Generated On: 9/27/2021 2:15:03 PM Verified Statement Registration VSR (Out-of-State Committee) 8108 Wells Fargo and Company Employee PAC Wells Fargo Gov Relations N9305-08490 S 7th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-316-3857
[email protected] Federally regulated PAC making contributions at all levels Contact Last Name: Bjerkness First Name: Kai MI: Address: Wells Fargo Gov Relations N9305-084 90 S 7th Street City: Minneapolis State: MN Zip Code: 55402 Phone: 612-316-3857 E-Mail:
[email protected] Parent Entity Name: Wells Fargo Corporation Address: N9305-084 90 S 7th St City: Minneapolis State: MN Zip Code: 55402 Phone: 612-316-3857 E-Mail: Jurisdiction Name: Federal Election Commission Address: 999 E Street, NW City: Washington State: DC Zip Code: 20463 Phone: 202-694-1100 E-Mail: Iowa Resident Agent Last Name: Green First Name: Patrick MI: Address: 1 Home Campus 6th Floor - F2401-068 City: Des Moines State: IA Zip Code: 50328 Phone: 515-398-8885 E-Mail:
[email protected] 2021 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 9/22/2021 Hall for Iowa (1893) $500.00 10732 Filed Date: PO Box 4579 9/27/2021 Sioux City, IA 51104 IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD | 510 EAST 12th, SUITE 1A | DES MOINES, IA 50319 | (515) 281-4028 1 of 29 Generated On: 9/27/2021 2:15:03 PM 2021 - Iowa Committees Receiving Contributions Contribution Date Committee Amount Check # 9/22/2021 Oldson for State Representative (1326) $500.00 10733 Filed Date: 4004 Grand Ave Apt 302 9/27/2021 Des Moines, IA 50312 9/22/2021 Jennifer Konfrst for Iowa (2231) $1,000.00 10734 Filed Date: 6518 Northwest Drive 9/27/2021 Windsor Heights, IA 50324 9/22/2021 Jacoby for House (1491) $500.00 10735 Filed Date: 2308 Northridge Drive 9/27/2021 Coralville, IA 52241 9/22/2021 Win With Windschitl (1639) $1,250.00 10736 Filed Date: 2912 Light Breeze Ln.