British Values Week

What started the movement of #BlackoutTuesday?

Why are people participating?

Do you think we should all unite on social media more often?

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

Blackout Tuesday was held on Tuesday 2nd June as a protest for the murder of

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

On May 25, an African-American man called George Floyd was killed by a police officer in Minneapolis, the state capital of Minnesota. George was arrested for a minor reason and died after a white police officer called knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes. During this ordeal, George repeatedly said to the officer "I can't breathe".

The day after George's death, protests against racism and brutality by the police began in Minneapolis and quickly spread to over 200 cities in the United States. Solidarity rallies have been held around the world, including in London.

All incidents which have taken place have a strong link to the five British Values, the Equality Act 2010 and the 9 protected characteristics and basic human rights.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

British Values and Movement

It is important to remember the importance of British Values no matter what the situation.

Each of the British Values play a key part in ensuring physical and mental well being in any situations.

The Equality Act 2010 states that no individual should be discriminated against due to one of the 9 protected characteristics, this includes race.

If a crime is committed against a person because of their race this is a hate crime and should be reported to the police.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week The 5 Fundamental British Values It is a criminal offence to discriminate against someone because of Democracy their race. Use your voice to speak up for Rule of Law those who are oppressed. Tolerance of Others Everyone is entitled to Accept the same rights and those who freedoms. Respect are everyone, no matter their different race. to you. Mutual Respect Individual Liberty Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

George Floyd's death has encouraged people around the world to take action to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

This cartoon summarises why the movement is important and addresses misconceptions.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

The Media Industry has had a big impact with Blackout Tuesday and generally getting involved with the protests.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life British Values Week

How can we make a difference?

Educate yourself about the situation Summary of events:

The US Civil Rights Movement on BBC Bitesize

Sign a petition

Take part in peaceful activism You can also take action by engaging in peaceful protest and anti-racist activism.

Learning focus: To think about the British Values in everyday life