REG. NO. 130705110




MEDAN 2018






REG. NO. 130705110




MEDAN 2018

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on October 23rd, 2018

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum

Dr. Siti Norma, M.Hum










Signed :

Date : October 23rd, 2018















Signed :

Date : October 23rd 2018



First and foremost, Praise The Lord, in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ, I would like to thank God for every single thing in my life. Thank God for grace, , generosity, unconditional , blessing, protection, strength, ability and all the best in my life. God is the reason for my life and everything to me. Because of God I am going nowhere with this and I can complete this thesis as one of the requirements to get Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

On this occasion, I would like to express my best and deepest is due to my great family. My beloved father in heaven, V.Simanjuntak who even though it is not together with me but he will always be my inspiration. My beloved mother, A. Pasaribu who always give me a great love, care, support, advise and pray for me, she is the most patient person ever I know in this world. My beloved sister, Erna Simanjuntak, also my beloved brother, Efraim

Simanjuntak and Anggara Simanjuntak who always giving me love, praying, caring, advising, fulfilling all my educational needs and costs after father died. My beloved nephews

Set Berutu, twins Sean and Sena Berutu who always cheer me up with any of their cuteness.

Thanks God for giving me a wonderful family that never demands anything but really understand me, so I can face any obstacles in doing my thesis. My family is the reason for me to struggle with every problem in my life. I love my family more than anything. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Sir Drs.Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as my supervisor. I thank him for the kindness, knowledge, patience and motivation in writing this thesis.

Furthermore, I would like to thank Drs.Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum as my co-supervisor for his kindness, knowledge and guidance to help me finishing this thesis.

My sincere thanks to the Head and the Secretary of English Department, Prof.

T.Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D., and all of the lecturers iii

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA and the staffs of English Department for the facilities and opportunities given to me during my study in this faculty.

Special thanks must go to my craziest and best friends Vera Napitupulu, Fitri

Rhamadani, Nelly Simbolon, Changlee Sinurat (Chacha), Riri Hutasoit, Yanti Hutauruk, Riki

Ardillah, Geby Napitupulu who always take care, respect, support and help me especially in the hard moments. Although we are having different background, race, ethnic but I cannot imagine that we can understand each other even share the happy and sad moments together. I am really grateful and happy to know and become your friends. Besides, I want to thank all my friends in English Literature 2013 Class B that have spent unforgettable memories for 4 years with me.

I would like to say thanks to my spiritual sister and brother in Lembaga Pelayanan

Mahasiswa Indonesia (LPMI), that is Desi Sibuea, Mega Tamba, Agustini Sinaga, Novi,

Yohana, Rasi, Jelita, Mika dapdap, Ratih, Prenita, Novelia, Yabes, Mikha Sihombing, who always caring, strengthening, supporting, praying for, entertaining, advising, which is always in and .

I would like to say thanks to my spiritual leader in IFGF church, and at the same time she is my place of discussion and consultation, Grace Sela who always caring, strengthening, praying for, advising, and really helping me in doing this thesis.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I would like to dedicate my very special thanks to My spiritual leader Roita

Panggabean (Roro), Dina Dapdap, and Cristina Novalenta (Lenta) who who nurtures me to grow in the Lord and become a model to others. Thank you very much for , time, energy, mind, attention, material and words that you give me.

I would like to say thanks to my spiritual sister and brother in IFGF church Icare

Charis group that isJoel, Wenty, Lasmi, Evi, Ganda, Indry, Lenta, Jun, Yessi, Setia, Daniel,

Abednego, Rahel, Ayu, Sajan, Sunda, Yeni, and others.

I would like to say thanks to my senior in Sastra Inggris, Debora, Rehia and Elvira.

Also my discussion friendis Osborn who gives time and mind for discussion in working on this thesis.

I would like to say thanks to the staff, and all members of the Christian Organization on campus Lembaga Pelayanan Mahasiswa Indonesia (LPMI) or Campus Crusade for Christ

(Cru) both in Medan and other cities that make me grow spiritually, form excellent character and mentality, develop talents and form the spirit of leadership, which prays for me and who always there with me in joy and sorrow.

I am really grateful to have everyone supporting me in the process of writing this thesis. May this thesis be adventegous for the readers. the grace, bless and love of God be with us all forever.

Medan, October 23rd 2018

Maria Hana Sari

Reg. No. 130705110


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRACT This thesis entitled “An Analysis Of Bipolar Disorders As Portrayed In Matthew Quick`sThe Silver Linings Playbook”.The writer uses a novel as the object, there is The Silver Linings Playbook (2008) from America. This analysis is about how bipolar disorders as portrayed in The Silver Linings Playbook. In this thesis, the writer uses American Psychiatric Association’s theory to analyze the novel. The method that used in writing this thesis is descriptive qualitative method. The analysis and findings that can be found in the novel are about how bipolar disorders. Bipolar disorders can occur because of losing a loved one. Bipolar disorders consists of mania and which each have episodes. Mania has manic or hipomanic episodes. Depression has major depressive episodes. There are two types of bipolar disorders found in this novel analysis, namely bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by one or more Manic, usually accompanied by major depressive episodes. Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or more Major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one Hypomanic episode.

Keywords : Bipolar disorders, Mania, Depression


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul“An Analysis Of Bipolar Disorders As Portrayed In Matthew Quick`sThe Silver Linings Playbook”. Penulis menggunakan sebuah novel sebagai objek yaitu novelThe Silver Linings Playbook (2008) dari Amerika. Analisis ini membahas tentang gangguan bipolar yang digambarkan dalam novel The Silver Linings Playbook. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan teori American Psychiatric Association untuk menganalisis novel. Metode yang digunakan dalam menulis skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun temuan dan analisis yang dapat ditemukan dalam novel tentang bagaimana gangguan bipolar. Gangguan bipolar bisa terjadi karna kehilangan orang yang disayangi. Gangguan bipolar terdiri dari mania dan depresi yang masing-masing memiliki episode. Mania memiliki episode manik atau hipomanik episode. Depresi memiliki episode depresi berat. Ada dua jenis ganguan bipolar yang ditemukan di dalam analisis novel ini yaitu gangguan bipolar I dan gangguan bipolar II. Gangguan bipolar I ditandai oleh satu atau lebih episode manik, biasanya disertai dengan episode depresi berat. Gangguan bipolar II ditandai oleh satu atau lebih episode depresi berat yang disertai oleh setidaknya satu episode hipomanik.

Kata Kunci : Gangguan Bipolar, Mania, Depresi






ABSTRACT ...... vi

ABSTRAK...... vii


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 6 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 6 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 6 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 7 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Character...... 8 2.2 Bipolar Disorders...... 10 2.2.1 The History of Bipolar disorders...... 10 2.2.2 A brief description of Bipolar disorders...... 11 CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ...... 19 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 19 3.3 Data Collecting Procedure...... 19 3.4 Data Selecting Procedure...... 20 3.5 Data Analyzing Procedure ...... 20



4.1 Pat’s Bipolar disorders...... 23 4.1.1 Pat’s Major Depressive episode...... 23 4.1.2 Pat’s Manic episode...... 36 4.2 Tiffany’s Bipolar disorders...... 47 4.2.1 Tiffany’s Major Depressive episode...... 47 4.2.2 Tiffany’s Hypomanic Episode ...... 54

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ...... 56 5.2 Suggestion ...... 57






1.1 Background of the Study

The novel The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick published in

United States, 2008. It is portrayed someone who is experiencing dramatic mood

swings, there are Pat and Tiffany. Pat saw his wife affair with another man that

makes him sad, angry, hurtful, hateful, disappointed, worthless, excessive ,

inappropriate and unloved. Besides that, Pat tried very optimistic to get his wife

back through various ways such as he is diligently exercising to get a good body,

reading his wife’s favorite books until late at night and others ways. Sometimes,

he isfull with angerto set up things related his life concerns. For example, when

he heard his wedding song, he became very angry, hysterical, and hateful again.

Tiffany has lost her husband because the death, that makes her feel sad,

disappointed, excessive guilt, lonely, and her to is diminished in

all and activities almost every day. Besides that, Tiffany is very optimistic to

realize her dream to join couple dance competition. Sometimes, she has been

frustrated to go on living and so blind to see anything because she thinks she can

not t live without her husband. She feels sad, disappointed and lonely again.

The loss of someone experienced by Pat and Tiffany has made their soul or

mental shake. Pat and Tiffany feel unable to control their mood. Their mood

swings make them unbalanced in their personality and weird in behaviour.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Everybody has moods. People may be happy, satisfied, optimistic, pessimistic, angry, resentful, sad, irritable, hurtful, lonely, fearful, disappointed, nervous, , calm, worthless, excessive guilt (blame themselves or others), hopeless, helpless and low self-esteem.

Mood greatly affects our behavior and words. For example: When someone is sad, then she/he does not have the spirit of her/his activities. However being normal man, people can control their mood so that will not last long. But

Pat and Tiffany are unable to control their mood; they have become explosive and wild in doing things out of order and even tend to be destructive.

Usually mood changes are prompted by external factors. But Pat and

Tiffany’s dramatic mood changes can occur because of a little problem.

Something dramatic for instance is a sudden cry that happens without any reason. In addition, this mood change may happen because of something which is very normal to happen but it becomes not so normal only because of the mood change. This kind of mood change is dominantly affected by mental disturbance.

Above all, this kind of mental disturbance is supposed to be unique normal life.

Because of their mood can not control, they can not able to live normally.

Their social, occupation, and their life become disturbed. Their dramatic mood changes or their strange behaviour make many impact such as: (1) Rejection or not accepted by family and society. (2) They can notprovide for theirself and depends on the family for lifetime because of loss a job. (3) Society feels not comfortable or disturbed when around them because their strange behavior. (4)

Society can be hurted because theyare easy to get angry, destructive, easily offended.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The fenomena of Pat and Tiffany’s dramatic mood changes as the fenomena of bipolar disorders. So, bipolar disorders is interesting topic to be analyzed in the thesis. Bipolar disorders is a mood disorder in someone who is experiencing dramatic mood changes which are mania and depression for a certain time period. Mania is a mood which is accompanied by a marked increase in energy such as euphoric, expansive, or irritable such as happy, optimistic, angry, etc.

