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Layout VGD Copy The Voice of thTehe sqMuare ina frolntt oef thse Gea- Issue The Voice of the Malteseħ November 10, 2020 240 jnsielem parish church in Gozo decorated with candle illumina - tions to commemorate All Souls day on November 1. Picture Charles Spiteri (More on page 20) 2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Waqt il-pandemija, laqgħa storika fiċ-ċentru La Valette ta’ Black town ienet laqgħa ġenerali differenti mis-soltu, jekk mhux ukoll storika meta f’nofs il-pandemija COVID- K19, iċ-ċentru Malti La Valette fi Blacktown NSW kellhom il-kuraġġ u d-determinaz - zjoni li xorta jorganizzaw il-laqgħa ġener - ali annwali. Ingħatat attenzjoni għall- implimentazzjoni tar-regolamenti tal-Aw - toritajiet tas-Saħħa dwar is-sigurtá, u ta’ dan, tac-ċentru ħaqqhom prosit. L-attendenza ta’ madwar tmenin persuna, fil-maggoranza tagħhom anzjani, fi żmeni - jiet diffiċli bħal dawn, uriet kemm għad hemm interess f’dan iċ-ċentru Malti. Il- laqgħa ma kelliex is-solita stennija għax fl-elezzjonijiet ewlenin ma kienx hemm kontestazzjoni. Fir-rapporti li nqaraw issemmew it-ten - tattivi li saru biex il-kwestjoni reliġjuza tigi solvuta iżda l-komunitá ta’ dawn l-in - ħawi għadhom mingħajr is-saċerdot Malti. Intqal ukoll li ċ-ċentru dam magħluq services issoktaw. Il-kċina, li issa hija Il-Kumitat Eżekuttiv tac-Centru, La kważi tliet xhur minħabba l-pandemija, u mmexxija minn kok professjonali wkoll Valette. Mix-xellug : Francis Fitzpatrick, dan ikkaġuna nuqqas ta’ kummerċ tant li għadha tiffunzjona u saret popolari ħafna Antoine Mangion u Godfrey Sultana d-dħul naqas kważi bin-nofs, izda dan iċ- mal-membri. maħtur Godfrey Sultana, filwaqt li An - ċentru għad għandu bażi finanzjarja soda Kien hemm bidla sostanzjali fil-kumitat, toinette inħatret bħala viċi president. biex kapaċi jiffaċċja kull diffikultá. fosthom li Antoinette Caruana, l-ewwel Inbidlet ukoll is-segretarja, bi Francis Iċ-ċentru reġa’ fetaħ f’Lulju għalkemm mara President taċ-ċentru għal dawn l- Fitzgerald, li kien ilha tokkupa din il- b’xi restruzzjonijiet, imma kemm il- aħħar erba’ snin tant diffiċli, iddeċidiet li kariga għal 14-il sena, issa nħatret bħala logħob tal-boċċi, tombla u anke r- respite ma tkomplix f’din il-kariga. Minflokha ġie kaxxiera, biex bħala segretarju issa daħal għall-impenn Antoine Mangion li bħala assistent tiegħu għandu lill-ommu, An - toinette Mangion. Joe Abela u Jim Zammit gew maħtura unanimament bħala msieħba taċ-ċentru għal għomorhom (life members) . Ir- returning officer fil-laqħa ġenerali kien George Vella. Il-kumitat għall-kumplament ta’ din is- sena u l-2021 issa huwa ffurmat minn: President: Godfrey Sultana; Vici President: Antoinette Caruana; Segretarju: Antoine Mangion; Asst: Segretarju: Antoinette Man - gion; Kaxxier: Francis Fitzpatrick. Membri: Joe Abela, Anġlu Borg, Ivan Cauchi, Joyce Micallef, Michael Spiteri, u Jimmy Zammit. Nota: Eddie Busuttil ma reġax ħareġ għall-kumitat, filwaqt li Ivan Cauchi li kien kaxxier, ma reġax ikkontesta għall- kariga imma żamm postu bħala membru Joe Abela (xellug) , u Jim Zammit li ġew maħtura bħala membri għal għomorhom fil-kumitat. Dehra tas-sala waqt il-laqgħa ġenerali fejn ġie osservat is- social distancing Tuesday, November 10, 2020 The Voice of the Maltese 3 Q. I am 78 years of age and am in the process of reviewing his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Mal - my Will. I have four adult children but I am mainly looked tese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian after by my eldest daughter who is financially not very com - FTinancial Services helps our readers understand the com - fortable. The other three live further away and mainly keep plexities associated with financial planning. If you need in contact with me by phone. Am I able to leave the bulk of more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: malte - my estate to my eldest daughter or will this cause conflict? [email protected]. A. I think you should ask the advice of the facility and the govern - your solicitor, as he/she would be in a bet - ment will cover his ongoing ter position to answer you. However, you costs. He will probably only may consider helping your daughter now have to pay the Basic Daily while you are still alive as you can do Fee which is 85% of the whatever you want with your money. You pension. may also mention your plans to your other children and see how they feel about it. Q. I am 66 years old