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IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Canterbury Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014


IN THE MATTER of the Central City (Schools) and (Tertiary Education) Proposal




16 DECEMBER 2015

Barristers & Solicitors J G A Winchester / S J Scott / C J McCallum Telephone: +64-3-968 4018 Facsimile: +64-3-379 5023 Email: [email protected] PO Box 874 SOLICITORS CHRISTCHURCH 8140

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1.1 My full name is Glenda Margaret Dixon. My experience and qualifications are set out in my evidence in chief for the Stage 2 hearing of the Specific Purposes School and Tertiary Education zones (Chapter 21) Proposal, dated 6 October 2015. I also provided evidence on Stage 3 Proposal 10, State Integrated Schools designations, dated 27 November 2015.

1.2 I have now been asked to provide evidence in relation to the Central City Specific Purpose School (CCS) and Tertiary Education (CCTE) zones, and on the matters raised by submitters.

1.3 I confirm that I have read the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses contained in the Environment Court Practice Note 2014 and that I agree to comply with it. I confirm that I have considered all the material facts that I am aware of that might alter or detract from the opinions that I express, and that this evidence is within my area of expertise, except where I state that I am relying on the evidence of another person. The Council, as my employer, has agreed to me giving expert evidence on its behalf in accordance with my duties under the Code of Conduct.

1.4 The key documents I have used, or referred to, in forming my view while preparing this brief of evidence are:

(a) The Resource Management Act 1991; (b) The Canterbury Regional Policy Statement (CRPS); (c) Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch, CERA, 2012; (d) Christchurch Central Recovery Plan, CERA, 2012 (CCRP), and "A Liveable City", CERA, January 2015; (e) The Order in Council (OIC) and in particular the Minister's Statement of Expectations (SOE); (f) The Panel's decision on the Strategic Directions Chapter including the overarching Objectives; (g) The operative Christchurch City Plan; and (h) Submissions relating to the CCS and CCTE Zones.

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2.1 The specific parts of the Proposal that my evidence relates to are set out below, and in response to the submissions by the Council (#3723) and the Crown (#3721), these have been incorporated into the Chapter 21 Specific Purpose Zone Proposal:

(a) 13.8.1 Central City School zone; and (b) 13.8.2 Central City Tertiary Education zone.

2.2 My evidence addresses the specific relief sought by various submitters. I have read the evidence of Ms Jenny May filed in the Natural and Cultural Heritage hearing dated 3 December 2015 (at section 8), in relation to Christ's College's submission #3212 and the historic heritage value of the cottage at the corner of Montreal and Gloucester St (325 Montreal Street). I note however that this site already has a School zoning, so is not part of the rezoning sought and accepted in my evidence and shown at Attachment G.

2.3 I have also read the evidence of Ms Bridget O'Brien and Mr Paul Dickson in regard to wastewater and stormwater disposal in the Central City and I rely on their evidence.

2.4 The Council's Statement of Issues for the Prehearing Meeting on 27 October 2015 sets out the issues, which my evidence will address throughout.

2.5 My evidence has the following attachments:

(a) Attachment A – Revised Proposal for Chapter 21.6 – Schools (Revised School Proposal); (b) Attachment B - Accept/Reject Table for Chapter 21.6 - Schools; (c) Attachment C – Addendum to Section 32 for Chapter 21.6 – Schools; (d) Attachment D: Revised Proposal for Chapter 21.7 – Tertiary (Revised Tertiary Proposal); (e) Attachment E - Accept / Reject Table for Chapter 21.7 - Tertiary; (f) Attachment F – Addendum to Section 32 for Chapter 21.7 – Tertiary;

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(g) Attachment G - Rezoning of land around Armagh and Gloucester Streets from Central City Residential (CCR) zone to SPS Zone; and (h) Attachment H - Rezoning of 95 Tuam Street from CCS to Central City Business (CCB) Zone.


3.1 Central City chapter provisions for Schools and Tertiary Education have been incorporated into Chapter 21.6 Specific Purposes School Zone and Chapter 21.7 Specific Purposes Tertiary Education Zone.

3.2 Many, but not all, of the changes sought in submissions on the Central City education zones were the same as those sought in Stage 2 on Chapter 21. Agreement on all submission points has been reached through recommended changes to the wording of Chapter 21, and agreed at mediation.

3.3 Two rezonings are recommended in response to submissions, and these are discussed in sections 7 & 8 below. They are rezoning of several properties owned by Christs College east of Rolleston Avenue from Central City Residential as in the CCRP to Specific Purposes School Zone, and rezoning of 95 Tuam Street from Central City School Zone to Central City Business Zone.


3.1 The CCS as notified lists the following schools, which are in addition to those located outside of the Central City and therefore already listed in Chapter 21:

(a) two state schools; (b) two state integrated schools (a central city state integrated school, Marian College had been in the Chapter 21 list originally because of its former suburban location); and (c) four private schools 1.

3.2 The only site zoned Tertiary Education in the Central City, the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) Madras Street site, has been added

1 The Academy is a tertiary institution but has been given a school zoning because its built form is much more similar to other schools, than to the built forms of the or the Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology.

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to Chapter 21 to make a total of six Tertiary Education zoned sites, three each for the University of Canterbury and CPIT.

3.3 Significant changes have occurred and are occurring in the education sector in Christchurch at present as a result of the earthquakes, necessitating considerable rebuilding and redevelopment. In my previous evidence on schools, I stated that compared to the operative Cultural 3 zone, the new School Zone promotes more flexibility and efficiency in the use of school sites, with fewer and less restrictive rules, while at the same time not compromising the amenity of adjoining land uses (see pages 7-8 of Attachment C to my evidence-in-chief dated 6 October 2015). As well, School Zone objectives and policies have been amended in the Revised Chapter 21 to recognise and endorse the trend towards shared school and community use, where such use is compatible with and secondary to the use of sites for education activity.

3.4 Change in the tertiary education sector in Christchurch has also been accelerated by the Canterbury earthquakes. Within the Central City, I understand that extensive damage to CPIT buildings at the main (Madras Street) site has led to a major repair and rebuilding programme, allowing the creation of more efficient and logical "precinct" areas, based on a master plan. The relative lack of residential neighbours mean that significantly more permissive rules can apply to the CPIT main site in the Central City than to the other two CPIT sites outside the Central City. Changes to the objectives and policies as a result of amendments to the base Chapter 21 Tertiary Education provisions have placed more emphasis on the significant contributions, both economic and social, that the CPIT and University of Canterbury make to the City and region.

3.5 In my view these changes to School and Tertiary Education Zone objectives, policies and rules will result in reduced requirements for resource consents, thereby reducing costs and delays which might otherwise be experienced under the operative City Plan provisions. Accepting the principle of community use of education land and buildings, where it is compatible with education activity, will also avoid some resource consents previously required.

3.6 Following the earthquakes, the CCRP did not make any changes to the operative City Plan Cultural 3 (Schools) and Cultural 4 (Tertiary Education) provisions, except by adding a site into the Cultural 4 zone. This site is at the

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corner of Montreal and Armagh Street on Cranmer Square, the former Girls High/Cranmer Centre site which is now owned by Christ's College (see paragraph 6.6). I understand that the relative lack of change was because the focus was on recovery and revision of the business, mixed use, residential and transport provisions for the area within the Four Avenues.

3.7 However, in January 2015 CERA finalised "A Liveable City", a further revision of the residential provisions for the Central City. These amendments included liberalising the built form standards for the CCR Zone, for example removing coverage limitations, simplifying height limits to either 11m or 14m, and a reduced road boundary setback, generally 2m. Since the School Zone both outside and inside the Central City draws on the surrounding zone provisions to inform the general environmental outcomes sought for schools in these areas, some of the School Zone built form standards now vary between schools outside and within the Central City.


4.1 The Crown's submission points on the Stage 3 CCS were the same as their submission points on the Stage 2 Specific Purposes School Zone outside the Central City, except that one submission point relating to the matters of discretion for traffic issues (now was not repeated. There was a further submission by the Crown in support of Christ's College submission on community activities (see paragraph 5.1).

4.2 During the submission and mediation process for the Stage 2 Specific Purposes School Zone a number of amendments were made to the objectives, policies and rules in response to the Crown's submission points. The Revised Chapter 21 Proposal dated 12 November (provided through closing legal submissions) was used as the 'base' document to which the Central City provisions were incorporated (also dated 12 November). Where the Central City wording was the same as or similar to the notified Chapter 21 School Zone, the same approach was applied (and the equivalent submission point used as scope).

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5.1 Christ's College submission #3212 questions the wording of P3 of (now in the Revised Proposal), community activities occurring at education facilities or at spiritual facilities established before 2 May 2015. The submitter expresses the view that the date in this listing relates to the community activities having to be established before that date. Submission #3670 by Church Property Trustees and others have also made a similar submission point.

5.2 I consider that this interpretation has arisen because there was lack of punctuation in P3 as notified. A comma after "education facilities" would have clarified that the date is intended to relate to the spiritual facilities (since new spiritual activities and facilities are a discretionary activity) but not to community activities, which as the Christ's College submission correctly states are enabled to occur in schools by the policy framework.

5.3 In the 12 November Revised School Proposal there is no date in P3, as there was no date in this provision as notified. This is because it is appropriate that community activities occur in new spiritual facilities as well as existing ones. I therefore consider that for the Central City, that same change should be made (ie that no date be included). I consider that this would provide the clarity that Christ's College seek.

5.4 Christ's College #3212.4 and .5 also puts forward an alternative, less preferred option of "new community or spiritual activities and facilities" becoming restricted discretionary activities in school zones. Given that community activities are proposed to be permitted, I have not accepted this option. However regardless of this, I would like to record my view that this less preferred relief should not be accepted in any case, as restricted discretionary status would be more restrictive than intended for new community activities, and less restrictive than intended for new community facilities occurring in schools. In my view, this is contrary to the purpose of the split in definitions and activity listings between community activities and community facilities, which was made because the latter (including of course new community buildings) could have significantly greater effects.

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6.1 Christ's College submission #3212.11 concerns the height rule in the CCS in relation to the school. Since the built form standards for the CCS take their lead from the surrounding area, the "alternative zoning" (now called "additional activities and standards") for the school was listed in Appendix (now as CCR for all the school buildings including those west of Rolleston Avenue, but with Central City Community Park for the School playing fields.

6.2 In notified Chapter 13.8, the building height rule for school sites where the additional activities and standards are from the CCR zone, states that the maximum height will be 11m or 14m depending on which height is specified for the site in the Central City Maximum Building Height Planning Map (found on the pDRP Planning Maps by clicking within the grey rectangle around the Central City area). Submission #3212 correctly notes that while the Planning Map sets a height of 11m for the College land east of Rolleston Avenue, it does not in fact set any height for Christ's College main site west of Rolleston Avenue, and therefore the maximum height on this site is unclear. The height for the adjoining Museum is 15m. That is the height sought for the main Christ's College site in the submission. In the operative City Plan the site has a 14m height limit based on the Cultural 1 "additional activities and standards".

6.3 This site is unusual in that it contains a significant group of heritage buildings with the earliest dating back to 1857. Consequently nearly all developments on the site require resource consent, usually on a restricted discretionary activity basis, in relation to heritage values. Resource consent records (eg RMA92020705 in 2012 for three replacement buildings near the rear of the site) confirm that there are several buildings on the site which are of significant height (eg the Fine Arts and Technology Building is 15.25m and the School House is 16.5m at the main ridge). The replacement buildings were 13.7m, 14.6m and 14.6m in height.

