NPMCN, Faculty of , Residency Training Hand book


OTORHINOLARYGOLOGY Residency Training Programme


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book





NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Mission Statement 2 Table of Contents 3 Acknowledgement 5 Preface 6 Aim, Learning Objectives and Admission Requirements 9 Course Duration 10 Course Structure and Content 11 Routine for Residents 20 Part I Programme 21 Part II Programme 24 Training Assessment 29 Summary of Clinical postings 32 Profile of Resident 33 Objectives of Junior ORL Rotation/Expected Skill 34 List of Surgical Procedures in Junior ORL 34 Operative/Skill Assessment in Junior ORL 35 Objectives/Skill in Audiology/Expected Skill 51 List of Procedures in Audiology 54 Certification in Junior ORL Posting 63 Objectives/Skills in Accident & Emergency Surgery 64 List of Surgical Procedure in Accident & Emergency Surgery 66 Operative Skill Assessment in Accident and Emergency Surgery 71 Certification in accident and Emergency Surgery Posting 80 Objectives/Expected Skills in General Surgery/Rotation 81 List of Surgical Posting in General Surgery/Rotation 83 Operative Skill Assessment in General Surgery/Rotation 90 Certification in General Surgery/Rotation Posting 99 Objective/Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial/Expected Skills 100 3

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Procedure in Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial 101 Operative skill Assessment in Plastic / Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial 108 Certification in Plastic /Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial Posting 117 Objectives of Cardiothoracic Surgery/Expected Skills 118 List of Surgical Posting in cardiothoracic Surgery 119 Operative Skill Assessment in Cardiothoracic Surgery 126 Certification in Cardiothoracic Surgery Posting 135 Objectives/Expected Skills in 136 List of surgical posting in Neurosurgery 137 Operative Skills Assessment in Neurosurgery 144 Certification in Neurosurgery Posting 153 Objective of /Expected Skill 154 List of Surgical Posting in Ophthalmology 155 Operative skill assessment in Ophthalmology 162 Certification in Ophthalmology 171 General training/objectives 172 Programme of cognitive course designed by each institution 176 Certification by Head of training department 178 Senior Residency Training 180 Objectives of Senior ORL Posting/Expected Skills 181 List of Surgical Procedure in Senior ORL Posting 184 Operative Skill Assessment in Senior ORL Residency Training 190 General Training/Objectives 226 Program of Cognitive Course designed by Each Institution 229 Certification in Senior ORL Posting 231 Certification by Head of Training Department 232 Reference 234 Appendix I: Accreditation Criteria 235 4

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


We wish to acknowledge the immense work done by Prof. G.T.A. Ijaduola and Dr O A Somefun in preparing previous editions of this Curriculum and Guidelines of which modifications and additions are being made in this revised edition. The contributions of all members of the Faculty Board of ORL are also acknowledged.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



The programme is a 5 year course which commences in an accredited institution after passing the primary fellowship examination of the faculty. The training is in two parts, the junior and the senior residency programmes.

The Junior Residency training is a 3 year programme, which consists of 18 months rotation in ORL of which one month will be spent in Audiology Immersion,. 3 months rotation in Accident and Emergency, 6 months rotation in General Surgery, 3 months rotation in either Plastic Reconstruction Surgery or Maxillofacial Surgery, 2 months rotation in Neurosurgery, 2 months rotation in Cardiothoracic Surgery and 2 months rotation in Ophthalmology. On completion of the posting, candidate can apply to sit for the Part 1 Fellowship Examination in ORL, submit the log book and must have acquired the minimum surgical skills approved by the Faculty Board before the candidate will be eligible to sit for this exam.

The senior residency training is a 2 year programme to be spent in ORL in an accredited institution. The training commence after passing the Part 1 Fellowship Exam. Residents in this cadre will continue to improve their clinical and surgical skills, teach juniors in areas of surgery and patient care and exercise management skills. After completion of the 2 years senior residency training rotation and submission of the dissertation to the college, the candidate can apply to sit for the Part II Fellowship Examinations. Candidate must also submit the log book and must have acquired the minimum surgical skills approved by the Faculty Board before the candidate will be eligible to set for this exam. GUIDELINES FOR USE 6

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

1. Upon his registration as an Associate Fellow in an O.R.L. Residency Programme, each Resident must obtain a Log Book at the current price. It is his responsibility to ensure that it is kept safe and intact throughout his period of training.

2. It is the Resident’s responsibility to enter each case he manages and/or operates on in the appropriate column with date and the Supervising Consultant must sign each entry singly. No block signing of procedures.

3. Supervising Consultant in each surgical rotation must assess the operative skill of the resident according to the criteria listed in the log book for at least four different surgical procedures performed by the Resident.

4. When he has completed his posting and meets the minimum criteria set by the Faculty Board on surgical skill acquisition in all the rotation and on level of training, it is his responsibility to present himself to his Consultant/Trainer.

5. The Consultant will then assess the Resident and completes the column in respect of his own judgment as to the level of knowledge and competence demonstrated by the Resident and sign his name in the column provided.

6. It is important that the assessment exercise takes place continuously throughout the posting. Both Resident and Consultant must avoid a situation where this Log Book is completed in a rush in the last days of posting.

7. If there are competency areas identified, taught and assessed in a particular training institution that are not contained in the 7

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

print out, the programme coordinator should feel free to add on such areas in the blank pro-forma included.


…………………………………… Secretary, Faculty Board of ORL.


…………………………………… Chairman, Faculty Board of ORL.



NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

The aim of the programme is to train aspiring surgeons in Oto-rhino- Laryngology and Head & Neck Surgery so as to produce specialists who will be well equipped to practice as competent Ear Nose Throat, Head & Neck Surgeons.


The objective of the programme is to train a highly qualified Specialist/ Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist competent to manage all ENT disorders at various levels.

The Trainee by the end of the programme shall:

 Be able to, independently, manage ENT surgical problems to the highest level of competence.

 Be able to set up, organize and manage surgical services in the district/regional/tertiary hospitals.

 Provide consultancy services where ever is needed, and therefore will increase access to quality ENT surgical care,

 Teach residents, medical officers, medical students and other health care providers in ENT surgery

 Engage in research activities


Candidates must have a qualification registrable by the Nigeria Medical & Dental Council.

Candidates must have served the pre-registration year/years in their own country or in any other country accepted by the Nigeria Medical 9

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

& Dental Council and must have been fully registered. Candidates must have had at least one year of post-graduation experience, which should be of general clinical duties acceptable to the College.

COURSE DURATION: A minimum of 5years made up of:  3 years for the Junior Residency (part I)  2 years for the Senior Residency (part II) is considered adequate;

COURSE STRUCTURE: The course is structured into: 10

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

1. Primary 2. Part I 3. Part II


This is essentially a Pre-Residency training. It shall consist of the following Basic Sciences subjects.

2.1 Anatomy

2.1.1 Head and Neck Osteology of the skull, jaws and cervical vertebrae The Scalp The Face Topography of the Neck The root of neck (Thoracic Inlet) Anatomy of the vessels and nerves of the Head and Neck The lymphatic drainage of the Head and Neck The oral cavity and contents Anatomy of the Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea and Oesophagus Infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae Temporomandibular joint The Orbit and its contents The Nose and paranasal Sinuses The Auditory apparatus The major Salivary glands Thyroid and Para thyroids

2.1.2 Developmental Anatomy Development of the Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Oesophagus, Oral Cavity, Nose and Sinuses. Development of the Ear 11

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

(External, Middle Ear Cleft, Inner ear), Face and major vessels of the Head and Neck in relation to congenital anomalies of the Ear, Nose and Throat.

2.1.3 Neuro-Anatomy The brain- surface anatomy and major divisions, cranial nerves meninges, venous sinuses and cerebral vessels. Brain stem and its centres and connections. Anatomy of circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Essentials of development of brain in relation to ENT Autonomic nervous system.