and This should hopefully avoid conflicts in the still working. I have just future. received an inheritance of Q. My father is 73 years old and needs $300,000 from my sister’s to move into aged care as he has severe estate. I have a very small dementia and because I work, I cannot super fund and would like provide him with full time care. I am to invest this money into single and have been living in the fam - super to build it up. Am I Q&A able to do this? Q&A ily home all my life. We will need to pay her main concern? a Refundable Accommodation Deposit A. You are able to make a non-conces - A. If your mother moves out of her home (RAD) to the aged care facility. My fa - sional contribution of $100,000, as you and leaves it empty, it will not be treated ther has very little money being a pen - are over 65 years of age. If you continue as an asset for the first two years. It will sioner. If we need to sell the house to to work or if you at least work 40 hours still remain her residential home while pay the RAD, I will have to start rent - every year in a period of 30 days, you will giving her the opportunity to see whether ing. Can you help? be able to invest $100,000 in super every she can settle in comfortably with you. If A. As the family home has been your year up to the age of 75. This year how - she is uncomfortable living with you, she home all your life, and as you have been ever you are only able to make a contri - will be able to move back into her home. your father’s carer, the house will not be bution of $100,000 into your super fund. However, if she rents out her property, treated as an asset when Centrelink as - Q. My mother is going to move in with this will immediately become an invest - sesses your father’s assets and therefore us. She is now 82 and although quite ment property. It will be treated as an you will not have to sell your home at all. healthy, we feel she should not be living asset by Centrelink and also a good por - If your father cannot afford to pay the on her own any more. She may at some tion of the rent will be treated as income. RAD, he can apply for subsidy by the gov - future date sell her home or rent it out. If the house is quite an expensive prop - ernment and he will be able to move into Will she lose her age pension as this is erty, she would most probably lose the pension completely. You should visit a fi - nancial planner who, after assessing your situation, would be able to calculate this for you. Q. My sister passed away three months ago. She looked after her husband who is only in his 60s but had suffered a stroke a couple of years ago. He has no siblings and does not wish to move in with any of us as he feels he can man - age. I have been, however, visiting him daily and doing chores around the house, cooking main meals for him and taking him to doctors and shopping. Do you think I qualify for a carer’s al - lowance as some friends encouraged me to apply for it? A. I think you most certainly should try and apply for this allowance. If you stopped doing what you are doing for him, he would probably have to move into care. You should visit an FIS officer at Centrelink and he/she will assess your sit - uation and help you fill in the form for the carer’s allowance. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommenda - tion or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document 4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, November 10, 2020 The Cathedral Squae at Mdina jjeewweell JJEEaltWWa’s formeErE capitLLal, Mdina is described as “a Mal - It went on to describe the island as a baroque pearl and tese Jewel” by, the UK travel website that, “Here and there in the archipelago, there are a large that also chose it as one of the Most Beautiful Vil - number of monuments that are the sweet heritage of this Mlages in Europe. It also mentioned the what the Maltese like period.” to describe as The Silent City, ws also was used as the setting The website also gives an overwiew of Malta’s capital, for King's Landing in Games of Thrones TV series Valletta, saying that a tour in Malta inevitably leads visitors The website argued that it it is understandable why, since to the heart of the capital, and that while strolling through this small town, whose architecture has remained unchanged its streets and alleys, one should not miss the opportunity since its reconstruction in 1693, is of unparalleled beauty.
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