SHI International Corp

Response to




Presented by: Dean Blackmon Account Executive [email protected] 910-538-6804

December 14, 2016

Table of Contents

Cover Letter per Section 4.1...... 1

Proposed Solution per Section 4.1.2 ...... 2

Section 6, Form 2, Addenda Receipt Confirmation ...... 7

Section 6, Form 3, Proposal Submission ...... 8

Section 6, Form 4, Pricing Worksheet ...... 10

Section 6, Form 5, M/W/SBE Utilization ...... 13

Section 6, Form 6, Company Background and Experience ...... 14

Section 6, Form 7, References ...... 23

Section 6, Form 8, Environmental Purchasing Responses ...... 25

Section 6, Form 9, Additional Company Questions ...... 26

Section 6, Form 10, CCPA PLAN ...... 32

Exceptions ...... 35

Appendix ...... 36

Cover Letter per Section 4.1.

Dear Ms. Poulton:

Thank you for your interest in SHI and for the opportunity to participate in the City of Charlotte’s request for Proposal for Technology products and Related Services. SHI values your business and we are committed to continuing the level of service and support that the City of Charlotte has come to know and expect from SHI.

SHI has reviewed and understands the General Scope of the City of Charlotte’s RFP. SHI will provide various technology Products and applicable Services for this contract which will consist of a team dedicated to delivery under this contract, from software and hardware procurement to deployment planning, configuration, data center, optimization, strategic consulting, and IT asset management.

SHI provides the highest level of customer support and service to all of our customers. Under our Quality Management System, the City of Charlotte is assured that our solution delivers the services that you need when you need them. We have a wide array of solutions to offer your organization and we look forward to building a managed program that integrates your organizational requirements.

SHI has a proven record of success with customers of similar size and nature to your organization. Leveraging our broad range of authorizations and manufacturer relationships, SHI is uniquely qualified to support all requirements contained in this RFB and offer a “one stop shop” for your IT Procurement. Our proposal provides a streamlined and efficient managed program which we expect will help your organization to realize efficiencies and ultimately cost savings.

I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this bid process. If you require additional information or have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact me at 910-538-6804 or via Email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.


Natalie Slowik (Duly Authorized) Dean Blackmon Sr. Manager Contracts & RFPs Account Executive 290 Davidson Avenue 290 Davidson Avenue Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Email Address: [email protected] Email [email protected] Phone: 732-868-5902 Telephone: 910-538-6804 Facsimile: 732-764-8889 Facsimile: 800-211-7954


Proposed Solution per Section 4.1.2


3.1. General Scope. The City and Participating Public Agencies requires multiple Companies to provide various technology Products and applicable Services. While the Participating Public Agencies is flexible with respect to certain elements of the Technology Products and Related Services, the following specific requirements and preferences apply.

SHI Response: SHI has reviewed and understands that General Scope of the City of Charlotte’s RFP.

3.2. Technology Products. The Products required include, but are not limited to: ͻĞƐŬƚŽƉƉƌŝŶƚĞƌƐ ͻ^ĐĂŶŶĞƌƐ ͻWƌŽũĞĐƚŽƌƐ ͻ^ŵĂƌƚďŽĂƌĚƐ ͻWůŽƚƚĞƌƐ ͻdĂďůĞƚĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƐ;ŝ͘Ğ͘DŝĐƌŽƐŽĨƚ^ƵƌĨĂĐĞWƌŽΠͿ ͻZƵŐŐĞĚŝnjĞĚƚĂďůĞƚĂŶĚůĂƉƚŽƉĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƐ;ŝ͘Ğ͘WĂŶĂƐŽŶŝĐdŽƵՌŬƐΠĂŶĚdŽƵŐŚWĂĚƐΠͿ ͻĂƐŝĐǀŝĚĞŽĐĂŵĞƌĂƐĂŶĚĐŽŵƉonents ͻ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJĐĂŵĞƌĂƐĂŶĚĐŽŵƉŽŶĞŶƚƐ ͻtŝƌĞůĞƐƐĐĂŵĞƌĂƐĂŶĚĐŽŵƉŽŶĞŶƚƐ ͻ^ĞƌǀĞƌƐ ͻŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƉĞƌŝƉŚĞƌĂůƐ;ŬĞLJďŽĂƌĚƐ͕ŵŝĐĞ͕ƐƉĞĂŬĞƌƐ͕ĐŽƌĚƐ͕ĂĚĂƉƚĞƌƐͿ ͻWŽǁĞƌƉƌŽƚĞĐƚŝŽŶ;ƵŶŝŶƚĞƌƌƵƉƚĂďůĞƉŽǁĞƌƐƵƉƉůLJͿ ͻƵĚŝŽͬǀŝƐƵĂů ĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ ;ƚĞůĞǀŝƐŝŽŶƐ͕ ƐƉĞĂŬĞƌƐ͕ ĂŵƉůŝĨŝĞƌƐ, switching, audio recording and ŵŝĐƌŽƉŚŽŶĞƐͿ ͻDŽďŝůĞĂŶĚǁŝƌĞůĞƐƐĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚĂŶĚƌĞůĂƚĞĚƉĞƌŝƉŚĞƌĂůƐ;ŵŽĚĞŵƐͿ ͻEĞƚǁŽƌŬŚĂƌĚǁĂƌĞ;ŝĚĞŶƚŝƚLJĞŶŐŝŶĞƐ͕ƐǁŝƚĐŚĞƐͿ ͻŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůŽĨĨƚŚĞƐŚĞůĨ;Kd^ͿƐŽĨƚǁĂƌĞ ͻ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐƌĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽƚŚĞĂďŽǀĞ All Products shall be provided in new condition. City of Charlotte-specific standards for the above items, where applicable, are included as Exhibit B. Where no standards are included, the City does not have specific standards for those Products at this time. This PrŽũĞĐƚĚŽĞƐŶŽƚŝŶĐůƵĚĞƚŚĞĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐŝƚĞŵƐ͗ ͻĞůůƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ͻŝƐĐŽƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ͻDŽƚŽƌŽůĂƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ͻ&ŝƌĞǁĂůůƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ


SHI Response: As a $7 Billion global provider of IT products and services, SHI is fully capable of meeting the City of Charlotte’s technology requirements. From software and hardware procurement to IT asset management and cloud computing, SHI delivers custom IT solutions for every aspect of your environment.

SHI has a diversified product line that includes a broad range of computer products and services. Leading manufacturers have established SHI as an authorized partner. The following lists contain many of the manufacturers whose products SHI is authorized to sell. If you do not see the manufacturer in which you are interested listed below, please contact your Account Executive. SHI may have authorization to purchase the product on your behalf. If we are not authorized, we will work with the manufacturer to become authorized.




3.3. Technology Services 3.3.1. Product-Related Services. Participating Public Agencies may require Services directly related to the Products listed in Section 3.1 ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ͕ ďƵƚ ŶŽƚ ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ͕ ŝŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ĐƵƐƚŽŵŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ďĂƐŝĐ ŵĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ƌĞƉĂŝƌ͕ĐŽŶƐƵůƚŝŶŐ͕ƉƌŽũĞĐƚŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚĂŶĚĂƉƉůŝĐĂďůĞƐŽĨƚǁĂƌĞůŝĐĞŶƐĞƐ͘

SHI Response: Please see the Appendix for the following: 1. Configuration Services 2. Chromebook Enrollment Services 3. Microsoft Surface 4. Lifecycle Services a) Lifecycle Services Overview b) Recovery Services c) Acquisition Services d) Support Services

In regards to Project Management, SHI understands that effective IT project management is the key to achieving technology objectives on-time and within budget. SHI’s Project Management Services provide experienced project managers to successfully execute and manage your organization’s technology initiatives. Our qualified project managers cover all aspects of formal project management – from the “initiating” phase through “closing.” Please see below for the SHI’s comments for the duties of the Project Manager outlined in Exhibit A. Additionally, please note that if more than one meeting a week is required, the PM time will also increase. 8. COMPANY PROJECT MANAGER.

The duties of the Company Project Manager include, but are not limited to:

8.1. Acting as the Company’s point of contact for all aspects of contract administration, including invoicing for Services, and status reporting; SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties.

8.2. Facilitation of review meetings and conferences between the City and the Company’s executives when scheduled or requested by the City; SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties, we would expect at minimum 1-30min status meeting a week, which would take 30min to prep for and 30min to compile notes from after = 1.5hrs per week for this task.

8.3. Communication among and between the City and the Company’s staff; SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties, hours for something like this can vary so time needs to be added to the weekly assumptions to cover time to facilitate communications/read e-mails.


8.4. Promptly responding to the City Project Manager when consulted in writing or by E-mail with respect to Contract deviations and necessary documentation; SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties.

8.5. Identifying and providing the City with timely written notice of all issues that may threaten the Company’s Services or delivery of Products in the manner contemplated by the Contract (with “timely” meaning immediately after the Company becomes aware of them); and SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties.

8.6. Ensuring that adequate quality assurance procedures are in place during the Contract. SHI Response: Yes – this is covered under typical PM duties

3.3.2. Other Services. Participating Public Agencies may require other Services from time to time including, but not limited ƚŽ͕ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůŽĨĨƚŚĞƐŚĞůĨ;Kd^ͿƐŽĨƚǁĂƌĞƌĞůĂƚĞĚŵĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞĂŶĚƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ͘

SHI Response: SHI is capable of offering COTS software related maintenance and support, as made available by the manufactures.

3.4. Quantities. Participating Public Agencies reserve the right to purchase according to actual need and do not guarantee quantities. Multiple orders will be placed on an as needed basis during the term of the Contract. SHI Response: SHI understands and agrees.

3.5. Environmental Purchasing Requirements. dŚĞŝƚLJƉƌŽŵŽƚĞƐƚŚĞƉƌĂĐƚŝĐĞŽĨŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůůLJWƌĞĨĞƌĂďůĞWƵƌĐŚĂƐŝŶŐ;WWͿŝŶĂĐƋƵŝƌŝŶŐƉƌŽducts or services. Companies must provide certification of environmental standards and other environmental claims, such as recycled content and emissions data or a formal statement signed by a senior company official.

Products shall include the following environmental attributes wherever possible or appropriate: ͻŶĞƌŐLJĞĨĨŝĐŝĞŶĐLJ SHI Response: SHI’s Energy Efficiency Solutions providers can help today’s data centers face critical energy issues: power and cooling limitations, high energy demands and costs, and even outages from overburdened power grids. Our providers offer the advanced products, tools, and services you need to optimize energy efficiency in your data center. Key benefits include - Key Benefits are Efficient Storage Platforms, Virtualization, Data & File Mobility, and Backup, Recovery and Archiving.

ͻLifecycle management SHI Response:


SHI offers unique Lifecycle Management services for all of your IT products, including staging, configuration, imaging, complex server builds, custom labeling, asset tagging, warranty tracking, and leasing options, etc. SHI can help increase cost-savings by streamlining the process through which you acquire, deploy, support and renew the IT products that perpetually keep your lights on. By allowing SHI to efficiently manage your product lifecycle, your organization can expect to implement policies and strategies that will reduce the impact of unmanaged assets, allowing your internal staff to focus on current IT initiatives.

ͻZĞĚƵĐĞĚƉĂĐŬĂŐŝŶŐ SHI Response: Please see our Case Study in the Appendix entitled “Going Green: Reduce Packaging Material Waste to Improve Business”

ͻZĞĐLJĐůĞĚĐŽŶƚĞŶƚ packaging SHI Response: Please see our Case Study in the Appendix entitled “Going Green: Reduce Packaging Material Waste to Improve Business”

3.6. Reporting Requirements. 3.6.1. CCPA Quarterly Reports. dŚĞŽŵƉĂŶLJƐŚĂůůƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĂŶŝƚĞŵŝnjĞĚƵƐĂŐĞƌĞƉŽƌƚŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ͕ďƵƚŶŽƚůŝŵŝƚĞĚƚŽ͕WĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂƚŝŶŐWƵďůŝĐ Agency name, category name, Product description, product number, quantity, list cost, percentage discount, unit cost, and extended cost of all Services and Products purchased under the Contract.

SHI Response: SHI understands and agrees.

3.6.2. Environmental Reporting. The Company shall provide quarterly reports on all Products and Services purchased by the City or any other requesting Participating Public Agency on any item with an environmental element as described above. SHI Response: SHI understands and agrees.


Section 6, Form 2, Addenda Receipt Confirmation


Section 6, Form 3, Proposal Submission



Section 6, Form 4, Pricing Worksheet

Regardless of exceptions taken, Companies shall provide pricing based on the requirements and terms set forth in this RFP. Pricing must be all-inclusive and cover every aspect of the Project. If there are additional costs associated with the Services, please add to this chart. Your Price Proposal must reflect all costs that the City will be responsible for. For purposes of this RFP, assume an initial term of three (3) years, with the City having an option to renew for two (2) additional consecutive one (1) year terms thereafter. 1. Technology Products. Companies shall indicate below their offered discount off their then-current list cost on each Product category from Section 3.1 they provide and the URL where such current list costs can be found: Category %age off URL List Cost

Desktop printers 2%

HP desktop printers 2%

Scanners 2%

Projectors 2%

Smartboards 3.5%

Plotters 3%

Tablet computers 2%

Microsoft Surface ® tablets 2%

Ruggedized tablet and 2% laptop computers

Panasonic Toughbooks ® 2% and ToughPads®

Basic video cameras and 3% components

Security cameras and 3.5%



Wireless cameras and 3% components

Servers 3%

HP servers 3%

Computer peripherals 2%

Power protection 2%

Audio/visual equipment 2%

Mobile and wireless 2% communications equipment and peripherals

Network hardware 2.5%

COTS software 3%

Companies shall indicate whether they are providing lower pricing on Products than in their North Carolina state contract, if applicable. 2. Technology Services. Companies shall indicate below their offered discount off their then-current list cost on both Product-related and other Service category as described in Section 3.3 and the URL where such current list costs can be found (add lines as needed): Service Description %age off URL List Cost

Product-Related Services (Per Section 3.3.1)

Imaging $13.00/unit

Bios Configuration $6.00/unit

Domain Join (VPN) $6.00/unit

Asset Tag $15.00/unit

Asset Tag w/High Tack $17.00/unit Adhesive


PC Configuration –Ram $4.00/unit Installation per module, hdd, video cards

Other Services (Per Section 3.3.2)

Project Leader $74/Hour

Project Manager $107/Hour

Sr. Project Manager $134/Hour

Consultant $1,128/Day

Solution Architect –End $1,504/Day user

Solution Architect-Data $1,600/Day Center

Solution Architect- $2,200/Day Security

3. Administrative Fees. The Company shall pay the City a minimum of one percent (1%) quarterly Administrative Fee based on overall CCPA Program spend by the City and Participating Public Agencies during the term of the Contract and will include a report as mutually agreed to by the parties outlining the CCPA spend. The Administrative Fee shall be paid no later than thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter during the term of the contract. Companies shall indicate their Administrative Fee – 1% 4. Pricing Incentives and Rebates. The Company shall identify any incentives and rebates offered based on volume dollar amounts, core credits or other criteria below: Rebate Description Amount or Percentage

Quarterly rebate for Sales $250,000 - $499,999 0.25%

Quarterly rebate for sales $500,000 – $749,999 0.50%

Quarterly rebate for sales $750,00-$999,999 0.75%

Quarterly rebate for sales $1,000,000 1.00%


Section 6, Form 5, M/W/SBE Utilization


Section 6, Form 6, Company Background and Experience

Technology Products and Related Services Companies shall complete and submit the form below as part of their response to this RFP. Additional pages may be attached as needed to present the information requested.

Question Response

Company’s legal name SHI International Corp

Company location (indicate corporate 290 Davidson Ave headquarters and location that will be Somerset, NJ 08873 providing the Products and/or Services).

SHI has been a global provider of information technology products and services for 26 years. Privately-held and under the guidance of its current ownership since 1989, SHI has experienced tremendous growth in size and scope through neither merger nor acquisition. Its organic growth and two decades of stability are a direct result of How many years has your company been in backing a highly-skilled and tenured sales force business? How many years has your company with software volume licensing experts, hardware been selling similar Products or Services? procurement specialists and certified IT services professionals.

SHI offers custom IT solutions for every aspect of your environment from software and hardware procurement to deployment planning, configuration, data center optimization, and IT asset management.

For more than 20 years, SHI has helped government and education customers meet their IT business needs. SHI is an experienced Public How many public sector (cities or counties) Sector reseller, and is fully capable of supporting clients does your company have? How many all public sector entities. are purchasing Products or Services? In addition to cities and counties, we work with some of the largest Public Sector Consortiums, such as NERCOMP, Inter-University Council of


Ohio, and Independent Colleges of Washington and support many K-12 procurement and contract offices such as: TX Department of Information Resources (DIR), Montana Office of Public Instruction, Northeast Wyoming BOCES, South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications, Illinois Learning Technology Purchasing Program (ILTPP), CT RESC Alliance, Regents of the University of California System, California Educational Technology Professionals Association (CAMSA Agreement), Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium (MEEC), and Virginia Information Technologies Agency. While we work with these consortiums as a whole, we also support the needs of each individual district, school or government entity that utilizes these contract vehicles

Due to confidentiality agreements in place with our customers, SHI is unable to provide a list of clients similar to the City of Charlotte. While unable to provide a list, SHI has been supporting the IT needs of Public Sector customers for over 20 years. Our Public Sector Sales Team supports the Government, Education, and Healthcare vertical markets and is a vital part of SHI’s business and ongoing growth. SHI works with all types of Identify by name some of the clients similar to education institutions: K-12 public and private City (e.g., similar in size, complexity, location, schools, private and public colleges and type of organization). universities, county and community colleges, technical schools, and consortiums.

SHI maintains long standing relationships with the State and Local Government entities that we are chosen to work with and we create partnerships with these entities to help identify their needs and build custom support plans to provide the IT Solutions that their agencies, cities and school districts need. We understand that your reseller must meet the needs of each individual agency,


city, county or municipality. Instead of making your procurement needs fit our offering, we customize our procurement offering and resources depending on your needs.

List any litigation that your company has been SHI does not have claims or lawsuits over the past involved with during the past two (2) years for two years involving our customers and vendors. Services similar to those in this RFP.

Is your company privately held? Publicly SHI International Corp. is a privately-held traded? Does it have a parent company? organization.

Provide a management organization chart of Please see our Org Chart in the Appendix below. your company’s overall organization, including director and officer positions and names and the reporting structure.

SHI has established the dedicated Account Team approach as core in executing an effective customer service strategy. SHI customizes the team structure to meet the individual needs of each of our customers. The following positions would be included in direct support for the City of Charlotte

SHI Account Team Describe the key individuals along with their qualifications, professional certifications and Account Executive—Dean Blackmon Dean experience that would comprise your Blackmon – NC Local Government Account company’s team for providing the Products Executive. Dean joined SHI in May of 2015 after and Services. spending the previous 5 years with Lenovo. His experience is focused around public sector with an understanding of contract management and the procurement process. Dean resides in Cary, NC where he’s centrally located to serve his NC Local Government customer base. Dean is supported by an Inside Sales Team with an average of 12 years at SHI.

Account Executive- Kelly Quisenberry – NC Higher Education and K-12. Kelly joined SHI in December


of 2008 after spending the previous 5 years with Dell. His 10+ years of IT experience starts at the desktop and ends in the datacenter and with some added experience as a Project Manager in our Professional Service Org along the way. He resides in Chapel Hill, NC where he’s centrally located to serve his NC Education customer base. Kelly is supported by an Inside Sales Team with an average of 12 years at SHI.

Regional Director, Public Sector South East— Michael Bench (16 years with SHI) maintains the senior level sales position that ensures that customer objectives are being met and that world class support is being provided to all entities serviced by SHI’s Public Sector South East sales team. Michael is an escalation point for resolution of customer service and contract issues.

Manager, Inside Sales Support— Jennifer Huseth (15 years with SHI) coordinates, maintains, and manages the activities of the Inside Account Managers.

Inside Account Manager (IAM)— Jay Buonviri (15 years with SHI), Ralph Parmenter (15 years with SHI), and Ryan Shomers (8 years with SHI) maintain direct relationships with the customers and has the responsibility of ensuring customer satisfaction. Functional areas such as pricing, availability, order entry, tracking, returns, product information, and expedites are an integral part of his daily activities. The Team executes the plan established by the Account Executive for a customer.

Additional SHI Resources

Technical Proposal Specialist, Robert Bedford- Years with SHI: 1.5 (6.5 total years of proposal experience). Handles: Proposal Management for


SHI’s Enterprise Solutions Group. Responsibilities include: Resource, staffing, partner alignment necessary for completion of technical proposals.

E-Commerce Supervisor, Information Technology- James O’Donnell- James will work with the City of Charlotte to link your internal systems to SHI's, assist in the customization of SHI.COM, and provides training to your employees on how to use SHI.COM.

Configuration and Lifecycle Services Technicians Manager—Michael Howell. Responsibilities: SHI has designated a team of technicians, overseen by Michael that will be dedicated to support of the City’s requirements. SHI will ensure that we have the personnel necessary to meet your order fulfillment requirements.

Hardware & Advanced Solutions Team—SHI’s dedicated team of more than 300+ Product Specialists and Pre-Sales Engineers are certified by the manufacturers to provide pre-sales assistance, including configuration customization and system optimization.

Award Winning Licensing Team—With the largest team of Software & Licensing Specialists in the industry, today, SHI has the expertise in managing the varied features of the Publisher Licensing Programs. Our award winning team of Software & Licensing Specialists is available to assist you with selecting your licensing programs, executing the agreements, and supporting the agreement lifecycle.

Our organization utilizes creative methods to excel Explain how your organization ensures that in the war for talent. As we know, even if personnel performing the Services are unemployment is high in the general economy, qualified and proficient. that the real unemployment of technology talent is very low. Good people are hard to find. Because


of this we have implemented a plan to attract the best talent. We facilitate our process with a program called the Elite Professional Network ™ EPN, for short, is our channel to key talent. Our search process is more than just search. All recruiting staff, in the pursuit of excellence, engages with all potential talent in a strategic and proactive manner. We evaluate and identify key talent every day. In order to foster future success we engage strategic talent in our EPN process. We utilize industry trends and client forecasts to pipeline key talent.

All interviews are conducted live via in-person and/or video conferencing. Due to short cycle times and the demand for time of key talent we find more and more the utilization of video conferencing. We utilize whatever methods are most convenient for the candidates; which could be Skype, FaceTime, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, etc.

All candidates are fully vetted regarding their backgrounds. All recent and relevant employment is verified directly with their previous employers. For efficiency sake, we utilize third party companies to conduct these verifications. Likewise the required security screens are conducted by third party agencies. These screens include, but are not limited to National Criminal Record Locator, Federal Criminal, State Criminal and Country Criminal. We search seven (7) years past for felonies and misdemeanors.

Headquartered in Somerset, NJ, SHI continues to grow our business under our current ownership and management structure and without mergers or acquisitions. Having closed 2011 with just over $5B revenue compared to $1M in 1989, we have always grown our business “organically” by expanding our offering to include new and expanded capabilities and services in the Information Technology arena. This is accomplished by hiring and retaining the best and brightest in the industry which allows us to


expand our global sales force and global reach, and by expanding our target customer base. SHI plans to continue this aggressive growth strategy for the future.

SHI provides unmatched global procurement and management services for some of the world’s largest companies. We have proven expertise in providing global procurement solutions and helping companies realize substantial savings and ease-of-administration through global licensing programs. Our competitive pricing and exceptional service are the result of SHI’s industry-leading low overhead structure and our ability to provide customized services that best fit our customers’ needs, throughout North America, Europe and Asia.

Over the last 3 years SHI has invested significantly key IT services; namely, Strategic Consulting, Security, Professional Services and Cloud. Additionally, we have developed and continue to grow complementary services to the provisioning of software licenses; namely, Software Asset Management capabilities and PaaS (Procurement as a Service). Our objective is to address the entire lifecycle of software licensing from needs assessment to contract negotiations and management, maintenance renewals and license re-allocation services. We believe we have the most comprehensive services offering for software licensing available in the industry today.

SHI is proud of the reputation we have established as an organization uniquely capable of understanding and addressing our customers’ specific needs and concerns. We accomplish this through a single- minded focus on customer satisfaction: every SHI employee understands that we are here because of our clients and will remain here only as long as we continue to provide customer satisfaction.