2.1.4 Thorax: Anatomy of: - Thoracic wall and diaphragm - The Thoracic cavity – heart and lungs - The Tracheobronchial tree and oesophagus

2.1.5 Abdomen Anatomy of the abdominal wall Gross anatomy of abdominal viscera

2.1.6 Radiologic Anatomy Plain and contrast radiography of the head, neck, thorax and upper gastro-intestinal tract. Ultrasound scan Computerized tomography scanning and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) , PET Scan and Interventional radiology.

2.1.7 Histology: Microscopic structure of normal tissues Intercellular Anatomy Basic principles of Histochemistry Brief introduction to Electron Microscopy Nasal and Paranasal Sinuses External, Middle and Inner Ear 12

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Oral cavity – Pharynx, Larynx, Oesophagus, Tracheobronchial tree, Salivary glands, Thyroids and Parathyroids.


2.2.1 General Physiological Principles:  Structure of Living Matter Biological interaction - The living cell, functions and changes in its mechanism - Function of nucleoproteins in the integration of the cell as a unit of living matter

 Energy Changes in the living system: - Thermodynamics of the living organism and its potential energy status - Oxygen – utilisation of the living cell - Heat production and Heat loss. (Basal metabolism, specific dynamic action, regulation of body temperature) - Energy transformation - Homeostasis

 General Considerations in Water, Electrolytes and Acid- Base Balance: - Distribution of water and electrolytes in extra and intracellular spaces of the body. - Brief survey of biological transport of water and solutes - Water and electrolytes balance Causes and effects of dehydration and oedema 13

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Sodium and Potassium Metabolism

 Acid-Base Balance - PH Regulation: pH of the body fluids and buffer systems of the body Respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis as encountered in surgical practice.

 Enzymes and Co-Enzymes - Effects of enzymes in intermediary metabolism - General aspects of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and nucleoproteins

 General principles of nutrition in surgery including parenteral nutrition, vitamins, folic acid, vitamin deficiencies

 Mineral Metabolism - Iron. Calcium/Phosphate/ Magnesium,Vitamin D and Parathyroid Hormones

 Effects of Physical Agents: - Radiation - Hypothermia - Hyperthermia - Hyperbaric Oxygen

 Principles of Electronics

2.3 Systematic Physiology 2.3.1 Haemodynamics - Flow – Basic principles of Cardio-Vascular Physiology - B.P. – Changes in Hypertension, Hypotension, Shock, Syncope 14

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- Venous circulation and venous pressure - Haemorrhage – Clotting mechanism

2.3.2 Auditory Apparatus: - Functions of External, Middle and Inner Ear

2.3.3 Respiratory System - Physiology of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses - Physiology of the Larynx - Pulmonary ventilation and control - Protective mechanism of the lungs

2.3.4 Mouth, Pharynx and Oesophagus - Mechanism of deglutition - Oesophageal function

2.3.5 Special Senses - Taste and smell

2.3.6 Applied Physiology or Muscles - Electromyography

2.3.7 Endocrines - Pituitary, Thyroids and Parathyroids - Adrenals – Steroids, Corticosteroids and their actions - Metabolic and Endocrine response to surgery 2.3.8 Nervous System - Consciousness and higher integrated functions. - Sensation, Motor System, Pyramidal and Extra pyramidal systems, maintenance of muscle tone.

2.3.9 Physiology of Pain


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

2.4 Pharmacology 2.4.1 General Principles of Pharmacology - Route of Administration, Absorption, Distribution and Excretion of Drugs - Mechanisms of Drug Action - Dose – Effect relationship, Biological assay - Factors Modifying Drug Effects: o Age, Body Weight, Route of Administration, Timing, Distribution, Excretion, Environmental and Genetic Factors, Drugs interaction - Drugs Toxicity - Development, Evaluation and Control of Drugs: Clinical Trial

2.4.2 Specific Classes of Drugs - Anaesthetic agents, Antibiotics, Steriods, Chemotherapeutic agents - Drugs action on the autonomic nervous system - Choline and anti-choline drugs: Sympathetic and Adrenergic Drugs. - Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system - Antituberculous, Antihelminthic and Antiamoebic Drugs - Cancer Chemotherapy - Antiretroviral therapy

2.5 Pathology (Including Microbiology) This shall be largely concerned with general pathology, General principles underlying disease process: Inflammation, Trauma, Degeneration, Repair, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Blood coagulation, Thrombosis, Embolism, Infarction – Ischaemia, Neoplasia, Oedema, Principles underlying tissue replacement.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

2.6 Microbiology Routine diagnostic methods, identification of Bacteria, Viruses (HIV, HPV and EBV) and other organisms of surgical importance, Common parasitic and fungal diseases in the tropics. Principles of sterilization and disinfection Principles of immunology, toxic antibodies, allergy: the immune diseases Methods of action of antibodies

2.7 Chemical Pathology Basic principles of fluid and electrolyte balance Blood chemistry Liver metabolism: hepatic function tests, jaundice, detoxication Kidney: Principles of urinalysis Tests for secretory function Renal handling of Na+ and K+


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

PART I COURSE: This is divided into 2 clusters of 12 months and 6 months duration respectively for the ORL I & ORL II and 18 months of surgical specialty training.

1.8.1 ORL 1: 12 months in Otorhinolaryngology. Candidates should acquire basic skills in examination of patients as well as perform basic operations in ENT such as: Removal of foreign bodies in the Ear Nose and Throat Tonsillectomy Adenoidectomy Drainage of mastoid abscess Nasal operations Para-nasal sinus operation and other head and neck operations Drainage of abscesses in the head and neck


18 months of rotation in the following related specialties - 2 months in Ophthalmology - 2 months in Neurosurgery - 2 months in Cardiothoracic surgery - 6 months in General Surgery - 3 months in Accident and Emergency medicine - 3 months in Maxillofacial or Plastic and reconstructive surgery

ORL II: This should consist of O.R.L. Training of 6 months at a relatively more advanced nature.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Log book should be obtained at the inception of Part I O.R.L. to document operative surgery and other activities.


Duration: 2 Years Post Part I

After passing the Part I examination, the candidate must spend two years acquiring higher surgical/clinical skills in ORL in an accredited institution. Skills must be acquired in the following surgical/Clinical procedures. Audiology - 1 month rotation recommended Laryngectomy and Voice rehabilitation Neck dissection Pharyngectomy Maxillectomy (partial and total) Surgery of the Salivary glands All types Sinus Surgery Plastic operations in ORL Mastoid Surgery and Middle & Inner Ear Surgery Microlaryngeal surgery and Laser Surgery Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) Panendoscopy and Bronchoscopy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ROUTINE FOR RESIDENTS  Daily morning ward rounds by the Trainee and evening ward rounds by trainee on call  Weekly teaching ward rounds with the Consultant  Attendance at outpatient clinic with the Consultant available for advice and discussion  Weekly tutorials with the Consultant  At least twice a week operation sessions  Monthly clinic-mortality and clinical audit meetings with the Consultant  Monthly journal club meeting with the Consultant  Monthly Clinico-Histopathology Seminars  Monthly Clinico-Radiology Sessions  Monthly seminars in specific topics with Consultants  Weekly head and neck oncology joint clinics  Trainees will conduct clinical research and publish a paper with the Consultant  The College will organize regular skills workshop for Trainees


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

PART 1 PROGRAMME This part of the programme consists of two parts. ORL I and ORL II:

ORL 1: 12 months in Otorhinolaryngology. Candidates should acquire basic skills in examination of patients as well as perform basic operations in ENT such as: Removal of foreign bodies in the Ear Nose and Throat Tonsillectomy Adenoidectomy and the drainage of mastoid abscess Nasal operations Para-nasal sinus operation and other head and neck operations Drainage of abscesses in the head and neck

Log book should be obtained at the inception of Part I O.R.L. to document operative surgery and other activities.