6.4 For reasons of parity with existing development and with the Museum, and because there are no residential neighbours, I consider a maximum height of 15m for the College site west of Rolleston Avenue is justifiable, and this was agreed at mediation. I therefore have amended the 12 November version of

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the list of schools in Appendix to make this clearer, however I am also of the view that a further amendment to Rule on maximum building height, is necessary for clarity reasons, as shown in Attachment A.

6.5 The Christ's College submission also questions the CCR zoning of the majority of the land the College owns east of Rolleston Avenue and seeks this be rezoned to the CCS zoning (see Attachment G). The properties in question are primarily in the block between Armagh Street and Gloucester Street, across to Montreal Street, with some property south of Gloucester Street. At the "school end" are the school hostels including the Flowers Hostel, Somes, Condell, Corfe and Rolleston Day Houses, and the Bursars Department. As well, the school owns eight properties, six in residential use and two currently vacant, on the northern block and one on the south side of Gloucester Street. I understand that all of these houses are occupied at present by College staff.

6.6 A large title owned by the school fronting Montreal and Armagh Street on the corner of Cranmer Square is the former Girls High School site. The buildings were demolished following the earthquakes, with this site now being used for parking. This site is already zoned as CCS since that is its zoning in the CCRP.

6.7 I consider that zoning of the Christ's College hostels as CCR causes some issues. Although the activities on the east site could be considered a residential activity, the "boarding/residential activity ancillary to education activity" element of the definition of Education activity is, in my view, a better fit. If considered as an education activity in the CCR zone, hours of operation would apply, which is clearly not appropriate for hostels. In general across the School and Tertiary Education zones, hostels and houses owned by and adjoining schools are zoned as for the school, since this provides greater flexibility of use and built form, for example some houses are used as educational, office or childcare spaces. In this case the submission states that the College seeks to use its existing landholdings efficiently but is clearly constrained in its ability to add buildings on the main site west of Rolleston Avenue, given the notified CCR zoning.

6.8 It would be more consistent with the School Zone approach to land owned by educational institutions elsewhere, for this land east of Rolleston Avenue to also be zoned School Zone, rather than CCR. In terms of whether this would

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be inconsistent with the CCRP, I do not consider that rezoning of this land to School Zone would alter the essential character of what the CCRP provides for, since the properties in question are likely to remain in residential use for some time. As noted in submission #3212, continuing with CCR as the package of activities and standards which may occur if the land is not used for educational activity, will ensure that there is not a transition to commercial activities.

6.9 I also refer to the evidence of Ms Bridget O'Brien, Mr Paul Dickson and Mr Andrew Mine, who all confirm that they do not oppose the rezoning from wastewater/water supply, stormwater/ flooding and transport perspectives, respectively.

6.10 Attachment G shows a recommended rezoning of the land in question from CCR to CCS zone. Another property owned by the school at 18 Gloucester Street is not included as it is not contiguous with the rest of the school land.


7.1 Submission #3670.120 and .121 by the Church Property Trustees and others opposed the inclusion of the property at 95 Tuam Street in the CCS, on the basis that it supports commercial activities that are not part of the St Michaels School. A CCB zoning is sought.

7.2 The property was zoned as Central City School in the CCRP and kept as that zoning in the pDPR notified Central City provisions because the two storey building on the site is occupied by the Southern Regional Health School, a state school for students from years 1-13 who are enrolled in a regular school, but have high health needs and are undergoing treatment or are on a mental health programme. Approximately 50 children are taught on this site, with others being taught by correspondence. The property is owned by the Church Property Trustees, as part of the large 243 Durham Street title. There are no heritage features on this particular part of the site.

7.3 I accept that the building occupying almost all of this particular (south-western) part of the Church Property Trustees site is not a purpose built school, that there are no outside playing areas associated with it, and that its built form is

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essentially that of commercial premises. It is possible that the property could be leased for a different use at some point in the future. There are other (tertiary) education facilities in or near the Central City which occupy premises which are commercially zoned eg the Avonmore Tertiary Institute in Hereford Street (CCB zoning) and Te Wananga o Aotearoa in Gasson Street (Commercial Retail Park zoning). Prior to the earthquakes the latter was located in Manchester Street in the Central City.

7.4 I do not consider that rezoning of this land to CCB would be inconsistent with the CCRP or alter the essential character of what that document provides for, since while I understand that the school wishes to remain here, rezoning would provide flexibility for a different use in future. On this basis I agree that 95 Tuam Street would be better zoned CCB than CCS, and I have not added it to the composite schedule of State Schools in Appendix Attachment H shows the land being rezoned to CCB.


8.1 The CPIT's submission points on the Stage 3 Central City Tertiary Education Zone objectives and policies were the same as their submission points on the Stage 2 Specific Purposes Tertiary Education Zone outside the Central City. During the submission and mediation process for the Stage 2 Tertiary Education Zone, a number of amendments were made to the objectives, policies and rules in response to the CPIT's (and University of Canterbury's) submission points. These amendments were accepted by CPIT as satisfying the intent of their submission points, and the amendments were carried over into the 12 November version of the Tertiary Education Zone incorporating Central City provisions.

8.2 There is also a further submission point in Submission #3277 supporting the notified 30m height limit for the CPIT's Madras Street campus, which is the same as provided for under the operative City Plan.

8.3 There are no outstanding matters of contention between the CPIT and Council in regard to this part of the CCTE.

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9.1 Submission #3317.39 and .43 by Ryman Healthcare Limited and the Retirement Villages Association of NZ seeks that retirement villages be provided for as a permitted activity or a restricted discretionary activity if built form standards are not met, in the CCS and CCTE zones. While it does not seem likely that any large sites will become available on Central City sites with these zonings, even if this did happen, there is no need to change anything in the revised proposals because the additional activities and standards for the education zones in the Central City already "default" to the CCR zone in most cases.

9.2 Where this is not the case, ie where additional activities and standards are from other zones, retirement villages may not in fact be appropriate uses. Mr Scott Blair also discusses the provisions for retirement villages in the Central City in more detail.


Central City definitions - subsumed by Chapter 2

10.1 The following definitions are used in the CCS and CCTE Central City sub- chapters and also exist in an identical form in the Definitions Proposal (with the relevant stage noted in brackets):

(a) Act (Stage 1); (b) Boundary (Stage 1); (c) Central City (Stage 1); (d) Community Activity (Stage 2); (e) Education Activity (Stage 2); (f) Education Facility (Stage 2); (g) Frontage (Stage 1); (h) Impervious Surface (Stage 1); (i) Road (Stage 1); (j) Road Boundary (Stage 1); (k) Setback (Stage 1); (l) Spiritual Activity (Stage 2); (m) Tertiary Education and Research Activity (Stage 2); and

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(n) Vehicle Access (Stage 1).

10.2 From my perspective as chapter lead for the CCS and CCTE sub-chapters, I consider that the above definitions can be subsumed by the equivalent identical definition in the Definitions Proposal (ie there is no need for a Central City equivalent definition).

10.3 The definitions of "Net Site Area" and "Parking area" as notified in 13.17 are similar to the final Stage 1 definitions of "Net Site Area" and "Parking area" from the Stage 1 hearing on Chapter 2. I consider that the 13.17 versions are therefore not required, and from my perspective as chapter lead for the CCS and CCTE zone I can rely on the Stage 1 versions. With regards to the definition of 'Height' I refer to Scott Blair's evidence.

Central City definitions - submissions

10.4 The following definitions are used in the CCS and CCTE sub-chapters and were subject to a submission on the Stage 3 Central City Proposal:

(a) Building; (b) Spiritual Facility; and (c) Landscaping.

10.5 There are a number of submission points on the definition of building, although none of them are specific to the two education zones. Most of the submissions relate to the size a building can be without being defined as a building for the purposes of consents. and whether or not there is alignment with the Building Act. The context of the amendment sought is the General Rules and Procedures sub-chapter of Proposal 13, which has been deferred to the hearing on Proposal 6. I consider these submissions should be considered in the context of that hearing when the appropriateness of the relief is considered as part of provisions for temporary activities. I also refer to the evidence of Mark Stevenson on this matter.

10.6 Submission #3602.176 by Carter Group seeks the deletion of the first version of the Central City Stage 3 definition of spiritual facility (there are two version notified in 13.17). This is a replica of the Stage 1 definition. I agree that the second definition (which is the same as the Stage 2 version) is more

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appropriate and clearer as it complements the definition of spiritual activity (as for community activities, the two are sometimes separate as spiritual activities can take place outside of buildings dedicated to that purpose). I understand that Mr Stevenson for the Council has reached the same conclusion. I therefore consider that this submission should be accepted.

10.7 The same submission was made by Carter Group in relation to the definition of landscaping ie delete the first version of the Central City Stage 3 definition of landscaping (which is identical to the Stage 1 version) and retain the second version from Stage 2. I consider the Stage 2 equivalent version is simpler and clearer for the purposes of the Central City Schools and Tertiary Education zones and I understand that other Council witnesses have considered this point in their evidence and reached the same conclusion. I confirm that I support the deletion of the first version of this definition and the retention of the second as sough in this submission.

10.8 On balance, there is one definition used in the CCS sub-chapter which requires a Central City specific definition: Accessory building.

10.9 Accessory building in 13.17 is the same as the notified version for Stage 1. However at the Stage 1 hearing this definition was split into two definitions (Accessory building (non residential activity); and Accessory building (residential activity) In my view, for the Central City, either of these two alternative definitions (which were also notified in 13.17) are not appropriate for use in the Central City schools sub-chapter as they do not combine the residential and non-residential elements typical to the likes of Christs College. Instead, I consider that the definition of Accessory building is appropriate and should be incorporated into Chapter 2.

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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions

Chapter 21.6 Specific Purpose (Schools) Zone Key:

This Revised Proposal is prepared for the purposes of the Central City hearing.

The base of this Revised Proposal is the clean Stage 2 Specific Purpose (Schools) Zone as attached to Closing Legal submissions for the Specific Purpose Zones Stage 2 hearing (dated 12 November 2015). The following provisions from 13.8.1 of the Central City Proposal have been integrated into this Revised Proposal.

The Central City Specific Purpose (Schools) Zone (Central City Schools) Objectives and Policies from 13.8.1 are very similar, or in some cases identical, to what was notified in Stage 2 Specific Purpose (Schools) Zone (SPZ Schools). Submitters have made the same, or similar, submissions on both the Central City Schools Proposal and the SPZ Schools Proposal. In Stage 2 the Objectives and Policies have been amended in response to those submissions. The Council considers the same, or similar, amendments would have been made in response to the Central City submissions to the Objectives and Policies as were made to the SPZ Schools Objectives and Policies. Therefore this Proposal marks in black the amended SPZ Schools Objectives and Policies and refers in comment bubbles to the relevant Central City Objectives and Policies. The submission points on the Central City Schools zone that seek the same or similar changes are identified in square brackets beside each Objective and Policy.

