniation Bong-Soo Kim / USA Aug. 08.00 - 08.20 Twenty Years Experience in Minimal Invasive Lumbar Disc Surgery Mostafa Kotb / Egypt 21 (Mon) 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/2 / Breakfast Seminars-2 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Jose Lorenzoni / Chile, M. Kemal Hamamcioglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Selecting the Right Tools for Functional Safety in Glioma Surgery Nicolas Foroglou / Greece

07.20 - 07.40 Intraoperative Navigated 3-Dimensional Ultrasound for Resection of Brain Tumors - Evolution, Scope and Future Potential Aliasgar Moiyadi / India

07.40 - 08.00 Awake Surgery for the Excision of Lesions in Eloquent Regions of the Brain - Our Experience of Nearly Two Decades Keki Turel / India

08.00 - 08.20 Ten Years Experience for Glioma Surgery in Braisuite (1,5 T): A Personal Account Antonino Raco / Italy

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/3 / Breakfast Seminars-3 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Yuanli Zhao / China, Hakan Seckin / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Biology and Genetics of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations Ivan Radovanovic / Canada

07.20 - 07.40 AVM’s – Management Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

07.40 - 08.00 Angioarchitecture of Arteriovenous Malformations Michihiro Tanaka / Japan

08.00 - 08.30 Discussion

101 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/4 / Breakfast Seminars-4 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Abuzer Gungor / Turkey, Pinar Ozisik, Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Pediatric Brain Tumors Management Strategies and Long Term Outcome Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed / Sudan

07.20 - 07.40 Endoscope-Assisted Microneurosurgical Management of Pediatric Brain Tumors Samer Elbabaa / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Surgical Challenges of Hemispheric Brain Tumors in Children Below 3 Years Old Mohamed El Beltagy / Egypt Aug. 08.00 - 08.20 Neuroendoscopy in Pediatric Age Group (An Update) 21 Ahmed Zohdi / Egypt (Mon) 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/5 / Breakfast Seminars-5 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Mohammed Safari Haspani / Malaysia, Soner Sahin / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Diffi cult Cases in Surgery of Gunshot Wounds to the Skull and Brain: A Single Center Experience Andriy Sirko / Ukraine

07.20 - 07.40 CENTER-TBI: Update on Study Status Andrew Maas / Belgium

07.40 - 08.00 CSF Related Issues in Patients with Severe Head Injury Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK

08.00 - 08.20 Outcome Prediction in Traumatic Brain Injury Andras Buki / Hungary

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/6 / Breakfast Seminars-6 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Arturo Ayala Arcipreste / Mexico, Mustafa Berker / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas Ibrahim Sbeih / Jordan

07.20 - 07.40 Simultaneous Above-Below Seal Combined Approach for Giant Pituitary Tumors. Experience and Conclusions of 30 Years in 46 Patients Mauro Loyo Varela / Mexico

07.40 - 08.00 Management of Endocrine Active Pituarity Tumors Andrew Kaye / Australia

08.00 - 08.20 Treatment of Invasive and Huge Pituitary Macroadenomas Bulent Duz / Turkey

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

102 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/7 / Breakfast Seminars-7 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Horatiu Stan / Romania, Hayri Kertmen / Turkey 07.00 - 07.25 Low-fi eld Intraoperative MRI in Brain Tumors Yusuf Izci / Turkey

07.25 - 07.50 Surgical and Mapping Techniques for Inoperable Brain Tumours George Samandouras / UK

07.50 - 08.15 Development of an MRI-compatable Tablet to Improve Speech Localization During fMRI and Interoperative DCS Sunit Das / Canada Aug.

08.15 - 08.30 Intraoperative MRI in Pediatric Neurooncology 21 Alp Ozgun Borcek / Turkey (Mon)

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/8 / Breakfast Seminars-8 Venue : Hall 16-B3/60 Moderators: Azmi Alias / Malaysia, Ibrahim Ziyal / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Skull Base Meningioma- Approaches and Outcomes William T. Couldwell / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Mono or Binostril Endoscopic Approach? Joachim Oertel / Germany

07.40 - 08.00 Microsurgical Treatment of Meningiomas Involving the Optic Nerve Marcio Rassi / Brazil

08.00 - 08.20 Skull Base Tumors and Highly Vascular Brain Tumors. The Role of the Endovascular Treatment Jose Zanoni Yada / El Salvador

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-1/9 / Breakfast Seminars-9 Venue : Hall 17-B3/61 Moderators: Abdeslam El Khamlichi / Morocco, Melih Bozkurt / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 The Pretemporal Approach to Basilar Aneurysms Pablo Rubino / Argentina

07.20 - 07.40 Minimally Invasive Approaches in Cerebrovascular Surgery Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo / Brazil

07.40 - 08.00 Large and Giant Aneurysms, Surgery and Endovascular Treatment Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic

08.00 - 08.20 Surgery for Posterior Circulation Aneurysms Juha A. Hernesniemi / Finland

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

103 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/1 / Main Topic Session-1 Venue : Beyazıt/B2 Moderators: Marcos Masini / Brazil, Erkan Kaptanoglu / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Cervical Auto Blocker Cage in Degenerative Diseases Fabio Santana Carvalho / Brazil

08.45 - 09.00 Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine after Cervical Arthroplasty with Discover Miroslav Vukic / Croatia

09.00 - 09.15 Newer Concepts in Anterior Cervical Inter Body Fusion - Adjacent Cortico Cancellous Bone Grafting Jutty K.B.C. Parthiban / India Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Surgical Treatment of Single Level Degenerative Cervical Disc Disease Treated with ACDFP 21 Aleksandar Caparoski / Macedonia (Mon) 09.30 - 09.45 Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Bone Cement Fixation: Our Experience Samir Acharya / Nepal

09.45 - 10.00 Microsurgical Anterior Cervical Foraminotomy Marcos Baabor / Chile

10.00 - 10.15 A Prospective Study of Interbody Fat Graft Application with the Anterior Contralateral Cervical Microdiscectomy to Preserve Segmental Mobility Yunus Aydin / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Key Hole Surgery for Cervical Disc Herniation Ayhan Attar / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/2 / Main Topic Session-2 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Paolo Cappabianca / Italy, Jose Alberto Landeiro / Brazil 08.30 - 08.45 State-of-the-Art in Neuroendoscopy Henry Schroeder / Germany

08.45 - 09.00 What Have We Learned from Our 20-Years Experience in More Than 2500 Endoscopic Procedures? Kheireddine Bouyucef / Algeria

09.00 - 09.15 Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Surgery Mohammad Hoassain / Bangladesh

09.15 - 09.30 Giant Pituitary Tumors: The Role of Endoscopic Approaches Jose Alberto Landeiro / Brazil

09.30 - 09.45 Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery - Outcomes and Has It Become the Standard of Care in 2017? Fred Gentili / Canada

09.45 - 10.00 Evolution of Pituitary Endosurgery: Standard and Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches Mohamed Arnaout / Egypt

10.00 - 10.15 Outcome of Trans-Sphenoidal Pituitary Surgery Sudan Dhakal / Nepal

10.15 - 10.30 Early Results of Transsphenoidal Transnasal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas in Kyrgyz Republic Keneshbek Yrysov / Kyrgyzstan

104 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/3 / Main Topic Session-3 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Ender Koktekir / Turkey , Cengiz Kuday / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Microneurosurgical Treatment of Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms in Endovascular Era Reza Dashti / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Surgical Treatment of Distal Anterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysms Fernando Garcia Colmena / Argentina

09.00 - 09.15 Microsurgical Clipping as the First Option for Paraclinoidal Aneurysms Jean Goncalve De Oliveira / Brazil Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Supraorbital and Pterional Keyhole Approaches to Clip Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms: Results of Consecutive 260 Cases 21 Kentaro Mori / Japan (Mon)

09.30 - 09.45 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Brain Aneurysms Ivan Radovanovic / Canada

09.45 - 10.00 Surgery of MCA Aneurysm Abdessammad El Azhari / Morocco

10.00 - 10.15 Managing SAH in Egypt: Lessons Learned Nabil Abdel Rahman / Egypt

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/4 / Main Topic Session-4 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Abdulrahman Al Anazi / Saudi Arabia, M. Memet Ozek / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts: A New Concept in Management Alexandru V. Ciurea / Romania

08.45 - 09.00 Neurosurgery in Arachnoid Cysts Mourad Bouaziz / Tunisia

09.00 - 09.15 Sylvian Fissure Arachnoid Cysts Concezio Di Rocco / Italy

09.15 - 09.30 Endoscopic Treatment of Arachnoid Cysts Tenoch Herrada-Pineda / Mexico

09.30 - 09.45 Endoscopic Management of Hydrocephalus and Posterior Fossa Cysts Samuila Sanoussi / Niger

09.45 - 10.00 Neuroendoscope (State-of-the-Art Surgical Scope Systems) Kenichi Nishiyama / Japan

10.00 - 10.15 Neuroendoscopic Double Restore Technique in Suprasellar Arachnoid Cysts Volkan Etus / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Contraversial Issues in the Management of Arachnoid Cysts Ali Kafadar / Turkey

105 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/5 / Main Topic Session-5 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Michiharu Morino / Japan, Ersin Erdogan / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Epilepsy Surgery in a Developing Nation - Setting Up a Successful Unit Vairavan Narayanan / Malaysia

08.45 - 09.00 Preoperative Evaluation of Medically Refractory Epilepsy Konstantinos Fountas / Greece

09.00 - 09.15 Endoscopic Treatment of Epilepsy Albert Sufi anov / Russia Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Epilepsy - How Far Have We Gone? 21 Alessandra De Mauro Lima / Brazil (Mon) 09.30 - 09.45 Callosotomy Versus Vagus Nervous Stimulators Manuel Campos / Chile

09.45 - 10.00 Complications in Epilepsy Surgery of 850 Cases Manas Panigrahi / India

10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Treatment of Supratentorial Vascular Lesions in Epileptic Patients Azizz Rassi Neto / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Epilepsy Surgery Charles Y. Liu / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/6 / Main Topic Session-6 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Petar Vulekovic / Serbia, Eglis Valeinis / Latvia 08.30 - 08.45 The Burden of TBI: Epidemiology and Health Economics Andrew Maas / Belgium

08.45 - 09.00 Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Wish List or Standard of Practice? Andras Buki / Hungary

09.00 - 09.15 The States of Consciousness in Traumatic Brain Injury: Pathogenesis, Practical Aspects and Prediction of Outcomes Abdurakhmon Mamadaliyev / Uzbekistan

09.15 - 09.30 Long Term Eff ects of Decompressive Surgeries on Severe TBI Tanju Ucar / Turkey

09.30 - 09.45 Early and Late Neurodegeneration in Traumatic Brain Injury Niklas Marklund / Sweden

09.45 - 10.00 Neurosurgical Dilemma´s in Severe TBI Wilco Peul / The Netherlands

10.00 - 10.15 Head Injuries in Pakistan Ahmed Ali Shah / Pakistan

10.15 - 10.30 Surgical Management of Intracerebral Hematomas Cengiz Cokluk / Turkey

106 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/7 / Main Topic Session-7 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: Bruno Splavski / Croatia, Kenan Arnautovic / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Chiari I and Syringomyelia: When Surgery? Juan Jose Mezzadri / Argentina

08.45 - 09.00 Management of Chiari Malformation: 30 Years of Experience (192 cases) Adailton Arcanjo Dos Santos Junior / Brazil

09.00 - 09.15 The Conundrum of Pregnancy and Delivery in Patients with Chiari and Syringomyelia James R. Van Dellen / UK Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 The Secrets of Syringomyelia Uwe Max Mauer / Germany 21 (Mon) 09.30 - 09.45 Foramen Magnum Decompression for Chiari Malformation Selcuk Palaoglu / Turkey

09.45 - 10.00 Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia Marc Eichler / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Modification for Chiari Malformation Ali Al Mashani / Oman

10.15 - 10.30 Controversies in Management of Pediatric Chiari Malformations Cagatay Onal / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/8 / Main Topic Session-8 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Roberto Leal Da Silveira / Brazil, Yahya Cem Erbas / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Petroclival Meningiomas: Surgical Treatment Oleksandr Voznyak / Ukraine

08.45 - 09.00 Petroclival Meningiomas: The Four Subtypes Infl uential to Surgical Results Takeshi Kawase / Japan

09.00 - 09.15 Choosing the Right Approach for Petroclival Meningiomas Based on Our Institutional Experience of 130 Cases Suresh Nair / India

09.15 - 09.30 Treatment of Petroclival Meningiomas Lars Poulsgaard / Jordan

09.30 - 09.45 Petroclival Meningiomas, Personal Experience Ibrahim Sbeih / Jordan

09.45 - 10.00 Comprehensive Approach to the Petroclival Region - The Limitation and Indication of Endoscopic Surgery Jun Muto / Japan

10.00 - 10.15 Intracranial Meningiomas Invading Major Dural Sinuses - Total Removal or Conservative Approach Marcius Benigno Marques Dos Santos / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Management of Problematic Meningiomas Nur Altinors / Turkey

107 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/9 / Main Topic Session-9 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Enrique Urculo / Spain, Tariq Salahuddin / Pakistan 08.30 - 08.45 Trigeminal Neuralgia: A New Proposed Classification of the Types of Vascular or Structural Nerve Confl ict as a Basis for Selecting the Appropriate Surgical Treatment Damianos E. Sakas / Greece

08.45 - 09.00 What is the Best Surgical Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia? Marco Gonzalez Portillo / Peru

09.00 - 09.15 Options in Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: Radiofrequency, Focused Radiation and Aug. Microvascular Decompression 21 Patrick W. Hitchon / USA (Mon) 09.15 - 09.30 Using PTFE Sleeve-Graft to Remove the Neuro-vascular Confl ict in MVD (Microvascular Decompression) for Trigeminal Neuralgia - An Experience of 300 cases Ajit K. Sinha / India

09.30 - 09.45 Ultra-Minimally Invasive Approach for MVD in Trigeminal Neuralgia Francesco Tomasello / Italy

09.45 - 10.00 Long Term Surgical Results in Trigeminal Neuralgia: Comparison of Percutaneous Procedure and Microvascular Decompression Abdessamad El Ouahabi / Morocco

10.00 - 10.15 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery vs Microvascular Decompression of Trigeminal Nerve Mario Izurieta / Ecuador

10.15 - 10.30 Pathophysiology of Primary Trigeminal Neuralgia Selcuk Peker / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/10 / Main Topic Session-10 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Giancarlo Guizzardi / Italy, Ozkan Ates / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Long-Term Follow-Up Results of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Discectomy Luis Felipe Martin Del Campo Perez / Mexico

08.45 - 09.00 Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion and Sagittal Alignment Paulo Pereira / Portugal

09.00 - 09.15 Value of the Use of the O-Arm and Neuronavigation in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Walid Ismail Attia / Saudi Arabia

09.15 - 09.30 Minimally Invasive Lumbar Laminectomy for Stenosis Bong-Soo Kim / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Minimally Invasive Extraforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion - ELIF Federico Landriel / Argentina

09.45 - 10.00 Minimal Invasive TLIF - Improving the Outcome and Complications Avoidance - Lessons Learned Nikolay Angelov Peev / UK

10.00 - 10.15 MISS vs Open Techniques in Lumbar Radiculopathy Juan De Dios Del Castillo Calcaneo / Mexico

10.15 - 10.30 The Minimally Invasive and Targeted Surgery in the Treatment of Lumbar Spine Disorders Yung-Hsiao Chiang / Taiwan 108 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/11 / Main Topic Session-11 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Armando Basso / Argentina, Ioan Stefan Florian / Romania 08.30 - 08.45 MRI Features of Colloid Cysts Zeev Feldman / Israel

08.45 - 09.00 Endoscopic Excision of Colloid Cysts: Surgical Techniques and Implications of Anatomical Variations Waleed Azab / Kuwait

09.00 - 09.15 Clinical Outcome and Prognostic Factors for Central Neurocytoma Ashraf El Badry / Egypt Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Colloid Cyst of the 3rd Ventricle: Endoscopic Management Jalal Najjar / Syria 21 (Mon) 09.30 - 09.45 Colloid Cysts of the 3rd Ventricle: Transcortical Transventricular Microsurgical Management Suryakant Dugani / India

09.45 - 10.00 Interhemispheric Transcallosal Interforniceal Approach to Third Ventricular Tumors: The Road Less Traveled James K. Liu / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Treatment of Intraventricular Tumours Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India

10.15 - 10.30 Colloid Cysts: Ongoing Rivalry Ahmed Zohdi / Egypt

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/12 / Main Topic Session-12 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Alexander Brawanski / Germany, Murad Bavbek / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Insular Tumors Jose Marcus Rotta / Brazil

08.45 - 09.00 Insular Gliomas Marcelo Olivero / Argentina

09.00 - 09.15 Surgery for Insular Gliomas Hugues Duff au / France

09.15 - 09.30 Seven Rules in Insular Tumor Surgery Gustavo Isolan / Brazil

09.30 - 09.45 Brain Mapping in Brain Tumor Surgery Fumio Yamaguchi / Japan

09.45 - 10.00 Awake Glioma Surgery Krassimir Minkin / Bulgaria

10.00 - 10.15 Brain Mapping for Surgery in Eloquent Parts of the Brain George Samandouras / UK

10.15 - 10.30 Surgical Applications of Brain Mapping Ilker Yaylali / USA

109 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions, Plenary Session

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-1/13 / Main Topic Session-13 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Giovanni Broggi / Italy, Basak Topkoru / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Advanced Diff usion MRI for Neurosurgery Ching Po Lin / Taiwan

08.45 - 09.00 Advanced MRI Diagnosis for Brain Tumor Diff erential Diagnoses and Patho-Physiology Kaoru Kurisu / Japan

09.00 - 09.15 The Brain and Mind: Who is the Puppet and Who the Puppeteer? George Paxinos / Australia Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 The White Matter Tracts of The Cerebrum and their Relations with the Ventricle 21 Abuzer Gungor / Turkey (Mon) 09.30 - 09.45 Role of Bypass in Aneurysm and Tumor Surgery Ken-Ichiro Kikuta / Japan

09.45 - 10.00 Challenges and Prospects in Neurosurgical Education and Training Nabeel S. Alshafai / Canada

10.00 - 10.15 Global Neurosurgery: Volunteering and Education Gail Rosseau / USA

10.15 - 10.30 Current Concepts in Craniofacial Surgery Frederick Boop / USA

Time : 10.30 - 11.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5

Time : 11.00 - 13.00 PL-1/1 / Plenary Session-1 Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Gail Rosseau / USA, Mehmet Zileli / Turkey 11.00 - 11.20 Disruptive Leadership Innovations by Ataturk, Churchill and Gandhi Anil Nanda / USA

11.20 - 11.40 Hot Topics in Epilepsy Surgery Frederick Boop / USA

11.40 - 12.00 Outcome of Asleep DBS Surgery for Parkinson’s Disease - Asleep DBS Outcomes are Superior to Awake DBS in Quality of Life and Speech Function Kim J. Burchiel / USA

12.00 - 12.20 Current Technics in Craniovertebral Junction Surgery Atul Goel / India

12.20 - 12.40 Reconstructive Neurosurgery After TBI Alexander Potapov / Russia

12.40 - 13.00 The Constituents of Microneurosurgery M. Gazi Yasargil / Turkey

110 Luncheon Symposium, Keynote Lectures, Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 13.00 - 14.00 LS / LUNCHEON SYMPOSIUM Venue : Beyazit/B2 What is the Next Evolution of Multi-modality Imaging and Robotics in Neurosurgery? Moderator: Robert F. Spetzler / USA 13.00 - 13.20 Evaluation of Digital Hybrid Approach: Adopting Visualization to Your Surgical Need and Leveraging of Teaching Capabilities Robert F. Spetzler / USA 13.20 - 13.40 Evaluation of Next Generation Kinematics and Its Clinical Applicability Y. Sukru Caglar / Turkey 13.40 - 14.00 Discussion of Potential Clinical Impact of A Novel Micro-Inspection Tool Complementing the Aug. Microsurgical Visualization Talat Kiris / Turkey 21 (Mon) Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/1 / Keynote Lectures-1 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Guilhelme Carvalhal Ribas / Brazil, Yahya Guvenc / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Molecular Analysis and Target for Brain Tumor Fumio Yamaguchi / Japan 14.15 - 14.30 Long Term Survival in Patients with Glioblastoma Nezih Oktar / Turkey NO.01 / Oral Presentation-1 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.01-01 Interaction Between MELK and EZH2 Regulates Medulloblastoma Cancer Stem-like Cells Proliferation Hailong Liu / China Qianwen Sun, Yuduo Guo, Youliang Sun, Hongyu Yuan, Song Han, Mingshan Zhang, Hongwei Zhang, Chunjiang Yu, Yongmei Song, Chunyu Gu 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.01-02 TERT Mutations and B7-H4 Expression Predict Responses to DC Vaccines in GBM Yu Yao / China Chao Tang, Fei Fei Luo, Di Kang Chen, Zhi Yong Qin, Jin Song Wu, Wei Hua, Jin Song Wu, Dave Sb Hoon, Jian Hu, Yi Wei Chu, Liang Fu Zhou 14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.01-03 Down-Regulation of Long non-Coding RNA FOXD3 Antisense RNA 1 (FOXD3-AS1) Inhibits Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion in Malignant Glioma Cells Jiang Lei / China Chen Zhen Hua, Hu Hong Kang, Zou Yong Xiang, Hu Guo Han 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.01-04 IDHwt & Low Grade in Gliomas: A Chimera Created by Neurosurgeons Marielena Gutt Will / Switzerland Michael Murek, Christa Schwarz, Ekkehard Hewer, Sonja Vulcu, Jürgen Beck, Andreas Raabe, Philippe Schucht 15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.01-05 Alu Hypomethylation and MGMT Hypermethylation in Serum as Biomarkers of Glioma Gong Mingjie / China Shi Wei, Chu Rongtao, Shao Guoping, Qi Jing, Gong Peipei 15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.01-06 The Relationship Between Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha -TNF-α-308 (G/A) Gene Polymorphism and Glial Tumors Vural Hamzaoglu / Turkey Ozlen Tubay Bagdatoglu, Hakan Ozalp, Sema Erden Erturk, Gurbuz Polat, Ahmet Dagtekin, Celal Bagdatoglu 15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.01-07 Actin Cytoskeleton Regulator Arp2/3 Complex is Required for DLL1 Activating Notch1 Signaling to Maintain the Stem Cell Phenotype of Glioma Initiating Cells Xuejun Yang / China Chen Zhang, Long Hai, Meng Zhu, Shengping Yu, Yu Lin, Kai Zhang, Bingcheng Ren, Tao Li 15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.01-08 Glutathion-S-Transferase and Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Expressions in Brain Tumors Yusuf Izci / Turkey Arzu Kaya Kocdogan, Gulcin Güler Şimşek, Serpil Oğuztüzün, Cahit Kural, Pınar Kaygın, Irmak Yılmaz, Tuğbağ Bayram 15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.01-09 Thymoquinone is an Eff ective Treatment Through Induction of Apoptosis in U87 Human Glioma Cells Hande Sisman / Turkey Eray Metin Guler, Arife Nalli, Abdurrahim Kocyigit, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu 111 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/2 / Keynote Lectures-2 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Faruk Unal / Turkey, Ferhat Harman / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 How Technology will Change Our Management Paradigm in Neurosurgery? William Gormley / USA

14.15 - 14.30 Information Technologies in Medicine and Neurosurgery Serdar Alp / Turkey NO.02 / Oral Presentation-2

Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.02-01 Extended Endonasal Endoscopic Approach For The Resection of Craniopharyngioma an Analysis of 49 Cases 21 Shamsul Alam / Bangladesh (Mon) A N Wakil Uddin, Mashiur Rahman Majumder, A S M Abu Obaida, Saif Ul Haque

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.02-02 Craneopharyngiomas. Risk and Challenges of The Extended Endonasal Endoscopic Approach to the Skull Base Marlon Ortiz Machin / Cuba Omar Lopez Arbolay, Peggys Cruz Perez

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.02-03 Surgical Treatment of Craniopharyngiomas in Children: Utility of Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mario Giordano / Germany Amir Samii, Helmut Bertalanff y, Concezio Di Rocco, Madjid Samii, Rudolf Fahlbusch

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.02-04 Surgical Management of Craniopharyngiomas: Experience with 45 Patients Songül Meltem Can / Turkey Mustafa Klıç, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Adem Yılmaz, Saime Ayça Kaldırımoglu, Halit Çavuşoglu, Burak Özdemir, Canan Tanık, Yunus Aydın

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.02-05 Surgical Management of Craniopharyngiomas Mohammed Mostafa Agamy / Egypt Ahmed Hafez Farhoud, Khaled Galal Eldeen Aref, Yousry Mahmoud El Adawy

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.02-06 Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Suprasellar Craniopharyngiomas Xuefei Shou / China Yongfei Wang, Shiqi Li, Yao Zhao, Liang Chen, Wei Zhu, Ping Zhong, Ying Mao, Liangfu Zhou

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.02-07 Endoscopic Transnasal Approach to Craniopharyngioma Guive Sharifi / Iran Nader Akbari, Mohammad Hallaj, Mohsen Alghasi, Zahra Davoodi, Hadi Kasbkar

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.02-08 Craniopharyngioma Management, Our Mediterranean Experience (26 Cases) Geoff rey Jeane Ndekha / Morocco Mohammed Benzagmout

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.02-09 Outcomes in Craniopharyngioma Surgery: Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Approach Onur Ozgural / Turkey Gokmen Kahilogullari, Melih Bozkurt, Suha Beton, Eyyup Al Beyati, Bora Tetik, Cem Meco, Agahan Unlu

16.00 - 16.10 OP-NO.02-10 Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An analyze on Eff ectiveness and Time Consumption in Glioma and Pituitary Surgery Hakan Emmez / Turkey

112 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/3 / Keynote Lectures-3 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Francisco Papalini / Argentina, Gokmen Kahilogullari / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Cerebral Revascularization for Aneurysms Amir Dehdashti / USA

14.15 - 14.30 Cerebral Revascularization for Complex Aneurysms Fady T. Charbel / USA I NF.01 / Oral Presentation-3 14.30 - 14.40 OP-INF.01-01 Approaching to “Zero” Incidence in Shunt Infections Aug. Ali Kafadar / Turkey Nimet Ateş, Gökhan Aygün 21 (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-INF.01-02 Kinect Based Automated Assessment of Hand Hygiene Compliance in Health Care Setting (Neurosurgery ICU) Renu Saini / India Deepak Agrawal

14.50 - 15.00 OP-INF.01-03 Post-Operative Wound Infection Following Cranial Surgery at a Tertiary Regional Neurosurgical Centre: A Retrospective Study of 815 Operations Rose Ingleton / UK Ridwan Dina, Arthika Surendran, Mariam Awan, Angelos Triantafyllidis, Hu Liang Low

15.00 - 15.10 OP-INF.01-04 Eff ect of the “Bundle Approach” on the Frequency of Evd-Associated Infections Anani Apedjinou / Germany Bujung Hong, Hans Heissler, Josef Lang, Joachim K. Krauss

15.10 - 15.20 OP-INF.01-05 The Management of Hydatidosis of the Central Nervous System Khalid Aniba / Morocco Cherihane Dassouli, Kamal Chtira, Yassine El Allouchi, Soumaya Jellal, Hasna Abdourafi q, Farid Zahrou, Mohssine Assamadi, Abdelaziz Ait Elquadi

15.20 - 15.30 OP-INF.01-06 Pre-Operative Anti-Fungal for 2 weeks Provides Mortality Benefi t in Fungal Infections of Brain. An Institution’s Neurosurgical Experience Muhammad Faheem Khan / Pakistan Ghani Haider, Muhammad Shahzad Shamim, Muhammad Ehsan Bari, Syed Ather Enam

15.30 - 15.40 OP-INF.01-07 Spinal Infection: Epidemiology and Treatment Abderrahmane Sidi Said / Algeria Ibrahim Assoumane, Mounir El Zekri

15.40 - 15.50 OP-INF.01-08 Presenting Experience of Managing Tuberculosis at Our Institutions in Medan Rr Suzy Indharty / Indonesia

15.50 - 16.00 OP-INF.01-09 Management of Intracranial Suppurations: About 170 Cases In Neurosurgery Department, Ibn Tofail Hospital, Univesity Hospital Mohammed 6-Marrakesh-Morocco Kamal Chtira / Morocco Yassine El Allouchi, Farid Zahrou, Mouhssine Assamadi, Hasna Abdourafi q, Cherihane Dassouli, Soumaya Jellal, Abdelaziz Ait Elqadi, Khalid Aniba

113 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/4 / Keynote Lectures-4 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Marc Sindou / France, Ali Savas / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Special Aspects in Epilepsy Surgery Peter A. Winkler / Austria

14.15 - 14.30 Complications in Functional Neurosurgery Sanjeev Kumar / India

FN.01 / Oral Presentation-4 Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-FN.01-01 Electrode–Brain Interface in Globus Pallidus Internus Deep Brain Stimulation Faisal Al Otaibi / Saudi Arabia 21 Shatha Al Harbi (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-FN.01-02 Selective Peripheral Denervation in Spasmodic Torticollis in the era of DBS ? Retrospective Study in Charleroi, Belgium Myriam Cécile Thys / Belgium

14.50 - 15.00 OP-FN.01-03 Deep Brain Stimulation in Dystonia Brahim Merrouche / Algeria Bennaisa Abdennebi

15.00 - 15.10 OP-FN.01-04 Management of Gait-Freezing: Low-Dose vs. High-Dose STN-DBS Stimulation in Patients With intractable Parkinson’s Disease Anirban Deep Banerjee / India

15.10 - 15.20 OP-FN.01-05 Intraoperative Microrecording as Potential Factor Responsible for Early Postoperative Mental Status Alteration After Implantation of Bilateral Subthalamic DBS Electrodes Jan Chrastina / Czech Republic Marek Baláž, Zdenek Novák, Dušan Hrabovský, Marta Pažourkova

15.20 - 15.30 OP-FN.01-06 Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in Movement and Psychiatric Disorders, Twele Years Experience in Iran Mansour Parvaresh / Iran Eshagh Bahrami, Gholamali Shahidi, Mohammad Rohani, Amirhossein Habibi

15.30 - 15.40 OP-FN.01-07 STN Deep Brain Stimula Tion for Parkinson’s Disease: Analysis of 27 Cases Sundus Ali / Pakistan Khalid Mahmood

15.40 - 15.50 OP-FN.01-08 Noble art of Lesioning to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Current and Future Applications Asif Bashir / UK Kendall Lee

15.50 - 16.00 OP-FN.01-09 Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) Deep-Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the Management of Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease: Results of our First 20 Cases Essam Rezk / Egypt Essam Mokbel

16.00 - 16.10 OP-FN.01.10 Robot-assisted Implantation of Depth Electrodes for Stereoelectroencephalography Holger Joswig / Canada Jonathan C. Lau, Carolyn M. Benson, Andrew G. Parrent, Keith W. Macdougall, David A. Steven

16.10 - 16.20 OP-FN.01.11 Stimulation of the Tractography Defi ned Motor Subthalamic Nucleus Correlates with Awarded Abstract - WFNS 2017 Clinical Outcomes Young Neurosurgeon Award Josué M. Avecillas-Chasin / Spain Fernando Alonso Frech, Cristina Nombela, Juan A. Barcia

114 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/5 / Keynote Lectures-5 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Amanj Hassan Ali / Iraq, Onder Guney / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Cranial Missile Injuries M. Tariq Khan / Pakistan

14.15 - 14.30 Neurosurgical Diseases and Airline Travel: When is it Safe For the Passenger to Fly? Samuel Damin Carr De Muzio / Brazil

NT.01 / Oral Presentation-5 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NT.01-01 Study of Metabolic Сhanges in Outcomes of TBI with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Aug. Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev / Uzbekistan Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich Mamadaliev 21 (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NT.01-02 Would the Circadian Intracranial Pressure be a Prognostic Factor in Traumatic Brain Injury? Jun Wen Guan / China Xue Pei Li, Qiu Ming Zhang, Yi Cheng Zhou, Yi Kai Yuan

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NT.01-03 Evaluation of Double Layer Polypropylene Patch Dural Substitute During Decompressive Craniectomy Milesh Nagar / India Rosebist Pk, Rajmohan B Prabhakar, Raj S Chandran, Sharmad Ms, Anil Peethambaran, Sreejith Md, Sourabh Jain, Sourabh Sharma

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NT.01-04 Post-Traumatic Hydrocephalus: Comparison of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy and Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Vivek Tandon / India Raghvendra Sharma, Manmohan Singh, Sumit Sinha, Deepak Gupta, Deepak Agrawal, Gurudutt Satyarthee, Bhawani Shankar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Mahapatra

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NT.01-05 Decompressive Craniectomy; Water Tight Duraplasty vs Without Water Tight Duraplasty Otorkpa Joseph Ega / Nigeria Eduardo Vieira Junior, Hildo Azevedo Filho

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NT.01-06 The Importance of Application of Moscow Coma Scale and the Scale Score Evaluation of Condition for the Dynamic Evaluation of Treatment Effi cacy of Traumatic Brain Injury Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich Mamadaliev / Uzbekistan Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev, Saodat Abdurakhmonovna Mamadalieva

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NT.01-07 Early Decompressive Craniectomy for Raised ICP Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury; a Case Series at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya Sydney Kirui Kipkorir Rono / Kenya Nimrod Junias Mwang’ombe, Christopher Kyalo Musau, Peter Gichuru Mwangi, Sydney Kirui Kipkorir Rono

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NT.01-08 Neurosurgery in War, Syria Example Jalal Najjar / Syria

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NT.01-09 ‘Decompressive Craniectomies for Severe TBI After the Rescue ICP’ Dra Ana Cristina Veiga Silva / Brazil Dra Tammy Oliveira Saboia, Dra Herika Karla Negri Brito, Dr Eduardo Vieira Carvalho Junior, Prof Dr Hildo Rocha Cirne De Azevedo, Marcelo Henrique Simoes Da Silva, Bianca Melo De Araújo, Camila Oliveira Aguiar, Luiz Gabriel Oliveira Correia, Erton Cesar Albuquerque Pontes, Letícia Pina De Almeida Silva

115 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/6 / Keynote Lectures-6 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Yerbol Makhambetov / Kazakhstan, Emel Avci / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Human Placenta Aneurysm Model Sebastiao Gusmao / Brazil

14.15 - 14.30 Surgical Approach to Anterior Choroidal Artery Aneurysms Erkin Ozgiray / Turkey NV.01 / Oral Presentation-6

Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.01-01 Withdrawn

21 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.01-02 Neuro-Regeneration Therapy Using Human Muse Cells is Highly Eff ective in a Mouse (Mon) Intracerebral Hemorrhage Model Norihito Shimamura / Japan Kiyohide Kakuta, Masato Naraoka, Kosuke Katayama, Takeshi Katagai, Hiroki Uchida, Shohei Wakao, Mari Dezawa, Okuma Okuma

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.01-03 The Eff ect of Mannitol on Cerebral Vasospasm Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in an Experimental Rabbit Model Yahya Turan / Turkey Omer Sanri, Adil Yilmaz, Ibrahim Ibiloglu, Tevfi k Yilmaz, Adnan Ceviz

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.01-04 A Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Model With Cerebral Blood Flow Reduction, Angiogenesis And Cognitive Impairment in Rats Ahmed Said Mansour / Egypt Kuniyasu Niizuma, Sherif Rashad, Miki Fujimura, Teiji Tominaga

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.01-05 Apolipoprotein E Epsilon4: A Possible Risk Factor of Intracranial Pressure and White Matter Perfusion in Good-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients at Early Stage Yong Jiang / China Jianhua Peng, Jinwei Pang

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.01-06 Study of Thymosin Alpha 1 and its Eff ect in Postoperative ICH Patients Rajendra Shrestha / Nepal Chao You

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.01-07 Detection of Spreading Depolarizations in the Early Phase of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Via Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging in Mice Tural Hidayetov / Azerbaijan Sahin Hanalioglu, Ahmet Ilkay Isikay, Melike Mut Askun

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.01-08 Eff ect of Tadalafi l on Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Zühtü Özbek / Turkey Emre Özkara, Ismail Hancıoğlu, Dilek Burukoğlu, Didem Coşan, Tevfi k Erhan Coşan

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.01-09 The Comparison of Bemiparine Sodium and Dabigatran Etexilatesubstances After Anastomosis Which Madeintherat Carotid Arterieson Development of Neointima and Thrombolytic Effi cacy Pınar Aydın / Turkey Tevfi k Yilmaz, Yahya Turan

116 Daily Program General Sessions

Time : 14.00 - 14.40 GEN / General Session- Complications in Neurosurgery Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic Panelists: Jacques Morcos / USA, Juha A. Hernesniemi / Finland, Yoko Kato / Japan

14.00 - 14.05 Introduction Keki Turel / India Cerebrovascular 14.05 - 14.10 Intraoperative Aneurysm Rupture: Trials and Tribulations Anil Nanda / USA 14.10 - 14.15 Complications of Aneurysm Surgery Aug. Ivan Radovanovic / Canada 21 14.15 - 14.20 Intra-operative Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysm - Prevention and Management (Mon) Basant K. Misra / India 14.20 - 14.25 Surgical Vascular Case/MCA Clipping Allan Taylor / South Africa 14.25 - 14.30 Complications with Basilar Trunk Dolichoectatic Aneurysms Michael T. Lawton / USA 14.30 - 14.35 Single Stage Single Opening in Multiple Aneurysm-is that Always Recommendable? Ioan Stefan Florian / Romania 14.35 - 14.40 Discussion

Time : 14.40 - 15.25 GEN / General Session - Complications in Neurosurgery Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Madjid Samii / Germany Panelists: M. Necmettin Pamir / Turkey, Ali F. Krisht / USA, Andrew Kaye / Australia

Skull Base 14.40 - 14.45 Arterial Injury During Dissection of a Craniopharyngioma via the Pterional Approach Kazuhiro Hongo / Japan

14.45 - 14.50 Major Vascular (Carotid) Injuries in Skull Base Surgery Miguel A. Arraez / Spain

14.50 - 14.55 Intraoperative Vascular Complications and Their Management in Skull Base Tumors Ossama Al-Mefty / USA

14.55 - 15.00 Venous Complications in the Anterior Petrosal Approach and How to Spare It Takeshi Kawase / Japan

15.00 - 15.05 Diff erent Approaches in Skull Base Surgery Carry Risks for Diff erent Types of Complications Fred Gentili / Canada

15.05 - 15.10 Complications in Skull Base Surgery Around the Temporal Bone Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil

15.10 - 15.15 Post Resection Hemorrhage of A Giant Vestibular Schwannoma Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia

15.15 - 15.20 Petroclival Meningioma: My Worst Case Ioan Stefan Florian / Romania

15.20 - 15.25 Discussion

117 Daily Program General Session

Time : 15.25 - 16.00 GEN / General Session- Complications in Neurosurgery Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Gokhan Bozkurt / Turkey Panelists: Allan Taylor / South Africa, Francesco Tomasello / Italy, Kaoru Kurisu / Japan

General Brain and Spine Surgery Complications 15.25 - 15.30 Assessing Complexity and Predicting Outcome in Brain Tumor Surgery: The Milan Complexity Scale Giovanni Broggi / Italy

15.30 - 15.35 Big Mental Error on My Side: MCA Occlusion After Pilocytic Astrocytoma Resection Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic Aug. 15.35 - 15.40 Pineal Cyst Surgery Complicated by Venous Infarction 21 Tiit Mathiesen / Sweden (Mon) 15.40 - 15.45 Catastrophic Outcome Following Apparently Trivial Sinus Injury in Tentorial Meningioma Keki Turel / India

15.45 - 15.50 Cerebrospinal Fluid: A Neurosurgeon´s Friend AND Foe Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands

15.50 - 15.55 Perforation of Aorta in L3 L4 Surgery Maximilian Mehdorn / Germany

15.55 - 16.00 Complications of Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy for Refractory Spasticity Ahmed Alkhani / Saudi Arabia

16.00 Conclusion Remarks Keki Turel / India

118 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/7 / Keynote Lectures-7 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Abdessammad El Azhari / Morocco, Ruchan Ergun / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Management of Hydrocephalus in the Early Stage of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrage Giacomo Pavesi / Italy 14.15 - 14.30 Creativity and Bypass Surgery Jorge Mura / Chile NV.02 / Oral Presentation-7 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.02-01 Safety of Neuroendovascular Procedures in Patients with Renal Insuffi ciency Aug. Ramachandra P. Tummala / USA Jae Kim, Bharathi D. Jagadeesan, Christopher D. Streib 21 (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.02-02 Transarterial Coil Embolization of Direct High Flow Carotid Cavernous Fistula Mohamed Shadad / Egypt Hazem Mohamed Negm

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.02-03 Using of Modern Endovascular Methods and Techniques in Treatment of Complex Aneurysms David Gunia / Georgia Erekle Ekvtimishvili, Grigol Basiladze, George Ingorokva

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.02-04 Endovascular Treatment of 102 Unruptured Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation Aneurysms Ahmet Peker / Turkey Ahmet Ilkay Isikay, Elif Peker, Halil Kamil Oge, Anil Arat

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.02-05 Endovascular Treatment of Symptomatic Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysms Dong Jun Lim / South Korea Sung Kon Ha, Sang Dae Kim, Sung Won Jin, Won Hyoung Kim, Se Hoon Kim

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.02-06 Endovascular Treatment of Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Aneurysms as a First Option: A single-Centre Experience Rohen Harrichandparsad / South Africa Duncan Royston

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.02-07 Neuroendovascular Treatment of Pial and Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: Our Experience Kanij Fatema Ishrat Zahan / Bangladesh M Shafi qul Islam

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.02-08 Epistaxis Secondary to a Traumatic Pseudo Aneurysm of the Internal Cavernous Carotid Artery: Diagnosis and Endovascular Treatment Antonio Sosa Najera / Mexico Erick Ramos Martinez, Rodrigo Avila Cervantes, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes, Jorge Ortega Espino, Marco Antonio Zenteno Castellanos, Jose Alfonso Franco Jimenez, Daniel Alves Neiva Barbosa

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.02-09 Results of Endovascular Treatment in Aneurysms Involving Anterior Choroidal Artery Ilkay Akmangit / Turkey Ergün Dağlıoğlu, Vedat Açık, Fatih Alagöz, Tanin Oğur, Bekir Tunç, Egemen Işıtan, Denizhan Divanlıoğlu, Ahmet Deniz Belen, Anıl Arat

119 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/8 / Keynote Lectures-8 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Jose Nallino / Argentina, Nejat Isik / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Surgical Management of Intracranial AVMs Gopal Raman Sharma / Nepal 14.15 - 14.30 Anterior Circulation Aneurysm: Surgical Strategy Kemal Dizdarevic / Bosnia and Herzegovina NV.03 / Oral Presentation-8 Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.03-01 Management of Intracranial Serpentine Aneurysms: A prospective Cohort Study Yi Liu / China 21 Min He, Chao You (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.03-02 Functional Approach oor Brainstem Cavernomas: Surgical Results in the Era of Electrophysiology and Functional Imaging Mario Moraes / Germany Marcos Tatagiba, Guilherme Lepski, Günther Feigl, Marina Liebsch, Ulricke Ernemann

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.03-03 Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Transnasal Ligation of Anterior Ethmoidal Artery: Technical Note Ricardo Araujo / USA Bernardo Barbosa, Gustavo Rassier Isolan, Alexander Evins, Antonio Bernardo

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.03-04 Automatic Labeling of Brainstem Fiber Pathways Using Anatomically-Constrained Density-Based Clustering Devran Ugurlu / Turkey Zeynep Firat, Ugur Ture, Gozde Unal

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.03-05 Surgery of Brainstem Cavernous Angiomas Oleksandr Voznyak / Ukraine Oleg Maidannyk, Andrii Lytvynenko, Roman Ilyuk, Yaroslav Zinkenych

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.03-06 Treatment of Brainstem Cavernous Malformations: Reconsideration of the Surgical Strategy and Application of Advanced Supplementary Techniques Xuhui Hui / China Si Zhang

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.03-07 Evolution of the Choroid Plexus as a Portal to Homeostasis Alexandra R Kunz / USA Satish Krishnamurthy

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.03-08 Safe Occlusion Time of Recipient Artery in Direct Bypass for Moyamoya Disease: Analysis of Anastomosis-Related Ischemic Lesion Ken Ichiro Kikuta / Japan

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.03-09 Non-Classic indications for Brain Revascularisation in Various Groups of Patients with CNS Pathologies Alexander Igorevich Svadovsky / Russia

120 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/9 / Keynote Lectures-9 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Enkhbayar Tsevegbat / Mongolia, Alp Ozgun Borcek / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Surgical Management of Craniosynostosis Said Ait Benali / Morocco 14.15 - 14.30 The Use of 3-D Printing and CADCAM Imaging in Craniopagus Twins for Surgical Separation James Tait Goodrich / USA PED.01 / Oral Presentation-9 14.30 - 14.40 OP-PED.01-01 Factors Determing the Cerebrospinal Fluid Volume Regulation Aug. Miroslav Vukic / Croatia Jurica Marakovic, Milan Rados, Ivana Jurjevic, Darko Oreskovic, Marijan Klarica 21 (Mon) 14.40 - 14.50 OP-PED.01-02 Intracranial CSF Diversion for Obstructive Hydrocephalus a Old Concept Revisited with a New Technique of Ventricle-Sylvian Fissure Shunt Sushil Vasant Patkar / India

14.50 - 15.00 OP-PED.01-03 Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in Mothers of Children With Meningomyelocele Nail Özdemir / Turkey Senem Alkan Özdemir, Esra Arun Özer

15.00 - 15.10 OP-PED.01-04 Trans Ventricular Procedures in Hydrocephalus: Past and Present Omar Yusef Hammad / Egypt

15.10 - 15.20 OP-PED.01-05 Patient Management in Myeloschisis; Clinical Evaluation of 40 Cases Ismail Istemen / Turkey Ali Ihsan Ökten, Burak Olmaz, Vedat Açık, Gökhan Çavuş, Emre Bilgin, Hakan Millet, Okan Arslan, Celil Can Yalman

15.20 - 15.30 OP-PED.01-06 Epidemiology of Spina Bifi da Cystica in Sohag, Hospital-Based Study Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt Roshdy Abdelaziz Elkhayat

15.30 - 15.40 OP-PED.01-07 Prospective-Observational Evaluation of the 50 Meningomyelocele Neonates Nail Özdemir / Turkey Senem Alkan Özdemir, Esra Arun Özer

15.40 - 15.50 OP-PED.01-08 Clinical and Surgical Management of the Cervical Meningomyelocele in the Neonates Nail Özdemir / Turkey Senem Alkan Özdemir, Haydar Çelik, Esra Arun Özer

15.50 - 16.00 OP-PED.01-09 Strict Pre, Intra and Postoperative Protocol for Lowering VP Shunt Infection Rate in Pediatric Age Group: Have we Achieved the Unattainable Khalid Siddiqui / Saudi Arabia

121 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/10 / Keynote Lectures-10 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: El Fatih Bashir Elmalik / Sudan, Keramettin Aydin / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Gamma Knife Surgery for Skull Base Meningiomas Julio Antico / Argentina 14.15 - 14.30 Surgical Treatment of Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas Joao Paulo Farias / Portugal

NO.03 / Oral Presentation-10

Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.03-01 Clinical Implications From the Genomic Profi le of High-Grade Meningiomas Wenya Linda Bi / Egypt 21 Noah F Greenwald, Malak Abedalthagafi , Pankaj K Agarwalla, Peleg Horowitz, Sandro Santagata, (Mon) Ossama Al Mefty, Rameen Beroukhim, Ian F Dunn

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.03-02 Intracranial Meningioma in Patients Younger Than 35 Years of Age: The Evolution of the Disease in The Era of HIV-1 Infection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Mogwale Samson Motebejane / South Africa Ian Kaminsky, In Sup Choi

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.03-03 Is Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 as a Predictive Factor for Prognosis and Biological Behaviour of Meningiomas? Aslihan Yildirim / Turkey Erkan Yildirim, Mehmet Zafer Berkman, Fugen Vardar Aker, Hakan Somay, Selin Tural Emon, Merih Is

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.03-04 Surgical Management of Intraventricular Meningioma; 20 Years Experience Ali Ayyad / Germany Naureen Keric, Dominik Wesp

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.03-05 Fractal Analysis May Improve the Preoperative Identifi cation of Atypical Meningiomas Hesham M Abouelela Radwan / Egypt Marcin Czyz, Jian Y. Li, Christopher G. Fillipi, Tomasz Tykocki, Michael Schulder

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.03-06 Parasagittal and Falcine Meningiomas. Surgical and Multidisciplinary Treatment in a 100 Cases Fotios Kalfas / Italy

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.03-07 Lateral Supraorbital Approach Versus Classic Pterional Approach in Suprasellar Meningiomas Regarding Accessibility & Safety Mohamed Mohamed / Egypt Ahmed Assem Abdelkhalek

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.03-08 Retractorless (Dynamic Retraction) Microneurosurgery for Tentorial Meningiomas Dong Zhong / China

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.03-09 Surgical Strategy and Experience of Anterior Clinoidal Meningiomas Shaobo Su / China

16.00 - 16.10 OP-NO.03-10 An Integrated Genomic Analysis of Anaplastic Meningioma Identifi es Prognostic Molecular Signatures Thomas Santarius / UK Grace Collord, Patrick Tarpey, Natalja Kurbatova, Sebastian Moran, Manuel Castro, Tibor Nagy, Graham Bignell, Francesco Maura, Jorge Berna, Jose M. Tubio, Chris E. Mcmurran, Adam M. H. Young, Mathew D. Young, Imran Noorani, Stephen J. Price, Colin Watts, Elke Leiptnitz, Matyhias Kirsch, Gabriele Schackert, Danita Pearson, Abel Devadass, Zvi Ram, V. Peter Collins, Kieren Allinson, Michael D. Jenkinson, Rasheed Zakaria, Thomas Santarius, Khaja Syed, C. Oliver Hanemann, Jemma Dunn, Michael W. Mcdermott, Ramez W Kirollos, George S. Vassiliou, Manel Esteller, Sam Behjati, Alvis Brazma, Ultan Mcdermott

122 Military Neurosurgery Session, Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 16.00 MIL-1 / MILITARY NEUROSURGERY SESSION-1 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Uwe Max Mauer / Germany, Yusuf Izci / Turkey 14.00 - 14.20 Novel Technique of Non-invasive ICP Monitoring in Head Trauma Patients Ondrej Bradac / Czech Republic 14.20 - 14.40 History of Military Neurosurgery in Turkish Army Hakan Simsek / Turkey 14.40 - 15.00 Skull and Brain Gunshot Wound during the Armed Confl ict in Eastern Ukraine. Optimization of Medical Care Andriy Sirko / Ukraine 15.00 - 15.20 Landmine Explosions and Head Injuries Cem Atabey /Turkey Aug. 15.20 - 15.40 Predictors of Outcome Following Gunshot Wounds to the Head, How Can We Improve Outcome? Bizhan Aarabi / USA 21 (Mon) 15.40 - 16.00 There is more than You See: Explosive Related Head Injuries Serdar Kaya / Turkey

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/11 / Keynote Lectures-11 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Juan Jose Mezzadri / Argentina, Rene Corvalan / Chile 14.00 - 14.15 Minimally Invasive Central Corpectomy for Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Cervical Spine Yoshitaka Hirano / Japan 14.15 - 14.30 Transoral Surgery in Atlanto-Axial Dislocation Vijendra Kumar Jain / India SP.01 / Oral Presentation-11

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.01-01 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors. Retrospective Study of 45 patients Sobhy Houissa / Tunisia Nidhal Maatar, Hadhemi Dridi, Hafedh Jemel 14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.01-02 Unilateral Hemilaminectomy for the Removal of Intraspinal Extramedullary Tumors (1040 Cases Report) Jiagang Liu / China Siqing Huang, Haifeng Chen, Yu Hu 14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.01-03 Spinal Intradural Tumors and Tethered Cord Syndrome: Experience of Electrophysiological Outcomes Serhat Pusat / Turkey Cahit Kural, Ilker Solmaz, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Yusuf Izci 15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.01-04 Intra-Spinal Schwannoma About 14 Cases Alena Ameyo Nubukpo Gumenu / Morocco Felix K.k Segbedji, Mohmmed Benzagmout, Khalid Chakour, Mohammed El Faiz Chaoui 15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.01-05 Cauda Equina Tumors in Adults: Analysis of Results Felipe Valdivia B. / Chile Marcela Gallegos, Rodrigo Vallejo, Alfredo Yañez, Jose Miguel Montes, Romulo Melo, Renato Verdugo 15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.01-06 Surgical Treatment of Spinal Myxopapillary Ependymoma Ahmed Alkhani / Saudi Arabia 15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.01-07 Surgical Outcome of Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors: Analysis of 51 Cases Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh Sukriti Das, Ehsan Mahmood, Kanak Kanti Barua 15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.01-08 Filum Terminale and Conus Medullaris Ependymoma Ibrahim Omerhodzic / Bosnia and Herzegovina Eldin Burazerovic, Salko Zahirovic, Almir Dzurlic, Adi Ahmetspahic 15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.01-09 Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring for Intradural Spinal Tumors: Analysis of Predictive Value and Relevance on Surgical Outcome During a Ten-Year Experience Reza Ghadirpour / Italy Davide Nasi, Corrado Iaccarino, Antonio Romano, Salvatore Ippolito, Rossella Sabadini, Luisa Motti, Franco Servadei 16.00 - 16.10 OP-SP.01-10 Surgical Management of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Cavernomas: Case Series and Outcomes Armando Saúl Ruiz Treviño / Mexico Javier Degollado García, Juan Pablo Gonzalez Mosqueda, Cristopher German Valencia Ramos, Claudia Cervera Martínez, Aldo Eguiluz Melendez, Juan Luis Gómez Amador, Nicasio Arriada Mendicoa 123 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-1/12 / Keynote Lectures-12 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Abdurahmon U. Norov / Uzbekistan, Kudret Tureyen / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Dandy Walker Syndrome: New Concept for Understanding the Pathophysioloy and Management Ahmed Ammar / Saudi Arabia 14.15 - 14.30 Surgical Treatment of Spinal Dysraphism Mourad Bouaziz / Tunisia

SP.02 / Oral Presentation-12

Aug. 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.02-01 Outcomes After Suboccipital Decompression Without Dural Opening in Chiari Malformation Type I 21 Abdulfettah Tümtürk / Turkey (Mon) Rahmi Kemal Koç, Halil Ulutabanca, Ahmet Küçük

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.02-02 Factors Aff ecting the Surgical Outcomes of Tethered Cord Syndrome in Adults: A Retrospective Study Anas Abdallah / Turkey Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah, Murad Asiltürk, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.02-03 The Role of Cine Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Chiari 0 Malformation Kadir Oktay / Turkey Kerem Mazhar Ozsoy, Nuri Eralp Cetinalp, Umit Akin Dere, Murat Arslan, Tahsin Erman

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.02-04 The Relationship Between Chiari Malformation Type 1 and Sleep Electrophysology H. Önder Okay / Turkey Ümit Kahraman, Murat Kayabekir, Çoşkun Yolaş, Nurettin Batıhan Üye, Mustafa Kemal Çoban, Osman Tanrıverdi, Gürkan Uzun, Muhammed Ömeroğlu

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.02-05 Management of Concomitant Scoliosis and Tethered Cord Syndrome in Non-Spina Bifi da Pediatric Population Kaan Yaltirik / Turkey Najib El Tecle, Matthew Pierson, Aki Puryear, Basar Atalay, Samer Elbabaa

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.02-06 Diastematomyelia Surgical Treatment. Concerning 20 Cases Abdelmadjid Meliani / Algeria Bouali Djouhar

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.02-07 Psychosocial Issues in Spina Bifi da Emre Ünal / Turkey Kaya Kilic

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.02-08 DCER as an Eff ective Technique in the Treatment of Basilar Invagination: 3 Years Outcomes of Three Cases Nuri Eralp Çetinalp / Turkey Faruk Ildan, Kerem Mazhar Özsoy, Kadir Oktay

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.02-09 Foramen Magnum Decompresion (FMD) for Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) Sri Maliawan / Indonesia Tjokorda Gde Mahadewa, Wisnu Wardahana

Time : 16.00 - 16.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5

124 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.04 / Oral Presentation-13 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Sobhy Houissa / Tunisia, Savas Ceylan / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.04-01 Discrepancies Between Intraoperative Mri Flair and T2 Tumor Volumes Compared With Immediate and 3 Month Postoperative Volumes Correlated With Glioma Tumor Biology and Patient Outcome Randy L Jensen / USA

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.04-02 Infl uence of Topography, Phylogeny, Function and Architecture of the Cerebral Cortex on the Occurrence of Brain Gliomas Carlo Serra / Switzerland Aug. Victor Staartjes, Kevin Akeret, Nicolai Maldaner, Sandra Dias, Luca Regli, Niklaus Krayenbühl

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.04-03 Potential Role of Peritumoral ADÇ Values for the Diff erentiating Between Glioblastoma 21 Multiforme and Solitary Metastatic Lesions of the Brain (Mon) Murat Tepe / Turkey Suzan Şaylısoy, Zühtü Özbek, Emre Özkara, Ali Arslantaş

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.04-04 Withdrawn

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.04-05 Re-Operation for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) in the Era of Modern Chemotherapy Mahmoud Taha / Saudi Arabia Ahmad Hindam, Ahmed Alwbari, Ibrahim Atean, Marwah Abdulkader

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.04-06 Role of MRI PET Brain in Diff erentiating Glioma Recurrence From Pseudo-Progression Varindera Paul Singh / India Shanti Kumar Sogani, Sangeeta Taneja, Amarnath Jena

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.04-07 Predicting Brain Glioma Grade by a High-fi eld 3Tesla MRI Bruno Splavski / Croatia Goran Lakicevic, Marijana Karlovic Vidakovic

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.04-08 Very Short-Term Survival in Glioblastoma Patients: Factors Associated with Poor Outcome - A Subgroup Analysis Daniela De Matos / Portugal Henrique Cabral, Ricardo Pereira, Marcos Barbosa

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.04-09 Surgery for Recurrent High Grade Glioma: The Dilemma of Debate Wael Musa / Egypt Ahmed N. Taha

125 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.05 / Oral Presentation-14 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Ali Ihsan Okten / Turkey, Suat Celik / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.05-01 Spheno-Orbital Meningiomas: A Clinical Review of 31 Cases Petr Vachata / Czech Republic Martin Sames

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.05-02 Choosing the Side of Approach in Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas Surgery Sergey Chernov / Russia Anton Kalinovsky, Alexandr Dmitriev, Alexandr Zotov, Agadadash Kasymov, Ekaterina Gormolysova, Aug. Elena Uzhakova

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.05-03 Indication of Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Tuberculous Sell Meningiomas - 21 Characteristic of Optic Canal Invasion (Mon) Kenji Ohata / Japan Kosuke Nakajo, Hiroki Morisaki, Takeo Goto

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.05-04 Visual Improvement and Stabilization by Surgical Resection of Optic Sheath Meningiomas Marcio S Rassi / USA Svetlana Pravdenkova, Sashank Prasad, Ossama Al Mefty

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.05-05 Sphenoid Wing Meningioma In A Sub-Saharan African City Okezie Obasi Kanu / Nigeria Omotayo A Ojo, Olufemi B Bankole, John O Olatosi, Yusuf Dawang, Eghosa Morgan, Sarajudeen O Arigbabu

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.05-06 Personal Experience in the Management of Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas Nyoman Golden / Indonesia

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.05-07 Technical Strategy and Pitfall in Surgery for Juxtasellar Skull Base Meningioma Katsumi Sakata / Japan Takashi Kawasaki, Hiroshi Manaka, Wataru Shimohigoshi

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.05-08 Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas: Surgery Related Hypothalamic Sequalae; How to Avoid? Ashraf Elbadry / Egypt Ahmed Nageeb

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.05-09 Foramen Magnum Meningiomas Classifi cation and Surgical Management Raed Aljubour / Jordan

126 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 EXP.01 / Oral Presentation-15 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Kresimir Rotim / Croatia, Erkan Kaptanoglu / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EXP.01-01 COX-2, IL-15, IL-8, TNF-alfa,IL-1 beta, IL-6,IL-1 alfa Gene Expression in Ligamentum Flavum Hypertrophy Engin Fidancı / Turkey Fikret Şahintürk, Serhat Cömert, Erkin Sönmez, Mehmet Nur Altınörs, Özlem Özen, Iff et Feride Şahin

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EXP.01-02 Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with High Effi ciency From Human Embryonic Renal Cortical Cells Hailiang Tang / China Aug. Jianhong Zhu

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EXP.01-03 “ Evaluation of the Preventative Eff ect of Epidural Fibrosis Development by 21 Using Diclofenac Sodium and Diltiazem in Rat Model” (Mon) Barış Erdoğan / Turkey Merih Iş, Fügen Vardar Aker, Selin Tural Emon, Taner Engin, Ezgi Ayçiçek Akar

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EXP.01-04 Time Dependent Evaluation of Behaviour, Morphology and Molecular Characterization of Perihaematomal Area in Mouse Model of Cerebellar Haemorrhage Jafri Malin Abdullah / Malaysia Muthuraju Sangu, Mohd Khairul Izamil Zolkefl ey, Abu Bakar Tijjani Salihu, Zamzuri Idris, Farizan Ahmad, Zulkifl i Mustapha, Abdul Aziz Mohamed Yusoff

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EXP.01-05 Dose Depended Eff ect of 2-APB In Cerebral Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Early Brain Injury in Rats Mehmet Gazi Boyacı / Turkey Usame Rakip, Adem Aslan, Serhat Korkmaz, Halit Buğra Koca, Esra Aslan, Serhat Yıldızhan

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EXP.01-06 Prophylactic Eff ects of Silver Nanoparticles in a Rat Model of Spinal Stabilization and Infection Abdurrahim Tas / Turkey Feyza Karagoz Guzey, Azmi Tufan, Nuray Kuvat, Ozgur Yusuf Aktas, Burak Eren, Murat Yucel, Asli Kahraman Akkalp

17.30 - 17.40 OP-EXP.01-07 Metastatic Brain Tumor Diff erences Based on Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell-Tissues of Origin Erion Musabelliu / Albania

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EXP.01-08 The Prevention Eff ect of Pirfenidone on Epidural Fibrosis in the Post-Laminectomy Rat Model Yahya Guvenc / Turkey Deniz Billur, Yasar Ozturk, Mesut Emre Yaman, Sevim Aydin, Erkan Kaptanoglu

17.50 - 18.00 OP-EXP.01-09 Brain Blood Barrier Disruption in the Treatment of Central Nervous Tumors Henrique Cabral / Portugal Marcos Barbosa, Daniela Matos

127 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 FN.02 / Oral Presentation-16 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Chingiz Shashkin / Kazakhstan, Ersoy Kocabicak / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-FN.02-01 Strategy and Neurosurgical Ablatives Procedures in the Treatment of Spastic Foot. (About a Series of 164 Patients) Mahfouf Lila / Algeria

16.40 - 16.50 OP-FN.02-02 Accuracy of Varioguide Frameless Stereotactic System Against Frame Based Stereotaxy: Prospective Randomized Single-Centre Study Ondrej Bradac / Czech Republic Aug. Anna Steklacova, Jiri Vrana, Patricia De Lacy, Vladimir Benes 16.50 - 17.00 OP-FN.02-03 Confi rmation of Electrode Localization by Fusion Between Preoperative T2W MRI and 21 Postoperative CT Scan on Parkinson Cases who Underwent STN DBS (Mon) Halil Ulutabanca / Turkey Murat Gültekin, Ahmet Küçük, Murat Çiftçi, Ahmet Selçuklu, Yasin Temel, Ersoy Kocabıçak

17.00 - 17.10 OP-FN.02-04 Ultrasound Neuronavigation vs Conventional Neuronavigation vs Intraoperative Ultrasound – a Decade of Experience at a Single Institution Ivan Valentinov Todorov / Bulgaria Tihomir Nikolov Eftimov, Todor Penchev Shamov, Plamen Simeonov, Evgeniy Stavrev

17.10 - 17.20 OP-FN.02-05 Frame-Based Pinless Stereotaxy Abdin Khair-Allah Kasim / Egypt

17.20 - 17.30 OP-FN.02-06 Comperative Results of Plastic Cap and Bone Cement Usage in Permanent Electrode Fixation of Deep Brain Stimulation Ersoy Kocabicak / Turkey Onder Taskin, Dursun Aygun, Yasin Temel

17.30 - 17.40 OP-FN.02-07 May Stereotactic Intracavity Administration of Antibiotics Shorten the Course of Systemic Antibiotic Therapy for Brain Abscesses? Xin Yu / China

17.40 - 17.50 OP-FN.02-08 Image-Guided Stereotactic Ventricular Catheter Placement for Refractory Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Accuracy and Eff ectiveness Essam Moneer Rezk / Egypt Esam Abd Elhay Mokbel

17.50 - 18.00 OP-FN.02-09 Framless Neuronavigation Assisted Brain Biopsy: Safety, Effi ciency and Our Experience Erdinc Ozek / Turkey Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoglu, Seran Kitis, Tolga Turan Dündar, Abdurrahim Tekin, Mustafa Aziz hatiboğlu

128 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NT.02 / Oral Presentation-17 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Gilberto Leung / Hong-Kong, Onur Ulu / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NT.02-01 Traumatic Brain Injury Care Quality Assurance in Ukraine Andriy Huk / Ukraine Nikolay Kadzhaya, Andriy Dyadechko, Andriy Boluh, Aleksander Gotin

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NT.02-02 A Prospective Clinical Study of Routine Repeat Computed Tomography (CT) After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Jun Ding / China Hengli Tian Aug. 16.50 - 17.00 OP-NT.02-03 Feedbak to Pre-Neurotrauma Teams to Reduce Secondary Insults in Adult Severe Brain Injury who Underwent Hematoma Evacuation 21 Leon Levi / Israel (Mon) Hanny Bahouth, Gill Sviri, Or Cohen Inbar, Marius Constantinescu, Menashe Zaaroor

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NT.02-04 Prevention of Traumatic Brain Injury in Brazil - the “Think Well” Program of Brazilian Neurosurgery Society Cármine Porcelli Salvarani / Brazil

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NT.02-05 The Eff ect of the Surgery on Survival Time of the War Related Cranial Injuries (510 Cases Experience) Atilla Yilmaz / Turkey Boran Urfalı, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan, Murat Altaş, Nebi Yılmaz

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NT.02-06 Traumatic Brain Injury Changes; a Clinical and Patho-Biochemical Profi le of Trends During Neurosurgical Management Kadhaya David Muballe / South Africa Constance Sewani Rusike, Benjamin Longo Mbenza

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NT.02-07 Neurotrauma and Disaster Response: Meeting the Global Surgery 2030 Goals Russell Andrews / USA Leonidas Quintana, Tariq Khan

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NT.02-08 Outcomes and Complications of Cranial Wounds in Syrian Civil War Ismail Kaya / Turkey Murat Uğur, Ceren Kizmazoglu, Hasan Emre Aydin, Orhan Kalemci, Nurullah Yuceer

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NT.02-09 Weight, Volume and Computer-Tomography Estimated Specifi c Gravity in Mild to Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Javier Angel Toledo / Argentina Agnel Ramos, Catalin Fetita, Jose Carlos Nallino

129 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NV.04 / Oral Presentation-18 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Tayfun Hakan / Turkey, / Abdessamad El Ouahabi / Morocco 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NV.04-01 Hyperperfusion Syndrome After STA-MCA Bypass in Patients with Moyamoya Disease Yi Liu / China

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NV.04-02 Cerebral Revascularization: Single and Double Barrel Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Experience Alexander M. Nemirovskiy / Russia Tatiana A. Nemirovskaya Aug. 16.50 - 17.00 OP-NV.04-03 Changes in Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Endostatin Concentrations Associated With Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells After Acute Ischemic Stroke 21 Hao Chen / China (Mon) Lixia Xue, Shiwen Chen, Yan Guo, Yuwu Zhao, Hengli Tian

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NV.04-04 Safety and Effi cacy of Urgent EC-IC Bypass for Acute Atherosclerotic Ischemic Stroke Lukui Chen / China Xiaoyuan Guo, Hong Wang, Guojian Wu, Jun Kong

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NV.04-05 Stroke Center in a Third World Country: It is posible! Omar Pichardo / Mexico Edgardo Ruiz, Fiacro Jimenez, Samuel Horta

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NV.04-06 Withdrawn

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NV.04-07 The Value of Perfusion CT As A Prognostic Factor After Mechanical Thrombectomy in Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Patients Byung Hoo Moon / South Korea Kyung Sool Jang, Byung Rae Cho, Sang Kyu Park, Dong Kyu Jang, Young Min Han

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NV.04-08 Surgical Management of Moyamoya Disease-Retrospective Analysis of a Single Institution Series Ranjit Devidas Rangnekar / India Suresh Nair, Jayanand Sudhir

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NV.04-09 Retrospective Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy of Colour Doppler Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography Angiography and Magnetic Resonance Angiography Compared With Digital Subtraction Angiography in Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis Fatih Ersay Deniz / Turkey Özgür Demir, Erol Öksüz, Osman Demir, Yasin Taşkın

130 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.03 / Oral Presentation-19 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Sudan Dhakal / Nepal, Ertugrul Cakir / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.03-01 Spinal Hydatid Cyst Disorder: Multiple Surgery And Long-Term Follow Up Results Gökhan Çavuş / Turkey Ali Ihsan Ökten, Yurdal Gezercan, Emre Bilgin, Ali Arslan, Güner Menekşe, Hilmi Karaörs

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.03-02 Cervical Spine TB Noorulain Iqbal / Pakistan Salman Sharif, Mehak Hafi z Aug. 16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.03-03 Dorso-Lumbar Tuberculous Spondylodiscities Experience in the Neurosurgery Departement About 295 Cases Skounti Khalid / Morocco 21 Ibrahimi Mohamed, Bechri Hajar, El Fatemi Nizar, El Maaquili Moulay Rachid (Mon)

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.03-04 Surgical Correction of Severe Thoracic Kyphosis in Patients Spinal Tuberculosis with Posterior Decompression and Fixation Rhonaz Putra Agung / Indonesia Rully Hanafi Dahlan, Farid Yudoyono, Sevline Estethia Ompungsungu, Muhammad Zafrullah Arifi n

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.03-05 Eff ects of Rifamycin Administration on Infection Rates in Patients Undergoing Posterior Stabilization Ali Akay / Turkey Mete Rükşen, Rauf Nasirov, Sertaç Işlekel

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.03-06 Neck Pain After Tonsillectomy: A Redfl ag For Cervical Spine Tuberculosis in Developing Countries Waheed Alam / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali, Muhammad Ishaq, Naseer Hassan, Farooq Azam, Muhammad Siddique, Zahid Khan, Seema Zahid

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.03-07 Clinical and Radiological Criteria for Diagnosis of Spinal Tuberculosis Altaf Ali Laghari / Pakistan Ahmed Ali Shah, Gohar Javed

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.03-08 Indications of Surgical Interventions in Patients With Postoperative Spondyelodiscitis Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Aly / Egypt

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.03-09 Circumferential Fusion for Tuberculous Spine in Thoracic and Lumbar Levels Through Posterior Approach Sakthikanal Subramaniam / India Balasubramani Karuppannan

131 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NV.05 / Oral Presentation-20 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Fernando Knezevich / Argentina, Deniz Belen / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NV.05-01 Withdrawn

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NV.05-02 Brain Stem Cavernomas. Radical Removal Using Functional Microsurgery Eduard Zverina / Czech Republic Pavel Haninec

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NV.05-03 Surgical Management and Strategies for Treating Brainstem Cavernous Malformations Aug. Yuan Wang / China Wenhai Lv, Tao Zheng, Long Chen, Tianzhi Zhao, Lanfu Zhao, Guodong Gao, Yan Qu, Shiming He

21 17.00 - 17.10 OP-NV.05-04 Novel Hydrogel Material as a Potential Embolic Agent in Brain Arteriovenous (Mon) Malformations Treatments Feng Zhou / China Liming Chen, Wei Zhu, Tao Yi, Qingzhu An

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NV.05-05 400 AVM Microsurgery Resection Exprience From 1999 to 2016 in the Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Peru Jose Alberto Lopez Moreno / Peru Jose Alberto Lopez Saavedra

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NV.05-06 Brainstem Hematomas and Cavernous Angiomas: Early Outcome and Long - Termed Results of Surgical and Conservative Management Andrey Gavrjushin / Russia Elena A. Khukhlaeva, Alexander N. Konovalov

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NV.05-07 Arcus Aorta Branching Variations: An Angiographic Study of 90 SAH Patients H. Önder Okay / Turkey Ümit Kahraman, Nurettin Batıhan Üye, Gürkan Uzun

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NV.05-08 Is Temporary Proximal Artery Clipping in AVM Surgery Safe? Balaji Sanjeev Pai / India Nagarjun Maulyavantham Nagaraj, Sathyaranjandas Alangar Hegde

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NV.05-09 A Comprehensive Review of Endovascular Treatment of Brain AVM Nitin Narayan Dnge / India Ashwinikumar Suresh Patil

132 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 PED.02 / Oral Presentation-21 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Ali Hikmat Aziz / Iraq, Nail Ozdemir / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-PED.02-01 3D Printing in Pediatric Neurosurgery: An Optimizing tool for Surgical Interventions of Pediatric Spinal and Cranial Pathologies Kamran Urgun / USA Isaac Swift, Dale M. Swift

16.40 - 16.50 OP-PED.02-02 Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Fenestration of Rathke’s Cleft Cysts in Children Mohamed A Elzoghby / Egypt Matthew J Shepard, Erin N Kiehna, Spencer C Payne, John A Jane Jr. Aug. 16.50 - 17.00 OP-PED.02-03 Pediatric Neuroanesthesia: Retrospective Analysis of 631 Cases, a Single Institution Experience 21 Gökçen Emmez / Turkey (Mon) Kutluk Hasan Pampal, Gözde Inan, Alp Özgün Börcek, Murat Zinnuroğlu, Zerrin Özköse Şatırlar

17.00 - 17.10 OP-PED.02-04 Lumbosacral Lypoma - Strip Removal Technique Marat Rimovich Gizatullin / Russia Albert Akramovich Sufi anov, Yurii Alekseevich Yakimov, Olga Michailovna Klimenko, Tansila Anvarovna Salichova, Renat Albertovich Sufi anov

17.10 - 17.20 OP-PED.02-05 The Internal Helmet: A Novel Technique for Imediate Correction of Sagittal Synostosis Khaled Bassim Aly / Egypt

17.20 - 17.30 OP-PED.02-06 Minimally Invasive Spring Assisted Cranioplasty in Management of Scaphocephaly. The First 15 Cases in Egypt Ahmed Kamal Abdelhameid / Egypt Sherif Ahmed Bakri

17.30 - 17.40 OP-PED.02-07 Posterior Fossa Tumours Associated Hydrocephalus in Children - Neuroendoscope Dominance Rami Yousef Alqroom / Jordan Nidal Hayel Khasawneh, Muath Rakez Alqurashi, Sizeph Haddad

17.40 - 17.50 OP-PED.02-08 Technique with Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Treatment of Scaphocephaly Without Endoscope use Nor Postoperative Helmet Experience in a Pediatric Hospital in Mexico Germán Ballesteros Cuevas / Mexico Armando Guerrero Guerrero, Monica N. Madrazo Moya

17.50 - 18.00 OP-PED.02-09 Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery For 40 Pediatric Cases: An Instutional Experience Gokmen Kahilogullari / Turkey Cem Meco, Suha Beton, Murat Zaimoglu, Hazan Basak, Agahan Unlu

133 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.10 NO.06 / Oral Presentation-22 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Antonio Aversa Do Souto / Brazil, Davut Ceylan / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.06-01 Therapeutic Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Surgery After Diagnosis of Cushing’s Disease: A Single-Center Study Shozo Yamada / Japan Noriaki Fukuhara, Mitsuo Okada, Hiroshi Nishioka, Naoko Inoshita, Akira Takeshita, Yasuhiro Takeuchi

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.06-02 Analysis of Corregister of High Field MRI (3T) and Methionine And FDG PET in the Management of Cushing´S Disease Recurrence Aug. Cinta Arraez / Spain Antonio Gutiérrez, Sandra Rodriguez, Alvaro Martin, Miguel Segura, Antonio Carrasco, Miguel Angel Arraez

21 16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.06-03 Postoperative Complications of Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenectomy in a Tertiary (Mon) Center in Underdeveloped Country Sagar Koirala / Nepal Upendra Prasad Devkota

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.06-04 Reliability of Cavernous Sinus Sampling in Management of Cushing’s Disease Burak Kınalı / Turkey Nurperi Gazioğlu, Mahmut Çamlar, Barış Küçükyürük, Necmettin Tanrıöver, Pınar Kadıoğlu, Özlem Çelik, Özge Polat Korkmaz, Seçil Erden, Civan Işlak, Naci Koçer, Osman Kızılkılıç

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.06-05 Decision Making for Effi cient Management of Cushing Disease (CD) Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.06-06 The Value of Endoscopic Endonasal in Pituitary Adenoma Omar Yusef Hammad / Egypt

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.06-07 Withdrawn

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.06-08 Late-Onset Pneumocephalus Following Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: Treatment and Clinical Follow-Up Dilemmas Pinar Özışık / Turkey Kadriye Şerife Uğur, Berrin Demirbaş, Engin Gönül

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.06-09 Surgical Outcome of Pure Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery; Report of 16 Cases Gaousul Azam / Bangladesh

18.00 - 18.10 OP-NO.06-10 Surgical Management of Giant Pituitary Adenomas: Single Center Experience Aldo Gabriel Eguiluz Melendez / Mexico Juan Pablo Calderon Yrigoyen, Luis Alberto Ortega Porcayo, Juan Pablo González Mosqueda, Armando Saúl Ruiz Treviño, Cristopher Germán Valencia Ramos, Víctor Alcocer Barradas, Juan Luis Gómez Amador

134 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.04 / Oral Presentation-23 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Adailton Arcanjo Dos Santos Junior / Brazil, Tuncer Suzer / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.04-01 Survival and Fictional Outcomes After Surgical Treatment Intramedullary Spinal Cord Astrocytomas Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Ivan Shevelev, Igor Pronin, Yury Kushel, Andrei Golanov, Anton Nazarenko, Petr Zelenkov, Roman Onoprienko, Dmitry Asyutin, Vasilyi Korolishin, Stanislav Timonin, Stanislav Kaprovoy

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.04-02 Lateral Approach for Management of Ventrally Located Upper Cervical Meningioma Ali Ayyad / Germany Aug. Amr Amr, Eleftherios Archavlis, Gird Kessel

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.04-03 Unilateral Approach (Hemilaminectomy/Facetectomy/Costotransversectomy) is a Less 21 Invasive and Eff ective Approach for Removing of Extramedullary Tumors (Mon) Ali Dalgic / Turkey Ozhan Merzuk Uckun, Denizhan Divanlioglu, Derya Karaoglu, Tanin Ogur, Deniz Belen

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.04-04 Spinal Meningiomas. Retrospective Multicentric Study of 80 Patients Sobhy Houissa / Tunisia Nizar Abdedayem, Hafedh Jemel

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.04-05 Factors Aff ecting the Surgical Outcomes of Primary Spinal Ependymomas: A Retrospective Study Anas Abdallah / Turkey Murad Asiltürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuğlu, Müslüm Güneş, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Talat Cem Ovalıoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.04-06 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors Surgical Management Oleksandr Voznyak / Ukraine Serhii Lysenko, Roman Ilyuk, Andrii Lytvynenko

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.04-07 Results of Surgical Treatment of Hemangioblastomas of the Spinal Cord Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Igor Pronin, Dmitry Asyutin, Natalia Dzybanova, Roman Onoprienko, Vasilyi Korolishin, Maria Martynova, Bahromhon Zakirov, Stanislav Timonin, Stanislav Kaprovoy

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.04-08 Preoperative, Peroperative and Postoperative Electrophysiological Evaluations of Spinal Tumors: A Retrospective Clinical Study Yusuf Izci / Turkey Royal Mehdiyev, Yunus Kaçar, Özgür Erdem

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.04-09 Minimally Invasive Surgery of Spine Tumors Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Philippines

135 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.05 / Oral Presentation-24 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Aftab Younus / South Africa, Ali Dalgic / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.05-01 Assessment of Effi ciency of the Easy go Spinal Endoscopic Spine System. Is this Easy go or not so Easy go System Aftab Younus / South Africa Allan Sekeitto, Mohammad Hamza Aftab, Abdirashid Aden

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.05-02 Urodynamic Study in Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Obscure Entity Kourosh Karimi Yarandi / Iran Aug. Abbas Amirjamshidi 16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.05-03 Surgical Treatment of Sacral Tarlov Cysts: Report of 20 Cases 21 Mohammed Yassine Haouas / Morocco (Mon) Mohamed Khoulali, Hani Aljohani, Robin Srour

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.05-04 Spine Surgery Done in the Land of Borneo Sarawak; an Audit Radzi Hamzah / Malaysia Catherine Hui Juan Ho, Bik Liang Lau, Sze Kiat Sim, Swee San Lim, Faizul Hizal Ghazali, Donald Liew, Albert Wong

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.05-05 Predisposing Factors for Dural Tear During Lumbar Spine Surgery Mohamed Shabaan Mohamed / Egypt Mohaned Hewedy

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.05-06 Epidural Catheter Breakage: Systematic Review and Recommendations Sumeet G Pawar / India Premanand S Ramani, Apurva Prasad

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.05-07 Electronic Record Keeping of Intraoperative X-Ray and Avoidance of Wrong Level Spinal Surgery: 2 Year Series Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / UK Hassan Othman

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.05-08 Effi ciency of the Blood Patch In Repairs of the Dural Tear Post Spine Surgery: Proposal a Protocol Therapeutic Khailia Samira / Algeria

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.05-09 Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Compression of the Child Bankole Nourou Dine Adéniran / Morocco Ndiaye Moustapha, Mbaye Thioub, Sakho Youssoupha


Tuesday August 22 Aug. 22 (Tue) At a Glance Daily Program

LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



07.00 - 08.30

08.30 MT-2/1 MT-2/2 MT-2/3 MT-2/4 - Main Topic Session-14 Main Topic Session-15 Main Topic Session-16 Main Topic Session-17 10.30

10.30 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 11.00

11.00 PL-2 - Plenary Session-2 13.00

13.00 LS Luncheon Symposium - 14.00

14.00 KL-2/1 KL-2/2 KL-2/3 KL-2/4 - Keynote Lectures-13 Keynote Lectures-14 Keynote Lectures-15 Keynote Lectures-16 14.30 GEN M. Gazi Yasargil 50 Years in 14.30 Microneurosurgery NO.07 CM.01 NO.08 NO.09 - Oral Presentations-25 Oral Presentations-26 Oral Presentations-27 Oral Presentations-28 16.00

16.00 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 16.30

16.30 NO.10 NO.11 CM.03 EDS.01 - Oral Presentations-37 Oral Presentations-38 Oral Presentations-39 Oral Presentations-40 18.00 GEN M. Gazi Yasargil 50 Years in Microneurosurgery 18.00 YNF - Young Neurosurgeon 19.30 Forum Aug. 22 (Tue)

Istanbul Congress Center

B2 B3


BR-2/1 BR-2/2 BR-2/3 BR-2/4 BR-2/5 BR-2/6 BR-2/7 BR-2/8 BR-2/9 BR-2/10 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Seminars-10 Seminars-11 Seminars-12 Seminars-13 Seminars-14 Seminars-15 Seminars-16 Seminars-17 Seminars-18 Seminars-19

MT-2/5 MT-2/6 MT-2/7 MT-2/8 MT-2/9 MT-2/10 MT-2/11 MT-2/12 MT-2/13 Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Session-18 Session-19 Session-20 Session-21 Session-22 Session-23 Session-24 Session-25 Session-26

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

KL-2/5 KL-2/6 KL-2/7 KL-2/8 KL-2/9 KL-2/10 KL-2/11 KL-2/12 Keynote Lectures-17 Keynote Lectures-18 Keynote Lectures-19 Keynote Lectures-20 Keynote Lectures-21 Keynote Lectures-22 Keynote Lectures-23 Keynote Lectures-24

SP.06 NT.03 NV.06 PED.03 SP.07 SP.08 SP.09 CM.02 Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-29 Presentations-30 Presentations-31 Presentations-32 Presentations-33 Presentations-34 Presentations-35 Presentations-36

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

FN.03 NT.04 GEN NV.07 PED.04 SP.10 SP.11 SP.12 FN.04 Oral Oral General Session Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-41 Presentations-42 - Forum for the Presentations-43 Presentations-44 Presentations-45 Presentations-46 Presentations-47 Presentations-48 Political and Socioeconomic Development of Neurosurgery

Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/1 / Breakfast Seminars-10 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Salman Sharif / Pakistan, Selcuk Palaoglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Decompression for Spinal Canal Stenosis: Pitfalls and Strategies Tae-Ahn Jhang / South Korea

07.20 - 07.40 Complications in Instrumented Spine Procedures Andre Tomasino / Germany

07.40 - 08.00 Update on Progressive Post-Traumatic Myelopathy Niklas Marklund / Sweden

08.00 - 08.20 Endoscopic Spine Surgery: When to Apply Which Technique? Joachim Oertel / Germany

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/2 / Breakfast Seminars-11 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Carlos Alegria / Portugal, Nurperi Gazioglu / Turkey Aug. 07.00 - 07.20 Endoscopic Management of Craniopharyngioma Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India 22 (Tue) 07.20 - 07.40 Craniopharyngiomas and Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery Juan Barges-Coll / Mexico

07.40 - 08.00 The Management of Craniopharyngiomas: Open vs Endoscopic Approach-Current State of the Art Fred Gentili / Canada

08.00 - 08.20 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pediatric Craniopharyngiomas Gokmen Kahilogullari / Turkey

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/3 / Breakfast Seminars-12 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Christopher Kellner / USA, Cem Atabey / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Single Day Combined Embolization and Surgical Treatment of Brain AVMs Reza Dashti / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Cerebral AVM - Transcranial in Multimodality Approaches Janos Vajda / Hungary

07.40 - 08.00 Fundamental Treatment of Brain AVM Yoko Kato / Japan

08.00 - 08.20 Embryological Consideration of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Michihiro Tanaka / Japan

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

141 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/4 / Breakfast Seminars-13 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Alexander Zouros / USA, Pinar Ozisik / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Conditions for Pediatric Neurosurgery on the Palestinian Territories Alexander Zouros / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Interdisciplinarity in Pediatric Neurosurgery Heidi Beachli / Germany

07.40 - 08.00 Quality and Service Improvement in Pediatric Neurosurgery Care Eylem Ocal / USA

08.00 - 08.20 Pediatric Neurotrauma and Neuro Critical Care Management David Adelson / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/5 / Breakfast Seminars-14 Aug. Venue : Hall 13-B8/89 Moderators: Makoto Taniguchi / Japan, Ersin Erdogan / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Next Era in Neuromodulation: Electricity, Light and Nanoparticles 22 Yasin Temel / Turkey (Tue) 07.20 - 07.40 Interest of Stereotactic Atlasses in Functional Neurosurgery Philippe Cornu / France

07.40 - 08.00 Nanotechnology for Neurosurgery: Next-Generation DBS/BMI/Neuromodulation Russell Andrews / USA

08.00 - 08.20 Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Disorders Ersoy Kocabicak / Turkey

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/6 / Breakfast Seminars-15 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Gerardo Guinto / Mexico, Nezih Oktar / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Predictive Factors for the Preservation of Facial Nerve Function in Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Lotfi Boublata / Algeria

07.20 - 07.40 Surgery of Giant Vestibular Schwannomas Lars Poulsgaard / Denmark

07.40 - 08.00 Vestibular Schwannoma Microsurgery: How to Avoid Post-Operative Non-Neurological Complication Eduard Zverina / Czech Republic

08.00 - 08.20 Gamma Knife Surgery for Vestibular Schwannomas Julio Antico / Argentina

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

142 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/7 / Breakfast Seminars-16 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Juan Luis Gomez-Amador / Mexico, Mehdi Sasani / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Simultaneous Combined Supraorbital Keyhole Approach and Endonasal Trans-Sphenoidal Approach to Remove Hourglass-Shaped and Functional Pituitary Macroadenomas Kentaro Mori / Japan

07.20 - 07.40 Endoscopic Transphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas Amr Safwat / Egypt

07.40 - 08.00 Endoscopic Management of Pituitary Lesions Under Intraoperative MRI Yasser Orz / Egypt

08.00 - 08.20 Intraoperative Visualization of Pituitary Tumors Rudolf Fahlbusch / Germany

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

BR-2/8 / Breakfast Seminars-17 Time : 07.00 - 08.30 Aug. Venue : Hall 16-B3/60 Moderators: Sepideh Amin-Hanjani / USA, Ismail Hakki Aydin / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Ischemic Stroke: Management by Neurosurgeon 22 Marco A. Molina-Martinez / Honduras (Tue)

07.20 - 07.40 Advanced Techniques for Carotid Reconstruction 2017 Christopher Loftus / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Carotid Endarterectomy: Main Indications, Technical Details Roberto Herrera / Argentina

08.00 - 08.20 Outcomes Following Iatrogenic Stroke Ramachandra P. Tummala / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/9 / Breakfast Seminars-18 Venue : Hall 17-B3/61 Moderators: Emin Ozyurt / Turkey, Ergun Daglioglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Aneurysm Related Cranial Nerve Palsy: Treatment An Outcome Erdem Guresir / Germany

07.20 - 07.40 The Perspective of Vascular Neurosurgery Daniel Hanggi / Germany

07.40 - 08.00 Microsurgery of Recurrent Aneurysms after Endovascular Treatment Alexandros Andreou / Greece

08.00 - 08.20 Dual-image Videoangiography during Intracranial Microvascular Surgery Alberto Feletti / Italy

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

143 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars, Main Topic Sessions

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-2/10 / Breakfast Seminars-19 Venue : Hall 18-B3/22 Moderators: Michihiro Kohno / Japan, Agahan Unlu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Posterior Fossa Tumors Manifesting Trigeminal Neuralgia Isao Date / Japan

07.20 - 07.40 Percutaneous Balloon Compression of the Trigeminal Ganglion for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Review of Critical Technical Details and Outcome Marco Gonzalez Portillo / Peru

07.40 - 08.00 Surgical Treatment of Facial Pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia Ali Savas / Turkey

08.00 - 08.20 Long-Term Results of Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia Volodymr Smolanka / Ukraine

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

MT-2/1 / Main Topic Session-14 Aug. Time : 08.30 - 10.30 Venue : Beyazıt/B2 Moderators: Scott Robertson / USA, Serkan Simsek / Turkey 22 08.30 - 08.45 Minimally Invasive Midline Lumbar Fusion Techniques with a Novel System of Implants (Tue) Faheem Sandhu / USA

08.45 -09.00 Spine Surgery with and without Instrumentation Marcos Masini / Brazil

09.00 - 09.15 Complications of Spinal Surgery and Instrumentation Patrick W. Hitchon / USA

09.15 -09.30 Return to Sports after Spinal Fusion Christopher I. Shaff rey / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Tricks for Doing Low Budget Modern Neurosurgery in a Developing Country Mostafa Kotb / Egypt

09.45 - 10.00 Mini-open TLIF Mohamed Mohi Eldin / Egypt

10.00 - 10.15 Spinal Cord Functions and Deterioration in Spinal Instrumentation and Tumor Surgeries Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia

10.15 - 10.30 Urodynamic Study in Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Obscure Entity Abbas Amirjamshidi / Iran

144 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/2 / Main Topic Session-15 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Francesco DiMeco / Italy, Hakan Emmez / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Fluorescence in Neurosurgery - Update Walter Stummer / Germany

08.45 - 09.00 Perspectives in Surgery of the Malignant Gliomas Peter A. Winkler / Austria

09.00 - 09.15 Na Fluorescein in Brain Tumor Surgery Alexander Brawanski / Germany

09.15 - 09.30 Fluorescence Guided Resections in Gliomas – What You See and What You Don’t Aliasgar Moiyadi / India

09.30 - 09.45 Management of Intraaxial Tumors, Experience in Bucaramanga Colombia Gabriel Vargas / Colombia

09.45 - 10.00 Sodium Fluorescence Guided Microsurgical Excision of Gliomas Using Yellow 560nm Filters Jutty K.B.C. Parthiban / India

10.00 - 10.15 Fluorescence Guided Microneurosurgery Aug. Talat Kiris / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Sodium Fluorescein-guided Resection of Brain Tumors 22 Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey (Tue)

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/3 / Main Topic Session-16 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Aleksandar Caparoski / Macedonia, Kaya Aksoy / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 New Paradigm of Relationship between Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Fusao Ikawa / Japan

08.45 - 09.00 A Retrospective Study on 296 Aneurysms of AcoA: Choice of Approach, Surgical Nuances, Pearl and Pitfalls Antonino Raco / Italy

09.00 - 09.15 Treatment of Giant ICA Aneurysms other than Direct Clipping. Single Center Experience Yerbol Makhambetov / Kazakhstan

09.15 - 09.30 Aspirin as a Promising Agent to Decrease the Risk of Growth and Rupture of Small Cerebral Aneurysm David M. Hasan / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Hunterian Proximal Arterial Occlusion for Giant Intracranial Aneurysms in the Modern Era. Is It Still Eff ective? Grigore Zapuhlih / Moldova

09.45 - 10.00 Endovascular Treatment for Small Unruptured Aneurysms Shigeru Miyachi / Japan

10.00 - 10.15 Side Selection Approach for AcomA Aneurysms Pablo Rubino / Argentina

10.15 - 10.30 Exoscopic Port-Based Evacuation of Intracerebral Hematomas, State of the Art and Updates on the ENRICH Randomized Controlled Multi-Institutional Trial Gustavo Pradilla / USA 145 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/4 / Main Topic Session-17 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Alexandru V. Ciurea / Romania, Yusuf Tuzun / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 State of Spina Bifi da in the World Eylem Ocal / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Spinal Dysraphysm: Experience with Over 500 Cases Amanj Hassan Ali / Iraq

09.00 - 09.15 Congenital Dermal Sinuses Nidal Khasawneh / Jordan

09.15 - 09.30 Fetal In-Utero Repair of Myelomeningocele after the MOMS Trial: Saint Louis Experience Samer Elbabaa / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Intra-Uterine Correction of Myelomeningocele. Experience of the Fetal Medicine Program at the Santa Cruz Hospital- CPS. Bolivia Ramiro Villavicencio / Bolivia

09.45 - 10.00 Managements of Encephaloceles Kazadi Kalangu / Zimbabwe Aug. 10.00 - 10.15 Management of Complex Craniosynostoses 22 Concezio Di Rocco / Italy (Tue) 10.15 - 10.30 Lesions Learned in Craniofacial Surgery and Craniosynostosis – Trying to Avoid Complications and Improving Outcomes Over 35 Years James Tait Goodrich / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/5 / Main Topic Session-18 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Ahmet Bekar / Turkey, Erhan Turkoglu / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery David Adelson / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Stereotaxic Thermolesioning for the Treatment of Drug Refractory Partial Epilepsy Baris Turak / France

09.00 - 09.15 Vagal Nerve Stimulation in the Treatment of Epilepsy Ersin Erdogan / Turkey

09.15 - 09.30 Resective Surgical Approaches for Temporal Epilepsy Konstantinos Fountas / Greece

09.30 - 09.45 Resective TLE and Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery Burcak Bilginer / Turkey

09.45 - 10.00 Neuromodulation in Refractory Epilepsy Alessandra De Mauro Lima / Brazil

10.00 - 10.15 Neuromodulation in Epilepsy Charles Y. Liu / USA

10.15 - 10.30 Epilepsy Surgery in Developing Countries Manuel Campos / Chile

146 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/6 / Main Topic Session-19 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Andras Buki / Hungary, Eglis Valeinis / Latvia 08.30 - 08.45 Severe Brain Traumatic Injury: Behavioural Improvement with Stereotactic Cerebellar Stimulation Miroslav Galanda / Slovakia

08.45 - 09.00 Advanced Neuroimaging of TBI Alexander Potapov / Russia

09.00 - 09.15 Outcome of Severe Head Injury in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Indonesia 2011-2016 Beny Atmadja Wirjomartani / Indonesia

09.15 - 09.30 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Assessment, Prognostication, Biomarkers and/or Outcomes Vairavan Narayanan / Malaysia

09.30 - 09.45 Cranioplasty Following Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Brain Injury: Diffi culties and Complications Chandra Limbu / Nepal

09.45 - 10.00 Cranio-Encephalic Traumatism in Children: Use of the Glasgow Coma Scale Modifi ed Peru without Use of Corticoides -28 Years´ Experience German Posadas / Peru Aug. 10.00 - 10.15 Prediction of Consciousness Recovery in Disorder of Consciousness Patients After TBI 22 Ekaterina Kondratyeva / Russia (Tue) 10.15 - 10.30 Custom-Made Computer-Based 3-D Titanium Cranioplasty for Large Traumatic Cranium Defects Yusuf Izci / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/7 / Main Topic Session-20 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: Gelareh Zadeh / Canada, Songtao Qi / China 08.30 - 08.45 MicroRNAs: Their Role in Glioma Pathogenesis and Designing Personalized Therapy Ather Enam / Pakistan

08.45 - 09.00 The new era in CNS Tumor Classifi cation and the Utility of Next Generation Sequencing Based Technologies in Routine Pathology Analysis: The UCSF 500 Gene Panel Experience Tarik Tihan / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine for Treatment of Malignant Glioma in High and Low Income Countries Alf Giese / Germany

09.15 - 09.30 Functional and Molecular Heterogeneity of Stem-like Glioma Cells Ella Kim / Germany

09.30 - 09.45 A Molecular Look at Glioblastoma Koray Ozduman / Turkey

09.45 - 10.00 Algorithms for the Evaluation of Diff use Adult Gliomas According to the WHO 2016 CNS Tumour Classification Ozlem Yapicier / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Molecular Analysis in Pediatric Brain Tumors Heidi Beachli / Germany

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion 147 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/8 / Main Topic Session-21 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderator: A. John Popp / USA, Roberto Heros / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Bypass Surgery - for Aneurysms and for Ischemia Sepideh Amin-Hanjani / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Bypass Surgery in Treatment of Large Cerebral Aneurysm Yoshimasa Niiya / Japan

09.00 - 09.15 Salvage Techniques from Unexpected Situations in Bypass Surgery Yasuhiro Sanada / Japan

09.15 - 09.30 Bypass Surgery Michael T. Lawton / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Extracranial to Intracranial Bypass in Cases with Limited Bypass Conduit Options: Pushing the Envelope Further Mustafa K. Baskaya / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Bypass Surgery for Complex Aneurysms: A Craft not Ready to Die Jacques Morcos / USA Aug. 22 10.00 - 10.30 Discussion (Tue)

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/9 / Main Topic Session-22 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Makoto Taniguchi / Japan, Dirk Van Roost / Belgium 08.30 - 08.45 Maximising Decrease in Drug Dosage and increase in ON time Following Bilateral STN DBS Using Constant Current for Parkinsons Disease Sujoy Sanyal / India

08.45 - 09.00 Deep Brain Stimulation in Early Childhood Movement Disorders Faisal Al Otaibi / Saudi Arabia

09.00 - 09.15 The Eff ect of Target Selection on the Accuracy of DBS Electrode Placement - Intrinsic Properties of the Brain which can Produce Electrode Deviation Kim J. Burchiel / USA

09.15 - 09.30 New Technology in Deep Brain Stimulation Terry Coyne / Australia

09.30 - 09.45 Functional Neurosurgery in Movement Disorders Benaissa Abdennebi / Algeria

09.45 - 10.00 Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement Disorders Krassimir Minkin / Bulgaria

10.00 - 10.15 Globus Pallidus Externus Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome Osvaldo Vilela Filho / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Brain Connectivity to Define Targets for Deep Brain Stimulation in Functional Neurosurgery Juan A. Barcia / Spain

148 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/10 / Main Topic Session-23 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Guirish Solanki / UK, Kadir Kotil / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Meningioma of Craniocervical Junction Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil

08.45 - 09.00 Management and Diagnosis of Craniocervical Vascular Injuries in Blunt Trauma Leo DaCosta / Canada

09.00 - 09.15 Mith and Truth of Direct Anterior Approaches to the Craniocervical Junction: The Transoral Approach as Simple Revival or a Reverse Revolution? Massimiliano Visocchi / Italy

09.15 - 09.30 Basilar Invagination: Surgical Considerations Vijendra Kumar Jain / India

09.30 - 09.45 (Im) Possibilities in Craniocervical Surgery Wilco Peul / Netherlands

09.45 - 10.00 Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Craniocervical Junction Abnormalities Azam Syed Ahmed / USA Aug. 10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Management of CV Junction Anomalies Prem S. Ramani / India 22 10.15 - 10.30 Neurosurgical Treatment of CVJ Anomalies (Tue) Y. Sukru Caglar / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/11 / Main Topic Session-24 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Yousef Al-Awadi / Kuwait, Serdar Alp / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Surgery of Chordomas: From Microsurgery to Endoscopy Miguel A. Arraez / Spain

08.45 - 09.00 Recent Updates on Skull Base Chordoma Management Kyu Sung Lee / South Korea

09.00 - 09.15 Selecting to Optimal Approach to Skull Base Chordomas Marcio Rassi / Brazil

09.15 - 09.30 Neurosurgical Overview of Surgical Management of Sinonasal Malignancies Burak Sade / Turkey

09.30 - 09.45 Chordomas: Salvage Treatment of Progressive Skull Base Chordomas Shaan Raza / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Comprehensive Management Strategy in Endoscopic Clivus Chordomas Mohamed El-Fiki / Egypt

10.00 - 10.15 Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to Clivus Chordomas -Chondrosarcomas Savas Ceylan / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Use of Nasoseptal Flap in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Low Rate of CSF Leak and Nasal Disconfort Fernando Lattore / Argentina

149 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/12 / Main Topic Session-25 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Juan Fernandez-Miranda / USA, Zafer Berkman / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Surgery for the Vestibular Schwannoma Kazuhiro Hongo / Japan

08.45 - 09.00 Is Facial Nerve Preservation in Total Excision of Giant Vestibular Schwannoma (GVS) a Reality or a Myth? Keki Turel / India

09.00 - 09.15 Ten Commandments for Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Shigeaki Kobayashi / Japan

09.15 - 09.30 Current State of Acoustic Neuroma Management in 2017 Nicholas C. Bambakidis / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Maximizing Extent of Resection Using Facial Nerve-Sparing Strategy in Large Acoustic Neuromas James K. Liu / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Hearing Preservation for Large Acoustic Neuroma with DNAP Monitoring Hirofumi Nakatomi / Japan Aug. 10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Treatment of Large Acoustic Neuromas 22 Fernando Knezevich / Argentina (Tue) 10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-2/13 / Main Topics Session-26 State of the Art Session Neuroendoscopy Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Henry Schroeder / Germany, Bulent Duz / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Surgery Paolo Cappabianca / Italy

08.45 - 09.00 Endoscopic Endonasal Extended Skullbase Surgery Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India

09.00 - 09.15 Skullbase Meningiomas - Endonasal or Transcranial? Henry Schroeder / Germany

09.15 - 09.30 Endoscope-Assisted Microsurgery for Extraaxial Lesions Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands

09.30 - 09.45 Endoscope-Assisted Microsurgery for Intraaxial Lesions Charles Teo / Australia

09.45 - 10.00 Endoscopic Treatment of Hydrocephalus Shlomi Constantini / Israel

10.00 - 10.15 Endoscopic Treatment of Intraventricular Tumors M. Memet Ozek / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Endoscopic Treatment of Neurocysticercosis Tenoch Herrada-Pineda / Mexico

Time : 10.30 - 11.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5 150 Plenary Session, Luncheon Symposium, Daily Program General Session

Time : 11.00 - 13.00 PL-2 / Plenary Session-2 Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Christopher Loftus / USA, Ethem Beskonakli / Turkey 11.00 - 11.20 How We Can Make Neurosurgery Simple and Safe – Personal Evolution of 50 Years Madjid Samii / Germany

11.20 - 11.40 Negative-pressure Hydrocephalus: Still Under-recognized! Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands

11.40 - 12.00 Enhanced Understanding of the Molecular Biology of Brain Tumours:What Neurosurgeons Must Know? James Rutka / Canada

12.00 - 12.20 Neuromorphologic Parallelism Between Gliomas and AVMs Anton Valavanis / Switzerland

12.20 - 12.40 Acoustic Neuroma: Hear Me! Ossama Al-Mefty / USA

12.40 - 13.00 Is Aneurysm Clipping Still Relevant? Robert F. Spetzler / USA

Aug. Time : 13.00 - 14.00 LS / LUNCHEON SYMPOSIUM 22 Venue : Beyazit/B2 (Tue) 13.00 - 14.00 Advanced Navigation Techniques Combined Ultrasound Talat Kiris / Turkey

Time : 14.00 - 16.00 GEN / M. Gazi Yasargil “50 Years in Microneurosurgery” Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Kenan Arnautovic / USA, Y. Sukru Caglar / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Chordoma: Can We Achieve Cure? Ossama Al-Mefty / USA

14.15 - 14.30 Surgery in the DREZ for Pain and Spasticity Marc Sindou / France

14.30 - 14.45 Revolutionary Change for Dural AVF Treatment --- 800 Cases Experience Ling Feng / China

14.45 - 15.00 AVM Management After ARUBA Robert F. Spetzler / USA

15.00 - 15.15 The 1967 Yasargil STA-MCA Bypass for Ischemia: Where Do We Stand on Its 50th Anniversary? Jacques Morcos / USA

15.15 - 15.30 Facial Nerve in Neurosurgery Madjid Samii / Germany

15.30 - 15.45 Radar-less Rudderless.... Yet the Rainbow in Sight -- A Fruit Seller´s Journey to Istanbul for the WFNS Medal of Honour Ram Prasad (Robin) Sengupta

15.45 - 16.00 Discussion

151 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/1 / Keynote Lectures-13 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Kheireddine Bouyucef / Algeria, M. Kemal Hamamcioglu / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Brain Neoplasm: Trends of Brain Tumors in more than 1000 Cases over 30 Years A. Faleh Tamimi / Jordan

14.15 - 14.30 Radical Resection of the Nonmeningiomatous Cavernous Sinus Tumors Antonio Aversa Do Souto / Brazil NO.07 / Oral Presentation-25

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.07-01 3D Bioprinted Glioma Stem Cells for Brain Tumor Model And Applications of Drug Susceptibility Xingliang Dai / China Qing Lan

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.07-02 Establishment and Characterization of New Recurrent Clivus Chordoma Cell Line: YU-Chor Emre Can Tüysüz / Turkey Şükrü Güllüoğlu, Mesut Şahin, Ayşegül Kuşkucu, Cumhur Kaan Yaltırık, Uğur Türe, Ömer Faruk Bayrak

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.07-03 Over-Expression of Tert Plays Tumor Promoting Roles In Malignant Transformation of Bone Aug. Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells After Interaction With Human Glioma Stem-Like Cells 22 Jun Dong / China (Tue) 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.07-04 Combination Immunotherapy in Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with High Grade Brain Gliomas Natalia Arkadyevna Korotkaia / Russia Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Stupak, Sergey Valeryevich Mishinov, Elena Removna Chernykh, Tamara Viktorovna Tyrinova, Olga Yuryevna Leplina, Aleksandr Anatolyevich Ostanin

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.07-05 Isolation Process of Human Astrocytes Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia Uros Maver, Lidija Gradisnik

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.07-06 Self-Assembling Camptothecin Hydrogel: Interstitial Therapy for Gliomas Montserrat A Lara Velazquez / USA Paula Schiapparelli, Pengcheng Zhang, Ran Lin, Hao Su, Hugo Guerrero Cazares, Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa, Honggang Cui

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.07-07 Blockade of Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins In Combination With Conventional Chemotherapy Leads to Synergistic Antitumor Activity in Medulloblastoma and Cancer Stem-Like Cells Shu Mei Chen / Taiwan Ying Ying Li, Chiao Hui Tu, Nicole Salazar, Yuan Yun Tseng, Shiang Fu Huang, Tai Ngar Lui

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.07-08 Comparison of Glutamate Transporter Activity In Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells With Astrocytes Using Invitro Voltammetry Technique and Examination of Glutamate and Glutamate Receptor Expression Levels Mete Zeynal / Turkey Goksin Sengul, Numan Taspinar, Ahmet Hacimuftuoglu, Hakan Hadi Kadioglu

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.07-09 Eff ects of Glycogen Synthase Kinase Inhibitor on Gliblastoma Multiforme Cell Line Via Apoptosis and Cell Signaling Pathways Mahmut Çamlar / Turkey Eda Açıkgöz, Kenan Demir, Füsun Özer, Hüseyin Aktuğ

152 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/2 / Keynote Lectures-14 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Artur Xhumari / Albania, Funda Batay / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Cytomegalovirus and Gene Expression in Glioblastoma Multiforme Ather Enam / Pakistan

14.15 - 14.30 Petroclival Meningiomas: Anatomy, Approaches and Surgical Technique Alvaro Campero / Argentina CM.01 / Oral Presentation-26

14.30 - 14.40 OP-CM.01-01 Infundibular Recess Angle Reduction After Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: Does It Refl ect Clinical Success? Waleed A Azab / Kuwait

14.40 - 14.50 OP-CM.01-02 Endoscopic Plan for Management of Foramen Monro Stenosis Mohamed Ali Kassem / Egypt

14.50 - 15.00 OP-CM.01-03 Subjective Endpoints as Evaluation Method for Surgical Treatment of Intracranial Cysts Katrin Rabiei / Sweden Maja Fenander, Carl Dahlöf Aug. 15.00 - 15.10 OP-CM.01-04 Molecular Stratifi cation of Pediatric Infratentorial Ependymoma- Correlation With Clinical Parameters 22 Nagarjun Maulyavantham Nagaraj / India (Tue) Harsha Sugur, Arivazhagan Arima, Sampath Somanna, Vani Santosh

15.10 - 15.20 OP-CM.01-05 Preoperative Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Recurrent Medulloblastoma Alejandro Ceja Espinosa / Mexico Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes

15.20 - 15.30 OP-CM.01-06 Resection of Pineal Cysts Without Ventriculomegaly - to do or not to do? Henry W. S. Schroeder / Germany Ahmed El Damaty, Steff en Fleck, Joerg Baldauf