PART I 1.8.2 ORL II: 1.8.3 24 months of surgical training. This should consist of 6 months O.R.L. training and 18 months of rotation in following related specialties - 2 months in Ophthalmology - 2 months in Neurosurgery - 2 months in Cardiothoracic surgery - 6 months in General Surgery - 3 months in Accident and Emergency - 3 months in Maxillofacial surgery or Plastic and reconstructive surgery The following additional competencies should be acquired namely: Examination under anaesthesia of nasopharynx and biopsy Direct rigid laryngoscopy and biopsy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Tracheostomy Biopsies of lesions of oral cavity, nasal cavity and other head and neck lesions Staging and approaches to management of head and neck malignancies Microsuction of ear, Insertion of ventilation tubes Otomicroscopy Flexible nasolaryngoscopy Nasoendoscopy Caloric test Interpretation of audiometry and tympanometry Interpretation of radioimaging in ORL

COURSES TO BE ATTENDED FOR PART I ORL TRAINING: Otology and Audiology course Head and neck dissection course Laser course General surgical skill course Revision course

COURSE CREDIT UNITS FOR JUNIOR RESIDENCY TRAINING IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY  One (1) hour of Lecture/Tutorial every week for 15 weeks (Semester Equivalent) = 1 credit unit

 Six (6) hours of Clinical exposure/Skills acquisition every week for 15 weeks (Semester Equivalent) = 1 credit unit  Clinical exposure/Skills acquisition: o 7 hours regular work day for five working days= 35 hours a week o 40 units of call duty per month (40 X 8 hours) = 320 hours/4 = 80 hours a week 22

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o Total exposure per week = 35 + 80 = 115 hours  52 Weeks less 4 weeks annual leave = 48 working weeks = 3 semester equivalent


A minimum of 216 credit units over a period of 36 months in the appropriate postings will make a candidate eligible to sit for the Part I Fellowship Examinations. 23

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


This training programme spans over a 24 month period during which clinical and higher surgical skills are acquired

The areas of surgical skills to be acquired in addition to clinical work include:

Practical Audiology - 1 month rotation recommended Laryngectomy and Voice rehabilitation Neck dissection Pharyngectomy Maxillectomy (partial and total) Surgery of the Salivary glands All types Sinus Surgery Plastic operations in ORL Mastoid Surgery and Middle & Inner Ear Surgery Microlaryngeal surgery and Laser Surgery Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) Panendoscopy and Bronchoscopy

Recommended courses for the Part II training includes: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) Temporal bone dissection Head and neck Dissection course Advance Trauma Operative Management (ATOM) course


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

COURSE CREDIT UNITS FOR SENIOR RESIDENCY TRAINING IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY  One (1) hour of Lecture/Tutorial every week for 15 weeks (Semester Equivalent) = 1 credit unit

 Six (6) hours of Clinical exposure/Skills acquisition every week for 15 weeks (Semester Equivalent) = 1 credit unit  Clinical exposure/Skills acquisition: o 7 hours regular work day for five working days= 35 hours a week o 40 units of call duty per month (40 X 8 hours) = 320 hours/4 = 80 hours a week o Total exposure per week = 35 + 80 = 115 hours  52 Weeks less 4 weeks annual leave = 48 working weeks = 3 semester equivalent


OTOLOGY 6 5 115 72


LARYNGOLO 6 5 115 72 GY


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THESIS 24 12


A minimum of 156 credit units over a period of 24 months in the appropriate postings will make a candidate eligible to sit for the Part II FINAL Fellowship Examinations.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


Below are the guidelines for preliminary screening in Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology.

1. Candidate must be an associate fellow and in good standing. 2. Must be presented for examination on a platform of an accredited training institution. 3. Must submit along with the examination form his training Log Book. 4. Must submit at the end of January of every year. Annual report on the trainee duly signed by ORL trainers in the department or the unit of ORL. In addition to the above 5. The submitted application form must be screen for i. Verification of facts ii. Mandatory postings, iii. Date of postings. iv. Verification of postings and signatures v. Verification of fellow who signed the form. 6. Logbook verification i. Verification of entries of procedures. ii. Verification of cognitive programme and courses For part I candidate. Must show evidence that he/she has attended the mandatory courses before sitting for Part I i. Basic Surgical Skill Course. ii. Temporal Bone Dissection Course. 27

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

iii. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course. Where, for logistic reasons, a candidate is able to attend two of the three courses he/she would be allowed to sit the examinations on the proviso that he/she attends the third course before sitting Part II examinations. For part II candidate i. Research Methodology Course ii. Management Course.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

TRAINING ASSESSMENT: 1. Primary (entrance examination)

The assessment will be in form of examinations and portfolio for: 1. Part I 2. Part II

PRIMARY: This examination is in multiple choice question formats with questions spread across all aspects in basic medical sciences with emphasis on aspects related to Otorhinolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery.

PART I:  Formative assessment by log book  Evaluation through annual report on each Resident by the training Department.  Attendance at update course and temporal bone dissection/head and neck course and other update courses that may be required of the residents from time to time.

Examination: This will be in 3 parts: 1. Written One paper of MCQ, one essay paper in principles of surgery and ORL and a third paper in operative surgery and surgical pathology in ORL.

A Clinical Examination in General Surgery.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

A Clinical Examination consisting of long and short cases in Otorhinolaryngology.

6. An oral Examination in Otorhinolaryngology.

There should be an external examiner in General Surgery in addition to ORL Examiners.

A candidate is deemed to have PASSED if he passes in all areas/parts of the examination including a PASS in CLINICALS.

A Candidate is deemed to have FAILED if he FAILS the Clinicals; his passing the other areas/parts of the examination not withstanding.

PART II Formative assessment will include  The log book  Mandatory Faculty and College courses in Research Methodology and Management Course

Examinations a. Dissertation Defense b. Oral examination I (Radiology films and histopathology pots specimen) c. Oral examination II (instruments and general ORL)  A candidate is deemed to have passed if he passes ALL the 2 component parts (Defense of Dissertation and Viva Voce).

 Where he/she successfully defends the dissertation but fails the Viva component, he is REFERRED in the component he failed.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

 Where he/she did not successfully defend the dissertation but passes the Viva component, he is REFERRED in the component he failed.

 He/she is expected to resit that component at the next Fellowship examinations. The date of PASS is the date he/she passed the referred component of the examination.

LEARNING METHODS: This will be through the following: • Clinical apprenticeship • Hands-on training in clinic, wards and theatre • Formal lectures, tutorials, case presentations, seminars • Self directed learning, research and reading • Senior residents to teach and supervise junior residents • College and faculty courses and workshops (some of which are mandatory) • Attendance at medical conferences


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

SUMMARY OF CLINICAL POSTINGS Specialty Dates Duration Name of Signature Supervising Consultant(s)


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


NAME OF RESIDENT:…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………... TRAINING INSTITUTION:………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………






NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


OBJECTIVES 1. Learn and master Basic Ear /Nose/Throat/Head and Neck examination using otoscope, head mirror, head light, pharyngeal/laryngeal mirrors, nasal and ear specula and rigid/flexible endoscopes. 2. Learn and acquire basic knowledge of audiological/vestibular tests. 3. Learn about the imaging of the Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck and attend joint radiology/ENT seminars. 4. Learn about histopathological specimen and attend joint histopathology/ENT seminars. 5. Teaching of Clinical interns. 6 Learn, assist and perform basic E.N.T operations.

