Pretty Pictures of Cayley Graphs

Sara Fish

Caltech Math Club Friday, February 7, 2020∗

I apologize for typos or errors. Feel free to contact me if you spot any.


The Cayley graph of a (finitely generated) G is a directed edge-colored graph which encodes the structure of G. In this talk, we define Cayley graphs, visualize various properties of groups using Cayley graphs, and most importantly, look at lots of pretty examples.


1 Cayley graphs 1

2 Group actions on Cayley graphs 3

3 Subgroups in Cayley graphs 4

4 Normal subgroups in Cayley graphs 5

5 Direct and semidirect products 6 5.1 Cayley graphs of direct products ...... 7 5.2 Cayley graphs of semidirect products ...... 8

6 Pretty pictures 9

1 Cayley graphs

Let G be a group.

Definition 1. A subset S ⊆ G is a generating set of G if for every g ∈ G, there exist s1, . . . , sn ∈ S such that G = s1 . . . sn. We write G = hSi. We say G is finitely generated if there exists a finite generating set of G.

Example 1.

1. Z6 is generated by h1i and h2, 3i, but not h2i. ∗These notes heavily borrow from notes I wrote in 2018, for a two-day Mathcamp class on this topic. See


2. D8 = hr, si.

3. Sn = hall 2-cyclesi = h(123 . . . n), (12)i. 4. Trivially, G = hGi. Of course, we care about small generating sets which say something interesting about the group.

5. If G infinite, it may still be finitely generated. F2 = ha, bi, the with two generators. Another example is Z, generated by {1}, but also any finite set of integers with no common prime divisor.

6. A group need not be finitely generated: take for example (Q, +). Next we define the notion of a Cayley graph. Roughly speaking, the Cayley graph of a group G is useful because it encodes various properties of G, such as the structure of its subgroups.

Definition 2. Let G be a group with finite generating set S. The Cayley graph Γ(G, S) is a directed, edge-colored graph satisfying the following.

• V = G (Each vertex is labeled with its group element.)

• E = {(g, gs), ∀g ∈ G, s ∈ S} (For every g and every s, draw an edge going from g to gs.)

• Color each edge (g, gs) with the color s.

Example 2.

1. Z6, with generating set {1}.


5 1

4 2


2. Z6, with generating set {2, 3}.

0 0 2 4 5 1

4 2 3 5 1 3

3. D8, with generating set {r, s}.


r3s r2s

r3 r2

e r

s rs

2 Group actions on Cayley graphs

Recall that a group G can act on itself (on the left) as follows: Each g is associated with some φg ∈ Aut(G), where φg(x) = gx for all x ∈ G.

The action of G on itself induces an action of G on Γ(G, S).

Definition 3.

1. Let Γ = (V,E) be a graph. A graph is a bijection φ : V → V which preserves edges. That is, (v, w) ∈ E if and only if (φ(v), φ(w)) ∈ E.

2. If Γ is edge-colored and directed (as with Cayley graphs), we also require that φ preserve the color and direction edges. That is, (v, w) and (φ(v), φ(w)) must also have the same color and direction.

Example 3.

has 4! = 24 graph .

has 2 · 2 = 4 Cayley graph automorphisms (preserve color and direction).

Definition 4. Let Γ(G, S) be a Cayley graph. For each a ∈ G, let φa : V → V where: for all g ∈ G, φa(g) = ag. In this way, G acts on its Cayley graph Γ, by permuting the labels of the vertices.

Proposition 1. The action of any g ∈ G on Γ (via the automorphism φg) preserves edges. Short “proof”. Let (v, vs) be an edge. After a ∈ G acts on Γ, (v, vs) becomes (av, a(vs)) = (av, (av)s).

Example 4.

1. Consider the Cayley graph of Z6, with generator h1i. The only graph automorphisms are the six rotations, which correspond to the group elements.


2. Consider the Cayley graph of Z6, with generating set h2, 3i. The graph automorphisms are still the six rotations, and these preserve all of the edges.

Example 5. The element r is acting on Γ(D8, {r, s}).

3 r3s r2s s r s

3 r3 r2 e r

e r r r2

s rs rs r2s

Remark 1. When following along an edge s of a Cayley graph, we multiply on the right, that is, g 7→ gs. When an element a acts on a Cayley graph, we multiply on the left, that is, g 7→ ag. It is crucial that these two things are from opposite sides!

In summary: Take a group element g ∈ G, and multiply each vertex label in Γ(G, S) by g on the left. The edge relations will be preserved. A consequence of this is that Cayley graphs “look the same” at every vertex.

3 Subgroups in Cayley graphs

Example 6. Take a Cayley graph Γ, and consider what happens when we remove all edges of a particular color.

1. Take Γ(Z6, {2, 3}). If we remove the 2 edges, we are left with three line segments, correspond- ing to the three cosets of the subgroup h3i. If we remove the 3 edges, we are left with two triangles, corresponding to the two cosets of the subgroup h2i.

2. Take Γ(D8, {r, s}). If we remove the r edges, we are left with four cosets of hsi. If we remove the s edges, we are left with two cosets of hri.


r3s r2s r3s r2s

r3 r2 r3 r2 remove s edges Inner square: hri −→ Outer square: shri e r e r

s rs s rs r3s r2s r3s r2s

3 2 3 2 r r r r These correspond to remove r edges r3hsi r2hsi −→ hsi rhsi e r e r

s rs s rs

Let’s explain this phenomenon.