Text is colour coded as follows:

grey text Text considered in Stage 1 and 2 hearings. NOT open for consideration and provided in this proposal as context only. black text Text that combines provisions from the Specific Purpose Zones chapter with provisions from the Central City chapter. The provision of the Central City chapter that has been incorporated is in a comment bubble. black underlined Amendments to ensure provisions make sense. These text amendments do not change the effect of the provisions. In some cases there is a submission point giving scope to this change, and that is identified in square brackets. dark blue text This text has been integrated into this Chapter from the Central City [provision number] chapter. The relevant Central City provision that it has been taken from is in square brackets after the text. dark blue bold This text has been integrated into this Chapter from the Central City underlined text or chapter. This text indicates amendments (additions and deletions) dark blue as a result of submissions on the relevant Stage 3 Central City strikethrough text provision. The relevant submission giving scope for the amendment [submission is in square brackets after the amendment. number] In some situations it is considered that an existing Stage 1 provision from the base of the Revised Proposal covers the corresponding 1

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provision from the Central City Proposal. Where this is the case the Specific Purpose Zones Stage 2 provision is in black text, and a comment has been inserted to identify the relevant Central City provision that is considered to correspond. This is also the case where the provisions from the Specific Purpose Zones 2 and Central City proposals are identical. In those situations, the black text can only be amended in respect of the Central City in response to a Central City submission point, such changes will be identified in dark blue bold underlined text (for additions) and dark blue strikethrough text (for deletions). purple underlined for Further amendments to this proposal resulting from the Evidence in additions and purple Chief for the Council. struck through for deletions


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions

Index to location of Central City Provisions from 13.8.1 in Chapter 21 13.8.1 Central City Schools Zone provision number as notified Chapter 21 Equivalent Provision Objective - Use of Education Facilities Policy - Community Use of Education Facilities Policy - Amenity of Neighbourhoods Policy - Contribution of Education Sites to the Character of Neighbourhoods Objective - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings Policy- Alternative Development Provisions Permitted Activities Restricted Discretionary Activities RD1, RD2 and RD3 Discretionary Activities D1 and D2 Non-Complying Activities NC1 Prohibited Activities Site Coverage b. and c. Recession Planes Road Boundary Setback Internal Boundary Setback Building Height Amenity of the Neighbourhood Traffic Issues Appendix - State Schools Appendix - State Integrated Schools Appendix - Private Schools


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions

21.6 Specific Purpose (School) Zone

21.6.1 Objectives and Policies Objective - Use of education facilities

a. Education providers are able to efficiently use and develop their land and buildings, within the wider network of education facilities across Christchurch, for: i. education activity; and as ii. hubs for a diverse range of community activities, while: iii. mitigating significant adverse effects on the amenity of adjoining zones, and iv. recognising and enhancing the contribution of education buildings and sites to the character of neighbourhoods. [#3721.791 Crown] Comment [DG1]: Policy – Community use of education facilities

a. Provide for community use of education land and buildings, including use for active and passive recreation, where such use of land and buildings is compatible with, and secondary to, the use of the site for education activity. [#3721.792 Crown] Comment [DG2]: Policy – Amenity of neighbourhoods

a. Ensure adverse effects from education sites on neighbourhood amenity, including effects arising from building location and scale, traffic, parking, and noise are not significant, while also recognising the benefits of education and community activities occurring on school sites for the wider community. [#3791.793 Crown] Comment [DG3]: Policy – Contribution of education sites to the character of neighbourhoods

a. Encourage education providers to develop buildings and sites to a high standard of visual amenity and design. [#3721.794 Crown] Comment [DG4]: Objective - Future use of surplus education land and buildings

a. Change of use of surplus education land and buildings to activities compatible with the surrounding area is facilitated. [#3721.795 Crown] Comment [DG5]: Policy – Additional development provisions

a. Provide for land and buildings no longer required for an education activity to be developed for other uses where those uses are consistent with the provisions applicable in the surrounding environment.[#3721.796 Crown] Comment [DG6]:


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21.6.2 Rules – Specific Purpose (School) Zone How to Use the Rules The rules that apply to activities in the Specific Purpose (School) Zone are contained in:

a Activity Status Tables (including Activity Specific Standards) in Rule and b Built Form Standards in Comment [DG7]: The Activity Status Tables and standards in the following Chapters also apply to activities in all areas of the Specific Purpose (School) Zone, where relevant:

5 Natural Hazards; 6 General Rules and Procedures; 7 Transport; 8 Subdivision, Development and Earthworks; 9 Natural and Cultural Heritage; 11 Utilities and Energy; and 12 Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land. Comment [DG8]: Additional activities and standards for each of the school sites are referred to in the activity and built form standard tables, with the relevant zones in which these additional activities and standards are found, being listed in Appendices, or Activity Status Tables Note that the schools within the Central City area are covered in the Central City Chapter. Permitted activities Comment [DG9]:

The activities listed below are permitted activities if they comply with the Activity Specific Standards set out in this table and the Built Form Standards in Rule

Activities may also be restricted discretionary, discretionary, non-complying or prohibited as specified in Rules,,, or

Activity Activity Specific Standards P1 Education activity and facilities, a. Nil and additions to such facilities. P2 Spiritual activities and facilities a. Nil established before 2 May 2015, which are not ancillary to an education activity, and additions to such facilities. P3 Community activities occurring at a. Nil education or spiritual facilities established before 2 May 2015 [#3212.3 Christ's College][#3670.122 Church Property Trustees]

P4 Any additional activities or a. Nil facilities which would be permitted activities in the zone listed for that site in Appendices, or


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions Restricted discretionary activities

Activity The Council’s discretion shall be limited to the following matters: Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the Neighbourhood - RD1 site coverage b, d, e, h. Comment [DG10]: (these three lines) Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood - RD2 recession planes, or a, b, c, d and e Rule internal boundary setbacks. Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood - RD3 road boundary, c, d, e, f g, h setbacks. b. Traffic Issues - 2 a and b RD4 Non-compliance with Rule a. Water supply for firefighting - water supply for a firefighting [3721.802 Crown] Comment [SG11]: Advice Note: RD4 has been included in the SP Schools Stage 2 wording as a RD5 Any additional activities or The matters of discretion for that result of a Crown submission point. facilities which would not be additional activity or facility in the The Crown made the same permitted activities under P4, relevant zone rules for that site. submission in Stage 3. but which would be restricted discretionary activities in the zone listed for that site in Appendices, or [#3721.800 Crown] Comment [SG12]: Advice Note: RD5 has been included in the SP Schools Stage 2 wording as a RD6 A major sports facility on Lot 1 a. Where the activity complies with result of a Crown submission point. DP11232 (Heaton Street the net site area and coverage The Crown made the same Intermediate Normal School), standards for RD 6, and the Built submission in Stage 3. where: Form Standards in Rule matters of discretion shall be i. The minimum net site limited to: area dedicated to the i. Major Sports Facilities a, b facility, including land in and c the School zone and any ii. Overlooking and privacy in relation to land located in an the remainder of the school property. adjoining open space 2 zone is 6000m ; and

ii. The maximum percentage of the net site area covered by buildings is 20%.


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b. Where the activity complies with This activity is a restricted the net site area and coverage discretionary activity if standards for RD6, but not all a. it complies with the built form standards, matters of minimum net site discretion shall be limited to: area and coverage i. Major Sports Facilities a, b standards set out and c above, and the Built ii. Amenity of Neighbourhood a Form Standards in to h, Rule iii. Overlooking and privacy in relation to the remainder of the school property. b. It complies with the iv. Adequacy of Landscaping: minimum net site a, b and c area and coverage standards set out above, but not with all of the Built Form Standards in Rule Discretionary activities

Activity The Council will consider any matters under s104 of the Act including:

D1 New Spiritual activities and a. Amenity of the neighbourhood facilities. b c Comment [DG13]: (both lines) b. Traffic Issues - a

D2 Non compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the Neighbourhood - height. b, c, d, e, f, g and h

D3 Any additional activities or The matters of discretion for that facilities which would not be additional activity or facility in the permitted activities under P4, relevant zone for that site. but which would be discretionary activities in the zone listed for that site in Appendices, or [#3721.800 Crown] Comment [SG14]: Advice Note: D3 has been included in the SP Schools Stage 2 wording as a D4 A major sports facility on Lot 1 a. Major Sports Facilities a, b result of a Crown submission point. The Crown made the same DP11232 (Heaton Street and c Intermediate Normal School) and submission in Stage 3. b. Amenity of Neighbourhood a on any land in an adjoining open space zone, that does not meet to h, one or both of the activity c. Overlooking and privacy in relation to standards i. and ii. in Rule the remainder of the school property. RD6 d. Adequacy of Landscaping: a, b and c Non-Complying Activities


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Activity NC1 Any activity that is not listed above as a permitted, restricted discretionary, or discretionary activity. Comment [DG15]:

NC2 a) Sensitive activities and buildings (excluding accessory buildings associated with an existing activity) within 10m of the centreline of the 66 KV electricity distribution line through the Kendal School, or within 10m of a foundation of an associated support structure. b) Fences within 5m of the 66 KV electricity distribution line (through the Kendal School)'s support structure foundations.

Any application made in relation to this rule shall not be publicly notified or limited notified other than to Orion New Zealand Limited.

Notes: 1. The 66kV electricity distribution line through Kendal School is shown on Planning Map 23.

2. Vegetation to be planted around the electricity distribution lines should be selected and/or managed to ensure that it will not result in that vegetation breaching the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003.

3. The New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safe Distances (NZECP 34:2001) contains restrictions on the location of structures and activities in the vicinity of electricity distribution lines, which must be complied with. Prohibited Activities

There are no prohibited activities Comment [DG16]: Built Form Standards Note that schools within the Central City area are covered in the Central City Chapter. Site Coverage

The maximum percentage of the net site area covered by buildings shall be as follows:

Applicable to Standard a. School sites where the additional activities and standards 40% are from the zones listed in Appendices, or Residential Suburban, Residential Suburban Density Transition, Residential Hills, Residential Banks Peninsula, Residential Small Settlement or Rural Zones.

b. School sites where the additional activities and standards 45% are from the zones listed in Appendices, or 8

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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions Residential Medium Density, or Residential New Neighbourhood Zones, or Open Space Community Park Zone. [] Comment [SG17]: Advice note: In the notified Central City School c. School sites where the additional activities and standards No maximum zone the Open Space Community are from the zones listed in Appendices 21.6. 4.1,, percentage Zone was called Central City or Community Park Zone. Due to the Central City Residential, integration of Central City School Commercial Central City Mixed Use or zone into the Stage 2 SPZ School zone the zone has been renamed Commercial Central City Business, or [] "Open Space Community Park Industrial General (Philipstown School) Zone".

Comment [SG18]: Advice note: In the notified version of the Central City School zone, the Commercial Recession Planes Central City Mixed Use Zone was called the Central City Mixed Use Zone, and the Commercial Central No part of any building shall project beyond a building envelope contained by: City Business Zone was called the Central City Business Zone. Due Applicable to Standard to the integration of the Central City a. School sites where the additional activities and Recession planes from points School zone into the Stage 2 SPZ standards are from the zones listed in Appendices 2.3m above a boundary with School zone the zone has been, or a residential zone as shown renamed. Residential Suburban, in Appendix 14.10.2. Residential Suburban Density Transition, Residential Hills, Residential Medium Density, Residential New Neighbourhood, or Rural Zones, Central City Residential or

Open Space Community Park Zones. [] Comment [SG19]: Advice note: In the notified Central City School b. School sites where the additional activities and 45 degree recession planes zone the Open Space Community standards are from the zones listed in Appendices measured from points 2.0m Zone was called Central City, or above a boundary with a Community Park Zone. Due to the Residential Banks Peninsula, residential zone. integration of Central City School Residential Small Settlement zone into the Stage 2 SPZ School c. For a major sports facility on Lot 1 DP 11232 and on Recession planes from points zone the zone has been renamed "Open Space Community Park any land in an adjoining open space zone, where a 2.3m above the boundary as Zone". site boundary adjoins the Residential Suburban shown in Appendix 14.10.2A. zone. Road Boundary Setback

The minimum building setback from road boundaries shall be:

Applicable to Standard a. School sites where the additional activities and standards 10m are from the zones listed in Appendices, or Residential Suburban; Residential Suburban Density Transition; Residential Hills; Residential Banks Peninsula; Residential Small Settlement ;or Rural Zones. 9

