EL LIBRO DE LOS LIBROS 1160 Libros Profesionales De Descarga

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EL LIBRO DE LOS LIBROS 1160 Libros Profesionales De Descarga EL LIBRO DE LOS LIBROS 1160 Libros profesionales de descarga gratuita y legal para Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Compilados por Julio Alonso Arévalo Bibliotecario de la Facultad de Traducción de la universidad de Salamanca 1160 Ebooks gratis para Información y Documentación EL LIBRO DE LOS LIBROS 1160 Libros profesionales de descarga gratuita y legal para Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Compilados por ©Julio Alonso Arévalo Bibliotecario de la Facultad de Traducción de la universidad de Salamanca 605 p. Febrero 2014 El libro de los libros by Julio Alonso Arévalo is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License. Creado a partir de la obra enhttp://www.universoabierto.com/libros-gratis-byd/. [e-Book] B2B Email Marketing Best Practices eBook, Proteus. Texto completo:http://emailcritic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/b2b-email-marketing-best- practice.pdf Features more than 130 best practices, strategies, and tips for B2B email marketing. Focuses on the most popular type of B2B email marketingcontent marketing, such as email newsletters. Goes beyond the email itself, discussing how to integrate and leverage social media, web analytics, and search engine optimization. Covers general email marketing issues, as well as those specific to B2B marketing [e-Book] How to Unlock the ROI of Your Marketing with Analytics: monitoring the Right metrics for business Growth, HubSpot. Texto completo:http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/blog/docs/ebooks/how_to_unlock_the_roi_of_your_m arketing_with_analytics.pdf Learn how to grow your business with better data insight World-class marketers have the power to turn good campaigns into great campaigns. What's their secret? Analytics. Analytics give you the insight to make your marketing awesome while generating a positive ROI. Download our new marketing analytics ebook to unleash the true power of your marketing metrics. This ebook will investigate how to use marketing analytics to improve each channel’s marketing performance, including: Landing pages, SEO, Business blogging, Social media, Email marketing, Lead nurturing [e-Book] Libranda : Una plataforma de préstamo y lectura de libros electrónicos para las Bibliotecas. Texto completo: http://www.universoabierto.com/7553/modelo-de-libranda-de- prestamo-de-ebooks-en-bibliotecas/ Las Bibliotecas han tenido siempre el objetivo y la vocación de proporcionar acceso al conocimiento, la información y las obras de creación, a todos los miembros de la comunidad. Los libros electrónicos son un formato nuevo para la difusión de la cultura y las Bibliotecas deben poder proporcionar también acceso a ese nuevo formato a sus usuarios. Las Bibliotecas pueden contribuir sin duda a la expansión del libro electrónico, popularizándolo entre los lectores y fomentando esta nueva forma de disfrutar de la lectura. Libranda ha diseñado una plataforma tecnológica para que las Bibliotecas puedan gestionar íntegramente el préstamo de libros electrónicos sus usuarios, respetando en todo momento las necesidades anteriormente mencionadas. Propuesta tecnológica de Libranda 1. Plataforma basada en 2 servicios: uno de lectura en la nube con DRM propio y otro de descarga con el DRM tradicional de Adobe. Cada Biblioteca tendrá su espacio independiente con sus contenidos independientes en los servidores de la plataforma. El servidor de lectura en la nube realizará descarga con un DRM integrado en el proceso de préstamo de forma que el acceso al contenido es más cómodo que con la descarga de Adobe tradicional. Además, el servidor de lectura en la nube permite la sincronización de la Biblioteca del usuario en múltiples dispositivos. [e-Book] Mapping best multilingual business practices in the EU European Commission. Texto completo: http://alturl.com/yt5yb The digital age and globalisation have together changed the European business environment for good. As companies and their employees deal with different languages and cultures on a daily basis, multilingualism can no longer be considered just as an asset or a competitive advantage, but rather as a fact of life. Thus, multilingualism has become a global issue as well as a transversal issue within organisations, since digital communication is erasing national and linguistic boundaries. Faced with this multilingual reality, companies have adopted a number of innovative business practices described in the case studies carried out in European companies. These include intercomprehension (the parallel use of different languages which have similar structures and vocabularies), collaborative interpretation and use of language technology tools, such as machine translation. However, social networks and collaborative methods have led to increasingly complex