Wet paint

The student newspaper of the Rider community since 1930 Volume 77, Issue 1V - Friday, October 13, 2006 6 A Sustainable Rider? Students waste tons of energy By Mike Caputo offices are so cold from the air- conditioning that people use In a typical residence hall portable heaters during the hot room, all power outlets are summer months. Mobile ser- filled to capacity with surge vices on campus, such as Public protectors and other energy- Safety, lack emphasis on using guzzling objects. Refrigerators, fuel-efficient vehicles. televisions, computers, DVD Lawrenceville campus SGA players, hair dryers, battery Vice President Nick Barbati chargers, lamps — sometimes acknowledged the student two of each — are the rule. body’s apathetic attitude toward Sara Keegan, a senior, spells the ever-growing global issue of out a representative attitude of climate change. the student body at Rider when “I absolutely think that’s it comes to energy consump- a problem and that’s because tion. we don’t pay directly for our “I’m paying for it, so I’m electric bill — which allows going to use it,” Keegan said. that kind of attitude,” Barbati Photo by Steph Nardi But according to Al Gore’s said. “But unfortunately what A student’s room uses a total of 4,566 watts of electricity to power everything from computers, eye-opening film An Inconvenient students need to realize is a lot refrigerators, televisions to just about anything else imaginable, sometimes two of each. Power Truth, to be screened at 7:30 of things go along with that.” cords are plugged into six-slot surge protectors in just about every room on campus. p.m. on Oct. 16-18, in the Bart Up Route 206, a group of mental awareness among stu- There is hope, though. Lawrence, expressed optimism Luedeke Center Theater – and students dent bodies. An unrecognized, unfund- regarding the organization’s numerous scientists around the have banded together to form Discussions on campus sus- ed organization, known as appeal to members of the Rider world – Keegan and the rest of a local chapter of Students tainability have recently heated Sustainable Rider, is slowly community and the impact it her generation will pay, for the United for a Responsible Global up within the Lawrenceville making its presence known on may have. rest of their lives, because of Environment (SURGE). One campus’ Student Senate, but the Lawrenceville campus and “Every student that I have current apathy toward environ- of the main aims of SURGE, there has yet to be an offi- is currently in its infancy. talked to about it is really inter- mental sustainability. which was formed at the cially recognized student-run Dr. Laura Hyatt, assistant ested and faculty and staff are Classroom lights burn for University of North Carolina at environmental organization on professor of biology and an really interested in making the entire weekends without occu- Chapel Hill in 1998, is to unite either of Rider’s campuses. active member of Sustainable pants in the room. Some staff activists in spreading environ- See Green, p. 2 Author ‘Gay Point Average’ voices could disappoint

By Olivia Tattory dents. It also offers a checklist opinion rating the “gay point average” of the “100 best campuses.” By Jeff Frankel and Some lesbian, gay, bisexual Some students say it’s Steph Mostaccio and/or transgender (LGBT) surprising that Rider did not students worry not only about make the cut. being accepted to a college but “Personally I see a lot of At the young age of 14, also about whether they will student involvement in the gay Irshad Manji was expelled feel welcomed once they are on community, and I think it’s from her Islamic madressa for their chosen college campus. [Rider] an overall safe environ- asking questions. Now she urges Students can now use The ment for anyone of any [sexual] everyone to do just that. Advocate College Guide for orientation,” said senior Julitza Manji, a journalist and Photo by Jerry Chen LGBT Students to help steer Figueroa. best-selling author of The Controversial author Irshad Manji takes questions in the BLC them in the right direction dur- The official campus check- Trouble with Islam: A Muslim’s Theater as she crusades to reform her Muslim religion. ing the college decision-making list consists of 20 points, which process. focus on a variety of aspects Call for Reform in Her Faith, much controversy to the In her program, “The The bright yellow guide, regarding campus climate in spoke on Tuesday, Oct. 10, in a Muslim community. While she power of asking questions out published by Alyson Books and relation to LGBT policies, pro- filled-to-capacity Bart Luedeke says she supports Islam and loud,” she discussed main ideas released in August, showcases grams and practices. Through Center Theater to launch wants people to take a closer from her book. Because of campuses that have displayed this year’s Unity Day event. look at the religion, Muslims See Manji, p. 4 a commitment to LGBT stu- See GPA, p. 7 Her book brought see her as a radical. Visit the Rider News Online at www.rider.edu/ridernews/

101306p1.indd 1 10/12/06 10:49:53 PM 2 Friday, October 13, 2006

Security Briefs Cinema

Lights out series When turning out the Films shown to juries and lights, be sure to use the light a puzzling David Lynch mov- switch, but don’t break it. On ie will be discussed as part Sunday, Oct. 8, at 3:22 a.m., of the “Movies in America” Public Safety was alerted by guest speaker series. a Gee resident advisor that a Professor Jessica M. light fixture in the stairwell Silbey, of Suffolk University was broken. Upon arrival, Law School, will speak they found an unknown on Filming in the Precinct object was used to break two House: Those Troubling fixtures. Facilities was alerted Video-taped Confessions on and the cost of repair is about Wednesday, Oct. 18, from $200. 4:30 – 6 p.m. in Sweigart Auditorium 115. Surprising violation Photo by Stephanie Nardi Author Dr. Martha P. Here’s a violation that Nochimson, will discuss All I is barely ever seen on cam- National Coming Out Day Need is the Girl: The Life and pus. On Sunday, Oct. 8, at Members of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) sit at their table for National Coming Out Day Death of Creativity in David 1:24 a.m., while on routine on Wednesday, Oct. 11, where they distributed T-shirts between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The group Lynch’s ‘Mulholland Drive’ patrol in Poyda, Public Safety then decorated the Multicultural bulletin board with information about “out” celebrities, GSA on Monday, Nov. 13 from observed a female student events and nationally recognized days of celebrations. 4:30 – 6 p.m. in Sweigart vomiting in the bathroom. Auditorium 115. The student then went Professor Silbey teaches back to her room, and the versities, have continued to forge doing, but at the same time it is reen constitutional law and has officers went to her door G ahead in making their busi- a lot more comfortable for the written on film, law and lit- to check on her condition. Continued from p. 1 nesses green-friendly. According future of the earth. erature in Columbia Journal When the student opened to Mike Reca, assistant vice “I think the community University more sustainable,” of Law and the Arts and Law her door, they saw an open president Auxiliary Services, as a whole has a lot of grow- said Hyatt. and Social Inquiry. bottle of wine and noticed Rider has kept the environ- ing to do in terms of tackling Phone calls and E-mails to Dr. Nochimson is a film that she was intoxicated. ment in its sights while this problem, and that includes Valerie Sodi, a student founder scholar whose publications After determining she did devising plans for buildings administration and students of Sustainable Rider, were not range from books on David not need medical attention, such as the Student Recreation working in conjunction with returned. Lynch, to the soap opera and she was cited by Public Safety Center (SRC) and the New one another,” said Barbati. “As According to Hyatt, one screen couple chemistry. for underage drinking. Residence Hall, which were far as I know by the actions of the first objectives that both opened up in 2005. of administration, they haven’t Movies in America Sustainable Rider plans to orga- is co-sponsored by The Busted table “We use sustainability in reached students, so in my mind nize is its own campus version Department of English, The Calm down, it’s just Ping- mind when we use all prod- they haven’t done enough.” of the Million Monitors Drive, This story is the first part of American Studies Program, Pong. On Thursday, Oct. 5, ucts,” said Reca. “So how we which is a national movement an environmental sustainability The Law and Justice Program, Public Safety was alerted to maintain the buildings and the created by the Environmental series, which will run occasionally Law Society, Alternative Film an incident in the Student process to which we maintain Protection Agency. Currently, throughout the semester. Club and SAF. Recreation Center involving the buildings will essentially be most faculty and lab computers a Ping-Pong table from the driven in that direction.” and monitors are set to go to previous day. While playing Hyatt hopes Rider carries sleep after 15 minutes of inac- a game of Ping-Pong on Oct. a sustainable attitude into its tivity. Students should check 4, around 10:13 p.m., a stu- future construction, including a their own energy setting, said dent intentionally damaged potentially new academic build- Hyatt, because it can cost about the table. The staff member ing and additional residence $20 annually in electricity for on duty alerted Public Safety hall space. a monitor, even when a screen the next day. The student’s “It would be great if that saver is used. gaming privileges were sus- new academic building could The program would pit pended until further notice be a showcase for sustainable the residence halls and Greek and the investigation is con- practices,” she said. Houses against each other. The tinuing. Sustainable material and winner will be the building minimized heating costs are which uses the least amount Again? among the practices Hyatt hopes of energy based on monitor A gazebo on campus was Rider will apply to future con- usage. damaged for the umpteenth structions, which are some of Although Rider doesn’t time. On Monday, Oct. 9, the specifications set out by the own a wind-tower or a power the gazebo by Gill Memorial LEED Green Building Rating plant to produce energy, the Chapel had one of it rail- System for New Construction. administration has opened its ings kicked or pushed out. According to Reca, the SRC eye toward the growing global As of this time there are no is LEED-certified, but Hyatt problem. suspects and the investiga- challenged the university to aim “The whole issue of sus- tion is continuing. Anyone higher. tainability is an important with information, call Public “It would be great if that one,” said President Mordechai Safety at x. 5029. building could be platinum Rozanski. “As we are doing any LEED certified,” she said. — Compiled by Jeff Frankel construction, we want to make Barbati proposed a chal- sure that we are being smart- lenge to both administration growth oriented — that we are and the students. being environmentally sensitive “For me I would say is to and we are being green.” step up and challenge other According to Rozanski, the students to behave in a way that University has participated in would be beneficial to the entire Lawrence Township meetings human race,” said Barbati. “If that dealt with issues of sustain- your roommate is leaving the ability. lights on, don’t accept that as Information provided by Director CEOs and presidents being OK. Ask them to turn of Rider’s Department of Public Safety Vickie Weaver. around the country, including them off, it may be something those heading colleges and uni- that you feel uncomfortable

