SBS5313 Fire Services

Module introduction: building fires, fundamental concepts of fire, fire characteristics and hazards; types of fire services installations 7 Sept 2018 (Part C)

Teacher : Ir. Eur Ing. Prof. K P Cheung Faculty of Science and Technology E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Residential fire, 75m above ground, 3 Nov 2015

【on.cc東網專訊】 3 Nov 2015 凌晨零時20 分,小西灣邨瑞樂樓28 樓一單位,被發現冒煙 起火,並傳出爆炸聲, 鄰居見狀紛紛報警,部 份住客自行疏散落樓暫 避。消防員接報到場, 派出煙帽隊上樓及開喉 灌救。 -20151103003613474-1103_00822_001.html

消防成立專責小組調查小西灣邨單位致命火警 2015-11-03 HKT 07:44 RTHK News 柴灣小西灣邨一個單位午夜發生火警,一名 46歲女子死亡。消防表示,會成立專責小組調查火警原因。現場是瑞樂樓28樓一個單 位,事發時火勢猛烈,傳出爆炸聲。消防破門入屋灌救,發現女事主倒臥在洗手間附 近位置,當時已經昏迷,救護員為她急救,送院後證實死亡。事發在午夜12時半左右, 消防出動2隊煙帽隊,開2條喉,大約在1小時後將火救熄,約500名住客一度需要疏散。 28樓 is 0.175 m stair riser x 15 steps x 28 floors = 2.625 m x 28 = 73.5 m , about 75 m above ground 2011 fire The 2011 Fa Yuen street fire (Chinese: 2011年花園街排檔大火) occurred in Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, on 30 November 2011 in one of the most densely populated area. This fire incident was the deadliest fire in Hong Kong in 14 years, and also took place around the same time as the Hong Kong Fire Services Department's 48-hour protest.

Fa Yuen street – Where is it And what are the situations there at day time and night time, now and before the fire of 2011? Do we have other similar situations in HKSAR?

Go for Google search And see

Fire incident The fire broke out from Mongkok Fa Yuen Street between 188 and 198 at the Pai dong areas. The fire killed 9 people, injured 34.[1] About 118 people became homeless after the fire.[1] A total of 44 fire appliances and 210 firefighters were sent to tackle the blaze, with 26 ambulances called.[2] Chief Secretary for Administration Stephen Lam have been put in charge of handling the case.[3] Environmental : •Reduced waste, effluent generation, emissions to environment •Reduced impact on human health & Elimination of toxic substances •Use of renewable raw materials “Fire” is unwanted combustion – not sustainable

Source of Diagram & more details:

Social : •Worker health and safety •Impacts on local communities, quality Economic : of life •Creation of new markets, jobs, Three Dimensions of •Benefits to and opportunities for sales growth Sustainability in Synergy disadvantaged •Cost reduction through efficiency groups e.g. disabled improvements and reduced energy •Heritage values, and raw material inputs e.g. UNESCO •Creation of added value heritages Saturday , 11 Feb 2017, 4 p m to 9 pm -SITE VISIT : Fa Yuen Street & : The Paidong (排檔) street market - students and the teacher will meet at the junction of 弼街 Bute Street and花園街 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, , at 4 p m , on 11 Feb 2017 ,then to visit the Paidong and nearby buildings, and streets of : - 花園街 Fa Yuen Street & - 通菜街 (TUNG CHOI STREET)

花園街 Fa Yuen Street in the morning

通菜街 (TUNG CHOI STREET)  In morning, in afternoon 2011年花園街排檔大火 30 November 2011 Fire Yuen Street Fire in Paidong and residential buildings %E8%8A%B1%E5%9C%92%E8%A1%97%E6%8E %92%E6%AA%94%E5%A4%A7%E7%81%AB 2011年花園街排檔大火 30 November 2011 Fire Yuen Street Fire in Paidong and residential buildings %E8%8A%B1%E5%9C%92%E8%A1%97%E6%8E %92%E6%AA%94%E5%A4%A7%E7%81%AB 維修後的唐樓(2015年) The renovated blocks, photo of 2015 2011 Fa Yuen Street fire ; 2011年花園街排檔大火 30 November 2011 Top left: after the fire at 2011; Top right :維修後的唐樓(2015年, The renovated blocks, photo of 2015 Discussion : -development of 花園街排檔 : Pai dong (排檔) is a type of fixed-pitch hawker in Hong Kong.[1] In May 2013, there are around 2600 cabinet-type stalls in Hong Kong,[2] mainly in the urban area on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon, such as Central, , Mong Kok, and Sham Shui Po. They usually sell fashion items, watches, toys, etc.