SURGICAL SKILLS EXPECTED TO BE ACQUIRED DURING ROTATION. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Removal of foreign bodies in the external ear A(10) P (5) Aural examination and dressing with microscope A10 P10 Myringotomy under LA in Adults A5 P5 Myringotomy under GA in children A5 P5 Myringoplasty A5 P5 Excision of preauricular sinus A5 P5 Excision of post auricular cyst A5 P5 Removal of foreign bodies in nose A10 P10 Antral Lavage A10 P10 Intranasal antrostomy A10 P10 34

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Diathermy to turbinates/SMR A5 P5 Partial turbinectomy A5 P5 Nasal polypectomy A10 P10 Septal surgery A5 P5 T & A in children A10 P5 Tonsillectomy in adults A10 P5 Tracheostomy in adults O5 /A5 P5 Tracheostomy in children A10 P5 Removal of foreign body in larynx A5 P5 Pharyngoscopy Rigid/Flexible A10 P5 Direct Laryngoscopy Rigid/Flexible A10 P5 Oesophagoscopy A10 P5 Branchial cyst excision O2/A2 P5 Removal of superficial lesion A5 P5

Drainage of peritonsillar abscess A5 P5 Drainage of Retropharyngeal abscess A5 P5




NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book








NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average

Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category 1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue or tissue but appropriately caused occasionall with minimal inadvertent y caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motio movement and moves n but some maximum unnecessar efficiency y moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with 42

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionall awkwardness y appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the Obviously of for the wrong names of familiar with instruments instrument or most the instruments used an instruments required and inappropriate and used their names instrument appropriate instrument for the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation of ping in numerous occasional sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use Strategically assistants placed assistants of used assistants poorly or failed assistants to the best to use assistants most of the advantage at all time times Flow of Frequently Demonstrat Obviously operation and stopped ed ability planned course forward operating or for forward of operation planning needed to discuss planning with effortless next move with steady flow from one progression move to the of next operation procedure 43

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Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self Maintained primary and abilities. directed control of surgeon requires operation operation, with encouragement with only mastery of the to proceed occasional procedure input or redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained atmosphere at demonstrated acceptable in O.R level Interaction Consistently Worked Consistently with other discharged the well with demonstrated personnel needs of other other outstanding personnel or operating ability to work made room with other unreasonable personnel personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average

Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category 1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue or tissue but appropriately caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with or awkward instruments instruments 45

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the Obviously of for the wrong names of familiar with instruments instrument or most the instruments used an instruments required and inappropriate and used their names instrument appropriate instrument for the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/d sterility resulting correct preservation of raping in numerous occasional sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used assistants poorly or failed most of the to the best to use assistants time advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrate Obviously operation stopped d ability for planned course and operating or forward of operation forward needed to discuss planning with with effortless planning next move steady flow from one progression move to the of operation next procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy 46

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation control of surgeon requires with only operation, with encouragement occasional mastery of the to proceed input or procedure redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating outstanding personnel or room ability to work made personnel with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average

Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category 1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue or tissue but appropriately caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with 48

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge of Frequently asked Knew the Obviously instruments for the wrong names of familiar with instrument or most the instruments used an instruments required and inappropriate and used their names instrument appropriate instrument for the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation of ping in numerous occasional sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used assistants poorly or failed most of the to the best to use assistants time advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrat Obviously operation and stopped ed ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to discuss planning with effortless next move with steady flow from one progression move to the of operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation control of surgeon requires with only operation, with encouragement occasional mastery of the to proceed input or procedure redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained atmosphere at demonstrated acceptable in O.R level Interaction Consistently Worked Consistently with other discharged the well with demonstrated personnel needs of other other outstanding personnel or operating ability to work made room with other unreasonable personnel personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

AUDIOLOGY ROTATION OBJECTIVES /SKILLS EXPECTED Resident should be able to: 1. Understand and appreciate the need for standardization and calibration in auditory testing. 2. Perform and interpret accurate air and bone conduction hearing thresholds. 3. Understand the theory of masking techniques and perform. 4. Understand the theory, perform and interpret impedance audiometry with special reference to measurement of middle ear pressure and identification of stapedial reflexes. 5. Perform and interpret speech audiometry. 6. Understand the theory, interpret and to be able to perform evoked response audiometry 7. Understand the theory, interpret and to be able to perform Otoacoustic emission audiometry. 8. Understand the difficulties and the needs of the hard of hearing. 9. Understand the full range of assistive devices for the hard of hearing, and their application. 10. Understand the indications for prescribing a hearing aid. 11. Understand the full range of electronic hearing aids and the advantages and disadvantages of each type. 12. Understand hearing aid batteries and be able to make ear mould. 13. Understand (have participated in) the hearing aid selection procedure. 14. Understand (have participated in) and appreciate the value of auditory counselling. 15. Understand the risk factors for neonatal hearing loss. 16. Understand neonatal screening programs. 17. Understand the steps to be taken when hearing loss is suspected in a young child. 51

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

18. Be aware of the full range of support programs available to the hard of hearing in Nigeria. 19. Understand the theory and construction of cochlear implants, together with patient selection and post implantation auditory assessment and counselling. 20. Be aware of and sensitive to the attitude of the Deaf Community as it relates to intervention by the medical profession. by visiting the Deaf school. 21. Understand the theory, perform and interpret vestibular assessment results. 22. Understand the theory of Speech and Language disorders and the various rehabilitation modalities.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

SKILLS EXPECTED TO BE ACQUIRED DURING ROTATION Pure Tone Audiometry O5 P10 Speech Audiometry O5 P10 Tympanometry O5 P10 Otoacoustic Emission O5 P10 ABR O5 P10 Ear Mould Making O5 P10 ENG O5 P10


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book








NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 18-month posting in Junior ORL posting and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 18 months supervised training in Junior ORL and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

2 ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY SURGERY OBJECTIVES 1. Acquire skill in patient reception/Principles of Triage 2. Stabilize and care for critically injured and ill patients 3. Acquire knowledge technical skills and decision making in the management of critically ill patients 4. Exposure to trauma and polytrauma.

Skills expected to be acquired Minimum Requirement

1. Maintenance of airway including orotracheal, nasotrachael Intubation, tracheostomy A5 P10 2. Techniques of Cardiac/Trauma life support A5 P10 3. Techniques of arterial/venous access and venous cut-downs A5 P10 4. Acquire skills on skin suturing techniques and cast application A5 P10 5. Initial management of severely injured patients, burns patients, corrosive ingestion A5 P10 6. Head injuries A5 P10 7. Initial management of Hand infections Wound debridement and suturing A5 P10 8. Preoperative management of intestinal obstruction, open and blunt abdominal injury intra abdominal sepsis, head injury , neck injuries and chest injuries A5 P10 9. Initial management of simple limb fracture joint dislocations, care of compound fractures A/P A5 P10 10. Emergency management of urinary retention, hematemesis, epistaxis red eye, FB in nose ear and throat A/P A5 P10


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book








NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category 1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful handling Consistently tissue unnecessary force of tissue but handled on tissue or occasionally tissues caused caused appropriately inadvertent inadvertent with minimal damage. damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly makes Competent use of Fluid moves handling tentative or most instruments with awkward moves although instruments with instruments occasionally 71

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

appeared stiff or and no awkward awkwardness Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or used instruments and the an inappropriate used appropriate instruments instrument instrument for required and the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility resulting occasional preservation aping in numerous breach of sterility of sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most of used poorly or failed to the time assistants to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped operating ability for planned and forward or needed to forward planning course of planning discuss next move with steady operation progression of with operation effortless procedure flow from one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical anatomy all aspects of anatomy surgical anatomy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Function as Unsure of self and Self directed Maintained primary abilities. requires operation with control of surgeon encouragement to only occasional operation, proceed input or with mastery redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses of O.R. atmosphere Exemplary atmosphere professional maintained at professional atmosphere acceptable level atmosphere demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or made personnel ability to unreasonable work with demands other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category 1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments 74

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or instruments and the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility resulting occasional preservation aping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned and forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy 75