With this in mind, SHI is pleased and excited to present this proposal for Technology products and Related Services to City of Charlotte. Highlights of SHI’s proposal provides for:

x Dedicated account management team x Streamlined processes to facilitate software procurement x Broad catalog offering based on SHI’s OEM authorizations and our dedicated product specialists and engineers. x Centralization of your IT Procurement process to support all IT expenditures; whether primary and strategic or third party, one off acquisitions. x Seamless ordering process from quote to delivery x Online Management tools x 100% Minority and Woman owned spend

SHI’s Commitment to the City of Charlotte

We believe we have created a high-value solution focused on meeting the specified requirements while incorporating unique opportunities for partnership and innovation, including:


x A dedicated account and service team located at SHI in Charlotte, NC and Somerset, NJ. This team is empowered to commit resources of the SHI Company to address the needs of City of Charlotte. x A flexible service approach that allows SHI to adjust its processes and procedures to meet the changing needs of City of Charlotte x A gain-sharing model that allows both SHI and City of Charlotte to profit from efficiencies gained during our partnership. x An innovation strategy that ensures that City of Charlotte understands additional opportunities to improve service, reduce costs, and improve the satisfaction of our joint end-user customers.


SHI is proud of the reputation we have established with our customers as an organization uniquely capable of understanding and addressing their specific needs and concerns. We accomplish this through a single-minded focus on customer satisfaction: every SHI employee understands that we are here because of our clients and will remain here only as long as we continue to provide customer satisfaction. To ensure that customer satisfaction is maintained and to ensure responsiveness to City staff and service requirements, SHI has established the dedicated Account Team approach as core in executing an effective customer service strategy. SHI customizes the team structure to meet the individual needs of each of our customers. The following positions would be included in direct support for City of Charlotte:

Regional Director, Public Sector South East— Michael Bench maintains the senior level sales position that ensures that customer objectives are being met and that world class support is being provided to all entities serviced by SHI’s Public Sector South East sales team. Michael is an escalation point for resolution of customer service and contract issues.

Michael’s contact information: Email address: [email protected] Telephone: 352-597-2880

Account Executive—Dean Blackmon handles the direct sales related position for North Carolina Government with a mission of developing relationships with the appropriate representatives within the City of Charlotte. Responsibilities include establishing a customized service and support plan, resolving licensing issues, and constructing a pricing strategy and other topics critical to account development.

Dean’s contact information: Email address: [email protected] Telephone: 910-538-6804

Manager, Inside Sales Support—Jennifer Huseth coordinates, maintains, and manages the activities of the Inside Account Managers.

Jennifer’s contact information:


Email address: [email protected] Telephone: 732-868-6286

/ŶƐŝĚĞĐĐŽƵŶƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ;/DͿ— Jay Buonviri, Ralph Parmenter, and Ryan Shomers maintain direct relationships with the customers and has the responsibility of ensuring customer satisfaction. Functional areas such as pricing, availability, order entry, tracking, returns, product information, and expedites are an integral part of his daily activities. The Team executes the plan established by the Account Executive for a customer.

Inside Sales Team: Phone: 800-211-0831 Fax: 800-211-7954 Email address: [email protected]

Putting the people in place to support the customer is not enough. SHI believes that the members of the Account Team must be empowered and have the autonomy to respond to all customer requests. We have ensured that all sales personnel have the training and resources they need to immediately provide the customer with accurate, up-to-date information. Your Inside Account Managers has the autonomy to execute service issues such as expedites, returns and re-ships, invoices, and special price requests.


Section 6, Form 7, References ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐƐŚĂůůĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞƚŚĞĨŽƌŵďĞůŽǁ͘dŚĞŝƚLJ͛ƐƉƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞŝƐĨŽƌƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐĨƌŽŵŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶƐ ŽĨƐŝŵŝůĂƌƐŝnjĞŽƌǁŚĞƌĞƚhe Company is performing similar products and Services. If such are not available, companies that can speak to the Company’s performance are adequate.



Section 6, Form 8, Environmental Purchasing Responses Companies shall complete and submit the form below regarding their Products. If such information is available online, a URL is acceptable as response to each item.


Section 6, Form 9, Additional Company Questions

Companies shall include responses to the additional questions posed below. Responses may be provided on a separate sheet provided that such response clearly includes the question reference numbers.

1. General Identify any certifications held by your company if you are implementing or reselling another company's products or services. Include how long the partnership or certification has been effect. SHI Response: SHI provides a large support team for Pre-Sales Technical Support, Advanced Licensing Solutions and Services Engagements. No other reseller of IT products provides as extensive an internal support organization dedicated to providing superior customer support. Please see below for SHI’s qualifications:

Configuration We are an OEM agnostic company; our technicians hold a variety of certifications, including: A+, Network +, Cisco CCNA, MCP and MCSE, as well as authorizations from manufacturers such as Microsoft, VMWare, SUN, HP, Dell, Apple, IBM and additional manufacturers.

Architects and Systems Engineers SHI’s Field Solutions Executives are field Resources to work on pre-sales support, Architecture, Engineering. These resources have the expertise to be able to craft configurations with the aid of other hardware presales teams and make recommendations as to best practices with their years of experience in any technology space. These are technical resources - available for customers to help with pre-sales architecture and engineering. They are Agnostic in approach since SHI has access to a full portfolio (v. some smaller VARS are only authorized for one or two and will push only what they are authorized for). These resources would be available to attend regular SHI- City of Charlotte IT strategy and Roadmap meetings in person as well as by phone direct contact by the City’s engineers.

Solution Specialists

x Leads Services and proposal requests for each practice/solution (i.e. Data Protection, Unified Communications, Networking, Security, Office 365) x Portfolio Expert (SHI Capabilities) x Responsible for Collateral updates Solution Architects x Agnostic Architects that support the strategy and Design Phase. x Delivery capable Architects will support the Deploy Phase System Engineers x Vendor funded Subject Matter Experts (SME) Supports Design and Select Phase


Solution Architects

x Agnostic Architects that support the strategy and Design Phase. x Delivery capable Architects will support the Deploy Phase System Engineers x Vendor funded Subject Matter Experts (SME) Supports Design and Select Phase

Reseller Certifications SHI's Product Champions are heavily engaged within the industry and are perpetually updating their skill set through product training, obtaining new certifications, attending conferences and trade shows to ensure that they are maintaining the high level of expertise required of our customers. Our Product Champions proudly possess over 3,000 OEM certifications. Due to volume of paper, SHI has included this information as part of our electronic response.

2. Online Shopping and Punch-out Does your company have an online catalog of goods? If so, does your company allow third party system access to the online catalog?

SHI Response: Yes, there is an online catalog. Yes, we can customize the catalog to include 3rd party products. SHI’s WebAdmin team provides support for most of SHI's web-based applications and services, including our SalesCenter website including the following applications: "Catalog Request" catalog management tools.

ϯ͘dŚĞŝƚLJƵƚŝůŝnjĞƐƚŚĞdLJůĞƌdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞƐDƵŶŝƐĨŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůƐLJƐƚĞŵĨŽƌƌĞƋƵŝƐŝƚŝŽŶƉƵŶĐŚ-out. Describe the process that the City’s Munis system would use to access your online catalog.

SHI Response: SHI will send the customer our Punchout URLs, an Identity login, and a shared secret to be mapped in the Munis system. The user would then access the SHI catalog through the Munis system. The user will browse the catalog and add items to the shopping cart. The user can checkout and send the shopping cart details back to the Munis system. The user can create the requisition within the Munis system which will send the order to the sales team.

4. AmeriĐĂŶƐǁŝƚŚŝƐĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐĐƚ;ͿĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƚŝŽŶƐ Detail if any of your Products or Services have ADA-compliant opportunities. Include any Products you sell that may assist with ADA accommodations.

SHI Response: Please click the links for Hardware and Software OEMs that have ADA-compliant opportunities:

SHI - Hardware Partners Partner sWdͬϱϬϴ APC links/section-508/


Apple Avaya Belkin Blackberry Brother Canon Cisco Systems ats.html Dell EMC Epson Fortinet Fujitsu Hewlett Packard product.html Lenovo Lexmark International Logitech Microsoft vpats/default.aspx#fbid=9uyc_52MSuT NetApp Netgear Oki Data Panasonic Plantronics Polycom Quantum px Samsung ontracts/compliances-certification.html Sharp spx SMART Technologies ection%20508%20compliance


Toshiba Tripp Lite ViewSonic Vmware Xerox Zebra Technologies nce/section_508_compliance.html

SHI - Software Partners Partner sWdͬϱϬϴ Acunetix VPAT/508 Doc Library Adobe Airwatch VPAT/508 Doc Library AlienVault VPAT/508 Doc Library Arcserve VPAT/508 Doc Library Algosec VPAT/508 Doc Library Autodesk Barracuda Beyond Trust accessibility-template-retina-cs-enterprise-vulnerability-management/ Bit 9 VPAT/508 Doc Library BitDefender VPAT/508 Doc Library BMC Software s;jsessionid=FCAC8B7649A0F0E265818A072B49E96E VPAT/508 Doc Library Bomgar VPAT/508 Doc Library Box VPAT/508 Doc Library Bradford VPAT/508 Doc Library Networks CA VPAT/508 Doc Library Carbon Black VPAT/508 Doc Library Celestix VPAT/508 Doc Library Check Point vals.html VPAT/508 Doc Library Citrix VPAT/508 Doc Library Clearswift VPAT/508 Doc Library


Commvault VPAT/508 Doc Library Corel VPAT/508 Doc Library Digital Guardian VPAT/508 Doc Library Duo Security VPAT/508 Doc Library Entrust VPAT/508 Doc Library ESET VPAT/508 Doc Library Forescout VPAT/508 Doc Library Forcepoint VPAT/508 Doc Library Fortinet Fortres Grand VPAT/508 Doc Library Gemalto VPAT/508 Doc Library Good Technology VPAT/508 Doc Library Google VPAT/508 Doc Library HyTrust VPAT/508 Doc Library IBM https://www- Ipswitch VPAT/508 Doc Library JAMF Software VPAT/508 Doc Library Kaspersky VPAT/508 Doc Library Lightspeed VPAT/508 Doc Library LogRhythm VPAT/508 Doc Library Malwarebytes VPAT/508 Doc Library McAfee (Intel VPAT/508 Doc Library Security) Microsoft vpats/default.aspx#fbid=DHbRzoT5-b4) MobileIron VPAT/508 Doc Library Net IQ VPAT/508 Doc Library Netwrix VPAT/508 Doc Library Novell Okta VPAT/508 Doc Library OneLogin VPAT/508 Doc Library Oracle PhishMe VPAT/508 Doc Library


Proofpoint VPAT/508 Doc Library Pulse VPAT/508 Doc Library Qualys VPAT/508 Doc Library Rapid7 VPAT/508 Doc Library Raytheon VPAT/508 Doc Library Red Hat VPAT for RHEL 5 VPAT for RHEL 6 VPAT for RHN Satellite Server 5 VPAT for JBoss EAP 6.0 VPAT for JBoss Portal 6.1 RSA VPAT/508 Doc Library Rsam VPAT/508 Doc Library SAP/Business VPAT/508 Doc Library Objects Sentinel One VPAT/508 Doc Library SolarWinds Sophos VPAT/508 Doc Library Splunk

VPAT/508 Doc Library Sybase VPAT/508 Doc Library VPAT/508 Doc Library TechSmith VPAT/508 Doc Library Tenable VPAT/508 Doc Library Thycotic VPAT/508 Doc Library Trend Micro VPAT/508 Doc Library Tripwire VPAT/508 Doc Library Vandyke Software Varonis VPAT/508 Doc Library Veeam Veracode VPAT/508 Doc Library VMWare VPAT/508 Doc Library WinMagic VPAT/508 Doc Library Zscaler VPAT/508 Doc Library


Section 6, Form 10, CCPA PLAN Pursuant to N.C. G.S 160A-461 and 143-ϭϮϵ;ĞͿ;ϯͿ͕ƚŚĞŝƚLJŽĨŚĂƌůŽƚƚĞWƌŽĐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ŝǀŝƐŝŽŶŚĂƐĞƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚƚŚĞŚĂƌůŽƚƚĞŽŽƉĞƌĂƚŝǀĞWƵƌĐŚĂƐŝŶŐůůŝĂŶĐĞ;WͿ͘dŚĞƉƵƌƉŽƐĞŽĨƚŚĞ CCPA is to allow other public agencies regionally and nationwide to use contracts competitively solicited and awarded by the City. Combining volumes of government agencies achieves the cost effective pricing and reduces the administrative and overhead costs of suppliers and public agencies alike. By providing a comprehensive and competitively solicited Contract through a single RFP process, county, city, special district, local government, school district, private K-12 school, technical or ǀŽĐĂƚŝŽŶĂůƐĐŚŽŽů͕ŚŝŐŚĞƌĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶŝŶƐƚŝƚƵƚŝŽŶ;ŝŶĐůuding community colleges, colleges and ƵŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚŝĞƐ͕ďŽƚŚƉƵďůŝĐĂŶĚƉƌŝǀĂƚĞͿ͕ƐƚĂƚĞ͕ŽƚŚĞƌŐŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚĂŐĞŶĐLJĂŶĚŶŽŶƉƌŽĨŝƚŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶƐĐĂŶ ƵƚŝůŝnjĞƚŚĞƐƵďƐĞƋƵĞŶƚĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ;ƐͿǁŝƚŚŽƵƚƚŚĞŶĞĞĚĨŽƌĨƵƌƚŚĞƌƐŽůŝĐŝƚĂƚŝŽŶ͘ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐƐŚŽƵůĚ consider the potential volumes when responding to this RFP. Participation by other entities is strictly voluntary and no volumes are guaranteed though Participating Public Agencies are required to register to purchase goods or services through the CCPA.

More information about the CCPA can be found on the CCPA website: dŚĞŽďũĞĐƚŝǀĞŽĨƚŚŝƐZ&WŝƐƚŽƵƚŝůŝnjĞƉĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂƚŝŽŶĂŵŽŶŐƚŚĞŝƚLJ͕ĂƐǁĞůůĂƐǀĂƌŝŽƵƐŽƚŚĞƌ Participating Public Agencies, to provide low cost reliable Products and Services. The Company must agree to receive orders from the City and all Participating Public Agencies and to provide all Services ordered to a specified City and Participating Public Agency address.

Companies shall include in detail how they will serve all Participating Public Agencies as it relates to the CCPA. Currently, the CCPA has approximately 315 registered Participating Public Agencies in ƌŝnjŽŶĂ͕ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ͕&ůŽƌŝĚĂ͕'ĞŽƌŐŝĂ͕DĂƌLJůĂŶĚ͕DŝĐŚŝŐĂŶ͕EŽƌƚŚĂƌŽůŝŶĂ͕EĞǁzŽƌŬ͕^ŽƵƚŚĂƌŽůŝŶĂ͕ Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Please address the following: 1. Describe your company’s ability to provide the Services to any Participating Public Agencies in the contiguous forty-ĞŝŐŚƚ;ϰϴͿƐƚĂƚĞƐĂŶĚƚŚĞĂďŝůŝƚLJƚŽĚĞůŝǀĞƌƚŚĞ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐŝŶůĂƐŬĂĂŶĚ Hawaii. SHI Response: Authorized to do business in all 50 States, SHI is able to provide the Services to any Participating Public Agencies in the contiguous forty-eight (48) states.

2. Address if your company has a national sales force dealer network or distributor with the ĂďŝůŝƚLJƚŽƐĞƌǀĞWĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂƚŝŶŐWƵďůŝĐŐĞŶĐŝĞƐŝŶĂůůĨŝĨƚLJ;ϱϬͿƐƚĂƚĞƐ͘ SHI Response: Yes, SHI has a national sales force, dealer network, and distributors with the ability to service participating public agencies in all 50 states.


3. How will you monitor and report all spend under the Contract to the City for auditing purposes? SHI Response: SHI prides itself on its reporting excellence and flexibility. We have developed standard reports that meet the needs of most of our customers. If the City of Charlotte has additional reporting requirements, SHI will develop custom reports, as we have for some of our largest customers. SHI never charges for the reports we provide, both standard and custom. SHI’s reports are available on a quarterly and monthly basis, as well as ad hoc—you choose the timeframe.

Sales History Reports These standard reports provide an overview of your purchases from SHI. As mentioned above, our system allows for the tracking of Customer Specific Fields, therefore we are able to generate these reports in many ways. SHI will provide these reports in any time frame that you require, and in one of three formats: detail of all transactions, summary by part number, or summary by manufacturer name. x Spend by Manufacturer – summary of total dollars spent in period with one specific manufacturer, all manufacturers, or a sub-set thereof. x Spend by Product – summary of total dollars spent in period for one specific product, all products, or sub-set thereof. x Spend by Product Type – summary of total dollars spent in period for shrink-wrap versus licensing or by UNSPSC. x Spend by Organization, Enterprise, Conglomerate – again, each of the above reports can be pulled based on a specific organization, enterprise or conglomerate

The City will post all awarded Contracts on the CCPA website along with the vendor contact information. Please address the following accordingly:

1. tŝůůLJŽƵƌĐŽŵƉĂŶLJĂůůŽǁƚŚĞŝƚLJƚŽƵƚŝůŝnjĞLJŽƵƌŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͛ƐůŽŐŽŽŶƚŚĞWǁĞďƐŝƚĞ͍ SHI Response: SHI will allow a company to use the SHI logo within their private intranet if they adhere to the following requirements: A. It is a logo that has been supplied by SHI, and has not been modified. B. The SHI logo is not incorporated into or used along with any other imagery or trademark. C. No other tagline is incorporated into or placed along with the SHI logo. D. Acknowledgement of the SHI logo being a registered trademark of SHI International Corp. appears somewhere on the page in which it is being placed.

2. Will your company be wŝůůŝŶŐƚŽĂĚǀĞƌƚŝƐĞƚŚĞWůŽŐŽĂŶĚǁĞďƐŝƚĞŽŶLJŽƵƌŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͛Ɛ website? SHI Response: Yes, SHI is capable of adding CCPA’s logo our website. Below is an example from the Texas SLG page on SHI’s website, SHI.COM.


3. How do you plan to market the Contract to other Participating Public Agencies? SHI Response: SHI understands that in order to maximize our customer participation in the resulting CCPA contract, we need to educate our Account Executives, Inside Account Executives, and Inside Account Managers regarding the availability of the contract, the contract terms, the products covered, and how the contract can be leveraged. SHI has tremendous experience in supporting and marketing cooperative agreements. Upon award of contract, SHI will begin with a Public Sector Team meeting, where SHI’s Regional Director of Public Sector Sales will introduce the contract all of SHI’s applicable account representatives. SHI will be flexible to execute joint marketing activities to increase awareness for CCPA participating members. Below are marketing tools SHI has previously used for Public Sector Contracts:

ͻ Contract Announcement—Email marketing piece to announce SHI as the contract vendor. ͻ Targeted Email Blasts - This activity offers SHI the ability to communicate directly to participating members with a market specific message. ͻ On-Line Contract Information—SHI will post informational documents on the SHI.COM home pages for participating entities. ͻ Newsletter— Informative newsletters that we send to our customers each month. ͻ Web Seminar Presentations—SHI hosts a series of Web Seminars covering a variety of topics relevant to the products SHI sells. ͻ Marketing Pieces— SHI creates marketing pieces specific to the contract.


Exceptions (Included on flash drive)



1. SHI Org Chart 2. Case Study “Going Green: Reduce Packaging Material Waste to Improve Business” 3. Configuration Services 4. Chromebook Enrollment Services 5. Microsoft Surface 6. Lifecycle Services a. Lifecycle Services Overview b. Recovery Services c. Acquisition Services d. Support Services 7. Technical Certifications


SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte This proposal is based on mutually agreeable terms and conditions. If SHI is a potential candidate for award, we will be pleased to discuss the details of the terms and conditions for the contract.

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation Exhibit A; 4.7 AUDIT During the term of this Contract and for SHI will allow audits to During the term of this Contract and for a a period of one (1) year after termination confirm pricing was accurate. of this Contract, the City shall have the period of one (1) year after termination of SHI will not pay the costs of right to audit, either itself or through an this Contract, the City shall have the right to independent auditor, all books and audit, either itself or through an independent the audit; we will reimburse records and facilities of the Company auditor, all books and records and facilities any overcharges discovered by necessary to evaluate Company’s of the Company necessary to evaluate the aggregate results. compliance with the terms and Company’s compliance with the pricing conditions of this Contract or the City’s terms and conditions of this Contract or the payment obligations. The City shall pay City’s payment obligations. The City shall its own expenses, relating to such audits, pay its own expenses, relating to such but shall not have to pay any expenses or audits, but shall not have to pay any additional costs of the Company. expenses or additional costs of the However, if non-compliance is found Company. However, if non-compliance is that would have cost the City in excess found that would have cost the City in of $10,000 but for the audit, then the excess of $10,000 but for the audit, then the Company shall be required to reimburse Company shall be required to reimburse the the City for the cost of the audit. City for the cost of the audit. Exhibit A; 412 Prior to starting work under this SHI’s HR process doesn’t Prior to starting work under this Contract, BACKGROUND Contract, the Company is required to always include reference conduct a background check on each the Company is required to conduct a CHECKS checks. Company employee assigned to work background check on each Company under this Contract, and shall require its employee assigned to work under this subcontractors (if any) to perform a Contract, and shall require its background check on each of their subcontractors (if any) to perform a employees assigned to work under this background check on each of their Contract (collectively, the “Background employees assigned to work under this Checks”). Each Background Check must Contract (collectively, the “Background include: (a) the person’scriminal Checks”). Each Background Check must conviction record from the states and include: (a) the person’scriminal conviction counties where the person lives or has record from the states and counties where lived in the past seven (7) years; and (b) the person lives or has lived in the past a reference check. seven (7) years; and (b) a reference check. After starting work under this Contract, the After starting work under this Contract, Company is required to perform a the Company is required to perform a Background Check for each new Company Background Check for each new employee assigned to work under this Company employee assigned to work Contract during that year, and shall under this Contract during that year, and requireits subcontractors (if any) to do the shall requireits subcontractors (if any) to same for each of their employees. If the do the same for each of their employees. Company undertakes a new project under If the Company undertakes a new this Contract, then prior to commencing project under this Contract, then prior to performance of the project the Company commencing performance of the project shall perform a Background Check for each the Company shall perform a Company employee assigned to work on the Background Check for each Company project, and shall require its subcontractors employee assigned to work on the (if any) to do the same for each of their project, and shall require its employees. subcontractors (if any) to do the same for each of their employees. If a person’s duties under this Contract fall within the categories described below, the If a person’s duties under this Contract Background Checks that the Company will fall within the categories described be required to perform (and to have its below, the Background Checks that the subcontractors perform) shall also include Company will be required to perform the following additional investigation: (and to have its subcontractors perform) shall also include the following • If the job duties require driving: A motor additional investigation: vehicle records check. • If the job duties require driving: A • If the job duties include responsibility for motor vehicle records check. initiating or affecting financial transactions: • If the job duties include responsibility A credit history check. for initiating or affecting financial transactions: A credit history check. The Company must follow all State and Federal laws when conducting Background The Company must follow all State and Checks, including but not limited to the Fair Federal laws when conducting Credit Reporting Act requirements, and Background Checks, including but not shall require its subcontractors to do the

