Renovation Vs New Construction «An Integrated Comparison»

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Renovation Vs New Construction «An Integrated Comparison» Renovation Vs New Construction «An integrated comparison» Kraia Tzouliana SID: 3302100002 SCHOOL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Systems October 2011 THESSALONIKI – GREECE Renovation Vs New Construction «An integrated comparison» Kraia Tzouliana SID: 3302100002 Supervisor: Prof. A. M. Papadopoulos SCHOOL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Systems October 2011 THESSALONIKI – GREECE DISCLAIMER This dissertatioN is submitted iN part Candidacy for the degree of Master of SCieNCe iN Energy Systems, from the SChool of SCieNCe and TeChNology of the InterNatioNal Hel- leNiC UNiversity, ThessaloNiki, GreeCe. The views expressed iN the dissertatioN are those of the author eNtirely and No eNdorsemeNt of these views is implied by the said UNiversity or its staff. This work has Not beeN submitted either iN whole or iN part, for any other degree at this or any other uNiversity. Signed: ............................................... Name: ................................................ Date: ................................................... Abstract This dissertatioN was writteN as a part of the MSC iN Energy Systems at the InterNa- tioNal HelleNiC UNiversity. Nowadays, worldwide, the demand is to achieve high eNergy effiCieNCy and effeCtive eNviroNmeNtal proteCtioN. This Can be doNe by usiNg New systems, teChNologies, mate- rials and reNewable eNergy sourCes. It was fouNd that eNergy CoNsumptioN iN buildiNgs represeNts approximately the 41% of energy produced and that the 45% of global CO2 emissioNs come from buildiNgs, where CO2 affeCts at the CreatioN of the “greenhouse effect” and global Climate Change. Also buildiNg and CoNstruCtioN seCtor is stroNgly re- lated to eCoNomy, CommuNity, health and eNviroNmeNt. This is the reasoN why major worldwide iNvestmeNts are related to this seCtor. ON this basis, it is Clearly uNderstood how imperative the Need for greeN buildiNg is. First step iN order to study a building is to CoNsider the exteNt of an iNterveNtioN. This dissertatioN aims to analyze the CoNCepts of reNovatioN, reCoNstruCtioN, New CoNstruc- tioN and demolitioN, iN order to deCide whiCh iNterveNtioN is most preferable for eCo- NomiC and eNviroNmeNtal view. AccordiNg to the above, this dissertatioN foCuses oN a study of a listed buildiNg. More speCifiCally, aims to iNvestigate the history, the legisla- tive framework and the Culture of the listed buildiNg uNder CoNsideratioN and further- more, examiNe various issues CoNCerNiNg the eNergy teChNologies of listed buildiNgs arouNd the Europe. This ChoiCe has beeN doNe, due to the fact that listed buildiNg it’s an iNterestiNg and a speCial Case of buildiNg. The buildiNg of the study loCated iN the most CeNtral area of ThessaloNiki, 9 VeNizelou and SaiNt MiNas Street. It’s a represeNtative sample of eCleCticism with iNterestiNg ar- ChiteCtural elemeNts. It was built iN 1900 – 1906, saved from great disasters (1917 fire, 1978 earthquake), beloNgs to Jewish CommuNity of Thessaloniki since 1937 and Char- acterized as listed iN 1983. The iNterveNtioN regards to an exterNal reCoNstruCtioN, maiNteNanCe of the facades and to an iNterNal reNovatioN, total demolitioN of the buildiNg’s iNterior and CreatioN of a moderN CoNstruCtioN. Acknowledgements ClosiNg my dissertatioN, it would be omissioN if I wouldN’t thank some people who help and support me to Complete this work. More speCifiCally, I would like to thank my supervisor A. M. Papadopoulos, who trust me oN this effort and gave me the opportuNity with this dissertatioN to work oN suCh an iNterestiNg subjeCt. The academiC assistant G. Banias, who provided me with moral as well as material and teChNiCal support. In my effort, valuable was the assistanCe provided to me by the eNgiNeer of the Jewish CommuNity of ThessaloNiki, Mr. D. FranCes, who stood me wheNever I Need his help, by offeriNg me suffiCieNt material for the history of the buildiNg and its previous use. The Company “Grey”, and speCifiCally Mr. Sotiropoulo, and the construCtioN Company “DomotexNiki” and speCifiCally Mrs. Kara, where they estimated my job and trust to me the NeCessary eCoNomiC data, Needed to Complete my work. I Could Not omit my thanks to the eNgiNeers, foremeN, CoNtractors of the projeCt who iNform me daily for the building’s evolutioN and passed the seNse that I am also a member of their team. Tzouliana Kraia 21/10/2011 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 2 GREEN CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................... 5 2.1 USE OF ENERGY: SOME BASIC DATA .............................................................................. 