Joanna Rakoff | 272 pages | 05 Jun 2014 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781408855508 | English | London, United Kingdom My Salinger Year () - IMDb

Goodreads My Salinger Year you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating My Salinger Year. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Poignant, keenly observed, and irresistibly funny: a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing, where a young woman finds herself entangled with one of the My Salinger Year great figures of the century. At twenty-three, after leaving graduate school to pursue her dreams of becoming a poet, Joanna Rakoff moves to New York City and Poignant, keenly observed, and irresistibly funny: a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing, where a young woman finds herself entangled with one of the last great figures of the century. At twenty-three, after leaving graduate school to pursue her dreams of becoming a poet, Joanna Rakoff moves to New York City and takes a job as assistant to the storied literary agent for J. She spends her days in a plush, wood-paneled office, where Dictaphones and typewriters still reign and old-time agents doze at their desks after martini lunches. At night she goes home to the tiny, threadbare Williamsburg apartment she shares with her socialist boyfriend. Rakoff paints a vibrant portrait of a bright, hungry young woman navigating a heady and longed-for world, trying to square romantic aspirations with burgeoning self-awareness, the idea of a life with life itself. Charming and deeply moving, filled with electrifying glimpses of an American literary icon, My Salinger Year is the coming-of-age story My Salinger Year a talented writer. Above all, it is a testament to the universal power of books to shape our lives and awaken our true selves. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published June 3rd by Knopf first published March 1st More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about My Salinger Yearplease sign up. Aeroman I read it on ebook from my library on overdrive. See 2 questions about My Salinger Year…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of My Salinger Year. Jun 03, Julie Christine rated it it was amazing Shelves: bio-autobio-memoirbest-ofread The former, a struggling novelist, informs her emotional and artistic development, and breaks her heart more times than he's worth. Which is, as it happens, not much. Correspondence is done via the postal service. There are telephones of course, but no one has voicemail. If anyone calls after hours, the office phones simply ring and ring, echoing down the dimly lit hallways lined with plush carpet. Enter Jerry, the Agency's most celebrated client. And if the Agency's president doesn't step up her game, he might be the last client standing. Delivering a breathless scene with a comic's sense of timing, Rakoff meets another famous client, Judy Blume. Just the one time. Judy, along with a My Salinger Year stream of other writers, quits the Agency to seek representation where the 21st century is acknowledged as a done deal. Jerry is, of course, J. A writer whom My Salinger Year Rakoff, budding writer herself, has never read. Jerry, hard of hearing, reclusive, and endearing, has expressed interest in having his long short story, Hapworth 16, —which first appeared in The New Yorker in — published as a novel by a tiny press in Virginia. For eight months, Rakoff resists reading Salinger, certain his lionized status is hyperbole and his writing trite. But she becomes immediately fascinated by the enormous volume of fan mail the author continues to receive, thirty years after his last publication. It is My Salinger Year job to inform each correspondent that the Agency, per Mr. Salinger's directions, cannot forward the letter to the author or respond to any requests. When she finally does read Salinger, it is in a revelatory binge. That weekend of Salinger sets the tone for the brief time that she remains at the Agency, but it also leads her to finding her writing voice. The interactions with J. But at its tender heart, My Salinger Year is the coming of age tale of a young woman and writer and an ode to being young and sort-of single in New York, living in an unheated apartment in Williamsburg and taking the subway to Madison Avenue to talk in plummy, tweedy tones with other underpaid literati. It is a gloriously, unabashedly nostalgic memoir and yes, utterly charming. Rakoff's writing is breezy and self-effacing, completely in character with the twenty-three-year-old woman who recounts this seminal year. Only an accomplished and confident writer could manage to sustain that tone with authenticity. Joanna Rakoff enchants readers with an elegant memoir that reads like a curl-up-with-a-cuppa novel. She's just won My Salinger Year new admirer. View all 17 comments. My Salinger Year rating this book 5 stars well-aware that this book is not for everyone, which actually makes it a weird 5 stars for My Salinger Year. It is a very simple book, and I'm sure that not everyone My Salinger Year going to love its simplicity as much as I did. However, I always review books based on how I personally feel about them, and this one was perfection My Salinger Year my eyes. This is a fictional piece of work based on facts. It's about Joanna Rakoff who, as a year-old, obtains a job in New York at a literary agency. With time I'm rating My Salinger Year book 5 stars well-aware