35 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation limited to the Fair Credit Reporting Act same. requirements, and shall require its subcontractors to do the same. The Company shall notify the City of any The Company shall notify the City of information discovered in the Background any information discovered in the Checks that may be of potential concern for Background Checks that may be of any reason. potential concern for any reason. A. The City may conduct its own The City may conduct its own background checks on principals of background checks on principals of the the Company as the City deems Company as the City deems appropriate. appropriate. By operation of the public By operation of the public records law, records law, background checks background checks conducted by the conducted by the City are subject to City are subject to public review upon public review upon request. request. Exhibit A; 16.1.5 Neither the Services, nor any SHI is warranting Services are Neither the Services, nor any Deliverables Deliverables provided by the Company not infringing in an earlier under this Contract will infringe or provided by the Company under this section. We could not provide misappropriate any patent, copyright, Contract will infringe or misappropriate any trademark or trade secret rights of any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret this warranty on deliverables. third party; rights of any third party; Exhibit A; 22. CITY 22.1. The parties agree that the City shall If SHI is going to develop any 22.1. The parties agree that the City shall OWNERSHIP OF have exclusive ownership of all reports, IP for the City, it would be WORK PRODUCT documents, designs, ideas, materials, have exclusive ownership of all reports, under an SOW. SHI would reports, concepts, plans, creative works, documents, designs, ideas, materials, and other work product developed for or reports, concepts, plans, creative works, and retain rights to our confidential provided to the City in connection with other work product developed under a scope information, services, and any this Contract, and all patent rights, of work for or provided to the City in derivatives or inventions off copyrights, trade secret rights and other connection with this Contract, and all patent that information and services. intellectual property rights relating rights, copyrights, trade secret rights and thereto (collectively the “Intellectual other intellectual property rights relating Property”). The Company hereby thereto (collectively the “Intellectual assigns and transfers all rights in the Property”). The Company hereby assigns Intellectual Property to the City. The and transfers all rights in the Intellectual Company further agrees to execute and Property to the City. The Company further deliver such assignments and other agrees to execute and deliver such documents as the City may later require assignments and other documents as the to perfect, maintain and enforce the City may later require to perfect, maintain City’s rights as sole owner of the and enforce the City’s rights as sole owner Intellectual Property, including all rights of the Intellectual Property, including all under patent and copyright law. The rights under patent and copyright law. The Company hereby appoints the City as Company hereby appoints the City as attorney in fact to execute all such attorney in fact to execute all such assignments and instruments and agree assignments and instruments and agree that that its appointment of the City as an its appointment of the City as an attorney in attorney in fact is coupled with an fact is coupled with an interest and is interest and is irrevocable. irrevocable. 22.2. The City grants the Company a 22.2. The City grants the Company a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use and copy the Intellectual Property to the and copy the Intellectual Property to the extent necessary to perform this extent necessary to perform this Contract. Contract. The Company shall not be The Company shall not be entitled to use entitled to use the Intellectual Property the Intellectual Property for other purposes for other purposes without the City’s without the City’s prior written consent, and prior written consent, and shall treat the shall treat the Intellectual Property as Intellectual Property as “Confidential “Confidential Information” pursuant to Information” pursuant to Section 26 of Section 26 of the Contract. the Contract. 22.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor shall retain ownership rights to (1) all of its previously existing intellectual property, including any derivatives, modifications and enhancements thereto, (2) confidential information of Contractor, and (3) any tools or scripting applications used, developed or created by Contractor or its third party licensors during the performance of this Contract. Exhibit A; 18. If the Company fails to meet any Adding the ability to cure. SHI If the Company fails to meet any REMEDITS; 181. completion date or resolution time set will not pay the costs to cover. RIGHT TO COVER forth in this Contract (including the completion date or resolution time set forth in this Contract (including the Exhibits) or

36 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation Exhibits) or the Project Plan, the City the Project Plan, and fails to cure within ten may take any of the following actions (10) days after notice of failure, the City with or without terminating this may take any of the following actions with Contract, and in addition to and without or without terminating this Contract, and in limiting any other remedies it may have: addition to and without limiting any other a. Employ such means as it may deem remedies it may have: advisable and appropriate to perform itself or obtain the Services from a third a. Employ such means as it may deem party until the matter is resolved and the advisable and appropriate to perform itself Company is again able to resume or obtain the Services from a third party performance under this Contract; and until the matter is resolved and the Company is again able to resume b. Deduct any and all expenses incurred performance under this Contract.; and by the City in obtaining or performing b. Deduct any and all expenses incurred by the Services from any money then due or the City in obtaining or performing the to become due the Company and, should Services from any money then due or to the City’s cost of obtaining or become due the Company and, should the performing the services exceed the City’s cost of obtaining or performing the amount due the Company, collect the services exceed the amount due the amount due from the Company. Company, collect the amount due from the Company. Exhibit A; 24. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the To the fullest extent permitted by law, the SHI can indemnify for INDEMNIFICATION Company shall indemnify, defend and hold Company shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the “Indemnitees” (as harmless each of the “Indemnitees” (as infringement in our Services, defined below) from and against any and defined below) from and against any and all but not third party all “Charges” (as defined below) paid or “Charges” (as defined below) paid or products/deliverables. incurred as a result of any claims, incurred as a result of any claims, demands, demands, lawsuits, actions, or proceedings: lawsuits, actions, or proceedings: (i) (i) alleging violation, misappropriation or alleging violation, misappropriation or infringement of any copyright, trademark, infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary patent, trade secret or other proprietary rights with respect to the Services or any rights with respect to the Services or any products or deliverables provided to the products or deliverables providedperformed City pursuant to this Contract for to the City pursuant to this Contract (“Infringement Claims”); (ii) seeking (“Infringement Claims”); (ii) seeking payment for labor or materials purchased payment for labor or materials purchased or or supplied by the Company or its supplied by the Company or its subcontractors in connection with this subcontractors in connection with this Contract; (iii) arising from the Company’s Contract; (iii) arising from the Company’s failure to perform its obligations under this failure to perform its obligations under this Contract, or from any act of negligence or Contract, or from any act of negligence or willful misconduct by the Company or any willful misconduct by the Company or any of its agents, employees or subcontractors of its agents, employees or subcontractors relating to this Contract, including but not relating to this Contract, including but not limited to any liability caused by an limited to any liability caused by an accident or other occurrence resulting in accident or other occurrence resulting in bodily injury, death, sickness or disease to bodily injury, death, sickness or disease to any person(s) or damage or destruction to any person(s) or damage or destruction to any property, real or personal, tangible or any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible; or (iv) arising from any claim intangible; or (iv) arising from any claim that the Company or an employee or that the Company or an employee or subcontractor of the Company is an subcontractor of the Company is an employee of the City, including but not employee of the City, including but not limited to claims relating to worker’s limited to claims relating to worker’s compensation, failure to withhold taxes compensation, failure to withhold taxes and and the like. For purposes of this Section: the like. For purposes of this Section: (a) the (a) the term “Indemnitees” means the City term “Indemnitees” means the City and and each of the City’s officers, officials, each of the City’s officers, officials, employees, agents and independent employees, agents and independent contractors (excluding the Company); and contractors (excluding the Company); and (b) the term “Charges” means any and all (b) the term “Charges” means any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses (including losses, damages, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), obligations, reasonable attorneys’ fees), obligations, duties, fines, penalties, royalties, interest duties, fines, penalties, royalties, interest charges and other liabilities (including charges and other liabilities (including settlement amounts). settlement amounts). If an Infringement Claim occurs, the If an Infringement Claim occurs, the Company shall either: (i) procure for the Company shall either: (i) procure for the City the right to continue using the City the right to continue using the affected affected product or service; or (ii) repair or product or sService; or (ii) repair or

37 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation replace the infringing product or service so replacereperform the infringing product or that it becomes non-infringing, provided sService so that it becomes non-infringing, that the performance of the overall provided that the performance of the overall product(s) and service(s) provided to the product(s) and sService(s) provided to the City shall not be adversely affected by City shall not be adversely affected by such such replacement or modification. If the replacement or modificationreperformance. Company is unable to comply with the If the Company is unable to comply with preceding sentence within thirty (30) days the preceding sentence within thirty (30) after the City is directed to cease use of a days after the City is directed to cease use product or service, the Company shall of a product or sService, the Company shall promptly refund to the City all amounts promptly refund to the City all amounts paid under this Contract. paid under this Contract for the Services that are no longer usable. This Section 24 shall remain in force despite termination of this Contract This Section 24 shall remain in force (whether by expiration of the term or despite termination of this Contract otherwise). (whether by expiration of the term or otherwise). ADD WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: EXCEPT If awarded, SHI would like to AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, propose a warranty disclaimer CONTRACTOR HEREBY EXPRESSLY in the final contract. Any DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES warranties made on the EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, services should be expressly RELATED TO SERVICES OR written into the contract. DELIVERABLES TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR HEREUNDER, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT, OR ANY WARRANTY RELATING TO THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS. ADD LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: If awarded, SHI requires a limitation of liability clause. (i) NEITHER PARTY WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO DATA, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED REVENUE OR PROFITS, WORK STOPPAGE OR IMPAIRMENT OF OTHER ASSETS, WHETHER OR NOT FORESEEABLE AND WHETHER OR NOT A PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. (ii) EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF BREACH OF EACH PARTY’S LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY/PROPERTY DAMAGE UNDER ARTICLE ENTITLED, “HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNITY”, EITHER PARTY’S TOTAL CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO THE OTHER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER THEORY, WILL NOT EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FEES ACTUALLY PAID OR PAYABLE BY THE CITY TO THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR THE YEAR PREVIOUS TO THE INCIDENT WHICH GAVE CAUSE FOR SUCH LIABILITY. Exhibit A; Exhibit 1 Request to remove SHI does not perform Maintenance Services maintenance; we would resell

38 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation third party (OEM) maintenance which would be accompanied by the OEM terms and conditions. These would vary by OEM. Exhibit A; Exhibit 2 Request to remove SHI doesn’t license any software. License If any engagement included software products, the license would be granted directly from the publisher to the City via their license agreement, which would vary by publisher. Exhibit A; Exhibit 3 Request to remove SHI doesn’t host any data. If any City of Charlotte engagement included a hosted Cloud Technology data solution, the terms and Requirements conditions would be with the service provider directly, and would vary by service provider. Exhibit D – Federal This Exhibit is incorporated into the SHI will agree to the terms in Contracting This Exhibit is incorporated into the Services Contract between the City of explicitly in this contract. We Requirements Services Contract between the City of Charlotte and ______(the “Contract”). would like to specify that these Charlotte and ______(the Capitalized terms not defined in this Exhibit terms don’t have to flow down to “Contract”). Capitalized terms not shall have the meanings assigned to such suppliers to products, but only to defined in this Exhibit shall have the terms in the Contract. All references to the subcontractors performing meanings assigned to such terms in the “Contractor” or the “Company” shall be services on our behalf. Contract. All references to the deemed to mean the Contractor. “Contractor” or the “Company” shall be deemed to mean the Contractor. The work to be performed under this Contract will be financed in whole or in part The work to be performed under this with Federal funding. As such, Federal laws, regulations, policies, and related Contract will be financed in whole or in part with Federal funding. As such, administrative practices apply to this Federal laws, regulations, policies, and Contract. The most recent of such federal requirements explicitly referenced herein, related administrative practices apply to this Contract. The most recent of such including any amendments made after the federal requirements, including any execution of this Contract shall govern this Contract, unless the Federal Government amendments made after the execution of this Contract shall govern this Contract, determines otherwise. This Exhibit unless the Federal Government identifies the Federal requirements that may be applicable to this Contract. The determines otherwise. This Exhibit identifies the Federal requirements that Contractor is responsible for complying may be applicable to this Contract. The with all applicable provisions. Contractor is responsible for complying To the extent applicable, the Federal with all applicable provisions. requirements contained in the most recent version of the Federal Transit To the extent applicable, the Federal Administration (“FTA”) Master Agreement, requirements contained in the most as amended (the “Master Agreement”), recent version of the Federal Transit including any certifications and contractual Administration (“FTA”) Master provisions required by any Federal statutes Agreement, as amended (the “Master or regulations referenced therein to be Agreement”), including any included in this Contract, are deemed certifications and contractual provisions incorporated into this Contract by reference required by any Federal statutes or and shall be incorporated into any regulations referenced therein to be subagreement or subcontract executed by included in this Contract, are deemed the contractor pursuant to its obligations incorporated into this Contract by under this Contract. The Contractor and its reference and shall be incorporated into subcontractors, if any, hereby represent and any subagreement or subcontract covenant that they have complied and shall executed by the contractor pursuant to comply in the future with the applicable its obligations under this Contract. The provisions of the Master Contract then in Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, effect and with all applicable federal, state hereby represent and covenant that they and local laws, regulations, and rules and have complied and shall comply in the local policies and procedures, as amended future with the applicable provisions of from time to time, relating to the work to be the Master Contract then in effect and performed under this Contract. For the with all applicable federal, state and avoidance of doubt, “subcontractors” as local laws, regulations, and rules and used in this section means third parties local policies and procedures, as performing Services on Contractor’s behalf, amended from time to time, relating to and excludes any third parties providing the work to be performed under this products under this Contract.

39 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation Contract.

Exhibit D – Federal Contractor shall at all times comply with all SHI can agree to the terms and Contracting Contractor shall at all times comply with applicable FTA regulations, policies, conditions reviewed in the Requirements; all applicable FTA regulations, policies, procedures and directives, including without contract we will execute. FEDERAL procedures and directives, including limitation those listed directly or by CHANGES without limitation those listed directly or reference in the Master Contract between by reference in the Master Contract the City and FTA, as they may be amended between the City and FTA, as they may or promulgated from time to time during the be amended or promulgated from time to term of this contractthe contract between the time during the term of this contract. City and the Contractor. Contractor’s failure Contractor’s failure to so comply shall to so comply shall constitute a material constitute a material breach of this breach of this Contract. Notwithstanding, Contract. Notwithstanding, contractor contractor shall be entitled to an adjustment shall be entitled to an adjustment in the in the maximum contract value and/or time maximum contract value and/or time on on account of compliance with any such account of compliance with any such changes. changes. Exhibit D – Federal During the term of the Agreement and for a SHI will allow audits to confirm Contracting During the term of the Agreement and period of one (1) year after termination or pricing was accurate. SHI will Requirements; for a period of one (1) year after expiration of this Agreement for any reason, not pay the costs of the audit; we TERMINATION; termination or expiration of this the City shall have the right to audit, either will reimburse any overcharges AUDIT Agreement for any reason, the City shall itself or through a third party, all books and discovered by the aggregate have the right to audit, either itself or records (including but not limited to the results. through a third party, all books and technical records) and facilities of the records (including but not limited to the Company necessary to evaluate Company’s technical records) and facilities of the compliance with the pricing terms and Company necessary to evaluate conditions of the Agreement or the City’s Company’s compliance with the terms payment obligations. The City shall pay its and conditions of the Agreement or the own expenses, relating to such audits, but City’s payment obligations. The City shall not have to pay any expenses or shall pay its own expenses, relating to additional costs of the Company. However, such audits, but shall not have to pay any if non-compliance is found that would have expenses or additional costs of the cost the City in excess of $5,000 but for the Company. However, if non-compliance audit, then the Company shall be required to is found that would have cost the City in reimburse the City for the cost of the audit. excess of $5,000 but for the audit, then the Company shall be required to reimburse the City for the cost of the audit. Exhibit D – Federal The City and the Company acknowledge SHI does not agree to pay out Contracting The City and the Company acknowledge and agree that the City may incur costs if liquidated damages. Requirements; and agree that the City may incur costs if the Company fails to meet the delivery REMEDIES; the Company fails to meet the delivery times set forth in the ITB for the Products LIQUIDATED times set forth in the ITB for the and Services. The parties further DAMAGES Products and Services. The parties acknowledge and agree that: (a) the City further acknowledge and agree that: (a) may be damaged by such failures, including the City may be damaged by such loss of goodwill and administrative costs; failures, including loss of goodwill and but that (b) the costs that the City might administrative costs; but that (b) the reasonably be anticipated to accrue as a costs that the City might reasonably be result of such failures are difficult to anticipated to accrue as a result of such ascertain due to their indefiniteness and failures are difficult to ascertain due to uncertainty. Accordingly, the Company their indefiniteness and uncertainty. agrees to pay liquidated damages at the Accordingly, the Company agrees to pay rates set forth in the ITB. The parties agree liquidated damages at the rates set forth that the liquidated damages set forth in the in the ITB. The parties agree that the ITB shall be the City’s exclusive remedy for liquidated damages set forth in the ITB loss of goodwill and administrative costs, shall be the City’s exclusive remedy for attributable to a failure by the Company to loss of goodwill and administrative meet such delivery times, but shall not be costs, attributable to a failure by the the remedy for the cost to cover or other Company to meet such delivery times, direct damages. but shall not be the remedy for the cost to cover or other direct damages. Exhibit D – Federal If the Company fails to meet any Requesting a more reasonable Contracting If the Company fails to meet any completion date or resolution time set forth cure period. SHI does not pay Requirements; completion date or resolution time set in this Agreement (including the Exhibits), costs to cover. REMEDIES; RIGHT forth in this Agreement (including the and it fails to cure such default within one TO COVER Exhibits), and it fails to cure such ten (10) business days after receiving default within one (1) business day after written notice from the City of such failure, receiving written notice from the City of 40 SHI Comments To Terms And Conditions for City of Charlotte

Ref. Customer Terms and Conditions SHI Redline SHI Explanation such failure, the City may take any of the City may take any of the following the following actions with or without actions with or without terminating this terminating this Agreement, and in Agreement, and in addition to and without addition to and without limiting any limiting any other remedies it may have: other remedies it may have: Employ such means as it may reasonably deem advisable and appropriate to perform Employ such means as it may itself or obtain the Services from a third reasonably deem advisable and party until the matter is resolved and the appropriate to perform itself or obtain Company is again able to resume the Services from a third party until the performance under this Agreement.; and matter is resolved and the Company is again able to resume performance under Deduct any and all reasonable expenses this Agreement; and incurred by the City in obtaining or performing the Services from any money Deduct any and all reasonable expenses then due or to become due the Company incurred by the City in obtaining or and, should the City’s reasonable cost of obtaining or performing the services exceed performing the Services from any money then due or to become due the Company the amount due the Company, collect the and, should the City’s reasonable cost of difference from the Company. obtaining or performing the services exceed the amount due the Company, collect the difference from the Company. Exhibit D – Federal Request to remove SHI is not developing any IP for Contracting the City under this contract. Requirements; PATENTS AND RIGHTS IN DATA Exhibit D – Federal The preceding provisions include, in part, SHI can agree to the terms and Contracting The preceding provisions include, in certain Standard Terms and Conditions conditions that we’ve reviewed Requirements; part, certain Standard Terms and required by DOT, whether or not expressly here. We cannot agree to the INCORPORATION Conditions required by DOT, whether or set forth in the preceding contract entirety of the FTA Circular. OF FEDERAL not expressly set forth in the preceding provisions. All contractual provisions TRANSIT contract provisions. All contractual required by DOT, as set forth in FTA ADMINISTRATION provisions required by DOT, as set forth Circular 4220.1E, are hereby incorporated (FTA) TERMS in FTA Circular 4220.1E, are hereby by reference. Anything to the contrary incorporated by reference. Anything to herein notwithstanding, all FTA-mandated the contrary herein notwithstanding, all terms included herein shall be deemed to FTA-mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other control in the event of a conflict with provisions contained in this Contract. The other provisions contained in this Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to Contract. The Contractor shall not perform any act, or refuse to comply with perform any act, fail to perform any act, any City requests, which would cause the or refuse to comply with any City City to be in violation of the FTA terms and requests, which would cause the City to conditions. be in violation of the FTA terms and conditions.