15.30 - 15.40 OP-CM.01-07 Using Pediatric Anoscope in Endoscopic Brain Lesions Surgery Ilker Solmaz / Turkey Ahmet Murat Kutlay, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci

15.40 - 15.50 OP-CM.01-08 The Determination of Symptoms and Severity in Patients who Had Surgical Treatment Due to Primary Brain Tumor Mehmet Can Ezgu / Turkey Eda Kural, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Cahit Kural, Fatma Cebeci, Yusuf Izci

15.50 - 16.00 OP-CM.01-09 Outcome of Endoscopic Fenestration of Arachnoid Cyst; Report of 6 Cases Rokibul Islam / Bagladesh Moshiur Rahman

153 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/3 / Keynote Lectures-15 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Charles Teo / Australia, Sebahattin Cobanoglu / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Management of High Grade Gliomas in Relation to Eloquent Areas Fernando Garcia Colmena / Argentina

14.15 - 14.30 Microsurgical Treatment of Tentorial Meningiomas Jose Nallino / Argentina NO.08 / Oral Presentation-27

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.08-01 Serum rs5050 AGT Polymorphism is Related with Poor Prognosis in Astrocytoma: Awarded Abstract - WFNS 2017 Potential Biomarker in Blood Young Neurosurgeon Award Alexander Perdomo Pantoja / Mexico Talia Wegman Ostrovsky, Sonia Iliana Mejia Perez, Juan Luis Gomez Amador

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.08-02 Surgical Excision of Tumours Aff ecting the Left Supplementary Motor Area (Sma); a Prospective Series of Sma Syndrome Incidence, Features and Surgical Outcomes Joanna Ashby / UK Neuza Neves, Babar Vaqas, Aida Kafai, Darreul Sewell, Toby Charles Thomas, George Samandouras

Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.08-03 Complex Intracranial Epidermoids – Navigation and Endoscope Assisted Comprehensive Microsurgical Management 22 Suryakant Suresh. M Dugani / India (Tue) 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.08-04 Basal Ganglia GCTs: A Single Hospital Series in Taipei VGH Hsin Hung Chen / Taiwan Shih Chieh Lin, Feng Chi Chang, Muh Lii Liang, Yie Wei Chen

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.08-05 Analysis of Survival in Patients with Brain Metastases Treated Surgically: Impact of Age, Gender, Oncologic Status, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Number and Localization of Lesions and Primary Cancer Site Matheus Fernandes Oliveira / Brazil Daniella Brito Rodrigues, Juliete Melo Diniz, Bianca Medeiros Abreu, Fernanda Kamimura, Ulysses Oliveira Sousa, Jose Marcus Rotta, Ricardo Vieira Botelho

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.08-06 Experience with a New Model of Awake-Awake-Awake Craniotomies for Tumours in Eloquent Locations; Technique And Outcomes of a Prospective, Consecutive Series of 50 Cases With Patient Perception Data Neuza Denise Neves / UK Joanna Ashby, Babar Vaqas, Toby Thomas, Darreul Sewell, George Samandouras

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.08-07 Expression of E-Cadherin in Sudanese Meningioma Patients Sawsan Ahmed Aldeaf / Sudan Alsadig Gassoum Fadlalla, Mohamed Abderahman Arbab, Lamyaa Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed Elhassan

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.08-08 The Outcomes and Techniques of Middle Fossa Approach for Intracanalicular Vestibular Schwannomas Shiming He / China Tianzhi Zhao, Yingxi Wu, Yan Qu, Guodong Gao

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.08-09 The Eff ect of Only Total Surgıcal Excision of WHO Grade I-II Glial Tumors on Prognosis Without Chemo-Radiotherapy Ramazan Alper Kaya / Turkey Kenan Kıbıcı

154 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/4 / Keynote Lectures-16 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Kaoru Kurisu / Japan, Ali Al Mashani / Oman 14.00 - 14.15 One Piece Clinoidectomy. Tips and Tricks After 20 Years Eduardo Seoane / Argentina

14.15 - 14.30 Treatment of Supratentorial Meningiomas and Its Complications Ramiro Alvarado / Bolivia NO.09 / Oral Presentation-28 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.09-01 Do Surgeons with Varying Microscopic Experience Have Similar Learning Curves in the Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Technique for Pituitary Adenomas? Initial Results From an Institutional Review Ribhav Pasricha / India Ashish Suri, Amandeep Kumar, Rajinder K Laythalling, Bhawani Shankar Sharma

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.09-02 Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Skull Base Chordoma: Case Series and Review of Literature Mohammad Samadian / Iran Nader Akbari Dimaghani, Mohammad Hallajnejad, Seyed Hadi Samimi, Omidvar Rezaei Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.09-03 Diff ering Pituitary Stalk Dosimetry for Preventing Hypopituitarism After Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Functional and Nonfunctional Pituitary Tumors 22 Ribhav Pasricha / India (Tue) Deepak Agrawal, Manmohan Singh, Shashank Sharad Kale, Bhawani Shankar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Mahapatra

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.09-04 Utilizing the Adenoma Pseudocapsule, can Surgery Replace Dopamine Agonists as First Line of Treatment in Prolactinomas? Mohamed A Elzoghby / Egypt Iman H Hewedi, Maram M Mahdy

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.09-05 Clinically Silent but Rapidly Growing Somatotrophinomas: Neurosurgical Management Mario Giordano / Germany Amir Samii, Hussam Metwali, Rudolf Fahlbusch

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.09-06 Multistage Surgical Treatment of Giant Pituitary Adenomas Andriy Huk / Ukraine Orest Palamar, Dmitriy Teslenko, Dmitriy Okonskiy, Ruslan Aksyonov

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.09-07 Pitutary Adenoma in Yemen Anwer Yahya Alarhabi / Yemen

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.09-08 Surgical Resection of Pituitary Tumors in Cushing-ETSS Approache Guive Sharifi / Iran Nader Akbari, Tohid Emami Meybodi, Hosein Hasooni

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.09-09 Hybrid-Fluorescein Guided Surgery for Functioning and Non-functioning Pituitary Adenomas Samuel Romano Feinholz / Mexico Paula Alejandra Benitez Gasca, Ernesto Martinez De La Maza, Christopher German Valencia Ramos, Victor Alcocer Barradas, Juan Luis Gomez Amador

155 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/5 / Keynote Lectures-17 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Souad Bakhti / Algeria, Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Phillippines 14.00 - 14.15 Basilar Invagination; C1-C2 Stabilization Techniques Sedat Cagli / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Occipitocervical Decompression and Tonsillectomy in Chiari Malformation Adailton Arcanjo Dos Santos Junior / Brazil SP.06 / Oral Presentation-29

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.06-01 The Role of Pain Distribution in Surgical Decompression of Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Wenchuan Zhang / China Chenlong Liao, Lin Wu

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.06-02 Creation of Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Defect Restoration Based on Adult Neural Crest-Derived Multipotent Stem Cells, Chitosan-Pva And Fibrin Gel: In Vitro Biocompatibility Study Taras Petriv / Ukraine Vitaliy Tsymbaliyk, Oksana Kalinkevych, Angela Rodnichenko, Dmitriy Zubov, Maksim Pogorielov, Roman Vasyliev, Angela Rodnichenko, Dmitriy Zubov, Roman Vasyliev Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.06-03 Eff ects of Topically Administered Decorin on Epidural Fibrosis and Axonal Regeneration in 22 Damaged Rat Sciatic Nerve (Tue) Rafet Özay / Turkey Erhan Türkoğlu, Abit Aktaş, Mehmet Serdar Balkan, Umut Doğu Aktürk, Funda Yiğit, Tülin Aktürk, Zeki Şekerci

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.06-04 The Role of Percutaneous Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation for Persistent or Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia After Surgery Pengfei Liu / China Wenchuan Zhang, Lin Wu, Min Yang, Wenxiang Zhong, Chenlong Liao

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.06-05 Surgical Management of Brachial Plexus Injuries, our Experience Over Past 3 Years Mohamed Elsayed Elsebaey / Egypt

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.06-06 Cortical Bone Trajectory Screw for Lumbar Fixation: A Quantitative Anatomical and Morphometric Evaluation Ali Karadağ / Turkey Mehmet Şenoğlu, Burak Kınalı, Baran Bozkurt, Erik H. Middlebrooks, Andrew W. Grande

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.06-07 Peripheral Nerve Tumors: It’s Profi le and Surgical Outcome in 58 Cases Jalal Uddin Mohammad Rumi / Bangladesh Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Md Raziul Haque, Mainul Haque Sarkar

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.06-08 Protective Eff ects of Resveratrol in a Rat Model of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of Sciatic Nerve Onur Akarca / Turkey Özgür Öcal, Erkut Baha Bulduk, Özge Tuğçe Paşaoğlu, Ayse Çakır Gündoğdu, Gülnur Take Kaplanoğlu, Aydın Paşaoğlu

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.06-09 Simple in Situ Decompression for Idiopathic Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Using a Microscopic Mini-Invasive Approach: Case Series of 36 Patients Dogan Gucluhan Guclu / Turkey Musa Çırak, Engin Ozar

16.00 - 16.10 OP-SP.06-10 Fabrication and In Vitro Testing of Hybrid Construct Based On Adult Neural Crest-derived Multipotent Stem Cells, Fibrin Gel and NeuraGenTM Implant for Restoration of Peripheral Nerve Defects Taras Petriv / Ukraine V. I. Tsymbalik, A. E. Rodnichenko, D. A. Zubov, O. S. Gubar, A. V. Zlatska, R. G. Vasyliev 156 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/6 / Keynote Lectures-18 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Ekaterina Kondratyeva / Russia, Muhittin Emre Altunrende / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Neurosurgery in War, Syria Example Jalal Najjar / Syria

14.15 - 14.30 Disaster Response: Leveraging the Trauma/Stroke Center Concept to Improve Both Global Neurosurgery and Healthcare Worldwide Russell Andrews / USA NT.03 / Oral Presentation-30

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NT.03-01 Endoscopic Management of Traumatic CSF Rhinorrhoea, our Experience in a Tier 2 City Krishnamoorthy Selvamuthukumaran / India

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NT.03-02 Endoscopic Endonasal Repair of CSF Rhinorrhea: Experience from Tertiary Care Centre of Pakistan Fauzia Sajjad / Pakistan Khalid Mahmood

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NT.03-03 Storage Method for Bone Flaps After Decompressive Craniectomy, a Comparison Between Subcutaneous Pocket and Cryopreservation: A Retrospective Study of 165 Cases Aug. Dinesh Kumar Thapa / Nepal 22 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NT.03-04 Factors Infl uencing Achievement of Total Enteral Nutritional Support in Severe Traumatic (Tue) Brain Injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital Sylvia Vigehi Shitsama / Kenya Nimrod Mwakitawa Mwang’ombe

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NT.03-05 Effi cacy and Safety of Using N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate in Fixation of Cranial Following Trauma and Other Pathologies Ahmed Elsayed Sultan / Egypt Mohamed Abbas Aly

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NT.03-06 Neuroendoscopic Approach to the Intraventricular Lesions and Report of Clinical Experience of Neuronavigation Guided Endoscopic Transventriculoport Intervention of 43 Consecutive Cases Hakan Şimşek / Turkey Emre Zorlu, Bülent Düz

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NT.03-07 Diagnostic Challenges of Posttraumatic Hydrocephalus and Long-Term Outcomes of Treatment in Patients in Vegetative and Minimal Consciousness State Alexander Kravchouk / Russia Yaroslav Latyshev, Natalia Zakharova, Oleg Zaytsev, Leonid Lighterman, Elena Shrove, Salekh Abuzaid

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NT.03-08 Traumatic Otorrhea Ammar Hassan Chemeisani / Lebanon

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NT.03-09 Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): Causes, Diagnosis, Role of the Neuroscientist and Medico-legal Implications Domenic P. Esposito / USA Howard T. Katz, Elizabeth P. Bouldin, Domenic P. Esposito II

157 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/7 / Keynote Lectures-19 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Kemal Dizdarevic / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marcius Benigno Marques Dos Santos / Brazil 14.00 - 14.15 Trevo Registry Results for Patients Treated Greater than 6 Hours Erol Veznedaroglu / USA

14.15 - 14.30 Cost Eff ectiveness of Clipping versus Coiling in Anterior Circulation Cerebral Aneurysms Abdessamad El Ouahabi / Morocco NV.06 / Oral Presentation-31 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.06-01 A Simple Clinical Risk Score Predicting Long-Term Outcome After Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Results From a Multicenter Prospective Registry Bing Zhao / China Kuang Zheng, Xianxi Tan, Ming Zhong

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.06-02 Internal Maxillary Artery by Pass Surgery for the Treatment of Serpentine/ Dolichoectatic Aneurysms in 64 Patients Shi Xaing En / China

Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.06-03 Risk Factors of Symptomatic Vasospasm and Cerebra Infarction After the Treatment of Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 22 Bing Zhao / China (Tue) Xianxi Tan, Ming Zhong, Yaohua Pan, Jieqing Wan 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.06-04 Microsurgical Treatment of the Fusiform Aneurysms Located in M1 Segment of the MCA Andrey Dubovoy / Russia

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.06-05 Internal Maxillary Artery Bypass Treatment of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms in a Cohort of 23 Patients With Long-Term Follow-up Long Wang / China Xiang’en Shi

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.06-06 Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass in the Management of Complex Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms Yerbol Makhambetov / Kazakhstan Assylbek Kaliyev, Azat Shpekov, Faizulla Smagulov, Yerkin Medetov, Marat Kulmirzayev, Yerzhan Adilbekov, Serik Akshulakov

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.06-07 Surgical Treatment of Dorsal Aneurysms of the Internal Carotid Artery (Blood-Blister Like): Experience in a Series of 14 Cases Eduardo Vieira / Brazil Rita De Cássia Mota, Hildo Azevedo, Nivaldo Sena, Fátima Griz, Igor Faquini

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.06-08 Clipping Versus Coiling, in Anterior Circulation Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Meta-Analysis Eleni Tsianaka / Russia George Fotakopoulos, Michael Spyrou, Kostas Fountas, Juha Hernesniemi

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.06-09 Treatment of Giant ICA Aneurysms Other Than Direct Clipping. Single Center Experience Makhambetov Yerbol / Kazakhstan Akshulakov Serik, Kaliyev Assylbek, Smagulov Faizulla, Medetov Yerkin, Kulmirzayev Marat

158 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/8 / Keynote Lectures-20 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Said Ait Benali / Morocco, James Tait Goodrich / USA 14.00 - 14.15 Congenital and Childhood Neural Diseases as a Challenge for Spinal Surgery Pinar Ozisik / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Cauda Equina Syndrome: What Happens to the Patients who have CES Symptoms but Negative Scans? Andreas Demetriades / UK PED.03 / Oral Presentation-32

14.30 - 14.40 OP-PED.03-01 Development of the Pediatric Cranial Venous System and Its Clinical Relevance: A Comprehensive Multicenter Study Antonio Bernardo / USA Alexander Ian Evins, Gunjan Goel, Andrea Boschi, Salazar Jones, Michael Levy, Philip E Stieg

14.40 - 14.50 OP-PED.03-02 Kyphectomy in Neonates With Meningomyelocele Nail Özdemir / Turkey Senem Alkan Özdemir, Ali Karadağ, Esra Arun Özer

14.50 - 15.00 OP-PED.03-03 Management of Cases of Chiari Malformation Type I Associated With Hydrocephalus Ihab Zidan / Egypt Aug. Wael Khedr, Amr Elwany 22 15.00 - 15.10 OP-PED.03-04 First 50 Fetal In-Utero Microsurgical Myelomeningocele Repairs: Critical Comparison of (Tue) Neurosurgical and Maternal Outcomes to the MOMS Trial Samer Elbabaa / USA Anne Gildehaus, Emanuel Vlastos

15.10 - 15.20 OP-PED.03-05 Correlation Between Magnetic Resonance Cerebrospinal Fluid Flowmetry with the Clinical Outcome of Craniocervical Decompression Surgery for Chiari Type one Patients Ehab Abdelhalem Ali / Egypt Mohamed Alaa Eldin Thabit, Wessam Abdelrahman Elzayat, Mona Mohamed El Kalioubie

15.20 - 15.30 OP-PED.03-06 Surgical Intervention in Patients of Myelomeningocele with Hydrocephalus: One Stage Versus Sequential Operation - A Comparative Outcome Study Ismail Hossain / Bangladesh Kamal Uddin, Anisul Islam Khan, Manzoorul Islam

15.30 - 15.40 OP-PED.03-07 Powder Topical Rifampicin on Reducing Infections after Neural Tube Defect (NTD) Surgery in Infants Ismail Gülşen / Turkey Nihat Demir, Murat Başaranoğlu, Ibrahim Değer, Oğuz Tuncer

15.40 - 15.50 OP-PED.03-08 Outcomes of Neural Tube Defect Surgery in an Ethiopian Hospital Abenezer Tirsit Aklilu / Ethiopia

15.50 - 16.00 OP-PED.03-09 Does the Antimigraine Drug Rizatriptan Eff ect Neural Tube Development in Early Chick Embryos? Murat Sayın / Turkey Sevgi Sıdıka Sayın, Gülşen Seren Gürgen, Gönül Güvenç, Nurullah Yüceer

159 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/9 / Keynote Lectures-21 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Mohamed Mohi Eldin / Egypt, Tunc Oktenoglu / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Epiduroscopy for Failed Back Surgery: Is it worth? Paulo Pereira / Portugal

14.15 - 14.30 Side Eff ects of Direct Anterior and Posterior Surgical Approaches: Allied, Enemies or Both? Massimiliano Visocchi / Italy SP.07 / Oral Presentation-33 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.07-01 Evaluation of Spinopelvic Parameters in Patients with Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation Atilla Kırcelli / Turkey Osman Orman, Ömer Özel, Ali Ender Ofl uoğlu, Hakan Kına, Akın Gökçedağ, Erhan Emel

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.07-02 Microsurgical Transfacet Approach to L1-L2 Disc Herniation, a Biomechanical and Neurological Specifi c Region Hadi Kasbkar / Iran Tohid Emami Meybodi, Guive Sharifi , Naderafshar Fereydoonian, Kaveh Ebrahimzadeh

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.07-03 Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Patients After Endoscopic Lumbar Surgery Aug. Duygu Dölen / Turkey 22 Osman Boyalı, Aydın Aydoseli, Pulat Akın Sabancı, Yavuz Aras, Ali Nail Izgi, Altay Sencer (Tue) 15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.07-04 The Clinical Comparison Between the Patients Operated for Unilateral Radiculopathy Via Contralateral (Facet-Sparing) and Ipsilateral Side Approach Ahmet Öğrenci / Turkey Orkun Koban, Onur Yaman, Mesut Yılmaz, Sedat Dalbayrak

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.07-05 Outcome of Endoscopic Micro-Discectomy for Lumbar Disc Prolapse Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Lateef / Egypt Hossam Abdel Hakeem Elnoamany, Abd Elhafi ez Abd Elsalam Shehab Eldien

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.07-06 Safety and Effi cacy of the Lateral Interpedicular Approach for Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation Halil Can / Turkey Atilla Kırcelli, Erdinç Civelek, Selçuk Özdoğan, Cengiz Gömleksiz, Sedar Kabataş

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.07-07 Minimally Invasive Surgery of Spinal Column Through Neuroendoscopic Techniques Juan Francisco Lasso / Ecuador Maria Fernanda Rubio, Sandra Lorena Guerron

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.07-08 Relationship Between Bone Mineral Density and Lumbar Disc Herniation: Friend or Foe? Nese Keser / Turkey Arzu Atici, Erhan Celikoglu, Pinar Akpinar, Ali Fatih Ramazanoglu, Ilknur Aktas

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.07-09 The Role of Percutaneous Discectomy in Lumbar Disc Herniations Ion Preguza / Moldova Grigore Zapuhlih, Maxim Sula, Alexandru Bostan, Stanislav Dorosenco

160 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/10 / Keynote Lectures-22 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Krishna Sharma / Nepal, Victor Guzman / Chile 14.00 - 14.15 Thoracoscopic Approaches to the Spine Erkan Kaptanoglu / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Incidence and Management of Cervical Spine Trauma in Infant Child Abuse Alexander Zouros / USA SP.08 / Oral Presentation-34

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.08-01 Management of Hangman`S Fracture Sim Khairun Nabi Khan / Bangladesh Md. Ruhul Kuddus, Sk Farhad Munir

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.08-02 Nerve Transfer for Reconstruction of Hand In Tetraplegia After Cervical Cord Injury Mohammadreza Emamhadi / Iran

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.08-03 Treatment of Vertebral Traumatic Fractures with Cranio-Caudal Expandable, Intravertebral Implant (Spinejack) in Combination with a High Viscosity Pmma Cement Stanislaw Adamski / Poland Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Marek Rocławski, Rafał Pankowski, Jakub Wiśniewski, Patryk Kurlandt, Aug. Maciej Racinowski 22 15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.08-04 Withdrawn (Tue)

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.08-05 Outcome of Early Surgical Decompression in Traumatic Central Cord Syndrome; a Controlled Clinical Study Omar Youssef / Egypt Ahmed Amr, Hesham Hozayen, Mohammed Wahdan

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.08-06 Vertebral Artery Injuries Mohammad Maleki / Canada

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.08-07 Traumatic Injuries of the Spine Amin Ali Alkamaly / Yemen

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.08-08 Cervical Spine Trauma: Managment at Cotonou, Benin Republic Quenum Kouassi Jean Marie Maurin Kisito / Benin Quenum Toyifi a Bernice, Quenum Cohovi Gildas, Fatigba Holden, Fanou Lionelle, Gnangnon T. Albert

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.08-09 Cervical Spine Facet Dislocations: About 36 Cases Mesbahi Tarek / Morocco Zine Abidine Ennaili, Abdessamad El Azhari , Tarek Mesbahi, Zine Abidine Ennhaili, Mohammed Yassine Haouas, Adil Maati, Abderrazak Bertal, Abdelmajid Chellaoui, KhadijaIbahiouin Said Hilmani, Abdelhakim Lakhdar, Abdessamad Naja, Abdessamad ElAzhari

161 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/11 / Keynote Lectures-23 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Mehmet Zileli / Turkey, Ali Arslantas / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Role of Subaxial Spinal and Atlantoaxial Instability in Multisegmental Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Atul Goel / India

14.15 - 14.30 Anterior Extrapharyngeal Fixation of the Atlanto–Axial Joints Sushil Patkar / India SP.09 / Oral Presentation-35

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.09-01 Expanded Indications of Endoscopy to Treat Anterior Cranio-Vertebral Junction Lesions Domenic Paul Esposito / USA Maurizio Iacoangeli, Alessando Di Rienzo, Maurizio Gladi, Roberta Benigni, Martina Della Costanza, Denise Brunozzi, Valentina Liverotti, Fabrizio Mancini, Massimo Scerrati

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.09-02 3-D Printed Models- an Emerging Investigational Revolution for Craniovertebral Junction Surgery Abhidha Shah / India Atul Goel

Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.09-03 Computed Tomographic Morphometric Study of the Occipital Bone Thickness in 100 Adults Moroccan Patients. Application to Occipito-Cervical Fixation 22 Hilmani Said / Morocco (Tue) Amzil Rim, El Azhari Abdessamad

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.09-04 High Cervical Antero Lateral Retropharyngeal Approach is this the Twilight Zone? Shatha Al Harbi / Luxembourg Vimal Raj Nitish Gunness, Radoslaw Trzcinski, Nabeel Alshafai

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.09-05 Additional Surgical Method Aimed to Increase Distractive Force During Occipitocervical Stabilization: Technical Note Veysel Antar / Turkey

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.09-06 Anterior Screw Fixation in Type II Odontoid Fractures: Keys for Better Outcome in Early Experience Ahmed El Fiki / Egypt Hisham El Shitany

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.09-07 Surgical Experience with Posterior Atlantoaxial Segmental Fixation Ehab Mahmod Eissa / Egypt

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.09-08 Posterior Approaches to Cervical Spine Krishna Sharma / Nepal

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.09-09 Pure Endoscopic Transnasal Approaches to the Craniovertebral Junction Pathologies Umit Eroglu / Turkey Gokmen Kahilogullari, Suha Beton, Fatih Yakar, Melih Bozkurt, Cem Meco, Yusuf Sukru Caglar

162 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-2/12 / Keynote Lectures-24 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Djula Djilvesi / Serbia, Azizz Rassi Neto / Brazil 14.00 - 14.15 Lumbar Posterior Dynamic Stabilization with Interspinous Devices Fabian Cremaschi / Argentina

14.15 - 14.30 Contemporary Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Laminectomy and Fusion Oscar Alves CM.02 / Oral Presentation-36

14.30 - 14.40 OP-CM.02-01 Inferior Clival Chordomas Juan Barges Coll / Mexico Samuel Romano Feinholz, Armando Saúl Ruiz Treviño, Jose De Jesus Martínez Manrique, Juan Luis Gomez Amador

14.40 - 14.50 OP-CM.02-02 Use of Individual Three-Dimensional-(3D)-Printed Plastic Model for Preoperative Planning of Supraorbital “Key Hole” Approach to Suprasellar Tumors Arthur Mumliev / Ukraine Mykola Guk, Olga Chuvashova, Tatyana Malysheva

14.50 - 15.00 OP-CM.02-03 Visualization of Cranial Nerve Using Diff usion Tensor Imaging Technology: Feasibility Aug. Analysis of Application in Skull Base Tumor Surgery Shuyuan Yue / China 22 (Tue) 15.00 - 15.10 OP-CM.02-04 Use of the Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad For Skull Base Reconstruction After Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Tumor Resection Denis A. Golbin / Russia Nikolay V. Lasunin, Vasily A. Cherekaev

15.10 - 15.20 OP-CM.02-05 The Surgical Strategy of Management for Solid Hemangioblastoma Involved Medulla Obalongata Lu Ma / China

15.20 - 15.30 OP-CM.02-06 Diaphragma Sellae Orifi ce Ratio ( A0/AD ), is it an Anatomical Marker to Determine Direction of Growth of Pituitary Adenomas? Sina Ahmadi / Iran Hamid Etemad Rezaie, Samira Zabihyan, Farzad Bateni, Ashkan Pooyan, Ehsan Barzanooni

15.30 - 15.40 OP-CM.02-07 Skull Base Tumors with Infratemporal Fossa and Temporomandibular Joint Involvement Viacheslav Nazarov / Russia Dmitry Spirin, Islam Muzishev, Vasiliy Cherekaev

15.40 - 15.50 OP-CM.02-08 Our Surgical Experience in the Tumours of Sellar Area Compressing or Involving the Optic Tract (series of 248 cases) Benaissa Abdennebi / Algeria Brahim Merouche

15.50 - 16.00 OP-CM.02-09 Clinical Characteristics, Management and Prognosis of Skull Metastases: Single Institution Experience Arwinder Singh Gill / Indonesia Muhammad Firdaus, Rini Andriani, Oscar Adiwinata, Muhamad Rahadian Arief

Time : 16.00 - 16.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5

163 Daily Program General Session

Time : 16.30 - 18.30 GEN / M. Gazi Yasargil “50 Years in Microneurosurgery” Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Mustafa K. Baskaya / USA, Samer Elbabaa / USA 16.30-16.45 Cerebral AVM’s – Management Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

16.45-17.00 The Auditory Midbrain Implant: A New Approach for Hearing Restoration Amir Samii / Germany

17.00-17.15 Advanced Microsurgery is the Most Superior Treatment for Basilar Apex Aneurysms Ali F. Krisht / USA

17.15-17.30 Pitfalls and Avoidance of Vascular Complications During Brain Tumor (or Skull Base) Surgeries Akio Morita / Japan

17.30-17.45 Surgical Treatment of Spinal Cord Intramedullary Tumors in Adults Nikolay Konovalov / Russia

17.45-18.00 Present and Future of Aneurysm Treatment Juha A. Hernesniemi / Finland

Aug. 18.00-18.15 Neuroimaging Analysis of Brain AVMs and Its impact on Endovascular Treatment Anton Valavanis / Switzerland

22 18.15-18.30 Last Suggestion (Tue) M. Gazi Yasargil / Turkey

164 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.10 / Oral Presentation-37 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Mohammad Hoassain / Bangladesh, Yusuf Duransoy / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.10-01 Intraoperative Change in the Fractional Anisotropy of the Optic Chiasma as an Early Predictor of the Visual Outcome After Optic Chiasma Decompression in Patients Operated in the Setting of Intraoperative MRI Hussam Metwali / Germany Giordano Mario, Kniese Katja, Paternó Vincenzo, Samii Madjid, Samii Amir, Fahlbusch Rudolf

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.10-02 Intraoperative preservation of Motor and Language Fibers by a Simple and Unique Technique Fumio Yamaguchi / Japan Tadashi Higuchi, Hirotomo Ten, Tomoko Omura, Koji Adachi, Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroshi Takahashi, Akio Morita

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.10-03 Advanced Intraoperative Ultrasound – A multipurpose Adjunct in Brain Tumor Surgery Aliasgar Moiyadi / India Prakash Shetty

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.10-04 Awake Craniotomies in Intraoperative MRI: A Prospective Study of Feasibility, Safety and Surgical Outcomes Babar Vaqas / UK Joanna Ashby, Neuza Neves, Toby Thomas, George Samandouras Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.10-05 A Pre-Operative Cerebellar fMRI Mapping of Sensorimotor, Language and Working 22 Memory Function to Minimise Post-Operative Dysfunction (Tue) Reiko Ashida / UK Nadia L. Cerminara, Richard J. Edwards, Richard Apps, Jonathan C. W. Brooks

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.10-06 Use of Intra and Extra- Operative Real Time Imaging with Ultrasound in Neurosurgery: More Than Just For Biopsy! Amit Thapa / Nepal Bidur Kc, Bikram Shakya

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.10-07 Investigating Comprehension of Narrative Speech Using Functional MRI Jimmy Ming Jung Chuang / USA Abbas Babajani Feremi

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.10-08 Is Navigated Ultrasound the Most Effi cient Intraoperative Imaging Technique? Cristian De Quintana Schmidt / Spain Andreas Leidinger Leidinger, Laura Salgado Lopez, Marta Rico Pereira, Juan Aibar Duran, Beatriz Gomez Anson, Joan Molet Teixidó

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.10-09 Excellence and Safer Surgeries Using Technology in Brain Tumor Surgeries; Cortical Brain Mapping, Mapping of Subcortical Pathways and Cranial Nerves Using Neuro- Electrophysiology Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia Mahmoud Al. Yamany, Yasser Orz, Maqsood Ahmed

165 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.11 / Oral Presentation-38 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil, David Rojas / Chile 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.11-01 3D Bioprinted Glioma Tumor Model and its Application Xingliang Dai / China Qing Lan, Tao Xu, Xinzhi Zhang

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.11-02 Surgical Planning with 3D Reconstruction of Cerebral Surface and of Intrinsic Lesions Using Region of Interest and Cranial Measure Tools with Osirix Software Renan Maximilian Lovato / Brazil João Luiz Vitorino Araújo, José Carlos Esteves Veiga, Cumhur Kaan Yaltirik, Mehmet Volkan Harput

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.11-03 T1-Weighted Subtraction Images for Volumetric Assessment of Extent of Resection of Diff use Low Grade Gliomas Kaan Yaltirik / Turkey Ahmed Ashour, Najib El Tecle, Vilaas Shetty, Angela Dicosola, Jeroen Coppens

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.11-04 Folate Receptor-Targeted Cytarabine For Inhibiting the Proliferation of Medulloblastoma and Promoting its Apoptosis: An Experimental Study in Vitro Hailong Liu / China Boyuan Huang, Rugang Zhao, Yanming Qu, Song Han, Chunjiang Yu Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.11-05 Awake Craniotomy for Brain Tumors in Pakistan: 22 An Initial Case Series from a Developing Country (Tue) Saad Akhtar Khan / Pakistan Syed Ather Enam, Karim Rizwan

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.11-06 Low-Cost Device for Fluorescein Guided Surgery for Malignant Gliomas and Metastasis Renan Maximilian Lovato / Brazil João Luiz Vitorino Araújo, José Carlos Esteves Veiga

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.11-07 Determination of N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT 2) Gene Polymorphism in Patients With Glioma in Turkey Vural Hamzaoglu / Turkey Ozlen Tubay Bagdatoglu, Hakan Ozalp, Hatice Yildirim Yaroglu, Sema Erden Erturk, Emel Avci, Celal Bagdatoglu

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.11-08 Awake Craniotomy Procedure Ali Akay / Turkey Mete Rükşen, Rauf Nasirov, Sertaç Işlekel

166 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 CM.03 / Oral Presentation-39 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Mohamed Arnaout / Egypt, Moncef Berhouma / France 16.30 - 16.40 OP-CM.03-01 Surgery for Lesions of Mediobasal Temporal Region: Clinical, Radiological And Anatomical Study Sahin Hanalioglu / USA Ilhan Aydin, Balkan Sahin, Cem Dinc, Pinar Eser Ocak, Ulas Cikla, Mustafa K. Baskaya

16.40 - 16.50 OP-CM.03-02 Preresectional Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) as the Procedure of Choice in Patients with Obstructive Hydrocephalus due to Posterior Fossa Lesions Muhammad Tariq / Pakistan Abdul Hameed, Muhammad Ashraf

16.50 - 17.00 OP-CM.03-03 ETV Score and Other Factors Contributing to Third Ventriculostomy Outcome Mehak Ghaziani / Pakistan Afi fa Afsar, Salman Sharif

17.00 - 17.10 OP-CM.03-04 Superiority of ETV 7 to 10 Days Beforehand in Hydrocephaly Developed Posterior Fossa Tumor Surgery Gökhan Çavuş / Turkey Yurdal Gezercan, Ali Ihsan Ökten, Emre Bilgin, Zeki Boğa, Güner Menekşe, Burak Olmaz Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-CM.03-05 The Eff ects of Diff erent Types of Hair Shaving on the Body Image and Surgical Site Infection in Elective Cranial Surgery 22 Gulsah Kose / Turkey (Tue) Sevinc Tastan, Murat Kutlay, Orhan Bedir

17.20 - 17.30 OP-CM.03-06 Frequency of Factors That Leads to Bleed in Tumor Bed After Brain Tumor Surgery Mehran Ali / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali, Zahid Khan

17.30 - 17.40 OP-CM.03-07 Minimally Invasive Correction of Hydrocephalus in Patients with Hydrocephalus Secondary to Brain Tumors Rakhmon Egamberdiev / Uzbekistan Jahongir Hodjaliev, Jasur Nazimov, Akmalhon Muhamedov, Maruf Matmusaev, Uygun Altibaev, Ravshanbek Kadirbekov

17.40 - 17.50 OP-CM.03-08 Brain Tumor Interface Dissection Technique with Surgical Blade From Laboratory to Neurosurgical Operating Room Survendra Kumar Rajdeo Rai / India Cristina Mancarella, Atul H Goel

167 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 EDS.01 / Oral Presentation-40 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Suryakant Dugani / India, / Jun Muto / Japan 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EDS.01-01 Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Skull Base Omar Lopez Arbolay / Cuba Marlon Ortiz Machin, Peggys Cruz Perez

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EDS.01-02 Endoscopic Approach to Clival Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma Aykut Gokbel / Turkey Melih Caklili, Burak Cabuk, Ihsan Anik, Savas Ceylan

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EDS.01-03 Three-Dimensional Multimodal Imaging and Intraoperative Navigation in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Sumin Geng / China

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EDS.01-04 Impact of Evolution of the Endonasal Transsphenoidal Approach on Overall Patients’ Outcomes at a Single Institution Hasan Jalaloddin / Egypt Salah Hemida, Alaa Abdel Hay

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EDS.01-05 The Eff ectiveness of Neuroendoscopic Treatment of Intracranial Cysts: A Retrospective Aug. Medical Record Review Study Peng Zhao / China 22 Chuzhong Li, Xuyi Zong, Xinsheng Wang, Songbai Gui, Yazhuo Zhang (Tue) 17.20 - 17.30 OP-EDS.01-06 Robotic Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery: Preliminary Clinical Application Alhusain Nagm / Egypt Toshihiro Ogiwara, Tetsuya Goto, Kazuhiro Hongo

17.30 - 17.40 OP-EDS.01-07 Endoscopic and Endoscopic Assisted Supraorbital Approach Mohamed Arnaout / Egypt Nouman Aldahak, Hazem Soliman, Hosni Salama, Mattia Del Maestro, Renato Galzio, Khaled Aziz

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EDS.01-08 EndoNasal Transsphenoidal Approach For SkullBase Leisons Bagathsingh Karuppanan / India Nageswaran Dhanuskody

17.50 - 18.00 OP-EDS.01-09 Conceptual Design of a Surgical Instrument-Guided Robotic Neuroendoscope Holder - Neuroboscope Şahin Hanalioğlu / Turkey Ahmet Ilkay Işıkay, Mehmet Ismet Can Dede, Mustafa Berker

168 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 FN.03 / Oral Presentation-41 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Terry Coyne / Australia, Sabri Aydin / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-FN.03-01 Eff ects of Surgical Approaches to Epilepsy Quality of Life, Depression ond Anxiety Levels Mevlüt Özgür Taşkapılıoğlu / Turkey Hilal Atakur, Aylin Bican Demir, Cengiz Akkaya, Nevin Türkeş, Ibrahim Bora, Bahattin Hakyemez, Ahmet Bekar

16.40 - 16.50 OP-FN.03-02 Epileptic Zone Resection for MRI-Negative Refractory Epilepsy Originating From Primary Motor Cortex Zhang Guangming / China Meng Dawei, Liu Yanwu, Yang Kai, Chen Jianwei, Su Lanmei, Chen Guoqiang

16.50 - 17.00 OP-FN.03-03 Peri-Insular Hemispherotomy: Indications and Outcome in a Single Institution Kamran Urgun / USA Brett A. Whittemore, Angela V. Price

17.00 - 17.10 OP-FN.03-04 Refractory Epilepsy secondary to Calcifi ed Granuloma - A Surgical Series Suchanda Bhattacharjee / India Afshaan Jabeen

17.10 - 17.20 OP-FN.03-05 Can Vagus Nerve Stimulation Decrease the Risk of Bone Fracture? Ahmad Faleh Tamimi / Jordan Aug. Malik E. Juweid, Abdul Karim A Al Qudah, Amira T Al Masri, Saeid A Dahbour, Yacoub Albahou, Abdel Latif Sharif, Faleh A Tamimi 22 (Tue) 17.20 - 17.30 OP-FN.03-06 Surgical Treatment of Drug-Resistant Epilepsies in Russian Federation Igor Trifonov / Russia Vladimir Krylov, Alla Guekht, Anna Lebedeva, Igor Kaĭmovskiĭ, Mikhail Sinkin

17.30 - 17.40 OP-FN.03-07 Withdrawn

17.40 - 17.50 OP-FN.03-08 ECOG Assisted Epilepsy Surgery in Nepal Sudan Dhakal / Nepal Basant Pant, Resha Shrestha, Pranaya Shrestha, Pravesh Rajbhandari, Samir Acharya, Chandra Prakash Limbu, Koji Iida, Kazunori Arita

17.50 - 18.00 OP-FN.03-09 Seizure Control and Global Improvement After Selective Posterior Callosotomy Augusto Valadão Junqueira / Brazil Mauricio Marchiori, Rafael Silva Paglioli, Bruno Loz Da Rosa, Caroline Klovan Da Silva, Kelyn Lutz, Rebeca Cabral Cesar Pires, Eliseu Paglioli, André Palmini

169 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NT.04 / Oral Presentation-42 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Aaron Musara / Zimbabwe , Mohammed Safari Haspani / Malaysia 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NT.04-01 Report of Clinical Experience of Neuronavigation Guided Endoscopic Transventriculoport Intervention of 23 Consecutive Intraventricular Hemorrhage Cases Hakan Simsek / Turkey Emre Zorlu

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NT.04-02 Predictive Factors of Mortality for Primary Pontine Haemorrhage in an Asian Population Supaya Surentheran / Singapore Thangaraj Munusamy, Ramez Kirollos, Eugene Yang, Pang Boon Chuan

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NT.04-03 A Volumetric, Segmentation-Based Method to Assess Cerebral Vasospasm of the Middle Cerebral Artery by CT-Angiography Sven R. Kantelhardt / Germany Axel Neulen, Tobias Pantel, Michael Kosterhon, Anna Mayer, Marc A. Brockmann

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NT.04-04 Clinical Signifi cance of the Reversed Pressure Volume Index in Neurosurgical Patients Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hae Kwan Park, Cheol Ji

Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-NT.04-05 Single Burr Hole Draining Technique in Sub Acute Subdural Hematoma Jorge Luis Rivera Rodriguez / Mexico 22 Maria Eugenia Zurita Morales (Tue) 17.20 - 17.30 OP-NT.04-06 Prophylactic Use of Phenytoin in Preventing Early Postoperative Seizure in Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial Gopal Sedain / Nepal Amit Bahadur Pradhanang, Mohan Raj Sharma, Sushil Krishna Shilpakar

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NT.04-07 An Innovative External Ventricular Drainage (AW-EVD) Board System Chin Hwee Goh / Malesia Debbie Ching Ching Kong, Albert Sii Hieng Wong

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NT.04-08 Recurrent Chronic Subdural Hematomas: Predictive Factors and Management Issam Chouaf / Algeria Souad Bakhti, Nabila Tighilt, Mohamed Djennas

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NT.04-09 Preoperative Trepanation and Drainage for Acute Subdural Hematoma Guan Jing Yu / China

170 Daily Program General Session

Time : 16.30 - 18.30 GEN / General Session - Forum for the Political and Socioeconomic Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Development of Neurosurgery “Education and Training in Neurosurgery Analysis of Regional Needs and Aid Available” Moderator: Marcos Masini / Brazil 16.30 - 16.35 Introduction Marcos Masini / Brazil

16.35 - 16.45 Australasian View Basant K. Misra / India 16.45 - 16.55 African View Muhammad Raji Mahmud / Nigeria 16.55 - 17.05 African View Abderrahmane Sidi Said / Morocco 17.05 - 17.15 Asian View Yoko Kato / Japan 17.15 - 17.25 Latin American View Claudio G. Yampolsky / Argentina Aug. 17.25 - 17.35 European View Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands 22 (Tue) 17.35 - 17.45 European View Lukas Rasulic / Serbia 17.45 - 17.55 North American View Frederick Boop / USA 17.55 - 18.05 North American View Neil Martin 18.05 - 18.30 WFNS View, Debates and Closing Remarks Franco Servadei / Italy

171 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NV.07 / Oral Presentation-43 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Paulo Porto De Melo / Brazil, Altay Sencer / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NV.07-01 Relation of Gray-White Matter Ratio with Long-Term Cognitive Functions and Quality of Life In Patients With Mild to Moderate Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Observational Study Achmet Ali / / Turkey Pulat Akin Sabanci, Aydin Aydoseli, Altay Sencer, Duygu Dolen, Ibrahim Ozkan Akinci

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NV.07-02 Genetic Predisposition to Intracranial Aneurysm in Kazakh Population Yerkin Zhumagulovich Medetov / Kazakhstan Akbota Maratovna Aitkulova, Elena Vitalevna Zholdybayeva, Yerbol Targynovich Makhambetov, Botagoz Daukimovna Dzhamantayeva, Asylbek Bakhytbekovich Kaliyev

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NV.07-03 Early Plasma Creatinine Levels After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Correlate with Functional Neurological Outcome - a Single Center Series Tamara Yasmin Kern / Germany Patrick Schuss, Alexis Hadjiathanasiou, Felix Lehmann, Ági Güresir, Hartmut Vatter, Erdem Güresir

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NV.07-04 Ratio of Nitric Oxide Metabolite Levels in CSF and Serum and Their Correlation with Severity and Outcome in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Aug. Giat Seng Kho / Malaysia 22 Regunath Kandasamy, Mummedy Swammy, Muzaimi Mustapha, Kamarul Imran, Jafri Malin Abdullah (Tue) 17.10 - 17.20 OP-NV.07-05 Angiogram-Negative Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Comparison Between Diff use and Perimesencephalic Distribution Atef Ben Nsir / Tunisia Mohamed Kilani, Maroua Zemmali, Mehdi Darmoul, Nejib Hattab

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NV.07-06 Intracranial Aneurysms and Metabolic Syndrome: Multiplicity and Risk of Rupture Ulas Cikla / Turkey Sahin Hanalioglu, Balkan Sahin, Ilhan Aydin, Cem Dinc, Pinar Eser Ocak, Halil Olgun Peker, Mustafa K. Baskaya

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NV.07-07 Outcome of Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients After Aggressive Treatment Ashkan Pooyan / Iran Humain Baharvahdat, Samira Zabihiyan, Payam Sasannejad, Babak Ganjeifar, Masoumeh Nouri, Mohammad Farajirad, Hamid Reza Etemadrezaei

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NV.07-08 Is There a Relationship Between Neutrophil / Lymphocyte Ratio and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) with Prognosis in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Mehmet Hüseyin Akgül / Turkey Mustafa Öğden

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NV.07-09 Prognostic Value of S100B Protein and Neuron-Specifi c Enolase in Patients with Poor Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Tammam Abboud / Germany Christian Mende, Roman Jung, Patrick Czrorlich, Eik Vettorazzi, Marion Priefl er, Stefan Kluge, Manfred Westphal, Jan Regelsberger

172 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 PED.04 / Oral Presentation-44 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Mohamed El Beltagy / Egypt, Volkan Etus / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-PED.04-01 Management of Pediatric Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome Nabila Tighilt / Algeria Houria Bekralas, Souad Bakhti, Wahiba Boulaouad, Nazim Boumahdi, Mohamed Djennas

16.40 - 16.50 OP-PED.04-02 Morbidity After Hemorrhage in Children with Untreated Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Li Ma / China Xiaolin Chen, Yu Chen, Xun Ye, Yuanli Zhao

16.50 - 17.00 OP-PED.04-03 Polymorphisms in CD40 are Associated with Moyamoya Disease in Children Wenjun Shen / China Bin Xu, Roxanna Garcia, Yi Zhang, Hao Li, Yunjun Liao

17.00 - 17.10 OP-PED.04-04 Eff ectiveness and Safety of Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery: A Retrospective Clinical Study of 50 Cases Müge Dolgun / Turkey Hülya Maraş Genç, Çetin Genç, Aydın Aydoseli, Yavuz Aras, Pulat Akın Sabancı, Bülent Kara, Candan Gürses, Altay Sencer Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-PED.04-05 Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Analysis in Tuberculous Meningitis Ameya Kamat / South Africa 22 Armin Gretschel, Adriaan Vlok (Tue)

17.20 - 17.30 OP-PED.04-06 Television Tip-Over-Related Head Injuries: A Particular Type of Child Neglect Burak Eren / Turkey Abdurrahim Taş, Feyza Karagöz Güzey, Ilker Güleç, Azmi Tufan, Özgür Yusuf Aktaş, Mustafa Safi Vatansever, Ebru Doruk

17.30 - 17.40 OP-PED.04-07 Withdrawn

17.40 - 17.50 OP-PED.04-08 Spontaneous Intracystic Hemorrhage of an Arachnoid Cyst Associated With Subacute Subdural Hematoma Evren Aydogmus / Turkey Bekir Can Kendirlioglu, Tufan Hicdonmez

17.50 - 18.00 OP-PED.04-09 Cerebral Metastasis of Hepatoblastoma: Case Report and Review of Literature Carlos Roberto Massella Junior / Brazil Bartolomeu Souto Queiroz Quidute, Lievin Luz Carvalho, Cicero Diego Sampaio Cabral, Jose Claudio Monteiro Rodrigues Filho, Carlos Vanderlei Medeiros De Holanda, Jean Gonçalves De Oliveira, Benedito Jamilson Araújo Pereira

173 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.10 / Oral Presentation-45 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Mete Karatay / Turkey, Necati Tatarli / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.10-01 The Microendoscopic Approach for Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Preliminary Series of 33 Patients Mohamed Kabil / Egypt

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.10-02 Effi cacy of Endoscopically Assisted and Pure Endoscopic Lumbar Disc Surgery. 10 Years Experience Artem Gushcha / Russia Sergey Arestov

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.10-03 Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLLIF): A Comparative Study of Perioperative and Clinical Outcomes Hamid R Abbasi / USA Ali B Abbasi

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.10-04 Investigation of the Factors Aff ecting Reherniation of LDHs According to Their MRI and Radiographs’ Findings: A Prospective Study Anas Abdallah / Turkey Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah Aug. 17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.10-05 10 Year Analysis of Usage of Endoscopic Portal Discectomy in Patients with Lumbar Disc 22 Herniations (Tue) Sergey Arestov / Russia Artem Goushcha, Andrey Vershinin

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.10-06 Foraminoplastic Extra-Kambin’s Triangle Approach in Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy and Foraminotomy Daewon Joh / South Korea Jungtae Oh, Geun Chang Kim, Dong Keun Kim

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.10-07 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Concept in Recurrent Lumbar Spine Radiculopathy Omar Yusef Hammad / Egypt

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.10-08 Lumbar Herniated Disc: Recurrence and Post Operative Fibrosis Benaissa Abdennebi / Algeria Idir Moula

174 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.11 / Oral Presentation-46 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Juan De Dios Del Castillo Calcaneo / Mexico, Mehmet Secer / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.11-01 Percutaneous Spine Fixation Versus Open Traditional Spine Fixation in Cases of Traumatic Thoracolumbar Fractures Mohamed Khaled Elkazaz / Egypt Ahmed Ismail Baseem

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.11-02 Short Segment Posterior Fixation with Index Level Screws Versus Long Segment Posterior Fixation For Thoracolumbar Spine Fracture: Angle of Correction and Pain Ahmed M Sallam / Egypt Walid A Abdel Ghany

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.11-03 The Eff ects of Steroids in Traumatic Thoracolumbar Junction Patients on Neurological Outcome Mustafa Kemal Ilik / Turkey Fatih Keskin, Fatih Erdi, Bülent Kaya, Yaşar Karataş, Erdal Kalkan

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.11-04 Percutaneous Unilateral Vertebral Body Augmentation Using Mesh-Contained Bone Graft with Percutaneous Bilateral Pedicle Screw-Rod Fixation: A Novel Treatment in a Patient with a Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture Thuy Minh Nguyen / USA Aug.

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.11-05 Feasibility of Expandable Cage for Vertebral Body Reconstruction in Unstable 22 Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures via Single-Stage Posterior Approach (Tue) Se Hoon Kim / South Korea Bum Joon Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, Sung Won Jin, Won Hyung Kim, Dong Jun Lim

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.11-06 Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture Ijaz Hussain Wadd / Pakistan

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.11-07 Traumatic Thoracolumbar Fractures: Clinical Serial Analysis Erek Öztürk / Turkey Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Yüksel Navruz, Harun Mehmet Özlü, Saygın Uçar, Nilifer Taş, Muhittin Emre Altunrende, Ercan Çetin, Ali Haluk Düzkalır, Erdinç Ciivelek, Serdar Kabataş

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.11-08 Posterior Corpectomy Instead of Anterior Corpectomy in Traumatic Fracture-Dislocation Lumbar Spine with Complete Neurological Defi cit (Few Case Series) Safa Elfatih Yagoub Hamid Babikir / Sudan Omar Akod

175 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.12 / Oral Presentation-47 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Federico Landriel / Argentina, Ilker Solmaz / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.12-01 The role of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Diff use Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / UK Radu Beltechi, Sanjoy Nagaraja

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.12-02 Craniocervical Junction Fractures Treatment with Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Screws Fixation Stanislaw Adamski / Poland Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Marek Rocławski, Rafał Pankowski, Patryk Kurlandt, Maciej Racinowski, Jakub Wiśniweski

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.12-03 Posterior Transpedicular Screw Fixation of Subaxial Vertebrae: Accuracy Rates of Mini- Laminoforaminotomy Technique Pınar Kuru Bektaşoğlu / Turkey Erhan Çelikoğlu, Ali Börekci, Ali Fatih Ramazanoğlu, Abdullah Karakoç

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.12-04 Management of Craniovertebral Junction Anomalies- Experience of 223 Cases Sim Khairun Nabi Khan / Bangladesh Aug. Md. Ruhul Kuddus, Sk Farhad Munir

22 17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.12-05 Surgical Management of the Type II Odontoid Fractures (Tue) Selin Tural Emon / Turkey Baris Erdogan, Omer Faruk Sahin, Ezgi Akar, Hakan Somay

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.12-06 Usefulness of Navigated O-Arm Spinal Fixation for Spinal Trauma in a Level 1 poly-trauma centre Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / UK Amit Amit, Radu Beltechi

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.12-07 C1 Lateral Mass Screw Insertion from the Caudal-Dorsal to the Cranial-Ventral Direction as an Alternate Method for C1 Fixation: An Anatomical and Morphometric Evaluation Ali Karadağ / Turkey Mehmet Şenoğlu, Burak Kınalı, Baran Bozkurt, Çiğdem Içke, Duygu Halaçoğlu Savran, Erik H Middlebrooks

176 Oral Presentations, Daily Program Young Neurosurgeon Forum

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 FN.04 / Oral Presentation-48 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Ahmed Raslan / USA, Anirban D. Banerjee / India 16.30 - 16.40 OP-FN.04-01 Trigeminal Schwannoma: Importance of Dural Refl ection of Middle Fossa Suresh Nair / India

16.40 - 16.50 OP-FN.04-02 Outcomes in Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma After Subtotal Resection and Adjuvant Radiosurgery Hesham M Abouelela Radwan / Egypt Mark Bruce Eisenberg, Jonathan Petrus Sandberg Knisely, Maged Mofi ed Ghaly, Michael Schulder

16.50 - 17.00 OP-FN.04-03 Mechanical Allodynia Predicts Better Outcome of Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia Chenlong Liao / China Wenchuan Zhang, Lin Wu, Min Yang

17.00 - 17.10 OP-FN.04-04 Auditory Brain Stem Implant in Neurofi bromatosis Type 2 Patients; Reiew of 11 Patients Mohammad Samadian / Iran Ali Eftekharian, Mohammad Hallajnejad, Amirarsalan Amin Darolzabi, Omidvar Rezaei, Ali Mousavi Nejad

17.10 - 17.20 OP-FN.04-05 Endoscope-Assisted Microvascular Decompression in Hemifacial Spasm Henry W. S. Schroeder / Germany Aug. Christian Rosenstengel, Marc Matthes, Ehab El Refaee, Ahmed El Damati, Jörg Baldauf 22 17.20 - 17.30 OP-FN.04-06 Microsurgery of Vestibular Schwannoma After Radiosurgery: Challenges and Treatment (Tue) Basant Kumar Misra / India Omkar Churi

17.30 - 17.40 OP-FN.04-07 Frame-Based Stereotaxy Using Egyplan File for Voxel-Based Target Calculation Abdin Khair-Allah Kasim / Egypt

17.40 - 17.50 OP-FN.04-08 Narrow Foramen Ovale and Rotundum: A Role in the Etiology of Trigeminal Neuralgia Wenchuan Zhan / China Pengfei Liu, Lin Wu

17.50 - 18.00 OP-FN.04-09 Comparison of Effi cacy of Percutaneous Procedures and Microvascular Decompression in the Management of Essential Trigeminal Neuralgia Abdessamad El Ouahabi / Morocco

Time : 18.00 - 19.30 YNF / Young Neurosurgeon Forum Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK, Yusuf Izci / Turkey 18.00 - 18.30 Approaches to Deep Seated Cavernous Malformations Robert F. Spetzler / USA

18.30 - 19.00 Approaches to Clivus: The Paradigm of Microsurgery and Endoscopy Miguel A. Arraez / Spain

19.00 - 19.30 Separating Craniopagus Twins James Tait Goodrich / USA



Wednesday August 23 Aug. 23(Wed) At a Glance Daily Program

LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



07.00 - 08.30

08.30 MT-3/1 MT-3/2 MT-3/3 MT-3/4 - Main Topic Session-27 Main Topic Session-28 Main Topic Session-29 Main Topic Session-30 10.30

10.30 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 11.00

11.00 PL-3 - Plenary Session-3 13.00

13.00 - 14.00

14.00 KL-3/1 KL-3/2 KL-3/3 KL-3/4 - Keynote Lectures-25 Keynote Lectures-26 Keynote Lectures-27 Keynote Lectures-28 14.30 GEN General Session - Global Neurosurgery 14.30 NO.12 NA.01 MSC.01 SP.13 - Oral Presentations-49 Oral Presentations-50 Oral Presentations-51 Oral Presentations-52 16.00

16.00 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 16.30

16.30 - 16.30 - 18.30 EXP.02 NO.13 EXP.03 NO.14 Pediatric Oral Presentations-61 Oral Presentations-62 Oral Presentations-63 Oral Presentations-64 18.00 Aug. 23(Wed)

Istanbul Congress Center

B2 B3


BR-3/10 BR-3/1 BR-3/2 BR-3/3 BR-3/4 BR-3/5 BR-3/6 BR-3/7 BR-3/8 BR-3/9 Breakfast Seminar- Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast WINS Seminars-20 Seminars-21 Seminars-22 Seminars-23 Seminars-24 Seminars-25 Seminars-26 Seminars-27 Seminars-28 Women in Neurosurgery

MT-3/5 MT-3/6 MT-3/7 MT-3/8 MT-3/9 MT-3/10 MT-3/11 MT-3/12 Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Session-31 Session-32 Session-33 Session-34 Session-35 Session-36 Session-37 Session-38

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

LS Luncheon Symposium

KL-3/5 KL-3/6 KL-3/7 KL-3/8 KL-3/9 KL-3/10 KL-3/11 KL-3/12 Keynote Lectures-29 Keynote Lectures-30 Keynote Lectures-31 Keynote Lectures-32 Keynote Lectures-33 Keynote Lectures-34 Keynote Lectures-35 Keynote Lectures-36

3D-1 3D Session-1

FN.05 SP.14 SP.15 NV.08 NV.09 PED.05 SP.16 SP.17 Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-53 Presentations-54 Presentations-55 Presentations-56 Presentations-57 Presentations-58 Presentations-59 Presentations-60

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

EDS.02 GK.01 NT.05 NV.10 SP.18 PED.06 SP.19 SP.20 3D-2 Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral 3D Session-2 Presentations-65 Presentations-66 Presentations-67 Presentations-68 Presentations-69 Presentations-70 Presentations-71 Presentations-72

Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/1 / Breakfast Seminars-20 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Khalid Siddiqui / Saudi Arabia, Cem Yilmaz / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Intradural Extramedullary Tumors: Do We Always Need Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring? Franco Servadei / Italy

07.20 - 07.40 Spinal Intramedullary Tumors and Maslow´s Hammer Suresh Nair / India

07.40 - 08.00 Intradural Spinal Tumors: How to Avoid Complications? Amer AlShurbaji / Jordan

08.00 - 08.20 Filum Terminale and Conus Medullaris Ependymoma Ibrahim Omerhodzic / Bosnia and Herzegovina

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/2 / Breakfast Seminars-21 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Gayrat M. Kariev / Uzbekistan, Burcak Bilginer / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Infl uence of Meningioma Texture on Surgical Outcome/Prediction by MRI Nils Ole Schmidt / Germany

07.20 - 07.40 Supraorbital Keyhole Approach in the Management of Anterior Fossa Meningiomas Panagiotis Selviaridis / Greece

07.40 - 08.00 Craniospinal Meningiomas Roberto Delfi ni / Italy

08.00 - 08.20 Anterior Basal Meningioma Aug. Ahmed Adnan Aljuboori / Iraq 23 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion (Wed)

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/3 / Breakfast Seminars-22 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Mustafa K. Baskaya / USA, Abdurrahman Bakir / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Management of Giant Aneurysms Eka J. Wahjoepramono / Indonesia

07.20 - 07.40 Natural History and Management of Unrupture Intracranial Aneurysms Yuichi Murayama / Japan

07.40 - 08.00 Management of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Giuseppe Lanzino / USA

08.00 - 08.30 Discussion

185 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/4 / Breakfast Seminars-23 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Tomislav Sajko / Croatia, Ali Kafadar / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Functional Hemispherotomy: Long Term Outcome and The Future Directions Faisal Al Otaibi / Saudi Arabia 07.20 - 07.40 Hemispherotomy Techniques in Pediatric Epilepsy Oguz Cataltepe / USA 07.40 - 08.00 Anatomy Related to Functional Hemispherotomy Niklaus Krayenbuhl / Switzerland 08.00 - 08.20 Supra Tentorial Intraoperative Monitoring (IOM) in Pediatric Neurosurgery Shlomi Constantini / Israel 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/5 / Breakfast Seminars-24 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Beny Atmadja Wirjomartani / Indonesia, Lutfi Sinasi Postalci / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Neurotrauma Care in Pakistan M. Tariq Khan / Pakistan

07.20 - 07.40 Telemedicine for Neurotrauma: Saving Brain and Saving Money Fatos Olldashi / Albania

07.40 - 08.00 Jordan Think First Injury Prevention Curriculum Update Nasri J. Sami Khoury / Jordan

Aug. 08.00 - 08.20 Family Involvement in the Neuro ICU: Moving It Towards the Center of the Scene 23 Fernando Goldenberg / USA (Wed) 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/6 / Breakfast Seminars-25 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Tenoch Herrada-Pineda / Mexico, Celal Bagdatoglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Surgery for Fourth Ventricular Ependymomas in Adults Amr Safwat / Egypt

07.20 - 07.40 Application of Neuroendoscopy in Intraventricular Tumors Kheireddine Bouyucef / Algeria

07.40 - 08.00 Mapping and Monitoring Motor Pathways Under General Anesthesia in Brain Tumor Surgery Francesco Sala / Italy

08.00 - 08.20 Minitubular Navigated Approach to Deep-Seated Cerebral Lesions Francesco Tomasello / Italy

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

186 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/7 / Breakfast Seminars-26 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Marcelo Olivero / Argentina, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Past and Future of Viral-Based Therapies for Brain Tumors Zvi Ram / Israel 07.20 - 07.40 Progesterone as an Alternative to Dexemethasone in the Management of Brain Tumour Gilberto Leung / Hong-Kong 07.40 - 08.00 Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to the Ventral Skull Base Lesions Murat Kutlay / Turkey 08.00 - 08.20 Stem Cell Therapy in Glioblastoma Treatment Basak Topkoru / Turkey 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/8 / Breakfast Seminars-27 Venue : Hall 16-B3/60 Moderators: Lukas Rasulic / Serbia, Ahmet Bekar / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Results of the Median and Ulnar Nerve Regeneration After Distal Nerve Injury Treated with Microsurgical Technique in a 20 Year Period Ivan Humhej / Czech Republic 07.20 - 07.40 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: Current State and Future Prospects Damianos E. Sakas / Greece 07.40 - 08.00 Update on Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Pain Konstantin Slavin / USA 08.00 - 08.20 Pain Overview in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital - Epidemiological Aspect Bernardo Assumpcao De Monaco / Brazil 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/9 / Breakfast Seminars-28 Venue : Hall 17-B3/61 Moderators: Gilbert Dechambenoit / France, Alp Ozgun Borcek / Turkey Aug. 07.00 - 07.20 Training of Residents: Pedagogical and Ethical Aspects 23 Said Ait Benali / Morocco (Wed) 07.20 - 07.40 The Master of Surgery (Neurosurgery) Program 16 Years After It´s Establishment in Malaysia: Where Are We, What Should We Do Next and Why? Jafri Malin Abdullah / Malaysia 07.40 - 08.00 Education in Neurosurgery: Neurosurgical Education in Jordan, Past, Present and Feature Challenges A. Faleh Tamimi / Jordan 08.00 - 08.20 Neurosurgery in the Developing Countries Gilbert Dechambenoit / France 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-3/10 / Breakfast Seminar-WIN WFNS-Women in Neurosurgery Venue : Hall 18-B3/22 Moderators: Nelci Zanon / Brazil, Gail Rosseau / USA 07.00 - 07.15 Immunotherapy and Neurosurgical Oncology: An Update Sussan Salas / USA 07.15 - 07.30 Medulloblastomas in the Era of Molecular Biology: A Challenge for Developing Countries Souad Bakhti / Algeria 07.30 - 07.45 Updates in NeuroTrauma Lynne Lourdes Lucena / Philippines 07.45 - 08.00 Application of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Techniques in Spine Surgery Najia El Abbadi Bendahane / Morocco 08.00 - 08.30 Discussion 187 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/1 / Main Topic Session-27 Venue : Beyazıt/B2 Moderators: Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia, Kresimir Rotim / Croatia 08.30 - 08.45 C1-C2 Fusion and Role of the Endoscopic Approach Juan Barges-Coll / Mexico

08.45 -09.00 C2 Subfacetal Body Screw in Posterior Atlantoaxial Fixation (Goel–Harm Technique) to Avoid the Vertebral Artery Sushil Patkar / India

09.00 - 09.15 Dorsal Fixation Techniques of the Cervical Spine Marc Eichler / USA

09.15 -09.30 Changing the Trend of Treatment of Cervical Injuries Krishna Sharma / Nepal

09.30 - 09.45 Occipitocervical Fusion in Children Using Autograft: Results from a Single Institution George Jallo / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Occipito Cervical Junction Traumas and Surgical Approaches Ahmet Dagtekin / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Myoarchitectonic Mobilisation of C2 Spinous Process in C1C2 Posterior Fusion - A Novel Technique Ajit K. Sinha / India

10.15 - 10.30 Evaluation and Management of Upper Cervical Trauma Christopher I. Shaff rey / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/2 / Main Topic Session-28 Aug. Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Roberto Leal Da Silveira / Brazil, Galip Zihni Sanus / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Why Skull Base Surgery? 23 Kyu Sung Lee / South Korea (Wed) 08.45 - 09.00 Anterior Skull Base Tumors: The Rationality of the Subcranial Approach Antonio Aversa Do Souto / Brazil

09.00 - 09.15 Skull Base Techniques: Open, Endoscopic Endonasal, Endoscopic Assisted Sebastien Froelich / France

09.15 - 09.30 Paradigms for the Treatment of Posterolateral Skull Base Tumors Nicholas C. Bambakidis / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Complications in Skull Base Surgery Miguel A. Arraez / Spain

09.45 - 10.00 Tumorous Skull Base Pathologies: Endoscopic Trans-Basal and/or Microsurgical Trans-Cranial Approaches? Vinko Dolenc / Slovenia

10.00 - 10.15 Preventing and Managing Complications of Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery Mustafa Berker / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Limitation and Complications Related to the Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery Azmi Alias / Malaysia

188 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/3 / Main Topic Session-29 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Kazuhiro Hongo / Japan, Yoshimasa Niiya / Japan 08.30 - 08.45 Surgical Resection of Brain AVM Kemal Dizdarevic / Bosnia and Herzegovina

08.45 - 09.00 Hemodynamics of Cerebral AVM Uncovered Ali Alaraj / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Hybrid Surgery for Complicated Brain AVMs Yuanli Zhao / China

09.15 - 09.30 Surgery of Brain AVMs Amir Dehdashti / USA

09.30 - 09.45 AVM Microsurgery Juha A. Hernesniemi / Finland

09.45 - 10.00 Tricks and Pitfalls of AVM Treatment with Special Reference to Multimodality Management Andreas Gruber / Austria

10.00 - 10.15 Infratentorial AVMs: They Are Diff erent Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/4 / Main Topic Session-30 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Branislav Kolarowszki / Slovakia, Graham Fieggen / South Africa Aug. 08.30 - 08.45 Cerebrospinal Fluid Hydrodynamics and Pathophysiology of Hydrocephalus Oguz Cataltepe / USA 23 (Wed) 08.45 - 09.00 From MRI to Surgery in Hydrocephaly Horatiu Stan / Romania

09.00 - 09.15 The Indication of Drainage Procedure in Pediatric Hydrocephalus - the Role of Transcranial Doppler Sonography in Daily Clinical Praxis Branislav Kolarowszki / Slovakia

09.15 - 09.30 Endoscopic Approach for Complex Hydrocephalus in Pediatrics Abd-Elhafi z Shehab-Eldien / Egypt

09.30 - 09.45 ETV in Adult and Child Hydrocephalus Management Artur Xhumari / Albania

09.45 - 10.00 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy for Obstructive Hydrocephalus Azevedo-Filho Hildo / Brazil

10.00 - 10.15 Radionuclide Shuntography for the Evaluation of Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt in Children with Hydrocephalus Muhammad Raji Mahmud / Nigeria

10.15 - 10.30 Shunting Surgery of Hydrocephalus in Childhood, Mongolia Enkhbayar Tsevegbat / Mongolia

189 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/5 / Main Topic Session-31 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Kim J. Burchiel / USA, Erich Fonoff / Brazil 08.30 - 08.45 Ultra-high Field (7T) MR Anatomy of the Human Basal Ganglia for Deep Brain Stimulation Yasin Temel / Netherlands

08.45 -09.00 Subthalamotomy for Parkinson´s Disease Osvaldo Vilela Filho / Brazil

09.00 - 09.15 Brain Stimulation: Past, Present and Future Anirban D. Banerjee / India

09.15 -09.30 Complications of Deep Brain Stimulation. Avoidance and Management Chingiz Shashkin / Kazakhstan

09.30 - 09.45 Endoscopic Microvascular Decompression Tariq Salahuddin / Pakistan

09.45 - 10.00 Which Target is Better in Parkinson´s Deep Brain Stimulation Feridun Acar / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson´s Disease Resha Shrestha / Nepal

10.15 - 10.30 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinsons Disease Bekir Tugcu / Turkey

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/6 / Main Topic Session-32 Aug. Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Miroslav Galanda / Slovakia, Omer Faruk Turkoglu / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Management of Traumatic Brain Injury - An Update 23 Gilberto Leung / Hong-Kong (Wed) 08.45 - 09.00 Role of MRI in Diff use Axonal Injury and Its Prognostic Value Virendra D. Sinha / India

09.00 - 09.15 The Burden of Traumatic Brain Injury from Motorcycle Accidents in a Developing Country Temitayo Shokunbi / Nigeria

09.15 - 09.30 Penetrating Brain Injury from Bomb Blast - The Jerusalem Experience Yigal Shoshan / Israel

09.30 - 09.45 Outcome Prediction in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Petar Vulekovic / Serbia

09.45 - 10.00 The Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury to Brain Function Yung-Hsiao Chiang / Taiwan

10.00 - 10.15 Serum S100 Protein as a Prognostic Indicator for Head Injury Aaron Musara / Zimbabwe

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

190 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/7 / Main Topic Session-33 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: Marcos Masini / Brazil, Murat Imer / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Assessment of Effi ciency of the Easy Go Spinal Endoscopic Spine System. Is this Easy Go or not so Easy Go System Aftab Younus / South Africa

08.45 - 09.00 Postoperative Spinal Infections Hakan Sabuncuoglu / Turkey

09.00 - 09.15 Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Unilateral Approach, Bilateral Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Hyeun-Sung Kim / South Korea

09.15 - 09.30 Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation Yoshitaka Hirano / Japan

09.30 - 09.45 Lumbar Decompression Surgeries: Open vs Minimally Invasive. Is It Case Tailored? Khalid Siddiqui / Saudi Arabia

09.45 - 10.00 Long-Term Results of Various Operations for Lumbar Disc Herniation: Analysis of Over 39,000 Patients George J. Dohrmann / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Conceptual Approach in Treatment of Spinal Compressive Syndrome Michalis Spyrou / Cyprus

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/8 / Main Topic Session-34 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Raymond Sawaya / USA, Ella Kim / Germany Aug. 08.30 - 08.45 Natural History of Low-Grade Gliomas Rodolfo Casimiro Reis / Brazil 23 (Wed) 08.45 - 09.00 Current Recommendations in Treatment of Low Grade Glioma Ather Enam / Pakistan

09.00 - 09.15 Evidence-Based Treatment Strategy of Grade II Gliomas Yoshitaka Narita / Japan

09.15 - 09.30 Intraoperative MRI in Low Grade Gliomas Surgery: 16 years Argentinian Experience Roberto Herrera / Argentina

09.30 - 09.45 Florescence-Assisted Glial Tumour Surgery Giovanni Broggi / Italy

09.45 - 10.00 Role of Adjuvant Oncological Treatment in Partially Resected Low Grade Gliomas Robert Bartos / Czech Republic

10.00 - 10.15 Impact of Surgery on the Natural History of Diff use Low-Grade Glioma Hugues Duff au / France

10.15 - 10.30 Anatomy Guided Microneurosurgery for Removal of Intrinsic Lobar Lesions Guilhelme Carvalhal Ribas / Brazil

191 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/9 / Main Topic Session-35 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Yuichi Murayama / Japan, Giuseppe Lanzino / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Comparison of Endarterectomy and Stent Placement for Carotid Pseudo-Occlusion Ramachandra P. Tummala / USA

08.45 -09.00 Hybrid Revasculization for Ischemia Stroke --- 100 Cases Experience Ling Feng / China

09.00 - 09.15 Carotid Atherosclerosis and Vascular Cognitive Decline Robert J. Dempsey / USA

09.15 -09.30 Complications and Complication Avoidance in Carotid Surgery Christopher Loftus / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Carotid Endarterectomy or Stenting Vladimir Benes / Czech Republic

09.45 - 10.00 The Role of the Practicing Neurosurgeon in the Management of Ischemic Stroke Jose Zanoni Yada / El Salvador

10.00 - 10.15 A Mobile Stroke Unit Update from the Barrow Neurological Institute Felipe Albuquerque / USA

10.15 - 10.30 Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Associated with Coagulopathy: Trends and Management Fernando Goldenberg / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/10 / Main Topic Session-36 Aug. Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Maurizio Fornari / Italy, Selcuk Palaoglu / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Predictive Value of Neurophysiological Monitoring During Cervical Myelopathy Surgery 23 Rosario G. Rodrigalvarez / Spain (Wed) 08.45 - 09.00 Infl uence of Cord Signal Changes on the Management Outcome of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy El Fatih Bashir Elmalik / Sudan

09.00 - 09.15 Myelopathy Cervical: Experiencie in 100 Cases Remberto Burgos / Colombia

09.15 - 09.30 Formulation Protocol for Management of Cervical Myelopathy Secondary to Spondylosis and OPLL Abolfazl Rahimizadeh / Iran

09.30 - 09.45 A Novel Technique of Unilateral Open-Door Laminoplasty Using Ultrasonic Osteotome and Hydroxyapatite Spacers for Cervical Spinal Stenotic Myelopathy Se-Hoon Kim / South Korea

09.45 - 10.00 Advanced Multilevel Degenerative Cervical Spine Disease, Cervical Myelopathy and OPLL: Technical Points and Complication Avoidance / Management Tips Learned from Over 250 Cases of 3 or More Level Disease Russell Andrews / USA

10.00 - 10.15 C1/C2 Fusion: Past, Present, Future Volker K. H. Sonntag / USA

10.15 - 10.30 Cervical Myelopathy Rene Corvalan / Chile

192 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/11 / Main Topic Session-37 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Basant K. Misra / India, Edgardo Spagnuolo / Uruguay 08.30 - 08.45 Microsurgical Treatment of Aneurysms not Suitable for Endovascular Therapy Jose Nallino / Argentina

08.45 - 09.00 Computational Fluid Dynamics in Brain Aneurysms Ales Hejcl / Czech Republic

09.00 - 09.15 Microsurgical or Endovascular Treatment for Aneurysms? Decision Making Process and Selection Criteria Alexandros Andreou / Greece

09.15 - 09.30 Anatomo-Angiographic Correlation as Applied to AVM and Aneurysm Microsurgery Vicent Quilis-Quesada / Spain

09.30 - 09.45 Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Correlation with Intraoperative Aneurysm Features Alberto Feletti / Italy

09.45 - 10.00 Microsurgical Management of Cerebral Aneurysms: Pearls and Pitfalls Fady T. Charbel / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Complications in Cerebravascular Surgery: What Can be Learned? Francisco Gonzales Llanos / Spain

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-3/12 / Main Topic Session-38 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: William T. Couldwell / USA, Mahmood Qureshi / Kenya 08.30 - 08.45 Development of a Pituitary Center of Excellence Aug. Edward Laws / USA 23 08.45 - 09.00 What´s New in Pituitary Disease? (Wed) Atil Kargi / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Tips and Tricks in Endonasal Pituitary Surgery Mohamed Hafez Ramadan / Egypt

09.15 - 09.30 Pituitary Surgery: How to Improve Outcome (Experience in 650 Cases) Amer AlShurbaji / Jordan

09.30 - 09.45 Pituitary Tumors Grade II Staff Experience Mauro Loyo Varela / Mexico

09.45 - 10.00 Potential Biological and Genomic Discovery Ian F. Dunn / USA

10.00 - 10.15 The Surgical Management of Cushing Disease Moshe Hadani / Israel

10.15 - 10.30 Surgical Results in Patients with Cushing´s Disease David Rojas / Chile

Time : 10.30 - 11.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5 193 Plenary Session, Luncheon Symposium, Daily Program General Session

Time : 11.00 - 13.00 PL-3 / Plenary Session-3 Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Azevedo-Filho Hildo / Brazil, Tuncalp Ozgen / Turkey 11.00 - 11.20 Long Term Results of High Flow Bypass in Treating Cerebrovascular Diseases and Skull Base Tumors Yong-Kwang Tu / Taiwan 11.20 - 11.40 Decision Making in Skull Base Surgery Basant K. Misra / India 11.40 - 12.00 Surgery for Traumatic Brain Injury: Where Are We Now? Franco Servadei / Italy 12.00 - 12.20 Low Grade Gliomas M. Necmettin Pamir / Turkey 12.20 - 12.40 Sylvian Fissure Related AVM’s Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 12.40 - 13.00 Treatment for Metastatic Brain Tumor: Focused on How Decrease Adverse Eff ects Takamasa Kayama / Japan

Time : 13.00 - 14.00 LS / EUROSPINE LUNCHEON SYMPOSIUM Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderator: Serdar Kahraman / Turkey Advances in Metastatic Spine Tumors 13.00 - 13.10 Classifi cations of Metastatic Spine Tumors Serdar Kahraman / Turkey

13.10 - 13.30 Novel Surgical Approaches to Metastatic Spine Tumors Erkan Kaptanoglu / Turkey

13.30 - 13.50 Horizons of Radiosurgery for Spine Metastasis Aug. Sait Sirin / Turkey 13.50 - 14.00 Discussion 23 (Wed) Time : 14.00 - 16.00 GEN / GENERAL SESSION - GLOBAL NEUROSURGERY Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Franco Servadei / Italy, Gail Rosseau / USA 14.00 - 14.15 Miguel A. Arraez / Spain 14.15 - 14.30 Educational Strategies to Decrease the Imbalance of Neurosurgical Care in the Developing World Robert J. Dempsey / USA 14.30 - 14.45 Walter Johnson / Switzerland 14.45 - 15.00 Azevedo-Filho Hildo / Brazil 15.00 - 15.15 Emerging Neurosurgery in Africa Abdeslam El Khamlichi / Morocco 15.15 - 15.30 Mahmood Qureshi / Kenya 15.30 - 15.45 Kee B. Park / USA 15.45 - 16.00 Discussion

194 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/1 / Keynote Lectures-25 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Serik Akshulakov / Kazakhstan, Alvaro Campero / Argentina 14.00 - 14.15 Surgical Management of Trigeminal Schwannoma In Endonasal Endoscopic Era: Anatomical and Clinical Studies Jun Muto / Japan

14.15 - 14.30 Management of Vestibular Schwannomas: Surgery versus Radiosurgery? Ibrahim Ziyal / Turkey NO.12 / Oral Presentation-49

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.12-01 Endoscopic Procedures in the Treatment of Intraventricular Tumors Albert Akramovich Sufi anov / Russia

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.12-02 Intraventricular Pilocytic Astrocytomas: Radiology, Surgical Management and Outcome in a Series of 8 Patients Ribhav Pasricha / India Chinmaya Dash, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Sachin Borkar, Amandeep Kumar, Bhawani Shankar Sharma

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.12-03 Transsphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery of Pituitary Adenomas Invading the III Ventricle Mykola Guk / Ukraine Olena Danevych, Arthur Mumliev

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.12-04 Endoscopic Resection of Third Ventricle Colloid Cyst in 120 Consecutive Cases Mohammad Samadian / Iran Guive Sharifi , Mohammad Hallajnejad, Amirarsalan Amin, Kaveh Ebrahimzadeh, Armin Jafari, Omidvar Rezaei

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.12-05 Colloid Cyst 3rd Ventricle -Trans Cortical/Sulcal Trans Ventricular Microsurgical Management With Image Guidance Suresh M. Dugani / India Aug. 15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.12-06 Invasive Minimal Surgery With System of Retractor Tubular for Deep-Seated or Intraventricular Brain Tumors “New Technical Surgical”: Report of 9 Cases 23 Alberto Rafael Valarezo Chuchuca / Ecuador (Wed)

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.12-07 Outcome of Pediatric Fourth Ventricular Tumors Operated Upon Through a Telovelar Approach Ahmed Atallah Saad / Egypt Mohamed Reda Rady, Hazem Mostafa Kamal, Ahmed Abd El Aziz Hegazy, Mohamed Shehab Zaghloul

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.12-08 Surgical Treatment of Lateral Ventricle Tumors Navruz Khasilbekov / Uzbekistan Ulugbek Asadullaev

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.12-09 Intraparietal Approach for Tumors of the Ventricular Atrium Marcelo Olivero / Argentina

195 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/2 / Keynote Lectures-26 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Serhat Baydin / Turkey, Aykan Ulus / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Anatomical Principles of Endoscopic Endonasal Extra/Intradural Approach to Clivus and Odontoid and Clinical Implications Necmettin Tanriover / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Microsurgical Anatomy for Jugular Foramen from Point of View of Transjugular Approach Katsumi Sakata / Japan NA.01 / Oral Presentations-50

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NA.01-01 Neuroanatomy and Art - What is its Relevance to a Neurosurgeon ? Pragnesh Bhatt / UK

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NA.01-02 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Foramen Magnum Region Sabino Luzzi / Italy Mattia Del Mestro, Massimo Gallieni, Alessandro Ricci, Renato Juan Galzio

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NA.01-03 Anatomical Features of Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Approach to Lateral Skull Base: Cadaveric Study Doga Ugurlar / Turkey Nurperi Gazioglu, Pamir Erdincler, Muge Ugurlar, Galip Zihni Sanus, Necmettin Tanriover

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NA.01-04 Microscopic and Endoscopic Approaches to Thalamus Oguz Baran / Turkey Serhat Baydin, Abuzer Gungor, Erik Middlebrooks, Ilhan Aydin, Necmettin Tanriover

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NA.01-05 Neuronavigation Guided Detailed Endoscopic and Microscopic Investigation of the Anatomy of the Cerebellopontine Angle on Human Cadaver Heads With Colored-Silicon- Filled Vasculature Aug. Emre Zorlu / Turkey 23 Hakan Şimşek, Bülent Düz (Wed) 15.20 - 15.30 OP-NA.01-06 Transcallosal Transsplenial Pineal Approaches: Anterior and Posterior Routes Orhun Mete Cevik / USA Baran Bozkurt, Kaan Yagmurlu, Erhan Emel, Sean Moen, Andrew Grande

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NA.01-07 A Natural Corridor to Reach the Lesions Around the Fourth Ventricle: The Tonsillouvular Fissure Approach Ilhan Aydin / Turkey Sahin Hanalioglu, Halil Olgun Peker, Balkan Sahin, Cem Dinc, Pinar Ocak, Ulas Cikla, Mustafa Kemal Baskaya

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NA.01-08 Interhemispheric Precuneus Retrosplenial Transfalcine Approach for the Falcotentorial Junction Meningiomas. Laboratory Investigation Emrah Celtikci / USA Maximiliano Nunez, Quang Huy Truong, Hamid Borghei Razavi, James Liu, Juan Carlos Fernandez Miranda

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NA.01-09 Three - Dimensional CT Study on the Anatomy of Vertebral Artey at Atlantoaxial and Intracranial Segment Dilek Arslan / Turkey Mehmet Asım Özer, Ömer Kitiş

196 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/3 / Keynote Lectures-27 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: William Gormley / USA, Uygun U. Altibaev / Uzbekistan 14.00 - 14.15 Endoscopic Endonasal Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma Surgery Ali Erdem Yildirim / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Endonasal Excision of Large and Giant Pituitary Adenomas Waleed Azab / Kuwait MSC.01 / Oral Presentation-51

14.30 - 14.40 OP-MSC.01-01 Minimally Expensive Neurosurgery Edgar M Carrasco / Bolivia

14.40 - 14.50 OP-MSC.01-02 Neurosurgeons’ Socioeconomic Status Across the World and Compared to Other Specialties Thana Namer / Canada Maksim Son, Nabeel Alshafai

14.50 - 15.00 OP-MSC.01-03 Management of Intracranial Epidermoids, Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in North East India Basanta Kumar Baishya / India

15.00 - 15.10 OP-MSC.01-04 Is it Ethical to Practice On Living Emergency Patients? András Csókay / Hungary Attila Josvai, Márta Jackel

15.10 - 15.20 OP-MSC.01-05 UK Survey on Parental Leave Among Neurosurgeons: Have we got the Balance Right? Jebet Beverly Cheserem / UK Ruth Mary Desouza, Jordan Lam, Meriem Amarouche, Samantha Hettige, Mathew Crocker

15.20 - 15.30 OP-MSC.01-06 Basic Microsurgical and Endoscopic Training in Neurosurgery Aug. Nikolay V. Lasunin / Russia Denis A. Golbin, Vasiliy A. Cherekaev 23 (Wed) 15.30 - 15.40 OP-MSC.01-07 Hands-on Training in Neurosurgery Residency and Patient Safety Holger Joswig / Switzerland Martin N Stienen, Oliver P Gautschi, Faizal A Haji, Gerhard Hildebrandt, Karl Schaller, David A Steven

15.40 - 15.50 OP-MSC.01-08 Integrated Neurosurgical Education System Deema N. Sehli / Saudi Arabia Saleh S. Baeesa

15.50 - 16.00 OP-MSC.01-09 Islamic Golden Age &Neurosurgey Ibrahim Mohammed Alluwimi / Saudi Arabia

197 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/4 / Keynote Lectures-28 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Basar Atalay / Turkey, Halil Ibrahim Secer / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 The Use of Stretch-Grown Axons Transplanted into Rat Spinal Cords to Bridge Spinal Cord Injury Ali Ozturk / USA

14.15 - 14.30 Biological Nucleoplasty Tito Perilla Cepeda / Colombia SP.13 / Oral Presentations-52 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.13-01 Neuroprotective Eff ects of Calcitriol on Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury of the Rabbit Spinal Cord Pınar Kuru Bektaşoğlu / Turkey Bora Gürer, Abdullah Karakoç, Hayri Kertmen, Mehmet Ali Kanat, Ata Türker Arıkök, Berrin Imge Ergüzer, Mustafa Fevzi Sargon, Özden Çağlar Öztürk, Erhan Çelikoğlu

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.13-02 The Eff ects of Thymoquinone via High Mobility Group Box-1 Protein on Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury Fatih Çalış / Turkey Enes Akkaya, Şevket Evran, Mustafa Aziz Hatipoğlu, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Ebru Gürel Gürevin, Serdar Çevik, Hakan Hanımoğlu, Huri Bulut, Abdurrahim Koçyiğit, Mehmet Yaşar Kaynar

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.13-03 p53 Inhibition Provides a Pivotal Protective Eff ect Against Spine Cord Ischemia- Reperfusion Injury in Vitro via mTOR Signaling Rong Xie / China Jinquan Li, Xinjie Gao, Xiaoming Che

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.13-04 Eff ect of Adalimumab on Spinal Cord Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Yasar Karatas / Turkey Bülent Kaya, Fatih Erdi, Fatih Keskin, Emir Kaan Izci, Ibrahim Kılınc, Gökhan Cüce, Mehmet Uyar, Erdal Kalkan

Aug. 15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.13-05 The Eff ect of l-Arginine on Dural Healing After Experimentally Induced Dural Defect in a Rat Model 23 Mostafa Jafari / Iran (Wed) Sayed Ali Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Darabi, Ali Chehrei, Marjan Mirsalehi 15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.13-06 Histopathological Investigation of Spinal Epidural Fibrosis in Experimental Animal Models Following Hemostatic Agent Employment Ismail Bozkurt / Turkey Atilla Kazanci, Oktay Gurcan, Ahmet Gurhan Gurcay, Ata Turker Arikok, Murad Bavbek

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.13-07 The Histological Eff ects of Ozone Therapy on Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury in Rats Selin Tural Emon / Turkey Hakan Somay, Serap Uslu, Metin Orakdogen, Zeynep Cingu Meric, Umit Ince, Tayfun Hakan

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.13-08 Withdrawn

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.13-09 Time-Dependent Eff ects Of Dantrolene Upon the Motor Evoked Potentials in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury Mehmet Gazi Boyaci / Turkey Adem Aslan, Arda Aydogmus, Mehmet Emin Buyukokuroglu, Korhan Altunbas, Ibrahim Keles, Fevzullah Akyuz

198 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/5 / Keynote Lectures-29 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Sujoy Sanyal / India, Krassimir Minkin / Bulgaria 14.00 - 14.15 Functional Neurosurgery and Cognitive Neurosciences Syllabus as Part of the Residency Training Program must be Emphasized on in the New Era Jafri Malin Abdullah / Malaysia

14.15 - 14.30 DBS for Tourette Syndrome Terry Coyne / Australia FN.05 / Oral Presentations-53 14.30 - 14.40 OP-FN.05-01 The Early Changes in Protein Expression in the Rhesus Optic Nerves Injured by a Single Dose / Fractionation Stereotactic Radiosurgery Jing Chen / China Shuang Min Fan, Wei Chen

14.40 - 14.50 OP-FN.05-02 Withdrawn

14.50 - 15.00 OP-FN.05-03 Early Results of Pallidotomy in Parkinsons Disease in Nepal Resha Shrestha / Nepal Pranaya Shrestha, Pravesh Rajbhandari, Samir Acharya, Takaomi Taira, Basant Pant

15.00 - 15.10 OP-FN.05-04 Using 7-Tesla Magnetic Resonance to Target the Globus Pallidus Internus in Patients with Pakinson’s Disease Zhiqi Mao / China Fei Cong, Xin Xu, Longsheng Pan, Zhipei Ling, Lin Chen, Xinguang Yu

15.10 - 15.20 OP-FN.05-05 Immediate Pain Relief After Microvascular Decompression in Patients with Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia Abdul Jalal / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali Aug. 15.20 - 15.30 OP-FN.05-06 Outcome of 5 Years Experience of Dorsal Root Entry Zone Lesioning for Neuropathic 23 Brachial Plexus Pain (Wed) Balamurali Gopalakrishnan / India

15.30 - 15.40 OP-FN.05-07 Early results of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinsons Disease in Nepal Resha Shrestha / Nepal Pranaya Shrestha, Pravesh Rajbhandari, Samir Acharya, Takaomi Taira, Basant Pant

15.40 - 15.50 OP-FN.05-08 Challenges in Surgical Treatment of Cerebral Palsy (Spastic Diplegia); Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) with Intraoperative Neurophysiology (IOM) Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia Ayman Al. Banyan, Maqsood Ahmed

15.50 - 16.00 OP-FN.05-09 Polietiological Trigeminal Neuralgia. Surgical Treatment Approach Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Valeriy Olkhov, Yuriy Chyrka, Dmitro Imerekov

199 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/6 / Keynote Lectures-30 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Rouben V. Fanardjian / Armenia, Yavor Enchev / Bulgaria 14.00 - 14.15 Failed Back Surgery Alpaslan Senel / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Dynamic Stabilization for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Tunc Oktenoglu / Turkey SP.14 / Oral Presentations-54 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.14-01 3D Thoracoscopic Surgery for Spinal Neurogenic Tumors as the Fast Track Technology in Spinal Care Artem Gushcha / Russia Sergey Arestov

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.14-02 Pure Spinal Epidural Cavernous Haemangioma: A Case Series & Systematic Review Ignatius Esene / Cameroon Mohamed Nosseir

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.14-03 Effi cacy of Endoscopic Surgery for Spinal Intradural Lesions Dhandapani Sivashanmugam / India

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.14-04 Combined Endovascular and Surgical Treatment of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Miroslav Vukic / Croatia David Ozretic, Marko Rados, Sergej Marasanov, Marjan Rozankovic, Ivan Domazet, Kresimir Sasa Djuric

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.14-05 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors, Surgical Outcomes of Early Presentation Mohammad Fathy Eissa / Egypt Mohamed A Keshk

Aug. 15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.14-06 CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Intraspinal Intramedullary Tumors and Spinal Arterio-venous Malformation 23 Kuo Hsing Liao / Taiwan (Wed) Tai Ngar Lui, Jia Wei Lin, Jo Ting Tsai 15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.14-07 Our Experience in Sacrococygeal Chordoma Surgery Ulkun Unlu Unsal / Turkey Mustafa Barutcuoglu, Guven Gursoy, Ahmet Sancar Topal, Cuneyt Temiz

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.14-08 Intramedullary Tumors Main Characteristics, Advances of the Surgical Approach and a Series of 44 Cases Marcos Masini / Brazil Isac César Roldão Leite, Rebeca Marques Margoto, Gylse Anne De Souza Lima, João Flavio Madureira

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.14-09 Neuroangiographic Study of Spinal Vascular Malformation and Endovascular Treatment: Our Experience Mohammad Sumon Rana / Bangladesh Shafi qul Islam

200 3D Session, Keynote Lectures, Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 16.00 3D-1 / 3D Session-1 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Hikmet Ulug / Turkey, Mehmet Volkan Harput / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Luis Alencar Borba / Brazil 14.15 - 14.30 James K. Liu / USA 14.30 - 14.45 Aclan Dogan / USA 14.45 - 15.00 Michael T. Lawton / USA 15.00 - 15.15 William T. Couldwell / USA 15.15 - 15.30 Ali F. Krisht / USA 15.30 - 15.45 Robert F. Spetzler / USA 15.45 - 16.00 Discussion

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/7 / Keynote Lectures-31 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Ramiro Alvarado / Bolivia, Cuneyt Temiz / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Current Status and Future for Lumbar Non-Fusion (Dynamic) Stabilization Tae-Ahn Jhang / South Korea 14.15 - 14.30 ALIF in Lumbar Disc Infections Fabio Santana Carvalho / Brazil

SP.15 / Oral Presentations-55 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.15-01 The Eff ectivenes of Percutaneous Intradiscal Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in Lumbar Disk Hernia Mustafa Kılıç / Turkey Songül Meltem Can, Levent Aydın, Ilhan Yılmaz, Burak Özdemir, Kadir Altaş, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Adem Yılmaz 14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.15-02 The Role of Epidural Steroids in the Outcome of Postoperative Lumbar Discectomy Mohamed Shabaan Mohamed / Egypt Mohamed A. Hewedy Aug. 14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.15-03 The Effi cacy of Epiduroscopic Adhesiolysis and Analgesic/Steroid Injection in Patients 23 with Low Back, Leg Pain and Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Rauf Nasirov / Turkey (Wed) Ali Akay, Huseyin Biceroglu, Mehmet Sedat Cagli 15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.15-04 Perioperative Steroids For Lumbar Disc Surgery: A Metaanalysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Muhammad Waqas / Pakistan Hussain Shallwani, Muhammad Shahzad Shamim 15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.15-05 Wasting of Extensor Digitorum Brevis as a Decisive Preoperative Clinical Indicator of Lumbar Canal Stenosis- A Single Center Prospective Cohort Study Sunil Munakomi / Nepal Bijoy Mohan Kumar 15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.15-06 Sacroiliac Joint Pain After non Instrumented Lumbar Surgery Ahmed Mohamed Zaatar / Egypt 15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.15-07 Trigger Point Injections in Patients with Low Back Pain Bilal Khan / Pakistan 15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.15-08 Comparison of Microscopic Excision of Granulation Tissue uith Epiduroscopy-Assisted Adhesiolysis Treatment in the Treatment of Epidural Adhesions Evren Akın / Turkey Nail Çağlar Temiz, Serhat Pusat, Ilker Solmaz 15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.15-09 Eff ect of Age on Space Available for Cervical Spinal Cord (SAC) of Asymptomatic Adult Nigerians: The Case for MRI-Based Cervical Spine Screening Chika Anele Ndubuisi / Nigeria Samuel Chukwunonyelum Ohaegbulam, Wilfred Chukwuemeka Mezue, Linda Uloaku Iroegbu, Mike E Ekuma, Gabriel O Eme Bi, Tobechi Mbadugha, Kelechi Ndukuba, Mark Okhueliegbe, Okwunodulu Okwuoma 201 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/8 / Keynote Lectures-32 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Kadir Erkmen / USA, Norihito Shimamura / Japan 14.00 - 14.15 Multiple Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Strategy Yuanli Zhao / China

14.15 - 14.30 Infl ammation, Gender Diff erences and Potential Role of Progesterone in Post-hemorrhagic Cerebral Vasospasm: Histopathological and Neurobehavioral Findings in a Murine Model Gustavo Pradilla / USA NV.08 / Oral Presentations-56 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.08-01 Prognosis and Surgical Decision Making for ICH Operative Treatment Candidates - A multivariable Regression Analysis Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Kostas Mparkas, Evaggelos Papadopoulos, Ioannis Katsiafas, Nikolaos Konsolakis, Dimitrios Papadakos, Anastasios Giamouriadis, Christos Katsiafas

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.08-02 Outcome of Surgery of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Done Under General Anesthesia Versus Monitored Anesthesia Care Mohammad Sanaullah / Bangladesh Mahfujul Quader, Md. Kamal Uddin, Mohammad Manzoorul Islam, Anisul Islam Khan, Mohammad Rabiul Karim

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.08-03 The GVS: Glasgow Coma Score, Volume & Site of Hemorrhage as a Simple Scoring System for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Sudipta Kumer Mukherjee / Bangladesh Ruhul Quddus, Mohsin Ali Farazi, Mohammad Nazrul Islam

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.08-04 Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrage: Diagnostic Diffi culties Between Neoplastic or Arterial Hypertension Luiz Paulo Alves / Brazil Aug. Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Lorenza Pereira, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff 23 15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.08-05 Primary Putaminal Hemorrhage: Surgical Evacuation of Hematoma via Transcortical (Wed) Transfrontal Approach Using Single Brain Retractor Liew Boon Seng / Malaysia Azmin Kass Rosman, Johari Siregar Adnan

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.08-06 Analysis of Spontaneous intracerebral Haemorrhage in Sarawak (Borneo) and a 9 Year Review of Survival and Outcome Ravindran Vashu / Malaysia Donald Liew, Albert Wong

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.08-07 Spontaneous ICH in Young Adults: Incidence, Causes and Outcome Walid Abouzeid / Egypt Ahmed Sharkawy

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.08-08 Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Regional Centre Experience Juan Kevan Sham / China Kai Yuen Pang, Chi Keung Wong

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.08-09 An Internal Carotis Artery Infarction Case Which Responses to Decompressive Surgery Aybala Neslihan Alagöz / Turkey Semra Alaçam Köksal, Bilgehan Atılgan Acar, Türkan Acar, Ayhan Bölük

202 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/9 / Keynote Lectures-33 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Nabil Abdel Rahman / Egypt, Eduardo Ribas / Brazil 14.00 - 14.15 Recent Advancement of Hybrid OR in Neurosurgery Yuichi Murayama / Japan

14.15 - 14.30 Stem Cell Clinical Applications in Neurovascular Diseases Serdar Kabatas / Turkey NV.09 / Oral Presentations-57

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.09-01 The Search of the Genetic Predisposition with the Development of Arteriovenous Malformations in the Residents of Russia Sarafroz Aftandilovna Erkinova / Russia Vitaliy Sergeevich Kiselyov, Nikolay Vladimirovich Strelnikov, Kirill Yuryevich Strelnikov, Andrey Vladimirovich Dubovoy, Elena Nikolayevna Voronina, Maxim Leonidovich Filipenko

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.09-02 Outcome of the Treatment of 155 Basilar Apex Aneurysms Using Advanced Transcavernous Microsurgical Clipping Ali Fadl Krisht / USA Svetlana Pravdenkova

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.09-03 Outcome of the Microsurgical Treatment of 221 Paraclinoid Aneurysms Ali Fadl Krisht / USA Svetlana Pravdenkova

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.09-04 Clip Ligation of Acoma Aneurysms: A Prospective Long-Term Outcome Study Yunus Aydın / Turkey Ismail Yüce, Okan Kahyaoglu, Halit Cavusoglu

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.09-05 Analysis of Factors That Infl uence Long-Term Independent Living in Very Elderly Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Aug. Norihito Shimamura / Japan Masato Naraoka, Naoya Matsuda, Nozomi Fujiwara, Katsuhiro Ito, Kenichiro Asano, Hiroki Okuma 23 (Wed) 15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.09-06 Blood Blister-Like Pseudo-Aneurysms: Surgical Experience Lu Ma / China

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.09-07 Open Microsurgery for Ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms. An Experience of two Neurosurgical Centers Ciurea Alexandru Vlad / Romania Moisa Horatiu Alexandru, Mohan Aurel George, Ples Horia

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.09-08 Demographic Distribution and The Factors Aff ected Prognosis of Patients Who Diagnosis as Cerebral Aneurysm in a Single Center: Retrospective Evaluation of 398 Patients Anas Abdallah / Turkey Murad Asiltürk, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.09-09 Intracranial AVM: Microneurosurgical Management Forhad Hossain Chowdhury / Bangladesh Mohammod Raziul Haque, Mainul Haque Sarker

203 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/10 / Keynote Lectures-34 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Andreas Demetriades / UK, Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia 14.00 - 14.15 Non-surgical, Surgical, and Post-Surgical Management of CNS Germ Cell Tumors: A Clinical and Molecular Correlation Tai-Tong Wong / Taiwan

14.15 - 14.30 Parasagittal/Falx Meningiomas Kenan Arnautovic / USA PED.05 / Oral Presentations-58

14.30 - 14.40 OP-PED.05-01 Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumors: Clinical Series of 28 Patients From a Single Center Ahmet Ilkay Işıkay / Turkey Sahin Hanalioglu, Firat Narin, Kader Karli Oguz, Figen Soylemezoglu, Burcak Bilginer, Nejat Akalan

14.40 - 14.50 OP-PED.05-02 Imaging of Leptomeningeal Dissemination in Pediatric Central Nervous System (cns Tumors: Accuracy of Balanced Fast Field Echo (bff e) Sequence in Comparison with t1-Weighted Contrast Enhanced (t1w+c) Sequence and Correlation with CSF Examinations Kamran Urgun / USA Lynn Gargan, Laura J Klesse, Daniel C Bowers, Korgun Koral

14.50 - 15.00 OP-PED.05-03 Analysis of Results of Treatment of Medulloblastomas in Children Lukmon Gayratovich Achilov / Uzbekistan

15.00 - 15.10 OP-PED.05-04 Paediatric Brain Tumours and Tumour-like Lesions: A Single Center Experience Mesi Mathew / Nigeria Laxmi Narayan Tripathy, Harsh Jain, Sunandan Basu, Wilfred C Mezue, Sujeet Kumar Meher

15.10 - 15.20 OP-PED.05-05 Meningiomas in Children (26 cases) Abdelhakim Lakhdar / Morocco Aug. Zinelabidine Enhaili, Khadija Ibahioin, Abderrazzak Bertal, Abdelmajid Chellaoui, Said Hilmani, 23 Abdessamad El Azhari (Wed) 15.20 - 15.30 OP-PED.05-06 Posterior Fossa Tumour Surgery in Children: A Review of a Single Neurosurgeon Experience Ayman Khalil / Ireland Immanuel Hennessy, Fidelma Kirby, Chris Holmes, Darrach Crimmins

15.30 - 15.40 OP-PED.05-07 Outcome of Posterior Fossa Tumor in Children Between the Impact of Treatment and the Natural History of Disease Nazik Ahmed / Saudi Arabia

15.40 - 15.50 OP-PED.05-08 Neuroblastoma in Childhood Ezgi Akar / Turkey Nejat Işık, Mehmet Ufuk Akmil, Tamer Altay

15.50 - 16.00 OP-PED.05-09 Brain Tumors in Peruvian Pediatric Population. Experience at the National Institute for Children-San Borja (Lima-Peru) Rolando Eladio Lovaton Espadin / Peru Juan Manuel Guarniz, Pedro Deza

204 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/11 / Keynote Lectures-35 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Bizhan Aarabi / USA, Erdinc Civelek / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Strategies of Percutaneous Pedicle Screwing in the Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Hyeun-Sung Kim / South Korea

14.15 - 14.30 Safety and Effi cacy of Percutaneous Screw Stabilization of Unstable Fractures of the Thoracolumbar Spine Aftab Younus / South Africa SP.16 / Oral Presentations-59

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.16-01 Clinical Results After Surgical Treatment in Young Male Patients with Low Grade Isthmic Spondylolisthesis Ahmet Eroğlu / Turkey Cem Atabey

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.16-02 Maximizing Safety in Spine Surgery: O-Arm Based Navigation Combined to Pedicle Screws Stimulation Abdul Karim Msaddi / United Arab Emirates

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.16-03 Accuracy of Consecutive Series of 1273 Pedicle Screws Placement in Thoracolumbar Spine with IONM and CT-Guided Navigation (O-arm) in 230 Patients Stanisław Adamski / Poland Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Marek Rocławski, Rafał Pankowski, Patryk Kurlandt, Maciej Racinowski, Jakub Wiśniweski, Piotr Murawski

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.16-04 Interbody Fusion. Is It has a Rule in Broken Screws in Surgical Management of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis? Ahmed Mohamed Sawy / Egypt

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.16-05 Foraminal, Disc Height and Lumbar Lordosis Changes: Comparison Study Following Stand Alone Anterior- Versus Instrumented Posterior Interbody Fusion For L5-S1 Degenerative Aug. Disc Disease Farid Yudoyono / South Korea 23 Sevline Estethia Ompusunggu, Rully Hanafi Dahlan, Dong Ah Shin, Seong Yi, Yoon Ha, Do Heum Yoon, (Wed) Keung Nyun Kim

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.16-06 Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Sacral Double Screw Technique on Lumbosacral Posterior Fixation Ahmet Tolgay Akıncı / Turkey Cumhur Kılınçer

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.16-07 Early Clinical Results With The Midline Lumbar Interbody Fusion Using Cortical Bone Trajectory Pedicle Screws Serghei Borodin / Moldova Alexandru Sumleanschi, Aureliu Bodiu

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.16-08 Interbody Fusion. Is It has A Rule in Broken Screws in Surgical Management of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis? Hamdi Nabawi Mostafa / Egypt Michael Zohney Johny, Ahmed Sawy, Nazek Ahmed

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.16-09 Clinical and Radiological Results of Dynamic Instrumentation in Lomber Degenerative Scoliosis and Degenerative Listhesis Surgery Orkun Koban / Turkey Ahmet Öğrenci, Onur Yaman, Mesut Yılmaz, Sedat Dalbayrak

205 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-3/12 / Keynote Lectures-36 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Juan Fernandez-Miranda / USA, Memduh Kaymaz / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Florescein Microscope for Intradural Spinal Tumors Serdar Kahraman / Turkey

14.15 - 14.30 Surgical Anatomy of the Craniocervical Junction Nabeel S. Alshafai / Canada

Time : 14.30 - 16.00 SP.17 / Oral Presentations-60 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Nobuo Hashimoto / Japan, Juan De Dios Del Castillo Calcaneo / Mexico 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.17-01 Guiding the Course of Spinal Metastases, Patient Factors or Disease Factors? Afi fa Afsar / Pakistan Mehak Ghaziani, Mohsin Qadeer, Salman Sharif 14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.17-02 Spine Metastatic of the Prostate’s Cancer Youssoupha Sakho / Dijbouti Mahamoud Ali Meidal, Maguette Gaye Sakho, Alidji Fondo 14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.17-03 Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Philippines 15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.17-04 Withdrawn 15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.17-05 Spinal Metastasis: Diagnosis to Management; Study of 42 Cases and Litterature Review Loukou Franck Kouakou / Morocco Nabil Mousse, Yassaad Mohamed Oudghiri, Loubna Rifi , Adyl Melhaoui, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Yasser Arkha, Abdessamad El Ouahabi 15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.17-06 Management of Rare and Complicated Spinal Tumors in a Peripheral Hospital Balasubramani Karuppannan / India Sakthikanal Subramaniam, Kodeeswaran Marappan, Prabhu Marudamuthu Aug. 15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.17-07 Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring for Intradural - Extrameduallry Spinal Tumours - is it really Helpful? Pragnesh Bhatt / UK 23 Alan Forster (Wed)

Time : 16.00 - 16.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5

206 Daily Program General Session

Time : 16.30 - 18.30 Pediatric / A Global View of Paediatric Neurosurgery Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Graham Fieggen / South Africa, Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India 16.30 - 16.42 Diffi cult Intraoperative Decisions Nelci Zanon / Brazil 16.42 - 16.54 Current Status of IOM Francesco Sala / Italy 16.54 - 17.06 Spinal Cord Tumours Anthony Figaji / South Africa 17.06 - 17.18 Strategy for Treating Craniopharyngioma Serge Gorelyshev / Russia 17.18 - 17.30 Endoscopic Assisted Microsurgery for Pediatric Brain Tumors Mohamed El Beltagy / Egypt 17.30 - 17.42 Update on Clinical Trials in Neuro-oncology Guirish Solanki / UK 17.42 - 17.54 Controversies in Managing Hydrocephalus in Spina Bifida Justin Onen / Uganda 17.54 - 18.06 Treatment Decisions in Managing Cavernomas in Children Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India 18.06 - 18.18 A Fresh Look at Education and Training in Pediatric Neurosurgery Wan Tew Seow / Singapore 18.18 - 18.30 Opportunities and Challenges for Pediatric Neurosurgery Graham Fieggen / South Africa

Aug. 23 (Wed)

207 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.10 EXP.02 / Oral Presentation-61 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Walter Stummer / Germany, Baki Albayrak / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EXP.02-01 Thymoquinone is an Eff ective Treatment Through Inhibition of p-STAT3 in a Murine Intracerebral Melanoma Model Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu / Turkey Abdurrahim Kocyigit, Eray Metin Guler, Kerime Akdur, Saff et Tuzgen

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EXP.02-02 Diff erential Expression of Folate Receptor 1 in Medulloblastoma and Its Relationship to Clinicopathological Characteristics and Targeted Therapy Hailong Liu / China Qianwen Sun, Mingshan Zhang, Zhihua Zhang, Xinyi Fan, Hongyu Yuan, Weihai Ning, Cheng Li, Yuduo Guo, Youliang Sun, Yanming Qu, Chunjiang Yu