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b.. The Phillipstown school site, where the additional activities 6m and standards are from the Industrial General zone. c. School sites where the additional activities and standards 5m are from the zones listed in Appendices, or Open Space Community Park Zones. [] Comment [SG20]: Advice note: In the notified Central City School d. School sites where the additional activities and standards 4m zone the Open Space Community are from the zones listed in Appendices, or Zone was called Central City Community Park Zone. Due to the Residential Medium Density, or integration of Central City School Residential New Neighbourhood Zones; zone into the Stage 2 SPZ School zone the zone has been renamed "Open Space Community Park e. School sites where the additional activities and standards 2m Zone". are from the zones listed in Appendices, or Central City Residential Zone []

f. For a major sports facility on Lot 1 DP 11232, and on any 10m land in an adjoining open space zone. Internal Boundary Setback

The minimum building setback from an internal boundary shall be:

Applicable to Standard a. From a boundary with any other zone, with the exception of 6m Comment [SG21]: b and c below.

b. From a boundary with any other zone, if the building does 3m not exceed 4.5m in height;


Either: (a) does not exceed 15m in length, or

(b) a recess is provided for every additional 15m of building length or part thereof, with a minimum dimension of 3m by 3m for the full height of the building including the roof.

c. Accessory buildings for caretaking and storage purposes Nil, if the length of from a boundary with any other zone. walls of accessory buildings within 6m of a boundary does not exceed a total of 9m for each 100m length of boundary; Otherwise 6m. Comment [SG22]:

d. For a major sports facility on Lot 1 DP 11232,and on any 20m land in an adjoining open space zone, excluding the boundaries between school and open space zones


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions Maximum Building Height

Applicable to Standard a. School sites where the additional activities and standards 10m within 20m of are from the zones listed in Appendices, or an internal boundary, otherwise 14m Residential Suburban, Residential Suburban Density Transition, Residential Hills, Residential Banks Peninsula, Residential Small Settlement or Rural Zones.

b. School sites where the additional activities and standards 12m within 20m of are from the zones listed in Appendices, or internal boundary, otherwise 16m Residential Medium Density, or Residential New Neighbourhood Zones;

c. The Phillipstown school site, where the additional activities 15m and standards are from the Industrial General zone; and Christ's College west of Rolleston Avenue buildings, where the additional activities and standards are from the Central City Residential Zone.[#3212.11 Christ's College] [] and Christ's College west of Rolleston Avenue playing fields, where the additional activities and standards are from the Open Space Community Comment [SG23]: Advice note: In Park Zone [#3212.11 Christ's College []; the notified Central City School zone the Open Space Community d. School sites where the additional activities and standards 11m or 14m. Refer Zone was called Central City are from the zones listed in Appendix,, or to Central City Community Park Zone. Due to the Maximum Building integration of Central City School Central City Residential zone, including Christ's College Height Planning zone into the Stage 2 SPZ School zone the zone has been renamed east of Rolleston Avenue [#3212.11 Christ's College] Map. "Open Space Community Park [] Zone".

e. School sites where the additional activities and standards Refer to Central City are from the zones listed in Appendix,.or Maximum Building Height Planning Commercial Central City Business, or Map. Comment [SG24]: Advice note: In the notified version of the Central Commercial Central City Mixed Use [] City School zone, the Commercial Central City Mixed Use Zone was f. For a major sports facility on Lot 1 DP 11232,and on any 12m called the Central City Mixed Use Zone, and the Commercial Central land in an adjoining open space zone City Business Zone was called the Central City Business Zone. Due to the integration of the Central City School zone into the Stage 2 SPZ School zone the zone has been renamed.


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions Water Supply for Firefighting Comment [SG25]: Advice Note: This provision has been included in Applicable to Standard the SP Schools Stage 2 wording as a result of a Crown submission a. All buildings excluding accessory buildings Buildings shall provide sufficient point. The Crown has made the access for firefighting appliances same submission in Stage 3. and supply of water for firefighting consistent with the NZ Firefighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS 4509:2008). [#3721.801 Crown] Landscaping

Minimum requirements for landscaping are:

a. For a major sports facility on Lot 1 DP a. A 5m wide landscaped area shall 11232,and on any land in an adjoining be established along all open space zone Residential Suburban zone boundaries and shall be planted with a minimum of 1 tree for every 10m of boundary. b. In addition to a, within on-site car parking areas, 1 tree shall be planted for every 5 car parking spaces.

21.6.3 Matters of Discretion Amenity of the Neighbourhood

a. Effects on amenity of adjoining properties, including daylight and sunlight admission. b. Any visual dominance over adjoining properties, or their outlook to the street; or visual dominance over the street or nearby public open space. c. Any loss of privacy for adjoining properties through overlooking. d. Alternative practical locations for the building on the site. e. Opportunities for landscaping and tree planting, as well as screening of buildings. f. Whether the nature and form of development on adjoining site(s) mitigates the potentially adverse effects of increased height or building scale. g. The compatibility of the building in terms of appearance, layout and scale of other buildings and sites in the surrounding area, including whether increased height would result in buildings which significantly contrast with the scale of surrounding development, both existing and permitted. h. The balance of open space and buildings on the site, in the context of: i. the character of the surrounding zone(s); ii. the contribution of the buildings and grounds to local landscape character. Comment [DG26]:


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment A – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.6 – Incorporating Central City provisions

[#3721.804 & .805 Crown] Traffic Issues Comment [SG27]: Advice note: The Central City provisions were a. Any potentially adverse effects on the surrounding environment and adjoining zones of traffic and the same as the notified Specific Purpose (School) zone provisions parking associated with the proposed new development. but the latter have changed due to evidence exchange, mediation and b. Where an Integrated Transport Assessment has not been provided, the ability to provide safe the SP (School) zone hearing. The access to cycle parking and to drop-off/pick-up areas for children. Crown sought the same changes to this matter of discretion in both c. Whether the proposed new development is located on a main distributor or local distributor Stage 2 and Stage 3. road, and availability or otherwise of space on the road for safe right hand turning into the site. Comment [SG28]:

Comment [SG29]: Water Supply for Firefighting Comment [SG30]:

Comment [SG31]: Advice Note: a. Whether sufficient firefighting water supply is available to ensure the safety of people and This provision has been included in property in the zone, as well as neighbouring properties, in the event of fire. [#3721.803 the SP Schools Stage 2 wording as Crown] a result of a Crown submission point. The Crown has made the same submission in Stage 3. Planning Maps

Rezone Christ's College land east of Rolleston Avenue from Central City Residential to SP (School) Zone - Central City Planning Map [#3212.6, .7 and .8 Christ's College]

Rezone 95 Tuam Street (adjoining St Michael's School) from Central City School Zone to Commercial Central City Business Zone - Central City Planning Map [#3670.120 and .121] Church Property Trustees]


21.6.4 Appendices

Additional activities and standards applicable to activities other than education, spiritual or community activities in the Specific Purpose (School) Zone are shown in the following appendices, by reference to the name of the zone containing those additional activities and standards:

Appendix - State Schools; Appendix - State Integrated Schools; and Appendix - Private Schools.

For a full version of the zone abbreviations, refer to the legends for the Planning Maps. State schools

School Name Location Map ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 1 Addington Primary School Brougham Street, Addington 38 RMD 2 Akaroa Area School Rue Jolie, Bruce Terrace and 77 Selwyn Avenue, Akaroa RBP 13

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School Name Location Map ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 3 Allenvale School Aorangi Road, Bryndwr 24 RS 4 Aranui High School Shortland Street, Aranui 33 RS 5 Aranui Primary School Breezes Road, Aranui 33 RS 6 Avondale Primary School Breezes Road, Wainoni 33 RS 7 Avonhead Primary School Avonhead Road, Avonhead 30 RS 8 Girls' High School Avonside Drive, Avonside 32 RS 9 Bamford Primary School Gould Crescent, Woolston 40 RSDT 10 Banks Avenue Primary Banks Avenue, Dallington 32 School RS 11 Beckenham Primary School Sandwich Road, Beckenham 46 RS 12 Belfast Primary School Main North Road, Belfast 12 RS 13 Bishopdale Primary School Greers Road, Bishopdale 24 RS 14 Branston Intermediate Amyes Road, Hornby 37 School (Closed) RS 15 Breens Intermediate School Breens Road, Bishopdale 23/24 RS 16 Bromley Primary School Keighleys Road, Bromley 40 RS 17 Burnside High School Greers Road, Burnside 23/24/3 0/31 RS 18 Burnside Primary School Memorial Avenue, Fendalton 31 RS 19 Casebrook Intermediate Veitches Road, Casebrook 18 School RS 20 Cashmere High School Rose Street, Spreydon 45/46 RS 21 Cashmere Primary School Dyers Pass Road and 46 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere RH 22 Central New Brighton Seaview Road, New Brighton 26 Primary School RSDT 23 Chisnallwood Intermediate Breezes Road, Avondale 33 School RS 24 Christchurch Boys' High Kahu Road, Fendalton 31 School RS 25. Christchurch East Primary Gloucester Street, City CC School Zoning Map CCR [] 26 Christchurch Girls' High Matai Street, Fendalton and 31 School Papanui Road, Merivale RS 27 Christchurch South Selwyn Street, Sydenham 38/39 Intermediate School RSDT 28 Cobham Intermediate School Ilam Road, Fendalton 31 RS 29 Cotswold Primary School Cotswold Avenue, Bishopdale 18 RS 30 Diamond Harbour School Hunters Road, Diamond 58/59/6 Harbour 1/62 RBP 31 Duvauchelle School Christchurch - Akaroa Road 70 (SH75), Duvauchelle RBP 32 Elmwood Normal Primary Aikmans Road, Merivale 31 School RSDT 33 Fendalton Open Air Primary Clyde Road, Fendalton 31 School RS 34 Ferndale School Merivale Lane, Merivale 31 RSDT 35 Freeville Primary School Sandy Avenue, New Brighton 26 RS 36 Gilberthorpe Primary School Gilberthorpe Road, Hei Hei 29 RS 37 Glenmoor Primary School Philpotts Road, Mairehau 25 (Closed) RS 38 Governors Bay School Jetty Road, Governors Bay 57 RSS 14

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School Name Location Map ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 39 Hagley Community College Hagley Avenue, City CC Zoning Map CCR [] 40 Halswell Primary School Halswell Road, Halswell 49 RS 41 Halswell Residential College Nash Road, Halswell 44 RS 42 Hammersley Park Primary Quinns Road, Shirley 25 School (Closed) RS 43 Harewood Primary School Harewood Road, Harewood 17 RuUF 44 Heathcote Valley Primary Bridle Path Road, Heathcote, 47 School Christchurch RS 45 Heaton Street Normal Heaton Street, Merivale 31 Intermediate School RS 46 Hillmorton High School Tankerville Road, Hillmorton 38/45 RS 47 Hoon Hay Primary School Sparks Road, Hoon Hay 45 RS 48 Hornby High School Waterloo Road, Hornby 36/37 RS 49 Hornby Primary School Waterloo Road, Hornby 36 RS 50 Ilam Primary School Ilam Road, Ilam 31 RS 51 Isleworth Primary School Farrington Avenue, Bishopdale 24 RMD 52 Kendal Primary School Kendal Avenue, Burnside 23 (Closed) RS 53 Kirkwood Intermediate Riccarton Road, Riccarton 31 School RS 54 Linwood Avenue Primary Linwood Avenue, Linwood 39 School RSDT 55 Linwood College and Aldwins Road and Ferry Road, 39 Linwood College Playing Linwood - RSDT College; RS Playing Fields Fields 56 Linwood Intermediate School McLean Street, Linwood 32 (Closed) RSDT 57 Linwood North Primary Woodham Road, Avonside 32 School RS 58 Little River School Western Valley Road, Little 69 River RSS 59 Lyttelton Main School Oxford Street , Lyttelton 52 RBP all of site, except 1 Oxford St which is CBP 60 Lyttelton West School Voelas Road, Lyttelton 52 RBP 61 Mairehau High School Hills Road, Mairehau 25 RS 62 Mairehau Primary School Mahars Road, Mairehau 25 RS 63 Manning Intermediate School Hoon Hay Road, Hoon Hay 45 (Closed) RS 64 Marshland Primary School Prestons Road, Marshland 19 RuUF -Marshland Rd site; RG- Prestons site 65 McKenzie Residential School Yaldhurst Road, Yaldhurst 29 (Closed) RuUF 66 Merrin Primary School Merrin Street, Avonhead 30 RS 67 Mt Pleasant Primary School Major Hornbrook Road, Mt 47 Pleasant RH 68 Noku Te Ao Childcare Birchgrove Gardens, Mairehau 25 Centre RS 69 North New Brighton Primary Leaver Terrace, North New 26 School Brighton RS 70 Northcote Primary School Tuckers Road, Redwood 18 RS 71 Oaklands Primary School Cunningham Place, Halswell 44 RS 15