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Proofpoint Proofpoint Pure Pure Pure Pure Qlogic Qlogic Qlogic Qlogic Qlogic Quantum Quantum Quest Software Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat RIM RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA RSA SANS.ORG ScriptLogic ScriptLogic Secure Computing / McAfee Secure Computing / McAfee Security Horizon Security Horizon SHI SimpliVity SimpliVity SimpliVity SimpliVity SimpliVity Sonicwall SonicWall Splunk Splunk Splunk Splunk Splunk Splunk Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec Symantec 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VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware Watchguard Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Websense Certification Acronis Certified Sales Professional Acronis Sales Professional Acronis Sales Professional Acronis Sales Professional Certification Acronis Sales Professional Certification acrobat CSP Acrobat CSP Certified Acrobat Sales Professional Certified Sales Professional - Adobe Volume Licensing CS5.5 CSP GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA) RSA - enVision (RSA - enVision 3.7) TOGAF Airwatch Sales Professional Sales Professional APC Datacenter University (Power and Cooling) APC Elite Partner: Certified for Business Networks APC Product Specialist APC Sales Associate APC Sales Professional for Business Networks APC Sales Professional for Data Center APC Software Specialist APC Technical Consultant for Data Center Business – Sales Associate Certified Business Networks – Technical Datacenter – Sales Professional Technical Consultant Datacenter – Technical Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Support Professional 10.10 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.10 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.10 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.10 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.10 Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.7 Apple MacOS X 10.7 Support Certification Apple Product Professional Apple Product Professional Apple Product Professional Apple Product Professional Apple Product Professional Arbor Cloud v1.0 Sales Certification Arbor Pravail APS v5.6 Sales Certification Arbor Pravail v5.6 Specialist Certification Pravail APS Specialist Aruba ACMA Aruba ACMP Aruba Sales Specialist APDS - Avaya Contact Center Select APDS - Avaya Networking APDS - Avaya Scopia® Solution APDS - CC APDS - Unified Communications APSS - Avaya Aura® Application Server 5300 APSS – Avaya Contact Center Solutions for IP Office APSS - Avaya Networking APSS - Avaya Scopia® Solution APSS - CC APSS - SME Communications APSS - Unified Communications Channel Advantage Program Partner Certification Level 1 Technical Fundamentals Certified SE Web Security 2015 Bluebeam Crash Course Complete 2015 Bluebeam Crash Course Complete 2015 Bluebeam Crash Course Complete Bluebeam Sales Certification Bluebeam Sales Certification Bluebeam Sales Certification Bluebeam Sales Certification Bomgar Sales Certification Bomgar Sales Certified Bomgar Sales Certified BI in a Tough Economy Business Intelligence 101 Crystal Reports 2008 and Crystal Reports Developer Advantage Crystal Reports Server 2008 Technical Crystal Volume Licensing Program Customer Sucess Story: Twin City Foods How to Sell Crystal Reports Server 2008 with SQL Server, SharePoint, and DB2 How to Sell Xcelsius Present 2008 with Office and Acrobat Increase Your Deal Size with Business Objects What is Xcelsius Dashboard and How do I Demo it? Xcelsius Present, Xcelsius Engage, and Xcelsius Engage Server 2008 API Management Sales Certified Expert API Management Sales Certified Expert CA Anti-Spyware CA Anti-Virus CA Anti-Virus CA ARCserve Backup r12.5 Sales Update CA Gateway Security CA Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System CA Instant Recovery On Demand CA Internet Security Suite Plus CA Internet Security Suite Plus CA Mobile Device Management Sales Certified Expert CA Mobile Device Management Sales Certified Expert CA Mobile Device Management Sales Certified Expert CA Recovery Management for Microsoft Environment Module 1 CA Recovery Management for Microsoft Environments Module 2 CA Recovery Management for Microsoft Environments Module 3 CA Threat Manager CA Threat Manager CA Threat Manager Total Defense CA Threat Manager Total Defense CA XOsoft r12.5 Sales Update Introduction to CA Introduction to CA Release Automation Sales Certified Expert Release Automation Sales Certified Expert Selling CA Data Center Automation Manager Selling CA eHealth Network Performance Manager Selling CA Erwin Data Modeler r7.3 Product Overview Selling CA Spectrum 9.1 and CA eHealth 6.1.1 Selling CA SPECTRUM Network Fault Manager Technical Support Training for Gold & Platinum RM Partners Unified Infrastructure Management Sales Certified Expert Unified Infrastructure Management Sales Certified Expert CCSA CCSA-Check Point - Certified Security Administrator CCSE -Check Point - Certified Security Expert CCSE+ (Check Point - Certified Security Expert+) CCSI - Check Point - Certified Instructor Check Point - Certified Instructor Check Point - Certified Security Administrator Check Point - Certified Security Expert Check Point - Certified Security Expert+ Check Point Certified Security Administrator Check Point Certified Security Administrator Check Point's Partner Sales Training Advanced Wireless Design Specialist Architecting and Designing FlexPod Architecting and Designing for Flexpod Architecting and Designing for Flexpod Architecting and Designing for Flexpod Architecting and Designing for Flexpod CCDA CCDA CCDP CCENT CCENT CCIE #23895 R&S CCIE-19985 Routing & Switching CCNA CCNA CCNA CCNA CCNA - Route & Switch CCNA R/S CCNA Route and Switch CCNA Voice CCNA, CCNP in Voice and Wireless CCNA-SEC CCNP CCNP R/S Cisco advanced Wireless Cisco Business Value Practitioner Cisco CCDA Cisco Certified Network Associate Cisco Data Center Networking Sales Cisco Data Center Storage Networking Design Specialist Cisco Data Center Storage Networking Sales Cisco IP Security Cisco IP Surveillance / Storage Cisco Sales Specialist For Unified Fabric Technology Cisco Small Business Switching Cisco Smart Storage Cisco Voice over IP CISESE CQS-ISEAM SMB Specialization for Account Managers SMB Specialization for Engineers WebEx Certified WebEx Certified (CCI Architecting and Designing for Flexpod CCA CCA CCA CCA XenApp 5 CCA XenDesktop 5 CCIA CCSP CCSP 2008 for Deskop Delivery CCSP 2008 for Dynamic Datacenters CCSP 2009 for Application Delivery CCSP 2009 for Application Networking CCSP 2009 for Application Virtualization CCSP 2009 for Desktop Virtualization CCSP 2009 for Server Virtualization CCSP 2010 for Application Delivery CCSP 2010 for Application Networking CCSP 2010 for Application Virtualization CCSP 2010 for Desktop Virtualization CCSP 2010 for Server Virtualization CCSP 2011 Application Networking CCSP 2011 Desktop Virtualization CCSP 2011 Server Virtualization CCSP 2011 Virtual Computing CCSP Application Delivery (2008) CCSP Desktop Delivery (2008) CCSP Dynamic Datacenters (2008) CCSP Web Application Delivery (2008) CCSP Windows Application Delivery (2008) Citrix - Netscaler Basic Operations and Admin Citrix Academy Citrix CCA - Presentation Server 4 Support/Admin, Password Manager 4, and Access Gateway 4.2 Citrix CCIA Citrix CCSP 2008 for Desktop Delivery (XenDesktop) Citrix CCSP 2008 for Dynamic Datacenters (XenServer) Citrix Certified Administrator - XenApp 6.5 Citrix Certified Administrator - XenDesktop 5 Citrix Certified Administrator - XenServer 5.6 Citrix Certified Administrator Xen Desktop Citrix Certified Administrator Xen Server Citrix Certified Administrator XenServer (v5.0) (CCA) Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization Citrix Certified Expert - Virtualization Citrix Certified Expert - Virtualization Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization Citrix Certified Sales Person 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Person 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Person 2013 Citrix Certified Sales person 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Person 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Professional Citrix Certified Sales Professional Citrix Certified Sales Professional Citrix Certified Sales Professional 2012 Citrix Certified Sales Professional 2012 Citrix Certified Sales Professional 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Professional 2013 Citrix Certified Sales Professional 2013 Citrix EdgeSight 4.2 Technical Authorization Citrix Sales Professional CTX-00008A-Citrix Edgesight 4.2 Sales Authorization CTX-00013A-Citrix WANScaler Sales Authorization CTX-00014A-Citrix WANScaler Technical Authorization CTX-04A -Citrix Access Essential 1.0 Sales Authorization CTX-1610AW- Citrix Access Infrastructure System Ctx-1610AW-Citrix Access Infrastructure System CTX-1611AW- Citrix Sales Methodology CTX-1612AW- Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 Selling and Positioning CTX-1613AW- Citrix Access Gateway 4.0 with Advanced Access Control: Selling and Positioning CTX-1613BW -Citrix Access Gateway 4.5/7.0: Selling and Positioning CTX-1614AW- Citrix Password Manager 4.0 Selling and Positioning CTX-1615AW- Citrix Acess Suite 4.0 Selling and Positioning CTX-1616AW-Improving TCO and ROI with Citrix Solutions CTX-1617AW-Presenting the Citrix Access Strategy Executive Whiteboard CTX-1617AW-Presenting the Citrix Access Strategy Executive Whiteboard CTX-1622AW Citrix EdgeSight 4.5 Selling & Positioning CTX-1626BW-Citrix Sales Methodology CTX-1634AW-Application Delivery Whiteboard Conversation CTX-1637AW-Selling Citrix XenDesktop CTX-1638AW-Selling Citrix XenServer Selling VDI's to SMB's VDI-in-a Box 5 Technical v5 ASSOCIATE CommVault Accredited Sales Professional Commvault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Accredited Sales Professional CommVault Certified Administrator CommVault Certified Engineer CommVault Certified Engineer CommVault Certified Services Associate Assessment - CVCSA CommVault Certified Services Associate Assessment - CVCSA CommVault Sales Accreditation CommVault Sales Accreditation CommVault Sales Accreditation CommVault Sales Accreditation Commvault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault Solution Architect Certification - CVSA CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CommVault® Technical Sales Professional Accreditation - CVTSP CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation CVSP - Commvault Sales Professional Accreditation ServiceAdvantage - Project Management Methodology Training ServiceAdvantage - Project Management Methodology Training ServiceAdvantage - Project Management Methodology Training Simpana Design Fundamentals - Leveraging the Solution Design Tool Compellent certified Storage Architect Compellent Sales Accreditation Compellent Storage Center Compellent Storage Center Compellent Top Gun Sales (220-602/601) A+ (XK0-002) Linux+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ Service Technican Certification CompTIA Network+ Certified Professional CompTIA Server+ Network + Network + Network + Network+ Network+ Network+ Network+ Network+ Network+ Project + Security+ Security+ Server + Server+ Server+ CradlePoint Certified Network Associate CradlePoint Certified Network Professional DCIE Storage Overview Sales v3 Compellent Quote Center Compellent Sales Compellent Sales Compellent Top Gun Sales Compellent Top Gun Sales Compellent Top Gun Sales Compellent Top Gun Storage Architect Compellent Top Gun Storage Architect Compellent Top Gun Storage Sales v2 CQCS0211WBTS - Compellent Quote Center CSS0211WBTS - Compellent Top Gun Storage Sales CSSAT0211WBTT - Compellent Top Gun Storage Architect Technical DBSS0109WBTS-Dell Blades Server Solutions - Sales v6 DBSSTT0409WBTT - Dell Blade Server Solutions - Technical Dell 12G Servers Dell 12G Servers Dell ASG EqualLogic Install and Configure Dell Blade Server Solutions - Sales Dell Blade Server Solutions - Technical Dell Blade Server Solutions Sales Dell Blade Server Solutions Technical Dell Compellent Authorized Installation Professional Dell DPACK Certification Dell DPAK Overview and Sales Motion Dell DPAK Overview and Sales Motion Dell Equallogic - PS Series Storage Array Architect Dell Force10 Sales Overview Dell Kace sales Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner EqualLogic Sales Accreditation Dell Partner Sales Excellence Selling Storage Dell Partner Sales Excellence Selling Storage Dell Partner Sales Server Competency Dell Partner Technical Server Competency Dell PowerConnect Switching Sales v2 Desktop Virtualization Solutions DFO1011WBTS - Dell Force10 Sales Overview DOSM1111WBTT - DPACK Overview and Sales Motion DPACK DPACK DPACK Overview and Sales Motion DPACK Overview and Sales Motion DPACK Running and Obtaining the Collectors DPAK Running and Obtaining the Collectors DPAK Running and Obtaining the Collectors DPCNB0710WBTS - Networking Basics (Sales Training) DPCS0710WBTS - Dell PowerConnect Switching Sales v2 DPCW1010WBTS - Dell PowerConnect W (Wireless) Sales Training v2 DPEW0312ILTT - Dell PowerEdge 12G Technical Training for Wave 1 Exam DPVS0409WBTS - Dell PowerVault Storage - Sales v3 DR4100 Technical DRDB0112WBTS - The DR4000 Product Introduction and Sales DROC1111WBTT - DPACK Running and Obtaining the Collectors DSB0109WBTS - Dell Server Basics v4 DTRSS0309WBTS - Dell Tower and Rack Server Solutions - Sales v6 DXPS0112WBTS - DX Object Storage Platform Overview Enterprise Architecture Advanced Infrastructure Enterprise Architecture Server Specialty Enterprise Architecture Storage Solutions EQL - Technical EQL Sales EQL Sales EqualLogic Sales EqualLogic Sales Certification Equallogic Sales PSSS0908WBTS EqualLogic Sales v2 EqualLogic Technical Force 10 - Network and Security Certification Force 10 C-Series Technical Overview Force 10 FTOS Technical Force 10 S-Series ISO1208WBTS - Storage Overview Sales v3 Juniper Junos OS Highlights Kace Technical Kace Technical KTT0510WBTT KTT0510WBTT - KACE Technical Training Master Power Vault SAN V4.52 - Certification SAN 3.0-4.06 Power Connect LAN SAN Switching Power Edge 12G PowerEdge VRTX Sales Overview PowerEdge VRTX Technical Powervault Sales PSSS0908WBTS - EqualLogic Sales v2 SESE0312ILTS – Partner Sales Excellence Selling Storage Exam Sonicwall Certified Sales Representative VSRT0511WBTS - vStart Sales v2 D-Link Certified Professional(DCP)- Switching D-Link Certified Professional(DCP)- Wireless D-Link Certified Specialist (DCS)- Switching D-Link Certified Specialist (DCS)- Wireless CLP Domino R5 System Administrator 2013 Velocity Affiliate SE Test Archive 2009 SE Accreditation Backup 2009 SE Accreditation Business Partner SE Technologies Consolidation 2009 Sales Accreditation Consolidation 2009 SE Accreditation Data Lakes for Big Data Data Protection Software Boot Camp EMC - Foundations EMC Consolidation Accredidation EMC -PA EMC Proven Professional EMC Proven Professional Certification Emc Proven Profressional -TA- Isilon Infrastructure EMCTA EMC Sales Accreditation – Strategies and Solutions 2008 EMC Sales Accreditation: Consolidation - 2010 EMC Sales Accreditation: Consolidation 2010 EMC SE Accreditation Consolidation 2010 EMC SE Accreditation: Archive - 2009 EMC SE Accreditation: Archive - 2010 EMC SE Accreditation: Backup - 2010 EMC SE Accreditation: Consolidation - 2010 EMC SE Accreditation: Strategies & Solutions EMC Velocity Systems Engineer EMC-Isilon Sales Accreditation EMCPA EMCTA EMC-Technology Architect EMC-Technology Architect Hybrid Cloud - Sales IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus V7.1 Implementation Engineer, CLARiiON Solutions Expert Version 5.0 (EMCIEe) Implementation Engineer, CLARiiON Solutions Specialist Vers 5.0 (EMCIE) Information Storage and Management (EMCPA) Information Storage Associate (EMCISA) Information Storage Associate (EMCISA) Operational Practices 2009 Sales Acrreditation - Consolidate and Backup 2012 SE Operational Practices SE Portfolio Competency SE Portfolio Competency 2016 SE: Cloud Competency 2016 SE: Modern Data Center Competency 2016 SE: Portfolio Competency 2016 Technology Architect, EMC Storage & Information Infrastructure Specialist Version 5.0 (EMCTA) Technology Architect, Networked Storage - SAN Specialist Version 4.0 (EMCTA) Technology Architect, VNX Solutions Specialist - EMCTA VCE - Architecting Vblock™ Systems Velocity Affiliate-Sales Velocity Affiliate-SE Velocity Sales: Consolidate and Backup Recovery Velocity Systems Storage Engineer Consolidate 2012 Technical Expert Certification ESET Business Products V6 Overview Training Eset Enpoint 6 Sales Certification ESET ERA Endpoint Certification ITIL v2 ITIL v3 AD-101 Technical Certified BIG-IP Administrator F5 Accredited Sales Professional F5 Accredited Sales Professional F5 Accredited Security Pre-Sales F5 Accredited Technical Pre-Sales Product Consultant for LTM System Engineer for LTM Accredited Integration Specialist Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) - HP Thin Client Solutions Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) - HP Thin Client Solutions Accredited Systems Engineer AIS - AIS - HP Thin Client Solutions [2008] AIS - HP Operations Manager Software v8 for Windows AIS - HP ProCurve Networking [2010] AIS - HP ProCurve Networking 2010 AIS Bladesystem 2009 APC - APC - HP Superdome Server Solutions [2005] APC - HP Superdome Server Solutions APP - APP - HP Enterprise Solutions APP - APP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] APP - Enterprise Solutions APP - HP Enterprise Solutions APP - HP Enterprise Solutions APP - HP Enterprise Solutions APP - HP Enterprise Solutions APP Enterprise Solution Applying HP FlexNetwork Fundamentals (HP0-Y49) APS APS APS Architecting HP Server Solutions ASC - 2011 Selling HP Convergerd Infrastructure HP2-E33 ASC - ASC - OpenView Solutions (expired) ASC - ASC - ProCurve Networking [2005] ASC - ASC - ProCurve Networking [2005] ASC - HP OpenView Solutions ASC - HP ProCurve ASC - HP ProCurve Accredited Sales Consultant ASC - HP Procurve Networking Accredited Sales Consultant ASC - HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Consultant ASC - HP ProCurve Networking Accredited SalesConsultant ASC - HP Superdome 2 Server Solutions [2011] Exam HP2-Q05 ASC - HP Superdome 2 Server Solutions 2011 Exam HP2-Q05 ASC - Selling HP Enterprise Storage Solutions (Exam HP2-K03) ASC - Selling HP Integrity Server Solutions[2010] Exam HP2-Q04 ASC HP Selling Enterprise Solutions Exam HP2-E31 ASC -Selling HP Virtualization Solutions Exam HP2-E28 ASC Selling HP Virtualization Solutions 2011 Exam HP2-E36 ASC-HP Virtualization Solutions [2010] Exam HP2-E28 ASE ASE - HP ProCurve Mobility 2010 ASE bladesystem 2009 ASP ASP - ASP - HP Commercial SMB Solutions [2006] ASP - ASP - HP Enterprise Solutions ASP - ASP - HP Enterprise Solutions ASP - ASP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] ASP - ASP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] ASP - ASP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] ASP - ASP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] ASP - ASP - HP Imaging and Printing Solutions [2009] ASP - ASP - HP Thin Client Solutions [2008] ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2005] (inactive) ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2005] (inactive) ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2005] (inactive) ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2005] (inactive) ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2008] ASP - ASP - ProCurve Networking [2008] ASP - ASP - Specialty in Office Printing [2008] ASP - ASP - Specialty in Office Printing [2008] ASP - ASP - Specialty in Office Printing [2008] ASP - ASP - Specialty in Office Printing [2008] ASP – Enterprise Solutions 2010 Exam HP2-E31 ASP - Exam HP2-E21 Selling HP Commercial Solutions ASP - HP Procurve Netorking Accredited Sales Professional ASP - HP ProCurve Networking [2009]. (ASP – Accredited Sales Professional) ASP - HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional ASP/ASC - Selling HP E-Series Networking Solutions, Rev. 10.41- Exam HP2-Z16 BSM - Business Service Management Assessment BSM - Business Service Management Assessment BTO - Foundation for Partners BTO - Foundation for Partners BTO Sales Cert Building Server Solutions (HP2-T29) CSA - HP-UX v11 DCA - Data Center Automation Assessment DCA - Data Center Automation Assessment E23 - Technical Essentials of HP Enterprise Products Exam HP0-085 Planning & Designing HP Superdome Server Solutions Exam HP0-505 Planning and Designing HP Enterprise Solutions (inactive) Exam HP0-K02 Implementing HP BladeSystem (inactive) Exam HP2-043 ProCurve Accredited Sales Consultant (inactive) Exam HP2-056 ProCurve Sales Professional Exam HP2-893 OpenView Solutions (inactive) Exam HP2-977 Selling HP Enterprise Solutions v2 (inactive) Exam HP2-B31 HP Imaging and Printing Technical Fundamentals Exam HP2-B32 HP Web Jetadmin Printer Fleet Management Exam HP2-B35 HP Imaging and Printing Sales Fundamentals Exam HP2-B37 Advanced Offline Printing - Sales Exam HP2-F01 Technical Essentials of HP Enterprise Products (inactive) Exam HP2-H19 HP Client Virtualization Solutions (HP2-H19) Exam HP2-T11 Industry Standard Architecture & Technology Exam HP2-T11 Industry Standard Architecture & Technology Exam HP2-T16 Industry Standard Architecture and Technology Exam HP2-Z01 ProCurve Sales Professional 8.11 HP - Industry Standard Arch & Tech HP Accredited Integration Specialist - SiteScope v11 HP Accredited Technical Professional - TippingPoint Security V1 HP Advanced Sales Certified - Client Virtualization HP Advanced Sales Certified - Client Virtualization HP Advanced Sales Certified - Enterprise Networking Solutions and Services [2014] HP Advanced Sales Certified - Enterprise Server Solutions and Services [2014] HP Advanced Sales Certified - Enterprise Server Solutions and Services [2015] HP Advanced Sales Certified - Enterprise Storage Solutions and Services [2014] HP Advanced Sales Certified - Enterprise Storage Solutions and Services [2014] HP Advanced Sales Certified - Professional Services [2012] HP AIS - HP BladeSystem (2007) HP AIS - HP ProLiant ML/DL Servers (2007) HP AIS - HP StorageWorks (2008) HP AIS - ProCurve Networking (2006) HP- AIS- Operations Manager Software v8 for Wins HP- AIS- Operations Manager Software v8 for Wins HP ANLM – Automated Network Lifecycle Management Assessment HP APC - Enterprise Storage Solutions (2005) HP APP HP ASC - HP enterprise Storage Solutions (2010) - Exam HP2-K18 HP ASC - ProCurve Networking (2005) HP ASC - Selling HP Superdome Server Solutions - Exam HP2-Q02 HP ASC - Selling HP superdome Server Solutions - Exam HP2-Q02 HP ASC - Virtualiztion Solutions [2011] Exam HP2-E36 HP ASC Selling HP Integrity Solutions Exam HP2-Q04 HP ASC Speciality in HP StorageWorks XP Solutions Exam HP2-K16 HP ASE HP ASE - Data Center and Cloud Architect V2 HP ASE - HP BladeSystem (2007) HP ASE - HP CCI (Blade PC) (2006) HP ASE - HP ProLiant ML/DL Servers (2007) HP ASE - Network Infrastructure HP ASE - Server Solutions Architect V2 HP ASP - HP CCI (Blade PC) (2006) HP ASP - HP Enterprise Solutions - Exam HP2-E26 HP ASP - HP Enterprise Solutions - Exam HP2-E26 HP ASP - ProCurve Networking (2005) HP ATP - BladeSystem Solutions Integrator V8.1 HP ATP - FlexNetwork Solutions V3 HP ATP - Server Administrator V8 HP ATP - Server Solutions V2 HP ATP - Server Solutions V2 HP ATP - Server Solutions V2 (HP0-S41) HP ATP - Storage Solutions V1 HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP BladeSystem 2007 Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE) HP Bladesystem 2009 ASE HP BSM – Business Service Management Assessment HP BURA SA ENABLEMENT WORKSHOP HP DCA – Data Center Automation Assessment HP Enterprise Solutions HP G8 Sales HP ITSM - IT Service Management Assessment HP Master ASE HP Master ASE - Campus LAN 2010 HP Master ASE - Network Infrastructure HP Master ASE - Storage Solutions [2011] HP Master ASE - Storage Solutions Architect V1 HP Master ASE - Superdome 2 Server Solutions Architect V1 HP OpenView Certified Consultant HP Operations Orchestration 9.x HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP Proliant University 2009 HP Proliant University 2009 HP Sales Certified - ArcSight Security Solutions [2014] HP Sales Certified – Business Service Management Solutions [2014] HP Sales Certified – Converged Infrastructure Solutions [2014] HP Sales Certified - Fortify Security Solutions [2014] HP Sales Certified - Networking Solutions and Services [2014] HP Sales Certified - Selling Vertica Big Data Solutions [2013] HP Sales Certified - Servers, Converged Systems and Services [2015] HP Sales Certified - Storage Solutions and Services [2014] HP Sales Certified – Support Services Level I [2012] HP Sales Certified - Support Services Level II [2012] HP Sales Certified - TippingPoint Security Solutions [2014] HP Sales Certified - Workstations HP Sales Certified - Workstations HP Sales Certified - Workstations HP Sales Certified - Workstations HP Service Manager 9.x Software HP Technical Certified I - Workstations HP Vertica Solutions HP/LeftHand Networks SANiQ 8.0 Install and Configure HP2-Z07 Advanced Enterprise Networking HPE Sales Certified - Entprise Solutions (2016) Implementing HP StorageWorks EVA Solution LeftHand Certified Sales Professional M24 HP Operations Manager Software v8 for Windows Master Accredited Systems Engineer Master ASE Planning and Designing HP Enterprise Solutions Planning and Designing HP Enterprise Solutions (HP0-D07) Printing and Imaging Fundamentals Technical ProCurve Sales Professional SANiQ Features and Implementation Selling HP Client Virtualization Solutions (HP5-H01D) Selling HP Enterprise Networking Solutions and Services (HP2-Z28) Selling HP Networking Solutions and Services (HP2-Z27) Tipping Point MASE - Technical Security Expert WBJ (Web Jetadmin) 10 Printer Fleet Management Technical System X - Sales Websphere Portlet Factory Lotus Technical Sales Professional v1 330 IBM Power Systems Tech Supp for AIX/Linux 908 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 Implementation Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure Storage Sales Professional v5 Cognos TM1 10.1 Cognos TM1 10.1 Administrator IBM Big Data and Analytics Sales Mastery v2 IBM Certification Deployment Professional Tivoli Application Dependency and Discovery Manager v73 IBM Certification SOA Solution Designer 2007 IBM Certified Administrator Cognos 10BI IBM Certified Administrator Tivoli Monitoring v6.2.3 IBM Certified ADP - IBM Service Management Service Delivery and Process Automation V5 IBM Certified Advisor - Internet Security Systems Technical v1 (ISSSP) IBM Certified Application Developer IBM Certified Associate - SPSS Modeler Data Analyst IBM Certified Associate - SPSS Modeler Data Analyst V2 IBM Certified Associate - Tivoli Storage Manager V6.3 IBM Certified Associate Notes and Domino IBM Certified Associate Notes and Domino IBM Certified Associate Social Software & Unified Communications IBM Certified Associate SPSS Modeler Data Analyst v2 IBM Certified Associate System Administrator IBM Certified Associate Websphere Portal & Portal Products IBM Certified Associate-Websphere Portal and Portal Products IBM Certified Deployment Professional IBM Certified Deployment Professional IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Security Access Manager for Mobile IBM Certified Deployment Professional - SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Service Request Management IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Netcool Core V2.0 IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Rational Requisite Pro IBM Certified Deployment Professional Security SiteProtector System v2.0 SP 8.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional TADDM v7.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional TAMIT v7.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Access Manager for e-business v6.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Asset Management for IT v7.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Asset Managemetn for IT v7.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Monitoring v6.2 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Netcool Core v3.0 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Storage Manager v6.