Build a X-Wing Fighter

Out of Recycled Materials

Materials: 1 paper towel roll, 2 toilet paper rolls, scissors, 4 cotton swabs, red marker, masking tape (or you can substitute red duct tape for the masking tape and red marker), piece of cardboard, glue, template (you’ll need to be signed in to your CCISD Microsoft account to view)


Flatten the toilet paper rolls and cut them in half the long way

Make tubes out of the 4 pieces and tape them from the inside

Flatten 1 half of the paper towel roll (this will be the fuselage) and cut off the sides as shown in the template

Tape the 2 sides together

It should make this shape

Make a hole (as shown in the template) in the middle of the fuselage to make a seat for all the toys that want to travel across the galaxy

Cut 2 wings from the template, glue them together, and transfer them to cardboard. Cut 2 of them out of the cardboard

Make a slight incision in the wing so that will fold properly

Take the cotton off one end of each cotton swab

Insert cotton swabs in the 4 wings and put a little bit of glue on the stick end of the swab so it stays in place

Color masking tape red

Cut out shapes from the (now) red masking tape and attach them to the wings

...and add more red tape on the fuselage

Glue the wings and turbines on the fuselage with a lot of glue on one side

Secure everything together with some clothes pins/binder clips/paper clips so they can dry

When dry, complete the wings/turbine step on the other side of the fighter, secure the pieces, and let them dry

Challenge/Variation: Can you find recycled materials around your home to make other Star Wars builds? Maybe a TIE Fighter or AT-ST?

Or maybe this paper plate Millenium Falcon?

Credit to Petit Fernan for their project idea (link might be blocked by district filter because it is based in the UK)