School Board Election Edition 2000

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School Board Election Edition 2000 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 110th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 32-110 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, April 13, 2000 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Voters to Decide Fate of $57.2 Mil. Budget During School Elections on Tuesday By PAUL J. PEYTON per $100 of assessed valuation. In and used $994,401 in miscellaneous decision to the state Department of Specially Written for The Westfield Leader the early 1990s, school tax hikes funds, such as rental income from Education. Westfield voters will go to the ranged from 13 to 18 cents. Last the Union County Educational Ser- Since 1982, all but five school tax polls this Tuesday to decide the fate year’s increase was 7 cents. vices Commission for the former levies have been approved by voters. of this year’s proposed school tax In addition to property taxes, which Lincoln School Building and atten- The most recent defeated school bud- levy of $48.2 million to support a account for 86 percent of the budget, dance fees for athletic fees. The larg- get occurred in 1994. spending plan of $57.2 million. An state aid of $3.8 million and $2.1 est segment of miscellaneous rev- In addition to taxes, the district has additional $994,000 in taxes, bring- million of surplus funds also help enue is $480,000 from investments. received $3.8 million in state aid — ing the tax levy to $49 million, was support this year’s spending plan. The total budget represents a 4.47 an increase of $156,000 over last previously approved by voters as The surplus, or free balance, as it percent increase over last year, or year. part of a referendum in December of is commonly referred to, is money 1.47 percent over the state-mandated School officials and Board of Edu- 1998. appropriated but not spent from the 3 percent cap. The district sought cation members have emphasized If the tax levy passes, the impact previous year, along with unantici- and received an “enrollment growth that this year’s budget addresses two for Westfield property taxes will be pated revenues. This year, the school adjustment” from the state Depart- critical areas – the enrollment spikes $157 a year on a home assessed at board used $2.1 of a $3.9 million free ment of Education. now in the district and the district’s $174,000, the average assessment in balance. If a school levy fails at the voting deficiencies in the area of computer town. The budget calls for a 9 cent State mandates do not permit dis- booth, the budget is turned over to technology for teachers and students increase in the school tax rate, from tricts to hold onto more than 6 per- the Town Council, which can either alike. $2.63 to $2.72. cent of their total budget in surplus. keep the budget as is or slash the Officials have said the district has In the past few years the school tax The district received just under $1.1 amount to be raised in taxes. The experienced a 14 percent enrollment rate has risen between 5 and 8 cents million in federal and state grants school board can then appeal that CONTINUED ON PAGE A-10 Westfield’s Michael Kessler Runs Unopposed As Five Candidates Battle for Three Open Seats By MICHELLE H. LePOIDEVIN light to the school board’s proposed enrollment crunch at the high school, ment Bank, both of New York City, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader $57.2 million budget are issues which continuing to craft a curriculum to where she performed investment Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader The campaign trail for seats on the will reach culmination when voters improve the education of all children analyses of companies for debt in- WINTER HAS SPRUNG?…These beautiful yellow daffodils are weighed down Westfield Board of Education, as head to the polls next Tuesday, April in the district, and keeping technol- vestments and mergers and acquisi- by a snowfall which surprised residents early Sunday morning. well as whether to give a red or green 18, to let their voices be heard. ogy a top priority in the district. tions. Three seats for three-year terms Mrs. Riegel has served on the Mrs. Riegel has been assigned to are being sought by incumbents Anne school board for the past six months, the Finance, Long Range Planning May 1 Marks L. Riegel, Dr. B. Carol Molnar and after being appointed to fill the va- and Curriculum Instruction and Pro- Thomas Taylor, as well as newcom- cancy left by Ginger Hardwick’s res- grams committees. Demolition Slated Soon ers Peter W. Billson and Kimberly ignation. The candidate, who moved to Next