Beach Renourishment Results Vary Donations Hit $1.63 Million in Less
Every week we mail to every home and business on Sanibel and Captiva, subscribers throughout the BULK RATE United States and this week... U.S. POSTAGE Calvin Klein I-' ./ PAID New York, NY A' f-, *,Vf , , . ''// PERMIT #18 SANIBEL, FL EXCLUSIVE "Ding" Darling Cartoon Postal Patron page 3 Courtesy of J.N "Ding" Darling Foundation VOL 8, NO. 24 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS, FLORIDA DECEMBER 15,2000 DECEMBER SUNRISE/SUNSET: JS 07:08 17:39 16 07:08 17:39 17 07:09 17:40 18 07:09 17:40 19 07:10 17:41 20 07:10 17:41 21 07:11 17:42 Third In A Series approach the beach The City's two most likely scenarios are renourishment Beach or retreat. Renourishment has already been tried once with the Gulf Pines/ Renourishment Gulf Shores project. The City policy prior to that project was to retreat, i e , Results Vary move structures back away from the water, when erosion occurred. It is an by Jim George option still available to the City hen City Council considers the Differing Results With direction Sanibel should take Renourishment Win the management of beach- One of the crucial unknowns of a es, it has few options in combating ero- renourishment project, of course, is its sion. Jetties, groins, seawalls and other longevity The beach at Gulf Pines was methods of hard armoring of the beach predicted to last eight years. It's unlike- have long ago been discarded as being ly to last that long since four years after in conflict with a natural shoreline that completion of that project the beach is is consistent with the environmental seriously eroded again It was projected objectives of the City According to that the beach would last until 2004 many experts, erosion does not in itself Storms, in either number or severity, threaten the beach.
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