香港花園街排檔日景 Pai Dong at day time 香港花園街排檔夜景景 Pai Dong at day time Fu Yuen Street Fu Yuen Street

Pai Dong at Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, 21 Sept, 2015 the un-extended stall Pai Dong at Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, 21 Sept, 2015 Goods extended to a few times large in area than the un-extended stall New Type of Pai Dong at Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, 21 Sept, 2015 the un-extended stall , Items upgraded:...???, FS Inlet at Street end- Bute Street : street as INERNAL SPACE for Fire Safety considerations,.. Sprinkler smoke control, sprinklers for flats , shops, stalls –materials-electrical-enhancement, … historical development, .. 針對花園街大火 理大集專才研發 新式排檔防火擋雨 Appledaily news 14-10-2013 針對花園街大火 理大集專才研發 新式排檔防火擋雨 Appledaily news 14-10-2013 【本報訊】針對旺角花園街 排檔大火慘劇,理工大學成立了跨學科隊伍,免費為商販設計防火擋雨的新排檔,已獲部 份商販採用。新設計着眼實用和安全,密封式設計阻止火勢蔓延;頂部伸縮雙層設計除加 強防火外,下雨天亦可防漏水。設計團隊又針對觀塘區多後巷的特質,建議將後巷連接成 行人交通網,並設計新電動車靈活穿梭其中。 記者:張婷婷 旺角花園街排檔過去發生兩次大火。為此,理工大學新成立的賽馬會社會創新設計院主動 提出,免費為商販設計新排檔。 理工大學負責設計的跨學科隊包括消防、機電工程、設計和社工等專才;構思時曾實地考 察及與商販溝通。設計院總監葉長安表示,着眼點是讓設計更見實用和安全。 ……. 針對花園街大火 理大集專才研發 新式排檔防火擋雨 Appledaily news 14-10-2013 .... 學院設計了四款新式排檔,其中一款經過防火測試,初步結果令人滿意。葉長安表示,商 販看過新設計後表現雀躍,部份商販已經採用。學院會將設計圖和資料放上網,供商販自 選款式,提升排檔安全。 新設計採用密封式,減少火警時空氣從罅隙流入,可阻止火勢蔓延。因應檔主的需要,排 檔的頂部設計成雙層及可伸縮,除了加強防火功效外,下雨天又可防止漏水。 排檔的結構上亦作出改變,例如可以將排檔門板變成桌面以擺放貨品,並增添其他可摺合 裝置,既節省空間,亦方便開檔。

此外,設計院亦和起動九龍東辦事處合作研究改善日後九龍東的交通網絡,增加網絡連貫 性,發展為方便行人的社區。 設計團隊實地考察後,發現觀塘區有近40條後巷,建議將 這些後巷連接成行人交通網,並構思利用新設計的電動車,讓市民穿梭其中。 …… 「变形金刚」排档现身嘉咸街铁门掛货品 抽屉变货架 2012年01 月25日 12:21 明报 … (郭庆辉摄、明报制图) 【明报专讯】市区重建局即将重建上环嘉咸街旧楼,为 履行保存百年露天市集的承诺,局方早前斥资逾百万元,为受影响的14个档主重新设 计排档,即使贴近邻近地盘也可继续营业。价值约10万元一个的新式排档已经启用, 设计俨如「变形金刚」,可由铁箱伸展为大摊档。一街之隔的档主表示羡慕新排档, 希望市建局亦能协助其他档主改善营商硬件。 市建局解释,免费兴建的14个排档, 有5个属乾货档、9个属湿货档,全部围绕即将开展工程的地盘(即B地盘)营业,但嘉 咸街、结志街等其他数十个排档,不在重建范围旁边,故即使只有「一街之隔」,亦 不属当局的协助范围。….. 「变形金刚」排档现身嘉咸街铁门掛货品 抽屉变货架 2012年01 月25日 12:21 明报 … 14排档获免费重建 : ……. 嘉咸街市集有百年历史,部分旧档只以简单铁 和木 搭建而成, 市建局早前为地盘封围板拆楼时,发现9个湿货排档太贴近地盘,需要「搬出一点」, 但轻微移动排档,档口已有倒塌的可能,故当局与档主达成共识,为他们设计新档口。 新设计考虑固定排档的面积规定,以「变形金刚」形式设计,档口可「无限伸展」, 并有多个间隔存放物资,并增设电表和防火设计(见另稿)。 市建局高级规划及设计经理区俊豪指出,设计排档时,需经常与档主联络听取意 见,「例如选档口的颜色,档主指定要全部绿色,原来是担心选不同颜色的话,会较 易被贼人看中;说到选盛载货品的胶篮时,档主则喜欢红色,因为货品看起来会光鲜 点,这些都是民间智慧」。 档主陈太称,旧排档欠上锁,只有简单的铁丝网,间 隔不多,收工时经常要将大量物资带回家,新排档能节省他们的收拾时间,「以往一 执可能要一个半小时,现时45分钟就可以了」。不过,跟新排档只有数步之隔的档主 苏先生,希望市建局可协助他们改善排档,「现时只有简单的围网,上一次修理也要 数万元,负担很大」。 数步之隔 旧档望市建协助改善 早前旺角花园街发生排档「火烧连环船」,市建局的设计有防火防漏电等保障, 但当局表示,在花园街未有重建项目,只能将建筑排档的资料与政府分享,不能协助 改建。市建局非执行董事兼立法会议员陈淑庄表示,目前本港部分排档有需要改善安 全,认为政府可参考市建局的设计,由食环署根据街市的需要作进一步研究。 Pai Dong at Sham Shui Po, not yet upgraded 21 Sept, 2015 Pai Dong at Sham Shui Po, not yet upgraded 21 Sept, 2015 Discussion : -development of 花園街排檔 : Pai dong (排檔) is a type of fixed- pitch hawker in Hong Kong.[1] In May 2013, there are around 2600 cabinet-type stalls in Hong Kong,[2] mainly in the urban area on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon, such as Central, Wan Chai, Mong Kok, Ma Tei and Sham Shui Po. They usually sell fashion items, watches, toys, etc.