Cycle Rhodes. A one-year term is being A graduate of the Wharton School Westfield seven years ago, first be- sought, unopposed, by incumbent of Business at the University of Penn- came active in the 1994 bond refer- Michael J. Kessler. sylvania, Mrs. Riegel holds a Bach- endum effort which addressed space For House Damaged Of Pool Reg. Looking back at her experience elor of Science Degree in Finance shortages caused by increasing el- during the campaign, Mrs. Riegel and Marketing. She also received a ementary enrollments. In 1998, she By KIM KINTER told The Westfield Leader, “I am Master of Business Administration was appointed to the Citizens Advi- In Heating Oil Spill Specially Written for The Westfield Leader thrilled with the outpouring of sup- degree in Finance and Accounting sory Committee on Capital Projects, The Westfield Recreation Depart- port I’ve received from the commu- from Columbia University, New York which reviewed projects for the bond By LAWRENCE HENRY took over the McDowell heating ment, located at the Municipal Build- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader nity.” City. referendum passed later that year. oil service contract after the spill. ing on East Broad Street, will be The candidate is particularly con- Her work experience includes fi- Mrs. Riegel is now in her fifth year The Westfield Town Council has Mr. Michaels, reached at his em- open Tuesday, April 18, from 7 to 9 cerned with keeping the board fo- nancial positions at Equitable Capi- on the Jefferson Elementary School approved an application to demol- ployer, Statistical Research, Inc. p.m. to take pictures needed for cused on finding a solution to the tal Management and Citicorp Invest- CONTINUED ON PAGE A-10 ish a house on Everson Place which of Westfield, would not disclose Memorial Pool membership cards. was damaged five years ago by a amounts and terms of the settle- The department extended its hours 400-gallon basement heating oil ment, other than to say that Utica during March, this month and in spill, according to Third Ward Mutual bought the house. May to handle the registration of Councilman Neil F. Sullivan. “They’ve literally put a gag or- pool memberships. No specific demolition date has der on me,” he said. “We settled No more pool memberships, how- been set since the application, which with the (Utica) insurance com- ever, will be available for sale again was approved several weeks ago, pany, let’s put it that way. Under until Monday, May 1, when mem- has not yet been passed to the town’s normal conditions, I’d scream from berships will be open for sale to Building Department for permits. the rooftops, but I can’t do that.” everyone, including all Westfield Valerie Salone of the Building Mr. Michaels said he and his residents and those who live outside Department said the town expects family plan to continue to live in of the town. Openings for 1,800 indi- to receive that application “within Westfield. viduals will be available. a few days.” They have lived in rental hous- Beginning April 3 and continuing The demolition, when it occurs, ing since the oil spill, and continue CONTINUED ON PAGE A-10 will bring to a close a five-year to do so. dispute over responsibility for the They may buy a condominium original oil spill. McDowell’s Oil or a townhouse, Mr. Michaels said. Heat, Inc., of Westfield, spilled the The house on Everson Place Publisher’s Note oil during an early fall refill of the stands empty, as it has for five house’s fuel oil tank in 1995. years. A sodden Yellow Pages lies This edition of The Westfield Homeowners Burton and Nancy on a walkway. A wooden swing Leader has been mailed to every Michaels settled their $2.5 million and trapeze set in the back yard has resident in the Town of Westfield lawsuit against McDowell’s and worn gray in the weather. and in the Borough of the Utica Mutual Insurance Com- Visible in a garage window, a Mountainside to inform voters of pany, the insurer of McDowell’s the issues and of the candidates pair of golf spikes and a basketball for the School Board and School Oil Heat, in June of last year. net hang unused from a nail. There Budget elections this Tuesday, Prudential Insurance Company, is no discernible smell of oil — a April 18. Similarly, The Times of carrier of the Michaelses’ home- smell that had troubled neighbors Scotch Plains-Fanwood, our sis- owner insurance, and MacArthur after the original spill. ter newspaper, has been mailed to Fuel Oil, who were also named in “I hope they tear it down soon,” everyone in those communities. the suit, apparently did not partici- a neighbor said. “It’s been an eye- We urge all to vote.
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