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4Szffi?Ttrz'rz caordrSd6'sTr.q stfl ANDHRA PRADESH se- - z2H?r-2.?,/, n.l cD 26465 l.;4szffi?ttrZ'rz"-,+ n,?yu -9!, "'.-.-- lffi]H, *,e sr srKr*_,s-u.-_ "..";iflffiil:##'*"ft,;";1{4'51,","';;1,';r1"' Forrn 26 (See rule 4A) Pler<e rftiv vn,rr re si: hc AEFIDAVIl'TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH NOIVlINATION PAPER s#onr rue neruRNrNc oFFIcER l-oR LLF(-r'roN I ( LIi(; ISLA] IVE ASSIIM BLY ()F AN DI I I(A PR \ I)FSH s I ATf ' ldol,r r rs - aruerun coNSlluENCY u.^,:.- -. *,*rr H{,p) =. 1 s. S. Chraar rnaooy, rl.r r.l hirra IYOTAE'IT & ADI,IOCAIE tM r CcU : gaa{rt3l 295 ! o:^ f:Aral(UR, SPSR Nr[oro 0t. '' .1. t o. fir^, !i PART _ A I Mekapati Goutham Reddy *tson/daqhterl*i{e of Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Aged 47 Yeals, resident of2-23-A, Brahmanapalli, Marripadu Mandal, SPSR.Nellore District, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:- (l) I am a candidate set upby Yuvajaoa Sramika Rythu Congress Party @ (** strike out whichever is not applicable) (2) My name is enrolled in l15 Atmakur Assembly Constituency, Andhra Pradesh, at Serial No 317 in Part No5 (3) My contact telephone number(s) is/are 6281559373 and my e-mail id(ifany)is mqouthamr(Aemail.com And my social media account(s) (ifany) iVare (i) Nil (iD Nir (iii) Nil (4) Details ofPermanent Accouot Number (PAN) and status of filing oflncome Tax Retum: Sl.No. Names PAN The financial Total income year for which showu in Income- the last lncome- tax return (in tax retum has rupees) for the last been filed five Financial Years completed (as on 31" March) Mekapati AGPPM33ITI' 20 t7-t 8 (i 18,35,147 Coutham Reddy (i ) 1'1,42.630 I t6.52.386 (iv ) 15.58,421 (v) 58.52,821 1 Mekapati Srikirti AKFPM539OQ 2017- r 8 (i 3.92,603 Reddy ri ) 2,78,632 (i 1.e1.805 (iv) 3,t2,808 (v) 8,44,1I I HUF Of AANHM9382E Nil (i Nil Candidate is I ) Nil Karlrcoparcener) I Nil (i") Nil (v) ffi,. <- -L\-a-- " r>ry I * S. Chrnaa xeooy a,r,,r.r, rJ /S.tltwn.,,A NOTA'TY 6 ADVOC^iE r,# i Cell:9a{O935295 o[ ], _" ' r & 119. SoSF tro,t^." ^. WP":// -1. Mekapati Sai DISPM2]69P Nil (i) N I Ananya Reddy (ii) N I (Daughter) iii) N I (iv) N I (v) Nil ). Mekapati Krishna PAN Not Nil i Nit Arjun Reddy Allotted' (ii) Nil (Son) ( iii) NiI (iv1 Nit (v) Nil 6. Dependent-3 . Nil Nil ( ) Nil ( ) Nil ( i) Nil ( v) Nil (v) Nil Note: lt is mandatory for PAN holders to mention PAN and in case ofno PAN it should be clearly stated "No PAN allotted" (5) Pendiog criminal cases is no t+iminal eose pea a*e+ooSve-(ii)+cto$ OR ,rffrl" rottrrri.,g criminrl cascs are pending against me: (If there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score offaltertrative (i) above, and give dctails ofall pending cases in the Table belorv) Table (a) FIR No. with Cr.No.l84/2012, II Cr.No.l91201I, Cr.No.500/2017 name and address Town Police Khajipet Police Narsingi Police Station, of Police Station Statioll, Nellore Station, Kadnpa Cyberabad, RR District concerned District (b) Case No. with Old No. 95/2016 - CC No.( Ncs ) lTnder Investigrtion nane ofthe Court CC No Nerv No, J9l/20r 8 (Old) 4912018. Judge, 273t2{dt6 Spl. Court for Trial of Cases relating to I Addl.lunior Electcd MPs and Ciril Judge At. MLAS. Viiavarrada KadrDr /,2:=\ . \-\".i--^*_ H ry*) li. Ch,ltna tte(,Jy. c,... * / * "., NnTAFYB \OV(("rE I {t*':yr,il *i (-all:3a40s35?li I Ol rr+.. "J '. r, \yu9! Nrl|c.r at I ,.-. -tlisH.r^ t(r 9 VM W*y7V (c) Section(s) of 420,452, 506, Section 4,17,379 tl/Section concemed Acts / Section 34 ofIPC ofIPC 418,420,,163,468,,171,120- Codes lnvolved B r/w 3,1 IPC (give No. of the Section, e.g. Section....... Of IPC, etc). (d) Brief desc.iption One Mr.KV.Sanath One Mr. V. One P,Reddy Shckar of offence Kumxr Reddy filed Surya Prakash Il.edd) along rrith others Private comphint liled comphint filed a complaint Under Section 190 Under Sectiotr U/Scction 118, .120, {63, of Cr.PC Rcad ,117,379 of IPC 468,471,120-li r/w 34 with {20,452, 506, on 26102120ll IPC before at Narsingi & Section 3,1 of IPC before the l'olice Station the police on 05106n0l2 Superintend of registcrcd thc case in bcfore the Hon'ble Police secking crime no.500/2017 at court of llnd intcr alia to refer Narsi0gi Policc Strtion Additional Judicial his complaint rnd thej have scned First Class filed against me Noticc U/Section 4l Magistrate at & othcrs to the (A)(l) Cr.P.C. Thc casc Ncllore seeking