Deppresion is a mood which is accompanied by a marked low energy, slow in thought and action such as sad, fearful, agitation, etc. Depression people are potentially capable of doing very well on test of memory and abstract thought, but their perceptions about the world and their emotional reactions are asked.

Studies in various countries show that the risk for bipolar disorders throughout life is about 1-2%. The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study found that the prevalence of once-lifetime bipolar disorders was between 0.6% -

1.1%. Studies conducted in Europe show that the prevalence rate of bipolar disorders may reach 5%. And the prevalence rate of the entire spectrum of bipolar disorder in the lifetime was 2.6-7.8%. Based on data of WHO (2016), there are approximately 60 million people in Indonesia suffer bipolar disorders.

In Indonesia the term of bipolar disorders is very foreign to society, but because the phenomenon of strange behavior’s Marshanda, the term of bipolar disorders is familiar to society and discussed everywhere. Marshanda is one of public figure in Indonesia who ever vent her to her friends in a video published on Youtube. Marshanda return to publish her sad outpouring video in the form of poetry. The strange behavior’s Marshanda who have mood changes from anger to be sad because she suffer from bipolar disorders and she must continue taking medication to control mood.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Although the term of bipolar disorders is familiar to the world, many people still misunderstand about bipolar disorders. They think bipolar disorder is multiple personality, mania or depression disorders. Actually bipolar disorders is different from mania and depression disorders, although bipolar disorders have episode mania and depression. So, bipolar disorders is interesting topic to be discussed in the thesis specially as portrayed in the novel The Silver Linings

Playbook by Matthew Quick.

The novel The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick tells about behaviour, so it is related with psychology. Psychology comes from the Greek word psyche, which means soul, and logos which means science. So, psychology means the science of human life or study of human behavior. There is also deviation of norms in psychology of human being and it is generally speaking as abnormal psychology.

Barlow has (1995: 315) explained that abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with studying, explaining and treating mental disorders and also what effect they have on people’s lives. There are some kinds of abnormal psychology, such as disorders, dissociative disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, mood disorders, etc. Mood disorders is a disturbance in mood as predominant feature. Mood disorders divide into

Depresive disorders (Unipolar), Bipolar disorders, and two disorders based on etiology: (1) Mood disorders a due to general condition and (2) Substance-

Induced Mood disorders.

Literature is a reflection of life including bipolar disorders as such. Literature is a form of creative art that has imaginative act, aesthetic and expression to tell stories, dramatize situations, express felling and interpreting human life by


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA written, spoken or sung. The narrative form of literary work that tells story is prose; the act or perform of dramatizing is named drama or play; and its way to express is known as poetry. So, three clasiffication of literature that is drama, poetry, and prose. Prose can be divided into novel, short story, romance, etc.

Taylor (1981: 46) notes “A novel is normally a prose work of quite some length and complexity which attempt to reflect and express something of the equality or value of human experience or conduct.”

Literature deals with certain aspects in human life, so it deals with life and man in both particular and general. Since literature covers man and his life, it can be interelated with kinds of knowledge such as philosopy, society and psychology. That is why literature is rich with insights of life and man including the universe. The motto literary writer is semi-God refers to the insights found in the works.

Many novels with a bipolar disorders theme inside of it, such as Mereka

Bilang Aku Gila: Perjuangan Hidup Pengidap Bipolar Disorder by Ry

Kusumaningtyas, The hours by Michael Cunningham, Mrs Dalloway by

Virginia Woolf and The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick, to say a few. The novel The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick is used in this thesis because the fenomena of bipolar disorders very seen than other novel.

In analyzing the topic, use psychology of literature theory as the basis of research that focused on American Psychiatric Association’s theory. This theory is suitable to analyze the fenomena of bipolar disorders in Matthew Quick`s novel The Silver Linings Playbook.



In relation to the background of the analysis, there are some problems to

analyzed, they are:

1. How are Pat’s bipolar disorders as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s novel

The Silver Linings Playbook?

2. How are Tiffany’s bipolar disorders as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s

novel The Silver Linings Playbook?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives of the analysis tend to answer the problem of the analysis,

based on the problem above, the objectives of this analysis mainly:

1. To describe Pat’s bipolar disorders as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s

novel The Silver Linings Playbook

2. To describe Tiffany’s bipolar disorders as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s

novel The Silver Linings Playbook

1.4 Scope of the study

An analysis should have limitation in order to make the analysis focused on

the topic of the discussion. The analysis is focused on Pat and Tiffany’s bipolar

disorders in the mood of mania and depression as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s

novel The Silver Linings Playbook based on American Psychiatric Association’s

theory in their book’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Fourth Edition.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.5 Significance of the Study

The analysis of this thesis is expected to be able to give significance for the

reader, both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, the significance is to enrich

the psychology literature, especially about bipolar disorders studies through

novel. Practically, it shows how bipolar disorders are portrayed in Matthew

Quick`s novel The Silver Linings Playbook. It is hoped that this analysis would

be useful for the readers to enrich their knowledge of bipolar disorders, especially

for future students who have interest in this kind of analysis.




2.1 Character

Character is one of the most important elements in literature; character holds the main role in a story of literature such as novel, drama, tale, and poem. Character is the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work. Character may be defined as a verbal representative of human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters we may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995: 135), authors use five ways to present their characters, they are :

1. Actions

What character does is our best way to understand what they are. As with ordinary human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand how they may be changing or why they do the things they do. Nevertheless, their actions express their characters. Actions may also signal qualities such as weakness, deceit, a scheming personality, strong inner or conflicts, a realization or growth of some sort.

2. Descriptions, both personal and environmental

Appearance and environmental reveal much about a character’s social and economic status, of course, but they also tell us about character traits.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. Dramatic statements and thoughts

Although the speeches of most characters are functional – essential to keep the story moving along – they provide material from which you can draw conclusions. Often, characters used speech to hide their motives,though we as readers should see through their action narrated in the works.

4. Statements by other characters

By studying what characters say about each other, you can enchance your understanding of the character being discussed. Ironically, the characters doing the talking often indicate something other than what they intend, perhaps because of prejudice, stupidity, or foolishness.

5. Statements by the author speaking as story – teller or obseverser

What the author, speaking with the authorial voice, says about a character is usually accurate, and authorial voice can be accepted factually. However, when the authorial interprets actions and characteritics, the author himself or herself assumes the role of reader or critic, and any opinions may be questioned. For this reason, authors frequently avoid interpretations and devote their own conclusions.

It has often been assumed that characters in a literary work can be judged from four levels of characterization. They are helpful to see the very basic description of characters. The four levels are : a. Physical : physical level supplies such as basic facts as sex, age, and size. It is the simplest level of characterization because it reveals external traits only b. Social : social level of characterization includes economic status, proffesion, religion, family, and social relationships


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA c. Psychological : this level reveals habitual responses, attitudes, , motivation, like and dislike – the inner working of the mind, emotional and intellectual leading to action. Since , thought, and behaviour define a character more fully than physical and social traits. Since a literary works usually arise from in a conflict, the psychological level is the most essential parts of characterization d. Moral : moral decision, more clearly, differentiates character than any other level of characterization. It is the choices made by the character. A moral decision usually causes a character to examine his or her own motives and values. And in the process, his or her true nature is revealed both to himself or herself and to the readers.

2.2 Bipolar Disorders

2.2.1 The History of Bipolar disorders

Physicians as far back as ancient Greece recognized bipolar disorder two

emotional and behavioral extremes as one ilness and recorded its symptomps

with uncanny accuracy. In the first century, physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia

used term "mania" and "." Aretaeus perhaps was the first who

definitively described mania and melancholia as two different images of one

single disease. He think that melancholia is the beginning and a part of mania.

The development of a mania is really a worsening of the disease (melancholia)

rather than a change into another disease. In most of them (melancholies) the

sadness became better after various lengths of time and changed into ;

the patients then developed a mania.

In the Middle Ages, Swiss physician Théophile Bonet described a mental

illness called maniaco-melancholicus and linked mania and melancholia but


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA people believed mental illness were from demonic possession or a

manifestation of bad deeds. In the twentieth century, French psychiatrist Jean-

Pierre Falret had named bipolar disorder folie circulaire or circular insanity.He

defined the sequential change from mania to melancholia and vice-versa and the

interval in between asan independent disease of its own.

German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin believed mental illness had a biological

origin and he grouped diseases based on classification of common patterns of

symptoms, rather than by simple similarity of major symptoms and formulated

the term “manic-depression”. Over the years mental health experts further

defined the symptoms of manic depression. In 1980, in a revision of its

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychiatric

Association renamed the condition bipolar disorders (although manic depression

is still commonly used).

2.2.2 A brief description of Bipolar disorders

Marcovitz (2009:23) says to be bipolar is to bounce between the two extreme opposite poles of mood: depression and mania.

It can be seen that bipolar disorders have depression and mania. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe depression is called a Major depressive episode. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe mania is called Manic episode. Based on American Psychiatric Association’s theory in their book’s

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, there arecriteria for Major depressive episode and criteria for Manic episode.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Criteria for Major Depressive Episode :

A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2- week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.

Note: Do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a general medical condition, or mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations.

1. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either

subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others

(e.g., appears tearful). Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable


The mood in a Major depressive episode is often described by the person as

depressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or "down in the dumps". In some cases,

sadness may be denied at first, but may subsequently be elicited by interview

(e.g., by pointing out that the individual looks as if he or she is about to cry). In

some individuals who complain of feeling "blah," having no , or feeling

anxious, the presence of a depressed mood can be inferred from the person's

facial expression and demeanor. Some individuals emphasize somatic complaints

(e.g., bodily aches and ) rather than reporting feelings of sadness. Many

individuals report or exhibit increased (e.g., persistent anger, a

tendency to respond to events with angry outbursts or blaming others, or an

exaggerated sense of over minor matters).

2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most

of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or

observation made by others)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Loss of interest or pleasure is nearly always present, at least to some degree.

Individuals may report feeling less interested in hobbies, "not caring anymore," or not feeling any enjoyment in activities that were previous by considered pleasurable.

In some individuals, there is a significant reduction from previous levels of sexual interest or desire.

3. Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of

more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite

nearly every day. Note: In children, consider failure to make expected weight


Appetite is usually reduced, and many individuals feel that they have to forcethemselves to eat. When appetite changes are severe (in either direction), there may be a significant loss or gain in weight.

