Contact: Cinetic Media Linzee Troubh 917-860-0106 PRESS KIT
[email protected] SYNOPSIS The Great Alone is a feature length documentary film shot in the arctic wilderness of Alaska that captures the inspiring comeback story of champion sled dog racer, Lance Mackey. From his sunniest days as a boy by his famous father’s side to cancer’s attempt to unseat him, The Great Alone pulls viewers along every mile of Lance’s emotional journey to become one of the greatest sled dog racers of all time. LOG LINE The Great Alone is a feature length documentary film that captures the inspiring comeback story of champion sled dog racer, Lance Mackey. Director’s Statement It was approximately 3am on day 4 of the 2013 Iditarod, while I was waiting for Lance Mackey to arrive at the Takotna checkpoint, that I was finally able to articulate why I set out to make The Great Alone. The Takotna checkpoint is situated in the tiny, remote village of Takotna, Alaska (population 52) and is known for the homemade pies that the villagers serve the Iditarod mushers, volunteers and visitors. Before we set out on our filmmaking journey we were told, “Make sure you film Lance in Takotna, the pie is amazing.” It was great advice.... I guess Lance Mackey is a lot like a piece of pie. Once you get a taste of his story and personality, you want to share it with others. And like a homemade pie, the tin is often dinged up, and the crust might not look perfect, but inside is a delicious recipe refined by time, wisdom and soul.