Development of Pai Dong and related issues: in 1930s, …1970…2010.. -Pain dong : Pai Dong Size, mobility, types of goods,, distance from shops nearby.. -street width, people evacuation, fire engine access, and firefighting water delivery -government department administration on licence, fire safety, …[to avoid ..] -buildings nearby : separation from adjacent buildings with at least 6 m separation, otherwise water drencher to be provided- the case of fire protection for HSBC HQ-central,HK

CURRENTLY-Fa Yuen Street – NOT a Street in fire engine access definition, i.e. fire safety definition; IT IS NOW an enclosed space but underneath the sky & all the surrounding buildings and shops are AN ENCLOSED COMPLEX – fire water connections to be at BUTE Street and Prince Edward Road West, FIRE SPRINKLERS To be provided for all : Pai dong (排檔), nearby shops and buildings; [ Performance-based fire safety] ; ALSO: Ventilation, daylighting, rain… 人踩踏事件 Human

Human stampedes most often occur during religious pilgrimages[3] and professional sporting and music events, as these events tend to involve a large number of people. They also occur in times of panic (e.g. as a result of a fire or explosion) as people try to get away. However, more common causes are when the crowd are trying to get toward something as in the former examples, because the crowd is so big that those in the back continue pushing forward not knowing that those in the front are being crushed.[4]

Causes : Deaths from human stampedes occur primarily from compressive asphyxiation and not trampling.[5] This is referred to as crowd crush.[6] The compressive force occurs from both horizontal pushing and vertical stacking.

Examples : Main article: List of human stampedes 1883: Victoria Hall disaster where 183 children died rushing to get treats behind a narrow door at the end of a downward staircase 1913: disaster 73 people died trying to escape from a false fire alarm at a crowded Christmas party June 6, 1941: during a Japanese bombing of Chongqing, China 1000 people were killed in a stampede at the Jiaochangkou tunnel, an access point to an air raid shelter.[7] 15 April 1989: : 96 people killed and 766 people wounded trying to get into a football match in England 31 December 2014: 2014 Shanghai stampede: 36 people killed and 47 injured in Shanghai stampede during New Year's celebrations [8] 2014 Shanghai stampede上海人踩踏事件

2013/2014 central Shanghai (The Bund area) stampede aftermath.

On December 31, 2014, a deadly stampede occurred in Shanghai, near Chen Yi Square on the Bund, where around 300,000 people had gathered for the new year celebration. 36 people were killed and there were 49 injured, 13 seriously.[1] As of January 3, 2015, 9 remained in a serious condition.[2]

The stampede began at about 23:35 local time on New Year's Eve. The incident centered on a stairway leading up to a viewing platform overlooking the river. Some people were trying to climb to the platform while others were trying to go down, causing panic and confusion.[3][4] People standing on the steps to the viewing platform began to fall down the stairs, collapsing into each other.