4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day

The most common sleep disturbance associated with a Major Depressive Episode is insomnia. Individuals typically have middle insomnia (i.e., waking up during the night and having difficulty returning to sleep) or terminal insomnia (i.e., waking too early and being unable to return to sleep). Initial insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling asleep) may also occur. Less frequently, individuals present with oversleeping

(hypersomnia) in the form of prolonged sleep episodes at night or increased day time sleep. Sometimes the reason that the individual seeks treatment is for the disturbed sleep.

5. or retardation nearly every day (observable by others,

not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)

Psychomotor changes include agitation (e.g., the inability to sit still, pacing, hand- wringing; or pulling or rubbing of the skin, clothing, or other objects) or retardation


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA (e.g., slowed speech, thinking, and body movements; increased pauses before answering; speech that is decreased in volume, inflection, amount, or variety of content, or muteness). The psychomotor agitation or retardation must be severeenough to be observable by others and not represent merely subjective feelings.

6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day

Decreased energy, tiredness, and fatigue are common. A person may report sustained fatigue without physical exertion. Even the smallest tasks seem to require substantial effort. The efficiency with which tasks are accomplished may be reduced. For example, an individual may complain that washing and dressing in the morning are exhausting and take twice as long as usual.

7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be

delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being


The sense of worthlessness or guilt associated with a Major Depressive Episode may include unrealistic negative evaluations of one's worth or guilty preoccupations or ruminations over minor past failings. Such individuals often misinterpret neutral or trivial day-to-day events as evidence of personal defects and have an exaggerated sense of responsibility for untoward events.

8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every

day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)

Many individuals report impaired ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions.

They may appear easily distracted or complain of memory difficulties. Those in intellectually demanding academic or occupational pursuits are often unable to function adequately even when they have mild concentration problems.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 9. Recurrent thoughts of death (not just of dying), recurrent suicidal

ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for

committing suicide.

C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).

E. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation

Criteria for Manic Episode :

A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood.

The elevated mood of a Manic Episode may be described as euphoric, unusually good, cheerful, or high. Although the person's mood may initially have an infectious quality for the uninvolved observer, it is recognized as excessive by those who know the person well. The expansive quality of the mood is characterized by unceasing and indiscriminate for interpersonal, sexual, or occupational interactions.

Although elevated mood is considered the prototypical symptom, the predominant mood disturbance may be irritability, particularly when the person's wishes are thwarted. Lability of mood (e.g., the alternation between and irritability) is frequently seen.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:

1. Inflated self-esteem or

Inflated self-esteem is typically present, ranging from uncritical self- tomarked grandiosity, and may reach delusional proportions. Individuals may give advice on matters about which they have no special knowledge.

2. Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)

Almost invariably, there is a decreased need for sleep (Criterion B2). The personusually awakens several hours earlier than usual, feeling full of energy. When the sleep disturbance is severe, the person may go for days without sleep and yet not feel tired.

3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking

Manic speech is typically pressured, loud, rapid, and difficult to interrupt. Individuals may talk nonstop, sometimes for hours on end, and without regard for others' wishes to communicate. Speech is sometimes characterized by joking, punning, and amusing irrelevancies. The individual may become theatrical, with dramatic mannerisms and singing. Sounds rather than meaningful conceptual relationships may govern word choice (i.e., clanging). If the person's mood is more irritable than expansive, speech may be marked by complaints, hostile comments, or angry tirades.

4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing

The individual's thoughts may race, often at a rate faster than can be articulated.

Some individuals with Manic Episodes report that this experience resembles watching two or three television programs simultaneously. Frequently there is flight of ideas evidenced by a nearly continuous of accelerated speech, with abrupt


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA changes from one topic to another. When flight of ideas is severe, speech may become disorganized and incoherent.

5. Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant

external stimuli)

Distractibility is evidenced by an inability to screen out irrelevant external stimuli

(e.g., the interviewer's tie, background noises or conversations, or furnishings in the room). There may be a reduced ability to differentiate between thoughts that are germane to the topic and thoughts that are only slightly relevant or clearly irrelevant.

6. Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or

sexually) or psychomotor agitation

The increase in goal-directed activity often involves excessive planning of, and excessive participation in, multiple activities (e.g., sexual, occupational, political, religious). Increased sexual drive, fantasies, and behavior are often present.

7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for

painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual

indiscretions, or foolish business investments)

Expansiveness, unwarranted , grandiosity, and poor judgment often leadto an imprudent involvement in pleasurable activities such as buying sprees, recklessdriving, foolish business investments, and sexual behavior unusual for the person, eventhough these activities are likely to have painful consequences. Unusual sexual behavior may include infidelity or indiscriminate sexual encounters with strangers.

D. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairmentin occupational functioning or in usual social activities or relationshipswith others, or to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self orothers, or there are psychotic features.

E. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of asubstance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or ageneral medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).

DSM-IV-TR also defines a hypomanic episode, a less severe version of a manic episode that does not cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.

(Hypo means “below”; thus the episode is below the level of a manic episode.)

There are three main categories of bipolar disorder, that is Bipolar I Disorder,

Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder.

1) Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by one or more Manic, usually

accompanied by Major Depressive Episodes.

2) Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by one or more Major Depressive

Episodes accompanied by at least one Hypomanic Episode.

3) Cyclothymic Disorder is characterized by at least 2 years of numerous

periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Manic

Episode and numerous periods of depressive symptoms that do not meet

criteria for a Major Depressive Episode.




3.1 Research Design

This type of research also uses qualitative research method because all data atre analyzed in the form of words and sentences. According to Moleong ( 2006: 4),

“Qualitative method is used as research procedures that resulted descriptive data containing of spoken and written words and people behavior which can be observed”. In other word, qualitative method research is a research procedure that resulted descriptive data and relies on narrative description. With descriptive research,, the writer will aim to carry out an exploration of the certain phenomena, which in this case the bipolar disorders and other related issues to.

3.2 Data and Data Source

There are two kinds of data, primary data and secondary data. The primary data is the text of in Matthew Quick`s novel The Silver Linings Playbook. The data in the novel can be in the form of words, phrases, or sentences. However, the writer only focuses on data that indicates Pat and Tiffany’s bipolar disorders. The secondary data were the data taken from the internet, books, articles and thesis of psychology student in refference to further guidance.

3.3. Data Collecting Procedure

In the step of data collecting procedure, the writer will need both primary and secondary data sources. First of all, the writer starts with getting the novel The

Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick which are the primary data of this


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA research and read it over and over until the writer understands the story well. The writer will also look into secondary data such as gathering data from books, articles, webs, and other supporting material that is relevant to the topic of the study.

3.4. Data Selecting Procedure

In this procedure the writer starts to go through the data more thoroughly and takes down any notes for neccessary explanations the collection of raw materials.

This involves underlining and highlighting important data as well as quoting from the novel to provide concrete evidence. The data will be selected and organized in accordance with the problem of the study so finally the writer can carry out an analysis.

3.5. Data Analyzing Procedure

In this analysis of the study, the writer will arrange the data in accordance to the area of analysis. The writer will then:

1. Reading the novels

2. Selecting and underline the sentences that can be related as the data

3. Collecting all the data

4. Classify the data accurately by relating it to the problems and aims of this

study within the novel

5. Investigate and analyze the phenomenon of bipolar disorders

6. Identify and interprete the data that suggests characteristics activities of

bipolar disorders which showed by Pat and Tiffany.

7. The writer then can make a conclusion from overall data analysis that have

been analyzed and interpreted.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The flowchart of data analysis

The Silver Linings Playbook novel by Matthew Quick

How are Pat’s bipolar disorders as How are Tiffany’s bipolar disorders as portrayed in Matthew Quick`s novel portrayed in Matthew Quick`s novel

The Silver Linings Playbook? The Silver Linings Playbook?

American Psychiatric Association’s theory in

their book’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition.

Analysis And Findings

Conclusion And Suggestion





As human being are never out of problems in the life. It is because everything that happens in the life is not in accordance with what is wanted or expected.

Problems can be caused by others, for example other people hurt a person with unpleasant words or deeds. On the contrary the problem can also be caused by self, for example a person hurt others with unpleasant words or deeds.

How to deal with each problems differs in everyone. It all depends on mentality, background, education, or life experience. There are some people who knows how to deal with problems. There are some people who run away from problems because they do not want to be troubled with problems. There are some people who ignorant and do not care about problems. There are some people who are very panicked in facing problems. There are some people who feel falling until do not know how to deal with problems. Everyone who is very panicked and feels falling by problems encountered can cause stress. Excessive stress can make a person have trauma. Trauma makes a person feel very disturbed and threatened physically, psychologically, emotionally and mentally.

In this novel there are two characters that are Pat and Tiffany who have been traumatized in their lives. Trauma that continues to haunt their lives makes them difficult to control their mood. Difficulty in controlling their mood is because they have bipolar disorders. So that make their mood often change dramatically in an indeterminate time.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Pat initially had a normal life of having a wife, house and job as a teacher in high school. But one day when he goes back home from work and catches his wife is having sex in the shower with his partner work. He punches and almost kills his partner work. It was a terrible and painful event for Pat's life. He never thought that his beloved wife had betrayed him. The loss of someone he because the betrayal makes Pat so stress and trauma. It makes Pat suffer from Bipolar disorders and can not control his mood.Then he was taken rehabilitation to Baltimore Mental

Illness Hospital for four years.

Tifanny also initially had a normal life of having a husband, job and house.

But she has lost her husband because of death in accident motorcycle. The loss of someone she loves because death makes Tiffany so stress and trauma. She can not live without her husband. It makes Tiffany suffer from Bipolar disorders and can not control her mood.Eventough she does not take rehabilitation to Mental Illness

Hospital. But she must often taken to psychiatrist for consultation.

4.1 Pat’s Bipolar disorders

This thesis consist of Mania and Depression in Bipolar disorders. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe depression is called a Major depressive episode. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe mania is called Manic episode. Therefore in this analysis will be discussed also Pat's Major depressive episode and Manic episode.