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional Tivoli Storage Manager v6.2 IBM Certified Deployment Professional-Tivoli Application Dependency and Discovery Manager v7.1 IBM Certified Deployment Professional-Tivoli Endpoint Manager v8.2 IBM Certified Deployment Professional-Tivoli Storage Manager v6.1 IBM Certified Designer - Cognos 10 BI Reports IBM Certified Designer-Cognos 10 BI Reports IBM Certified SOA Solution Designer 2007 IBM Certified Solution Advisor-Tivoli Service Availability and Performance Management Solutions v2 IBM Certified Solution Advisor-Tivoli Service Availability and Performance Management Solutions v2 IBM Certified Solution Architect Cloud Computing Infrastructure v1 IBM Certified Specialist - FileNet Business Process Manager IBM Certified Specialist - FileNet Content Manager V5.1 IBM Certified Specialist System x High Performance Servers IBM Certified Specialist System x Technical Principles IBM Certified Specialist xSeries Servers IBM Certified System Administrator IBM Certified System Administrator - Sametime 8.5 IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Commerce V6.0 IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Commerce V6.0 IBM Certified System Administrator Websphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.0 IBM Certified System Administrator Websphere Commerce v6.0 IBM Certified System Administrator-IBM Lotus Sametime 8.0 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Sales Professional v2 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Sales Professional v3 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Solution Sales Professional v1 IBM Commerce Solution Supply Chain Mgmt Sales Professional v1 IBM Commerce Solutions Selling Technical Mastery Test v1 IBM Commerce Solutions Selling Technical Professional 1 IBM Commerce Solutions Selling Technical Professional v1 IBM Cúram Social Program Management Sales Professional v2 IBM Emptoris Services Procurement Sales Professional IBM Enterprise Content Management Sales Professional v2 IBM Enterprise Content Management Sales Professional v3 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Sales Professional v1 IBM Hosted SaaS - Entry Sales Professional v1 IBM Infopshere DataStage Fundamentals Technical Professional v1 IBM Information Management DB2 Technical Sales Professional IBM Information Management DB2 Technical Sales Professional v1 IBM Information Management on Demand Technical Professional v1 IBM Infospehere Guardium technical professional v2 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Technical Professional v1 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Technical Professional v2 IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Fundamentals Technical Professional v1 IBM Initiate Master Data Service Professional v1 IBM Internet Security Systems Sales Professional v1 (ISSSP) IBM ISS Sales IBM Lotus Advanced Collaboration Solution Sales Professional v1 IBM Lotus Connections Technical Sales Mastery Test v1 IBM Lotus Notes & Domino Sales Professional v2 IBM Lotus Notes & Domino Technical Sales Professional v2 IBM Lotus Notes & Domino Technical Sales Professional v2 IBM Lotus Quickr Technical Sales Mastery v2 IBM Managed File Transfer Sales Professional v2 IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management Sales Professional v4 IBM Maximo Enterprise Asset Management Sales Professional v5 IBM MobileFirst Sales Professional IBM MobileFirst Sales Professional v1 IBM MobileFirst Sales Professional v1 IBM MobileFirst Sales Professional v2 IBM MobileFirst Sales Professional v2 IBM Notes and Domino Sales Mastery v3 IBM Power 7 Common Technical Sales Skills -V1 IBM Rational Application Developer Tech Sales Mastery v1 IBM Rational Enterprise Modernization Solution Sales Professional v1 IBM Rational System Sales Professional v1 IBM Rational Systems & Software Engineering Sales Professional v2 IBM Security Intelligence Sales Profressional v1 IBM SmartCloud for Social Business Technical Professional v4 IBM SmartCloud for Social Business Technical Professional v4 IBM Smarter Process Sales Mastery v1 IBM SPSS Modeler Sales Professional v1 IBM SPSS Predictive Analytics Sales Mastery v1 IBM SPSS Statistics Sales Professional v1 IBM TGVL Cloud Computing Test IBM TGVL: Software Foundation IBM Tivoli Automation Sales Professional v4 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Asset Management Sales Mastery Test v3 IBM Tivoli Internet Security Systems Sales Mastery Test v2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring v6.2 Implementation IBM Tivoli Security Solution Sales Professional v4 IBM Tivoli Storage Sales Professional v4 IBM Tivoli Storage Solution Sales Professional v3 IBM Websphere MQ Techmical Sales Mastery v2 IBM Websphere Portal Technical Sales Profesional v3 IBM Websphere Solution Sales Professional v5 ICS SmartCloud for Social Business Sales Mastery Test v1 Information Management Content Management and Discovery Technical Sales Professional v. 1 Information Management Content Management OnDemand Technical Professional Information Management Content Management OnDemand Technical Professional v1 Information Management DB2 Technical Professional v2 Information Management DB2 Technical Professional v2 Information Management Enterprise Content Management Solution Sales Professional v1 Information Management Optim Technical Professional v2 Information Management Optim z/OS Technical Professional v1 Information Management Solution Slaes Professional v3 ISSSP (IBM Certified Advisor - Internet Security Systems Technical v1) ISSSP (IBM Internet Security Systems Sales Professional v1) Lotus Notes Lotus Notes & Domino Solution Sales Professional v1 Lotus Quickr Technical Sales Professional v1 Lotus Quickr Technical Sales Professional v2 Lotus Sametime Technical Sales Professional v1 Lotus Symphony Technical Sales Professional v1 Lotus Symphony Technical Sales Professional v1 M135-Rational Solutions Sales Mastery Test v2 M2020-799: IBM Financial and Operational Performance Management Sales Mastery Test v1 M2020-799: IBM Financial and Operational Performance Management Sales Mastery Test v1 M233 IBM Social Business Solution Sales Mastery Test v1 M643 Information Management Solution Sales Mastery Test v4 P5050-751 - IBM Cloudant Fundamentals Technical Mastery Test v1 Power System Sales for AIX and Linux Power Systems - Sales Power Systems with Power7 and AIX Technical sales skills - V1 Ratonal System Sales Professional v1 Social Software and Unified Communications Sales Professional v1 Software Subscription & Support Sales Mastery System Storage - Sales TGVL: Software Fundamentals Tivoli Automation Solution Sales Professional v2 Tivoli Automation Solution Sales Professional v3 Tivoli Enterprise Asset Management Sales Professional v1 Tivoli Enterprise Asset Management Sales Professional v2 Tivoli Security Solution Sales Professional v2 Tivoli Storage Solution Sales Professional v3 Top Gun - IBM TGVL: Collaboration Solutions Basics Websphere Portal Family Sales Professional v1 WebSphere Portal Technical Sales Mastery v2 Websphere Portal Technical Sales Mastery v2 Websphere Portal Technical Sales Professional v3 Websphere Solution Sales Professional V3 Websphere Solution Sales Professional v3 Websphere Solution Sales Professional v4 Enterprise Storage Technical Support V3 IBM Certified Sales Specialist - Power Systems with POWER IBM Certified Sales Specialist - Power Systems with Power8 V1 IBM Certified Specialist - Enterprise Storage Technical Support V2 IBM Certified Specialist -- IBM BladeCenter V4 IBM Certified Specialist - Power Systems Technical Support for AIX and Linux IBM Certified Systems Expert - System x High Performance Servers Technical Support V4 IBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist Power Systems with POWER8 Enterprise V2 IBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out V1 IBM Power Nexsan Assurureon Nexsan E-Series Nexsan NST CISSP ISC2 -- (CISSP) Certified Information Systems Security Professional ISC2 -- (ISSAP) Information Systems Security Architecture Professional ISC2 - (ISSEP) Information Systems Security Engineering Professional ISC2 -- (ISSMP) Information Systems Security Management Professional CISSP CISSP CISSP ISSAP ISSAP 3.1 Exin - ITIL Foundations ITIL - (Pink Elephant) ITIL - Foundations ITIL - V3 Foundations Ixia Security Specialization Ixia Technical Specialization Visibility Architecture Course Advanced Security Advanced Security How to Win with Security in 3 Minutes IPv6 in the Enterprise Using EX Series Switches Juniper Networks Sales Associate Advanced Network Infrastructure Juniper Networks Sales Associate Contrail Juniper Networks Sales Associate Enterprise Routing Juniper Networks Sales Associate Enterprise Switching Juniper Networks Sales Associate Firewall Juniper Networks Sales Associate IDP Juniper Networks Sales Associate Policy and Access Control Juniper Networks Sales Associate QFabric Juniper Networks Sales Associate Wireless LAN (WLAN) Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Advanced Network Infrastructure Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Contrail Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Enterprise Routing Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Enterprise Switching Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Firewall Juniper Networks Sales Specialist IDP Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Policy and Access Control Juniper Networks Sales Specialist QFabric Juniper Networks Sales Specialist Wireless LAN (WLAN) Junos Operating System Highlights Latency: Not All Numbers Are Measured the Same Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure Network Simplification with Juniper Networks for Virtual Chassis Technology The Junos Software Advantage 8.8 CLEs 8.8 Engineer Certified LANDesk 9.0 Engineer Certified LanDesk Admin 8.7 Certified LANDesk Engineer 8.7 Certified LANDesk Engineer Version 9 (CLE 9) Certified LANDesk Engineer version 9 (CLE 9) Certified LANDesk Engineer version 9 (CLE 9) CLE CLE LogRhythm Pre-Sales Consultant Training Certification LogRhythm Sales Certification LogRhythm Sales Certification 2011 Data Protection Sales Professional 2011 Network Defense Sales Professional 2011 Risk & Compliance Sales Professional 2011 System Security Sales Professional 2011 Web & Email Security Sales Professional Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection ePolicy Orchestrator (PS-102.03 EN) Host Intrusion Prevention (PS-401.08 EN) Insight Partner Portal Certification Continuing Education McAfee 2010 Technical Professional McAfee Data Protection Technical Professional McAfee Sales Professional McAfee SecurityAlliance Exchange (MAX) McAfee SecurityAlliance Exchange (MAX) McAfee System Security Technical Professional McAfee System Security Technical Professional Network Defense Network DLP (Reconnex) (PS-803 EN) Network Secruity Network Security Network Security Network Security Network Security Network Security Network Security Network Security Network Security Risk & Compliance Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Management Risk & Compliance Managment Risk and Compliance Risk and Compliance Management Sales Advocate Sales Advocate Sales Advocate Sales Advocate Data Protection Sales Advocate Data Protection Continuing Education Sales Advocate for Data Protection Sales Advocate for Data Protection 2011 Sales Advocate for Network Defense 2011 Sales Advocate for Network Security Sales Advocate for Risk & Compliance Sales Advocate for Risk & Compliance 2011 Sales Advocate for System Security Sales Advocate for System Security 2011 Sales Advocate for Web & Email Security 2011 Sales Advocate Network Defense Sales Advocate Network Defense Continuing Education Sales Advocate Risk & Compliance Sales Advocate Risk and Compliance Continuing Education Sales Advocate System Security Sales Advocate System Security Continuing Education Sales Advocate Web & Email Sales Advocate Web & Email Continuing Education Sales Professional Data Protection Sales Professional Data Protection Sales Professional Data Protection Continuing Education Sales Professional Network Defense Sales Professional Network Defense Continuing Education Sales Professional Risk & Compliance Sales Professional Risk and Compliance Continuing Education Sales Professional System Security Sales Professional System Security Continuing Education Sales Professional Web & Email Continuing Education Sales Professional Web & Email Security Sales Requirements Mobile Security Continuing Education Secure Computing Secure Computing / McAfee - IronMail 6.5 Secure Computing / McAfee - Sidewinder v7 System Security System Security System Security System Security System Security VirusScan Enterprise & AntiSpyware Enterprise (PS-101.04) Mellanox Ethernet Certification: Part 1 Product Review Provision Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 070- 642 Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 070-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 070-088 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft® Proxy Server 2.0 070-089 Designing, Implementing, and Managing, a Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Infr 070-178 TS: Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server 070-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructur 070-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment 070-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment 070-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment 070-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 070-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 070-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 070-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 070-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 070-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network 070-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network 070-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network 070-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network 070-220 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network 070-221 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure 070-222 Migrating from Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 070-222 Migrating from Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 070-223 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Clustering Services by Using Microsoft W 070-224 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 070-224 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 070-224 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 070-225 Designing and Deploying a Messaging Infrastructure with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 070-236 TS: Exchange Server 2007, Configuring 070-236 TS: Exchange Server 2007, Configuring 070-236 TS: Exchange Server 2007, Configuring 070-237 PRO: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 070-237 PRO: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 070-238 PRO: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 070-238 PRO: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 070-243 Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 070-243 Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 070-243 Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 070-246 Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 070-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 070-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 070-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 070-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 070-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 070-271 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System 070-272 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applicationson a Microsoft Windows XP Ope 070-272 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applicationson a Microsoft Windows XP Ope 070-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 070-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 070-285 Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization 070-290 Managing & Maintaining a MS Win Server 2003 Environment 070-290 Managing & Maintaining a MS Win Server 2003 Environment 070-290 Managing & Maintaining a MS Win Server 2003 Environment 070-290 Managing & Maintaining a MS Win Server 2003 Environment 070-291 Implement, Managing and Maintaining a MS Win Server 2003 Network Infrastructure 070-291 Implement, Managing&Maintaining a MS Win 2003 Network Infra 070-291 Implement, Managing&Maintaining a MS Win 2003 Network Infra 070-291 Implement, Managing&Maintaining a MS Win 2003 Network Infra 070-291 Implement, Managing&Maintaining a MS Win 2003 Network Infra 070-291 Implement, Managing&Maintaining a MS Win 2003 Network Infra 070-292 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Cert 070-292 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Cert 070-292 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Cert 070-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure 070-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infraastructure 070-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory 070-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory 070-296 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for 070-296 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for 070-296 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for 070-298 Designing Security for a Microsoft Win Server 2003 Network 070-336 Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013 070-336 Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013 070-337 Enterprise Voice & Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 070-337 Enterprise Voice Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 070-341 Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 070-342 Advanced Solutions of Exchange Server 2013 070-400 TS: MS System Center Operations Manager, Configuring 070-401 MS System Center Configuration Manager 2007, Configuring 070-401 MS System Center Configuration Manager 2007, Configuring 070-401 MS System Center Configuration Manager 2007, Configuring 070-403 TS: System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Configuring 070-413 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure 070-413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure 070-414 Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure 070-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure 070-417 Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 070-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 070-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 070-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 070-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 070-432 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance 070-432 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance 070-433 TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development 070-450 PRO: Designing, Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administrative Solution Using Micro 070-450 PRO: Designing, Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administrative Solution Using Micro 070-451 PRO: Designing Database Solutions and Data Access Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 070-457 Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server 2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Part 1 070-464 Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases 070-464 Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases 070-465 Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 070-620 TS: Configuring Windows Vista Client 070-624 TS: Deploying and Maintaining Windows Vista Client and 2007 Microsoft Office System Deskt 070-640 TS Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 TS Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-640 Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 070-642 TS Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 070-642 TS Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 070-642 Windows Server 2008 Netowrk Infrastructure, Configuring 070-642 Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 070-642 Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 070-643 TS Windows Server 2008 Application Infrastructure, Configuring 070-643 TS Windows Server 2008 Application Infrastructure, Configuring 070-643 TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring 070-643 TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring 070-646 Pro Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-646 Pro Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-646 Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-646 Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-646 Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-646 Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator 070-647 Pro Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-647 Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-647 Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-647 Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-647 Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-647 Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator 070-648 TS Upgrading your MCSAon Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Spec 070-649 TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Spe 070-649 TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Spe 070-649 TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Spe 070-652 TS: Windows Server Virtualization, Configuration 070-656 TS: Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, Configuring 070-659 TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization 070-659 TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization 070-662 TS Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring 070-662 TS Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring 070-662 TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring 070-662 TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring 070-663 PRO Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 070-663 Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange 070-663 Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange 070-664 TS: Lync Server 2010, Configuration 070-664 TS: Lync Server 2010, Configuration 070-664 TS: Lync Server 2010, Configuration 070-664 TS: Lync Server 2010, Configuration 070-664 TS: Lync Server 2010, Configuration 070-665 PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administration 070-665 PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administration 070-665 PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administration 070-665 PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administration 070-669 TS Windows Server 2008 R2, Desktop Virtualization 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organiz 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large Organizations 070-672 Designing and Providing Volume Licensing Solutions for Large 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Management (SAM) 070-673 Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-673 Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-673 Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-673 Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-673 Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-673 TS: Designing, Assessing and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 070-680 TS Windows 7, Configuring 070-680 TS: Windows 7, Configuring 070-680 TS: Windows 7, Configuring 070-680 TS: Windows 7, Configuring 070-682 PRO Upgrading to Windows 7 MCITP Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 070-682 Pro: Upgrade to Wndws 7 MCITP Enterprise Dsktp Support Tech 070-693 PRO Windows Server 2008 R2, Virtualization Administrator 070-693 Pro: Windows Server 2008 R2, Virtualization Administrator 2008 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) 3779 CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network 3779 CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network+ 3780 CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Server+ 3902 CompTIA Security+ 3902 CompTIA Security+ 3902 CompTIA Security+ 3975 ITIL Certification 4988 CompTIA Server+ 4990 CompTIA Network+ 4990 CompTIA Network+ 5031 CompTIA A+ 5031 CompTIA A+ 5031 CompTIA A+ 5031 CompTIA A+ 620 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastruct 659 TS Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization 673 TS: Designing, Assessing, and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM) 70- 624 Deploying Vista 70-018 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.2 70-026 System Administration of Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 70-028 Administering Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 70-028 Administering Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 70-029 Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft® SQL Server 7.0 70-030 Microsoft® Windows™ 3.1 Exam 70-037 Microsoft® Mail for PC Networks 3.2 - Enterprise Exam 70-042 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 70-042 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 70-042 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 70-043 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 70-043 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 70-043 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 70-047 Networking with Microsoft® Windows™ 3.1 Exam 70-053 Microsoft® TCP/IP for Microsoft® Windows NT™ Exam 70-053 Microsoft® TCP/IP for Microsoft® Windows NT™ Exam 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-058 Networking Essentials 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-059 Internetworking with Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-063 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows 95 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-067 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-068 Implementing and Supporting NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-073 Implementing and Supporting NT 4.0 Workstation 70-077 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Informaiton Server 3.0 and Index Server 1.1 70-077 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 and Index Server 1.1 70-081 Implementing and Supporting MS Exchange Server 5.5 70-081 Implementing and Supporting MS Exchange Server 5.5 70-081 Implementing and Supporting MS Exchange Server 5.5 70-081 Implementing and Supporting MS Exchange Server 5.5 70-086 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 70-087 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 70-087 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 70-087 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 70-202 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 70-203 Updating Support Skills from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 70-209 Updating Administration and Support Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.x to Microsoft E 70-228 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition 70-229 Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition 70-235 TS: Developing Busniess Process and Integration Solutions using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 70-236 TS: Exchange Server 2007, Configuring 70-237 PRO: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 70-238 PRO: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 70-240 Microsoft Windows 2000 Accelerated Exam for MCPs Certified on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-240 Microsoft Windows 2000 Accelerated Exam for MCPs Certified on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 70-270 Install, Conf & Administering MS Windows XP Professional 70-282 Designing, Deploying and Managing a Network Solution for the Small and Medium-sized Busin 70-285 Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization 70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment 70-300 Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures 70-315 Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft V 70-316 Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and 70-320 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and the 70-331 Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-331 Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-331 Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-332 Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-332 Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-332 Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 70-334 Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements 70-347 Enabling Office 365 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services 70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 70-431 TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Implementation and Maintenance 70-441 PRO: Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 70-442 PRO: Designing and Optimizing Data Access by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 ϳϬͲϰϴϬWƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐŝŶ,dD>ϱǁŝƚŚ:ĂǀĂ^ĐƌŝƉƚĂŶĚ^^ϯ ĐƚŝǀĞ 70-486 Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications 70-486 Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications 70-487 Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services 70-487 Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services 70-487 Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services 70-488 Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions 70-489 Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions 70-513 TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 70-515 TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 70-516 TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions 70-541 - TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 - Application Development 70-542 TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 - Application Development 70-553 UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft.NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Application Developer by Using the 70-554 UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft .NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Application Developer by Using the 70-573 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development 70-573 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development 70-576 Pro: Designing and developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications ϳϬͲϱϳϲWƌŽ͗ĞƐŝŐŶŝŶŐĂŶĚĚĞǀĞůŽƉŝŶŐDŝĐƌŽƐŽĨƚ^ŚĂƌĞWŽŝŶƚϮϬϭϬĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ ĐƚŝǀĞ 70-583 Pro: Designing and Developing Microsoft Azure Applications 70-595 TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions by Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2 70-630: TS: Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007, Configuring 70-659 TS Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization 70-667 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring 70-667 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring 70-667 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring 70-667 TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring 70-668 PRO: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator 70-668 PRO: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator 70-668 PRO: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator 70-668 PRO: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator 70-680 TS Windows 7, Configuring 70-680 TS: Windows 7, Configuring 70-686 Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator 74-325 Administering Office 365 for Small Business 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 74-678: Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations 98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals 98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 98-366 Networking Fundamentals 98-367 Security Fundamentals Administering Windows Server 2012 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure Enabling Office 365 Services Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements MB2-702 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Deployment MB2-703 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customization and Configuration MB2-704 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Application MB2-705 Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations MB2-866 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 customization and configuration MB2-867 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Installation and Deployment MB2-868 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 applications MB5-858 Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations MCSA Messagining on Windows Server 2003 MCSA Windows Server 2003 MCSE Messaging on Windows Server 2003 MCSE Windows NT 4.0 MCSE Windows Server 2003 MCSE: Messaging MCTS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization Microsft Certified Technolgy Specialist (MCTS): Windows 7 Configuration Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller - Academic Volume Licensing Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician: Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Enterprise Messaging Administrator on Exchange 2010 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Server Administrator on Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Desktop Administrator on Windows 7 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Desktop Support Technician on Windows 7 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Messaging Administrator on Exchange 2010 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Messaging Administrator on Exchange 