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School Name Location Map ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 72 Okains Bay School Okains Bay Road, Okains Bay 68 RuBP 73 Opawa Primary School Ford Road, Opawa 39 RS 74 Ouruhia Model Primary Turners Road, Ouruhia 12 School RuUF 75 Papanui High School Langdons Road, Papanui 24 RSDT

76 Papanui Primary School Winters Road, Papanui 24 RS 77 Paparoa Street Primary Paparoa Street, Papanui 24 School RS 78 Parkview Primary School Chadbury Street, Parklands 20 RS 79 Phillipstown Primary School Nursery Road, Phillipstown 39 IG 80 Queenspark Primary School Queenspark Drive, Parklands 20 RS 81 Redcliffs Primary School Main Road, Redcliffs. 48 Temporary location: Van Asch Deaf Education Centre, Sumner RS 82 Redwood Primary School Prestons Road, Redwood 18 RS 83 Riccarton High School Vicki Street, Upper Riccarton 37 RS 84 Riccarton Primary School English Street, Upper Riccarton 37 RS 85 Rowley Avenue School Rowley Avenue, Hoon Hay 45 RS 86 Roydvale Primary School Roydvale Avenue, Burnside 23 RS 87 Russley Primary School Cutts Road, Avonhead 30 RS 88 Shirley Boys' High School North Parade, Shirley 32 RS 89 Shirley Intermediate School North Parade, Shirley 32 RMD 90 Shirley Primary School Shirley Road, Shirley 25 RS 91 Sockburn Primary School Springs Road, Sockburn 37 RS 92 Somerfield Primary School Studholme Street, Somerfield 46 RS 93 South Hornby Primary Shands Road, Hornby 36 School RSDT 94 South New Brighton Primary Estuary Road, South New 34 School Brighton RS Southern Regional Health Tuam Street, City H19 CB [#3670.120 & .121 School Church Property Trustees] 95 Spreydon Primary School Halswell Road, Hoon Hay 38 RS 96 St Albans Primary School Sheppard Place, St Albans 25/32 RSDT 97 St Martins Primary School Albert Terrace, St Martins 46 RH 98 Sumner Primary School Colenso Street, Sumner 48 RS 99 Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Lyttelton Street, Spreydon 45 Whanau Tahi RS 100 Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Hassals Lane, Opawa. 39 Waitaha Temporary location Linwood Intermediate. RSDT 101 Te Pa o Rakaihautu Pavitt Street, Richmond 32 RMD 102 Templeton Primary School Kirk Road, Templeton 35 RS 103 Thorrington Primary School Colombo Street, Beckenham 46 RS 104 Te Waka Unua Primary Ferry Road, Woolston 39 RS School 105 Unlimited Discovery School Temporary locations: UC, None Parkstone Avenue, Ilam and Halswell Residential College, McMahon Drive, Aidanfield


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School Name Location Map ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 106 Van Asch Deaf Education Heberden Avenue, Sumner 48 Centre RS 107 Waimairi Primary School Tillman Avenue, Papanui 24 RS 108 Wainoni Primary School Eureka Street, Aranui 26 RS 109 Wairakei Primary School Wairakei Road, Bryndwr 24 RS 110 Waitaha School Kirk Road, Templeton 35 RuT 111 Waitakiri Primary School Burwood Road, Burwood 26 RS 112 Waitakiri Primary School New Brighton Road, Burwood 26 River Site RS 113 Waltham Primary School Hastings Street East, Waltham 39 RSDT 114 West Spreydon Primary Lyttelton Street, Spreydon 45 School RS 115 Westburn Primary School Waimairi Road, Ilam 30 RS 116 Wharenui Primary School Matipo Street, Riccarton 38 RMD 117 Yaldhurst Model Primary School Road, Yaldhurst 29 RuUF School State integrated schools

School Name Location Map Ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 1 Aidanfield Christian Nash Road, Aidanfield 44 RS 2 Catholic Cathedral College Ferry Road, City CC CMU [] Comment [SG32]: Advice Note: In Zoning the notified version of the Central Map City School zone, the Commercial 3 Christ the King Greers Road, Burnside 31 RS Central City Mixed Use Zone was 4 Christchurch Adventist Grants Road, Papanui 24 RMD called the Central City Mixed Zone. 5 Emmanuel Christian Sawyers Arms Road, 18 RuUF Bishopdale 6 Hillview Christian Wilsons Road, St Martins 46 RS 7 Laidlaw College Condell Avenue, Papanui 24 RS 8 Marian College Barbadoes Street, City 39 and CMU CC 9 Middleton Grange Acacia Avenue, Upper Riccarton 37/38 RS 10 New Brighton Catholic Lonsdale Street, New Brighton 26 RSDT 11 Our Lady of Fatima Innes Road, Mairehau. 25 RS From 2016: in combination with St Pauls, to be renamed St Francis of Assisi School. 12 Our Lady of the Assumption Sparks Road, Hoon Hay 45 RS 13 Our Lady of Victories Main South Road, Sockburn 37 RS 14 Our Lady Star of the Sea Colenso Street, Sumner 48 RS 15 Rudolf Steiner Ombersley Terrace, Opawa 46 RS 16 Sacred Heart Spencer Street, Addington 38 RMD 17 St Albans Catholic Rutland Street, St Albans 25 RSDT 18 St Anne's Ferry Road, Woolston 40 RS 19 St Bede's Main North Road, Redwood 18/24 RS 17

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School Name Location Map Ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 20 St Bernadette's Hei Hei Road, Hei Hei 36/37 RS 21 St James’ Rowan Avenue, Aranui 33 RS 22 St Joseph's Vagues Road, Papanui 24 RS 23 St Mark’s Cholmondeley Avenue, Opawa 39 RS 24 St Mary's Manchester Street, City CC CCR [] Zoning Maps 25 St Patrick's Plynlimon Road, Bryndwr 31 RS 26 St Paul's From 2016: Innes Road, 25 RS Mairehau. In combination with Our Lady of Fatima, to be renamed St Francis of Assisi School. 27 St Peter's Fisher Avenue, Beckenham 46 RS 28 St Teresa's Puriri Street, Riccarton 31 RS 29 St Thomas of Canterbury Middlepark Road, Sockburn 37 RS 30 Stand Childrens’ Services Glenelg Spur, St Martins 46 RH Village 31 Tamariki St Johns Street, Woolston 40 RS 32 Villa Maria Peer Street, Upper Riccarton 30 RS Private schools

School Name Location Map Ref Additional Activities and Standards for Activities other than education, spiritual or community activities are those for the following zones 1 The Academy Manchester St, City; and CC CCR - Manchester St site; CMUComment - [SG33]: Advice Note: In Aberdeen St, City Zoning Aberdeen St site []the notified version of the Central Map City School zone, the Commercial 2 Birch Grove Montessori Birchgrove Gardens, Mairehau 25 RS Central City Mixed Use Zone was 3 Cathedral Grammar Park Terrace, City CC CCR [] called the Central City Mixed Zone. Zoning Map 4 Christ's College Rolleston Avenue, City & CC OSCP -playing fields, CCR -Comment all [SG34]: Advice Note: In Montreal St City (former Girls Zoning school buildings & Montreal Stthe site notified version of the Central High site) Map [#3212.9 Christ's College] City School zone, the Open Space [] Community Park Zone was called the Central City Community Park 5 Jean Seabrook Memorial London Street, Richmond 32 RMD Zone. School 6 Medbury Clyde Road, Ilam 31 RS 7 Nova Montessori Owles Terrace, New Brighton 33 RS 8 Rangi Ruru Girls' School Hewitts Road, Merivale 31 RMD 9 Selwyn House Merivale Lane, Merivale 31 RSDT 10 St Andrew’s College Normans Road, Papanui 24/31 RS 11 St Margaret’s Winchester Street, Merivale 32 RMD Comment [SG35]: Advice Note: In 12 St Michael's Durham Street South, City CC CB [] the notified version of the Central Zoning City School zone, the Commercial Map Central City Business Zone was 13 Westmount School Kirk Road, Templeton 35 RuUF called the Central City Business Zone 18

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Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 35 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Accept-Reject Table – Central City School Zone Submissions

Accept / Accept in Part / Reject Table Chapter 13.9 – Central City School Zone

Key A tick in one of the final three columns on the right of this table indicates the Council's recommendation on the submission point as follows:

A = submission point accepted A(P) = submission point accepted in part R = submission point rejected

Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose 3212.7 Christ's College Amend 13.8.1 Central City Decision Sought: Rezone the College-owned land as shown on 'Attachment 1' from Central City Residential to Central City Schools Zone. A School Zone 3670.120 The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Amend 13.8.1 Central City Decision Sought: Amend the Central City School Zone to exclude commercial properties at Section 1035 TN and 1036 TN of Christchurch and rezone A Diocese of Chch and Alpine School Zone these sites as part of the Central City Business Zone. Presbytery, Church Property Trustees 3721.779 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend 13.8.1 Central City Decision Sought: A Authority School Zone a. Amend Proposal 13, section 13.8 to:

i. ensure that the objectives and policies for the Central City School Zone effectively align;

3721.790 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Support 13.8.1 Central City Decision Sought: Retain the Central City School Zone in Proposal 21 A Authority School Zone 3721.791 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend (a)(iii) Decision Sought: A Authority Amend: Objective – Use of education facilities, as follows:

Education providers are able to efficiently use and develop their land and buildings, within the wider network of education facilities across Christchurch, for:

(i) education activity; and as

(ii) hubs for a diverse range of community activities,


(iii) minimising mitigating significant adverse effects on the amenity of adjoining zones so far as practicable, and

(iv) recognising and enhancing the contribution of education buildings and sites to the character of neighbourhoods. 3212.1 Christ's College Support Objective Decision Sought: Support the retention of Objective in so far as they recognise and provide for community use of school facilities where A - Use of Education such use is compatible with the surrounding environment. Facilities 3721.792 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Support Objective Decision Sought: Retain Policy A Authority - Use of Education Facilities 3212.2 Christ's College Support Policy - Decision Sought: Support the retention of Policy in so far as they recognise and provide for community use of school facilities where A Community Use of such use is compatible with the surrounding environment. Education Facilities 3721.793 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Policy - Decision Sought: A(P) Authority Amenity of Neighbourhoods Page 1 of 4

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Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose Policy – Amenity of neighbourhoods

Minimise a Adverse effects from education sites on neighbourhood amenity so far as practicable, including effects arising from building location and scale, traffic, parking, and noise, with standards operating primarily at the boundaries of education sites are managed so that they are not significant, considering the limited hours of operation and benefits of education activities to the wider community. 3721.795 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Support Objective Decision Sought: A(P) Authority - Future Use of Surplus Education Retain Objective Land and Buildings 3721.794 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Policy - Decision Sought: Delete Policy A(P) Authority Contribution of Education Sites to the Character of Neighbourhoods 3317.36 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Support Objective Decision Sought: Support the change of use of surplus education land, subject to amenity considerations. A Villages Ass of NZ - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings 3317.36 FS5052.36 Anglican Living Limited Support Objective OP 3317.36 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings 3317.37 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Support Policy- Decision Sought: Support zone provisions for the alternative development of surplus education land subject to amenity considerations as this A Villages Ass of NZ Alternative promotes the efficient and effective use of land in the central city. Development Provisions 3317.37 FS5052.37 Anglican Living Limited Support Policy- OP 3317.37 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Alternative Development Provisions 3721.796 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend Policy- Decision Sought: A Authority Alternative Development Amend Policy as follows: Provisions Provide for land and buildings no longer required for an education activity to be developed for other uses where those uses are compatible with the surrounding area identified alternative zoning. 3721.780 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend Rules Decision Sought: A Authority a. Amend Proposal 13, section 13.8 to:

ii. reduce the prescriptiveness of the rules in the Central City School Zone; 3721.797 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend How to Decision Sought: Amend to combine and R Authority Use the Rules 3212.3 Christ's College Amend (P3) Decision Sought: A

Amend (P3) by deleting the time cut off as follows:

Community activities occurring at education facilities or at spiritual facilities established before 2 May 2015. 3212.3 FS5030.123 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Support (P3) OP 3212.3 Decision Sought: A Authority (CERA) MoE supports the amendment to remove the cut-off date, as the proposed rules currently make newly established community activities a non- complying activity.