4.1.1 Pat’s Major Depressive episode

Based on American Psychiatric Association's theory in their book’s

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, criteria Major


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Depressive episode are depressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or "down in the dumps", feeling "blah," having no feelings, or feeling anxious; markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day;insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down); fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional); diminished ability to think or concentrate; thoughts of death. But there are some Major Depressive episode criteria owned by Pat. Depressed

Pat has problem where no one believes that he will get a miracle to become a good person. The impact of other people's disbelief is Pat becomes very depressed.

He is very depressed because as a man he really needs . It is because trust makes someone realize that he/she is useful to others. The impact of Pat’s depressed is he do not trust anyone else either. Pat merely suspects others and worries others. In Pat's mind, people always assume that Pat could not possibly return with his ex-wife and had a happy ending because he is just a bad person. Another impact of other people's disbelief is shut out from others. The impact of Pat's closing down is that he is very depressed. He is very depressed because always remembering and looking at himself is just a person who can not be trusted.

Other people also mock and criticize that Pat's ex-wife will not like to see him again. The impact of negative words from others makes Pat very depressed because he feels fallen and hurt. Pat thinks all the people around him can only hurt him and drop him. And to turn into a good person, Pat really need to hear the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA motivation and positive words from others. That is because the motivation and positive words from others can make a person become passionate and strong.

As a result of Pat's rejection and shut-down, he is deeply depressed inside the

Baltimore Mental Illness Hospital for four years. That is because he can not control his mood and can not socialize well with others.Pat also has problems because no one believes with love in Mental Illness Hospital. So no one gave love to him. It is true what the saying goes without love like a flavorless food that becomes bland.

That's how Pat felt, his life had no taste, felt alone and devoid of love. Moreover, he could not meet the people who he loved that is his parents and ex-wife who he remembered as his wife. So he feels very lonely and suffers from being in the Mental

Illness Hospital because there is no one he loves and loves him there. So he became very depressed in the Mental Illness Hospital. He feels confined and do not want to stay in the Mental Illness Hospital. But he can not do anything to of it so he gets depressed. He assumed that Mental Illness Hospital is a bad place because he feels very depressed inside there.

I don’t want to stay in the bad place, where no one believes in silver linings or love or happy endings, and where everyone tells me Nikki will not like my new body, nor will she even want to see me when apart time is over (Quick, 2008:4)

Pat is also getting depressed because doctors and nurses are always giving him medicine. He really do not want to take medication but doctors and nurses always forced Pat to take drugs. So there is a rebellion inside him to refuse to take drugs but he was helpless. He had to follow the rules of taking medicine so that it makes him very depressed. As a result of his depression, he is very hate and wants to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA stay away from doctors, nurses and drugs. He regards doctors as depressed and mocking nurses as ugly nurses.

Even still, I need to get away from the depressing doctors and the ugly nurses— with their endless pills in paper cups (Quick, 2008: 4) Sad

Sad is the normal human mood, all have experienced and will experience it again. If something happens is not in accordance with what is wanted or expected, it will make someone sad. Sadness is usually triggered by trouble, hurt, challenges, or unpleasant events. In other words, human tend to feel sad about something. If someone can accept something that makes sad, then sadness will be lost. But if someone can not accept and can not control the sadness, then will dissolve in sadness and make cry often.

Pat has bipolar disorders, so he can not control his sadness when he experiences unpleasant events in his life. So he is dissolved in sadness. One of those events is he has hit his mother when he was angry. For Pat, his mother is someone who is very meaningful in his life. He loves his mother very much. His mother is very struggle to get Pat from the Mental Illness Hospital and always gave the best for him. But the struggle and goodness of his mother repaid Pad with crime. His crime happened when he is having trouble controlling his anger. So he tends to vent his anger to the people around him. Actually he do not want to hurt his mother but his mood could not be in control. So after he hurt his mother, he just realized and felt very . He feels very regret to have hurt his very loved ones. He himself for not being able to control his anger. He is regret that something he do not want


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA happened but it happened. He feels very regret because he often disappoints his mother. Though his mother never disappoints him.

The dream for a child is to make happy our parents. One way to make happy our parents is to realize our mother's hope and wishes. But if a child can not fulfill mother's hope and wishes, then a person will feel a failure, very sad, disappointed and regret.

Likewise with Pat, he felt a failure, very sad, disappointed and regret for not being able to realize his mother's hope and wishes. His mother's hope is to change he to be a good person. But because Pat can not control his mood, he always fails to become a good person.

To Pat disappointing his mother is as disappointing as himself. To hurt his mother with his rough deed is to hurt himself. , failure, regret and made him very sad. But because Pat can not control his mood, he also can not control his sadness. So he continues to dissolve in sadness. His sadness made his very sad and sobbing. Even every time he heard his psychiatrist's words about his mother made him cry even more. Whereas for a man to cry in public is a very embarrassing thing. And shows that the man is a very weak person. But because Pat continues to dissolve in sadness, he is not shy sobbing in front of his psychiatrist.

...... My chest heats up with guilt until I can’t take it. Truth be told, I break down and cry— sobbing—for at least five minutes. “Your mother is risking a lot, because she believes in you.” His words make me cry even harder. “You want to be a good person, don’t you, Pat?” I nod. I cry. I do want to be a good person. I really do (Quick, 2008: 73)

Because of Pat’s bipolar disorders, his moods can not control so that make his mood often change with adjacent time. One of his frequent moods is when he is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA angry and hit others, after that he experiences excessive sadness. He can not control his anger so that when he gets angry, he hits someone else. He is very sad when he wanted to turn into a good person and did not want to beat others but he could not control his anger. He continued to cry because he deeply regretted his actions. His excessive sadness is marked by Pat constantly remembering his actions that he has hit someone and continues to weep for his mistakes.

I know I really shouldn’t have hit that Giants fan, and now I’m crying again.. (Quick, 2008:201)

Even because Pat keeps remembering his actions that have beaten somebody and kept crying for his mistake, the incident was carried away by dream. As a result he can not control his mood, he also can not control his sadness. Although it was a dream, but he still cried because of his dream. He cried because he could not control his dream. To him the dream is real and the event he beats someone as it happens again.

...... I cry. I feel awful and try not to hit the Giants fan every time the memory flashes through my mind, but I can’t control my dream self any more than I could control my awake self after seeing the blood on Jake’s hands (Quick, 2008: 215)

Pat does not remember that his wife is having an affair but his subconscious records felt the pain betrayed. So it becomes something traumatic for him. He is traumatized with everything that is about not loyalty and betrayal. Trauma of the pain betrayed will make a person very easy to cry excessively. The trauma are when he see others betraying or betrayed. So when Pat see Tiffany still wearing her wedding ring but she invites others to have sex. It makes Pat think Tiffany is unfaithful to her deceased her husband. So that makes Pat cry because he returned again experienced trauma. The trauma occurred because he felt the pain betrayed by


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA a loved one. Pat feels what her deceased husband felt. Feelings that are devastated and make him very sad because disappointed, feel wasted, feel the pain betrayed by a loved one.

Pat does not like to be touched by anyone except Nikki. But when Tiffany cry and hugged Pat, surprised she also hugged and cry with Tiffany. Pat cry because with Tiffany. Pat pity because she thinks that Tiffany lacks love and feel lonely due to her husband's death. So Tiffany looks for and sex satisfaction from other men. Pat cry because he feel what Tiffany felt was lack of affection and feeling lonely. Someone who is lacking affection and feeling lonely will make her/his feel comfortable when hugged by others. It made Pat feel comfortable when hugged by

Tiffany. So Pat suddenly hugging Tiffany too. Also when Tifanny invited Pat to have sex made Pat feel the pain again betrayed by someone he loved. It is because he is traumatized by his cheating wife.

but I myself by hugging Tiffany back. I rest my chin on top of her shiny black hair, scent her perfume, and suddenly I am crying too, which scares me a lot. Our bodies shudder together, and we are all waterworks. We cry together for at least ten minutes (Quick, 2008: 90) Feeling Anxious

If someone is anxious about something that makes sense, it is a very natural thing to happen. For example, someone goes to a place that has never been visited and is known to make someone anxious get the wrong way. But bipolar disorders sufferers are anxious with things that do not make sense.

A person will feel natural and will not be anxious when he/she see something changed and new places when returning to their old homes. Even feel amazed and happy if the new places that look attractive and beautiful.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Pat had excessive anxious when he just got out of Baltimore Mental Illness

Hospital and see places on the streets of his neighborhood changed a lot. He felt very anxious because he is unfamiliar with the new environment and he is anxious about whether it really is the way to his home.

So many new boutique stores, new expensive-looking restaurants, and well-dressed strangers walking the sidewalks that I if this is really my hometown a tall. I start to feel anxious, breathing heavily like I sometimes do. (Quick, 2008:8)

Generally when people have a new environment, naturally as normal people will be able to adapt. Although when people undergo the process of adaptation it will feel anxious symptom that is worried, affraid and nervous. But as normal people will be able to master the anxious symptoms. While people who have bipolar disorders will often experience anxious symptoms when they start adapting to a new environment. It is because they can not control their mood.

Pat is so influenced by the words of the people around him that it disturbs his mind and he experiences an excessive anxious. Pat afraid the people from his old life will not like about Pat's change and wer e not enthusiastic about his efforts to change, so even if people do not talk about him but he was already imagining downs would people say to him, and negative behavior from others who would he .

But I am also afraid the people from my old life will not be as

enthusiastic as I am now trying to be (Quick, 2008:4)

In general a normal person will have the to tell his life to the person closest or the most dearest. He/she also do not think about whether his/her story was accepted or not. The most important thing for him is that he has told his life to the nearest or the most beloved. Because it will make it more calm and comfortable.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But sufferers of bipolar disorders will have an anxious if they tell their lives to others. Even to the person closest or the most cherished. That's because while in an episode of depression, bipolar disorder suffers from being an introvert and very closed to others. Likewise, Pat has an anxious when want to tell his life to the person closest or the most beloved of his wife. Anxious makes him think what his wife would answer is something he do not want. He had answered his own question that his wife would be angry with him.

If Pat was normal he would have resisted and would not be afraid of his wife's anger just because he had hit someone. And if Pat is normal he must be thinking that

Nikki is still his wife. So whatever mistakes he made, Pat would think that his wife would still forgive her. But because Pat suffers from bipolar disorders, anxious makes him just think negative what will happen to him. The more he wants to tell the story, the more he feels anxious because Nikki will be mad at him if he talk to Nikki about the incident he has hit someone almost want to die. Anxious also disillusioned himself that made time will surely be extended because he can not control himself.

