The Djerdap National Park – the Polyfunctional Center of The
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GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA pzc No6; p 38-44 of corresponding economic and tourist importance, therefore it is necessary to The Djerdap National Park – preserve original nature in the parks. At the first world’s conference on na- tional parks (Seattle, USA), pedagogical, The Polyfunctional Center scientific and research significance of national parks was emphasized. Thus, of the Danube Basin their polyvalence and polyfunction, importance for human life, relaxation, physical and mental recreation was confirmed. Arrangement and usage of national parks has to be based on scien- Stankovic, S.* tific truths in order to preserve ecologi- cal relationships. Abstract National parks are of special istory of nature protection is This basic definition of a national significance among numerous forms of abundant of events that are park has been completed through time. protected natural and cultural heritage. Hmen tioned even today: in Finally, in 1969 in New Delhi at the This does not only result of their number London the regulation of restriction the meeting of International Association and size, but also of their multiple sig- destructive influence of smoke and ash for Preservation of Nature and Natu- nificance for science, culture, schooling, was made in 1273, the bill on protection of ral Resources, it was concluded that upbringing, education, recreation, tour- elk and wild horse dates back to 1499 and a national park is a large territory of ism and protection of natural ecosystems. some forests and endemic species of trees exceptional beauty where one or more World’s experience in this matter, as well were protected in Russia in 1703. Alexan- ecosystems are unchanged by human as that of our country should be used der von Humboldt, explorer of vast areas actions and where flora and fauna, geo- more thoroughly in order to emphasize of our planet, was among the first who logical and morphological characteris- polyvalence and multiplication of useful initiated protection of nature for scientific tics are of great importance for science, functions of national parks for the benefit purposes. He was considered the first to upbringing, education and recreation. of the majority. A national park is an use the term “ natural monuments” for National parks are cared for by highest area of exceptional beauty where ecosys- specific natural rarities. state’s institutions, which by appropri- tems are not endangered by human ac- Turning point in organized protec- ate laws patronize the preservation of tions. With their specific morphological tion of larger natural complexes is 1872, the area. (Stankovic, M.S. 2000). characteristics they represent national when National park Yellowstone, the treasure for current and future genera- first of its kind, was formally estab- The Danube and tions. Djerdap, with its series of specific lished in the USA. The explanation of Protected Objects characteristics, stands out among the five the project emphasizes its purpose for The Danube is a 2,783.4 km long river. national parks in Serbia. Proclaimed a the people and their pleasure. Soon, Its basin covers the area of 871,000km national park in 1794, it nowadays oc- Royal National Park in Australia (1879), what is 8.5% of Europe or 8 times larger cupies the area of 63,680.45 hectares on Banff National Park in Canada (1885), than Yugoslavia. On the Danube itself, the territory of the boroughs of Golubac, and Tangariro National Park in New its riparian area and basin there are nu- Majdanpek, Kladovo, and Negotin. The Zealand (1894) were formally estab- merous and versatile protected natural heart of the Djerdap national park is the lished. The first national park in Europe, and anthropogenic objects and natural 100km long composite valley of the river Engadine in Switzerland, was formally units of heterogeneous importance. At Danube. The highest number of tourist established in 1914. On that occasion, it Yugoslavian sector on the Danube there attractions o the whole flow of the river was stated that its flora and fauna are to are numerous river islands with specific Danube is concentrated here. The nature, be completely naturally developed and ecosystems, well known as ornithol- archeological sites, remains of Roman protected from any human influence. ogy stations. Of special interest is the buildings, sacral objects, the lake, dams, The first national parks in Montenegro Upper Danube Nature Reserve, which is hydro-electric power stations, villages (Durmitor, Lovcen, Biogradska gora) situated on the territory of Sombor, and and towns, people and events emphasize were proclaimed in 1952, and the first Apatin. It covers the area of 9,996ha and the polyvalence of this part of the Dan- national park in Serbia, Fruska gora was it has been under protection since 1982. ube basin. This is why it should be given proclaimed in 1960. It includes two ornithology