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to made work with unreasonable other demands personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with 77

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge of Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously instruments for the wrong of most familiar with instrument or instruments and the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservation ping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation with next move steady effortless flow progression of from one operation move to the procedure next Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient



NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

I hereby certify that I completed the 3-month posting in Accident and Emergency, and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 3 months supervised training in Accident and Emergency, and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

3. GENERAL SURGERY OBJECTIVES 1. Acquire Basic Surgical Skills 2. Acquire skills in Surgical procedures 3. Learn the rudiments of pre-operative and post-operative care 4. Learn to work as a team

Skills expected to be acquired Minimum Requirements 1 Incision making/ Skin suturing/Knot tying A5 P10 2 Selection of abdominal incisions A5 P10 3 Laparotomy incision and closure of abdominal wall A5 P10 4 Excision of Skin/ Subcutaneous Lesion A5 P10 5 I & D Subcutaneous abscess A5 P10 6 Suture of Laceration A5 P10 7 Excision of benign/malignant breast lesion A5 P10 8 Biopsy of enlarged nodes cervical, axillary, inguinal submandibular A5 P10 9 Endoscopy of Digestive System A5 P10 Proctoscopy / Sigmoidoscopy Oesophagoscopy Gastroscopy Anoscopy 10 Gastric Surgery A5 P10 Pyloroplasty, Gastroenterostomy Closure of Perforated Ulcers 11 Intestinal Colostomy A5 P10 Resection and anastomosis of small bowel A5 P10 AP resection A5 Lysis of Adhesions A5 Appendectomy A5 P5 Excision of hemorrhoid A5 P5 12 Liver Incisional Liver Biopsy, Local Excision of Liver Lesion, A5 81

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

13 Biliary Tract Cholecystostomy Cholecystectomy Exploration of common bile duct A5 14 Pancreas Whipple procedure A5

15 Laparotomy for acute abdomen, Splenectomy A5 P5 Abdominal sepsis, Drainage of intra abdomen sepsis A5 P5 17 Hernia and abdominal wall A5 P10 Repair of inguinal, femoral and ventral hernia


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book







List of procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

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NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with 90

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments and moves with although no awkwardness instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments and instruments instrument or used appropriate required and used an instrument for their names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility occasional preservation of aping resulting in breach of sterility numerous sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course and forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next operation procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with all of surgical knowledge surgical aspects of anatomy anatomy 91

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue or tissue but appropriately caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with 93

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or instruments and the instruments used an used appropriate required and inappropriate instrument for their names instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservation of ping in numerous breach of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to discuss planning with with effortless next move steady flow from one progression of move to the operation next procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge of Frequently Knew the Obviously instruments asked for the names of most familiar with wrong instruments the instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 6-months posting in General Surgery and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm that Dr. ………………………………………….. satisfactorily completed 6-months supervised training in General Surgery under my supervision and I attest to the procedures listed above

……………………………. …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


OBJECTIVES Comprehension of skin lesions benign and malignant Wound revision and closure acquire skills in optimal incision Various method of wound approximation Wound healing problems e.g. Immunocompromised

Skills expected to be acquired Minimum Requirements 1 Anticipation of surgical manouvres, gentle traction on tissues etc A5 P5 2 Excision of skin tumours A5 P5 3 Skin topical care and preparation of wound closure A5 P5 4 Variety of wound closure design of incision Z plasty, Flaps A5 P5 5 Split thickness skin graft A5 P5 6 Plating of facial fractures jaw wiring A5 P5 7 Debridement of wounds A5 P5 8 Local treatment and dressing of burns, eschar removal Occlusive Treatment and dressing A5 P10 9 Reconstruction of cleft lip A5 P5 Reconstruction of cleft palate A5 P5


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book






List of procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


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Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


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Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently Careful handling Consistently tissue used of tissue but handled tissues unnecessary occasionally appropriately with force on caused minimal damage tissue or inadvertent caused damage inadvertent damage. Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves 108

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use of Fluid moves with handling makes most instruments instruments and tentative or although no awkwardness awkward occasionally moves with appeared stiff or instruments awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments and instruments instrument or used appropriate required and their used an instrument for names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/d sterility occasional preservation of raping resulting in breach of sterility sterility numerous breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically used assistants placed assistants most of assistants to the assistants the time best advantage at poorly or all times failed to use assistants Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course of and operating or forward planning operation with forward needed to with steady effortless flow planning discuss next progression of from one move to move operation the next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor Knew important Familiar with all of surgical anatomical surgical anatomy aspects of surgical anatomy knowledge anatomy Function as Unsure of Self directed Maintained primary self and operation with control of surgeon abilities. only occasional operation, with requires input or mastery of the encourageme redirection from procedure nt to proceed senior O.R. Frequent O.R. atmosphere Exemplary atmosphere lapses of maintained at professional professional acceptable level atmosphere atmosphere demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged with other demonstrated personnel the needs of operating room outstanding other personnel ability to work personnel or with other made personnel and unreasonable aware of their demands limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves 111

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with instruments wrong instruments the instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves 114

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with instruments wrong instruments the instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 3-month posting in Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial Surgery, and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 3-month posting in Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery or Maxillofacial Surgery, and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


OBJECTIVES 1. Assessment of cardiovascular and respiratory systems 2. Understand the interaction of cardio-pulmonary disease on medical and surgical treatment of otolaryngology head/neck patients

Skills expected to be acquired (1) Bronchoscopy / Oesophagoscopy A5 P5 (2) Techniques of arterial/venous access A10 (3) Thoracentesis A5 P5 (4) Tube Thoracostomy Physiologic monotony techniques O2 saturation, Cardiac output P5 (5) Pleural Biopsy A5 (6) Lung Biopsy A5 (7) Mediastinoscopy A5 (8) Thoracotomy A5


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book






List of procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with 126

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments and moves with although no awkwardness instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used assistants poorly or failed most of the to the best to use assistants time advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next operation procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with all of surgical knowledge important aspects of anatomy 127

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only operation, with encouragement occasional mastery of the to proceed input or procedure redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated in level O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating outstanding personnel or room ability to work made personnel with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful handling Consistentl tissue unnecessary of tissue but y handled force on tissue or occasionally tissues caused caused appropriate inadvertent inadvertent ly with damage. damage minimal damage Time and Many Efficient Economy motion unnecessary time/motion but of moves some movement unnecessary and moves maximum efficiency


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use of Fluid handling makes tentative most instruments moves with or awkward although instruments moves with occasionally and no instruments appeared stiff or awkwardne awkward ss Knowledge of Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously instruments for the wrong of most familiar instrument or instruments and with the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required instrument the task and their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservatio ping in numerous breach of sterility n of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategicall assistants placed assistants assistants most of y used poorly or failed the time assistants to use assistants to the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward planning course of planning needed to discuss with steady operation next move progression of with operation effortless procedure flow from one move to the next


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar surgical knowledge surgical anatomy with all anatomy aspects of surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with to proceed redirection from mastery of senior the procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. atmosphere Exemplary atmosphere of professional maintained at professiona atmosphere acceptable level l atmosphere demonstrat ed in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistentl with other discharged the with other y personnel needs of other operating room demonstrat personnel or personnel ed made outstanding unreasonable ability to demands work with other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves 132

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with instruments wrong instruments and the instruments instrument or used appropriate required and used an instrument for their names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility occasional preservation of ping resulting in breach of sterility numerous sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 2-month posting in Cardiothoracic Surgery, and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 2-month posting in Cardiothoracic Surgery, and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

6. NEUROSURGERY OBJECTIVES 1 To acquire neurosurgical skills helpful in the management of ENT related diseases 2 Acquiring knowledge/skills in the clinical management and diagnosis of various neurosurgical diseases