2010 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Server Administrator on Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Virtualization Administrator on Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet: MCPI 2.0 - Certified Professional + Internet Microsoft Certified Professional: MCP 2.0 -- Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Professional: MCP 2.0 -- Certified Professional (Legacy) Microsoft Certified Professional: Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Professional: Microsoft Certified Professional + Internet Microsoft Certified Professional:MCP 2.0 Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Solution Associate: Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Windows 2000) Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Windows 2000) - Security Specialiization Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer: Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer:Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Windows 7, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Confi Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Virtualization Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configurati Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 Application Infrastructure, Co Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, C Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Conf Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 R2, Desktop Virtualization Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory: Configuration Microsoft Certiifed Technology Specialist Microsoft® Certified Technology Specialist ͼMCTSͽ Microsoft Windows Vista®, Configuration Microsoft® Certified Technology Specialist ͼMCTSͽ Windows Server® 2008 Active Directory, Configura Microsoft® Certified Technology Specialist ͼMCTSͽ Windows Server® 2008 Network Infrastructure, Co Microsoft® Certified Technology Specialist ͼMCTS) Windows Server® 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Mirosoft Certified Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Administrator on WIndows Server 2008 TS: Designing, Assessing, and Optimizing Software Asset Management Windows 2000 MCP Windows 2000 MCSE Windows XP MCP Advanced Data Capture (ADC) Platform Technical Certification Advanced Data Capture Sales Professional Advanced Data Capture Technical Associate Mobile Computing Platform Technical Certification Mobile Computing Sales Professional Mobile Computing Technical Associate RFID Sales Professional RFID Technical Associate NASP - NetApp Sales Professional NASP NetApp Sales Professional NetApp - Accredited Storage Architect Netapp - Architecting and Designing for FlexPod NetApp Accredited Sales Professional NetApp Accredited Sales Professional NetApp Accredited Sales Professional NetApp Accredited Sales Professional NetApp Accredited Sales Professional ( NASP ) NetApp Accredited Sales Professional (NASP) NetApp Accredited Storage Architect Professional Exam ( ASAP ) NetApp Accredited Storage Architect Program ( ASAP ) NetApp Accredited Technical Sales Professional NetApp ASAP NetApp ASAP NetApp ASP NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator ( NCDA ) NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator ( NCDA ) NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineer NetApp NASP NetApp NASP NetApp NASP Netapp NASP Technical Certification Netapp NASP Technical Certification NetApp Sales Professional NASP NetApp SVAP Certified NetIQ Sales IT Operations Management Certified NetIQ Salesperson 2012 for Identity, Security and Governance Management Certified NetIQ Salesperson 2012 for IT Operations Management Certified NetIQ Salesperson 2013 for Identity, Security and Governance Management Certified NetIQ Salesperson 2013 for IT Operations Management Certified NetIQ Salesperson Identity, Security and Governance Management Nimble Sales Professional Nimble Technical Sales Professional NS-1001-E - Introduction to Nimble Storage NSP - Nimble Sales Professional NTS-1001-E: Introduction to Nimble Storage Technology NTS-2001-I Nimble Introduction and Administration NTS-2001-I: Nimble Introduction and Administration Certified Novell Administrator 4 Certified Novell Salesperson Certified Novell Salesperson 2011 - Data Center Certified Novell Salesperson 2011 - End User Computing Certified Novell Salesperson 2011 - Identity and Security Certified Novell Salesperson 2012 Certified SUSE Salesperson 2012 Certified Workload Management Administrator Certifited SUSE Salesperson CNE Systems & Resource Technical Specialist Nutanix NPSR Nutanix Platform Sales - NOS3 - NPSR3 Nutanix Platform Sales - NPSR3 Nutanix Platform Sales Engineer - NPSE3 Nutanix Platform Sales Engineer Certification Nutanix Platform Sales Engineer on NOS3 - NPSE3 Nutanix Sales Academy -NPSR Assessment Oracle X85 Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Assessment Oracle X85 Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Assessment: Product Essentials for Sales 2015 - Oracle X86 Servers Cloud Builder 2012 Pre-Sales Specialist Cloud Builder 2012 Pre-Sales Specialist Cloud Builder 2012 Sales Specialist Customer Support (Advanced Customer Services) V3.0 Digital Media Solutions 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist Digital Media Solutions 2016 Sales Specialist Enterprise Communications Broker Pre-Sales Consultant Enterprise Communications Broker Sales Consultant Enterprise Communications Operations Monitor Pre-Sales Consultant Enterprise Communications Operations Monitor Sales Consultant Enterprise Communications Session Border Controller 7.3 Sales Specialist Enterprise SIP Trunking Assessment Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Pre-Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Pre-Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Pre-Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Technology Support Specialist Exadata Database Machine X2-2 and X2-8 Technology Support Specialist Exadata Database Machine X3-2 and X3-8 Pre-Sales Specialist Exadata Database Machine X3-2 and X3-8 Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Pre-Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Pre-Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Sales Specialist Exalogic Elastic Cloud X2-2 Support Specialist Exalytics In-Memory Machine X4-2 Pre-Sales Specialist Exalytics In-Memory Machine X4-2 Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers 2014 Technical Fujitsu M10 Servers 2014 Technical Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers 2014 Technical Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Sales Specialist Fujitsu M10 Servers Sales Specialist MySQL Pre-Sales Specialist MySQL Pre-Sales Specialist MySQL Pre-Sales Specialist MySQL Pre-Sales Specialist MySQL Sales Specialist MySQL Sales Specialist MySQL Sales Specialist MySQL Sales Specialist MySQL Sales Specialist Oracle Application Grid Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Application Integration Architecture 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Big Data 2014 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Big Data 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Big Data 2015 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Big Data 2015 Sales Specialist Oracle Big Data 2015 Sales Specialist Oracle Certified Associate, MySQL 5 Oracle Cloud Builder 2012 Sales Specialist Oracle Communications Sesson Monitor Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite 7.0 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite 7.0 Sales Specialist Oracle Data Integrator 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Database 11g Support Specialist Oracle Database 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Sales Specialist Oracle Database 12c Sales Specialist Oracle Database Appliance Pre-Sales Oracle Database Appliance Pre-Sales Oracle Database Appliance Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Database Appliance Sales Specialist Oracle Database Appliance Sales Specialist Oracle Database Appliance Sales Specialist Oracle Database Backup and Disaster Recover 2016 Presales Specialist Oracle Database Backup and Disaster Recover 2016 Sales Oracle Database Backup and Disaster Recover 2016 Sales Oracle Database Backup and Disaster Recovery 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle Database Performance and Tuning 2015 Sales Specialist Oracle Database Performance and Tuning Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Communications Infrastructure Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Communications Infrastructure Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata 11g Pre-Sales Survey Oracle Exadata 11g Sales Survey Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle Exadata Database Machine 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2014 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine 2014 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle FS1 Series Pre-Sale Specialist Oracle FS1 Series Sale Specialist Oracle FS1 Series Sale Specialist Oracle FS1 Series Systems Sales Specialist Oracle General Product Support Specials V4.0 Oracle GoldenGate 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle GoldenGate 12c Sales Specialist Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2 Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Certified Implementation Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Certified Implementation Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Sales Specialist Oracle Linux 6 Sales Specialist Oracle Linux Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Linux Sales Specialist Oracle MiniCluster Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle MiniCluster Sales Specialist Oracle Optimized Solution for Cloud Infrastructure Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service Specialist Oracle Primavera P6 EMMS 8 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM 8 Sales Specialist Oracle Privat Cloud Appliance Sales Specialist Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2016 Installation Specialist Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Real Applications Clusters 11g Sales Specialist Oracle Rightnow CX Cloud Service Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Rightnow CX Cloud Service Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Rightnow CX Cloud Service Sales Specialist Oracle Rightnow CX Cloud Service Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris 11 - Product Features and Functions Oracle Solaris 11 Installation and Configuration Certified Implementation Specialist Oracle Solaris 11 Installation and Configuration Certified Implementation Specialist Oracle Solaris 11 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris 11 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris 11 Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Cluster Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Cluster Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Cluster Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Sales Specialist Oracle Solaris Sales Specialist Oracle StorageTek Tape Libraries Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle StorageTek Tape Libraries Sales Specialist Oracle StorageTek Tape Libraries Sales Specialist Oracle StorageTek Tape Libraries Sales Specialist Oracle StorageTek Tape Libraries Sales Specialist Oracle Supercluster 2014 Technical Specialist Oracle SuperCluster 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle SuperCluster 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle SuperCluster 2016 Sales Specialist Oracle SuperCluster T5-8 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle SuperCluster T5-8 Sales Specialist Oracle T5-Based Servers Implementation Specialist Online Oracle Tiered Storage 2014 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Tiered Storage 2014 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Tiered Storage 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Tiered Storage 2014 Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X4-2 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X4-2 Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3 Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Networking - Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Virtual Networking - Sales Specialist Oracle VM 2 Presales Specialist Oracle VM 3 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle VM 3 Sales Specialist Oracle VM 3.0 for X86 Certified Implementation Specialist Oracle VM Pre-Sales Oracle VM Pre-Sales Assessment Oracle VM Pre-Sales Assessment Oracle VM Pre-Sales Assessment Oracle VM Pre-Sales Assessment Oracle VM Pre-Sales Assessment Oracle VM Sales Oracle VM Sales Oracle VM Sales Oracle VM Server 3 for SPARC Implementation Specialist Oracle Weblogic 12c Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle Weblogic Server 12c Sales Specialist Oracle X86 Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle ZFS STorage ZS3 Pre-Sales Specialist Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3 Sales Specialist Oracle ZFS STorage ZS3 Sales Specialist Oracle ZFS STorage ZS3 Sales Specialist Oracle ZFS ZS3 Storage Sales Specialist Oracle ZS3-Storage Implementation Specialist Online OU Sales Readiness for Partners PeopleSoft 9.1 Financial Management Pre-Sales Specialist PeopleSoft 9.1 Financial Management Pre-Sales Specialist PeopleSoft 9.1 Financial Management Pre-Sales Specialist PeopleSoft 9.1 Financial Management Sales Specialist PeopleSoft 9.1 Financial Management Sales Specialist PeopleSoft Support Specialist 4.0 Pillar Axiom 600 Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Pillar Axiom 600 Storage Systems Sales Specialist Pillar Axiom 600 Storage Systems Sales Specialist Pillar Axiom 600 Storage Systems Sales Specialist Principles and Architecture - Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Pre-Sales Specialist Product Essentials for Sales - Oracle X86 Systems Siebel CRM 8.1.1 Sales Pre-Sales Specialist Siebel CRM 8.1.1 Sales Pre-Sales Specialist Siebel CRM 8.1.1. Sales Specialist Siebel CRM 8.1.1. Sales Specialist SPAR T5 Servers 2014 Technical Specialist SPARC Enterprise Entry-Level and Midrange M-Series Servers Presales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Sales Specialist SPARC M5-32 Servers Sales Specialist SPARC Servers 2015 Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC Servers 2015 Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC Servers 2016 Sales Specialist SPARC T4-Base Server Installation Certified Implementation Specialist SPARC T4-Base Servers Presales Specialist SPARC T4-Based Servers Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC T4-Based Servers Sales Specialist SPARC T4-Based Servers Sales Specialist SPARC T4-Based Servers Sales Specialist SPARC T5-Based Server Sales Specialist SPARC T5-Based Server Sales Specialist SPARC T5-Based Servers Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2014 Sales Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2014 Sales Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2014 Technical Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2014 Technical Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2016 Pre-Sales Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2016 Sales Specialist SPARC-Based Servers 2016 Sales Specialist StorageTek SL150 Modular Tape Library Pre-Sales Specialist StorageTek SL150 Modular Tape Library Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Presales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Blade Servers Sales Specialist Sun Flash Storage Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Flash Storage Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Flash Storage Sales Specialist Sun Flash Storage Sales Specialist Sun Modular Disk Storage Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Modular Disk Storage Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun SPARC Entry-Level/Midrange/High-End M-Series Servers Sales Specialist Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Certified Implementation Specialist Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Presales Specialist Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems Sales Specialist Sun X86 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun x86 Servers Pre-Sales Specialist Sun x86 Servers Sales Specialist Sun X86 Systems Presales Specialist Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Pre-Sales Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Sales Specialist Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Sales Specialist Cirba CiRBA CITAM Competent Communicator Coyote Point Network Solutions - Load Balancers Double-Take DTW124 EC-Council - Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) EC-Council - Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) GIAC - GCIA GIAC - GPEN IBSMA Practictioner's Certificate in Assessing Software Asset Management Processess (PCSAM) ISACA -- (CISA) Certified Information Security Auditor ISACA -- (CISM) Certified Information Security Manager ISACA -- (CRISC) Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control Lotus/Domino - CLP Notes Principal System Administrator R4 NSI – Certified DoubleTake Associate NSI – Certified DoubleTake Associate PMP Riverbed - Steelhead Appliance Deployment & Management SANS GCIH SANS GHFA SANS.ORG - GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) SANS.ORG - GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA) SANS/GIAC -- (GCFW) GIAC Certified Firewall Analyst SANS/GIAC -- (GISP) GIAC Information Security Professional SANS/GIAC -- (GSEC) GIAC Security Essentials Certification Security Horizon - NSA INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (IAM) Security Horizon - NSA INFOSEC Evaluation Methodology (IEM) Vision Solutions (Double-Take Software) Sales Pro Vision Solutions (Double-Take) CDP Installed Voice Sales Certification Installed Voice Techincal Certification Microsoft Optimized Solution Sales Certification Microsoft Optimized Solution Techincal Certification Microsoft Video Endpoint Sales Certification Microsoft Video Endpoint Techincal Certification RealPresence Immersive Sales Certification RealPresence Immersive Techincal Certification RealPresence Platform Sales Certification RealPresence Platform Technical Certification Video Endpoints Sales Certification Video Endpoints Technical Certification Voice Endpoints Sales Certification Voice Endpoints Techincal Certification HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) HP ProCurve Networking Accredited Sales Professional (ASP) Proofpoint Channel SE Proofpoint Sales Certification Proofpoint Sales Certification Pure Accredited Technical Specialist Advenced Pure Accredited Technical Specialist Basic Sales Pure Sales Training Pure Technical Training FabricCache Specialist FCA (Fibre Channel Associate) – Technical FCS (Fibre Channel Specialist) – Technical Fibre Channel Specialist IBA (InfiniBand Associate) – Technical QuantumXpert Sales QuantumXpert Training Course: Backup Basics Windows Systems Management Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Cloud Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Data Center Infrastructure Red Hat Accredited Sales Specialized Middleware Solutions Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT) Red Hat Certified Technician (RHEL 4) Red Hat Certified Technician (RHEL 5) BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0 Introduction to Selling RSA enVision v2 Data Security Overveiw Data Security Overview Intro to selling Access Manager Intro to Selling SecureID Intro to Selling SecurID Appliance Intro to Selling SecurID v2 Introduction to Selling RSA Access Manager Introduction to Selling RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite Introduction to Selling RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite Introduction to Selling RSA Digital Certificate Solutions Introduction to Selling RSA SecurID Appliance Introduction to Selling RSA SecurID® v3 Introduction to Selling RSA SecurID® v3 RSA - Certified System Engineer - DLP RSA - Data Loss Prevention 6.0 RSA - enVision (Certified Systems Engineer 4.0) RSA (DLP - Data Loss Prevention 6.0 & 7.X Certified Security Engineer) RSA Certified System Engineer RSA enVision Certified Systems Engineer 4.0 RSA Foundations RSA Foundations RSA Foundations RSA SecurID Choice RSA SecurID Choice RSA SecurID Product Overview RSA SecurID Product Overview RSA SecurID System Engineer RSA SecurID v 7.1X Certified Security Engineer RSACA Sales Associate in Authentication Sales Engineer Associate in Authentication Security Information and Event Management - SIEM GAWN - - GIAC Assessing and Auditing Wireless Networks (GAWN) Scriptlogic Desktop Authority, Active Administrator, Security Explorer Scriptlogic Secure Copy, Enterprise Security Reporter, File Systems Auditor, Service Explorer IronMail 6.5 Sidewinder v7 IAM - NSA INFOSEC Assessment Methodology IEM- NSA INFOSEC Evaluation Methodology Polaris ITAM Sales Proficiency Level 1 Quiz SimpliVity - Sales SimpliVity Pre-sales Technical SimpliVity Pre-Sales Technical Training Simplivity Pre-Sales Technical Training SimpliVity Sales Training Certified Sonicwall Security Administrator Certified SonicWALL Security Administrator Sales enginerr I Splunk Certified Sales Splunk Certified Sales Rep 1 v6 Splunk Certified Sales Rep 1 v6 Splunk Certified Sales Rep I Splunk Certified Sales Rep I V.6 Campus Reseller Capacity Planning and Sizing for Sun Platforms Data Center (APAC) Data Center Specialty Enterprise Storage Manager Fundamentals Entry Level Software Sales Certified Entry Level Software Sales Certified Entry Level Storage Sales Certified Entry Level Storage Sales Certified Entry-Level Sparc Sales Certified Entry-Level Sparc Sales Certified Entry-Level Sparc Technical Certified Entry-Level x86 Sales Certified Entry-Level x86 Sales Certified Foundation Certification Foundation Specialty - StorageTek High Availability IBIS Identity Management Essentials Introduction to Sun Services Java Enterprise System Technical Training Managed Services Mid-Level Software Sales Certified Mid-Level Software Sales Certified Mid-Level Sparc Sales Certified Mid-Level Sparc Sales Certified Mid-Level Sparc Technical Certified Mid-Level Storage Sales Certified Mid-Level Storage Sales Certified Mid-Level x86 Sales Certified Mid-Level x86 Sales Certified Network Systems - Servers Premier Certification Premier Specialty - Data Center Selling Sun Fire x64 Systems SL500 Fundamentals Software Elite Software Elite Program SOLAR Edge Elite Solaris 10 Solaris Operating System: Ten Moves Ahead of the Competition SPARC Mid-Range and High-End Server Essentials Storage Elite Storage Selling StorageTek 9900 Series Strategic Data Center Elite Strategic Data Center Elite Sun Blade 8000 Modular Systems Sun Cool Threads Essentials Sun Fire X4100, X4200, and X2100 Servers Sun Fire X4600 Servers Sun Management Services Sun Solaris Essentials Sun Storage 7000 Unified Systems Essentials Sun Storage Servers Sun StorageTek 2500 Arrays Sun StorageTek 3000 Series Sun StorageTek 5000 NAS Essentials Sun StorageTek 6140/6540 Modular Disk Essentials Sun StorageTek Elite Sun StorageTek Elite Program Sun StorageTek VTL Value Essentials Sun StorEdge 9985 and 9990 Fundamentals Sun StorEdge SL8500 Tape Library Systems Data Center (STS-DLP) -- Symantec Technical Specialist: Data Loss Prevention 11 (STS-Endpoint) -- Symantec Technical Specialist: Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 Administration of Altiris Client Management Suite 7.0 Altiris Client Management Suite 7.1 Technical Assessment ASC Authorized Symantec Consultant ASC Authorized Symantec Consultant ASC Authorized Symantec Consultant ASC Authorized Symantec Consultant ASC Authorized Symantec Consultant Authorized Symantec Consultant Authorized Symantec Consultant (ASC) Backup Exec (v12.5) SSE Backup Exec (v12.5) SSE+ Backup Exec 12 for Windows Server Backup Exec SSE+ BE Appliance 3600 SSE+ CCS8 (Symantec Technical Specialist - Control Compliance Suite 8) Cluster Server 6.0 DS 6.9 Enterprise Vault (v8.0) SSE Enterprise Vault (v8.0) SSE+ NetBackup (v6.5) SSE NetBackup (v6.5) SSE+ Netbackup 7 SSE+ NS 6.0 PGP Encryption Platform SEE+ Symantec Mobile Management 7.2. SSE SSE - DLP 10 SSE - NetBackup 7 SSE Symantec Protection Suite Enterprise Edition for Gateway SSE Altiris Asset Management Suite 7 SSE Altiris Client Management Suite 6.0 SSE Altiris Client Management Suite 7 SSE Backup Exec 12.0 for Windows Servers SSE Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 SSE Backup Exec System Recovery 8.0 SSE Brightmail Gateway (October 2008) SSE Clearwell Ediscovery Platform SSE Cluster Server 5.1 SSE Critical Systems Protection 5 SSE Data Loss Prevention 10 SSE Data Loss Prevention 10 SSE Endpoint Protection 11.0 SSE Endpoint Protection 12.1 SSE Endpoint Protection 12.1 SSE Enterprise Vault 8 SSE Ghost Solution Suite 2.0 SSE IM Manager 8 SSE Managed Security services SSE Netbackup 7.5 SSE Network Access Control 11 SSE PGP Email Encryption SSE PGP Encryption Platform SSE PGP Endpoint Encryption SSE PGP File Encryption SSE PGP File Encryption SSE Protection Suite SSE Protection Suite Enterprise Edition for Gateway (April 2011) SSE Storage Foundation 5.1 SSE Symantec Backup Exec 2012 SSE Symantec Cloud Smart: selling Symantec Cloud products and Services SSE Symantec CloudSmart: Selling Symantec Cloud Products and Services SSE Symantec DeepSight Early Warning Services 8.0 SSE Symantec DLP 11.0 SSE Symantec Encryption Solution for File Trasnfers: PGP Command Line SSE Symantec Encryption Solutions for Email SSE Symantec Encryption Solutions for Endpoints SSE Symantec Enterprise Vault 10 (March 2012) SSE Symantec NetBackup 7.5 SSE Symantec Protection Suite Enterprise Edition for servers SSE Symantec Protection Suite: Small Business editoin, Advanced Buisness edition and Enterprise Edit SSE+ - DLP 9 SSE+ - NetBackup 7 SSE+ Altiris Asset Management Suite 7.1 SSE+ Altiris Asset Management Suite 7.1 SSE+ Clearwell Ediscovery Platform SSE+ Cluster Server 5.1 SSE+ DLP 9 SSE+ Endpoint Encryption 8.0 SSE+ Managed Security Services and Deepsight SSE+ Network Access Control 11 SSE+ Symantec Backup Exec 2012 SSE+ Symantec Backup Exec 3600 Appliance (mid-market) (September 2012) SSE+ Symantec Data Loss Prevention 9 SSE+ Symantec DLP 11.0 SSE+ Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 SSE+ Symantec Enterprise Vault 10 (April 2012) SSE+ Symantec NetBackup 5000 Appliance SSE+ Symantec NetBackup 5200 Appliance SSE+ Symantec NetBackup 7.5 SSE+ Symantec PGP Encryption Solutions SSE+ Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 SSE+ Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0 for Unix SSE+ Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability 6.0 Solutions for Windows (December 2012) SSE+ Veritas Storage Foundation HA for Windows 5.1 SSP Endpoint Security SSP Information Foundation SSP SMB Specialization Storage Foundation 5 for Unix Storage Foundation 5.0 for Unix Storage Foundation 6.0 STS STS STS STS STS - EV 6.x STS - EV 7.0 STS - EV 7.5 STS - Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 8.5 STS Backup Exec 12 for Windows STS Endpoint Protection 11 STS Enterprise Vault 7 STS Enterprise Vault 8 STS Mail Secruity for SMTP 5` STS Symantec Backup Exec 2010 STS Symantec Backup Exec 2012 STS Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 8.5 STS Symantec DLP 11.0 STS Symantec NetBackup 7.0 STS Symantec NetBackup 7.5 for Windows STS Symantec PGP Universal Server 3.2 STS Symantec Technical Specialist in Symantec Backup Exec 2012 STS Symantec Technical Specialist in Symantec Network Access Control 12.1 STS Veritas Netbackup 6.5 for windows STS Veritas Netbackup PureDisk Remote office Edition Symantec ACS Symantec Data Loss Prevention 10 SSE Symantec Data Loss Prevention STS 10.0 Symantec DLP 10.5 Symantec Enterprise Vault (v10.0) SSE Symantec Enterprise Vault (v9.0) SSE+ Symantec Management Platform 7.0 with Notification Server Administrator Symantec Management Platform 7.1 Technical Assessment Symantec Mobile Management Suite & App Center Symantec Mobile Management Suite Altiris Symantec Net Backup 7.0 For Windows Symantec Sales Expert Symantec Sales Expert SSE Symantec Technical Specialist Symantec Technical Specialist - Control Compliance Suite 8 (CCS8) Symantec Technical Specialist - Network Access Control Veritas Netbackup 6 for Unix Veritas Netbackup 6.5 for UNIX (STS) Tegile Certified Sales Engineer Tegile Certified Sales Professional TCSE - Tintri Certified Systems Engineer TCSP - Tintri Certified Sales Professional Tintri Certified Sales Professional Tintri Certified Systems Engineer Data Loss Prevention 5.5 Deep Security 8.0 OfficeScan 10.6 Trend Micro Foundation Certification Worry-Free Business Security 7.0 Veeam Availability Suite v8 Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional Veeam Sales Professional VMSP Veeam Sales Professional VMSP Veeam Technical Certification v7 Double Take Sales Professional Business Continuity Sales Accreditation 4 Business Continuity Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: SRM 1 Implementation Fundamentals Cloud IaaS Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: Implementation 5 Desktop as a Service Technical Post-Sales Accreditatio Desktop as a Service Technical Post-Sales Accreditation Desktop Virtualization Sales Accreditation 4 Desktop Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: VMware Mirage Implementation Fundamen Desktop Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: VMware View Implementation Fundamenta Desktop Virtualization Technical Sales Accreditation 4 Infrastructure Virtualization Sales Accreditation 4 Infrastructure Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: Assessment Fundamentals Infrastructure Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: Capacity Planner Fundamentals Infrastructure Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: Capacity Planner Fundamentals Management Automation Technical Post-Sales: Service Delivery Readiness Management Operations Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: vCenter Operations Manager 5 Network Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: NSX Server Virtualization Technical Post-Sales Accreditation: vSphere 5 Design Software-Defined Storage Technical Post-Sales Accreditation Vac VAC P2V Jumpstart Assessment VCA - Data Center Virtualization VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP - VMWARE certified professional VCP - VMware Certified Professional VCP 3.x VCP 4 VCP 4 VCP 4 VCP 4 VCP 4.0 VCP 4.0 VCP 410 VCP 410 VCP 5 VCP 5 VCP 5 VI3 VCP VI3 VCP VmWare VMware Certified Associate - Cloud VMware Certified Associate-Cloud VMware Certified Design Expert VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center Virtualization VMware Certified Professional 6 - Desktop Vmware Certified Professional 6 - Desktop & Mobility VMware Competitive Accreditation (vCA) Program VMware Competitive Accreditation 5.5 VMware Competitive Accreditation Program (vCAP) VMware Ethics and Compliance Training for Partners VMware Infrastructure 3: Install and Configure V3.0 VMware