101306p2.indd 2 10/12/06 10:48:43 PM Friday, October 13, 2006 3 Used computers have high value once recycled By Laura Markowitz According to the Apple $5 and $100 for computers web site, Apple’s Trade-In and being traded in, but Rider Recycle Program for Education receives no money for com- helps schools “recover any puters being recycled. “If the Every few years the comput- remaining value to help offset model is very old we will go ers used in labs around campus the cost of a new purchase.” back to Supreme Computers,” are recycled and replaced. Now, By switching to Apple, the said Rykowski. Out of approxi- Rider will get paid to recycle, or University will not only save the mately 180 computers collected trade in, old computers. money previously being spent from labs, faculty and staff dur- Each year during the to ship computers out with the ing the summer break, only 25 summer break, Krystyna old company, but Apple will have no value at all. Rykowski, director of the Office actually pay the school for each For computers that are at of Information Technology computer. least 5 years old, Apple will (OIT) Support Services, A third-party vendor, use parts only. What cannot would gather computers that PowerON Services, LLC, pro- be reused is recycled by the were going to be recycled. In vides the service to Apple and is company. previous years, Rider worked responsible for any transactions Computers are “recycled Photo by Matt Friedman through Supreme Computers, conducted with customers. through environmentally OIT stores computers from around campus in the General a company that charged for Rider simply “sends Apple a responsible processes that are Services Building before trading them in for up to $100 each. each discarded computer. Rider list of machines [the University consistent with all federal and was paying $25 for each com- is recycling] and Apple gives state guidelines,” the official hard drives so “no Rider infor- The computers Rider is puter shipped out, according us a quote for each computer,” Apple web site states. This dis- mation goes off campus,” said recycling are a Bondi Blue, an to Rykowski. This year, Rhon Fitzwater said. The quote is posal of equipment coincides Fitzwater. “When Apple picks original iMac from 1998 and Fitzwater, a technical support based on system configuration, with what the web site calls up the machines they are basi- a Dell GX1 from around the specialist, has found a new equipment condition and sup- Apple’s “eco-friendly product cally blank machines.” same year. The newest comput- program through the Apple ply and demand within the design.” In the past, Rider has donat- ers are the eMacs, which are Computer Inc. web site. secondary or used electron- In the process of ed computers to non-profit worth the most money during “With Apple’s new ics market. It also takes print- disposing the old equipment, organizations. The organiza- trade-in. program, we can now not only ers, keyboards and any other Apple grinds down the hard tions that were interested would Fitzwater believes the recycle our old equipment for computer equipment. The drives or deletes all data on send Rider a request, and they program will be a success. free, but we can also trade in company even accepts used hard drives being resold in a would be responsible for the “If all goes well with our [sell back] the equipment that computer equipment from “manner consistent with federal pick-up. This year, Rykowski trial run of the program, we will still has some residual value,” other manufacturers. standards.” does not know if Rider will be most likely be using it again said Fitzwater. Apple will pay between Rider’s OIT staff cleans the donating any computers again. in the future,” he said. Unity Day exposes campus to different cultures Student Entertainment Council going to be food from so ity was Fran de Leon’s one-per- ing a Japanese-Hungarian, By Julia Ernst (SEC). many different cultures here. I son show “Faces of America,” a young Latino, a Filipina- “Since it’s Unity Day, we thought it would just be a din- which took place in the BLC American and a mixed-blood thought the different ethnic ner of typical American food,” Theater at 7 p.m. The premise lesbian American. Each of these The University encour- foods were an important thing said freshman Brett Raczynski. of the show was to introduce characters dealt with issues spe- aged unity and diversity on to have,” said Marie Baker, the Rider’s Black Student stereotypes as well as the need cific to their race that high- Wednesday, Oct. 11, during multicultural chair of SEC. Union (BSU) also brought to break them. lighted the kinds of stereotypes its ninth annual Unity Day The fest offered students two step teams to the event. The show also introduced society imposes upon different celebration. the opportunity to taste many The members of Phi Beta today’s population of teens races. Several activities through- foreign cuisines, including Sigma performed three and young adults as the “why? De Leon focused primarily out the day exposed the campus Chinese, Spanish and Italian. different routines, and the girls generation” that is “in need of on the problems that minori- community to diverse cultures. “SEC got six local restau- from Paramus Catholic High roots.” ties encounter. She introduced One of these activities was the rants of different nationalities School’s step team provided one “Generation ‘Why?’ If it the concept of the “Why?” Multicultural Food Fest in the to contribute food,” said Baker. routine of its own. stands for anything, it stands generation’s connection to the Bart Luedeke Center (BLC) Students were pleased with Other Unity Day activities for acceptance,” said de Leon. stereotypes theme. The Cavalla Room from 5-7 p.m., the variety of food. promoted the idea of eliminat- De Leon performed the current generation of young which was sponsored by the “I had no idea there was ing stereotypes. One such activ- show in seven personas, includ- people don’t have a collective identity like other generations did, such as the “hippies of the 1960s” and “the disco kids of the 1970s,” according to de Leon. DAARSTOC Other Unity Day activities Rider’s executive skill-building organization, is now accepting applications. The deadline for applications is Friday, included a multicultural lunch October 27, 2006. with music by The Steel Kings; a series of workshops address- If you are interested in building a successful career, and are dedicated to mastering the essential skills that you will need such ing such issues as community as: service, the great immigration Interviewing debate, freedom of religion and Conflict Resolution hate speech; and a workshop on Interpersonal a student global village confer- Stand-Up Speaking Stress Management ence. According to Dr. Marvin DAARSTOC provides comprehensive training in all of these areas, plus a powerful network of successful alumni, to help Goldstein, chair of the Unity you reach your professional goals quickly. Our graduates excel in industry. If that is your goal, apply to DAARSTOC, and Day Planning Committee, the put your career on the fast track. activities were created to purge society of its biases. To apply to DAARSTOC, contact VP Doug Beck (908-581-0420),Assoc. VPs of Recruiting: Steve Klemchalk (908-399- “The aim of these pro- 7433), or Brandon Modrov (609-213-2372), VP’s of Recruiting, obtain applications at the front desk of the Deans office-- grams is to counter prejudices College of Business Administration. Return applications to the front desk--dean’s office. that people have toward others DAARSTOC who came from different races, religions, backgrounds, etc.,” he Building Blocks for Success said. Additional reporting by Steph Mostaccio

101306p2.indd 3 10/12/06 10:52:03 PM 4 Friday, October 13, 2006 Student dancers glide into the virtual world