Skills expected to be acquired 1. Exploratory burr holes A P5 2. Use of operating microscope in neurosurgical procedures A P5 3. Lumbar Puncture A5 P 4. Craniotomy A5 P 5. Laminectomy A5 P 6. Shunts A5 P 7. Excision of Myelomeningoceles A5 P


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book






List of procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently Careful handling Consistently tissue used of tissue but handled unnecessary occasionally tissues force on tissue caused appropriately or caused inadvertent with minimal inadvertent damage damage damage. Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use of Fluid moves handling makes most instruments with 144

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

tentative or although instruments awkward occasionally and no moves with appeared stiff or awkwardness instruments awkward Knowledge of Frequently Knew the names Obviously instruments asked for the of most familiar with wrong instruments and the instrument or used appropriate instruments used an instrument for required and inappropriate the task their names instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/drapi sterility occasional preservation ng resulting in breach of sterility of sterility numerous breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants most of used assistants assistants the time to the best poorly or advantage at failed to use all times assistants Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward planning course of planning needed to with steady operation with discuss next progression of effortless flow move operation from one procedure move to the next Knowledge of Poor Knew important Familiar with surgical anatomical surgical anatomy all aspects of anatomy knowledge 145

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragemen input or with mastery t to proceed redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent O.R. atmosphere Exemplary atmosphere lapses of maintained at professional professional acceptable level atmosphere atmosphere demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

NAME OF OPERATION:………………………………………….


CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement moves but some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments although 147

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

moves with occasionally and no instruments appeared stiff awkwardness or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the Obviously of for the wrong names of most familiar with instruments instrument or instruments the used an and used instruments inappropriate appropriate required and instrument instrument for their names the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation ping in numerous occasional of sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy 148

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection of the from senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to made work with unreasonable other demands personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with 150

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or instruments and the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility resulting occasional preservation aping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned and forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation with next move steady effortless flow progression of from one operation move to the procedure next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient



NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

I hereby certify that I completed the 2-month posting in Neurosurgery, and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 2 months supervised training in Neurosurgery, and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

7. OPHTHALMOLOGY Objectives 1. To acquire ophthalmology skills in the management of ENT related diseases 2. Acquiring knowledge/skills in the clinical management and diagnosis of various ophthalmology diseases.

Skills to be acquired Minimum Requirements 1. Ophthalmoscopy P10 2. Removal of FB A5 3. Removal of Pterygium A5 4. Evisceration A5 5. Enucleation A5 6. Cataract Extraction A5 7. Repair of Laceration of the Eyelid P5 8. Cannulation of the nasolacrimal duct A5 P10


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book






List of procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


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Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


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Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


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Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with 162

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or instruments and the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservation ping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy 163

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to made work with unreasonable other demands personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary force handling of handled on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement moves but some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly makes Competent Fluid moves handling tentative or use of most with 165

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

awkward moves instruments instruments with instruments although and no occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge of Frequently asked Knew the Obviously instruments for the wrong names of most familiar with instrument or used instruments the an inappropriate and used instruments instrument appropriate required and instrument for their names the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation ping in numerous occasional of sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used poorly or failed to most of the assistants to use assistants time the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped operating ability for planned forward or needed to forward course of planning discuss next move planning with operation steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self and Self directed Maintained primary abilities. requires operation with control of surgeon encouragement to only operation, proceed occasional with mastery input or of the redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses of O.R. Exemplary atmosphere professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating outstanding personnel or made room ability to unreasonable personnel work with demands other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



CONSULTANT’S NAME:……………………………………….. Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement moves but some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge of Frequently asked Knew the Obviously instruments for the wrong names of most familiar with instrument or instruments the used an and used instruments inappropriate appropriate required and instrument instrument for their names the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation ping in numerous occasional of sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure 169

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

one move to the next Knowledge of Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with mastery to proceed redirection of the from senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to made work with unreasonable other demands personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 2-month posting in Ophthalmology, and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 2 months supervised training in Ophthalmology, and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


OBJECTIVES Education course Basic surgical skill course is a compulsory course for all residents before part I fellowship examination. It is advisable that resident attend the course shortly after starting residency training or before going on general surgical rotation.

Temporal bone dissection course, Audiology course and Endoscopic sinus surgery course are compulsory courses for all residents before sitting for part 1 fellowship examination respectively.

Research Residents must key-in into a research work in collaboration with his/her Consultant.

Conferences Residents are to attend local and International Conferences especially as related to ORL and Surgery. The Faculty specifically identifies ORLSON Conference, and it is a mandatory that Residents should attend. ` ` Residents must present at least one scientific paper at the conference before sitting for part I fellowship examination.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


Name of course Date Name of attended Course Co- ordinator or Supervisor/ or Consultant Administrative responsibilities and management skills Administrative responsibility Management experience NMA responsibility NARD responsibility Committees of Hospital

Educational/update Courses attended


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Basic Surgical skill course

Temporal bone Dissection

Endoscopic Sinus surgery course Research skills 1. 2. 3. Continuing Professional development/ Conference attended 1. 2. 3.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Teaching skills Title of lectures


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


Subject Format of Resource Name of Signature items delivery staff consultant


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Subject Format of Resource Name of Signature items delivery staff consultant


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify and attest that ……………………………has successfully completed the Junior Residency Programme. He/She has attained adequate skills and has assisted or performed procedure and is now eligible to sit the Part I Fellowship Examination in ORL.

…………………………….… ……………………………….. Name Signature & Date

…………………………………………………… Fellowship Qualification & Date obtained


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby approve that having reviewed the logbook of Dr. ……………………………, I am satisfied that the submitted Log- Book fulfilled /did not fulfill the eligibility criteria to sit the PART I FELLOWSHIP EXAMINATION of National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria in Otorhinolaryngology.

……………………………………… ………………… Name & Signature of Chief Examiner Date Or Faculty Secretary


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


NAME OF RESIDENT:……………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... TRAINING INSTITUTION:………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………..






NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


1. Refinement of skills in clinical examination, consultation, radiological imaging and pathology. 2. Teach junior in examination patient care, and surgery. 3. Management skill. 4. Improve surgical skills and operative experience.

SKILLS EXPECTED TO BE ACQUIRED EAR 1. Removal of meatal masses P5 2. Surgery of meatal atresia A5 P5 3. Partial reconstruction of the pinna P5 4. Surgical approaches to the middle ear and mastoid A5 P5 5. Cortical mastoidectomy A5 P5 6. Radial mastoidectomy A5 P5

7. Myringoplasty (P) and Ossiculoplasty A5 P5 8. Stapedectomy A P5 9. Surgery of Glomus Tumours of the ear A5 10. Surgery of the facial nerve A5

NOSE 1. Turbinectomy P5 2. Lateral rhinotomy A P5 3. Surgery of Tumours of the external Nose and Nasal Cavity A P5 4. Caldwell-Luc and allied operation A P5 5. Surgery of blow-out injuries of the orbit A P5 6. Simple and Radical Maxillectomy A P5 7. Surgery of the pterygopalatine fossa A5 8. Oro-antral fistula surgery P5


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

9. Trephination of the frontal sinus A P5 10. External operations of frontal ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses A P5 11. Nasoendoscopy A P20 12. Nasoendoscopy/Biopsy A P10 13. Endoscopic sinus surgery P10

PHARYNX AND OESOPHAGUES 1. Adenoidectomy P5 2. Transpalatal approach to the post nasal space A P5 3. Surgery of angiofibroma of nasopharynx A P5

OROPHARYNX 1. Tonsillectomy by dissection P5 2. Division of a long styloid process in the tonsillar fossa P5 3. Division of the glossopharyngeal nerve in the Tonsillar fossa P5 4. Surgery of Peritonsillar abscess P5 5. Surgical treatment of parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscess P5 6. Tumours of oropharynx A P5