7 2.2 LOW ENERGY BUILDINGS IN EUROPE .............................................................................. 9 2.2.1 DefiNitioN of “Low eNergy buildiNg” ......................................................... 9 2.2.2 EU Member State PoliCies oN “Low ENergy buildiNgs” ........................... 10 2.2.3 FiNanCial iNCeNtives ................................................................................ 10 2.3 GREEN ECONOMY .................................................................................................... 11 2.4 THE SITUATION IN GREECE ......................................................................................... 11 2.4.1 Greek buildiNgs ...................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 BuildiNg reNovatioN – ChanCe for eNergy saviNg iNterveNtioNs ............. 15 2.4.3 Great reduCtioN of CoNstruCtioN activity ................................................ 16 2.4.4 ReCessioN iN property market ................................................................ 17 3 RENOVATION VS NEW CONSTRUCTION ................................................................ 19 3.1 INTERVENTIONS CATEGORIES ...................................................................................... 19 3.2 RECONSTRUCTION/RENOVATION ................................................................................ 20 3.2.1 Value and Cost ....................................................................................... 20 3.2.2 BasiC reNovatioN rules and reNovatioN Categories ................................. 22 3.2.3 Example of a reNovated buildiNg iN GreeCe ........................................ 23 3.2.4 ReNovatioN LiCeNse ................................................................................ 25 3.3 DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................... 25 3.3.1 DemolitioN methods .............................................................................. 26 2. DECONSTRUCTION: ............................................................................................... 28 3.3.2 LegislatioN ........................................................................................... 31 3.4 UTILIZATION OF EXCAVATION, CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE ............................ 32 3.4.1 DeCoNstruCtioN - Reuse .......................................................................... 34 3.4.2 DemolitioN – ReCyCliNg ........................................................................... 37 3.5 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK / SUGGESTIONS FOR RESOLUTION OF THE FINAL USE OF WASTE ...... 39 3.6 CARBON FOOTPRINT OF A RENOVATION VS NEW CONSTRUCTION ..................................... 41 4 LISTED BUILDINGS: “A SPECIAL CASE OF BUILDINGS” ............................................ 43 4.1 INCENTIVES TO OWNERS FOR THE PROTECTION OF LISTED ................................................ 44 BUILDINGS .................................................................................................................. 44 4.1.2 Rights and obligatioNs of listed buildiNgs owNers ........................................... 46 4.2ReCoNstruCtioN / ReNovatioN of the Classified as listed buildiNg of the Lawyers’ UNioN iN ThessaloNiki ............................................................................................... 48 4.3 ENERGY AND LISTED BUILDINGS .................................................................................. 55 4.3.1 Bulgaria / Study area: BalChik ................................................................ 56 4.3.2 DeNmark / ExamiNed BuildiNg: CopeNhageN TowN Hall ........................ 57 4.3.3 GreeCe / Study RegioN: AtheNs .............................................................. 57 4.3.4 UNited KiNgdom / Study area: Shrewsbury ........................................... 58 4.3.5 Italy / ExamiNed BuildiNg: ZeNa Castle ................................................... 58 4.3.6 HuNgary / Study Area: SzeNteNdre ........................................................ 59 4.4 LEGISLATION AND NATIONAL POLICY ........................................................................... 60 4.4.1 Urban LegislatioN ................................................................................... 60 4.4.2 Bulgary / LegislatioN for the proteCtioN of buildiNgs heritage ............... 60 4.4.3 DeNmark / LegislatioN for the proteCtioN of buildiNgs heritage ............ 60 4.4.4 GreeCe / LegislatioN for the proteCtioN of buildiNgs heritage ............... 61 4.4.5 UNited kiNgdom / LegislatioN for the proteCtioN of buildiNgs heritage . 61 4.4.6 Italy / LegislatioN for the proteCtioN of buildiNgs heritage .................... 61 4.4.7 HuNgary
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