“I’m upset because I know Nikki will be mad at me when I tell her what happened. I am upset because I disappointed myself, and apart time will surely be extended now because God will want to protect Nikki until I learn to control myself better (Quick, 2008:222) Hopelessness

Life is a process. Live how we live it. It all depends on the learning process of life that we have done so far. Whether it is through education in family, religion, school and society. When we can learn from the process of life, whatever problems a person experience it will make him/her more enthusiastic in solving every problems.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA But unlike Pat who can not learn and enjoy the process of his life. One of those processes is process to change become a good person. So he is not spirited anymore to face every problem in his life and become a hopelessness. Cause Pat can not learn and enjoy the process of life is affected by society.

People born with choice and life is choice. Whether they choose happy because themselves or society. When someone defines their happiness through other people beliefs, acceptance and definition, so they naturally will feel insecure and disappointed. Living with disappointment makes someone lose hope. Someone lost hope because of disappointment. And someone is disappointed because ever hope.

Pat who feel insecure and disappointed because he was disappointed with the people around him. He chose to live depend on society. He really society can help him to change becomea good person and help him back with his wife, but society disappoints him. No one was helping, supporting and motivating Pat. But instead many people judge, drop and discriminate against him. So the lack of support from society makes him feel insecure and disappointed. Because of he feels insecure and disappointed, he become a hopelessness.

Pat try to stand alone without beliefs others may one day know he will be to be a good person and inversion with his wife. He still tries to keep hope and fights by himself into a good person with society who does not seem to care for his disappointment. But he is someone who can not control himself. His mood is bigger in his life than he dominates his mood. So he always fails to become a good person.

As a result he is always disappointed because he hope with himself, he becomes a hopelessness. He pessimistic and stop wishing to be a good person and return with his wife. He felt a failure because he could not control his mood and his self. His mistake hitting someone made him feel hopeless and disappointed with himself.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I realize that I have once again failed to be kind; that I lost control in a big way; that I seriously injured another person, and therefore I’m never going to get Nikki back now (Quick, 2008: 200) Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt

As human being can definitely or never feel worthless or feel guilty. For a normal person feeling of worthlessness will make he/she rise from adversity and find a way to raise his self-esteem. And the feeling of inappropriate guilt will make the he/she find a solution to solve the problem.

But not with Pat who suffers from bipolar disorders. Feeling of worthlessness will make him judge himself. As a result Pat is having difficulty controlling his mood. It makes others not want to recognize him as a normal person. Also makes Pat feel alienated. Other people also do not accept him in the social environment and stay away from him. So that makes Pat feel rejected. And others do not appreciate his feelings and can not appreciate his efforts to change. So that makes Pat feel worthless in the eyes of others and he is inferior. He considers himself to be uncontrollable and dangerous. It happens because recognition, acceptance, and respect make one aware of its existence in the midst of its environment. But it was not in getting Pat from someone else.

Pat never wanted to hit anyone but he could not control his mood when he is angry. So after Pat hit someone, he immediately felt guilty for his actions. But because Pat could not control his guilt anymore, his guilt was growing and growing.

He felt his crime beating others as he was not human but animals. The impact of feeling of inappropriate guilt makes Pat feel herself useless, unreliable and unable to do anything.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA so I know I really shouldn’t have hit that Giants fan, and now I’m crying again because I’m such a fucking waste—such a fucking non-person. I hand the phone back to Jake, feeling the real world, because I am uncontrollable and dangerous. (Quick, 2008: 201)

Impact Pat felt very awful and inappropriate guilty after he hit someone, making Pat unable to say sorry to the man who he had beaten. He really wanted to apologize, but he can only say sorry in a very quiet voice. Because of his guilty also make him wants to run away from that problem. So he ran as fast as he can, goes down the street away from the stadiums. He runs away, weaves through the crowds of people and everywhere to relieve his guilt.

.... and I begin to feel so awful—so guilty. Someone yells, “Call an ambulance!” Another yells, “Tell ’em to bring a blue-and-red body bag!” “I’m sorry,” I whisper, because I find it hard to speak. “I’m so sorry.” And then I am running again.(Quick, 2008:199)

Even after two days of the incident he hit someone, he is still thinking about the incident. He continues to think about that little kid crying, hiding behind his father's leg whose father had been beaten by Pat. It is because Pat is not only a guilty to his father but his child. Pat felt regret for the little kid because the boy is little but have seen his father beaten and Pat almost killed his father. So that makes Pat very difficult to forget about the occurrence of he hitting the big Giants fan.

For two days now I have been thinking about that little kid crying, hiding behind his father’s leg, and I feel so guilty about hitting the big Giants fan (Quick, 2008: 217)

In addition Pat also has a sense of and worthlessness when he cries. He realized he was a worthless person because as a man he could not control his sadness in front of many people. He considers crying in front of others to make him look


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA weak. So he covered his face so that no one would see him crying. He covered the weaknesses and the sense of worthlessness.

I cover my face with my hands so no one will see me crying,.....(Quick, 2008: 19) Diminished ability to think or concentrate

As human being is very reasonable if faced with a choice. That is because life is choice. Whether it's choosing a big thing or the slightest thing. If told to choose will definitely focus on the choice, not focus on what will be spelled out by others or not focus on the assessment of people.

But not with Pat who suffers from bipolar disorders, his thinking ability is reduced to concentrate or focus. So it makes it difficult to make a decision to choose if faced with an option. Even in choosing a small thing, one of them is to choose which seat he will choose.

Normal people when told to sit will not be too thinking about which seat he should choose. If you want to choose a chair based on color, usually a normal person will choose the preferred color. But Pat, who suffers from bipolar disorders, does not choose the colors he likes, but thinks too much about what people say about them.

Initially Pat want to choose a black recliner but immediately regret his decision and changed to choose a brown recliner. It is because of Pat's lack of ability to think that kept him from focusing on his choices. But he only focuses what others will say to him. So it makes it difficult to make a decision. And make it strange to think that the color he chose would be he is depressed or not.

Dr. Patel asks me which recliner I want to relax in. I pick the black over the brown and immediately regret my decision, thinking that choosing black makes me seem more depressed than


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA if I had chosen brown, and really, I’m not depressed at all. (Quick, 2008:21)

The tendency of bipolar disorder suffers from memory or memory loss. It happens not because it is old but because of the influence of chemicals in drugs that cause their memory weakened. It also experienced by Pat, his memory began to decrease because he drank many drugs in mental illness hospital.

My memory started to slip in the bad place because of the drugs (Quick,


4.1.2 Pat’s Manic episode

Based on American Psychiatric Association's theory in their book’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, criteria Manic episode areelevated, expansive, or irritable mood; inflated self-esteem or grandiosity; decreased need for sleep; more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking; flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing; distractibility; increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation; excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences. But there are some Manic episode criteria owned by Pat. Irritable mood

A person's reaction is influenced by the actions given by others to her/him. So that through the mood in heart radiated life. Such an irritable mood that a person possesses is influenced by the attitude, speech and behavior of others to her/ him.

Irritable mood is like calm water and when touched will produce waves. Which means that if something offends a person, it generates anger, hurt and action away


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA from something that offends him/her. Pat also very easily irritable if there is something that offended his heart.

But as a child, any normal person will never hit his/her mother with an unreasonable excuse. While Pat who experienced bipolar disorders hit his mother with an unreasonable reason. Pat does not remember that he has been in Mental

Illness Hospital and separated from his wife for four years. He loves his wife very much and does not want to part with his wife. He did not believe and did not accept that he had long separated from his wife. So it makes him very angry. He considers only a hallucination when his mother says the year is now two thousand and six. It makes him unable to control his anger and shout. Even when his mother tried to calm him, he swat his mother and make his mother cry.

“What year is it?” She hesitates, and then says, “Two thousand and six.” That would make me thirty-four. Apart time would have been in progress for four years. Impossible, I think. “How do I know I am not hallucinating right now? How do I know you’re not a hallucination? You’re all hallucinations! All of you!” I realize I am screaming, but I can’t help it. Mom shakes her head, tries to touch my cheek, but I swat her hand away and she starts crying again (Quick, 2008:66)

Irritable mood is the most common symptom of bipolar disorders Pat. It is because he is traumatized with anger. The reason of the trauma is he see his wife cheating at home. Seeing the painful event makes Pat so angry and lost control of his anger. So he hituntil almost death.

Since the incident Pat makes Pat can not see his loved ones being hurt.

Impact of Pat has an irritable mood is he is very easy to scream like crazy and very easy to hit other peopleif he see his loved ones being hurt.One of his loved ones is his brother. When his brother quarreled with someone else, Pat felt someone else was


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA hurting his brother. So he could not control his anger when he saw his brother hurt.

He hit the man very hard almost to die.

My brother is hurt. My brother is hurt. MY BROTHER IS HURT. I explode. The bad feeling in my stomach rockets up through my chest and into my hands— and before I can stop myself, I’m moving forward like a Mack truck. I catch Steve’s cheek with a left, and then my right connects with the south side of his chin, lifting him off the ground. I watch him float through the air as if he were allowing his body to fall backward into a pool. His back hits the concrete, his feet and hands twitch once, and then he’s not moving (Quick, 2008:194)

Pat’s irritable mood is very easy to increase with various triggers. For example when he heard smooth jazz. In general, people when hearing smooth jazz will make the mood relaxed. But Pat has an oddity when hearing smooth jazz, he experiences elevated to anger. So when he was in Baltimore Mental Illness Hospital, he never attended a music relaxation class. He does not like music, because when he hears the music makes his mood so uncontrolled and irritable. That is because listening to Jazz music is a trauma for him. The trauma was caused by his wife's affair accompanied by their wedding music.