By Steph Mostaccio extremely important in the near the Band. future,” Vaccaro said. The Rider dancers enjoyed The students had the working with Solomons as Six Rider students joined opportunity to work with Gus well as using the cutting-edge a dance class at New York Solomons Jr., the NYU dance technology. University (NYU) on Friday, instructor who is a master art- “It’s an honor to work with Sept. 29. They watched the ist of the 20th century who Gus, period,” freshman dance dancers at NYU perform has choreographed dances and minor Chelsey Alston said. “It’s several different movements and trained dancers for more than neat to do this over the camera performed the same movements 40 years, according to Vaccaro. with New York.” with them. Their dancing was “For a small university to Senior Danielle Nolen, a then critiqued and perfected by be able to interact with artists double major in English and an instructor in New York. of his stature is an unparalleled dance, added that the project However, the Rider students opportunity,” Vaccaro said. will lead dance into the 21st were in the Communication Vaccaro wanted her dancers century. and Journalism Department’s to work with Solomons because “It’s a step forward for TV studio. The Rider Dance of his innovative style of dance itself because it will be Photo by Caitlyn Berardi Ensemble, a new performing teaching. easier to contact people like group on campus, has stepped “We are interested in find- Members of The Rider Dance Ensemble work out with a NYU NYU and get interactions with into the virtual world of dance. ing a way to learn about his dance class without leaving the Rider TV studio. people who are so experienced “Indeed we were work and pass on his ideas ed the technicians in the TV The project will benefit the in that form that can teach you virtually in New York on and methods of understanding, studio. students in several ways, accord- without being there,” she said. Friday,” said Kimberly Vaccaro, which we have never had in “The technology people ing to Vaccaro. “It makes it a lot easier.” assistant professor of the dance before because we don’t at Rider are phenomenal,” she “They will get to work with The live interactive Fine Arts Department and have scores, and we don’t have said. “They are forward-think- one of our great artists, they residency is scheduled to director of Performing and scripts,” she said. ing professionals and have will be on the cutting edge occur three more times this Visual Arts for the Department However, Friday’s dance exceeded my expectations.” of learning technology in the semester. However, Vaccaro sees of Education. class was marred by some According to Vaccaro, The 21st century and they will be The Dana Project continuing Through The Dana Project, problems with the technology. Dana Project was created to well prepared as the technology in future years. the 11 student dancers who The image of Solomons and study the ways technology can age advances to use interac- “The potential for expand- comprise the ensemble will be his dancers was pixilated and be used in teaching dance and tive learning methods in their ing opportunities in learning able to work with an out-of- delayed a few seconds. to study its effects on learning, teaching,” she said. and building communities state instructor through live “Part of the problem is the focus and retention of informa- The students will also cre- through interactive residencies interactive residencies. technology,” said Vaccaro. “The tion, as well as to write a cur- ate a dance from the movements and exchanges is very exciting,” “We are learning so technology is really high-end. riculum that uses technology to they learned from Solomons, she said. “I can see this becom- much about technology tools It’s feasible, but there is that record and pass on the methods which will be presented at the ing a permanent part of what for teaching, which will be delay, and that is hard.” of the great dance artists. spring event, Rider Dances with we offer.” But Vaccaro commend- against many Muslim teachings She said many women in in their country. young Muslims, I can’t have a Manji that promote women as subor- the past have been successful “Women in Saudi Arabia big burly dude looking out for dinates to men. Muslims. The Muslim Prophet have the legal status of a car me everywhere I go,” she said. Continued from p. 1 “It’s not an exaggeration to Mohammed’s first wife was a yet they are still not allowed to Many students who recent controversy and security say that 1.2 billion people are wealthy, self-made merchant drive one,” she said. attended the event were very concerns, members of Public mad at me,” she said. who the prophet’s boss. In the past, she has received impressed with Manji and her Safety as well as Lawrence She wasn’t going to sit there “I would have never been many death-threats. Manji said values. Township police were on hand and take a silent approach to exposed or introduced to it was important for her to get “The conviction and pas- in case of any violent actions changing people’s attitudes these amazing and positive rid of her bodyguard, even if sion which Ms. Manji spoke taken against Manji. toward Muslim women. historical figures of my own it meant harm for her, because with was an inspiration for me, After her questions about “That’s when I realized I religion had I been stuck in a she needed to get her message a person afraid to have her voice the “Jewish plot against Islam” don’t have to take a back-seat religious school,” she said. out. heard,” said junior Katelyn got her kicked out of her to anybody in the name of my She said it was ironic “If I’m going to develop Friel. madressa, a Muslim religious religion simply because I am a that Muslim women in some credibility and reach out to Additional reporting by Jess Hoogendorn school, she speaks to audiences girl.” countries have little to no rights about the importance of asking questions. “All the most effective tools in my own journey to justice have boiled down to a few words: ‘Ask questions out loud,’” she said. “My story is just not about the power of one, it’s actually about the power of asking one question.” In her presentation, she said bravery is the most impor- tant thing one needs in order to escape from terror. She said more and more Muslims ask her everyday where she got the courage to speak Photo by Matt Friedman out against the fastest-growing N.J. Secretary of State religion in the world. “Courage is not about being free of fear,” she said. addresses community “Courage is a recognition that Nina Mitchell Wells, Esq., Sec. of State of N.J., spoke about some things are more impor- diversity and multiculturalism in leadership on Monday, tant than fear, and one of the Oct. 9, at 6 p.m., in Sweigart Auditorium. About 15 people things that is more important attended the event. Prior to being appointed by Gov. Jon than fear, to me, is justice.” Corzine., she was assistant dean of Rutgers Law School. She said it’s hard to go

101306p2.indd 4 10/12/06 10:52:25 PM Friday, October 13, 2006 5

Pascal breaks ‘Rent’ mold Old sound By Jess Decina stays with

Adam Pascal knows how to please a crowd. And he doesn’t even have to new ‘Wife’ mention the word “rent.” The Broadway star, best known for By Jordan Blum his role as Roger in the musical-turned- movie Rent, stunned a full crowd at is a band that the Bart Luedeke Center Theater on exists in its own genre. Its vocals, Friday, Oct. 6. Pascal performed songs instrumental sound and song-writ- mostly from his two solo , Model ing style have all become recogniz- Prisoner and Civilian, with only a few able trademarks. Although just about Broadway tunes peppered in between. everything the band does is related to Pascal walked on stage to the sounds either the sorrows of the sea or far- of wild applause, mostly female cheers fetched folklore, it has always been and the occasional scream of, “We love very fresh, unique and catchy. The you, Adam!” He was flattered, but didn’t group’s move from the independent miss a beat. label Kill Rock Stars to the trendier “I’d like to thank all of the girls and Capitol Records left many fans wor- gay men at for coming rying if The Decemberists would sell to see me,” he said, and immediately out. Rest assured that this is not the began playing his first song, entitled case. Just as all its previous releases “Beautiful Song.” were lyrical and musical gems con- Although he is well-known for his taining fantastic storytelling, so is The roles on Broadway, Pascal has always Crane Wife. considered his work as a solo artist to be This Portland-based band has his “true passion.” Photo by Caitlyn Berardi so far released four albums and a “This is definitely my favorite Adam Pascal, former star of Broadway’ s Rent, electrifies the audience at a stand-alone epic entitled “The Tain.” aspect of show business,” he said after much smaller venue, the Bart Luedeke Center, on Friday, Oct. 6. Essentially the band’s style could his performance. “[With] everything be described as putting literature to else, you’re involved in somebody else’s into something a little bit different.” re-kindle the flames for fans who knew music. Lead singer ’s material.” Performing songs is easily Pascal’s him beyond Broadway. Sophomore heavy interest in the subject is evident After playing an extensive set of favorite part of his fame. He attributes Robin Barletta is already digging out in the language and devices he uses to songs, Pascal stepped back on stage for that to “the energy you get from the Pascal’s CDs to listen to again. tell his stories. the encore song that everyone expect- audience.” “My friend introduced me to his Upon initially listening, the music ed: “One Song Glory,” his character’s “It’s an immediate reaction that you CDs over the summer,” she said. “When itself has an attractive and enjoyable anthem from Rent. After closing with don’t get anywhere else,” he said. “It’s I heard [him] live, it made me want to sound, but the songs are actually com- the song “What I Did For Love” from A such an adrenaline rush, because in the go back and listen to him again.” plex and creative stories that require Chorus Line, Pascal took questions from end you’re so exposed.” But fans like sophomore Tamare the lyrics to be known to be fully the audience. He talked mostly about Getting energy from the audience Merente wanted to see more of Pascal’s appreciated. The band usually plays his background as a solo performer, wasn’t a problem for Pascal. Just ask Broadway side. simple and catchy pop music, but noting his musical inspirations, most of his fans. Junior communication major “I thought he was going to do more every so often it ventures into pure which were not Broadway-inspired, he Diana Vigorito “didn’t know what to from Rent” , she said. “Then again, I . With The Crane said. expect” from Pascal, but was pleasantly didn’t know that he has two CDs.” Wife, this contrast is very obvious, and “Any Broadway influences that I surprised nonetheless. But those who feel let down can very well done. have are minimal,” Pascal said. “I wasn’t “I really enjoy his voice, so to hear always console themselves by watching Although this doesn’t start a Broadway kid; I was a heavy metal him sing anything, even though it wasn’t Pascal in the movie version of Rent, off with an energized bang like its pre- kid. I grew up listening to bands like [a song] I was familiar with, was pretty Vigorito points out. vious album did, its first song, “The Iron Maiden [and] Judas Priest. It wasn’t amazing,” she said. “I have to respect the fact that he is Crane Wife 3,” is still very catchy and until I got older that I decided to evolve Pascal’s performance was also able to trying to do his own thing,” she said. beautiful. The second song on the album is the three-part “The Island.” Documentary shows the ‘truth’ can hurt It is reminiscent of “The Tain” and By Leo D. Rommel him a fretful man speaking out on rap- experienced its first hurricane. Speaking easily the album’s best song. It alone is idly approaching catastrophe. It’s hard of hurricanes, remember Katrina? She worth the price of admission. “When the War Came” is a surprisingly heavy Lights, camera, take action! to imagine how anyone can sit through went from a Category 3 to a Category song for the band, but its catchy tune The topic of global warming is in it and not be profoundly affected. After 5 within minutes. You can thank global makes it worthwhile. The remainder full swing in An Inconvenient Truth, all, like all movies, the film has its share warming for that. of the songs contain great melodies an entertaining, fact-filled look at the of villains and victims. The catch is, the Then Gore explains the chief cause that the band is known for, and the consequences the dilemma may have on audience plays both roles. of global warming: the burning of fossil album’s closer, “Sons and Daughters,” the world. The movie is quick to point The film lacks excitement, it’s sup- fuels. Humans are taking energy stored is a nice way to end it. out that 57 percent of scientists question posed to. The facts presented fill the over hundreds of millions of years in the If there is any downside here, it whether global warming even exists; this drama quota. The documentary shows form of coal, gas and oil, and releasing it is “The Perfect Crime #2.” The song film supports the other 43 percent. Gore on a stage before a vast screen, in carelessly into the air. has a bit of a disco feel to it and while Global warming is very much a front of an audience; much of the movie I know what you’re thinking. A credit is due for experimentation, it reality. It is caused by humans and their is based on a speech he has been giv- lackluster president-wannabe talking is the worst song on the album. It actions and mankind must take immedi- ing repeatedly since Bush knocked him about the environment — how mind- just seems a little too commercial and ate action to halt and reverse the trend. from the depths of the White House. numbing. But mark my words, this film corny. If we do nothing, in about 10 years the Gore shows the famous photograph is anything but. Gore uses words, images The Crane Wife proves that just planet may reach a “tipping point” and “Earthrise,” taken from space by the first and an array of facts to build a film that because a band switches to a more begin a downward slide toward the utter American astronaut, followed by later is fascinating and relentless. You have to mainstream record label doesn’t mean obliteration of our civilization. After space photographs that clearly display see it to understand. that its music will become more main- that, it would be too late for any action. how glaciers are lessening, snow is melt- Students will probably toss their stream. This album, like all previous The events featured in the film The ing and shorelines are diminishing. beer can on the curb before seeing this efforts, will remain in the listener’s Day After Tomorrow wouldn’t be so far- An Inconvenient Truth provides sta- film at the Bart Luedeke Center Theater head for a while. Some of the band’s fetched anymore. tistics: the 10 warmest years in history next week. best work is contained within it and it These are the facts stated by Al Gore. were in the last 14 years. Japan is setting Afterward, they’ll run out and pick would be a shame not to hear it. Forget he ever ran for office. Consider records for typhoons. South America it up. I guarantee it.