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EXP.02-03 Genomic Alterations in Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas Ian F Dunn / USA Wenya Linda Bi, Noah F Greenwald, Peleg Horowitz, Malak Abedalthagafi , Sandro Santagata, Edward R Laws Jr, Rameen Beroukhim

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EXP.02-04 Evaluating the p-STAT3 and PHH-3 Expressions in WHO Grade I Benign Meningiomas Anas Abdallah / Turkey Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu, Zeyep Tosuner, Halil Akdag, Erdinc Ozek, Tolga Dundar, Serkan Kitis, Meliha Gundag Papaker, Abdurrahim Tekin, Hakan Seyithanoglu

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EXP.02-05 The Response to Chemoradiation Therapy in Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients in Relation to MGMT Promoter Methylation Status: A Study from a Single Saudi Center Faisal Al Otaibi / Saudi Arabia Ayman Allam, Hindi Alhindi, Adnan Alhebshi, Ahmed Ehab, Nisrenn Al Moghrabi

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EXP.02-06 The Pivotal Ischemic Mechanism in the Proliferation and Growth of Glioma – The Hypoxia Induced Glioma Derived Exosome and miRNA-199a-3p Increased Ischemic Injury of the Aug. Neurons by Inhibiting mTOR Pathway Rong Xie / China 23 Gong Chen, Jinquan Li, Xinjie Gao, Xiaoming Che (Wed) 17.30 - 17.40 OP-EXP.02-07 Expression of miRNA-21, miRNA107, miRNA-137 and miRNA29b in Meningioma Oguz Baran / Turkey Salim Katar, Sevket Evran, Serdar Cevik, Enes Akkaya, Gozde Baran, Veysel Antar, Hakan Hanimoglu, Mehmet Yasar Kaynar

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EXP.02-08 Novel Biomarkers for Non-functioning Invasive Pituitary Adenomas were Identifi ed by Using Analysis of microRNAs Expression Profi le Silin Wu / China Ye Gu, Yuying Huang, Tyh Chai Wong, Hailin Ding, Tengfei Liu, Yu Zhang, Xiaobiao Zhang

17.50 - 18.00 OP-EXP.02-09 Defi ciency of miRNA-146a-5p Contributes to Malignant Transformation of Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells in Intracerebral Xenograft Tumor by Targeting hnRNPD Xingliang Dai / China Jun Dong, Qing Lan, Qiang Huang

18.00 - 18.10 OP-EXP.02-10 Hypoxic Preconditioning Induced Angiogenesis Through HIF-1α Accumulation and VEGF Awarded Abstract - WFNS 2017 Expression in Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Rat Model Young Neurosurgeon Award Ahmad Faried / Indonesia Jun Dong, Qing Lan, Qiang Huang

208 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.13 / Oral Presentation-62 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Benedicto Oscar Colli / Brazil, Lars Poulsgaard / Denmark 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.13-01 The Functional Connectivity in the Setting of the Intraoperative MRI: Feasibility and Challenges Hussam Metwali / Germany Akbarian Arash, Kabelitz Ulrike, Mohammadi Bahram, Samii Amir

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.13-02 Olfactory Groove Meningiomas. Considerations of the Transcribiforme Endonasal Endoscopic Approach Omar Lopez Arbolay / Cuba Marlon Ortiz Machin, Peggys Cruz Perez

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.13-03 Atypical Meningiomas. Retrospective Multicentric Study of 69 Patients Sobhy Houissa / Tunisia Yassine Gdoura, Hafedh Jemel

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.13-04 Surgical Strategy for Elderly Meningioma by Frailty Concept Fusao Ikawa / Japan The Alumni Association Group The Department Of Neurosurgery, Hiroshima University, Masaaki Takeda, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Kaoru Kurisu

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.13-05 Effi cacy of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Operated Meningioma: A Long term Analysis Saurav Kumar Samantray / India Basant Kumar Misra

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.13-06 Intracranial Meningioma in the era of HIV-1 Infection and Antiretroviral Therapy; in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Mogwale Samson Motebejane / South Africa Basil Claude Enicker, Ian Kaminsky, Tonya Esterhuizen, In Sup Choi

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.13-07 Microanatomical Surgery of the Middle Fossa Floor and Relation of the ¨Extended¨ Aug. Anterior Transpetrosal Approach Alberto Rafael Valarezo Chuchuca / Ecuador 23 (Wed) 17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.13-08 Radiation Induced Meningioma, Single Center Experience Ali Ayyad / Germany Amr Amr, Mirjam Renovanz

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.13-09 Prognostic Factors of Local Recurrence in Atypical Meningiomas Selin Tural Emon / Turkey Duygu Ceman, Abdullah Yolcu, Merih Is, Metin Orakdogen

209 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 EXP.03 / Oral Presentation-63 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Ali Ozturk / USA, Onur Yaman / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EXP.03-01 Study of Macro- and Microelements Composition in the Biological Media, Clinical and Neurological Changes in Patients with Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev / Uzbekistan

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EXP.03-02 Eff ects of Quercetin and Mannitol on Erythropoietin Levels in Rats Following Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Orhan Kalemci, Hasan Emre Aydin, Ismail Kaya, Hulya Korkmaz, Mehmet Nuri Arda

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EXP.03-03 Histopathological Analysis of Tamoxifen on Epidural Fibrosis Ismail Bozkurt / Turkey Yasar Ozturk, Mesut Emre Yaman, Yahya Guvenc, Tolga Tolunay, Deniz Billur, Fatma Kubra Erbay, Salim Senturk, Gokhan Bozkurt

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EXP.03-04 Preliminary Results of an in Vivo Intervertebral Disc Regeneration and Degeneration Study in a Rabbit Model Ihsan Dogan / Turkey Elif Arslan, Mustafa Cemil Kılınç, Ümit Eroğlu, Onur Özgüral, Altan Demirel, Hakan Özalp, Mustafa Özgür Güler, Ayşe Begüm Tekinay, Yusuf Şükrü Çağlar

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EXP.03-05 Inhibition of Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Deleted on Chromosome 10 Decreases Rat Cortical Neuron Injury and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability, and Improves Neurological Functional Recovery in Traumatic Brain Injury Model Jun Ding / China Hengli Tian

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EXP.03-06 The Eff ects of Dantrolene and Methylprednisolone on Motor Evoked Potentials in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury Aug. Mehmet Gazi Boyacı / Turkey Mehmet Emin Buyukokuroglu, Adem Aslan, Korhan Altunbaş, Fevzullah Akyuz, Ibrahim Keles, Arda Aydogmus, 23 Usame Rakip, Halit Bugra Koca, A. S. M. Golam Kibria (Wed) 17.30 - 17.40 OP-EXP.03-07 Preventive Role of Trigeminal Ganglion Ischemia on Activated Trigemnocardiac Refl ex Induced Heart Rhythm Disorders Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Experimental Study Mehmet Dumlu Aydin / Turkey Nazan Aydın, Mehmet Resit Onen, Ilhan Yilmaz, Leyla Ramazaoglu, Muhammed Omeroglu, Hakan Sahin, Celaleddin Soyalp, Elif Demirci

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EXP.03-08 Neuroprotective Eff ects of Intrathecal Administered Riluzole in Rat Hemisection Spinal Cord Trauma Model Ihsan Dogan / Turkey Cemil Mustafa Kılınç, Ümit Eroğlu, Onur Özgüral, Yusuf Şükrü Çağlar

17.50 - 18.00 OP-EXP.03-09 Glioblastoma Stem Cell Diff erentiation Into Endothelial Cells Evidenced Through Live Cell Awarded Abstract - WFNS 2017 Imaging Young Neurosurgeon Award Xin Mei / China Yin-Sheng Chen, Fu-Rong Chen, Shao-Yan Xi, Zhong-Ping Chen

210 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NO.14 / Oral Presentation-64 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Jing Chen / China, Gokhan Akdemir / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.14-01 Withdrawn

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.14-02 Value of the Intraoperative Ultrasound in Resection of Intrinsic Posterior Fossa Tumors (A Developing World Country Experience) Hesham M Abouelela Radwan / Egypt Ahmad Elsayed Desokey Elayouty, Khaled Saoud, Salah Abdelkhalek Hemida, Mohamed Ashraf Ghobashy

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.14-03 Impact of Diff usion Tensor Image-Merged Neuronavigation on Safety and Completeness of High Grade Glioma Resection in Eloquent Brain Stanislaw Adamski / Poland Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Piotr Murawski, Patryk Kurlandt, Jakub Wiśniewski, Maciej Racinowski

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.14-04 Radiological Low-Grade Glioma; Proposed Plan of Management Hesham M Abouelela Radwan / Egypt Tarek Elserry

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.14-05 Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (nTMS) Applied in Brain Function Research and Glioma Resection in Brain Eloquent Areas Xuejun Yang / China Yu Lin, Kai Zhang, Shuai Li, Cheng Cheng, Chunshui Yu, Tao Yin, Zhipeng Liu, Wen Qin, Yibo Liang, Jianyu Zhang

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.14-06 Prolonged Survival and Quality of Life of 163 Patients with GBM Treated with a Proactive Surgical Resection Plan Ali Fadl Krisht / USA Svetlana Pravdenkova

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.14-07 Age-Dependent Improvements in Neurologic Injury Due to Suppression of Microglia Activation Ulas Cikla / USA Aug. Vishal Chanana, Douglas B Kintner, Lucia Covert, Taylor Dewall, Alex Waldman, Paul Rowley, Pelin Cengiz, Peter Ferrazzano 23 (Wed) 17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.14-08 Operating on the Inoperable: Pushing the Limits of Tumour Resection with Awake, Cortical and Subcortical Mapping Babar Vaqas / UK Joanna Ashby, Neuza Neves, Toby Thomas, George Samandouras

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.14-09 Impact of Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Extent of Brain Tumor Resection Stanislaw Adamski / Poland Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Piotr Murawski, Patryk Kurlandt, Maciej Racinowski, Jakub Wiśniewski

211 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 EDS.02 / Oral Presentation-65 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: El Fatih Bashir Elmalik / Sudan, Ali Erdem Yildirim / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EDS.02-01 Analyses of Long-Term Results Of Pituitary Surgery For Cushing’s Disease And Predictive Factors For Remission And Recurrence Mahmut Çamlar / Turkey Nurperi Gazioğlu, Necmettin Tanrıöver, Burak Kınalı, Merve Ören, Olcay Evliyaoğlu, Özlem Çelik, Ela Keskin, Özge Polat Korkmaz, Pınar Kadıoğlu

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EDS.02-02 Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Transphenoidal Approach for Seller-Supraseller Tumour Mohammad Hoassain / Bangladesh

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EDS.02-03 Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Acromegali Derya Karaoğlu Gündoğdu / Turkey Ali Erdem Yıldırım, Denizhan Divanlıoğlu, Özhan Uçkun, Ibrahim Ekici, Ahmet Deniz Belen

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EDS.02-04 Outcome of Neurosurgical Management (Transsphenoidal Endoscopic and Microscopic) of Giant Pituitary Adenomas: Our Experience with 210 Cases Raziul Md Haque / Bangladesh

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EDS.02-05 Endoscopic Endonasal approach to Sellar and Parasellar Areas. Anatomical and Clinical Experience in Cairo University Amr K Elsamman / Egypt Reda Kamel, Hesham Lashin

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EDS.02-06 Outcome of Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery For Pituitary Adenoma: A Study of 151 Cases Muhammad Usman / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali

17.30 - 17.40 OP-EDS.02-07 Can we Predict Visual Impairment Based on the Size of Pituitary Tumor? Aug. Maryam Jalessi / Iran 23 Amin Jahanbakhshi, Elahe Amini (Wed) 17.40 - 17.50 OP-EDS.02-08 Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Tumours Rajiv Kumar Jha / Nepal

17.50 - 18.00 OP-EDS.02-09 Effi cacy of Multilayer Reconstruction after Endonasal Endoscopic Transcribriform Approaches Suha Beton / Turkey Gokmen Kahilogullari, Hazan Basak, Selcuk Mulazimoglu, Hasan Caglar Ugur, Cem Meco

212 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 GK.01 / Oral Presentation-66 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Julio Antico / Argentina, Selcuk Peker / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-GK.01-01 The Eff ects of Prophylactic and Late Onset Usage of Bevacizumab on Radiation Injury After High Dose Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Experimental Rat Study Ayfer Aslan / Turkey Alp Özgün Börcek, Zeynep Bengisu Kaya, Özgür Öcal, Erkut Baha Bulduk

16.40 - 16.50 OP-GK.01-02 Draining Vein Shielding in Intracranial AVM’s During Gamma-Knife: A New way of Preventing Post Gamma-Knife Edema and Hemorrhage Deepak Agrawal / India

16.50 - 17.00 OP-GK.01-03 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas: Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes in 151 Patients Amin Jahanbakhshi / Iran Maziar Azar, Farid Kazemi, Maryam Jalessi, Elahe Amini, Iran Chanideh

17.00 - 17.10 OP-GK.01-04 Factors Associated with Hearing Preservation After Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannomas in Patients with Serviceable Hearing: An Indian Study Prabu Raj Andi Perumal Raj / India Dhananjay I Bhat, Dwarkarnath Srinivas, Arivazhagan Arima, Sampath Somanna

17.10 - 17.20 OP-GK.01-05 Eff ectiveness of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia Halil Akdag / Turkey Kerime Akdur, Ayten Sakarcan, Didem Comert, Hakan Seyithanoglu, Erdinc Ozek, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu

17.20 - 17.30 OP-GK.01-06 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Cerebellopontine Angle Meningiomas Maziar Azar / Iran Farid Kazemi, Amin Jahanbakhshi, Maryam Jalessi, Elahe Amini, Iran Chanideh

17.30 - 17.40 OP-GK.01-07 Olfactory Status After Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Olfactory Groove Meningioma Maryam Jalesi / Iran Aug. Maziar Azar, Farid Kazemi, Amin Jahanbakhshi, Elahe Amini 23 17.40 - 17.50 OP-GK.01-08 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for 78 Consecutive Patients (Wed) Serdar Baki Albayrak / Turkey

17.50 - 18.00 OP-GK.01-09 Evaluating the Eff ect of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Patients with Recurrent High Grade Glioma Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu / Turkey Kerime Akdur, Erdinc Ozek, Hakan Seyithanoglu

213 Daily Program 3D Session, Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 3D-2 / 3D Session-2 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: Anil Nanda / USA, Ali Zırh / Turkey 16.30 - 16.45 Mustafa K. Baskaya / USA

16.45 - 17.00 Bernard R. Bendok / USA

17.00 - 17.15 Jacques Morcos / USA

17.15 - 17.30 Juan Fernandez-Miranda / USA

17.30 - 17.45 Fady T. Charbel / USA

17.45 - 18.00 A. Samy Youssef / USA

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NT.05 / Oral Presentations-67 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Jalal Najjar / Syria, Fatos Olldashi / Albania 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NT.05-01 Predictors of Progression in Brain Contusions: Retrospective Study on 352 Patients Treated in 11 Hospitals Connected with Telemedicine Corrado Iaccarino / Italy Reza Ghadirpour, Edoardo Picetti, Davide Cerasti, Matteo Goldoni, Maria Luisa Caspani, Franco Servadei

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NT.05-02 The Ethiopian Neurosurgery Outcome Monitoring Database: Development and Progress With Emphasis on Neurotrauma Tsegazeab Laeke Teklemariam / Ethiopia Abenezer Tirsit Aklilu, Azarias Kassahun Admasu, Sundstrøm Terje Sundstroem, Lund Johansen Morten

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NT.05-03 The Application of Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Kuo Hsing Liao / Taiwan Aug. Jia Yi Wang, Yung Hsiao Chiang, Tai Ngar Lui, Wen Ta Chiu

23 17.00 - 17.10 OP-NT.05-04 Penetrating Traumatic Adult Brain Injury in the North of Palestine (Wed) Mazhar Zahi Darwazeh / Palestine Rami Mazhar Darwazeh

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NT.05-05 Axe Injury Brain and its Consequences Peer Asad Aziz Abdul Bari Qureshi / Pakistan

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NT.05-06 Surgical Removal of Intracranial Bullets Using Intraoperative Fluroscopy Waleed Abbass Abouzeid / Egypt

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NT.05-07 Factors Infl uencing Outcome in Head Injury Patients With GCS < 8 Prabhu Marudamuthu / India

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NT.05-08 Glasgow Coma Score vs. Simplifi ed Motor Score: External Validation For Important Neurosurgical Steps and Clinical Outcome Jagoš Golubović / Serbia Tomislav Cigić, Vladimir Papić, Nenad Krajčinović, Djula Djilvesi, Igor Horvat, Mladen Karan, Bojan Jelača, Antun Azaševac, Filip Pajićić, Miroslav Fimić, Petar Vuleković

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NT.05-09 Benefi cial Eff ect of Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate on Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Case Series Lynne Lourdes Navarrete Lucena / Philippines

214 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NV.10 / Oral Presentation-68 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Aclan Dogan / USA, Gustavo Pradilla / USA 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NV.10-01 Predictive Factors of Shunt Dependency After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrahage in 190 Consecutive Patients Domenic Paul Esposito / USA Maurizio Iacoangeli, Roberto Colasanti, Alessandro Di Rienzo, Lucia Giovanna Maria Di Somma, Martina Della Costanza, Roberta Benigni, Gianluca Bizzocchi, Alessandra Marini, Massimo Scerrati

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NV.10-02 Middle Cerebral Artery Pressure Changes Following Pipeline Flow Diversion Denise Brunozzi / USA Sophia F Shakur, Fady T Charbel, Ali Alaraj

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NV.10-03 Comparison of Preoperative Prothrombin Complex Concentrate and Fresh Frozen Plasma Treatment for Warfarin-Associated Intracranial Hemorrhage Halil Ulutabanca / Turkey Murat Çiftçi, Abdulfettah Tümtürk, Ahmet Küçük, Nimetullah Alper Durmuş

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NV.10-04 “Spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Haematoma: Decompressive Hemicraniectomy Without Haematoma Evacuation Versus Craniotomy and Evacuation of Haematoma” - A Retrospective Comparative Outcome Study Ismail Hossain / Bangladesh Kamal Uddin, Anisul Islam Khan, Manzoorul Islam

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NV.10-05 Immunological Changes in ICH Rajendra Shrestha / Nepal Chao You

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NV.10-06 Decompressive Craniectomy in Massive Cerebral Infarctions; Outcome of 15 Cases Omar Youssef / Egypt Mohammed Ibrahim Refaat Aug. 17.30 - 17.40 OP-NV.10-07 Today Science can be the Tomorrow Mistake (Back to Open Embolectomy in Stroke) András Csókay / Hungary 23 Attila Josvai, Márta Jackel (Wed)

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NV.10-08 Operating on Large Intracerebral haemorrhage Clot: How much is “Enough” Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Dimitrios Papadakos, Ioannis Katsiafas, Nikolaos Konsolakis

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NV.10-09 A Retrospective Clinical Study of 98 Adult Idiopathic Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage Cases Lu Ma / China

215 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.18 / Oral Presentations-69 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Nikolay Angelov Peev / UK, Ahmet Gurhan Gurcay / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.18-01 Anterior Lumbar Approach: Experience with “Access Surgeon” 2002-2006 and Without 2006-2016: Analysis of Complications and Morbidity Study Design: Retrospective Review Pablo Vela / Colombia Mauricio Cadavid, Adriana Paez

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.18-02 Effi cacy of Intraoperative Computed Tomography Navigation in Spine Surgery: Preliminary Evaluation Saleh Baeesa / Saudi Arabia Ashwag Alqurashi, Soha Alomar

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.18-03 Anterior Approach to the Thoracolumbar Junction: Our Experience About 55 Cases Amadou Hassane Ali / Morocco Mohammed Benzagmout, Mamadou Diallo, Meryem Himmiche, Khalid Chakour, Mohamed El Faiz Chaoui

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.18-04 Assessment of Spinal Cord Motion Using MRI CINE-FIESTA Protocol Abdulrahman Albakr / Saudi Arabia Amro Al Habib, Metab Alkebayer, Fahad Albadr, Abdullah Abujame, Abdulaziz Abobotain

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.18-05 Segmental Surface Referencing during Intraoperative Three-Dimensional Image-Guided Spine Navigation: An Early Validation with Comparison to Automated Referencing Amro Al Habib / Saudi Arabia Salah Al Akkad

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.18-06 Hirayama Disease - a review of 10 years Experience of a Corporate hospital in India Sachin Sambhaji Chemate / India M. Balamurugan, Chandrasekar K., Shankar Ganesh C. V., S Syed Ali

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.18-07 The Adversity of Managing the Spinal Pathologies in a Single Centre in Bandung, Aug. Indonesia: Is it a Well-Developing Health System in a Developing Country? Sevline Estethia Ompusunggu / Indonesia 23 Rully Hanafi Dahlan, Farid Yudoyono (Wed) 17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.18-08 Lumbar Facet Joint Angles: Morphometric Study Eyüp Can Savrunlu / Turkey Selcuk Özdoğan, Ali Haluk Düzkalır, Erek Öztürk, Erdinç Civelek, Serdar Kabataş

216 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 PED.06 / Oral Presentations-70 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Temitayo Shokunbi / Nigeria, Murat Vural / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-PED.06-01 Choroid Plexus Tumors in Infants and Young Children - Lessons Learnt From an Institutional Review Ribhav Pasricha / India Chinmaya Dash, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Shashank Sharad Kale, Bhawani Shankar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Mahapatra

16.40 - 16.50 OP-PED.06-02 Application of High Field Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pediatric Low Grade Glial Tumors Alp Özgün Börcek / Turkey Murat Uçar, Gözde Inan, Pelin Kuzucu, Nil Tokgöz, Hakan Emmez, Şükrü Aykol

16.50 - 17.00 OP-PED.06-03 External Ventricular Drainage: An Operation Theatre or a Bedside Intervention? Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia Gorazd Bunc, Lidija Gradisnik

17.00 - 17.10 OP-PED.06-04 Disconnection vs Excision? A ten Year Review of Hypothalamic Hamartomas Ribhav Pasricha / India Saquib Azad Siddiqui, Ashish Suri, Sachin Borkar, Bhawani Shankar Sharma

17.10 - 17.20 OP-PED.06-05 Outcomes of Post-Neurosurgical Ventriculostomy Associated Infections Muhammad Waqas / Pakistan Muhammad Ehsan Bari

17.20 - 17.30 OP-PED.06-06 Pediatric Central Nervous System Hemangioblastomas: Diff erent From Adult Forms? A Retrospective Series of 25 Cases Xuhui Hui / China Jian Cheng, Si Zhang

17.30 - 17.40 OP-PED.06-07 Endoscopic Approach to Craniopharingioma: Retrospective Evaluation of 40 Cases Melih Caklili / Turkey Aug. Atakan Emengen, Burak Cabuk, Ihsan Anik, Savas Ceylan 23 17.40 - 17.50 OP-PED.06-08 Management of Pediatric Brain Tumors, Strategies and Long Term Outcome (Wed) Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed / Sudan Mohammed Awad Elzain

217 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.19 / Oral Presentations-71 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Feyza Karagoz Guzey / Turkey, Muhittin Emre Altunrende / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.19-01 Microendoscopic Decompression in Single and Multiple Level Lumbar Canal Stenosis: A Series of 583 Cases Mohamed Kabil / Egypt Khaled Ebrahim

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.19-02 Bilateral Decompression Using Unilateral Aproach on Stable Degenerative Lombar Stenosis: Analysis of 48 Cases Ismail Iştemen / Turkey Ali Ihsan Ökten, Yurdal Gezercan, Hilmi Resul Karaörs, Gökhan Çavuş, Güner Menekşe, Vedat Açık, Emre Bilgin

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.19-03 Decompressive Surgery via the Unilateral Paramedian Muscle Splitting Technique for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Phillippines

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.19-04 Minimalinvasive Interlaminar Fusion in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Comparison w/o Additional Interbody Fusion Sebastian Ludwig Gitter / Germany

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.19-05 Unilateral Instrumentation - Fusion and Bilateral Decompressive Surgery in Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis via Unilateral Approach; Advantages and Comparison to Diff erent Approaches Emre Cemal Gökce / Turkey Suat Canbay, Aşkın Hastürk, Abdurrahman Bakır, Gülce Gel, Çağrı Elbir

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.19-06 Comparison of Unilateral Versus Bilateral Pedicle Screw Fixation in Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Single Level Lumbar Degenerative Diseases and Review of Literature Timur Yıldırım / Turkey Hasan Serdar Işık, Özerk Okutan, Elif Akpınar, Ali Yılmaz Aug. 17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.19-07 Surgical Outcome of Unilateral Approach in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis; Report of 42 Cases 23 Moshiur Rahman / Bangladesh (Wed) 17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.19-08 Eff ects of Non-Instrumental Microdecompression on Quality of Life in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Mustafa Öğden / Turkey Ulaş Yüksel, Bülent Bakar, Sancar Serbest, Ahmet Turan Dağlı, Kağan Kamaşak

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.19-09 Minimally Invasive Techniques in the Treatment of Degenerative Spine Diseases Tokhir M Akhmediev / Uzbekistan Sergey V Perfi lev, Maruf M Urinbaev

218 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.20 / Oral Presentations-72 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Debora Garozzo / Italy, Ozerk Okutan / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.20-01 Proximal Junction Kyphosis After Long Thoracolumbar Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity: Do Radiographic Mechanical Failures Correlate with Revision Surgery? Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Alexander A. Theologis, Altuğ Yücekul, Murat Pekmezci, Shane Burch, Sigurd H. Berven, Bobby Tay, Dean Chou, Praveen Mummaneni, Christopher P. Ames, Vedat Deviren

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.20-02 Microsurgical Approach to the Lateral Disc Herniation in the Lumbar Spine Using Metri’x System Miloudi Gazzaz / Morocco Brahim Eljebbouri, Brahim El Mostarchid

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.20-03 Minimally Invasive Direct Lateral Interbody Fusion (MIS-DLIF): Proof of Concept and Perioperative Results Hamid R Abbasi / USA Ali B Abbasi

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.20-04 Midline Lumbar Fusion (MIDLF) Alternative Method of Transpedicular Spinal Fusion Mateusz Bielecki / Poland Przemyslaw Kunert, Andrzej Marchel

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.20-05 Withdrawn

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.20-06 An Alternative Fusion Technic for L5-S Stabilization: Preliminary Results of Finite Element Study Cengiz Gömleksiz / Turkey Halil Can, Aydın Aydoseli, Altay Sencer

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.20-07 A New Elastic - Rigid Adjustable Rod System for Transpedicular Screw Systems Cüneyt Temiz / Turkey Aug. Güven Gürsoy, Gözde Sarı, Bahattin Akgül 23 17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.20-08 Posterior Enstrumentation Types of Single Vertebral Fracture (Wed) Muyassar Mirkhasilova / Turkey Kadir Altaş, Ilhan Yılmaz, Ertuğrul Şahin, Burak Özdemir, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Adem Yılmaz

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.20-09 Withdrawn



Thursday August 24 Aug. 24 (Thu) At a Glance Daily Program

LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



07.00 - 08.30

08.30 MT-4/1 MT-4/2 MT-4/3 MT-4/4 - Main Topic Session-39 Main Topic Session-40 Main Topic Session-41 Main Topic Session-42 10.30

10.30 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 11.00

11.00 PL-4 - Plenary Session-4 13.00

13.00 - 14.00

14.00 KL-4/1 KL-4/2 KL-4/3 KL-4/4 - Keynote Lectures-37 Keynote Lectures-38 Keynote Lectures-39 Keynote Lectures-40 14.30

14.30 NO.15 NA.02 CM.04 SB.01 - Oral Presentations-73 Oral Presentations-74 Oral Presentations-75 Oral Presentations-76 16.00

16.00 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 16.30

16.30 NO.16 NA.03 EXP.04 EDS.03 - Oral Presentations-85 Oral Presentations-86 Oral Presentations-87 Oral Presentations-88 18.00

18.00 - 20.00 Aug. 24 (Thu)

Istanbul Congress Center

B2 B3


BR-4/1 BR-4/2 BR-4/3 BR-4/4 BR-4/5 BR-4/6 BR-4/7 BR-4/8 BR-4/9 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Seminars-29 Seminars-30 Seminars-31 Seminars-32 Seminars-33 Seminars-34 Seminars-35 Seminars-36 Seminars-37

MT-4/5 MT-4/6 MT-4/7 MT-4/8 MT-4/9 MT-4/10 MT-4/11 MT-4/12 Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Session-43 Session-44 Session-45 Session-46 Session-47 Session-48 Session-49 Session-50

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

LS Luncheon Symposium

KL-4/5 KL-4/6 KL-4/7 KL-4/8 KL-4/9 KL-4/10 KL-4/11 KL-4/12 Keynote Lectures-41 Keynote Lectures-42 Keynote Lectures-43 Keynote Lectures-44 Keynote Lectures-45 Keynote Lectures-46 Keynote Lectures-47 Keynote Lectures-48

GEN General Session - Cavernous Sinus SB.02 PED.07 NV.11 NV.12 SP.21 SP.22 SP.23 NT.06 Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-77 Presentations-78 Presentations-79 Presentations-80 Presentations-81 Presentations-82 Presentations-83 Presentations-84

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

FN.06 PED.08 NV.13 TEC.01 SP.24 SP.25 SP.26 NT.07 Oral Oral GEN Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Presentations-89 Presentations-90 General Session - Presentations-91 Presentations-92 Presentations-93 Presentations-94 Presentations-95 Presentations-96 Ethics in Neurosurgery

Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/1 / Breakfast Seminars-29 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Abd-Elhafi z Shehab-Eldien / Egypt, Alpaslan Senel / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Complications in Spine Surgery: Risk Factors and How to Avoid? Rodolfo Casimiro Reis / Brazil

07.20 - 07.40 Complications Associated with Minimally Invasive Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF): An Analysis of 300 Cases Faheem Sandhu / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Global Sagittal Balance of Spinal Column Uygur Er / Turkey

08.00 - 08.20 Surgery of Sagittal Imbalance Onur Yaman / Turkey

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/2 / Breakfast Seminars-30 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Yigal Shoshan / Israel, Nur Altinors / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Surgical Strategy for Elderly Meningioma by Frailty Concept Fusao Ikawa / Japan

07.20 - 07.40 Sphenoid Wing Meningiomas: Seven Steps for Safe Surgical Removal Takeshi Kawase / Japan

07.40 - 08.00 Posterior Fossa Meningiomas - Surgical Challenges Ioan Stefan Florian / Romania

08.00 - 08.20 Genetic Landscape of Anaplastic Meningiomas Thomas Santarius / UK

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/3 / Breakfast Seminars-31 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Norihito Shimamura / Japan, Talat Kiris / Turkey Aug. 07.00 - 07.20 Osirix and Angio CT for Aneurysms: Safe, Quick and Free Marcelo Platas / Argentina 24 (Thu) 07.20 - 07.40 What is Left for Microsurgical Occlusion of Cerebral Aneurysms Janos Vajda / Hungary

07.40 - 08.00 Microneurosurgical Treatment of Complex Anterior Communicating Aneurysm Hasan Kocaeli / Turkey

08.00 - 08.20 Surgical Management of Complex Aneurysms Michael T. Lawton / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

225 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/4 / Breakfast Seminars-32 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Oliver Bozinov / Switzerland, Yunus Aydin / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Surgical Management of Brainstem Gliomas Charles Teo / Australia

07.20 - 07.40 Treatment Strategy for Brain Stem Tumors Volodymr Smolanka / Ukraine

07.40 - 08.00 Advanced Diff usion MRI for Neurosurgery Ching-Po Lin / Taiwan

08.00 - 08.20 Brain Stem Cavernomas - Radical Removal Using Functional Microsurgery Eduard Zverina / Czech Republic

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/5 / Breakfast Seminars-33 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Hamit Selim Karabekir / Turkey , Burak Sade / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Role of DTI and Functional MRI in Insular Glioma Manas Panigrahi / India

07.20 - 07.40 Gliomas of the Limbic and Paralimbic System. Anatomy, Surgical Techniques and Results of 52 Cases Robert Bartos / Czech Republic

07.40 - 08.00 Insular Gliomas: To the Microsurgical Laboratory to the Hodotopy Concept Gustavo Isolan / Brazil

08.00 - 08.20 Neuroplasticity and Brain Connectomics: New Concepts to Integrate in Surgery for Low-Grade Gliomas Hugues Duff au / France

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/6 / Breakfast Seminars-34 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Soichi Oya / Japan, Galip Zihni Sanus / Turkey Aug. 07.00 - 07.20 AVM Surgery in Eloquent Areas 24 Melih Bozkurt / Turkey (Thu) 07.20 - 07.40 Management of Cranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Leo DaCosta / Canada

07.40 - 08.00 The Endovascular Management of Complex Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Felipe Albuquerque / USA

08.00 - 08.20 Endovascular Approaches in Treating Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Ali Alaraj / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

226 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/7 / Breakfast Seminars-35 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Kenichi Nishiyama / Japan, Hakan Karabagli / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Endoscopic Ventriculocisternostomy for Shunts Dysfunction and Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus Ramiro Villavicencio / Bolivia

07.20 - 07.40 How to Prevent Shunt Infections in Children? George Jallo / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Indications and Complications of ETV in Children Hakan Karabagli / Turkey

08.00 - 08.20 Endoscopic Choroid Plexus Coagulation (CPC) with Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) for Communicating Hydrocephalus: A New Frontier or a Recycled Failure? Richard Edwards / UK

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-4/8 / Breakfast Seminars-36 Venue : Hall 16-B3/60 Moderators: Chingiz Shashkin / Kazakhstan, Ersoy Kocabicak / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Pathophysiology of Parkinson´s Disease for Neurosurgeons Erich Fonoff / Brazil

07.20 - 07.40 Complications in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Feridun Acar / Turkey

07.40 - 08.00 Management of Gait-Freezing: Low-Dose vs. High-Dose STN-DBS Stimulation in Patients with Intractable Parkinson’s Disease Anirban D. Banerjee / India

08.00 - 08.20 Result of Pallidotomy in Parkinson´s Disease Resha Shrestha / Nepal

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

BR-4/9 / Breakfast Seminars-37 Time : 07.00 - 08.30 Aug. Venue : Hall 17-B3/61 Moderators: Luis Felipe Martin Del Campo Perez / Mexico, Volkan Etus / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Moya Moya Disease in Children: Pathophysiology and Management 24 Amal Abu Hamden / Australia (Thu)

07.20 - 07.40 The Latin American Experience in the Management Moya Moya Disease Leonidas Quintana / Chile

07.40 - 08.00 Moya Moya in Israel Zeev Feldman / Israel

08.00 - 08.20 Significance of Occlusion Time of in Bypass Surgery for Moya Moya Disease Kenichiro Kikuta / Japan

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

227 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/1 / Main Topic Session-39 Venue : Beyazıt/B2 Moderators: Adel El Hakim / Egypt, Ayhan Attar / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Traumatic, War, Management of Lumbar Spine Injuries Ismail Al-Kebsi / Yemen

08.45 -09.00 Treatment of Traumatic Thoracholumbar Fracture. How Much Fusion Do We Need? Fatos Olldashi / Albania

09.00 - 09.15 Open Approaches to the Thoracolumbar Spine: Lessons Learned after Almost 100 Cases Marcelo Platas / Argentina

09.15 -09.30 Treatment of Spine Fractures by Vertebroplasty Ramiro Alvarado / Bolivia

09.30 - 09.45 Infl ammatory Complications of Spinal Surgery Sherif Ezzat / Egypt

09.45 - 10.00 Missile Injury to Spine Surgical Outcome and Prognosis Ali Hikmat Aziz / Iraq

10.00 - 10.15 Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation: Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty Cem Yilmaz / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Which Target is Better in Parkinson´s Deep Brain Stimulation? Grigore Zapuhlih / Moldova

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/2 / Main Topic Session-40 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Andrew Kaye / Australia, Marcos Tatagiba / Germany 08.30 - 08.45 Vestibular Schwannomas: Anatomy, Approaches and Surgical Technique Alvaro Campero / Argentina

08.45 - 09.00 Hearing Preservation and Hearing Reconstruction in Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery: Experience from over 1,000 Cases Marcos Tatagiba / Germany

09.00 - 09.15 Current Role of Endoscopy Assisted Microsurgery During Retrosigmoid and Transcanal Approaches for Vestibular Schwannomas Treatment Aug. Giacomo Pavesi / Italy 24 09.15 - 09.30 Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Results in Kyrgyz Republic (Thu) Mamytov Mitalip Mamytovic / Kyrgyzstan 09.30 - 09.45 Surgical Strategies for Opening the Posterior Wall of the Internal Acoustic Canal by Retrosigmoid Approach in Vestibular Schwannomas Enrique Urculo / Spain

09.45 - 10.00 Acoustic Neuroma Surgery: Facial Nerve Preservation Using Novel Surgical Technique and Continuous Facial Nerve Monitoring with Direct Electrical Stimulation on REZ Michihiro Kohno / Japan

10.00 - 10.15 Treatment Strategy and QOL in Vestibular Schwannoma Morten Lund-Johansen / Norway

10.15 - 10.30 Management of Vestibular Schwannomas Following Failed Previous Treatment Amir Samii / Germany 228 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/3 / Main Topic Session-41 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Abdeslam El Khamlichi / Morocco, Nobuhito Saito / Japan 08.30 - 08.45 Keyhole Surgery for Paraclinoid Aneurysms Jorge Mura / Chile

08.45 - 09.00 Skull Base Procedure and Suction Decompression Method for Large and Giant Paraclinoid Aneurysm Clipping Isao Date / Japan

09.00 - 09.15 Midterm Results of Treatment of Complex Paraclinoid Aneurysms Serik Akshulakov / Kazakhstan

09.15 - 09.30 Paraclinoid Aneurysms Francisco Papalini / Argentina

09.30 - 09.45 Optic Strut as the Landmark of Intra or Extradural Paraclinoid Aneurysm Sanford PC Hsu / Taiwan

09.45 - 10.00 Paraclinoid Aneurysms: Endovascular Treatment is Vastly Superior Giuseppe Lanzino / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Paraclinoid Aneurysms: Surgical Pearls and Lessons Learned Ali F. Krisht / USA

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/4 / Main Topic Session-42 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Tiit Mathiesen / Sweden, Murat Vural / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Surgical Approach to the Brainstem Tumors M. Memet Ozek / Turkey

08.45 - 09.00 Isolated Optic Nerve Gliomas Shlomi Constantini / Israel

09.00 - 09.15 Pilocytic Astrocytoma in Pediatric Patients: An Overview and Update Abdulrahman Al Anazi / Saudi Arabia

09.15 - 09.30 Rosette Forming Glioneuronal Tumor of the Fourth Ventricle Aug. Nejat Akalan / Turkey

09.30 - 09.45 Posterior Fossa Pilocytic Astrocytomas 24 Nico D´avella / Italy (Thu)

09.45 - 10.00 Posterior Fossa Tumour Surgery in Children Guirish Solanki / UK

10.00 - 10.15 Surgical Treatment of Posterior Fossa Tumors Complicated with Obstructive Hydrocephalus Gayrat M. Kariev / Uzbekistan

10.15 - 10.30 Surgical Approaches to Rare Posterior Fossa Tumors Ibrahim Omerhodzic / Bosnia and Herzegovina

229 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/5 / Main Topic Session-43 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Yasin Temel / The Netherlands, Konstantin Slavin / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Surgical Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Ali Savas / Turkey

08.45 -09.00 Periferal Nerve Stimulation for Pain Management Sabri Aydin / Turkey

09.00 - 09.15 New Paradigms in Spinal Neuromodulation for Treatment of Pain Konstantin Slavin / USA

09.15 -09.30 Motor Cortex Stimulation for Neuropathic and Central Pain Claudio G. Yampolsky / Argentina

09.30 - 09.45 Microendoscopic Guided Cordotomy in the Treatment of Cancer Pain Erich Fonoff / Brazil

09.45 - 10.00 Radiofrequency in the Lumbar Spine Chronic Pain Victor Guzman / Chile

10.00 - 10.15 Update on Neurobiology of Chronic Pain Focused on Epigenetic Mechanisms Jung-Yul Park / South Korea

10.15 - 10.30 Modulative Manipulation of Pain in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Claudio G. Yampolsky / Argentina

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/6 / Main Topic Session-44 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Fernando Garcia Colmena / Argentina, Ahmet Hilmi Kaya / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Threshold of Postoperative ICP Necessary for Successful Decompressive Craniecotomy Mohamed El-Fiki / Egypt

08.45 - 09.00 Comparing Early and Late Decompressive Craniectomy in Patients with Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Dinesh Thapa / Nepal

09.00 - 09.15 Decompressive Craniectomy for Severe TBI: Its Role after the Rescue ICP Azevedo-Filho Hildo / Brazil Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Decompressive Craniectomy Randomized Trials: What Now after RESCUEicp RCT? 24 Bizhan Aarabi / USA (Thu) 09.30 - 09.45 Decompressive Craniotomy. Experience in a Peruvian Hospital Victor L. Benllochpiquer Castro / Peru

09.45 - 10.00 Decompressive Craniectomy in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Erdem Guresir / Germany

10.00 - 10.15 Decompresive Craniectomy with Systernostomy Eff ectively Control ICP in Neurotrauma Mohammed Safari Haspani / Malaysia

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

230 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/7 / Main Topic Session-45 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: Janos Vajda / Hungary, Ali Arslantas / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 State of the Art of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring in Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumor Surgery Francesco Sala / Italy

08.45 - 09.00 Intramedullary Tumor Surgery Manuel Cunha E Sa / Portugal

09.00 - 09.15 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors: Retrospective Study of 45 Patients Sobhy Houissa / Tunisia

09.15 - 09.30 Surgical Treatment of Intramedullary Tumors Roberto Delfi ni / Italy

09.30 - 09.45 Treatment of Intra-axial and Extra-Axial Spinal Cord Tumors Kenan Arnautovic / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors: Lessons Learned George Jallo / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors in Adults Felipe Valdivia Bernstein / Chile

10.15 - 10.30 Intradural Extramedullary Tumors: Do We Always Need Intraoperative Neurphysiological Monitoring? Nobuo Hashimoto / Japan

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/8 / Main Topic Session-46 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Roberto Herrera / Argentina, Serdar Kaya / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Identifi cation of a Long Non-Coding RNA that Mediated Non-Canonical Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma Sunit Das / Canada

08.45 - 09.00 Current Developments of Stem-Cell Based Therapies for Glioma Nils Ole Schmidt / Germany

09.00 - 09.15 Keyhole Approach to Gliomas Charles Teo / Australia

09.15 - 09.30 New Paradigms in Awake Craniotomies for Glioma Surgeries Aug. Marcos V. C. Maldaun / Brazil

09.30 - 09.45 Management of High Grade Gliomas: Comparison of Two Decades 24 Jose Lorenzoni / Chile (Thu)

09.45 - 10.00 Local Therapies in the Treatment of Malignant Gliomas - Current Concepts Walter Stummer / Germany

10.00 - 10.15 Intraoperative Measurement of IDH Status Guiding Surgical Management of Gliomas Gelareh Zadeh / Canada

10.15 - 10.30 Applications of Operative Ultrasound Elastography in Brain Surgery Moncef Berhouma / France

231 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/9 / Main Topic Session-47 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Venko Filipce / Macedonia, Zeki Sekerci / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 The Epidemiology and Economics of iNPH in the U.S. Based on Sample of 5% of Medicare Recipients Daniele Rigamonti / USA

08.45 -09.00 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Under-Diagnosed, Over-Investigated and Under-Treated Richard Edwards / UK

09.00 - 09.15 Surgical Treatment for Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Fernando Campos Gomes Pinto / Brazil

09.15 -09.30 Ventricular-Peritoneal Versus Ventricular-Atrial Shunt: Indications, Contraindications and Complications. A Single Surgeon Experience Based on 787 iNPH Patients Daniele Rigamonti / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Physiological Behavior of Intracranial Pressure in Space Flight Samuel Damin Carr De Muzio / Brazil

09.45 - 10.00 Conceptual and Management Highlights in Patients with Altered CSF Hydrodynamics and Intracranial Pressure Mohamed Hafez Ramadan / Egypt

10.00 - 10.15 Retrograde Ventriculosinus Shunt for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus: Theoretical Rationale and Clinical Application Fernando Campos Gomes Pinto / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/10 / Main Topic Session-48 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Petar Vulekovic / Serbia, Mehmet Daneyemez / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 The New Book: Manual of Peripheral Nerve Surgery: From Basics to Complex Procedures Lukas Rasulic / Serbia

08.45 - 09.00 Imaging of Peripheral Nerves Using Modern Methods of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DTI, Neurography) Ivan Humhej / Czech Republic

09.00 - 09.15 Nerve Compressions: Why, When and How? Debora Garozzo / Italy Aug. 09.15 - 09.30 Pitfalls and Pearls of Peripheral Nerve Tumors Surgery 24 Rajiv Midha / USA (Thu) 09.30 - 09.45 Surgical Strategies in Treatment of Brachial Plexus Traction Injuries: Class I Evidence Based Choice or Matter of Intraoperative Findings and Experience Lukas Rasulic / Serbia

09.45 - 10.00 Is It More Important to Resect a Skull Base Tumor or Clip an Aneurism than Operating a Peripheral Nerve Injury? Mariano Socolovsky / Argentina

10.00 - 10.15 Nerve Bullet Injuries Nasri J. Sami Khoury / Jordan

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

232 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/11 / Main Topic Session-49 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Anil Nanda / USA, Benaissa Abdennebi / Algeria 08.30 - 08.45 Meningiomas of the Cerebellopontine Angle Panagiotis Selviaridis / Greece

08.45 - 09.00 CPA Meningioma Surgery: Surgical Challenge and Significant Complications with a Steep Learning Curve Nevo Margalit / Israel

09.00 - 09.15 Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas: Is Endoscopy Better than Craniotomy? Gerardo Guinto / Mexico

09.15 - 09.30 How Agressive One Should Be in the Surgical Treatment of Tuberculum Selae Meningiomas Carlos Alegria / Portugal

09.30 - 09.45 Brain Meningiomas Plans of Management Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed / Sudan

09.45 - 10.00 Natural History and Response to Conventional Treatment - Results of Anaplastic Meningioma International Consortium (AMICo) Study Thomas Santarius / UK

10.00 - 10.15 Surgery for Juxtasellar Meningioma: Special Attention to Preservation of Visual Function and Perforators Katsumi Sakata / Japan

10.15 - 10.30 Preservation of Olfaction in Olfactory Groove Meningiomas: What is the Best Strategy? A. Samy Youssef / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-4/12 / Main Topic Session-50 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: A. Faleh Tamimi / Jordan, Kaya Kilic / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Challenges in the Training of a Young Neurosurgeon: Confl icts, Options, Solutions? Andreas Demetriades / UK

08.45 - 09.00 International Basic Neurosurgery Courses: What We Did So Far? Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey

09.00 - 09.15 Volunteering in Neurosurgery, Time to Act Safi Ur Rehman / Hong-Kong

09.15 - 09.30 Education, Evaluation of Skills in Neurosurgery Gilbert Dechambenoit / France Aug. 09.30 - 09.45 New Paradigms of Neurosurgical Training Based on Simulation and Virtual Reality 24 Francesco Dimeco / Italy (Thu) 09.45 - 10.00 Global Volume of Neurosurgical Diseases: The Met and the Unmet Need Kee B. Park / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Excellence in Neurosurgery- Some Thoughts on How We Can Improve Our Practice? Joao Paulo Farias / Portugal

10.15 - 10.30 Neurosurgical Ethics in Daily Practice - Value Based Medicine Ahmed Ammar / Saudi Arabia

Time : 10.30 - 11.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5 233 Daily Program Plenary Session, Luncheon Symposium

Time : 11.00 - 13.00 PL-4 / Plenary Session-4 Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderators: Amir Samii / Germany, Y. Sukru Caglar / Turkey 11.00 - 11.20 More Than 10 Years Follow Up for the Results of Spinal AVM Treated Partial or Complete Ling Feng / China 11.20 - 11.40 What is new in WHO 2016? Tarik Tihan / USA 11.40 - 12.00 Contemporary Management of Cushing Disease: A Judgement Call? Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia 12.00 - 12.20 Misdiagnosis in SAH. Infl uence in the Outcome Edgardo Spagnuolo / Uruguay 12.20 - 12.40 Problems and Solutions in Geriatric Spine Surgery Mehmet Zileli / Turkey 12.40 - 13.00 Development of Microsurgical Robotic System for Neurosurgery, Introduction of Medical Engineering for Neurosurgery Akio Morita / Japan

Time : 13.00 - 14.00 LS / AONeuro Lunchoen Symposium Education and Training in Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Neurosurgery, A Call for Global Harmonization Moderator: Christian Matula / Austria Welcome/introduction to Symposium Christian Matula / Austria

Welcome/introduction to Symposium Franco Servadei / Italy

13.00 - 13.12 Education and Training in Neurosurgery—A Global Issue Franco Servadei / Italy 13.12 - 13.24 Education and Training in Neurosurgery—Methods and Techniques Christian Matula / Austria 13.24 - 13.36 Education and Training in Neurosurgery—Who is Paying? Anthony Figaji / South Africa 13.36 - 13.48 Education and Training in Neurosurgery—The Role of Mentors Yoko Kato / Japan Aug. 13.48 - 13.54 Take Home Messages Franco Servadei / Italy 24 13.54 - 14.00 Take Home Messages (Thu) Christian Matula / Austria

234 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/1 / Keynote Lectures-37 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Ather Enam / Pakistan, Baki Albayrak / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 ALA Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging and Brain Mapping in the Resection of Glioblastoma Philippe Schucht / Switzerland 14.15 - 14.30 Decision Making for Small Vestibular Schwannomas Kaith Al-Mefty / USA NO.15 / Oral Presentations-73

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NO.15-01 Sodium Fluorescein guided excision of high grade gliomas: A tool for total excision Ehab Abdelhaleem Abdelsalam / Egypt Mohamed Ibrahim Refaat

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NO.15-02 High grade gliomas surgery: fl uorescence, IOUS and CEUS experience N. Francaviglia / G. Costantino, A. Villa, F. Meli, P. Impallaria, A. Odierna Contino, A. Fimognari

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NO.15-03 Epilepsy in Low Grade Glioma Erjon Agushi /UK Rajiv Mohanraj, Helen Raff alli Ebezant, Konstantina Karabatsou

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NO.15-04 Awake surgery for cerebral gliomas, a challenge in a developing country Zakariae Benyaich / Morocco Mohamed Errachidi, Mehdi Laghmari, Mohamed Lmejjati, Lhouceine Ghannane, Said Ait Benali

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NO.15-05 Maximizing Resection of diff use low-grade Glioma; Functional outcome Hassan Jalaloddin / Egypt Ahmed Maamoun Ashour, Hossam M El Hussainy, Mohamed Wael Samir, Ayman El Shazly

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NO.15-06 Ultrasound-guided versus traditional surgical resection of supratentorial gliomas in a limited-resources neurosurgical setting: a comparative study Walid A. Abdel Ghany / Egypt Ali Ibrahim, Ayman El Shazly, Hisham Simry, Mohamed A Fakhr

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NO.15-07 Analysis of the value of Sodium Fluorescein guided resection of gliomas under yellow 560nm surgical microscope fi lter Jutty Chandra Parthiban / India

15.40 - 15.50 OP-NO.15-08 The Functional Preservation on Recurrent Glioma with Awake Craniotomy Ying Ching Li / Taiwan Pin Yuan Chen, Kuo Chen Wei Aug.

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NO.15-09 Blue Versus White Light Image Guided Resection of Malignant Gliomas Using 5 24 Aminolevulinic Acid (5ALA). 5-year Experience at a Single Institution (Thu) Mohammad Jaweed / Malaysia Liew Boon Seng, Azmin Kass Rosman, Johari Siregar Adnan, Mohammad Ajmal Yasin

235 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/2 / Keynote Lectures-38 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Paulo Abdo Do Sexio Kadri / Brazil, Gulgun Sengul / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 History of White Matter Research Huseyin Biceroglu / Turkey 14.15 - 14.30 Anatomy of Perforating Arteries Aykan Ulus / Turkey

NA.02 / Oral Presentations-74

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NA.02-01 Fiber Dissection Technique: Deep Cerebellar Nuclei and Cerebellar Peduncles Nupur Pruthi / India Ugur Ture

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NA.02-02 The Relationship of Ventral Amygdalofugal Pathway With Subthalamic Nucleus Buruç Erkan / Turkey Tahsin Saygı, Abuzer Güngör, Serhat Şevki Baydın, Ömer Batu Hergünsel, Bekir Tuğcu, Necmettin Tanrıöver

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NA.02-03 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Subthalamic Nucleus: Correlating Fiber Dissection Results with 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Neuronavigation Abuzer Güngör / Turkey Şevki Serhat Baydın, Vanessa Milanesi Holanda, Erik Middlebrooks, Cihan Işler, Bekir Tugcu, Albert Rhoton, Kelly Foote, Necmettin Tanriover

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NA.02-04 Microsurgical Anatomy of Hippocampal Commissure (Psalterium): Accessory Callosal Bundle and Alveus Saime Ayça Kaldırımoğlu / Turkey Fatih Yoldaş, Adem Yılmaz, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Necmettin Tanrıöver

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NA.02-05 Surgical Anatomy of Perihippocampal Area: Defi nition of Infrasubicular Fascicle Tahsin Saygi / Turkey Oğuz Baran, Buruç Erkan, Şevki Serhat Baydın, Necmettin Tanrıöver

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NA.02-06 Morphological Variations of Collateral Sulcus on the Mediobasal Region of the Temporal Lobe: An Anatomical Study Aysegul Ozdemir Ovalioglu / Turkey Talat Cem Ovalıoğlu, Gökhan Canaz, Erhan Emel

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NA.02-07 Evaluation of Temporal Lobe White Matter Fibers’ Anatomy and Functions With Microsurgery Technique for Safety Surgery Approaches Aug. Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Murat Atar, Gonul Guvenc, Orhan Kalemci, Gulden Sozer, Nurullah Yuceer

24 15.40 - 15.50 OP-NA.02-08 Microsurgical and Tractographic Anatomy of the Supplementary Motor Area Complex in (Thu) Humans Baran Bozkurt / USA Kaan Yagmurlu, Erik H. Middlebrooks, Orhun Mete Cevik, Necmettin Tanriover, Andrew W. Grande

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NA.02-09 Signifi cance of Tapetum and Corona Radiata During Ventricular Surgery via White Matter Dissection and Magnetic Resonance Tractography Fatih Yakar / Turkey Ayhan Cömert, Ümit Eroğlu, Mehmet Özgür Özateş, Onur Özgüral, Ihsan Doğan, Hasan Çağlar Uğur

236 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/3 / Keynote Lectures-39 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Okezie Obasi Kanu / New Zealand, Keneshbek Yrysov / Kyrgyzstan 14.00 - 14.15 Osteoplastic Procedures for Frontotemporal Craniotomy Yasuhiro Sanada / Japan 14.15 - 14.30 Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Approach for Pituitary Adenomas Invading the Cavernous Sinus Ihsan Anik / Turkey CM.04 / Oral Presentations-75

14.30 - 14.40 OP-CM.04-01 Eff ect of the Degree of Head Elevation on the Incidence and Severity of Venous Air Embolism in Cranial Neurosurgical Procedures in the Semi-Sitting Position Mehmet Volkan Harput / Turkey Hatice Türe, Nural Bekiroğlu, Özgül Keskin, Özge Köner, Uğur Türe

14.40 - 14.50 OP-CM.04-02 Usefulness of Routine Pre-Operative Coagulation Profi le for Elective Craniotomy Naveed Zaman Akhunzada / Pakistan Saad Akhtar Khan, Muhammad Shahzad Shamim, Sidra Sattar, Muhammad Bilal Tariq

14.50 - 15.00 OP-CM.04-03 Bone Flap Resorption After Autologous Cranioplasty May be Preventable with Acei - Inhibitors Alessa Schütz / Switzerland Michael Murek, Lennart Henning Stieglitz, Corrado Bernasconi, Sonja Vulcu, Jürgen Beck, Andreas Raabe, Philippe Schucht

15.00 - 15.10 OP-CM.04-04 The Value of Routine Postoperative CT After Cranial Neurosurgical Procedures, Retrospective Analysis Sara Alaqal / Saudi Arabia Soha Abdu Alomar, Ghaida Rajab, Wesal Ali, Abdulla Banaeen, Saleh Baeesa

15.10 - 15.20 OP-CM.04-05 Demographic and Operational Characteristics of Foreign Patients Operated by Same Neurosurgical Team in Ankara, Turkey Pınar Özışık / Turkey Kubilay Murat Özdener, Uygur Er, Ali Savaş

15.20 - 15.30 OP-CM.04-06 Clinical Features Following Traumatic Brain Injury in a Combined Multidisciplinary Neurotrauma Clinic: Experiences From a Tertiary Centre James Hackett / UK Chris Bell, Ben Hall, Catherine Mcmahon, Heinke Pullhorn, Ganesh Bavikatte

15.30 - 15.40 OP-CM.04-07 Critical Analysis of Complications of Brain Tumor Surgery in Alexandria Main University Hospital Aug. Heba Ibrahim Abouzahra / Egypt Osama Saad Abdelaziz, Tamer Ibrahim Metwaly 24 (Thu) 15.40 - 15.50 OP-CM.04-08 Titanium Mesh Primary Cranioplasty in Open Depressed Skull Fracture Iqbal Ahmad Kharal / Pakistan

15.50 - 16.00 OP-CM.04-09 Cranioplasty - Reconstructive Surgery in Neurosurgical Arena Anisul Islam Khan / Bangladesh

237 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/4 / Keynote Lectures-40 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Chandra Limbu / Nepal, Atil Kargi / USA 14.00 - 14.15 Infratemporal Approach in Paraganglioma Surgery Lotfi Boublata / Algeria 14.15 - 14.30 The Small Acoustic Schwannoma Nico D´avella / Italy SB.01 / Oral Presentations-76 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SB.01-01 Correlation of Preoperative Diff usion Tensor Tractography for Cranial Nerves with Intraoperative Findings in Surgery of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumours: A Prospective Blind Study of 40 Patients Saurav Kumar Samantray / India Basant Kumar Misra, Omkar Churi, Ketan Desai, Santosh Gupta

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SB.01-02 Brainstem Cavernous Malformations Presentation of 20 Cases and Literature Review Recommendations Lorenza Pereira / Brazil Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SB.01-03 Non Vestibular and Non Trigeminal Cranial Nerves Neurinomas; Microneurosurgical Management Forhad Hossain Chowdhury / Bangladesh Mohammod Raziul Haque, Noman Khaled Chowdhury, Mainul Haque Sarker

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SB.01-04 Micosurgical Management of Petroclival Meningiomas: A Challenging Frontier for Neurosurgeons Mainul Haque Sarker / Bangladesh Forhad Hossain Chowdhury, Raziul Haque, Noman Khaled Chowdhury

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SB.01-05 The Infl uence of Iatrogenic Fifth Cranial Nerve Trauma on the Results of Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Prosopalgias. Negative Outcome Predictors Andrii Naboichenko / Ukraine Volodymyr Fedirko

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SB.01-06 Individual Designed Approaches and Microsurgery for Huge Petrous Bone - Invasive Tumors: Report of 57 Cases Xuesong Liu / China

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SB.01-07 Keyhole Surgery for Skull Base Lesions through Supracilliary Incision: Our experience Aug. Chandra Prakash Limbu / Nepal 24 Dinesh Thapa, Chandra Prakash Yadav, Basant Pant (Thu) 15.40 - 15.50 OP-SB.01-08 Microsurgery for Skull Base Tumors in Enugu Nigeria- A 7 Year Single Center Experience Enoch Ogbonnaya Uche / Nigeria

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SB.01-09 Supraorbital Keyhole Craniotomy Approach to Anterior Skull Base Lesions Chun Lin Lee / Malaysia Thinesh Kumaran Kumaran

238 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/5 / Keynote Lectures-41 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Albert Sufi anov / Russia, Morten Lund-Johansen / Norway 14.00 - 14.15 Endoscopic Endonasal Repair of CSF Fistulas Galip Zihni Sanus / Turkey 14.15 - 14.30 Multimodal Treatment of Craniofacial Osteosarcoma with High-grade Histology. A Single-Center Experience over 35 Years Torstein Meling / Norway SB.02 / Oral Presentations-77

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SB.02-01 Facial Nerve Repair After Surgery of Vestibular Schwannomas: Long Term Outcomes Abdulrahman Al Shudifat / Jordan Peter Siesjo

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SB.02-02 Eff ectiveness of Preoperative Facial Nerve Diff usion Tensor Imaging Tractography for Preservation of Facial Nerve Function in Surgery for Large Vestibular Schwannomas: Interim Results of a Prospective Randomized Study Sachin A Borkar / India Raghu Samala, Ajay Garg, Ashish Suri, Shashank Kale, Bhawani Sharma, Ashok Mahapatra

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SB.02-03 Understanding of the Pathological Anatomy of Arachnoid in Large and Giant Vestibular Schwannoma and its Relavance to Facial Nerve Preservation: A Personal Experience of 820 Cases Suresh Nair / India

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SB.02-04 Microsurgical Transcanal Transpromontorial Approach for the Removal of Vestibular Schwannomas: A Minimally Invasive Alternative to the Classic Translabyrinthine Approach Barbara Masotto / Italy Pietro Meneghelli, Daniele Marchioni, Giampietro Pinna

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SB.02-05 Predictive Factors for Preservation of Facial Nerve Function in Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Lotfi Boublata / Algeria Leila Boutiah, Zarina Shabhay, Nouha Hamrouche, Nafa Ioualalen

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SB.02-06 Modern Concepts of Microsurgical Treatment of Large and Giant Vestibular Schwannomas Andriy Grigorovich Sirko / Ukraine

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SB.02-07 Facial Nerve Outcomes in Surgically Treated Large Cystic Vestibular Schwannomas Ramachandra P. Tummala / USA Tina C Huang, Meredith Adams, Samuel Levine, Stephen J Haines, Candace Colby Aug.

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SB.02-08 Improving Functional Preservation in Acoustic Neuroma Surgery 24 Hirofumi Nakatomi / Japan (Thu) Taichi Kin, Nobuhito Saito

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SB.02-09 Excision of Cerebello-Pontine Angle Tumor (Acoustic Neuroma) via Trans- Labyrinthine approach. A Case Series of First Four Cases in Pakistan Ammar Bin Ahsan / Pakistan Tariq Imran Khokhar

239 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/6 / Keynote Lectures-42 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Samuila Sanoussi / Niger, Cagatay Onal / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Spinal Lipoma in Children: Radical Resection and Role of Neuroendoscope Nidal Khasawneh / Jordan 14.15 - 14.30 Management of Posterior Fossa Ependymoma in Childhood Najia El Abbadi Bendahane / Morocco PED.07 / Oral Presentations-78

14.30 - 14.40 OP-PED.07-01 Endoscopic Monro Foraminoplasty (EMF) Sherif Elkheshin / Egypt Ahmed Zohdi

14.40 - 14.50 OP-PED.07-02 Neuroendoscopic Management of Intraventricular Cysts in Children: Technique and Evaluation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Zhiqiang Hu / China Guangtong Zhu, Hui Huang, Bin Dai, Feng Guan

14.50 - 15.00 OP-PED.07-03 The Place of the Ventriculoatrial Shunt in the Management of Hydrocephalus: Indication, Possible Complications and Literature Review Mohamed Safouane Benachour / Algeria Lotfi Boublata, Farid Bouchenaki, Nouha Hamrouche, Karim Boustil, M’hamed Nadji, Zarina Shabhay, Kamel Bouaita

15.00 - 15.10 OP-PED.07-04 Infant Hydrocephalus in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Reality on the Tanzanian Side of the Lake Maria M. Santos / USA Derick K. Rubagumya, Imani Dominic, Amos Brighton, Soledad Colombe, Philip O’ Donell, Micaella R. Zubkov, Roger Hartl

15.10 - 15.20 OP-PED.07-05 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Children Below 2 Years Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt Abdin Khirallah Kasem

15.20 - 15.30 OP-PED.07-06 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Infants, is it Contraindicated? Islam Alaghory / Egypt

15.30 - 15.40 OP-PED.07-07 Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Operation Complications in Pediatric Patients at Neurosurgery Department Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Andi Nugraha Sendjaja / Indonesia Mirna Sobana, Muhammad Zafrullah Arifi n Aug. 15.40 - 15.50 OP-PED.07-08 Outcome of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Hydrocephalus. An Early Experience in 42 24 Patients at Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro (Thu) Sana Ullah Pathan / Pakistan Riaz Ahmed Raja Memon

15.50 - 16.00 OP-PED.07-09 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: A Resident’s Experience in a Developing Country Asad Abbas / Pakistan Lal Rehman, Syed Raza Khairat Rizvi

240 General Session, Keynote Lectures, Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 16.00 GEN / General Session - Cavernous Sinus Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Ali F. Krisht / USA 14.00 - 14.30 Staying Out of Trouble in the Cavernous Sinus Ossama Al-Mefty / USA 14.30 - 15.00 Anatomy and Anterior and Superior Approaches to the Cavernous Sinus Evandro De Oliveira / Brazil 15.00 - 15.30 What was Achieved and What can be Achieved? Vinko Dolenc / Slovenia 15.30 - 16.00 Approaches In and Through the Cavernous Sinus Ali F. Krisht / USA

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/7 / Keynote Lectures-43 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Shigeru Miyachi / Japan, Erkin Ozgiray / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Application of Skull Base Approaches for Vascular Lesions Michihiro Kohno / Japan 14.15 - 14.30 Applications and Limitations of Intra-operative MRI for Brain Tumors Marcos V. C. Maldaun / Brazil NV.11 / Oral Presentations-79

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.11-01 New Paradigm of Relationship Between Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm Fusao Ikawa / Japan Akio Morita, Kaoru Kurisu 14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.11-02 Unruptured Paraclinoid Aneurysm Treatment Eff ects on Visual Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Anthea H ONeill / Australia Mina Asaid, David Bervini, Ronil V Chandra, Leon T Lai 14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.11-03 “Live Cadaver” For Neurosurgical Training Emad Aboud / USA Talal Aboud, Ali Krisht 15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.11-04 Management of Intracranial Aneurysms in Developing Country: Cost, Length of Stay and Outcome of Endovascular Versus Neurosurgical Procedure Abdessamad El Ouahabi / Morocco 15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.11-05 Training Model for Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping Aug. Hiroshi Tenjin / Japan 15.20 - 15.30 OP-NV.11-06 A New Horizon in Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery Education: Virtual Reality 24 Kaya Kilic / Turkey (Thu) Emre Ünal 15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.11-07 Aneurysm Surgery in Zimbabwe Aaron Musara / Zimbabwe Kazadi K Kalangu 15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.11-08 Validation of Eff ectiveness of Keyhole Clipping In Non-Frail Elderly Patients with Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Kentaro Mori / Japan Kojiro Wada, Naoki Otani, Arata Tomiyama, Terushige Toyooka, Satoru Takeuchi 15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.11-09 Pittfalls of Surgical Indications for Unrupted Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms! Wich one Should we Operate? Daniel Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff , Lorenza Pereira 241 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/8 / Keynote Lectures-44 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Amal Abu Hamden / Australia, Ales Hejcl / Czech Republic 14.00 - 14.15 Surgical Treatment Versus Embolization of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Fernando Knezevich / Argentina

14.15 - 14.30 Multimodality Management of Intracranial AVMs Yasser Orz / Egypt NV.12 / Oral Presentations-80 14.30 - 14.40 OP-NV.12-01 Long Term Physical and Functional Outcome of Moyamoya Patients in the Western Population Post Revascularization Surgery Mario Teo / UK Teresa Bell Stephens, Venkat Madhugiri, Eric Sussman, Tej Deepak Azad, Rohaid Ali, Rogelio Esparza, Michael Zhang, Gary K Steinberg

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NV.12-02 Epidemiological Features of Moyamoya Disease in Denmark Peter Birkeland / Denmark Jens Lauritsen

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NV.12-03 Contrast Transit time Changes on Digital Subtraction Angiography Following Pipeline Flow Diversion Denise Brunozzi / USA Sophia F Shakur, Fady T Charbel, Ali Alaraj

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NV.12-04 Thrombotic and Hemorrhagic Complications in Patients with Cerebral Aneurysms Treated by Endovascular Approach and its Relation with the use of Antiplatelet Agents: Descriptive Evaluation Silvia Tatiana Quintero / Colombia Juan Carlos Puentes, Luis Felipe Uriza, Maria Alejandra Rueda, Adriana Piedrahita, Victor Contreras

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.12-05 Withdrawn

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NV.12-06 Eff icacy of Neuroform Atlas Intracranial Stent in the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms Ergun Daglioglu / Turkey Ilkay Akmangit, Fatih Alagöz, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Tanin Oğur, Ali Dalgıç, Ahmet Deniz Belen, Anıl Arat

15.30 - 15.40 OP-NV.12-07 Surgical Treatment of Supratentorial Cavernous Malformations Andriy Smolanka / Ukraine Taras Havryliv, Volodymyr Smolanka Aug. 15.40 - 15.50 OP-NV.12-08 Preliminary Results of Carotid Revascularization with and Without Embolic Protection Device in Pakistan 24 Qasim Bashir / USA (Thu) Ammad Anwar

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NV.12-09 SAH in Young Adults in KSA Shaymaa Al Umran / Saudi Arabia Faisal Alabbas, Hosam Al Jehani

242 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/9 / Keynote Lectures-45 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Massimiliano Visocchi / Italy, G. Alexander Jones / USA 14.00 - 14.15 Minimally Invasive Intradural Extramedullary Tumor Resection Federico Landriel / Argentina

14.15 - 14.30 Lysis Repair: A New Surgical Approach Mohamed Mohi Eldin / Egypt SP.21 / Oral Presentations-81 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.21-01 Comparative Analysis of Prolo and Watkins Scales Evaluating Economic and Functional Status Vadim Bikmullin / Russia Olga Klitcenko, Victor Rudenko

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.21-02 Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion (OLIF) for Lumbar Degenerative Disease: Surgical Techniques and Complications Jinping Liu / China Hailong Feng, Qi Wang

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.21-03 Combined Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation and Minimal Access Open Posterior Decompression for Treatment of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures Mohamed Awad M Ismail / Saudi Arabia Ayman Mahmoud Hafez, Khaled Saeed, Mohamed Foad

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.21-04 Comparison of Bupivacaine Plus Magnesium Sulphate and Ropivacaine Plus Magnesium Sulphate Infi ltration for Postoperative Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Laminectomy: A Randomized Double Blinded Study Rajesh Kumar Barooah / India Rajiv Hazarika

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.21-05 Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Review of Patients Seen in Government and Private Hospitals in Harare Wa Kaniki Adalbert Israel Shweka / Zimbabwe Kazadi Kalangu Kaluile

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.21-06 Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Lumbar Herniated Disc Erol Oksuz / Turkey Ozgur Demir, Fatih Ersay Deniz, Ahmet Tolgay Akıncı, Sinan Bahadır, Emre Kuyucu, Fikret Erdemir

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.21-07 Percutaneous Endoscopy Assisted Interlaminar Lumbar Discectomy for Extruded / Migrated Lumbar Disc Herniations Aug. Egemen Işıtan / Turkey Ali Dalgıç, Derya Karaoğlu Gündoğdu, Denizhan Divanlıoğlu, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Ahmet Deniz Belen 24 15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.21-08 Can Using Similar Implant Design for Fusion and Motion Preservation, Associated with (Thu) Customization, Result in Cost Savings When Treating Degenerative Disease of the Spine? Toussaint Andre Leclercq / USA

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.21-09 Correct Placement of Operating Sheath & Epidural Block is the key Success to the Painless Approach of all Types of Transforaminal Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Procedures Under Local Anaesthesia for a Successful & Excellent Post-Surgical Outcome – Mohammad Zahid Raihan / Bangladesh

243 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/10 / Keynote Lectures-46 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Sushil Patkar / India, David T. F. Sun / Hong-Kong 14.00 - 14.15 Biomechanical Changes after Cervical Spinal Arthroplasty in Perspectives of Range of Motion, Disc Pressure and Facet Strain Se-Hoon Kim / South Korea

14.15 - 14.30 En Bloc Cervical Laminoplasty for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Kemal Koc / Turkey SP.22/ Oral Presentations-82 14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.22-01 Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy for Recurrent Cervical Radiculopathy After Prior Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Hazem Mohamad Negm / Egypt Mohamed Shadad, Mohamed Meky

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.22-02 The Comparison of Angle of Lordosis and Intervertebral Disc Height of Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation after Disc Prosthesis and Cage Implantation Ismail Istemen / Turkey Yurdal Gezercan, Ali Ihsan Ökten, Hakan Millet, Burak Olmaz, Hilmi Resul Karaörs, Celil Can Yalman, Okan Arslan, Kemal Alper Afşer

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.22-03 Long Term Functional Outcomes in Total Disc Arthroplasty (TDA) and Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion (ACDF) Cohorts - Single Centre Prospective Observational Study Kajetan Latka / Poland Dariusz Latka, Grzegorz Miekisiak, Tomasz Olbrycht, Jacek Chowaniec, Pawel Jarmuzek

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.22-04 Segmental Range of Motion Preservation After Cervical Total Disc Arthroplasty In Military Patients: Analysis With Flexion-Extension CT Romulo Mota / Brazil Daniel Paz, Alexandre Pingarilho, Thais Silva, Rafael Loduca, Paulo Melo

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.22-05 3D CT Guided Cervical Spine Injection for Neck Pain and Brachialgia Secondary to Cervical Disc Disease Avinash Haridas / India

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.22-06 Cervical Arthroplasty Using Globus Secure-C Artifi cial Disc: A Case Series Review and Long- Term Outcome Yasir Chowdhury / UK Hassan Othman, Hussien El Maghraby Aug. 15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.22-07 Evaluation of Patients with Cervical Disc Hernia in Terms of Preoperative and Postoperative 24 Restless Leg Syndrome Caner Sarılar / Turkey (Thu) Ayşe Çağlar Sarılar

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.22-08 Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion- Evolution and Results in a Tertiary Care Centre. A Series of 242 Cases Rajkumar Raju Pothiraj / India Thirumurthy Subramanium

15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.22-09 Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Bone Cement Fixation: Our Experiences Samir Acharya / Nepal Chandra Prakash Limbu, Resha Shrestha, Pravesh Rajbhandari, Sudan Dhakal, Pranaya Shrestha, Basant Pant

244 Daily Program Keynote Lectures, Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/11 / Keynote Lectures-47 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Ehsan Mahmood / Bangladesh, Ender Koktekir / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Degenerative Spinal Surgery – Can We and should We be do It Simply? James R. Van Dellen / UK

14.15 - 14.30 Failed Back Surgery, How to Avoid? Aren’t We Missing the Basics? Kazadi Kalangu / Zimbabwe SP.21 / Oral Presentations-81

14.30 - 14.40 OP-SP.23-01 Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion(OLIF), it’s Versatility in Adjacent Segmental Diseases Daewon Joh / South Korea Jungtae Oh, Geun Chang Kim, Dong Keun Kim

14.40 - 14.50 OP-SP.23-02 Surgical Treatment of Postoperative high Degree of Spondilolistesis (Spondiloptosis) Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov / Uzbekistan Ulmas Latipov, Amir Rajabov Abdullaevish

14.50 - 15.00 OP-SP.23-03 Diagnostic Accuracy of Standardized Qualitative Sensory Tests and Straight Leg Raising Test to Assess Lumbar Lateral Stenosis Involving the L5 Nerve Root Jiann Her Lin / Taiwan Yung Hsiao Chiang

15.00 - 15.10 OP-SP.23-04 Funnel Technique of Pedicle Screw Insertion in Dorso - Lumber and Sacral Spine - Our Experience Asghar Khan Babar / Pakistan

15.10 - 15.20 OP-SP.23-05 Bilateral Decompression with Unilateral Approach in Multilevel Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Kudret Türeyen / Turkey Mehmet Seçer

15.20 - 15.30 OP-SP.23-06 Surgical Outcome of Unilateral Partial Painful Foot Drop Due to Lumber Disc Prolapse Musawer Khan / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali, Adnan Ahmed, Muhammad Ishaq

15.30 - 15.40 OP-SP.23-07 Surgical Management of Degenerative Spine Disease at National Hospital Abuja: A Preliminary Report Afeez Ajibade Aruna / Nigeria Mahmud Raji Muhammad, Salman Ayodeji Yusuf, Charles Ugwuanyi

15.40 - 15.50 OP-SP.23-08 Double Hinged Arms Spinal Retractor with Distal Articulation, New Idea Aug. Mohammad Yasser Saad Ghoneim / Saudi Arabia 24 15.50 - 16.00 OP-SP.23-09 Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Laminectomy or Laminotomy - Capillering? Gilbert Dechambenoit / France (Thu)

245 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 14.00 - 14.30 KL-4/12 / Keynote Lectures-48 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Yoshitaka Hirano / Japan, Tufan Hicdonmez / Turkey 14.00 - 14.15 Storage Method for Bone Flaps after Decompressive Craniectomy, A Comparison Between Subcutaneous Pocket and Cryopreservation at our Center Dinesh Thapa / Nepal

14.15 - 14.30 Head Injury in Zimbabwe: A Four Year Review Aaron Musara / Zimbabwe

NT.06 / Oral Presentations-84

14.30 - 14.40 OP-NT.06-01 Predicting Posttraumatic Hydrocephalus: Derivation and Validation of a Risk Scoring System Based on Clinical Characteristics Hao Chen / China Fang Yuan, Shiwen Chen, Yan Guo, Gan Wang, Zhifeng Deng, Hengli Tian

14.40 - 14.50 OP-NT.06-02 Correlation Between Craniospinal Volumetric Reserve Parameters Obtained During Continuous ICP Monitoring and Lumbar Infusion Tests Carlos Alfonso Bucheli Peñafiel / Spain Rubén Martín Láez, Guillermo García Catalán, Natalia Valle San Roman, Enrique Marco De Lucas

14.50 - 15.00 OP-NT.06-03 Outcome of Decompressive Craniotomy for Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Persistently Elevated Intracranial Pressure on Medical Treatment: A Prospective Study Controlled by Intra - Parenchymal Pressure Monitoring Ahmed Elsayed Saleh / Egypt Islam Abou El Fetoh

15.00 - 15.10 OP-NT.06-04 Technical Consideration of Cerebral Venous Sinus Repair in Hatchet Combat Injury to Cerebral Venous Sinuses Fahmida Arab Mallah / Pakistan

15.10 - 15.20 OP-NT.06-05 Ex Vivo Bone Flap Preservation: A Novel Technique for Resource Poor Scenarios Amit Thapa / Nepal Rupendra Adhikari

15.20 - 15.30 OP-NT.06-06 Hybrid Computer-Assisted Design Technique for Preoperative Modeling of Large Cranial Defect Titanium Implants - High - Standard Medical Care in Low Income Countries Ivan Valentinov Todorov / Bulgaria Tihomir Nikolov Eftimov, Ivailo Hadzhiangelov, Todor Penchev Shamov, Lora Tsvetkova, Iva Kisyova

Aug. 15.30 - 15.40 OP-NT.06-07 A Comparative Study Between Marshall and Rotterdam CT Scores in Predicting Early Deaths in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in a Major Tertiary Care Hospital in Nepal 24 Sunil Munakomi / Nepal (Thu) 15.40 - 15.50 OP-NT.06-08 Role of Bromocriptine in Multispectral Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury Sunil Munakomi / Nepal Bijoy Mohan Kumar, Binod Bhattarai

15.50 - 16.00 OP-NT.06-09 Progression of Cerebral Contusion / Hematoma on 2nd CT Scan and Their Outcome, in Patients of Traumatic Head Injury Peer Asad Aziz Abdul Bari Qureshi / Pakistan

Time : 16.00 - 16.30 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5

246 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.10 NO.16 / Oral Presentations-85 Venue : Beyazit/B2 Moderators: Najia El Abbadi Bendahane / Morocco, Sait Sirin / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NO.16-01 Microsurgical Treatment of Diff use Intrinsic Brainstem Gliomas Zhi Gang Lan / China Yue Kang Zhang

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NO.16-02 Molecular and Clinicohistopathological Characteristics of Brainstem Gliomas in Paediatrics and Adults: A Retrospective Comparative Study Juma Magogo Mzimbiri / Tanzania Qing Liu, Su Jun

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NO.16-03 Surgical Approaches for Thalamic Gliomas Halil Olgun Peker / Turkey Pinar Eser, Balkan Sahin, Ilhan Aydin, Cem Dinc, Sahin Hanalioglu, Ulas Cikla, Mustafa Kemal Baskaya

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NO.16-04 Reclassifi cation of Grade II and III Infi ltrative Gliomas According to the 2016 WHO Classifi cation of Tumors of the Central Nervous System Pelin Börcek / Turkey Gonca Özgün, Özlem Özen, Fikret Şahintürk, Nur Altınörs

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NO.16-05 Primary Gliosarcoma: A Clinicopathological Study of 11 Cases Treated in a Single Institute F M Moinuddin / Japan Hirofumi Hirano, Tatsuki Oyoshi, Hiroyuki Uchida, Yuko Sadamura, Hajime Yonezawa, Kazunori Arita

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NO.16-06 ”Optic Glioma: Treatment Strategy” Ganpati Prasad Mishra / Oman Ali Mohad Al Mashani, Sharad S Rajamani, Qasim Al Hinai, Neeraj Shyamlal Salhotra

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NO.16-07 Supratentorial Parenchymal Brain Surgery: Same Concepts, Same Skills, Diff erent Pathology Salah Mostafa Hamada / Egypt Ahmed Darwish Mahmoud, Ahmed Hassan Abouzeid

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NO.16-08 Staged Surgery of Deep Midline Tumors, Comparative Analysis and Literature Review Ulugbek Maksudovich Asadullaev / Uzbekistan G’ayrat Maratovich Kariev, G’afur Normurodovich Saidov, Jakhongir Bahodirovich Yakubov, Dilshod Muhammadvalievich Mamadaliev

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NO.16-09 Correlation Between Tumor Tissue Volume and Serum Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) Levels Preoperatively and Postopertaively with Using Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Astrocytic Tumor Patients Aug. Cafer Ak / Turkey Murat Aydın, Alaattin Yurt 24 (Thu) 18.00 - 18.10 OP-NO.16-10 Management of Hydrocephalus in Posterior Fossa Tumors: Ventricular Drain vs Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Aldo Gabriel Eguiluz Melendez / Mexico Jesus Alberto Lopez Molina, Juan Pablo Calderon Yrigoyen, Claudia Cervera Martínez, Juan Pablo González Mosqueda, Armando Saúl Ruiz Treviño, Cristopher Germán Valencia Ramos, Víctor Alcocer Barradas, Juan Luis Gómez Amador

247 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NA.03 / Oral Presentations-86 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Ibrahim Omerhodzic / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Murat Kutlay / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NA.03-01 The Microsurgical Anatomy of The Sublenticular Portion of Internal Capsule and Inferior Thalamic Peduncle: Neural Relations for Transventricular Mesial Temporal Approach Buruç Erkan / Turkey Oğuz Baran, Tahsin Saygı, Abuzer Güngör, Necmettin Tanrıöver

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NA.03-02 Using Far Lateral Approach Resecting the Ventral Aspect of Brain Stem and Occipital Magnum Area Lu Ma / China

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NA.03-03 Using Combined Supra-Infra Tentorial Approach Resecting the Giant Petrosal Apex Involving Middle and Posterior Skull Base Lesions Lu Ma / China

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NA.03-04 The Sitting Position in Neurosurgery: A Clinical Study in 160 Cases Shamsul Alam / Bangladesh A T M Mossaraf Hossain, Mahfuzur Rahman, A N M Wakil, Abul Khair

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NA.03-05 Preservation of the Olfactory Function Using Frontolateral Approach for the Treatment of Suprasellar Lesions Mario Giordano / Germany Venelin Miroslav Gerganov, Rudolf Fahlbusch, Madjid Samii, Amir Samii

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NA.03-06 Factors Aff ecting the Treatment Decision on Patients with Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Safak Ozyoruk, Orhan Kalemci, Nuri Karabay, Ercan Ozer, Mehmet Nuri Arda

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NA.03-07 Diff erent Surgical Approaches for Orbital Tumors Muhammad Tariq / Pakistan Abdul Hameed, Muhammad Ashraf

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NA.03-08 Supraorbital Subfrontal Trans-Laminar Endoscope-Assisted Approach for Tumors of the Posterior Third Ventricle: Our Preliminary Experience Domenic Paul Esposito / USA Maurizio Iacoangeli, Mauro Dobran, Lucia Giovanna Maria Di Somma, Roberta Benigni, Valentina Liverotti, Martina Della Costanza, Carmela Vaira, Alessandra Marini, Massimo Scerrati

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NA.03-09 Single Piece Cranio-Orbito-Zygomatic Approach, Trans Key Burr Hole Orbital Roof Osteotomy; A New Modifi cation. Surgical Technique and Report of Eight Cases Aug. Mohamed Awad M Ismail / Saudi Arabia 24 (Thu)

248 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.10 EXP.04 / Oral Presentations-87 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Yung-Hsiao Chiang / Taiwan, Tanju Ucar / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EXP.04-01 Important Casual Association Between Physical-Algebraic Natures of Impulse Noise Waves and Neurodegenerative Abilities: Experimental Study Mehmet Dumlu Aydin / Turkey Nazan Aydin, Ayhan Kanat, Coskun Yolas, Umit Kepoglu, Muhammet Calik, Songul Duman

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EXP.04-02 Focal Enhanced Delivery of Systemically Administered Therapeutic Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) Using Non-invasive and Transient MRI-Guided Disruption of the BBB with Focused Ultrasound Rawan Al Kharboosh / USA Nicholas Ellens, Katarina Cheng, Maarten Rotman, Alfredo Quinones Hinojosa

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EXP.04-03 Prelimbic Cortex Deep Brain Stimulation Reduces Binge Size in a Chronic Binge Eating Rat Model Can Sarıca / Turkey Mazhar Özkan, Hüsniye Hacıoğlu Bay, Ümit Şehirli, Filiz Onat, Ibrahim Ziyal

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EXP.04-04 The Eff ect of Tirofi ban in Ventricular Dilatation and Vasospasm After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rabbit Model Nevhis Akinturk / Turkey Ramiz Ahmedov, Muhammed Fatih Sari, Umut Yildirim, Tuncer Turhan, Taskin Yurtseven

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EXP.04-05 Neurotoxicologically Outcomes of Perinatal Chlordiazepoxide Exposure on the Fetal Prefrontal Cortex Pyramidal Cells in Rat Pup Fariborz Ghaff arpasand / Iran Yekta Parsa, Zahra Nadia Sharifi , Tina Parsa, Mohammad Reza Zarindast, Ehsan Jangholi, Soheila Yadollah Damavandi, Mohammad Hossein Aghazadeh, Farshad Shahi, Shabnam Movassaghi

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EXP.04-06 Evaluation of the Eff ect of Sildenafi l After Severe Head Trauma in Experimental Rat Model Bilal Kılıçarslan / Turkey Emel Kılıçarslan, Ceren Kizmazoglu, Hasan Emre Aydin, Ayça Erşen Danyeli, Hamit Selim Karabekir

17.30 - 17.40 OP-EXP.04-07 Comparison of the Eff ects of Nimodipine, Papaverine and Anethole on Local Treatment of Cerebral Vasospasm Occuring After the Experimental Model of Spontaneous and Traumatic SAH Hasan Emre Aydın / Turkey Murat Vural, Zuhtu Ozbek, Bilgin Kaygısız, Dilek Burukoglu

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EXP.04-08 Chronic Subdural Hematoma - A Retrospective Study to Establish Role of VEGF and Craniotomy in Pathophysiology and Prevention of Recurrence Aug. Shashivadhanan Sundaravadhanan / India Prabal Deb 24 (Thu) 17.50 - 18.00 OP-EXP.04-09 FTY720 Reduces Neurological Defi cits Following TBI by Inducing Autophagy and Modulating Microglia Polarization Lijie Huang / China Shengwei Huang, Haoqi Ni, Linhui Ruan, Qichuan Zhuge

18.00 - 18.10 OP-EXP.04-10 Can Lactate Fuel the Human Brain? A Comparison of Oxidative Lactate Metabolism in Awarded Abstract - WFNS 2017 Normal and Traumatically Injured Brain Young Neurosurgeon Award Ibrahim Jalloh / UK Adel Helmy, Duncan J Howe, Richard J Shannon, Peter Grice, Andrew Mason, Clare N Gallagher, Michael P Murphy, John D Pickard, David K Menon, T Adrian Carpenter, Peter J Hutchinson, Keri LH Carpenter

249 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 EDS.03 / Oral Presentations-88 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Sanjeev Kumar / India, Ihsan Anik / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-EDS.03-01 Results of Complications of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas: Retrospective Evaluation of 1630 Cases Melih Caklili / Turkey Aykut Gokbel, Burak Cabuk, Ihsan Anik, Savas Ceylan

16.40 - 16.50 OP-EDS.03-02 Outcome of Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma Akram Ullah / Pakistan

16.50 - 17.00 OP-EDS.03-03 Volumetric Assessment for Completeness of Resection Using Intraopertive MRI in Endoscopic Transphenoidal Pituitary Surgery Deepak Keshav Bhanagle / India Sudhir Dubey

17.00 - 17.10 OP-EDS.03-04 Intraoperative Lumbar Drainage Facilitates Gross Total Resection of Pituitary Macroadenomas and Reduces the Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Rate Associated with Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery Shi Ming He / China Yuan Wang, Tao Zheng, Wenhai Lv, Long Chen, Tianzhi Zhao, Lanfu Zhao, Huaiyu Sun, Eric W Sankey, Guodong Gao, Yan Qu

17.10 - 17.20 OP-EDS.03-05 Endoscopic Transnasal Transsphenoidal Surgery for Large Pituitary Adenomas Yu Shu Yen / Taiwan Jau Ching Wu, Chao Hung Kuo, Wen Yuh Chung

17.20 - 17.30 OP-EDS.03-06 Quality of Life Following Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma Silin Wu / China Ye Gu, Yuying Huang, Tyh Chai Wong, Hailin Ding, Tengfei Liu, Yu Zhang, Xiaobiao Zhang

17.30 - 17.40 OP-EDS.03-07 Clinical Presentations, Imaging Features and Results of the Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumors Pham Anh Tuan / Vietnam Lam Huyen Tran

17.40 - 17.50 OP-EDS.03-08 Management of Arachnoid Hherniation After ETSS for Large Pituitary Adenoma Nader Akbari / Iran Guive Sharifi , Tohid Emami Meybodi

Aug. 17.50 - 18.00 OP-EDS.03-09 Endoscopic, Endonasal Removal of Pituitary Adenoma- My Experience of 26 Cases Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh 24 Shamsul Alam, Atm Mosharef Hossain, Kanak Kanti Barua (Thu)

250 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 FN.06 / Oral Presentations-89 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: Sudan Dhakal / Nepal, Baris Turak / France 16.30 - 16.40 OP-FN.06-01 Eff ect of Microstructural Changes on the Recurrence of Trigeminal Neuralgia Treated with Percutaneous Balloon Compression Tugrul Cem Unal / Turkey Aydin Aydoseli, Yavuz Aras, Pulat Akin Sabanci, Faruk Unal, Orhan Barlas, Kemal Hepgul, Altay Sencer, Nail Izgi

16.40 - 16.50 OP-FN.06-02 Pulsed Radiofrequency: A Management Option for Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia Following Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation Chenlong Liao / China Wenchuan Zhang, Lin Wu, Min Yang

16.50 - 17.00 OP-FN.06-03 Endoscope-Assisted Microsurgery for Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia Baher Medhat Labib / Egypt

17.00 - 17.10 OP-FN.06-04 Endoscope Assisted MVD in Trigeminal Neuralgia: Are the Advantages Still Worthy Towards More Advantages Ashraf Mohamed Farid / Egypt

17.10 - 17.20 OP-FN.06-05 Trigeminal Nerve Compression Technique for the Treatment of Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia Ali Haider / Pakistan Azmatullah Khattak

17.20 - 17.30 OP-FN.06-06 Fusion Images as a Diagnostic and Neurosurgical Planning Tool in MVD Gayrat Eshkuvvatov / Uzbekistan Gayrat Kariev, Yoko Kato, Jahongir Yakubov

17.30 - 17.40 OP-FN.06-07 Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia Irakli Otarashvili / Georgia Giorgi Ingorokva

17.40 - 17.50 OP-FN.06-08 Recurrence of Pain Syndrome After Microvascular Decompression of the Trigeminal Nerve Maruf Matmusayev / Uzbekistan Gayrat Kariev, Uyghun Altibaev, Joxongir Yakubov, Rakhman Egamberdiev, Akmal Muhamedov

17.50 - 18.00 OP-FN.06-09 Retrospective Analyse of 64 Cases with Trigeminal Neuralgia Which has Been Applied Microvascular Decompression Surgery Lütfi Şinasi Postalcı / Turkey Hasan Burak Gündüz, Hakan Kına, Erhan Emel, Bekir Tuğcu, Ömür Günaldı Aug. 24 (Thu)

251 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 PED.08 / Oral Presentations-90 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Mourad Bouaziz / Tunisia, Muhammad Raji Mahmud / Nigeria 16.30 - 16.40 OP-PED.08-01 Simplest Radiological Measurement Related to Clinical Success in Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Alp Özgün Börcek / Turkey Murat Uçar, Burak Karaaslan

16.40 - 16.50 OP-PED.08-02 Midline Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts in Children. What is the Best Treatment? Essam A Elgamal / United Arab Emirates

16.50 - 17.00 OP-PED.08-03 Smartphones Change the Opening Pressure of the Programmable Valves Sait Ozturk / Turkey Hakan Cakin, Huseyin Kurtuldu, Onur Kocak, Fatih Serhat Erol, Metin Kaplan

17.00 - 17.10 OP-PED.08-04 Outcome of Antibiotic-Impregnated Shunt (AIS) Catheters for Management of Hydrocephalus: A Retro-Prospective Study Versus Non-AIS Catheters Ahmed Elsayed Saleh / Egypt Islam Abou El Fetoh

17.10 - 17.20 OP-PED.08-05 The Indication of Drainage Procedure in Pediatric Hydrocephalus - the Role of Transcranial Doppler Sonography in Daily Clinical Praxis Branislav Kolarovszki / Slovakia Romana Richterova, Rene Opsenak, Mirko Zibolen

17.20 - 17.30 OP-PED.08-06 External Ventricular Drainage; Indications and Outcome Among Sudanese Children Mohammed Awad Elzain / Sudan Moayad Moawia Zain Elabdin, Abubakr Darrag Salim

17.30 - 17.40 OP-PED.08-07 Outcomes in Pediatric Hydrocephalus in a West African Hospital Maman You Espérance Broalet / Cote d’lvoire Herman Adonis N’da, Landry Drogba, Aimé Kaoudi, Vincent Ba Zézé

17.40 - 17.50 OP-PED.08-08 Management of Infected Shut in Congenital Hydrocephalus Mahamed Khasro / Iraq

17.50 - 18.00 OP-PED.08-09 Complication Rate of External Ventricular Drains in Peadiatric Complication Amjad Ali Qureshi / Pakistan

Aug. 24 (Thu)

252 Daily Program General Session

Time : 16.30 - 18.30 GEN / General Session - Ethics in Neurosurgery Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderator: Tiit Mathiesen / Sweden, Naci Balak / Turkey Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Brain Injury – Ethical Problems 16.30 - 16.40 Evidence for Decompressive Craniectomy Ignatius N. Esene / Cameroon

16.40 - 16.50 Is Large Decompressive Craniectomy Ethically Justifi ed – Burdenko Experience? Boleslav L. Lichterman / Czech Republic

16.50 - 17.00 Is It Ethical to Deny Decompressive Craniectomy? Naci Balak / Turkey

17.00 - 17.10 A Synthesis: Ethical Problems with Decompressive Craniectomy Franco Servadei / Italy

17.10 - 17.30 Discussion

The Absent Surgeon 17.30 - 17.40 Ethical Implications of Traveling Surgeons Ahmed Ammar / Saudi Arabia

17.40 - 17.50 Live Surgery – Japanese Experience and Legislation Akira Matsumura / Japonya

17.50 - 18.00 Live Surgery – Implementation Allan Taylor / South Africa

18.00 - 18.10 Tele- and Live-surgery Jannick Brennum / Denmark

18.10 - 18.30 Discussion

Aug. 24 (Thu)

253 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NV.13 / Oral Presentations-91 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Ishaq Ghanem / Jordan, Francisco Gonzales Llanos / Spain 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NV.13-01 Comparison of TOF MRA, Contrast-Enhanced MRA and Subtracted CTA from CTP in Residue Evaluation of Treated Intracranial Aneurysms Tolga Turan Dundar / Turkey Ayse Aralasmak, Huseyin Ozdemir, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoglu, Omer Uysal, Huseyın Toprak, Serkan Kıtıs, Erdınc Ozek, Alpay Alkan

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NV.13-02 Synchronous Microsurgical Clipping of Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms Associated with Concurrent Aneurysms: Surgical Technique and Illustrative Cases of 5 Patients Ali F. Krisht / USA Hassan Saad, Hossam Youssef, Osama Deif, Ahmed Belal, Emad Aboud

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NV.13-03 Does Size Matter? – Risk of Rupture of Small Anterior Circulation Aneurysms Hanish Bansal / India

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NV.13-04 Withdrawn

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NV.13-05 Low-Cost Device for Intraoperative Fluorescein Videoangiography for Clip Ligation of Cerebral Aneurysms Renan Maximilian Lovato / Brazil Juan Antonio Castro Flores, João Luiz Vitorino Araújo, Guilherme Brasileiro De Aguiar, José Carlos Esteves Veiga

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NV.13-06 Hybrid Operation in Treating Complex Intracranial Aneurysms Mingze Wang / China Yong Cao, Shuo Wang, Jizong Zhao

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NV.13-07 Protocol and Evaluation for Aneurysm Management in Acute SAH With Same Team Doing Clipping and Coiling: A 24 Months Prospective Institutional Analysis Sumit Goyal / India Ajit Kumar Sinha

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NV.13-08 Infl uence of Bifurcation Geometry on Flow and Rupture Risk of Basilar tip Aneurysms Sherif Rashad / Japan Shin Ichiro Sugiyama, Kuniyasu Niizuma, Kenichi Sato, Hidenori Endo, Yasushi Matsumoto, Miki Fujimura, Teiji Tominaga

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NV.13-09 Selective Extradural Anterior Clinoidectomy for Ophtalmic Artery Aneurysms Melih Bozkurt / Turkey Umit Eroglu, Gokmen Kahilogullari, Hakan Tuna Aug. 24 (Thu)

254 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 TEC.01 / Oral Presentations-92 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Venko Filipce / Macedonia, Soner Sahin / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-TEC.01-01 Withdrawn

16.40 - 16.50 OP-TEC.01-02 Modern Technologies of Phantom Modeling for Neurosurgery Volodimir Pyatikop / Ukraine Igor Kutovoy, Oleg Avrunin, Maxim Timkovich

16.50 - 17.00 OP-TEC.01-03 Intelligent Arm Supporting System (iArmS) for Microneurosugery Tetsuya Goto / Japan Kazuhiro Hongo, Toshihiro Ogiwara, Jun Okamoto, Yoshihiro Muragaki

17.00 - 17.10 OP-TEC.01-04 Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Versus Theco-Peritoneal Shuntin Improving Visual Outcome in Patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, a Systematic Review Eslam Mohsen Hussein / Egypt Mohammed Wael Samir, Mohammed Abd Allah Al Werdany, Salah Mostafa Hamada

17.10 - 17.20 OP-TEC.01-05 Use of Neuro-Robotic Exoscope for Cranial Neurosurgery in Pakistan Saad Akhtar Khan / Pakistan Syed Ather Enam

17.20 - 17.30 OP-TEC.01-06 Use of Telemedicine as a Management Tool in a Neurosurgery Reference Center Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Thais Marques Da Silva, Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Hugo Correa Schiavini, Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, Romulo Almino de Alencar Arrais Mota

17.30 - 17.40 OP-TEC.01-07 Cerebral Lesion Localisation Using Cost Eff ective Craniomaper Shameem Ahmed / India Shabbir Khan

17.40 - 17.50 OP-TEC.01-08 New Generation of Intraoperative CT Scan System Ryuhei Kitai / Japan Hiroyuki Neishi, Kousuke Awara, Hiroaki Takeuchi, Kenichiro Kikuta

17.50 - 18.00 OP-TEC.01-09 Evaluation of Safety, Eff ectiveness and Reproducibility of the use of Telemedicine for Neurosurgical Screening Luiz Adriano Esteves / Brazil Andrei Fernandes Joaquim, Enrico Ghizoni, Marcos Juliano Dos Santos, Helder Tedeschi, Marcelo Campos Moraes Amato, André Tosta Ribeiro, Leandro Boa Hora, Marcelo Valadares, Bruno Bogea, Gustav Lebrao, Leonardo Welling Aug. 24 (Thu)

255 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.24 / Oral Presentations-93 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Ehsan Mahmood / Bangladesh, Ozerk Okutan / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.24-01 Minimally Invasive Decompression and Stabilization in Stenosis of the Lumbar Spine Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Valeriy Olkhov, Volodymyr Kyrychenko, Dmitro Maystruk, Ivan Kapshuk

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.24-02 What is the Infl uence of a Preoperative Conference on Surgeons’ Decision-Making For Adult Spinal Disorders? A Prospective Clinical Study From a Spine Hospital H. Yener Erken / South Korea Jun Seok Bae, Jin Suk Seo, Sang Ho Lee

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.24-03 Minimally Invasive Transtubular Microscopic Surgery for Symptomatic Lumbar Intraspinal Synovial Cysts Decreases the Stabilization Requirements Pablo Mendivil / Argentina Jesus Lafuente, Demian Manzano, David Pereira, Guillermo Vergara, Fernando Larran

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.24-04 Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Disc Fenestration or Endoscopic Discectomy Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed / Sudan

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.24-05 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: Is this patient created problem or Surgeon created problem? Aftab Younus / South Africa Mohammad Hamza Aftab, Abdirashid Aden

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.24-06 Comparison of Results of Automated Lumbar Percutaneus Discectomy (APLD) and Percutaneous Laser Disc Decopression (PLLD) Jan W. Duncan / USA

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.24-07 Lumbar Spine Disc Diseasse, Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Novel Technologies Marco Antonio Molina Martinez / Honduras Lenin Abdel Velasquez Pagoada, Meinhard Bienst Castillo, Victoria Rodriguez Molina

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.24-08 Spontaneous Complete Resolution of Two Sequestrated Lumbar Disc Herniations at Diff erent Levels and Time Periods in the Same Patient Berk Benek / Turkey Emrah Akçay, Murat Aydın, Ozan Durmaz, Alaattin Yurt

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.24-09 Outcome of Lumbar Discectomy After One or Two Level Surgery Rasim Skomorac / Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aug. 24 (Thu)

256 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.25 / Oral Presentations-94 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Paulo Pereira / Portugal, Samuel C. Obaegbulam / Nigeria 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.25-01 “Capac Ñan” Stairway Fashion Hemilaminectomy. A New Minimally Invasive Multilevel Option to Treatment of Cervical Stenosis. An Study with 36 Months of Follow up Carlos Fernando Arias Pesántez / Ecuador

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.25-02 Application of the 3 Dimensional Cervical Spine Model for Patient Specifi c Mass Screw Fixation Mehmet Sedat Cagli / Turkey Figen Govsa, Huseyin Biceroglu, Cenk Eraslan, Asli Beril Karakas, Mehmet Asim Ozer

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.25-03 PICA and Vertebral Artery, Potential Risk for Cervical Spine Surgery Takeshi Aoyama / Japan Naoshi Obara

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.25-04 Technology of Endoscopic Discectomy for Treatment of Cervical Herniations Sergey Arestov / Russia Artem Goushcha, Andrey Vershinin

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.25-05 Surgical Outcome of Cervical Corpectomy and Cage Fixation for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Muhammad Anwarullah / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.25-06 A Modifi ed Technique of Unilateral Open-Door Laminoplasty Using Ultrasonic Osteotome and Hydroxyapatite Laminar Spacers for Cervical Spinal Stenotic Myelopathy Se Hoon Kim / South Korea Bum Joon Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, Sung Won Jin, Won Hyung Kim, Dong Jun Lim, Sang Dae Kim, Sung Kon Ha, Yong Soo Jeong

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.25-07 Anterior Microdiskectomy and Cage Implantation Without Plating as a Treatment Option of Cervical Degenerative Disk Disease on one or two Levels Kemal Dizdarevic / Bosnia and Herzegovina Elma Suljagic Ljubovic, Jasmina Azdajic

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.25-08 Clinical Outcome of Anterior Cervical Decompression for Cervical Myelopathy Adnan Ahmed / Pakistan Mumtaz Ali

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.25-09 Cervical Spondylosis Salah Albishawi / Jordan Aug. 24 (Thu)

257 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 SP.26 / Oral Presentations-95 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Sabir Abdulogli Etibarli / Azerbaijan, Onur Yaman / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-SP.26-01 Kyphoplasty Cement Encapsulation Biodegradable Balloon Catheter - Animal Study Abdul Razzaq Alobaid / Kuwait

16.40 - 16.50 OP-SP.26-02 Infl uence of Vertebral Bone Marrow Edema on Outcome in Non-Acute Osteoporotic Patients Treated with Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Hossam Elnoamany / Egypt

16.50 - 17.00 OP-SP.26-03 94 Cases of Kyphoplasty: The Improvement of Pain Management in Vertebral Fractures Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Lorenza Pereira, Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff

17.00 - 17.10 OP-SP.26-04 Management of Thoracolumbar Fractures based on TLICS guidelines by an Innovative mini open Thoracotomy Approach Linga Raju Ts / India Mn Swamy

17.10 - 17.20 OP-SP.26-05 Clinical and Radiological Eff ect of Unilateral or Bilateral Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Vertebral Compression Fractures Levent Aydın / Turkey Osman Nuri Turkmenoglu, Ahmet Ozdilmac, Mustafa Kılıc, Cagrı Cıragıloglu, Kadir Altas, Ahmet Murat Musluman, Adem Yılmaz

17.20 - 17.30 OP-SP.26-06 Relationship Between Pain, Social Support and Socio-Economic Indicators in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Zahra Khazaeipour / Iran Ehsan Ahmadipour, Vafa Rahimi Movaghar, Fereshteh Ahmadipour, Babak Babakhani

17.30 - 17.40 OP-SP.26-07 Evaluation of Insidentaly Detected Pathology Results of Patients with Vertebral Fracture Treated by Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: A Retrospective Study Inan Uzunoglu / Turkey Ismail Kaya, Hasan Kamil Sucu, Ceren Kizmazoglu, Ismail Ertan Sevin, Turkan Atasever Rezanko, Nurullah Yuceer

17.40 - 17.50 OP-SP.26-08 Spinal Cord Injury - Assessing Tolerability and Use of Combined Rehabilitation and NeuroAiD (SATURN Study): A Preliminary Result Ramesh Kumar / Malaysia Ohnmar Htwe, Azmi Baharudin, Mohammad Hisam Ariffi n, Shaharuddin Abdul Rhani, Kamalnizat Ibrahim

17.50 - 18.00 OP-SP.26-09 Transpedicular Corpectomy in Thoracolumbar Column Traumatic Fractures Aug. Miguel Angel Velasco Castillo / Mexico Jose Alfonso Franco Jimenez, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Leonel Alejandro Zayas Martinez, 24 Carlos Tevera Ovando, Ricardo Villanueva Salero (Thu)

258 Daily Program Oral Presentations

Time : 16.30 - 18.00 NT.07 / Oral Presentations-96 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Victor L. Benllochpiquer Castro / Peru, Erhan Aslan / Turkey 16.30 - 16.40 OP-NT.07-01 Skull and Brain Gunshot Wound During the Armed Confl ict In Eastern Ukraine. Optimization of Medical Care Andriy Grigorovich Sirko / Ukraine

16.40 - 16.50 OP-NT.07-02 Analysis of Epidemiologic Data of Head and Spine Injury in ten Years of Telemedicne Experience in the North-West Area of Emilia Romagna Region of Italy Corrado Iaccarino / Italy Reza Ghadirpour, Guido Fanelli, Gianfranco Cervellin, Laura Trabucco, Alessandro Carretta, Franco Servadei

16.50 - 17.00 OP-NT.07-03 Neurosurgeons Performing Tracheostomies - Maintaining Profi ciency in the Modern Era Ramachandra P. Tummala / USA Molly E. Hubbard, Akshay A. Gupte

17.00 - 17.10 OP-NT.07-04 A Guide For Management of Firearm Brain Injuries, Local Experience of 126 Cases at Sohag University Hospital Ahmed Kamal Abdelhameid / Egypt Mohammed Ahmed Abdelaal

17.10 - 17.20 OP-NT.07-05 The Circadian, Circaceptan and Cirannual Variation of Traumatic Brain Injury Occurrence Jun Wen Guan / China Xue Pei Li, Qiu Ming Zhang, Yi Cheng Zhou, Yi Kai Yuan

17.20 - 17.30 OP-NT.07-06 Minor Injury on the Head Accompanies Major Impact on the Brain and Mind-The Post- Traumatic Emotional Disorder After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and the Prediction Model in a two-year Follow-up Study Kuo Hsing Liao / Taiwan Wen Ta Chiu, Yung Hsiao Chiang, Shin Han Tsai, Jia Yi Wang

17.30 - 17.40 OP-NT.07-07 Predictors of Survival and Fatality in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients at a University Teaching Hospital in South Africa Kadhaya David Muballe / South Africa Constance Sewani Rusike, Benjamin Longo Mbenza, Jehu Iputo

17.40 - 17.50 OP-NT.07-08 Reconstruction of Orbital Fractures in Patients with Craniofacial Trauma Peer Asad Aziz Abdul Bari Qureshi / pakistan

17.50 - 18.00 OP-NT.07-09 Defi nition of Clinically Tight Posterior Cranial Fossa, with Traumatic Brain Injury Andriy Igorevich Pavlov / Ukraine Aug. 24 (Thu)



Friday August 25 Aug. 25 (Fri) At a Glance Daily Program

LOCATION Istanbul Congress Center



07.00 - 08.30

08.30 MT-5/1 MT-5/2 MT-5/3 MT-5/4 - Main Topic Session-51 Main Topic Session-52 Main Topic Session-53 Main Topic Session-54 10.30

10.30 - Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5) 11.00

11.00 CC - Closing Ceremony 13.00

13.00 - 14.00

14.00 - 14.30

14.30 - 16.00

16.00 - 16.30

16.30 - 18.00 Aug. 25 (Fri)

Istanbul Congress Center

B2 B3


BR-5/1 BR-5/2 BR-5/3 BR-5/4 BR-5/5 BR-5/6 BR-5/7 BR-5/8 BR-5/9 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Seminars-38 Seminars-39 Seminars-40 Seminars-41 Seminars-42 Seminars-43 Seminars-44 Seminars-45 Seminars-46

MT-5/5 MT-5/6 MT-5/7 MT-5/8 MT-5/9 MT-5/10 MT-5/11 MT-5/12 Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Main Topic Session-55 Session-56 Session-57 Session-58 Session-59 Session-60 Session-61 Session-62

Coffee Break (Exhibition Area / Floor B5)

Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/1 / Breakfast Seminars-38 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Manuel Cunha E Sa / Portugal, M. Kemal Ilik / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Combined Endovascular and Surgical Treatment of Spinal Dural AV Fistulas Miroslav Vukic / Croatia

07.20 - 07.40 Spinal Cord Cavernoma; Surgical Management and Outcome Ali Ayyad / Germany

07.40 - 08.00 Results of Surgical Treatment of Spinal Hemangioblastomas and Cavernomas Nikolay Konovalov / Russia

08.00 - 08.20 Surgical Treatment of Intramedullary Tumors Oleksandr Voznyak / Ukraine

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/2 / Breakfast Seminars-39 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: A. Samy Youssef / USA, Funda Batay / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas Sebastien Froelich / France

07.20 - 07.40 Skull Base Chordoma: Open and Endoscopic Approaches in 20 Cases and Our “Learning Curve” Nevo Margalit / Israel

07.40 - 08.00 Chondrosarcomas: Site Specifi c Surgical Strategies for Skull Base Chondrosarcomas Shaan Raza / USA

08.00 - 08.20 The Management of Chordomas- The Role of Endoscopic Techniques: Current: State of the Art Fred Gentili / Canada

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/3 / Breakfast Seminars-40 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Vicent Quilis-Quesada / Spain, Andreas Gruber / Austria 07.00 - 07.20 Aneurysm Surgery - Complication Management, Management of Multiple Aneurysms in Setting of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Sepideh Amin-Hanjani / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Microsurgical Clipping vs. Coiling: Is It a Dilemma? David M. Hasan / USA

07.40 - 08.00 Decreasing the Tension Inside the Neck and Dome During Aneurysm Surgery- Technical Note Leonidas Quintana / Chile Aug. 08.00 - 08.30 Discussion 25 (Fri)

265 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/4 / Breakfast Seminars-41 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Felipe Valdivia Bernstein / Chile, Tuncalp Ozgen / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 How Much Glioma Surgery is Enough? Raymond Sawaya / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Clinical Problems Associated with Glioblastoma and the Future Direction of Its Treatment Yoshitaka Narita / Japan

07.40 - 08.00 Brain Gliomas: Radical Surgery or Biopsy Followed by Combination Therapy? Abdurakhmon Mamadaliyev / Uzbekistan

08.00 - 08.20 New Frontiers for Personalized and Translational Approaches for Patients with Glioblastoma Isabelle Germano / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/5 / Breakfast Seminars-42 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Yury Shulev / Russia, Kaith Al Mefty / USA 07.00 - 07.25 Methylprednisolone in the Management of Spinal Cord Injuries: Where we stand now? Hakan Simsek / Turkey

07.25 - 07.50 Can Early Surgery Improve Outcome in Spinal Trauma? Salman Sharif / Pakistan

07.50 - 08.15 Management of Post-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Abuzer Gungor / Turkey

08.15 - 08.30 Assessment of Endocrine Disturbances in Post-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Virendra D. Sinha / India

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/6 / Breakfast Seminars-43 Venue : Hall 14-B3/42 Moderators: Rosario G. Rodrigalvarez / Spain, Ertugrul Cakir / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Instrumentation Through Interrupted Trajectories in Complex Cervical Spine Cases Walid Ismail Attia / Saudi Arabia

07.20 - 07.40 Surgical Correction of Cervical Kyphotic Deformity: Decision-Making, Pitfalls and Complications Avoidance Tobias Alecio Mattei / Brazil

07.40 - 08.00 Marked Cervical Kyphotic Deformity: Report of 22 cases with Special Reference to Multilevel Subaxial Cervical Posterior Osteotomy Abolfazl Rahimizadeh / Iran

08.00 - 08.20 Complete Reduction of Cervical Dislocations: A Biomechanical Approach Sujoy Sanyal / India Aug. 25 08.20 - 08.30 Discussion (Fri)

266 Daily Program Breakfast Seminars

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/7 / Breakfast Seminars-44 Venue : Hall 15-B3/43 Moderators: Sanford PC Hsu / Taiwan, Feridun Acar / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Management of Tentorial Meningiomas Benedicto Oscar Colli / Brazil

07.20 - 07.40 Suprasellar Meningioma: Endoscopic Transnasal Excision Versus Transcranial Approach Adel El Hakim / Egypt

07.40 - 08.00 (5D) Concept and Selection of Neurosurgical Approach to Central Skull Base Meningiomas Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia

08.00 - 08.20 Skull Based Meningiomas: Quo Vadis? Anil Nanda / USA

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/8 / Breakfast Seminars-45 Venue : Hall 16-B3/60 Moderators: Rafael Garcia De Sola / Spain, Cengiz Cokluk / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery Ilker Yaylali / USA

07.20 - 07.40 Presurgical Planning in Awake Surgery Juan A. Barcia / Spain

07.40 - 08.00 Awake Craniotomy and Intraoperative MRI Michael Schulder / USA

08.00 - 08.20 Electrophysiology in Mapping Sensory/ Motor Cortices and Cranial Nerves in Brain Tumor Surgeries Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion

Time : 07.00 - 08.30 BR-5/9 / Breakfast Seminars-46 Venue : Hall 17-B3/61 Moderators: Eduardo Seoane / Argentina, Huseyin Biceroglu / Turkey 07.00 - 07.20 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Limbic Lob Serhat Baydin / Turkey

07.20 - 07.40 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Insula and Perinsular Zones Matias Baldocini / Argentina

07.40 - 08.00 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Limbic System in Relation to WM Tracts Exposed During Intra-Axial Surgery Necmettin Tanriover / Turkey Aug.