My other friends are in music relaxation class, which I do not attend, because smooth jazz makes me angry sometimes (Quick, 2008:5) Particularly on music performed by Kenny G. Kenny G is an American saxophonist. Kenny G is the music that accompanies Pat's wedding. But kenny G's music is also played in the house when he goes upstairs and catches his wife having sex with his partner job in the bathroom. Although he does not remember the incident of his wife's affair but his subconscious recording or storing the sense of anger and hurt his wife. So it becomes a trigger of his trauma.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA When he was waiting for therapy to his shrinks suddenly heard the song kenny G. Without waiting for a long time the peace of Pat when sitting turned 180 degrees. Instantly his mood, mind and behavior became unrestrained. His intensified into excessive anger. He is becoming like crazy people, he screams and destroys things that are nearby without caring about the people around him. getting more and more agitated. So he realizes that injustice happens in his life. He also realized that he was the victim of his wife's treachery. But he feels that nobody knows what he wants. Only the drugs he got but actually he did not want that. He assumes that he is just an emotional lab rat for others. So there is rebellion in him.

....suddenly I’m hearing sexy synthesizer chords, faint highhat taps, the kick drum thumping out an erotic heartbeat, the twinkling of fairy dust, and then the evil bright soprano saxophone. You know the title: “Songbird.” And I’m out of my seat, screaming, kicking chairs, flipping the coffee table, picking up piles of magazines and throwing them against the wall, yelling, “It’s not fair! I won’t tolerate any tricks! I’m not an emotional lab rat!” “Turn off that music!” I yell. “Shut it off! Right now!” (Quick, 2008:18)

For Pat kenny G's music is the scariest thing in the world more than anyone else. Pat always felt that Kenny G was always chasing after him even while he was sleeping. Although Kenny G's song is not being played but he has delusional or hallucinations overshadowed by Kenny G playing his saxophone. Naturally for normal people the music will not hurt themselves. But unlike Pat, he feels hurt or beaten by a musical instrument kenny G. And it makes him like a man who was possessed by hurting himself and screaming. Pat is not only scared but also he is very traumatized, hates and angry because kenny G's music often appears suddenly in his mind. He is keen and struggling to remove kenny G's music in her mind but he can not control her own thoughts. When he experiences delusional, he no longer cares


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA about the people around him who try to calm him down. So he did not knowingly hurt his mother too. Delusional Kenny G is very difficult to stop, can only stop when his father resuscitated by hitting Pat's stomach.

But he takes a deep breath and his soprano sax starts to sing the bright notes of “Songbird”—and immediately I’m upright in my sleeping bag, repetitively slamming the heel of my right hand into the little white scar above my right eyebrow, trying to make the music stop—Kenny G’s hips are swaying right before my eyes— with every brain jolt I’m yelling, “Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!”—the end of his instrument is in my face, pounding me with smooth jazz—I feel the blood rushing up into my forehead—Kenny G’s solo has reached a climax— bang, bang, bang, bang (Quick, 2008: 61)

Pat interrupts his parents who are sleeping in the middle of the night just to find his wedding video. When he learned that his wedding video was misplaced by his mother, he became very angry. He strives to stop his anger by doing five hundred sit-ups. Five hundred sit-ups are a fantastic amount of sit ups beyond the limits made by people in general unless they want to diet or exercise following the race up. But

Pat deliberately do five hundred sit-ups to divert his anger. Pat thinks that when he diverts his anger with do 500 sit-ups, he can drain his energy so he is tired and he has no more energy to get angry. When he is tired, he thinks he will be able to sleep faster, forgetting the incident that angers him. But he is still angry so he tries harder to stop his anger by way of ride the stationary bike for forty-five minutes and then do shots of water until he feels hydrated enough to attempt five hundred push-ups.

But I can feel myself getting more and more angry, so before I say or do anything dumb, I remember that I am close to being sent back to the bad place, where Nikki will never find me. I storm past my mother, go down into the basement, and do five hundred sit-ups on the Stomach Master 6000. When I finish, I am still angry, so I ride the stationary bike for forty- five minutes and then do shots of water until I feel hydrated enough to attempt five hundred push-ups. (Quick, 2008:97)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Pat also is very irrritable when Nikki's friend calls him an illiterate buffoon.

So he did not want to follow dinner conversations with Nikki's literary friends.

Irritable's Pat can be seen when he starts reading literary books as wanted by Nikki, but he still remembers the occasion of dinner conversations with Nikki's literary friends in the past where he remembers every word of Nikki's friends when he him. Then he tried to read literary books so as not to be insulted by Nikki's friends with the call an illiterate buffoon again when one day participate in conversations with Nikki's literary friends.

Nikki likes to read, and since she always wanted me to read literary books, I start, mainly so I will be able to participate in the dinner conversations I had remained silent through in the past— those conversations with Nikki’s literary friends, all English teachers who think I’m an illiterate buffoon (Quick, 2008:13) Expansive

For most people it is very difficult to speak frankly to a psychiatrist, usually a psychiatrist who always digs up information or his patient's story. But unlike Pat, Pat is very open and frank to his psychiatrist about his personal problems with his wife in great detail. Though it is a very sensitive issue for him and that he never spoke anyone. It is because Pat can not control his mood when he talks to someone about his life.

“Umm…I don’t know, really. I mean—I love my in-laws as

much as I love Nikki. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m

thinking that Nikki will be back sooner than later, and then

she’ll straighten everything out with her parents.” (Quick,

2008: 14)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Inflated self-esteem or Grandiosity

Pat feels inflated self-esteem or grandiosity when everytime his psychiatrist asks him about his ex-wife, Nikki. He is very happy and enthusiastic, when everytime he tells about Nikki. He is very happy and enthusiastic, when everytime he tells about Nikki. Pat feels inflated self-esteem or grandiosity because Nikki is the best thing that ever happened to him. Also because he loves Nikki more than his life.

Nikki? She’s great,” I say, and then smile, feeling the warmth that fills my chest whenever I say her name, whenever I see her face in my mind. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her more than life itself. And I just can’t wait until apart time is over.” (Quick, 2008:14)

There is very natural when people feels inflated self-esteem or grandiosity after reading the book until it runs out because he has gained a lot of knowledge from the book. But unlike Pat, just now he opened and read the first page he feels inflated self-esteem or grandiosity because he could already know the entire book and feels very smart.

So I eagerly crack open the book and can feel myself getting smarter as I turn the first few pages. (Quick, 2008:35) Decreased need for sleep

People generally desperately need to sleep in the middle of the night. If there is no emergency to do we would prefer to sleep rather than do something. But

Pat has decreased need for sleep. When the sleep disturbance is severe, Pat still doing something. Pat interrupts his parents who are sleeping in the middle of the night just to find his wedding video. Though his wedding video is not something


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA emergency for him to find, can still be searched tommorow. But because of Pat is feeling full of energy in the night, so he feels that he can look for himself on that night without waiting tommorow. Pat is looking for his wedding video without sleep and yet not feel tired.

“Mom?” I say to the door. “What is it?” “Where’s my wedding video?” There is a silence. “You remember my wedding video, right?” Still, she does not say anything. “Is it in the cardboard box in the family-room closet with all the other videos?” “What? No, it’s downstairs in the family-room closet. Never mind, I’ll find it myself. Good night,” (Quick, 2008:95)

Pat often had difficulty sleeping when he really need sleep to restore his energy to make him fit the next day. The circumstances in which he experienced difficulty sleeping so tortured him. If pat continues to experience this condition it will the activity, productivity and health. Therefore Pat tried to overcome it by taking sleeping pills. Doctors recommend that he take sleeping pills as much as two pills but he forced himself to take sleeping pills as much as three pills. Because he thinks he drinks over the recommended dosage, he will be able to sleep easier.

Two white-and-reds for sleeping. I take all three pills because I want to sleep I take all three pills because I want to sleeps (Quick, 2008: 253) More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking

When Pat is in the episode of mania, he is very active in speech. Things that are not important and not on the topic are often discussed by Pat. For example when he talks with his psychiatrist, he connects he watches with his life. He expects that his life will be like movies that always happy endings.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “Yeah,” I say. “Haven’t you ever noticed that life is like a series of movies?” “No. Tell me.” “Well, you have adventures. All start out with troubles, but then you admit your problems and become a better person by working really hard, which is what fertilizes the happy ending and allows it to bloom—just like the end of all the Rocky films, Rudy, The Karate Kid, the Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies, and The Goonies, which are my favorite films, even though I have sworn off movies until Nikki returns, because now my own life is the movie I will watch, and well, it’s always on. Plus I know it’s almost time for the happy ending, when Nikki will come back, because I have improved myself so very much through physical fitness and medication and therapy.” (Quick, 2008:26)

. In addition, Pat often asked his psychiatrist's private life when it was not important to his life and was not the answer to Pat's life problem.

I ask him questions about his family, just to be nice, and it turns out he has a daughter whose high school field hockey team is ranked second in South Jersey. (Quick, 2008: 27-28) Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing

Pat has a flight of ideas where he talks jumping from one topic to another topic that is the topic of a person he strikes, jumps to the topic of his father, jumps back to the topic of his wife, jumps back to the topic of Tiffany. Whereas he just wanted to talk about he hit someone. But because he has flight of ideas, he speaks not to the goal to explain the story. And because of his thoughts are racing, his ideas or desires change into he is talking everything to Cliff in a wild slur of sentences.

.... and then I’m talking at Cliff, spilling everything in a wild slur of sentences: the big Giants fan, the little Giants fan, my fistfight, the Eagles’ loss to the Giants, my father smashing the television screen, his bringing me the sports pages but refusing to speak with me, my dream about Nikki wearing a Giants jersey, Tiffany saying “Fuck Nikki” but still wanting to run with me every day; and then Nikki teaching Sylvia Plath to defenseless teenagers (Quick, 2008: 233)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Increase in goal-directed activity

Because of he does not remember the day when Nikki cheating him, he keeps thinking that it is just a part time and always thinks about Nikki.Pat is motivated by the idea of reuniting with Nikki. Pat has his own perception about his life. He believes in silver linings that a miracle can happens in his life. Also he can happy ending that at the end of this part time.

Pat has a goal-directed activity in which he should be a better person to make

Nikki love him again. He keep on trying to improve his self for physical fitness, medication, therapy and being kind person. Pat is so obsessed with Nikki. He is very optimistic that almost time when Nikki will come back. He keeps thingking positive that someday Nikki will love his new appearance.