entertainmentb&w1013.indd 1 10/12/06 8:27:24 PM 6 Friday, October 13, 2006 7

Spooks to tip off season at MAACness ‘GPA’ Rider’s ‘Gay Point Average’ Continued from p. 1 Rider joined the Metro Atlantic By Joe Haubrich an unscientific study using student opin- LGBT & ally student organization Athletic Conference (MAAC) in ion, campus policies and faculty input, 1997, the name of the event was Could the date of this year’s Rider unofficially received a six out of 20 changed to Midnight MAACness Midnight MAACness event spell based on the guide’s checklist standards. because other schools had started doom for the men’s and women’s The six requirements Rider satis- LGBT resource center/office similar traditions and the term seasons? fied included: “LGBT and/or ally stu- Midnight Madness cannot be used LGBT Pride Week&/or Coming Out Week Tonight’s event, dubbed dent organization,” “significant number of without paying royalty fees. “Fright Night,” takes arguably one LGBT social activities,” “nondiscrimina- Safe Zone/Safe Space or Ally Program The MAAC determines when of the most highly anticipated tion statement of inclusive sexual orienta- all teams can have their first official Significant number of LGBT social activities campus events and casts a dark, tion,” “extends domestic partner benefits practice. The MAACness event eerie atmosphere over it. to same-sex couples,” “trains campus police kicks off the teams’ practice sched- “This year’s theme was picked on LGBT security” and “offers LGBT- ule as the clock strikes midnight. with the date, Friday the 13th, inclusive counseling/support groups.” Significant number of LGBT educational For the past few years, the in mind,” said Rider’s associate On the other hand, Rider was unable MAACness theme has incorpo- events director of athletics and external to satisfy the remaining 14 standards. rated Rider’s conference title, marketing, Karin Torchia. These include an LGBT resource center/ MAAC, in its name. The past Variety of LGBT studies/courses Torchia has worked on the office, LGBT Pride Week and/or Coming two years’ events were called MAACness team since 2000. She Out Week, variety of LGBT studies/ Nondiscrimination statement inclusive of “Lights, Camera, MAACtion” works closely with Cassie Iacovelli, courses and LGBT student scholarships. and “MAACaritaville.” This year’s sexual orientation the assistant dean of Campus Although this score is unofficial, com- title is an exception: “Midnight Life, and adviser of the Emerging pared to results from other small universi- MAACness Fright Night.” Nondiscrimination statement inclusive of gen- Leaders. The whole process of ties including Bryn Mawr College in Bryn “We’re going to be utilizing picking a theme for the event and Mawr, Pa., which has an undergraduate der identity/expression the SRC this year,” said Torchia. then executing it begins in April. class of fewer than 1,400 students, and “Groups of about 20 or 25 will Extends domestic partner benefits to same-sex Many hours and many meetings, Vassar College located in upstate New enter through the atrium and some of which take place during York with a total of 2,400 students, Rider couples then meander through the halls, the summer, are needed to make cannot claim that its small size is to blame through the Hall of Fame, and Photo by Stephanie Nardi MAACness such a memorable for the limited number of LGBT resources then into [Alumni] Gym.” Actively recruits LGBT students to enroll on event every season. Emerging Leaders and SEC members alike prepare to frighten up the Alumni Gym in anticipation of Midnight MAACness. The scary and activities. The workers have hired a pro- Organizations such as the theme for the annual event was dictated by this year’s calendar, as MAACness falls on Friday the 13th. The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is campus fessional lighting crew and plan on SEC, SGA, the Office of Campus event once again, and there will will speak before the crowd. This “The MAACness T-shirt is be Tarot Card readers, a basket- the sole group affiliated with the gay com- creating a haunted house experi- Trains campus police on LGBT security Life and Athletics also contribute be performances by the Dance season, the men’s team is cap- one of the most popular shirts, ball “Pop-Shot” shootout, music, munity on Rider’s campus. GSA offers ence from the SRC to the gym. every year. team, the Cheerleading team and tained by juniors Jason Thompson next to the ‘Sixth Man’ tees,” said a costume contest and prizes. an outlet for students of all orientations Without giving away too much, “It’s a pretty collaborative the Bronc Band. The Cranberry and Kevin Hickman. The women’s Torchia. “They go pretty quickly “People should come out this to voice their opinions on serious issues Torchia said there will be some effort,” said Torchia. “This is one King and Queen nominees will be team is led by senior Kara Borel, so we ordered twice as many this year to show their support, if not within the gay community. surprises on the way. Procedure for reporting LGBT bias, harass- of Rider’s biggest traditions, so we presented as well. senior Monica Welborn and junior year.” for our teams, then certainly for Mike Rutkowski, GSA adviser, has Once people reach the gym, promise not to disappoint.” This year’s theme does not Kelli Sawyer. Still, getting one of this year’s the school,” said Torchia. “I’m just held his position since Jan. 2005, and feels ment & hate crimes the whole environment will The event is a pseudo-home- lend itself to particular finger foods The night is capped off with shirts tonight may require getting pleased that each year I work on that although the group is considered one change. Alumni Gym will not be Offers LGBT housing options/themes coming for the University, celebrat- like it has in the past. Instead there a three-point contest and a dunk- to the SRC well before the doors this event, it seems to top the of the major organizations on campus, as full of decoration as it usually ing its most popular sport, basket- will be foods that are easier to eat. off. open at 10:15 p.m. last.” and receives adequate funding from Rider, is in order to focus on the attrac- Offers LGBT-inclusive health services/testing ball. The tradition started with the “McDonald’s is back this year The fliers around campus If the anticipation is too over- Hopefully there aren’t too there is more that can be done. tion of the night, the men’s and 1991-92 season for the men’s team and we’re hoping to have soft tacos show off this year’s MAACness whelming, students can check out many superstitious players on the “We’re moving in the right direction, Offers LGBT-inclusive counseling/support women’s basketball teams. and was called “Cranberry and from Taco Bell,” said Torchia. T-shirt, the brainchild of Rider’s the pre-MAACness events held in teams because this year’s gamble to but there is always room for improve- Students can expect free food, groups White Night.” Three years later, Finally, the spotlights will Graphic Design Assistant Mike the Bronc Diner from 11:00 a.m. celebrate on Friday the 13th could ment,” said Rutkowski. In the coming music and giveaways as always. the women’s basketball team was shine on the men’s and women’s Scott. Athletics is really proud of to 3:00 p.m., sponsored by SEC. be disastrous. years, Rutkowski would like to see more Jamiyl Mosley is emceeing the Offers LGBT student scholarships included in the ceremonies. When basketball teams. Team captains the shirts. Sticking to the theme, there will educational events such as seminars and guest speaker forums offered for Rider Conducts special LGBT graduation ceremony Layering brings quick fashion fixes in changing weather students. for LGBT & ally Students Rutkowski added that there is a high By Cathleen De Francesco has straps that resemble suspenders. However, after designers like Jill Stuart and Marc Jacobs are a hit. Big straight-student turnout at its meetings. Offers support services for process of transi- doing research, this gem of a dress has become a “go bags are also making a comeback this season. He believes this goes to show that overall, Every student knows what this campus looks to” for all body types. Pairing the jumper dress under “Big bags are not only cute, they’re very practi- the student population on campus can be tioning from M to F & F to M and feels like before an 8 a.m. class. The sun has just a casual long-sleeved shirt with dark knit tights and cal,” says freshman Larissa Reto. “I fit most of my considered gay-friendly. Active LGBT alumni group turned the sky into a rose color, and the brisk air ankle boots like Amy Smilovic of the trendy store Tibi books in my oversized bag.” Matt Hanson, an openly gay student Photo illustration by Olivia Tattory and Karly Hamburg smacks against bodies as soon as students leave their in New York City has done, creates a very playful, yet Luckily for men, the college sweatshirt has and president of GSA said he has seen cars or residence halls. The morning has an autumn sophisticated look. become one of the biggest “fashion do’s” of the sea- both better college environments and Here’s how Rider meets the grade, or the “Gay Point Average,” the official campus chill, and one curses for not grabbing the hoodie that No outfit is complete without accessories. From son. It just so happens that the collegiate look is not worse college environments. checklist of requirements used in the book The Advocate College Guide For was lying on his or her bed. After a Java City run, shoes to shawls, belts to bracelets, these little touches only happening on the campus, but off as well. Long “You can’t have a blanket statement,” LGBT Students. The results are based off of Rider students’ and campus organiza- class finally ends, and it’s time to face the elements can truly raise the “wow” factor on any outfit. striped scarves, shown by Michael Kors, have been said Hanson. “The opinion of the campus tions’ opinions. The University meets six out of the 20 requirements. again. Bravely opening the door to the outside, stu- “I think a simple outfit can be made very fashion- around for decades, so go retro and bundle up in environment all depends on the individual dents happily discover that it’s about 80 degrees. able with the help of a few accessories,” said freshman school colors. and where they came from.” Coming Out Day, which was observed on lifestyle. And that, my friends, is an “Indian Summer.” LeAnne Cavallaro. Guys, kick up any dress shirt by adding ties with Hanson feels that support from the Wednesday, Oct. 11, it is far from a week “I’ve always felt embraced and cared Freezing cold mornings come hand-in-hand with Pearls, for instance, are a “timeless” accessory, bold colors, stripes and school crests. As stated before, teaching staff on campus could be stron- long activity to show support for alterna- for by the faculty and this creates a place sweltering afternoons, only to return to Alaskan-like according to junior Jiditte Francois. the key to good fashion is layering and mixing styles. ger and that he would like to see a greater tive lifestyles. at Rider for a gay student to feel at home,” nights. Ankle boots are putting a stamp on fall and win- Blazers are a quintessential piece right now — their number of faculty and administration The academic portion of the check- he said. When I think of the approaching months, one ter trends. If designers have it their way, we might be versatility makes it easy for any guy to make a quick attend GSA events. list asked whether or not the university Although Barbati supports the admin- element comes to mind: the cold. One way to keep seeing less of those mammoth-looking shoes. transition from day to night. Pair the blazer with a T- “The administration does contribute, offered a variety of LGBT studies/courses. istration and faculty side of LGBT, he is warm is to throw on layers. Layering different colors, “Uggs are out,” said junior Uchenna Duru. shirt and jeans during the day. For a night look, add but by showing their faces more often will Rider, in fact, does not offer any courses unsure about student recognition. textures and lengths instantly gives an outfit depth Ankle boots, however, are not your typical “Mom dress slacks and shoes, and that special date will not show who’s an ally and who’s not.” But focusing on the LGBT lifestyle. “This is a place I’ve been able to make and a new spin. says I need to dress warmer” footwear. These boots be disappointed. overall Hanson added that Rider is noth- Nick Barbati, an openly gay student friends, but at the same time I’ve never “Layering not only look[s] good, but it’s conve- are available in numerous colors, from red to purple, When it comes down to it, fashion should be ing compared to what other students put and vice president of development in been called a ‘faggot’ somewhere more nient as well,” said freshman Dana Dever. and in unthinkable textures. Stella McCartney’s boots fun. This fall is all about trying new things. Step up with on their campuses. GSA, feels the faculty and administration times than here by simply walking across For example, the “jumper dress” seems to be come complete with a cylindrical wooden heel, while outside your comfort zone, and be different. Want One of the boxes left unchecked at Rider have been nothing but support- the street,” said Barbati. “It’s a shame that hitting stores everywhere. When I first saw this baby Charles David combines chocolate brown leather to be daring? Start a new trend. Start out small with Photo by Cathleen De Francesco asked whether the University held Pride ive. For this reason, he would like to see so few people can leave a lasting impres- doll dress/tunic, I did not know what to make of with a suede ribbon, for a snug fit. accessories, but don’t stop adding new pieces to that Dressed for autumn, freshman LeAnne Cavallaro Week and/or Coming Out Week recogni- at least one course offered for students sion when so many have had a positive it. It stops right before the knee, is fitted along the If adding glamour and instant celebrity to one’s ultimate collection. looks preppy but sensible in her layered outfit. tion activities. Although Rider does hold who want to learn more about the LGBT impact on my life.” bust, is very loose-fitting throughout the body and status is the task, try a new bag. Leather bags from