08.00 - 08.20 Cingulate Intrinsic Lesions: The Contralateral Interhemispheric Transfalcine Approach. 25 Anatomic and Surgical Perspective (Fri) Pablo Gonzalez Lopez / Spain

08.20 - 08.30 Discussion 267 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/1 / Main Topic Session-51 Venue : Beyazıt/B2 Moderators: Joao Luiz Pinheiro-Franco / Brazil, Jesus Lafuente Baraza / Spain 08.30 - 08.45 Surgical Options for Treatment of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis: Minimally Invasive, Hybrid and Open Approaches Tobias Alecio Mattei / Brazil

08.45 -09.00 New Approach and Vision of the Degenerative Spinal Disease Tito Perilla Cepeda / Colombia

09.00 - 09.15 Present Status of Posterior Dynamic Stabilization in Surgical Management of Degenerative Lumbar Spine in the Elderly Prem S. Ramani / India

09.15 -09.30 Making Surgery for Degenerative Spine Disease Aff ordable Samuel C. Obaegbulam / Nigeria

09.30 - 09.45 Lateral Access Surgery Modalities for Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis Fernando G. Diaz / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Real-Time Intra-Operative Evaluation of the Degree of Surgical Decompression in Spinal Surgery Yavor Enchev / Bulgaria

10.00 - 10.15 It´s Possible to Reopen the Neuroforamen without Open the Lumbar Canal? Giancarlo Guizzardi / Italy

10.15 - 10.30 CVJ Instability; Diagnosis and Management Jesus Lafuente Baraza / Spain

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/2 / Main Topic Session-52 Venue : Uskudar-2/B2 Moderators: Sherif Ezzat / Egypt, Burak Sade / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Surgical Art in the Pterional Approach Ismail Hakki Aydin / Turkey

08.45 - 09.00 Trends in the Management of Brain Metastasis Raymond Sawaya / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Brain Metastases - Challenge in Cancer Treatment Jose Marcus Rotta / Brazil

09.15 - 09.30 Update on TT Fields-Based Therapy for Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors Zvi Ram / Israel

09.30 - 09.45 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multiple Metastases Michael Schulder / USA

09.45 - 10.00 GKRS for Intracranial Metastatic Tumor Jing Chen / China

10.00 - 10.15 WBRT in Brain Metastasis: Current Situation Aug. Artur Xhumari / Albania

25 10.15 - 10.30 Microenvironment in Brain Metastases (Fri) Gokhan Akdemir / Turkey

268 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/3 / Main Topic Session-53 Venue : Camlica/B2 Moderators: Juha A. Hernesniemi / Finland, Altay Sencer / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Current Management Strategy for Cerebral AVM in the Decade of ARUBA Study Hirofumi Nakatomi / Japan

08.45 - 09.00 Total Liquid Embolic Obliteration of Avm’s: Possibilities and Risks Sujoy Sanyal / India

09.00 - 09.15 Intracranial AVMs - When and How to Operate Ioan Stefan Florian / Romania

09.15 - 09.30 AVMs: Microsurgical Treatment Paulo Porto De Melo / Brazil

09.30 - 09.45 On Apples, Oranges and ARUBA Torstein Meling / Norway

09.45 - 10.00 Gamma Knife and AVM Hakan Emmez / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Microsurgical Management of AVMs Class A and B Jean Goncalve De Oliveira / Brazil

10.15 - 10.30 Endovascular Treatment of AVMs Aclan Dogan / USA

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/4 / Main Topic Session-54 Venue : Emirgan-2/B2 Moderators: Chandrashekhar Deopujari / India, Moshe Hadani / Israel 08.30 - 08.45 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Craniopharyngiomas Edward Laws / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Management and Outcome of Pediatric Craniopharyngiomas: Experience in 106 Cases Mohamed El Beltagy / Egypt

09.00 - 09.15 Craniopharyngioma in Children: Surgical Issue and Radiotherapy for Residue Tumors Tai-Tong Wong / Taiwan

09.15 - 09.30 Management of Recurrent Craniopharyngioma Andrew Kaye / Australia

09.30 - 09.45 Craniopharyngiomas in Children and Adults Armando Basso / Argentina

09.45 - 10.00 Neurosurgical Management of Craniopharyngiomas Rudolf Fahlbusch / Germany

10.00 - 10.15 The Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Craniopharyngiomas Uygun U. Altibaev / Uzbekistan Aug. 10.15 - 10.30 The role of Tumor Stem-Like Cells in Pathogenesis and Development of Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngioma 25 Songtao Qi / China (Fri)

269 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/5 / Main Topic Session-55 Venue : Emirgan-1/B2 Moderators: A. John Popp / USA, Ahmed Raslan / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Spinal Cord Ablation for Chronic Pain Ahmed Raslan / USA

08.45 -09.00 Extended DREZ-Lesion for Alleviating Intractable Pain Following Brachial Plexus Avulsion Injury Makoto Taniguchi / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Update on Radiofrequency Treatment on Neural Structures for the Chronic Pain Syndrome Jung-Yul Park / South Korea

09.15 -09.30 Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy for Spasticity: New Techniques and Results Bernardo Assumpcao De Monaco / Brazil

09.30 - 09.45 Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Spasticity and Focal Dystonia Ismail Al-Kebsi / Yemen

09.45 - 10.00 Modern Treatment Concepts of Spasticity in Children Heidi Beachli / Germany

10.00 - 10.15 Safety and Efectiveness of Microvascular Decompression for Treatment of Hemifacial Spasm through Mini Craniotomy Ashraf El Badry / Egypt

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/6 / Main Topic Session-56 Venue : Uskudar-3/B2 Moderators: Mamytov Mitalip Mamytovic / Kyrgyzstan, Onder Okay / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Management of Traumatic Brain Injury - An Update David T. F. Sun / Hong-Kong

08.45 - 09.00 What´s the New on Cerebral Concussion in Sport: Review of the Literature Youssef Bouzoubaa / Morocco

09.00 - 09.15 Craniocerebral Mine Blast Injuries Yury Shulev / Russia

09.15 - 09.30 Recent Insight into Estimation of Post Traumatic Cerebral Vasculature by Doppler Ultrasonography Bruno Splavski / Croatia

09.30 - 09.45 Clinial Trials in Head Injury Since 2000 Ganesalingam Narenthiran / UK

09.45 - 10.00 Minimally Invasive Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation Christopher Kellner / USA

10.00 - 10.15 Chronic Subdural Hematomas Aug. Souad Bakhti / Algeria 25 10.15 - 10.30 Discussion (Fri)

270 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/7 / Main Topic Session-57 Venue : Uskudar-1/B2 Moderators: G. Alexander Jones / USA, Volker K. H. Sonntag / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Spine, En Bloc Resections and Complex Spine Reconstructions Ali Ozturk / USA

08.45 - 09.00 Prognostic Scoring Systems for Metastasis Spine Salman Sharif / Pakistan

09.00 - 09.15 Spine Radiosurgery for Metastatic Disease Isabelle Germano / USA

09.15 - 09.30 Treatment Options in Spine Metastases Andre Tomasino / Germany

09.30 - 09.45 Metastatic Spine Tumors Abdurahmon U. Norov / Uzbekistan

09.45 - 10.00 Limits of Minimally Invasive Approaches in Spinal Tumors Ozkan Ates / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Radiosurgery for Spinal Metastases: The Paradigm Shift Sait Sirin / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Discussion

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/8 / Main Topic Session-58 Venue : Beylerbeyi-2/B2 Moderators: Ian E. McCutcheon / USA, Nelson M. Oyesiku / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Non-Adenomatous Lesions of the Sellar Region Andre Grotenhuis / The Netherlands

08.45 - 09.00 The Management of Giant Pituitary Tumors William T. Couldwell / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Transnasal Approach to Pituitary Macroadenomas Okezie Obasi Kanu / New Zealand

09.15 - 09.30 Creating a Diagnostic Algorithm to Identify True Tumor Hypersecretion in Hyperprolactinemic Patients with Pituitary Adenoma Ian E. McCutcheon / USA

09.30 - 09.45 Update in Pituitary Tumors Nelson M. Oyesiku / USA

09.45 - 10.00 Management of Giant Adenomas Nicolas Foroglou / Greece

10.00 - 10.15 Concept of Contralaterality in Management of Suprasellar Lesions Ali Ayyad / Germany Aug.

10.15 - 10.30 Management of Aggressive Pituitary Adenomas 25 Nurperi Gazioglu / Turkey (Fri)

271 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/9 / Main Topic Session-59 Venue : Beylerbeyi-1/B2 Moderators: Shigeaki Kobayashi / Japan, Nicholas C. Bambakidis / USA 08.30 - 08.45 Minimally Invasive Treatment of Aneurysm Surgery Yoko Kato / Japan

08.45 -09.00 Surgical Treatment of Giant Aneurysms Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo / Brazil

09.00 - 09.15 Treatment Strategy for ICA Anterior Wall Aneurysm: Possible Relevance Between the Location of the Ophthalmic Artery and Pathology of Aneurysmal Wall Soichi Oya / Japan

09.15 -09.30 Unilateral Craniotomy for the Treatment of Bilateral Cerebral Aneurysms Juan Luis Gomez-Amador / Mexico

09.30 - 09.45 Management of Intraoperative Rupture of Cerebral Aneurysms Gopal Raman Sharma / Nepal

09.45 - 10.00 Collobaration in Neurovascular Pathologies: Endovascular Intervention and Surgery Deniz Belen / Turkey

10.00 - 10.15 Analysis of Factors that Infl uence Long-Term Independent Living in Very Elderly Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients Norihito Shimamura / Japan

10.15 - 10.30 Incidental Anuerysms: Natural History and Treatment Recommendation Daniel Hanggi / Germany

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/10 / Main Topic Session-60 Venue : Tophane/B2 Moderators: Dirk Van Roost / Belgium, Chih-Hsiang Liao / Taiwan 08.30 - 08.45 Perihippocampal Tumors with Epilepsy: What About Hippocampal Resection? Tomislav Sajko / Croatia

08.45 - 09.00 Experience with the Supracerebellar Transtentorial Approach for Mediobasal Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Niklaus Krayenbuhl / Switzerland

09.00 - 09.15 Vascular Events after Transsylvian Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy and Impact on Epilepsy Outcome - A Single Institute´s Experiences Chih-Hsiang Liao / Taiwan

09.15 - 09.30 Selective En Bloc Amygdalohippocampectomy Through the Piriform Area Eduardo Seoane / Argentina

09.30 - 09.45 Surgical Technique and Outcome of Trassylvian Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy, Hippocampal Transection in Patients with Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Michiharu Morino / Japan

09.45 - 10.00 Surgical Anatomy for Mesiotemporal Tumors. The Choice of the Approach Attending to the White Matter Aug. Pablo Gonzalez Lopez / Spain 10.00 - 10.15 How Smart Technology is Constantly Improving Outcomes for People with Epilepsy 25 Andrew McEwoy / UK (Fri) 10.15 - 10.30 Selective Amygdalo-Hippocampectomy Dirk Van Roost / Belgium

272 Daily Program Main Topic Sessions

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/11 / Main Topic Session-61 Venue : Hall 12-B3/01 Moderators: Nils Ole Schmidt / Germany, Ihsan Solaroglu / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Malignization of Meningiomas: Is There a True Progression in Grades? Paulo Abdo Do Sexio Kadri / Brazil

08.45 - 09.00 Overview of Grade I and Higher-Grade Meningioma Landscape Ian F. Dunn / USA

09.00 - 09.15 Management of Grades II and III Meningiomas Benedicto Oscar Colli / Brazil

09.15 - 09.30 Surgical Management of Giant Supratentorial Meningiomas. Experience in 100 Cases Arturo Ayala Arcipreste / Mexico

09.30 - 09.45 Surgery of Parasagittal Meningioma in Diff erent Economic Situations Adel El Hakim / Egypt

09.45 - 10.00 Delayed Thromboembolic Events After Meningioma Surgery Djula Djilvesi / Serbia

10.00 - 10.15 Advances in Meningioma Management Gelareh Zadeh / Canada

10.15 - 10.30 Intraventricular Neuroendoscopy Enrique de Jongh / Cuba

Time : 08.30 - 10.30 MT-5/12 / Main Topic Session-62 Venue : Hall 13-B3/89 Moderators: Maximiliano Nunez / Argentina, Nejat Akalan / Turkey 08.30 - 08.45 Role of Brainstem Imaging in the Surgery of Brainstem Cavernous Angioma Eka J. Wahjoepramono / Indonesia

08.45 - 09.00 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Safe Entry Zones on the Anterolateral Brainstem Matias Baldocini / Argentina

09.00 - 09.15 Long-term Results of Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia Volodymr Smolanka / Ukraine

09.15 - 09.30 Brain Stem Cavernous Malformation and Deep Seated Cavernous Malformations Nihat Egemen / Turkey

09.30 - 09.45 Surgery of Brainstem Lesions and Simulation with 3D-Fusion Images Nobuhito Saito / Japan

09.45 - 10.00 Brain Stem Cavernous Angiomas Rafael Garcia De Sola / Spain

10.00 - 10.15 Investigating the Human Brainstem: Imaging and Histology Gulgun Sengul / Turkey

10.15 - 10.30 Brainstem Surgery Aug. Oliver Bozinov / Switzerland 25 (Fri) Time : 10.30 - 11.00 Coff ee Break Venue : Exhibition/B5 273 Daily Program Closing Ceremony

Time : 11.00 - 12.00 CC / Closing Ceremony Venue : Harbiye/B2 Moderator: Murad Bavbek / Turkey 11.00 - 11.15 Ugur Ture / Turkey President WFNS XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery

11.15 - 11.30 Ling Feng / China President WFNS 2019 Beijing

11.30 - 11.45 Enrique Osorio-Fonseca / Colombia President WFNS 2021 Bogota

11.45 - 12.00 Franco Servadei / Italy, Yong-Kwang Tu / Taiwan

Medal Ceremony

Aug. 25 (Fri)

274 E-Poster E-Poster Neurovascular Surgery

EP-0001 Cerebral Vasospasm Post-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Pathophysiological Bases for Its Treatment EP-0016 Endovascular Stenting of an Intraoperative Thoracic Aortic Leonidas M. Quintana / Chile Injury During Revision of Spinal Instrumentation: An Excellent Alternative EP-0002 A Novel Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Model with Gradual Erdem Gurkas / Turkey Cerebral Blood Flow Reduction, Angiogenesis and Cognitive Askin Esen Hasturk, Emre Cemal Gokce, Ali Erhan Kayalar, Suat Canbay, Impairment in Rats Abdurrahman Bakır Ahmed Said Mansour / Japan Kuniyasu Niizuma, Sherif Rashad, Miki Fujimura, Teiji Tominaga EP-0017 Triple Protection Technique in Stenting of Critical Cervical Internal Carotid Stenosis EP-0003 Surgical Strategy and Technique of Brainstem Cavernous Tamer Ibrahim Metwaly / Egypt Hemangioma Shiming He / China EP-0018 Endovascular Treatment of ACoM Aneurysm with Fenestration Tianzhi Zhao, Yingxi Wu, Yan Qu, Guodong Gao Ergün Dağlıoğlu / Turkey Ilkay Akmangit, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Tanin Oğur, Oğuz Karakoyun, EP-0004 Endoscopic Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH) Removal: Of Limited Rıfat Akdağ, Gül Hatipoğlu, Göksal Günerhan, Aydın Talat Baydar, Bene t Compared to Classic Resul Karadeniz, Ahmet Deniz Belen, Anıl Arat Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Dimitrios Papadakos, Nikolaos Konsolakis, Ioannis Katsiafas, EP-0019 Endovascular Treatment of Multiple Cerebral Aneurysms Kostas Mparkas, Evaggelos Papadopoulos Associated with Aortic Coarctation Antonio Sosa Najera / Mexico EP-0005 Surgical Management of Giant Basilar Tip Aneurysm Associated Horus Martinez Maldonado, Erick Ramos Martinez, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, with Moyamoya Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Raul Huato Reyes, Jorge Ortega Espino Mohammad Samadian / Iran Ehsan Alavi, Mehrdad Hosin Zadeh Bakhtevari, Mohammad Hallajnejad EP-0020 Feasibility of Neck Extension to Overcome the Di cult Aortic Arch to Access to Carotid Artery EP-0006 Keyhole vs Pterional Approach for Clipping Ruptured Anterior Sang Uk Kim / South Korea Circulation Aneurysms Dong Hoon Lee, Ho Jun Yi, Jae Hoon Sung, Hyong Jin Lee, Jin Seok Lee, Dhandapani Sivashanmugam / India Ji Ho Yang, Il Woo Lee

EP-0007 An Intracranial Arteriovenous Fistula with a Large Pial Venous EP-0021 Endovascular Coiling Versus Surgical Clipping of Very Small Varix in a Young Male Ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms in the Mohammad Samadian / Iran Endovascular Era Mohammad Hallajnejad, Seyed Ali Mousavi Nejad, Amir Arsalan Amin, Bing Zhao / China Kaveh Ebrahim Zadeh Lianghao Fan, Xianxi Tan, Ming Zhong, Yaohua Pan, Jieqing Wan

EP-0008 Purely Endoscopic Resection of Cavernoma on the Floor of EP-0022 Analysis of Intraarterial Thrombolysis and Trombextraction in Third Ventricle and Aqueduct of Sylvius: Surgical Technique Patients with Intraoperative Thromboembolic Complications in and Review of Literature Endovascular Neurosurgery Alexander Perdomo Pantoja / Mexico Valeriy Cheburakhin / Ukraine Luis Alberto Ortega Porcayo, Issac Jair Palacios Ortíz, Salomon Cohen Cohen, Andriy Lugovskiy, Mychaylo Kostiuk, Mychaylo Orlov, Andriy Popov, Juan Pablo González Mosqueda, Juan Luis Gómez Amador Yuriy Yarotskiy

EP-0009 Intracranial Aneurysms: Acute vs Delayed Surgery, an Analysis EP-0023 Safety and E cacy of Antiplatelet Response Assay and Drug of 145 Cases Adjustment in Coil Embolization: A Propensity Score Analysis Shamsul Alam / Bangladesh Min Soo Kim / South Korea Asifur Rahman, Mosiur Rahman Mojumder, A N Wakil Uddin, K M Tarikul Islam, Kyung Il Jo, Je Young Yeon, Jong Soo Kim, Keon Ha Kim, Pyoung Jeon, Mahfuzur Rahman, Anis Ahmed, A S M Abu Obaida, Saif Ul Haque Seung Chyul Hong

EP-0010 Endoscopic Endonasal Anterior Skull Base Surgery for the EP-0024 Preoperative Transarterial Embolization Combined with Removal of Space Occupying Lesions Transnasal Endoscopic Resection of Nasopharyngeal Tariq Salahuddin / Pakistan Angio broma: Double Center Experience Mohamed Shadad / Egypt EP-0011 Three-Dimensional Reconstructed Image-Based Presurgical Walid Abouzeid, Hassam El Sharif Planning for EC-IC Bypass: Technical Note Jimmy Ming Jung Chuang / United States EP-0025 Must We Treat Large or Giant Wide-Necked Brain Aneurysms with Flux Diverter Devices? EP-0012 The Improvement in Visual Field with Change in Pituitary Tumor Jose Zanoni Yada / El Salvador Volume Alexander Guerrero, Gustavo Foa Torres Noorulain Iqbal / Pakistan Salman Sharif, Mehak Hafi z, Uzma Qazi EP-0026 Postoperative Optic Neuritis after Successful and Uneventful Endovascular Flow Diverter Stent Placement for a Paraclinoid EP-0013 The Proper Head Positioning for Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation Aneurysm Aneurysms Based on Dome Projections: Anatomical Study Halil Can Küçükyıldız / Turkey Ali Karadag / Turkey Salih Kürşat Şimşek, Oktay Gürcan, Oktay Algın, Özge Saraç, Gıyas Ayberk Baran Bozkurt, Kaan Yagmurlu, Gauravjot Sandhu, Mehmet Senoglu, Nail Ozdemir, Sean Moen, Fusun Demircivi Ozer, Andrew W Grande EP-0027 Stent Anchoring Technique for Stent Deployment Across a Wide Necked Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm EP-0014 Comparative Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Interhemispheric Erdem Gurkas / Turkey Approach and Pterional Approach for Anterior Communicating Askin Esen Hasturk, Erhan Turkoglu, Emre Cemal Gokce, Gulce Gel Artery Aneurysms Ali Karadag / Turkey EP-0028 Derivo Flow Diverter in the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: Baran Bozkurt, Gauravjot Sandhu, Sean Moen, Andrew W Grande Endovascular Results with Bluxide Surface Coating Ergun Daglioglu / Turkey EP-0015 Endoscopic Supraorbital Keyhole Craniotomy: Operative Ilkay Akmangit, Vedat Açık, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Fatih Alagöz, Technique and Complication Avoidance Muhammad Usman / Pakistan Faik Özveren, Tanin Oğur, Ahmet Deniz Belen, Anıl Arat Antonio Bernardo 276 E-Poster Neurovascular Surgery

EP-0029 Endovascular Treatment of an Arteriovenous Malformation EP-0042 The Experience of Dynamic CT-perfusion Control in XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery (AVM) of the Posterior Fossa Associated with a Giant Aneurysm in Endovascular Treatment of Patients with Multifocal Stenotic One Session and Occlusion Lesions of Cerebral Artery Alexander Gräwe / Turkey Mykola Oleksandrovich Zorin / Ukraine Lemcke Johannes, Wanke Isabell, Rüfenacht Daniel, Mutze Sven Yurii Vitaliyovych Cherednychenko, Andriy Yuriyovich Miroshnychenko, Nataliya Oleksiivna Cherednychenko, Liudmila Antonivna Dziak EP-0030 Primary Coiling with the Asisstance of Temporary Stent for Support for Coils or/and Catheter Stabilization EP-0043 How to Justify Extra-Intracranial Bypass Surgery in Carotid H. Önder Okay / Turkey Artery Occluded Patients? Ümit Kahraman, Nurettin Batıhan Üye, Gürkan Uzun, Vehbi Yürüker Vadim Bikmullin / Russia Yuri Shulev EP-0031 Post-Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Internal Carotid Artery with in the Sphenoid Sinus EP-0044 Withdrawn Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Muharrem Furkan Yuzbasi, Safak Ozyoruk, Suleyman Men, Burak Sade EP-0045 Comparison of Carotid Endarterectomy and Stenting for Internal Carotid Artery Near-Occlusion EP-0032 Modern Endovascular Methods in Treatment of CCF-s Ramachandra P. Tummala / United States Erekle Ekvtimishvili / Georgia Jae Kim, Dushyant Damania, Babak S. Jahromi David Gunia, Grigol Basiladze, George Ingorokva EP-0046 A Rare Cause of Ptosis: Cavernous Sinus Meningioma EP-0033 Sandwich Technique (=Stent Assisted Coil) for Carotid- Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Cavernous Fistula Treatment Asli Aksoy Gundogdu, Pinar Polat Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hae Kwan Park, Cheol Ji EP-0047 Surgical Treatment of Patients with Notraumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage EP-0034 Endovascular Treatment of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms of the Mansur Agzamov / Uzbekistan Posterior Cerebral Artery with Single Coil at the Flow Inlet Zone Sherali Toshpulatov, Valery Bersnev, Natalia Ivanova, Istam Agzamov Antonio Sosa Najera / Mexico Erick Ramos Martinez, Marco Antonio Zenteno Castellanos, EP-0048 Minimal Invasive Methods of Treatment of Spontaneous Daniel Alves Neiva Barbosa, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Intracerebral Hematoma Miguel Angel Velasco Castillo, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Daria Tcaciuc / Moldova Jorge Ortega Espino, Raul Huato Reyes, Ricardo Ortega Valencia Valery Timirgaz

EP-0035 Neutoprotective E ect of Raloxifene, Tibolone, and Exogenously EP-0049 Intracranial Hemorrhage in Kidney, Liver and Heart Recipient Administered 17β Estradiol in Ischemic Brain Injury Patients Murat Kocaoğlu / Turkey Erkin Sönmez / Turkey Nilgün Koldan, Selçuk Göçmen, Özkan Çeliker, Mehmet Erdal Coşkun, Serhat Cömert, Fikret Şahintürk, Mehmet Nur Altınörs Erkan Alataş EP-0050 Non-Endoscopic Minimally Invasive Evacuation of Intracerebral EP-0036 A Case of a Sucessful Revascularization for Moya-Moya Disease Bleeding with Predominant Involvement of the Bilateral Posterior Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia Circulation Ievgenii Iarmoliuk / Ukraine EP-0051 The Prognostic Factors After the Surgical Evacuation of Volodymyr Moroz, Igor Tysh Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt EP-0037 The Role of Carotid Artery Reconstructive Operations in the Roshdy Abdelaziz Elkhayat Recovery of Neurological Disability in Patients with Transferred Ischemic Stroke EP-0052 Post-Traumatic Intracranial Arterial Aneurysms in Children and Adrian Zosim Bodiu / Moldova Adolescents: About Two Cases and Review of the Literature Stanislav Alexandru Gropa, Mihail Iosif Gavriliuc, Constanta Dumitru Bodiu Safari Mudekereza Paterne / France Mbaye Thioub Mb, Maheshe Ghislain Mg, Mubenga Mukengeshayi Leon, EP-0038 Symptomatic Giant Fusiform Aneurysm in the Elder Patient Safari Karume Paterne Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Asli Aksoy Gundogdu, Pinar Polat EP-0053 E ects of Arginine Vasopressin and V1 Receptor Antagonist on Cerebral Vasospasm Secondary to Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: EP-0039 Compare the Hemorrhagic Complication Rate After Intraarterial An Experimental Study Thrombolysis with Stent Retrievers Weather tPA Infusion or Not Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz / Turkey Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu, Serkan Diril, Leman Sencar, Erol Akgül, Sait Polat, Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hae Kwan Park, Cheol Ji Sebahattin Hacıyakupoğlu, Ersin Nazlıcan

EP-0040 Recanalization Rate After Tissue Plasmainogen Activator EP-0054 Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Cerebral Venous Sinus Administration in Patient with Larger Artery Intracranial Thrombosis in Tibetan Population Occlusion Disease Lu Ma / China Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hae Kwan Park, Cheol Ji EP-0055 Acute Onset of Paraplegia and Bladder Disturbance: A Misleading Presentation of Bilateral Chronic Subdural EP-0041 Stroke Management with Decompressive Craniectomies – Who Hematoma Bene ts? Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Atef Ben Nsir, Maher Hadhri, Souhail Khalfaoui, Mehdi Darmoul, Evaggelos Papadopo0ulos, Kostas Mparkas, Ioannis Katsiafas, Mohamed Nejib Hattab Dimitrios Papadakos, Christos Katsiafas

277 E-Poster Neurovascular Surgery

EP-0056 The E ectiveness of Early External Ventricular Drainage at EP-0070 Cavernous Malformation of the Cerebral Peduncle Treated via a WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Patients with Hypertensive Intraventricular Hemorrage Fronto-Temporal Orbito-Zygomatic Craniotomy and a Saydullo Sharifbaev Abdullaevich / Uzbekistan Combined Transsylvian-Pretemporal Approach: A Case Report Zuhriddin Ashurov Imamovich, Anvar Boqiev Mirzaabdullaevich, I. Tysh / Ukraine Shukrullo Solijanov Shari anovich, Obid Ismailov Abdullaevich V. Moroz, Le. Iarmoliuk, A. Mumlev

EP-0057 Angiographic and Clinical Factors Related with Good EP-0071 Possibility of Preventive Induced Hypertensive Treatment for Functional Outcome After Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Reduce Symptomatic Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Cerebral Artery Occlusion Hemorrhage Sang Kyu Park / South Korea Youngjin Jung / South Korea Jonghoon Kim, Chulhoon Chang, Yoonsoo Kim EP-0058 Postpartum Hemorrhagic Stroke- Early Intervention in Selected Cases May Save Life EP-0072 De Novo Cavernoma Formation on a Patient with Familial Anisul Islam Khan / Bangladesh Cerebral Cavernomatosis Halil Ulutabanca / Turkey EP-0059 Subdural and Subaracnoid Hemorrage After Cesarean Section Murat Çiftçi, Nimetullah Alper Durmuş, Ibrahim Suat Öktem Under Spinal Anesthesia Bilgehan Atılgan Acar / Turkey EP-0073 Early Surgical Outcome of Intracranial Aneurysms Clipping in Semra Alaçam Köksal Neurosurgery Department Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Akram Ullah / Pakistan EP-0060 Posterior Fossa ICH – Far More Benign Than Its Supratentorial Mumtaz Ali Equivalent but with the Same Operative Candidate Selection Dilemma EP-0074 Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas. Surgical or Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Endovascular Treatment. Where are We Now? Dimitrios Papadakos, Ioannis Katsiafas, Evaggelos Papadopoulos, Jose Zanoni Yada / El Salvador Kostas Mparkas, Anastasios Giamouriadis, Christos Katsiafas Alexander Guerrero, Gustavo Foa Torres

EP-0061 Subarachnoid Cerebrospinal Fluid Space Breaching in Surgical EP-0075 May-Thurner Syndrome Associated with Spine Arteriovenous Drainage of Chronic Malformation (AVM): Case Report Mohamed Awad M Ismail / Saudi Arabia Romulo Mota / Brazil Daniel Paz, Alexandre Pingarilho, Thais Silva, Rafael Loduca, Paulo Melo EP-0062 Microsurgical Resection of an Occipital Arteriovenous Malformation: Case Report EP-0076 Hybrid Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformation Imane Abbas / Algeria Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Mohamed Si Saber, Imane Bersali, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef Ilker Deniz Cingoz, Murat Sayin, Volkan Cakir, Murat Atar, Nurullah Yuceer

EP-0063 Usefulness of Trans-Surgical Doppler Ultrasound Pre- and Post- EP-0077 Giant Vertebrobasilar Aneurysm in a 52 Year-Old Man: Clipping of Brain Aneurysms Assisted with Neuronavigation Case Report Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo / Mexico Ala Belhaj / Tunisia Alejandro Ceja Espinosa, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Atef Ben Nsir, Neila Maaroufi , Sabra Ouaz, Souheil Khalfaoui, Maher Hadhri Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Jorge Ortega Espino, Raul Huato Reyes, Miguel Angel Vaca Ruiz, Ricardo Villanueva Salero EP-0078 Factors A ecting the Surgical Outcomes of Multiple Cerebral Aneurysms: A Prospective Study EP-0064 Ethmoidal Type Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Associated with Anas Abdallah / Turkey Multiple Intracranial Aneurysms: An Case Report and Review of Murad Asiltürk, Betül Güler Abdallah, Erhan Emel the Literature Sang Youl Lee / South Korea EP-0079 Treatment of Multiple Aneurysms in Limited Conditions Kuhyun Yang Arsim Ahmet Morina / Kosovo Qamile Shefqet Morina, Fatos Muhamet Kelmendi, Agon Ymer Mekaj EP-0065 Intraoperative Videoangiography in Vascular Neurosurgery Suk Jung Jang / South Korea EP-0080 Cerebral Cavernomas Mimicking Meningioma Inan Uzunoglu / Turkey EP-0066 Syncope as a Presenting Symptom of Multiple Intracranial Cysts Gokhan Gurkan, Gonul Guvenc, Turkan Atasever Rezanko, Fazil Gelal, Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Nurullah Yuceer Asli Aksoy Gundogdu, Pinar Polat EP-0081 Complications following Treatment of Intracranial Dural EP-0067 Management Strategy and Treatment Outcomes of Unruptured Arteriovenous Fistulas Intracranial Aneurysms Ramachandra P. Tummala / United States Akio Morita / Japan Catherine Miller Shinjiro Tominari EP-0082 Bilateral Thalamic and Brainstem Oedema Caused by EP-0068 Microcephalic Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwar sm Type II Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (MOPDII) with Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm, 10 Yannick Canton Kessely / Chad Years Follow Up; Case Report Hani Aljohani, Mohammed Cherif, Oumar Coulibaly, Jihad Mortada, Turgut Kuytu / Turkey Ariel Lebedinsky, Robin Srour Alper Türkkan, Mevlüt Özgür Taşkapılıoğlu, Ahmet Bekar EP-0083 Simultaneous Occurrence of Cavernous Sinus Dural EP-0069 Association Between Cerebral Aneurysm and Meningioma. Arteriovenous Fistulae in a Sister 3 Cases Reports Mohamed Adel Deniwar / Egypt Carlos Roberto Massella Junior / Brazil Deok Hee Lee Bartolomeu Souto Queiroz Quidute, Lievin Luz Carvalho, Cicero Diego Sampaio Cabral, Jose Claudio Monteiro Rodrigues Filho, Carlos Vanderlei Medeiros De Holanda, Jean Gonçalves De Oliveira, Benedito Jamilson Araújo Pereira 278 E-Poster Neurovascular Surgery

EP-0084 Surgical Treatment of Aneurysms of the Posterior EP-0098 Traumatic Cervical Arteriovenous Fistula: A Rare Cause of XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Communicating Artery Previous – Surgical and Technical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm (Case Report) Details Case Results, Service of 231 Cases of the Past 10 Years Alexandru Șumleanschi / Moldova Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Eugen Calenici, Serghei Borodin, Dan Lisii, Valeriu Timirgaz Lorenza Pereira, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff EP-0099 The ‘Radical Combined Approach’ in Cerebral Arteriovenous EP-0085 Surgery for Arteriovenous Malformations Malformation Treatment: Technical Note Atul Goel / India Umit Kocaman / Turkey Tayfun Dalbastı, Utku Mahir Yıldırım, Hakan Yılmaz EP-0086 In uence of Ruptured Cerebral Arterial Aneurysm Location and Structure on the Characteristics of Intracranial Haemorrhage EP-0100 Case Report: Two Traumatic DACA Aneurysms Formation in a Michael R. Kostiuk / Ukraine Single Patient Following Closed Head Trauma Catherine Hui Chuen Ho / Malaysia EP-0087 Left Side Ophthalmic ICA Giant Aneurysm. A Case Report Mohd Radzi Hamzah, Faizul Hizal Ghazali, Donald Ns Liew, Albert Sh Wong Ion Preguza / Moldova Andrei Peciul, Constanta Dogaru Peciul EP-0101 Surgical Treatment Outcomes of Cavernous Hemangiomas: A Retrospective Study EP-0088 Results of Microsurgery for Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Anas Abdallah / Turkey Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Endovascular Era Murad Asiltürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Sahin Hanalioglu / Turkey Hasan Burak Gündüz, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah Balkan Sahin, Ulas Cikla, Nese Keser, Ilhan Aydin, Mustafa K. Baskaya EP-0102 Clinical Outcome After Microsurgical Clipping of Unruptured EP-0089 Hypopituitarism Secondary to Unruptured Intracavernous Cerebral Aneurysms in Group of Patients at Age 70 or Older Carotid Aneurysm with Sellar Extension Associated with Ali Fadl Krisht / United States Ipsilateral Brain Abscess: A Case Report Svetlana Pravdenkova Alexandru Sumleanschi / Moldova Serghei Borodin, Eduard Eftodiev, Aureliu Bodiu EP-0103 Cocaine Related Perimesencephalic Non-Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Case Report EP-0090 Supratentorial Cavernomas. Surgical Outcomes in a Single- Güner Menekşe / Turkey Center Series. Preliminary Experience Yavuz Erdem, Haydar Çelik, Mehmet Akif Bayar, Ayhan Tekiner, Uğur Yaşıtlı Renan Maximilian Lovato / Brazil José Carlos Esteves Veiga, Eduardo Andre Goulart De Alcantara, EP-0104 Using the Cavernous Carotid for Proximal Control: A Novel Guilherme Brasileiro De Aguiar Approach to Temporary Clipping Ali Fadl Krisht / United States EP-0091 Angiographic Evaluation of the Treatment of 790 Patients with Hassan Saad, Jaafar Basma, Khairi Mohamad Daabak, Emad Aboud Intracranial Aneurysm Görkem Alkır / Turkey EP-0105 A Novel Classi cation System Based on Preoperative Factors is Nail Izgi, Aydın Aydoseli, Utku Özgen, Pulat Akın Sabancı, Yavuz Aras, Predictive of Functional Outcomes in Patients with Aneurysmal Çetin Genç, Orhan Barlas, Ömer Faruk Ünal, Kemal Hepgül, Altay Sencer Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Ali Amani Beni / Iran EP-0092 Intraventricular Cerebral Cavernomas; Two Case Reports Mehrdad Farrokhi Inan Uzunoglu / Turkey Ceren Kizmazoglu, Murat Atar, Gokhan Gurkan, Gonul Guvenc, EP-0106 Hemostatic Clips for Middle Cerebral Artery Vascular Nurullah Yuceer Reconstruction: Report of Two Cases Ali Fadl Krisht / United States EP-0093 Aortic Dissection Presenting with Paraparesis Hassan Saad, Wei Hsun Yang, Emad Aboud Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Aslı Aksoy Gündoğdu EP-0107 Investigation of the Pro-In ammatory Cytokines in Patients After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage EP-0094 Posttraumatic Hemorrhage of Intracerebral Cavernous Maryna Globa / Ukraine Hemangioma Mykhailo Kostiuk, Nikolai Lisyaniy, Liudmila Belska Evren Aydogmus / Turkey Serdar Onur Aydin EP-0108 Anatomic Basis and Treatment of Previously Treated PCOM Aneurysms Presenting with Regrowth EP-0095 Surgical Results of 500 Cases of Intracranial Aneurysms Ali Fadl Krisht / United States Alaattin Yurt / Turkey Hassan Saad, Francesco Restelli, Wei Hsun Yang Emrah Akçay, Murat Aydın, Tahsin Ülgen, Ozan Durmaz, Hüseyin Berk Benek, Ismail Akkol, Ali Rıza Ertürk, Alper Tabanlı, Cafer Ak, EP-0109 Encephaloduromyosynangiosis (EDMS) on a Pediatric Patient Şeyda Mutlu with Cerebral Proliferative Angiopathy Jingrun Li / China EP-0096 Clinical and Morphological Comparisons of Fatal Complications at Cerebral Arterial Aneurysm Rupture EP-0110 Management of Ruptured Intracranial Dissecting Aneurysms: A Galina Chiaeva / Ukraine Two Year Experience Tatiana Malysheva, Svetlana Litvak Sumit Goyal / India Ajit Kumar Sinha EP-0097 Subfrontal Approach for Clipping Basilar Apex Aneurysm and Anterior Circulation Aneurysm EP-0111 Clinical and Topographic Pro le of Cerebral Aneurysms in Jackson Daniel Silva / Brazil Children and Adolescents José Antonio Guasti, André Accioly Guasti, Paulo Leonardo Tavares, Amauri Pereira Silva Filho / Brazil Benjamin Franklin Silva, Gustavo Machado Cardoso Euliny Santos Santana, Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes, Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino

279 Neurovascular Surgery / E-Poster Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-0112 Rare Case of Giant Pediatric Cavernous Angioma of the EP-0125 Epidemiological Study of Non-Broken Brain Aneurysms and WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Temporal Lobe: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Their Neurosurgical Implications Fahd Derkaoui Hassani / Morocco Amauri Pereira Silva Filho / Brazil Claire Karekezi, Najia El Abbadi Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Euliny Santos Santana, Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, EP-0113 An Unusual Presentation of Fahr’s Disease as Aneurysmal Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Case Report Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Sabri Gürbüz EP-0126 Giant M3 Aneurysm Presented with Cerebrovascular Ischemia Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey EP-0114 Large Intracranial Aneurysms: Multiple Modalities of Safak Ozyoruk, Ali Osman Mucuoglu, Ercan Ozer Treatments and Risk Factors for Prognosis Sunghoon Cho / South Korea EP-0127 Intraoperative Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography and Yong Sam Shin Surgical Disconnection of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae (DVAF): Single Institute Experience EP-0115 Unilateral Fenestrated A1 Segment of Anterior Cerebral Artery Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / United Kingdom Associated Aneurysms Radu Beltechi, Sanjoy Nagaraja Dilshod Muhammadvalievich Mamadaliev / Uzbekistan Yoko Kato, Kei Yamashiro, Tsukasa Kawase, Yasuhiro Yamada, Sandeep Talari, EP-0128 Frontoparietal Region Subacute Epidural Hematoma Rapidly Tushit Mewada Disappearance Aykut Akpinar / Turkey EP-0116 Ruptured Intracranial Dermoid Cyst Associated with Rupture of Doga Ugurlar, Nevhis Akınturk, Tuncer Tascıoglu, Metin Kasap, Cerebral Aneurysm Mustafa Ali Akcetin, Ali Osman Akdemir Ki Hong Kim / South Korea Tae Joon Park, Young Don Kim, Jae Hoon Cho, Dae Hyun Kim, EP-0129 Endovascular Operations in the Treatment of Atherosclerotic Gi Hwan Choi, Hyung Tae Yeo Lesions of the Cerebral and Coronary Arteries Sergii Petrovich Grygoruk / Ukraine EP-0117 Trigeminal Neuralgia Caused by Venous Angioma, The Neuroimaging and Surgical Findings EP-0130 Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Factors In uencing Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Poor Outcome Aydan Arslan, Nilgün Gündoğan, Sıla Ulus, Banu Atalar, Ercan Karaarslan Javier Angel Toledo / Argentina Agnel Ramos, Ariel Dogliotti, Jose Carlos Nallino, Carlos Lovesio EP-0118 Intraoperative Microanatomy of Anterior Communicating Artery Segment EP-0131 Demonstration of the E ects of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Mustafa Kemal Çoban / Turkey Haemorrhage and Increased Intracranial Pressure on the Optic Umit Kamaci, Goksin Sengul, Ismail Hakki Aydin Nerve in an Experimental SAH Hasan Emre Aydın / Turkey EP-0119 Surgical Treatment of Anterior Circulation Aneurysms with SAH Erhan Sahin Vladimir Tsikarishvili / Georgia Mirza Khinikadze, Iakob Tsertsvadze, Giorgi Macharashvili, EP-0132 Preoperative Predictive Factors for Surgical and Functional Besarion Bajiashvili, Baqar Abdaladze Outcomes in Chronic Subdural Hematoma Sang Kyu Park / South Korea EP-0120 Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Intraoperative Neurophisiological and Microvascular Doppler Monitoring EP-0133 Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: An Underestimated Cause of Reza Ghadirpour / Italy Intracerebral Hemorrhages Davide Nasi, Marco Farneti, Corrado Iaccarino, Antonio Romano, Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Rossella Sabadini, Luisa Motti, Franco Servadei Lorenza Pereira, Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff

EP-0121 Vein of Galen Malformation in Adult EP-0134 The Impact of Intrathecal Verapamil on Cerebral Vasospasm in Asma Mohamad Afi fi / Malaysia an Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) Model Saravanan Sridharan, Jacintha Vikneswary Francis, Enes Akkaya / Turkey Noor Azman Abdul Rahman Şevket Evran, Fatih Çalış, Hakan Hanımoğlu, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Salim Katar, Ersin Karataş, Abdürrahim Koçyiğit, Mehmet Yaşar Kaynar, EP-0122 Acute Subdural Hematoma Caused by the Rupture of Internal Mustafa Yasin Sağlam, Mustafa Aziz Hatipoğlu Carotid Artery Aneurysm Ulaş Yüksel / Turkey EP-0135 Association Study in Chinese Children Con rms IGHV Gene Mustafa Öğden, Bülent Bakar, Egemen Nursoy, Süleyman Akkaya, Haplotype Block as Conferring Risk to Moyamoya Disease Mehmet Faik Özveren Wenjun Shen / China Bin Xu, Chao Gao, Yi Zhang, Hao Li, Yunjun Liao EP-0123 Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Complications: Hydrocephalus Impact EP-0136 Occipito-Cervical Fusion in Children: Literature Review Taras Havryliv / Ukraine Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Volodymyr Smolanka, Andriy Smolanka Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Samer K Elbabaa, Romulo Almino de Alencar Arrais Mota EP-0124 Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Cavernous Sinus Hemangioma: Case Report and Literature Review EP-0137 Managment of Communicating Hydrocephalus in Infants Nail Demirel / Turkey Younger than One Year of Age: Place of the Choroid Plexus Oguz Baran, Merdin Ahmedov, Nil Comunoglu, Nurperi Gazioglu, Cauterization Necmettin Tanriover Imane Bersali / Algeria Mohamed Amokrane Sidi Maamar, Mohamed Si Saber, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef

280 E-Poster Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-0138 Minimal Invasion Surgery for Compound Craniosynostosis EP-0153 Dermal Sinus in Children About 11 Cases and Literature Review XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Correction. Presentation of a Case Farid Bouchenaki / Algeria Germán Ballesteros Cuevas / Mexico Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Karim Boustil, Nouha Hamrouche, Armando Guerrero Guerrero, Mónica N Madrazo Moya, Kamel Bouaita Eduardo Flores Alvarez EP-0154 Presentations of Tethered Cord Syndrome EP-0139 Transnasal Approach for Congenital Nasoethmoid Meningocele Muhammad Irfan / Pakistan with Chronic Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak - A Case Report Muhammad Anwar Chaudary, Kiran Niraula Bassel Yaacoub Wehbe / Latvia Dāvis Ozoliņš, Gints Tomiņš, Kristaps Dambergs EP-0155 Phenomenological Model of Tethered Cord Alina Khodorovskaya / Russia EP-0140 Anterior Palgiocephaly- A Case Report and Reconstructive Sergey Vissarionov, Daniil Vcherashniy Technique Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia EP-0156 Filum Terminale Lipoma’s About 17 Cases and Literature Review Roman Bosnjak, Peter Spazzapan Farid Bouchenaki / Algeria Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Karim Boustil, Nouha Hamrouche, EP-0141 Dural Molding for Complex and Advanced Cases of Kamel Bouaita Craniosynostosis Khaled Bassim Aly / Egypt EP-0157 A Case of Trigonocephaly Treated Using the ‘Floating Forehead’ Technique EP-0142 Early Surgical Repair of Sphenoid Dysplasia in Children Abdurrahman Aycan / Turkey A ected by Neuro bromatosis Type 1 Mehmet Arslan, Fetullah Kuyumcu, Mehmet Edip Akyol Mario Giordano / Germany Amir Samii, Concezio Di Rocco EP-0158 An Uncommon Anomaly in Live Births: Holoprosencephaly Elif Akpinar / Turkey EP-0143 Surgical Treatment of Childhood Thoracic Spinal Tuberculosis: Mehmet Sabri Gürbüz, Mehmet Özerk Okutan Two Case Reports and Technical Note Anas Abdallah / Turkey EP-0159 Management of Life Threatening Intraoperative Complications Mehmet Nuri Erdem, Sinan Karaca, Mehmet Aydoğan of Cranial Expansion Surgery in Complex Syndromic Craniosynostosis EP-0144 Combined Technique (Endoscopic and Shunting) for the Azmi Alias / Malaysia Treatment of Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus in Children Fadzlishah Johanabbas, Mohd Ali Mohd Zain Yusuf Izci / Turkey EP-0160 Craniosynostosis: Clinical Presentation, Surgery and Literature EP-0145 High Cervical Posterior Instrumentation in the Pediatric Review Population: An Analysis of 11 Consecutive Patients Lorenza Pereira / Brazil Kamran Urgun / United States Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff Brett Whittemore, Bruno Perocco Braga EP-0161 Accessory Inferior Limb: About a Case EP-0146 Local Autograft Versus Mixture of Autograft and Allograft Saib Abdelaziz / Algeria Combination with Posterior Instrumentation for Adolescent Aboudjabel Mohamed, Melbouci Mohamada, Khabil Tarek, Kacimi Azeddine Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Retrospective Comparative Clinical Study Anas Abdallah / Turkey EP-0162 Spinal Intramedullary Hamartoma with Acute Presentation in a Mehmet Nuri Erdem, Mehmet Aydoğan, Mehmet Tezer 13-Month old Infant: Case Report Eslam Mohsen Hussein / Egypt EP-0147 Angiocatheter Technique for Arachnoid Cyst Drainage Assem Mohammed Abdel Latif, Walid Abdel Ghany, Iman Hewedi, Tohid Emami Meybodi / Iran Aboubakr Amer, Hussein Moharram Guive Sharifi , Keyhan Esmaeel Pour, Masoud Saberi, Hadi Kasbkar EP-0163 Lipomyelomeningocoele, A Very Rare Congenital Birth Defect EP-0148 Middle Fossa Arachnoid Cyst: Microscopic/Endoscopic in Benin City, Nigeria: A Case Report and Review of Literature Fenestration; Indications and Outcome Abiodun Luqman Azeez / Nigeria Ahmed Nageeb Mohammed Taha / Egypt David Okon Udoh, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Obeta, Ahmed Awad Zaher David Osarunmwese Osifo, Kingsley Ufuoma Tobi

EP-0149 Human Tail: Case Report EP-0164 Do We Need to Do Cranial Radiological Screening in Children Saib Abdelaziz / Algeria with Occult Spinal Dysraphism to Investigate Coexistent Aboudjabel Mohamed, Melbouci Mohamada, Khabil Tarek, Kacimi Azeddine Cerebral Abnormalities? A Single Center Retrospective Case Series EP-0150 A Case of a Ventral Cervical Cyst- Arachnoid Cyst Ayfer Aslan / Turkey Lenin Moyo / Zimbabwe Pelin Kuzucu, Ömer Hakan Emmez, Alp Özgün Börcek

EP-0151 Blake’s Pouch Cyst About 4 Cases and Literature Review EP-0165 Management of Early Adulthood Myelomeningocele Mohamed Safouane Benachour / Algeria Mohammed Awad Elzain / Sudan Farid Bouchenaki, Karim Boustil, Nouha Hamrouche, Kamel Bouaita Abubakr Darrag Salim

EP-0152 ETSS for Pituitary Adenoma in Patient with Acromegaly and EP-0166 Characteristics of the Surgical Tactic of the Neural Tube Defects Intrasellar Kissing Carotid Treatment Tohid Emami Meybodi / Iran Ivan Protsenko / Ukraine Guive Sharifi , Nader Akbari Leonid Marushchenko, Pavlo Plavsky, Volodymyr Mykhalyuk, Andriy Svyst, Lyudmyla Verbova

281 E-Poster Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-0167 Remodeling Surgical Technique in Craniosynostosis; EP-0181 A Single Center Experience of CNS Anomalies or Neural Tube WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Concerning 30 Cases Defects in Patients with Jarcho Levin Syndrome Djouhar Bouali / Algeria Ismail Gülşen / Turkey Abdelmadjid Meliani, Aissa Saadi, Adel Mati, Amina Mekhetiche, Hadjer Triki Nihat Demir, Ibrahim Dege, Murat Basaranoglu, Oğuz Tuncer

EP-0168 E ectiveness of Two-Layer Plastics of Spinal Canal on EP-0182 Occipital Encephalocele: A 15-Year Mono-Institutional Study Congenital Spinal Hernias Amine Trifa / Tunisia Amirkul Shodievich Shodiev / Uzbekistan Atef Ben Nsir, Alaa Belhadj, Mohamed Kilani, Ines Cherif, Firuz Mahmadzoda Shukurov Mahmoud Ben Messaoud, Hattab Nejib

EP-0169 Management of the Giant Occipital Encephaloceles in the EP-0183 A Very Rare Entity of Diabetes Insipidus Associated with Neonates Holoprosencephaly Nail Özdemir / Turkey Ismail Gülşen / Turkey Senem Alkan Özdemir, Esra Arun Özer Nihat Demir, Ibrahim Deger, Murat Basaranoglu, Oğuz Tuncer

EP-0170 Surgical Management of Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis EP-0184 Surgical Management of Dynamic Compression in Vertebral Associated to CNS Anomalies: Case Report with Special Arterial Dissection in the Pediatric Population Consideration for Syringomyelia Kamran Urgun / United States Riadh Rebai / Saudi Arabia Nancy Rollins, Amy Hogge, Stefanie Beavers, Michael Dowling, Saggaf Assaggaf, Islam Aboulfetouh Bruno Perocco Braga

EP-0171 Management of Ruptured Temporal Arachnoid Cyst into EP-0185 A Case Report of Complication of Endovascular Treatment of Subdural Space with Hematoma Pediatric Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: Moussa Denou / Mali Dissemination of Liquid Embolic Agent into Bilateral Cerebral Mohamed Yassaad Oudrhirir, Mousse Nabil Adio, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Hemisphere Adyl Melhaoui, Yasser Arkha, Abdessmad El Ouahabi Catherine Ho Hui Chuen / Malaysia Mohamad Radzi Hamzah, Low Yong Lee, Adrian Ng Wei Chih, EP-0172 Entrapped Temporal Horn Donald Liew Ngian San, Albert Wong Sii Hieng Tohid Emami Meybodi / Iran Guive Sharifi , Masoud Saberi, Shiva Ghadiri EP-0186 Giant Cavernous Malformations in Childhood: A Case Report and Review of the Literature EP-0173 The Importance of Skin Lesions on the Diagnosis of Split Cord Kadir Oktay / Turkey Malformations Kerem Mazhar Ozsoy, Nuri Eralp Cetinalp, Umit Akin Dere, Murat Arslan, Yusuf Izci / Turkey Tahsin Erman Özkan Tehli EP-0187 A Rare Case of Isolated Infantile Hemangioma of The Brain – A EP-0174 Factors A ecting Infection Development After Case Report and Review of Literature Meningomyelocele Repair in Newborns and the E cacy of Alanoud Adil Turki / Saudi Arabia Antibiotic Prophylaxis Sultan Faez Albalawi, Salwa Bakhsh, Murad Alturkustani, Ismail Gülşen / Turkey Abdulrahman Jafar Sabbagh Nihat Demir, Murat Başaranoğlu, Ibrahim Değer, Oğuz Tuncer EP-0188 Diagnostic Features of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Late EP-0175 Hemispheric Cerebral Mature Teratoma in New Born Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn Yamna Aidouni / Algeria Mansur Agzamov / Uzbekistan Rabah Kouadria, Ismail Si Ali, Wassila Maaz. Kamol Agzamov, Farhod Shakarov, Shahobiddin Abduvaliev

EP-0176 Diastematomyelia in Children About 12 Cases and Literature EP-0189 Surgical Removal of the Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Review Malformation: Case Report and a Brief Review of Literature Farid Bouchenaki / Algeria Kauthar Salim Rashid / China Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Karim Boustil, Nouha Hamrouche, Jian Li, Qian Zhang, Zhiping Zhang, Jie Zhao Zhao, Jingping Liu Kamel Bouaita EP-0190 Carotico-Cavernous Fistula Following a Penetrating Eye Injury EP-0177 Quality of Life in Individuals Surgically Treated for Congenital with a Rod: Ethiopathogenesis and Management Hydrocephalus During Infancy. An Institutionary Experience Nabil Adio Mousse / Morocco Saad Akhtar Khan / Pakistan Yassaad Mohammed Oudrhiri, Milena Sayore, Mehdy Hakkou, Muhammad Ehsan Bari Semevo Ahokpessi, Alae Mestalki, Franck Luku Kouakou, My Rachid El Hassani, Meriem Fikri, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Yasser Arkha, EP-0178 Occipital Meningoencephalocele: Two Case Reports Abdessamad El Ouahabi Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Yessine Gdoura, EP-0191 Epidemiological Pro le of Spontaneous Hemorrhagic Stroke in Firas Jarraya Pediatric Population Amauri Pereira Silva Filho / Brazil EP-0179 Lumbar Teratoma Associated with a Lumbar Myelomenigocele Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, in a 2 Months old Girl and Literature Review Ayanne Alves de Oliveira, Anne Jamille Ribeiro Sampaio, Mohamed Safouane Benachour / Algeria Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Gustavo Fernandes Alencar, Farid Bouchenaki, Nouha Hamrouche, Karim Boustil, M’hmed Nadji, Ronaldo Barbosa de Farias Júnior, Paulo Henrique do Ó Gayoso Meira, Zarina Shabhay, Kamel Bouaita Erica de Carvalho Bandeira

EP-0180 Dilemmas in Schizencephaly: A Case Series EP-0192 Hemangioma of the Facial Nerve Canal: Clinical and Imaging Mohamed Amine Atsamnia / Algeria Findings of a Rare Vascular Lesion Souad Bakhti, Nabila Tighilt, Mohamed Djennas Mehmet Şenoğlu / Turkey Yeliz Pekcevik, Ilker Burak Arslan, Anıl Hişmi, Celal Çınar

282 E-Poster Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-0193 Management of Elevated Intracranial Pressure (ICP) with EP-0205 Primary Extraosseous Ewing Sarcoma of the Thoracic Spinal XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Pentobarbital-Induced Coma in Patients with Acute Region Presenting with Acute Paraplegia in Children Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH) due to Ruptured Arteriovenous Abdurrahman Aycan / Turkey Malformations (AVM) Mehmet Arslan, Kamuran Karaman, Emine Tekin, Fetullah Kuyumcu, Kamran Urgun / United States Mehmet Edip Akyol Darryl Miles, Dale M Swift EP-0206 High-De nition Fiber Tractography in Evaluation and Surgical EP-0194 Pediatric Rhabdoid Meningioma: Clinical and Therapeutic Planning of Thalamopeduncular Pilocytic Astrocytomas in Features Findings in 3 Patients Pediatric Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Emrah Celtikci / United States Ghassen Belkahla, Imed Ben Said, Ibtihel Mankai, Kamel Bahri, Pinar Celtikci, David Tiago Fernandes Cabral, Murat Ucar, Hafedh Jemel, Ihsen Zammel Juan Carlos Fernandez Miranda, Alp Özgün Börcek

EP-0195 Age-Related Outcomes of Treatment of Medulloblastoma in EP-0207 Extracranial Metastasis of an Anaplasic Ependymoma: A Rare Children Occurence Leonid Marushchenko / Ukraine Milena Sayore / Morocco Victor Morgun, Lyudmila Verbova, Tatyana Malysheva, Ivan Protsenko, Nabil Adio Mousse, Mohammed Yassaad Oudrhiri, Nadia Cherradi, Ruslan Gavrish Adyl Melhaoui, Abdessamad El Ouahabi

EP-0196 Mature Teratoma of Petrous Temporal Bone in an Infant: A Rare EP-0208 Determination of the Central Nervous System Tumors’s Pro les Clinical Entity in Pediatric Population Sachin A Borkar / India Amauri Pereira Silva Filho / Brazil Ambuj Kumar, Vaishali Suri, Ashok K Mahapatra Lais de Albuquerque Vasconcelos, Adysia Moreira Florentino da Silva, Erica de Carvalho Bandeira, Anne Jamille Ribeiro Sampaio, EP-0197 The Case of Successful Surgical Treatment of a Giant Cerebral Ayanne Alves de Oliveira, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Teratoma: A Literature Review and an Observation from the Euliny Santos Santana, Diego Henriques De Melo Lula, Medical Practice Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro Anvarjon Salomovich Umarov / Tajikistan Sodik Umarovich Boboev EP-0209 Extracranial Dissemination of Glioblastoma Multiforme in a peruvian child. Case Report EP-0198 Posterior Fossa Syndrome: Can We Identify Risk Factors? Rolando Eladio Lovaton Espadin / Peru Nabila Tighilt / Algeria Souad Bakhti, Mohamed Djennas EP-0210 Cerebellum Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma: A Study of 4 Cases Mohamed Badri / Tunisia EP-0199 Cerebral Tumors in Children: About 160 Cases in E.H.S Ali Ait Idir Ghassen Belkahla, Jalel Kallel, Kamel Bahri, Adnene Boubaker, Karim Boustil / Algeria Hafedh Jemel, Ihsen Zammel Farid Bouchenaki, Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Nouha Hamrouche, Kamel Bouaita EP-0211 Microscopic Removal of Deep Seated Retained Ventricular Catheter in a Child with Recurrent VP Shunt Infection EP-0200 Pediatric High Grade Gliomas Mahmoud Taha / Saudi Arabia Cherif Ines / Tunisia Atef Ben Nsir, Mohamed Kilani, Alaa Belhadj, Amine Trifa, EP-0212 Factors Predicting Outcomes After Surgery in Post-Meningitic Mahmoud Ben Messaoud, Mohamed Boughamoura, Nejib Hattab Hydrocephalus Balasubramani Karuppannan / India EP-0201 Treatment of Central Nervous System Tumors in Children Under Kodeeswaran Marappan 3 Years of Age and Its Results Lyudmila N Verbova / Ukraine EP-0213 Shunt Tube Calci cation as a Late Complication of Andrey V. Shaversky, Yury A. Orlov, Andrey A. Svist, Vladimir S. Mikhalyuk, Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting Ivan P. Protsenko, Pavel N. Plavsky, Leonid L. Marushchenko, Mohammed Awad Elzain / Sudan Tatiana A. Malysheva Abubakr Darrag Salim, Haddab Ahmed Mohamed, Baha Eldin Mohamed Ibrahim Zayan EP-0202 Posterior Fossa Tumours in Children at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Zimbabwe EP-0214 Bilateral Higroma After Early Ventrícle Peritoneal Shunt Placed Nyararai Togarepi / Zimbabwe in Children with Previous Third Ventriculostomy Hemorrage Kazadi Kalangu Procedure Mauricio Daniel Puch / Bolivia EP-0203 Primary Tumors of the Medullary Cords in Childhood: An Félix Ernesto Pacheco, Jose Hernando Cuiza, Jose Luis Ferrufi no, Epidemiological Study in a Reference Neurosurgery Hospital Ruben Cruz, Weimar Gutiérrez, Carlos Andres Velez Amauri Pereira Silva fi lho / Brazil Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, EP-0215 Hydrocephalus in Sudan; Types, Management and Outcome Ronaldo Barbosa de Farias Júnior, Euliny Santos Santana, Mohammed Awad Elzain / Sudan Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes, Diego Henriques de Melo Lula, Abubakr Darrag Salim Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino, Erica de Carvalho Bandeira, EP-0216 Initial Exprience with Silver-Impragnated Polyurethane Lais de Albuquerque Vasconcelos Ventricular Catheter for Shunting of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Patients with Infected Hydrocephalus EP-0204 Glioblastoma Multiform in Children - Series of Cases Yusuf Izci / Turkey Amauri Pereira Silva fi lho / Brazil Cahit Kural Ronaldo Barbosa de Farias Júnior, Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes, Adysia Moreira Florentino da Silva, Diego Henriques de Melo Lula, EP-0217 Misdiagnosis of a Case with Overshunting Associated Cervical Lais de Albuquerque Vasconcelos, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Myelopathy Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino, Hsin Hung Chen / Taiwan Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Gustavo Fernandes Alencar Tsui Feng Yang

283 E-Poster Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-0218 Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Secondary Hydrocephalus EP-0234 Recovered Landau–Kle ner Syndrome After Multiple Subpial WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt Transection: Case Report Abdin Khirallah Kasem Augusto Valadão Junqueira / Brazil Franciele Pereira Dos Santos, Ana Cláudia Da Silva, Caroline Klovan, EP-0219 Special Features of Diagnostic and Operative Tactic for Severe Rafael Silva Paglioli, Maurício Marchiori, Bruno Loz, Eliseu Paglioli, Brain Herniation with Hydrocephalus in Di erent Age Groups André Palmini Risolat Mamadjanova / Uzbekistan Igor Yugay, Dilnoza Ruzieva, Anvar Sariev EP-0235 Withdrawn

EP-0220 Total Resection of Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt Depended Giant EP-0236 A Case of Intracranial Suppuration with Epidural, Subdural and Abdominal Pseudocyst Parafalcine Collections Serdar Onur Aydin / Turkey Toivo U N Hasheela / Zimbabwe Dilek Cingi Eker, Tufan Hicdonmez Aaron Musara, Kazadi Kalangu

EP-0221 Management of Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Calci cation EP-0237 Intramedullary Abscess of the Spinal Cord without Any Serdar Onur Aydin / Turkey Predisposing Factor: A Case Report and Review of the Tufan Hicdonmez Literature Muff aq Khamis Lashhab / Libya EP-0222 Repeat Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Muff aq Khamis Lashhab Murat Kocaoğlu / Turkey Serkan Civlan, Yakup Ozan Türkmenoğlu, Barış Albuz, Mehmet Erdal Coşkun EP-0238 Percutan Multiple Brain Abscess Drainage in Pediatric Patients Serdar Onur Aydin / Turkey EP-0223 Intraventricular Migration of Total Shunt System- Experience of Hikmet Turan Suslu Two Consecutive Cases Anisul Islam Khan / Bangladesh EP-0239 Acute Brain Edema in Child Anaphylaxis by Ant Bites Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil EP-0224 Bobble Head Doll Syndrome in the Suprasellar Arachnoid Cysts Lorenza Pereira, Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff and Literature Review Mohamed Benlahreche / Algeria EP-0240 Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following Pilocytic Astrocytoma: Case Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Rafi k Ouchetati, Kamel Bouaita Report Hatice Öztürk / Turkey EP-0225 Surgical Outcomes of Intradural Spinal Abscesses: Erek Öztürk, Muhittin Emre Altunrende, Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Erdinç Civelek, A Serie of Three Patients Serdar Kabataş Anas Abdallah / Turkey Abdurrahim Tekin, Erdinç Özek, Erhan Emel, Talat Cem Ovalıoglu, EP-0241 Dominant Hemisphere and Upper Cervical Cord Tumefactive Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Murad Asiltürk, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu Multiple Sclerosis in a Nigerian Teenager Initially Misdiagnosed and Managed as Glioma EP-0226 The Particularities of Brain Trauma in Child of the Breast Age Kelechi Onyenekeya Ndukuba / Nigeria Saydullo Sharifbaev Abdullaevich / Uzbekistan Chika Anele Ndubuisi, Samuel C. Ohaegbulam, Linda Uloaku Iroegbu, Ibrohim Jiyanov Abdullfevich, Alisher Tojibaev Turaevich, Ali Usiholo, Mark Akhueleigbe, Okwuoma Okwunodulu, Shuhrat Karimbaev Talabbavich, Serobjon Khodjiev Kodirovich Tobechi Mbadugha, Gabriel Ejembi, Mike E Ekuma, Moses Osaodion Inojie, Sunday Achebe EP-0227 Hydatid Cyst of Orbit: A Case Report Mesbahi Tarek / Morocco EP-0242 Focal Cortical Dysplasia: Diagnosis and Treatment (Case Report) Nouha Hamrouche / Algeria EP-0228 Management Strategy in Pediatric Colloid Cysts Kamel Bouaita, Leila Boutiah, Mohamed Safouane Benachour, Prabu Raj Andi Perumal Raj / India Farid Bouchenaki Indira Devi, Dhaval Sukla, Sampath Somanna EP-0243 CNS Dermoid: A Report of 2 Cases with Review of Literature EP-0229 Giant Cerebral Hydatid Cyst in a Peruvian Child. Case Report Ruhul Kuddus / Bangladesh Rolando Eladio Lovaton Espadin / Peru Sim Khairun Nabi, Kanak Kanti Barua

EP-0230 Decompressive Craniectomy for Infants: A Case Series of Five EP-0244 Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Traumatic Intracranial Patients Hemorrage in Infants Naveed Zaman Akhunzada / Pakistan Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Waqas, Badar Ujjan, Ehsan Bari Bahodir Èminov Juraevich, Hurshid Ismoilov Sotvoldievich, Fayzulla Usmonov Tuhtaevich EP-0231 Syndrome of Sturge-Weber-Krabbe Abdesamad Naja / Morocco EP-0245 Giant Cerebellar Tuberculoma Mimicking a Malignant Tumor Abdelmajid Chelaoui Khalid Aniba / Morocco Soumay Jellal, Kamal Chtira, Yassine El Allouchi, Farid Zahrou, EP-0232 Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies in Patient with Decompensated Mouhssine Assamadi, Hasna Abdourafi q, Abdelaziz Ait Elqadi Hydrocephalus Lukas Rasulic / Serbia EP-0246 Di erentiated Treatment of Patients with Spastic Form of Bojana Zivkovic, Mirko Micovic, Vladimir Bascarevic Cerebral Palsy Igor Yugay / Uzbekistan EP-0233 Anterior Temporal Lobectomy with Selective Makhmud Akhmediev, Rano Ismailova, Ravshan Yuldashev, Arslanova Zera Amygdalohippocampectomy in Patient with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Due to Focal Cortical Dysplasia: A Case Report EP-0247 Quanti cation of Spinal Cord Pulsation Using Intra-Operative Yunus Kuntawi Aji / Indonesia Ultrasound and Its Correlation to Cardiovascular Parameters Muhammad Arifi n Parenrengi Abdulrahman Albakr / Saudi Arabia Amro Al Habib, Metab Alkebayer, Fahad Albadr, Abdullah Abujame, Abdullah Altowim

284 E-Poster Spine and Peripheral Nerve

EP-0248 Association of In ammatory and Degenerative Biochemical EP-0261 Superiority of Partial Selective Neuroectomy to Microvascular XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Factors with Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc Decompression in Trigeminal Neuralgia Constantinos Mantas / Greece Gökhan Çavuş / Turkey Ioannis Mavridis, Kyriaki Venetsanou, Aikaterini Karagianni, Yurdal Gezercan, Vedat Açık, Ismail Iştemen, Hakan Millet, Ali Ihsan Ökten Konstantinos Vlachos EP-0262 Microendoscopic Anterior Cervical Foraminotomy: EP-0249 Use of Fat Grafts for Prevention Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leaks A Preliminary Series of 76 Cases Following Lumbar Spinal Surgery Mohamed Kabil / Egypt Mohamed Shabaan Mohamed / Egypt Walid Abdel Ghany Mohamed Hewedy EP-0263 Anterior Screw Plate Fixation for Odontoid Fractures: EP-0250 The E ects of Smoking in the Perinatal Period and During A New Technique Lactation on the Intervertebral Discs of Newborns Sushil Vasant Patkar / India Idiris Altun / Turkey Kasım Zafer Yüksel EP-0264 Instrumentation Through Interrupted Trajectory in Complex Cervical Spine Cases EP-0251 Neuroprotective E ects of Epidural Electrical Stimulation in Walid Ismail Attia / Saudi Arabia Spinal Cord Injury Model: Preliminary Results Khalid Almusrea Yahya Guvenc / Turkey Deniz Billur, Erkan Kaptanoglu EP-0265 Lumbar Micro-Endoscopic Discectomy: Surgical Technique and Nuances EP-0252 Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) as a Bone Void Filler in Waleed A Azab / Kuwait Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Prospective Pilot Study of Simultaneous DBM and Autologous Bone Grafts EP-0266 Minimally Invasive e-TLIF as a Novel Option to Managment of Se Hoon Kim / South Korea Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis. A Study with 18 Bum Joon Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, Sung Won Jin, Won Hyung Kim, Months of Follow-Up Dong Jun Lim, Sang Dae Kim, Sung Kon Ha, Yong Soo Jeong Carlos Fernando Arias Pesántez / Ecuador

EP-0253 What is the E ect of Reinsertion of the Pedicle Screw Through EP-0267 E ciency of Endoscopic Transforaminal Microdiscectomy the Same Trajectory on Pullout Strength? (ETMDE) in Comparison to Microsurgical Discectomy (МDE) in Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Lumbar Disc Herniation Treatment Hasan Emre Aydin, Orhan Kalemci, Ahmet Karakasli, Ercan Ozer, Mykola Oleksandrovich Zorin / Ukraine Hasan Havitcioglu Yuriy Ivanovich Kirpa, Mykola Mykolaevich Zorin

EP-0254 In Vitro E ect of Iodixanol on Human Intervertebral Disc Cells EP-0268 Atlantoaxial Joint Synovial Cyst: A Case Report Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia Farouk Hajhouji / Morocco Uros Maver, Lidija Gradisnik Mehdi Laghmari, Khalid Aniba, Mohamed Lmejjati, Houssine Ghannane, Said Aitbenali EP-0255 Biomechanical Changes After Cervical Spinal Arthroplasty in Perspectives of Range of Motion, Disc Pressure, and Facet Strain EP-0269 Our Policy Regarding the Diagnosis and Management of Se Hoon Kim / South Korea Complicated Lumbar Disc Hernias (Failed Back Surgery Bum Joon Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, Sung Won Jin, Won Hyung Kim, Syndrome) Dong Jun Lim, Sang Dae Kim, Sung Kon Ha, Yong Soo Jeong Moisa Horatiu Alexandru / Romania Mohan Dumitru, David George, Iacob Gabriel, Ciurea Alexandru Vlad EP-0256 Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization Versus Minimally Invasive Lumbar Arthrodesis: Experience of the Military Area Hospital of EP-0270 Clinical Result of Utilization of Image-Guided and Navigation- São Paulo - HMASP Assisted Method for Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Disk Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Herniation Surgery Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Daniel De Araújo Paz, Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Thais Marques Da Silva, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota, Anton Nazarenko, Dmitry Asyutin, Roman Onoprienko, Vasilyi Korolishin, Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca Islam Cherkiev, Maria Martynova, Bahromhon Zakirov, Stanislav Timonin, Artur Pogosyan, Albert Batyrov, Stanislav Kaprovoy EP-0257 Anterior Cervical Approach in Degenerative, Traumatic, Tumoral and Infection Disease EP-0271 Modi ed S1 Transpedicular Screw Entry Point in Closed Gilberto Gardea Loera / Mexico Posterior Superior Iliac Spine Yessica Hernández González, Ana Verónica Flores Nava Yahya Guvenc / Turkey Erkan Kaptanoğlu, Halil Ibrahim Acar, Ayhan Comert, Eray Atli, EP-0258 360° Stabilization in Cervical Spine Süleyman Tuna Karahan, Ibrahim Tekdemir Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Valeriy Olkhov, Volodymyr Kyrychenko, Oleksiy Stoliarenko EP-0272 Chiari Malformation I: Is It a Nature’s Protective ‘Air-Bag’? Atul Goel / India EP-0259 Microscopic Unilateral Approach for Bilateral Decompression of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis EP-0273 Cervical Microdiscectomy Surgical Technique: Anterior Hulagu Kaptan / Turkey Approach vs Posterior Approach Safak Ozyoruk Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Valeriy Olkhov, Oleksiy Stoliarenko EP-0260 Minimal Invasive Surgery in Lumbar Canal Stenosis Mohammad Ahmad Altarawneh / Jordan EP-0274 Posterior Occipital Condyle Screw Trajectories Taher Omran Janbek, Abdelhalim Zedan Albqour Antonio Bernardo / United States Salazar Jones, Alexander Ian Evins, Philip E Stieg

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EP-0275 Endoscopic Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy Using Newly EP-0288 Minimally Invasive Direct Thoracic Interbody Fusion (MIS-DTIF): WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Designed Large Bore Endoscope. (8.4 mm of Outer Diameter Technical Notes of a Single Surgeon Study and 5.7 mm of Working Channel) Hamid R Abbasi / United States Daewon Joh / South Korea Ali B Abbasi Jungtae Oh, Geun Chang Kim, Dong Keun Kim EP-0289 Assessment and Outcome of VITOM Micro-Discectomy in EP-0276 Clinical Results of Endoscopic Microdiscectomy in Lumbar Disc Prolapse Intervertebral Disc Hernias of Lumbar Spine Division Aftab Younus / South Africa Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov / Uzbekistan Mohammad Hamza Aftab, Abdirashid Aden Sattarov Alisher Rakhimovich, Aziz Rakhmatov Mirzakarimovich EP-0290 Cervical Arthroplasty: Military Area Hospital of São Paulo – EP-0277 Flexible “Chip-on-the-Tip” Endoscopy for Surgical Treatment of HMASP Experience Spinal Arachnoiditis and Arachnoid Cysts Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Artem Gushcha / Russia Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Alexey Kashcheev Thais Marques Da Silva, Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Hugo Correa Schiavini, Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, EP-0278 Endoscopic Epidural Adhesiolysis - A Long Term Review of the Romulo Almino de Alencar Arrais Mota Method as a Means to Avoid Surgery Stefanos D Pichas / Greece EP-0291 Anterior Approach to the Thoracolumbar Spine: A 15-Year, Dimitrios Papadakos, Christos Katsiafas Single-Center Experience Atef Ben Nsir / Brazil EP-0279 Surgical Treatment of Patients with Spinal Hydatid Cysts of the Mohamed Kilani, Abdelhafi dh Slimane, Mohamed Chabaane, Spine Mehdi Darmoul, Nejib Hattab Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov / Uzbekistan Adkham Akhmedovich Boysunov EP-0292 Endoscopic Osteotomic Laminotomy in Spinal Stenosis and Herniated Nucleous Pulposus Patients: Techniques and Early EP-0280 Microsurgical Management of Thoracic Disc Herniations, Outcomes Neurological and Anatomical Challenging Levels Daewon Joh / South Korea Hadi Kasbkar / Iran Jungtae Oh, Geun Chang Kim, Dong Keun Kim Guive Sharifi , Naderafshar Fereydounian EP-0293 Alternative Fixation Point in Occipitocervical Stabilization: EP-0281 Insights into the Past and Future of Atlantoaxial Stabilization Occipital Condyle Screw. Review of the Literature Techniques Mariagrazia Dibenedetto / Italy Minou Behboudi / Canada Norbert Wąsik, Nabeel Alshafai Agnieszka Kram, Nabeel S Alshafai EP-0294 Patient Tailored Lumbar Spine Surgery EP-0282 Conventional Lumbar Arthrodesis Versus Dynamic Stabilization Khalid Siddiqui / Saudi Arabia of the Lumbar Spine: Experience of the Military Hospital of São Paulo Area - HMASP EP-0295 Minimal Invasive Percutaneous Endoscopic Interlaminar Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Decompression in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Alexandre Pingarilho Rezende, Daniel De Araújo Paz, A Retrospective Study Thais Marques Da Silva, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota, Müge Dolgun / Turkey Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca Ali Güven Yörükoğlu, Ilyas Dolaş, Çetin Genç, Pulat Akın Sabancı, Aydın Aydoseli, Yavuz Aras, Altay Sencer EP-0283 Distraction and Repositioning of the Atlatoaxial Joints for Atlantoaxial Dislocation and Basilar Invagination from an EP-0296 The Concept of MISS in Lumbar Spine Radiculopathy: 18-Years Anterior Extrapharyngeal Approach: Novel Concept Experience Sushil Vasant Patkar / India Omar Yusef Hammad / Egypt

EP-0284 Lumbar Fusion in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Case Report and EP-0297 Treatment of Late Post-Operative Haematoma Following Review of the Literature Anterior Lumbar Spinal Surgery Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Jeremy Varuna Rajadurai / Australia Daniel De Araujo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Renata Abraszko, Ganeshwaran Shivapathasundram Thais Marques Da Silva, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota, Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca EP-0298 Percutaneous Endoscopic Foraminal Decompression for Persistent Radiculopathic Leg Pain for Foraminal Stenosis with EP-0285 Retroperitoneal Extrapleural Approach for Corpectomy of the Multiple Vertebral Compression Fracture First Lumbar Vertebra: Technique and Outcome Chang Il Ju / South Korea Ihab Zidan / Egypt Seung Myung Lee, Seok Won Kim, Hee Sun Wang Ahmed Farhoud, Wael Khedr, Ahmed Fayed EP-0299 Lumbar Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery - MISS: Military Area EP-0286 Posterior Fixation for Craniocervical Region Instability Using Hospital of São Paulo – HMASP Experience Screw-Rod Technique Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Mohamed Karamalla Farhoud / Egypt Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Yaser Mahmoud El Banna, Osama Saad Abdel Aziz, Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Hugo Correa Schiavini, Hisham Adel Abu El Einen Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota

EP-0287 Craniocervical Fusion in Occipito-Atlanto-Axial Instability due EP-0300 The Value of MISS in Double Level Lumbar Spine Radiculopathy to Rheumatoid Arthritis: Case Report Omar Yusef Hammad / Egypt Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz / Turkey Ömer Burak Eriçek

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EP-0301 Management of Atlanto-Axial Posterolateral Dislocation EP-0315 Withdrawn XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Associated with a Type II Displaced Odontoid Fracture Félix Kossi Kouma Segbedji / Morocco EP-0316 Accuracy of Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Insertion in Spinal A.alëna Nubukpo Guménu, Mohammed Benzagmout, Khalid Chakour, Fixation of Traumatic Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Fractures Mohammed El Faiz Chaoui Tamer Orief / United Arab Emirates Mohammad Alfawareh, Mohammad Halawani, Walid Attia, Khaled Almusrea EP-0302 Two-Year Results of NUBAC™ Disk Arthroplasty System Implanted for the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: Baskent EP-0317 Our Experiences in Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment in Experience Vertebral Metastases Fikret Şahintürk / Turkey Serkan Civlan / Turkey Erkin Sönmez, Serhat Cömert, Engin Fidancı, Mehmet Nur Altınörs Murat Kocaoğlu, Eyüp Baykara, Yakup Ozan Türkmenoğlu, Barış Albuz, Burak Eral, Yücel Doğruel, Selçuk Göçmen, Mehmet Erdal Coşkun EP-0303 Basilar Invagination with Atlantoaxial Dislocation in a 5 Year- Old Child: Case Report EP-0318 Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equina Dermoid cysts Discovered Kadir Oktay / Turkey at Surgery (2 Cases) Ke Mazhar Ozsoy, Nuri Eralp Cetinalp, Umit Akin Dere, Murat Arslan, Geoff rey Jeane Ndekha / Morocco Tahsin Erman Khalid Chakour

EP-0304 Economic Performance of Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody EP-0319 Lumbar Spinal Epidural Angiolipoma Mimicking a Discal Fusion (OLLIF) with a Focus on Hospital Throughput E ciency Herniation Hamid R Abbasi / United States Mouna Rkhami / Tunisia Christopher Murphy Bilel Loukil, Mohamed Znazen, Alia Zehani, Ihsen Zammel

EP-0305 Spinal Cord Herniation: Proposal for a New Surgical Procedure EP-0320 Giant Toracic Neurinoma in Arena Watch Lyes Rabia / Algeria Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo / Mexico Omar Mohamed Sahnoun, Djouher Bouali, Abdel Madjid Meliani Alejandro Ceja Espinosa, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Leonel Alejandro Zayas Martinez, Jorge Ortega Espino, EP-0306 Discectomy vs Sequestrectomy: Do We Really Need to Take the Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes Disc Out? Stefanos D Pichas / Greece EP-0321 Epidermoid Cyst of Conus Medullaris: Two Cases Report Ioannis Katsiafas, Dimitrios Papadakos, Christos Katsiafas Murat Cobanoglu / Turkey Yahya Guvenc, Ferhat Harman, Erkan Kaptanoglu EP-0307 Late Results of Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Nerves Gunshot Injuries EP-0322 Pediatric Extradural Thoracic Schwannoma: A Rare Case Report Igor Yurievich Kyrpa / Ukraine Güven Gürsoy / Turkey Yuriy Ivanovich Kyrpa, Andriy Grigorovich Sirko Ali Özcan Binatlı, Muhammet Bahadır Yılmaz

EP-0308 Adjacent Cortico- Cancellous Bone Graft in Anterior Cervical EP-0323 Spinal Extradural Angiolipoma Manifested After Normal Fusion - A New Technique Vaginal Delivery: A Case Report Jutty Chandra Parthiban / India Moayad Moawia Zain Elabdin Ahmed / Sudan Zakaria Ibrahim Mohammed EP-0309 Comparisons of Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy Versus Microendoscopic Discectomy EP-0324 Agressive Osteoblastoma of the Cervical Spine: A Case Report (Destandau’s Technique) -For Lumbar Disc Herniation Mouna Rkhami / Tunisia Mohammad Hoassain / Bangladesh Jalel Kallel, Bilel Loukil, Alia Zehani, Ihsen Zemmal

EP-0310 Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release EP-0325 Bifocal Spinal Cord Intramedullary Cavernous Malformations: Valeriy Olkhov / Ukraine Case Report and Literature Review Iurii Chyrka, Kostyantyn Horbatyuk Fortuné Gbètoho Gankpé / Morocco Geoff rey Ndekha, Mohammed Benzagmout, Khalid Chakour, EP-0311 Posterior Laminoforaminotomy in the Treatment of Lateral Mohammed El Faiz Chaoui Cervical Herniated Disc and Foraminal Stenosis Hakan Yilmaz / Turkey EP-0326 Spinal Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma in a Pregnant Woman Aliriza Ertürk, Ayşe Karataş Demirciler, Ibrahim Burak Atci, Alaattin Yurt (A Case Report) Abdelhakim Lakhdar / Morocco EP-0312 Conventional Lumbar Arthrodesis Versus Minimally Invasive Lumbar Adil Maati, Anas Bennis, Khadija Ibahioin, Said Salmi, Abdessamad El Azhari Arthrodesis: Experience of the Military Area Hospital of São Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil EP-0327 Arachnoiditis After Lumbosacral Mixopapillary Ependymoma Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Thais Marques Da Silva, Tumor Resection Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Hugo Correa Schiavini, Keyhan Esmaeel Pour / Iran Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, Romulo Almino de Alencar Arrais Mota Tohid Emami Meybodi, Farshid Arbabi, Guive Sharifi , Hasan Ghandehari

EP-0313 Anterolateral Approach for Unstable Lumbar Burst Fracture EP-0328 Uncommon Intradural-Extramedullary Lesions Removed by with Anterior Compression Uniportal Minimally Invasive Technique. Clinical and Islam Alaghory / Egypt Radiological Results. An Study with 24 Months of Follow Up Wael Hammad, Mohammed Barania Carlos Fernando Arias Pesántez / Ecuador

EP-0314 Analysis of Clinical Result in Three Di erent Route of EP-0329 Image-Guided and Navigation-Assisted Surgery for Primary Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Discectomy and Metastatic Tumors of the Spine Approach for Lumbar Herniated Disc Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Farid Yudoyono / South Korea Anton Nazarenko, Dmitry Asyutin, Roman Onoprienko, Vasilyi Korolishin, Kim Hyeun Sung, Jang Jee Soo, Jeong Hoon Choi, Sung Kyun Chung, Bahromhon Zakirov, Islam Cherkiev, Artur Pogosyan, Stanislav Timonin, Kim Jeong Hoon, Tae Jang Il, Seong Hoon Oh, Sol Lee Maria Martynova, Stanislav Kaprovoy

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EP-0330 A Rare Case of Cervical Epidural Extramedullary Plasmacytoma EP-0343 Idiopathic Epidural Lipomatosis: A Rare Cause of Cauda Equina WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Presenting with Monoparesis Syndrome Ibrahim Burak Atcı / Turkey Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Okan Türk, Hakan Yılmaz, Mustafa Yavuz Samancı, Salim Katar, Hela Mnakri, Kamel Bahri, Jalel Kallel, Ihsen Zammel Nuriye Güzin Özdemir, Veysel Antar, Oğuz Baran, Buket Bambul Sıgırcı EP-0344 Isolated Intramedullary Spinal Rosai-Dorfman Disease: A Case EP-0331 Calci ed Anterior Spinal Tumour Managed from a Posterior Report and Literature Review Approach and Use of Ultrasound as a Tool to Asses Surgical Hailong Liu / China Resection Boyuan Huang, Yanming Qu, Chunjiang Yu Ravindran Vashu / Malaysia Sim Sze Kiat EP-0345 Neuromonitoring During Spine Surgery, Almaty (Kazakhstan) Experience EP-0332 Primary Epidermoid Cyst of the Cauda Equina a Case Report Aida Zhaylaubaeva / Kazakhstan Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Ermek Dusembekov, Marat Aliev, Zhulduz Sadykova, Darhan Mustafi nov Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Firas Jarraya, Yessine Gdoura EP-0346 Sensitivity and Speci city of “Mini Brain” Image Pattern to Diagnose Multiple Myeloma and Plasmocytoma EP-0333 Spinal Extradural Arachnoid Cyst Matheus Fernandes Oliveira / Brazil Chun Lin Lee / Malaysia Ulysses Oliveira Souza, Lindolfo Carlos Heringer, Jose Marcus Rotta, Jason Raj Raj Ricardo Vieira Botelho

EP-0334 Spinal Chordoma of the Filum Terminale: Case Report EP-0347 Vertebroblasty in Metastatic Thoracolumbar Spine Disease Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Regarding Pain Relief Hela Mnakri, Maher Ben Salem, Kamel Bahri, Mouna Rkhami, Ihsen Zammel Ahmed Assem Abdelkhalek / Egypt Ashraf Ahmed Elzarief EP-0335 De ning the Nature: How Can a Benign Spinal Schwannoma Transform into a Malignant Deadly Disease? EP-0348 Prognostic Factors A ecting Surgical Outcomes of Cervical Atef Ben Nsir / Tunisia Spinal Cord Ependymomas Mohamed Kilani, Bilel Loukil, Mohamed Chabaane, Abdelhafi dh Slimane, Mahmoud Mohamed Wahdan / Egypt Mehdi Darmoul, Nejib Hattab Mehmet Zileli

EP-0336 Extramedullary Hematopoiesis: An Unusual Cause of Spinal EP-0349 Epidemiological Characterization of Vertebral Metastasis in a Cord Compression Reference Hospital in Neurosurgery Atef Ben Nsir / Tunisia Amauri Pereira Silva Filho / Brazil Mohamed Kilani, Maher Hadhri, Souhaiel Khalfaoui, Mehdi Sfi na, Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Euliny Santos Santana, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino, Nejib Hattab Ana Luísa Castelo Branco Gomes, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Lais de Albuquerque Vasconcelos, Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes, EP-0337 Surgical Treatment Outcomes of Cervical Ependymoma: Paulo Henrique do Ó Gayoso Meira, Gustavo Fernandes Alencar, Experience of 12 Cases Erica de Carvalho Bandeira, Anne Jamille Ribeiro Sampaio Anas Abdallah / Turkey Lütfi Şinasi Postalcı, Müslüm Güneş, Erhan Emel, Ali Ender Ofl uoğlu, EP-0350 Solitary Plexiform Neuro broma of the Lumbar Spine: A Case Murad Asiltürk, Özden Erhan Ofl uoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah Report Fatos Olldashi / Albania EP-0338 Enhanced Patient Safety in Spinal Surgeries, Understanding the Irgen Vrenos Hodaj Cutting Edge Neurophysiology Modalities Muhammad Tariq Imtiaz / Saudi Arabia EP-0351 Late Posterior Stabilization of a Patient with Ewing Sarcoma of Mahmoud Al. Yamany, Yasser Orz, Maqsood Ahmed, Khaled Al. Musrea, First Thoracic Vertebra Waleed Attia, Muaz Al Ghadir, Ayman Al. Banyan Hakan Simsek / Turkey Emre Zorlu, Bulent Düz EP-0339 Multiple Cervical Neuro bromas with Myelopathy in a Patient with Neuro bromatosis Type 1 A Case Study, Technical Note EP-0352 Surgical Treatment of Spinal Cord Intramedullary Tumors in and Review of the Literature Adult Ashwag Alqurashi / Saudi Arabia Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Soha Alomar, Saleh Baeesa Ivan Shevelev, Igor Pronin, Yury Kushel, Andrei Golanov, Anton Nazarenko, Petr Zelenkov, Roman Onoprienko, Dmitry Asyutin, Vasilyi Korolishin, EP-0340 Spinal Cord Compression in Multiple Myeloma: Seven Case- Stanislav Timonin, Stanislav Kaprovoy Reports and Review of Literature Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia EP-0353 Schwannomatosis of Lumbar Spine Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Firas Jarraya, Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Yessine Gdoura Muharrem Furkan Yuzbasi, Safak Ozyoruk, Ayca Ersen Danyeli, Resat Serhat Erbayraktar EP-0341 Relapsed Intramedullary Epidermoid Cyst: Case Report and Literature Review EP-0354 First Report of Intradural Extramedullary Capillary Mohamed Safouane Benachour / Algeria Hemangioma in the Upper Cervical Spine Farid Bouchenaki, Karim Boustil, Nouha Hamrouche, M’hmed Nadji, Sofi ene Bouali / Tunisia Zarinah Shabhay, Kamel Bouaita Nidhal Maatar, Asma Bouhoula, Khansa Abderrahmen, Adnen Boubaker, Jalel Kallel, Hafedh Jemel EP-0342 Epidural Lumbar Hematoma Revealing a Primary Spinal Burkitt’s Lymphoma EP-0355 Giant Intra-Thoracic Schwannoma: About 2 Cases Mohammed Yassaad Oudrhiri / Morocco Alena Ameyo Nubukpo Gumenu / Morocco Nabil Adio Moussé, Franck Kouakou, Loubna Rifi , Adyl Melhaoui, K. K. Felix Segbedji, Imane Staouni Benabdellah, Mohammed Benzagmout, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Yasser Arkha, Abdessamad El Ouahabi Kalid Chakour, El Faiz Mohammed Chaoui

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EP-0356 Our Experience Use of Percutaneous Puncture Vertebroplasty EP-0371 Purely Extradural Spinal Meningiomas - Diagnostic Dilemmas XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery for Multiple Vertebral Body Damages and Treatment Options Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov / Uzbekistan Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Azizjon Orzikulovich Kobilov Atef Ben Nsir, Maher Hadhri, Souhail Khalfaoui, Mehdi Darmoul, Mohamed Nejib Hattab EP-0357 Unilateral Approaches for the Removal of Spinal Intradural Tumors: Review and Proposed Classi cation EP-0372 Spinal Canal Meningiomas (Management of 33 Cases) Naci Balak / Turkey Mohammed Yassine Haouas / Morocco Anna Prajsnar Borak Aboubakar Camara, Ibrahima Jene Caba, Abdelmajid Chellaoui, Abdrezzak Bertal, Said Hilmani, Khadija Ibahioin, Abdelhakim Lakhdar, EP-0358 Spinal Tumors: Surgical Particularities Abdessamad Naja, Abdessamad El Azhari Abderrahmane Sidi Said / Algeria Sabrina Bachir, Ibrahim Assoumane, Mounir El Zekri EP-0373 Pedicular Subtraction Osteotomy of Thoracic Spine for Sagittal Imbalance Correction After Multiple Myeloma: Case Report EP-0359 A Case of Sacral Myxopapillary Ependymoma, Which was Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Initially Diagnosed as a Chordoma Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Hakan Simsek / Turkey Thais Marques Da Silva, Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Bulent Düz Hugo Correa Schiavini, Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota EP-0360 Intra-Extradural and Intra-Extramedullary Lumbar Ependymoma Case EP-0374 Archnoid and Cyst Hydatic Collision Ilker Solmaz / Turkey Gökmen Yapali / Turkey Yunus Kacar, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Royal Mehtiyev, Hayriye Alp, Fatma Erdeo Cahit Kural, Ozkan Tehli, Nail Caglar Temiz, Yusuf Izci EP-0375 Surgical Management of Sacrococcygeal Chordomas Assisted EP-0361 Results of Surgical Treatment of Spinal Cavernous by Temporary Transcatheter Balloon Occlusion of the Malformations Abdominal Aorta Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Jiagang Liu / China Igor Pronin, Dmitry Asyutin, Natalia Dzybanova, Roman Onoprienko, Siqing Huang Vasilyi Korolishin, Maria Martynova, Bahromhon Zakirov, Stanislav Timonin, Stanislav Kaprovoy EP-0376 Lumbar Spine Osteoblastoma: Radio-Guided Surgery Assoumane Issa Ibrahim / Algeria EP-0362 Spinal Trauma in the Etiopathogenesis of Progressive Vertebral Fatma Zohra Bendib, Muneer Al Zekri, Salahedine Bouyoucef, Hemangioma Aberahmane Sidi Said Emre Ünal / Turkey Kaya Kilic EP-0377 Aggresive Vertebral Hemangioma of the Thoracic Spine Berk Benek / Turkey EP-0363 Thoracic Schwannoma with Pleural Extension Murat Aydın, Emrah Akçay, Tahsin Ülgen, Ismail Akkol, Alaattin Yurt Yunus Kacar / Turkey Ilker Solmaz, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Royal Mehtiyev EP-0378 Dorsal Spine Giant Cell Tumor with Paraplegia: A Case Report Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh EP-0364 Management of Upper Cervical, Intradural-Extra Medullary Akhlaque Hossain Khan, Kanak Kanti Barua (ID-EM) Spinal Cord Tumors: Treatment and Special Di culties Chitti Mohamed / Algeria EP-0379 Cervical Spinal Cord Compression and Demyelinating Neuropathy Complicating Neuro bromatosis Type 1: A Case EP-0365 Spinal Tumors: Retrospective Review of 19 Cases Report Abderrahmane Sidi Said / Algeria Patrice Nday Ntenga / Senegal Kamadore Touré, Marcellin Bugeme, Daniel Gams Massi, EP-0366 Cervical Chordoma Mimicking a Pott Abscess Yannick Fongang Fogoum, Moustapha Ndiaye, Davis Mpando / Morocco Mouhamadou Mansour Ndiaye Khalid Aniba, S.ait Benali EP-0380 Spinal Cord Injuries without Visible Bone Lesions: Analysis of EP-0367 Combined Evaluation of Results of Spine Metastasis Surgery in Five Consecutive Cases Stage of Wide Spread of Cancer Metastasis Sarah Ntshindj Mutomb / Senegal Nikolay Konovalov / Russia Magatte Gaye, N’famara Sylla, Elhadji Ibrahim Fondo, Sagar Diop, Anton Nazarenko, Dmitry Asyutin, Roman Onoprienko, Vasilyi Korolishin, Alvin Nah Doe, Mouhamadou Habib Sy, Youssoupha Sakho Bahromhon Zakirov, Islam Cherkiev, Artur Pogosyan, Stanislav Timonin, Maria Martynova, Stanislav Kaprovoy EP-0381 Spinal Stab Wounds: Our Experience About 24 Cases Amadou Hassane Ali / Morocco EP-0368 Laminoplasty in the Management of Paediatric Metastatic Mohammed Benzagmout, Khalid Chakour, Mohamed El Faiz Chaoui Neuroblastoma of the Spine Ravindran Vashu / Malaysia EP-0382 E ectiveness of Balloon Kyphoplasty in Osteoporotic Patients Giulio Anichini, Mazhar Iqbal, Hugh Bishop, Prahnesh Bhatt with Spontaneous Vertebral Compression Fractures Atilla Kırcelli / Turkey EP-0369 Primary Bone Tumors of the Spine: A Clinical Analysis of 20 Patients Emre Demirçay, Ömer Özel, Ilker Çöven Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Atef Ben Nsir, Marwa Zemmeli, Maher Hadhri, Mehdi Darmoul, EP-0383 Comparison of Long Term Results of Posterior and Mohamed Nejib Hattab Circumferential Stabilisation of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures Murat Korkmaz / Turkey EP-0370 A Rare Presentation of Concomitant Cervical Myelopathy and Seymen Ozdemir, Arif Osun, Tamay Simsek, Utkun Unsal, Sacral Chordoma Mustafa Cerrahoglu, Cuneyt Temiz Sakthikanal Subramaniam / India Balasubramani Karuppannan

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EP-0384 Penetrating Spinal Injuries, Registration of Cases in Sohag EP-0398 Making Decision for Optimal Treatment Modality in WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES University Hospital, 2012 - 2016 Craniovertebral Junction Trauma Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt Vadim Bikmullin / Russia Roshdy Abdelaziz Elkhayat Victor Rudenko, Igor Pudovkin

EP-0385 Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation in Childhood EP-0399 Delayed and Neglected Presentation of Cervical Spine Injuries: Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz / Turkey Surgical Results of 18 Cases Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu, Erol Akgül, Sebahattin Hacıyakuoğlu Hajar Bechri / Morocco Sidi Mamoun Louraoui, Mohamed Ibrahimi, Claire Karekezi, EP-0386 Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: A First Line Treatment in Nizare El Fatemi, Moulay Rachid El Maaqili Traumatic Non-Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures Hossam Elnoamany / Egypt EP-0400 Anterior Single Odontoid Screw Placement for Type Ii Odontoid Fractures: Our Modi ed Surgical Technique and Initial Results in EP-0387 Multilevel Kyphoplasty: 8 Years of Followup a Cohort Study of 15 Patients Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Sunil Munakomi / Nepal Nikos Konsolakis, Ioannis Katsiafas, Dimitrios Papadakos Binod Bhattarai

EP-0388 Management of Thoracolumbar Fractures: 5 Years Experience EP-0401 Missile Injury to the Spine Surgical Outcome and Prognosis after WFNS Training Programme Ali Hikmat Aziz / Iraq Quenum Kouassi Jean Marie Maurin Kisito / Benin Quenum Hountondji Toyifi a Bernice, Fatigba Olatundji Holden, EP-0402 Outcomes of Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion with Using Quenum Coucou Gildas, Gnangnon T. Albert Threaded Cylindrical Titanium Cage Vadim Bikmullin / Russia EP-0389 E cacy and Outcome of Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Victor Rudenko Stem Cells in Acute Complete Spinal Cord Injury- A Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial EP-0403 Acute Atlantoaxial Rotary Subluxation in a Child Renu Saini / India Saib Abdelaziz / Algeria Deepak Agrawal Aboudjabel Mohamed, Melbouci Mohamada, Khabil Tarek, Kacimi Azeddine EP-0390 Hibrid Surgery with an Intraarterial Stent Held Ready to Use During Thoracic Screw Replacement - A Case Report EP-0404 3D CT Guided Cervical Spine Injection for Severe Post Attila Josvai / Hungary Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Induced Chronic Neuropathic Pain András Csókay, Márta Jäckel and Spasticity Avinash Haridas / India EP-0391 Gunshot and Shrapnel Injuries of Spine During Syrian Civil War Ismail Kaya / Turkey EP-0405 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery + Kyphoplasty for Lumbar Fracture Murat Ugur, Ceren Kizmazoglu, Hasan Emre Aydin, Orhan Kalemci, Correction After Trauma in a Military Parachutist: Case Report Nurullah Yuceer Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, EP-0392 From Paraspinal Hematoma to an Extensive Spinal Epidural Daniel De Araújo Paz, Thais Marques Da Silva, Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Abscess in a Child: How a Mild Lumbar Trauma may Lead to a Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca Devastating Condition Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia EP-0406 Treatment of Occipital Condyle Fractures Atef Ben Nsir, Souhail Khalfaoui, Maher Hadhri, Mehdi Darmoul, Dogan Gucluhan Guclu / Turkey Mohamed Nejib Hattab Musa Çırak, Engin Ozar

EP-0393 Posterior Approach in Traumatic Thoracic and Thoracolumbar EP-0407 Expediency of Minimally Invasive Stabilization in Thoracic and Spondyloptosis Lumbar Regions Injury Mehmet Seçer / Turkey Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Kadir Çınar, Murat Ulutaş, Oğuz Durmuş Karayon Valeriy Olkhov, Volodymyr Kyrychenko, Oleksiy Stoliyarenko

EP-0394 E ects of Neuroprotective of O-Desulfate Heparin in Acute EP-0408 Evaluation of E cacy of Percutaneous Screw Stabilization of Spinal Cord Injury: An Experimental Study Unstable Fractures for Thoraco-Lumbar Spine Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz / Turkey Aftab Younus / South Africa Serkan Diril, Leman Sencar, Tahsin Erman, Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu, Sait Polat Toffi Nakale, Mohammad Hamza Aftab

EP-0395 Spinal Subdural Hematoma After Lumbar Puncture for EP-0409 Complications at Transpedicular Fixation of the Thoracic and Intrathecal Chemotherapy. A Case Report Lumbar Part of the Spine Column Gédeon Colin Thouassa / Morocco Saydullo Sharifbaev Abdullaevich / Uzbekistan Khalid Aniba, Mohamed Lmejjati, Houssine Ghannane, Said Ait Benali Zuhriddin Ashurov Imamalievich, Adham Ismailov Ilkhamovich, Ulugbek Khaydarov Abdullaevich, Obid Ismailov Abdullaevich EP-0396 Occipitocervical Trauma (Occ/C2) 2010- 2015: Clinical and Radiological Outcome EP-0410 Retrospective Analysis of a Case Series of Patients with Pablo Vela / Colombia Traumatic Injuries to the Craniocervical Junction Edgardo Sanz, Mauricio Cadavid, Adriana Paez, Ivan Herrera, Franklin Perez, Luiz Adriano Esteves / Brazil Carlos Tellez Andrei Fernandes Joaquim, Helder Tedeschi, Enrico Ghizoni, Marcelo Valadares, Bruno Bogea, Marcelo Campos Moraes Amato, EP-0397 Vertebral Augmentation by Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty: 8 André Tosta Ribeiro Years Experience Outcomes and Complications Kaan Yaltirik / Turkey EP-0411 Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw Fixation in Thoracolumbar Ahmed Ashour, Conner Reis, Selçuk Özdoğan, Başar Atalay Traumatic Fractures: 1-Year Follow-Up Results Grigore Zapuhlih / Moldova Ion Preguza, Alexandru Bostan, Petru Cojocaru