and technical content. Human resources will always be needed to validate translations, both the machine generated and the human variety. As well as case studies and analysis, this study on multilingual business practices contains a set of recommendations to enhance multilingualism in business. These include the development of multilingual business strategies, the establishment of a European Observatory of Multilingual Business Practices, a quality label for multilingual European company websites translated into more than four languages, and support for the European Company Statute [e-Book] Quantifying quality costs and the cost of poor quality in translation: Quality efforts and the consequences of poor quality in the European Commission's Directorate- General for Translation. Luxemburg, European Commission,. Texto completo:http://www.poliglotti4.eu/docs/Publis/quality_cost_en.pdf The present study makes the case that quality efforts in translation are indispensable and worth paying for, as these costs actually save money in the long run. It aims to provide a methodology for calculating: 1. The quality-related costs, i.e. quality investment, which in addition to quality control measures in the translation activity includes recruitment, training, IT and translation tools, terminology, etc. 2. The costs of poor quality, i.e. the costs of corrigenda, poorly written originals, IT problems, poor quality of external translations, as well as the costs, financial or otherwise, for the Commission, the EU and society in general. The first part will put the concepts of "quality", “quality costs” and the "cost of poor quality" in a theoretical framework. After that, the study will provide an overview of DGT's activities that have an impact on the quality of its translations, and indicate how the costs and benefits of DGT’s quality efforts and the costs of poor quality for DGT can be quantified (chapter 4). Chapter 5 will look into the consequences of poor quality outside DGT, i.e. for the Commission and EU companies and citizens, followed by the conclusions in chapter 6 (1997). [e-Book] BBT Book Production Series. Volume 2: Readings in General Translation Theory. Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall. Texto completo:http://www.bbt.se/Manuals/Readings%20in%20General%20Translation%20Theory%20 (EN).pdf The present volume of the BBT Book Production Series is a collection that gives the BBT translator some basic theoretical understanding about the nature of translation, provides him with knowledge about principal approaches to translation, and broadens the range of his information of language. In selecting the articles, we have asked ourselves: (1) How useful will they be for the BBT translator's immediate work, and (2) Will a layman translator be able to understand them? Thus we have rejected some major works that are considered to have played a great role in the development of linguistic thought. Instead we have included quite a few papers about Bible translation, considering their greater relevance to BBT translator's needs (1997). [e-Book] Names of Persons.: National Usages for Entry in Catalogues http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s13/pubs/NamesOfPersons_1996.pdf. München, Saur. Texto completo: http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s13/pubs/NamesOfPersons_1996.pdf 1997. Names of Persons. National Usages for Entry in Catalogues. 4th revised and enlarged ed. München: Saur, 1997. XII, 263 pages. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control : 16) (2001). [e-Book] Data Acquisition and Control Handbook: A Guide to Hardware and Software for Computer-Based Measurement and Control. Cleveland, Ohio, KeithLey. Texto completo:https://dspace.ist.utl.pt/bitstream/2295/41484/1/Data%20Acquisition_KEYTHLEY.pdf The Data Acquisition and Control Handbook is a comprehensive overview of issues that influence the selection and use of equipment for computerized data acquisition and control. The handbook is primarily a guide to building test and measurement systems that use a personal computer as a controller and a variety of plug-in boards and external instruments to gather data and control external processes.These processes cover multiple industries and markets, including the fields of factory automation, semiconductors, optoelectonics, telecommunications, automotive, medical, computers, peripherals, aerospace, research, and education. (2001). [e-Book] A Library Advocate's Guide to Building Information Literate, American Library Association. Texto completo:http://www.ala.org/offices/sites/ala.org.offices/files/content/ola/informationliteracy.pd f Librarians were among the first to identify the importance of information literacy in an information society. In 1989, the American Library Association’s Presidential Committee on Information Literacy wrote:“How our country deals with the realities of the Information Age
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