10 CHANGE AND DISPLACEMENT FMR31 FMR31 Defining ‘environmental migration’ Olivia Dun and François Gemenne

There is currently no consensus on definitions in this field of causes with those defined as study. The resulting variety of terms is not just confusing but by the 1951 Convention, there are many helpful elements unhelpful. of the process of defining someone under the 1951 Convention that Terms and concepts such as Since the 1970s, a clear divide has can contribute to defining people environmental migration, climate existed between those forecasting displaced by environmental change. change-induced migration, waves of ‘environmental refugees’ ecological or environmental and those adopting a more sceptical With respect to the question of refugees, migrants stance. Generally speaking, environmental migration, the focus and environmentally-induced the former, who tend to isolate to date has been on somehow forced migrants are found scattered environmental factors as a major proving that environmental factors throughout the literature. The main driving force of migration, can be can be a single major cause for reason for the lack of definition described as ‘alarmists’ and the displacement and migration. relating to migration caused by latter, who tend to insist on the However, it is interesting to note environmental degradation or complexity of the migration process, that in determining whether or not change is linked to the difficulty as ‘sceptics’. Interestingly, alarmists someone is a ‘Convention refugee’ of isolating environmental factors usually come from disciplines it is not necessary to determine from other drivers of migration. such as environmental, disaster whether or not the reason leading to Another major hindrance lies in the and conflict studies, while sceptics persecution (political opinion, race, confusion of forced versus voluntary belong almost exclusively to the nationality, religion or membership of migration. Is environmental field of forced migration and refugee a particular social group) is the main migration inherently a form of forced studies. Unsurprisingly, reports reason for displacement but whether displacement? Can it take the form linking climate change with security or not it happened. Once this link is of voluntary relocation? What about issues usually side with alarmists. established then the decision maker government resettlement schemes can grant the person refugee status in anticipation of or following an Just as most classical theories without considering whether or not environmental disruption? Does on migration tend to ignore the reason was the main cause leading the distinction between forced the environment as a driver to the persecution. Could/should the and voluntary matter? These of migration, most theories on same be done for people displaced by questions impact on typologies ignore environmental factors? Is it enough to of environmental migration and migration flows. Bridging this prove the causal relationship between cannot be easily circumvented. gap should be the first priority of environment and displacement or a research agenda in this field. should the causal relationship result Aside from clear cases where in a certain degree of hardship sudden-onset environmental Making progress or breach of human rights before changes such as those resulting For academic purposes the interest there can be some form of long- from earthquakes or floods lead to in developing a definition lies in term international protection? , the problem understanding the factors underlying is that environmental migration migration decisions. While this Conclusion commonly presents itself where is also of interest and concern to The need for a definition is a there is a slow-onset environmental policymakers, they have an additional crucial step in the conceptualisation change or degradation process (such need to know what rights such of environmental migration, as ) affecting people a person is afforded. Without a and the development of policy who are directly dependent on the precise definition, practitioners and responses to address these flows. environment for their livelihood policymakers are not easily able to However, two main factors and causing them livelihood stress. establish plans and make targeted driving the need for a definition When environmental degradation progress. Migrants and displaced could hinder its development. is a contributing but not major persons falling within the definition factor, it becomes questionable are not clearly recognisable and Firstly, many scholars would like to whether such migration can be may thus not receive appropriate establish environmental migration called environmental migration. assistance. In this sense, while much as a specific field within migration The increased complexity of of the scholarly debate and policy studies. There is a tendency to fence current migration patterns also recommendations to date have off this area and consider it apart contributes to the difficulty of finding rightly cautioned against mixing from classical migration theories, as a consensus over definitions. those displaced by environmental if environmental migration were of FMR31 FMR31 CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISPLACEMENT 11

Returnee refugees building flood protection for Kalota, Kapisa Province, along Panjshir River, UNHCR/J Redden UNHCR/J Redden Afghanistan.

another kind. More would be gained environmental migrant. Larger of the University of Sydney, Australia by trying to integrate environmental definitions draw bigger numbers; (www.geosci.usyd.edu.au). François factors into existing migration studies. there is a tendency to enlarge the Gemenne ([email protected]) definition so as to encompass as is a FNRS Research Fellow at the Secondly, there is a widespread many people as possible. However, Centre for Ethnic and Migration appetite for numbers and defining environmental migration Studies of the University of Liege forecasts amongst journalists and too widely would be damaging for (www.cedem.ulg.ac.be) and at the policymakers. In order to make those in need of the most protection. Centre for International Studies their research policy-relevant, and Research (CERI) of Sciences many feel compelled to provide Olivia Dun ([email protected]) is a Po Paris (www.ceri-sciencespo. some estimation of the number Research Associate at the United com). Both are involved in the of those who are or may become Nations University Institute for EU’s Environmental Change and ‘environmentally displaced’. These Environment and Human Security Forced Migration Scenarios project numbers, obviously, need to rely (UNU-EHS www.ehs.unu.edu) in (EACH-FOR www.each-for.eu). on a clear definition of who is an Bonn, Germany and a PhD Candidate Drowned in definitions? Maria Stavropoulou

Refugees or migrants? In need of new forms of legal and play into the hands of those protection or adequately protected by existing instruments? – governments – who wish to classify all as economic migrants No obvious or absolute answers. and thereby avoid their obligation to provide refugee protection. Some say that those displaced as a for refugees. And then there are result of environmental or climate those who believe that any notion The fierceness of the debate strongly change are refugees and advocate of the existence of ‘environmental recalls the one twenty years ago for the expansion of the definition refugees’ and their need for refugee- about the existence, definition and of a refugee in the 1951 Refugee like protection is at best exaggerated need for protection of the internally Convention in order to include them; and at worst politically motivated displaced. In those days, there were others call for the adoption of new and dangerous. According to them, those who vehemently opposed the instruments to provide them with such ideas serve only to confuse ‘creation’ of this category of people protection similar to that provided the traditional concept of a refugee because they considered it would