policc authorities is pending as the inter alia to refer for itrvcstigation Complaint is under his complaint filed U/Sec. 156 (l) of inYestigntion. against me & othcrs Cr. P.C and deal to thc police rvith accused ruthorities for according to In,n invcstigation U/Sec, for thc of{ences 156 (3) of Cr. P.C punishable U/Sec and dcal with ,147, 379 & read accused according rvith 3i ofIPC to law for the offences punishable Thc Superintend U/Sec .120, .152, 506 of Police Kadapa & read with 3,1 of referrcd thc IPC nratJer to the Sub Inspector of The Hon'ble court police Khajipet referred the mntter book a case for to the police for cnquiry & the enquiry & the police rcgistered police registcred the the above above comphint on comphint on 09/08/2012 at 10 am 0l/03/2011 in in Cr.No.18,l/2012 Cr.No.l91201I U/Scc. ,120, {52. 506 U/Sec. {.17. 379 a::*- -x,\\ l* fii:t.)I =:mffi IIIo o..l':. .''' r'r' w@tg'// Read with 34 0fIPC of IPC for & 156 (3) IPC for investig{tion at investigation at Khajipe( PS Nellore II torvn PS, Kadapa District Nellore Dist Andhra Andhra Pradesh. Pradesh. As Dcr the As per the information information availablc the available the policc police have havc since conrpleted the completed the enquiry and enquiry and submittcd thcir submitted their report to the report to the l{on'blc court of Hon'ble court on thc Judicial First 03/03/2014. Thc Chss Magistrate police in their Nlldukur on report have stated 06t0212012. 't'he that the subjcct police in their matter report have complaint stated that the dispute in naturc subject mattor of and also timc bar€d. the complaint is The complaint filed "Mistake of protest petitions on tract" and issue 18/03/2014 vide CF of proceedings No. 1318/2014. The accordingly in case taken the interest of cognizance by justice. Thc Hon'ble llnd Addl. Dcfacto Judicial First Class complaint liled Magistrute at protest petition Nellore vide CC No. on 2310112016 95/2016 and in this vide Crimc No. case wc have filed 19/2011. The Quash petition cllsc trken U/Sec 482 of Cr.P.C cognizance by before Hon'hle Hon'ble Judicial High Court of First Class Judicature at Mngistrate at Hyderabad for thc Mydukur State of Tel{nganr numbercd vide and thc Stlte of CC No.27312016 Andhra Pradesh {nd the case was vidc CrlM.l',No. tr!nsferrcd from * =':m}..$iffi ira:1+rt al rr,;;;.3:-' R.g 619712011 in Crl.P llon'blc court of No. 6082/2017 rnd Judicial First the hon'blc court Class Magistrate stayed the matter at Mydukur to and the case is Hon'ble I Addl pending before Junior Civil Hon'ble High Court Judge K:rdapr of Andhra Pradcsh :rnd the case is and the main case pending for issuc rvas transferred Summons. from Hon'ble Court of Ilnd Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate at Nellore to Hon'ble Judge, Spl. Court for Trial of Crses rehting to Elccted MPs and NlLAs, Vijayarvada renumbered vide New CC No. ,19/2018 and the case is Dendirlg. (c) Whether charyes Yes No have been framed (mention YES or NO) (l) If answer against 06t02t2016 27t0912016 Nir (e) above is YES, then give the date on which charges were framed (s) Whether any No No No Appeal I Application for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) *.-- =.\J.-,-.: 61i3 t S. Crrrnm xeodry, &{. !- MJTARY & ADI,OC^TE c''llll::;i C-!ll : 9i4O935296 s ATi.i / ,i.ril jo.R Xolloae Ot ri.r-... no.3E68 U:,1$ (6)Cases ofconviction V1i1 I declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, ifthe candidate has convicted and wfite NOT APPLICABLE against altemative (ii) below) OR (ii) I have been Convicted for offences mentioned below: Not Applicable (lf the candidate has been convicted, then tick this altemative and score off altemative (i) as bove, and give details in the Table below) Table (a) Case No- Nit Nil Nil (b) Name ofthe Court Nil Nil Nil (c) Sections of Nil Nil Nil ActYCodes involved (give no. of the Section, e.g. Section..... of lPC. ect.). (.1) Brief description of Nil NiI Nil offence for which convicted (e) Dates of orders of NiI N-il Nit corviction (t) Punishment Nil NiI Nil lmposed (c) Whether any Nil Nil Nil Appcal has been filed against conviction order (Mention YES) (h) If aoswer to (g) Nil Nil Nil above is YES, give details and preserlt status of appeal (6A) I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party above all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs(5) and (6).
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