Sales Professional (VSP) VMware Sales Professional (VSP) VMware Sales Professional (VSP) VMWare Sales Professional (VSP) VMware Sales Professional (VSP) VMware Sales Professional (vSphere 4) VMWare Solution Track Certification VMware VCP 2.54 VMWare VCP 410 VMware VCP v3.5 VMware VCP v4.0 VMware VSP Business Continuity Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VSP Desktop Virtualization Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VSP Infrastructure Virtualization Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VSP v3.5 VMware VSP v4.0 VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.0] VMware VTSP 4 VMware VTSP Business Continuity Technical Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VTSP Desktop Virtualization Technical Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VTSP Infrastructure Virtualization Technical Sales Accreditation 4 VMware VTSP v3.5 VMware VTSP v4.0 VOP - Subscription Operations Expert VOP-SE (Subscriptions Expert) VSP VSP VSP VSP VSP VSP - BC (Business Continuity 5) VSP - BC (Business Continuity 5.5) VSP - BC (Business Continuity 5.8) VSP - Business Continuity 5.5 VSP - Business Continuity 5.8 VSP - Cloud (Cloud IaaS 5) VSP - Cloud Provider VSP - CP (Cloud Provider) VSP - DV VSP - DV VSP - DV (Desktop Virtualization 2015) VSP - DV (Desktop Virtualization 2015) VSP - DV 2015 VSP - Hybrid VSP - Hybrid VSP - Hybrid VSP – MA (Management Automation 6) VSP - MO (Management Operations 5) VSP - MO (Management Operations 6) VSP - MO (Management Operations) VSP - MO 2015 VSP - Mobility VSP - Network Virtualization VSP - NV (Network Virtualization 1.0) VSP - NV (Network Virtualization) VSP - SDS VSP - SDS (Software Defined Storage 2015) VSP - SDS (Software-Defined Storage 2015) VSP - SDS (Software-Defined Storage 2015) VSP - SDS (Software-Defined Storage) VSP - SDS 2015 VSP - Server Virtualization 2015 VSP - sever virtualization 5.5 VSP - SV (Server Virtualization 2015) VSP - SV (Server Virtualization 2015) VSP - SV (Server Virtualization 5.5) VSP - SV 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2015 VSP 2016 VSP 4 VSP 4 VSP 4 VSP 5 VSP 5 VSP 5 VSP 5 VSP 5 VSP 5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP 5.5 VSP Business Continuity VSP Desktop Virtulization 6 VSP- DV VSP Hybrid VSP- Hybrid VSP Management Operations 5 VSP mobility VSP Mobility 2015 VSP Mobility 2015 VSP- SDS VSP Server virtualization 5.5 VSP- SV VSP: Business Continuity VSP: Selling Infrastructure Optimization Solutions VSP: Selling Infrastructure Optimization Solutions VSP4 VSP5 VSP-DV (Desktop Virtualization 2015) VSP-DV (Desktop Virtualization 6) VSP-DV 2015 VSP-DV 2015 vSphere VCP vSphere VCP VSP-Hybrid VSP-Hybrid VSP-MO (Management Operations 6) VSP-MO 2015 VSP-MO 2015 VSP-MO 2015 VSP-Mobility VSP-NV (Network Virtualization 1.0) VSP-NV 2015 VSP-NV 2015 VSP-NV 2015 VSP-SDS (Software Defined Storage 2015) VSP-SDS 201 VSP-SDS 2015 VSP-SV (Server Virtualization 2015) VSP-SV (Server Virtualization 2015) VSP-SV 2015 VSP-SV 2015 VSTP VSTP 5 VSTP 5.5 VSTP 5.5 VTSP VTSP VTSP VTSP VTSP - 5 VTSP - 5 VTSP - BC (Business Continuity 5) VTSP - BC (Business Continuity) VTSP - Busines Continuity 5 VTSP - DaaS VTSP - DaaS (Desktop as a Service) VTSP - DaaS (Desktop as a Service) VTSP - Desktop Virtualization 6 VTSP - DV VTSP - DV - v5 VTSP - Hybrid VTSP - Hybrid VTSP - Hybrid VTSP - Hybrid VTSP - Management Operations 5 VTSP - Management Operations 6 VTSP - MO (Management Operations 5) VTSP - MO (Management Operations) VTSP - Network Virtualization 1.0 VTSP - NV (Network Virtualization 1.0) VTSP - SDS (Software-Defined Storage) VTSP - SDS Software-Defined Storage 2015 VTSP - Software Defined Storage VTSP - SV VTSP - SV (Server Virtualization 5) VTSP - VBCA (Virtualization of Business Critical Applications) VTSP 2015 VTSP 2016 VTSP 2016 VTSP 4 VTSP 4.0 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5 VTSP 5.5 VTSP 5.5 VTSP 5.5 VTSP 5.5 VTSP Accreditation VTSP -DV -v6 VTSP- Server virtualization 5 VTSP Specialty - VMware Infrastructure Virtualization VTSP vSphere VTSP-DaaS (Desktop as a Service) VTSP-Hybrid WCSP Data Security DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales DMR/LAR v2 Sales Hosted Security Hosted Security Hosted Security Web Secuirty Gateway Web Security v7 Web Security v7 Websense DMR/LAR 101S Certification Employee Name Cert Type Certificate on File Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Cristina Rodriguez Sales No Kathryn Dellosso Sales No Grace OConnell No Regina Robinson Sales Yes Monica Pesl Sales No Sam Hai Sales No Pat Breslin Sales No Pat Breslin Sales Yes Sam Hai Sales No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Vincent A Casale - Apple Sales Specialist Sales No Kjetil Skalvik Sales No John Kalas Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Alex Feuerverger Technical No Bryan O'neill Technical No Christopher Gentile Technical No David Siederer Technical No Hector Ibarraran Technical No Sean Cassidy Technical No Bryan O'neill Technical No David Siederer Technical No Hector Ibarraran Technical No Sean Cassidy Technical No Dan Sohayda Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical No Adam Reiser Sales No Emma James Sales No Leanne Laird Sales No Rachel Shiff Sales No Yannis Vaios Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Bryan Angeles Sales No Bryan Angeles Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Zack Pigott Technical No Zack Pigott Technical Yes Christina Polidura Sales No Joe Argiro Technical No Joe Argiro Technical No Joe Argiro Technical No Joe Argiro Technical No Joe Argiro Technical No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Joe Argiro Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Sales No Beth Russo Sales Yes Cristina Rodriguez Sales No Laretha Gutridge Sales No Grace OConnell No Kathryn Dellosso Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Regina Robinson Sales No Sandy DeVico Sales No Cristina Rodriguez Sales No Kathryn Dellosso Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Technical No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Joe Palmieri Sales No Joseph Lentine Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Erika Burnett Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No David Siederer Sales No Joe Palmieri Sales No Ted Chalker Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Erika Burnett Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Joe Palmieri Sales No Joseph Lentine Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Sales Yes Joe Palmieri Sales No Joseph Lentine Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No David Beidelman Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Oscar Vartanian Technical No Tim Bolger Technical No Ato Korsah Technical No Edward Barton Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Oscar Vartanian Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Oscar Vartanian Technical No Oscar Vartanian Technical Yes Andrew Lee Technical No Stephen Bempong Technical Yes James Waiguru Technical No Robert Horn Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Zack Pigott Technical No Richard Galbreath Technical Yes William Guillotte Technical Yes Doug Freda Technical No Doug Freda Technical No Oscar Vartanian Technical No William Guillotte Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No William Guillotte Technical Yes David Beidelman Technical No Doug Freda Sales No David Beidelman Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Rob Mangieri Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Jerry Walding Technical Yes Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Jerry Walding Technical Yes Jerry Walding Technical Yes Jerry Walding Technical No William Guillotte Technical No William Guillotte Sales No Ato Korsah Sales Yes Ato Korsah Technical Yes Joshua Dunsky Sales No Oscar Vartanian Sales No Robert Horn Technical No John Kalas Technical Yes Ernest Nichols Technical No Robert Horn Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Robert Horn Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Bidwell Technical No Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Yes Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Huan-Ching Liao Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Shon Andersen Technical Yes Huan-Ching Liao Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Huan-Ching Liao Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Shon Andersen Technical Yes John Ackerson Sales Yes Kristin Whittlesey Sales Yes Michael Dempsey Sales Yes Steve Burnside Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales Yes Huan-Ching Liao Sales Yes Paul Coffey Sales Yes Shon Andersen Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Tim Pomerleau Sales Yes Adrienne Pubylski Sales Yes Roberto Roman Sales Yes Tim Pomerleau Sales Yes Kristen Youssef Technical No Andrew Yaros Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Technical No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Kristen Youssef Sales No Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Andreah Flores Sales No Andy Elmer Sales No Brett Chumley Sales No Brian McGrath Sales No Burns Bowen Sales No Christopher Lajiness Sales No Dagmar Meislova Sales No Dominick Fama Sales No James Fitzgerald Sales No Jenny Kim Sales No Joseph Lentine Sales No Katelin McSweeny Sales No Kenneth Dudley Sales No Kevin Kehoe Sales No Kristen Knight Sales No Lindsay Henninger Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Shaun Dodge Sales No Thomas Fuller Sales No Trevor Golden Sales No Trevor Nichols Sales No Vinny Caruso Sales No Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Jim Friedrich Sales No John Kalas Sales No Kyle Keller Sales No Aaron Horne Sales Yes Andy Elmer Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical No Jeff Makuta Technical No Kevin Kehoe Technical No Matt Stech Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Andy Elmer Technical No Ato Korsah Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical No Edward Barton Technical No George Savvas Technical No James Fitzgerald Technical No Jeff Makuta Technical No John Kalas Technical No Kevin Kehoe Technical No Matt Stech Technical No Matthew Fraker Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Robert Illing Technical No Sam Hai Technical No Trevor Nichols Technical No Ty Manzano Technical No Brandy Durk Sales No Brian Nann Sales No James Fitzgerald Sales No Jeff Makuta Sales No Jim Tierney Sales No Joseph Lentine Sales No Kelly Quisenberry Sales No Kevin Kehoe Sales No Brian Nann Technical No Kelly Quisenberry Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Kevin Kehoe Technical No Francois Atallah Yes Aaron Horne Sales No Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Francois Atallah Technical Yes Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Jonathan Gonzalez Technical No Jonathan Gonzalez Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Darrell Salvato Technical No Hugh Kerr Technical No James Waiguru Technical No Jeffrey Pieper Technical Yes Jeffrey Pieper Technical Yes John Penevolpe Technical No Kenneth Hutchinson Technical No Miguel Angulo Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Kenneth Hutchinson Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Walter Phillips Technical No Daryl Legrand Technical No Edward Barton Technical No Edward Barton Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Tim Pomerleau Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Luke Hutson Sales No Burns Bowen No Sam Hai Sales Yes Tim Bolger Sales No Ato Korsah Sales No Burns Bowen No Edward Barton Sales No Jim Friedrich Technical No Kyle Keller Sales No Luke Hutson Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Technical Yes Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Technical No Edward Barton Technical No John Kalas Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Jim Friedrich Technical Yes John Kalas Technical No Burns Bowen No Edward Barton Technical No Jim Friedrich Technical Yes Edward Barton Technical No Burns Bowen Sales No Aaron Horne Sales No Jim Friedrich Sales No John Kalas Sales No Kyle Keller Sales No Kyle Keller Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Burns Bowen Sales No Monica Pesl Sales No Tony Campasano Sales No Tony Campasano Technical No Edward Barton Sales No Sam Hai Technical Yes Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Sam Hai Technical Yes Tim Bolger Technical No Luke Hutson Technical No Monica Pesl Sales No Monica Pesl Technical No Burns Bowen No Edward Barton Technical No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Technical No Matthew Fraker Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Tim Bolger No Sam Hai Sales Yes Tim Bolger Sales No Timothy Henning Sales No Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Ato Korsah Sales No Luke Hutson Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Jim Friedrich Technical No Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Matthew Fraker Sales No Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Burns Bowen No Ato Korsah No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Jonathan Gonzalez Technical No Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Burns Bowen No Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Burns Bowen No Matthew Fraker Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Ato Korsah Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Bryan Angeles Technical No Bryan Angeles Technical No Bryan Angeles Sales No Bryan Angeles Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Ato Korsah Technical Yes Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Fabian Dominguez Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Paul Bidwell Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Alan Cohen Technical No Alexis Poplawski Sales Yes Jerry Walding Technical Yes Andrew Yaros Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Mort Averett Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales No James Mazzaro Technical Yes Thomas Marchu Technical No Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Thomas Marchu Technical No Andrew Yaros Technical No Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Alan Cohen Technical No Alan Cohen Technical No Alan Cohen Technical No Kurt Bosch Technical No Mike Chabarek Sales No Roberto Canton Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Andrew Yaros Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Thomas Marchu Technical No Fabian Dominguez Sales No Fabian Dominguez Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No Andrew Yaros Technical No Andrew Yaros Technical No Mike Chabarek Sales No Mike Chabarek Technical No Mike Chabarek Sales No Steve Kazmer Technical Yes Timothy Henning Technical No Regina Robinson Sales No Grace OConnell No Sandy DeVico Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Bryan Angeles Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Oscar Vartanian Technical No Oscar Vartanian Technical No Mary Anne Barney Technical Yes Chris Onulak Sales Yes Chris Onulak Sales No Mary Anne Barney Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Ken Kapes Technical Yes David Smull Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Garth Reid Technical Yes Thomas Marchu Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Ricky Perez Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Alan Cohen Technical No David Smull Technical No Kurt Bosch Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Garth Reid Technical Yes Joseph Lauer Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes James Waiguru Technical No Joseph Lauer Technical Yes Dennis Schiff Sales No Thomas Marchu Technical No David Baum Sales No Ricky Perez Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Alan Cohen Sales No David Smull Sales No Mort Averett Sales Yes Susan Hladik Sales Yes Michael Cassidy Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales No Mort Averett Sales Yes Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical No Garth Reid Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Candace Romascindo Sales No David Baum Sales No Ricky Perez Technical No Candace Romascindo Sales No David Baum Sales No Robert Salmons Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Terry Marchetti Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No David Baum Sales No Ricky Perez Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Terry Marchetti Technical No Candace Romascindo Sales No Rob Harrison Sales No Candace Romascindo Sales No Robert Salmons Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Terry Marchetti Technical No Mort Averett Sales No Jerry Walding Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Joseph Bastable Sales Yes Michael Cassidy Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales No Mort Averett Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales No Mort Averett Sales No Anne Cayer Sales No Joseph Lauer Sales No Kurt Bosch Technical No Dennis Schiff Sales No Mort Averett Sales No James Mazzaro Technical Yes Thomas Marchu Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No Ricky Perez Sales No Ricky Perez Sales No Ricky Perez Sales No Thomas Marchu Technical No Ricky Perez Sales No Ricky Perez Sales No Ricky Perez Sales No Robert Salmons Sales No Robert Salmons Sales No Thomas Marchu Technical No Joseph Lauer Sales Yes Ricky Perez Sales No Thomas Marchu Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Rob Harrison Sales No Thomas Marchu Technical No Michael Smidt – HP Software Technical Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Technical Yes Kevin Baum Sales No Nicole Fritchman Sales No Steven Zaslavsky Sales No Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Howard Chang Sales Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales No Steven Zaslavsky Sales No Anne Cayer Sales Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Eric Nagel Technical No Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Anne Cayer Sales No Paul Coffey Technical No Alan Cohen Technical No Mort Averett Sales Yes Paul Coffey Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Giuliano Cristino Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Zack Pigott Technical Yes David Januski Technical No Paul Coffey Sales No Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Paul Coffey Sales No Zack Pigott Technical Yes Zack Pigott Technical Yes Zack Pigott Technical Yes David Januski Technical No Zack Pigott Technical Yes Joseph Lauer Technical No David Januski Technical No Aaron Horne Technical Yes Jim Friedrich Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Kyle Keller Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Aaron Horne Technical Yes Jim Friedrich Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Kyle Keller Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Anne Cayer Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Anne Cayer Sales No James Mazzaro Technical Yes Burns Bowen No Anne Cayer Sales No Robert Horn Technical No Andrew Lee Technical No Zack Pigott Technical Yes Giuliano Cristino Technical No Giuliano Cristino Technical No Giuliano Cristino Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Eric Nagel Technical No Kyle Keller Technical Yes Susan Hladik Sales Yes John Kalas Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Steven Zaslavsky Sales No Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Howard Chang Sales Yes Steven Zaslavsky Sales No Anne Cayer Sales Yes Anne Cayer Sales Yes Michael Smidt – HP Software Sales Yes Ameenah Umrani Sales No Joe DeLia Sales No Kevin Baum Sales No Nicole Fritchman No Technical Yes Kevin Baum Technical No Fabian Dominguez Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Garth Reid Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Roy Zimmerman Technical No Mary Anne Barney Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Michael Patrimonio Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Joseph Lauer Sales Yes Joseph Lauer Sales Yes Joseph Lauer Sales Yes Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Timothy Henning Technical No Tim Bolger No Jyoshna Indukuri Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical No Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Fabian Dominguez Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical No Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Roberto Canton Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Kristina Goralski Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Samantha Fitzgerald Technical Yes Unnati Jain No Robert Horn Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Darrin Clary Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Roberto Canton Technical Yes Roberto Canton Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Roberto Canton Technical No Roberto Canton Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical No Erik Iversen Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical No Eric Nagel Technical No Roberto Canton Technical Yes Roberto Canton Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical No Roberto Canton Technical Yes Roberto Canton Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Kyle Keller Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Technical Yes Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Zulfikar Fanuswala Technical Yes Zulfikar Fanuswala Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical No Roberto Ceron Technical Yes Connie Seiler Technical Yes Zulfikar Fanuswala Technical Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Fabian Dominguez Technical Yes Kristina Goralski Technical Yes Fabian Dominguez Technical No Liz Gallagher Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Liz Gallagher Sales Yes Sead Kolenovic Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Fabian Dominguez Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Fabian Dominguez Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Mark Emerick Sales No Erika Burnett Sales Yes Hatem Mohamed Technical Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Darrin Clary Technical Yes Kyle Keller Technical No Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Steve Weiner Sales Yes Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Erika Burnett No Erika Burnett Yes Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Kevin Keegan Technical No Kyle Keller Technical Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Kristina Goralski Technical Yes Bonnie Cho Sales Yes Rodrigo Jimenez Sales Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Bonnie Cho Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales No Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Eric Nagel Technical Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Zulfikar Fanuswala Technical Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Doug Klamm Sales Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Kyle Keller Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical No Erika Burnett Technical No Erika Burnett Sales Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Erika Burnett Sales Yes Kevin Keegan Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Darrin Clary Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Erika Burnett Sales No Sead Kolenovic No Sead Kolenovic No Rich Atchana Sales Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Ryan Kuczynski Technical Yes Dennis Schiff Sales Yes Tim Bolger No Kevin Keegan Technical No Marilyn Nagel Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Tim Bolger Sales No Erika Burnett Sales No Alexandra Bernard Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Rich Atchana Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Marilyn Nagel Sales Yes Erika Burnett Sales Yes Mike Chabarek Technical No Kyle Keller Technical No Al Blake Technical Yes Leon Nash Technical No Leon Nash Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical No Leon Nash Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Ben Murphy Sales No Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Sales No Gary Kavafes Technical No Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes David Beidelman Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Todd Fontana Technical No Ken Kapes Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Paul Bidwell Technical No David Smull Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Pavlo Kozlyuk Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Sales No Christina Polidura Technical No Christina Polidura Sales No Alexandra Bernard Technical No Jeffrey Pieper Technical Yes Dominick Fama Technical Yes Kyle Rapp Technical No Kyle Rapp Technical No Jeffrey Pieper Technical Yes Kyle Rapp Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Dominick Fama Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Regina Robinson Sales Yes Regina Robinson Sales No Sandy DeVico Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Andrew Cooper Technical Yes Brett Mohamad Technical No Brian Nann Technical No Caitlin Prusik Sales Yes Daniel Andersen Technical Yes Matthew Stankiewicz Technical No Matthew Stankiewicz Technical Yes Rob Radabaugh Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Steven Perkins Technical No Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Jerry Walding Sales Yes Jerry Walding Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales No Gary Kavafes Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Aaron Horne Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Garth Whitacre Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Matthew Stankiewicz Technical No Jerry Walding Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Andrew Cooper Technical Yes Brett Mohamad Technical No Brian Nann Technical No Caitlin Prusik Sales Yes Matthew Stankiewicz Technical Yes Rob Radabaugh Technical Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Andrew Cooper Technical No Andrew Cooper Technical Yes Brett Mohamad Technical No Brian Nann Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Steven Perkins Technical No Steven Perkins Technical Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Caitlin Prusik Technical No Caitlin Prusik Sales Yes Caitlin Prusik Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Laura McShane Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales No Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Andrew Cooper Technical No Andrew Cooper Technical Yes Steven Perkins Technical Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Tracy Furmick Sales Yes Jerry Walding Sales Yes Christina Polidura Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Jonathan Sion Technical Yes Ricky Perez Technical Yes Lisa Ragantesi Sales Yes Tom Mililli Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Tom Mililli Technical Yes Wade Nyquist Technical No Eric Leonard Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Tom Mililli Technical No Wade Nyquist Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Tom Mililli Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Tom Mililli Sales Yes Wade Nyquist Technical No John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes Tom Mililli Sales Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Tom Mililli Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Sales Yes Leo McDonald Sales Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Greg Sacina Technical Yes Greg Sacina Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Sales Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Wanna Lolertpiphop Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Wanna Lolertpiphop Technical Yes Dan Luo Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Jonathan Sion Technical Yes Craig Mohamad Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No Todd Fontana Technical Yes Andrew Scott Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Ricky Perez Technical Yes Rob Harrison Technical No Todd Fontana Technical Yes Andrew Scott Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Andrew Scott Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Richard Runja Technical No Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Richard Runja Technical No Robert Horn Technical Yes Todd Fontana Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No Tim Krause Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Dennis Devries Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Dennis Devries Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Andrew Hoaas Sales Yes Andy Bernard Sales Yes Craig Langley Sales Yes Danielle Kraft Sales Yes Darren Brodrick Sales Yes Edward Barton Sales Yes Jay Tilak Sales Yes Jennifer Giumara Sales Yes Jennifer Hutchinson Sales Yes Justin Santilli Sales Yes Leo McDonald Sales Yes Lindsey Miller Sales Yes Lisa Ragantesi Sales Yes Mark O'Brien Sales Yes Matt Kierdorf Sales Yes Matt OLeary Sales Yes Matthew Culley Sales Yes Michael Watson Sales Yes Michael Watson Sales Yes Michelle Sitek Sales Yes Nada Issa Sales Yes Nate Lessmann Sales Yes Patrick Clevenger Sales No Patrick Hart Sales Yes Rafael Victor Sales Yes Richard Wilkes Sales Yes Ryan Cox Sales Yes Shane Taylor Sales Yes Victoria Bird Sales Yes Vivienne Williamson Sales Yes Abdulai Abu-Bakarr Sales Yes Adrianna Manzi Sales Yes Adrienne Pubylski Sales Yes Al Fitzgerald Sales No Alan Klein Sales Yes Albert Lobiondo Sales Yes Alexandra Dickey Sales Yes Alicia DeNucci Sales Yes Alison Richman Sales Yes Alison Turner Sales Yes Allen Darrah Sales Yes Amanda Baverstock Sales Yes Amanda Calimano Sales Yes Analyd Gama Sales Yes Andrea Gillett Sales Yes Andrew Hoaas Sales Yes Andrew Murrell Sales Yes Andrew Soterakis Sales Yes Andrew Watts Sales Yes Andria Hohlfeld Sales Yes Andy Bernard Sales Yes Angela Mensch Sales Yes Ann Defazio Technical Yes Anna Bujosa Sales Yes Anna Chester Sales Yes Anthony Destefano Sales Yes Ato Korsah Sales No Barbara West Sales Yes Baylor Gates Sales Yes Ben Dean Sales Yes Beth Niarchos Sales Yes Beth Winter (Fullerton) Sales Yes Bethana Swan Sales Yes Bill Mattrisch Sales Yes Bill White Sales Yes Blake Gollnick Sales No Bobbi Waldner Sales Yes Brent Marcantel Sales Yes Brett Grau Sales Yes Brian Araujo Sales Yes Brian Scarborough Sales Yes Brittany Richardson Sales Yes Brooke Fleming Sales Yes Bryan Rosenthal Sales Yes Caitlin Prusik Sales Yes Carrie Rae Sales Yes Casey Hill Sales Yes Celeste Lee Sales Yes Cheyne Christiansen Sales Yes Chris Cashin Sales Yes Chris Cashin Sales Yes Chris Ihne Sales Yes Chris March Sales Yes Christie Shinpaugh Sales Yes Christine Powers Sales No Christine Wilkerson Sales Yes Christopher AlfonsoDeLeon Sales Yes Craig Langley Sales Yes Craig Rathmill Sales Yes Dan Dowd Sales Yes Dan Mahoney Sales Yes Dan Psinakis Sales Yes Daniel de Matos Sales Yes Daniel Pretekin Sales No Daniel Pretekin Sales Yes Daniel Sutton Sales Yes Danielle Kraft Sales Yes Darren Brodrick Sales Yes Dave Morris Sales Yes David Cooper Sales Yes David Lindquist Sales Yes David Rounds Sales Yes David Weir Sales Yes Dawn Allen Sales Yes Debbie Bieber Sales Yes Deborah Childress Sales Yes Denise Verdicchio Sales Yes Desiree Stapleton Sales Yes Dirk Kayser Sales Yes Doug Klamm Sales Yes Douglas Raynor Sales Yes Drew Fike Sales Yes Ellen Sloan Sales No Eric Baldevia Sales Yes Eric Baldevia Sales No Eric Wishnow Yes