Spencer Fairgrounds Midway Rides by Gillette Shows THURSDAY, SEPT. 3RD 5-9PM Time to refinance? th FRI. SEPT. 4 – MON. SEPT. 7 FRIDAY, SEPT. 4TH 12-4PM 127 Gates Open at 8:00am • Buildings Open at 10:00am Ride for one price Annual – Featured Highlights – Mortgage Rates Have Fallen… Josh Landry Dan Candell Chainsaw Sculptor Hypnotist Sculpting 4 days Sat., 9/5 • 8:30pm, Even with FICO Scores as low as 580! Keith Anderson All day long Sun., 4pm, Mon., 6pm Concert Demo Derby 4 DAYS OF FAMILY FUN! As a mortgage broker I have many different mortgage Sun., 9/6 • 7PM Fri., 9/4 • 7:30PM FREE PARKING On the Main Stage Grandstands FREE ENTERTAINMENT plans to suit YOUR needs... to get your into YOUR See the flyer in this issue for the complete list of 4-day events or visit: www.thespencerfair.com new home or refinance your current mortgage! Call Ron TODAY for information on all types of mortgages! 508-892-8988 Face-To-Face Mortgage Co. A local man (DPHS 1982) and company owner since 2000 Sam’son says Email
[email protected] “Call my Dad” MA Mortgage broker number NMLS #1241 Ronald F. LaPrade Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer Vol. XXXVI, No. #35 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.SPENCERNEWLEADER.COM Friday, August 28, 2015 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE CELEBRATING THE BOS endorses “Generosity is giving more than CENTURY MARK you can, and pride is senior center taking less than you need.” move Kahlil Gibran EDITOR’S QUESTION TO BE PLACE ON OFFICE HOURS FALL TOWN MEETING MONDAYS 12-5 WEDNESDAYS 1-5 BALLOT FRIDAYS 1-5 BY KEVIN FLANDERS Club to house its senior NEWS STAFF WRITER center.