101306p6p7.indd 1 10/12/06 10:23:52 PM 8 Friday, October 13, 2006

Editorial: Time for action on environment efore the lights go out, the administration and stu- dents need to take notice of the growing neglect of the University’s environment. It’s not that trees are being Bchopped down or stacks of pollution are billowing into the air. It is the simple daily decisions being made and a lack of awareness that is wreaking havoc on the environment. The opportunity to advance a sustainable environment dwindles as the clock con- tinues to tick. Sometimes a harsh reality is needed to brighten an issue that some would rather keep hidden. Realize this – the decisions we make today will impact us in the future. The amount of energy Rider wastes is alarming. Simply open your eyes and take a look around. Lights in residence hall rooms are left on, televisions are blaring and computers are pow- ered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Add to the mix refrigera- tors, DVD players and other energy-hogging devices students may plug in for use. In trash rooms, recyclables are being mixed in with regular garbage. Still need more convincing? Instead A new student’s perspective: of placing an emphasis upon environmental friendly vehicles, general services use fuel-guzzling cars and SUVs to travel around Comfort of home vs. weekend blues campus. It is time to jump start change. The administration shares Everyone dreams at some point in their lives our first-year away from a large portion of the culpability for perpetuating a culture of for more freedom than they already possess. For everyone; friends, fam- apathy. The leadership initiative on the part of the University to me, that came sometime around my senior year ily, familiar environments. foster environmental responsibility is appalling. If the University of high school, when all anyone could think Maybe the problem isn’t is taking the environmental concerns seriously, why is there not about was college. I made my decision to come just that there is nothing a plan of action? Paying lip service is not the same as implement- to Rider, and now that I’m here, I am sure it was to do at Rider so we go ing a sustainable course of change. the right choice. However, upon arrival I had no home on weekends, but Students also share fault for the growing environmental idea that it was a suitcase school. The majority that we actually miss our of people that come here are commuters or live homes. No matter how Nadine woes. We may not directly pay for the electricity utilized but Tester that is not an excuse. A simple flip of a switch on the way to close enough to go home on the weekends. much students want to class can save a bundle of energy. Put empty soda cans and water The Student Entertainment Council (SEC) get away from home, we bottles on the side and simply throw them into recycling bins in is trying to provide more activities on cam- are still never ready for the trash rooms. None of this is rocket science. pus over the weekend, and in turn have more the initial shock of college and the freedom that On the national level, the picture does not get any rosier. people staying. There are movies and late nights comes along with it. President Bush’s administration is modeling a failing environ- at the Student Recreation Center to pass the I know I am guilty of going home on the mental policy to its citizens and to the rest of the world. The time. Also, the SEC and Student Government weekends and missing out on some of the inter- Kyoto Protocol is a treaty in which participating countries Association are always planning things that stu- esting stuff that takes place on Saturdays and are pledging to reduce greenhouse emissions by 5.2 percent dents might want to go to, like Bronc Bingo. Sundays. by 2012. Although more than 141 countries have ratified the Although what the SEC is doing is laud- Also, I’m from Northern ; I’ve treaty, the U.S. refuses to sign this accord. Business interests able, I think it’s important to remember a been to New York on weekend trips more times seem to be trumping environmental concerns. few statistics. First of all, there are a lot more than I can count or even think of. On week- Students have two choices: Be part of the solution or be part freshmen here than there were in past years. It’s See Home, p. 9 of the problem. Join the Sustainable Rider organization, which is working to make gradual changes on campus. Check out Al Gore’s eye-opening account of global warming, An Inconvenient Editorial & Managerial Board Truth. The reality of the film may not present a positive outlook, xecutive ditor Assistant Entertainment dvertising anagers but it’s not too late to alter the future of the environment. E E A M ditor Students and administrators, it is time to wake up and smell Mike Caputo E Kerri Weidler the sun-brewed tea. Together these groups can take part in mak- Jess Decina Beth Rumbel ing conscious environmental decisions. Then and only then will Managing Editor usiness anager Rider solidify its sustainable future in the world of academia. Lauren Varga Opinion Editor B M Jamie Papapetros Debra McCandless This weekly editorial expresses the majority opinion of The Rider News Editor News editorial board and is written by the Opinion Editor. Stephanie Mostaccio Sports Editor Webmaster Leo D. Rommel Kelley Stryker Associate News Editor Delivery Manager Jeff Frankel Assistant Sports Editor Paul Mullin Karl Holzer Election Day Features and Copy Editor Entertainment Editor Photography Editors Kelly Mangan Countdown Nicole Southern Stephanie Nardi Karly Hamburg Faculty Advisers Assistant Features Editor Dr. E. Graham McKinley Paul Szaniawski Enterprise Reporter 2006 Olivia Tattory Dr. Thomas Simonet

13 www.rider.edu/ridernews/

Voter registration The Rider News welcomes letters on all subjects of interest to the Rider community. Letters must deadline for the N.J. be typed and include the name, address, phone number and signature of the author for verifica- general election is tion. Send to The Rider News via e-mail ([email protected]), campus mail, or hand deliver to Tuesday, October 17. the Ridge House. All letters must be received by midnight on the Monday preceding publication.