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EP-0412 Prognosis of the Spinal Cord Injury in the Patients with Cervical EP-0426 The E ects of Crosslinked High Moleculer Weight Hyaluronic XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Canal Stenosis: Evaluation of 15 Consecutive Cases Acid on Perineural Scar Formation After Peripheral Nerve Burak Eren / Turkey Surgery Eyup Cetin, Azmi Tufan, Feyza Karagoz Guzey, Ilker Gulec, Ahmet Karaoglu / Turkey Ozgur Yusuf Aktas, Ebru Doruk, Abdurrahim Tas, Mustafa Vatansever Seref Dogan, Mevlut Ozgur Taskapılıoglu, Sahsine Tolunay, Nesrin Ugras

EP-0413 Surgery for Fractures of the Odontoid Process C2 EP-0427 Missed and Iatrogenic Nerve Injuries - Importance of Clinical Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Examination. Case Reports Valeriy Olkhov, Oleksandr Lemeshov Derya Burcu Hazer Rosberg / Turkey Anette Chemnitz, Lars B Dahlin, Hans Eric Rosberg EP-0414 A Rare Injury - Even Rarer Presentation Pragnesh Bhatt / United Kingdom EP-0428 Recovery Period Following Nerve Transfer and Grafting in Mazhar Iqbal, Arnab Rana Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries Mohamed Elsayed Elsebaey / Egypt EP-0415 Experience of a Single Center with 472 Vertebral Augmentation Ayman Elsayed Galhom Surgery in 356 Patients Fikret Şahintürk / Turkey EP-0429 Neurorrhaphy Results After Traumatic Nerve Injury Yasin Yetişyiğit, Mehmet Nur Altınörs, Erkin Sönmez, Serhat Cömert, Valeriy Olkhov / Ukraine Cem Yılmaz, Salih Gülşen Iurii Chyrka, Lemeshov Alex, Stoliarenko Oleksiy

EP-0416 Stabilization of the Thoraco-Lumbar Segment of the Spine. EP-0430 E ects of Topically Administered Contractubex on Epidural Long or Short Construction? Fibrosis and Axonal Regeneration in Damaged Rat Sciatic Nerve Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Rafet Özay / Turkey Valeriy Olkhov, Volodymyr Kyrychenko, Dmitro Maystruk Mehmet Serdar Balkan, Abit Aktaş, Umut Doğu Aktürk, Osman Behzat Burak Esener, Tülin Aktürk, Şahin Hanalioğlu, Cem Atabey, EP-0417 Modi ed Transpedicular Approach for Treatment of Severe Zeki Şekerci Thoraco-Lumbar Burst Fractures: A Technical Note Sim Khairun Nabi Khan / Bangladesh EP-0431 Results of the Open Carpal Tunnel Release in Elderly People Ruhul Kuddus Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed Saro / Egypt

EP-0418 Application of Di usion Tensor Imaging in the Prognosis of EP-0432 Femoral Nerve Schwannoma Misdiagnosed as an Inguinal Outcome After Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Herniation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Tomasz Tykocki / Poland Coulibaly Oumar / France Marcin Czyż Salloum Charles, Canton Yannick, Cherif Mohamed, Cardarelli Monia, Mortada Jihad, Srour Robin EP-0419 Is Trauma an Etiological or Prognostic Factor in Adolescent Peroneal Intraneural Ganglion Cysts? A Case Report EP-0433 Histopathological E ects of Tissue Adhesives on Regeneration Nese Keser / Turkey After Peripheral Nerve Transection: An Experimental Study Pinar Akpinar, Ali Borekci, Ilknur Aktas Idiris Altun / Turkey Kasım Zafer Yüksel EP-0420 E ects of Local and Systemic Application of Erythropoietin After Transection and Crush Type Peripheral Nerve Injuries EP-0434 Spontaneous Regression of the Herniated Lumbar Disc: Clinical Idiris Altun / Turkey and Imaging Predictors Kasım Zafer Yüksel Ahmed Elsayed Sultan / Egypt Doaa Mokhtar Emara, Amr Hamdy Olwany, Wael Mahmoud Khedr, EP-0421 Surgical Strategies in Treatment of Brachial Plexus Traction Alaa Elnagaar Injuries: Class I Evidence Based Choice or Matter of Intraoperative Findings and Experience EP-0435 Our Experience of Surgical Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Lukas Rasulic / Serbia Syndrome with Osteochondrosis of the Lumbar Division Andrija Savic Sokhib Saidmurodovich Saidov / Uzbekistan

EP-0422 Brachial Plexus Surgery: Lessons Learned within 25 Years of EP-0436 Extraordinary Complication After Lumbar Discectomy and CSF Practice Leakage - Epileptic Seizure Lukas Rasulic / Serbia Ismail Bozkurt / Turkey Andrija Savic Atilla Kazanci, Oktay Gurcan, Ahmet Gurhan Gurcay, Hesna Bektas, Murad Bavbek EP-0423 Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injury-My Experiences Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh EP-0437 Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Ehsan Mahmood Krishna Nirmel / United States

EP-0424 Detection of Damage Brachial Plexus Using Intraoperative EP-0438 Cervical Spinal Canal Stenosis: A Rare Cause of Syringomyelia Neuromonitoring. Experience of Almaty (Kazakhstan) Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Zhulduz Sadykova / Kazakhstan Hadhami Dridi, Maher Ben Salem, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel Ermek Dusembekov, Alimhan Halimov, Aida Zhaylaubaeva, Alina Nikolaeva EP-0439 Tandem Spinal Stenosis: Experience at a Tertiary Care Center EP-0425 Epidemiology and Estimated Cost of Surgery for Cubital Sachin A Borkar / India Syndrome Conducted by the Uni ed Health System in Brazil Mansukh Sangani, Shashank Kale (2005-2015) Marcelo José Da Silva De Magalhães / Brazil EP-0440 What Di ers Between Lower and Upper Lumbar Disc Herniation? Gabriella Reis Silveira Barros Bernardes, Aline Dias Nunes, Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Denilson Procópio Castro, Luiza Bizarria Souza Oliveira, Emel Ece Özcan Ekşi, Baran Yılmaz, Zafer Orkun Toktaş, Veli Umut Turgut, Marcos Matheus Dias Basílio Mustafa Kemal Demir, Izzet Demirez, Deniz Konya

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EP-0441 Neurologic De cits and Odds for Recovery EP-0455 Vertebral Artery Loops in Surgical Perspective WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Nikolaos Konsolakis, Ioannis Katsiafas, Dimitrios Papadakos, Zafer Orkun Toktaş, Baran Yılmaz, Mustafa Kemal Demir, Christos Katsiafas, Kostas Mparkas, Evaggelos Papadopoulos Emel Ece Özcan Ekşi, Akın Akakın, Deniz Konya

EP-0442 Surgical Management of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy EP-0456 Unilateral Vision Loss without Ophthalmoplegia as a Rare Artem Gushcha / Russia Complication of Spinal Surgery: Case Report Elif Akpinar / Turkey EP-0443 Functional Outcomes of Surgical Treatment for Cervical Mehmet Sabri Gürbüz, Gülfi dan Bitirgen, Mehmet Özerk Okutan Myelopathy in Adults with Cerebral Palsy Sung Rae Cho / South Korea EP-0457 Transpedicular Screw in Degenerative Lumbosacral Spine Ha Ra Jeon, Eun Sook Park, Mingi Kim, Yoon Ha Disease - Surgical Outcome Osama Arim / Turkey EP-0444 Motion Preservation Surgery: Anterior Cervical Micro- Foraminotomy - A Technical Note EP-0458 Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Surgical Outcome of 150 Patients Ruhul Kuddus / Bangladesh Series Sim Khairun Nabi, Robert Ahmed Khan Muneer Al Zekri / Algeria Ibrahim Assoumane, Abderrahmane Sidi Said EP-0445 Surgical Treatment of Degenerative Cervical Spine Stenosis Abdurahmon U. Norov / Uzbekistan EP-0459 Di use Axonal Injury - An Underestimated Factor for Coma Zera Enverovna Arslanova Patients with Unpredictable Outcomes Stefanos D Pichas / Greece EP-0446 Epidemiological Characterization of the Cases of Pathological Dimitris Papadakos, Ioannis Katsiafas Fractures in a Tertiary Hospital Amauri Pereira Silva fi lho / Brazil EP-0460 Cyst of the Ligamentum Flavum -Reoort of Two Cases- Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, Ana Luisa Castelo Branco Gomes, Weon Heo / South Korea Ronaldo Barbosa De Farias Júnior, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Dae Neung Kim, Seong Hoon Lee Adysia Moreira Florentino Da Silva, Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite Celerino, Ayanne Alves De Oliveira, EP-0461 Multilevel Percutaneous Vertebroplasty (More than Three Anne Jamille Ribeiro Sampaio, Gustavo Fernandes De Alencar, Levels) in the Management of Osteoporotic Fractures Paulo Henrique Gayoso Do Ó Ihab Zidan / Egypt Ahmed Farhoud, Amr Elwany EP-0447 Coblation-Assisted Percutaneous Disc Decompression for Contained Lumbar Disc Protrusions. 15 Year Results of 400 EP-0462 Our Experience of the Facet Joints Radiofrequency Ablation Patients Tokhir M Akhmediev / Uzbekistan Sebastian Ludwig Gitter / Germany Sergey V Perfi lev, Maruf M Urinbaev, Maqsudjon M Matmusaev

EP-0448 Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: A 5-Year, Single- EP-0463 Lower Lumbar Disc Herniation with Contralateral Radicular Center Experience Syndrome Associated with Motor De cit Atef Ben Nsir / Tunisia Toma Sergiu / Moldova Mohamed Kilani, Souhaiel Khalfaoui, Ghassen Belkahla, Maher Hadhri, Sumleanschi Alexandru, Borodin Serghei, Eftodiev Eduard, Bodiu Aureliu Nejib Hattab EP-0464 Postoperative Discitis Identi cation and Management EP-0449 Use of Intraoperative Epidural Methylprednisolone in Lumbar Abdurahmon U. Norov / Uzbekistan Minimal Invasive Discectomy: A Randomized Study with Two- Zera Enverovna Arslanova Year Follow-Up Silvia Danu / Moldova EP-0465 Tandem Spinal Stenosis: Outcome of Surgically Treated Patients Adrian Danu, Grigore Zapuhlih Ribhav Pasricha / India Sachin Borkar, Manoj Phalak, Shashank Sharad Kale, EP-0450 A Female Patient with Leriche Syndrome Who Presented with Bhawani Shankar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Mahapatra the Symptoms of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Case Report Elif Akpinar / Turkey EP-0466 Cervical Disc Arthroplasty – Our Initial Experience Mehmet Sabri Gürbüz, Mehmet Özerk Okutan Pragnesh Bhatt / United Kingdom

EP-0451 Complication Avoidance in Acom Aneurysm Surgery; An Early EP-0467 Dysphagia After Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Interbody Experience of 16 Cases Fusion: Prospective Study with Follow-Up 1 Year Moshiur Rahman / Bangladesh Rene Opsenak / Slovakia Branislav Kolarovszki, Martin Benco, Juraj Sutovsky, Romana Richterova, EP-0452 Dynamic Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine: Analysis of a Series Pavol Snopko of 101 Patients Treated at São Paulo Military Area Hospital, Brazil Romulo Mota / Brazil EP-0468 Segmental Range of Motion Preservation After Dynamic Daniel Paz, Alexandre Pingarilho, Thais Silva, Rafael Loduca, Paulo Melo Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine in Military Patients: Analysis with Flexion- Extension CT EP-0453 Thoracic Myelopathy Caused by Ossi cation of the Romulo Mota / Brazil Ligamentum Flavum: A Report of 33 Cases Daniel Paz, Alexandre Pingarilho, Thais Silva, Rafael Loduca, Paulo Melo Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Atef Ben Nsir, Karim Ben Hamouda, Hafedh Jemel, Ihsen Zammel EP-0469 Tattoos in Neurosurgery - Are Those Relevant? Pragnesh Bhatt / United Kingdom EP-0454 Contribution of Circumferential Arthrodesis in Spondylolisthesis Surgery: Prospective Study of 70 Cases EP-0470 Pre and Postoperative Neck Pain in Patients with Cervical Djouheur Bouali / Algeria Spondylotic Myelopathy Treated by Cervical Laminectomy Abdelmadjid Meliani, Amina Mekhetich, Aissa Saadi, Abedelkader Habib, Ahmed Mohamed Zaatar / Egypt Adel Mati, Hadjer Triki

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EP-0471 Midterm Outcome of Thoracic Disc Herniations that were EP-0484 Comparison Suboccipital Pain, Range of Motion and Clinical XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Treated by Microdiscectomy with Bilateral Decompression via Outcome in Patients with Os Odontoideum and Non Os Unilateral Approach Odontoideum Treated with Atlantoaxial Fixation Yunus Aydın / Turkey Farid Yudoyono / South Korea Ismail Yüce, Okan Kahyaoglu, Halit Cavusoglu Hyun Dung Chon, Ji In Kang, Du Su Kim, Do Young Kim, Muhammad Zafrullah Arifi n, Rully Hanafi Dahlan, Dong Ah Shin, Seong Yi, EP-0472 The Dynamics of the Postoperative Period After Lumbar Do Heum Yoon, Keung Nyun Kim, Yoon Ha Microdiscectomies Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine EP-0485 Phantom Radiculopathy: Case Report Valeriy Olkhov, Vladimir Kirichenko, Yuriy Chyrka, Ivan Venckivskiy, Selçuk Özdoğan / Turkey Ruslana Dolgopolova, Oleksandr Lemeshov Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Erek Öztürk, Ali Haluk Düzkalır, Erdinç Civelek, Serdar Kabataş EP-0473 Postoperative Complications After Removal of Intervertebral Hernias of the Lumbar Spine EP-0486 Kifo- and Vertebroplasty with Compression of Vertebrae of Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan Various Origin Mirzohid Tojiev Tojiddinovich, Zafar Isroilov Gofurovich Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Valeriy Olkhov, Vladimir Kirichenko, Oleksandr Lemeshov EP-0474 Role of Atlantoaxial and Subaxial Spinal Instability in Pathogenesis of Spinal ‘Degeneration’ Related Cervical EP-0487 Activation After Lumbar Microdiscectomy. Myth or Reality? Kyphosis Kostyantyn Horbatyuk / Ukraine Atul Goel / India Valeriy Olkhov, Ivan Kapshuk

EP-0475 The Stand-Alone Cervical Cages with Integrated Screw Fixation: EP-0488 Spontaneous Regression in Lumbar Disc Hernia: Case Report Results in 355 Consecutive Operated Levels Ali Haluk Düzkalır / Turkey Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / United Kingdom Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Erek Öztürk, Selçuk Özdoğan, Erdinç Civelek, Nulish Mandil, Shabin Joshi Serdar Kabataş

EP-0476 Evaluation of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis and Posterior Lumbar EP-0489 Evaluation of Spondylolytic Clefts and Outcomes of Posterior Pedicle Screw-Rod Stabilization-Fusion: A Retrospective 63 Case Pedicle-Screw Surgery of Patients with Isthmic Aslihan Yildirim / Turkey Spondylolisthesis: A Retrospective Study Merih Is, Necat Biber, Hakan Somay, Mehmet Zafer Berkman, Ufuk Akmil, Aslihan Yildirim / Turkey Ezgi Akar, Metin Orakdogen Merih Is, Necat Biber, Hakan Somay, Selin Tural Emon, Ezgi Akar, Mehmet Zafer Berkman EP-0477 Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine After Cervical Arthroplasty with Discover – Preliminary Results of the EP-0490 Cervical Disc Herniation: 10 Years Experience of Department of Ongoing Study Neurosurgery of the University Hospital Ibn Sina of Rabat, Miroslav Vukic / Croatia Morocco Ivan Domazet, Jakob Nemir, Ivan Pasalić, Marjan Rozankovic, Li Iyané Olivier Ouambi / Morocco Sergej Marasanov Koffi Niamien Patrice, Mohamed Ibrahimi, Si Mamoune Louraoui, Nizare Fatemi, My Rachid Maaqili EP-0478 Neurological Recovery and Radiological Evaluation After Surgical Decompression in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy EP-0491 Tophaseous Gout in Lumbar Spine Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Güven Gürsoy / Turkey Kais Maamri, Kamel Bahri, Jalel Kallel, Ihsen Zammel Mustafa Barutçuoğlu, Peyker Temiz, Cüneyt Temiz

EP-0479 Microsurgical discectomy according to the Caspar technique: EP-0492 E ect of Modic Changes Type 1 Vertebral Involvement and Our experience Spinal Anatomy on Low Back Pain Tomaz Velnar / Slovenia Serdar Çevik / Turkey Gorazd Bunc Hakan Yılmaz, Atilla Kaplan, Enes Akkaya, Hakan Hanımoğlu, Mehmet Yaşar Kaynar EP-0480 Predisposing Factor for Adjacent-Segment Failure Following Lumbar Fixation for Degenerative Instability EP-0493 Long-Term Clinical Outcome and Reoperation Rate for Mohamed Shabaan Mohamed / Egypt Microsurgical Bilateral Decompression via Unilateral Aproach of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis EP-0481 Evolution and Analisis of 508 Cases of Lumbar Discal Hernia Yunus Aydın / Turkey Treated with Hemilaminoforaminotomy and Discectomy Ismail Yüce, Okan Kahyaoglu, Halit Cavusoglu Gilberto Gardea Loera / Mexico Yessica Hernández González, Ana Verónica Flores Nava EP-0494 Prospective Evaluation of Arti cial Cervical Disc Implantations Up to 15-Year Results of 300 Patients and Complication Report EP-0482 Lumbar Synovial Cyst Presenting with Radiculopathy Sebastian Ludwig Gitter / Germany Yunus Kacar / Turkey Mehmet Can Ezgu, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Ilker Solmaz, Royal Mehtiyev, EP-0495 Actigraphic Analysis of Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci Ali Samancıoğlu / Turkey Erhan Akıncı, Arif Ösün, Ozan Ganiüsmen, Ümit Özkan, Cüneyt Temiz EP-0483 Patterns and Outcomes of Surgically Treated Lumbar Disc Herniation Among Patients at Moi Teaching and Referral EP-0496 Use of Bone Scintigraphy in Spinal Fusion Hospital, Eldoret - Kenya Özgür Demir / Turkey Abdul Wahid Agar Ali Kasmani / Kenya Fatih Ersay Deniz, Erol Öksüz, Mehmet Murat Dişçi, Yasin Taşkın Nimrod Juniahs Mwang’ombe, Florentius Koech Koech EP-0497 Minimal Access Surgery of Chiari 0 and Chiari 1 Malformations Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Philippines

293 E-Poster Spine and Peripheral Nerve

EP-0498 Management of Large Intrathoracic Meningocele: A Case EP-0512 The Role of Percutaneous Surgery in the Treatment of Pyogenic WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Report Spinal Infections Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Oleksandr Yavorskyi / Ukraine Ghassen Gader, Marouen Taalah, Kamel Bahri, Jalel Kallel, Ihsen Zammel Andrew Lomakin

EP-0499 Anterior Sacral Meningocele EP-0513 Childhood Granulomatous Spinal Infections and Their Surgical Nevhis Akinturk / Turkey Treatment: Report of 4 Cases Ramiz Ahmedov, Aykut Akpinar, Tuncer Taşcıoğlu, Doğa Uğurlar, Ali Ihsan Ökten / Turkey Metin Kasap, Mustafa Ali Akçetin, Ali Osman Akdemir Yurdal Gezercan, Ismail Iştemen, Vedat Açık, Gökhan Çavuş, Celil Yalman

EP-0500 Neglected Neurogenic Bladder as a Chief Complaint of EP-0514 Infected Paravertebral Hydatid Cyst: An Uncommon Cause of Lipomyelocele in Children and Adult: Operate or not to Operate? Paralytic Sciatica Dewa Putu Wisnu Wardhana / Indonesia Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Tjokorda Gb Mahadewa, Wayan Niryana, Nyoman Golden, Sri Maliawan Atef Ben Nsir, Marwa Zemmeli, Souhail Khalfaoui, Mehdi Darmoul, Mohamed Nejib Hattab EP-0501 The Result of Cranio-Cervical Decompression in Chiari I and Ii Malformation with Syringomyelia About 16 Patients EP-0515 Concomitant Tuberculous and Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis Moussa Denou / Morocco Sakthikanal Subramaniam / India Adyl Melhaoui, Yassaad Mohamed Oudrhirir, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Balasubramani Karuppannan Yasser Arkha, Loubna Rifi , Abdessmad El Ouahabi EP-0516 The Role of Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Posterior EP-0502 A Case of Arnold Chiari Malformation with Respiratory Failure Titanium Screw Fixation for the Treatment of Thoracolumbar Mohamed Dehmani Yedeas / Tunisia Spontaneous Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis Hichem Ammar, Ahmed Harbaoui, Sameh Achoura, Mehdi Ben Ammar, Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / United Kingdom Ridha Chkili Amit Amit, Radu Beltechi

EP-0503 Primary Epidural Hydatidosis of the Spine: Case Report and EP-0517 Surgical Management of Postoperative Discitis with Literature Review Transpedicle Screw Fixation: An Experience of 18 Cases Hajar Bechri / Morocco Muhammad Usman / Pakistan Mohamed Ibrahimi, Sidi Mamoun Louraoui, Nizare El Fatemi, Mumtaz Ali Moulay Rachid El Maaqili EP-0518 Altern Hemilaminectomy for Spinal Epidural Abscess Drainage EP-0504 Spinal Hydatid Disease: A Survey Study from Tunisia Alejandro Ceja Espinosa / Mexico Atef Ben Nsir / Tunisia Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Mohamed Kilani, Maher Hadhri, Bilel Loukil, Mehdi Sfi na, Nejib Hattab Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes

EP-0505 Spinal Schistosomiasis? Medical or Surgical Treatment EP-0519 Noncontiguous Multilevel Lesions in Spinal Tuberculosis and Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed / Sudan Their Management Nagarjun Maulyavantham Nagaraj / India EP-0506 Isolated Thoracic Vertebral Tuberculous Abscess Mimicking a Balaji Sanjeev Pai Mass Lesion Hakan Simsek / Turkey EP-0520 E ect of Rifamycin Use on Infection Rates in Microdiscectomy Emre Zorlu Ali Akay / Turkey Mete Rükşen, Rauf Nasirov, Sertaç Işlekel EP-0507 Tuberculosis of Spine: An Antiquated Disease with Modern Techniques of Management EP-0521 Surgical Management of Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis: A Review Aftab Younus / South Africa of 14 Consecutive Patients Allan Sekeitto, Mohammad Hamza Aftab, Abdirashid Aden Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Atef Ben Nsir, Maher Hadhri, Souhail Khalfaoui, Mehdi Darmoul, EP-0508 Evaluation of E icacy of Collagen Material Containing Double- Mohamed Nejib Hattab Release Gentamicin Sponge in Preventing Postoperative Spinal Infection EP-0522 Spinal Compression Revealing Hydatid Cyst Volkan Murat Unal / Turkey Davis Mpando / Morocco Nail Ozdemir, Ali Karadag, Seda Ozbal, Efsun Kolatan, Ece Sokmen Yilmaz, Houssain Ghanane Kazim Tugyan EP-0523 Grisel’s Syndrome EP-0509 360 Degree Fixation of Spinal TB Through Posterior Approach Salih Kürşat Şimşek / Turkey Alone: A Technical Note Ercan Bal, Kaan Tuğberk Özdemir, Karabekir Ercan, Murad Bavbek Sim Khairun Nabi Khan / Bangladesh Ruhul Kuddus, Robert Ahmed Khan EP-0524 Upper Thoracic PJK/PJF is Typically Due to Spondylolisthesis whereas Lower Thoracic PJK/PJF is more Often due to Vertebral EP-0510 Intramedullary Abscesses. About a Case Fractures Gédeon Colin Thouassa / Morocco Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Médhi Laghmari, Mohamed Lmejjati, Houssine Ghannane, Said Ait Benali Alexander A. Theologis, Altuğ Yücekul, Murat Pekmezci, Shane Burch, Sigurd H. Berven, Bobby Tay, Dean Chou, Praveen Mummaneni, EP-0511 Management of Spinal Extradural Abscesses: Results of Two Christopher P. Ames, Vedat Deviren Centers Anas Abdallah / Turkey EP-0525 The Role of Fresh Cadaveric Studies Prior to Dens Resection via Erhan Emel, Erdinç Özek, Murad Asiltürk, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Extreme Lateral -Transatlas Approach Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu Attila Jósvai / Hungary András Csókay, Márta Jäckel

294 E-Poster Spine and Peripheral Nerve

EP-0526 Radicular Pain Resulting from Facet Malposition After EP-0539 Carbamazepine Related L1-L3 Fracture: Case Report XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Stabilization Surgery Muhittin Emre Altunrende / Turkey Cengiz Gömleksiz / Turkey Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Erek Öztürk, Erdinç Civelek, Serdar Kabataş Halil Can, Aydın Aydoseli, Altay Sencer EP-0540 Posterior Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy for Cervical Soft Disc EP-0527 Do Perioperative Spinal Deformity Parameters and Junctional Derya Karaoğlu Gündoğdu / Turkey Mechanical Failures Predict the Development of Proximal Ali Dalgıç, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Denizhan Divanlıoğlu, Ahmet Deniz Belen Junctional Kyphosis after Long Thoracolumbar Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity? EP-0541 Acquired Chiari Malformation After Lumboperitoneal Shunt: Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Physiopathology and Therapeutic Options Alexander A. Theologis, Altuğ Yücekul, Murat Pekmezci, Shane Burch, Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Sigurd H. Berven, Bobby Tay, Dean Chou, Praveen Mummaneni, Aslam Hentati, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel Christopher P. Ames, Vedat Deviren EP-0542 Treatment and Surgical Outcomes of Cervical Syringomyelia: EP-0528 Os Odontoideum: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Retrospective Evaluation of 48 Patients Gédeon Colin Thouassa / Morocco Anas Abdallah / Turkey Médhi Laghmari, Mohamed Lmejjati, Houssine Ghannane, Said Ait Benali Erhan Emel, Ali Ender Ofl uoğlu, Özden Erhan Sofl uoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah, Murad Asiltürk EP-0529 Dynamic Stabilization in Degenerative Spinal Diseases and Clinical Results EP-0543 E ect of Topical Rifamycin Application on Epidural Fibrosis in Rats Ahmet Öğrenci / Turkey Cem Dinc / United States Orkun Koban, Onur Yaman, Mesut Yılmaz, Sedat Dalbayrak Cengiz Tuncer, Erhan Mehmet Türkoğlu, Mehmet Tokmak, Pınar Eser Ocak

EP-0530 Is There a Higher Propensity for Proximal Junctional Kyphosis EP-0544 Spinal Arachnoid Cyst: Lessons Learnt and Revision Surgery in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients with Prabu Raj Andi Perumal Raj / India Higher Preop Sagittal Imbalance? Indira Devi, Dhaval Sukla, Dhananjay Bhat Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Altug Yücekul, Murat Pekmezci, Shane Burch, Sigurd H. Berven, Bobby Tay, EP-0545 Epidural Administration of Steroids in Failed Back Surgery Dean Chou, Praveen Mummaneni, Christopher P. Ames, Vedat Deviren Syndrome on the Spine Andrii Lomakin / Ukraine EP-0531 Who Sets Light to the Scienti c Path of Spine?: Publication Oleksandr Yavorskyi, Andrii Bobyr Rates of the Abstracts Presented at the Spine Society of Europe and the North American Spine Society Meetings EP-0546 What Di ers Between L4-5 and L5-S1 Disc Herniation? Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Murat Şakir Ekşi / Turkey Emel Ece Özcan Ekşi Emel Ece Özcan Ekşi, Baran Yılmaz, Zafer Orkun Toktaş, Deniz Konya

EP-0532 Surgical Treatment of Spinal Plasmacytomas: Experience of EP-0547 Spinal Subdural Hematoma After Lumbar Puncture: A Case Consecutive Twelve Cases Report and Review of Literature Anas Abdallah / Turkey Amir Azarhomayoun / Iran Erhan Özden Sofuoğlu, Erhan Emel, Müslüm Güneş, Betül Güler Abdallah Alireza Khosrodad, Zeinab Nikbin

EP-0533 Surgery for Cranio-Vertebral (CV) Junction Instability and EP-0548 An Extremely Rare Complication of Lumbar Instrumentation: Indications of Vertebral Artery Mobilization: Our Experience Iliac Vein Encroachment Forhad Hossain Chowdhury / Bangladesh Selcuk Ozdogan / Turkey Mohammod Raziul Haque, Mainul Haque Sarker, Noman Khaled Chowdhury EP-0549 A Comparision of Intradiscal Ozone with Transforaminal Metilprednizolone and Bupivacaine to Ozone Therapy Alone in EP-0534 Symptomatic Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD) After Lumbar or the Treatment of Discogenic Pain Lumbosacral Minimally Invasive Interbody Fusion Mustafa Kılıç / Turkey Pablo Mendivil / Argentina Songül Meltem Can, Levent Aydın, Çağrı Çırağıloğlu, Pınar Kırgız, Demian Manzano, Jesus Lafuente, David Pereira Burak Özdemir, Ilhan Yılmaz, Adem Yılmaz, Ahmet Murat Müslüman

EP-0535 Evaluation of Pre- and Postoperative CSF Flow MRI Results of EP-0550 Forestier’s Disease: Case Report and Review of the Literature Patients Operated due to Chiari Malformation Toufi k Benmamar / Algeria Gökhan Çavuş / Turkey Kamel Bouaita, Karim Boustil Yurdal Gezercan, Ali Ihsan Ökten, Mustafa Çıkılı, Ali Arslan EP-0551 Ligamentum Flavum Hematoma: A Very Rare Cause of Foot Drop EP-0536 Intradural Cauda Equina Nerve Root Cavernous Haemangioma Fikret Şahintürk / Turkey Kaan Yaltirik / Turkey Erkin Sönmez, Serhat Cömert, Pelin Börcek, Feride Kural Rahatlı, Selçuk Özdoğan, Işın Doğan Ekici, Başar Atalay Mehmet Nur Altınörs

EP-0537 CT-Assisted Percutaneous Vertebroplasty of Upper Thoracic EP-0552 Spiritual Signi cance of Spine - What is the Evidence? Spine Pragnesh Bhatt / United Kingdom Mykola Zorin / Ukraine Tamara Zorina EP-0553 E cacy of Goreisan for Syringomyelia with Chiari Malformation Type1 EP-0538 Improvement of Chiari Malformation Type 1 with Tomohiro Murakami / Japan Hydrochefalus After VP Shunt Surgery-A Case Report Kunihiko Uchida, Kazunari Keira, Masaki Hirose, Michio Inoue, Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh Yumiko Sasamori, Shigeki Matsumura Shafi qul Kabir Khan, Ehsan Mahmood EP-0554 Spinal Epidural Arachnoid Cyst: About Four Cases Himmiche Meryem / Morocco Chafi k Hachem, Benzagmout Mohammed

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EP-0555 Spontane Spinal Epidural Hematoma; Case Report of Three EP-0568 Coexistence of Transitional and Fibrous Meningioma in the WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Patients Same Patient Derya Karaoğlu Gündoğdu / Turkey Özgür Demir / Turkey Ali Dalgıç, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Denizhan Divanlıoğlu, Bekir Tunç, Fatih Ersay Deniz, Erol Öksüz, Yasin Taşkın, Mehmet Murat Dişçi Göksal Günerhan, Ahmet Deniz Belen EP-0569 Trigemino-Cardiac Re ex in Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery. EP-0556 Neurosurgical Management of Handicapping Spasticity Our Experience and Literature Review Abdul Karim Msaddi / United Arab Emirates Zarina Ali Shabhay / Algeria Lotfi Boublata, Leila Boutiah, Nouha Hamrouche EP-0557 The Role of the Features of Facet Joint Angle in the Development of Isthmic Spondylolisthesis in Young Male EP-0570 Di erential Expression Patterns of Apoptosis, Angiogenesis, Patients with L5-S1 Isthmic Spondylolisthesis Invasion and Cancer Cell Related Proliferation Markers at Ahmet Eroğlu / Turkey Protein Levels in GBM Tumor Samples Bayram Alparslan Çarlı, Serhat Pusat, Hakan Şimşek Umit Akın Dere / Turkey Gulsah Albayrak, Hakan Emmez, Ece Konac EP-0558 Spinal Instrumentation in Bangladesh: My Experience of 752 Cases EP-0571 New Pathogenetic Approach to Prevent Relapse of Malignant Mohammad Hoassain / Turkey Gliomas in the Postoperative Period Gridina Nina Yakovlevna / Ukraine EP-0559 Arachnoidits Ossi cans Taking the Aspect of a Spinal Tumor: Morozov Anatolij Nikolaevich Presentation of a Case with a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge EP-0572 Prognostic Factors of Survival in Moroccan Patients with Zakariae Benyaich / Morocco Glioblastoma Safouane Khairallah, Mehdi Laghmari, Mohamed Lmejjati, Hilmani Said / Morocco Lhoucine Ghannane, Said Ait Benali Abidi Omar, El Azhari Abdessamad, Barakat Hamid

EP-0560 Percutaneous Oxygen-Ozone Nucleolysis in Cervical Disc EP-0573 Epidemiological aspects of primary brain tumors in Samarkand Disease: Experience with 11 Patient region Mustafa Kılıç / Turkey Istam Agzamov / Uzbekistan Songül Meltem Can, Levent Aydın, Balkan Şahin, Muyassar Mirkhasilova, Alexey Ulitin, Mansur Agzamov Cem Akgün, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Adem Yılmaz EP-0574 E ect of Sonodynamic Therapy with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid on EP-0561 The Role of Electromagnetic Navigation in Spine Surgery: Malignant Gliomas Preliminary Report Tadashi Higuchi / Japan Hussam Metwali / Germany Fumio Yamaguchi, Takayuki Asakura, Donghui Ju, Koji Adachi, Giordano Mario, Gerganov Venelin, Samii Amir Takayuki Kitamura, Akio Morita

EP-0562 Developmental of a Patient Spesi c 3D-printed C1 Spine Model EP-0575 Intracranial Tuberculoma: Report of Two Cases Preoperative Modelling for Comprehensive and Practical Vision Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu / Turkey System of Patient Speci c Mass Screw Fixation Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz, Taner Arpacı, Aydın Sav Mehmet Sedat Cagli / Turkey Figen Govsa, Huseyin Biceroglu, Mehmet Asim Ozer, Cenk Eraslan, EP-0576 Primary Cerebral Lymphomas: Is Conservative Treatment Enough? Asli Beril Karatas, Ahmet Kemal Alagoz Emre Ünal / Turkey Veysel Antar, Aslan Guzel, Teyyub Hasanov, Kaya Kilic EP-0563 Thoracic and Sacral Intra Spinal Hematopoiesis Secondary to Thalassemia Intermedia: An Extremely Rare Association EP-0577 Novel Function of Glioma Stem Cells in Tumor Tissue Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Remodeling: Inducing Host Cells Malignant Transformation in Atef Ben Nsir, Souhail Khalfaoui, Maher Hadhri, Mehdi Darmoul, Tumor Microenvironment Mohamed Nejib Hattab Chen Yan Ming / China Dong Jun, Chen Hua, Lan Qing, Huang Qiang EP-0564 Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation of Ganglion Impar in the Management of Coccydynia: Long-Term Results EP-0578 Neuropsychological Signs in Patients with Arachnoid Cyst Atilla Kırcelli / Turkey Emre Ünal Emre Demirçay, Ömer Özel, Ilker Çöven, Halil Can, Erdinç Civelek, Kaya Kilic / Turkey Serdar Kabataş EP-0579 Sudden Scolp Swelling and the Case of Presence of Pancreatic EP-0565 Cervical Osteochondroma Head Tumor with Vertebral Fracture Erhan Arslan / Turkey Abdurrahman Aycan / Turkey Mehmet Orbay Biyik, Mehmet Selim Gel, Mehmet Aktolu, Atanur Kuru, Mehmet Arslan, Fetullah Kuyumcu, Mehmet Edip Akyol Hasan Çağrı Postuk, Sabahattin Hızıroğlu, Kayhan Kuzeyli EP-0580 Bitemporal Arachnoid Cyst Associated with Temporal Lobe EP-0566 From Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension to Intracranial Agenesis and Seizure Hypertension Because of Arachnoid Cyst: Case Report Mehmet Can Ezgu / Turkey Seda Kosak / Turkey Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci Pınar Yalınay Dikmen, Elif Ilgaz Aydınlar, Zafer Berkman, Ercan Karaarslan, Ayşe Sağduyu Kocaman EP-0581 The Clinical Course of Chiari Malformation Type I Rustambek Amanov Davranbekovich / Uzbekistan EP-0567 Outcomes of Spinal Surgical Treament in Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Used Arava (Le unomide) for Long-Term: Analysis of Ten EP-0582 Treatment Approach and Clinic Manifestations in Patients with Patients Multiple Brain Tumors: A Case Report Anas Abdallah / Turkey Barış Albuz / Turkey Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Murad Asiltürk, Betül Güler Abdallah Murat Kocaoğlu, Serkan Civlan, Yakup Ozan Türkmenoğlu, Selçuk Göçmen, Mehmet Erdal Coşkun

296 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0583 Simultaneous miRNA and mRNA Transcriptome Pro ling of EP-0599 Mid Line Skull Tumors, A ecting Superior Sagittal Sinus- XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Glioblastoma Samples Reveals a Novel Set of OncomiR Surgical Chalenges Candidates and Their Target Genes Mohammad Maleki / Canada Emre Can Tuysuz / Turkey Sukru Gulluoglu, Altay Burak Dalan, Aysegul Kuskucu, Cumhur Kaan Yaltirik, EP-0600 Withdrawn Ugur Ture, Omer Faruk Bayrak EP-0601 The Use of Intraoperative Ultrasound in the Intracranial Tumor EP-0584 Autonomic Reactions of the Brain During Posterior Cranial Özgür Demir / Turkey Fossa Surgery Erol Öksüz, Fatih Ersay Deniz, Mehmet Murat Dişçi, Yasin Taşkın Ekaterina Kondratyeva / Russia Marina Rumyantseva, Anna Petrova, Ruslan Nazarov EP-0602 Colloid Cyst of Third Ventricle: Report of 11 Cases with Transcallosal Transforaminal and Transcolumna Fornicis EP-0585 Coaxial 3D Bioprinting of Self-Assembled Multicellular Approach and Clinical, Radiological Features Heterogeneous Tumor Fibers Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz / Turkey Xingliang Dai / China Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu, Burak Kınalı, Taner Arpaç, Tuana Akbaş, Qing Lan Sebahattin Hacıyakupoğlu

EP-0586 Cognitive Dysfunction as a Presenting Sign of Glioblastome EP-0603 Local Experience with Repair of Superolateral Orbital Wall: Fat Multiforme Sandwich Technique Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Ahmed Nageeb Mohammed Taha / Egypt Asli Aksoy Gundogdu, Pinar Polat, Semra Alacam Koksal Hossam Shata

EP-0587 Patients’ Perspective on Awake Craniotomy for Brain Tumours: EP-0604 Transseptal Submucosal Transesphenoidal Hypophisectomy Single Institute Experience with Preservation of Vital Nasal Structures Hussien Mohamed El Maghraby / United Kingdom Jackson Daniel Silva / Brazil Iain Brown, Hiten Mehta, Louise Price Andre Accyoli Guasti, José Antônio Guasti, Benjamin Franklin Silva, Bruno Silva Pereira, Gustavo Machado Cardoso, Renvik Demauir Couzine, EP-0588 Endoscopic Surgery Combined with Neuronavigation for Paulo De Tarso Castro Resection of Colloid Cyst with Small Ventricles: Case Report Mohamed Si Saber / Algeria EP-0605 Three-Dimensional (3D) Transsphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery Imane Bersali, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef for Scull Base Tumors (Our Experience) Daniyar Teltayev / Kazakhstan EP-0589 Recovery of Hemiplegia-Aphasia After Laser Interstitial Thermal Serik Akshulakov, Nurzhan Ryskeldyev, Khalit Mustaphin Ablation of Dominant Basal Ganglia Glioblastoma Multiforme Michel Lacroix / United States EP-0606 Withdrawn

EP-0590 Application of Neuronavigation in Brain Surgery EP-0607 Piezosurgical Device for Mini Demolitive Craniotomies in Brain Mohamed Si Saber / Algeria Tumors Imane Bersali, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef Ignazio Gaspare Vetrano / Italy Francesco Prada, Francesco Dimeco, Marco Saini EP-0591 Results of Surgical Treatment of Extramedullary Tumors of the Cervical Spinal Cord EP-0608 Acute Hydrocephalus and Anton Syndrome Secondary to Ulanbek Kozubeav / Kyrgyzstan Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle Buranbek Diusheev, Chyngyz Mamytov Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo / Mexico Alejandro Ceja Espino, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, EP-0592 Results of Surgical Treatment for Metastatic Brain Tumors Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Jorge Ortega Espino, Raul Huato Reyes Nurlan Kachiev / Kyrgyzstan Buran Dusheev, Chyngyz Mamytov, Eleonora Nazaralieva, EP-0609 Endoscopic Removal of an Interventricular Ependymal Cyst Chyngyz Turdugulov Presenting with Tremor: Case Report Ilker Solmaz / Turkey EP-0593 Outcome of Radical Surgical Resection of Craniopharyngiomas Ahmet Murat Kutlay, Nail Caglar Temiz, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, in 1054 Patients: Special Consideration for the Preservation of Mehmet Can Ezgu, Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci Hypothalamic Structures Shi Xaing En / China EP-0610 Utility of Neuronavigation, and Transoperative Ultrasound for the Resection of Tumors in Eloquent Areas During an Awake EP-0594 Intraoperative Ultra Sound in Low Grade Gliomas Surgery Craniotomy Atroune Lynda / Algeria Alejandro Ceja Espinosa / Mexico Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, EP-0595 A Rare Occurrence of Extradural Haemorrhage (EDH) in Adult Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes Post May eld Head Clamp; A Case Report and Literature Review Radzi Hamzah / Malaysia EP-0611 Supracerebellar Infratentorial Approach for Resection of Pineal Catherine Hui Juan Ho, Chin Hwee Goh, Bik Liang Lau, Albert Wong Region Epidermoid Tumor EP-0596 Withdrawn Tevfi k Yilmaz / Turkey Yahya Turan EP-0597 Antero-posterior combined surgery in rare retroperitoneal giant l3 schwannoma EP-0612 Endoscopic Neurosurgery of The Intracranial Potential Spaces Ercan Bal / Turkey Azmi Alias / Malaysia Halil Can Küçükyıldız, Salih Kürşat Şimşek, Serkan Altınova, Murad Bavbek EP-0613 The New Neurosurgical Method of the Brain Echinococcus Cyst EP-0598 Tumors of the III-rd ventricle region: surgery results and Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich Mamadaliev / Uzbekistan sequelae prediction Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev, Saodat Abdurakhmonovna Mamadalieva Lyudmila N Verbova / Turkey Andrey V. Shaversky, Maxim V. Bazunov, Dmitry M. Tsyurupa, Tatiana A. Malisheva 297 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0614 Surgical Outcomes and Factors A ecting the Recurrence of EP-0628 Surgical Treatment of Intraventricular Meningiomas WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Central Nervous System Chondrosarcomas: A Serial of Seven Irakli Otarashvili / Georgia Patients Giorgi Ingorokva Anas Abdallah / Turkey Erhan Emel Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Murad Asiltürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, EP-0629 Infratentorial Supracerebellar Approach for Removal of Pineal Müslüm Güneş, Betül Güler Abdallah Region Tumor Hentati Aslam / Tunisia EP-0615 Yellow Flurescence [Y 560] Microscope use in Stereotactic Bouhoula Asma, El Arbi Amira, Bouali Sofi ene, Kallel Jalel, Jemel Hafedh Guided Biopsy of the Brain Space Occupying Lesions: Initial Experience EP-0630 The Role of Neuronavigation in Endoscopic Transnasal Suresh Jayabalan / India Procedures to Microadenomas: What are the Limits and Is It Really Necessary? EP-0616 The Basic and Advanced Neuroendoscopic Techniques in Ihsan Dogan / Turkey Intraventricular Tumor Surgery Gokmen Kahilogullari, Suha Beton, Cemil Kilinc, Melih Bozkurt, Cem Meco, Satoshi Hirose / Japan Agahan Unlu Ryuhei Kitai, Norichika Hashimoto, Takahiro Yamauchi, Kenichiro Kikuta EP-0631 Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Craniopharyngiomas: EP-0617 Colloid Cyst of the 3rd Ventricle: Technical Notes for Safe A Case Series and Review of the Literature Endoscopic Removal Mohammad Samadian / Iran Jalal Najjar / Syria Mohammad Hallajnejad, Navid Farzin, Amirarsalan Amin, Reza Jabbari, Omidvar Rezaei EP-0618 A Suprasellar Colloid Cyst - Neuroendoscope Technique Ozkan Tehli / Turkey EP-0632 Cavernous Haemangioma of the Skull About 2 Cases Ilker Solmaz, Nail Caglar Temiz, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Alena Ameyo Nubukpo Gumenu / Morocco Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci, Mehmet Kadri Daneyemez K.K. Felix Segbedji, Mohamed Benzagmout, Khalid Chakour, El Faiz Mohammed Chaoui EP-0619 Compression of Pons due to Hemostatic Matrix After Pure Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Narrow Transclival Approach for a EP-0633 Epidemiological Characterization of Primary Tumors of the Giant Skull Base Cordoma. No Bleeding! Central Nervous System in Adult Population Huseyin Biceroglu / Turkey Amauri Pereira Silva fi lho / Brazil Sercan Gode, Seyhan Orak, Emre Cavusoglu, Mehmet Sedat Cagli Maria Luiza Lacerda Ribeiro, Ronaldo Barbosa De Farias Júnior, Luana Talita Bezerra Antunes, Lais De Albuquerque Vasconcelos, EP-0620 The Role of Postoperative Nasal Care in Endoscopic Endonasal Euliny Santos Santana, Verônica Cavalcanti Pedrosa, Skull Base Surgery, Review of Related Articles and Our Practice Adysia Moreira Florentino Da Silva, Rodolfo Vinicius Celerino, Maryam Jalessi / Iran Vanessa Rocha Sérvulo, Ayanne Alves De Oliveira, Amin Jahanbakhshi, Elahe Amini Diego Henriques De Melo Lula

EP-0621 First Case of Primary Sellar/Suprasellar Intraventricular Ewing EP-0634 Case Report: Parietal Osteoblastoma Manifesting as Osteoid Sarcoma: Case Report, Operative Video and Review of Literature Osteoma and Literature Review Reza Ghadirpour / Italy Zoubida Bargach / Morocco Antonio Romano, Davide Nasi, Corrado Iaccarino, Gabriele Oretti, A Bertal, T El Hamdani, A El Azhari Franco Servadei EP-0635 Cerebellar Peduncle Localized Oligodendroglioma: A Case EP-0622 The Modi ed Lateral Supraorbital Approach: Technical Note Report and Review of the Literature Ümit Kocaman / Turkey Oguz Baran / Turkey Tayfun Dalbastı, Mehmet Haluk Özer, Hakan Yılmaz, Mustafa Omur Kasimcan, Hakan Oruckaptan Muhammet Bahadır Yılmaz EP-0636 A Rare Cause of Vomiting- 4th Ventricular Melanoma EP-0623 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery in Management of Kodeeswaran Marappan / India Pituitary Adenomas with Extra Sellar Extention Rajendran S., Balasubramani Karuppannan, Rabab Yahya Abd El Kareem / Egypt Chandrasekar Piskalan Ganeshbabu, Ramesh Vg Abdelfattah Abofotoh Shehab, Mohammad Fathy Essa EP-0637 WHO Grade III Supratentorial Extraventricular Ependymomas in Adults: Treatment Modalities and Review of the Literature EP-0624 Endoscopic Approach of Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts Fotios Kalfas / Italy Imane Bersali / Algeria Mohamed Si Saber, Mohamed Amokrane Sidi Maamar, EP-0638 Brain Metastasis of Ewing Sarcoma Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef Mehmet Ilker Ozer / Turkey Mehmet Can Ezgu, Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci EP-0625 Keyhole Approaches to Brain Tumors Ibet Marie Y. Sih / Philippines EP-0639 Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Meninges: A Case Report Mouna Rkhami / Tunisia EP-0626 Utilization of Bone Wax as a Marker for Spatial Orientation in Bilel Loukil, Alia Zehani, Nidhameddine Kchir, Ihsen Zammel Intra-Operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Emrah Celtikci / United States EP-0640 Bilateral Temporal Arachnoid Cyst: A Case Report Pinar Celtikci, Hakan Emmez, Murat Ucar, Alp Özgün Börcek Serhat Pusat / Turkey Ahmet Eroğlu EP-0627 Outcomes Following Endoscopic, Endonasal Resection of Pituitary Adenomas: A Series of 225 Cases EP-0641 Lipoma in the Corpus Callosum Presenting with Epileptic Shamsul Alam / Bangladesh Seizures: A Case Report and Literature Review A T M Mossaraf Hossain Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Firas Jarraya, Yessine Gdoura

298 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0642 Conus Medullaris Ganglioglioma: A Rare Intramedullary Spinal EP-0657 The Potential of Latrophilin and Seven Transmembrane XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Cord Tumor Domain-Containing Protein 1 (ELTD1) as a Future Target in Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Glioblastoma Treatment Atef Ben Nsir, Marwa Zemmeli, Khalfaoui Souhail, Mehdi Darmoul, Bogdan Constantin Dumitrescu / Romania Mohamed Nejib Hattab Ligia Gabriela Tataranu, Florentina Serban, Oana Purcaru, Oana Alexandru, Marius Eugen Ciurea, Maria Mihaela Danciulescu, Tabita Larisa Cazac, EP-0643 Posterior Fossa Pilocytic Astrocytoma: 10 Years Retrospective Anica Dricu Study Wael Musa / Egypt EP-0658 Pleomorphic Xantoastrocytoma and Ependymoma, Coexistence Ahmed N. Taha, Mohamed State of Two Distinct Tumors at the Same Surgical Site: A Case Report Renvik Demauir Silva / Brazil EP-0644 Extent of Resection and Neurological De cit in Early Herisson Duarte Dias, Aline Helen Camacho, Marcio Miranda Christiani, Postoperative Period in Patients with Insular Gliomas Bruno Loyola Godoy, Antonio Aversa Souto Sergey Chernov / Russia Anton Kalinovsky, Anatoly Bervitsky, Alexandr Zotov, Agadadash Kasyov, EP-0659 Giant Intracranial Abscess in a Two Months Infant: A Case Study Ekaterina Gormolysova, Elena Uzhakova and A Review of Literature Aslihan Yildirim / Turkey EP-0645 Intracranial Dural Based Chondroma; Case Report Merih Is, Ufuk Akmil Ali Şahin / Turkey Halil Ulutabanca, Ahmet Selçuklu EP-0660 Evaluation of Serum S100B Values in High Grade Glioma Patients Kadir Oktay / Turkey EP-0646 A Case of Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma in the Primary Nuri Eralp Cetinalp, Kerem Mazhar Ozsoy, Umit Akin Dere, Murat Arslan, Motor Area Tahsin Erman Juma Magogo Mzimbiri / Tanzania Jian Yuan, Su Jun, Xiang Yu, Qing Liu EP-0661 Brainstem Abscess. What to Do? Experience with 12 Cases Lorenza Pereira / Brazil EP-0647 Use of 18F-FDG-PET-CT in Glioma Surveillance: A Single Centre Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff Experience Jebet Beverly Cheserem / United Kingdom EP-0662 Surgical Site Seeding of Glioblastoma in Childhood: A Rare Bernadette Kovacs, Sorin Bucur, Sabina Dizdarevic, Giles Critchley Case and Review of the Literature Emrah Celtikci / United States EP-0648 Multifocal Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Case Report with Pinar Celtikci, Erkut Baha Bulduk, Gunhan Gungor, Alp Özgün Börcek Pathological Study and Review of Literature Catherine Ho Hui Chuen / Malaysia EP-0663 Optimizing Outcomes of Surgery for High-Grade Gliomas in Mohamad Radzi Hamzah, Faizul Hizal Ghazali, Donald Liew Ngian San, Eloquent Brain Areas Albert Wong Sii Hieng Artem V Rozumenko / Ukraine Volodimir D Rozumenko EP-0649 The Oxford Experience of Surgical Approaches and Outcome of Pineal Region Tumors: A 12 Year Series EP-0664 Ruptured Intracranial Dermoid Cyst: Case Presentation Omar Al Awar / United Kingdom Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Aslı Aksoy Gündoğdu, Pınar Polat EP-0650 Practical Application of Intraoperative Tractography on Awake Brain Surgery EP-0665 A Schwannoma Case that Arising from the Optic Nevre and Cristian De Quintana Schmidt / Spain Invading the Cavernous Sinus Andreas Leidinger Leidinger, Laura Salgado Lopez, Marta Rico Pereira, Halil Can Küçükyıldız / Turkey Juan Aibar Duran, Beatriz Gomez Anson, Esther Granell Moreno, Ömer Faruk Türkoğlu, Kaan Tuğberk Özdemir Joan Molet Teixidó EP-0666 Intraparenchymal Tumor: A Case of Malignant Tumor of EP-0651 Glioblastoma Multiform in 7 Year Old Female Patient. Case Review Peripheral Nerve Sheaths Developed on a Schwahnnome Mohamed Khaled Elkazaz / Egypt Yakout Benameur Belkacem / Algeria Djalleleddine Beloud, Mohamed Tianti, Amine Kadri EP-0652 Primary Intracranial Malignant Ectomesenchymoma in Pineal Region: A Rare Case and Literature Review EP-0667 Meningeal Melanocytoma of the Posterior Fossa Hailong Liu / China Mehmet Selim Gel / Turkey Weihai Ning, Yanming Qu, Haoran Wang, Mingshan Zhang, Hongwei Zhang, Chunjiang Yu, Yongmei Song EP-0668 Intracerebral Gangliogliomas About 5 Cases Sidi Tarik El Hamdani / Morocco EP-0653 Iatrogenic Atypical Meningioma Seeding Outside the Cranium; Zoubida Bargach, Naja Abdssamad, Azhari Abdssamad A Case Report and Literature Review Radzi Hamzah / Malaysia EP-0669 Moria Syndrome: A Forgotten Terminology Catherine Hui Juan Ho, Swee San Lim Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Aslı Aksoy Gündoğdu EP-0654 Parasagittal Located Clear Cell Anaplastic Ependymoma Ulvi Çiftçi / Turkey EP-0670 Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas: Retrospective Analysis of 10 Cases EP-0655 Primary Gliosarcoma Aysegul Ozdemir Ovalioglu / Turkey Mehmet Aktoklu / Turkey Emre Tacyildiz, Talat Cem Ovalioglu, Zeynel Abidin Talmaç, Erhan Arslan, Mehmet Orbay Bıyık, Mehmet Selim Gel, Kayhan Kuzeyli Mustafa Levent Uysal, Erhan Emel

EP-0656 The Functional Preservation on Recurrent Glioma with Awake EP-0671 Rabdoid Glioblastoma in a 19 Year Old Female: An Extremely Rare Case Craniotomy Doga Ugurlar / Turkey Ying Ching Li / Taiwan Aykut Akpinar, Reha Akpinar, Nil Comunoglu, Nevhis Akinturk, Pin Yuan Chen, Kuo Chen Wei Ali Osman Akdemir, Mustafa Ali Akcetin, Mehmet Yasar Kaynar

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EP-0672 Intraoperative Neuronavigation System and Ultrasound for EP-0685 Clinical Characterstics and Outcomes of Primary Gliosarcoma: A WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Brain Tumor Surgery: Experience in Our Institution 12 Year Institutional Experience from Pakistan Alberto Rafael Valarezo Chuchuca / Ecuador Muhammad Faheem Khan / Pakistan Fauzan Alam Hashmi, Muhammad Ehsan Bari, Arsalan Ahmed EP-0673 Malignant Transformation of DNETs, a Case Report and Review of 15 Published Cases EP-0686 Medulloblastoma in an Elderly Patient: Case Report and Hadi Kasbkar / Iran Literature Review Guive Sharifi , Keyhan Esmaeel Pour, Masoud Asghari, Tohid Emami Meybodi Renvik Demauir Silva / Brazil Yasmine Coura Torres, Herisson Duarte Dias, Samuel Vieira Silva, EP-0674 Contribution of Intraoperative Electrostimulation Mapping for Antonio Aversa Souto Glioblastoma Surgery in and Around Motor Cortex: Comparative Study in a Single Institution EP-0687 Long-Term Surgical and Seizure Outcomes of Frontal Low- Jimmy Ming Jung Chuang / United States Grade Gliomas Jih Tsun Ho Oguz Baran / Turkey Taner Tanriverdi, Rahsan Kemerdere, Sima Sayyahmelli, Cihan Isler, EP-0675 Association of C-Reactive Protein Levels with Headache in Fatma Ozlen, Mustafa Uzan, Emin Ozyurt Patients with Brain Gliomas Raushan Auezova / Kazakhstan EP-0688 Intraventricular Castleman’s Disease Aizhan Kozhakhmetova, Berik Zhetpisbayev, Dana Amanbayeva, Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Dinara Berdibayeva, Vladislav Solntsev, Nurgul Aldiyarova, Natalya Ivanova, Hamit Aytar, Behram Kaya, Ercan Karaarslan, Özlem Yapıcıer Serik Akshulakov EP-0689 An Unusual Variant of Ependymoma with Extensive Tumor Cell EP-0676 New Synthetic Peptides Derived from Honey Proteins in Glioma Vacuolization Control (Pre-Clinical Study) Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Youssof K M Elawdan / Egypt Hamit Aytar, Behram Kaya, Ercan Karaarslan, Özlem Yapıcıer Khaled M E Elawdan EP-0690 Calci ed Pseudoneoplasm of the Brain EP-0677 Cerebellar Hemangiopericytoma: A Rare Case Report and Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Review of the Literature Behram Kaya, Ercan Karaarslan, Özlem Yapıcıer Mehmet Ozan Durmaz / Turkey Murat Aydın, Ali Rıza Ertürk, Emrah Akçay, Tahsin Ülgen, Alper Tabanlı EP-0691 Time Trends of Brain Tumors over a Three-Decade Period: Age at Diagnosis, Gender and Histological Type EP-0678 Choroid Plexus Papillomas About 14 Cases a Retrospective Study Ahmad Faleh Tamimi / Jordan Kenza Badache / Algeria Malik E Juweid, Aws M Husein, Qussay A Salih, Faleh A Tamimi Toufi k Benmamar, Nouha Hamrouche, Badra Abzouzi, Farid Bouchenaki, Kamel Bouaita, Nafa Ioualalen EP-0692 Diagnosis of Anaplastic Ependimoma Berrin Güçlüer / Turkey EP-0679 Surgical Outcomes of Medulloblastomas: A Serial of Twenty-Six Patients EP-0693 Double Localisation of Ganglioglioma (Spine and Cerebral): Anas Abdallah / Turkey Case Report and Literature Review Murad Asiltürk, Talat Cem Ovalıoğlu, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Sidi Mamoun Louraoui / Morocco Mustafa Levent Uysal, Erhan Emel, Erhan Özden Sofuoğlu, Hajar Bechri, Nizare El Fatemi, Moulay Rachid El Maaqili Betül Güler Abdallah EP-0694 Keyhole Suboccipital Approach for Management of Pineal EP-0680 Schwannoma of the Fourth Ventricle: A Case Report and Region Tumors Review of Literature Ali Ayyad / Germany Kodeeswaran Marappan / India Amr Amr, Eike Schwandt Jothikumar Sethuraman, Reshmi Udesh EP-0695 Low Grade Glioma Occurrence a Decade Following EP-0681 The Factors A ecting Surgical Outcomes of Oligodendrogiomas Radiotherapy for Scalp Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Anas Abdallah / Turkey Report and Literature Review Murad Asiltürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Müslüm Güneş, Ahmed Mohmmed Awad Elhaj / Sudan Erhan Özden Sofl uoğlu, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah Moayad M.z. Ahmed, Rabee Ahmed Elamin Ali

EP-0682 A Rare Case of Quadrigeminal Plate Lipoma Presenting as Sixth EP-0696 Intracranial Intraventricular Tumors: Long-Term Surgical Cranial Nerve Palsy Outcome of 25 Patients Bipin Kumar Chaurasia / Bangladesh Oguz Baran / Turkey Shamshul Alam Sabuj, Dr Dhiman Chaudhary, Atm Moshareff Hossain, Sima Sayyahmelli, Doğa Uğurlar, Rahşan Kemerdere, Veysel Antar, Kanak Kanti Barua, Dr Afzal Hossain, Akhlak Hossain Khan, Taner Tanriverdi Ranjit Kumar Chaurasiya, Raushan Kumar Chaurasia, Gousul Azam EP-0697 Serum Endocan Levels Before and After Surgery on Low-Grade EP-0683 Spontaneous Resolution of Non-Functioning Pituitary Gliomas Macroadenoma - A Lesson Learned: Case Report Oguz Baran / Turkey Henrique Cabral / Portugal Taner Tanriverdi, Rahsan Kemerdere, Berrin Inal, Odhan Yuksel, Daniela Matos, Francisco Belo, Ricardo Pereira Humeyra Emre, Merdin Ahmedov, Seda Ates

EP-0684 A Third Ventricle Arachnoid Cyst Which Presented with a EP-0698 Meningioma Revealed by Cerebral Hematoma; Case Report and Sudden Loss of Consciousness Review of the Literature Elif Akpinar / Turkey Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Ethem Beşkonaklı, Gülşah Öztürk, Mehmet Özerk Okutan Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Anis Hachicha, Yessine Gdoura

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EP-0699 A Rare Case of Craniopharyngioma EP-0714 Anaplastic Meningioma: A Case and Review of the Literature XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Dilcan Kotan / Turkey Bennadji Abdelaziz / Algeria Asli Aksoy Gundogdu, Pinar Polat, Nimet Ucaroglu Can Guerri Ramdane, Zitouni Messaoud Ibrahim, Hamadou Loubna, Messoudi Houda EP-0700 Atypical Imaging Features of a Posterior Fossa Dermoid Cyst Mohamed Badri / Tunisia EP-0715 Giant cavernous Hemangioma of the Calvaria: Case Report and Kais Maamri, Maher Ben Salem, Kamel Bahri, Ihsen Zammel Operative Nuances Paulo Macio Porto De Melo / Brazil EP-0701 More Than 13 Years Survival at a Frontal Grade 3 Ganglioglioma Daniel De Araújo Paz, Alexandre Rezende Pingarilho, Thais Marques Da Silva, Halil Can Küçükyıldız / Turkey Marcos Peroco Luiz Da Costa, Hugo Correa Schiavini, Ömer Faruk Türkoğlu, Pınar Ural Rafael Duarte De Souza Loduca, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota

EP-0702 A Tragical Paediatric Case History of Intraorbital and Intracranial EP-0716 Trigeminal Neurinomas: Microsurgical Management of 41 Cases Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Forhad Hossain Chowdhury / Bangladesh Davis Mpando / Morocco Mohammod Raziul Haque, Noman Khaled Chowdhury, Meldi Laghmari, S. Ait Binali Mainul Haque Sarker

EP-0703 Pleomorph Xanthoastrocytomas About 4 Cases EP-0717 Occipital Transtentorial Approach for Pineal Region Tumors - Kenza Badache / Algeria How I Do it? Nouha Hamrouche, Toufi k Benmamar, Farid Bouchenaki, Kamel Bouaita, Sim Khairun Nabi Khan / Bangladesh Nafa Ioualalen Ruhul Kuddus

EP-0704 A Rare Location of Glioblastoma EP-0718 Giant Metastatic Calvarial Ewing Sarcoma: A Case Report Emre Ünal / Turkey Buse Sarıgül / Turkey Semra Isik, Kaya Kilic Ahmed Yasin Yavuz, Ece Uysal, Idris Avcı, Suat Erol Çelik

EP-0705 Survival Analysis in Elderly Patients with High Grade Gliomas: EP-0719 Parafalxian CNS Lymphoma Mimicking Parafalxian The In uence of Clinical Status, Tumor and Surgical Features Meningioma Matheus Fernandes Oliveira / Brazil Güven Gürsoy / Turkey Ulysses Oliveira Sousa, Rodolfo Casimiro Reis, Jose Marcus Rotta, Aydın Işisağ, Ahmet Şükrü Umur, Cüneyt Temiz Ricardo Vieira Botelho EP-0720 The Histopathological Comparison of Small- and Big-Sized EP-0706 Orbital Epidermoid Cyst: Case Report and Literature Review Meningiomas: A Single Center Study Farouk Hajhouji / Morocco Anas Abdallah / Turkey Khalid Aniba, Mehdi Laghmari, Lmejjati Mohamed, Houssine Ghannane, Erdinç Ozek, Halil Akdag, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Serkan Kitiş, Said Aitbenali Abdurrahim Tekin, Tolga Turan Dündar, Meliha Gündağ Papaker, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu EP-0707 Trapezius Flap Reconstruction of Scalp Defect After Removal of Occipital Fibrosarcoma in Neuro bromatosis Type I Patient EP-0721 A Rare Case of Bilateral Cavernous Hemangioma of the Orbit Kantenga Dieu Merci Kabulo / Zimbabwe Hentati Aslam / Tunisia Kazadi Kn Kalangu, Aaron Masiiwa Musara, Kusenzweni K Nduku, Matar Nidhal, El Arbi Amira, Bouali Sofi ene, Kallel Jalel, Jemel Hafedh Matshalaga S Sitshengiso, Rudo Mutasa Makunike, Nathanael H Zimani EP-0722 Long-Term Surgical Treatment Outcomes of Hemangiopericytomas Anas Abdallah / Turkey EP-0708 Multimodal Management in Giant Supratentorial Meningioma Murad Asiltürk, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Erhan Emel, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Alejandro Ceja Espinosa / Mexico Müslüm Güneş, Erhan Özden Sofuoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah Gabriel Ibarra Trujillo, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes, Erick Ramos Martínez EP-0723 Atypical and Malignant Meningiomas: Presentation of Our Experience and Literature Review EP-0709 Surgical Management of Olfactory Groove Meningiomas in Ala Belhaj / Tunisia University Sumatera Utara Atef Ben Nsir, Mohamed Kilani, Amine Trifa, Mahmoud Ben Messaoud, Thomas Tommy / Indonesia Ines Cherif, Mehdi Darmoul, Nejib Hattab Celia Wijaya, Iskandar Japardi EP-0724 Isolated Dural-Calvarial Metastasis Associated with EP-0710 Paraventricular Meningioma Revealed by Mental Disorder Cholangiocarcinoma; Case Report Mohammed Yassine Haouas / Morocco Ali Şahin / Turkey Said Hilmani, Abdessamad El Azhari Abdulfettah Tümtürk, Ibrahim Suat Öktem

EP-0711 Extra-Axial Medulloblastoma in Cerebello-Pontine Angle: EP-0725 A Rare Case: Cerebellopontine Angle Medullablastoma in a A Case Report with Littérature Review Pregnant Woman Daoud Souad Souaad / Algeria Boran Urfalı / Turkey Bouchakour Maamer Maamer Senem Urfalı, Didar Gürsoy, Atilla Yılmaz, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan

EP-0712 Surgical Management of Central Nervous System Chordomes: EP-0726 Primary Ewing’s Sarcoma of the Posterior Fossa A Serial of Nine Patients Erhan Arslan / Turkey Anas Abdallah / Turkey Mehmet Selim Gel, Mehmet Orbay Bıyık, Mehmet Aktoklu, Atanur Kuru, Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Müslüm Güneş, Hasan Çağrı Postuk, Sabahattin Hızıroğlu, Kayhan Kuzeyli Talat Cem Ovalıoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah, Murad Asiltürk EP-0727 Metastasis of an Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in the Falx: A Case EP-0713 Spinal Cord and Mediastinal Compression due to Primary Report and Literature Review Vertebral Hydatid Cyst Disease: A Case Study Sidi Mamoun Louraoui / Morocco Aslihan Yildirim / Turkey Hajar Bechri, Nizare El Fatemi, Moulay Rachid El Maaqili Hakan Somay, Necat Biber, Metin Orakdogen, Merih Is, Tamer Okay

301 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0728 Plasmacytoma of the Skull: Report of Four Uncommon Cases EP-0743 Pediatric Chordoma: The Quest for Cure WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Ala Belhaj / Tunisia Marcio S Rassi / United States Atef Ben Nsir, Neila Maaroufi , Sabra Ouaz, Souheil Khalfaoui, Maher Hadhri Maher Hulou, Kaith Almefty, Wenya Linda Bi, Svetlana Pravdenkova, Ian F Dunn, Timothy R Smith, Ossama Al Mefty EP-0729 Intracranial Atypical Meningiomas: A Case Series Chi Man Yip / Taiwan EP-0744 Complications of Posterior Cranial Fossa Surgery: About 39 Cases Shu Shong Hsu, Wei Chuan Liao, Jun Yih Chen, Szu Hao Liu, Chih Hao Chen Félix Kossi Kouma Segbedji / Morocco Aléna Améyo Nubukpo Guménu, Mohammed Benzagmout, EP-0730 Phosphohistone-H3 Immunohistochemistry for a WHO Grade I Khalid Chakour, Mohamed Faz Choui Sclerosing Meningioma Didem Comert / Turkey EP-0745 Anterior Clinoidal Meningiomas – A 10-Year Single Centre Zeynep Tosuner, Mustafa Aziz Hatiboglu Experience Bogdan Constantin Dumitrescu / Romania EP-0731 Primary Melanotic Progonoma of Skull Tabita Larisa Cazac, Bogdan David, Anica Dricu, Vasile Gheorghe Ciubotaru, Mohammed Benzagmout / Morocco Ligia Gabriela Tataranu Meryem Himmiche, Amadou Hassane Ali, Khalid Chakour, Mohamed El Faiz Chaoui EP-0746 Another Reason Against Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Olfactory Groove Meningioma - Olfaction Preservation? EP-0732 Giant Cell Tumor of the Skull Mario Teo / United Kingdom Mehmet Zafer Berkman / Turkey Mohammad Sorour, David Porter, Richard Nelson Deniz Ozcan EP-0747 Correlation Between Radiological and Endoscopic Findings in EP-0733 Primary Meningeal Melanocytoma in the Left Temporal Lobe Pituitary Adenomas Invading the Cavernous Sinus Associated with Nevus Ota: A Case Report and Review of the Domenic Paul Esposito / Italy Literature Maurizio Iacoangeli, Maurizio Gladi, Alessandro Di Rienzo, Mohammad Samadian / Iran Lucia Giovanna Maria Di Somma, Roberta Benigni, Martina Della Costanza, Mohammad Hallajnejad, Ai Mousavi Nejad, Mehrdad Hoseinzadeh Bakhtevari, Fabrizio Mancini, Riccardo Paracino, Massimo Scerrati Amir Arsalan Amin Darolzarbi, Shahram Sabeti, Omidvar Rezaei EP-0748 Clinical Features and Surgical Outcomes in Patients with EP-0734 Postoperative Tension Pneumoventricle in Posterior Fossa Cerebellopontine Angle Hemangioblastomas: A Retrospective Tumor with Csf Diversion Procedure: Case Report Series of 23 Cases Mohamed Khalid Eissa / Egypt Xuhui Hui / China Hazem Mohamed Negm Jian Cheng, Si Zhang

EP-0735 Surgical Treatment of the Primary Sinonasal Malignancies with EP-0749 Surgical Management of Midline Anterior Skull Base Dural and Brain Involvement Meningiomas with Intra-Extracranial Extension Dmitriy Spirin / Russia Denis A. Golbin / Russia Viacheslav Nazaorov, Islam Muzishev, Vasiliy Cherekaev, Grigoriy Kobyakov, Vasily A. Cherekaev, Nikolay V. Lasunin, Anastasia M. Parshunina, Igor Reshetov, Elena Vetlova, Oksana Absaliamova Andrew V. Kozlov, Dmitry N. Kapitanov

EP-0750 Cavernous Sinus Lymphoma EP-0736 Neurosurgical Pearls in Management of Large Vestibular Ali Ayyad / Germany Schwannomas Lucas Serrano, Amr Amr Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia EP-0751 Retrosigmoid Approach to the Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors - EP-0737 The 5D’s Concept in Safe Resection of Central Skull Base A Single Center Experience with a Systematic Review of Literature Meningiomas Andriy Grigorovich Sirko / Ukraine Imad N. Kanaan / Saudi Arabia EP-0752 Vestibular Schwannoma EP-0738 Neurenteric Cyst of the Ventral Craniocervical Junction: A Case Report Raziul Md Haque / Bangladesh Daniel Horacio Dosvaldo / Argentina Ricardo Horacio Menendez, Augusto Vilariño, Marcelo Fabian Amante, EP-0753 Recurrent Meningioma with Malignant Transformation and Horacio Salvador Dillon Extensive Growth of an Anaplastic Meningioma Oskar Ady Widarta / Indonesia EP-0739 Foramen Magnum Tumors Management: One Single Center Arwinder Singh Gill, Muhammad Rahadian Arief, Muhammad Firdaus Experience Farouk Hajhouji / Morocco EP-0754 A Rare Case of Primary Di use Non -Hodgkins Lymphoma in Lmejjati Mohamed, Khalid Aniba, Laghmari Mehdi, Houssine Ghannane, Sphenoid Sinus Presenting as Third Cranial Nerve Palsy Said Aitbenali Dhiman Chowdhury / Bangladesh Bipin Kumar Chaurasia, Ranjit Kumar Chaurasiya, Satish Shah EP-0740 Best Treatment Option for a Small Vestibular Schwannoma - The Evidence EP-0755 Meningiomas of the Anterior Cranial Fossa About 31 Cases Varindera Paul Singh / India Mesbahi Tarek / Morocco

EP-0741 Growing Vestibular Schwannomas. Preferable Treatment EP-0756 Meta-Analysis: Acustic Neurinoma with 2 To 3 Centimeters in Eduard Zverina / Czech Republic Patients Under 50 Years and Preserved Functional Hearing - Jan Betka, Martin Chovanec, Zdenek Fik Surgery Versus Radiosurgery Lorenza Pereira / Brazil EP-0742 A Case of Intrasellar Meningioma Presenting with Signs of Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff , Pituitary Adenoma Rodrigo Coimbra De Gusmão, Marcos Callafat Maldaun Wa Kaniki Adalbert Israel Shweka / Zimbabwe Kazadi Kalangu Kaluile, Aaroon Musara Aroon

302 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0757 Malignant Transformation of Craniopharyngioma: 28th Case in EP-0773 The Trans-Sinusal Frontal Approach in Removing Olfactory XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery English Literature Groove Meningiomas Our Experience About 24 Cases Emre Ünal / Turkey Mansour Abdelkrim / Algeria Kaya Kilic, Guzin Ozdemir, Feray Gunver, Semra Isik, Meltem Can Bouaziz Mourad

EP-0758 Withdrawn EP-0774 Petroclival Meningiomas Resected via Combined Transpetrosal EP-0759 A Case of Intrasellar Meningioma Presenting as a Pituitary Approach: Surgical Outcomes in 60 Patients and a New Scoring Adenoma System for Clinical Evaluation Kazadi Kalangu Kalangu / Zimbabwe Kenji Ohata / Japan Wa Kaniki Adalbert Israel Shweka, Aaron Musara Musara Hiroki Morisaki, Kosuke Nakajyo, Takeo Goto

EP-0760 Supra Sellar Meningiomas-Microsurgical Management-Agony EP-0775 Vestibular Schwannoma Microsurgery. How to Avoid Post- and Ecstacy Operative Infection? Suresh M. Dugani / India Eduard Zverina / Czech Republic Jan Betka, Martin Chovanec, Zdenek Fik EP-0761 Custom Made Cranioplasty with Orbital Involvement: A Single Centre Experience EP-0776 Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to Sellar Suprasellar Area. Jebet Beverly Cheserem / United Kingdom Fine Tuning of the Indications and Limitations Josephine Jung, Kostas Barkas, Christoph Huppa, Robert Bentley, Amr K Elsamman / Egypt Sinan Barazi, Nick Thomas Reda Kamel, Hesham Lashin

EP-0762 Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumor of the Orbital Region Arising from EP-0777 Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgia Secondary to a Large Pre-Existing Benign Neuro broma in an Adolescent Patient of Meningioma of the Left Sphenoidal Wing Resected via Neuro bromatosis Type 1: A Case Report and Review of Literature Transzygomatic Approach Assisted by Microscopy and Saif Ul Islam / India Neuronavigation Maneet Gill, Narayan M Swamy, Vikas Maheshwari, Amit Narang Antonio Sosa Najera / Mexico Saul Solorio Pineda, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, EP-0763 Meningoencephaloce of Planum Sphenoidale; Watch Out the Jorge Ortega Espino, Raul Huato Reyes, Miguel Angel Vaca Ruiz Optic Nerve! Amin Jahanbakhshi / Iran EP-0778 Skull Base Past, Present and Future Maryam Jalessi, Elahe Amini, Ehsan Alavi Hossam Mohamed El Huseiny / Egypt

EP-0764 Epidermoid And Dermoid Tumors of Pontocerebellar Angle: EP-0779 Skull Base Tumors and Highly Vascular Brain Tumors. The Role 33 Cases of the Endovascular Treatment Gökhan Çavuş / Turkey Jose Zanoni Yada / El Salvador Vedat Açık, Yurdal Gezercan, Emre Bilgin, Ismail Iştemen, Okan Arslan, Alexander Guerrero, Gustavo Foa Torres Kemal Alper Afşer, Ali Ihsan Ökten EP-0780 Microanatomy of Transorbital Endoscopic Approach to the EP-0765 Lung Metastasis in the Olfactory Region Middle Cranial Fossa Mehmet Selim Gel / Turkey Denis A. Golbin / Russia Mehmet Aktoklu, Erhan Arslan, Mehmet Orbay Bıyık, Kayhan Kuzeyli Nikolay V. Lasunin, Vasily A. Cherekaev, Natalia K. Serova, Nadezhda N. Grigorieva

EP-0766 Cavernous Sinus Surgery- Serving the ‘BOSS (Base of Skull EP-0781 Hypofractionated Radiosurgery for Benign Perioptic Tumors: Surgery)’ Tumor Control and Visual Outcome Atul Goel / India Hong Bum Kim / South Korea Young Hyun Cho EP-0767 Endoscopic Assisted Skull Base Surgery Hossam Maaty / Egypt EP-0782 Brain Metastasis of Pheochromocytoma: Rare but Plausible Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia EP-0768 Simultaneous Occurrence of a Planum Sphenoidale Meningioma Brahim Kammoun, Fatma Kolsi, Omar Kammoun, Med Amine Mseddi, and a Pituitary Adenoma in the Same Patient: A Case Report Rim Kallel, Mouna Kallel, Mouna Ammar Loukou Franck Kouakou / Morocco Yassaad Mohamed Oudghiri, Loubna Rifi , Mahjouba Boutarbouch, EP-0783 Experience of Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery in Lagos, Melhaoui Adyl, Yasser Arkha, Abdessamad El Ouahabi Nigeria Okezie Obasi Kanu / Nigeria EP-0769 Petroclival Meningiomas: Choosing the Right Approach Olufemi B Bankole, Omotayo A Ojo, John O Olatosi, Yusuf Dawang, Suresh Nair / India Ayodeji S Yusuf, Adeniyi Adesida, Efosa Ukponmwan, Oladele Arigbabu

EP-0770 Endolymphatic Sac Tumor Presenting as a Mass in EP-0784 Endoscopic Extracapsular Resection of Pituitary Adenomas and Cerebellopontine Angle: Case Report and Literature Review Assessment of Outcomes Toufi k Benmamar / Algeria Mohamed A Elzoghby / Egypt Lotfi Boublata, Rafi k Ouchetati, Kamel Bouaita Iman H Hewedi, Yara M Eid

EP-0771 Early Results of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery in EP-0785 Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Revealed by Pituitary Metastasis Cushing Patients Brahim Merrouche / Algeria Ercan Bal / Turkey Lila Mahfouf, Abdelbasset Khadraoui, Said Khider, Benaissa Abdennebi Salih Kürşat Şimşek, Halil Can Küçükyıldız, Kazım Bozdemir, Togay Müderris, Didem Özdemir, Bekir Çakır, Murad Bavbek EP-0786 Sinonasal Outcomes of Endoscopic Endonasal Versus Microscopic Sublabial Transsphenoidal Surgery for EP-0772 The Value of the Intraoperative MRI in Resection of Skull Base Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas Chordomas Mohamed A Elzoghby / Egypt Hussam Metwali / Germany Carrie L Pledger, Edward H Oldfi eld, Spencer C Payne, John A Jane Jr. Gerganov Venelin, Fahlbusch Rudolf, Samii Amir 303 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0787 Report of Pituicytoma Case Operated with ETSS Approach EP-0801 Demographic and Histopathological Patterns of Neuro- WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Masoud Asghari Nosari / Iran Epithelial Brain Tumors in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Tohid Emami Meybodi, Guive Sharifi , Keyhan Esmaeelpoor, Zahra Davoodi Mahmoud Taha / Saudi Arabia Ibrahim Atean, Ahmed Alwbari, Qasim Alharbi, Marwah Abdulkader EP-0788 Pituitary Metastasis of a Lung Cancer: Case Report Mohamed Si Saber / Algeria EP-0802 E ect of Epithermal Neutron Beams on Glial Tumor Tissues Imane Bersali, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef Rakhmon Egamberdiev / Uzbekistan Uygun Altibaev, Ravshanbek Kadirbekov, Akmal Muhamedov, EP-0789 Brain Metastasis from Pancreatic Cancer: A Case Report and Maruf Matmusaev, Javlon Tuhtamurodov Literature Review Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia EP-0803 Long Awakening of Neurosurgical Patients After Infusion of Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Firas Jarraya, Yessin Gdoura, Thiopental - Drug Sleep or Neurological De cit? Brahim Kammoun Ekaterina Kondratyeva / Russia Denis Vasiliev, Ruslan Nazarov, Natalia Lesteva EP-0790 Factors A ecting the Recurrence and Dissemination of Primary Spinal Ependymomas EP-0804 Melanocytoma in the Quadrigeminal System Anas Abdallah / Turkey Mehmet Orbay Bıyık / Turkey Ali Ender Ofl uoğlu, Özden Erhan Sofl uoğlu, Murad Asiltürk, Erhan Emel, Mehmet Selim Gel, Erhan Arslan, Mehmet Aktolu, Kayhan Kuzeyli Müslüm Güneş, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Betül Güler Abdallah EP-0805 Dynamics of Some Characteristics of Homeostasis in EP-0791 Features of Magnetic Resonance Tractography in Diagnosis and Neurosurgical Patients Treatment of Intracerebral Brain Tumors Nataliya Lesteva / Russia Firuz Mahmadzoda Shukurov / Uzbekistan Nataliya Dryagina, Ekaterina Kondratyeva, Ruslan Nazarov, Abdurahmon Mamatkulovich Mamadaliev, Amirkul Shodievich Shodiev Anatoly Kondratyeva

EP-0792 Histological Predictors of Surgical Treatment Results of Mixed EP-0806 Lipoma of the Brain Convexity Gliomas Nevhis Akinturk / Turkey Valentin Kliuchka / Ukraine Nurgül Balcı Oktem, Doğa Uğurlar, Tuncer Taşcıoğlu, Metin Kasap, Aykut Akpınar, Ramiz Ahmedov, Reha Akpinar, Nil Çomunoğlu, EP-0793 Association Between Cytochrome p450 Gene (CYP2C19) Mustafa Ali Akçetin, Ali Osman Akdemir Polymorphism and Glial Tumors of Central Nervous System Vural Hamzaoglu / Turkey EP-0807 Seeding of Ependimoma Seven Years After Initial Diagnosis Ozlen Tubay Bagdatoglu, Hatice Yildirim Yaroglu, Hakan Ozalp, Aydın Sinan Apaydın / Turkey Sema Erden Erturk, Ahmet Dagtekin, Celal Bagdatoglu Ismail Bozkurt, Oktay Gürcan, Ahmet Gürhan Gürçay, Atilla Kazancı, Murad Bavbek EP-0794 Rarely Seen Spinal Paraganglioma of Medulla Spinalis Aydın Sinan Apaydın / Turkey EP-0808 Unilateral Exophthalmos Revealing a Fibrous Dysplasia of Oktay Gürcan, Atilla Kazancı, Ahmet Gürhan Gürçay, Yetkin Ağaçkıran, Bone: A Case Report and Review of Litterature Murad Bavbek Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Fatma Kolsi, Achraf Ben Salah, Brahim Kammoun, Yessin Gdoura, Firas Jarraya EP-0795 Frequency of Cerebellopontine Angle Epidermoid Cyst Presenting as Trigeminal Neuralgia EP-0809 Choroid Plexus Carcinoma Ramzan Hussain / Pakistan Erhan Arslan / Turkey Akram Ullah Mehmet Aktoklu, Mehmet Orbay Bıyık, Mehmet Selim Gel, Hasan Çağrı Postuk, Atanur Kuru, Sabahattin Hızıroğlu, Kayhan Kuzeyli EP-0796 Glutathione S-Transferase Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Glioma EP-0810 Cystic Cortical Ependymoma in an Adult: Case Report and Vural Hamzaoglu / Turkey Review of the Literatures Ozlen Tubay Bagdatoglu, Hatice Yildirim Yaroglu, Hakan Ozalp, Shaymaa Al Umran / Saudi Arabia Sema Erden Erturk, Emel Avci, Celal Bagdatoglu Marwa Abdulkader, Mahmoud Taha

EP-0797 Phosphorus-32 Interstitial Radiotherapy for Recurrent EP-0811 Radiation-Induced Meningiomas: A Serial of Three Consecutive Craniopharyngioma: Expressions of Vascular Endothelial Patients Growth Factor and Its Receptor-2 and Imaging Features of Anas Abdallah / Turkey Tumors are Related to Tumor Radiosensitivity Murad Asiltürk, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler Abdallah Xin Yu / China Jinhiu Chen, Chenhao Hu, Yuhong Meng EP-0812 Pediatric Ependymomas: A Retrospective Study of 60 Cases Yedeas Mohamed Dehmani / Tunisia EP-0798 Rarely Seen After Brain Surgery; Mucor Infections Bani Mohamed Amine, Zehani Alia, Sofi ane Bouali, Ines Chelly, Aydın Sinan Apaydın / Turkey Nada Mansouri, Slim Haouet, Hafedh Jmel, Nidhameddine Kchir Oktay Gürcan, Atilla Kazancı, Ahmet Gürhan Gürçay, Emre Karakök, Murad Bavbek EP-0813 Assessing Intracranial Meningioma Outcome by Simple Tumor EP-0799 Biocompatible Amniotic Sac Implant Produces Fresh-Like Localization Scale Conditions During Recurrent Glioma Surgery Bruno Splavski / Croatia Ali Fadl Krisht / United States Irina Bagic, Vjenceslav Vrtaric, Marko Kovacevic

EP-0800 Long-Term Surgical Treatment of Intracranial Epdermoid Cysts: EP-0814 Embryonal Tumor with Abundant Neutrophil and True A Retrospective Study Rosettes: A Case Report Anas Abdallah / Turkey Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Murad Asiltürk, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Erhan Emel, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Muharrem Furkan Yuzbasi, Rifat Saygin Altinag, Ayca Ersen Danyeli, Talat Cem Ovalıoğlu, Erhan Özden Sofuoğlu, Betül Güler Abdallah Hamit Selim Karabekir

304 E-Poster Neuro-oncology

EP-0815 Rarely Seen Brain Fungal Abscess that Distinguish from Brain EP-0828 Structural and Temporal Comparison of Glioblastomas in XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Tumors Patients of Di erent Age Groups Aydın Sinan Apaydın / Turkey Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna / Ukraine Ercan Bal, Ismail Bozkurt, Imran Hasanoğlu, Rüveyda Bilmez, Khmelnytskyi Gennady Vladislavovich, Markova Olga Vladimirovna, Hatice Rahmet Güner, Murad Bavbek Romodanov Sergei Andreevich

EP-0816 Sphenoidal Sinus Aspergillotic Mucocele: A Case Report and EP-0829 Trigeminal Neuralgia due to Acoustic Shwannoma Review of Literature Türkan Acar / Turkey Leila Boutiah / Algeria Bekir Enes Demiryürek Zarina Ali Shabhay, Kamel Bouaita EP-0830 A Pictorial Essay of NF2 Showing Maximum (17) Intracranial EP-0817 Isolated Orbital Mass Associated with Thyroid Carcinoma. Meningiomas with an Unusual Spinal Tumor Case Report Abu Saleh Mohammad Abu Obaida / Bangladesh Ali Şahin / Turkey Asifur Rahman, Robert Ahmed Khan, S I M Khairun Nabi Khan, Halil Ulutabanca, Ahmet Selçuklu Shamsul Alam

EP-0818 Signi cance of Human Cytomegalovirus Virus (HCMV) in the EP-0831 Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: A Brainstem Tumor. Case Report Pathogenesis of Human Brain Gliomas of Di erent Anaplasia and Review of Literature Grades Carlos Roberto Massella Junior / Brazil Lisyany Nikolaj Ivanovich / Ukraine Bartolomeu Souto Queiroz Quidute, Lievin Luz Carvalho, Gnedkova Irina Alexandrovna, Stanetskay Diana Nikolaevna, Cicero Diego Sampaio Cabral, Jose Claudio Monteiro Rodrigues Filho, Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna, Gnedkova Marina Alexandrovna Carlos Vanderlei Medeiros De Holanda, Jean Gonçalves De Oliveira, Benedito Jamilson Araújo Pereira EP-0819 The E ect of Oleocanthal on Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress of the Neuroblastoma Cell EP-0832 The Functional Brain Connectivity as a Possible Method for Ulkun Unlu Unsal / Turkey Preoperative Surgical Planning and a Prognostic Tool: Mesut Mete, Mehmet Ibrahim Tuglu, Ahmet Sukru Umur, Perspective and Pitfalls Mustafa Barutcuoglu, Cuneyt Temiz Hussam Metwali / Germany Akbarian Arash, Kabelitz Ulrike, Mohammadi Bahram, Samii Amir EP-0820 Brain Metastasis in Wilms’ Tumor: A Case Report Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia EP-0833 Brown Tumor of the Cervical Spine: First Manifestation of a Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Firas Jarraya, Primary Hyperparathyroidism Yessine Gdoura Mohamed Kilani / Tunisia Atef Ben Nsir, Marwa Zemmeli, Maher Hadhri, Mehdi Darmoul, EP-0821 Intra-Orbital Schwannoma: A Case Report and Literature Mohamed Nejib Hattab Review Leila Boutiah / Algeria EP-0834 Spinal Metastasis as a First Manifestation of a Renal Cell Zarina Ali Shabhay, Lotfi Boblata, Kamel Bouaita Carcinoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia EP-0822 Intramedullary Metastasis to the Cervical Spinal Cord from Achraf Ben Salah, Fatma Kolsi, Brahim Kammoun, Firas Jarraya, Yessine Gdoura Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Case Report. Review of the Literature EP-0835 Spinal Metastasis as a First Manifestation of a Renal Cell Fotios Kalfas / Italy Carcinoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil EP-0823 Non-Motoric Facial Nerve Dysfunction After Vestibular Lorenza Pereira, Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff Schwannoma Surgery Hussam Metwali / Germany EP-0836 Astroblastoma: Clinical and Histopathological Features Kniese Katja, Kardavani Babak, Samii Madjid, Samii Amir Yedeas Mohamed Dehmani / Tunisia Bani Mohamed Amine, Zehani Alia, Sofi ane Bouali, Ines Chelly, EP-0824 Diagnostic Yield and Accuracy in Frame-Based Stereotactic Nada Mansouri, Slim Haouet, Hafedh Jmel, Nidhameddine Kchir Needle Biopsy without Intraoperative Neuropathological Veri cation EP-0837 Safety of Perioperative Aspirin Use in Brain Tumor Surgery: Stanislaw Adamski / Poland To Stop or not to Stop? Wojciech Kloc, Witold Libionka, Piotr Murawski, Ewa Izycka Swieszewska, Sahin Hanalioglu / Turkey Maciej Racinowski, Jakub Wiśniewski, Patryk Kurlandt Balkan Sahin, Ulas Cikla, Abdulbaki Kozan, Ilhan Aydin, Halil Olgun Peker, Cem Dinc, Pinar Eser Ocak, Umut Ocak, Mustafa K. Baskaya EP-0825 Cerebral Atypical Meningioma Metastasized to Deltoid Muscle Aykut Akpinar / Turkey EP-0838 Immunologic Features of Intratumoral and Peripheral Mustafa Ali Akcetin, Nevhis Akınturk, Doga Ugurlar, Metin Kasap, Lymphocytes in Patients with Intracerebral Gliomas of Varying Tuncer Tascıoglu, Ali Osman Akdemir Degrees of Malignancy Lisyany Nikolaj Ivanovich / Ukraine EP-0826 Treatment of Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle Through Gnedkova Irina Alexandrovna, Belskay Ludmila Nikolaevna, Cystoperitoneal Shunt Only – Case Presentation Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna, Gnedkova Marina Alexandrovna Safa Elfatih Yagoub Hamid Babikir / Sudan Mohsin Mohamed Husein EP-0839 Ependymoblastoma: Report of 8 Cases Yedeas Mohamed Dehmani / Tunisia EP-0827 The Feasibility of Electromagnetic Navigation During Surgery Bani Mohamed Amine, Zehani Alia, Sofi ane Bouali, Ines Chelly, in the Semi-Sitting Position: Early Experience Nada Mansouri, Slim Haouet, Hafedh Jmel, Nidhameddine Kchir Hussam Metwali / Germany Petrakakis Yannos, Paterno Vincenzo, Samii Amir EP-0840 Olfactory Neuroblastoma: A 21-Year Experience Yedeas Mohamed Dehmani / Tunisia Bani Mohamed Amine, Zehani Alia, Sofi ane Bouali, Ines Chelly, Nada Mansouri, Slim Haouet, Hafedh Jmel, Nidhameddine Kchir

305 Neuro-oncology / E-Poster Neurotraumatology and Neuro Critical Care

EP-0841 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Presenting as an Osteolytic EP-0854 Progesterone Use For Acute Traumatic Brain Injury is no More WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Lesion of the Frontal Bone with Soft Tissue and Intracranial Supported-A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis Extra-Axial Involvement. Case Report Ali Meshkini / Iran Andrei Peciul / Moldova Mohammad I Meshkin, Homayoun I Sadeghi Bazargan Constanta Dogaru Peciul, Ion Preguza EP-0855 The E ect of High Mobility Group Box-1 Protein on Cerebral EP-0842 A Rare Case of Isolated Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease Edema, Blood-Brain Barrier, Oxidative Stress and Apoptozis in Mimicking Optic Nerve Meningioma: A Case Report and Traumatic Brain Injury Literature Review Şevket Evran / Turkey Hani Aljohani / France Fatih Çalış, Enes Akkaya, Serdar Çevik, Ebru Gürel Güverin, Jihad Mortada, Jimmy Voirin, Charl Salloum, Robin Srour Hakan Hanımoğlu, Mehmet Hakan Seyithanoğlu, Salim Katar, Elif Ilkay Armutak, Ersin Karataş, Mehmet Yaşar Kaynar, EP-0843 Tentorial Meningiomas Mustafa Aziz Hatiboğlu Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Lorenza Pereira, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff EP-0856 Head Injury “Epidemiological Pro le in a Reference Hospital of São Paulo City” EP-0844 Intra Medullary Cavernous Hemangioma About a Case Luiz Paulo Alves / Brazil Sidi Tarik El Hamdani / Morocco Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Lorenza Pereira, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff Abdessamad Naja, Abdssamad Azhari, Zoubida Bargach EP-0857 Neuroprotective Agents Use for Traumatic Brain Injury: A EP-0845 The Cerebral Hernia Secondary to Recurrent Pituitary Systematic Review & Meta-Analyses Apoplexy: Case Report and Literature Review Ali Meshkini / Iran Ning Sheng / China Mohammad Meshkini, Homayoun Sadeghi Bazargani Ning Li, Ai Min Li, Shi Wei Yan, Jun Chen, Fu Yuan Wang EP-0858 TDP-43 Proteolysis Is Associated with Reactive Astrocyte EP-0846 The Results of Combined Treatment of Glial Brain Tumors Hao Kuang Wang / Taiwan Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich Mamadaliev / Uzbekistan Kang Lu, Po Chou Liliang

EP-0847 Evaluation of the E ects of Long and Short Term Dexamethasone EP-0859 Spontaneous Resolution of Post-traumatic Chronic Subdural Treatment After Severe Head Injury Hematoma: A Case Report Aycicek Cecen / Turkey Hakan Yılmaz / Turkey Merih Is, Fevzullah Akyuz, Isın Dogan Ekici, Tamer Altay, Erhan Celikoglu Osman Boyalı, Ibrahim Burak Atcı, Ümit Kocaman

EP-0848 Does Antioxidant Status Capacity in Traumatic Brain Injury EP-0860 Endoscopic Transnasal Approach for the Treatment of Dural Correlate with the Severity of Injury? Defect of Skull Base Olabisi Oluwagbemiga Ogunleye / Nigeria Mohamed Dehmani Yedeas / Tunisia Nasiru Jinjiri Ismail, Ali Lasseini, Oluwamayowa Olayinka Opara, Sana Omezine, Sameh Achoura, Ahmed Harbaoui, Ridha Chkili, Olayere Henry Obanife, Otorkpa Joseph Ega, Ibrahim Ahmad Karofi , Mehdi Ben Ammar Aliyu Mohammad Koko, Aminu Buba, Abdullahi Sakkwato Shehu, Oluwole Olarinmoye Oyeleye, Bello Bala Shehu EP-0861 Compare the Unilateral and Bilateral Hemicraniectomy in Infarction Patient EP-0849 Various Clinical Presentation Experience of Traumatic Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Fistula of a Single Medical Institute Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hea Kwan Park, Cheol Ji Sang Hyung Lee / South Korea Youngbo Shim, Eun Jin Ha EP-0862 Comparative Characteristics of Cranioplasty in Patients with Depressed Fractures of the Anterior Walls of the Frontal Sinuses EP-0850 Uncovering a New Mechanism of the Charging E ect of Kanat Kyrymovich Akhmetov / Kazakhstan Epicardiac Ganglia and Their E ects on Heart Life Expectancy Yerzhan Boranbayevich Adilbekov Following Brain Death After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Experimental Study EP-0863 Mini Craniotomy for Acute Subdural Hematomas in Selected Mehmet Dumlu Aydin / Turkey Patients Nazan Aydin, Ayhan Kanat, Ferah Daloglu, Coskun Yolas, Canan Atalay, Stefanos D Pichas / Greece Fazli Erdogan, Mahmut Acikel Christos Katsiafas, Dimitrios Papadakos

EP-0851 Relation of Neurogranin, S100b, GFAP Levels to Intracranial EP-0864 Surgical Approaches for the Treatment of CSF Fistula Traumatic Lesions in Patients with Mild Head Injury Yusuf Izci / Turkey Serdar Çevik / Turkey Mustafa Murat Özgenç, Ahmet Güneyk, Şevket Evran, Salim Katar, EP-0865 Operative Management of a Traumatic Superior Sagittal Sinus Hakan Hanımoğlu, Mehmet Yaşar Kaynar Injury in a Resource-Limited Civilian Field Hospital During the Syrian Civil War EP-0852 Management and Outcome of Moderate Head Trauma: Our Omar Ibrahim Abdallah / Syria Experience David Clark, Ramez Kirollos Wael Musa / Egypt Alshaimaa Taha Ahmed, Mohammed Ahmed Sultan, EP-0866 Chronic Subdural Hematomas - Reducing the Incidence of Mohammed Eslam Elshehawi Recurrence and Obtaining the Optimal Results Stefanos D Pichas / Greece EP-0853 Association of Hyperchloremia with Mortality in Christos Katsiafas, Dimitrios Papadakos, Ioannis Katsiafas Decompressive Craniectomy Kum Whang / South Korea EP-0867 Surgical Treatment of Supra and Infratentorial Traumatic So Hyun Kim Epidural Hematoma: Our Experience and Literature Review Reza Ghadirpour / Italy Davide Nasi, Marco Farneti, Corrado Iaccarino, Antonio Romano, Salvatore Ippolito, Pasquale De Bonis, Franco Servadei

306 E-Poster Neurotraumatology and Neuro Critical Care

EP-0868 E ciency of Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Subdural Hygroma EP-0883 The Study of the E ectiveness of Endolumbal Ozone-Nootropic XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Andriy Huk / Ukraine Therapy in Post-Traumatic Vegetative States Niko Kadzhaya, Andriy Dyadechko Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev / Uzbekistan Saodat Abdurakhmonovna Mamadalieva EP-0869 E ciency of Conservative Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Andriy Huk / Ukraine EP-0884 Cervical Pseudomeningocele-Induced Hydrocephalus Niko Kadzhaya, Andriy Dyadechko Following Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury: A Case Report Montserrat A Lara Velazquez / United States EP-0870 Calci ed Chronic Subdural Hematoma (CCSH): Report of Two Cases Sara Ganaha, Jang W Yoon, Peter M Murray, Oluwaseun O Akinduro, Ersin Hacıyakupoğlu / Turkey Gordon Deen Derviş Mansuri Yılmaz, Taner Arpacı, Tuana Akbaş EP-0885 Treatment of Basal Liquorrhea in Patients with Craniofacial EP-0871 Decompressive Hemicraniectomy and Intractable Injuries with Using of Di erent Combinations of Plastic Materials Intraoperative Brain Herniation: The Use of a Plastic Sheet, Guia Shahinian / Russia Resembling a Bogotá Bag, for Temporary Scalp Closure Abram Gulzatyan, Sergey Lyubimov, Oleg Dreval, Natalya Gorlova Marcius Benigno Marques Dos Santos / Brazil Orival Alves, Marcelo Alvarez Rodrigues, Stenio Henrique De Souza, EP-0886 Posttraumatic Hydrocephalus – An Indication for Helber Alves Perez, Fernando Dos Anjos Schmitz, Álvaro Moreira Da Luz, Neuroendoscopic Surgery? Layara Lenardon, Paulo Eduardo Mestrinelli Carrilho, Cristiane Egewarth, Jan Chrastina / Czech Republic Talvany Donizetti De Oliveira Zdenek Novak, Vera Feitova

EP-0872 Ball and Socket Technique for Fixation of Cranioplasty Flaps EP-0887 The In uence of Decompressive Craniectomy on the Omar Youssef / Egypt Development of Hydrocephalus: A Literature Review Ahmed El Fiki Jun Ding / China Hengli Tian EP-0873 Techniques for Removing Hundreds of Little Balls and Penetrated Wood Sticks Caused by Grinder Explosion and EP-0888 Endoscopic Removal of a Bullet Migrated to the Third Ventricle Reconstruction of Skull Base Causing Hydrocephalus: A Case Report Huseyin Biceroglu / Turkey Tugrul Cem Unal / Turkey Cenk Eraslan, Seyhan Orak, Elif Bolat, Taskin Yurtseven Aydin Aydoseli, Pulat Akin Sabanci, Nail Izgi

EP-0874 Interhemispheric Subdural Hematomas EP-0889 Outcome of Single Burr Hole and Subdural Catheter Placement Mohammad Maleki / Canada in Chronic Subdural Hematoma in Terms of Improvement of Glasgow Coma Scale EP-0875 Clinical Manifestation and Tactics of Treatment of Chronic Waheed Alam / Pakistan Subdural Hematoma Amirkul Shodiyevich Shodiyev / Uzbekistan EP-0890 Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Posterior Fossa Epidural Mansur Abdukholikovich Aliev Hematoma Long Sor / Cambodia EP-0876 Basal Cisternostomy - Another Step in Reducing ICP in Severe Huynh Le Phuong Head Injuries. Newer Thoughts and Analysis Jutty Chandra Parthiban / India EP-0891 A Metallic Stent Placement for Trapped Ventricle Horn through Endoscope EP-0877 Emergency Minimally Invasive Surgery for Spontaneous Xinrui Liu / China Intracerebral Haemorrhage Gang Zhao, Yunqian Li, Haiyang Xu, Xudong Zhang, Shanji Li, Chingpo Lin Safak Ozyoruk / Turkey Muharrem Furkan Yuzbası, Ali Osman Mucuoglu, Hulagu Kaptan EP-0892 Gunshot Injuries to the Head and Orbit Yusuf Izci / Turkey EP-0878 Single Parietal Burr Hole Craniostomy for Unilateral Chronic Subdural Hematoma in Young Adults Less than 40 Years EP-0893 Late Developed Post-traumatic Chiari-Malformation Type I After Milesh Nagar / India 10-Year Traumatic Brain Injury Raj S Chandran, Sharmad Ms, Rajmohan B Prabhakar, Anil Peethambaran, Kuo Hsing Liao / Taiwan Shailesh Kumar, Saurabh Sharma, Sourabh Jain Tai Ngar Lui

EP-0879 A Rare Case of Penetrating Trauma EP-0894 Lesson Learn (The End of DC Scandal) Ece Uysal / Turkey András Csókay / Hungary Ahmed Yasin Yavuz, Enis Dönmez, Yunus Kurtuluş, Salih Batuhan Kartal, Idris Avcı, Selim Şeker, Suat Erol Çelik EP-0895 E ects of Decompressive Craniectomy, Hypertonic Saline Solution and Mannitol on an Experimental Model of Cerebral EP-0880 To the Question of Clinical Features and Treatment of Chronic Ischemia Subdural Hematomas Mehmet Hüseyin Akgül / Turkey Amirkul Shodievich Shodiev / Uzbekistan Çağatay Çalıkoğlu, Osman Akgül, Ayşe Karataş Firuz Mahmadzoda Shukurov, Ravshan Rustamovich Kadirov EP-0896 Proper Cerebral Perfusion Pressure of the Decompressive EP-0881 Supraorbital Trans-Sulcal Endoport Assisted Evacuation of Basal Craniectomized Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Ganglia Hemorrhage: A Technical Note Do Sung Yoo / South Korea Ahmed Maamoun Ashour / Egypt Han Young Huh, Jae Kun Ahn, Hae Kwan Park, Cheol Ji Jeroen R Coppens, Matt Pierson, Najib El Tecle, Maheen Q Khan EP-0897 Growing Skull Fracture of 2-Month-Old Age Patient EP-0882 Literature Review on Skin Complications After Decompressive Aykut Akpinar / Turkey Craniectomy - How to Prevent It? Mehmet Nihat Dincbal,,bekir Mahmut Kılıc, Nevhis Akınturk, Doga Ugurlar, Luiz Paulo Alves / Brazil Metin Kasap, Ali Osman Akdemir Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff , Lorenza Pereira, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff

307 E-Poster Neurotraumatology and Neuro Critical Care

EP-0898 A Challange with Pediatric Neurotrauma Cases: Traumatic EP-0912 Intracranial Subacute Subdural Haematoma After Spinal WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Pediatric Carotid Artery Dissections Anaesthesia: Severe Post Dural Puncture Headache as an Derya Burcu Hazer Rosberg / Turkey Alarming Sign: A Case Report Övünç Erdem Çorapçı, Gökmen Reyhanlı Moayad Moawia Zain Elabdin Ahmed / Sudan Ahmed Mohammed Awad Elhaj, Mohammed Awad Elzain, EP-0899 Unexpected Complications Encountered in Surgical Treatment Zakaria Ibrahim Mohammed of Chronic Subdural Hematoma -An Interesting Case Report Kodeeswaran Marappan / India EP-0913 Patient Speci c Implants Created by Three-Dimensional Printing Rajendran S., Priya Muniyandi, Balasubramani Karuppannan, Ramesh Vg Sergey Mishinov / Russia Vyacheslav Stupak, Andrey Panchenko, Igor Krasovsky EP-0900 Di culties of Diagnosis of Bilateral Traumatic Intracranial Hematomas with Supratentorial Location EP-0914 Making Titanium Composite Implants with Bioactive Materials Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan for Skull Defect Reconstruction Bahtiyor Urinboev Karimovich, Zafarjon Isroilov Gafurovich Alexander Kravchuk / Russia Vladimir Komlev, Sergey Barinov, Vladimir Okhlopkov, Vladimir Mamonov, EP-0901 Epidemiology and Diagnosis Nosocomial Pneumonia in Patients Alexander Fedotov, Yaroslav Latyshev, Alexey Maryakhin with Craniocerebral Injury Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan EP-0915 Case Presentation: Military Gunshot Wound to the Head Nurillo Mahmudov Ismailovich, Husan H.o.mahmudov Obidovich, Boran Urfalı / Turkey Azizbek Hidirov Anvarovich Atilla Yılmaz, Senem Urfalı, Mustafa Emrah Kaya, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan EP-0902 Features for Traumatic Brain Injury in Conjuction with Chest Damage EP-0916 Camel Bite Associated with Depressed Skull Fracture with Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan Rapidly Spreading Subgaleal Cellulitis Nurillo Mahmudov Ismailovich, Ibrohim Ashurov Saidnuriddinovich Shaymaa Al Umran / Saudi Arabia Ahmad Abdulfatah, Faisal Alabbas, Hosam Al Jehani EP-0903 A Case Report of Rod Migration into Cerebellum Through Occipital Bone After Lateral Mass Fixation of Cervical Spine EP-0917 Late Onset Hemiparesis due to Pneumocephalus Baher Medhat Labib / Egypt Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Orhan Kalemci, Muharrem Furkan Yuzbasi, Mehmet Nuri Arda EP-0904 Craniometry with Hematomas of the Posterior Cranial Fossa Andrey Igorevich Pavlov / Ukraine EP-0918 Sinking Skin Flap Syndrome After Decompressive Craniectomy: Case Report EP-0905 Compound Elevated Skull Fractures: A Case Series from South Erek Öztürk / Turkey Africa and an Anatomical Classi cation Ercan Çetin, Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Ali Haluk Düzkalır, Erdinç Civelek, Prashanth Maharaj / South Africa Serdar Kabataş Basil Enicker EP-0919 Spontaneous Rhinorrhea; Diagnosis and Follow-up After MR EP-0906 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Occuring Cisternography Intraoperatively After Severe Head Injury Aydın Sinan Apaydın / Turkey Serge Eddy Teneku Mba / Zimbabwe Ismail Bozkurt, Ercan Bal, Oktay Algın, Murad Bavbek Kazadi Kalangu, Nathaneil Zimani, Maximilian Dzova EP-0920 Posterior Penetrating Neck Wound with the Right-Sided EP-0907 Traumatic Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis Brachial Plexus Disorder: A Case Report Mehmet Can Ezgu / Turkey Nenad Koruga / Croatia Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Cahit Kural, Ilker Solmaz, Nail Caglar Temiz, Ozkan Tehli, Anamarija Soldo Koruga, Ivan Hecimovic Yusuf Izci EP-0921 Computer Tomography in the Diagnosis of Acute Traumatic EP-0908 Risk Factors and Pattern of Motor Cycle Associated Head Injury Brain Injury in Sokoto: An Analysis of 184 Cases Managed Over One Year Doniyor Abdullaev Dehqonboevich / Uzbekistan Henry Olayere Obanife / Nigeria Bahtiyor Urinboev Karimovich Bello Bala Shehu, Jinjiri Nasiru Ismail, Lasseini Ali, Olugbenga Olabisi Ogunleye, Ega Joseph Otorkpa, Abdullahi Shehu Sakwato EP-0922 Occipital Calci ed Chronic Epidural Hematoma Aykut Akpinar / Turkey EP-0909 The In uence of Allogeneic Transplantation of Olfactory Bulb Bekir Mahmut Kılıc, Mehmet Nihat Dincbal, Tuncer Tascıoglu, Metin Kasap, Tissue During Experimental Brain Injury in Rats Doga Ugurlar, Ali Osman Akdemir Novikov Ruslan Romanovich / Ukraine Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna, Vaslovich Victoria Victorovna EP-0923 Assessing E cacy of NeuroAiD in Improving Functional Outcome in Intracranial Hemorrhage and Traumatic Brain Injury EP-0910 Spinal Cord Injury: Epidemiological Pro le in a Reference Ramesh Kumar / Malaysia Hospital of São Paulo City Farizal Fadzil, Bee Hong Soon, Palani Kamalanathan, Ainul Jaafar, Daniel De Carvalho Kirchhoff / Brazil Sanmugarajah Paramasvaran, Toh Charng Jeng, Jegan Thanabalan, Lorenza Pereira, Luiz Paulo Alves, Dierk Fritz Bodo Kirchhoff Azizi Abu Bakar

