Nature and Science 2015;13(7) GPetrology, Geochemistry and Fractional Modelling Of El-Gidami Neoproterozoic Granitic Rocks, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. El Mezayen A.M1., Heikal M.A1., Omar, S. A2,. El-Feky M.G2., Lasheen S.R1. 1Geologogy Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azher University, Egypt. 2Nuclear Material Authority, Egypt.
[email protected] Abstract: El-Gidami area lies in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. This area is composedofamphibolite, oldergranites (OG) and younger granites (YG). The OG is of tonalitic to granodioritic composition with peraluminous nature whereas the Y Ggranitevaries in composition from monzogranite to syenogranite with calc alkaline nature. The OG are enriched in both Sr and Ba but depleted in Rb, whereas the Y Ghave lower Sr and Ba and higher Rb. Both OG and YG are poor in REE. Fractional crystallization and mass balance modeling are used to calculate the amount of sum square of the residuals (∑R2). The calculation has been performed for granodiorite and the younger granite (monzogranite) of Gabal El-Gidami as one separate system, then granodiorite and the younger granite (syenogranite) of Gabal El-Gidami as another separate system that gives a small value of the residuals which indicates a best fit ∑R2 (0.006 &0.007 respectively). [El Mezayen A.M., Heikal M.A., Omar, S. A. El-Feky M.G., Lasheen S.R. Petrology, Geochemistry and Fractional Modelling Of El-Gidami Neoproterozoic Granitic Rocks, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Nat Sci 2015;13(7):102-114]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). 12 Key words: El-Gidami, Geochemistry, Fractional modelling and mass balance.