opinion_101306.indd 1 10/12/06 9:52:23 PM Friday, October 13, 2006 9

The Sensible One: Observer Paint brushes away fond memories A World It’s one of the first things I noticed when I Residents are thrilled Romania walked into Wright Hall on my first move-in by the modernization of day – the sometimes beautiful and sometimes the buildings. However, Bulgaria Black Sea crazy final products of Rider RHA’s popular the absence of color in the “Paint the Block” program. I hadn’t been moved halls creates a dull, bor- ★ in for more than an hour before I was excited ing feeling that one can’t Greece Ankara about painting my own, tossing around ideas for help but notice. The plain how I might choose to decorate it. As a Resident white walls magnify the Nicole TURKEY Advisor in an all-freshman residence hall, I can “painted block” deficiency, Southern say with certainty that I was not alone. From as well as the blocks’ sig- Syria day one, students are brimming with excite- nificance. Mediterranean Lebanon ment, their one question for me always being, With the passing of each year and the Sea Iraq “When do I get to paint my block?” graduation of yet another group of friends, the Israel With the renovation of a growing number blocks seem to hold more and more sentiment. Jordan of residence halls comes the loss of one of Rider’s As I walk down the halls and catch a glimpse most beloved traditions. Unfortunately, this of a block that an old friend has painted, I am Libya Egypt Saudi means that as new students begin to flood into reminded of the fun times we had together and Rider, many do not get the chance to leave their I can’t help but smile for a moment. Arabia mark. Alumni love to come back and visit their Little by little, the residence halls at Rider old rooms, nostalgically brushing their hands up Education goes global are being refurnished. Eventually they will all against their blocks. The excitement of all four be redone, making Rider a lot more marketable years at Rider come rushing back to them and, As a student of Rider, the past several and attractive for prospective students. With for a second, they never left. I can only hope weeks have truly been out of the ordinary. their renovation comes a multitude of benefits that I will have the chance to run my fingers Studying abroad at Bilkent University in for residents. The new halls are equipped with over my own block, taking me back to simpler Ankara, the capital of Turkey, is turning brand new and more useful furniture, carpet times. For current and future generations at out to be an incredibly refreshing and that isn’t stained from years of abuse, and most Rider, the reminiscent magic of the “painted rewarding experience. excitingly, locks that use real keys! block” is slowly dwindling away. Classes, which started a month ago, Letter to Editor: were preceded by a two-week orientation Baris period during which I met fellow exchange Yakin and or visiting students from countries such Relentless effort to instill tradition as Germany, Iran, Kazakhstan, Holland, An opinion piece in the Sept. 29 edition of the campus lawn mere weeks before graduation. Denmark, Italy, France and the U.S. Quite literally I have had The Rider News suggested that the Rider Rock Take a look at Rider’s pub and the carvings and the opportunity to meet more Californians in the past few weeks and the administration’s near-obsessive imple- signatures that adorn its interior, evidence of than I have in my entire life. Professors too, hail from all corners mentation of it as a University tradition are last calls that span the years — there’s a tradi- of the globe. both a little mystifying. My first instinct was to tion that’s meaningful to the seniors. Perhaps if Between classes, for instance, I share the hallways with stu- agree whole-heartedly with the writer. the Rock were an entity of greater significance, dents that I would normally have absolutely no way of being My graduating class was the first to bear then maybe it would be something we’d all take around if I weren’t halfway across the planet. Simply being witness to the wonder of the Rock, as we casu- a little more seriously. exposed to an entirely new environment, in a unique culture, is ally mocked the sudden appearance of a giant From my understanding, this year’s fresh- something special in itself. granite slab outside the Bart Luedeke Center. man class was issued small plastic replicas of the Getting a university education is about broadening one’s Later, we would find out that people had rock. While such a practice first struck me as a horizons – I’d like to think so, at least. As a result, it is neces- already devised — and apparently followed little odd, it is a step in the right direction, espe- sary for us to fulfill certain credit requirements because they are through with — decidedly unhygienic ways cially since it also seems that freshmen are asked considered a vital basis for our intellectual development, regard- of desecrating the Rock. And as we followed to touch the rock when they first come to the less of which academic field we pursue. So, why not make Study the post-commencement ceremony procession school, which probably will make touching the Abroad a graduation requirement? I understand that sending toward the student center, there were school Rock after graduation mean a little more than it hundreds of students to foreign countries every semester would officials barking at us like drill sergeants to did to my class. probably be a logistical nightmare. But the Study Abroad pro- “touch the Rock!” I’m still not entirely sure why a rock of all gram should be considered a great opportunity by everyone, Maybe I was too immersed in school work things was chosen to become something that especially at a place with as much potential as Rider. and extracurricular activities to notice, but in is supposed to possess great symbolic impor- It might sound radical, but I believe experiences such as my four years at Rider, it didn’t exactly seem as tance. But perhaps future incoming classes will studying abroad may even decrease the possibility of war. When though the University was imbued with tradi- receive a better explanation for its presence and people can perceive one another beyond national boundaries and tion. The Rider Rock is a fledging effort to give importance. And, hopefully, the Rock is just various ethnic identities and simply see others as being fellow the student body something meaningful. The the beginning of more traditions for Rider stu- human beings, they would most likely have less of a need to get intentions were good, but the execution was a dents. rid of each other. Of course, students studying abroad will not little lacking. —Madeleine Johnson magically turn the planet into a “utopia,” but it is one of the best A tradition isn’t something you have to Opinion Editor, 2005-2006 ways for university students to truly understand the small world enforce, and it certainly doesn’t begin with a Social Editor, Cranbury Press in which we live. monument that’s dumped unceremoniously on and South Brunswick Post In this age of relentless globalization it’s not so difficult to hop on a plane, spend a semester or two abroad and expose our- things to do. More concerts, more movies, selves to countries that we might otherwise know of only from from page more people coming to speak, etc. This would pop culture or CNN. Physically being in another country also Home 8 definitely get more people to stay. What college gives us the chance to be freed from the grip of various stereo- student doesn’t like a really cheap form of enter- types we all might carry about any given place or peoples. ends I like to go out with my friends to tainment, right on campus? On the other hand, Most students would probably agree that we are always try- Philadelphia, a city I know very little about, and it is the beginning of the school year. Everyone ing to “understand how the world works.” So why not try to do just explore. My friends are also adjusting to col- is still making new friends and exploring new just that? After all, that is one of the objectives of receiving a lege life along with me, and when a week full of places. When it starts to snow, a short walk to university education, is it not? studying, working and seeing new people ends, the BLC will look much more appealing than it’s nice to go home and see a familiar face. an hour-plus drive home. A solution to get- Future columns will cover the aspects of the Study Abroad pro- To me, the problem with getting people to ting more students to stay on campus would gram. If you have any questions, suggestions, or are curious about stay on campus is two-fold. be to offer more activities and more inclement anything related to Yakin’s semester at Bilkent University, please feel On the one hand, there could be more weather. free to contact him at [email protected]. The Rider News, Ridge House E-mail us at: 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [email protected]; [email protected]; Phone: (609) 896-5256 [email protected]; [email protected]; Fax: (609) 895-5696 [email protected]; [email protected].

