Bond Rights Violated, Supreme Court Rules
V Average Daily Net Press R ue The W eathw For the >Mreek BihMI Cloudy with $i' cbaneo ft December S, IMS rain tooighti }OW 36>80; m oei^ cloudy and milder tomofTOWi 15,131 \ high 4 0 ^ ,Manche»ter-T’A CUj^ of Village Charm (OlaMlfied Advertteing on Fage SI) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 55 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN!; MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1966 Plane Crashed Nov. 24 / ' Experienced!f HAMDEN (A P) - - Since John Murray went to work Bond Rights Violated, with his father’s ambulance service he has delivered or assiisted in the birth of 14 babies. ■ *' jE, His experience came in handy last night when he delivered another—his own Supreme Court Rules daughter. 11 Days on Peak Murray, 26, was out on a call. When he returned COLVILLE, Wash. home his wife said, “ we’ll never get to the hospital on mf (AP)—A car stuck in the IWS time.” snow led to the rescue of a * s Atlanta Court’s Canadian couple who sur His wife, Patricia Ann, gave birth to the six-pound vived 11 days after their 10-ounce girl not long after plane crashed on a north ■ i l i i i i p i i Murray got home. He and Ruling Reversed eastern Washington peak. V y - - ' his new daughter were driv Roy Brown, 36, of Saskatoon, en to the hospital in a police Saskatohewcm, and hia wife, car. WASHINGTON (AP)—^The Supreme Court, ruled Betty, 32, were reported in good A vehicle from Murray’s unanimously today that the Georgia Legislature violat condition today at Mt.
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