LARYNGO PHARYNX AND OESOPHAGUS 1. Oesophagoscopy P5 2. Pharyngotomy and partial pharyngectomy A P5 3. Intubation of the Oesophagus P5 4. Diathermy Treatment of laryngeal pouch A P5 5. Cricopharyngeal sphincterotomy A P5 6. Excision of pharyngeal pouch A P5 7. Pharyngolaryngectomy A5 8. Fibreoptic Laryngoscopy P20


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

LARYNX AND TRACHEBRONCHIAL TREE 1. Laryngoscopy P5 2. Bronchoscopy P5 3. Tracheostomy P5 4. Surgery of laryngotracheal stenosis A5 5. Surgery of laryngocoele P5 6. Surgery of laryngeal paralysis A P5 7. Radical neck dissection A P5 8. Laryngofissure A P5 9. Laryngectomy A P5

OPERATION OF HEAD AND NECK 1. Ligation of the external carotid artery A P5 2. Surgical treatment of branchial cyst P5 3. Partial parotidectomy A P5 4. Total parotidectomy A P5 5. Removal of the submandibular salivary gland A P5 6. Removal of calculi of salivary ducts P5 7. Surgery of cancer of the oral cavity A P5 8. Neck dissections operation A P5 9. Head/neck flap reconstruct procedures A P5


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book







List of Surgical Procedures Dat Surgical Procedures Obser No. Perf Name of Consultant Signature e ved Assist orm ed ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

List of Surgical Procedures Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Date Surgical Procedures Obs No. Perfo Name of Consultant Signatu erve Assist rmed re d ed


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE POSTING IN OTOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves with handling makes tentative of most instruments and or awkward instruments no awkwardness moves with although instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/d sterility correct preservation of raping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants to poorly or failed of the time the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course and operating or forward of operation with forward needed to planning with effortless flow planning discuss next steady from one move to move progression of the next operation procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with all of surgical knowledge important aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated in level O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE POSTING IN RHINOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with instruments wrong instruments and the instruments instrument or used appropriate required and used an instrument for their names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility occasional preservation of aping resulting in breach of sterility numerous sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course and forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the operation next procedure


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE POSTING IN LARYNGOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum efficiency


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

unnecessary moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with or awkward instruments instruments and moves with although no awkwardness instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used assistants poorly or failed most of the to the best to use assistants time advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

operation procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with all of surgical knowledge important aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only operation, with encouragement occasional mastery of the to proceed input or procedure redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated in level O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating outstanding personnel or room ability to work made personnel with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE POSTING IN HEAD/NECK NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent Fluid moves handling makes tentative use of most with or awkward instruments instruments and moves with although no awkwardness instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility correct preservation of ping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants used assistants poorly or failed most of the to the best to use assistants time advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned course forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless 200

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next operation procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with all of surgical knowledge important aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only operation, with encouragement occasional mastery of the to proceed input or procedure redirection from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated in level O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating outstanding personnel or room ability to work made personnel with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT MID-POSTING IN OTOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently Careful Consistently tissue used handling of handled tissues unnecessary tissue but appropriately force on tissue occasionally with minimal or caused caused damage inadvertent inadvertent damage. damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement and moves but some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves with handling makes tentative of most instruments and or awkward instruments no awkwardness moves with although instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the Obviously of asked for the names of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments instruments instrument or and used required and used an appropriate their names inappropriate instrument for instrument the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dr sterility correct preservation of aping resulting in occasional sterility numerous breach of breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants most used assistants to assistants of the time the best poorly or failed advantage at all to use times assistants Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course operating or forward of operation with 203

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book and forward needed to planning with effortless flow planning discuss next steady from one move to move progression of the next operation procedure Knowledge Poor Knew Familiar with all of surgical anatomical important aspects of anatomy knowledge surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection procedure from senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated in level O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT MID-POSTING IN RHINOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently Careful Consistently tissue used handling of handled tissues unnecessary tissue but appropriately force on tissue occasionally with minimal or caused caused damage inadvertent inadvertent damage. damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments and moves with although no awkwardness instruments occasionally appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with the instruments wrong instruments and instruments instrument or used appropriate required and used an instrument for their names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility occasional preservation of aping resulting in breach of sterility numerous sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants most used assistants assistants of the time to the best poorly or failed advantage at all to use times assistants Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course operating or forward of operation 206

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book and forward needed to planning with with effortless planning discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next operation procedure Knowledge Poor Knew important Familiar with all of surgical anatomical surgical aspects of anatomy knowledge anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT MID-POSTING IN LARYNGOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful handling Consistently tissue unnecessary of tissue but handled force on tissue or occasionally tissues caused caused appropriatel inadvertent inadvertent y with damage. damage minimal damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use of Fluid moves handling makes tentative most instruments with or awkward although instruments moves with occasionally and no instruments appeared stiff or awkwardnes awkward s Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar instruments instrument or instruments and with the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservation ping in numerous breach of sterility of sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most of used poorly or failed the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward planning course of planning needed to discuss with steady operation next move progression of with effortless 209

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar of surgical knowledge surgical anatomy with all anatomy aspects of surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with to proceed redirection from mastery of senior the procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. atmosphere Exemplary atmosphere of professional maintained at professional atmosphere acceptable level atmosphere demonstrate d in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrate personnel needs of other operating room d personnel or personnel outstanding made ability to unreasonable work with demands other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient 210

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS AT MID-POSTING IN HEAD/NECK NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriatel inadvertent caused y with damage. inadvertent minimal damage damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement moves but some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardnes appeared stiff s or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the Obviously of for the wrong names of most familiar instruments instrument or instruments with the used an and used instruments inappropriate appropriate required and instrument instrument for their names the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting correct preservation ping in numerous occasional of sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned operating or forward course of 212

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book forward needed to discuss planning with operation planning next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar of surgical knowledge important with all anatomy surgical aspects of anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with to proceed redirection mastery of from senior the procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrate level d in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrate personnel needs of other operating room d personnel or personnel outstanding made ability to unreasonable work with demands other personnel and aware of


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

their limitations Positioning of patient

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS TOWARDS THE END OF POSTING IN OTOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary force handling of handled on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly makes Competent use Fluid moves handling tentative or of most with awkward moves instruments instruments with instruments although and no occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar with instruments instrument or used instruments and the an inappropriate used appropriate instruments instrument instrument for required and the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility resulting occasional preservation aping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed to of the time assistants to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped operating ability for planned and forward or needed to forward course of planning discuss next move planning with operation steady with 215

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

progression of effortless operation flow from procedure one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self and Self directed Maintained primary abilities. requires operation with control of surgeon encouragement to only occasional operation, proceed input or with mastery redirection from of the senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses of O.R. Exemplary atmosphere professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or made personnel ability to unreasonable work with demands other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS TOWARDS THE END OF POSTING IN RHINOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary force handling of handled on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriately inadvertent caused with minimal damage. inadvertent damage damage


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion movement moves but some and maximum unnecessary efficiency moves Instrument Repeatedly makes Competent use Fluid moves handling tentative or of most with awkward moves instruments instruments with instruments although and no occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the Obviously of for the wrong names of most familiar with instruments instrument or used instruments the an inappropriate and used instruments instrument appropriate required and instrument for their names the task Sterile Disregard for Quick to Meticulous technique/dr sterility resulting correct preservation aping in numerous occasional of sterility breaches breach of sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed to of the time to the best use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped operating ability for planned and forward or needed to forward course of planning discuss next move planning with operation with 218