opinion_101306.indd 2 10/12/06 9:52:54 PM 10 Friday, October 13, 2006

in only six games. He scores three Broncs’ Men’s Hickman points for the whole season. And (1-7, MAAC 0-2) you know that whole perfect free- Continued from p. 11 throw shooting percentage thing? 10/7 Nonexistent as he goes 1-for-2 Bits Rider 6 Coppin State 1 recruits and the childhood fantasy from the line. Scores/Records 10/8 of playing basketball at a higher So, just for the record, in two (*denotes conference game) Rider 3 St. Francis-NY 4 level is seemingly on life support. full years, Hickman has collected Presto! Hickman comes up vs. Niagara, 12:30 p.m.* a grand total of five points. And with an idea: he sends video tapes Field Hockey Women’s Tennis Women’s Soccer yet here he is a team captain. of himself playing ball to a variety (8-4, NEC 1-1) (3-4, MAAC 1-1) at Siena, 1 p.m.* “I got to where I am today 10/8 of schools, including Temple, by being myself,” said Hickman. 10/5 Men’s Soccer Hampton, Rider and his father’s Rider 2 Lehigh 3 Rider 1 St. Joseph’s 6 “I work hard, a put a lot of energy vs. Siena, 2:30 p.m.* alma mater, Delaware. on the floor and I do the things 10/11 10/8 Ah, his father. It’s not what Rider 2 Lafayette 1 the coaches look for.” Rider 4 Coppin State 3 Tuesday, Oct. 17 you know, it’s who you know. That’s it? Women’s Tennis Remember that, because this is “I’ve been at six different vs. Manhattan, 3:30 p.m.* where the story thickens. programs before and I have never (6-11. MAAC 4-4) Women’s Soccer Decision time comes around seen a player like him,” said and Hickman needs to settle on 10/6 Schedule at Penn, 7 p.m. assistant coach Kevin Baggett. Rider 2 Saint Peter’s 3* where in the world he’s going “He is the ideal player on and off Friday, Oct. 13 to spend the next four years of 10/7 Friday Oct. 20 the court, inside the classroom Field Hockey his life. Thus far, no one seems and out.” Rider 3 Marist 1* Women’s Soccer vs. Robert Morris, 4 p.m.* interested in his services, which is So, basically, Hickman got vs. Iona, 3:30 p.m.* a shame, because the first person Men’s Soccer to where he is today because … Cross Country Field Hockey who wants him will have him. vs. Marist, 3:30 p.m.* of his personality? Because he’s a 10/7 vs. Monmouth, 4 p.m. Enter Rider. Women’s Soccer nice guy? Because he’s, in many Penn State Invitational Men’s Soccer An assistant coach, who is ways, an ideal role model? That’s at Marist, 7 p.m.* Men: 14th of 17 at Iona, 3 p.m.* no longer with the team, takes it? Women: 14th of 17 Volleyball a look at Hickman’s tape. He’s “Pretty much,” said Fischer. Saturday, Oct. 14 impressed. He tells his boss, then- at Manhattan, 7 p.m.* “He displays all the leadership Men’s Soccer Cross Country head coach Don Harnum, of his qualities we are looking for. It’s (3-7-3, MAAC 0-2-1) at Lafayette Invitational discovery. Harnum stops, looks perfect. Even though he may over the name twice and begins 10/6 Women’s Tennis not play much, he still works to ...And More Sports to ponder. No, his wife has not at La Salle, 12 p.m. his fullest. He works well with Rider 1 Niagara 1 (2 ot)* lost the checkbook, but this name 10/8 Volleyball others. He never complains. He’s Freshman defensive specialist – Hickman, Hickman – it rings unselfish and pushes himself Rider 0 Canisius 4* vs. Canisius, 2 p.m.* Amy Jeary of the volleyball a bell. to the max. He’s earned the team was named the MAAC His father. Hickman’s father respect of his coaches and of his Sunday, Oct. 15 Women’s Soccer Defensive Player of the Week played under Harnum’s father teammates.” Field Hockey at Delaware. The Hickmans, the (3-6-2, MAAC 1-2) for all matches played October OK, OK, I got it. This is vs. Siena, 12 p.m.* Harnums, they go way back. 10/6 2nd-8th. Jeary leads the con- starting to sound like a broken Rider 2 Niagara 6* M/W Tennis Soon thereafter, Harnum’s record. ference with a 6.14 dig per father stresses to his son that if 10/8 vs. Morgan State, 12 p.m. “I knew that if I worked game average. this kid is anything like his father, Rider 2 Canisius 1* Volleyball hard, if I cooperated, if I did you want him on your team. everything that was asked of me, And, just like that, without even I would succeed,” said Hickman. up to me and said ‘Don’t worry brother, Fred, would also go on to looking at his tape, Harnum “But being a captain? That I did Burtnett about it. It’s been taken care of.’” wrestle. heeds the advice of his assistant not see.” After a telephone conversation Following a brilliant high and his father and instantly makes Well, buddy, see it. Believe it. Continued from p. 12 with the wrestling coach eased school career on an undefeated Hickman a Bronc. This is your moment. Burtnett’s parents’ apprehension, team, Burtnett went on to Lock Hickman is far from star- In the words of Brad Pitt in and an uncanny dedication to they attended his first match of the Haven State College, where he studded material. He serves as a Troy, “Take it, it’s yours!” succeed, Burtnett found himself year. It was there they discovered wrestled for four seasons at 157 lbs., walk-on as a freshman and plays as the starting 95-pounder on the another one of Burtnett’s secrets: a finishing third in the Pennsylvania wrestling team just two weeks young girl standing and screaming State Teacher’s College Conference. 100 percent of their game,” said later. in front of them in the stands. After graduation, Burtnett went Reshard Kellici, head coach of Thing was, his parents, who Tennis “That’s when they met Judy,” to Dormont High School in women’s tennis at Coppin State. perceived wrestling as a brutal, said Burtnett. “Judy was my Pittsburgh, where he coached the Continued from p. 11 “Good competition is always hard overly aggressive sport, didn’t know girlfriend of two weeks at the time. school’s first regional champion to come around, and Rider never about it. Mercifully, he never had She would eventually become my wrestler and led the team to an Freshman Kristina Paich won fails to bring it.” to tell his mother. Instead, the local wife for 47 years.” unprecedented 10-2 mark. at fourth singles and at second The women’s team will community newspaper’s sports A complete reversal of fortune After pausing to reflect, doubles against Coppin State. It continue its uphill journey this section did it for him. followed: Burtnett’s parents went Burtnett giggled and joked, “It’s a was the Broncs’ first sweep of the Saturday, Oct. 14, at La Salle and “I had to get a permission slip from anti-wrestling to enthusiastic good thing basketball didn’t work season. again on Sunday, Oct. 15, against signed the night before our first fans, so much so that they did not out.” “Rider, throughout the history Morgan State. match,” said Burtnett. “I remember miss a match at Bedford High Yes, good thing. of playing against Coppin State being nervous until my coach came School for 20 years. Likewise, his University, has always brought

VARSITY PIZZA Rider Sports Conference Standings as of Oct. 12 1296 Lawrence Rd Lawrenceville, NJ Field Hockey (NEC) Volleyball (MAAC) Men’s Soccer (MAAC) Women’s Soccer (MAAC) *1 mile South of Rider* (609) 882-4100 1. Lock Haven 3-0 1. Fairfield 7-0 1. Niagara 3-0 1. Siena 3-0-1 2. Sacred Heart 4-1 2. Siena 7-1 2. Fairfield 3-0 2. Loyola 3-0 3. Quinnipac 3-1 3. Canisius 6-2 3. Saint Peter’s 3-1 3. Niagara 3-1 Call STS 4. Siena 2-2 4. Rider 4-4 4. Loyola 2-1 4. Fairfield 1-0-2 5. Rider 1-1 Saint Peter’s 4-4 5. Canisius 2-2 5. Iona 1-1-1 for the best deals 6. Monmouth 1-2 6. Manhattan 3-5 6. Iona 1-1 6. Manhattan 1-2-1 to this year’s top 10 St. Francis (PA) 1-2 Loyola 3-5 7. Marist 1-2 7. Canisius 1-2-1 Spring Break destina- 8. Robert Morris 0-3 8. Marist 2-6 8. Siena 1-3 8. Rider 1-2 Fairfield 0-3 9. Niagara 1-7 9. Rider 0-2 9. Marist 1-3 tions! Earn the high- 10. Manhattan 0-4 10. Saint Peter’s 0-4 est rep commissions! Ask about our group discounts! Voted best party schedules. 1-800-648-4849. www.ststravel.com. Friday, October 13, 2006 11 Bagget, Witcoskie join Dempsey on men’s basketball sidelines By Amanda Thorogood tor, intramural director and assistant coach, Witcoskie helped lead the Colonels to the Freedom Conference While still recuperating from a championship game in the Middle less-than-stellar season in 2005-2006, Atlantic Conference. the men’s basketball team welcomed Although he is young and just newly appointed assistant coaches beginning his career, Dempsey says Kevin Baggett and Mike Witcoskie to that Witcoskie “is energetic and has the team. a real hunger for the game of bas- Although the 2006-2007 season ketball.” Dempsey should know. He Leo D. Rommel has yet to begin, head coach Tommy witnessed Witcoskie’s maturation Dempsey is optimistic about the ef- from star-studded athlete to develop- fect the two new additions will have. ing mastermind firsthand. “I finally feel like I have my per- Walk-on “It’s a different relationship fect staff,” said Dempsey. “I am excit- now,” said Witcoskie in regards to ed about what Kevin and Mike bring role model his continuing relationship with to the table.” Dempsey. “When he was my coach, Baggett, a 1989 graduate of St. Photo courtesy Sports Information Photo courtesy Sports Information and I was a player, he was more of an Joseph’s University, is a Burlington authoritative figure, more command- evin Hickman held it in native who was been a Division I as- Kevin Bagget Mike Witcoskie ing. Now, we’re co-workers, more like for as long as he could. sistant coach for the past ten years. His Like Baggett, Mike Witcoskie, a 2001 grad- friends. It’s a great connection.” He’s tried to keep coaching stops include James Madison, Kit from coming out. You saw it. Baggett and Witcoskie were the final two Howard, Western Kentucky and Coastal Caro- uate of Susquehanna University, has also led a pieces added to a suddenly promising coaching You heard it. You even smelled lina. He served as an assistant at the University life fully involved with the sport of basketball. staff. it, the inner struggle that took of Maryland– County in 2005-2006 In his senior year at Susquehanna, Wit- “One is a guy with a lot of experience and place within him. He initially and joined Rider on Sept. 5 when Fred Dupree coskie served as team captain for the men’s bas- the other is a guy who is just starting, but has shrugged his shoulders and left to become an assistant coach at the College ketball team under Dempsey’s direction. Two the drive to really succeed,” said Dempsey. “The shook his head, then slouched of Charleston. years later, Witcoskie was hired by Susquehanna two new additions compliment each other very forward and glanced down at “Kevin has been around the game of bas- as an assistant coach, though Dempsey had already left to serve as an assistant at Rider. A well.” the table. ketball for over 15 years and brings with him a No big deal, he must have great deal of experience that makes for a great year later, Witcoskie bolted for Wilkes College. In two years at Wilkes as a recruiting coordina- told himself, or at least that’s coach,” Dempsey said. what he tried to convince himself of. But I guess he struck out. Women’s tennis fighting shortage of players His face got red, really red, like a pitcher of Kool-Aid. By Kristie Kahl first doubles against the Eagles. “[Having only] five girls on there longer, fighting harder,” adds Then, all at once, a smile broke “It’s very hard to win when you’re the team is almost an impossible Crawbuck. “We’ve been rushing through, small at first but it grew always defaulting players.” situation,” said Head Coach Ed to win so fast that we get carried and grew until all of sudden The women’s tennis team does The lack of players is a new Torres. “But the players have away.” Hickman was giggling, laughing, not have time to get caught up in occurrence for the women’s team. done a phenomenal job in making In spite of its setbacks, the seemingly overjoyed. love while they struggle to compete In the spring of 2005, the team had the matches as close as they have program is still developing quite “I just can’t believe this is all with a severe lack of players. 10 active participants and in the fall been.” well, according to senior captain happening,” he says. Following an upset win at and spring seasons of 2005-2006, Although an incomplete Kelly-Ann Chouinard. That makes two of us. home against Coppin State last the team had eight members. roster is a disadvantage, a sense of “Four years ago, when I first To say this, all of this, is Saturday, the Broncs stand at a 3-4 According to Crawbuck, seven unity and chemistry has been built came to Rider, we finished seventh an utter surprise would be an mark for the season, a remarkable players is the suggested minimum between the players. out of eight teams in the MAAC,” understatement. Hickman, a 6’2 achievement when you take into for the team. Other tennis teams “We stick together and we said Chouinard, who outplayed junior point guard from Newark, consideration the team has only five nationwide have between 12 and know each other so well,” said Coppin State’s Kyana Beckles, 1-6, Del., is one of two captains on players on its roster. Consequently, 15. Crawbuck. “We have a special 6-2, 6-0. “We improved to third this year’s basketball squad, the team has repeatedly had to “We could use a sixth player,” bond and energy when we’re out place the following year. Much of an extraordinary feat by any default its No. 3 doubles and No. Crawbuck says. “But we like to there on the court.” the success these couple of years is standards. He’s muscular, sharp- 6 singles, meaning that they are prove other teams that think we Nevertheless, the girls do feel due to the transfer of Devin and witted, overly energetic and, behind in every contest before can’t do it wrong.” they need room for improvement Caitlin Crawbuck who were able most importantly, pleasantly setting foot on the court. The team was 1-3 in its first when it comes to their mental to pull off important wins at the enthusiastic. “With only five of us, each four matches of the season. Since game. top of the line-up.” But take a look at these player is under a lot of pressure then, it has rebounded to win two “Being out on the court, we’re numbers: In 2005, Hickman now,” said senior Devin Crawbuck, of its last three. trying to win but we need to be out See ‘Tennis,’ p. 10 shot 0-for-2 from the field, 0-for- who won at second singles and 1 from three-point territory and – thanks to an insanely perfect A special continuing education opportunity… free-throw percentage (2-for-2, thank you very much) – tallied First Annual School two points. Not for a game. For the season. Psychology Conference Huh? “I know, I know,” he Friday, October 20, 2006 • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. confesses. “It’s insane. Usually the best player on the team is named Join your peers for an informative, Keynote Address thought-provoking day of learning captain. I’m the exception.” and sharing at . “The School Psychologist Yes you are, Kevin. You Choose two of eight available certainly are. But for heaven’s as Advocate” sake, how? workshops based upon your Diana Autin, Esq. Executive Co-Director, individual needs and interests: “That’s the amazing part,” Statewide Parent Advocacy Network • Independent Practice as a said assistant coach Dane School Psychologist Registration $25 for students Fischer. “The walk-on tryout, his • CRISIS (Crisis Response & $75 for all other registrants numbers, his playing time, his Intervention Strategies in Schools) (includes continental breakfast and lunch) character, it’s all very unique.” • Principles and Practices of Let me tell the story, Play Therapy Coach. • Five other timely subjects It all begins in the summer of 2004. Hickman, then a Continuing Education Credits will be provided. senior at Wilmington Christian This conference also meets various NASP High School, is a good but not Domains of Practice Standards. spectacular player. He’s receiving For further information, contact: very little attention from college Avivah Dahbany, Ph.D., NCSP, Conference Coordinator, (973) 275-2738, [email protected] http://education.shu.edu/news/index.html See ‘Hickman,’ p. 10