EP-0911 Case report: Intervertebral Disc Space Located Bullet Projectile EP-0924 Di cult Cases in Surgery of Gunshot Wounds to the Skull and Erek Öztürk / Turkey Brain - A Single Center Experience Eyüp Can Savrunlu, Murat Keğin, Murat Kahraman, Saygın Uçar, Andriy Grigorovich Sirko / Ukraine Erdinç Civelek, Serdar Kabataş EP-0925 A Rare Complication of Arachnoid Cyst Erman Guler / Turkey Ali Karadag, Serkan Bilal, Ali Ozcan Binatli, Fusun Demircivi Ozer

308 Neurotraumatology and Neuro Critical Care / E-Poster Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

EP-0926 Neurological Surgery Admissions to the Intensive Care Unit of a EP-0941 Pneumocephalus Resulting from Compressed Air Injury to the Orbit XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Tertiary Health Institution in South-East Nigeria: An 8-Year Sinan Bahadır / Turkey Review of Patterns and Outcome Mark Chikani / Nigeria EP-0942 Complications of Decompressive Craniectomy in Patients with Wilfred Mezue, Dung Guga, Ephraim Onyia, Enoch Uche, Izuchukwu Iloabachie Traumatic Brain Injury Muhammad Faheem Khan / Pakistan EP-0927 Di erential Diagnosis of Severe Alcohol Intoxication, Traumatic Syed Ather Enam Brain Enabling Damage Mirzohid Tozhiev Tojiddinivich / Uzbekistan EP-0943 Epidural Hematoma: A Retrospective Analysis of Morbidity and Andolip Minozhev Madazimovich, Nurillo Mahmudov Ismailovich Mortality in 86 Patients Mohamed Badri / Tunisia EP-0928 Management of Depressed Fractures Overlying Cranial Dural Ghassen Gader, Kamel Bahri, Jalel Kallel, Ihsen Zammel Venous Sinuses Abir Benamara / Algeria EP-0944 In uence of Alcohol Intoxication on Outcome After Surgery for Craniocerebral Injury EP-0929 Mortality in Patients with Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: Jan Chrastina / Czech Republic A Systematic Review Dušan Hrabovský, Tomáš Zeman, Zdenek Novák Amir Azarhomayoun / Iran Najmeh Mousavi, Maryam Aghasi, Farhad Shokraneh, Vafa Rahimi Movaghar EP-0945 Analysis of the E ectiveness of Using Allogeneic Tissue of the Cerebral Cortex of Fetal Brain During Experimental Brain Injury EP-0930 Retroclival Epidural Hematoma Secondary to an Oblique Clivus in Rats Fracture Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna / Ukraine Ismail Bozkurt / Turkey Novikov Ruslan Romanovich, Vaslovich Viktoria Vladimirovna Sinan Aydin Apaydin, Naci Altundal, Giyas Ayberk, Murad Bavbek EP-0946 In Acute Subdural Hematoma E ect of Decompressive EP-0931 A Case of Orbitocranial Foreign Body Craniectomy on Mortality Halil Can Küçükyıldız / Turkey Muyassar Mirkhasilova / Turkey Ömer Faruk Türkoğlu, Aydın Sinan Apaydın Kadir Altaş, Burak Özdemir, Ilhan Yılmaz, Ahmet Murat Müslüman, Adem Yılmaz EP-0932 A Rare Case of Craniofacial Injury with a Combat Knife Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey EP-0947 Initial Experience of Right Median Nerve Electrical Stimulation Muharrem Furkan Yuzbasi, Ali Osman Mucuoglu, Burak Sade for Acute Traumatic Coma in Republic of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Adilbekov / Kazakhstan EP-0933 The Use of Individualised Titanium Cranial Implants in the Azamat Zhailganov, Assylbek Kaliyev, Serik Akshulakov Reconstructive Neurosurgery in Patients After Head Injury - Personalised Reconstructive Neurosurgery EP-0948 Retrospective Analysis of 110 Cases of Chronic Subdural Branislav Kolarovszki / Slovakia Hematoma that are Surgically Treated Radovan Hudak, Rastislav Penciak, Richterova Romana, Opsenak Rene, Barış Erdoğan / Turkey Zivcak Jozef Merih Iş, Selin Tural Emon, Duygu Ceman, Metin Orakdöğen

EP-0934 Major Improvement in Glasgow Outcome Score Related to EP-0949 Hyperacute Massive Epidural Hematoma as a Complication Timely Surgical Decompression of Acute Subdural Hematoma Following Puncture of Epicranial Fluid Collection After Ameya Kamat / South Africa Cranioplasty with Methyl-Methacrylate. Case Presentation Armin Gretschel, Adriaan Vlok Constanta Dogaru Peciul / Moldova Andrei Peciul, Ion Preguza EP-0935 A Rare Incidence of Transorbital Intracranial Injury Chun Lin Lee / Malaysia EP-0950 Peroperative Mapping: First Year Experience Azman Raffi q Raffi q Atroune Lynda / Algeria

EP-0936 Impact of Thoracic Injury on Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome EP-0951 Frame- Based Stereotactic Biopsy for Brainstem Tumors: Jun Ding / China Reports of 12 Cases Hengli Tian Essam Rezk / Egypt Essam Mokbel EP-0937 Resolution of Tension Pneumocephalus by Burr Hole Trephination and Saline Infusion EP-0952 Our 10-Year Experience in the Stereotactic Biopsy of the Brain Chong Gue Kim / South Korea Mass Lesions Ayfer Aslan / Turkey EP-0938 Results of Delayed Cranioplasty of Skull Defects Using Erkut Baha Bulduk, Özgür Öcal, Ömer Hakan Emmez, Gökhan Kurt, Nanocomposite Metalloceramic in the Experiment in Rats Şükrü Aykol Nakhaba Alexander Alexandrovich / Ukraine Shmeleva Anna Anatolievna, Robak Oleg Petrovich EP-0953 High Frequency Sulcomyelotomy the Central Sulcus (DREZ) in Patients with Pre - and Postganglionic Lesion of the Spinal Cord EP-0939 Postoperative Results of Acute Subdural Hematoma Cases, Age Lyubimaya Kristina Valerievna / Russia Above 60 Years Dreval Oleg Nikolaevich, Kuznetsov Alexey Vitalyevich Muyassar Mirkhasilova / Turkey Kadir Altaş, Burak Özdemir, Ilhan Yılmaz, Adem Yılmaz, EP-0954 How to Improve the Performance of a Stereotactic Biopsy? Ahmet Murat Müslüman Felipe Valdivia B. / Russia Marcela Gallegos, Claudia Tissera, Rodrigo Vallejo, Romulo Melo, EP-0940 Experience on E cacy in the Use of Enteral and Parental Alfredo Yañez Nutrition Simultaneously Henry Giovanni Del Cid Solares / Guatemala

309 Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery / E-Poster Miscellaneous

EP-0955 Microvascular Decompression of Medically Refractory EP-0968 Treatment Perspectives Using Deep Brain Stimulation in WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Trigeminal Neuralgia Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Tsikarishvili / Georgia Alexandru Andrusca / Moldova Mirza Khinikadze, Giorgi Macharashvili, Anna Dzagnidze Mihail Gavriliuc, Olga Gavriliuc

EP-0956 Bevacizumab Used for Perilesional Edema After Cyberkinfe EP-0969 Wound Problem After Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in Radiosurgery Cachectic Person Ece Uysal / Turkey Atilla Yilmaz / Turkey Ahmed Yasin Yavuz, Idris Avcı, Selim Şeker, Suat Erol Çelik, Gizem Meral Esra Okuyucu, Boran Urfali, Bircan Yücekaya, Esra Dogru Huzmeli, Senem Urfalı, Mustafa Emrah Kaya, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan EP-0957 Quantitative Analysis on the Changes in Peritumoral Lesion in Patients with Metastatic Brain Tumor Treated with Stereotactic EP-0970 Amygdalo-Hippocampectomy for Refractory Mesial Temporal Radiosurgery Lobe Epilepsy: A 10-Year, Mono-Institutional Experience Min Soo Kim / South Korea Ala Belhaj / Tunisia Sung Ho Park, Eun Suk Park, Jun Bum Park, Soon Chan Kwon, In Uk Lyo, Atef Ben Nsir, Neila Maaroufi , Sabra Ouaz, Souheil Khalfaoui, Maher Hadhri Hong Bo Sim EP-0971 Surgical Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy in Federal Centre of EP-0958 The Features of Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Trigeminal Neurosurgery (Tyumen, Russia) Neuralgia in Older Patients Albert Akramovich Sufi anov / Russia Myroslava Marushchenko / Ukraine Stefan Zhivkov Stefanov, Yurii Alekseevich Yakimov, Igor Dmyterko, Vitaliy Tsymbaliuk Alexander Anatolievich Skripnikov, Olga Mikhailovna Klemenko, Tanzilya Anuarovna Salikova, Marat Rimovich Gizatullin, EP-0959 Our Functional Results of Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in Rinat Albertovich Sufi anov Parkinson Disease Atilla Yilmaz / Turkey EP-0972 Radiological and Histopathological Analysis of the Stereotactic Esra Dogru Huzmeli, Bircan Yucekaya, Esra Okuyucu Brain Biopsy Patients: Retrospective Review Selin Tural Emon / Turkey EP-0960 Normalization of Motor Symptoms and Quality of Life After Fugen Vardar Aker, Duygu Ceman, Merih Is, Metin Orakdogen, Hakan Somay Gpi-Gpe Stimulation in a Young Patient at an Early Stage of Huntington’s Disease - Is Waiting Justi ed? EP-0973 Bilateral Stereotactic Amygdalectomy in the Treatment of Witold Libionka / Poland Aggression Conchy to Conservative Treatment: Case Report and Stanisław Adamski, Wojciech Kloc, Monika Stomal Słowińska, Literature Review Piotr Murawski, Jakub Wiśniewski, Maciej Racinowski, Patryk Kurlandt, Renvik Demauir Silva / Brazil Beata Daniluk Samuel Vieira Silva, Fabio Henrique Silva

EP-0961 Trigeminal Neuralgia: Clinical Characteristics, Classi cation and EP-0974 Developing Stereotactic Brain Lesion and DBS Program in Indonesia the Role of Neurovascular Compression Achmad Fahmi Ba’abud / Indonesia Kim J. Burchiel / United States Heri Subianto, Agus Turchan, Abdul Hafi d Bajamal, Takaomi Taira

EP-0962 Unexplained DBS Electrode Impedance Normalization Following EP-0975 The Globus Pallidus Internus as a Reasonable Target for the Extremely Low Measured Intraoperative Values: Case Report Treatment of Uncontrollable Aggressiveness, and Self-Injury Daniela Matos / Portugal Fabian Cremaschi / Argentina Rito Manuel, Mário Sousa, Fradique Moreira, Cristina Januário, Fabián Piedimonte, Leandro Piedimonte, Juan Carlos Andreani, Analía Lacal, Ricardo Pereira Manuel Vilapriño

EP-0963 Clinical Outcomes of Asleep Versus Awake Deep Brain EP-0976 Use of Bilateral Caudate Nuclei Deep Brain Stimulation for the Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease Management of Refractory Tinnitus: Case Report Kim J. Burchiel / United States Adriana Serrano / Colombia Matthew Brodsky, Shannon Anderson, Chad Murchison, Mara Seier, Jorge Guillermo Cabrera, Bernardo Pérez, Paula Andrea Millan, Jennifer Wilhelm, Kitty Leelaamornvichet, Aaron Vederman Andrea Otero, Angela Maria Perez

EP-0964 Con rmation of Electrode Localization with Fusion of EP-0977 CT-Guided Stereotactic Biopsy in Intracranial Lesions: Our Postoperative CT and Preoperative T2W MRI on Parkinson’s Retrospective Clinical Results Disease Patients Who Underwent DBS of the STN Mehmet Gazi Boyacı / Turkey Halil Ulutabanca / Turkey Adem Aslan, Serhat Korkmaz, Serhat Yıldızhan, Cigdem Ozdemir, Murat Gültekin, Ahmet Küçük, Murat Çiftçi, Ahmet Selçuklu, Sait Öztürk, Cigdem Ozer Gokaslan Yasin Temel, Ersoy Kocabıçak EP-0978 MRI-Guided Stereotactic Biopsy EP-0965 Bilateral Subcortical Peri-Electrode Edema Following GPi Deep Ali Akay / Turkey Brain Stimulation Surgery: Case Report Rauf Nasirov, Mete Rükşen, Sertaç Işlekel Daniela Matos / Portugal Manuel Rito, Mário Sousa, Fradique Moreira, Cristina Januário, Ricardo Pereira EP-0979 The Impact of Microsurgical Laboratories in the Training of Young Neurosurgeons EP-0966 Electromyography During Stereotactic Pallidotomy and Agadadash Rovshanovich Kasymov / Russia Thalamotomy for Parkinson’s Disease Sergey Vladimirovich Chernov, Anton Vladimirovich Kalynovsky Ali Salah Khedr / Egypt EP-0980 Concept of the Microsurgical Lab Training for Neurosurgical EP-0967 Impact of L-Dopa Dysregulation on Deep Brain Stimulation Residents in the Environment with Limited Resources Outcome Ievgenii Iarmoliuk / Ukraine Hakan Simsek / Turkey Arthur Mumlev, Igor Tysh, Eugene Pedachenko Emre Zorlu, Mehmet Güney Şenol

310 E-Poster Miscellaneous

EP-0981 Chronic Subdural Hematoma Treatment and Outcomes: A EP-0999 Cerebral Cysticercosis Mimicking Malignant Glioma XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Prospective Study in Harare, Zimbabwe Marcelo José Da Silva De Magalhães / Brazil Nathaniel H S Zimani / Zimbabwe EP-1000 Intracranial Aspergillosis Mimicking a Middle Cranial Fossa Tumor EP-0982 Bibliometric Analysis of Neurosurgical Publications from Involving the Cavernous Sinus in an Immunocompetent Patient Pakistan: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study Mohamed Badri / Tunisia Muhammad Waqas / Pakistan Ghassen Gader, Adnene Boubaker, Kamel Bahri, Hafedh Jemel, Ihsen Zammel EP-0983 Features of Epileptic Seizures in Children Near the Aral Sea Region Ilkhom Ravshanbekovich Abdullaev / Uzbekistan EP-1001 Abscess Drainage in the Right Temporal Region by Puncture- Ibodullo Abdullaevich Qlichev Aspiration in a Patient with Multiple Brain and Liver Abscesses Miguel Angel Velasco Castillo / Mexico EP-0984 A Teaching Technique for Accurate Placement of the Initial Antonio Sosa Najera, Rodrigo Ávila Cervantes, Marcos Rios Alanis, Retrosigmoid Burr Hole Using Preoperative 3D Reconstruction Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Carlos Tevera Ovando Antonio Bernardo / United States Chuan Zhou, Tao Xu, Andrea Boschi, Juxiang Chen, Philip E Stieg, EP-1002 Neurosarcoidosis Revealed by Hydrocephalus: A Case Report Alexander Ian Evins and Review of Literature Mehdi Borni / Tunisia EP-0985 Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Injection Houda Belmabrouk, Souhir Abdelmouleh, Brahim Kammoun, Ki Yong An / South Korea Mohamed Zaher Boudawara Yonsuk Choi EP-1003 CNS Fungal Infections in Immuno-Competent Patients; EP-0986 Dry Tap During Ventriculostomy- Lesson Learnt Diagnostic Dilemma and Therapeutic Challenges Sunil Munakomi / Nepal Mahmoud Taha / Saudi Arabia Reem Bunayan, Baha Abdalhamid EP-0987 Neurosurgical Education in Jordan, Past, Present and Challenges Ahmad Faleh Tamimi / Jordan EP-1004 Thalamic Tuberculoma Magatte Gaye / Senegal EP-0988 Neurosurgeon as Educator: A Review of Principles of Adult Ibrahima Alidji Fondo, Mfamara Sylla, Roger Mulumba Ilunga, Education and Assessment Applied to Neurosurgery Philippe Sene, Manal Sghiouar, Mohamed Koutoubou Soumah, Randy L Jensen / United States Youssoupha Sakho

EP-0989 The State of Neurosurgical Training in Medical Schools: A Global EP-1005 Brain Leishmaniasis: Report of One Case and Review of the Perspective Literature Ameya Kamat / South Africa Ebraheem Gomaan Al Hamed / Yemen Adriaan Vlok, David Roytowski EP-1006 Prevalence of Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt Infection in EP-0990 Road Map for Establishing Neurosurgical Training Program - Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSBAS), Kedah, Malaysia Sudan Experience Izzuan Khirman Adnan / Malaysia Abubakr Darrag Salim Ahmed Ahmad Zamzuri Remeli

EP-0991 History of Neurosurgery in Algeria EP-1007 Intracranial Cryptococcoma: A Case Series of Five Patients Benaissa Abdennebi / Algeria Prabu Raj Andi Perumal Raj / India Indira Devi, Dhaval Sukla, Sampath Somanna EP-0992 Neurosurgery in the Ancient Arabic and Islamic Period Jalal Najjar / Syria EP-1008 Hydatid Disease of the Spine: Study of 23 Cases Adil Maati / Morocco EP-0993 Historical Aspects of Neurosurgery in Sudan Zine Elabidine Ennhaili, Abderrezak Bertal, Abdelmajid Chellaoui, Mohammed Awad Elzain / Sudan Said Hilmani, Khadija Ibahioin, Abelhakim Lakhdar, Abdessamad Naja, Abubakr Darrag Salim, Hussein Sulieman Abusalih Abdessamad Elazhari

EP-0994 Sushruta - Grandfather of Neurosurgery EP-1009 Nocardia Cerebellar Abscess in a Patient with Nephrotic Pragnesh Bhatt / United Kingdom Syndrome Steroid Dependent Following Triventricular Hydrocephalus EP-0995 Ethnicity, Age, and Sex of Patients Hospitalized with Moyamoya Tho Van Tha / Cambodia Disease in the United States Shadeh Ghaff ari Rafi / United States EP-1010 Suture Reaction Mimics Osteomyelitis Arash Ghaff ari Rafi Mehmet Can Ezgu / Turkey Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Cahit Kural, Ozkan Tehli, Yusuf Izci EP-0996 Research Methods in Neurosurgery: Past Problems, Current Challenges & Future Consequences EP-1011 Pulmonary Cryptococcis with Intracranial Secondary Ignatius Esene / Cameroon Localisations in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Case Report Loukou Franck Kouakou / Morocco EP-0997 The Development of Stroke Service and Creation of the Milena Christine Sayore, Nabil Adio Mousse, Mohamed Yassad Oudghiri, Republican Coordination Centre for Stroke Problems in Loubna Rifi , Adyl Melhaoui, Mahjouba Boutarbouch, Yasser Arkha, Kazakhstan in 2016 Abdessamad El Ouahabi Yerzhan Adilbekov / Kazakhstan Zauresh Akhmetzhanova, Serik Akshulakov EP-1012 Cerebral Tuberculoma. About 7 Cases Fares Laouar / Algeria EP-0998 Cerebral Aspergillosis in Immunsupressive Patients: Oumaima Bouzerara, Nasereddine Rahmani, Asma Rameche, A Retrospective Analysis of Three Cases Lakhdar Arrouf Cahit Kural / Turkey Royal Mehtiyev, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Yusuf Izci

311 E-Poster Miscellaneous

EP-1013 Presentation of Potts Pu y Tumor at a Tertiary Hospital, EP-1027 Tuberculosis of the Calvarium with Brain and Multifocal Skeletal WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Zimbabwe: A 3 Year Review Involvement (2014-2016) Sultan Faez Albalawi / Saudi Arabia Gratian Simbarashe Gwenero / Zimbabwe Mohamad Bakhaidar, Saleh Baeesa Kazadi Kalangu, Aaron Musara EP-1028 The Cholesteatoma that Almost Got Away EP-1014 Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis and Intracranial Haemorrhage: Brighton Valentine Nyamapfene / Zimbabwe A Case for Caution with Steroids in Suspected Giant Cell Arteritis EP-1029 Di erential Diagnosis of Brain Abscess by Imaging Studies. Harsh Bhatt / United Kingdom About a Case Gulam Zilani, Caroline Hayhurst Veronica Martinez Zeron / Mexico Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, María Aisssata Si Gonzalez, EP-1015 Aggressive Surgical Debridement Improves Outcomes from Milton Ruiz Flores, Raul Huato Reyes Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis Infections Ramachandra P. Tummala / United States EP-1030 Rare Case of Intracranial Salmonella Enteritidis Abscess Adam Khan Following Meningioma Resection: Case Report Safa Elfatih Yagoub Hamid Babikir / Sudan EP-1016 A Case of Constantly Recurring Brain Abscess due to Samia Ahmed Gumaa, Mohsin Mohamed Husen, Mohamed Esam Elhaj Cladophialophora Bantiana Chang Hyun Kim / South Korea EP-1031 Myiasis Associated with an Osteosarcoma of the Skull: A Case Hee Jin Bae, Ho Kook Lee, Jae Gon Moon Report and Review of the Literature Armando Saúl Ruiz Treviño / Mexico EP-1017 Cervical Tuberculous Abscess Mimicking Schwannoma Ilker Solmaz / Turkey EP-1032 Unusual Cerebral Hydatic Cyst Presentation Yunus Kacar, Mehmet Can Ezgu, Mehmet Ilker Ozer, Nail Caglar Temiz, Med Zaher Boudawara / Tunisia Ozkan Tehli, Cahit Kural, Yusuf Izci Brahim Kammoun, Mahdi Borni, Fatma Kolsi, Anis Abdelhedi, Achraf Ben Salah, Yassine Gdoura, Firas Jarraya, Omar Kammoun, Emna Elleuch EP-1018 Sudden Tetraplegia Revealing Cervical Intra Medullary Spinal Cord Abscess EP-1033 Streptococcus Pseudoporcinus: An Extraordinary Yamna Aidouni / Algeria Microorganism Isolated From CSF Rabah Kouadria, Ismail Si Ali.i, Wassila Maaz Boran Urfalı / Turkey Meryem Çetin, Senem Urfalı, Atilla Yılmaz, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan EP-1019 Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus Secondary to Cysticercosis of the Fourth Ventricle: Neuroendoscopic Treatment EP-1034 Central Nervous System Hydatid Cysts: A Tunisian Experience Antonio Sosa Najera / Mexico Yedeas Mohamed Dehmani / Tunisia Horus Martinez Maldonado, Leonel Alejandro Zayas Martinez, Bani Mohamed Amine, Zehani Alia, Sofi ane Bouali, Ines Chelly, Carlos Alberto Tevera Ovando, Milton Inocencio Ruiz Flores, Nada Mansouri, Slim Haouet, Hafedh Jmel, Nidhameddine Kchir Jorge Ortega Espino, Raul Huato Reyes, Zaira Medina Lopez EP-1035 Neuroparasitic Infestations Special Experience on Nematodes EP-1020 Acute Subdural Empyema from a Lung Primary: A Case Report Nezih Oktar / Turkey and Review of the Literature Haluk M. Özer, Erol Barçın, Eren Demirtaş Serge Eddy Teneku Mba / Zimbabwe Nathaniel Zimani EP-1036 From Japanese Samurai Sword Katana to Neurosurgical Microscissors EP-1021 Cholesteatoma Presenting as a Subdural Collection Hirotoshi Katsumura / Japan Brighton Valentine Nyamapfene / Zimbabwe Ryuhei Kitai, Hiroyuki Tada, Kenichiro Kikuta

EP-1022 Cerebral Hydatid Cyst: Same Disease, 2 Patients, 2 Di erent EP-1037 Google Glass® Experience in Neurosurgery Training Results Emrah Celtikci / United States Boran Urfalı / Turkey Harun Demirci, Alp Özgün Börcek Senem Urfalı, Atilla Yılmaz, Mustafa Aras, Yurdal Serarslan EP-1038 Medical Engineering and Microneurosurgery: Application and EP-1023 Surgical Management of Intracranial Hydatid Cyst Future Waleed Abbass Abouzeid / Egypt Akio Morita / Japan Kanakao Harada, Hirofumi Nakatomi, Shigeo Sora, Naohiko Sugita, EP-1024 The Dilemma in Neurocysticercosis Mamoru Mitsuishi, Nobuhito Saito Lawrence Hlatywayo / Zimbabwe EP-1039 Bedside Ultrasound as a Simple Non-Invasive Method of EP-1025 Multiple Human Small Subcutaneous and Brain-Parenchyma Assessing Intracranial Pressure in a Limited Resource Setting Taenia Solium Cysticerci Abenezer Tirsit Aklilu / Ethiopia Montserrat A Lara Velazquez / Mexico Jose Flores Rivera, Salvador San Juan Jimemenz, Ana Flisser Steinbruch, EP-1040 Apparent Di usion Coe cient Assessment in Vestibular Teresita Corona Vazquez Schwannomas Method of Evaluation and Morphological Correlations EP-1026 Brain Abscess Caused by Nocardia Cyriacigeorgica in a Patient Mario Giordano / Germany with Psoriasis under Methylprednisolone Treatment for Two Arya Nabavi, Venelin Miroslav Gerganov, Madjid Samii, Amir Samii Years: A Case Report and Review of Literature Mehmet Ozan Durmaz / Turkey EP-1041 Low-Dose Head CT for Routine Neurosurgical Follow-Up Berk Benek, Murat Aydın, Emrah Akçay, Alaattin Yurt, Ismail Akkol, Lukas Rasulic / Serbia Alper Tabanlı Bojana Zivkovic, Mirko Micovic, Ivana Spasic, Svetlana Milosevic Medenica, Vladimir Bascarevic

312 E-Poster Miscellaneous

EP-1042 ‘’Fisheye Lens’’ for Operation Microscope Makes Operative Field EP-1055 Neurosurgery Practice in Public Versus Private Sector in Saudi XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Twice Wider Arabia: An Interesting Statistics Tuychiboy Abdullaev / Tajikistan Khalid Siddiqui / Saudi Arabia Alidust Chbulov, Halim Mirzoev, Deniz Konya, Muhamadali Nazarov EP-1056 Remote Bleeding After Craniospinal Surgery EP-1043 Stress Level Monitoring of Healthcare Workers in a Complex Mehmet Nur Altınörs / Turkey System (Neurosurgery ICU) Fikret Şahintürk, Serhat Cömert, Erkin Sönmez Deepak Agrawal / India Renu Saini EP-1057 The Timed Up and Go Test a Diagnostic Criterion in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus EP-1044 Use of Water Jet Dissectors in Neurosurgery: Review Matheus Fernandes Oliveira / Brazil Naci Balak / Turkey Gabriel Mendes Silva, Fernando Gomes Pinto Anna Prajsnar Borak EP-1058 E ect of External Ventricular Drainage on Serum Sodium Levels EP-1045 Intracranial Subacute Subdural Haematoma After Spinal in Adult Neurosurgical Patients Anaesthesia: Severe Post Dural Puncture Headache as an Early Oguz Baran / Turkey Alarming Symptom: A Case Report Rahsan Kemerdere, Odhan Yuksel, Sima Sayyahmeli, Nazan Akkaya, Ahmed Mohmmed Awad Elhaj / Sudan Taner Tanriverdi, Ali Metin Kafadar Moayad Moawia Ahmed, Mohammed Awad Elzain, Zakaria Ibrahim Mohammed EP-1059 Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow in Chiari Malformation EP-1046 Craniometric Analysis of Skullbase in Chiari Malformation Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Patients with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gonul Guvenc, Hasan Emre Aydin Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey Gonul Guvenc, Ali Firat Sarp, Salih Tuna, Nurullah Yuceer EP-1060 Endoscopic Trans-Septal Approach for Colloid Cyst Excision: Surgical Technique and Anatomical Considerations EP-1047 An Immunohistochemical, Histopathological and Biochemical Waleed A Azab / Kuwait Analysis of the Neuroprotective E ects of Memantine, and Curcumin After Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Elderly EP-1061 Incidental Finding of a Temporal Arachnoid Cyst in a Patient Rats Presenting with an Ischemic Stroke Murat Cabalar / Turkey Claire Karekezi / Morocco Serdar Altınay, Funda Yıldırım, Duygu Celik, Oğuzhan Zengi, Cihat Isler, Fahd Derkaoui Hassani, Mouna Bougrine, Najia El Abbadi Nilgün Isıkcan, Arsida Bajrami, Ahmet Gulcubuk EP-1062 Folate Cycle Genes Variants and Risk of Early-Onset of EP-1048 The E ect of Cell Population, Enriched with Determined Atherothrombotic Ischemic Stroke in Ukrainian Сaucasian Precursors of Serotonin Genesis, on the Regeneration of the N. Population Raphe Zone in Experimental Injury Under Culture Conditions Olena Galanta / Ukraine Iryna Georgievna Vasylieva / Ukraine Vitaliy Tsymbalyuk, Irina Vasilyeva, Michaylo Kostiuk, Natalia Chopik, Natalia Pavlovna Oleksenko, Natalia Grigorievna Chopik, Olga Tsyubko, Natalia Oleksenko, Angela Dmitrenko, Tatiana Makarova, Olga Ivanovna Tsyubko, Elena Stepanovna Galanta, Natalia Snitsar Natalia Dmitryevna Snitsar, Iryna Nikolaevna Shuba EP-1063 Call for Volunteer Neurosurgical Mission EP-1049 Rare Neurosurgical Cases: Report of Three Cases András Csókay / Hungary Mohammad Atikur Rahman / Bangladesh Akhlaque Hossain Khan, Mainul Hossain EP-1064 Evaluation of Apparent Di usion Coe cients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison EP-1050 Endoscopic Bimanual and Sharp Dissection Technique for Total Before and After Surgery Resection of Colloid Cysts Sait Ozturk / Turkey Henry W. S. Schroeder / Germany Bekir Akgun, Ismail Taskent, Mehmet Besir Surme, Fatih Serhat Erol, Hanefi Yildirim EP-1051 E ects of Modic Changes in Lumbar Spine on Pain Intensity, Disability and Quality of Life EP-1065 Endoscopic Access to Occipital Lateral Ventricle Using Yakup Ozan Türkmenoğlu / Turkey Permanent Catheters: Technical Note Çağrı Gülşen, Filiz Altuğ, Uğur Cavlak Marlon Ortiz Machin / Cuba Omar Lopez Arbolay, Peggys Cruz Perez EP-1052 Evaluation of the Anti-Kindling E ect of Allopregnanolone Alone and in Combination with Sodium Valproate in EP-1066 Chronic Subdural Calci cation Developing After Pentylenetetrazole Induced Kindling Model in Rats Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: A Case Report Amitava Chakrabarti / India Idiris Altun / Turkey Puja Kumari, Lekha Saha, Alka Bhatia, Dibyojyoti Banerjee Kasım Zafer Yüksel

EP-1053 Hemangioblastoma of the Central Nervous System: Experience EP-1067 Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometric Analysis of of the Pathology Department at Rabta Hospital Sphingosine in Hippocampus Following Transient Global Mohamed Dahmani Yedeas / Tunisia Cerebral Ischemia in Rats Nada Mansouri, Alia Zehani, Soufi ene Bouali, Ines Chelli, Slim Haouet, Sherif Rashad / Japan Hafedh Jmal, Nidhameddine Kchir Kuniyasu Niizuma, Daisuke Saigusa, Miki Fujimura, Teiji Tominaga

EP-1054 Rivaroxaban Associated Spontaneus Epidural Hematoma EP-1068 Burr Holes Number and Drain Use in Reoperations and Andre Marolop Pangihutan Siahaan / Indonesia Complications in Chronic Subdural Hematoma Abdul Gofar Sastrodiningrat, Celia Wijaya None, Marsal Risfandi None, Matheus Fernandes Oliveira / Brazil Michael Lumintang None Lindolfo Carlos Heringer, Ulysses Oliveira Souza, Aline Silva Nunes, Katiusa Abreu Alves, Maria Luisa Zancanaro, Ricardo Vieira Botelho

313 E-Poster Miscellaneous / Neuroanatomy

EP-1069 Meningeal Hemorrhage: About 40 Cases EP-1085 Discovery of Taste Roseas of Reproductive Organs Stimulated WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Mehdi Borni / Tunisia by Seminal Fructose and Roles of Orgasmic Sensation: Olfa Hdiji, Mariam Damak, Mohamed Zaher Boudawara, Chokri Mhiri Experimental Study Mehmet Dumlu Aydin / Turkey EP-1070 The Impact of Finances in Neurosurgery - Greece: Between the Nazan Aydin Developed and the Developing World Stefanos D Pichas / Greece EP-1086 Surgical Anatomy of Orbit Ibrahima Berete / Morocco EP-1071 Chiari Type 4 Malformation with Occipitocervical Meningocele Rachid Ammor, Meryem Himmiche, Mamadou Diallo, Kelvin Taurai Nemayire / Zimbabwe Ange Fortuné Gankpé, Mohammed Aggouri, Mohammed Benzagmout, Nyararai Togie Togarepi, Nathaneal Taderera Zimani, Khalid Chakour, Mohammed El Faïz Chaoui Kazadi Dieudonne Kalangu EP-1087 Calvarial Hyperpneumatization with the Complaint of EP-1072 Investigation of the Factors A ecting Disability Level in Patients Headache in a 67 Year Old Man with Low Back Pain Ebru Dogan Doruk / Turkey Yücel Doğruel / Turkey Feyza Karagöz Güzey, Murat Yücel, Erhamit Okutan, Gunay Vahabova Ayşe Ünal, Burak Eral, Yelda Kıngır, Filiz Altuğ EP-1088 Anatomical Relation Between the Chiasma and Its Surrounding EP-1073 Review of the First Year of Activity of the Neurosurgery Structures and Pre xed Chiasma in the Dissected Patients at Department of the Teaching Hospital of Bouaké Côte d’Ivoire Tabriz Forensic Organization Maman You Espérance Broalet / Cote d’Ivoire Seyed Ahmad Naseri Alavi / Iran Adéréhime Haïdara, Serge Konan, Akoua Flora Kouadio, Sores Dongo, Moslem Shakeri, Firooz Salehpour, Ali Meshkini, Javad Aghazadeh, Franck Teti, Vincent Ba Zézé Farhad Mirzaei, Mohammad Kazemzadeh

EP-1074 Neurosurgeons’ Contribution to Hospital Margin in a Secondary EP-1089 Neuroanatomical Basis of Neurotensinergic Pathways in Pain: Health Care Service Contribution of Periaqueductal Gray Matter Naci Balak / Turkey Feyza Alyu / Turkey Ulas Erzincan, Hakan Duman, Erkan Yildirim Yusuf Öztürk

EP-1075 Does Preoperative Radiologic Imaging Sign Shows the EP-1090 Anatomy of Sulcus and Gyrus of the Lateral Surface of the Prognosis of the Decompressive Craniectomy for Stroke? Occipital Lobe Ceren Kizmazoglu / Turkey José Raúl Guerra Mora / Mexico Gonul Guvenc, Murat Atar, Inan Uzunoglu, Nurullah Yuceer Ulises Bravo Angel, Ulises Garcia González, Raúl Méndez Olán, Evandro De Oliveira, Guy Gilbert Broc Haro EP-1076 A Study on the Patient Positioning Accuracy for Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Brain Lesions EP-1091 Eustachian Tube Subtemporal Exposure; Anatomical and Oxana Pashkovskaya / Russia Radiological Descriptive Study Evgeniy Polovnikov Ibrahim Abdelmohsen / Egypt Ahmed Maamoun Ashour, Jeroen R Coppens, Eric Marvin EP-1077 Neuroprotective E ect of EGCG Nanoparticles in Experimental Model of Cerebral Ischemia in Mice EP-1092 The Anatomy of Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri (Circle of Willis): Amitava Chakrabarti / India A Study in Turkish Population Harjeet Kaur, Bishan Dass Radotra, Bikash Medhi Ayse Karatas Demirciler / Turkey Hakan Yilmaz, Gokmen Coban, Murat Koker, Aysun Uz EP-1078 Determination of Anxiety Level about Surgery in Patients with Low Back Pain on Preoperative Term EP-1093 Neuroanatomical Basis of Glasgow Coma Scale—A Reappraisal Burak Eral / Turkey Sunil Munakomi / Nepal Ayşe Ünal, Filiz Altuğ Bijoy Mohan Kumar

EP-1079 Strategic Plan for Management of Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts EP-1094 Prevalence of Neoclassical Facial Canons in Young Sudanese Heba Elsayed Elsayed / Egypt Adults, Khartoum 2015 Mohamed Ali Kassem, Amin Mohamed Sabry, Alaa Mazy Mazy Ahmed Mohmmed Awad Elhaj / Sudan Altayeb Abdalla Ahmed EP-1080 Neuroendoscopy in Kuwait: Evolution, Current Status and Future Directions EP-1095 White Fiber Dissection of the Brain and Its Relevance to Surgery Waleed A Azab / Kuwait Abhidha Shah / India Atul Goel EP-1081 Withdrawn EP-1096 Internal Carotid Artery Agenesis Associated with Secondary EP-1082 Exceptional Location of an Arachnoid Cyst Tremor (Case Report) Mourad Bouaziz / Algeria Alexandru Sumleanschi / Moldova Sandra Feknous Eugen Gavriliuc, Serghei Borodin, Eduard Eftodiev

EP-1083 Investigation of the Factors A ecting Pain Intensity in Patients EP-1097 An Anatomical Study Comparing Contralateral and Conventional with Low Back and Neck Pain Ipsilateral Approaches to the Medial Wall of the Ophthalmic Yücel Doğruel / Turkey Segment of the Internal Carotid Artery Ayşe Ünal, Yelda Kıngır, Filiz Altuğ, Erdoğan Kavlak Lucas Ezequiel Serrano / Germany Sven Rainer Kantelhardt, Eike Schwandt, Amr Nimer, EP-1084 An Uncommon Case Mimicking Cervical Trauma: Os Florian Alexander Ringel, Eleftherios Archavlis Odontoideum Idiris Altun / Turkey Kasım Zafer Yüksel

314 Neuroanatomy / Nursing / Neurotraumatology E-Poster and Neuro Critical Care / Pediatric Neurosurgery

EP-1098 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus with Special EP-1111 Assessment of Quality of Life by Walking Test and Depression XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Reference to the Dural Layers: Surgical Corridors Approach Scale of the Elderly in Their Nursing Home Applications and Cases Report Gökmen Yapalı / Turkey Alberto Rafael Valarezo Chuchuca / Ecuador Hayriye Alp, Fatma Erdeo, Ahmet Koçaker

EP-1099 Microsurgical Anatomy of the Transcondylar, Supracondylar and EP-1112 Impact of Self Learning Package on Nurses’ Performance about Paracondylar Extensions of the Far-Lateral Approach Care of Head Injury Child Sabino Luzzi / Italy Hossam Maaty / Egypt Mattia Del Maestro, Massimo Gallieni, Alessandro Ricci, Renato Juan Galzio EP-1113 Applications of Nurses Who Working at Intensive Care Unit of EP-1100 Surgical Anatomy of Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Neurosurgery and Neurology that Related to Prevention of Ibrahima Berete / Morocco Nosocomial Infections Rachid Ammor, Meryem Himmiche, Ange Fortuné Gankpé, Anas Abdallah / Turkey Mohamed Cherif, Mohammed Aggouri, Mohammed Benzagmout, Betül Güler Abdallah, Ayfer Özbaş Khalid Chakour, Mohammed Faïz Chaoui EP-1114 Craniotomy Versus Craniectomy in Acute Traumatic Subdural EP-1101 Preoperative Simulation and Intraoperative Monitoring for Skull Hematoma: Predictors, Outcomes and Survival Analysis Base Lesions Saad Bin Anis / Pakistan Fusao Ikawa / Japan Masaaki Takeda, Takahito Okazaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Kaoru Kurisu EP-1115 Outcome and Patterns of Traumatic Brain Injury in Paediatric Population of a Developing Country Secondary to TV-Trolley Tip EP-1102 Assessment of the Circle of Willis with Cranial Tomography Over Angiography Badar Uddin Ujjan / Pakistan Ayse Karatas Demirciler / Turkey Gokmen Coban, Celel Cinar, Ismail Oran, Aysun Uz EP-1116 To Study the Acute Phase Serum Biomarkers in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and Correlate with Short EP-1103 Endoscopic Anatomy of the Pterygopalatine Fossa Term Cognitive De cits Ricardo Araujo / United States Subir Dey / India Bernardo Barbosa, Gustavo Rassier Isolan, Alexander Evins, Dhaval Shukla Antonio Bernardo EP-1117 Pure Ventral Midline Intradural Extramedullary Tumors - Case EP-1104 Bony Dehiscence of the Anterior Ethmoidal Artery: A Proposed Discussion and Management Pearls Classi cation System and the Impact on Endoscopic Transnasal Asheesh Tandon / India Ligation Alok Agrawal, Prashant Kushwaha Ricardo Araujo / United States Bernardo Barbosa, Gustavo Rassier Isolan, Alexander Evins, EP-1118 ICP Monitoring After ETV: A Prospective Study to Predict ETV Antonio Bernardo Outcomes Chaitanya Prabhu K / India EP-1105 360-Degree Three-Dimension Microneurosurgical Analysis of Chhitj Srivastav, Bal Krishna Ojha Surgical Approaches to the Tuberculum Sellae Ricardo Araujo / United States EP-1119 Post-Concussion Syndrome Disorders in Professional Athletes Bernardo Barbosa, Gustavo Rassier Isolan, Alexander Evins, Nikolaos Ch. Syrmos / Greece Antonio Bernardo EP-1120 Brain-to-Text Study Through SEEG Electrodes in the Patients EP-1106 Unravelling of the E ect of Taste Buds of Tongue on Blood with Epilepsy Glucose Level Regulation in Rats: Experimental Study Guang Xin Yu / China Mehmet Dumlu Aydin / Turkey Qi Zhi Mao, Yang Dong Li, Pei Zhi Xu, Xin Xu, Sheng Long Pan, Aybike Aydin, Ayhan Kanat, Sare Sipal Qiang Zhi Cui, Bo Hong

EP-1107 Approach and Surgical Strategy of a Frontal Sinus Osteoma EP-1121 Complicated Pachymeningitis of Cerebral Abscess on Neglected with Intraorbital Extension Craniocerebral Wound: An Observation Yakoubi Becherki / Algeria Fah Bouare / Morocco Berchiche Lakhdar, Zekour Farouk, Bachir Fatiha, Saadi Mustapha, Mohammed Errachidi, Mehdi Laghmari, Mohammed Lmejjati, Benbouzid Tahar Hicham Ghannane, Said Ait Benali

EP-1108 Endoscopic Transchoroidal Fissure Approach: How I Do It? EP-1122 Microembolic Event During Endovascular Coiling for Unruptured Mohamed Si Saber / Algeria Intracranial Aneurysms-Relations with Clopidogrel Resistance Imane Bersali, Kheireddine Abdelouahed Bouyoucef Yeon Heo Jung Cheol Park EP-1109 Anatomic and Clinical Findings of Modi ed Orbitozygomatic Craniotomy EP-1123 Trigeminocardiac Re ex During the Endovascular Treatment of Toshiaki Kodera / Japan Intracranial Vascular Disease Shinsuke Yamada, Hiroshi Arai, Ayumi Akazawa, Yoshifumi Higashino, Yeon Heo Hidetaka Arishima, Ryuhei Kitai, Satoshi Iino, Ken Ichiro Kikuta Jung Cheol Park

EP-1110 The Posterior Wall of the Cavernous Sinus: Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgical Signi cance Antonio Bernardo / United States Andrea Boschi, Gunjan Goel, Salazar Jones, Philip E Stieg, Alexander Ian Evins


Author List Author List

Abbas, Asad OP-PED.07-09 Aboud, Emad EP-0104, EP-0106, Agushi, Erjon OP-NO.15-03 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Abbas, Imane EP-0062 OP-NV.11-03, OP-NV.13-02 Agzamov, Istam EP-0047, EP-0573 Abbasi, Ali B EP-0288, OP-SP.10-03, Aboud, Talal OP-NV.11-03 Agzamov, Kamol EP-0188 OP-SP.20-03 Aboulfetouh, Islam EP-0170 Agzamov, Mansur EP-0047, EP-0188, Abbasi, Hamid R EP-0288, EP-0304, Abouzahra, Heba Ibrahim OP-CM.04-07 EP-0573 OP-SP.10-03, OP-SP.20-03 Abouzeid, Ahmed Hassan OP-NO.16-07 Ahmad, Farizan OP-EXP.01-04 Abboud, Tammam OP-NV.07-09 Abouzeid, Waleed Abbass EP-1023, OP-NT.05-06 Ahmadi, Sayed Ali OP-SP.13-05 Abd El Kareem, Rabab Yahya EP-0623 Abouzeid, Walid EP-0024, OP-NV.08-07 Ahmadi, Sina OP-CM.02-06 Abdaladze, Baqar EP-0119 Abraszko, Renata EP-0297 Ahmadipour, Ehsan OP-SP.26-06 Abdalhamid, Baha EP-1003 Abreu, Bianca Medeiros OP-NO.08-05 Ahmadipour, Fereshteh OP-SP.26-06 Abdallah, Anas EP-0078, EP-0101, Absaliamova, Oksana EP-0735 Ahmed, Abubakr Darrag Salim EP-0505, EP-0990, EP-0143, EP-0146, Abu Bakar, Azizi EP-0923 OP-PED.06-08, OP-SP.24-04 EP-0225, EP-0337, Abu El Einen, Hisham Adel EP-0286 Ahmed, Adnan OP-SP.23-06, OP-SP.25-08 EP-0511, EP-0532, Abu Obaida, Abu Saleh Mohammad EP-0830 Ahmed, Alshaimaa Taha EP-0852 EP-0542, EP-0567, Abujame, Abdullah EP-0247, OP-SP.18-04 Ahmed, Altayeb Abdalla EP-1094 EP-0614, EP-0679, Abusalih, Hussein Sulieman EP-0993 Ahmed, Anis EP-0009 EP-0681, EP-0712, Abuzaid, Salekh OP-NT.03-07 Ahmed, Arsalan EP-0685 EP-0720, EP-0722, Abzouzi, Badra EP-0678 Ahmed, Maqsood EP-0338, OP-FN.05-08, EP-0790, EP-0800, Acar, Bilgehan Atılgan EP-0059, OP-NV.08-09 OP-NO.10-09 EP-0811, EP-1113, Acar, Halil Ibrahim EP-0271 AHMED, Moayad M.Z. EP-0695 OP-EXP.02-04, OP-NV.09-08, Acar, Türkan EP-0829, OP-NV.08-09 Ahmed, Moayad Moawia EP-1045 OP-SP.02-02, OP-SP.04-05, Acharya, Samir OP-FN.03-08, OP-FN.05-03, Ahmed, Moayad Moawia Zain Elabdin EP-0323, EP-0912 OP-SP.10-04 OP-FN.05-07, OP-SP.22-09 Ahmed, Nazek OP-SP.16-08 Abdallah, Omar Ibrahim EP-0865 Achebe, Sunday EP-0241 Ahmed, Nazik OP-PED.05-07 Abdedayem, Nizar OP-SP.04-04 Achilov, Lukmon Gayratovich OP-PED.05-03 Ahmed, Shameem OP-TEC.01-07 Abdel Aziz, Osama Saad EP-0286 Achoura, Sameh EP-0502, EP-0860 Ahmedov, Merdin EP-0124, EP-0697 Abdel Ghany, Walid A OP-SP.11-02 Açik, Vedat EP-0028, EP-0261, Ahmedov, Ramiz EP-0499, EP-0806, Abdel Ghany, Walid A. OP-NO.15-06 EP-0513, EP-0764, OP-EXP.04-04 Abdel Ghany, Walid EP-0162, EP-0262 OP-NV.02-09, OP-PED.01-05, Ahmetspahic, Adi OP-SP.01-08 Abdel Hay, Alaa OP-EDS.01-04 OP-SP.19-02 Ahn, Jae Kun EP-0033, EP-0039, Abdel Lateef, Ahmed Mostafa OP-SP.07-05 Acikel, Mahmut EP-0850 EP-0040, EP-0861, Abdel Latif, Assem Mohammed EP-0162 Açikgöz, Eda OP-NO.07-09 EP-0896, OP-NT.04-04 Abdelaal, Mohammed Ahmed OP-NT.07-04 Adachi, Koji EP-0574, OP-NO.10-02 Ahokpessi, Semevo EP-0190 Abdelaziz, Bennadji EP-0714 Adams, Meredith OP-SB.02-07 Ahsan, Ammar Bin OP-SB.02-09 Abdelaziz, Osama Saad OP-CM.04-07 Adamski, Stanislaw EP-0824, OP-NO.14-03, Aidouni, Yamna EP-0175, EP-1018 Abdelaziz, Saib EP-0149, EP-0161, OP-NO.14-09, OP-SP.08-03, Ait Benali, Said EP-0559, EP-1121, EP-0403 OP-SP.12-02 OP-NO.15-04 Abdelhameid, Ahmed Kamal OP-NT.07-04, OP-PED.02-06 Adamski, Stanisław EP-0960, OP-SP.16-03 Ait Elqadi, Abdelaziz EP-0245, OP-INF.01-09 Abdelhedi, Anis EP-1032 Aden, Abdirashid EP-0289, EP-0507, Ait Elquadi, Abdelaziz OP-INF.01-05 Abdelkhalek, Ahmed Assem EP-0347, OP-NO.03-07 OP-SP.05-01, OP-SP.24-05 Aitbenali, Said EP-0268, EP-0706, EP-0739 Abdelkrim, Mansour EP-0773 Adéniran, Bankole Nourou Dine OP-SP.05-09 Aitkulova, Akbota Maratovna OP-NV.07-02 Abdelmohsen, Ibrahim EP-1091 Adesida, Adeniyi EP-0783 Aji, Yunus Kuntawi EP-0233 Abdelmouleh, Souhir EP-1002 Adhikari, Rupendra OP-NT.06-05 Ak, Cafer EP-0095, OP-NO.16-09 Abdelsalam, Ehab Abdelhaleem OP-NO.15-01 Adilbekov, Yerzhan Boranbayevich EP-0862 Akakin, Akın EP-0455 Abdennebi, Benaissa EP-0785, EP-0991, Adilbekov, Yerzhan EP-0947, EP-0997, Akalan, Nejat OP-PED.05-01 OP-CM.02-08, OP-SP.10-08 OP-NV.06-06 Akar, Ezgi Ayçiçek OP-EXP.01-03 Abdennebi, Bennaisa OP-FN.01-03 Adio, Mousse Nabil EP-0171 Akar, Ezgi EP-0476, EP-0489, Abderrahmen, Khansa EP-0354 Adiwinata, Oscar OP-CM.02-09 OP-PED.05-08, OP-SP.12-05 Abdessamad, El Azhari EP-0572, OP-SP.09-03 Admasu, Azarias Kassahun OP-NT.05-02 Akarca, Onur OP-SP.06-08 Abdourafi q, Hasna EP-0245, OP-INF.01-05, Adnan, Izzuan Khirman EP-1006 Akay, Ali EP-0520, EP-0978, OP-INF.01-09 Adnan, Johari Siregar OP-NO.15-09, OP-NV.08-05 OP-NO.11-08, OP-SP.03-05, Abdssamad, Azhari EP-0668 Adyl, Melhaoui EP-0768 OP-SP.15-03 Abdssamad, Naja EP-0668 Afi fi , Asma Mohamad EP-0121 Akazawa, Ayumi EP-1109 Abdul Rhani, Shaharuddin OP-SP.26-08 Afsar, Afi fa OP-CM.03-03, OP-SP.17-01 Akbari Dimaghani, Nader OP-NO.09-02 Abdulfatah, Ahmad EP-0916 Afşer, Kemal Alper EP-0764, OP-SP.22-02 Akbari, Nader EP-0152, OP-EDS.03-08, Abdulkader, Marwa EP-0810 Aftab, Mohammad Hamza EP-0289, EP-0408, OP-NO.02-07, OP-NO.09-08 Abdulkader, Marwah EP-0801, OP-NO.04-05 EP-0507, OP-SP.05-01, Akbaş, Tuana EP-0602, EP-0870 Abdullaev, Ilkhom Ravshanbekovich EP-0983 OP-SP.24-05 Akçay, Emrah EP-0095, EP-0377, Abdullaev, Tuychiboy EP-1042 Ağaçkiran, Yetkin EP-0794 EP-0677, EP-1026, Abdullaevich, Obid Ismailov EP-0056, EP-0409 Agamy, Mohammed Mostafa OP-NO.02-05 OP-SP.24-08 Abdullaevich, Saydullo Sharifbaev EP-0056, EP-0226, Agarwalla, Pankaj K OP-NO.03-01 Akcetin, Mustafa Ali EP-0128, EP-0499, EP-0409 Aggouri, Mohammed EP-1086, EP-1100 EP-0671, EP-0806, Abdullaevich, Ulugbek Khaydarov EP-0409 Aghasi, Maryam EP-0929 EP-0825 Abdullaevish, Amir Rajabov OP-SP.23-02 Aghazadeh, Javad EP-1088 Akdag, Halil EP-0720, OP-EXP.02-04, Abdullah, Jafri Malin OP-EXP.01-04, OP-NV.07-04 Aghazadeh, Mohammad Hossein OP-EXP.04-05 OP-GK.01-05 Abdullfevich, Ibrohim Jiyanov EP-0226 Agrawal, Alok EP-1117 Akdağ, Rıfat EP-0018 Abduvaliev, Shahobiddin EP-0188 Agrawal, Deepak EP-0389, EP-1043, Akdemir, Ali Osman EP-0128, EP-0499, Abedalthagafi , Malak OP-EXP.02-03, OP-NO.03-01 OP-GK.01-02, OP-INF.01-02, EP-0671, EP-0806, Abobotain, Abdulaziz OP-SP.18-04 OP-NO.09-03, OP-NT.01-04 EP-0825, EP-0897, Abou El Fetoh, Islam OP-PED.08-04 Aguiar, Camila Oliveira OP-NT.01-09 EP-0922 Agung, Rhonaz Putra OP-SP.03-04 318 Author List

Akdur, Kerime OP-EXP.02-01, OP-GK.01-05, Akyuz, Fevzullah EP-0847, OP-EXP.03-06, Algin, Oktay EP-0026, EP-0919 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery OP-GK.01-09 OP-SP.13-09 Alharbi, Qasim EP-0801 Aker, Fügen Vardar OP-EXP.01-03 Al Akkad, Salah OP-SP.18-05 Alhebshi, Adnan OP-EXP.02-05 Akeret, Kevin OP-NO.04-02 Al Awar, Omar EP-0649 Alhindi, Hindi OP-EXP.02-05 Akgül, Bahattin OP-SP.20-07 Al Beyati, Eyyup OP-NO.02-09 Ali, Achmet OP-NV.07-01 Akgül, Erol EP-0053, EP-0385 Al Ghadir, Muaz EP-0338 Ali, Ehab Abdelhalem OP-PED.03-05 Akgül, Mehmet Hüseyin EP-0895, OP-NV.07-08 Al Habib, Amro EP-0247, OP-SP.18-04, Ali, Lasseini EP-0908 Akgül, Osman EP-0895 OP-SP.18-05 Ali, Mehran OP-CM.03-06 Akgun, Bekir EP-1064 Al Hamed, Ebraheem Gomaan EP-1005 Ali, Mumtaz EP-0073, EP-0517, Akgün, Cem EP-0560 Al Harbi, Shatha OP-FN.01-01, OP-SP.09-04 OP-CM.03-06, OP-EDS.02-06, Akhmediev, Makhmud EP-0246 Al Hinai, Qasim OP-NO.16-06 OP-FN.05-05, OP-SP.03-06, Akhmediev, Tokhir M EP-0462, OP-SP.19-09 Al Jehani, Hosam EP-0916, OP-NV.12-09 OP-SP.23-06, OP-SP.25-05, Akhmetov, Kanat Kyrymovich EP-0862 Al Kharboosh, Rawan OP-EXP.04-02 OP-SP.25-08 Akhmetzhanova, Zauresh EP-0997 Al Mashani, Ali Mohad OP-NO.16-06 Ali, Rabee Ahmed Elamin EP-0695 Akhueleigbe, Mark EP-0241 Al Masri, Amira T OP-FN.03-05 Ali, Rohaid OP-NV.12-01 Akhunzada, Naveed Zaman EP-0230, OP-CM.04-02 Al Mefty, Ossama EP-0743, OP-NO.03-01, Ali, S Syed OP-SP.18-06 Akin, Evren OP-SP.15-08 OP-NO.05-04 Ali, Sundus OP-FN.01-07 Akinci, Ahmet Tolgay OP-SP.16-06, OP-SP.21-06 Al Moghrabi, Nisrenn OP-EXP.02-05 Ali, Wesal OP-CM.04-04 Akinci, Erhan EP-0495 Al Otaibi, Faisal OP-EXP.02-05, OP-FN.01-01 Alia, Zehani EP-0812, EP-0836, Akinci, Ibrahim Ozkan OP-NV.07-01 Al Qudah, Abdul Karim A OP-FN.03-05 EP-0839, EP-0840, Akinduro, Oluwaseun O EP-0884 Al Shudifat, Abdulrahman OP-SB.02-01 EP-1034 Akinturk, Nevhis EP-0128, EP-0825, Al Umran, Shaymaa EP-0810, EP-0916, Alias, Azmi EP-0159, EP-0612 EP-0897 OP-NV.12-09 Aliev, Mansur Abdukholikovich EP-0613, EP-0875, Akinturk, Nevhis EP-0499, EP-0671, Al Werdany, Mohammed Abd Allah OP-TEC.01-04 EP-0883, OP-EXP.03-01, EP-0806, OP-EXP.04-04 Al Zekri, Muneer EP-0376, EP-0458 OP-NT.01-01, OP-NT.01-06 Akkaya, Cengiz OP-FN.03-01 Al. Banyan, Ayman EP-0338, OP-FN.05-08 Aliev, Marat EP-0345 Akkaya, Enes EP-0134, EP-0492, Al. Musrea, Khaled EP-0338 Aljohani, Hani EP-0082, EP-0842, EP-0855, OP-EXP.02-07, Al. Yamany, Mahmoud EP-0338, OP-NO.10-09 OP-SP.05-03 OP-SP.13-02 Alabbas, Faisal EP-0916, OP-NV.12-09 Aljubour, Raed OP-NO.05-09 Akkaya, Nazan EP-1058 Alacam Koksal, Semra EP-0586 Alkamaly, Amin Ali OP-SP.08-07 Akkaya, Süleyman EP-0122 Alaghory, Islam EP-0313, OP-PED.07-06 Alkan Özdemir, Senem EP-0169, OP-PED.01-03, Akkol, Ismail EP-0095, EP-0377, Alagoz, Ahmet Kemal EP-0562 OP-PED.01-07, OP-PED.01-08, EP-1026 Alagöz, Aybala Neslihan OP-NV.08-09 OP-PED.03-02 Aklilu, Abenezer Tirsit EP-1039, OP-NT.05-02, Alagöz, Fatih EP-0028, OP-NV.02-09, Alkan, Alpay OP-NV.13-01 OP-PED.03-08 OP-NV.12-06 Alkebayer, Metab EP-0247, OP-SP.18-04 Akmangit, Ilkay EP-0018, EP-0028, Alam, Dr. Shamsul OP-EDS.03-09 Alkhani, Ahmed OP-SP.01-06 OP-NV.02-09, OP-NV.12-06 Alam, Shamsul EP-0009, EP-0627, Alkir, Görkem EP-0091 Akmil, Mehmet Ufuk OP-PED.05-08 EP-0830, OP-NA.03-04, Allam, Ayman OP-EXP.02-05 Akmil, Ufuk EP-0476, EP-0659 OP-NO.02-01 Allinson, Kieren OP-NO.03-10 Akod, Omar OP-SP.11-08 Alam, Waheed EP-0889, OP-SP.03-06 Alluwimi, Ibrahim Mohammed OP-MSC.01-09 Akpinar, Aykut EP-0128, EP-0499, Alaqal, Sara OP-CM.04-04 Almefty, Kaith EP-0743 EP-0671, EP-0825, Alaraj, Ali OP-NV.10-02, OP-NV.12-03 Almino De Alencar Arrais Mota, Romulo EP-0136, EP-0290, EP-0897, EP-0922 Alarhabi, Anwer Yahya OP-NO.09-07 EP-0299, EP-0312, Akpinar, Aykut EP-0806 Alataş, Erkan EP-0035 EP-0373, EP-0715, Akpinar, Elif EP-0158, EP-0450, Alavi, Ehsan EP-0005, EP-0763 OP-TEC.01-06 EP-0456, EP-0684 Albadr, Fahad EP-0247, OP-SP.18-04 Almusrea, Khaled EP-0316 Akpinar, Elif OP-SP.19-06 Albahou, Yacoub OP-FN.03-05 Almusrea, Khalid EP-0264 Akpinar, Pinar EP-0419, OP-SP.07-08 Albakr, Abdulrahman EP-0247, OP-SP.18-04 Alobaid, Abdul Razzaq OP-SP.26-01 Akpinar, Reha EP-0671, EP-0806 Albalawi, Sultan Faez EP-0187, EP-1027 Alomar, Soha Abdu OP-CM.04-04 Akshulakov, Serik EP-0605, EP-0675, Albayrak, Gulsah EP-0570 Alomar, Soha EP-0339, OP-SP.18-02 EP-0947, EP-0997, Albayrak, Serdar Baki OP-GK.01-08 Alp, Hayriye EP-0374, EP-1111 OP-NV.06-06 Albishawi, Salah OP-SP.25-09 Alqroom, Rami Yousef OP-PED.02-07 Aksoy Gundogdu, Asli EP-0038, EP-0046, Albqour, Abdelhalim Zedan EP-0260 Alqurashi, Ashwag EP-0339, OP-SP.18-02 EP-0066, EP-0586, Albuz, Barış EP-0222, EP-0317, Alqurashi, Muath Rakez OP-PED.02-07 EP-0699 EP-0582 Alshafai, Nabeel EP-0293, OP-MSC.01-02, Aksoy Gündoğdu, Aslı EP-0093, EP-0664, Alcocer Barradas, Víctor OP-NO.06-10, OP-NO.16-10 OP-SP.09-04 EP-0669 Alcocer Barradas, Victor OP-NO.09-09 Alshafai, Nabeel S EP-0281 Aksyonov, Ruslan OP-NO.09-06 Aldahak, Nouman OP-EDS.01-07 Altarawneh, Mohammad Ahmad EP-0260 Aktaş, Abit EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Aldeaf, Sawsan Ahmed OP-NO.08-07 Altaş, Kadir EP-0939, EP-0946, Aktas, Ilknur EP-0419, OP-SP.07-08 Aldiyarova, Nurgul EP-0675 OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.20-08 Aktas, Ozgur Yusuf EP-0412, OP-EXP.01-06 Alencar, Gustavo Fernandes EP-0191, EP-0204, Altas, Kadir OP-SP.26-05 Aktaş, Özgür Yusuf OP-PED.04-06 EP-0349 Altaş, Murat OP-NT.02-05 Aktoklu, Mehmet EP-0655, EP-0726, Alex, Lemeshov EP-0429 Altay, Tamer EP-0847, OP-PED.05-08 EP-0765, EP-0809 Alexandrovich, Nakhaba Alexander EP-0938 Altibaev, Uyghun OP-FN.06-08 Aktolu, Mehmet EP-0565, EP-0804 Alexandrovna, Gnedkova Irina EP-0818, EP-0838 Altibaev, Uygun EP-0802, OP-CM.03-07 Aktuğ, Hüseyin OP-NO.07-09 Alexandrovna, Gnedkova Marina EP-0818, EP-0838 Altinag, Rifat Saygin EP-0814 Aktürk, Tülin EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Alexandru Vlad, Ciurea EP-0269, OP-NV.09-07 Altinay, Serdar EP-1047 Aktürk, Umut Doğu EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Alexandru, Oana EP-0657 Altinörs, Mehmet Nur EP-0049, EP-0302, Akyol, Mehmet Edip EP-0157, EP-0205, Alexandru, Sumleanschi EP-0463 EP-0415, EP-0551, EP-0579 Alfawareh, Mohammad EP-0316 EP-1056, OP-EXP.01-01 Alghasi, Mohsen OP-NO.02-07 Altinörs, Nur OP-NO.16-04 319 Author List

Altinova, Serkan EP-0597 Anik, Ihsan OP-EDS.01-02, OP-EDS.03-01, Arrais Mota, Romulo Almino De Alencar EP-0405 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Altowim, Abdullah EP-0247 OP-PED.06-07 Arriada Mendicoa, Nicasio OP-SP.01-10 Altuğ, Filiz EP-1051, EP-1072, Anis, Saad Bin EP-1114 Arrouf, Lakhdar EP-1012 EP-1078, EP-1083 Anson, Beatriz Gomez EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 Arslan, Ali EP-0535, OP-SP.03-01 Altun, Idiris EP-0250, EP-0420, Antar, Veysel EP-0330, EP-0576, Arslan, Aydan EP-0117 EP-0433, EP-1066, EP-0696, OP-EXP.02-07, Arslan, Dilek OP-NA.01-09 EP-1084 OP-SP.09-05 Arslan, Elif OP-EXP.03-04 Altunbaş, Korhan OP-EXP.03-06 Antunes, Luana Talita Bezerra EP-0111, EP-0125, Arslan, Erhan EP-0565, EP-0655, Altunbas, Korhan OP-SP.13-09 EP-0203, EP-0204, EP-0726, EP-0765, Altundal, Naci EP-0930 EP-0349, EP-0633 EP-0804, EP-0809 Altunrende, Muhittin Emre EP-0240, EP-0539, Anvarovich, Azizbek Hidirov EP-0901 Arslan, Ilker Burak EP-0192 OP-SP.11-07 Anwar, Ammad OP-NV.12-08 Arslan, Mehmet EP-0157, EP-0205, Alturkustani, Murad EP-0187 Anwarullah, Muhammad OP-SP.25-05 EP-0579 Alves, Katiusa Abreu EP-1068 Aoyama, Takeshi OP-SP.25-03 Arslan, Murat EP-0186, EP-0303, Alves, Luiz Paulo EP-0133, EP-0160, Apaydin, Aydın Sinan EP-0794, EP-0798, EP-0660, OP-SP.02-03 EP-0239, EP-0661, EP-0807, EP-0815, Arslan, Okan EP-0764, OP-PED.01-05, EP-0835, EP-0856, EP-0919, EP-0931 OP-SP.22-02 EP-0882, EP-0910, Apaydin, Sinan Aydin EP-0930 Arslanova, Zera Enverovna EP-0445, EP-0464 OP-NV.08-04, OP-SB.01-02, Apedjinou, Anani OP-INF.01-04 Arslantaş, Ali OP-NO.04-03 OP-SP.26-03 Apps, Richard OP-NO.10-05 Arun Özer, Esra EP-0169, OP-PED.01-03, Alves, Orival EP-0871 Arai, Hiroshi EP-1109 OP-PED.01-07, OP-PED.01-08, Alwbari, Ahmed EP-0801, OP-NO.04-05 Aralasmak, Ayse OP-NV.13-01 OP-PED.03-02 Aly, Khaled Bassim EP-0141, OP-PED.02-05 Aras, Mustafa EP-0725, EP-0915, Aruna, Afeez Ajibade OP-SP.23-07 Aly, Mohamed Abbas OP-NT.03-05 EP-0969, EP-1022, Asadullaev, Ulugbek Maksudovich OP-NO.16-08 Alyu, Feyza EP-1089 EP-1033, OP-NT.02-05 Asadullaev, Ulugbek OP-NO.12-08 Amanbayeva, Dana EP-0675 Aras, Yavuz EP-0091, EP-0295, Asaid, Mina OP-NV.11-02 Amani Beni, Ali EP-0105 OP-FN.06-01, OP-PED.04-04, Asakura, Takayuki EP-0574 Amante, Marcelo Fabian EP-0738 OP-SP.07-03 Asano, Kenichiro OP-NV.09-05 Amarouche, Meriem OP-MSC.01-05 Arash, Akbarian EP-0832, OP-NO.13-01 Asghari Nosari, Masoud EP-0787 Amato, Marcelo Campos Moraes EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Arat, Anil OP-NV.02-04 Asghari, Masoud EP-0673 Amer, Aboubakr EP-0162 Arat, Anıl EP-0018, EP-0028, Ashby, Joanna OP-NO.08-02, OP-NO.08-06, Ames, Christopher P. EP-0524, EP-0527, OP-NV.02-09, OP-NV.12-06 OP-NO.10-04, OP-NO.14-08 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Araújo PEREİRA, Benedito Jamilson EP-0069, OP-PED.04-09 Ashida, Reiko OP-NO.10-05 Amin Darolzabi, Amirarsalan OP-FN.04-04 Araújo, Bianca Melo De OP-NT.01-09 Ashour, Ahmed EP-0397, OP-NO.11-03 Amin Darolzarbi, Amir Arsalan EP-0733 Araujo, Ricardo EP-1103, EP-1104, Ashour, Ahmed Maamoun EP-0881, EP-1091, Amin, Amir Arsalan EP-0007 EP-1105, OP-NV.03-03 OP-NO.15-05 Amin, Amirarsalan EP-0631, OP-NO.12-04 Arbab, Mohamed Abderahman OP-NO.08-07 Ashraf, Muhammad OP-CM.03-02, Amini, Elahe EP-0620, EP-0763, Arbabi, Farshid EP-0327 OP-NA.03-07 OP-EDS.02-07, OP-GK.01-03, Archavlis, Eleftherios EP-1097, OP-SP.04-02 Asiltürk, Murad EP-0078, EP-0101, OP-GK.01-06, OP-GK.01-07 Arda, Mehmet Nuri EP-0917, OP-EXP.03-02, EP-0225, EP-0337, Amir, Samii EP-0561, EP-0772, OP-NA.03-06 EP-0511, EP-0542, EP-0823, EP-0827, Aref, Khaled Galal Eldeen OP-NO.02-05 EP-0567, EP-0614, EP-0832, OP-NO.10-01, Arestov, Sergey OP-SP.10-02, OP-SP.10-05, EP-0679, EP-0681, OP-NO.13-01 OP-SP.14-01, OP-SP.25-04 EP-0712, EP-0722, Amira, El Arbi EP-0629, EP-0721 ARİAS Pesántez, Carlos Fernando EP-0266, EP-0328, EP-0790, EP-0800, Amirjamshidi, Abbas OP-SP.05-02 OP-SP.25-01 EP-0811, OP-NV.09-08, Amit, Amit EP-0516, OP-SP.12-06 Arief, Muhamad Rahadian OP-CM.02-09 OP-SP.02-02, OP-SP.04-05 Ammar, Hichem EP-0502 Arief, Muhammad Rahadian EP-0753 Askun, Melike Mut OP-NV.01-07 Ammar, Mouna EP-0782 Ariffi n, Mohammad Hisam OP-SP.26-08 Aslam, Hentati EP-0629, EP-0721 Ammor, Rachid EP-1086, EP-1100 Arifi n, Muhammad Z. OP-EXP.02-10 Aslan, Adem EP-0977, OP-EXP.01-05, Amr, Ahmed OP-SP.08-05 Arifi n, Muhammad Zafrullah EP-0484, OP-PED.07-07, OP-EXP.03-06, OP-SP.13-09 Amr, Amr EP-0694, EP-0750, OP-SP.03-04 Aslan, Ayfer EP-0164, EP-0952, OP-NO.13-08, OP-SP.04-02 Arigbabu, Oladele EP-0783 OP-GK.01-01 An, Ki Yong EP-0985 Arigbabu, Sarajudeen O OP-NO.05-05 Aslan, Esra OP-EXP.01-05 An, Qingzhu OP-NV.05-04 Arikök, Ata Türker OP-SP.13-01 Asma, Bouhoula EP-0629 Anatolievna, Shmeleva Anna EP-0818, EP-0828, Arikok, Ata Turker OP-SP.13-06 Assaggaf, Saggaf EP-0170 EP-0838, EP-0909, Arim, Osama EP-0457 Assamadi, Mohssine OP-INF.01-05 EP-0938, EP-0945 Arima, Arivazhagan OP-CM.01-04, OP-GK.01-04 Assamadi, Mouhssine EP-0245, OP-INF.01-09 Anderson, Shannon EP-0963 Arishima, Hidetaka EP-1109 Assoumane, Ibrahim E P-0358, EP-0458, Andi Perumal Raj, Prabu Raj EP-0228, EP-0544, Arita, Kazunori OP-FN.03-08, OP-NO.16-05 OP-INF.01-07 EP-1007, OP-GK.01-04 Arkha, Yasser EP-0171, EP-0190, Assylbek, Kaliyev OP-NV.06-09 Andreani, Juan Carlos EP-0975 EP-0342, EP-0501, Asyutin, Dmitry EP-0270, EP-0329, Andreevich, Romodanov Sergei EP-0828 EP-0768, EP-1011, EP-0352, EP-0361, Andrews, Russell OP-NT.02-07 OP-SP.17-05 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, Andriani, Rini OP-CM.02-09 Armutak, Elif Ilkay EP-0855 OP-SP.04-07 Andrusca, Alexandru EP-0968 Arnaout, Mohamed OP-EDS.01-07 Atabey, Cem EP-0430, OP-SP.16-01 Aniba, Khalid EP-0245, EP-0268, Aroon, Aaroon Musara EP-0742 Atakur, Hilal OP-FN.03-01 EP-0366, EP-0395, Arpaç, Taner EP-0602 Atalar, Banu EP-0117 EP-0706, EP-0739, Arpaci, Taner EP-0575, EP-0870 Atalay, Başar EP-0397, EP-0536 OP-INF.01-05, OP-INF.01-09 Arraez, Cinta OP-NO.06-02 Atalay, Basar OP-SP.02-05 Anichini, Giulio EP-0368 Arraez, Miguel Angel OP-NO.06-02 Atalay, Canan EP-0850 320 Author List

Atar, Murat EP-0076, EP-0092, Azab, Waleed A EP-0265, EP-1060, Balamurugan, M. OP-SP.18-06 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery EP-1075, OP-NA.02-07 EP-1080, OP-CM.01-01 Baláž, Marek OP-FN.01-05 Atci, Ibrahim Burak EP-0311 Azad, Tej Deepak OP-NV.12-01 Balci Oktem, Nurgül EP-0806 Atci, Ibrahim Burak EP-0330, EP-0859 Azam, Farooq OP-SP.03-06 Baldauf, Joerg OP-CM.01-06 Atean, Ibrahim EP-0801, OP-NO.04-05 Azam, Gousul EP-0682 Baldauf, Jörg OP-FN.04-05 Ateş, Nimet OP-INF.01-01 Azam, Md Gaousul OP-NO.06-09 Balkan, Mehmet Serdar EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Ates, Seda EP-0697 Azar, Maziar OP-GK.01-03, OP-GK.01-06, Ballesteros Cuevas, Germán EP-0138, OP-PED.02-08 Atici, Arzu OP-SP.07-08 OP-GK.01-07 Banaeen, Abdulla OP-CM.04-04 Atli, Eray EP-0271 Azarhomayoun, Amir EP-0547, EP-0929 BANDEİRA, Erica De Carvalho EP-0191, EP-0203, Atsamnia, Mohamed Amine EP-0180 Azaševac, Antun OP-NT.05-08 EP-0208, EP-0349 Attia, Waleed EP-0338 Azdajic, Jasmina OP-SP.25-07 Banerjee, Anirban Deep OP-FN.01-04 Attia, Walid EP-0316 Azeddine, Kacimi EP-0149, EP-0161, Banerjee, Dibyojyoti EP-1052 Attia, Walid Ismail EP-0264 EP-0403 Bankole, Olufemi B EP-0783, OP-NO.05-05 Auezova, Raushan EP-0675 Azeez, Abiodun Luqman EP-0163 Bansal, Hanish OP-NV.13-03 Aurel George, Mohan OP-NV.09-07 Azevedo, Hildo OP-NV.06-07 Baran, Gozde OP-EXP.02-07 Aureliu, Bodiu EP-0463 Azevedo, Hildo Rocha Cirne De OP-NT.01-09 Baran, Oguz EP-0124, EP-0635, Avci, Emel EP-0796, OP-NO.11-07 Azhari, Abdssamad EP-0844 EP-0687, EP-0696, Avci, Idris EP-0718, EP-0879, Aziz, Ali Hikmat EP-0401, EP-0401 EP-0697, EP-1058, EP-0956 Aziz, Khaled OP-EDS.01-07 OP-EXP.02-07, OP-NA.01-04 Avecillas Chasin, Josué M. OP-FN.01-11 BA Zézé, Vincent EP-1073, OP-PED.08-07 Baran, Oğuz EP-0330, OP-NA.02-05, Ávila Cervantes, Rodrigo EP-1001 Ba`Abud, Achmad Fahmi EP-0974 OP-NA.03-01 Avrunin, Oleg OP-TEC.01-02 Babajani Feremi, Abbas OP-NO.10-07 Barania, Mohammed EP-0313 Awan, Mariam OP-INF.01-03 Babak, Kardavani EP-0823 Barazi, Sinan EP-0761 Awara, Kousuke OP-TEC.01-08 Babakhani, Babak OP-SP.26-06 Barbosa, Bernardo EP-1103, EP-1104, Ayberk, Giyas EP-0930 Babar, Asghar Khan OP-SP.23-04 EP-1105, OP-NV.03-03 Ayberk, Gıyas EP-0026 Babikir, Safa Elfatih Yagoub Hamid EP-0826, EP-1030, Barbosa, Daniel Alves Neiva EP-0034, OP-NV.02-08 Aycan, Abdurrahman EP-0157, EP-0205, OP-SP.11-08 Barbosa, Marcos OP-EXP.01-09, OP-NO.04-08 EP-0579 Bachir, Sabrina EP-0358 Barcia, Juan A. OP-FN.01-11 Aydin, Aybike EP-1106 Badache, Kenza EP-0678, EP-0703 Barçin, Erol EP-1035 Aydin, Hasan Emre EP-0131, OP-EXP.04-07 Badri, Mohamed EP-0194, EP-0210, Bargach, Zoubida EP-0634, EP-0668, Aydin, Hasan Emre EP-0253, EP-0391, EP-0334, EP-0343, EP-0844 EP-1059, OP-EXP.03-02, EP-0438, EP-0453, Barges Coll, Juan OP-CM.02-01 OP-EXP.04-06, OP-NT.02-08 EP-0478, EP-0498, Bari, Ehsan EP-0230 Aydin, Ilhan EP-0088, EP-0837, EP-0541, EP-0700, Bari, Muhammad Ehsan EP-0177, EP-0685, OP-CM.03-01, OP-NA.01-04, EP-0943, EP-1000 OP-INF.01-06 OP-NA.01-07, OP-NO.16-03, Bae, Hee Jin EP-1016 Barinov, Sergey EP-0914 OP-NV.07-06 Bae, Jun Seok OP-SP.24-02 Barkas, Kostas EP-0761 Aydin, Ismail Hakki EP-0118 Baeesa, Saleh EP-0339, EP-1027, Barlas, Orhan EP-0091, OP-FN.06-01 Aydin, Levent EP-0549, EP-0560, OP-CM.04-04, OP-SP.18-02 Barooah, Rajesh Kumar OP-SP.21-04 OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.26-05 Baeesa, Saleh S. OP-MSC.01-08 Barua, Kanak Kanti EP-0243, EP-0682 Aydin, Mehmet Dumlu EP-0850, EP-1085, Bagdatoglu, Celal EP-0793, EP-0796, Barua, Prof. Kanak Kanti EP-0378, OP-EDS.03-09, EP-1106, OP-EXP.03-07, OP-NO.01-06, OP-NO.11-07 OP-SP.01-07 OP-EXP.04-01 Bagic, Irina EP-0813 Barutçuoğlu, Mustafa EP-0491 Aydin, Murat EP-0095, EP-0377, Bahadir, Sinan EP-0941, OP-SP.21-06 Barutcuoglu, Mustafa EP-0819, OP-SP.14-07 EP-0677, EP-1026, Baharudin, Azmi OP-SP.26-08 Barzanooni, Ehsan OP-CM.02-06 OP-NO.16-09, OP-SP.24-08 Baharvahdat, Humain OP-NV.07-07 Basak, Hazan OP-EDS.02-09, OP-PED.02-09 Aydin, Nazan EP-0850, EP-1085, Bahouth, Hanny OP-NT.02-03 Basaranoglu, Murat EP-0174, EP-0181, OP-EXP.04-01 Bahram, Mohammadi EP-0832, OP-NO.13-01 EP-0183, OP-PED.03-07 Aydin, Nazan OP-EXP.03-07 Bahrami, Eshagh OP-FN.01-06 Bascarevic, Vladimir EP-0232, EP-1041 Aydin, Pınar OP-NV.01-09 Bahri, Kamel EP-0194, EP-0210, Baseem, Ahmed Ismail OP-SP.11-01 Aydin, Serdar Onur EP-0094, EP-0220, EP-0334, EP-0343, Bashir, Asif OP-FN.01-08 EP-0221, EP-0238 EP-0438, EP-0478, Bashir, Qasim OP-NV.12-08 Aydin, Sevim OP-EXP.01-08 EP-0498, EP-0541, Basiladze, Grigol EP-0032, OP-NV.02-03 Aydin, Yunus EP-0471, EP-0493, EP-0700, EP-0943, Basílio, Marcos Matheus Dias EP-0425 OP-NO.02-04, OP-NV.09-04 EP-1000 Baskaya, Mustafa K. EP-0088, EP-0837, Aydoğan, Mehmet EP-0143, EP-0146 Baishya, Basanta Kumar OP-MSC.01-03 OP-CM.03-01, OP-NV.07-06 Aydogmus, Arda OP-EXP.03-06, OP-SP.13-09 Bajamal, Abdul Hafi d EP-0974 Baskaya, Mustafa Kemal OP-NA.01-07, OP-NO.16-03 Aydogmus, Evren EP-0094, OP-PED.04-08 Bajiashvili, Besarion EP-0119 Basma, Jaafar EP-0104 Aydoseli, Aydin EP-0888, OP-FN.06-01, Bajrami, Arsida EP-1047 Basu, Sunandan OP-PED.05-04 OP-NV.07-01 Bakar, Bülent EP-0122, OP-SP.19-08 Bateni, Farzad OP-CM.02-06 Aydoseli, Aydın EP-0091, EP-0295, Bakhaidar, Mohamad EP-1027 Batyrov, Albert EP-0270 EP-0526, OP-PED.04-04, Bakhsh, Salwa EP-0187 Bavbek, Murad EP-0436, EP-0523, OP-SP.07-03, OP-SP.20-06 Bakhti, Souad EP-0180, EP-0198, EP-0597, EP-0771, Aygun, Dursun OP-FN.02-06 OP-NT.04-08, OP-PED.04-01 EP-0794, EP-0798, Aygün, Gökhan OP-INF.01-01 Bakir, Abdurrahman EP-0016, OP-SP.19-05 EP-0807, EP-0815, Aykol, Şükrü EP-0952, OP-PED.06-02 Bakri, Sherif Ahmed OP-PED.02-06 EP-0919, EP-0930, Aytar, Hamit EP-0688, EP-0689 Bal, Ercan EP-0523, EP-0597, OP-SP.13-06 Ayyad, Ali EP-0694, EP-0750, EP-0771, EP-0815, Bavikatte, Ganesh OP-CM.04-06 OP-NO.03-04, OP-NO.13-08, EP-0919 Bayar, Mehmet Akif EP-0103 OP-SP.04-02 Balak, Naci EP-0357, EP-1044, Baydar, Aydın Talat EP-0018 EP-1074 321 Author List

Baydin, Serhat Şevki OP-NA.02-02, OP-NA.02-03 , Benek, Berk EP-0377, EP-1026, Bi, Wenya Linda EP-0743, OP-EXP.02-03, WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES OP-NA.01-04, OP-NA.02-05 OP-SP.24-08 OP-NO.03-01 Baykara, Eyüp EP-0317 Benek, Hüseyin Berk EP-0095 Biber, Necat EP-0476, EP-0489, Bayrak, Omer Faruk EP-0583, OP-NO.07-02 Benes, Vladimir OP-FN.02-02 EP-0713 Bayram, Tuğbağ OP-NO.01-08 Benigni, Roberta EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, Biceroglu, Huseyin EP-0562, EP-0619, Bazunov, Maxim V. EP-0598 OP-NV.10-01, OP-SP.09-01 EP-0873, OP-SP.15-03, Beavers, Stefanie EP-0184 Benitez Gasca, Paula Alejandra OP-NO.09-09 OP-SP.25-02 Becherki, Yakoubi EP-1107 Benlahreche, Mohamed EP-0224 Bielecki, Mateusz OP-SP.20-04 Bechri, Hajar EP-0399, EP-0503, Benmamar, Toufi k EP-0550, EP-0678, Bienst Castillo, Meinhard OP-SP.24-07 EP-0693, EP-0727 EP-0703, EP-0770 Bignell, Graham OP-NO.03-10 Beck, Jürgen OP-CM.04-03, OP-NO.01-04 Bennis, Anas EP-0326 Bikmullin, Vadim EP-0043, EP-0398, Bedir, Orhan OP-CM.03-05 Benson, Carolyn M. OP-FN.01-10 EP-0402, OP-SP.21-01 Behboudi, Minou EP-0281 Bentley, Robert EP-0761 Bilal, Serkan EP-0925 Behjati, Sam OP-NO.03-10 Benyaich, Zakariae EP-0559, OP-NO.15-04 Bilgin, Emre EP-0764, OP-CM.03-04, Bekar, Ahmet EP-0068, OP-FN.03-01 Benzagmout, Mohamed EP-0632 OP-PED.01-05, OP-SP.03-01, Bekiroğlu, Nural OP-CM.04-01 Benzagmout, Mohammed EP-0301, EP-0325, OP-SP.19-02 Bekralas, Houria OP-PED.04-01 EP-0355, EP-0381, Bilginer, Burcak OP-PED.05-01 Bektas, Hesna EP-0436 EP-0731, EP-0744, Billur, Deniz EP-0251, OP-EXP.01-08, Belal, Ahmed OP-NV.13-02 EP-1086, EP-1100, OP-EXP.03-03 Belen, Ahmet Deniz EP-0018, EP-0028, OP-NO.02-08, OP-SP.18-03 Bilmez, Rüveyda EP-0815 EP-0540, EP-0555, Benzagmout, Mohmmed OP-SP.01-04 Binali, S. Ait EP-0702 OP-EDS.02-03, OP-NV.02-09, Berdibayeva, Dinara EP-0675 Binatli, Ali Ozcan EP-0322, EP-0925 OP-NV.12-06, OP-SP.21-07 Berete, Ibrahima EP-1086, EP-1100 Birkeland, Peter OP-NV.12-02 Belen, Deniz OP-SP.04-03 Berker, Mustafa OP-EDS.01-09 Bishop, Hugh EP-0368 Belhadj, Alaa EP-0182, EP-0200 Berkman, Mehmet Zafer EP-0113, EP-0117, Bitirgen, Gülfi dan EP-0456 Belhaj, Ala EP-0077, EP-0723, EP-0476, EP-0489, Biyik, Mehmet Orbay EP-0565, EP-0655, EP-0728, EP-0970 EP-0688, EP-0689, EP-0726, EP-0765, Belkahla, Ghassen EP-0194, EP-0210, EP-0690, EP-0732, EP-0804, EP-0809 EP-0448 OP-NO.03-03 Bizzocchi, Gianluca OP-NV.10-01 Bell Stephens, Teresa OP-NV.12-01 Berkman, Zafer EP-0566 Boa Hora, Leandro OP-TEC.01-09 Bell, Chris OP-CM.04-06 Berna, Jorge OP-NO.03-10 Boblata, Lotfi EP-0821 Belmabrouk, Houda EP-1002 Bernardes, Gabriella Reis Silveira Barros EP-0425 Boboev, Sodik Umarovich EP-0197 Belo, Francisco EP-0683 Bernardo, Antonio EP-0015, EP-0274, Bobyr, Andrii EP-0545 Beloud, Djalleleddine EP-0666 EP-0984, EP-1103, Bodiu, Adrian Zosim EP-0037 Belska, Liudmila EP-0107 EP-1104, EP-1105, Bodiu, Aureliu EP-0089, OP-SP.16-07 Beltechi, Radu EP-0127, EP-0516, EP-1110, OP-NV.03-03, Bodiu, Constanta Dumitru EP-0037 OP-SP.12-01, OP-SP.12-06 OP-PED.03-01 Boğa, Zeki OP-CM.03-04 Ben Ammar, Mehdi EP-0502, EP-0860 Bernasconi, Corrado OP-CM.04-03 Bogea, Bruno EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Ben Hamouda, Karim EP-0453 Beroukhim, Rameen OP-EXP.02-03, OP-NO.03-01 Bolat, Elif EP-0873 Ben Messaoud, Mahmoud EP-0182, EP-0200, Bersali, Imane EP-0062, EP-0137, Boluh, Andriy OP-NT.02-01 EP-0723 EP-0588, EP-0590, Bölük, Ayhan OP-NV.08-09 Ben Nsir, Atef EP-0055, EP-0077, EP-0624, EP-0788, Boon Chuan, Pang OP-NT.04-02 EP-0182, EP-0200, EP-1108 Boon Seng, Liew OP-NV.08-05 EP-0291, EP-0335, Bersnev, Valery EP-0047 Boonziaer, Natalie R OP-NO.04-04 EP-0336, EP-0369, Bertal, A EP-0634 Bora, Ibrahim OP-FN.03-01 EP-0371, EP-0392, Bertal, Abderrazzak OP-PED.05-05 Börcek, Alp Özgün EP-0164, EP-0206, EP-0448, EP-0453, Bertal, Abderrezak EP-1008 EP-0626, EP-0662, EP-0504, EP-0514, Bertal, Abdrezzak EP-0372 EP-1037, OP-GK.01-01, EP-0521, EP-0563, Bertalanff y, Helmut OP-NO.02-03 OP-PED.02-03, OP-PED.06-02, EP-0642, EP-0723, Berven, Sigurd H. EP-0524, EP-0527, OP-PED.08-01 EP-0728, EP-0833, EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Börcek, Pelin EP-0551, OP-NO.16-04 EP-0970, OP-NV.07-05 Bervini, David OP-NV.11-02 Borekci, Ali EP-0419, OP-SP.12-03 Ben Said, Imed EP-0194 Bervitsky, Anatoly EP-0644 Borghei Razavi, Hamid OP-NA.01-08 Ben Salah, Achraf EP-0178, EP-0332, Beşkonakli, Ethem EP-0684 Borkar, Sachin A EP-0196, EP-0439, EP-0340, EP-0641, Betka, Jan EP-0741, EP-0775 OP-SB.02-02 EP-0698, EP-0789, Beton, Suha EP-0630, OP-EDS.02-09, Borkar, Sachin EP-0465, OP-NO.12-02, EP-0808, EP-0820, OP-NO.02-09, OP-PED.02-09, OP-PED.06-04 EP-0834, EP-1032 OP-SP.09-09 Borni, Mahdi EP-1032 Ben Salem, Maher EP-0334, EP-0438, Bhanagle, Deepak Keshav OP-EDS.03-03 Borni, Mehdi EP-1002, EP-1069 EP-0700 Bhat, Dhananjay EP-0544 Borodin, Serghei EP-0089, EP-0098, Benachour, Mohamed Safouane EP-0151, EP-0153, Bhat, Dhananjay I OP-GK.01-04 EP-1096, OP-SP.16-07 EP-0156, EP-0176, Bhatia, Alka EP-1052 Boschi, Andrea EP-0984, EP-1110, EP-0179, EP-0199, Bhatt, Harsh EP-1014 OP-PED.03-01 EP-0224, EP-0242, Bhatt, Pragnesh EP-0414, EP-0466, Bosnjak, Roman EP-0140 EP-0341, OP-PED.07-03 EP-0469, EP-0552, Bostan, Alexandru EP-0411, OP-SP.07-09 Benali, Said Ait EP-0366, EP-0395, EP-0994, OP-NA.01-01, Botelho, Ricardo Vieira EP-0346, EP-0705, EP-0510, EP-0528 OP-SP.17-07 EP-1068, OP-NO.08-05 Benamara, Abir EP-0928 Bhatt, Prahnesh EP-0368 Bouaita, Kamel EP-0151, EP-0153, Benameur Belkacem, Yakout EP-0666 Bhattacharjee, Suchanda OP-FN.03-04 EP-0156, EP-0176, Benco, Martin EP-0467 Bhattarai, Binod EP-0400, OP-NT.06-08 EP-0179, EP-0199, Bendib, Fatma Zohra EP-0376 EP-0224, EP-0242, 322 Author List

EP-0341, EP-0550, Bozkurt, Melih EP-0630, OP-NO.02-09, Carretta, Alessandro OP-NT.07-02 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery EP-0678, EP-0703, EP-0770, OP-NV.13-09, OP-SP.09-09 Carrilho, Paulo Eduardo Mestrinelli EP-0871 EP-0816, EP-0821, Bradac, Ondrej OP-FN.02-02 Carvalho Junior, Dr Eduardo Vieira OP-NT.01-09 OP-PED.07-03 Braga, Bruno Perocco EP-0145, EP-0184 Carvalho, Lievin Luz EP-0069, EP-0831, Bouali, Djouhar EP-0167 Bravo Angel, Ulises EP-1090 OP-PED.04-09 Bouali, Djouher EP-0305 Brazma, Alvis OP-NO.03-10 Caspani, Maria Luisa OP-NT.05-01 Bouali, Djouheur EP-0454 Brighton, Amos OP-PED.07-04 Castellanos, Marco Antonio Zenteno EP-0034, OP-NV.02-08 Bouali, Sofi ane EP-0812, EP-0836, Brito, Dra Herika Karla Negri OP-NT.01-09 Castillo, Miguel Angel Velasco EP-0034 EP-0839, EP-0840, Broalet, Maman You Espérance EP-1073, OP-PED.08-07 Castro Flores, Juan Antonio OP-NV.13-05 EP-1034 Broc Haro, Guy Gilbert EP-1090 Castro, Denilson Procópio EP-0425 Bouali, Sofi ene EP-0354 Brockmann, Marc A. OP-NT.04-03 Castro, Manuel OP-NO.03-10 Bouali, Soufi ene EP-1053 Brodsky, Matthew EP-0963 Castro, Paulo De Tarso EP-0604 Bouare, Fah EP-1121 Brooks, Jonathan C. W. OP-NO.10-05 Catalán, Guillermo García OP-NT.06-02 Bouaziz, Mourad EP-1082 Brown, Iain EP-0587 Cavlak, Uğur EP-1051 Boubaker, Adnen EP-0354 Brunozzi, Denise OP-NV.10-02, OP-NV.12-03, Çavuş, Gökhan EP-0261, EP-0513, Boubaker, Adnene EP-0210, EP-1000 OP-SP.09-01 EP-0535, EP-0764, Boublata, Lotfi EP-0569, EP-0770, Buba, Aminu EP-0848 OP-CM.03-04, OP-PED.01-05, OP-PED.07-03, OP-SB.02-05 BUCHELİ Peñafi el, Carlos Alfonso OP-NT.06-02 OP-SP.03-01, OP-SP.19-02 Bouchenaki, Farid EP-0151, EP-0153, Bucur, Sorin EP-0647 Cavusoglu, Emre EP-0619 EP-0156, EP-0176, Bugeme, Marcellin EP-0379 Cavusoglu, Halit EP-0471, EP-0493, EP-0179, EP-0199, Bulduk, Erkut Baha EP-0662, EP-0952, OP-NV.09-04, OP-NO.02-04 EP-0242, EP-0341, OP-GK.01-01, OP-SP.06-08 Cazac, Tabita Larisa EP-0657, EP-0745 EP-0678, EP-0703, Bulut, Huri OP-SP.13-02 Cebeci, Fatma OP-CM.01-08 OP-PED.07-03 Bunayan, Reem EP-1003 Cecen, Aycicek EP-0847 Boudawara, Med Zaher EP-0178, EP-0332, Bunc, Gorazd EP-0479, OP-PED.06-03 Ceja Espinosa, Alejandro EP-0518, EP-0610, EP-0340, EP-0641, Burazerovic, Eldin OP-SP.01-08 EP-0708, OP-CM.01-05 EP-0698, EP-0782, Burch, Shane EP-0524, EP-0527, Celerino, Rodolfo Vinicius EP-0633 EP-0789, EP-0808, EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Celerino, Rodolfo Vinícius Leite EP-0111, EP-0125, EP-0820, EP-0834, Burchiel, Kim J. EP-0961, EP-0963 EP-0203, EP-0204, EP-1032 Burukoglu, Dilek OP-EXP.04-07, OP-NV.01-08 EP-0349, EP-0446 Boudawara, Mohamed Zaher EP-1002, EP-1069 Buyukokuroglu, Mehmet Emin OP-EXP.03-06, OP-SP.13-09 Celik, Duygu EP-1047 Boughamoura, Mohamed EP-0200 Caba, Ibrahima Jene EP-0372 Çelik, Haydar EP-0103, OP-PED.01-08 Bougrine, Mouna EP-1061 Cabalar, Murat EP-1047 Çelik, Özlem OP-EDS.02-01, OP-NO.06-04 Bouhoula, Asma EP-0354 Cabral, Henrique EP-0683, OP-EXP.01-09, OP-NO.04-08 Çelik, Suat Erol EP-0718, EP-0879, Boulaouad, Wahiba OP-PED.04-01 Cabrera, Jorge Guillermo EP-0976 EP-0956 Bouldin, Elizabeth P. OP-NT.03-09 Cabuk, Burak OP-EDS.01-02, OP-EDS.03-01, Çeliker, Özkan EP-0035 Boumahdi, Nazim OP-PED.04-01 OP-PED.06-07 Celikoglu, Erhan EP-0847, OP-SP.07-08, Boustil, Karim EP-0151, EP-0153, Cadavid, Mauricio EP-0396, OP-SP.18-01 OP-SP.12-03, OP-SP.13-01 EP-0156, EP-0176, Çağlar, Yusuf Şükrü OP-SP.09-09, OP-EXP.03-04, Celtikci, Emrah EP-0206, EP-0626, EP-0179, EP-0199, OP-EXP.03-08 EP-0662, EP-1037, EP-0341, EP-0550, Cagli, Mehmet Sedat EP-0562, EP-0619, OP-NA.01-08 OP-PED.07-03 OP-SP.15-03, OP-SP.25-02 Celtikci, Pinar EP-0206, EP-0626, EP-0662 Boutarbouch, Mahjouba EP-0171, EP-0190, Cakin, Hakan OP-PED.08-03 Ceman, Duygu EP-0948, EP-0972, EP-0342, EP-0501, Çakir, Bekir EP-0771 OP-NO.13-09 EP-0768, EP-1011, Cakir, Volkan EP-0076 Cengiz, Pelin OP-NO.14-07 OP-SP.17-05 Caklili, Melih OP-EDS.01-02, OP-EDS.03-01, Cerasti, Davide OP-NT.05-01 Boutiah, Leila EP-0242, EP-0569, OP-PED.06-07 Cerminara, Nadia L. OP-NO.10-05 EP-0816, EP-0821, Calderon Yrigoyen, Juan Pablo OP-NO.06-10, OP-NO.16-10 Cerrahoglu, Mustafa EP-0383 OP-SB.02-05 Calenici, Eugen EP-0098 Cervantes, Rodrigo Avila OP-NV.02-08 Bouyoucef, Kheireddine Abdelouahed EP-0062, EP-0137, Calik, Muhammet OP-EXP.04-01 Cervellin, Gianfranco OP-NT.07-02 EP-0588, EP-0590, Çalikoğlu, Çağatay EP-0895 Cervera Martínez, Claudia OP-NO.16-10, OP-SP.01-10 EP-0624, EP-0788, Çaliş, Fatih EP-0134, EP-0855, OP-SP.13-02 Çetin, Ercan EP-0918, OP-SP.11-07 EP-1108 Camacho, Aline Helen EP-0658 Cetin, Eyup EP-0412 Bouyoucef, Salahedine EP-0376 Camara, Aboubakar EP-0372 Çetin, Meryem EP-1033 Bouzerara, Oumaima EP-1012 Çamlar, Mahmut OP-EDS.02-01, OP-NO.06-04, Cetinalp, Nuri Eralp EP-0186, EP-0303, Bowers, Daniel C OP-PED.05-02 OP-NO.07-09 EP-0660, OP-SP.02-03 Boyaci, Mehmet Gazi EP-0977, OP-EXP.01-05, Can, Halil EP-0526, EP-0564, Çetinalp, Nuri Eralp OP-SP.02-08 OP-EXP.03-06 OP-SP.07-06, OP-SP.20-06 Cevik, Orhun Mete OP-NA.01-06, OP-NA.02-08 Boyaci, Mehmet Gazi OP-SP.13-09 Can, Meltem EP-0757 Çevik, Serdar EP-0492, EP-0851, Boyali, Osman EP-0859, OP-SP.07-03 Can, Songül Meltem EP-0549, EP-0560, EP-0855, OP-SP.13-02 Boysunov, Adkham Akhmedovich EP-0279 OP-NO.02-04, OP-SP.15-01 Cevik, Serdar OP-EXP.02-07 Bozdemir, Kazım EP-0771 Canaz, Gökhan OP-NA.02-06 Ceviz, Adnan OP-NV.01-03 Bozkurt, Baran EP-0013, EP-0014, Canbay, Suat EP-0016, OP-SP.19-05 Ceylan, Savas OP-EDS.01-02, OP-EDS.03-01, OP-NA.01-06, OP-NA.02-08, Canton Kessely, Yannick EP-0082 OP-PED.06-07 OP-SP.06-06, OP-SP.12-07 Cao, Yong OP-NV.13-06 Chabaane, Mohamed EP-0291, EP-0335 Bozkurt, Gokhan OP-EXP.03-03 Cardoso, Gustavo Machado EP-0097, EP-0604 Chakour, Kalid EP-0355 Bozkurt, Ismail EP-0436, EP-0807, Çarli, Bayram Alparslan EP-0557 Chakour, Khalid EP-0301, EP-0318, EP-0815, EP-0919, Carpenter, Keri Lh OP-EXP.04-10 EP-0325, EP-0381, EP-0930, OP-EXP.03-03, Carpenter, T Adrian OP-EXP.04-10 EP-0632, EP-0731, EP-0744, OP-SP.13-06 Carrasco, Antonio OP-NO.06-02 EP-1086, EP-1100, Carrasco, Edgar M OP-MSC.01-01 OP-SP.01-04, OP-SP.18-03 323 Author List

Chakrabarti, Amitava EP-1052, EP-1077 Cherif, Mohamed EP-1100 Ciurea, Marius Eugen EP-0657 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Chanana, Vishal OP-NO.14-07 Cherif, Mohammed EP-0082 Civelek, Erdinç EP-0240, EP-0485, Chandra, Ronil V OP-NV.11-02 Cherkiev, Islam EP-0270, EP-0329, EP-0367 EP-0488, EP-0539, Chandran, Raj S EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Chernov, Sergey EP-0644, OP-NO.05-02 EP-0564, EP-0911, Chang, Chulhoon EP-0071 Chernov, Sergey Vladimirovich EP-0979 EP-0918, OP-SP.07-06, Chang, Feng Chi OP-NO.08-04 Chernykh, Elena Removna OP-NO.07-04 OP-SP.18-08 Chanideh, Iran OP-GK.01-03, OP-GK.01-06 Cherradi, Nadia EP-0207 Civlan, Serkan EP-0222, EP-0317, Chaoui, El Faiz Mohammed EP-0355, EP-0632 Cheserem, Jebet Beverly EP-0647, EP-0761, EP-0582 Chaoui, Mohamed El Faiz EP-0381, EP-0731, OP-MSC.01-05 Clark, David EP-0865 OP-SP.18-03 Chiaeva, Galina EP-0096 Coban, Gokmen EP-1092, EP-1102 Chaoui, Mohammed El Faiz EP-0301, EP-0325, Chiang, Yung Hsiao OP-NT.05-03, OP-NT.07-06, Çoban, Mustafa Kemal EP-0118, OP-SP.02-04 EP-1086, EP-1100, OP-SP.23-03 Cobanoglu, Murat EP-0321 OP-SP.01-04 Chikani, Mark EP-0926 Cohen Inbar, Or OP-NT.02-03 Charbel, Fady T OP-NV.10-02, OP-NV.12-03 Chiu, Wen Ta OP-NT.05-03, OP-NT.07-06 Cohen, Salomon Cohen EP-0008 Charles, Salloum EP-0432 Chkili, Ridha EP-0502, EP-0860 Cohovi Gildas, Quenum OP-SP.08-08 Charng Jeng, Toh EP-0923 Cho, Byung Rae OP-NV.04-07 Cojocaru, Petru EP-0411 Chaudary, Muhammad Anwar EP-0154 Cho, Jae Hoon EP-0116 Colasanti, Roberto OP-NV.10-01 Chaudhary, Dr Dhiman EP-0682 Cho, Sung Rae EP-0443 Colby, Candace OP-SB.02-07 Chaurasia, Bipin Kumar EP-0682, EP-0754 Cho, Sunghoon EP-0114 Collins, V. Peter OP-NO.03-10 Chaurasia, Raushan Kumar EP-0682 Cho, Young Hyun EP-0781 Collord, Grace OP-NO.03-10 Chaurasiya, Ranjit Kumar EP-0682, EP-0754 Choi, Gi Hwan EP-0116 Colombe, Soledad OP-PED.07-04 Chbulov, Alidust EP-1042 Choi, In Sup OP-NO.03-02, OP-NO.13-06 Comert, Ayhan EP-0271, OP-NA.02-09 Che, Xiaoming OP-EXP.02-06, OP-SP.13-03 Choi, Jeong Hoon EP-0314 Comert, Didem EP-0730, OP-GK.01-05 Cheburakhin, Valeriy EP-0022 Choi, Yonsuk EP-0985 Cömert, Serhat EP-0049, EP-0302, Chehrei, Ali OP-SP.13-05 Chon, Hyun Dung EP-0484 EP-0415, EP-0551, Chelaoui, Abdelmajid EP-0231 Chopik, Natalia EP-1062 EP-1056, OP-EXP.01-01 Chellaoui, Abdelmajid EP-0372, EP-1008, Chopik, Natalia Grigorievna EP-1048 Comunoglu, Nil EP-0124, EP-0671, OP-PED.05-05 Chou, Dean EP-0524, EP-0527, EP-0806 Chelli, Ines EP-1053 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Cong, Fei OP-FN.05-04 Chelly, Ines EP-0812, EP-0836, Chouaf, Issam OP-NT.04-08 Constantinescu, Marius OP-NT.02-03 EP-0839, EP-0840, Choui, Mohamed Faz EP-0744 Contreras, Victor OP-NV.12-04 EP-1034 Chovanec, Martin EP-0741, EP-0775 Coppens, Jeroen OP-NO.11-03 Chemate, Sachin Sambhaji OP-SP.18-06 Chowaniec, Jacek OP-SP.22-03 Coppens, Jeroen R EP-0881, EP-1091 Chemeisani, Ammar Hassan OP-NT.03-08 Chowdhury, Dhiman EP-0754 Çorapçi, Övünç Erdem EP-0898 Chemnitz, Anette EP-0427 Chowdhury, Forhad Hossain EP-0533, EP-0716, Corona Vazquez, Teresita EP-1025 Chen, Chih Hao EP-0729 OP-NV.09-09, OP-SB.01-03, Correia, Luiz Gabriel Oliveira OP-NT.01-09 Chen, Di Kang OP-NO.01-02 OP-SB.01-04, OP-SP.06-07 Coşan, Didem OP-NV.01-08 Chen, Fu Rong OP-EXP.03-09 Chowdhury, Noman Khaled EP-0533, EP-0716, Coşan, Tevfi k Erhan OP-NV.01-08 Chen, Gong OP-EXP.02-06 OP-SB.01-03, OP-SB.01-04 Coşkun, Mehmet Erdal EP-0035, EP-0222, Chen, Haifeng OP-SP.01-02 Chowdhury, Yasir OP-SP.22-06 EP-0317, EP-0582 Chen, Hao OP-NT.06-01, OP-NV.04-03 Chrastina, Jan EP-0886, EP-0944, Costantino, G. OP-NO.15-02 Chen, Hsin Hung EP-0217, OP-NO.08-04 OP-FN.01-05 Coucou Gildas, Quenum EP-0388 Chen, Jing OP-FN.05-01 Christiani, Marcio Miranda EP-0658 Coulibaly, Oumar EP-0082 Chen, Jinhiu EP-0797 Chtira, Kamal EP-0245, OP-INF.01-05, Couzine, Renvik Demauir EP-0604 Chen, Jun EP-0845 OP-INF.01-09 Çöven, Ilker EP-0382, EP-0564 Chen, Jun Yih EP-0729 Chu, Yi Wei OP-NO.01-02 Covert, Lucia OP-NO.14-07 Chen, Juxiang EP-0984 Chuang, Jimmy Ming Jung EP-0011, EP-0674, Cremaschi, Fabian EP-0975 Chen, Liang OP-NO.02-06 OP-NO.10-07 Crimmins, Darrach OP-PED.05-06 Chen, Liming OP-NV.05-04 Chung, Sung Kyun EP-0314 Critchley, Giles EP-0647 Chen, Lin OP-FN.05-04 Chung, Wen Yuh OP-EDS.03-05 Crocker, Mathew OP-MSC.01-05 Chen, Long OP-EDS.03-04, OP-NV.05-03 Churi, Omkar OP-FN.04-06, OP-SB.01-01 Cruz Perez, Peggys EP-1065, OP-EDS.01-01, Chen, Lukui OP-NV.04-04 Chuvashova, Olga OP-CM.02-02 OP-NO.02-02, OP-NO.13-02 Chen, Pin Yuan EP-0656, OP-NO.15-08 Chyrka, Iurii EP-0310, EP-0429 Cruz, Ruben EP-0214 Chen, Shiwen OP-NT.06-01, OP-NV.04-03 Chyrka, Yuriy EP-0472, OP-FN.05-09 Csókay, András EP-0390, EP-0525, Chen, Shu Mei OP-NO.07-07 Çiftçi, Murat EP-0072, EP-0964, EP-0894, EP-1063, Chen, Wei OP-FN.05-01 OP-FN.02-03, OP-NV.10-03 OP-MSC.01-04, OP-NV.10-07 Chen, Xiaolin OP-PED.04-02 ÇiFtçi, Ulvi EP-0654 Cüce, Gökhan OP-SP.13-04 Chen, Yie Wei OP-NO.08-04 Cigić, Tomislav OP-NT.05-08 Cui, Honggang OP-NO.07-06 Chen, Yin Sheng OP-EXP.03-09 Ciivelek, Erdinç OP-SP.11-07 Cui, Qiang Zhi EP-1120 Chen, Yu OP-PED.04-02 Çikili, Mustafa EP-0535 Cuiza, Jose Hernando EP-0214 Chen, Zhong Ping OP-EXP.03-09 Cikla, Ulas EP-0088, EP-0837, Czrorlich, Patrick OP-NV.07-09 Cheng, Cheng OP-NO.14-05 OP-CM.03-01, OP-NA.01-07, Czyż, Marcin EP-0418 Cheng, Jian EP-0748, OP-PED.06-06 OP-NO.14-07, OP-NO.16-03, Czyz, Marcin OP-NO.03-05 Cheng, Katarina OP-EXP.04-02 OP-NV.07-06 Da Luz, Álvaro Moreira EP-0871 Cherednychenko, Nataliya Oleksiivna EP-0042 Çinar, Celal EP-0192, EP-1102 Da Rosa, Bruno Loz OP-FN.03-09 Cherednychenko, Yurii Vitaliyovych EP-0042 Çinar, Kadir EP-0393 Da Silva, Adysia Moreira Florentino EP-0204, EP-0208, Cherekaev, Vasiliy A. OP-MSC.01-06 Cingoz, Ilker Deniz EP-0076 EP-0446, EP-0633 Cherekaev, Vasiliy EP-0735, OP-CM.02-07 Cingu Meric, Zeynep OP-SP.13-07 Da Silva, Ana Cláudia EP-0234 Cherekaev, Vasily A. EP-0749, EP-0780, Çirağiloğlu, Çağrı EP-0549, OP-SP.26-05 Da Silva, Caroline Klovan OP-FN.03-09 OP-CM.02-04 Çirak, Musa EP-0406, OP-SP.06-09 Da Silva, Thais Marques EP-0256, EP-0282, Cherif, Ines EP-0182, EP-0723 Ciubotaru, Vasile Gheorghe EP-0745 EP-0284, EP-0290, 324 Author List