If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying, because I know that while things might seem dark now, my wife is coming back to me soon. When I run, I always pretend I am running toward Nikki, and it makes me feel like I am decreasing the amount of time I have to wait until I see her again. (Quick, 2008: 33-34)

Pat also has a rise in goal-directed activity that reads all the novels on Tiffany’s

American literature class syllabus for make his wife proud, make a real effort to salvage his marriage and to be able to converse with Nikki's swanky literary friends directed activity.

I’m going to read all the novels on her American literature class syllabus, just to make her proud, to let her know that I am really interested in what she loves and I am making a real effort to salvage our marriage, especially since I will now be able to converse with her swanky literary friends (Quick, 2008: 15)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Pat also has a rise in goal-directed activity that read The Great Gats by novel which he finishes in just three nights.

I start with The Great Gatsby, which I finish in just three nights. (Quick, 2008: 13)

The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairmentin occupational functioning or in usual social activities or relationshipswith others, or to necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self orothers, or there are psychotic features.

When Pat has bipolar disorders, his brain's accelerator is stuck. At full speed, it launches him into a manic episode. In low gear, it grinds him down into a deep depression. Pat’s mania and major depressive episodes come in turns but it can not be known how long he has an episode of mania and how long he has had episodes of depression. Can take turns in a long time and can also take turns in a fast time. The following are examples Pat’s mania and major depressive episodes coming in turns in quick time.

..suddenly I feel as though I might explode. I definitely feel an episode coming on, so before I blow up, I do the only thing I can think of: I start running down the beach away from Veronica and Ronnie and Emily and the crying and the accusations. I run as fast as I can, and suddenly I realize that now I am crying, probably because I was only swimming with Emily and it felt so right and I was trying to be good and thought I was being good (Quick, 2008: 171)

From the quation above show that Pat initially felt euphoria and very happy when playing with Emily in the ocean. But Veronica was furious because Pat had endangered Emily's life by playing in the ocean. Then his mood changed to Pat feeling worthless as a grown man and married but will not be able to keep

Emily. Pat thinks that Veronica does not want Emily to be left alone with him because she thinks Pat goes to hurt Emily somehow. When Ronnie accusing Pat of


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA doing something awful to his daughter suddenly Pat feel as though he might explode.

He definitely feels the episode coming on but before he blow up, he is trying to control his mood by running down the beach away from Veronica, Ronnie and

Emily. But suddenly Pat is crying because feel not fair when he is innocent but he is blamed. He is also feel hopeless because he has been trying so hard to improve him self to be good person but he failed.

From all quations can be concluded that Pat has bipolar I disorders. That is because Pat is more has manic episode than major depressive episode.

4.2 Tiffany’s Bipolar disorders

This thesis consist of Mania and Depressionin Bipolar disorders. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe depression is called a Major depressive episode. The most commonly diagnosed and most severe mania is called Manic episode.But a less severe version of a manic episode that does not cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning is called Hypomanic episode.

Therefore in this analysis will be discussed also Tiffany's Major depressive episode and Hypomanic episode.

4.2.1 Tiffany’s Major Depressive episode

Based on American Psychiatric Association's theory in their book’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, criteria Major Depressive episode aredepressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or "down in the dumps", feeling

"blah," having no feelings, or feeling anxious; markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day;insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation (observable by others, not merely subjective


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA feelings of restlessness or being slowed down); fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional); diminished ability to think or concentrate; thoughts of death. But there are some

Major Depressive episode criteria owned by Tiffany. Depressed

A normal person when being threatened by someone can cause a depressed he/she but will stop doing what is threatened. That is because he is afraid of endangering his life. And will only hate those who threaten them. A normal person when blamed by someone can cause distress but will try to correct the mistakes he made. And will hate those who blame them. But Tiffany who suffers from bipolar disorders has an unnatural distress.

Pat's brother threatened to kill if Tifanny communicate with Pat. But because

Tiffany had an unnatural distress, it made her desperate to do what was threatened.

Tiffany was still determined to communicate with Pat through the mail, even though it was endangering her life.

Tiffany gets very depressed when her parents have reproached her for pretending to be Nikki. So she felt very depressed. That's because a defamation will cause a person to feel depressed, especially if they are denounced by their own family. Parents are the people who understand best and remind well when their children make mistakes. But not with Tiffany's parents instead of reminding her well when she made a mistake, but immediately denounced her. Her parents' makes Tiffany feel very depressed because she does not feel understood and supported by her own parents.

Tiffany is also getting very depressed when her psychiatrist judges, blames and feels disappointed for him because she has committed a lie. The lie was when


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Tiffany became the broker of Pat's letters with his wife, but Tiffany replied to Pat's letter with her own. For his psychiatrist the deed of Tiffany is betrayal. So her psychiatrist judges Tiffany by saying her betrayal might not be forgivable. The judgment’s psychiatrist made Tiffany feel very depressed because she felt deeply blamed.

Impact Tiffany feels very depressed with the words of Pat’s brother, her parents and psychiatrist is Tiffany think that all everyone hated her. For Tiffany what she did was true for Pat's kindness. But for Pat's brother, her parents and psychiatrists were wrong. So Tiffany felt that whatever she was doing was wrong in the eyes of others.

Everybody hates me. Did you know your brother came to my house and threatened to kill me if I made contact with you? His sincerity scared me —enough to keep me from writing earlier. Even my parents have reproached me for pretending to be Nikki. My therapist says my betrayal might not be forgivable, and by the way she kept repeating the word “unforgivable,” I could tell she was very disappointed in me. But the truth is, I did it for your benefit (Quick, 2008: 524) Sad

Sad is the normal human mood, all have experienced and will experience it again. If something happens is not in accordance with what is wanted or expected, it will make someone sad. Sadness is usually triggered by trouble, hurt, challenges, or unpleasant events. In other words, human tend to feel sad about something. If someone can accept something that makes sad, then sadness will be lost. But ifsomeone can not accept and can not control the sadness, then will dissolve in sadness and make cry often.

Tiffany has the most unpleasant, painful, and sad event in her life. The incident was her husband died in an accident. Tiffany is very sad and can not accept the fact


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA that her husband has died. It keeps him deep in his and lives his life with sadness. Tiffany is very sad when Pat refused Tiffany to have sex. Tiffany is very sad because she remember back in the past when she refused to let her husband have sex.

She realized the pain is rejected by others. So she is very sad to imagine her husband died with sadness because Tiffany does not want to have sex with her.

Tiffany was also very sad because she felt betrayed and disobedient to her husband. She assumes that Pat does not want to have sex because she is very loyal to his wife. While Tiffany loves her husband but has sex to many men. So the impact of feeling betrayed and unfaithful to her husband makes Tiffany have excessive sadness that made her suddenly cry and hug Pat. It is because she can not bear his own sadness. She wants someone to understand how sad she is for losing her husband but she does not realize that she had betrayed her husband.

”Tiffany adds just before she starts crying.,...... And then suddenly Tiffany is hugging me (Quick, 2008: 89) Diminished pleasure or activities

Human consists of body, soul and spirit. These three things have different needs. One of the needs of the human soul is to do fun things such as vacations. All normal people need and love the holidays. That's because the holidays are useful to relieve stress in life. But not with people who have mental disorders including

Tiffany. The impact of Tiffany suffering from bipolar disorders make it often stressful and feel the problem of life is very heavy. So that caused Tiffany is lack of interest in doing exciting things such as vacations.

When Tiffany vacation with family but she did not enjoy that holiday. When everyone is happy but Tiffany feels unhappy. She was not as excited as the others.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Because he feels the holiday will not be able to reduce the problems in his life. He prefers and likes solitude. In fact, he felt himself in the midst of the crowd.

“We’re going to have such a good time.” “What should we do first—swim, walk the beach, or throw the football?” “Such a nice day.” “Are you guys having fun?” “Can’t wait to eat those hoagies!” After twenty minutes of non-talk, Tiffany says, “Can we please have some quiet time?” (Quick, 2008: 171) Tiffany likes to be aloof compared to being in a lot of people. When she was alone, she do not want to care about the people around her anymore. When Tiffany sat in the car, she felt alone that she no longer cared for Pat's mother who has spoken to her. Shee was just silent, unwilling to answer Pat's mother's question.

“Hello, Tiffany,” my mother says, sticking her head into the car a little more, but Tiffany ignores her. “Tiffany?” Veronica says, but Tiffany continues to stare out the window (Quick, 2008:161) Fatigue or loss of energy

The impact of Tiffany suffering from bipolar disorders makes it away and considered strange by others. That is because she has trouble controlling his mood.

The impactshe is being taken away by others is to make it difficult to interact socially. So she does not like crowds. She feels uncomfortable when many people around him. Feelings of dislike and discomfort makes Tiffany unenthusiastic and unenthusiastic to meet, talk and gather with the crowds. Not even passionate and uninspired to eat together with family. When Tiffany eats with her family, she wants back to home without finished eating. Although she was eating but it did not make her have energy, Tiffany still felt fatigue or loss of energy.

When we finish our pie, Tiffany stands and says, “I’m tired.” “But we’ve hardly finished eating,” Veronica says, “and we have Trivial Pursuit to—”


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “I said I’m tired.” There is a silence. (Quick, 2008: 86) Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt

One day Tiffany told her husband, Tommy does not to have sex so often for enjoy outside activities. But Tommy thinks that Tiffany does not want to have sex with him anymore. So he misunderstands and goes to work without saying goodbye to Tiffany. That same day Tommy was caught in an accident. Tiffany thinks if they do not quarelling, Tommy would not have gone to Victoria's Secret on his lunch break and would not have an accident. Tiffany thinks Tommy died because her. So it makes she felt inappropriate guilt.

As human being can certainly or never feel guilty. A normal person can control his feelings of guilt and make his/her guilty feelings to improve himself/herself so as not to make mistakes again. But people who suffer from bipolar disorders can not control their feelings of guilt. It is influenced by their excessive mood. So they do everything excessively. And everything that is excessive will cause bad effects for yourself and others. It causes them to act badly to vent their guilt constantly. So that action becomes a habit. And the bad habits cause them to suffer irregularities.