reserves priority in development plans. One of the characteristics of the post Bestrement (9.63ha, protected in 1987), war period was fast increase in number Mosorin marsh (35.66ha, 1971), natural Key words The Djerdap national park, of national parks in the world and in wealth of Kardjordjevo (2,955.33ha, polyvalence, polyfunctional, science, cul- our country. In 1948, International As- 1997), nature reserve Tikvara (508ha, ture, tourism, archeological inheritance, sociation for Nature Preservation was 1977, revised in 1996), huge and multi- and reserves. formed and shortly after Economic functional National Park Fruska gora, Social Council of the OUN concluded which is exposed to the Danube with * Stevan Stankovic, Faculty ofGeography, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Bel- that national parks are of great impor- its northern and eastern part (25,392ha, grade, Studentski trg 3/III tance for human culture and science, 1960, revised in 1993), and other 11 mon- 38 pzc GEOGRAPHICA ANNONICA Stankovic, S. Stankovic, uments of nature. Downstream there are special nature reserve Koviljsko –petrovaradinski marsh (480.6ha, 1997) and general nature reserve Deliblato sandy terrain (29,452ha, 1965), whose southeastern end is on the Danube bank (Kuzmanovic, J. 1997). However, accord- ing to its special features, importance and value, the Djerdap National Park stands out among the protected parts of the Danube and the Danube Basin. Special Features of the Djerdap National Park There are five national parks in Serbia. The largest one is the Djerdap National Park, which is situated in the northeast- ern part of Serbia on the left of the Dan- ube and Djerdap Lake. It spreads on the Danube riparian area from the Golubacki Plate 1 Golubac or the Upper Gorge, the first narrowing point in the composite grad fortress to the hydropower plant canyon of the Danube in the Djerdap Gorge. Some damages of the valley sides are Djerdap. Formerly it covered the area of noticeable due to the large complexes for exploitation of limestone, which is used as a 82,000ha in 1974, but by the revision in building stone 1993 the area was reduced to 63,680.45ha. they frequently compose unfavorable plant the largest river depth in Europe According to international criteria it is complexes. Those features are relief, was measured. The Danube was 82m considered a nature reserve. According hydrographic objects, climate, flora and deep. After the man-made lake had to domestic criteria it is natural wealth fauna. been made the level of water raised and of high importance (Group of authors, The Djerdap gorge is 100km long, the depth reached 90m at the Gospodjin 1998). It includes parts of the territories thus being one of the longest and most vir gorge. The largest tectonic-erosive of different municipalities: Golubac, Maj- studied gorges in Europe. It belongs to broadening in the Djerdap is the spa- danpek, and Kladovo. Its northern border the type of precursor gorges, i.e. ante- cious Donji Milanovac valley (19km) is the Danube, whereas southern border cedent river valleys, which are rare in downstream. The lake broadens up follows the watershed of the Danube and the relief of our planet. The Djerdap to 2km in the valley as the prominent Pek, the highest parts of Liskovac, Veliki gorge is composite, which makes it very feature of the landscape. The Porecka greben and Miroc. The border is not the attractive causing frequent changes river flows into the lake at the Donji Mi- separating zone but the one of joining of landscape on a short route. On the lanovac valley. At the river’s mouth due and permeating. Thus, there are efforts to Danube sector of the Djerdap gorge, to the raised level of water a spacious establish a unique national park, which which may be identified as the Djerdap and deep bay was formed. Downstream would also include both riverbanks National Park, there are four narrowed the valley, the Danube flows into the and the riparian area of the Danube, points (canyons) and three widen- most interesting part of the gorge, the and Djerdap Lake in Romania. Modern ing points (valleys). The canyons and narrow points Veliki and Mali Kazan, trends of integration of objects and activi- valleys of Djerdap are the following: whose steep cliffs remind of intensive ties on the Danube and the Danube Basin Golubacka gorge, Ljubovska valley, tectonic activity in this area. Near Ro- comply with the efforts. Gospodjin vir gorge, Donji Milanovac manian village of Dubovo, Veliki and Basic natural value of the Djerdap valley, Veliki and Mali Kazan canyons, Mali Kazan are physically separated by National Park is the Djerdap gorge Orsava valley and the gorge of Sip. a broadened point, which corresponds (100km). It is a composite valley and pre- The Golubacka gorge is the first to the morphological complexity of the cursor between powerful ranges of the narrowing point on the Danube in the area and contributes to its attractiveness Carpathian, connecting the Panonian Djerdap gorge.