101306p11.indd 3 10/12/06 9:42:25 PM 12 Friday, October 13, 2006 Burtnett Immortalized ‘Father of Rider wrestling’ inducted into National Wrestling Hall of Fame By Leo D. Rommel conference championships as an After handpicking Gary undergraduate, is also a member. Taylor to succeed him in 1978, Burtnett came to Rider in Burtnett stepped down as head In the end, destiny prevailed. 1968 as an assistant director of coach to be Rider’s first full-time Barry Burtnett was not intramurals. Soon thereafter, he athletic trainer, a position he held supposed to be a wrestler, at least immediately jump-started wrestling for 10 years. Afterwards, he left not according to his parents. His as a club sport until the team was Rider to return to the public school father was a basketball coach. granted varsity status a year later. system where he served as both a Shooting hoops was in the blood. “Barry is the father of Rider head athletic trainer and a health It certainly had its advantages: wrestling,” said Gary Taylor, and physical education instructor he could learn hands-on from his Burtnett’s successor at Rider who at Nottingham High in Hamilton father, he was fit and unusually has won 319 dual meets and 13 Township, N.J. fast, and well, it made his parents conference championships in 28 In 1991, he was appointed happy, and that was the important years of work. “He started it all. athletic director at Nottingham part. He laid down a strong platform. before switching to Steinert High Imagine his surprise, 52 Without him, I wouldn’t be where in 1992 as a teacher and assistant to years later, when he was named a I am today.” the wrestling team and the athletic proud inductee of the … National The wrestling team went 94- trainers. Wrestling Hall of Fame? 39 in nine years under Burtnett’s And there’s more: he’s Yup. direction. Most memorable currently a volunteer for The Burtnett, 67, well-known as were the 1972-73 and 1973-74 Villages wrestling team, he’s the founder of varsity wrestling at squads, the first of which won donned a referee’s shirt for 25 years, Rider, was inducted into the New the now-defunct Middle Atlantic he has supervised tournaments Jersey Chapter of the National Conference (MAC) championship at the 1975 and 1981 NCAA Wrestling Hall of Fame on Sept. and the second of which went 15-0- championships and he founded 24, at the Westin Inn in Princeton, 1 en route to an undefeated season. both the Mechanicsburg (Pa.) N.J. A 2002 inductee of the Altogether, Burtnett produced 14 High School wrestling program and Rider Hall of Fame, Burtnett was individual conference champions Hamilton (N.J.) Police Athletic presented the Lifetime Service to from 1968 to 1977. League. Wrestling Award for his enduring “One of my favorite memories “I have given just as much to work as a player, coach, clinician, at Rider is the 1973 MAC the game as it has given to me,” official, director, administrator and Wrestling Championship against said Burtnett. committee chairperson. our longtime rival Hofstra,” said And to think, all these “I have always loved wrestling,” Burtnett. “I particularly remember achievements from a man who said Burtnett. “I have given my all Mario Ianni and Joe Vento. I began his athletic career as, of all to the sport, and I have dedicated remember Joe winning his final things, a basketball player. my life to showing others what its match with a takedown with 20 or The Bedford, Pa., native was all about. Given that award was a 30 seconds to go to clinch our first out of luck when he was cut from tremendous honor.” conference championship.” his high school’s basketball team Burtnett is one of two Burtnett, a current resident during his sophomore year of high Photo courtesy of Barry Burtnett Rider representatives in the New of The Village, a retirement school. Nonetheless, thanks to Barry Burtnett compiled a 94-39 record in nine seasons as head Jersey Chapter of the National community near Orlando, Fla., superior strength, a sharp mind Wrestling Hall of Fame. Francis also acknowledged that nine of his coach of Rider’s wrestling team. This photo shows Burtnett on Dunn, a 1997 graduate and the sidelines of a home dual meet in 1974, when Burtnett led wrestlers played in the top four of See ‘Burtnett,’ p. 10 the winner of three individual their weight classes that year. the Broncs to an undefeated season. Volleyball breaks even after difficult stretch

By Paul Mullin to have a turning point and start to At Jeary’s side have been fellow push forward.” freshmen setter JoAnna Winter, The eight freshmen players who leads the team in sets (454, Every sports team needs a on the team, by far the majority, 8.90 per game), and middle hitter/ break now and then, and this week have done an outstanding job on outside hitter Brittany Hayes, who the women of the volleyball team the court thus far this season, con- leads the team in blocking with 39 have one. Unfortunately, it won’t tributing to the team effort in ev- total blocks so far this season. last for very long. ery way they can, and even earning Senior middle hitter Megan Holding its annual Katzen- some honors along the way. Smith, the only senior on the team, bach Volleyball Clinic in conjunc- Freshman defensive specialist has put in a fantastic effort as well, tion with the Marie H. Katzenbach Amy Jeary was named the MAAC as she leads the team in kills (191, School for the Deaf on Tuesday, Defensive Player of the Week for all 3.29 per game) and attack percent- Oct. 10, the team got the only matches played from Oct. 2 to Oct. age (.276). Sophomore outside hit- breather it’s going to see until 8, after compiling back-to-back 20 ter Lacey Johnson has backed her early November amidst a grueling dig matches, first running up a to- up nicely, adding 166 kills and an stretch of 18 conference games that tal of 33 in the win over Marist and attack percentage of .150. started three weeks ago. then coming up big in the Broncs’ “We really just need to play “The non-conference season loss to Saint Peter’s on Friday, Oct. more together,” Ahlquist said always prepares us for our confer- 6, with a 29-dig performance. on making team improvements. ence games,” said Head Coach “[Amy] is very deserving of “Communication and energy are Emily Ahlquist. “We always play the award,” Ahlquist said. “She al- important to win.” tough non-conference games.” ways puts out a great effort. And And as for the 10 remaining Coming off a 3-1 win over although it is an individual award conference games, Ahlquist con- Marist on Saturday, Oct. 7, which it says a lot for the team, too.” tends that each and every one of evened out its MAAC record at 4- Jeary also leads the team and them is going to be a fight to the 4, the team has staked out fourth- the MAAC with a 5.1 digs per finish. place in the conference, for the time game season average and a 6.14 “Every match is tough,” she Photo by Matt Freedman being, a performance that Ahlquist digs per game conference average, said. “Whether you’re playing the Freshman Alex Chapla had six kills in a 3-1 win over visiting is satisfied with for the moment. which is helping hold Rider at No. No. 1 seed or the No. 10 seed, Marist. For the season, Chapla has started 16 of 17 matches “I am satisfied with the begin- 15 in the nation in digs, averaging there is very little parity in our and has tallied 112 kills, good for an average 1.96 per game. ning,” she said. “I think we’re going 18.72 per game. conference.”

101306p12.indd 1 10/12/06 9:46:46 PM