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Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose MoE supports the shared use of education facilities with the community, and for all other areas in Christchurch, this activity is a permitted activity, as set out in Chapter 21 Specific Purpose School Zone (P3).

Rule as notified is impractical and restrictive because the use of facilities for community groups is periodic, is often for one-off events and schools within the Central City, such as Hagley Community College often share education facilities with the community.

If the cut-off period is not removed from (P3) then these activities default to non-complying status under Rule MoE supports permitted activity status. 3721.799 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Support (P4) Decision Sought: Retain Rule as notified. A Authority 3317.38 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Support Decision Sought: Support zone provisions for the alternative development of surplus education land subject to amenity considerations as this A Villages Ass of NZ Permitted Activities promotes the efficient and effective use of land in the central city. 3317.38 FS5052.38 Anglican Living Limited Support OP 3317.38 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Permitted Activities 3670.122 The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Amend Decision Sought: P2 Spiritual activities and facilities established before 2 May 2015, which are not ancillary to an education activity, and additions to A Diocese of Chch and Alpine Permitted Activities such facilities. Presbytery, Church Property Trustees 3721.798 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Decision Sought: Delete introduction. R Authority Permitted Activities 3317.39 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Amend Decision Sought: A Villages Ass of NZ Restricted Discretionary A new rule be included in several Central City zones to provide for Retirement Villages as Restricted Discretionary Activities where relevant built Activities form standards can be met.


RD4 Retirement Village where not provided for as a Permitted Activity

The Council's discretion shall be limited to the following matters:

14.9.10 Retirement Villages 3317.39 FS5052.39 Anglican Living Limited Support OP 3317.39 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Restricted Discretionary Activities 3721.802 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Decision Sought: A(P) Authority Restricted Discretionary as a consequence amend Rule and that associated Matters of Discretion as follows: Activities Activity Council’s discretion shall be limited to: RDX Non-compliance with Rule water supply for x. Water supply for firefighting firefighting.

3212.4 Christ's College Amend (D1) Decision Sought: Amend (D1) by making it a Restricted Discretionary activity (RD4) under and adding in reference to R community activities. 3721.800 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Non- Decision Sought: Delete non-complying activity rule and make discretionary activity status the default. A(P) Authority Complying Activities 3212.10 Christ's College Amend Built Decision Sought: Apply the Montreal Street built form standards to the College's other landholdings in the same block A Form Standards 3721.781 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend Built Decision Sought: A(P) Authority Form Standards a. Amend Proposal 13, section 13.8 to:

iii. amend the built form standards for the Central City School Zone to ensure that they appropriately provide for firefighting water supply purposes; Page 3 of 4

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Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose 3721.801 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Built Decision Sought: A(P) Authority Form Standards Amend the Built Form Standards in to include a further Built Form Standard as follows:

“ Water supply for firefighting

Provision for sufficient water supply and access to water supplies for firefighting shall be made available to all buildings (excluding accessory buildings that are not habitable buildings) via Council’s urban reticulated system (where available) in accordance with the New Zealand Fire Service Firefighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS 4509:2008).

Any application arising from non-compliance with this rule will not require the written approval of any entity except the New Zealand Fire Service Commission and shall not be fully publicly notified. Limited notification if required shall only be to the New Zealand Fire Service Commission.” 3212.11 Christ's College Amend (a) Decision Sought: A

Amend Building Height (a) as follows:

School sites where the alternative zoning in Appendix,, or is: Central City Community Park Zone or Central City Residential Zone - Christ's College west of Rolleston Avenue. 3721.782 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend Matters of Decision Sought: A Authority Discretion a. Amend Proposal 13, section 13.8 to:

iv. amend the matters of discretion for the Central City School Zone to ensure that they appropriately relate to the relevant rule; 3721.803 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Amenity Decision Sought: A(P) Authority of the Neighbourhood “ Water supply for firefighting

Whether sufficient firefighting water supply is available to ensure the health and safety of communities, including neighbouring properties, is provided.” 3721.804 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Amend Amenity Decision Sought: Delete A Authority of the Neighbourhood 3721.805 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Oppose Amenity Decision Sought: Delete A Authority of the Neighbourhood 3212.9 Christ's College Amend Appendix Decision Sought: A - Private Schools Amend Clause Appendix 'Private Schools' (3. Christ's College) so that the site has a Central City Residential Zone alternative zoning as follows:

CCCP - playing fields; CCR - school buildings, Rolleston Avenue site and Montreal Street site.

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Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 39 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment C – Addendum to s32 Report for Specific Purpose School Zone

Addendum to Section 32 report for Specific Purpose School Zone

The objectives, policies and rules for the Central City School Zone (now incorporated into the SP zone generally) were broadly consistent with those for the Specific Purpose (School) Zone in the rest of the City, with some variation to recognise the Central City location, mainly related to maintaining consistency with revised CCRP rules for the Central City. Section 23(1)(f) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act requires that the District Plan is not inconsistent with any Recovery Plan. The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan, however, contained little specific reference to schools and did not amend the operative Cultural 3 (schools) provisions except by adding a site into that zone. This site is at the corner of Montreal St and Armagh St on Cranmer Square (the former Christchurch Girls High School site) and is now owned by Christ's College. The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan was however amended in January 2015 with revised residential provisions, which did impact on the Central City School Zone. This is due to school built form standards generally reflecting the type of zone within which the schools are located. The Central City Residential Zone was significantly liberalised, with no coverage limitation, height limits at either 11 metres or 14 metres, and a reduced road boundary setback. To maintain consistency, similar changes were proposed for Central City School Zone in regard to schools with additional activities and standards from the Central City Residential zone.

 In the Central City the coverage limit for schools has been removed to match the revised Central City Residential Zone, and road boundary setbacks reduced, although internal boundary setbacks remain the same. Height limits have been modified to be consistent with the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan.  The main site of The Academy, a private tertiary training institution, located between Manchester St and Colombo St north of the City Centre has been rezoned from Central City Residential in the CCRP to Central City School Zone to more appropriately reflect the nature of the existing activity on the site. (The Academy also has a second site on Aberdeen St which remains in the Central City Mixed Use Zone). Although it is understood that land use change may occur here in the near future, the Central City Schools Zone chapter provides alternative zoning provisions for land which is surplus to educational needs. Two further rezonings have been recommended as a result of submissions, which would mean their zonings are not the same as the zonings shown for those sites in the CCRP. These are the rezoning of several properties east of Rolleston Avenue and owned by Christ's College to School zone, and the rezoning of 95 Tuam Street to Central City Business zoning, since it is a property with the built form of commercial premises and is separate from the St Michael's School. It is considered that these would not alter the essential character of what the recovery document provides for. The revised rules set out above are considered to be more appropriate to meet the revised objectives of the Central City School Zone than the operative rules, while maintaining consistency with the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan; and the revised objectives are considered to be the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act, and the Statement of Expectations in the Christchurch Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014. Further Section 32 considerations relevant to the School Zone in the Central City are set out in the Specific Purpose School Zone Section 32 report.

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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions

Chapter 21.7 Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone Key:

This Revised Proposal is prepared for the purposes of the Central City hearing.

The base of this Revised Proposal is the clean Stage 2 Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone as attached to Closing Legal submissions for the Specific Purpose Zones Stage 2 hearing (dated 11 November 2015). The provisions of 13.8.2 of the Central City Proposal have been integrated into this Revised Proposal.

The Central City Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone (Central City Tertiary) Objectives and Policies from 13.8.2 are very similar, or in some cases identical, to what was notified in Stage 2 Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone (SPZ Tertiary). Submitters have made the same, or similar, submissions on both the Central City Tertiary zone and the SPZ Tertiary Proposal. In Stage 2 the Objectives and Policies have been amended in response to those submissions. The Council considers the same, or similar, amendments would have been made in response to the Central City submissions to the Objectives and Policies as were made to the SPZ Tertiary Objectives and Policies. Therefore this Proposal marks in black the amended SPZ Tertiary Objectives and Policies and refers in comment bubbles to the relevant Central City Objectives and Policies. The submission points on the Central City Tertiary zone that seek the same or similar changes are identified in square brackets beside each Objective and Policy.

Text is colour coded as follows:

grey text Text considered in Stage 1 and 2 hearings. NOT open for consideration and provided in this proposal as context only. black text Text that combines provisions from the Specific Purpose Zones chapter with provisions from the Central City chapter. The provision of the Central City chapter that has been incorporated is in a comment bubble. black underlined Amendments to ensure provisions make sense. These text amendments do not change the effect of the provisions. In some cases there is a submission point giving scope to this change, and that is identified in square brackets. dark blue text This text has been integrated into this Chapter from the Central City [provision number] chapter. The relevant Central City provision that it has been taken from is in square brackets after the text. dark blue bold This text has been integrated into this Chapter from the Central City underlined text or chapter. This text indicates amendments (additions and deletions) dark blue as a result of submissions on the relevant Stage 3 Central City strikethrough text provision. The relevant submission giving scope for the amendment [submission is in square brackets after the amendment. number] In some situations it is considered that an existing Stage 1 provision from the base of the Revised Proposal covers the corresponding


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provision from the Central City Proposal. Where this is the case the Specific Purpose Zones Stage 2 provision is in black text, and a comment has been inserted to identify the relevant Central City provision that is considered to correspond. This is also the case where the provisions from the Specific Purpose Zones 2 and Central City proposals are identical. In those situations, the black text can only be amended in respect of the Central City in response to a Central City submission point, such changes will be identified in dark blue bold underlined text (for additions) and dark blue strikethrough text (for deletions). green text Definitions that are relied on. (Note that only integrated text shows the definitions, ie grey text does not identify definitions).