EP-0312, EP-0373, Deb, Prabal OP-EXP.04-08 Dinc, Cem EP-0543, EP-0837, XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery EP-0405, EP-0715, Dechambenoit, Gilbert OP-SP.23-09 OP-CM.03-01, OP-NA.01-07, OP-TEC.01-06 Dede, Mehmet Ismet Can OP-EDS.01-09 OP-NO.16-03, OP-NV.07-06 Daabak, Khairi Mohamad EP-0104 Deen, Gordon EP-0884 Dincbal, Mehmet Nihat EP-0897, EP-0922 Dağli, Ahmet Turan OP-SP.19-08 Değer, Ibrahim EP-0181, EP-0174, Ding, Hailin OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Dağlioğlu, Ergün EP-0018, OP-NV.02-09, OP-PED.03-07, EP-0183 Ding, Jun EP-0887, EP-0936, EP-0028, OP-NV.12-06 DEGOLLADO García, Javier OP-SP.01-10 OP-EXP.03-05, OP-NT.02-02 Dagtekin, Ahmet EP-0793, OP-NO.01-06 Dehqonboevich, Doniyor Abdullaev EP-0244, EP-0473, Diniz, Juliete Melo OP-NO.08-05 Dahbour, Saeid A OP-FN.03-05 EP-0900, EP-0901, Diop, Sagar EP-0380 Dahlan, Rully Hanafi EP-0484, OP-SP.03-04, EP-0902, EP-0921 Diril, Serkan EP-0053, EP-0394 OP-SP.16-05, OP-SP.18-07 Deif, Osama OP-NV.13-02 Dişçi, Mehmet Murat EP-0496, EP-0568, EP-0601 Dahlin, Lars B EP-0427 Del Cid Solares, Henry Giovanni EP-0940 Diusheev, Buranbek EP-0591 Dahlöf, Carl OP-CM.01-03 Del Maestro, Mattia EP-1099, OP-EDS.01-07 Divanlioğlu, Denizhan EP-0540, EP-0555, Dai, Bin OP-PED.07-02 Del Mestro, Mattia OP-NA.01-02 OP-EDS.02-03, OP-NV.02-09, Dai, Xingliang EP-0585, OP-EXP.02-09, Della Costanza, Martina EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, OP-SP.21-07, OP-SP.04-03 OP-NO.07-01, OP-NO.11-01 OP-NV.10-01, OP-SP.09-01 Dizdarevic, Kemal OP-SP.25-07 Dalan, Altay Burak EP-0583 Demir, Aylin Bican OP-FN.03-01 Dizdarevic, Sabina EP-0647 Dalbasti, Tayfun EP-0099, EP-0622 Demir, Kenan OP-NO.07-09 Djennas, Mohamed EP-0180, EP-0198, Dalbayrak, Sedat EP-0529, OP-SP.07-04, Demir, Mustafa Kemal EP-0440, EP-0455 OP-NT.04-08, OP-PED.04-01 OP-SP.16-09 Demir, Nihat EP-0174, EP-0181, Djilvesi, Djula OP-NT.05-08 Dalgiç, Ali EP-0540, EP-0555, EP-0183, OP-PED.03-07 Djouhar, Bouali OP-SP.02-06 OP-NV.12-06, OP-SP.21-07 Demir, Osman OP-NV.04-09 Djuric, Kresimir Sasa OP-SP.14-04 Dalgic, Ali OP-SP.04-03 Demir, Özgür EP-0496, EP-0568, Dmitrenko, Angela EP-1062 Daloglu, Ferah EP-0850 EP-0601, OP-NV.04-09 Dmitriev, Alexandr OP-NO.05-02 Damak, Mariam EP-1069 Demir, Ozgur OP-SP.21-06 Dmyterko, Igor EP-0958 Damania, Dushyant EP-0045 Demirbaş, Berrin OP-NO.06-08 Dnge, Nitin Narayan OP-NV.05-09 Dambergs, Kristaps EP-0139 Demirçay, Emre EP-0382, EP-0564 Do Ó, Paulo Henrique Gayoso EP-0446 Danciulescu, Maria Mihaela EP-0657 Demirci, Elif OP-EXP.03-07 Dobran, Mauro OP-NA.03-08 Danevych, Olena OP-NO.12-03 Demirci, Harun EP-1037 Doe, Alvin Nah EP-0380 Daneyemez, Mehmet Kadri EP-0618 Demircivi Ozer, Fusun EP-0013, EP-0925 Doğan Ekici, Işın EP-0536 Daniel, Rüfenacht EP-0029 Demirel, Altan OP-EXP.03-04 Dogan, Ihsan EP-0630, OP-EXP.03-04, Daniluk, Beata EP-0960 Demirel, Nail EP-0124 OP-EXP.03-08, OP-NA.02-09 Danu, Adrian EP-0449 Demirez, Izzet EP-0440 Dogan, Seref EP-0426 Danu, Silvia EP-0449 Demirtaş, Eren EP-1035 Dogaru Peciul, Constanta EP-0087, EP-0841, Danyeli, Ayca Ersen EP-0353, EP-0814 Demiryürek, Bekir Enes EP-0829 EP-0949 Darabi, Mohammad Reza OP-SP.13-05 Deng, Zhifeng OP-NT.06-01 Dogliotti, Ariel EP-0130 Darmoul, Mehdi EP-0055, EP-0291, Deniwar, Mohamed Adel EP-0083 Doğruel, Yücel EP-0317, EP-1072, EP-0335, EP-0369, Deniz, Fatih Ersay EP-0496, EP-0568, EP-1083 EP-0371, EP-0392, EP-0601, OP-NV.04-09, Dolaş, Ilyas EP-0295 EP-0514, EP-0521, OP-SP.21-06 Dölen, Duygu OP-NV.07-01, OP-SP.07-03 EP-0563, EP-0642, Denou, Moussa EP-0171, EP-0501 Dolgopolova, Ruslana EP-0472 EP-0723, EP-0833, Dere, Umit Akin EP-0186, EP-0303, Dolgun, Müge EP-0295, OP-PED.04-04 OP-NV.07-05 EP-0660, OP-SP.02-03, Domazet, Ivan EP-0477, OP-SP.14-04 Darwazeh, Mazhar Zahi OP-NT.05-04 EP-0570 Dominic, Imani OP-PED.07-04 Darwazeh, Rami Mazhar OP-NT.05-04 Derkaoui Hassani, Fahd EP-0112, EP-1061 Dong, Jun OP-EXP.02-09, OP-NO.07-03 Das, Dr. Sukriti OP-SP.01-07 Desai, Ketan OP-SB.01-01 Dongo, Sores EP-1073 Dash, Chinmaya OP-NO.12-02, OP-PED.06-01 Desouza, Ruth Mary OP-MSC.01-05 Dönmez, Enis EP-0879 Dassouli, Cherihane OP-INF.01-05, OP-INF.01-09 Devadass, Abel OP-NO.03-10 Dorosenco, Stanislav OP-SP.07-09 David, Bogdan EP-0745 Devi, Indira EP-0228, EP-0544, EP-1007 Doruk, Ebru Dogan EP-1087 Davoodi, Zahra EP-0787, OP-NO.02-07 Deviren, Vedat EP-0524, EP-0527, Doruk, Ebru EP-0412, OP-PED.04-06 Davranbekovich, Rustambek Amanov EP-0581 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Dos Santos, Marcius Benigno Marques EP-0871 Dawang, Yusuf EP-0783, OP-NO.05-05 Devkota, Upendra Prasad OP-NO.06-03 Dos Santos, Marcos Juliano OP-TEC.01-09 Dawei, Meng OP-FN.03-02 Dewall, Taylor OP-NO.14-07 Dosvaldo, Daniel Horacio EP-0738 De Aguiar, Guilherme Brasileiro EP-0090, OP-NV.13-05 Dey, Subir EP-1116 Dowling, Michael EP-0184 De Alencar, Gustavo Fernandes EP-0446 Deza, Pedro OP-PED.05-09 Dreval, Oleg EP-0885 De Bonis, Pasquale EP-0867 Dezawa, Mari OP-NV.01-02 Dricu, Anica EP-0657, EP-0745 DE FARİAS Júnior, Ronaldo Barbosa EP-0191, EP-0203, Dhakal, Sudan OP-FN.03-08, OP-SP.22-09 Dridi, Hadhami EP-0438 EP-0204, EP-0446, Dhanuskody, Nageswaran OP-EDS.01-08 Dridi, Hadhemi OP-SP.01-01 EP-0633 Di Rienzo, Alessando OP-SP.09-01 Drogba, Landry OP-PED.08-07 DE Gusmão, Rodrigo Coimbra EP-0756 Di Rienzo, Alessandro EP-0747, OP-NV.10-01 Dryagina, Nataliya EP-0805 De La Maza, Ernesto Martinez OP-NO.09-09 Di Rocco, Concezio EP-0142, OP-NO.02-03 Dubey, Sudhir OP-EDS.03-03 De Lacy, Patricia OP-FN.02-02 Di Somma, Lucia Giovanna Maria EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, Dubovoy, Andrey OP-NV.06-04 De Lucas, Enrique Marco OP-NT.06-02 OP-NV.10-01 Dubovoy, Andrey Vladimirovich OP-NV.09-01 De Matos, Daniela OP-NO.04-08 Diallo, Mamadou EP-1086, OP-SP.18-03 Dugani, Suresh M. EP-0760, OP-NO.12-05 De Olieira, Jean Gonçalves EP-0831 Dias, Herisson Duarte EP-0658, EP-0686 Dugani, Suryakant Suresh. M OP-NO.08-03 De Oliveira, Ayanne Alves EP-0191, EP-0208, Dias, Sandra OP-NO.04-02 Duman, Hakan EP-1074 EP-0446, EP-0633 Dibenedetto, Mariagrazia EP-0293 Duman, Songul OP-EXP.04-01 De Oliveira, Evandro EP-1090 Dicosola, Angela OP-NO.11-03 Dumitrescu, Bogdan Constantin EP-0657, EP-0745 De Oliveira, Jean Gonçalves EP-0069, OP-PED.04-09 Dillon, Horacio Salvador EP-0738 Dumitru, Mohan EP-0269 De Oliveira, Talvany Donizetti EP-0871 Dimeco, Francesco EP-0607 Duncan, Jan W. OP-SP.24-06 De Souza, Stenio Henrique EP-0871 Dina, Ridwan OP-INF.01-03 Dundar, Tolga OP-EXP.02-04 325 Author List

Dündar, Tolga Turan EP-0720, OP-FN.02-09, El Hassani, My Rachid EP-0190 EP-0225, EP-0337, WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES OP-NV.13-01 El Huseiny, Hossam Mohamed EP-0778 EP-0511, EP-0532, Dunn, Ian F EP-0743, OP-EXP.02-03, El Hussainy, Hossam M OP-NO.15-05 EP-0542, EP-0567, OP-NO.03-01 El Kalioubie, Mona Mohamed OP-PED.03-05 EP-0614, EP-0670, Dunn, Jemma OP-NO.03-10 El Maaqili, Moulay Rachid EP-0399, EP-0503, EP-0679, EP-0681, Duran, Juan Aibar EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 EP-0693, EP-0727 EP-0712, EP-0722, Durmaz, Mehmet Ozan EP-0677, EP-1026 El Maghraby, Hussien Mohamed EP-0127, EP-0475, EP-0790, EP-0800, Durmaz, Ozan EP-0095, OP-SP.24-08 EP-0516, EP-0587, EP-0811, OP-FN.06-09, Durmuş, Nimetullah Alper EP-0072, OP-NV.10-03 OP-SP.05-07, OP-SP.12-01, OP-NA.01-06, OP-NA.02-06, Dusembekov, Ermek EP-0345, EP-0424 OP-SP.12-06 OP-NV.09-08, OP-SP.02-02, Dusheev, Buran EP-0592 El Maghraby, Hussien OP-SP.22-06 OP-SP.04-05, OP-SP.07-01, Düz, Bülent EP-0351, EP-0359, El Mostarchid, Brahim OP-SP.20-02 OP-SP.10-04 OP-NA.01-05, OP-NT.03-06 El Ouahabi, Abdessamad EP-0190, EP-0207, Emengen, Atakan OP-PED.06-07 Düzkalir, Ali Haluk EP-0485, EP-0488, EP-0342, EP-0768, Emmez, Gökçen OP-PED.02-03 EP-0918, OP-SP.11-07, EP-1011, OP-FN.04-09, Emmez, Hakan EP-0570, EP-0626, OP-SP.18-08 OP-NV.11-04, OP-SP.17-05 OP-NO.02-10, OP-PED.06-02 Dyadechko, Andriy EP-0868, EP-0869, El Ouahabi, Abdessmad EP-0171, EP-0501 Emmez, Ömer Hakan EP-0164, EP-0952 OP-NT.02-01 El Refaee, Ehab OP-FN.04-05 Emon, Selin Tural EP-0948, OP-EXP.01-03 Dzagnidze, Anna EP-0955 El Sharif, Hassam EP-0024 Emre, Humeyra EP-0697 Dzhamantayeva, Botagoz Daukimovna OP-NV.07-02 El Shazly, Ayman OP-NO.15-05, OP-NO.15-06 En, Shi Xaing EP-0593, OP-NV.06-02 Dziak, Liudmila Antonivna EP-0042 El Shitany, Hisham OP-SP.09-06 Enam, Syed Ather EP-0942, OP-INF.01-06, Dzova, Maximilian EP-0906 El Tecle, Najib OP-NO.11-03, OP-SP.02-05 OP-NO.11-05, OP-TEC.01-05 Dzurlic, Almir OP-SP.01-08 EP-0881 Endo, Hidenori OP-NV.13-08 Dzybanova, Natalia EP-0361, OP-SP.04-07 El Zekri, Mounir EP-0358, OP-INF.01-07 Engin, Taner OP-EXP.01-03 Ebrahim Zadeh, Kaveh EP-0007 Elawdan, Khaled M E EP-0676 Enhaili, Zinelabidine OP-PED.05-05 Ebrahim, Khaled OP-SP.19-01 Elawdan, Youssof K M EP-0676 Enicker, Basil Claude OP-NO.13-06 Ebrahimzadeh, Kaveh OP-NO.12-04, OP-SP.07-02 Elayouty, Ahmad Elsayed Desokey OP-NO.14-02 Enicker, Basil EP-0905 Eduard, Eftodiev EP-0463 Elazhari, Abdessamad EP-1008 Ennaili, Zine Abidine OP-SP.08-09 Edwards, Richard J. OP-NO.10-05 Elbabaa, Samer K EP-0136 Ennhaili, Zine Elabidine EP-1008 Eftekharian, Ali OP-FN.04-04 Elbabaa, Samer OP-PED.03-04, OP-SP.02-05 Er, Uygur OP-CM.04-05 Eftimov, Tihomir Nikolov OP-FN.02-04, OP-NT.06-06 Elbadry, Ashraf OP-NO.05-08 Eral, Burak EP-0317, EP-1072, Eftodiev, Eduard EP-0089, EP-1096 Elbir, Çağrı OP-SP.19-05 EP-1078 Ega, Otorkpa Joseph EP-0848, OP-NT.01-05 Elgamal, Essam A OP-PED.08-02 Eraslan, Cenk EP-0562, EP-0873, Egamberdiev, Rakhman OP-FN.06-08 Elhaj, Ahmed Mohammed Awad EP-0912 OP-SP.25-02 Egamberdiev, Rakhmon EP-0802, OP-CM.03-07 Elhaj, Ahmed Mohmmed Awad EP-0695, EP-1045, Erbay, Fatma Kubra OP-EXP.03-03 Egewarth, Cristiane EP-0871 EP-1094 Erbayraktar, Resat Serhat EP-0353 Eguiluz Melendez, Aldo Gabriel OP-NO.06-10, OP-NO.16-10 Elhaj, Mohamed Esam EP-1030 Ercan, Karabekir EP-0523 Eguiluz Melendez, Aldo OP-SP.01-10 Elhassan, Ahmed Mohamed OP-NO.08-07 Erdem, Mehmet Nuri EP-0143, EP-0146 Ehab, Ahmed OP-EXP.02-05 Eljebbouri, Brahim OP-SP.20-02 Erdem, Özgür OP-SP.04-08 Eid, Yara M EP-0784 Elkazaz, Mohamed Khaled EP-0651, OP-SP.11-01 Erdem, Yavuz EP-0103 Eisenberg, Mark Bruce OP-FN.04-02 Elkhayat, Roshdy Abdelaziz EP-0051, EP-0384, Erdemir, Fikret OP-SP.21-06 Eissa, Ehab Mahmod OP-SP.09-07 OP-PED.01-06 Erden Erturk, Sema EP-0793, EP-0796, Eissa, Mohamed Khalid EP-0734 Elkheshin, Sherif OP-PED.07-01 OP-NO.01-06, OP-NO.11-07 Eissa, Mohammad Fathy OP-SP.14-05 Ellens, Nicholas OP-EXP.04-02 Erden, Seçil OP-NO.06-04 Ejembi, Gabriel EP-0241 Elleuch, Emna EP-1032 Erdeo, Fatma EP-0374, EP-1111 Eker, Dilek Cingi EP-0220 Elnagaar, Alaa EP-0434 Erdi, Fatih OP-SP.11-03, OP-SP.13-04 Ekici, Ibrahim OP-EDS.02-03 Elnoamany, Hossam Abdel Hakeem OP-SP.07-05 Erdincler, Pamir OP-NA.01-03 Ekici, Isın Dogan EP-0847 Elnoamany, Hossam EP-0386, OP-SP.26-02 Erdogan, Baris OP-SP.12-05 Ekşi, Murat Şakir EP-0440, EP-0455, Elsamman, Amr K EP-0776, OP-EDS.02-05 Erdoğan, Barış EP-0948, OP-EXP.01-03 EP-0524, EP-0527, Elsayed, Heba Elsayed EP-1079 Erdogan, Fazli EP-0850 EP-0530, EP-0531, Elsebaey, Mohamed Elsayed EP-0428, OP-SP.06-05 Eren, Burak EP-0412, OP-EXP.01-06, EP-0546, OP-SP.20-01 Elserry, Tarek OP-NO.14-04 OP-PED.04-06 Ekuma, Mike E EP-0241, OP-SP.15-09 Elshehawi, Mohammed Eslam EP-0852 Ergüzer, Berrin Imge OP-SP.13-01 Ekvtimishvili, Erekle EP-0032, OP-NV.02-03 Elwany, Amr EP-0461, OP-PED.03-03 Eriçek, Ömer Burak EP-0287 El Abbadi, Najia EP-0112, EP-1061 Elzain, Mohammed Awad EP-0165, EP-0213, Erkan, Buruç OP-NA.02-02, OP-NA.02-05, El Adawy, Yousry Mahmoud OP-NO.02-05 EP-0215, EP-0912, OP-NA.03-01 El Allouchi, Yassine EP-0245, OP-INF.01-05, EP-0993, EP-1045, Erken, H. Yener OP-SP.24-02 OP-INF.01-09 OP-PED.06-08, OP-PED.08-06 Erkinova, Sarafroz Aftandilovna OP-NV.09-01 El Azhari, A EP-0634 Elzarief, Ashraf Ahmed EP-0347 Erman, Tahsin EP-0186, EP-0303, El Azhari, Abdessamad EP-0326, EP-0372, Elzayat, Wessam Abdelrahman OP-PED.03-05 EP-0394, EP-0660, EP-0710, OP-PED.05-05, Elzoghby, Mohamed A EP-0784, EP-0786, OP-SP.02-03 OP-SP.08-09 OP-NO.09-04, OP-PED.02-02 Ernemann, Ulricke OP-NV.03-02 El Banna, Yaser Mahmoud EP-0286 Emamhadi, Mohammadreza OP-SP.08-02 Eroğlu, Ahmet EP-0557, EP-0640, El Damati, Ahmed OP-FN.04-05 Emami Meybodi, Tohid EP-0147, EP-0152, OP-SP.16-01 El Damaty, Ahmed OP-CM.01-06 EP-0172, EP-0327, Eroğlu, Ümit OP-EXP.03-04, OP-EXP.03-08, El Fatemi, Nizare EP-0399, EP-0503, EP-0673, EP-0787, OP-NA.02-09, OP-NV.13-09, EP-0693, EP-0727 OP-EDS.03-08, OP-NO.09-08, OP-SP.09-09 El Fetoh, Islam Abou OP-NT.06-03 OP-SP.07-02 Erol, Fatih Serhat EP-1064, OP-PED.08-03 El Fiki, Ahmed EP-0872, OP-SP.09-06 Emara, Doaa Mokhtar EP-0434 Errachidi, Mohamed OP-NO.15-04 El Hamdani, Sidi Tarik EP-0668, EP-0844 Eme Bi, Gabriel O OP-SP.15-09 Errachidi, Mohammed EP-1121 El Hamdani, T EP-0634 Emel, Erhan EP-0078, EP-0101, Erşen Danyeli, Ayça OP-EXP.04-06 326 Author List

Ertürk, Ali Rıza EP-0095, EP-0677, Fedirko, Volodymyr OP-SB.01-05 Gao, Chao EP-0135 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery EP-0311 Fedotov, Alexander EP-0914 Gao, Guodong EP-0003, OP-EDS.03-04, Erzincan, Ulas EP-1074 Feigl, Günther OP-NV.03-02 OP-NO.08-08, OP-NV.05-03 Esene, Ignatius EP-0996, OP-SP.14-02 Feitova, Vera EP-0886 Gao, Xinjie OP-EXP.02-06, OP-SP.13-03 Esener, Osman Behzat Burak EP-0430 Feknous, Sandra EP-1082 GARCİA González, Ulises EP-1090 Eser Ocak, Pinar EP-0837, OP-CM.03-01, Fenander, Maja OP-CM.01-03 Garcia, Roxanna OP-PED.04-03 OP-NV.07-06 Feng, Hailong OP-SP.21-02 Gardea Loera, Gilberto EP-0257, EP-0257, Eser, Pinar OP-NO.16-03 Fereydoonian, Naderafshar OP-SP.07-02 EP-0481, EP-0481 Eshkuvvatov, Gayrat OP-FN.06-06 Fereydounian, Naderafshar EP-0280 Garg, Ajay OP-SB.02-02 Esmaeel Pour, Keyhan EP-0147, EP-0327, Fernandes Cabral, David Tiago EP-0206 Gargan, Lynn OP-PED.05-02 EP-0673 Fernandez Miranda, Juan Carlos EP-0206, OP-NA.01-08 Gautschi, Oliver P OP-MSC.01-07 Esmaeelpoor, Keyhan EP-0787 Ferrazzano, Peter OP-NO.14-07 Gavriliuc, Eugen EP-1096 Esparza, Rogelio OP-NV.12-01 Ferrufi no, Jose Luis EP-0214 Gavriliuc, Mihail EP-0968 Espino, Alejandro Ceja EP-0608 Fetita, Catalin OP-NT.02-09 Gavriliuc, Mihail Iosif EP-0037 Espino, Jorge Ortega EP-0019, EP-0034, Fidanci, Engin EP-0302, OP-EXP.01-01 Gavriliuc, Olga EP-0968 EP-0063, EP-0320, Fik, Zdenek EP-0741, EP-0775 Gavrish, Ruslan EP-0195 EP-0608, EP-0777, Fikri, Meriem EP-0190 Gavrjushin, Andrey OP-NV.05-06 EP-1019, OP-NV.02-08 Filho, Hildo Azevedo OP-NT.01-05 Gaye Sakho, Dr Maguette OP-SP.17-02, OP-SP.17-04 Espinosa, Alejandro Ceja EP-0063, EP-0320 Filipenko, Maxim Leonidovich OP-NV.09-01 Gaye, Magatte EP-0380, EP-1004 Esposito Ii, Domenic P. OP-NT.03-09 Fillipi, Christopher G. OP-NO.03-05 Gazioglu, Nurperi EP-0124, OP-NA.01-03 Esposito, Domenic P. OP-NT.03-09 Fimić, Miroslav OP-NT.05-08 Gazioğlu, Nurperi OP-EDS.02-01, OP-NO.06-04 Esposito, Domenic Paul EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, Fimognari, A. OP-NO.15-02 Gazzaz, Miloudi OP-SP.20-02 OP-NV.10-01, OP-SP.09-01 Firat, Zeynep OP-NV.03-04 Gdoura, Yassine EP-1032, OP-NO.13-03 Essa, Mohammad Fathy EP-0623 Firdaus, Muhammad EP-0753, OP-CM.02-09 Gdoura, Yessin EP-0789, EP-0808 Esteller, Manel OP-NO.03-10 Fleck, Steff en OP-CM.01-06 Gdoura, Yessine EP-0178, EP-0332, Esterhuizen, Tonya OP-NO.13-06 Flisser Steinbruch, Ana EP-1025 EP-0340, EP-0641, Esteves Veiga, José Carlos EP-0090, OP-NO.11-02, Flores Alvarez, Eduardo EP-0138 EP-0698, EP-0820, OP-NO.11-06, OP-NV.13-05 Flores Nava, Ana Verónica EP-0257, EP-0481 EP-0834 Esteves, Luiz Adriano EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Flores Rivera, Jose EP-1025 Gel, Gulce EP-0027 Etemad Rezaie, Hamid OP-CM.02-06 Flores, Milton Inocencio Ruiz EP-0019, EP-0034, Gel, Gülce OP-SP.19-05 Etemadrezaei, Hamid Reza OP-NV.07-07 EP-0063, EP-0320, GEL, Mehmet SeliM EP-0565 Evins, Alexander EP-1103, EP-1104, EP-0608, EP-0777, Gel, Mehmet Selim EP-0655, EP-0667, EP-1105, OP-NV.03-03 EP-1019, OP-NV.02-08 EP-0726, EP-0765, Evins, Alexander Ian EP-0274, EP-0984, Flores, Milton Ruiz EP-1029 EP-0804, EP-0809 EP-1110, OP-PED.03-01 Foa Torres, Gustavo EP-0025, EP-0074, EP-0779 Gelal, Fazil EP-0080 Evliyaoğlu, Olcay OP-EDS.02-01 Foad, Mohamed OP-SP.21-03 Genç, Çetin EP-0091, EP-0295, Evran, Şevket EP-0134, EP-0851, Fondo, Dr Alidji OP-SP.17-02, OP-SP.17-04 OP-PED.04-04 EP-0855, OP-SP.13-02 Fondo, Elhadji Ibrahim EP-0380 Geng, Sumin OP-EDS.01-03 Evran, Sevket OP-EXP.02-07 Fondo, Ibrahima Alidji EP-1004 George, David EP-0269 Ezgu, Mehmet Can EP-0360, EP-0363, Fongang Fogoum, Yannick EP-0379 Gerganov, Venelin Miroslav EP-1040, OP-NA.03-05 EP-0482, EP-0580, Foote, Kelly OP-NA.02-03 Gezercan, Yurdal EP-0261, EP-0513, EP-0609, EP-0618, Forster, Alan OP-SP.17-07 EP-0535, EP-0764, EP-0638, EP-0907, Fotakopoulos, George OP-NV.06-08 OP-CM.03-04, OP-SP.03-01, EP-0998, EP-1010, Fountas, Kostas OP-NV.06-08 OP-SP.19-02, OP-SP.22-02 EP-1017, OP-CM.01-07, Francaviglia, N. OP-NO.15-02 Ghadiri, Shiva EP-0172 OP-CM.01-08, OP-SP.01-03 Francis, Jacintha Vikneswary EP-0121 Ghadirpour, Reza EP-0120, EP-0621, Fadlalla, Alsadig Gassoum OP-NO.08-07 Franco Jimenez, Jose Alfonso OP-SP.26-09 EP-0867, OP-NT.05-01, Fadzil, Farizal EP-0923 Frech, Fernando Alonso OP-FN.01-11 OP-NT.07-02, OP-SP.01-09 Fahlbusch, Rudolf OP-NA.03-05, OP-NO.02-03, Fujimura, Miki EP-0002, EP-1067, Ghaff ari Rafi , Arash EP-0995 OP-NO.09-05 OP-NV.01-04, OP-NV.13-08 Ghaff ari Rafi , Shadeh EP-0995 Faizulla, Smagulov OP-NV.06-09 Fujiwara, Nozomi OP-NV.09-05 Ghaff arpasand, Fariborz OP-EXP.04-05 Fakhr, Mohamed A OP-NO.15-06 Fukuhara, Noriaki OP-NO.06-01 Ghaly, Maged Mofi ed OP-FN.04-02 Fan, Lianghao EP-0021 Gabriel, Iacob EP-0269 Ghanane, Houssain EP-0522 Fan, Shuang Min OP-FN.05-01 Gader, Ghassen EP-0498, EP-0943, Ghandehari, Hasan EP-0327 Fan, Xinyi OP-EXP.02-02 EP-1000 Ghannane, Hicham EP-1121 Fanelli, Guido OP-NT.07-02 Gafurovich, Zafarjon Isroilov EP-0900 Ghannane, Houssine EP-0268, EP-0395, Faquini, Igor OP-NV.06-07 Galanta, Elena Stepanovna EP-1048 EP-0510, EP-0528, Farajirad, Mohammad OP-NV.07-07 Galanta, Olena EP-1062 EP-0706, EP-0739 Farazi, Mohsin Ali OP-NV.08-03 Galhom, Ayman Elsayed EP-0428 Ghannane, Lhouceine OP-NO.15-04 Farhoud, Ahmed EP-0285, EP-0461 Gallagher, Clare N OP-EXP.04-10 Ghannane, Lhoucine EP-0559 Farhoud, Ahmed Hafez OP-NO.02-05 Gallegos, Marcela EP-0954, OP-SP.01-05 Ghazali, Faizul Hizal EP-0100, EP-0648, Farhoud, Mohamed Karamalla EP-0286 Gallieni, Massimo EP-1099, OP-NA.01-02 OP-SP.05-04 Farid, Ashraf Mohamed OP-FN.06-04 Galzio, Renato Juan EP-1099, OP-NA.01-02 Ghaziani, Mehak OP-CM.03-03, OP-SP.17-01 Faried, Ahmad OP-EXP.02-10 Galzio, Renato OP-EDS.01-07 Ghizoni, Enrico EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Farneti, Marco EP-0120, EP-0867 Gams Massi, Daniel EP-0379 Ghobashy, Mohamed Ashraf OP-NO.14-02 Farouk, Zekour EP-1107 Ganaha, Sara EP-0884 Ghoneim, Mohammad Yasser Saad OP-SP.23-08 Farrokhi, Mehrdad EP-0105 Ganeshbabu, Chandrasekar Piskalan EP-0636 Giamouriadis, Anastasios EP-0060, OP-NV.08-01 Farzin, Navid EP-0631 Ganiüsmen, Ozan EP-0495 Gildehaus, Anne OP-PED.03-04 Fatemi, Nizare EP-0490 Ganjeifar, Babak OP-NV.07-07 Gill, Arwinder Singh EP-0753, OP-CM.02-09 Fatiha, Bachir EP-1107 Gankpé, Ange Fortuné EP-1086, EP-1100 Gill, Maneet EP-0762 Fayed, Ahmed EP-0285 Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho EP-0325 327 Author List

Giordano, Mario EP-0142, EP-1040, Guangming, Zhang OP-FN.03-02 Gürbüz, Mehmet Sabri EP-0158, EP-0450, WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES OP-NA.03-05, OP-NO.02-03, Guarniz, Juan Manuel OP-PED.05-09 EP-0456 OP-NO.09-05 Guasti, André Accioly EP-0097 Gürbüz, Sabri EP-0113 Gitter, Sebastian Ludwig EP-0447, EP-0494, OP-SP.19-04 Guasti, Andre Accyoli EP-0604 Gürcan, Oktay EP-0026, EP-0794, Gizatullin, Marat Rimovich EP-0971, OP-PED.02-04 Guasti, José Antonio EP-0097 EP-0798, EP-0807, Gladi, Maurizio EP-0747, OP-SP.09-01 Guasti, José Antônio EP-0604 EP-0436, OP-SP.13-06 Globa, Maryna EP-0107 Gubar, O. S. OP-SP.06-10 Gürçay, Ahmet Gürhan EP-0436, OP-SP.13-06, Göçmen, Selçuk EP-0035, EP-0317, Guclu, Dogan Gucluhan EP-0406, OP-SP.06-09 EP-0794, EP-0798, EP-0582 Güçlüer, Berrin EP-0692 EP-0807 Gode, Sercan EP-0619 Guekht, Alla OP-FN.03-06 Gürer, Bora OP-SP.13-01 Godoy, Bruno Loyola EP-0658 Guerra Mora, José Raúl EP-1090 Güresir, Ági OP-NV.07-03 Goel, Atul EP-0085, EP-0272, Guerrero Cazares, Hugo OP-NO.07-06 Güresir, Erdem OP-NV.07-03 EP-0474, EP-0766, Guerrero Guerrero, Armando EP-0138, OP-PED.02-08 Gürevin, Ebru Gürel OP-SP.13-02 EP-1095, OP-SP.09-02 Guerrero, Alexander EP-0025, EP-0074, EP-0779 Gürgen, Gülşen Seren OP-PED.03-09 Goel, Atul H OP-CM.03-08 Guerron, Sandra Lorena OP-SP.07-07 Gurkan, Gokhan EP-0080, EP-0092 Goel, Gunjan EP-1110, OP-PED.03-01 Guga, Dung EP-0926 Gurkas, Erdem EP-0016, EP-0027 Gofurovich, Zafar Isroilov EP-0473 Gui, Songbai OP-EDS.01-05 Gürses, Candan OP-PED.04-04 Goh, Chin Hwee EP-0595, OP-NT.04-07 Guk, Mykola OP-CM.02-02, OP-NO.12-03 Gürsoy, Didar EP-0725 Gokaslan, Cigdem Ozer EP-0977 Gulcubuk, Ahmet EP-1047 Gürsoy, Güven EP-0322, EP-0491, Gokbel, Aykut OP-EDS.01-02, OP-EDS.03-01 Gulec, Ilker EP-0412, OP-PED.04-06 EP-0719, OP-SP.20-07 Gokce, Emre Cemal EP-0016, EP-0027 Güler Abdallah, Betül EP-0078, EP-0101, OP-SP.14-07 Gökce, Emre Cemal OP-SP.19-05 EP-0337, EP-0532, Gushcha, Artem EP-0277, EP-0442, Gökçedağ, Akın OP-SP.07-01 EP-0542, EP-0567, OP-SP.10-02, OP-SP.14-01 Golanov, Andrei EP-0352, OP-SP.04-01 EP-0614, EP-0679, Gutiérrez, Antonio OP-NO.06-02 Golbin, Denis A. EP-0749, EP-0780, EP-0681, EP-0712, Gutiérrez, Weimar EP-0214 OP-CM.02-04, OP-MSC.01-06 EP-0722, EP-0790, Gutt Will, Marielena OP-NO.01-04 Golden, Nyoman EP-0500, OP-NO.05-06 EP-0800, EP-0811, Güvenç, Gönül EP-0080, EP-0092, Goldoni, Matteo OP-NT.05-01 EP-1113, OP-NV.09-08, EP-1046, EP-1059, Golubović, Jagoš OP-NT.05-08 OP-SP.02-02, OP-SP.04-05, EP-1075, OP-NA.02-07 Gomes, Ana Luísa Castelo Branco EP-0111, EP-0125, OP-SP.10-04 OP-PED.03-09 EP-0191, EP-0203, Guler, Eray Metin OP-EXP.02-01, OP-NO.01-09 Guvenc, Yahya EP-0251, EP-0271, EP-0204, EP-0208, Guler, Erman EP-0925 EP-0321, OP-EXP.01-08, EP-0349 Güler, Mustafa Özgür OP-EXP.03-04 OP-EXP.03-03 Gomes, Ana Luisa Castelo Branco EP-0446 Gulluoglu, Sukru EP-0583, OP-NO.07-02 Güverin, Ebru Gürel EP-0855 Gómez AMADOR, Juan Luis EP-0008, OP-NO.06-10, Gülşen, Çağrı EP-1051 Guzel, Aslan EP-0576 OP-NO.16-10, OP-SP.01-10 Gülşen, Ismail EP-0174, EP-0181, Güzey, Feyza Karagöz EP-1087 Gomez Amador, Juan Luis OP-CM.02-01, OP-NO.08-01, EP-0183, OP-PED.03-07 Gwenero, Gratian Simbarashe EP-1013 OP-NO.09-09 Gülşen, Salih EP-0415 Ha, Eun Jin EP-0849 Gömleksiz, Cengiz EP-0526, OP-SP.07-06, Gültekin, Murat EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03 Ha, Sung Kon EP-0252, EP-0255, OP-SP.20-06 Gulzatyan, Abram EP-0885 OP-NV.02-05, OP-SP.25-06 Gönül, Engin OP-NO.06-08 Gumaa, Samia Ahmed EP-1030 Ha, Yoon EP-0443, EP-0484, González MOSQUEDA, Juan Pablo EP-0008, OP-NO.06-10, Günaldi, Ömür OP-FN.06-09 OP-SP.16-05 OP-NO.16-10 Gündağ Papaker, Meliha EP-0720, OP-EXP.02-04 Habib, Abedelkader EP-0454 Gonzalez Mosqueda, Juan Pablo OP-SP.01-10 Gündoğan, Nilgün EP-0117 Habibi, Amirhossein OP-FN.01-06 Gopalakrishnan, Balamurali OP-FN.05-06 Gündoğdu, Ayse Çakır OP-SP.06-08 Hachem, Chafi k EP-0554 Gorlova, Natalya EP-0885 Gündüz, Hasan Burak EP-0101, EP-0679, Hachicha, Anis EP-0698 Gormolysova, Ekaterina EP-0644, OP-NO.05-02 EP-0681, EP-0722, Hacimuftuoglu, Ahmet OP-NO.07-08 Gotin, Aleksander OP-NT.02-01 EP-0790, EP-0800, Hacioğlu Bay, Hüsniye OP-EXP.04-03 Goto, Takeo EP-0774, OP-NO.05-03 EP-0811, OP-FN.06-09, Haciyakuoğlu, Sebahattin EP-0385 Goto, Tetsuya OP-EDS.01-06, OP-TEC.01-03 OP-SP.04-05 Haciyakupoğlu, Ersin EP-0053, EP-0385, Goulart De Alcantara, Eduardo Andre EP-0090 Güner, Hatice Rahmet EP-0815 EP-0394, EP-0575, Goushcha, Artem OP-SP.10-05, OP-SP.25-04 Günerhan, Göksal EP-0018, EP-0555 EP-0602, EP-0870 Govsa, Figen EP-0562, OP-SP.25-02 Güneş, Müslüm EP-0337, EP-0532, Haciyakupoğlu, Sebahattin EP-0053, EP-0602 Goyal, Sumit EP-0110, OP-NV.13-07 EP-0614, EP-0681, Hackett, James OP-CM.04-06 Gradisnik, Lidija EP-0254, OP-NO.07-05, EP-0712, EP-0722, Haddad, Sizeph OP-PED.02-07 OP-PED.06-03 EP-0790, OP-SP.04-05 Hadhri, Maher EP-0055, EP-0077, Grande, Andrew OP-NA.01-06 Güneyk, Ahmet EP-0851 EP-0336, EP-0369, Grande, Andrew W EP-0013, EP-0014 Gungor, Abuzer OP-NA.01-04, OP-NA.02-02, EP-0371, EP-0392, Grande, Andrew W. OP-NA.02-08, OP-SP.06-06 OP-NA.02-03, OP-NA.03-01 EP-0448, EP-0504, Gräwe, Alexander EP-0029 Gungor, Gunhan EP-0662 EP-0521, EP-0563, Greenwald, Noah F OP-EXP.02-03, OP-NO.03-01 Gunia, David EP-0032, OP-NV.02-03 EP-0728, EP-0833, Gretschel, Armin EP-0934, OP-PED.04-05 Gunness, Vimal Raj Nitish OP-SP.09-04 EP-0970 Grice, Peter OP-EXP.04-10 Gunver, Feray EP-0757 Hadjiathanasiou, Alexis OP-NV.07-03 Grigorieva, Nadezhda N. EP-0780 Guo, Xiaoyuan OP-NV.04-04 Hadzhiangelov, Ivailo OP-NT.06-06 Griz, Fátima OP-NV.06-07 Guo, Yan OP-NT.06-01, OP-NV.04-03 Hafedh, Jemel EP-0629, EP-0721 Gropa, Stanislav Alexandru EP-0037 Guo, Yuduo OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01 Hafez, Ayman Mahmoud OP-SP.21-03 Grygoruk, Sergii Petrovich EP-0129 Guoping, Shao OP-NO.01-05 Hafi z, Mehak EP-0012, OP-SP.03-02 Gu, Chunyu OP-NO.01-01 Guoqiang, Chen OP-FN.03-02 Hai, Long OP-NO.01-07 Gu, Ye OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Gupta, Deepak OP-NT.01-04 Haïdara, Adéréhime EP-1073 Guan, Feng OP-PED.07-02 Gupta, Santosh OP-SB.01-01 Haider, Ali OP-FN.06-05 Guan, Jun Wen OP-NT.01-02, OP-NT.07-05 Gupte, Akshay A. OP-NT.07-03 Haider, Ghani OP-INF.01-06 328 Author List

Haines, Stephen J OP-SB.02-07 Hashmi, Fauzan Alam EP-0685 Hirose, Satoshi EP-0616 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Hajar, Bechri OP-SP.03-03 Hasooni, Hosein OP-NO.09-08 Hişmi, Anıl EP-0192 Hajhouji, Farouk EP-0268, EP-0706, Hassan, Naseer OP-SP.03-06 Hiziroğlu, Sabahattin EP-0565, EP-0726, EP-0739 Hassane Ali, Amadou EP-0381, EP-0731, EP-0809 Haji, Faizal A OP-MSC.01-07 OP-SP.18-03 Hlatywayo, Lawrence EP-1024, EP-1024 Hakan, Tayfun OP-SP.13-07 Hasturk, Askin Esen EP-0016, EP-0027 Ho, Catherine Hui Chuen EP-0100 Hakkou, Mehdy EP-0190 Hastürk, Aşkın OP-SP.19-05 Ho, Catherine Hui Juan EP-0595, EP-0653, Hakyemez, Bahattin OP-FN.03-01 Hatiboglu, Mustafa Aziz EP-0225, EP-0511, OP-SP.05-04 Halawani, Mohammad EP-0316 EP-0720, EP-0730, Ho, Jih Tsun EP-0674 Halimov, Alimhan EP-0424 OP-EXP.02-01, OP-EXP.02-04, Hoassain, Mohammad EP-0309, EP-0558, Hall, Ben OP-CM.04-06 OP-GK.01-05, OP-GK.01-09, OP-EDS.02-02 Hallaj, Mohammad OP-NO.02-07 OP-NO.01-09 Hodaj, Irgen Vrenos EP-0350 Hallajnejad, Mohammad EP-0005, EP-0007, Hatiboğlu, Mustafa Aziz EP-0855, OP-FN.02-09 Hodjaliev, Jahongir OP-CM.03-07 EP-0631, EP-0733, Hatipoğlu, Gül EP-0018 Hogge, Amy EP-0184 OP-FN.04-04, OP-NO.09-02, Hatipoğlu, Mustafa Aziz EP-0134, OP-SP.13-02 Holanda, Vanessa Milanesi OP-NA.02-03 OP-NO.12-04 Hattab, Mohamed Nejib EP-0055, EP-0369, Holden, Fatigba Olatundji EP-0388 Hamada, Salah Mostafa OP-NO.16-07, OP-TEC.01-04 EP-0371, EP-0392, Holden, Fatigba OP-SP.08-08 Hameed, Abdul OP-CM.03-02, OP-NA.03-07 EP-0514, EP-0521, Holmes, Chris OP-PED.05-06 Hamid, Barakat EP-0572 EP-0563, EP-0642, Hong, Bo EP-1120 Hammad, Omar Yusef EP-0296, EP-0300, EP-0833 Hong, Bujung OP-INF.01-04 OP-NO.06-06, OP-PED.01-04, Hattab, Nejib EP-0200, EP-0291, Hong, Seung Chyul EP-0023 OP-SP.10-07 EP-0335, EP-0336, Hongo, Kazuhiro OP-EDS.01-06, OP-TEC.01-03 Hammad, Wael EP-0313 EP-0448, EP-0504, Hoon, Dave Sb OP-NO.01-02 Hamrouche, Nouha EP-0151, EP-0153, EP-0723, OP-NV.07-05 Hoon, Kim Jeong EP-0314 EP-0156, EP-0176, Havitcioglu, Hasan EP-0253 Horatiu Alexandru, Moisa EP-0269, OP-NV.09-07 EP-0179, EP-0199, Havryliv, Taras EP-0123, OP-NV.12-07 Horbatyuk, Kostyantyn EP-0258, EP-0273, EP-0242, EP-0341, Hayhurst, Caroline EP-1014 EP-0310, EP-0407, EP-0569, EP-0678, Hazarika, Rajiv OP-SP.21-04 EP-0413, EP-0416, EP-0703, OP-PED.07-03, Hazer Rosberg, Derya Burcu EP-0427, EP-0898 EP-0472, EP-0486, OP-SB.02-05 Hdiji, Olfa EP-1069 EP-0487, OP-FN.05-09, Hamzah, Mohamad Radzi EP-0185, EP-0648 He, Min OP-NV.03-01 OP-SP.24-01 Hamzah, Mohd Radzi EP-0100 He, Shi Ming OP-EDS.03-04 Horia, Ples OP-NV.09-07 Hamzah, Radzi EP-0595, EP-0653, He, Shiming EP-0003, OP-NO.08-08, Horowitz, Peleg OP-EXP.02-03, OP-NO.03-01 OP-SP.05-04 OP-NV.05-03 Horta, Samuel OP-NV.04-05 Hamzaoglu, Vural EP-0793, EP-0796, Hecimovic, Ivan EP-0920 Horvat, Igor OP-NT.05-08 OP-NO.01-06, OP-NO.11-07 Hegazy, Ahmed Abd El Aziz OP-NO.12-07 Hoseinzadeh Bakhtevari, Mehrdad EP-0733 Han, Hu Guo OP-NO.01-03 Hegde, Sathyaranjandas Alangar OP-NV.05-08 Hosin Zadeh Bakhtevari, Mehrdad EP-0005 Han, Song OP-NO.01-01, OP-NO.11-04 Heissler, Hans OP-INF.01-04 Hossain, A T M Mossaraf EP-0627, OP-NA.03-04 Han, Young Min OP-NV.04-07 Helmy, Adel OP-EXP.04-10 Hossain, Atm Moshareff EP-0682 Hanalioglu, Sahin EP-0088, EP-0837, Hemida, Salah Abdelkhalek OP-NO.14-02 Hossain, Dr Afzal EP-0682 OP-CM.03-01, OP-NA.01-07, Hemida, Salah OP-EDS.01-04 Hossain, Dr. Mainul EP-1049 OP-NO.16-03, OP-NV.01-07, Hennessy, Immanuel OP-PED.05-06 Hossain, Md Ismail OP-NV.10-04, OP-PED.03-06 OP-NV.07-06, OP-PED.05-01, Hentati, Aslam EP-0541 Hossain, Prof. Atm Mosharef OP-EDS.03-09 EP-0430, OP-EDS.01-09 Heo, Weon EP-0460 Houda, Messoudi EP-0714 Hancioğlu, Ismail OP-NV.01-08 Heo, Yeon 2363, EP-1122, EP-1123 Houissa, Sobhy OP-NO.13-03, OP-SP.01-01, Hanimoğlu, Hakan EP-0134, EP-0492, Hepgül, Kemal EP-0091, OP-FN.06-01 OP-SP.04-04 EP-0851, EP-0855, Hergünsel, Ömer Batu OP-NA.02-02 Hozayen, Hesham OP-SP.08-05 OP-SP.13-02, OP-EXP.02-07 Heringer, Lindolfo Carlos EP-0346, EP-1068 Hrabovský, Dušan EP-0944, OP-FN.01-05 Haninec, Pavel OP-NV.05-02 Hernández González, Yessica EP-0257, EP-0481 Hsu, Shu Shong EP-0729 Haouas, Mohammed Yassine EP-0372, EP-0710, Hernesniemi, Juha OP-NV.06-08 Htwe, Ohnmar OP-SP.26-08 OP-SP.05-03 Herrera, Ivan EP-0396 Hu, Chenhao EP-0797 Haouet, Slim EP-0812, EP-0836, Hettige, Samantha OP-MSC.01-05 Hu, Jian OP-NO.01-02 EP-0839, EP-0840, Hewedi, Iman EP-0162 Hu, Yu OP-SP.01-02 EP-1034, EP-1053 Hewedi, Iman H EP-0784, OP-NO.09-04 Hu, Zhiqiang OP-PED.07-02 Haque, Md Raziul OP-SP.06-07 Hewedy, Mohamed A. OP-SP.15-02 Hua, Chen EP-0577 Haque, Mohammod Raziul EP-0533, EP-0716, Hewedy, Mohamed EP-0249 Hua, Chen Zhen OP-NO.01-03 OP-NV.09-09, OP-SB.01-03 Hewedy, Mohaned OP-SP.05-05 Hua, Wei OP-NO.01-02 Haque, Raziul Md EP-0752, OP-EDS.02-04 Hewer, Ekkehard OP-NO.01-04 Huang, Boyuan EP-0344, OP-NO.11-04 Haque, Raziul OP-SB.01-04 Hicdonmez, Tufan EP-0220, EP-0221, Huang, Hui OP-PED.07-02 Haque, Saif Ul EP-0009, OP-NO.02-01 OP-PED.04-08 Huang, Lijie OP-EXP.04-09 Harada, Kanakao EP-1038 Hidayetov, Tural OP-NV.01-07 Huang, Qiang OP-EXP.02-09 Harbaoui, Ahmed EP-0502, EP-0860 Higashino, Yoshifumi EP-1109 Huang, Shengwei OP-EXP.04-09 Haridas, Avinash EP-0404, OP-SP.22-05 Higuchi, Tadashi EP-0574, OP-NO.10-02 Huang, Shiang Fu OP-NO.07-07 Harman, Ferhat EP-0321 Hildebrandt, Gerhard OP-MSC.01-07 Huang, Siqing EP-0375, OP-SP.01-02 Harput, Mehmet Volkan OP-CM.04-01, OP-NO.11-02 Hilmani, Said EP-0372, EP-0710, Huang, Tina C OP-SB.02-07 Harrichandparsad, Rohen OP-NV.02-06 EP-1008, OP-PED.05-05 Huang, Yuying OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Hartl, Roger OP-PED.07-04 Himmiche, Meryem EP-0731, EP-1086, Huato Reyes, Raul EP-0518, EP-0610, Hasanoğlu, Imran EP-0815 EP-1100, OP-SP.18-03 EP-0708, OP-CM.01-05 Hasanov, Teyyub EP-0576 Hindam, Ahmad OP-NO.04-05 Hubbard, Molly E. OP-NT.07-03 Hasheela, Toivo U N EP-0236 Hirano, Hirofumi OP-NO.16-05 Hudak, Radovan EP-0933 Hashimoto, Norichika EP-0616 Hirose, Masaki EP-0553 329 Author List

Huh, Han Young EP-0033, EP-0039, Iqbal, Noorulain EP-0012, OP-SP.03-02 Jahromi, Babak S. EP-0045 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES EP-0040, EP-0861, Irfan, Muhammad EP-0154 Jain, Harsh OP-PED.05-04 EP-0896, OP-NT.04-04 Iroegbu, Linda Uloaku EP-0241, OP-SP.15-09 Jain, Sourabh EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Hui Chuen, Catherine Ho EP-0185, EP-0648 Is, Merih EP-0476, EP-0489, Jalal, Abdul OP-FN.05-05 Hui, Xuhui EP-0748, OP-NV.03-06, EP-0659, EP-0713, Jalaloddin, Hasan OP-EDS.01-04 OP-PED.06-06 EP-0847, EP-0972, Jalaloddin, Hassan OP-NO.15-05 Huk, Andriy EP-0868, EP-0869, OP-NO.03-03, OP-NO.13-09, Jalel, Kallel EP-0629, EP-0721 OP-NO.09-06, OP-NT.02-01 EP-0948, OP-EXP.01-03 Jalesi, Maryam OP-GK.01-07 Hulou, Maher EP-0743 Isabell, Wanke EP-0029 Jalessi, Maryam EP-0620, EP-0763, Huppa, Christoph EP-0761 Ishaq, Muhammad OP-SP.03-06, OP-SP.23-06 OP-EDS.02-07, OP-GK.01-03, Husein, Aws M EP-0691 Işik, Hasan Serdar OP-SP.19-06 OP-GK.01-06 Husein, Mohsin Mohamed EP-0826 Işik, Nejat OP-PED.05-08 Jalloh, Ibrahim OP-EXP.04-10 Husen, Mohsin Mohamed EP-1030 Isik, Semra EP-0704, EP-0757 Janbek, Taher Omran EP-0260 Hussain, Ramzan EP-0795 Işikay, Ahmet Ilkay OP-EDS.01-09, OP-PED.05-01, Jane Jr., John A EP-0786, OP-PED.02-02 Hussein, Eslam Mohsen EP-0162, OP-TEC.01-04 OP-NV.01-07, OP-NV.02-04 Jang, Dong Kyu OP-NV.04-07 Hutchinson, Peter J OP-EXP.04-10 Isikcan, Nilgün EP-1047 Jang, Kyung Sool OP-NV.04-07 Huzmeli, Esra Dogru EP-0959, EP-0969 Işisağ, Aydın EP-0719 Jang, Suk Jung EP-0065 Iaccarino, Corrado EP-0120, EP-0621, Işitan, Egemen OP-NV.02-09, OP-SP.21-07 Jangholi, Ehsan OP-EXP.04-05 EP-0867, OP-NT.05-01, Işlak, Civan OP-NO.06-04 Januário, Cristina EP-0962, EP-0965 OP-NT.07-02, OP-SP.01-09 Islam, Dr. M Shafi qul OP-NV.02-07 Japardi, Iskandar EP-0709 Iacoangeli, Maurizio EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, Islam, K M Tarikul EP-0009 Jarmuzek, Pawel OP-SP.22-03 OP-NV.10-01, OP-SP.09-01 Islam, Md Manzoorul OP-NV.10-04, OP-PED.03-06 Jarraya, Firas EP-0178, EP-0332, Iarmoliuk, Ievgenii EP-0036, EP-0980 Islam, Md Rokibul OP-CM.01-09 EP-0340, EP-0641, Iarmoliuk, Le. EP-0070 Islam, Md. Shafi qul OP-SP.14-09 EP-0789, EP-0808, Ibahioin, Khadija EP-0326, EP-0372, Islam, Mohammad Manzoorul OP-NV.08-02 EP-0820, EP-0834, EP-1008, OP-PED.05-05 Islam, Mohammad Nazrul OP-NV.08-03 EP-1032 Ibarra Trujillo, Gabriel EP-0518, EP-0610, Islam, Saif Ul EP-0762 Javed, Gohar OP-SP.03-07 EP-0708, OP-CM.01-05 Işlekel, Sertaç EP-0520, EP-0978, Jaweed, Mohammad OP-NO.15-09 Ibiloglu, Ibrahim OP-NV.01-03 OP-NO.11-08, OP-SP.03-05 Jayabalan, Suresh EP-0615 Ibrahim, Ali OP-NO.15-06 Isler, Cihan EP-0687, OP-NA.02-03 Jelača, Bojan OP-NT.05-08 Ibrahim, Assoumane Issa EP-0376 Isler, Cihat EP-1047 Jellal, Soumay EP-0245 Ibrahim, Kamalnizat OP-SP.26-08 Ismail, Jinjiri Nasiru EP-0908 Jellal, Soumaya OP-INF.01-05, OP-INF.01-09 Ibrahimi, Mohamed EP-0399, EP-0490, Ismail, Mohamed Awad M EP-0061, OP-NA.03-09, Jemel, Hafedh EP-0194, EP-0210, EP-0503 OP-SP.21-03 EP-0354, EP-0453, Içke, Çiğdem OP-SP.12-07 Ismail, Nasiru Jinjiri EP-0848 EP-1000, OP-NO.13-03, Idris, Zamzuri OP-EXP.01-04 Ismailova, Rano EP-0246 OP-SP.01-01, OP-SP.04-04 Iida, Koji OP-FN.03-08 Ismailovich, Nurillo Mahmudov EP-0901, EP-0902, Jena, Amarnath OP-NO.04-06 Iino, Satoshi EP-1109 EP-0927 Jenkinson, Michael D. OP-NO.03-10 Ikawa, Fusao EP-1101, OP-NO.13-04, Iştemen, Ismail EP-0261, EP-0513, Jensen, Randy L EP-0988, OP-NO.04-01 OP-NV.11-01 EP-0764, OP-SP.19-02 Jeon, Ha Ra EP-0443 Il, Tae Jang EP-0314 Istemen, Ismail OP-PED.01-05, OP-SP.22-02 Jeon, Pyoung EP-0023 Ildan, Faruk OP-SP.02-08 Ito, Katsuhiro OP-NV.09-05 Jeong, Yong Soo EP-0252, EP-0255, Ilgaz Aydinlar, Elif EP-0566 Ivanova, Natalia EP-0047 OP-SP.25-06 IliK, Mustafa Kemal OP-SP.11-03 Ivanova, Natalya EP-0675 Jha, Rajiv Kumar OP-EDS.02-08 Ilkhamovich, Adham Ismailov EP-0409 Ivanovich, Lisyany Nikolaj EP-0818, EP-0838 Ji, Cheol EP-0033, EP-0039, Iloabachie, Izuchukwu EP-0926 Izci, Emir Kaan OP-SP.13-04 EP-0040, EP-0861, Ilyuk, Roman OP-NV.03-05, OP-SP.04-06 Izci, Yusuf EP-0144, EP-0173, EP-0896, OP-NT.04-04 Imai, Hideaki OP-EXP.02-10 EP-0216, EP-0360, Jiang, Yong OP-NV.01-05 Imamalievich, Zuhriddin Ashurov EP-0409 EP-0482, EP-0580, Jianwei, Chen OP-FN.03-02 Imamovich, Zuhriddin Ashurov EP-0056 EP-0609, EP-0618, Jihad, Mortada EP-0432 Imerekov, Dmitro OP-FN.05-09 EP-0638, EP-0864, Jimenez, Fiacro OP-NV.04-05 Impallaria, P. OP-NO.15-02 EP-0892, EP-0907, Jimenez, Jose Alfonso Franco OP-NV.02-08 Imran, Kamarul OP-NV.07-04 EP-0998, EP-1010, Jin, Sung Won EP-0252, EP-0255, Imtiaz, Muhammad Tariq EP-0338, OP-FN.05-08, EP-1017, OP-CM.01-07, OP-NV.02-05, OP-SP.11-05, OP-NO.10-09 OP-CM.01-08, OP-NO.01-08, OP-SP.25-06 Inal, Berrin EP-0697 OP-SP.01-03, OP-SP.04-08 Jing, Qi OP-NO.01-05 Inan, Gözde OP-PED.02-03, OP-PED.06-02 Izgi, Ali Nail OP-SP.07-03 Jmal, Hafedh EP-1053 Ince, Umit OP-SP.13-07 Izgi, Nail EP-0091, EP-0888, OP-FN.06-01 Jmel, Hafedh EP-0812, EP-0836, Indharty, Rr Suzy OP-INF.01-08 Izycka Swieszewska, Ewa EP-0824 EP-0839, EP-0840, Ines, Cherif EP-0200 J Howe, Duncan OP-EXP.04-10 EP-1034 Ingleton, Rose OP-INF.01-03 J Shannon, Richard OP-EXP.04-10 Jo, Kyung Il EP-0023 Ingorokva, George EP-0032, OP-NV.02-03 Jaafar, Ainul EP-0923 Joaquim, Andrei Fernandes EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Ingorokva, Giorgi EP-0628, OP-FN.06-07 Jabbari, Reza EP-0631 Joh, Daewon EP-0275, EP-0292, Inojie, Moses Osaodion EP-0241 Jäckel, Márta EP-0390, EP-0525 OP-SP.10-06, OP-SP.23-01 Inoshita, Naoko OP-NO.06-01 Jackel, Márta OP-MSC.01-04, OP-NV.10-07 Johanabbas, Fadzlishah EP-0159 Inoue, Michio EP-0553 Jafari, Armin OP-NO.12-04 Johannes, Lemcke EP-0029 Ioualalen, Nafa EP-0678, EP-0703, Jafari, Mostafa OP-SP.13-05 Johny, Michael Zohney OP-SP.16-08 OP-SB.02-05 Jagadeesan, Bharathi D. OP-NV.02-01 Jones, Salazar EP-0274, EP-1110, Ippolito, Salvatore EP-0867, OP-SP.01-09 Jahanbakhshi, Amin EP-0620, EP-0763, OP-PED.03-01 Iputo, Jehu OP-NT.07-07 OP-EDS.02-07, OP-GK.01-03, Joshi, Shabin EP-0475 Iqbal, Mazhar EP-0368, EP-0414 OP-GK.01-06, OP-GK.01-07 330 Author List

Josvai, Attila EP-0390, OP-MSC.01-04, Kalfas, Fotios EP-0637, EP-0822, Karagoz Guzey, Feyza EP-0412, OP-EXP.01-06, XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery OP-NV.10-07 OP-NO.03-06 OP-PED.04-06 Jósvai, Attila EP-0525 Kalinkevych, Oksana OP-SP.06-02 Karahan, Süleyman Tuna EP-0271 Joswig, Holger OP-FN.01-10, OP-MSC.01-07 Kalinovsky, Anton EP-0644, OP-NO.05-02 Karakas, Asli Beril OP-SP.25-02 Jozef, Zivcak EP-0933 Kaliyev, Assylbek EP-0947, OP-NV.06-06 Karakasli, Ahmet EP-0253 Ju, Chang Il EP-0298 Kaliyev, Asylbek Bakhytbekovich OP-NV.07-02 Karakoç, Abdullah OP-SP.12-03, OP-SP.13-01 Ju, Donghui EP-0574 Kalkan, Erdal OP-SP.11-03, OP-SP.13-04 Karakök, Emre EP-0798 Jun, Dong EP-0577 Kallel, Jalel EP-0210, EP-0324, Karakoyun, Oğuz EP-0018 Jun, Su EP-0646, OP-NO.16-02 EP-0343, EP-0354, Karaman, Kamuran EP-0205 Jung, Josephine EP-0761 EP-0478, EP-0498, Karan, Mladen OP-NT.05-08 Jung, Roman OP-NV.07-09 EP-0943 Karaoğlu Gündoğdu, Derya EP-0540, EP-0555, Jung, Youngjin EP-0071 Kallel, Mouna EP-0782 OP-EDS.02-03, OP-SP.21-07 Junior, Eduardo Vieira OP-NT.01-05 Kallel, Rim EP-0782 Karaoglu, Ahmet EP-0426 Junqueira, Augusto Valadão EP-0234, OP-FN.03-09 Kaluile, Kazadi Kalangu EP-0742, OP-SP.21-05 Karaoglu, Derya OP-SP.04-03 Juraevich, Bahodir Èminov EP-0244 Kalynovsky, Anton Vladimirovich EP-0979 Karaörs, Hilmi OP-SP.03-01 Jurjevic, Ivana OP-PED.01-01 Kamaci, Umit EP-0118 Karaörs, Hilmi Resul OP-SP.19-02, OP-SP.22-02 Juweid, Malik E EP-0691 Kamal, Hazem Mostafa OP-NO.12-07 Karataş Demirciler, Ayşe EP-0311, EP-1102, Juweid, Malik E. OP-FN.03-05 Kamalanathan, Palani EP-0923 EP-1092 K., Chandrasekar OP-SP.18-06 Kamaşak, Kağan OP-SP.19-08 Karatas, Asli Beril EP-0562 Kabataş, Sedar OP-SP.07-06, EP-0240, Kamat, Ameya EP-0934, EP-0989, Karataş, Ayşe EP-0895 EP-0485, EP-0488, OP-PED.04-05 Karataş, Ersin EP-0134, EP-0855 EP-0539, EP-0564, Kamel, Reda EP-0776, OP-EDS.02-05 Karataş, Yaşar OP-SP.11-03 EP-0911, EP-0918, Kamimura, Fernanda OP-NO.08-05 Karatas, Yasar OP-SP.13-04 OP-SP.11-07, OP-SP.18-08 Kaminsky, Ian OP-NO.03-02, OP-NO.13-06 Karayon, Oğuz Durmuş EP-0393 Kabil, Mohamed EP-0262, OP-SP.10-01, Kammoun, Brahim EP-0178, EP-0332, Karekezi, Claire EP-0112, EP-0399, OP-SP.19-01 EP-0340, EP-0641, EP-1061 Kabulo, Kantenga Dieu Merci EP-0707 EP-0698, EP-0782, KARİEV, G`Ayrat Maratovich OP-NO.16-08 Kacar, Yunus EP-0360, EP-0363, EP-0789, EP-0808, Kariev, Gayrat OP-FN.06-06, OP-FN.06-08 EP-0482, EP-1017, EP-0820, EP-0834, Karim, Mohammad Rabiul OP-NV.08-02 OP-SP.04-08 EP-1002, EP-1032 Karimi Yarandi, Kourosh OP-SP.05-02 Kachiev, Nurlan EP-0592 Kammoun, Omar EP-0782, EP-1032 Karimovich, Bahtiyor Urinboev EP-0900, EP-0921 Kadioglu, Hakan Hadi OP-NO.07-08 Kanaan, Imad N. EP-0736, EP-0737, Karlovic Vidakovic, Marijana OP-NO.04-07 Kadioğlu, Pınar OP-EDS.02-01, OP-NO.06-04 OP-NO.06-05 Karofi , Ibrahim Ahmad EP-0848 Kadirbekov, Ravshanbek EP-0802, OP-CM.03-07 Kanat, Ayhan EP-0850, EP-1106, Kartal, Salih Batuhan EP-0879 Kadirov, Ravshan Rustamovich EP-0880 OP-EXP.04-01 Karuppanan, Bagathsingh OP-EDS.01-08 Kadri, Amine EP-0666 Kanat, Mehmet Ali OP-SP.13-01 Karuppannan, Balasubramani EP-0212, EP-0370, Kadzhaya, Niko EP-0868, EP-0869 Kandasamy, Regunath OP-NV.07-04 EP-0515, EP-0636, Kadzhaya, Nikolay OP-NT.02-01 Kang, Hu Hong OP-NO.01-03 EP-0899, OP-SP.03-09, Kafadar, Ali Metin EP-1058 Kang, Ji In EP-0484 OP-SP.17-06 Kafadar, Ali OP-INF.01-01 Kantelhardt, Sven R. OP-NT.04-03 Kasap, Metin EP-0128, EP-0499, Kafai, Aida OP-NO.08-02 Kantelhardt, Sven Rainer EP-1097 EP-0806, EP-0825, Kagoshima, Kaiei OP-EXP.02-10 Kanu, Okezie Obasi EP-0783, OP-NO.05-05 EP-0897, EP-0922 Kahilogullari, Gokmen EP-0630, OP-EDS.02-09, Kaoudi, Aimé OP-PED.08-07 Kasbkar, Hadi EP-0147, EP-0280, OP-NO.02-09, OP-NV.13-09, Kapitanov, Dmitry N. EP-0749 EP-0673, OP-NO.02-07, OP-PED.02-09, OP-SP.09-09 Kaplan, Atilla EP-0492 OP-SP.07-02 Kahraman Akkalp, Asli OP-EXP.01-06 Kaplan, Metin OP-PED.08-03 Kasem, Abdin Khirallah EP-0218, OP-PED.07-05 Kahraman, Murat EP-0911 Kaprovoy, Stanislav EP-0270, EP-0329, Kashcheev, Alexey EP-0277 Kahraman, Ümit EP-0030, OP-NV.05-07, EP-0352, EP-0361, Kasim, Abdin Khair Allah OP-FN.02-05, OP-FN.04-07 OP-SP.02-04 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, Kasimcan, Mustafa Omur EP-0635 Kahyaoglu, Okan EP-0471, EP-0493, OP-SP.04-07 Kasmani, Abdul Wahid Agar Ali EP-0483 OP-NV.09-04 Kapshuk, Ivan EP-0487, OP-SP.24-01 Kassem, Mohamed Ali EP-1079, OP-CM.01-02 Kai, Yang OP-FN.03-02 Kaptan, Hulagu EP-0259, EP-0877 Kasymov, Agadadash OP-NO.05-02 Kaĭmovskiĭ, Igor OP-FN.03-06 Kaptanoglu, Erkan EP-0251, EP-0321, Kasymov, Agadadash Rovshanovich EP-0979 Kakuta, Kiyohide OP-NV.01-02 OP-EXP.01-08 Kasyov, Agadadash EP-0644 Kalangu, Kazadi Dieudonne EP-1071 Kaptanoğlu, Erkan EP-0271 Katagai, Takeshi OP-NV.01-02 Kalangu, Kazadi EP-0202, EP-0906, Kara, Bülent OP-PED.04-04 Katar, Salim EP-0134, EP-0330, EP-1013 Karaarslan, Ercan EP-0117, EP-0566, EP-0851, EP-0855, Kalangu, Kazadi K OP-NV.11-07 EP-0688, EP-0689, OP-EXP.02-07 Kalangu, Kazadi Kalangu EP-0759 EP-0690 Katayama, Kosuke OP-NV.01-02 Kalangu, Kazadi Kn EP-0707 Karaaslan, Burak OP-PED.08-01 Katja, Kniese EP-0823, OP-NO.10-01 Kalangu, Prof. Kazadi EP-0236 Karabatsou, Konstantina OP-NO.15-03 Kato, Yoko EP-0115, OP-FN.06-06 Kaldirimoğlu, Saime Ayça OP-NA.02-04 Karabay, Nuri OP-NA.03-06 Katsiafas, Christos EP-0041, EP-0060, Kaldirimoglu, Saime Ayça OP-NO.02-04 Karabekir, Hamit Selim EP-0814, OP-EXP.04-06 EP-0278, EP-0306, Kale, Shashank EP-0439, OP-SB.02-02 Karaca, Sinan EP-0143 EP-0441, EP-0863, Kale, Shashank Sharad EP-0465, OP-NO.09-03, Karadag, Ali EP-0013, EP-0014, EP-0866, OP-NV.08-01 OP-PED.06-01 EP-0508, EP-0925, Katsiafas, Ioannis EP-0004, EP-0041, Kalemci, Orhan EP-0253, EP-0391, OP-PED.03-02, OP-SP.06-06, EP-0060, EP-0306, EP-0917, OP-EXP.03-02, OP-SP.12-07 EP-0387, EP-0441, OP-NA.02-07, OP-NA.03-06, Karadeniz, Resul EP-0018 EP-0459, EP-0866, OP-NT.02-08 Karagianni, Aikaterini EP-0248 OP-NV.08-01, OP-NV.10-08 Katsumura, Hirotoshi EP-1036 331 Author List

Katz, Howard T. OP-NT.03-09 Khan, Muhammad Faheem EP-0685, EP-0942, OP-SP.10-06, OP-SP.23-01 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Kaur, Harjeet EP-1077 OP-INF.01-06 Kim, Hong Bum EP-0781 Kavlak, Erdoğan EP-1083 Khan, Musawer OP-SP.23-06 Kim, Jae EP-0045, OP-NV.02-01 Kawasaki, Takashi OP-NO.05-07 Khan, Robert Ahmed EP-0444, EP-0509, Kim, Jong Soo EP-0023 Kawase, Tsukasa EP-0115 EP-0830 Kim, Jonghoon EP-0071 Kaya, Behram EP-0688, EP-0689, Khan, S I M Khairun Nabi EP-0830 Kim, Keon Ha EP-0023 EP-0690 Khan, Saad Akhtar EP-0177, OP-CM.04-02, Kim, Keung Nyun EP-0484, OP-SP.16-05 Kaya, Bülent OP-SP.11-03, OP-SP.13-04 OP-NO.11-05, OP-TEC.01-05 Kim, Ki Hong EP-0116 Kaya, Ismail EP-0391, OP-EXP.03-02, Khan, Shabbir OP-TEC.01-07 Kim, Min Soo EP-0023, EP-0957 OP-NT.02-08, OP-SP.26-07 Khan, Sim Khairun Nabi EP-0417, EP-0509, Kim, Mingi EP-0443 Kaya, Mustafa Emrah EP-0915, EP-0969 EP-0717, OP-SP.08-01, Kim, Sang Dae EP-0252, EP-0255, Kaya, Ramazan Alper OP-NO.08-09 OP-SP.12-04 OP-NV.02-05, OP-SP.25-06 Kaya, Zeynep Bengisu OP-GK.01-01 Khan, Tariq OP-NT.02-07 Kim, Sang Uk EP-0020 Kayabekir, Murat OP-SP.02-04 Khan, Zahid OP-CM.03-06, OP-SP.03-06 Kim, Se Hoon EP-0252, EP-0255, Kayalar, Ali Erhan EP-0016 Kharal, Iqbal Ahmad OP-CM.04-08 OP-NV.02-05, OP-SP.11-05, Kaygin, Pınar OP-NO.01-08 Khasawneh, Nidal Hayel OP-PED.02-07 OP-SP.25-06 Kaygisiz, Bilgin OP-EXP.04-07 Khasilbekov, Navruz OP-NO.12-08 Kim, Seok Won EP-0298 Kaynar, Mehmet Yaşar EP-0134, EP-0492, Khasro, Mahamed OP-PED.08-08 Kim, So Hyun EP-0853 EP-0851, EP-0855, Khattak, Azmatullah OP-FN.06-05 Kim, Won Hyoung OP-NV.02-05 OP-SP.13-02 Khazaeipour, Zahra OP-SP.26-06 Kim, Won Hyung EP-0252, EP-0255, Kaynar, Mehmet Yasar EP-0671, OP-EXP.02-07 Khedr, Ali Salah EP-0966 OP-SP.11-05, OP-SP.25-06 Kazanci, Atilla EP-0436, OP-SP.13-06, Khedr, Wael EP-0285, OP-PED.03-03 Kim, Yoonsoo EP-0071 EP-0794, EP-0798, Khedr, Wael Mahmoud EP-0434 Kim, Young Don EP-0116 EP-0807 Khider, Said EP-0785 Kin, Taichi OP-SB.02-08 Kazemi, Farid OP-GK.01-03, OP-GK.01-06, Khinikadze, Mirza EP-0119, EP-0955 Kina, Hakan OP-FN.06-09, OP-SP.07-01 OP-GK.01-07 Kho, Giat Seng OP-NV.07-04 Kinali, Burak EP-0602, OP-EDS.02-01, Kazemzadeh, Mohammad EP-1088 Khodorovskaya, Alina EP-0155 OP-NO.06-04, OP-SP.06-06, Kc, Bidur OP-NO.10-06 Khokhar, Tariq Imran OP-SB.02-09 OP-SP.12-07 Kchir, Nidhameddine EP-0639, EP-0812, Khosrodad, Alireza EP-0547 Kingir, Yelda EP-1072, EP-1083 EP-0836, EP-0839, Khoulali, Mohamed OP-SP.05-03 Kintner, Douglas B OP-NO.14-07 EP-0840, EP-1034, Khukhlaeva, Elena A. OP-NV.05-06 Kirby, Fidelma OP-PED.05-06 EP-1053 Kibici, Kenan OP-NO.08-09 Kircelli, Atilla EP-0382, EP-0564, Keğin, Murat EP-0911 Kibria, A. S. M. Golam OP-EXP.03-06 OP-SP.07-01, OP-SP.07-06 Keira, Kazunari EP-0553 Kiehna, Erin N OP-PED.02-02 KİRCHHOFF, Daniel Carvalho OP-NV.11-09 Keles, Ibrahim OP-EXP.03-06, OP-SP.13-09 Kikuta, Ken Ichiro EP-1109, OP-NV.03-08 Kirchhoff , Daniel De Carvalho EP-0084, EP-0133, Kelmendi, Fatos Muhamet EP-0079 Kikuta, Kenichiro EP-0616, EP-1036, EP-0160, EP-0239, Kemerdere, Rahsan EP-0687, EP-0697, OP-TEC.01-08 EP-0661, EP-0756, EP-1058, EP-0696 Kilani, Mohamed EP-0055, EP-0182, EP-0835, EP-0843, Kendirlioglu, Bekir Can OP-PED.04-08 EP-0200, EP-0291, EP-0856, EP-0882, Kepoglu, Umit OP-EXP.04-01 EP-0335, EP-0336, EP-0910, OP-NV.08-04, Keric, Naureen OP-NO.03-04 EP-0369, EP-0371, OP-SB.01-02, OP-SP.26-03 Kern, Tamara Yasmin OP-NV.07-03 EP-0392, EP-0448, Kirchhoff , Dierk Fritz Bodo EP-0084, EP-0133, Kertmen, Hayri OP-SP.13-01 EP-0504, EP-0514, EP-0160, EP-0239, Keser, Nese EP-0088, EP-0419, EP-0521, EP-0563, EP-0661, EP-0756, OP-SP.07-08 EP-0642, EP-0723, EP-0835, EP-0843, Keshk, Mohamed A OP-SP.14-05 EP-0833, OP-NV.07-05 EP-0856, EP-0882, Keskin, Ela OP-EDS.02-01 Kilic, , Bekir Mahmut EP-0922, EP-0897 EP-0910, OP-NV.08-04, Keskin, Fatih OP-SP.11-03, OP-SP.13-04 Kilic, Kaya EP-0362, EP-0576, OP-NV.11-09, OP-SB.01-02, Keskin, Özgül OP-CM.04-01 EP-0578, EP-0704, OP-SP.26-03 Kessel, Gird OP-SP.04-02 EP-0757, OP-NV.11-06, Kirgiz, Pınar EP-0549 Khadraoui, Abdelbasset EP-0785 OP-SP.02-07 Kirichenko, Vladimir EP-0472, EP-0486 Khair, Abul OP-NA.03-04 Kiliç, Mustafa EP-0549, EP-0560, Kirollos, Ramez EP-0865, OP-NT.04-02 Khairallah, Safouane EP-0559 OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.26-05 Kirollos, Ramez W OP-NO.03-10 Khalfaoui, Souhaiel EP-0336, EP-0448 Kiliçarslan, Bilal OP-EXP.04-06 Kirpa, Yuriy Ivanovich EP-0267 Khalfaoui, Souhail EP-0055, EP-0371, Kiliçarslan, Emel OP-EXP.04-06 Kirsch, Matyhias OP-NO.03-10 EP-0392, EP-0514, Kilinc, Cemil EP-0630 Kiselyov, Vitaliy Sergeevich OP-NV.09-01 EP-0521, EP-0563 Kilinç, Cemil Mustafa OP-EXP.03-08 Kisyova, Iva OP-NT.06-06 Khalfaoui, Souheil EP-0077, EP-0728, Kilinc, Ibrahim OP-SP.13-04 Kitai, Ryuhei EP-0616, EP-1036, EP-0970 Kilinç, Mustafa Cemil OP-EXP.03-04 EP-1109, OP-TEC.01-08 Khalid, Skounti OP-SP.03-03 Kilinçer, Cumhur OP-SP.16-06 Kitamura, Takayuki EP-0574, OP-NO.10-02 Khalil, Ayman OP-PED.05-06 Kim, Bum Joon EP-0252, EP-0255, Kitiş, Ömer OP-NA.01-09 Khan, Adam EP-1015 OP-SP.11-05, OP-SP.25-06 Kitiş, Serkan OP-FN.02-09, EP-0720, Khan, Akhlak Hossain EP-0682 Kim, Chang Hyun EP-1016 OP-EXP.02-04, OP-NV.13-01 Khan, Anisul Islam OP-NV.08-02, OP-NV.10-04, Kim, Chong Gue EP-0937 Kizilkiliç, Osman OP-NO.06-04 OP-PED.03-06 Kim, Dae Hyun EP-0116 Kizmazoglu, Ceren EP-0031, EP-0076, Khan, Bilal OP-SP.15-07 Kim, Dae Neung EP-0460 EP-0092, EP-0126, Khan, Dr. Akhlaque Hossain EP-0378, EP-1049 Kim, Do Young EP-0484 EP-0253, EP-0353, Khan, Dr. Shafi qul Kabir EP-0538 Kim, Dong Keun EP-0275, EP-0292, EP-0391, EP-0814, Khan, Maheen Q EP-0881 OP-SP.10-06, OP-SP.23-01 EP-0917, EP-0932, Khan, Md Anisul Islam EP-0058, EP-0223, Kim, Du Su EP-0484 EP-1046, EP-1059, OP-CM.04-09 Kim, Geun Chang EP-0275, EP-0292, EP-1075, OP-EXP.03-02, 332 Author List

OP-EXP.04-06, OP-NA.02-07, Korkmaz, Hulya OP-EXP.03-02 Kuo, Chao Hung OP-EDS.03-05 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery OP-NA.03-06, OP-NT.02-08, Korkmaz, Murat EP-0383 Kural, Cahit EP-0216, EP-0360, OP-SP.26-07 Korkmaz, Özge Polat OP-EDS.02-01, OP-NO.06-04 EP-0482, EP-0580, Klarica, Marijan OP-PED.01-01 Korkmaz, Serhat EP-0977, OP-EXP.01-05 EP-0609, EP-0618, Klemenko, Olga Mikhailovna EP-0971 Korolishin, Vasilyi EP-0270, EP-0329, EP-0638, EP-0907, Klesse, Laura J OP-PED.05-02 EP-0352, EP-0361, EP-0998, EP-1010, Kliç, Mustafa OP-NO.02-04 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, EP-1017, OP-CM.01-07, Klimenko, Olga Michailovna OP-PED.02-04 OP-SP.04-07 OP-CM.01-08, OP-NO.01-08, Klitcenko, Olga OP-SP.21-01 Korotkaia, Natalia Arkadyevna OP-NO.07-04 OP-SP.01-03 Kliuchka, Valentin EP-0792 Koruga, Nenad EP-0920 Kural, Eda OP-CM.01-08 Kloc, Wojciech EP-0824, EP-0960, Kosak, Seda EP-0566 Kurbatova, Natalja OP-NO.03-10 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, Kose, Gulsah OP-CM.03-05 Kurisu, Kaoru EP-1101, OP-NO.13-04, OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, Kosterhon, Michael OP-NT.04-03 OP-NV.11-01 OP-SP.16-03 Kostiuk, Michael R. EP-0086 Kurlandt, Patryk EP-0824, EP-0960, Klovan, Caroline EP-0234 Kostiuk, Michaylo EP-1062 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, Kluge, Stefan OP-NV.07-09 Kostiuk, Mychaylo EP-0022 OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, Knisely, Jonathan Petrus Sandberg OP-FN.04-02 Kostiuk, Mykhailo EP-0107 OP-SP.16-03 Koban, Orkun EP-0529, OP-SP.07-04, Kotan, Dilcan EP-0038, EP-0046, Kurt, Gökhan EP-0952 OP-SP.16-09 EP-0066, EP-0093, Kurtuldu, Huseyin OP-PED.08-03 Kobilov, Azizjon Orzikulovich EP-0356 EP-0586, EP-0664, Kurtuluş, Yunus EP-0879 Kobyakov, Grigoriy EP-0735 EP-0669, EP-0699 Kuru Bektaşoğlu, Pınar OP-SP.12-03, OP-SP.13-01 Koç, Rahmi Kemal OP-SP.02-01 Kouadio, Akoua Flora EP-1073 Kuru, Atanur EP-0565, EP-0726, EP-0809 Koca, Halit Buğra OP-EXP.01-05, OP-EXP.03-06 Kouadria, Rabah EP-0175, EP-1018 Kushel, Yury EP-0352, OP-SP.04-01 Kocabiçak, Ersoy EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03, Kouakou, Franck EP-0342 Kushwaha, Prashant EP-1117 OP-FN.02-06 Kouakou, Franck Luku EP-0190 Kuskucu, Aysegul EP-0583, OP-NO.07-02 Kocak, Onur OP-PED.08-03 Kouakou, Loukou Franck EP-0768, EP-1011, Kutlay, Ahmet Murat EP-0609, OP-CM.01-07 Koçaker, Ahmet EP-1111 OP-SP.17-05 Kutlay, Murat OP-CM.03-05 Kocaman, Umit EP-0099, EP-0622, Kouassi Jean Marie Maurin Kisito, Quenum EP-0388, Kutovoy, Igor OP-TEC.01-02 EP-0859 OP-SP.08-08 Kuvat, Nuray OP-EXP.01-06 Kocaoğlu, Murat EP-0035, EP-0222, Kovacevic, Marko EP-0813 Kuytu, Turgut EP-0068 EP-0317, EP-0582 Kovacs, Bernadette EP-0647 Kuyucu, Emre OP-SP.21-06 Kocdogan, Arzu Kaya OP-NO.01-08 Kozan, Abdulbaki EP-0837 Kuyumcu, Fetullah EP-0157, EP-0205, Koçer, Naci OP-NO.06-04 Kozhakhmetova, Aizhan EP-0675 EP-0579 Koçyiğit, Abdürrahim EP-0134, OP-EXP.02-01, Kozlov, Andrew V. EP-0749 Kuzeyli, Kayhan EP-0565, EP-0655, OP-NO.01-09, OP-SP.13-02 Kozubeav, Ulanbek EP-0591 EP-0726, EP-0765, Kodera, Toshiaki EP-1109 Krajčinović, Nenad OP-NT.05-08 EP-0804, EP-0809 Kodirovich, Serobjon Khodjiev EP-0226 Kram, Agnieszka EP-0281 Kuzucu, Pelin EP-0164, OP-PED.06-02 Koech, Florentius Koech EP-0483 Krasovsky, Igor EP-0913 Kwon, Soon Chan EP-0957 Koirala, Sagar OP-NO.06-03 Krauss, Joachim K. OP-INF.01-04 Kyrpa, Igor Yurievich EP-0307 Koker, Murat EP-1092 Kravchouk, Alexander OP-NT.03-07 Kyrpa, Yuriy Ivanovich EP-0307 Koko, Aliyu Mohammad EP-0848 Kravchuk, Alexander EP-0914 Kyrychenko, Volodymyr EP-0258, EP-0407, Köksal, Semra Alaçam EP-0059, OP-NV.08-09 Krayenbühl, Niklaus OP-NO.04-02 EP-0416, OP-SP.24-01 Kolarovszki, Branislav EP-0467, EP-0933, Krishnamurthy, Satish OP-NV.03-07 Labib, Baher Medhat EP-0903, OP-FN.06-03 OP-PED.08-05 Krisht, Ali F. OP-NV.13-02 Lacal, Analía EP-0975 Kolatan, Efsun EP-0508 Krisht, Ali Fadl EP-0102, EP-0104, Lacroix, Michel EP-0589 Koldan, Nilgün EP-0035 EP-0106, EP-0108, Láez, Rubén Martín OP-NT.06-02 Kolsi, Fatma EP-0178, EP-0332, EP-0799, OP-NO.14-06, Lafuente, Jesus EP-0534, OP-SP.24-03 EP-0340, EP-0641, OP-NV.09-02, OP-NV.09-03 Laghari, Altaf Ali OP-SP.03-07 EP-0698, EP-0782, Krisht, Ali OP-NV.11-03 Laghmari, Médhi EP-0510, EP-0528 EP-0789, EP-0808, Krylov, Vladimir OP-FN.03-06 Laghmari, Mehdi EP-0268, EP-0559, EP-0820, EP-0834, Küçük, Ahmet EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03, EP-0706, EP-1121, EP-1032 OP-NV.10-03, OP-SP.02-01 OP-NO.15-04 Komlev, Vladimir EP-0914 Küçükyildiz, Halil Can EP-0026, EP-0597, Laghmari, Meldi EP-0702 Konac, Ece EP-0570 EP-0665, EP-0701, Lai, Leon T OP-NV.11-02 Konan, Serge EP-1073 EP-0771, EP-0931 Lakhdar, Abdelhakim EP-0326, EP-0372, Kondratyeva, Anatoly EP-0805 Küçükyürük, Barış OP-NO.06-04 OP-PED.05-05 Kondratyeva, Ekaterina EP-0584, EP-0803, Kuddus, Md Ruhul EP-0243, EP-0444 Lakhdar, Abelhakim EP-1008 EP-0805 Kuddus, Md. Ruhul EP-0417, EP-0509, Lakhdar, Berchiche EP-1107 Köner, Özge OP-CM.04-01 EP-0717, OP-SP.08-01, Lakicevic, Goran OP-NO.04-07 Kong, Debbie Ching Ching OP-NT.04-07 OP-SP.12-04 Lam, Jordan OP-MSC.01-05 Kong, Jun OP-NV.04-04 Kulmirzayev, Marat OP-NV.06-06 Lan, Qing EP-0585, OP-EXP.02-09, Konovalov, Alexander N. OP-NV.05-06 Kumar, Amandeep OP-NO.09-01, OP-NO.12-02 OP-NO.07-01, OP-NO.11-01 Konovalov, Nikolay EP-0270, EP-0329, Kumar, Ambuj EP-0196 Lan, Zhi Gang OP-NO.16-01 EP-0352, EP-0361, Kumar, Bijoy Mohan EP-1093, OP-NT.06-08, Lang, Josef OP-INF.01-04 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, OP-SP.15-05 Lanmei, Su OP-FN.03-02 OP-SP.04-07 Kumar, Ramesh EP-0923, OP-SP.26-08 Laouar, Fares EP-1012 Konsolakis, Nikolaos EP-0004, EP-0441, Kumar, Shailesh EP-0878 Lara Velazquez, Montserrat A EP-0884, EP-1025, OP-NV.08-01, OP-NV.10-08 Kumaran, Thinesh Kumaran OP-SB.01-09 OP-NO.07-06 Konsolakis, Nikos EP-0387 Kumari, Puja EP-1052 Larran, Fernando OP-SP.24-03 Konya, Deniz EP-0440, EP-0455, EP-0546, EP-1042 Kunert, Przemyslaw OP-SP.20-04 Lashhab, Muff aq Khamis EP-0237, EP-0237 Koral, Korgun OP-PED.05-02 Kunz, Alexandra R OP-NV.03-07 Lashin, Hesham EP-0776, OP-EDS.02-05 333 Author List

Lasseini, Ali EP-0848 Li, Yunqian EP-0891 Lopez Saavedra, Jose Alberto OP-NV.05-05 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Lasso, Juan Francisco OP-SP.07-07 Liang, Muh Lii OP-NO.08-04 Lopez, Laura Salgado EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 Lasunin, Nikolay V. EP-0749, EP-0780, Liang, Yibo OP-NO.14-05 Lopez, Zaira Medina EP-1019 OP-CM.02-04, OP-MSC.01-06 Liao, Chenlong OP-FN.04-03, OP-FN.06-02, Loubna, Hamadou EP-0714 Latipov, Ulmas OP-SP.23-02 OP-SP.06-01, OP-SP.06-04 Loukil, Bilel EP-0319, EP-0324, Latka, Dariusz OP-SP.22-03 Liao, Kuo Hsing EP-0893, OP-NT.05-03, EP-0335, EP-0504, EP-0639 Latka, Kajetan OP-SP.22-03 OP-NT.07-06, OP-SP.14-06 Louraoui, Si Mamoune EP-0490 Latyshev, Yaroslav EP-0914, OP-NT.03-07 Liao, Wei Chuan EP-0729 Louraoui, Sidi Mamoun EP-0399, EP-0503, Lau, Bik Liang EP-0595, OP-SP.05-04 Liao, Yunjun EP-0135, OP-PED.04-03 EP-0693, EP-0727 Lau, Jonathan C. OP-FN.01-10 Libionka, Witold EP-0824, EP-0960, Lovato, Renan Maximilian EP-0090, OP-NO.11-02, Lauritsen, Jens OP-NV.12-02 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, OP-NO.11-06, OP-NV.13-05 Laws Jr, Edward R OP-EXP.02-03 OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, Lovaton Espadin, Rolando Eladio EP-0209, EP-0229, Laythalling, Rajinder K OP-NO.09-01 OP-SP.16-03 OP-PED.05-09 Le Phuong, Huynh EP-0890 Liebsch, Marina OP-NV.03-02 Lovesio, Carlos EP-0130 Lebedeva, Anna OP-FN.03-06 Liew, Donald Ns EP-0100 Low, Hu Liang OP-INF.01-03 Lebedinsky, Ariel EP-0082 Liew, Donald OP-NV.08-06, OP-SP.05-04 Loz, Bruno EP-0234 Lebrao, Gustav OP-TEC.01-09 Lighterman, Leonid OP-NT.03-07 Lu, Kang EP-0858 Leclercq, Toussaint Andre OP-SP.21-08 Lila, Mahfouf OP-FN.02-01 Lucena, Lynne Lourdes Navarrete OP-NT.05-09 Lee, Chun Lin EP-0333, EP-0935, Liliang, Po Chou EP-0858 Lugovskiy, Andriy EP-0022 OP-SB.01-09 Lim, Dong Jun EP-0252, EP-0255, Lui, Tai Ngar EP-0893, OP-NO.07-07, Lee, Deok Hee EP-0083 OP-NV.02-05, OP-SP.11-05, OP-NT.05-03, OP-SP.14-06 Lee, Dong Hoon EP-0020 OP-SP.25-06 Luiz Da Costa, Marcos Peroco EP-0290, EP-0299, Lee, Ho Kook EP-1016 Lim, Swee San EP-0653, OP-SP.05-04 EP-0312, EP-0373, Lee, Hyong Jin EP-0020 Lima, Gylse Anne De Souza OP-SP.14-08 EP-0405, EP-0715, Lee, Il Woo EP-0020 Limbu, Chandra Prakash OP-FN.03-08, OP-SB.01-07, OP-TEC.01-06 Lee, Jin Seok EP-0020 OP-SP.22-09 LULA, Diego Henriques De Melo EP-0203, EP-0204 Lee, Kendall OP-FN.01-08 Lin, Chingpo EP-0891 Lula, Diego Henriques De Melo EP-0208, EP-0633 Lee, Low Yong EP-0185 Lin, Jia Wei OP-SP.14-06 Luo, Fei Fei OP-NO.01-02 Lee, Sang Ho OP-SP.24-02 Lin, Jiann Her OP-SP.23-03 Lutz, Kelyn OP-FN.03-09 Lee, Sang Hyung EP-0849 Lin, Ran OP-NO.07-06 Luzzi, Sabino EP-1099, OP-NA.01-02 Lee, Sang Youl EP-0064 Lin, Shih Chieh OP-NO.08-04 Lv, Wenhai OP-EDS.03-04, OP-NV.05-03 Lee, Seong Hoon EP-0460 Lin, Yu OP-NO.01-07, OP-NO.14-05 Lynda, Atroune EP-0594, EP-0950 Lee, Seung Hwan EP-0252, EP-0255, Ling, Zhipei OP-FN.05-04 Lyo, In Uk EP-0957 OP-SP.11-05, OP-SP.25-06 Lionelle, Fanou OP-SP.08-08 Lysenko, Serhii OP-SP.04-06 Lee, Seung Myung EP-0298 Lisii, Dan EP-0098 Lytvynenko, Andrii OP-NV.03-05, OP-SP.04-06 Lee, Sol EP-0314 Lisyaniy, Nikolai EP-0107 Lyubimov, Sergey EP-0885 Leelaamornvichet, Kitty EP-0963 Litvak, Svetlana EP-0096 Ma, Li OP-PED.04-02 Lehmann, Felix OP-NV.07-03 Liu, Hailong EP-0344, EP-0652, Ma, Lu EP-0054, OP-CM.02-05, Lei, Jiang OP-NO.01-03 OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01, OP-NA.03-02, OP-NA.03-03, Leidinger, Andreas Leidinger EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 OP-NO.11-04 OP-NV.09-06, OP-NV.10-09 Leiptnitz, Elke OP-NO.03-10 Liu, James OP-NA.01-08 Maamer, Bouchakour Maamer EP-0711 Leite, Isac César Roldão OP-SP.14-08 Liu, Jiagang EP-0375, OP-SP.01-02 Maamri, Kais EP-0478, EP-0700 Lemeshov, Oleksandr EP-0413, EP-0472, Liu, Jingping EP-0189 Maaqili, My Rachid EP-0490 EP-0486 Liu, Jinping OP-SP.21-02 Maaroufi , Neila EP-0077, EP-0728, Lenardon, Layara EP-0871 Liu, Pengfei OP-FN.04-08, OP-SP.06-04 EP-0970 Leon, Mubenga Mukengeshayi EP-0052 Liu, Qing EP-0646, OP-NO.16-02 Maatar, Nidhal EP-0354, OP-SP.01-01 Leplina, Olga Yuryevna OP-NO.07-04 Liu, Szu Hao EP-0729 Maati, Adil EP-0326, EP-1008 Lepski, Guilherme OP-NV.03-02 Liu, Tengfei OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Maaty, Hossam EP-0767, EP-1112 Lesteva, Natalia EP-0803 Liu, Xinrui EP-0891 Maaz, Wassila EP-1018 Lesteva, Nataliya EP-0805 Liu, Xuesong OP-SB.01-06 Maaz., Wassila EP-0175 Levi, Leon OP-NT.02-03 Liu, Yi OP-NV.03-01, OP-NV.04-01 Macdougall, Keith W. OP-FN.01-10 Levine, Samuel OP-SB.02-07 Liu, Zhipeng OP-NO.14-05 Macharashvili, Giorgi EP-0119, EP-0955 Levy, Michael OP-PED.03-01 Liverotti, Valentina OP-NA.03-08, OP-SP.09-01 Madazimovich, Andolip Minozhev EP-0927 Li, Ai Min EP-0845 Lmejjati, Mohamed EP-0268, EP-0395, Madhugiri, Venkat OP-NV.12-01 Li, Chao OP-NO.04-04 EP-0510, EP-0528, Madjid, Samii EP-0823, OP-NO.10-01 Li, Cheng OP-EXP.02-02 EP-0559, OP-NO.15-04 Madrazo Moya, Mónica N EP-0138 Li, Chuzhong OP-EDS.01-05 Lmejjati, Mohammed EP-1121 Madrazo Moya, Monica N. OP-PED.02-08 Li, Hao EP-0135, OP-PED.04-03 Loduca, Rafael Duarte De Souza EP-0256, EP-0282, Madureira, João Flavio OP-SP.14-08 Li, Jian EP-0189 EP-0284, EP-0290, Magalhães, Marcelo José Da Silva De EP-0425, EP-0999 Li, Jian Y. OP-NO.03-05 EP-0299, EP-0312, Mahadewa, Tjokorda Gb EP-0500 Li, Jingrun EP-0109 EP-0373, EP-0405, Mahadewa, Tjokorda Gde OP-SP.02-09 Li, Jinquan OP-EXP.02-06, OP-SP.13-03 EP-0715, OP-TEC.01-06 Mahapatra, Ashok K EP-0196 Li, Ning EP-0845 Loduca, Rafael EP-0075, EP-0452, Mahapatra, Ashok Kumar EP-0465, OP-NO.09-03, Li, Shanji EP-0891 EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 OP-NT.01-04, OP-PED.06-01 Li, Shiqi OP-NO.02-06 Lomakin, Andrew EP-0512 Mahapatra, Ashok OP-SB.02-02 Li, Shuai OP-NO.14-05 Lomakin, Andrii EP-0545 Maharaj, Prashanth EP-0905 Li, Tao OP-NO.01-07 Longo Mbenza, Benjamin OP-NT.02-06, OP-NT.07-07 Mahdy, Maram M OP-NO.09-04 Li, Xue Pei OP-NT.01-02, OP-NT.07-05 Lopez Arbolay, Omar EP-1065, OP-EDS.01-01, Maheshwari, Vikas EP-0762 Li, Yang Dong EP-1120 OP-NO.02-02, OP-NO.13-02 Mahfouf, Lila EP-0785 Li, Ying Ching EP-0656, OP-NO.15-08 Lopez Molina, Jesus Alberto OP-NO.16-10 Mahmood, Khalid OP-FN.01-07, OP-NT.03-02 Li, Ying Ying OP-NO.07-07 Lopez Moreno, Jose Alberto OP-NV.05-05 Mahmood, Prof. Ehsan EP-0423, EP-0538, OP-SP.01-07 334 Author List

Mahmoud, Ahmed Darwish OP-NO.16-07 Marvin, Eric EP-1091 Meneghelli, Pietro OP-SB.02-04 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Maidannyk, Oleg OP-NV.03-05 Maryakhin, Alexey EP-0914 Menekşe, Güner EP-0103, OP-CM.03-04, Majumder, Mashiur Rahman OP-NO.02-01 Masini, Marcos OP-SP.14-08 OP-SP.03-01, OP-SP.19-02 Makarova, Tatiana EP-1062 Mason, Andrew OP-EXP.04-10 Menendez, Ricardo Horacio EP-0738 Makhambetov, Yerbol OP-NV.06-06 Masotto, Barbara OP-SB.02-04 Meng, Yuhong EP-0797 Makhambetov, Yerbol Targynovich OP-NV.07-02 Massella Junior, Carlos Roberto EP-0069, EP-0831, Menon, David K OP-EXP.04-10 Makunike, Rudo Mutasa EP-0707 OP-PED.04-09 Meral, Gizem EP-0956 Maldaner, Nicolai OP-NO.04-02 Mathew, Mesi OP-PED.05-04 Merouche, Brahim OP-CM.02-08 Maldaun, Marcos Callafat EP-0756 Mati, Adel EP-0167, EP-0454 Merrouche, Brahim EP-0785, OP-FN.01-03 Maldonado, Horus Martinez EP-0019, EP-1019 Matmusaev, Maqsudjon M EP-0462 Meryem, Himmiche EP-0554 Maleki, Mohammad EP-0599, EP-0874, Matmusaev, Maruf EP-0802, OP-CM.03-07 Meshkin, Mohammad I EP-0854 OP-SP.08-06 Matmusayev, Maruf OP-FN.06-08 Meshkini, Ali EP-0854, EP-0857, EP-1088 Maliawan, Sri EP-0500, OP-SP.02-09 Matos, Daniela EP-0683, EP-0962, Meshkini, Mohammad EP-0857 Malisheva, Tatiana A. EP-0598 EP-0965, OP-EXP.01-09 Messaoud Ibrahim, Zitouni EP-0714 Mallah, Fahmida Arab OP-NT.06-04 Matsuda, Naoya OP-NV.09-05 Mestalki, Alae EP-0190 Malysheva, Tatiana A. EP-0201 Matsumoto, Yasushi OP-NV.13-08 Mete, Mesut EP-0819 Malysheva, Tatiana EP-0096 Matsumura, Shigeki EP-0553 Metwali, Hussam EP-0561, EP-0772, Malysheva, Tatyana EP-0195, OP-CM.02-02 Matthes, Marc OP-FN.04-05 EP-0823, EP-0827, Mamadaliev, Abdurahmon Mamatkulovich EP-0791 Matys, Tomasz OP-NO.04-04 EP-0832, OP-NO.09-05, Mamadaliev, Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich EP-0613, Maulyavantham Nagaraj, Nagarjun EP-0519, OP-CM.01-04, OP-NO.10-01, OP-NO.13-01 EP-0846, OP-NT.01-01, OP-NV.05-08 Metwaly, Tamer Ibrahim EP-0017, OP-CM.04-07 OP-NT.01-06 Maura, Francesco OP-NO.03-10 Mewada, Tushit EP-0115 Mamadaliev, Dilshod Muhammadvalievich EP-0115, Maver, Uros EP-0254, OP-NO.07-05 Mezue, Wilfred C OP-PED.05-04 OP-NO.16-08 Mavridis, Ioannis EP-0248 Mezue, Wilfred Chukwuemeka OP-SP.15-09 Mamadalieva, Saodat Abdurakhmonovna EP-0613, Mayer, Anna OP-NT.04-03 Mezue, Wilfred EP-0926 EP-0883, OP-NT.01-06 Maystruk, Dmitro EP-0416, OP-SP.24-01 Mg, Maheshe Ghislain EP-0052 Mamadjanova, Risolat EP-0219 Mazy, Alaa Mazy EP-1079 Mhiri, Chokri EP-1069 Mamonov, Vladimir EP-0914 Mb, Mbaye Thioub EP-0052 Micovic, Mirko EP-0232, EP-1041 Mamytov, Chyngyz EP-0591, EP-0592 Mbadugha, Tobechi EP-0241, OP-SP.15-09 Middlebrooks, Erik H OP-SP.12-07 Manaka, Hiroshi OP-NO.05-07 Mcdermott, Michael W OP-NO.03-10 Middlebrooks, Erik H. OP-NA.02-08, OP-SP.06-06 Mancarella, Cristina OP-CM.03-08 Mcdermott, Ultan OP-NO.03-10 Middlebrooks, Erik OP-NA.01-04, OP-NA.02-03 Mancini, Fabrizio EP-0747, OP-SP.09-01 Mcmahon, Catherine OP-CM.04-06 Miekisiak, Grzegorz OP-SP.22-03 Mandil, Nulish EP-0475 Mcmurran, Chris E. OP-NO.03-10 Mikhalyuk, Vladimir S. EP-0201 Mankai, Ibtihel EP-0194 Md, Sreejith OP-NT.01-03 Miles, Darryl EP-0193 Mansour, Ahmed Said EP-0002, OP-NV.01-04 Meco, Cem EP-0630, OP-EDS.02-09, Millan, Paula Andrea EP-0976 Mansouri, Nada EP-0812, EP-0836, OP-NO.02-09, OP-PED.02-09, Miller, Catherine EP-0081 EP-0839, EP-0840, OP-SP.09-09 Millet, Hakan EP-0261, OP-PED.01-05, EP-1034, EP-1053 Medeiros De Holanda, Carlos Vanderlei EP-0069, EP-0831, OP-SP.22-02 Mantas, Constantinos EP-0248 OP-PED.04-09 Milosevic Medenica, Svetlana EP-1041 Manuel, Rito EP-0962 Medetov, Yerkin OP-NV.06-06 Mingjie, Gong OP-NO.01-05 Manzano, Demian EP-0534, OP-SP.24-03 Medetov, Yerkin Zhumagulovich OP-NV.07-02 Mirkhasilova, Muyassar EP-0560, EP-0939, Mao, Qi Zhi EP-1120 Medhi, Bikash EP-1077 EP-0946, OP-SP.20-08 Mao, Ying OP-NO.02-06 Mehdi, Laghmari EP-0739 Miroshnychenko, Andriy Yuriyovich EP-0042 Mao, Zhiqi OP-FN.05-04 Mehdiyev, Royal OP-SP.04-08 Mirsalehi, Marjan OP-SP.13-05 Marakovic, Jurica OP-PED.01-01 Meher, Sujeet Kumar OP-PED.05-04 Mirzaabdullaevich, Anvar Boqiev EP-0056 Marappan, Kodeeswaran EP-0212, EP-0636, Mehta, Hiten EP-0587 Mirzaei, Farhad EP-1088 EP-0680, EP-0899, Mehtiyev, Royal EP-0360, EP-0363, Mirzakarimovich, Aziz Rakhmatov EP-0276 OP-SP.17-06 EP-0482, EP-0998 Mirzoev, Halim EP-1042 Maraş Genç, Hülya OP-PED.04-04 Mei, Xin OP-EXP.03-09 Mishinov, Sergey EP-0913 Marasanov, Sergej EP-0477, OP-SP.14-04 Meidal, Mahamoud Ali OP-SP.17-02, OP-SP.17-04 Mishinov, Sergey Valeryevich OP-NO.07-04 Marat, Kulmirzayev OP-NV.06-09 MEİRA, Paulo Henrique Do Ó Gayoso EP-0191, EP-0349 Mishra, Ganpati Prasad OP-NO.16-06 Marchel, Andrzej OP-SP.20-04 Mejia Perez, Sonia Iliana OP-NO.08-01 Misra, Basant Kumar OP-FN.04-06, OP-NO.13-05, Marchioni, Daniele OP-SB.02-04 Mekaj, Agon Ymer EP-0079 OP-SB.01-01 Marchiori, Maurício EP-0234 Mekhetich, Amina EP-0454 Mitsuishi, Mamoru EP-1038 Marchiori, Mauricio OP-FN.03-09 Mekhetiche, Amina EP-0167 Mnakri, Hela EP-0334, EP-0343 Margoto, Rebeca Marques OP-SP.14-08 Meky, Mohamed OP-SP.22-01 Moen, Sean EP-0013, EP-0014, Marini, Alessandra OP-NA.03-08, OP-NV.10-01 Melhaoui, Adyl EP-0171, EP-0207, OP-NA.01-06 Mario, Giordano EP-0561, OP-NO.10-01 EP-0342, EP-0501, Mohamada, Melbouci EP-0149, EP-0161, Martin, Alvaro OP-NO.06-02 EP-1011, OP-SP.17-05 EP-0403 Martínez MANRİQUE, Jose De Jesus OP-CM.02-01 Meli, F. OP-NO.15-02 Mohamed Amine, Bani EP-0812, EP-0836, Martinez Zeron, Veronica EP-1029 Meliani, Abdel Madjid EP-0305 EP-0839, EP-0840, Martinez, Erick Ramos EP-0019, EP-0034, Meliani, Abdelmadjid EP-0167, EP-0454, EP-1034 OP-NV.02-08 OP-SP.02-06 Mohamed Dehmani, Yedeas EP-0812, EP-0836, Martinez, Leonel Alejandro Zayas EP-0320, EP-1019 Melo, Paulo EP-0075, EP-0452, EP-0839, EP-0840, Martynova, Maria EP-0270, EP-0329, EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 EP-1034 EP-0361, EP-0367, Melo, Romulo EP-0954, OP-SP.01-05 Mohamed Sahnoun, Omar EP-0305 OP-SP.04-07 Memon, Riaz Ahmed Raja OP-PED.07-08 Mohamed Yusoff , Abdul Aziz OP-EXP.01-04 Marudamuthu, Prabhu OP-NT.05-07, OP-SP.17-06 Men, Suleyman EP-0031 Mohamed, Aboudjabel EP-0149, EP-0161, Marushchenko, Leonid EP-0166, EP-0195 Mende, Christian OP-NV.07-09 EP-0403 Marushchenko, Leonid L. EP-0201 Méndez Olán, Raúl EP-1090 Mohamed, Cherif EP-0432 Marushchenko, Myroslava EP-0958 Mendivil, Pablo EP-0534, OP-SP.24-03 Mohamed, Chitti EP-0364 335 Author List