Early reports stated that people were throwing cash coupons resembling U.S. dollars into the crowd.[6] One of the victims stated that cash coupons were thrown onto the street from a bar and that several of the people had rushed to grab them.[7] However, the Shanghai police later denied social media reports that the stampede was triggered by people stopping to pick up coupons, saying that "video footage showed that the bills had been thrown after the crush took place".[4] An 18-year-old witness told news portal Sina: "I've seen people saying that the stampede happened because people were throwing fake money. But I don't think that's the main reason — there was so much distance, there's no way the money could have blown over to the viewing platform.”….. Stampede, HK -蘭桂坊人踩踏事件1 Jan 1993 On 1 January 1993, 21 people were killed and 62 injured in a large-scale human stampede whilst celebrating the New Year's Day in Lan Kwai Fong.[1] The location's narrow streets and a sloped gradient, poor police planning and bad weather all contributed to this disaster. More than 15,000 people were crammed into the area for the New Year countdown at the time.[3] The Hong Kong government appointed then-Court of First Instance judge to conduct an inquest into the disaster.[4] The stringent crowd control measures now in force at major holiday events are a direct consequence of the inquest's recommendations. [Further reference CFD Model Fire Engineering Design ; Smoke movement modelled in FDS5 ; LB_V2 [3] Stair 6 & barriers discounted.avi People evacuation principles and software illustration Reference : COP for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 ; ; Codes of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of … 2012 ;

buildingEXODUS V4.0 simulation of highrise building evacuation [ 2:12 minute ]

Crowd Simulation - Evacuation Drill [ 1:19 minute ]

Christmas Tree Fire Safety [ 1:58 minute ]

SEE : An examination on the people evacuation parameters addressed by some computational software in modeling people evacuation in huge uncompartmented building volumes in case of fire Discussion on Sustainable transformation of Fa Yuen Street & Tung Choi Street , etc… into a bazaar district of HKSAR uniqueness

-fire safety enhancement in all respects for stalls, for shops, flats, and firemen operation -no stampede to occur, including control of amount of people -environmental controls : Staggered semi-open rain shades, [so the street with little water in rainy days] yet allowing good ventilation, ] ventilation is assisted by electrical fans.

Historic features: old paidong displays and demo Societal : old Chinese dim-sum tea house demo Environmental : above notes, and flower show [Fa Yuen means garden ] -Economic : market, local and overseas tourism Safety : enhanced fire safety, and security for people , with Closed-circuit TV installed

URBAN Transformation : into a Bazaar similar to Grand Bazaar of Urumqi : Grand Bazaar (Ü rümqi) : The Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar (新疆国际大巴扎), also known as International Grand Bazaar Xinjiang,[1] is an Islamic bazaar in Ü rümqi, Xinjiang, China. It is the largest bazaar in the world by scale,[2] combining Islamic culture, architecture, ethnic commerce, tourism and entertainment. It is also one of the most famous landmarks in Ü rümqi, and in Xinjiang. Discussion on Sustainable transformation of Fa Yuen Street : URBAN Transformation : into a Bazaar similar to Grand Bazaar of Urumqi : Grand Bazaar (Ü rümqi) : The Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar (新疆国际大巴扎),

source : Kapali Carsi Grand Bazaar, Istanbul , Turkey,_Istanbu l : The Grand Bazaar (Turkish: Kapalıçarşı, meaning ‘Covered Market’; also Büyük Çarşı, meaning ‘Grand Market’[1]) in Istanbul is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with 61 covered streets [ Fa Yuen Street –to become semi-covered] and over 4,000 shops [2][3] which attract between 250,000 and 400,000 visitors daily.[4] In 2014, it was listed No.1 among world's most-visited tourist attractions with 91,250,000 annual visitors.[5] the Grand Bazar at Istanbul is often regarded as one of the first shopping malls of the world. Sustainable transformation of Fa Yuen Street & Tung Choi Street into HK-Paidong-Bazaar

A student’s assignment proposal to transform the “Paidong” (排檔) areas of Mong Kok, using the “Grand Bazaar” concept, and sustainable technologies for the “semi-streets” Sustainable transformation of Fa Yuen Street & Tung Choi Street into HK-Paidong-Bazaar

A student’s proposal to transform the “Paidong” (排檔) areas of Mong Kok, using the “Grand Bazaar” concept, and sustainable technologies for the “semi-streets” Thank you vey much