Whitkirk. 485
DIRECTORY.] WHITKIRK. 485 ~tained east window was given by Major Waud, in r856; by James I. on Esme Stuart, Duke of Lennox K.G. who all the other windol'·s are stained, several being memorials : sold the estate to Sir Arthur Ingram kt. and it is now held the pulpit is of Caen stone, and the brass eagle lectern was by the Hon. Mrs. Meynell Ingram, widow of Hugo Francis presented in memory of Joshua Wilkinson esq. by his widow: MeJnell Ingram esq. (d. r87r), who resides at the manor there are several important and interesting memorials, in- house, Temple Newsam, a late Elizabethan building of red eluding an ancient alabaster monument ";th two recumbent brick situated in an extensive deer park. The entire area figures, representing Sir Robert Scargill, knighted rszs, and of the township is 4,o86 acres, including 973 in Leeds; the his lady, former occupiers of Thorpe Hall; a magnificent rateable value of the whole township is [,z2,o65; the entire and elaborately carved monument to Edward Ingram, 2nd population of the township in r88r was 2, r8o in Whitkirk Viscount Irvine, who died I6thSeptember, r688, erected by and 481 in Leeds; area of district ecclesiastically attached his widow; another t{) Charles, roth and last Viscount Ir- to Whitkirk, 2,699 acres. vine, who died at Temple Newsam, 27th June, 1778, and AusTHORPE is a wwnship in Garforth and '\\"hitkirk: Frances (Shepherd) his wife, erected at the beginning of the parishes. 5 miles east-by-north from Leeds, in Tadcaster present century by their daughter, Isabella Anne, Mar- union.
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