Mohamed, Haddab Ahmed EP-0213 Muballe, Kadhaya David OP-NT.02-06, OP-NT.07-07 Naja, Abdesamad EP-0231 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Mohamed, Ibrahimi OP-SP.03-03 Mucuoglu, Ali Osman EP-0126, EP-0877, EP-0932 Naja, Abdessamad EP-0372, EP-0844, EP-1008 Mohamed, Lamyaa Ahmed OP-NO.08-07 Müderris, Togay EP-0771 Najera, Antonio Sosa EP-0019, EP-0034, Mohamed, Lmejjati EP-0706, EP-0739 Muhamedov, Akmal EP-0802, OP-FN.06-08 EP-0777, EP-1019, Mohamed, Mohamed OP-NO.03-07 Muhamedov, Akmalhon OP-CM.03-07 OP-NV.02-08 Mohamed, Mohamed Shabaan EP-0249, EP-0480, Muhammad, Mahmud Raji OP-SP.23-07 Najjar, Jalal EP-0617, EP-0992, OP-SP.05-05, OP-SP.15-02 Mukherjee, Sudipta Kumer OP-NV.08-03 OP-NT.01-08 Mohammed Aly, Mohammed Hussein OP-SP.03-08 Mulazimoglu, Selcuk OP-EDS.02-09 Nakajo, Kosuke OP-NO.05-03 Mohammed, Benzagmout EP-0554 Mulumba Ilunga, Roger EP-1004 Nakajyo, Kosuke EP-0774 Mohammed, Zakaria Ibrahim EP-0323, EP-0912, Mumlev, A. EP-0070 Nakale, Toffi EP-0408 EP-1045 Mumlev, Arthur EP-0980 Nakatomi, Hirofumi EP-1038, OP-SB.02-08 Mohanraj, Rajiv OP-NO.15-03 Mumliev, Arthur OP-CM.02-02, OP-NO.12-03 Nalli, Arife OP-NO.01-09 Moharram, Hussein EP-0162 Mummaneni, Praveen EP-0524, EP-0527, Nallino, Jose Carlos EP-0130, OP-NT.02-09 Mohd Zain, Mohd Ali EP-0159 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Namer, Thana OP-MSC.01-02 Moinuddin, F M OP-NO.16-05 Munakomi, Sunil EP-0400, EP-0986, Narang, Amit EP-0762 Moiyadi, Aliasgar OP-NO.10-03 EP-1093, OP-NT.06-07, Naraoka, Masato OP-NV.01-02, OP-NV.09-05 Mojumder, Mosiur Rahman EP-0009 OP-NT.06-08, OP-SP.15-05 Narin, Firat OP-PED.05-01 Mokbel, Esam Abd Elhay OP-FN.02-08 Munir, Sk Farhad OP-SP.08-01, OP-SP.12-04 Naseri Alavi, Seyed Ahmad EP-1088 Mokbel, Essam EP-0951, OP-FN.01-09 Muniyandi, Priya EP-0899 Nasi, Davide EP-0120, EP-0621, Molina Martinez, Marco Antonio OP-SP.24-07 Munusamy, Thangaraj OP-NT.04-02 EP-0867, OP-SP.01-09 Monia, Cardarelli EP-0432 Muragaki, Yoshihiro OP-TEC.01-03 Nasirov, Rauf EP-0520, EP-0978, Montes, Jose Miguel OP-SP.01-05 Murakami, Tomohiro EP-0553 OP-NO.11-08, OP-SP.03-05, Moon, Byung Hoo OP-NV.04-07 Murawski, Piotr EP-0824, EP-0960, OP-SP.15-03 Moon, Jae Gon EP-1016 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, Navruz, Yüksel OP-SP.11-07 Moraes, Mario OP-NV.03-02 OP-SP.16-03 Nazaorov, Viacheslav EP-0735 Moran, Sebastian OP-NO.03-10 Murchison, Chad EP-0963 Nazaralieva, Eleonora EP-0592 Moreira, Fradique EP-0962, EP-0965 Murek, Michael OP-CM.04-03, OP-NO.01-04 Nazarenko, Anton EP-0270, EP-0329, Moreno, Esther Granell EP-0650 Murphy, Christopher EP-0304 EP-0352, EP-0367, Morgan, Eghosa OP-NO.05-05 Murphy, Michael P OP-EXP.04-10 OP-SP.04-01 Morgun, Victor EP-0195 Murray, Peter M EP-0884 Nazarov, Muhamadali EP-1042 Mori, Kentaro OP-NV.11-08 Musa, Wael EP-0643, EP-0852, OP-NO.04-09 Nazarov, Ruslan EP-0584, EP-0803, Morina, Arsim Ahmet EP-0079 Musabelliu, Erion OP-EXP.01-07 EP-0805 Morina, Qamile Shefqet EP-0079 Musara, Aaron EP-1013, OP-NV.11-07 Nazarov, Viacheslav OP-CM.02-07 Morisaki, Hiroki EP-0774, OP-NO.05-03 Musara, Aaron Masiiwa EP-0707 Nazimov, Jasur OP-CM.03-07 Morita, Akio EP-0067, EP-0574, Musara, Aaron Musara EP-0759 Nazlican, Ersin EP-0053 EP-1038, OP-NO.10-02, Musara, Mr. Aaron EP-0236 Nday Ntenga, Patrice EP-0379 OP-NV.11-01 Musau, Christopher Kyalo OP-NT.01-07 Ndekha, Geoff rey EP-0325 Moroz, V. EP-0070 Müslüman, Ahmet Murat EP-0549, EP-0560, Ndekha, Geoff rey Jeane EP-0318, OP-NO.02-08 Moroz, Volodymyr EP-0036 EP-0939, EP-0946, Ndiaye, Mouhamadou Mansour EP-0379 Mortada, Jihad EP-0082, EP-0842 OP-NA.02-04, OP-NO.02-04, Ndiaye, Moustapha EP-0379 Morten, Lund Johansen OP-NT.05-02 OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.20-08 Ndubuisi, Chika Anele EP-0241, OP-SP.15-09 Mostafa M.D, Hamdi Nabawi OP-SP.16-08 Musluman, Ahmet Murat OP-SP.26-05 Nduku, Kusenzweni K EP-0707 Mota, Rita De Cássia OP-NV.06-07 Mustafi nov, Darhan EP-0345 Ndukuba, Kelechi Onyenekeya EP-0241 Mota, Romulo Almino De Alencar Arrais EP-0256, EP-0282, Mustapha, Muzaimi OP-NV.07-04 Ndukuba, Kelechi OP-SP.15-09 EP-0284 Mustapha, Saadi EP-1107 Negm, Hazem Mohamad OP-SP.22-01 Mota, Romulo EP-0075, EP-0452, Mustapha, Zulkifl i OP-EXP.01-04 Negm, Hazem Mohamed EP-0734, OP-NV.02-02 EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 Mustaphin, Khalit EP-0605 Neishi, Hiroyuki OP-TEC.01-08 Motebejane, Mogwale Samson OP-NO.03-02, OP-NO.13-06 Mutlu, Şeyda EP-0095 Nejib, Hattab EP-0182 Motti, Luisa EP-0120, OP-SP.01-09 Mutomb, Sarah Ntshindj EP-0380 Nelson, Richard EP-0746 Moula, Idir OP-SP.10-08 Muzishev, Islam EP-0735, OP-CM.02-07 Nemayire, Kelvin Taurai EP-1071 Moulay Rachid, El Maaquili OP-SP.03-03 Mwang`Ombe, Nimrod Juniahs EP-0483 Nemir, Jakob EP-0477 Mourad, Bouaziz EP-0773 Mwang`Ombe, Nimrod Junias OP-NT.01-07 Nemirovskaya, Tatiana A. OP-NV.04-02 Mousavi Nejad, Ai EP-0733 Mwang`Ombe, Nimrod Mwakitawa OP-NT.03-04 Nemirovskiy, Alexander M. OP-NV.04-02 Mousavi Nejad, Ali OP-FN.04-04 Mwangi, Peter Gichuru OP-NT.01-07 Neulen, Axel OP-NT.04-03 Mousavi Nejad, Seyed Ali EP-0007 Mykhalyuk, Volodymyr EP-0166 Neves, Neuza Denise OP-NO.08-06 Mousavi, Najmeh EP-0929 Mzimbiri, Juma Magogo EP-0646, OP-NO.16-02, Neves, Neuza OP-NO.08-02, OP-NO.10-04, Mousse, Nabil Adio EP-0190, EP-0207, OP-NO.16-02, OP-NO.16-02 OP-NO.14-08 EP-1011 N`Da, Herman Adonis OP-PED.08-07 Ngian San, Donald Liew EP-0185, EP-0648 Moussé, Nabil Adio EP-0342 Nabavi, Arya EP-1040 Nguyen, Thuy Minh OP-SP.11-04 Mousse, Nabil OP-SP.17-05 Nabi, Sim Khairun EP-0243, EP-0444 Ni, Haoqi OP-EXP.04-09 Moustapha, Ndiaye OP-SP.05-09 Naboichenko, Andrii OP-SB.01-05 Nidhal, Matar EP-0721 Movassaghi, Shabnam OP-EXP.04-05 Nadia Sharifi , Zahra OP-EXP.04-05 Niizuma, Kuniyasu EP-0002, EP-1067, Moyo, Lenin EP-0150 NADJİ, M`Hamed OP-PED.07-03 OP-NV.01-04, OP-NV.13-08 Mpando, Davis EP-0366, EP-0522, NADJİ, M`Hmed EP-0179, EP-0341 Nikbin, Zeinab EP-0547 EP-0702 Nagar, Milesh EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Nikolaeva, Alina EP-0424 Mparkas, Kostas EP-0004, EP-0041, Nagaraja, Sanjoy EP-0127, OP-SP.12-01 Nikolaevich, Dreval Oleg EP-0953 EP-0060, EP-0441, Nageeb, Ahmed OP-NO.05-08 Nikolaevich, Morozov Anatolij EP-0571 OP-NV.08-01 Nagm, Alhusain OP-EDS.01-06 Nikolaevna, Belskay Ludmila EP-0838 Ms, Sharmad EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Nagy, Tibor OP-NO.03-10 Nikolaevna, Stanetskay Diana EP-0818 Msaddi, Abdul Karim EP-0556, OP-SP.16-02 Nair, Suresh EP-0769, OP-FN.04-01, Nimer, Amr EP-1097 Mseddi, Med Amine EP-0782 OP-NV.04-08, OP-SB.02-03 Ning, Weihai EP-0652, OP-EXP.02-02 336 Author List

Niraula, Kiran EP-0154 EP-0601, OP-NV.04-09 Orlov, Yury A. EP-0201 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Nirmel, Krishna EP-0437 Oksuz, Erol OP-SP.21-06 Orman, Osman OP-SP.07-01 Niryana, Wayan EP-0500 Oktar, Nezih EP-1035 Ortega Porcayo, Luis Alberto EP-0008, OP-NO.06-10 Nishioka, Hiroshi OP-NO.06-01 Oktay, Kadir EP-0186, EP-0303, Ortiz Machin, Marlon EP-1065, OP-EDS.01-01, Nizar, El Fatemi OP-SP.03-03 EP-0660, OP-SP.02-03, OP-NO.02-02, OP-NO.13-02 Nombela, Cristina OP-FN.01-11 OP-SP.02-08 Oruckaptan, Hakan EP-0635 None, Celia Wijaya EP-1054 Öktem, Ibrahim Suat EP-0072, EP-0724 Orz, Yasser EP-0338, OP-NO.10-09 None, Marsal Risfandi EP-1054 Ökten, Ali Ihsan EP-0261, EP-0513, Osifo, David Osarunmwese EP-0163 None, Michael Lumintang EP-1054 EP-0535, EP-0764, Ostanin, Aleksandr Anatolyevich OP-NO.07-04 Noorani, Imran OP-NO.03-10 OP-CM.03-04, OP-PED.01-05, Osun, Arif EP-0383, EP-0495 Norov, Abdurahmon U. EP-0445, EP-0464 OP-SP.03-01, OP-SP.19-02, Otani, Naoki OP-NV.11-08 Nosseir, Mohamed OP-SP.14-02 OP-SP.22-02 Otarashvili, Irakli EP-0628, OP-FN.06-07 Nouri, Masoumeh OP-NV.07-07 Okuma, Hiroki OP-NV.09-05 Otero, Andrea EP-0976 Novak, Zdenek EP-0886 Okuma, Okuma OP-NV.01-02 Othman, Hassan OP-SP.05-07, OP-SP.22-06 Novák, Zdenek EP-0944, OP-FN.01-05 Okutan, Erhamit EP-1087 Otorkpa, Ega Joseph EP-0908 NUBUKPO Guménu, A.Alëna EP-0301 Okutan, Mehmet Özerk EP-0158, EP-0450, Ouambi, Li Iyané Olivier EP-0490 Nubukpo Gumenu, Alena Ameyo EP-0355, EP-0632, EP-0456, EP-0684 Ouaz, Sabra EP-0077, EP-0728, OP-SP.01-04 Okutan, Özerk OP-SP.19-06 EP-0970 NUBUKPO Guménu, Aléna Améyo EP-0744 Okuyucu, Esra EP-0959, EP-0969 Ouchetati, Rafi k EP-0224, EP-0770 Nunes, Aline Dias EP-0425 Okwunodulu, Okwuoma EP-0241 Oudghiri, Mohamed Yassad EP-1011 Nunes, Aline Silva EP-1068 Okwuoma, Okwunodulu OP-SP.15-09 Oudghiri, Yassaad Mohamed EP-0768, OP-SP.17-05 Nunez, Maximiliano OP-NA.01-08 Olatosi, John O EP-0783, OP-NO.05-05 Oudrhiri, Mohammed Yassaad EP-0207, EP-0342 Nursoy, Egemen EP-0122 Olbrycht, Tomasz OP-SP.22-03 Oudrhiri, Yassaad Mohammed EP-0190 Nyamapfene, Brighton Valentine EP-1021, EP-1028 Oldfi eld, Edward H EP-0786 Oudrhirir, Mohamed Yassaad EP-0171 O’ Donell, Philip OP-PED.07-04 Oleksenko, Natalia EP-1062 Oudrhirir, Yassaad Mohamed EP-0501 Obaida, A S M Abu EP-0009, OP-NO.02-01 Oleksenko, Natalia Pavlovna EP-1048 Oumar, Coulibaly EP-0432 Obanife, Henry Olayere EP-0908 Oleksiy, Stoliarenko EP-0429 Ovalioglu, Talat Cem EP-0225 Obanife, Olayere Henry EP-0848 Oliveira, Luiza Bizarria Souza EP-0425 Ovalioglu, Talat Cem EP-0670, EP-0679, Obara, Naoshi OP-SP.25-03 Oliveira, Matheus Fernandes EP-0346, EP-0705, EP-0712, EP-0800, Obeta, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka EP-0163 EP-1057, EP-1068, OP-NA.02-06, OP-SP.04-05 OBİDOVİCH, Husan H.O.Mahmudov EP-0901 OP-NO.08-05 Ovando, Carlos Alberto Tevera EP-0019, EP-0034, Ocak, Pinar OP-NA.01-07 Olivero, Marcelo OP-NO.12-09 EP-0063, EP-0320, Ocak, Pınar Eser EP-0543 Olkhov, Valeriy EP-0258, EP-0273, EP-0608, EP-0777, Ocak, Umut EP-0837 P-0310, EP-0407, EP-1019, OP-NV.02-08 Öcal, Özgür EP-0952, OP-GK.01-01, EP-0413, EP-0416, Ovando, Carlos Tevera EP-1001 OP-SP.06-08 EP-0429, EP-0472, Oyeleye, Oluwole Olarinmoye EP-0848 Odierna Contino, A. OP-NO.15-02 EP-0486, EP-0487, Oyoshi, Tatsuki OP-NO.16-05 Ofl uoğlu, Ali Ender EP-0337, EP-0542, OP-FN.05-09, OP-SP.24-01 Ozalp, Hakan EP-0793, EP-0796, EP-0790, OP-SP.07-01 Olldashi, Fatos EP-0350 OP-NO.01-06, OP-NO.11-07, Ofl uoğlu, Özden Erhan EP-0337 Olmaz, Burak OP-CM.03-04, OP-PED.01-05, OP-EXP.03-04 Öğden, Mustafa EP-0122, OP-NV.07-08, OP-SP.22-02 Ozar, Engin EP-0406, OP-SP.06-09 OP-SP.19-08 Olwany, Amr Hamdy EP-0434 Özateş, Mehmet Özgür OP-NA.02-09 Oge, Halil Kamil OP-NV.02-04 Omar, Abidi EP-0572 Özay, Rafet EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Ogiwara, Toshihiro OP-EDS.01-06, OP-TEC.01-03 Omerhodzic, Ibrahim OP-SP.01-08 Ozbal, Seda EP-0508 Öğrenci, Ahmet EP-0529, OP-SP.07-04, Omeroglu, Muhammed OP-EXP.03-07 Özbaş, Ayfer EP-1113 OP-SP.16-09 Ömeroğlu, Muhammed OP-SP.02-04 Ozbek, Zuhtu OP-EXP.04-07, OP-NO.04-03, Ogunleye, Olabisi Oluwagbemiga EP-0848 Omezine, Sana EP-0860 OP-NV.01-08 Ogunleye, Olugbenga Olabisi EP-0908 Ompungsungu, Sevline Estethia OP-SP.03-04 Özcan Ekşi, Emel Ece EP-0440, EP-0455, Oğur, Tanin EP-0018, EP-0028, Ompusunggu, Sevline Estethia OP-SP.16-05, OP-SP.18-07 EP-0531, EP-0546 OP-NV.02-09, OP-NV.12-06 Omura, Tomoko OP-NO.10-02 Ozcan, Deniz E P-0732 Ogur, Tanin OP-SP.04-03 Onat, Filiz OP-EXP.04-03 Ozdemir Ovalioglu, Aysegul EP-0670, OP-NA.02-06 Oguz, Kader Karli OP-PED.05-01 Oneill, Anthea H OP-NV.11-02 Özdemir, Burak EP-0549, EP-0939, Oğuztüzün, Serpil OP-NO.01-08 Onen, Mehmet Resit OP-EXP.03-07 EP-0946, OP-NO.02-04, Oh, Jungtae EP-0275, EP-0292, Onoprienko, Roman EP-0270, EP-0329, OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.20-08 OP-SP.10-06, OP-SP.23-01 EP-0352, EP-0361, Ozdemir, Cigdem EP-0977 Oh, Seong Hoon EP-0314 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, Özdemir, Didem EP-0771 Ohaegbulam, Samuel C. EP-0241 OP-SP.04-07 Ozdemir, Guzin EP-0757 Ohaegbulam, Samuel Chukwunonyelum OP-SP.15-09 Onyia, Ephraim EP-0926 Ozdemir, Huseyin OP-NV.13-01 Ohata, Kenji EP-0774, OP-NO.05-03 Opara, Oluwamayowa Olayinka EP-0848 Özdemir, Kaan Tuğberk E P-0523, EP-0665 Ojha, Bal Krishna EP-1118 Opsenak, Rene EP-0467, OP-PED.08-05 Ozdemir, Nail EP-0013, EP-0508, Ojo, Omotayo A EP-0783, OP-NO.05-05 Orak, Seyhan EP-0619, EP-0873 EP-0169, OP-PED.01-03, Okada, Mitsuo OP-NO.06-01 Orakdogen, Metin EP-0476, EP-0713, OP-PED.01-07, OP-PED.01-08, Okamoto, Jun OP-TEC.01-03 EP-0972, OP-NO.13-09, OP-PED.03-02 Okay, H. Önder OP-NV.05-07, EP-0030, OP-SP.13-07 Özdemir, Nuriye Güzin EP-0330 OP-SP.02-04 Orakdöğen, Metin EP-0948 Ozdemir, Seymen EP-0383 Okay, Tamer EP-0713 Oran, Ismail EP-1102 Özdener, Kubilay Murat OP-CM.04-05 Okazaki, Takahito EP-1101 Ören, Merve OP-EDS.02-01 Ozdilmac, Ahmet OP-SP.26-05 Okhlopkov, Vladimir EP-0914 Oreskovic, Darko OP-PED.01-01 Özdoğan, Selçuk EP-0397, EP-0485, Okhueliegbe, Mark OP-SP.15-09 Oretti, Gabriele EP-0621 EP-0488, EP-0536, Okonskiy, Dmitriy OP-NO.09-06 Orief, Tamer EP-0316 OP-SP.07-06 Öksüz, Erol EP-0496, EP-0568, Orlov, Mychaylo EP-0022 Ozdogan, Selcuk EP-0548, OP-SP.18-08 337 Author List

Özek, Erdinç EP-0225, EP-0511, OP-SP.16-03 EP-0204, EP-0208, WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES EP-0720, OP-EXP.02-04, Pant, Basant OP-FN.03-08, OP-FN.05-03, EP-0349, EP-0446, OP-FN.02-09, OP-GK.01-05, OP-FN.05-07, OP-SB.01-07, EP-0633 OP-GK.01-09, OP-NV.13-01 OP-SP.22-09 Peethambaran, Anil EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Özel, Ömer EP-0382, EP-0564, OP-SP.07-01 Pantel, Tobias OP-NT.04-03 Peipei, Gong OP-NO.01-05 Özen, Özlem OP-EXP.01-01, OP-NO.16-04 Papadakos, Dimitrios EP-0004, EP-0041, Pekcevik, Yeliz EP-0192 Ozer, Ercan EP-0126, EP-0253, EP-0060, EP-278, Peker, Ahmet OP-NV.02-04 OP-NA.03-06 EP-0306, EP-0387, Peker, Elif OP-NV.02-04 Özer, Füsun OP-NO.07-09 EP-0441, EP-0863, Peker, Halil Olgun EP-0837, OP-NA.01-07, Özer, Haluk M. EP-1035 EP-0866, OP-NV.08-01, OP-NO.16-03, OP-NV.07-06 Ozer, Mehmet Asim EP-0562, OP-SP.25-02, OP-NV.10-08 Pekmezci, Murat EP-0524, EP-0527, OP-NA.01-09 Papadakos, Dimitris EP-0459 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Özer, Mehmet Haluk EP-0622 Papadopo0ulos, Evaggelos EP-0041 Penciak, Rastislav EP-0933 Ozer, Mehmet Ilker EP-0360, EP-0363, Papadopoulos, Evaggelos EP-0004, EP-0060, Peng, Jianhua OP-NV.01-05 EP-0482, EP-0580, EP-0441, OP-NV.08-01 Perdomo Pantoja, Alexander EP-0008, OP-NO.08-01 EP-0609, EP-0618, Papić, Vladimir OP-NT.05-08 Pereira, Bruno Silva EP-0604 EP-0638, EP-0907, Paracino, Riccardo EP-0747 Pereira, David EP-0534, OP-SP.24-03 EP-0998, EP-1010, Paramasvaran, Sanmugarajah EP-0923 Pereira, Lorenza EP-0084, EP-0133, EP-1017, OP-CM.01-07, Parenrengi, Muhammad Arifi n EP-0233 EP-0160, EP-0239, OP-CM.01-08, OP-SP.01-03 Park, Eun Sook EP-0443 EP-0661, EP-0756, Özgen, Utku EP-0091 Park, Eun Suk EP-0957 EP-0835, EP-0843, Özgenç, Mustafa Murat EP-0851 Park, Hae Kwan EP-0033, EP-0039, EP-0856, EP-0882, Özgün, Gonca OP-NO.16-04 EP-0040, EP-0896, EP-0910, OP-NV.08-04, Özgüral, Onur OP-EXP.03-04, OP-EXP.03-08, OP-NT.04-04 OP-NV.11-09, OP-SB.01-02, OP-NA.02-09 Park, Hea Kwan EP-0861 OP-SP.26-03 Ozgural, Onur OP-NO.02-09 Park, Jun Bum EP-0957 Pereira, Marta Rico EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 Özişik, Pinar OP-NO.06-08, OP-CM.04-05 Park, Jung Cheol EP-1122, EP-1123 Pereira, Ricardo EP-0683, EP-0962, Özkan, Mazhar OP-EXP.04-03 Park, Sang Kyu EP-0057, EP-0132, EP-0965, OP-NO.04-08 Özkan, Ümit EP-0495 OP-NV.04-07 Perez, Angela Maria EP-0976 Özkara, Emre OP-NO.04-03, OP-NV.01-08 Park, Sung Ho EP-0957 Pérez, Bernardo EP-0976 Ozlen, Fatma EP-0687 Park, Tae Joon EP-0116 Perez, Franklin EP-0396 Özlü, Harun Mehmet OP-SP.11-07 Parrent, Andrew G. OP-FN.01-10 Perez, Helber Alves EP-0871 Ozoliņš, Dāvis EP-0139 Parsa, Tina OP-EXP.04-05 Perfi lev, Sergey V EP-0462, OP-SP.19-09 Ozretic, David OP-SP.14-04 Parsa, Yekta OP-EXP.04-05 Petriv, Taras OP-SP.06-02, OP-SP.06-10 Ozsoy, Ke Mazhar EP-0303 Parshunina, Anastasia M. EP-0749 Petrova, Anna EP-0584 Ozsoy, Kerem Mazhar EP-0186, EP-0660, Parthiban, Jutty Chandra EP-0308, EP-0876, Petrovich, Robak Oleg EP-0938 OP-SP.02-03, OP-SP.02-08 OP-NO.15-07 Phalak, Manoj EP-0465 Öztürk, Erek EP-0240, EP-0485, Parvaresh, Mansour OP-FN.01-06 Picetti, Edoardo OP-NT.05-01 EP-0488, EP-0539, Pasalić, Ivan EP-0477 Pichardo, Omar OP-NV.04-05 EP-0911, EP-0918, Paşaoğlu, Aydın OP-SP.06-08 Pichas, Stefanos D EP-0004, EP-0041, OP-SP.11-07, OP-SP.18-08 Paşaoğlu, Özge Tuğçe OP-SP.06-08 EP-0060, EP-0278, Öztürk, Gülşah EP-0684 Pashkovskaya, Oxana EP-1076 EP-0306, EP-0387, Öztürk, Hatice EP-0240 Pasricha, Ribhav EP-0465, OP-NO.09-01, EP-0441, EP-0459, Öztürk, Özden Çağlar OP-SP.13-01 OP-NO.09-03, OP-NO.12-02, EP-0863, EP-0866, Öztürk, Sait EP-0964, EP-1064, OP-PED.06-01, OP-PED.06-04 EP-1070, OP-NV.08-01, OP-PED.08-03 Paterne, Safari Karume EP-0052 OP-NV.10-08 Ozturk, Yasar OP-EXP.01-08, OP-EXP.03-03 Paterne, Safari Mudekereza EP-0052 Pickard, John D OP-EXP.04-10 Öztürk, Yusuf EP-1089 Pathan, Sana Ullah OP-PED.07-08 Piedimonte, Fabián EP-0975 Özveren, Faik EP-0028 Patil, Ashwinikumar Suresh OP-NV.05-09 Piedimonte, Leandro EP-0975 Özveren, Mehmet Faik EP-0122 Patkar, Sushil Vasant EP-0263, EP-0283, Piedrahita, Adriana OP-NV.12-04 Ozyoruk, Safak EP-0031, EP-0126, OP-PED.01-02 Pierson, Matthew OP-SP.02-05 EP-0259, EP-0353, Patrice, Koffi Niamien EP-0490 Pierson,, Matt EP-0881 EP-0877, OP-NA.03-06 Pavlov, Andrey Igorevich EP-0904 Pineda, Saul Solorio EP-0777 Ozyurt, Emin EP-0687 Pavlov, Andriy Igorevich OP-NT.07-09 Pingarilho, Alexandre EP-0075, EP-0452, Pacheco, Félix Ernesto EP-0214 Pawar, Sumeet G OP-SP.05-06 EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 Paez, Adriana EP-0396, OP-SP.18-01 Payne, Spencer C EP-0786, OP-PED.02-02 Pingarilho, Alexandre Rezende EP-0136, EP-0256, Paglioli, Eliseu EP-0234, OP-FN.03-09 Paz, Daniel De Araújo EP-0256, EP-0282, EP-0284, EP-0290, Paglioli, Rafael Silva EP-0234, OP-FN.03-09 EP-0290, EP-0299, EP-0299, EP-0312, Pai, Balaji Sanjeev EP-0519, OP-NV.05-08 EP-0312, EP-0373, EP-0373, EP-0405, Pajićić, Filip OP-NT.05-08 EP-0405, EP-0715, EP-0715, OP-TEC.01-06 PALACİOS Ortíz, Issac Jair EP-0008 OP-TEC.01-06 Pinna, Giampietro OP-SB.02-04 Palamar, Orest OP-NO.09-06 Paz, Daniel De Araujo EP-0284 Pinto, Fernando Gomes EP-1057 Palmini, André EP-0234, OP-FN.03-09 Paz, Daniel EP-0075, EP-0452, Pires, Rebeca Cabral Cesar OP-FN.03-09 Pampal, Kutluk Hasan OP-PED.02-03 EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 Pk, Rosebist OP-NT.01-03 Pan, Longsheng OP-FN.05-04 Pažourkova, Marta OP-FN.01-05 Plavsky, Pavel N. EP-0201 Pan, Sheng Long EP-1120 Pearson, Danita OP-NO.03-10 Plavsky, Pavlo EP-0166 Pan, Yaohua EP-0021, OP-NV.06-03 Peciul, Andrei EP-0087, EP-0841, Pledger, Carrie L EP-0786 Panchenko, Andrey EP-0913 EP-0949 Pogorielov, Maksim OP-SP.06-02 Pang, Jinwei OP-NV.01-05 Pedachenko, Eugene EP-0980 Pogosyan, Artur EP-0270, EP-0329, Pang, Kai Yuen OP-NV.08-08 Pedrosa, Verônica Cavalcanti EP-0111, EP-0125, EP-0367 Pankowski, Rafał OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, EP-0191, EP-0203, Polat, Gurbuz OP-NO.01-06 338 Author List

Polat, Pinar EP-0038, EP-0046, Qureshi, Peer Asad Aziz Abdul Bari OP-NT.05-05, Restelli, Francesco EP-0108 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery EP-0066, EP-0586, OP-NT.06-09, OP-NT.07-08 Reyes, Raul Huato EP-0019, EP-0034, EP-0699, EP-0664 Raabe, Andreas OP-CM.04-03, OP-NO.01-04 EP-0063, EP-0320, Polat, Sait EP-0053, EP-0394 Rabia, Lyes EP-0305 EP-0608, EP-0777, Polovnikov, Evgeniy EP-1076 Rabiei, Katrin OP-CM.01-03 EP-1019, EP-1029, Pontes, Erton Cesar Albuquerque OP-NT.01-09 Racinowski, Maciej EP-0824, EP-0960, OP-NV.02-08 Pooyan, Ashkan OP-CM.02-06, OP-NV.07-07 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, Reyhanli, Gökmen EP-0898 Popov, Andriy EP-0022 OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, Rezaei, Omidvar EP-0631, EP-0733, Porter, David EP-0746 OP-SP.16-03 OP-FN.04-04, OP-NO.09-02, Porto De Melo, Paulo Macio EP-0136, EP-0256, Rados, Marko OP-SP.14-04 OP-NO.12-04 EP-0282, EP-0284, Rados, Milan OP-PED.01-01 Rezanko, Turkan Atasever EP-0080, OP-SP.26-07 EP-0290, EP-0299, Radotra, Bishan Dass EP-1077 Rezende, Alexandre Pingarilho EP-0282 EP-0312, EP-0373, Radwan, Hesham M Abouelela OP-FN.04-02, OP-NO.03-05, Rezk, Essam EP-0951, OP-FN.01-09 EP-0405, EP-0715, OP-NO.14-02, OP-NO.14-04 Rezk, Essam Moneer OP-FN.02-08 OP-TEC.01-06 Rady, Mohamed Reda OP-NO.12-07 Rhoton, Albert OP-NA.02-03 Postalci, Lütfi Şinasi EP-0337, OP-FN.06-09 Raff alli Ebezant, Helen OP-NO.15-03 Riaz, Muhammad EP-0230 Postuk, Hasan Çağrı EP-0565, EP-0726, Raffi q, Azman Raffi q EP-0935 Ribeiro, André Tosta EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 EP-0809 Rahatli, Feride Kural EP-0551 Ribeiro, Maria Luiza Lacerda EP-0111, EP-0125, Pothiraj, Rajkumar Raju OP-SP.22-08 Rahimi Movaghar, Vafa EP-0929, OP-SP.26-06 EP-0191, EP-0203, Prabhakar, Rajmohan B EP-0878, OP-NT.01-03 Rahman, Asifur EP-0009, EP-0830 EP-0204, EP-0208, Prabhu K, Chaitanya EP-1118 Rahman, Dr Mohammad Atikur EP-0378, EP-0423, EP-0446, EP-0633 Prada, Francesco EP-0607 EP-0538, EP-1049, Ricci, Alessandro EP-1099, OP-NA.01-02 Pradhanang, Amit Bahadur OP-NT.04-06 OP-SP.01-07 Richterova, Romana EP-0467, OP-PED.08-05 Prajsnar Borak, Anna EP-0357, EP-1044 Rahman, Dr. Mohammad Atikur OP-EDS.03-09 Rifi , Loubna EP-0342, EP-0501, Prasad, Apurva OP-SP.05-06 Rahman, Mahfuzur EP-0009, OP-NA.03-04 EP-0768, EP-1011, Prasad, Sashank OP-NO.05-04 Rahman, Md Moshiur EP-0451, OP-CM.01-09, OP-SP.17-05 Pravdenkova, Svetlana EP-0102, EP-0743, OP-SP.19-07 Rim, Amzil OP-SP.09-03 OP-NO.05-04, OP-NO.14-06, Rahman, Noor Azman Abdul EP-0121 Ringel, Florian Alexander EP-1097 OP-NV.09-02, OP-NV.09-03 Rahmani, Nasereddine EP-1012 Rios Alanis, Marcos EP-1001 Preguza, Ion EP-0087, EP-0411, Rai, Survendra Kumar Rajdeo OP-CM.03-08 Rito, Manuel EP-0965 EP-0841, EP-0949, Raihan, Mohammad Zahid OP-SP.21-09 Rivera Rodriguez, Jorge Luis OP-NT.04-05 OP-SP.07-09 Raj, Jason Raj EP-0333 Rizvi, Syed Raza Khairat OP-PED.07-09 Price, Angela V. OP-FN.03-03 Rajab, Ghaida OP-CM.04-04 Rizwan, Karim OP-NO.11-05 Price, Louise EP-0587 Rajadurai, Jeremy Varuna EP-0297 Rkhami, Mouna EP-0319, EP-0324, Price, Stephen J OP-NO.04-04, OP-NO.03-10 Rajamani, Sharad S OP-NO.16-06 EP-0334, EP-0639 Priefl er, Marion OP-NV.07-09 Rajbhandari, Pravesh OP-FN.03-08, OP-FN.05-03, Robin, Srour EP-0432 Pronin, Igor EP-0352, EP-0361, OP-FN.05-07, OP-SP.22-09 Rocławski, Marek OP-SP.08-03, OP-SP.12-02, OP-SP.04-01, OP-SP.04-07 Rakhimovich, Sattarov Alisher EP-0276 OP-SP.16-03 Protsenko, Ivan EP-0166, EP-0195 Rakip, Usame OP-EXP.01-05, OP-EXP.03-06 Rodnichenko, A. E. OP-SP.06-10 Protsenko, Ivan P. EP-0201 Ram, Zvi OP-NO.03-10 Rodnichenko, Angela OP-SP.06-02, OP-SP.06-02 Pruthi, Nupur OP-NA.02-01 Ramani, Premanand S OP-SP.05-06 Rodrigues Filho, Jose Claudio Monteiro EP-0069, EP-0831, Puch, Mauricio Daniel EP-0214 Ramazanoglu, Ali Fatih OP-SP.07-08, OP-SP.12-03 OP-PED.04-09 Pudovkin, Igor EP-0398 Ramazaoglu, Leyla OP-EXP.03-07 Rodrigues, Daniella Brito OP-NO.08-05 Puentes, Juan Carlos OP-NV.12-04 Ramdane, Guerri EP-0714 Rodrigues, Marcelo Alvarez EP-0871 Pullhorn, Heinke OP-CM.04-06 Rameche, Asma EP-1012 Rodriguez Molina, Victoria OP-SP.24-07 Purcaru, Oana EP-0657 RAMOS Martínez, Erick EP-0708 Rodriguez, Sandra OP-NO.06-02 Puryear, Aki OP-SP.02-05 Ramos, Agnel EP-0130, OP-NT.02-09 Rohani, Mohammad OP-FN.01-06 Pusat, Serhat EP-0557, EP-0640, Rana, Arnab EP-0414 Rollins, Nancy EP-0184 OP-SP.01-03, OP-SP.15-08 Rana, Mohammad Sumon OP-SP.14-09 Romana, Richterova EP-0933 Pyatikop, Volodimir OP-TEC.01-02 Rangnekar, Ranjit Devidas OP-NV.04-08 Romano Feinholz, Samuel OP-CM.02-01, OP-NO.09-09 Qadeer, Mohsin OP-SP.17-01 Rashad, Sherif EP-0002, EP-1067, Romano, Antonio EP-0120, EP-0621, Qazi, Uzma EP-0012 OP-NV.01-04, OP-NV.13-08 EP-0867, OP-SP.01-09 Qiang, Huang EP-0577 Rashid, Kauthar Salim EP-0189 Romanovich, Novikov Ruslan EP-0909, EP-0945 Qin, Wen OP-NO.14-05 Rassi, Marcio S EP-0743, OP-NO.05-04 Rongtao, Chu OP-NO.01-05 Qin, Zhi Yong OP-NO.01-02 Rassier Isolan, Gustavo EP-1103, EP-1104, Rono, Sydney Kirui Kipkorir OP-NT.01-07, OP-NT.01-07 Qing, Lan EP-0577 EP-1105, OP-NV.03-03 Rosberg, Hans Eric EP-0427 Qlichev, Ibodullo Abdullaevich EP-0983 Rasulic, Lukas EP-0232, EP-0421, Rosenstengel, Christian OP-FN.04-05 Qu, Yan EP-0003, OP-EDS.03-04, EP-0422, EP-1041 Rosman, Azmin Kass OP-NO.15-09, OP-NV.08-05 OP-NO.08-08, OP-NV.05-03 Rebai, Riadh EP-0170 Rotman, Maarten OP-EXP.04-02 Qu, Yanming EP-0344, EP-0652, Refaat, Mohamed Ibrahim OP-NO.15-01 Rotta, Jose Marcus EP-0346, EP-0705, OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.11-04 Refaat, Mohammed Ibrahim OP-NV.10-06 OP-NO.08-05 Quader, Mahfujul OP-NV.08-02 Regelsberger, Jan OP-NV.07-09 Rowley, Paul OP-NO.14-07 Quddus, Ruhul OP-NV.08-03 Regli, Luca OP-NO.04-02 Royston, Duncan OP-NV.02-06 Queiroz Quidute, Bartolomeu Souto EP-0069, EP-0831, Rehman, Lal OP-PED.07-09 Roytowski, David EP-0989 OP-PED.04-09 Reis, Conner EP-0397 Rozankovic, Marjan EP-0477, OP-SP.14-04 Quinones Hinojosa, Alfredo OP-EXP.04-02 Reis, Rodolfo Casimiro EP-0705 Rozumenko, Artem V EP-0663 Quiñones HİNOJOSA, Alfredo OP-NO.07-06 Remeli, Ahmad Zamzuri EP-1006 Rozumenko, Volodimir D EP-0663 Quintana, Leonidas M. EP-0001 Ren, Bingcheng OP-NO.01-07 Ruan, Linhui OP-EXP.04-09 Quintana, Leonidas OP-NT.02-07 Rene, Opsenak EP-0933 Rubagumya, Derick K. OP-PED.07-04 Quintero, Silvia Tatiana OP-NV.12-04 Renovanz, Mirjam OP-NO.13-08 Rubio, Maria Fernanda OP-SP.07-07 Qureshi, Amjad Ali OP-PED.08-09 Reshetov, Igor EP-0735 339 Author List

Rudenko, Victor EP-0398, EP-0402, Saito, Nobuhito EP-1038, OP-EXP.02-10, Sari, Gözde OP-SP.20-07 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES OP-SP.21-01 OP-SB.02-08 Sari, Muhammed Fatih OP-EXP.04-04 Rudolf, Fahlbusch EP-0772, OP-NO.10-01 Sajjad, Fauzia OP-NT.03-02 Sarica, Can OP-EXP.04-03 Rueda, Maria Alejandra OP-NV.12-04 Sakarcan, Ayten OP-GK.01-05 Sariev, Anvar EP-0219 Ruiz Flores, Milton Inocencio EP-0518, EP-0610, Sakata, Katsumi OP-NO.05-07 Sarigül, Buse EP-0718 EP-0708, EP-1001, Sakho, Professor Youssoupha OP-SP.17-02, OP-SP.17-04 Sarilar, Ayşe Çağlar OP-SP.22-07 OP-CM.01-05, OP-SP.26-09 Sakho, Youssoupha EP-0380, EP-1004 Sarilar, Caner OP-SP.22-07 RUİZ Treviño, Armando Saúl EP-1031, OP-CM.02-01, Sakwato, Abdullahi Shehu EP-0908 Sarkar, Mainul Haque OP-SP.06-07 OP-NO.06-10, OP-NO.16-10, Salahuddin, Tariq EP-0010 Sarker, Mainul Haque EP-0533, EP-0716, OP-SP.01-10 Salama, Hosni OP-EDS.01-07 OP-NV.09-09, OP-SB.01-03, Ruiz, Edgardo OP-NV.04-05 Salazar, Nicole OP-NO.07-07 OP-SB.01-04 Ruiz, Miguel Angel Vaca EP-0063, EP-0777 Saleh, Ahmed Elsayed OP-NT.06-03, OP-PED.08-04 Saro, Ahmed Salaheldin Mohammed EP-0051, EP-0218, Rükşen, Mete EP-0520, EP-0978, Salehpour, Firooz EP-1088 EP-0384, EP-0431, OP-NO.11-08, OP-SP.03-05 Salero, Ricardo Villanueva EP-0063 OP-PED.01-06, OP-PED.07-05 Rumi, Jalal Uddin Mohammad OP-SP.06-07 Salhotra, Neeraj Shyamlal OP-NO.16-06 Sarp, Ali Firat EP-1046 Rumyantseva, Marina EP-0584 Salichova, Tansila Anvarovna OP-PED.02-04 Sasamori, Yumiko EP-0553 Rusike, Constance Sewani OP-NT.02-06, OP-NT.07-07 Salih, Qussay A EP-0691 Sasannejad, Payam OP-NV.07-07 Ruzieva, Dilnoza EP-0219 Salihu, Abu Bakar Tijjani OP-EXP.01-04 Sastrodiningrat, Abdul Gofar EP-1054 Ryskeldyev, Nurzhan EP-0605 Salikova, Tanzilya Anuarovna EP-0971 Şatirlar, Zerrin Özköse OP-PED.02-03 S., Rajendran EP-0636, EP-0899 Salim, Abubakr Darrag EP-0165, EP-0213, Sato, Kenichi OP-NV.13-08 Saad, Ahmed Atallah OP-NO.12-07 EP-0215, EP-0993, Sattar, Sidra OP-CM.04-02 Saad, Hassan EP-0104, EP-0106, OP-PED.08-06 Satyarthee, Gurudutt OP-NT.01-04 EP-0108, OP-NV.13-02 Sallam, Ahmed M OP-SP.11-02 Sav, Aydın EP-0575 Saadi, Aissa EP-0167, EP-0454 Salloum, Charl EP-0842 Savaş, Ali OP-CM.04-05 Sabadini, Rossella EP-0120, OP-SP.01-09 Salmi, Said EP-0326 Savic, Andrija EP-0421, EP-0422 Sabanci, Pulat Akin EP-0888, OP-FN.06-01, Salvarani, Cármine Porcelli OP-NT.02-04 Savran, Duygu Halaçoğlu OP-SP.12-07 OP-NV.07-01 Samadian, Mohammad EP-0005, EP-0007, Savrunlu, Eyüp Can EP-0240, EP-0485, Sabanci, Pulat Akın EP-0091, EP-0295, EP-0631, EP-0733, EP-0488, EP-0539, OP-PED.04-04, OP-SP.07-03 OP-FN.04-04, OP-NO.09-02, EP-0911, EP-0918, Sabbagh, Abdulrahman Jafar EP-0187 OP-NO.12-04 OP-SP.11-07, OP-SP.18-08 Saberi, Masoud EP-0147, EP-0172 Samala, Raghu OP-SB.02-02 Sawy, Ahmed Mohamed OP-SP.16-04 Sabeti, Shahram EP-0733 Samanci, Mustafa Yavuz EP-0330 Sawy, Ahmed OP-SP.16-08 Saboia, Dra Tammy Oliveira OP-NT.01-09 Samancioğlu, Ali EP-0495 Saygi, Tahsin OP-NA.02-02, OP-NA.03-01 Sabry, Amin Mohamed EP-1079 Samandouras, George OP-NO.08-02, OP-NO.08-06, Saygi, Tahsin OP-NA.02-05 Sabuj, Shamshul Alam EP-0682 OP-NO.10-04, OP-NO.14-08 Sayin, Murat EP-0076 Sadamura, Yuko OP-NO.16-05 Samantray, Saurav Kumar OP-NO.13-05, OP-SB.01-01 Sayin, Murat OP-PED.03-09 Sade, Burak EP-0031, EP-0932 Sames, Martin OP-NO.05-01 Sayin, Sevgi Sıdıka OP-PED.03-09 Sadeghi Bazargan, Homayoun I EP-0854 Samii, Amir EP-0142, EP-1040, Şaylisoy, Suzan OP-NO.04-03 Sadeghi Bazargani, Homayoun EP-0857 OP-NA.03-05, OP-NO.02-03, Sayore, Milena Christine EP-1011 Sadykova, Zhulduz EP-0345, EP-0424 OP-NO.09-05 Sayore, Milena EP-0190, EP-0207 Saeed, Khaled OP-SP.21-03 Samii, Madjid EP-1040, OP-NA.03-05, Sayyahmeli, Sima EP-1058 Sağduyu Kocaman, Ayşe EP-0566 OP-NO.02-03 Sayyahmelli, Sima EP-0687, EP-0696 Sağlam, Mustafa Yasin EP-0134 Samimi, Seyed Hadi OP-NO.09-02 Scerrati, Massimo EP-0747, OP-NA.03-08, Saha, Lekha EP-1052 Samir, Mohamed Wael OP-NO.15-05 OP-NV.10-01, OP-SP.09-01 Şahin, Ali EP-0645, EP-0724, Samir, Mohammed Wael OP-TEC.01-04 Schackert, Gabriele OP-NO.03-10 EP-0817 Samira, Khailia OP-SP.05-08 Schaller, Karl OP-MSC.01-07 Sahin, Balkan EP-0088, EP-0837, Sampaio Cabral, Cicero Diego EP-0069, EP-0831, Schiapparelli, Paula OP-NO.07-06 OP-CM.03-01, OP-NA.01-07, OP-PED.04-09 Schiavini, Hugo Correa EP-0290, EP-0299, OP-NO.16-03, OP-NV.07-06 Sampaio, Anne Jamille Ribeiro EP-0191, EP-0208, EP-0312, EP-0373, Şahin, Balkan EP-0560 EP-0349, EP-0446 EP-0715, OP-TEC.01-06 Sahin, Erhan EP-0131 San Juan Jimemenz, Salvador EP-1025 Schmidt, Cristian De Quintana EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 Şahin, Ertuğrul OP-SP.20-08 San Roman, Natalia Valle OP-NT.06-02 Schmitz, Fernando Dos Anjos EP-0871 Sahin, Hakan OP-EXP.03-07 Sanaullah, Mohammad OP-NV.08-02 Schroeder, Henry W. S. EP-1050, OP-CM.01-06, Şahin, Iff et Feride OP-EXP.01-01 Sandhu, Gauravjot EP-0013, EP-0014 OP-FN.04-05 Şahin, Mesut OP-NO.07-02 Sangani, Mansukh EP-0439 Schucht, Philippe OP-CM.04-03, OP-NO.01-04 Sahin, Omer Faruk OP-SP.12-05 Sangu, Muthuraju OP-EXP.01-04 Schulder, Michael OP-FN.04-02, OP-NO.03-05 Şahintürk, Fikret EP-0049, EP-0302, Sankey, Eric W OP-EDS.03-04 Schuss, Patrick OP-NV.07-03 EP-0415, EP-0551, Sanri, Omer OP-NV.01-03 Schütz, Alessa OP-CM.04-03 EP-1056, OP-EXP.01-01, Santagata, Sandro OP-EXP.02-03, OP-NO.03-01 Schwandt, Eike EP-0694, EP-1097 OP-NO.16-04 Santana, Euliny Santos EP-0111, EP-0125, Schwarz, Christa OP-NO.01-04 Said, Aberahmane Sidi EP-0376 EP-0203, EP-0208, Seçer, Mehmet EP-0393, OP-SP.23-05 Said, Hilmani EP-0572, OP-SP.09-03 EP-0349, EP-0633 Sedain, Gopal OP-NT.04-06 Saidnuriddinovich, Ibrohim Ashurov EP-0902 Santarius, Thomas OP-NO.03-10 SEGBEDJİ, Felix K.K OP-SP.01-04 SAİDOV, G`Afur Normurodovich OP-NO.16-08 Santos, Franciele Pereira Dos EP-0234 Segbedji, Félix Kossi Kouma EP-0301, EP-0744 Saidov, Sokhib Saidmurodovich EP-0276, EP-0279, Santos, Maria M. OP-PED.07-04 Segbedji, K. K. Felix EP-0355 EP-0356, EP-0435, Santosh, Vani OP-CM.01-04 SEGBEDJİ, K.K. Felix EP-0632 OP-SP.23-02 Sanus, Galip Zihni OP-NA.01-03 Segura, Miguel OP-NO.06-02 Saigusa, Daisuke EP-1067 Sanz, Edgardo EP-0396 Şehirli, Ümit OP-EXP.04-03 Saini, Marco EP-0607 Saoud, Khaled OP-NO.14-02 Sehli, Deema N. OP-MSC.01-08 Saini, Renu EP-0389, EP-1043, Saraç, Özge EP-0026 Seier, Mara EP-0963 OP-INF.01-02 Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi OP-SP.13-01 Sekeitto, Allan EP-0507, OP-SP.05-01 340 Author List

Şeker, Selim EP-0879, EP-0956 Sharif, Abdel Latif OP-FN.03-05 OP-PED.01-09 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery Şekerci, Zeki EP-0430, OP-SP.06-03 Sharif, Salman EP-0012, OP-CM.03-03, Siddiqui, Saquib Azad OP-PED.06-04 Selçuklu, Ahmet EP-0645, EP-0817, OP-SP.03-02, OP-SP.17-01 Sidi Maamar, Mohamed Amokrane EP-0137, EP-0624 EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03 Sharifi , Guive EP-0147, EP-0152, Sidi Said, Abderrahmane EP-0358, EP-0365, Selvamuthukumaran, Krishnamoorthy OP-NT.03-01 EP-0172, EP-0280, EP-0458, OP-INF.01-07 Sena, Nivaldo OP-NV.06-07 EP-0327, EP-0673, Siesjo, Peter OP-SB.02-01 Sencar, Leman EP-0053, EP-0394 EP-0787, OP-EDS.03-08, Sigirci, Buket Bambul EP-0330 Sencer, Altay EP-0091, EP-0295, OP-NO.02-07, OP-NO.09-08, Sih, Ibet Marie Y. EP-0497, EP-0625, EP-0526, OP-FN.06-01, OP-NO.12-04, OP-SP.07-02 OP-SP.04-09, OP-SP.17-03, OP-NV.07-01, OP-PED.04-04, Sharifj anovich, Shukrullo Solijanov EP-0056 OP-SP.19-03 OP-SP.07-03, OP-SP.20-06 Sharkawy, Ahmed OP-NV.08-07 Sii Hieng, Albert Wong EP-0185, EP-0648 Sendjaja, Andi Nugraha OP-PED.07-07 Sharma, Bhawani OP-SB.02-02 Silva Filho, Amauri Pereira EP-0111, EP-0125, Sene, Philippe EP-1004 Sharma, Bhawani Shankar EP-0465, OP-NO.09-01, EP-0191, EP-0203, Seng, Liew Boon OP-NO.15-09 OP-NO.09-03, OP-NO.12-02, EP-0204, EP-0208, Sengul, Goksin EP-0118, OP-NO.07-08 OP-NT.01-04, OP-PED.06-01, EP-0349, EP-0446, Senoglu, Mehmet EP-0013 OP-PED.06-04 EP-0633 Şenoğlu, Mehmet EP-0192, OP-SP.06-06, Sharma, Krishna OP-SP.09-08 Silva, Benjamin Franklin EP-0097, EP-0604 OP-SP.12-07 Sharma, Mohan Raj OP-NT.04-06 Silva, Dra Ana Cristina Veiga OP-NT.01-09 Şenol, Mehmet Güney EP-0967 Sharma, Raghvendra OP-NT.01-04 Silva, Fabio Henrique EP-0973 Senturk, Salim OP-EXP.03-03 Sharma, Saurabh EP-0878 Silva, Gabriel Mendes EP-1057 Seo, Jin Suk OP-SP.24-02 Sharma, Sourabh OP-NT.01-03 Silva, Jackson Daniel EP-0097, EP-0604 Serarslan, Yurdal EP-0725, EP-0915, Shata, Hossam EP-0603 Silva, Letícia Pina De Almeida OP-NT.01-09 EP-0969, EP-1022, Shaversky, Andrey V. EP-0201, EP-0598 Silva, Marcelo Henrique Simoes Da OP-NT.01-09 EP-1033, OP-NT.02-05 Shehab Eldien, Abd Elhafi ez Abd Elsalam OP-SP.07-05 Silva, Renvik Demauir EP-0658, EP-0686, Serban, Florentina EP-0657 Shehab, Abdelfattah Abofotoh EP-0623 EP-0973 Serbest, Sancar OP-SP.19-08 Shehu, Abdullahi Sakkwato EP-0848 Silva, Samuel Vieira EP-0686, EP-0973 Serghei, Borodin EP-0463 Shehu, Bello Bala EP-0848, EP-0908 Silva, Thais EP-0075, EP-0452, Sergiu, Toma EP-0463 Shen, Wenjun EP-0135, OP-PED.04-03 EP-0468, OP-SP.22-04 Serik, Akshulakov OP-NV.06-09 Sheng, Ning EP-0845 Sim, Hong Bo EP-0957 Serova, Natalia K. EP-0780 Shepard, Matthew J OP-PED.02-02 Sim, Sze Kiat OP-SP.05-04 Serra, Carlo OP-NO.04-02 Shetty, Prakash OP-NO.10-03 Simeonov, Plamen OP-FN.02-04 Serrano, Adriana EP-0976 Shetty, Vilaas OP-NO.11-03 Simry, Hisham OP-NO.15-06 Serrano, Lucas EP-0750 Shevelev, Ivan EP-0352, OP-SP.04-01 Şimşek, Gulcin Güler OP-NO.01-08 Serrano, Lucas Ezequiel EP-1097 SHİ, Xiang`En OP-NV.06-05 Simsek, Hakan EP-0351, EP-0359, Servadei, Franco EP-0120, EP-0621, Shilpakar, Sushil Krishna OP-NT.04-06 EP-0506, EP-0967, EP-0867, OP-NT.05-01, Shim, Youngbo EP-0849 OP-NT.04-01 OP-NT.07-02, OP-SP.01-09 Shimamura, Norihito OP-NV.01-02, OP-NV.09-05 Şimşek, Hakan EP-0557, OP-NT.03-06, Sérvulo, Vanessa Rocha EP-0111, EP-0125, Shimohigoshi, Wataru OP-NO.05-07 OP-NA.01-05 EP-0203, EP-0349, Shin, Dong Ah EP-0484, OP-SP.16-05 Şimşek, Salih Kürşat EP-0026, EP-0523, EP-0446, EP-0633 Shin, Yong Sam EP-0114 EP-0597, EP-0771 Sethuraman, Jothikumar EP-0680 Shitsama, Sylvia Vigehi OP-NT.03-04 Simsek, Tamay EP-0383 Sevin, Ismail Ertan OP-SP.26-07 Shivapathasundram, Ganeshwaran EP-0297 Singh, Manmohan OP-NO.09-03, OP-NT.01-04 Sewell, Darreul OP-NO.08-02, OP-NO.08-06 Shodiev, Amirkul Shodievich EP-0168, EP-0791, Singh, Pankaj Kumar OP-NO.12-02, OP-PED.06-01 Seyithanoglu, Hakan OP-EXP.02-04, OP-GK.01-05, EP-0880 Singh, Varindera Paul EP-0740, OP-NO.04-06 OP-GK.01-09 Shodiyev, Amirkul Shodiyevich EP-0875 Sinha, Ajit Kumar EP-0110, OP-NV.13-07 Seyithanoğlu, Mehmet Hakan EP-0134, EP-0225, Shokraneh, Farhad EP-0929 Sinha, Sumit OP-NT.01-04 EP-0511, EP-0720, Shou, Xuefei OP-NO.02-06 Sinkin, Mikhail OP-FN.03-06 EP-0855, OP-SP.13-02, Shpekov, Azat OP-NV.06-06 Sipal, Sare EP-1106 OP-FN.02-09, OP-NV.13-01 Shrestha, Pranaya OP-FN.03-08, OP-FN.05-03, Sirko, Andriy Grigorovich EP-0307, EP-0751, Sfi na, Mehdi EP-0336, EP-0504 OP-FN.05-07, OP-SP.22-09 EP-0924, OP-NT.07-01, Sghiouar, Manal EP-1004 Shrestha, Rajendra OP-NV.01-06, OP-NV.10-05 OP-SB.02-06 Shabhay, Zarina Ali EP-0569, EP-0816, EP-0821 Shrestha, Resha OP-FN.03-08, OP-FN.05-03, Sisman, Hande OP-NO.01-09 Shabhay, Zarina EP-0179, OP-PED.07-03, OP-SB.02-05 OP-FN.05-07, OP-SP.22-09 Sitshengiso, Matshalaga S EP-0707 Shabhay, Zarinah EP-0341 Shrove, Elena OP-NT.03-07 Sivashanmugam, Dhandapani EP-0006, OP-SP.14-03 Shadad, Mohamed EP-0024, OP-NV.02-02, Shuba, Iryna Nikolaevna EP-1048 Skomorac, Rasim OP-SP.24-09 OP-SP.22-01 Shukla, Dhaval EP-1116 Skripnikov, Alexander Anatolievich EP-0971 Shah, Abhidha EP-1095, OP-SP.09-02 Shukurov, Firuz Mahmadzoda EP-0168, EP-0791, Slimane, Abdelhafi dh EP-0291, EP-0335 Shah, Ahmed Ali OP-SP.03-07 EP-0880 Smagulov, Faizulla OP-NV.06-06 Shah, Satish EP-0754 Shulev, Yuri EP-0043 Smith, Timothy R EP-0743 Shahi, Farshad OP-EXP.04-05 Shweka, Wa Kaniki Adalbert Israel EP-0742, EP-0759, Smolanka, Andriy EP-0123, OP-NV.12-07 Shahidi, Gholamali OP-FN.01-06 OP-SP.21-05 Smolanka, Volodymyr EP-0123, OP-NV.12-07 Shahinian, Guia EP-0885 Si Ali, Ismail EP-0175 Snitsar, Natalia Dmitryevna EP-1048 Shakarov, Farhod EP-0188 Si Ali.İ, Ismail EP-1018 Snitsar, Natalia EP-1062 Shakeri, Moslem EP-1088 Si Gonzalez, María Aisssata EP-1029 Snopko, Pavol EP-0467 Shakur, Sophia F OP-NV.10-02, OP-NV.12-03 Si Saber, Mohamed EP-0062, EP-0137, Sobana, Mirna OP-PED.07-07 Shakya, Bikram OP-NO.10-06 EP-0588, EP-0590, Sofi ene, Bouali EP-0629, EP-0721 Shallwani, Hussain OP-SP.15-04 EP-0624, EP-0788, Sofl uoğlu, Erhan Özden EP-0681 Sham, Juan Kevan OP-NV.08-08 EP-1108 Sofl uoğlu, Özden Erhan EP-0542, EP-0790 Shamim, Muhammad Shahzad OP-CM.04-02, OP-INF.01-06, Siahaan, Andre Marolop Pangihutan EP-1054 Sofuğlu, Özden Erhan OP-SP.04-05 OP-SP.15-04 Siddique, Muhammad OP-SP.03-06 Sofuoğlu, Erhan Özden EP-0532, EP-0679, Shamov, Todor Penchev OP-FN.02-04, OP-NT.06-06 Siddiqui, Khalid EP-0294, EP-1055, EP-0722, EP-0800 341 Author List

Sofuoğlu, Özden Erhan EP-0101, EP-0567, Su, Hao OP-NO.07-06 Takahashi, Hiroshi OP-NO.10-02 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES EP-0614, EP-0712, Su, Shaobo OP-NO.03-09 Take Kaplanoğlu, Gülnur OP-SP.06-08 OP-SP.02-02 Subianto, Heri EP-0974 Takeda, Masaaki EP-1101, OP-NO.13-04 Sogani, Shanti Kumar OP-NO.04-06 Subramaniam, Sakthikanal EP-0370, EP-0515, Takeshita, Akira OP-NO.06-01 Sokmen Yilmaz, Ece EP-0508 OP-SP.03-09, OP-SP.17-06 Takeuchi, Hiroaki OP-TEC.01-08 Soldo Koruga, Anamarija EP-0920 Subramanium, Thirumurthy OP-SP.22-08 Takeuchi, Satoru OP-NV.11-08 Soliman, Hazem OP-EDS.01-07 Sucu, Hasan Kamil OP-SP.26-07 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro OP-NO.06-01 Solmaz, Ilker EP-0360, EP-0363, Sudhir, Jayanand OP-NV.04-08 Talabbavich, Shuhrat Karimbaev EP-0226 EP-0482, EP-0609, Sufi anov, Albert Akramovich EP-0971, OP-NO.12-01, Talari, Sandeep EP-0115 EP-0618, EP-0907, OP-PED.02-04 Talmaç, Zeynel Abidin EP-0670 EP-1017, OP-CM.01-07, Sufi anov, Renat Albertovich OP-PED.02-04 Tamimi, Ahmad Faleh EP-0691, EP-0987, OP-SP.01-03, OP-SP.15-08 Sufi anov, Rinat Albertovich EP-0971 OP-FN.03-05 Solntsev, Vladislav EP-0675 Sugita, Naohiko EP-1038 Tamimi, Faleh A EP-0691, OP-FN.03-05 Somanna, Sampath EP-0228, EP-1007, Sugiyama, Shin Ichiro OP-NV.13-08 Tan, Xianxi EP-0021, OP-NV.06-01, OP-CM.01-04, OP-GK.01-04 Sugur, Harsha OP-CM.01-04 OP-NV.06-03 Somay, Hakan EP-0476, EP-0489, Sukla, Dhaval EP-0228, EP-0544, Tandon, Asheesh EP-1117 EP-0713, EP-0972, EP-1007 Tandon, Vivek OP-NT.01-04 OP-NO.03-03, OP-SP.12-05, Sula, Maxim OP-SP.07-09 Taneja, Sangeeta OP-NO.04-06 OP-SP.13-07 Suljagic Ljubovic, Elma OP-SP.25-07 Tang, Chao OP-NO.01-02 Son, Maksim OP-MSC.01-02 Sultan, Ahmed Elsayed EP-0434, OP-NT.03-05 Tang, Hailiang OP-EXP.01-02 Song, Yongmei EP-0652, OP-NO.01-01 Sultan, Mohammed Ahmed EP-0852 Tanik, Canan OP-NO.02-04 Sönmez, Erkin EP-0049, EP-0302, Sumleanschi, Alexandru EP-0089, EP-1096, Tanriover, Necmettin EP-0124, OP-NA.01-03, EP-0415, EP-0551, OP-SP.16-07 OP-NA.01-04, OP-NA.02-03, EP-1056, OP-EXP.01-01 Șumleanschi, Alexandru EP-0098 OP-NA.02-08, OP-EDS.02-01, Soo, Jang Jee EP-0314 Sun, Huaiyu OP-EDS.03-04 OP-NA.02-02, OP-NA.02-04, Soon, Bee Hong EP-0923 Sun, Qianwen OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01 OP-NA.02-05, OP-NA.03-01, Sor, Long EP-0890 Sun, Youliang OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01 OP-NO.06-04 Sora, Shigeo EP-1038 Sundaravadhanan, Shashivadhanan OP-EXP.04-08 Tanriverdi, Osman OP-SP.02-04 Sorour, Mohammad EP-0746 Sundstroem, Sundstrøm Terje OP-NT.05-02 Tanriverdi, Taner EP-0687, EP-0696, Sosa Najera, Antonio EP-1001 Sung, Jae Hoon EP-0020 EP-0697, EP-1058 Sotvoldievich, Hurshid Ismoilov EP-0244 Sung, Kim Hyeun EP-0314 Tarek, Khabil EP-0149, EP-0161, Souaad, Daoud Souad EP-0711 Surendran, Arthika OP-INF.01-03 EP-0403 Souhail, Khalfaoui EP-0642 Surentheran, Supaya OP-NT.04-02 Tarek, Mesbahi EP-0227, EP-0755, Soumah, Mohamed Koutoubou EP-1004 Suri, Ashish OP-NO.09-01, OP-PED.06-04, OP-SP.08-09 Sousa, Mário EP-0962, EP-0965 OP-SB.02-02 Tariq, Muhammad Bilal OP-CM.04-02 Sousa, Ulysses Oliveira EP-0705, OP-NO.08-05 Suri, Vaishali EP-0196 Tariq, Muhammad OP-CM.03-02, OP-NA.03-07 Souto, Antonio Aversa EP-0658, EP-0686 Surme, Mehmet Besir EP-1064 Tarpey, Patrick OP-NO.03-10 Souza, Ulysses Oliveira EP-0346, EP-1068 Suslu, Hikmet Turan EP-0238 Tas, Abdurrahim EP-0412, OP-EXP.01-06 Soyalp, Celaleddin OP-EXP.03-07 Sussman, Eric OP-NV.12-01 Taş, Abdurrahim OP-PED.04-06 Soylemezoglu, Figen OP-PED.05-01 Sutovsky, Juraj EP-0467 Taş, Nilifer OP-SP.11-07 Sozer, Gulden OP-NA.02-07 Svadovsky, Alexander Igorevich OP-NV.03-09 Tascioglu, Tuncer EP-0128, EP-0825, EP-0922 Spasic, Ivana EP-1041 Sven, Mutze EP-0029 Taşcioğlu, Tuncer EP-0499, EP-0806 Spazzapan, Peter EP-0140 Sviri, Gill OP-NT.02-03 Taşkapilioğlu, Mevlüt Özgür EP-0068, OP-FN.03-01, Spirin, Dmitriy EP-0735 Svist, Andrey A. EP-0201 EP-0426 Spirin, Dmitry OP-CM.02-07 Svyst, Andriy EP-0166 Taskent, Ismail EP-1064 Splavski, Bruno EP-0813, OP-NO.04-07 Swammy, Mummedy OP-NV.07-04 Taskin, Onder OP-FN.02-06 Spyrou, Michael OP-NV.06-08 Swamy, Mn OP-SP.26-04 Taşkin, Yasin EP-0496, EP-0568, EP-0601, OP-NV.04-09 Sridharan, Saravanan EP-0121 Swamy, Narayan M EP-0762 Taspinar, Numan OP-NO.07-08 Srinivas, Dwarkarnath OP-GK.01-04 Swift, Dale M EP-0193 Tastan, Sevinc OP-CM.03-05 Srivastav, Chhitj EP-1118 Swift, Dale M. OP-PED.02-01 Tatagiba, Marcos OP-NV.03-02 Srour, Robin EP-0082, EP-0842, OP-SP.05-03 Swift, Isaac OP-PED.02-01 Tataranu, Ligia Gabriela EP-0657, EP-0745 Staartjes,Victor OP-NO.04-02 Sy, Mouhamadou Habib EP-0380 Tavares, Paulo Leonardo EP-0097 Staouni Benabdellah, Imane EP-0355 Syed, C. Oliver Hanemann, Khaja OP-NO.03-10 Tay, Bobby EP-0524, EP-0527, State, Mohamed EP-0643 Sylla, Mfamara EP-1004 EP-0530, OP-SP.20-01 Stavrev, Evgeniy OP-FN.02-04 SYLLA, N`Famara EP-0380 Tcaciuc, Daria EP-0048 Stefanov, Stefan Zhivkov EP-0971 Syrmos, Nikolaos Ch. EP-1119 Tedeschi, Helder EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Steinberg, Gary K OP-NV.12-01 Sze Kiat, Sim EP-0331 Tehli, Özkan EP-0173, EP-0360, Steklacova, Anna OP-FN.02-02 T. Albert, Gnangnon EP-0388, OP-SP.08-08 EP-0618, EP-0907, Steven, David A OP-MSC.01-07, OP-FN.01-10 Taalah, Marouen EP-0498 EP-1010, EP-1017 Stieg, Philip E EP-0274, EP-0984, Tabanli, Alper EP-0095, EP-0677, Teixidó, Joan Molet EP-0650, OP-NO.10-08 EP-1110, OP-PED.03-01 EP-1026 Tekdemir, Ibrahim EP-0271 Stieglitz, Lennart Henning OP-CM.04-03 Tacyildiz, Emre EP-0670 Tekin, Abdurrahim EP-0225, EP-0720, Stienen, Martin N OP-MSC.01-07 Tada, Hiroyuki EP-1036 OP-EXP.02-04, OP-FN.02-09 Stoliarenko, Oleksiy EP-0258, EP-0273 Taha, Ahmed N. EP-0643, OP-NO.04-09 Tekin, Emine EP-0205 Stoliyarenko, Oleksiy EP-0407 Taha, Ahmed Nageeb Mohammed EP-0148, EP-0603 Tekinay, Ayşe Begüm OP-EXP.03-04 STOMAL Słowińska, Monika EP-0960 Taha, Mahmoud EP-0211, EP-0801, Tekiner, Ayhan EP-0103 Streib, Christopher D. OP-NV.02-01 EP-0810, EP-1003, Teklemariam, Tsegazeab Laeke OP-NT.05-02 Strelnikov, Kirill Yuryevich OP-NV.09-01 OP-NO.04-05 Tellez, Carlos EP-0396 Strelnikov, Nikolay Vladimirovich OP-NV.09-01 Tahar, Benbouzid EP-1107 Teltayev, Daniyar EP-0605 Stupak, Vyacheslav EP-0913 Taira, Takaomi EP-0974, OP-FN.05-03, Temel, Yasin EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03, Stupak, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich OP-NO.07-04 OP-FN.05-07 OP-FN.02-06 342 Author List

Temiz, Cuneyt EP-0383, EP-0819, Toshpulatov, Sherali EP-0047 Türkeş, Nevin OP-FN.03-01 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery OP-SP.14-07, EP-0491, Tosuner, Zeyep OP-EXP.02-04, EP-0730 Turki, Alanoud Adil EP-0187 EP-0495, EP-0719, Touré, Kamadore EP-0379 Türkkan, Alper EP-0068 OP-SP.20-07 Toyifi a Bernice, Quenum Hountondji EP-0388 Turkmenoglu, Osman Nuri OP-SP.26-05 Temiz, Nail Caglar EP-0360, EP-0609, Toyifi a Bernice, Quenum OP-SP.08-08 Türkmenoğlu, Yakup Ozan EP-0222, EP-0317, EP-0618, EP-0907, EP-1017 Toyooka, Terushige OP-NV.11-08 EP-0582, EP-1051 Temiz, Nail Çağlar OP-SP.15-08 Trabucco, Laura OP-NT.07-02 Turkoglu, Erhan EP-0027 Temiz, Peyker EP-0491 Tran, Lam Huyen OP-EDS.03-07 Türkoğlu, Erhan Mehmet EP-0543 Ten, Hirotomo OP-NO.10-02 Triantafyllidis, Angelos OP-INF.01-03 Türkoğlu, Erhan OP-SP.06-03 Teneku Mba, Serge Eddy EP-0906, EP-1020 Trifa, Amine EP-0182, EP-0200, Türkoğlu, Ömer Faruk EP-0665, EP-0701, Tenjin, Hiroshi OP-NV.11-05 EP-0723 EP-0931 Teo, Mario EP-0746, OP-NV.12-01 Trifonov, Igor OP-FN.03-06 Tuysuz, Emre Can EP-0583, OP-NO.07-02 Tepe, Murat OP-NO.04-03 Triki, Hadjer EP-0167, EP-0454 Tuzgen, Saff et OP-EXP.02-01 Teslenko, Dmitriy OP-NO.09-06 Tripathy, Laxmi Narayan OP-PED.05-04 Tykocki, Tomasz EP-0418, OP-NO.03-05 Teti, Franck EP-1073 Trujillo, Gabriel Ibarra EP-0063, EP-0320, EP-0608 Tyrinova, Tamara Viktorovna OP-NO.07-04 Tetik, Bora OP-NO.02-09 Truong, Quang Huy OP-NA.01-08 Tysh, I. EP-0070 Tevera Ovando, Carlos Alberto EP-0518, EP-0610, Trzcinski, Radoslaw OP-SP.09-04 Tysh, Igor EP-0036, EP-0980 EP-0708, EP-1029, Ts, Linga Raju OP-SP.26-04 Ucar, Murat EP-0206, EP-0626, OP-CM.01-05 Tsai, Jo Ting OP-SP.14-06 OP-PED.06-02, OP-PED.08-01 Tevera Ovando, Carlos OP-SP.26-09 Tsai, Shin Han OP-NT.07-06 Uçar, Saygın EP-0911, OP-SP.11-07 Tezer, Mehmet EP-0146 Tseng, Yuan Yun OP-NO.07-07 Ucaroglu Can, Nimet EP-0699 Tha, Tho Van EP-1009 Tsertsvadze, Iakob EP-0119 Uche, Enoch EP-0926 Thabit, Mohamed Alaa Eldin OP-PED.03-05 Tsianaka, Eleni OP-NV.06-08 Uche, Enoch Ogbonnaya OP-SB.01-08 Thanabalan, Jegan EP-0923 Tsikarishvili, Vladimir EP-0119, EP-0955 Uchida, Hiroki OP-NV.01-02 Thapa, Amit OP-NO.10-06, OP-NT.06-05 Tsvetkova, Lora OP-NT.06-06 Uchida, Hiroyuki OP-NO.16-05 Thapa, Dinesh Kumar OP-NT.03-03 Tsymbalik, V. I. OP-SP.06-10 Uchida, Kunihiko EP-0553 Thapa, Dinesh OP-SB.01-07 Tsymbaliuk, Vitaliy EP-0958 Uçkun, Özhan Merzuk EP-0018, EP-0028, Theologis, Alexander A. EP-0524, EP-0527, Tsymbaliyk, Vitaliy OP-SP.06-02 EP-0540, EP-0555, OP-SP.20-01 Tsymbalyuk, Vitaliy EP-1062 OP-NV.12-06, OP-SP.21-07 Thioub, Mbaye OP-SP.05-09 Tsyubko, Olga EP-1062 Uckun, Ozhan Merzuk OP-SP.04-03 Thomas, Nick EP-0761 Tsyubko, Olga Ivanovna EP-1048 Uçkun, Özhan OP-EDS.02-03 Thomas, Toby Charles OP-NO.08-02 Tsyurupa, Dmitry M. EP-0598 Uddin, A N Wakil EP-0009, OP-NO.02-01 Thomas, Toby OP-NO.08-06, OP-NO.10-04, Tu, Chiao Hui OP-NO.07-07 Uddin, Md. Kamal OP-NV.10-04, OP-PED.03-06, OP-NO.14-08 Tuan, Pham Anh OP-EDS.03-07 OP-NV.08-02 Thouassa, Gédeon Colin EP-0395, EP-0510, Tubay Bagdatoglu, Ozlen EP-0793, EP-0796, Udesh, Reshmi EP-0680 EP-0528 OP-NO.01-06, OP-NO.11-07 Udoh, David Okon EP-0163 Thys, Myriam Cécile OP-FN.01-02 Tubio, Jose M. OP-NO.03-10 Ugras, Nesrin EP-0426 Tian, Hengli EP-0887, EP-0936, Tufan, Azmi EP-0412, OP-EXP.01-06, Uğur, Hasan Çağlar OP-EDS.02-09, OP-NA.02-09 OP-EXP.03-05, OP-NT.02-02, OP-PED.04-06 Uğur, Kadriye Şerife OP-NO.06-08 OP-NT.06-01, OP-NV.04-03 Tuğcu, Bekir OP-FN.06-09, OP-NA.02-02, Ugur, Murat EP-0391, OP-NT.02-08 Tianti, Mohamed EP-0666 OP-NA.02-03 Ugurlar, Doga EP-0128, EP-0671, Tighilt, Nabila EP-0180, EP-0198, Tuglu, Mehmet Ibrahim EP-0819 EP-0825, EP-0897, OP-NT.04-08, OP-PED.04-01 Tugyan, Kazim EP-0508 EP-0922, OP-NA.01-03 Timirgaz, Valeriu EP-0098 Tuhtaevich, Fayzulla Usmonov EP-0244 Uğurlar, Doğa EP-0499, EP-0696, Timirgaz, Valery EP-0048 Tuhtamurodov, Javlon EP-0802 EP-0806 Timkovich, Maxim OP-TEC.01-02 Tummala, Ramachandra P OP-SB.02-07, EP-0045, Ugurlar, Muge OP-NA.01-03 Timonin, Stanislav EP-0270, EP-0329, EP-0081, EP-1015, Ugurlu, Devran OP-NV.03-04 EP-0352, EP-0361, OP-NT.07-03, OP-NV.02-01 Ugwuanyi, Charles OP-SP.23-07 EP-0367, OP-SP.04-01, OP-SP.04-07 Tümtürk, Abdulfettah EP-0724, OP-NV.10-03, Ujjan, Badar EP-0230 Tissera, Claudia EP-0954 OP-SP.02-01 Ujjan, Badar Uddin EP-1115 Tobi, Kingsley Ufuoma EP-0163 Tuna, Hakan OP-NV.13-09 Ukponmwan, Efosa EP-0783 Todorov, Ivan Valentinov OP-FN.02-04, OP-NT.06-06 Tuna, Salih EP-1046 Ülgen, Tahsin EP-0095, EP-0377, EP-0677 Togarepi, Nyararai EP-0202 Tunç, Bekir EP-0555, OP-NV.02-09 Ulitin, Alexey EP-0573 Togarepi, Nyararai Togie EP-1071 Tuncer, Cengiz EP-0543 Ullah, Akram EP-0073, EP-0795, Tojiddinivich, Mirzohid Tozhiev EP-0927 Tuncer, Oğuz EP-0174, EP-0181, OP-EDS.03-02 Tojiddinovich, Mirzohid Tojiev EP-0473 EP-0183, OP-PED.03-07 Ulrike, Kabelitz EP-0832, OP-NO.13-01 Tokgöz, Nil OP-PED.06-02 Turaevich, Alisher Tojibaev EP-0226 Ulus, Sıla EP-0117 Tokmak, Mehmet EP-0543 Tural Emon, Selin EP-0489, EP-0972, Ulutabanca, Halil EP-0072, EP-0645, Toktaş, Zafer Orkun EP-0440, EP-0455, EP-0546 OP-NO.03-03, OP-NO.13-09, EP-0964, OP-FN.02-03, Toledo, Javier Angel EP-0130, OP-NT.02-09 OP-SP.12-05, OP-SP.13-07 OP-NV.10-03, OP-SP.02-01 Tolunay, Sahsine EP-0426 Turan, Yahya EP-0611, OP-NV.01-03, OP-NV.01-09 Ulutabanca, Halil EP-0817 Tolunay, Tolga OP-EXP.03-03 Turchan, Agus EP-0974 Ulutaş, Murat EP-0393 Tominaga, Teiji EP-0002, EP-1067, Turdugulov, Chyngyz EP-0592 Umarov, Anvarjon Salomovich EP-0197 OP-NV.01-04, OP-NV.13-08 Türe, Hatice OP-CM.04-01 Umur, Ahmet Şükrü EP-0719, EP-0819 Tominari, Shinjiro EP-0067 Türe, Uğur EP-0583, OP-NA.02-01, Ünal, Ayşe EP-1072, EP-1078, Tomiņš, Gints EP-0139 OP-NV.03-04, OP-CM.04-01, EP-1083 Tomiyama, Arata OP-NV.11-08 OP-NO.07-02 Ünal, Emre EP-0362, EP-0576, Tommy, Thomas EP-0709 Türeyen, Kudret OP-SP.23-05 EP-0578, EP-0704, Topal, Ahmet Sancar OP-SP.14-07 Turgut, Veli Umut EP-0440 EP-0757, OP-NV.11-06, Toprak, Huseyın OP-NV.13-01 Turhan, Tuncer OP-EXP.04-04 OP-SP.02-07 Torres, Yasmine Coura EP-0686 Türk, Okan EP-0330 Unal, Faruk OP-FN.06-01 343 Author List

Unal, Gozde OP-NV.03-04 Vasyliev, R. G. OP-SP.06-10 Wang, Jia Yi OP-NT.05-03, OP-NT.07-06 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES Ünal, Ömer Faruk EP-0091 Vasyliev, Roman OP-SP.06-02, OP-SP.06-02 Wang, Long OP-NV.06-05 Unal, Tugrul Cem EP-0888, OP-FN.06-01 Vasylieva, Iryna Georgievna EP-1048 Wang, Mingze OP-NV.13-06 Unal, Volkan Murat EP-0508 Vatansever, Mustafa EP-0412 Wang, Qi OP-SP.21-02 Unlu, Agahan EP-0630, OP-NO.02-09, Vatansever, Mustafa Safi OP-PED.04-06 Wang, Shuo OP-NV.13-06 OP-PED.02-09 Vatter, Hartmut OP-NV.07-03 Wang, Xinsheng OP-EDS.01-05 Unsal, Ulkun Unlu EP-0819, OP-SP.14-07 Vcherashniy, Daniil EP-0155 Wang, Yongfei OP-NO.02-06 Unsal, Utkun EP-0383 Vederman, Aaron EP-0963 Wang, Yuan OP-EDS.03-04, OP-NV.05-03 Ural, Pınar EP-0701 Vela, Pablo EP-0396, OP-SP.18-01 Waqas, Muhammad EP-0230, EP-0982, Urfali, Boran EP-0725, EP-0915, Velasco Castillo, Miguel Angel EP-1001, OP-SP.26-09 OP-PED.06-05, OP-SP.15-04 EP-1022, EP-1033, Velasquez Pagoada, Lenin Abdel OP-SP.24-07 Wardahana, Wisnu OP-SP.02-09 OP-NT.02-05 Velez, Carlos Andres EP-0214 Wąsik, Norbert EP-0293 Urfali, Boran EP-0969 Velnar, Tomaz EP-0050, EP-0140, Watts, Colin OP-NO.03-10 Urfali, Senem EP-0725, EP-0915, EP-0254, EP-0479, Wegman Ostrovsky, Talia OP-NO.08-01 EP-0969, EP-1022, OP-NO.07-05, OP-PED.06-03 Wehbe, Bassel Yaacoub EP-0139 EP-1033 Venckivskiy, Ivan EP-0472 Wei Chih, Adrian Ng EP-0185 Urgun, Kamran EP-0145, EP-0184, Venelin, Gerganov EP-0561, EP-0772 Wei, Kuo Chen EP-0656, OP-NO.15-08 EP-0193, OP-FN.03-03, Venetsanou, Kyriaki EP-0248 Wei, Shi OP-NO.01-05 OP-PED.02-01, OP-PED.05-02 Verbova, Lyudmila EP-0195 Welling, Leonardo OP-TEC.01-09 Urinbaev, Maruf M EP-0462, OP-SP.19-09 Verbova, Lyudmila N EP-0201, EP-0598 Wesp, Dominik OP-NO.03-04 Uriza, Luis Felipe OP-NV.12-04 Verbova, Lyudmyla EP-0166 Westphal, Manfred OP-NV.07-09 Usiholo, Ali EP-0241 Verdugo, Renato OP-SP.01-05 Whang, Kum EP-0853 Uslu, Serap OP-SP.13-07 Vergara, Guillermo OP-SP.24-03 Whittemore, Brett A. OP-FN.03-03 Usman, Muhammad EP-0015, EP-0015, Vershinin, Andrey OP-SP.10-05, OP-SP.25-04 Whittemore, Brett EP-0145 EP-0517, EP-0517, Vetlova, Elena EP-0735 Widarta, Oskar Ady EP-0753 OP-EDS.02-06, OP-EDS.02-06 Vetrano, Ignazio Gaspare EP-0607 Wijaya, Celia EP-0709 Uyar, Mehmet OP-SP.13-04 Vettorazzi, Eik OP-NV.07-09 Wilhelm, Jennifer EP-0963 Üye, Nurettin Batıhan EP-0030, OP-NV.05-07, Vg, Ramesh EP-0636, EP-0899 Wiśniewski, Jakub EP-0824, EP-0960, OP-SP.02-04 Victorovna, Vaslovich Victoria EP-0909 OP-NO.14-03, OP-NO.14-09, Uysal, Ece EP-0718, EP-0879, Vieira, Eduardo OP-NV.06-07 OP-SP.08-03 EP-0956 Vilapriño, Manuel EP-0975 Wiśniweski, Jakub OP-SP.12-02, OP-SP.16-03 Uysal, Mustafa Levent EP-0101, EP-0614, Vilariño, Augusto EP-0738 Wisnu Wardhana, Dewa Putu EP-0500 EP-0670, EP-0679, Villa, A. OP-NO.15-02 Wong, Albert EP-0595, OP-NV.08-06, EP-0681, EP-0712, Villanueva Salero, Ricardo OP-SP.26-09 OP-SP.05-04 EP-0722, EP-0800, Vincenzo, Paterno EP-0827 Wong, Albert Sh EP-0100 OP-SP.04-05 Vincenzo, Paternó OP-NO.10-01 Wong, Albert Sii Hieng OP-NT.04-07 Uysal, Omer OP-NV.13-01 Vissarionov, Sergey EP-0155 Wong, Chi Keung OP-NV.08-08 Uz, Aysun EP-1092, EP-1102 Vitalyevich, Kuznetsov Alexey EP-0953 Wong, Tyh Chai OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Uzan, Mustafa EP-0687 VİTORİNO Araújo, João Luiz OP-NO.11-02, OP-NO.11-06, Wu, Guojian OP-NV.04-04 Uzhakova, Elena EP-0644, OP-NO.05-02 OP-NV.13-05 Wu, Jau Ching OP-EDS.03-05 Uzun, Gürkan EP-0030, OP-NV.05-07, Vlachos, Konstantinos EP-0248 Wu, Jin Song OP-NO.01-02, OP-NO.01-02 OP-SP.02-04 Vladimirovna, Markova Olga EP-0828 Wu, Lin OP-FN.04-03, OP-FN.04-08, Uzunoglu, Inan EP-0080, EP-0092, Vladimirovna, Vaslovich Viktoria EP-0945 OP-FN.06-02, OP-SP.06-01, EP-1075, OP-SP.26-07 Vladislavovich, Khmelnytskyi Gennady EP-0828 OP-SP.06-04 V., Shankar Ganesh C. OP-SP.18-06 Vlastos, Emanuel OP-PED.03-04 Wu, Silin OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Vachata, Petr OP-NO.05-01 Vlok, Adriaan EP-0934, EP-0989, Wu, Yingxi EP-0003, OP-NO.08-08 Vahabova, Gunay EP-1087 OP-PED.04-05 Xi, Shao Yan OP-EXP.03-09 Vaira, Carmela OP-NA.03-08 Voirin, Jimmy EP-0842 Xiang, Zou Yong OP-NO.01-03 Valadares, Marcelo EP-0410, OP-TEC.01-09 Voronina, Elena Nikolayevna OP-NV.09-01 Xie, Rong OP-EXP.02-06, OP-SP.13-03 Valarezo Chuchuca, Alberto Rafael EP-0672, EP-1098, Voznyak, Oleksandr OP-NV.03-05, OP-SP.04-06 Xu, Bin EP-0135, OP-PED.04-03 OP-NO.12-06, OP-NO.13-07 Vrana, Jiri OP-FN.02-02 Xu, Haiyang EP-0891 Valdivia B., Felipe EP-0954, OP-SP.01-05 Vrtaric, Vjenceslav EP-0813 Xu, Pei Zhi EP-1120 Valencia Ramos, Christopher German OP-NO.09-09 Vukic, Miroslav EP-0477, OP-PED.01-01, Xu, Tao EP-0984, OP-NO.11-01 Valencia Ramos, Cristopher Germán OP-NO.06-10, OP-SP.14-04 Xu, Xin EP-1120, OP-FN.05-04 OP-NO.16-10 Vulcu, Sonja OP-CM.04-03, OP-NO.01-04 Xue, Lixia OP-NV.04-03 Valencia Ramos, Cristopher German OP-SP.01-10 Vuleković, Petar OP-NT.05-08 Yada, Jose Zanoni EP-0025, EP-0074, EP-0779 Valencia, Ricardo Ortega EP-0034 Vural, Murat OP-EXP.04-07 Yadav, Chandra Prakash OP-SB.01-07 Valerievna, Lyubimaya Kristina EP-0953 Wada, Kojiro OP-NV.11-08 Yadollah Damavandi, Soheila OP-EXP.04-05 Vallejo, Rodrigo EP-0954, OP-SP.01-05 Wadd, Ijaz Hussain OP-SP.11-06 Yagmurlu, Kaan EP-0013, OP-NA.01-06, Van Der Hoorn, Anouk OP-NO.04-04 Wahdan, Mahmoud Mohamed EP-0348 OP-NA.02-08 Vaqas, Babar OP-NO.08-02, OP-NO.08-06, Wahdan, Mohammed OP-SP.08-05 Yakar, Fatih OP-NA.02-09, OP-SP.09-09 OP-NO.10-04, OP-NO.14-08 Wakao, Shohei OP-NV.01-02 Yakimov, Yurii Alekseevich EP-0971, OP-PED.02-04 Vardar Aker, Fugen EP-0972, OP-NO.03-03 Wakil, A N M OP-NA.03-04 Yakovlevna, Gridina Nina EP-0571 VASCONCELOS, Lais De Albuquerque EP-0203, EP-0204, Waldman, Alex OP-NO.14-07 Yakubov, Jahongir OP-FN.06-06 EP-0208, EP-0349 Wan, Jieqing EP-0021, OP-NV.06-03 Yakubov, Jakhongir Bahodirovich OP-NO.16-08 Vasconcelos, Lais De Albuquerque EP-0633 Wang, Fu Yuan EP-0845 Yakubov, Joxongir OP-FN.06-08 Vashu, Ravindran EP-0331, EP-0368, Wang, Gan OP-NT.06-01 Yalinay Dikmen, Pınar EP-0566 OP-NV.08-06 Wang, Hao Kuang EP-0858 Yalman, Celil Can OP-PED.01-05, OP-SP.22-02 Vasiliev, Denis EP-0803 Wang, Haoran EP-0652 Yalman, Celil EP-0513 Vasilyeva, Irina EP-1062 Wang, Hee Sun EP-0298 Yaltirik, Cumhur Kaan EP-0583, OP-NO.11-02, Vassiliou, George S OP-NO.03-10 Wang, Hong OP-NV.04-04 OP-NO.07-02 344 Author List

Yaltirik, Kaan EP-0397, EP-0536, EP-1022, EP-1033 Yücel, Murat EP-1087, OP-EXP.01-06 XVI. World Congress of Neurosurgery OP-NO.11-03, OP-SP.02-05 Yilmaz, Atilla EP-0959, EP-0969, Yudoyono, Farid EP-0314, EP-0484, Yamada, Shinsuke EP-1109 OP-NT.02-05 OP-SP.03-04, OP-SP.16-05, Yamada, Shozo OP-NO.06-01 Yilmaz, Baran EP-0440, EP-0455, OP-SP.16-05, OP-SP.18-07 Yamada, Yasuhiro EP-0115 EP-0546 Yue, Shuyuan OP-CM.02-03 Yamaguchi, Fumio EP-0574, OP-NO.10-02 Yilmaz, Cem EP-0415 Yugay, Igor EP-0219, EP-0246 Yamaguchi, Satoshi EP-1101, OP-NO.13-04 Yilmaz, Derviş Mansuri EP-0053, EP-0287, Yüksel, Kasım Zafer EP-0250, EP-0420, Yaman, Mesut Emre OP-EXP.01-08, OP-EXP.03-03 EP-0385, EP-0394, EP-0433, EP-1066, EP-1084 Yaman, Onur EP-0529, OP-SP.07-04, EP-0575, EP-0602, Yuksel, Odhan EP-0697, EP-1058 OP-SP.16-09 EP-0870 Yüksel, Ulaş EP-0122, OP-SP.19-08 Yamashiro, Kei EP-0115 Yilmaz, Hakan EP-0099, EP-0330, Yuldashev, Ravshan EP-0246 Yamauchi, Takahiro EP-0616 EP-0492, EP-0622, Yurt, Alaattin EP-0095, EP-0311, Yan Ming, Chen EP-0577 EP-0859 EP-0377, EP-1026, Yan, Jiun Lin OP-NO.04-04 Yilmaz, Hakan EP-0311, EP-1092 OP-NO.16-09, OP-SP.24-08 Yan, Shi Wei EP-0845 Yilmaz, Ilhan EP-0549, EP-0939, Yurtseven, Taskin EP-0873, OP-EXP.04-04 Yañez, Alfredo EP-0954, OP-SP.01-05 EP-0946, OP-SP.15-01, Yürüker, Vehbi EP-0030 Yang, Eugene OP-NT.04-02 OP-SP.20-08, OP-EXP.03-07 Yusuf, Ayodeji S EP-0783 Yang, Ji Ho EP-0020 Yilmaz, Irmak OP-NO.01-08 Yusuf, Salman Ayodeji OP-SP.23-07 Yang, Kuhyun EP-0064 Yilmaz, Mesut EP-0529, OP-SP.07-04, Yuzbasi, Muharrem Furkan EP-0031, EP-0353, Yang, Min OP-FN.04-03, OP-FN.06-02, OP-SP.16-09 EP-0814, EP-0917, OP-SP.06-04 Yilmaz, Muhammet Bahadır EP-0322, EP-0622 EP-0932 Yang, Tsui Feng EP-0217 Yilmaz, Nebi OP-NT.02-05 Yuzbasi, Muharrem Furkan EP-0877 Yang, Wei Hsun EP-0106, EP-0108 Yilmaz, Tevfi k EP-0611, OP-NV.01-03, Zaaroor, Menashe OP-NT.02-03 Yang, Xuejun OP-NO.01-07, OP-NO.14-05 OP-NV.01-09 Zaatar, Ahmed Mohamed EP-0470, OP-SP.15-06 Yannick, Canton EP-0432 Yin, Tao OP-NO.14-05 Zabihiyan, Samira OP-NV.07-07 Yannos, Petrakakis EP-0827 Yip, Chi Man EP-0729 Zabihyan, Samira OP-CM.02-06 Yanwu, Liu OP-FN.03-02 Yolas, Coskun EP-0850, OP-EXP.04-01 Zaghloul, Mohamed Shehab OP-NO.12-07 Yao, Yu OP-NO.01-02 Yolaş, Çoşkun OP-SP.02-04 Zahan, Dr Kanij Fatema Ishrat OP-NV.02-07 Yapali, Gökmen EP-0374, EP-1111 Yolcu, Abdullah OP-NO.13-09 Zaher, Ahmed Awad EP-0148 Yapicier, Özlem EP-0688, EP-0689, Yoldaş, Fatih OP-NA.02-04 Zahid, Seema OP-SP.03-06 EP-0690 Yonezawa, Hajime OP-NO.16-05 Zahirovic, Salko OP-SP.01-08 Yarotskiy, Yuriy EP-0022 Yoo, Do Sung EP-0033, EP-0039, Zahrou, Farid EP-0245, OP-INF.01-05, Yasin, Mohammad Ajmal OP-NO.15-09 EP-0040, EP-0861, OP-INF.01-09 Yaşitli, Uğur EP-0103 EP-0896, OP-NT.04-04 Zaimoglu, Murat OP-PED.02-09 Yavorskyi, Oleksandr EP-0512, EP-0545 Yoon, Do Heum EP-0484, OP-SP.16-05 Zain Elabdin, Moayad Moawia OP-PED.08-06 Yavuz, Ahmed Yasin EP-0718, EP-0879, Yoon, Jang W EP-0884 Zakaria, Rasheed OP-NO.03-10 EP-0956 Yörükoğlu, Ali Güven EP-0295 Zakharova, Natalia OP-NT.03-07 Ye, Xun OP-PED.04-02 You, Chao OP-NV.01-06, OP-NV.03-01, Zakirov, Bahromhon EP-0270, EP-0329, Yedeas, Mohamed Dahmani EP-1053 OP-NV.10-05 EP-0361, EP-0367, Yedeas, Mohamed Dehmani EP-0502, EP-0860 Young, Adam M. H. OP-NO.03-10 OP-SP.04-07 Yen, Yu Shu OP-EDS.03-05 Young, Mathew D. OP-NO.03-10 Zammel, Ihsen EP-0194, EP-0210, Yeo, Hyung Tae EP-0116 Younus, Aftab EP-0289, EP-0408, EP-0319, EP-0334, Yeon, Je Young EP-0023 EP-0507, OP-SP.05-01, EP-0343, EP-0438, Yerbol, Makhambetov OP-NV.06-09 OP-SP.24-05 EP-0453, EP-0478, Yerkin, Medetov OP-NV.06-09 Youssef, Hossam OP-NV.13-02 EP-0498, EP-0541, Yetişyiğit, Yasin EP-0415 Youssef, Omar EP-0872, OP-NV.10-06, OP-SP.08-05 EP-0639, EP-0700, Yi, Ho Jun EP-0020 Youssoupha, Sakho OP-SP.05-09 EP-0943, EP-1000 Yi, Seong EP-0484, OP-SP.16-05 Yu, Chunjiang EP-0344, EP-0652, Zancanaro, Maria Luisa EP-1068 Yi, Tao OP-NV.05-04 OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01, Zapuhlih, Grigore EP-0411, EP-0449, Yiğit, Funda OP-SP.06-03 OP-NO.11-04 OP-SP.07-09 Yildirim Yaroglu, Hatice EP-0793, EP-0796, Yu, Chunshui OP-NO.14-05 Zarindast, Mohammad Reza OP-EXP.04-05 OP-NO.11-07 Yu, Guan Jing OP-NT.04-09 Zayan, Baha Eldin Mohamed Ibrahim EP-0213 Yildirim, Ali Erdem OP-EDS.02-03 Yu, Guang Xin EP-1120 Zayas Martinez, Leonel Alejandro OP-SP.26-09 Yildirim, Aslihan EP-0476, EP-0489, Yu, Shengping OP-NO.01-07 Zaytsev, Oleg OP-NT.03-07 EP-0659, EP-0713, Yu, Xiang EP-0646 Zehani, Alia EP-0319, EP-0324, OP-NO.03-03 Yu, Xin EP-0797, OP-FN.02-07 EP-0639, EP-1053 Yildirim, Erkan EP-1074, OP-NO.03-03 Yu, Xinguang OP-FN.05-04 Zelenkov, Petr EP-0352, OP-SP.04-01 Yildirim, Funda EP-1047 Yuan, Fang OP-NT.06-01 Zeman, Tomáš EP-0944 Yildirim, Hanefi EP-1064 Yuan, Hongyu OP-EXP.02-02, OP-NO.01-01 Zemmal, Ihsen EP-0324 Yildirim, Timur OP-SP.19-06 Yuan, Jian EP-0646 Zemmali, Maroua OP-NV.07-05 Yildirim, Umut OP-EXP.04-04 Yuan, Yi Kai OP-NT.01-02, OP-NT.07-05 Zemmeli, Marwa EP-0369, EP-0514, Yildirim, Utku Mahir EP-0099 Yüce, Ismail EP-0471, EP-0493, OP-NV.09-04 EP-0642, EP-0833 Yildizhan, Serhat EP-0977, OP-EXP.01-05 Yuceer, Nurullah EP-0076, EP-0080, Zengi, Oğuzhan EP-1047 Yilmaz, Adem EP-0549, EP-0560, EP-0092, EP-0391, Zera, Arslanova EP-0246 EP-0939, EP-0946, EP-1046, EP-1075, Zeynal, Mete OP-NO.07-08 OP-NA.02-04, OP-NO.02-04, OP-NA.02-07, OP-NT.02-08, Zhailganov, Azamat EP-0947 OP-SP.15-01, OP-SP.20-08, OP-SP.26-07 Zhang, Chen OP-NO.01-07 OP-SP.26-05 Yüceer, Nurullah OP-PED.03-09 Zhang, Hongwei EP-0652, OP-NO.01-01 Yilmaz, Adil OP-NV.01-03 Yucekaya, Bircan EP-0959, EP-0969 Zhang, Jianyu OP-NO.14-05 Yilmaz, Ali OP-SP.19-06 Yücekul, Altuğ EP-0524, EP-0527, Zhang, Kai OP-NO.01-07, OP-NO.14-05 Yilmaz, Atilla EP-0725, EP-0915, OP-SP.20-01, EP-0530 Zhang, Michael OP-NV.12-01 345 Author List

Zhang, Mingshan EP-0652, OP-EXP.02-02, Zhao, Yao OP-NO.02-06 Zimani, Nathaneal Taderera EP-1071 WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETIES OP-NO.01-01 Zhao, Yuanli OP-PED.04-02 Zimani, Nathaneil EP-0906 Zhang, Pengcheng OP-NO.07-06 Zhao, Yuwu OP-NV.04-03 Zimani, Nathaniel EP-1020 Zhang, Qian EP-0189 Zhaylaubaeva, Aida EP-0345, EP-0424 Zimani, Nathaniel H S EP-0981 Zhang, Qiu Ming OP-NT.01-02, OP-NT.07-05 Zheng, Kuang OP-NV.06-01 Zinkenych, Yaroslav OP-NV.03-05 Zhang, Si EP-0748, OP-NV.03-06, Zheng, Tao OP-EDS.03-04, OP-NV.05-03 Zinnuroğlu, Murat OP-PED.02-03 OP-PED.06-06 Zhetpisbayev, Berik EP-0675 Zivkovic, Bojana EP-0232, EP-1041 Zhang, Wenchuan OP-FN.04-03, OP-FN.04-08, Zholdybayeva, Elena Vitalevna OP-NV.07-02 Ziyal, Ibrahim OP-EXP.04-03 OP-FN.06-02, OP-SP.06-01, Zhong, Dong OP-NO.03-08 Zlatska, A. V. OP-SP.06-10 OP-SP.06-04 Zhong, Ming EP-0021, OP-NV.06-01, Znazen, Mohamed EP-0319 Zhang, Xiaobiao OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 OP-NV.06-03 Zohdi, Ahmed OP-PED.07-01 Zhang, Xinzhi OP-NO.11-01 Zhong, Ping OP-NO.02-06 Zolkefl ey, Mohd Khairul Izamil OP-EXP.01-04 Zhang, Xudong EP-0891 Zhong, Wenxiang OP-SP.06-04 Zong, Xuyi OP-EDS.01-05 Zhang, Yazhuo OP-EDS.01-05 Zhou, Chuan EP-0984 Zorin, Mykola EP-0537 Zhang, Yi EP-0135, OP-PED.04-03 Zhou, Feng OP-NV.05-04 Zorin, Mykola Mykolaevich EP-0267 Zhang, Yu OP-EDS.03-06, OP-EXP.02-08 Zhou, Liang Fu OP-NO.01-02 Zorin, Mykola Oleksandrovich EP-0042, EP-0267 Zhang, Yue Kang OP-NO.16-01 Zhou, Liangfu OP-NO.02-06 Zorina, Tamara EP-0537 Zhang, Zhihua OP-EXP.02-02 Zhou, Yi Cheng OP-NT.01-02, OP-NT.07-05 Zorlu, Emre EP-0351, EP-0506, Zhang, Zhiping EP-0189 Zhu, Guangtong OP-PED.07-02 EP-0967, OP-NA.01-05, Zhao, Bing EP-0021, OP-NV.06-01, Zhu, Jianhong OP-EXP.01-02 OP-NT.03-06, OP-NT.04-01 OP-NV.06-03 Zhu, Meng OP-NO.01-07 Zotov, Alexandr EP-0644, OP-NO.05-02 Zhao, Gang EP-0891 Zhu, Wei OP-NO.02-06, OP-NV.05-04 Zubkov, Micaella R. OP-PED.07-04 Zhao, Jie Zhao EP-0189 Zhuge, Qichuan OP-EXP.04-09 Zubov, D. A. OP-SP.06-10 Zhao, Jizong OP-NV.13-06 Zibolen, Mirko OP-PED.08-05 Zubov, Dmitriy OP-SP.06-02, OP-SP.06-02 Zhao, Lanfu OP-EDS.03-04, OP-NV.05-03 Zidan, Ihab EP-0285, EP-0461, Zurita Morales, Maria Eugenia OP-NT.04-05 Zhao, Peng OP-EDS.01-05 OP-PED.03-03 Zverina, Eduard EP-0741, EP-0775, Zhao, Rugang OP-NO.11-04 Zilani, Gulam EP-1014 OP-NV.05-02 Zhao, Tianzhi EP-0003, OP-EDS.03-04, Zileli, Mehmet EP-0348 OP-NO.08-08, OP-NV.05-03 Zimani, Nathanael H EP-0707

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