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions

Index to location of Central City Provisions from 13.8.2 in Chapter 21 13.8.2 Central City Tertiary Zone provision number as notified Chapter 21 Equivalent Provision Objective - Use of Education Facilities Policy - Community Use of Education Facilities Policy - Amenity of Adjoining Zones Policy - Contribution of Education Sites to the Character (ii) of the Area Objective - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings Policy - Alternative Development Provisions How to Use the Rules Permitted Activities Restricted Discretionary Activities Non-Complying Activities Site Coverage Road Boundary Setback Internal Boundary Setback Height Landscaping Amenity of the Neighbourhood Traffic Issues Adequacy of Landscaping Appendix 1 - Alternative Zones Appendix 2 - Rules and Guidance for Landscaping and Tree Planting


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions

21.7 Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone

21.7.1 Objectives and Policies Objective – Tertiary education and research activities

a. Tertiary education and research activities are able to efficiently use tertiary education and research facilities, and are able to grow and diversify while having regard to the amenity and character of the surrounding environment. [#3277.8 CPIT] Comment [DG1]: Policy –Tertiary education and research activities and facilities and amenity and character of the surrounding environment

a. Enable tertiary education and research activities and facilities to develop, while: i. Minimising adverse effects from education sites on neighbourhood amenity; and ii. Having regard to the benefits of open space, landscaping and mature trees on the streetscape, and on the character and visual amenity of the campus and the surrounding area. .[#3277.10 & Comment [DG2]: and .11 CPIT] Objective – The contribution of tertiary education and research institutions

a. Tertiary education and research institutions make positive social and economic contributions to Christchurch, including as hubs for a diverse range of community activities.[#3277.8 CPIT] Comment [DG3]: Policy – Community use of tertiary education and research facilities

a. Provide for community use of education land and buildings where such use is compatible with, and secondary to, the use of the site for education activity. [#3277.9 CPIT] Comment [DG4]: (i) Objective – Changing needs for educational land and buildings

a. Tertiary education and research providers have some flexibility, and the community some certainty, as to the future use of tertiary education and research facilities if land or buildings become surplus. [#3277.12 CPIT] Comment [DG5]: Policy – Additional development provisions

a. Enable land or buildings no longer required for a tertiary education and research activity to be developed for other uses where those uses are consistent with the provisions applicable in the surrounding environment. [#2387.8 Crown] [#3277.13 CPIT] Comment [DG6]:


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21.7.2 Rules – Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone How to Use the Rules The rules that apply to activities in the Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone are contained in:

a. Activity Status Tables (including Activity Specific Standards) in Rule and b. Built Form Standards in Comment [SG7]: The Activity Status Tables and standards in the following chapters also apply to activities in all areas of the Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone, where relevant:

5 Natural Hazards; 6 General Rules and Procedures; 7 Transport; 8 Subdivision, Development and Earthworks; 9 Natural and Cultural Heritage; 11 Utilities and Energy; and 12 Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land. Comment [SG8]: Additional activities and standards for each of the tertiary education sites are referred to in the activity tables, with the relevant zones in which these additional activities and standards are found, being listed in Appendix 21.7.4. Activity Status Tables In the following tables, the University of Canterbury is abbreviated to UC, and the Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology is abbreviated to CPIT. Permitted activities Comment [DG9]:

The activities listed below are permitted activities if they comply with the Activity Specific Standards set out in this table and the Built Form Standards in Rule

Activities may also be controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary, non-complying or prohibited as specified in Rules,,,, or

Activity Activity Specific Standards P1 Tertiary education and research a. Nil activities and facilities except as in NC2 below.

P2 Community activities using tertiary a. Nil. education and research facilities. P3 Outside of Central City Aany a. Nil additional activities or facilities which would be permitted activities in the zone listed for that site in Appendix 21.7.4. P4 Use of student accommodation by a. Maximum length of stay is 30 days. persons not associated with the tertiary education and research b. Use by non-students must be outside of activity. student residential agreement periods. P5 Any activities which would be Nil permitted activities in the alternative zone for that site listed in Appendix


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[] Controlled activities (insertion of this rule will necessitate renumbering of subsequent rules)

Activity The matters over which Council reserves its control: C1 Any new building, part of a a. Building Modulation - a and building or addition to a building, b that is within 30m of a site boundary, and greater than 11m in height, and where the building as a whole has a gross ground floor area of greater than 1000m2.

This rule shall not apply to: a. Repairs, maintenance, and building code upgrades; b. Refurbishment and reinstatement works.

Any application arising from non- compliance with this rule will not require written approvals and shall not be limited or publicly notified.

[Rebuttal evidence of Ms Schroder] Restricted discretionary activities

Activity The Council’s discretion shall be limited to the following matters: RD1 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood - site coverage., b, c, d, e, f, g and h Comment [DG10]: and black lines below RD2 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood - recession planes, or a, b, c, d, e, f and g Rule internal boundary setbacks. RD3 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the Neighbourhood road boundary b, c, d, e, f, g and h setbacks.

RD4 Non-compliance with Rule a. Adequacy of Landscaping - 21.7.3. landscaping. 24 Any application arising from non- compliance with clauses a and c of Rule will not require written approvals and shall not be publicly or limited notified.

RD5 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood - height on the CPIT a, b, and c. [ Madras St site RD4]


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RD6 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood a, e outdoor storage. RD7 Non-compliance with Rule a. Water supply for firefighting - water supply for a firefighting Discretionary activities

Activity The Council will consider any matters under s104 of the Act including: D1 Non-compliance with Rule a. Amenity of the neighbourhood height on all UC sites, and on CPIT a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h Sullivan Avenue and Hassals Lane sites. Non-Complying Activities

Activity NC1 Any activity which is not listed above as a permitted, restricted discretionary or discretionary activity. Comment [DG11]: NC2 Sale or supply of alcohol between the hours of 11pm and 7am from any part of the UC Dovedale campus. Prohibited Activities

There are no prohibited activities Tertiary Education and Research Activity Built Form Standards

In the following tables, the University of Canterbury is abbreviated to UC, and the Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology is abbreviated to CPIT. Site Coverage

The maximum percentage of the net site area covered by buildings or impervious surfaces used for vehicle parking and access, shall be as follows:

Applicable to Standard a. UC east of Ilam Road site 60%

b. UC west of Ilam Road site (not including Dovedale site) 30%

c. UC Dovedale site 45%

d. CPIT Madras Street site. 90% []

e. CPIT Sullivan Avenue, and CPIT Hassals Lane site 50%


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions Recession Planes

Applicable to Standard a. UC east of Ilam Road site, No part of any building shall UC west of Ilam Road site, project beyond a building UC Dovedale site, envelope contained by CPIT Sullivan Avenue site, and recession planes from points CPIT Hassals Lane site. 2.3m above a boundary with a residential zone as shown in Appendix 14.10. 2 - Diagram A. b. UC east of Ilam Road, and CPIT Hassals Lane site No part of any building shall project beyond a building envelope contained by recession planes from points 2.3m above a boundary with a Transport zone as shown in Appendix 14.10.2 - Diagram A. Road Boundary Setback

The minimum building setback from road boundaries shall be:

Applicable to Standard a. UC site east of Ilam Road site, 10m UC west of Ilam Road site; CPIT Sullivan Avenue site, and CPIT Hassals Lane site. b. UC Dovedale site. 15m c. CPIT Madras Street site on all frontages except as in d 4m below.


d. CPIT Barbadoes Street frontage opposite the Catholic 75m Cathedral building, with setback measured from facade of Catholic Cathedral.

Advice note: The façade of the Cathedral is approximately 33m from the road boundary of the CPIT site on the opposite side of Barbadoes Street.

[] Internal Boundary Setback Comment [DG12]:

The minimum building setback from an internal boundary shall be:

Applicable to Standard


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a. From a boundary with any other zone. 6m Height

The maximum height of any building shall be:

Applicable to Standard a. UC east of Ilam Road site 30m

b. UC west of Ilam Road site 16m

c. UC Dovedale site 20m

d. CPIT Madras Street site 30m []

e. CPIT Sullivan Avenue site, and 20m CPIT Hassals Lane site. Landscaping

Minimum requirements for landscaping are:

Applicable to Standard a. The area adjoining the road boundaries of all A landscaping strip in accordance sites with the following standards:

a. Minimum width - Dovedale site - 5 metres

b .Minimum width - UC east of Ilam Road site, UC west of Ilam Road site, CPIT Madras Street site [], CPIT Sullivan Avenue site, and CPIT Hassals Lane site - 1.5 metres

c. Minimum density of tree planting – one tree for every 10 metres of road frontage or part thereof.

b. On the shared boundary of sites adjoining a Trees shall be planted adjacent to residential zone the shared boundary at a ratio of at least one tree for every 10 metres of the boundary or part thereof or at a lesser rate with adjoining owner’s written approval. c. Where car parking is located at the road In addition to clauses a. and b. boundary of a site above, one tree shall be planted for every five car parking spaces within any car parking area. Comment [DG13]: - also black line below d. In all landscaping areas listed in a to c above a. All landscaping/trees required for


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these rules shall be sized, protected and maintained in accordance with Part A of Appendix 16.7.1.

b. Landscaping required under clauses a to c above shall only be required to be indicated on application plans:

i for all areas within 20m of proposed buildings, or additions to buildings, and

ii for all areas between proposed buildings or additions to buildings and road or zone boundaries, unless intervening buildings result in proposed buildings or additions not being visible from the road or zone boundaries. Outdoor Storage

Activity a a) Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from adjoining roads or adjoining sites by either landscaping, wall(s), fence(s) or a combination, to a minimum height of 1.8m along the zone or road boundary, except across those parts of the road boundary used as a vehicle crossing. b) Outdoor storage areas shall not be located within the setbacks specified in Rules and Water Supply for Firefighting

Applicable to Standard a. All buildings excluding accessory buildings Buildings shall provide sufficient access for firefighting appliances and supply of water for firefighting consistent with the NZ Firefighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS 4509:2008).

21.7.3 Matters of Discretion Amenity of the Neighbourhood Comment [DG14]:

a. Effects on amenity of adjoining properties, including daylight and sunlight admission. b. Any visual dominance over adjoining properties, or their outlook to the street; or visual dominance over the street or nearby public open space.


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c. Any loss of privacy for adjoining properties through overlooking. d. Alternative practical locations for the building on the site. e. Opportunities for landscaping and tree planting, as well as screening of buildings. f. Whether the nature and form of development on adjoining site(s) mitigates the potentially adverse effects of increased height or building scale. g. The compatibility of the building in terms of appearance, layout and scale of other buildings and sites in the surrounding area, including whether increased height would result in buildings which significantly contrast with the scale of surrounding development, both existing and permitted. h. The balance of open space and buildings on the site, in the context of: i. the character of the surrounding zone(s); ii. the contribution of the buildings and grounds to local landscape character. i. Any other potentially adverse effects of the use on the surrounding environment and adjoining Comment [SG15]: Advice Note: zones eg noise. [] This Central City provision was the same as the notified Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) zone provisions but the latter Building Modulation was deleted in evidence exchange. There is no Central City submission point to delete The extent to which: this clause.

a. Architectural detailing, materials, architectural form and modulation of the building provide horizontal and vertical rhythms that break down the bulk and scale of the building; and b. Activities that engage and activate streets and public spaces are provided at ground and first floor levels. Traffic Issues – Central City Only

a. Whether the proposed new development is located on a main distributor or local distributor road, and availability or otherwise of space on the road for safe right hand turning into the site. b. Any potentially adverse effects on the surrounding environment and adjoining zones of traffic and parking associated with the proposed new development. [ Adequacy of Landscaping Comment [DG16]:

a. The visual effects of buildings or other works as a result of reduced landscaping, taking into account the scale and appearance of the buildings or works and associated car parking, outdoor storage areas etc. b. The extent to which the site is visible from adjoining sites, and any decreased amenity for those sites as a result of the reduction in landscaping or screening. c. Any compensating factors for reduced landscaping or screening, including distance from adjoining properties and buildings, alternative planting proposed, and the location of parking, or outdoor storage areas. Water Supply for Firefighting

a. Whether sufficient firefighting water supply is available to ensure the safety of people and property in the zone, as well as neighbouring properties, in the event of fire.


