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1083 Senate Journal Second Regular Session of the Fifty-fifth Legislature of the State of Oklahoma Sixty-sixth Legislative Day, Wednesday, May 25, 2016 The Senate was called to order by Senator Fields. Roll Call: Present: Allen, Anderson, Barrington, Bass, Bice, Bingman, Boggs, Brecheen, Brooks, Brown, Crain, Dahm, David, Dossett, Fields, Floyd, Ford, Fry, Griffin, Halligan, Holt, Jech, Jolley, Justice, Loveless, Marlatt, Matthews, Mazzei, Newberry, Paddack, Pittman, Quinn, Schulz, Sharp, Shaw, Shortey, Silk, Simpson, Smalley, Sparks, Standridge, Stanislawski, Sykes, Thompson, Treat, Wyrick and Yen.—47. Excused: Garrison.—1. Senator Fields declared a quorum present. The prayer was offered by Pastor Dwayne Case, Northeast Church of Christ, Oklahoma City, the guest of Senator Pittman. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST MOTION TO RECONSIDER VOTES Senator Schulz asked unanimous consent, which was granted, to suspend the provisions of Rule 8-32A to allow motions to reconsider votes be disposed of on the same day such notice is served. 1084 Senate Journal PENDING CONSIDERATION OF JCR The JCR on SB 1616 was adopted upon motion of Senator Jolley. SB 1616 was read at length. On the question of passage of the bill, the vote resulted as follows: Aye: Allen, Barrington, Bice, Bingman, Boggs, Crain, Dahm, David, Fields, Ford, Fry, Griffin, Holt, Jech, Jolley, Justice, Marlatt, Newberry, Quinn, Schulz, Sharp, Shaw, Simpson, Smalley, Standridge, Stanislawski, Sykes, Thompson, Treat and Yen.--30. Nay: Anderson, Brecheen, Brooks, Brown, Dossett, Floyd, Halligan, Loveless, Matthews, Mazzei, Paddack, Pittman, Shortey, Silk, Sparks and Wyrick.--16. Excused: Bass and Garrison.--2. The bill passed. SB 1616 was referred for engrossment. PENDING CONSIDERATION OF HAs HAs to SB 1577 were concurred in upon motion of Senator Bingman.
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