So it is with Tiffany who feels guilty over her husband's death. She thought her husband died because she does not want to have sex. She blamed and very disappointed in herself. So the guilt that makes she has a deep against herself and she does not think about her self-esteem again. She thought if she had sex with her husband, her husband would not die. She lives in regret because she can not make amends for her husband. She wants to have sex but her husband is dead. But she can not do anything to bring her husband back. So she vent her resentment, disappointment and feelings of guilt to others. By way of sex with many men without


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA she has feelings of love to the man. So the bad habits to have sex with many men have an impact that isshe has sexual perversion.

But the only thing I could think about was how Tommy died believing I no longer wanted to have sex with him. I felt so guilty, Pat. I wanted to die. I kept thinking he would not have gone to Victoria’s Secret on his lunch break if we had not had the fight, and then he would have never passed the old woman in the broken-down car, which meant he would not have been killed. I felt so guilty. I still feel so fucking guilty. (Quick, 2008: 334)

Tiffany thinks she is just mentally ill woman because she can not control her mood. No every man respect to her and eager to capitalize on her sickness just to satisfy their sexual. So it makes she feels worthlessness.

I was sick. And there was no shortage of men who were eager to capitalize on my sickness. There were men everywhere who—with glee—would fuck this mentally ill woman.(Quick, 2008:535) Thoughts of death

Every human being has lost someone. Whether it loses because of the end in friendship, courtship, marriage or due to death. The loss of a person is very sad event in this life. The normal person tries to accept the reality of a person's loss in life. That is because normal people think life must go on. Time keeps turning and no one can go back in time. But people who have psychiatric disorders including bipolar disorders are unable to accept the reality of a person's loss in his/her life. So it makes frustrated.

Tiffany is an ordinary woman who hopes to spend her life with the one she love. She is really loves her husband. She hopes to live with her husband forever. But since her husband is dead, Tiffany becomes frustrated. Frustrated because her wish to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA live with her husband until forever will never come true. Frustrated because she can not live without her husband. For her there is no point in living without the person who loves him and the person he loves most. Moreover Tiffany lives in regret because she thinks the cause of her husband's death is her. Excessive guilt and frustrated makes Tiffany has thoughts of death.

I felt so guilty, Pat. I wanted to die. (Quick, 2008:525)

4.2.2 Tiffany’s Hypomanic Episode

Based on American Psychiatric Association's theory in their book’s

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, criteria

Hypomanic episode are elevated, expansive, or irritable mood; inflated self-

esteem or grandiosity; decreased need for sleep; more talkative than usual or

pressure to keep talking; flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are

racing; distractibility; increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work

or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation; excessive involvement in

pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences. But

there are only a few Hypomanic episode criteria owned by Tiffany. Irritable mood

Tiffany does not want to be considered strange by others because it will make her mocked and shunned. Tiffany also does not want to be pitied by others. And it makes she does not want any one who know about the intrusion that was inside him.

Tiffany was furious when her sister talked about her psychiatrist in front of Pat.

Tiffany does not want Pat to know that she had bipolar disorders. She also feels his


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA sister drops her by telling Pat about her psychiatrist. The impact of Tiffany's irritable mood is that she says harshly to others and away from others.

“So now we’re talking about my therapist in front of Pat? You fucking bitch,” Tiffany says, shaking her head, and then she is walking away from us quickly (Quick, 2008:164) Expansive

When Tiffany experience mania episode, it makes she very expansive. She is very open and frank to Pat about her personal problems with her husband in great detail. Where is a very sensitive issue for her and she never told anyone.

I want to tell you something I have never told anyone— except my therapist. It’s sort of screwed up, so I hope you will be able to handle it. At first I wasn’t going to tell you, but I figured the situation couldn’t get any worse, and maybe a little honesty could go a long way right now. (Quick, 2008: 525) Increase in goal-directed activity

Tiffany is obsession with Pat because she loves him. She always follow wherever Pat goes, figured out Pat’s schedule, waiting Pat and did the same thing with Pat. She is very optimist if she do it so she can get Pat's love.

The next day, she did the same thing, and she keeps on doing it. Somehow she’s figured out my schedule, and she’s always there when I leave my house an hour before sunset— ready to shadow me wherever I jog. I run fast, and she stays with me. I run on dangerous streets, and she follows. She never tires out either—and just keeps running down the street when I finally stop in front of my house. (Quick, 2008:111)

From all quations can be concluded that Tiffany has bipolar II disorders .

That is because Tiffany is more has major depressive episode than hypomanic episode.




After analyzing the data, the writer has conclusion and suggestion that related to the result of the previous chapters. In this chapter, the writer presents the conclusion of the whole analysis. This chapter contains the conclusion based on the result of the analysis and the relevant suggestion for the further researcher related to this study.


After analyzing the data, the writer has made the conclusion which related to the analysis and findings.

1. Bipolar disorders portrayed in The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew

Quick have two types of Bipolar disorders, namely Bipolar I and Bipolar II.

Bipolar disorders can be caused by losing a loved one. Pat lost his wife

because his wife had an affair and divorced him. So it makes Pat has bipolar I

disorders. It is because Pat is more has manic episode than major depressive

episode. Pat’s manic episode is expansive, irritable mood, inflated self-

esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative than usual or

pressure to keep talking, flight of ideas, increase in goal-directed activity.

Pat’s major depressive episode is depressed, sad, hopeless, feeling anxious,

feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be

delusional), diminished ability to think or concentrate.

2. Tiffany lost her husband because died in a motorcycle accident. She can not

face that reality because she really loves her husband. So it makes Tiffany has


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA bipolar II disorders. It is because Tiffany is more has major depressive

episode than hypomanic episode. Tiffany’s hypomanic episode is expansive,

irritable mood and increase in goal-directed activity. Tiffany’s major

depressive episode is depressed, sad, diminished, pleasure or activities,

fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or

inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional), thoughts of death.


There are many things that can be learned from literature because it is related to the reflection in human’s life. Literature describes about social problems that occur in society so people can be wiser and be more understood to face the problems.

Novel is one form of of literature which offers many aspects such as emotion, feeling, problems, conflicts, etc.

The writer hopes this study is able to give the information for those who want to study literary work in relation to Bipolar disorders. It also can be useful and be a precious knowledge for all, especially for the students of English Department,

University of North Sumatera.



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1. Author’s Biography

Matthew Quick is the author of The Silver Linings Playbook, which has been published in 26 languages and received worldwide attention. The Silver Linings

Playbook was on The New York Times Best Seller list,first bestseller in Brazil, USA

Today’s top 100 bestselling books of the year list, and USA Today Best-Seller list.

The novel was the winner ofHemingway Foundation/ PEN Award for Fiction

Honorable Mention.

Matthew Quick was born October 23, 1973 and grew up in Oaklyn, New

Jersey. He has a degree in English literature and secondary education from La Salle

University and an MFA from Goddard College. Quick taught high school literature in southern New Jersey for several years, before leaving his job as a tenured English teacher in Haddonfield, New Jersey to write his first novel while living in

Collingswood.Quick lived in for several years; he and his wife, novelist and pianist Alicia Bessette now live on the Outer Banks of .

He received an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from La Salle in 2013.

Matthew Quick was a finalist for the TIME 100 most influential people of 2013.

Matthew Quick is an American writer of adult and fiction. The

Silver Linings Playbook is his first novel and its publication in 2008 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux with 304 pages. The book‘s message to choose kind has reached the hearts of readers young and old nationwide and was adapted as a movie of the same name. He is also the author of Sorta Like a Rockstar in 2010, Boy21 in 2012, Forgive

Me, Leonard Peacock in 2013, The Good Luck of Right Now in 2014, Love May Fail in 2015, Every Exquisite Thing in 2016, The Reason You're Alive in 2017.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. The summary of The Silver Linings Playbook

The Silver Linings Playbook opened Pat's mother visited Pat who was in a mental hospital. Pat's mother begged Pat to get him out of the mental hospital with an agreement that he could not meet his ex-wife, Nikki. Pat agreed with his mother's request. Then he left Mental Hospital and lived with his parents.

Pat was in a mental hospital because he could not control himself when he saw his wife having an affair with another man and hit his wife's affair until he almost died. Then Nikki divorced Pat and never met Pat. But Pat blocked the incident in his mind because he was not ready to accept the fact that his wife had an affair and divorced him. So he doesn't remember his wife's infidelity and thinks that he and his wife only parted temporarily.

Pat has a theory that life is a film created by God and that its "silver lining" will be the end of "Apart Time" with Nikki. He is trying to fix everything that was wrong with himself during his marriage. He works out for long hours everyday because Nikki always thought he was fat. He reads all of Nikki's favorite books and all the books on her teaching syllabus because Nikki always liked talking about literature but she never could with Pat because he would never read the books. He leaves excessively large tips at restaurants because Nikki always thought he was a cheap tipper. He stops making his old jokes because Nikki never thought he was all that funny. He changes his attitude to be more positive because Nikki always thought he was too pessimistic. Everything he changes in his life, he changes so that the end of apart time will come sooner and he will be happy with Nikki.

At a dinner with his friend Ronnie and his wife Veronica, Pat is introduced to

Tiffany Webster, who has also moved back home after losing her job after her

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA husband's death.Pat trains with Tiffany and performs in a dance competition with her. After the contest, Tiffany agrees to be a go-between and gives Pat a letter supposedly written by Nikki. Pat suggests a meeting with Nikki at the place they got engaged, and despite no reply he slips away from his family on Christmas Day to meet her. Nikki is not there; Tiffany is, and admits she has forged Nikki's letters and that she had been trying to help Pat move on and gain closure with his marriage because she, Tiffany, is in love with Pat. Pat is furious that the last two months of correspondence were a lie. In shock Pat runs into an unfamiliar neighborhood and is assaulted. By chance, he encounters Danny, his friend from the mental hospital.

Danny helps Pat get to a hospital and reunite with his family. Pat still does not recall how or why he was separated from his wife, and only when he watches the wedding video, which his mother had hidden, do the memories eventually return with the realization that he and Nikki will never be reunited.

After several weeks, Pat recovers from his injuries, and after receiving a letter, agrees to meet Tiffany. Pat explains that he asked his brother Jake to drive him to see Nikki, and observed her from afar, finally realizing she has a new family and is happy, and thus accepts it as the ending of the movie of his life.

Pat and Tiffany often practice dancing together and sharing together. In the end, the togetherness made they fall in love with each other. Pat was not reconciled with his wife and Pat became Tiffany's boyfriend.