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions Appendix 1 – Alternative Zones Additional Activities and Standards Comment [DG17]: I'm not sure what to do with this - having a title Additional activities and standards applicable to activities other than tertiary education, as notified is inconsistent with the research and laboratory activities or community activities in the Specific Purpose (Tertiary other three versions - can we just ditch the title?? Education) Zone are shown in the following table, be reference to the name of the zone If we can’t, is this OK? Ie there isn't containing those additional activities and standard. anything for it to be consistent with

For a full version of the zone names, refer to the legends for the Planning Maps.

Tertiary Facilities Location Map Ref Additional Name Activities and Standards for Activities other than tertiary education, research and laboratory activities or community activities are those for permitted activities for the following zones

1 UC east of Ilam Road site East of Ilam Road, 31 RSDT Ilam 2 UC west of Ilam Road site West of Ilam 30/31 RS Road, Ilam 3 UC Dovedale site Dovedale Avenue, 30 RS Ilam 4 CPIT Madras Street site Madras Street, CC Zoning Map CMU [] Comment [SG18]: Advice note: in Central City the notified version of the Central 5 CPIT Sullivan Avenue site Sullivan Avenue, 39 RSDT City Tertiary Zone, the Commercial Opawa Central City Mixed Use Zone was called the Central City Mixed Zone. 6 CPIT Hassals Lane site Hassals Lane, 39 RSDT Due to the integration of Central Opawa City into the Tertiary Zone chapter the names of the zones has been amended. – Appendix 2 – Rules and Guidance for Landscaping and Tree Planting

1. Tree Size a. Any tree required under Landscaped Area rules shall be: i. not less than two metres high at the time of planting; and ii. a species capable of reaching a minimum height at maturity of 8m.

2. Tree protection a. Any trees required under Landscaped Area rules shall be located within a landscaping strip, or within a planting protection area, with a minimum dimension or diameter of 1.5m. b. No more than 10% of any landscaping strip required under Landscaped Area rules, or any planting protection area, shall be covered with any impervious surfaces. c. Landscaping strips or planting protection areas adjacent to a road boundary, or adjacent to or within a car parking area, shall be provided with wheel stop barriers to


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Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment B – Revised Proposal – Chapter 21.7 – Incorporating Central City provisions

prevent damage from vehicles. Such wheel stop barriers shall be located at least one metre from any tree. 3. Maintenance of trees and landscaping a. Any landscaping or trees required under Landscaped Area rules shall be maintained, and if dead, diseased, or damaged, shall be replaced. []


Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 53 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment E – Accept-Reject Table – Central City Tertiary Zone Submissions

Accept / Accept in Part / Reject Table Chapter 13.8 – Central City Tertiary Zone

Key A tick in one of the final three columns on the right of this table indicates the Council's recommendation on the submission point as follows:

A = submission point accepted A(P) = submission point accepted in part R = submission point rejected

Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose 3277.8 Christchurch Polytechnic Oppose Objective Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology - Use of Education Facilities Objective Use of education facilities

Education providers are able to efficiently use and develop their land and buildings, within the wider network of education facilities across Christchurch, for:

i. education activity; and as

ii. hubs for a diverse range of community activities,


i. mitigating adverse effects on the amenity of adjoining zones; and

ii. recognising and enhancing the contribution of education buildings and sites to the character of neighbourhoods.

Objective - The Contribution of Tertiary Education and Research Institutions

Tertiary education and research institutions provide positive social and economic contributions to Christchurch, including as hubs for diverse range of community activities.

Objective - Tertiary Education and Research Activities

Tertiary education and research activities are able to efficiently use tertiary education and research facilities, and are able to grow and diversify over time to meet needs, while having regard to the amenity of the surrounding environment.

Objective - Tertiary Education and Research Facilities

Tertiary education and research facilities are of an appropriate scale and location to cater for tertiary education and research activities, while having regard to the character and amenity of the surrounding environment. 3277.9 Christchurch Polytechnic Amend Policy - Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology Community Use of Education Facilities Retain Policy, and amend as follows:

Policy - Community Use of Tertiary Education and Research Facilities

Enable Provide of community use of tertiary education and research facilities. land and buildings where such use is compatible with, and secondary to, the use of the site for education activity.

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Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose 3277.10 Christchurch Polytechnic Amend Policy - Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology Amenity of Adjoining Zones Retain Policy, but amend as follows:

Policy - Tertiary Education and Research Activities and the Amenity of the Surrounding Environment

Enable tertiary education and research activities, while minimising adverse effects on the amenity of the surrounding environment.

Policy - Amenity of Neighbourhoods Minimise adverse effects from education sites on neighbourhood amenity, including effects arising from building location and scale, traffic, parking, and noise, with standards operating primarily at the boundaries of education sites. 3277.11 Christchurch Polytechnic Amend Policy - Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology Contribution of Education Sites to Retain Policy, but amend as follows: the Character of the Area Policy - The Use and Development of Tertiary Education and Research Facilities

Enable the development of tertiary education and research facilities to reflect the needs of tertiary education and research activities, while having regard to the benefits of open space, landscaping and mature trees on the streetscape, and on the character and visual amenity of the campus and wider environment.

Policy - Contribution of Education Sites to the Character of Neighbourhoods

Encourage education providers to retain as much open space as practicable on sites, to achieve a high standard of visual amenity of buildings and sites, and to retain mature trees where possible. 3277.12 Christchurch Polytechnic Amend Objective Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology - Future Use of Surplus Education Retain Objective, but amend as follows: Land and Buildings Objective - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings

Tertiary education and research change of use of change of use of surplus educational land and buildings to activities compatible with the surrounding area if facilitated providers have some flexibility, and the community some certainty, as to the future use of tertiary education and research facilities. 3317.40 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Amend Objective Decision Sought: Support zone provisions for the change of use of surplus education land, subject to amenity considerations. A Villages Ass of NZ - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings 3317.40 FS5052.40 Anglican Living Limited Support Objective OP 3317.40 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) - Future Use of Surplus Education Land and Buildings 3277.13 Christchurch Polytechnic Amend Policy - Decision Sought: A(P) Instistute of Technology Alternative Development Retain Policy, but amend as follows: Provisions Policy - Alternative Development Provisions

Enable provide for land or and buildings no longer required for an education activity a tertiary education and research activity to be used and developed in a manner which is compatible with the surrounding area. for other uses where those uses are compatible with the surrounding area.

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Submission Further Submitter Name Support / Provision Number Decision & Reason A A(P) R Point Submission Oppose 3317.41 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Amend Policy - Decision Sought: Support zone provisions the alternative development of surplus education land subject to amenity considerations as this promotes A Villages Ass of NZ Alternative the efficient and effective use of land in the central city. Development Provisions 3317.41 FS5052.41 Anglican Living Limited Support Policy - OP 3317.41 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Alternative Development Provisions 3317.42 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Not Stated Decision Sought: Support zone provisions the alternative development of surplus education land subject to amenity considerations as this promotes A Villages Ass of NZ Permitted Activities the efficient and effective use of land in the central city. 3317.42 FS5052.42 Anglican Living Limited Support OP 3317.42 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Permitted Activities 3317.43 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Retirement Amend Decision Sought: A Villages Ass of NZ Restricted Discretionary A new rule be included in several Central City zones to provide for Retirement Villages as Restricted Discretionary Activities where relevant built form Activities standards can be met.


RD6 Retirement Village where not provided for as a Permitted Activity.

The Council's discretion shall be limited to the following matters:

14.9.10 Retirement Villages 3317.43 FS5052.43 Anglican Living Limited Support OP 3317.43 Decision Sought: Anglican Living Limited supports permitted activity status for retirement villages within the Central City Living Zone. A(P) Restricted Discretionary Activities 3277.14 Christchurch Polytechnic Institute Not Stated Height Decision Sought: Retain Rule A of Technology

Page 3 of 3 Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 56 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment F – Addendum to s32 Report for Specific Purpose Tertiary Zone

Addendum to Section 32 report for Specific Purpose Tertiary Education Zone

The objectives, policies and rules for the Central City Tertiary Education Zone are broadly consistent with the objectives, policies and rules proposed for the Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone in the rest of the City. There is one site zoned Tertiary Education in the Central City, being the main Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) site, located between Madras and Barbadoes Streets at the southern edge of the Central City. There are several other (private) tertiary institutions in the Central City but they are either zoned as schools or are located in commercial zones. The CPIT is different to most other educational facilities in that it has no residentially zoned neighbours; since all sites on opposite sides of the streets defining the CPIT block are zoned Central City Mixed Use (west, north and east of CPIT) or Central City School – the site now occupied by Marian College. To the south on the other side of Moorhouse Avenue, the proposed Commercial Retail Park Zone is not considered to be adjoining due to the width of Moorhouse Avenue. There are however some residential uses in the CC Mixed Use Zone, notably the Otautahi House CPIT hostel is located immediately to the north of the CPIT site. There is also other residential activity nearby e.g. in Southwark Street. As a result of the relative lack of residential neighbours, and the need for Central City Recovery, the lower potential for adverse externalities means that significantly more permissive rules can apply to the CPIT site in the Central City than to the two other CPIT sites at Sullivan Avenue and Hassals Lane, or to the University of Canterbury sites at Ilam. This applies particularly to permitted site coverage, and to permitted height, with height limits standard across the site rather than being stepped back from boundaries with residential zones, as there are no such boundaries. In other respects, planning issues with regard to the CPIT are considered to be largely the same as for other educational facilities in the City. The Section 32 report for the Specific Purpose Tertiary Education Zone covers these issues generally. Section 23(1)(f) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act requires that the District Plan is not inconsistent with any Recovery Plan. The Christchurch Central Recovery Plan however, while containing reference to education in regard to the health precinct in the South Frame, did not amend the operative Cultural 4 (Tertiary Education) Zone provisions. The replacement District Plan has, following s32 assessment, also largely followed the approach of the operative District Plan. One difference is that there has been a minor increase in road setback from 3m to 4m for CPIT Madras St. This is consistent with the same increase for schools in higher density zones outside the Central City and recognises the difficulty of providing appropriate landscaping for large buildings utilising only a 3m strip of land. The provisions of the pDPR SP Tertiary Education chapter in regard to the Central City which depart from the Recovery Plan can be summarised as follows: 1. The site at the corner of Madras and Moorhouse Avenue, at the south-western corner of the CPIT site, has been rezoned to Central City Mixed Use, which better reflects its use as a bar and offices. The site is not part of the CPIT and is not used for educational activity.

2. The alternative zoning for CPIT Madras St in the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan (zoning which would be used to assess non-educational and non-community uses on this site) is Central City Business, by virtue of a consequential amendment to the Central City Business Zone. This appears to be a mistake, as the Polytechnic is detached from the Central City Business Zone and is effectively surrounded by the Central City Mixed Use Zone. A detached Central City Business Zone in this location would not assist in achieving that zone's objective of limiting the extent to which offices and other commercial activities can occur outside of the main Central City Business zone. Because

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of this the Central City Tertiary Education Zone proposes an alternative zoning of Central City Mixed Use for the CPIT site. The revised provisions set out above are considered to be more appropriate to meet the revised objectives of the Tertiary Education Zone than the operative rules, while maintaining consistency with the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan; and the revised objectives are considered to be the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act, and the Statement of Expectations in the Christchurch Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014. Further RMA Section 32 considerations relevant to the Central City Tertiary Education Zone circumstances are set out in the Specific Purpose Zone Section 32.

2 Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 58 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment G – Armagh Street and Gloucester Street rezoning Glenda Dixon 3723 CCC Page 59 of 59 Evidence in Chief of Glenda Dixon dated 16 December 2015 Attachment H – 95 Tuam Street rezoning