Erik Schroeder Sales Yes Erin Coppola Sales No Erin Davidson Sales Yes Etienne Maatsop Sales No Evan Gropper Sales Yes Evan Losh Sales Yes Eve Frangeas Sales Yes Fran Ratzer Sales Yes Francois de Lavergne Sales Yes Gabe Biondo Sales Yes Gopal Kutty Sales Yes Grant Marquardt Sales Yes Greg Loffredo Sales Yes Guillermo Ortiz Sales Yes Gus Payne Sales Yes Heather Sheridan Technical Yes Helene Pearn Sales No Hermalinda Shirley Sales Yes Inger Knapp Sales Yes Irish Penn Sales Yes Jackie Calhoun Sales Yes Jaimarie Sutherland Sales Yes James Lynch Sales Yes Jamie Allu Sales No Jamie Todd Sales Yes Jana King Sales Yes Janelle Downes Sales Yes Jared Rupprecht Sales Yes Jason Willcox Sales Yes Jay Haddad Sales Yes Jay Tilak Sales Yes Jeana Drake Sales Yes Jeff Chidichimo Sales Yes Jeff New Sales Yes Jennifer Giumara Sales Yes Jennifer Harrell Sales Yes Jennifer Pridham Sales Yes Jenny Francis Sales Yes Jerry Denney Sales Yes Jesse Evans Sales Yes Jesse Johnson Sales Yes Jessica Craddock Sales Yes Jessica Lucas Sales Yes Jessica Mohamad Sales Yes Jessica Sander Sales Yes Jim Davis Sales Yes Jim Fogo Sales Yes Joe Love Sales No Joel Fikes Sales Yes John Ackerson Sales Yes John Esposito Sales Yes John Hoover Sales Yes Jordan Bernstein Sales No Joseph Braun Sales Yes Joseph Negron Sales Yes Josh Grow Sales Yes Joshua Fruehan Sales Yes Joshua Reyes Sales Yes Jules Delgado Sales No Julia Trinh Sales Yes Justin Eisenberg Sales Yes Kacie McPherson Sales Yes Karen Infusino Sales Yes Kate Sweedler Sales Yes Katherine Hajewski Sales Yes Kathy Quinlan Sales Yes Keith Kekuna Sales Yes Kelly Krieger Sales Yes Kelly Mcintosh Sales Yes Kevin Enget Sales Yes Kevin Farrell Sales Yes Kevin Kedziora Sales Yes Kim Cygan Sales Yes Kimberly Barrett Sales Yes Kimberly Seber Sales Yes Kyle Bryan Sales No Kyle Timm Sales Yes Lance Adams Sales Yes Larry Mueller Sales Yes Laurie Conrad Sales No Leo McDonald Sales Yes Lindsay Brady Sales Yes Linette Boudreaux Sales Yes Lisa Carbonaro Sales Yes Lisa Carver Sales Yes Lisa Ragantesi Sales Yes Lorette Pirio Sales Yes Maggie O'Kane Sales No Mallory Santucci Sales Yes Mark Ferrara Sales Yes Mark O'Brien Sales No Mark Ostrosky Sales Yes Mark Van Kleef Sales Yes Mary Lefebvre Sales Yes Mary Schmitt Sales Yes Matt OLeary Sales Yes Matt Schneider Sales Yes Matthew Culley Sales Yes Matthew Martin Sales Yes Megan Gadsby Sales No Melissa Graham Sales Yes Mia Tawney Sales No Michael Bench Sales Yes Michael Carone Sales Yes Michael Connors Sales Yes Michael Edmondson Sales Yes Michael Spires Sales Yes Michael Stack Sales Yes Michael Watson Sales Yes Michael Watson Sales Yes Michelle Bowden Sales Yes Michelle Coats Sales Yes Michelle Coffey Sales Yes Michelle Forister Sales Yes Michelle Link Sales Yes Michelle Link Sales Yes Michelle Pena Sales Yes Michelle Sitek Sales Yes Michelle VanDeWoestyne Sales Yes Mike Whyte Sales Yes Nada Issa Sales Yes Nate Lessmann Sales Yes Nate Stamper Sales Yes Nate Stamper Sales Yes Nathan Cottrell Sales Yes Nathan Engh Sales Yes Nathaniel Glenn Sales Yes Nicholas Head Sales Yes Nick Repp Sales Yes Nick Sevilis Sales Yes Norm Thebeau Sales Yes Patrick Clevenger Sales Yes Patrick Hart Sales Yes Patrick Powers Sales Yes Patsy Swanson Sales Yes Paul Dudzinski Sales Yes Paul Thomas Sales Yes Peter Carufe Sales Yes Philip Kornreich Sales Yes Rafael Victor Sales Yes Rajeev Jalan Technical Yes Raphael Suarez Sales Yes Rick Marks Sales Yes Robert Eskandar Sales Yes Robyn Daily Sales Yes Rodney King Sales Yes Rosalie Viola Sales Yes Rose Smith Sales Yes Ryan Arban Sales Yes Ryan Blakeman Sales Yes Ryan Huffine Sales Yes Ryan Murray Sales Yes Ryan Sheehan Sales Yes Samantha Perkins Sales Yes Sanjay Sondhi Sales Yes Sean Bergin Sales Yes Sean Rogers Sales Yes Sean Toomey Sales Yes Staci Rodriguez Sales Yes Stella Lee Sales Yes Stephanie Kedziora Sales Yes Steve Burnside Sales Yes Steve Wiley Sales Yes Steve Young Sales Yes Steven Hays Sales Yes Steven Nemeth Sales Yes Tammy Elliott Sales Yes Taylor Penn Sales Yes Theresa Schaible Sales Yes Thomas Naelon Sales Yes Thomas Solas Sales Yes Tim Levers Technical No Tina Ocepek Sales Yes Tina Ocepek Sales Yes Todd Ingenito Sales Yes Todd Morgan Sales Yes Todd Rogers Sales Yes Todd Weaver Sales Yes Tom Klena Sales Yes Tom Miner Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales Yes Tracey Bieser Sales No Tracy Lee Sales Yes Tracy Shatto Sales Yes Trevor Golden Sales Yes Tyler Robbins Sales Yes Valerie Henderson Sales Yes Victoria Bird Sales Yes Vivienne Williamson Sales Yes Wade Nyquist Sales Yes William Brooks Sales Yes William Shurina Sales Yes Zach Hudson Sales Yes Heather Fritsche Sales No Jillian Quinn Sales Yes Joshua Brown Sales Yes Lisa Abgrall Sales Yes Rebecca Smith Sales No Adrianna Manzi Sales Yes Al Fitzgerald Sales Yes Alan Klein Sales Yes Albert Lobiondo Sales Yes Alexandra Dickey Sales Yes Alin Sas Sales Yes Amanda Baverstock Sales Yes Amanda Baverstock Sales Yes Amanda Calimano Sales Yes Amy Haupt Sales Yes Andrea Gillett Sales Yes Andrew Soterakis Sales Yes Andrew Soterakis Sales Yes Angela Mensch Sales Yes Ann Defazio Sales Yes Anna Chester Sales Yes Anthony Destefano Sales Yes Barbara West Sales Yes Beth Niarchos Sales Yes Beth Winter (Fullerton) Sales Yes Bethana Swan Sales No Bill White Sales Yes Blake Gollnick Sales Yes Bobbi Waldner Sales Yes Brandon Christensen Sales Yes Brian Scarborough Sales Yes Bryan Rosenthal Sales Yes Caitlin Castor Sales Yes Celeste Lee Sales Yes Christie Shinpaugh Sales Yes Christine Wilkerson Sales Yes Christopher Juliano Sales Yes Craig Langley Sales Yes Dan Mahoney Sales Yes Daniel Sutton Sales Yes Daniel Sutton Sales Yes Danielle Kraft Sales Yes Daryl Buist Sales Yes Dave Morris Sales Yes David Rounds Sales Yes David Weir Sales Yes Debbie Bieber Sales Yes Deborah Childress Sales Yes Denise Verdicchio Sales Yes Dirk Kayser Sales Yes Douglas Raynor Sales Yes Drew Fike Sales Yes Eric Francois Sales Yes Erik Iversen Sales Yes Erik Schroeder Sales Yes Evan Gropper Sales Yes Evan Losh Sales Yes Eve Frangeas Sales Yes Francois de Lavergne Sales Yes Gopal Kutty Sales Yes Greg Rohleder Sales Yes Gus Payne Sales Yes Heather Sheridan Sales Yes Helene Pearn Sales Yes Hermalinda Shirley Sales Yes Ida Longoria Sales Yes Ilana Zabawa Sales Yes Inger Knapp Sales No Irish Penn Sales Yes Jackie Calhoun Sales Yes James Lynch Sales Yes Jamie Allu Sales No Jamie Todd Sales Yes Jana King Sales Yes Jay Haddad Sales Yes Jeff Chidichimo Sales Yes Jennifer Pridham Yes Jesse Evans Sales Yes Jesse Johnson Sales Yes Jim Davis Sales Yes Jim Fogo Sales Yes John Ackerson Sales Yes John Hoover Sales No Jordan Bernstein Sales Yes Joseph Braun Sales Yes Joseph Negron Sales Yes Jules Delgado Sales Yes Justin Eisenberg Yes Karen Infusino Sales Yes Kathy Quinlan Sales Yes Kevin Enget Sales Yes Kevin Enget Sales Yes Kevin Farrell Sales Yes Kevin Kedziora Sales Yes Kim Cygan Sales Yes Kimberly Seber Sales Yes Larry Mueller Sales No Laura McShane Sales Yes Laurie Conrad Sales Yes Leo McDonald Sales Yes Linette Boudreaux Sales No Lisa Carbonaro Sales Yes Lisa Carver Sales Yes Maggie O'Kane Sales Yes Mario Verdicchio Sales Yes Mark Ferrara Sales Yes Mark O'Brien Sales Yes Mary Lefebvre Sales Yes Matthew Martin Sales Yes Megan Gadsby Sales Yes Mia Tawney Sales Yes Michael Bench Sales Yes Michael Connors Sales Yes Michael Edmondson Sales Yes Michael Stack Sales Yes Michael Stack Sales Yes Michael Watson Sales Yes Michelle Bowden Sales Yes Michelle Coffey Sales Yes Michelle Forister Sales Yes Michelle Link Sales Yes Michelle Sitek Sales Yes Mike Whyte Sales Yes Nathan Engh Sales Yes Nathaniel Glenn Yes Patrick Clevenger Sales Yes Patrick Hart Sales Yes Patrick Powers Sales Yes Patsy Swanson Sales Yes Patty Johnson Sales Yes Paul Dudzinski Sales Yes Paul Thomas Sales Yes Peter Carufe Sales Yes Peter Pino Sales Yes Philip Kornreich Sales Yes Pratik Patel Sales Yes Rafael Victor Sales Yes Rajeev Jalan Sales Yes Raphael Suarez Sales Yes Rick Marks Sales Yes Robert Eskandar Sales Yes Rosalie Viola Sales Yes Rose Smith Sales Yes Ryan Blakeman Sales Yes Sean Toomey Sales Yes Steve Burnside Sales Yes Steve Wiley Sales Yes Steve Young Sales Yes Steven Nemeth Sales Yes Sylvia Badenhausen Technical Yes Tammy Elliott Sales Yes Thomas Heuser Sales Yes Tim Levers Sales Yes Todd Morgan Sales Yes Todd Weaver Sales Yes Tom Klena Sales Yes Tom Miner Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales Yes Tracey Bieser Sales Yes Trevor Golden Sales Yes Vivienne Williamson Sales Yes William Shurina Sales Yes Craig Bailey Sales No Fran Ratzer Sales Yes Abdulai Abu-Bakarr Sales Yes Adrienne Pubylski Sales Yes Andrew Hoaas Sales Yes Ashley Molina Sales Yes David Blocher Sales Yes Eric Pedersen Sales Yes Gagandeep Singh Sales Yes Gennady Revich Sales Yes James Jones Sales Yes Jay Tilak Sales Yes Julie Hernando Sales Yes Karen Watts Sales Yes Kevin Keegan Sales Yes Lynda Olander Sales Yes Lynda Olander Sales No Madalina Chirculescu Sales Yes Michael Juliano Sales Yes Michael Whitehead Sales Yes Nate Lessmann Sales Yes Qez Bashir Sales Yes Roberto Ceron Sales Yes Ron Rosario Yes Tom Mililli Technical Yes Tracy Shatto Sales Yes Vincenzo Baldacchino Sales Yes Rebecca Smith Sales Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Dmitriy Volkov Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Greg Sacina Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Leo McDonald Sales Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Brian Goldwater Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Keith Chikosky Technical Yes Leo McDonald Sales Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Kyle Brand Sales No Dominick Fama Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Sales Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Todd Fontana Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical No David Marques Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Kevin Keegan Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Francois de Lavergne Technical No Todd Fontana Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Eric Leonard Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical No David Marques Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes John McMahon Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Amy Styers Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical No Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Thomas Nichols Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Thomas Nichols Yes Nicole Lawrence Technical Yes Bill Carolan Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Richard Runja Technical No Robert Horn Technical Yes Todd Fontana Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Todd Fontana Technical Yes Bill Carolan Technical Yes Ray Knicely Technical Yes Richard Runja No Jonathan Deily Technical Yes Jonathan Deily Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Andre Craddock Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Josh Cooper Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Rafael Victor Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Rafael Victor Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Thomas Nichols Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Cory Peters Technical Yes Matt Mallory Technical Yes Thomas Nichols Technical Yes Todd Hetrick Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Richard Runja Technical No Tim Krause Technical Yes Josh Cooper Technical Yes Adrienne Pubylski Sales Yes Alin Sas Sales Yes Amy Haupt Sales Yes Andy Bernard Sales Yes Blake Allen Sales No Calley Wienk Sales No Carrie Alejandro Sales Yes Chris Calabrese Sales Yes Christopher Tripi Sales Yes Daryl Buist Sales Yes David Blocher Sales Yes David Lindquist Sales Yes David Parkman Sales Yes David Rounds Sales Yes Dritan Smith Sales Yes Evan Losh Sales Yes Eve Frangeas Sales No Grant Marquardt Sales Yes Helene Pearn Sales Yes James Jones Sales Yes Jessica Molzahn Sales Yes Julie Hernando Sales Yes Katherine Hajewski Sales Yes Kelly Cochran Sales Yes Kyle Timm Sales Yes Laura McShane Sales Yes Lauren Anastas Sales Yes Lisa Carbonaro Yes Lisa Nummelin Sales Yes Lisa Ragantesi Sales Yes Lynda Olander Sales No Madalina Chirculescu Sales Yes Martin Petersen Sales Yes Matt OLeary Yes Michael Stack Sales Yes Michelle Coats Sales Yes Michelle Forister Sales Yes Nate Lessmann Sales Yes Nick Hakala Sales Yes Qez Bashir Sales No Roberto Ceron Technical No Ryan Blakeman Sales Yes Sarah Daniels Sales Yes Seth Baumiller Yes Tarah Baker Sales Yes Tom Mililli Sales Yes Danielle Kraft Sales Yes Ashley Margrove Sales Yes Ashley Margrove Sales Yes Ashley Margrove Sales Yes Ashley Margrove Sales Yes Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Brandon Sexton Technical No Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes Audrey Blair Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Jessica Olson Sales Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical No David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes John Kalas Technical No Isaac Stewart Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Tim Krause Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes John Kalas Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes David Marques Technical Yes Isaac Stewart Technical Yes Kevin Fernandez Sales No Darrell Salvato Technical No Darrell Salvato Technical No Kenneth Hutchinson Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Joseph Iannacone Sales No Joseph Iannacone Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Joseph Iannacone Sales No Joseph Iannacone Technical No Joseph Iannacone Sales No Joseph Iannacone Technical No Tim Bolger No Burns Bowen No Paul Bidwell Technical No Jim Friedrich Technical Yes Luke Hutson Sales No Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Steve Kazmer Sales Yes Tony Campasano Sales No Ato Korsah Sales No Matthew Fraker Sales No Ato Korsah Technical No Ben Murphy Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Andrew Yaros Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Andrew Yaros Sales No Ben Murphy Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Ben Murphy Sales No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Sam Hai Sales Yes Jim Friedrich Technical No Kyle Keller Technical No John Kalas Sales No Mike Chabarek Technical No Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Tony Campasano Sales No Tony Campasano Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No Andrew Yaros Sales No Bruce Yellin Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Anthony Schiavello Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales No Melissa Logothetis Sales No Melissa Logothetis Sales No Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes Melissa Logothetis Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Anthony Schiavello Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Bruce Yellin Sales No Andrew Yaros Sales No Mike Chabarek Sales No Mike Chabarek Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Andrew Yaros Sales No Tony Campasano Sales No John Giachero Technical Yes Matt Anderson Technical Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical No John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Justin Salmasi Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Sheryl Tucker Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Stephanie Tomasik Technical No John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales No John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales No Steve Kazmer Sales No Roger Arnold Technical No Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Matt Anderson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes Matt Anderson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Matt Anderson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical No Roger Arnold Sales No John Giachero Technical No John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Stephanie Tomasik Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales No Roger Arnold Sales Yes Steve Kazmer Sales No John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Sales No Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Ato Korsah Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No John Kalas Technical No Matthew Fraker Technical No Peter VanderValk Technical No Peter VanderValk Sales No Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Matt Anderson Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Peter VanderValk Technical No John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Technical No Steve Kazmer Sales No Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Sheryl Tucker Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Sheryl Tucker Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Matthew Fraker Technical No John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Matt Anderson Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Justin Salmasi Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes Amy Wilkinson Sales Yes Justin Salmasi Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Ato Korsah Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No John Kalas Technical No Matthew Fraker Technical No Peter VanderValk Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Peter VanderValk Technical No John Giachero Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Sales No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Roger Arnold Technical No Roger Arnold Sales Yes Ato Korsah Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No John Kalas Technical No Matthew Fraker Technical No Peter VanderValk Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Peter VanderValk Sales No Roger Arnold Sales Yes Ato Korsah Technical No John Kalas Technical No Peter VanderValk Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No John Giachero Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Sales No Roger Arnold Sales Yes John Giachero Technical Yes Roger Arnold Technical Yes Ato Korsah Technical No Burns Bowen Technical No John Kalas Technical No Matthew Fraker Technical No Peter VanderValk Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Peter VanderValk Technical No Roger Arnold Technical Yes Roger Arnold Sales Yes Amy Wilkinson Technical Yes John Giachero Technical Yes John Giachero Sales Yes Steve Kazmer Sales No David Smull Technical No Jeffrey Hall Technical No Sylvia Badenhausen Technical No Sylvia Badenhausen No Rob Mangieri Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Blake Gollnick Sales Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Jim Friedrich Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Sylvia Badenhausen No Paul Bidwell Technical No David Beidelman Technical No David Beidelman Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Christopher Marcinko Technical No Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Christopher Marcinko Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Paul Coffey Sales Yes Robert Horn Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Sales No Phil Meyer Technical No Aaron Horne Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Jim Friedrich Sales Yes John Kalas Sales Yes Kyle Keller Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Grace OConnell No Regina Robinson Sales No Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Sales No Tony Campasano Sales No Tony Campasano Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Mike Chabarek Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales Yes Roberto Roman Sales No Ryan Hotchkin Sales No Corey Steere Sales No Jack Barrett Sales No Jason Willcox Sales No Jennifer Pridham Sales No Jesse Johnson Sales No Joni Lupo Sales No Lynda Olander Sales No Ryan Hotchkin Sales No Sean Whalen Sales No Ryan Hotchkin Sales No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Jerry Walding Sales Yes Laura Riolo Sales Yes Laura Riolo Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales Yes Sheryl Tucker Sales No Sheryl Tucker Sales No Sheryl Tucker Sales No Sheryl Tucker Sales No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Laura Riolo Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales Yes Laura Riolo Sales Yes Laura Riolo Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Alan Cohen Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Alan Cohen Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Sheryl Tucker Sales No Tom Perri Sales No Tom Perri Sales No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Tom Perri Sales No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Garth Whitacre Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Ernest Nichols Technical No Dana Masterman Sales No Dana Masterman Sales No Laura Riolo Sales Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Gary Kavafes Technical No Sylvia Badenhausen Sales Yes Andrew Yaros Sales No Andrew Yaros Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Tony Campasano Sales No Ato Korsah Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Fabian Dominguez Technical Yes Cristina Rodriguez Sales No Grace OConnell No Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Kathryn Dellosso Sales No Beth Russo Sales No Timothy Henning Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Technical No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Technical No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Andrew Hobbs Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Christopher Marcinko Technical No Christopher Marcinko Technical No Eric Nagel Technical No Eric Nagel Technical No Diane Buley Technical No Jeffrey Pieper Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Umar Farooq Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Kyle Rapp Technical No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Technical No Diane Buley Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Jessica Lemmon Sales No Todd Fontana Technical Yes Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Technical No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Todd Fontana Technical Yes Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Dominick Fama Yes C.R. O'Brien Sales Yes Kyle Rapp Sales No Kyle Rapp Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Dominick Fama Sales Yes Dominick Fama Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales Yes Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jim Morey Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Shari Nowack Sales No Dominick Fama Sales Yes Dominick Fama Sales Yes Dominick Fama Technical No Dominick Fama Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Kyle Rapp Sales No Kyle Rapp Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales Yes Jim Morey Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Shari Nowack Sales No Dominick Fama Technical No Shari Nowack Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Jim Morey No Jim Morey Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Dominick Fama Technical Yes Jim Morey Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales No Jim Morey Sales No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Jennifer Torrence Sales No Diane Buley Technical No James Mazzaro Technical Yes Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes C.R. O'Brien Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Kyle Rapp Technical No Kyle Rapp Technical No Kyle Rapp Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Jim Morey Technical No Jim Morey Technical No Thomas Marchu Technical Yes Dominick Fama Technical Yes James Mazzaro Technical Yes Jim Morey Technical No Dominick Fama Technical Yes John Kalas Technical No John Kalas Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Dominick Fama Technical Yes Diane Buley Sales No Garth Whitacre Technical No David Beidelman Technical Yes Paul Coffey Sales Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical No Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Jessica Lemmon Sales Yes Rob Mangieri Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Ben Murphy Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Gary Kavafes Technical No Garth Whitacre Technical No Diane Buley Technical No Michael Patrimonio Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Tony Campasano Sales No Bruce Yellin Technical No Bruce Yellin Sales No Tony Campasano Sales No Tony Campasano Technical No Dana Masterman Sales No Dana Masterman Sales No Dana Masterman Sales No Dana Masterman Sales No Dana Masterman Sales No Laretha Gutridge Sales No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing Sales No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Laretha Gutridge Sales No Laretha Gutridge Sales No Sandy DeVico Sales Yes Laretha Gutridge Sales No George Savvas Technical Yes Sandy DeVico Sales No Paul Coffey Sales Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Mike Jackson Technical No Paul Coffey Sales Yes Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Sales Yes Robert Cervino Sales No Paul Coffey Technical Yes Robert Cervino Sales No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Jon Palmer No Ernest Nichols Technical Yes Robert Horn Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical No Timothy Henning Technical No Kevin Keegan Technical No Tim Pomerleau Technical No Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Benjamin Hinkle Technical No C.R. O'Brien Technical No Claudia Castellanos Technical Yes Michael Patrimonio Technical No Garth Reid Technical No Robert Cervino Technical Yes Dominick Fama Technical Yes Jeffrey Pieper Technical No Benjamin Hinkle Technical No Cary Dahl Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes James Mazzaro Technical Yes Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Carlos Romascindo Technical Yes Claudia Castellanos Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Mike Jackson Sales No Timothy Henning Technical No Mike Jackson Sales No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Aaron Horne Sales Yes Jim Friedrich Sales No John Kalas Sales No Kyle Keller Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Kyle Rapp No Anne Cayer Sales No Paul Coffey Technical Yes Eric Nagel Technical No Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Paul Coffey Sales No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical Yes Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Paul Coffey Technical No Malika Gordon No Mike Jackson Sales No Cary Dahl Sales No Joshua Dunsky Sales No Monica Pesl Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales No Mike Jackson Sales No Mike Jackson Sales No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Jon Palmer Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Mike Jackson Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes John Boni No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Kelly Buist Sales Yes Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Alison Fleischer No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes No Mike Jackson Sales No Kelly Buist Sales Yes Mike Jackson Sales No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing No John Boni No Alison Fleischer No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Jon Palmer Sales No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing No John Boni No Jon Palmer Sales No John Boni No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing No Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Alison Fleischer No Jon Palmer Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No John Boni No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing Sales No Mike Jackson Sales No Alison Fleischer Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Alison Fleischer Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Elise Castaneda Sales No John Boni No Kathleen Barnes - ITAM Pricing Sales No Tony Campasano Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Dennis Schiff Yes Mort Averett Sales Yes Ben Murphy Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Kelly Buist Yes Luke Hutson Sales Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Mike Jackson Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Kelly Buist No Kelly Buist Sales Yes Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Mike Chabarek Technical No Mike Jackson Sales No Claudia Castellanos Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Jon Palmer Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Jon Palmer Sales No Jon Palmer Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Kjetil Skalvik Sales Yes Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Jon Palmer Sales No Alicia Baczkowski Sales Yes Jerry Walding Sales Yes Todd Perrine Sales No Todd Perrine Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Sam Hai Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Elise Castaneda Sales No Malika Gordon No SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Kelly Buist Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Elise Castaneda No Malika Gordon No Malika Gordon No Carlos Romascindo Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Alison Fleischer Sales No Elise Castaneda Sales No Malika Gordon Sales No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Malika Gordon No Elise Castaneda No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Elise Castaneda No Malika Gordon No Alison Fleischer Sales No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Kelly Buist No Kelly Buist Yes Cary Dahl Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Timothy Henning Technical No Burns Bowen No Tim Bolger No Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Jon Palmer Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Mike Jackson Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Andrew Yaros Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Malika Gordon No Mike Jackson Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Jon Palmer Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Jon Palmer Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Mike Jackson Technical No Kjetil Skalvik Technical Yes Jon Palmer Technical No Bruce Yellin Technical No Tony Campasano Technical No Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Robert Cervino Sales No Ato Korsah Technical No Ben Murphy Technical No Kelly Buist Yes Matthew Fraker Technical Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Edward Barton Technical No Kyle Keller Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Alicia Baczkowski Technical Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales No Jon Palmer Technical No Mike Jackson Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes Andrew Yaros Technical No Jon Palmer Technical No Jerry Walding Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Carlos Romascindo Sales Yes Ernest Nichols Technical No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Chrysanthe Newton Sales Yes Erika Bow Sales Yes Jared Crowley Sales Yes Louis DelVecchio Sales Yes Marcus Aris Sales Yes Nicole Alexander Sales No Sheryl Tucker Sales No SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Stacey DAgostino Sales Yes Victoria DeBenedetto Sales Yes Greg Sacina Technical Yes Steven Perkins Technical Yes Andrew Cooper Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes SP2010 Setup Account Technical Yes SP2010 Setup Account Sales Yes Sheryl Tucker Sales No