28627 Hon. Duncan Hunter Hon. Solomon P. Ortiz Hon. Gary
November 19, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 28627 HONORING LT. FLORENCE BACONG Deployed on December 1, 2008, this unit rise today in honor of my colleague and fellow CHOE worked in the face of grave danger and per- CBC member, the Honorable BOBBY L. RUSH. formed in an exemplary fashion in the man- Throughout his distinguished career, Con- HON. DUNCAN HUNTER agement of installation and camp activities. gressman RUSH has served as a determined Sixty members of this unit will be returning OF CALIFORNIA leader for civil rights and a passionate advo- to my district on Saturday, November 21, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cate for our nation’s least fortunate citizens it is my honor and privilege to welcome them and their communities. On Saturday, Novem- Thursday, November 19, 2009 home. ber 28th, Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, today I rise Our Reservists put their lives on hold, to ful- RainbowPUSH Coalition will honor Congress- in recognition of Lieutenant Florence Bacong fill the duties asked of them. I have the great- man RUSH during ‘‘Bobby Rush Day,’’ a cele- Choe of San Diego, California. Lt. Choe was est respect for our service men and women bration of his life and service. a victim of a tragic shooting that occurred at who selflessly disregard their own safety in Congressman RUSH was born in Albany, Forward Operating Base Shaheen in Afghani- order to voluntarily serve our country. Georgia, in 1946 and spent his childhood stan’s Northern Balkh province on March 27, Today, I ask that my colleagues join me in growing up on the north and west sides of 2009.
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