Sharp finiteness principles for Lipschitz selections: long version By Charles Fefferman Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Fine Hall Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA e-mail:
[email protected] and Pavel Shvartsman Department of Mathematics, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 32000 Haifa, Israel e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Let (M; ρ) be a metric space and let Y be a Banach space. Given a positive integer m, let F be a set-valued mapping from M into the family of all compact convex subsets of Y of dimension at most m. In this paper we prove a finiteness principle for the existence of a Lipschitz selection of F with the sharp value of the finiteness number. Contents 1. Introduction. 2 1.1. Main definitions and main results. 2 1.2. Main ideas of our approach. 3 2. Nagata condition and Whitney partitions on metric spaces. 6 arXiv:1708.00811v2 [math.FA] 21 Oct 2017 2.1. Metric trees and Nagata condition. 6 2.2. Whitney Partitions. 8 2.3. Patching Lemma. 12 3. Basic Convex Sets, Labels and Bases. 17 3.1. Main properties of Basic Convex Sets. 17 3.2. Statement of the Finiteness Theorem for bounded Nagata Dimension. 20 Math Subject Classification 46E35 Key Words and Phrases Set-valued mapping, Lipschitz selection, metric tree, Helly’s theorem, Nagata dimension, Whitney partition, Steiner-type point. This research was supported by Grant No 2014055 from the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). The first author was also supported in part by NSF grant DMS-1265524 and AFOSR grant FA9550-12-1-0425.