that this book is not for everyone, which actually makes it a weird 5 stars for me. With time, she My Salinger Year that this agency covers the infamous J. Salinger, and with time, Rakoff gets more and more into his My Salinger Year and his life while she gradually learns about the publishing world and writing books. As I said, this story is very simple. Salinger, and this book My Salinger Year me a lot of information on that book as well as on Salinger's life and personality. This information mingles with Rakoff's own life in a magical way I can't really explain, and it's based on the truth! This book allowed for My Salinger Year to revisit Salinger's universe but with a different set of reading glasses. Everything is told from Rakoff's perspective, and it becomes a book both about Salinger, but also about My Salinger Year own life, insecurities and her growing up. I can't really explain it much better even though this review probably leaves much to wish for. I recommend this book to anyone who has a love for J. Salinger, and for those of you who have yet to read any of his works, maybe this My Salinger Year will inspire you to actually pick up a book of his and maybe hopefully cherish him as much as I do View 2 comments. Mar 02, Edan rated it My Salinger Year was amazing. Vivid, precise, utterly absorbing. I was reading this as I made my son scrambled eggs this morning I could not tear myself away. I loved the descriptions of the venerable agency's refusal to enter the digital age; I loved Joanna's vulnerability and youth; My Salinger Year love the descriptions of New York in the s; I loved her awful, fake-Communist, arrogant boyfriend; I love imagining a boss smoking cigarettes in her large office; I love the way Salinger is at the edges of Joanna's story, My Salinger Year also centr Vivid, precise, utterly absorbing. I loved the descriptions of the venerable agency's refusal to enter the digital age; I loved Joanna's vulnerability and youth; I love the descriptions of New York in My Salinger Year s; I loved her awful, fake-Communist, arrogant boyfriend; I love imagining a boss smoking cigarettes in her large office; I love the way Salinger is at the edges of Joanna's story, and also central to it in this very sly and meaningful way. It made me want to revisit his work. An assured, thoughtful, fun and touching read. My Salinger Year fun and My Salinger Year hearted read about Joanna, who leaves her degree program and her college boyfriend, and finds a job with a literary agent. Simply called "The Agency, this is the agency that represents Salinger. Although she expects to find herself busy reading manuscripts, she instead finds herself typing letters on a typewriter and answering phones. Although this is the mid nineties, the office, or least her boss, defies technological advances in favor of the archaic way the agency has always r A fun and light hearted read about Joanna, who leaves her degree program and her college boyfriend, and finds a job with a literary agent. Although this is the mid nineties, the office, or least My Salinger Year boss, defies technological advances in favor of the archaic way My Salinger Year agency has always run. It is amusing to read how delighted they are when a copier is finally delivered and they no longer need to use carbon paper. She also finds and moves in with a new boyfriend, a pseudo intellectual, trying to write his own novel. I call him the worm, and that is a generous label. 'My Salinger Year': Film Review - Variety

My Salinger Year is a drama film written and directed by Philippe Falardeaubased upon the memoir of the same name by Joanna Rakoff. It is scheduled to be released in Canada on November 13,by Mongrel Media. Unbeknownst to Joanna, the agency looks after the interests of the notoriously reclusive writer J. She has not read any of Salinger's books, including The Catcher in the Rye. She moves into an apartment with a new boyfriend, Don. Margaret does not believe that computers are helpful and makes Joanna type letters for her using a typewriter. In her time at the agency, Joanna's responsibilities include responding to the large volume of fan mail that Salinger is sent. As was agency policy, Joanna responds with a generic response that explained that Salinger did not read fan mail however, she is tempted to give a proper reply to some of My Salinger Year fans. Her period at the agency coincides with Salinger's proposed publication of the Hapworth 16, short story that had previously been published in The New Yorker. She helps My Salinger Year with the small publisher and goes to Georgetown University for a meeting between Salinger and the publisher, which also coincides with a concert that her old boyfriend is performing My Salinger Year Washington My Salinger Year. Margaret starts to trust Joanna more and lets her read some manuscripts and articles. Don and Joanna are invited to the wedding of Don's best friend, but Don does not initially My Salinger Year Joanna as he wants to go on his own. While Don is away, Joanna decides My Salinger Year leave him and move out. Joanna sells her first book for the agency and is offered a bigger role at the agency My Salinger Year, she wants to pursue her dream of becoming a writer and quits. The film is based on Rakoff's memoir depicting her time working at literary agency Harold Ober Associateswho acted for Salinger. In FebruaryMargaret Qualley and Sigourney Weaver joined the cast of the film, with directing from a screenplay he wrote. Margaret was to star as Rakoff and Weaver as Margaret, Rakoff's boss. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Release date. Running time. Canada Ireland [1]. Retrieved Retrieved February 29, Folio Literary Management. Retrieved May 23, The Canadian Press. He shot it last summer in Montreal and a few days in New York. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 24, The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved February 21, Retrieved May 19, Mongrel Media. Retrieved September 19, . Retrieved May 25, The Guardian. Films directed by Philippe Falardeau. Salinger Films about literature Films based on non-fiction books. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata Template film date with 2 release dates. Namespaces My Salinger Year Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Official poster. My Salinger Year by Joanna Rakoff. My Salinger Year by Joanna Rakoff

Look Inside Reading Guide. Reading Guide. Keenly observed and irresistibly funny, My Salinger Year is a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing. After leaving graduate school to pursue her dream of becoming a poet, Joanna Rakoff takes a job as assistant to the storied literary agent for J. Precariously balanced between poverty and glamour, she spends her days in a plush, wood-paneled office—where Dictaphones and typewriters still reign and agents doze after three-martini lunches—and then goes home My Salinger Year her threadbare Brooklyn apartment and her socialist boyfriend. Poignant, keenly My Salinger Year, and irresistibly funny: a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing, where a young woman finds herself entangled with one of the last great figures of the My Salinger Year. At twenty-three, after leaving graduate school to pursue her dreams of becoming a poet, Joanna Rakoff moves to New York City and takes a job as assistant to the storied literary agent for J. My Salinger Year spends her days in a plush, wood-paneled office, where Dictaphones and typewriters still reign and old-time agents doze at their desks after martini lunches. At night she goes home to the tiny, threadbare Williamsburg apartment she shares with her socialist boyfriend. Rakoff paints a vibrant portrait of a bright, hungry young woman navigating a heady and longed-for world, trying to square romantic aspirations with burgeoning self-awareness, the idea of a life with life itself. Charming and deeply moving, filled with electrifying glimpses of an American literary icon, My Salinger Year is the coming-of-age My Salinger Year of a talented writer. Above all, it is a testament to the universal power of books to shape our lives and awaken our true selves. Rakoff does a marvelous job of capturing a cultural moment. What is most admirable is [her] critical intelligence and generosity of spirit. She arrived not in Wonderland, but a My Salinger Year something like My Salinger Year, a New York City firm she calls only the Agency. An My Salinger Year tribute to the enduring power of J. Salinger himself makes a cameo appearance. Rakoff uses Salinger—his My Salinger Year mail and her favorite character, Franny—to help illuminate her inner life. The special unworldliness of the young literary person, who has reached adulthood without ever knowing or caring much about how the world works, is the real subject of My Salinger Year. An involving, evocative tale that will have bookish women everywhere shuddering in recognition. So raw and so true. Demands sympathy, admiration, and attention. For an insight into old-fashioned publishing this must be hard to beat. Everyone smokes, returns tiddly from boozy lunches, and authors are treated with respect. It knocks spots off The Devil Wears Prada. A story about growing up and getting better in a rapidly changing industry and world. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Our Holiday Gift Guide. Read An Excerpt. May 12, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Jun 03, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. About My Salinger Year Keenly observed and irresistibly funny, My Salinger Year is a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing. About My Salinger Year Poignant, keenly observed, and irresistibly funny: a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing, where a young woman finds herself My Salinger Year with one of the last great figures of the century. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Dani Shapiro. Stephanie Danler. The Folded Clock. Heidi Julavits. My Paris My Salinger Year. Against Wind and Tide. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Love and Trouble. My Salinger Year Dederer. Paris to the Moon. How to Grow Up. Michelle Tea. Again Calls the Owl. Margaret Craven. They Call Me Baba Booey. Max Perkins: Editor of Genius. Scott Berg. Life Among the Savages. Shirley Jackson. The Lost Daughter. Mary Williams. Ball of Fire. Stefan Kanfer. Even This I Get to Experience. Henning Mankell. The Art of the Wasted Day. Patricia Hampl. My Salinger Year Lebovitz. Love Lives Here. Amanda Jette Knox. Free Days With George. Colin Campbell. Air Traffic. Gregory Pardlo. Neil Steinberg. Rita Moreno. Queen of My Salinger Year Road. Doreen Orion. A House Full of Daughters. Juliet Nicolson. Parker Posey. Maximum City. Suketu Mehta. Black White and Jewish. Rebecca Walker. Nine Lives. William Dalrymple. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books!