Proposition 2. Let G be a group and H ≤ G. Suppose H = hS0i and G = hSi, where S0 ⊆ S. Then, removing all edges colored by S \S0 leaves [G : H] copies of Γ(H,S0). Each copy corresponds to a left coset gH.

Proof. Sketch.

1. Consider some g ∈ G. Using edges in S0, we can reach everything in gH. (Draw [G : H] identical blobs, which are the cosets gH. Draw edges within these blobs – these are the edges in S0.)

2. For all g1, g2 ∈ G, g1H and g2H look the same, because there is a φ −1 g2g1 between them. (Draw dotted edges between the blobs. These are the edges in S \ S0.)

4 Normal subgroups in Cayley graphs

Definition 5. A subgroup N ≤ G is normal if and only if for all g ∈ G, we have gN = Ng. We write N E G.

Proposition 3. Let N ≤ G. Then N E G if and only if: If you take any s ∈ S, moving each element N along the s edge gives a left coset gN.

Example 7. Testing whether subgroups of Γ(D8, {r, s}) are normal:



r3s r2s move hri along r Cosets are −→ r3 r2 hri

e r move hri along s −→ so hri is normal. s rs

3 2 r s r s Cosets are

r3 r2 move hsi along r hsi −→ e r so hsi is s rs NOT normal.

3 2 r s r s Cosets are the move hr2i along r −→ four “diagonals” r3 r2 hr2i e r move hr2i along s −→ 2 s rs so hr i is normal.

5 Direct and semidirect products

Recall that direct and semidirect products give two ways of building larger groups from known smaller groups. We can do this to Cayley graphs: given the Cayley graphs of two smaller groups N and H, we can combine these Cayley graphs (with some modifications) to get the Cayley graphs of N × H and N oΦ H.

First, let’s recall the definitions of direct and semidirect products.

Definition 6. Let N and H be groups. The direct product of N and H, denoted N × H, is the set N × H with multiplication rule

(n1, h1) · (n2, h2) = (n1n2, h1h2).

Definition 7. Let N and H be groups. Let Φ : H → Aut(N) be a homomorphism (describing how to conjugate each element of N by each element of H). The semidirect product of N and

6 5.1 Cayley graphs of direct products 5 DIRECT AND SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS

H, denoted N oΦ H, is the set N × H with multiplication rule

(n1, h1) · (n2, h2) = (n1Φ(h1)(n2), h1h2).

Finally, set N = hSi and H = hT i.

5.1 Cayley graphs of direct products

Example 8. Consider the Cayley graph of Z4 × Z2. Note that it can be seen as 2 copies of Z4 stitched together by copies of Z2. Or it can be seen as 4 copies of Z2 stitched together by copies of Z4.

−→ −→ Z2 Z4 Z2 × Z4 Z4 × Z2 Put a copy of Z4 at each vertex of Z2. Put a copy of Z2 at each vertex of Z4. More generally:

How to draw the Cayley graph of N × H:

1. Draw Γ(N,S).

2. Replace each vertex n ∈ N with the coset nH.

3. Connect corresponding vertices (i.e. vertices with the same value of h).

Example 9. Z2 × Z2

−→ −→

Example 10. Z3 × Z4

−→ −→

Example 11. Z2 × Z2 × Z2

−→ −→

7 5.2 Cayley graphs of semidirect products 5 DIRECT AND SEMIDIRECT PRODUCTS

5.2 Cayley graphs of semidirect products

Now we want to draw the Cayley graph of N oΦ H, given N, Φ, and H. To do this, we extend the formalism we developed for direct products.

Definition 8. A rewiring of Γ(N,S) by h ∈ H is a graph in which:

−1 1. Replace each vertex n ∈ N with Φ(h)(n). (In N oΦ H, this can be written as h nh.) 2. Draw in edges such that that the resulting graph is a Cayley graph.

How to draw the Cayley graph of N oΦ H: 1. Draw Γ(N,S).

2. At each vertex h ∈ H, replace h with the rewiring of Γ(N,S) by h.

3. Connect corresponding vertices from each rewiring (i.e. vertices which had the same value of h before the rewiring).

Example 12. Now we can draw the Cayley graph of D8. Here, N = hri, H = hsi, and Φ: H → Aut(N) is given by Φ(s)(r) = r3, i.e. srs = r3.

First, draw the Cayley graph of Z2: e f

Next, replace each h ∈ Z2 with the rewiring of Γ(Z4, r) by h:

Finally, connect corresponding vertices and rearrange:


Voila! The Cayley graph of D8.

Example 13. Let’s draw the Cayley graph of A4 = V4 o Z3. Consider V4 with generating set {(12)(34), (13)(24)} and Z3 with generating set {(123)}.

First the Cayley graph of Z3: (132)

e (123)


Next we compute each of the three rewirings of V4 by e, (123), and (132):

(13)(24) (14)(23) (14)(23) (12)(34) (12)(34) (13)(24)

e (12)(34) e (13)(24) e (14)(23) rewiring by e rewiring by (123) rewiring by (132)

Now we replace each vertex h of the Cayley graph of Z3 by the rewiring of V4 by h:

6 Pretty pictures

For the rest of the talk, we will scroll through index.html, understand why the graphs look the way they do, and generally hopefully have fun.

Nick Wedd (creator of also has:

• Cayley graphs drawn on various Platonic solids: index.html

• Cayley graphs drawn on a , which often look cleaner: scayley-31t/index.html.