~ .Come and Supporf The Free South Africa Movement Rally THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1984 ... 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM McNAMARA BUILDING (New Federal Building), Corner and Cass BACKGROUND: In November an estimated one million South African blacks, predominantly made up of industrial workers, staged a two-day strike in South Africa to protest the apartheid system and a host of grievances stemming from apartheid. The organizing body was t.he Tran~vaa.1 Regional St~-Away Committee, a coalition of 30 unions, community and student organizatIOns. This demonstration' is in solidarity with the Trade Unionists who have been arrested -in South Africa, alcfng with the many white and black citizens who have been arrested here in the United~States while demonstrating at the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. and the Sotrth African Consulates in this country. America must resist this obnoxious system and.. demand the release of all prisoners and pressure the South African regime into endi~jts apartheid system, and we must demand that the Reagan Administration put an end to,it~ policy of "constructive engagement" with the South African government. FEATURED SPEAKERS COLEMAN A. YOUNG, Mayor, City of ERMA HENDERSON, President, JOHN CONYERS, Jr., Congressman GEORGE W. CROCKETT, Jr., Congressman OWEN BIEBER, President, International Union, UAW MARC STEPP, Vice President, International Union, UAW NELSON SANDERS, State Representative MARGARET BAYLOR, President, Detroit TransAfrica MRS. (Mother of the ) REV. CHARLES ADAMS, President Elect, Detroit Branch NAACP, Pastor Hartford Memorial Baptist Church REV. EDMUND SZOKA, Archbishop of Detroit Diocese AL KUSHNER, Executive Director, Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit ... AND OTHERS SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS (Partial List) NAACP-Detroit Chapter Metropolitan AFL·CIO National Lawyers Guild UJAMA Michigan Coalition of Human Rights Detroit Urban Lea~ue Political Education Action Cooperative Michigan Inner Faith Committee on Central Midwest Coalition Against Apartheid American Human Rights Detroit Association of Black Organizations Detroit Federation of Teachers Coalition of Black Trade Unionists National Organization of Women- 1st Congressional District Democratic Party Detroit Chapter 13th Congressional District Democratic Party U. S. Peace Council-Michigan Chapter International Union, UAW Republic of New Africa FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 313-496-2573 Pay parking lots located at Michigan at First, Michigan at Third, Howard at State, and Howard at Casso ~]J