29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–09 Edition)

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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–09 Edition) § 1926.303 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–09 Edition) (11) All tools shall be used with the shall be strong enough to withstand correct shield, guard, or attachment the effect of a bursting wheel. recommended by the manufacturer. (2) Floor and bench-mounted grinders (12) Powder-actuated tools used by shall be provided with work rests employees shall meet all other applica- which are rigidly supported and readily ble requirements of American National adjustable. Such work rests shall be Standards Institute, A10.3–1970, Safety kept at a distance not to exceed one- Requirements for Explosive-Actuated eighth inch from the surface of the Fastening Tools. wheel. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, (3) Cup type wheels used for external 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993] grinding shall be protected by either a revolving cup guard or a band type § 1926.303 Abrasive wheels and tools. guard in accordance with the provi- (a) Power. All grinding machines sions of the American National Stand- shall be supplied with sufficient power ards Institute, B7.1–1970 Safety Code to maintain the spindle speed at safe for the Use, Care, and Protection of Ab- levels under all conditions of normal rasive Wheels. All other portable abra- operation. sive wheels used for external grinding, (b) Guarding. (1) Grinding machines shall be provided with safety guards shall be equipped with safety guards in (protection hoods) meeting the require- conformance with the requirements of ments of paragraph (c)(5) of this sec- American National Standards Insti- tion, except as follows: tute, B7.1–1970, Safety Code for the Use, (i) When the work location makes it Care and Protection of Abrasive impossible, a wheel equipped with safe- Wheels, and paragraph (d) of this sec- ty flanges, as described in paragraph tion. (c)(6) of this section, shall be used; (2) Guard design. The safety guard (ii) When wheels 2 inches or less in shall cover the spindle end, nut, and diameter which are securely mounted flange projections. The safety guard on the end of a steel mandrel are used. shall be mounted so as to maintain (4) Portable abrasive wheels used for proper alignment with the wheel, and internal grinding shall be provided the strength of the fastenings shall ex- with safety flanges (protection flanges) ceed the strength of the guard, except: meeting the requirements of paragraph (i) Safety guards on all operations (c)(6) of this section, except as follows: where the work provides a suitable measure of protection to the operator, (i) When wheels 2 inches or less in di- may be so constructed that the spindle ameter which are securely mounted on end, nut, and outer flange are exposed; the end of a steel mandrel are used; and where the nature of the work is (ii) If the wheel is entirely within the such as to entirely cover the side of the work being ground while in use. wheel, the side covers of the guard may (5) When safety guards are required, be omitted; and they shall be so mounted as to main- (ii) The spindle end, nut, and outer tain proper alignment with the wheel, flange may be exposed on machines de- and the guard and its fastenings shall signed as portable saws. be of sufficient strength to retain frag- (c) Use of abrasive wheels. (1) Floor ments of the wheel in case of acci- stand and bench mounted abrasive dental breakage. The maximum angu- wheels, used for external grinding, lar exposure of the grinding wheel pe- shall be provided with safety guards riphery and sides shall not exceed 180°. (protection hoods). The maximum an- (6) When safety flanges are required, gular exposure of the grinding wheel they shall be used only with wheels de- periphery and sides shall be not more signed to fit the flanges. Only safety than 90°, except that when work re- flanges, of a type and design and prop- quires contact with the wheel below erly assembled so as to ensure that the the horizontal plane of the spindle, the pieces of the wheel will be retained in angular exposure shall not exceed 125°. case of accidental breakage, shall be In either case, the exposure shall begin used. not more than 65° above the horizontal (7) All abrasive wheels shall be close- plane of the spindle. Safety guards ly inspected and ring-tested before 238 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:57 Aug 03, 2009 Jkt 217116 PO 00000 Frm 00248 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217116.XXX 217116 cprice-sewell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.304 mounting to ensure that they are free the feed rolls or other moving parts from cracks or defects. covered or guarded so as to protect the (8) Grinding wheels shall fit freely on operator from hazardous points. the spindle and shall not be forced on. (d) Guarding. All portable, power- The spindle nut shall be tightened only driven circular saws shall be equipped enough to hold the wheel in place. with guards above and below the base (9) All employees using abrasive plate or shoe. The upper guard shall wheels shall be protected by eye pro- cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, tection equipment in accordance with except for the minimum arc required the requirements of subpart E of this to permit the base to be tilted for bevel part, except when adequate eye protec- cuts. The lower guard shall cover the tion is afforded by eye shields which saw to the depth of the teeth, except are permanently attached to the bench for the minimum arc required to allow or floor stand. proper retraction and contact with the (d) Other requirements. All abrasive work. When the tool is withdrawn from wheels and tools used by employees the work, the lower guard shall auto- shall meet other applicable require- matically and instantly return to the ments of American National Standards covering position. Institute, B7.1–1970, Safety Code for the (e) Personal protective equipment. All Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive personal protective equipment pro- Wheels. vided for use shall conform to subpart (e) Work rests. On offhand grinding E of this part. machines, work rests shall be used to (f) Other requirements. All wood- support the work. They shall be of working tools and machinery shall rigid construction and designed to be meet other applicable requirements of adjustable to compensate for wheel American National Standards Insti- wear. Work rests shall be kept adjusted tute, 01.1–1961, Safety Code for Wood- closely to the wheel with a maximum working Machinery. 1 opening of ⁄8 inch (0.3175 cm) to pre- (g) Radial saws. (1) The upper hood vent the work from being jammed be- shall completely enclose the upper por- tween the wheel and the rest, which tion of the blade down to a point that may cause wheel breakage. The work will include the end of the saw arbor. rest shall be securely clamped after The upper hood shall be constructed in each adjustment. The adjustment shall such a manner and of such material not be made with the wheel in motion. that it will protect the operator from [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, flying splinters, broken saw teeth, etc., 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993] and will deflect sawdust away from the operator. The sides of the lower ex- § 1926.304 Woodworking tools. posed portion of the blade shall be (a) Disconnect switches. All fixed guarded to the full diameter of the power driven woodworking tools shall blade by a device that will automati- be provided with a disconnect switch cally adjust itself to the thickness of that can either be locked or tagged in the stock and remain in contact with the off position. stock being cut to give maximum pro- (b) Speeds. The operating speed shall tection possible for the operation being be etched or otherwise permanently performed. marked on all circular saws over 20 (h) Hand-fed crosscut table saws. (1) inches in diameter or operating at over Each circular crosscut table saw shall 10,000 peripheral feet per minute. Any be guarded by a hood which shall meet saw so marked shall not be operated at all the requirements of paragraph (i)(1) a speed other than that marked on the of this section for hoods for circular blade. When a marked saw is reten- ripsaws. sioned for a different speed, the mark- (i) Hand-fed ripsaws. (1) Each circular ing shall be corrected to show the new hand-fed ripsaw shall be guarded by a speed. hood which shall completely enclose (c) Self-feed. Automatic feeding de- that portion of the saw above the table vices shall be installed on machines and that portion of the saw above the whenever the nature of the work will material being cut. The hood and permit. Feeder attachments shall have mounting shall be arranged so that the 239 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:57 Aug 03, 2009 Jkt 217116 PO 00000 Frm 00249 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217116.XXX 217116 cprice-sewell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR.
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