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

steady effortless flow progression of from one operation move to the procedure next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew Familiar with of surgical knowledge important all aspects of anatomy surgical surgical anatomy anatomy Function as Unsure of self and Self directed Maintained primary abilities. requires operation with control of surgeon encouragement to only occasional operation, proceed input or with mastery redirection of the from senior procedure O.R. Frequent lapses of O.R. Exemplary atmosphere professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable demonstrated level in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or made personnel ability to work unreasonable with other demands personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS TOWARDS THE END OF POSTING IN LARYNGOLOGY NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled tissues force on tissue tissue but appropriately or caused occasionally with minimal inadvertent caused damage damage. inadvertent damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement and moves some maximum efficiency


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

unnecessary moves Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardness appeared stiff or awkward Knowledge Frequently Knew the names Obviously of asked for the of most familiar with instruments wrong instruments and the instruments instrument or used appropriate required and used an instrument for their names inappropriate the task instrument Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dr sterility occasional preservation of aping resulting in breach of sterility numerous sterility breaches Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used assistants poorly or failed of the time to the best to use assistants advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation stopped ability for planned course and forward operating or forward of operation planning needed to planning with with effortless discuss next steady flow from one move progression of move to the next 221

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

operation procedure Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar with of surgical knowledge surgical all aspects of anatomy anatomy surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, with encouragement input or mastery of the to proceed redirection from procedure senior O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrated in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrated personnel needs of other operating room outstanding personnel or personnel ability to work made with other unreasonable personnel and demands aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIVE SKILLS TOWARDS THE END OF POSTING IN HEAD/NECK NAME OF OPERATION:______CONSULTANT’S NAME:______Please rate the resident’s ability in each category on a scale of 1 to 5, using the behavioural descriptors below the numbers as a guide. The ratings 1 through 5 on this scale represent the whole spectrum of surgical operative ability.

1 3 5 Unacceptable= average=good very good=excellent below average Please circle the number corresponding to the resident’s performance in each category

1 3 5 Respect for Frequently used Careful Consistently tissue unnecessary handling of handled force on tissue or tissue but tissues caused occasionally appropriatel inadvertent caused y with damage. inadvertent minimal damage damage Time and Many Efficient Economy of motion unnecessary time/motion but movement moves some and


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

unnecessary maximum moves efficiency Instrument Repeatedly Competent use Fluid moves handling makes tentative of most with or awkward instruments instruments moves with although and no instruments occasionally awkwardnes appeared stiff or s awkward Knowledge Frequently asked Knew the names Obviously of for the wrong of most familiar instruments instrument or instruments and with the used an used appropriate instruments inappropriate instrument for required and instrument the task their names Sterile Disregard for Quick to correct Meticulous technique/dra sterility resulting occasional preservation ping in numerous breach of of sterility breaches sterility Use of Consistently Good use of Strategically assistants placed assistants assistants most used poorly or failed of the time assistants to to use assistants the best advantage at all times Flow of Frequently Demonstrated Obviously operation and stopped ability for planned forward operating or forward course of planning needed to discuss planning with operation next move steady with progression of effortless operation flow from procedure 224

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

one move to the next Knowledge Poor anatomical Knew important Familiar of surgical knowledge surgical with all anatomy anatomy aspects of surgical anatomy Function as Unsure of self Self directed Maintained primary and abilities. operation with control of surgeon requires only occasional operation, encouragement input or with to proceed redirection from mastery of senior the procedure O.R. Frequent lapses O.R. Exemplary atmosphere of professional atmosphere professional atmosphere maintained at atmosphere acceptable level demonstrate d in O.R Interaction Consistently Worked well Consistently with other discharged the with other demonstrate personnel needs of other operating room d personnel or personnel outstanding made ability to unreasonable work with demands other personnel and aware of their limitations Positioning of patient


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


OBJECTIVES Management course Resident must endeavour to attend Management Course before sitting for Part 2 Fellowship examination.

Education course Head and neck surgical dissection course is a recommended course for all residents before Part 2 Fellowship examination.

Research Training/Methodology National postgraduate Medical College organizes a research methodology course and it is mandatory that Residents must attend before sitting for Part 2 Fellowship examination. Resident must key- in into a research work in collaboration with his/her consultant.

Conferences Residents are to attend local and International Conferences especially as related to ORL and Surgery. The faculty specifically identifies ORLSON Conference, and it is a mandatory that Residents should attend. ` ` Residents must present at least one scientific paper at the conference before sitting for Part 2 Fellowship examination.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


Name of Date Name of Course course Co-ordinator or attended Supervisor/ or Consultant. Administrative responsibilities and management skills Administrative responsibility NMA responsibility NARD responsibility Committees of Hospital

Management courses attended 1 2 3 Management skills


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Educational/update Courses attended 1. Head/Neck Surgical dissection course 2. 3. Research training and skills 1. Research methodology course 2. Information technology 3. Continuing Professional development/ Conferences attended 1. 2. 3.

Teaching skills Title of lectures


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


Subject Format of Resource Name of Signature items delivery staff consultant


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

Subject Format of Resource Name of Signature items delivery staff consultant


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify that I completed the 24-months posting in Senior ORL posting and attest to the procedures listed above

Name & Signature of Resident Doctor


I hereby confirm Dr. ………………………………………….. has satisfactorily completed 24 months supervised training in Senior ORL and I attest to the procedures listed above

Name and Signature of Consultant

…………………………………… …………………………….. Name of Consultant Signature & Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby certify and attest that ……………………………has successfully completed the Senior Residency Programme. She/he has attained adequate skills and has assisted or performed procedure and is now eligible to sit the Part II Final Fellowship Examination in ORL.

………………………………..… ………………………….. Name Signature & Date

…………………………………………………… Fellowship Qualification & Date obtained


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


I hereby approve that having reviewed the logbook of Dr. ……………………………………………….…, I am satisfied that the submitted Log-Book fulfilled /did not fulfill the eligibility criteria to sit the PART II FELLOWSHIP EXAMINATION of National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria in Otorhinolaryngology. ………………………………………………. ……………… Name & Signature of the Faculty Secretary Date


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

1. J.M. Nedzelki, Derek Birt. Assessment of operative skills – Department of Otolaryngology, University of Toronto, Departmental Handbook. 1995, 144- 145 2. Harmonized Curriculum for Otorhinolaryngology in the Anglophone West African Sub region.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book


General Surgery: Any institution already accredited for General Surgery.

Oto-Rhino-Laryngology: This should be a teaching or other suitable hospital with at least 2 Consultants one of whom shall be a Fellow of the College or hold other equivalent qualification. The training unit should have an adequate number of trained E.N.T. Nurses in the outpatient clinics, on the wards and in the operating theatre. There must be facilities for Audiological Testing Viz: Trained Audiologist/Audiometrician. Hearing Aid Technician Clinical Audiometer. Evoked Response Audiometer Tympanometer Sound Proof Booth.

Speech Therapist (at least one) Standard equipped E.N.T. Theatre include the following: Operating Microscope with observation side arm mastoid Surgery Kits. Tympanoplasty and Stapedectomy Kits Assorted Endoscopy Kits complete with light source. Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Kits Kits for nasal operations Tracheostomy Kits 235

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

General Surgery Kits Suction, Electrocautery Kits (Cryosurgery and Laser Kits optional)

Standard equipped Out Patient Department include: Adequate clinic space Diagnostic and treatment Units Full set of E.N.T. Out patient equipment X-Ray viewing facilities C-T Scan at or within reach of the training institutions M.R.I. Scan at or within reach of the training institution optional Room for Vestibulometry and equipment for Caloric Testing and Electronystagmography Room and equipment for Allergy Diagnostics and Investigation Of Taste. Treatment room.

Temporal Bone Lab. Complete with the following: Operating Microscope with side arm and attachment Loupes, Micro -drills and Burrs Temporal Bone Circular Saw and Striker Saw Blades Lion jaw forceps and blade holders Frenkner Bowl and Bowl and Bone plug cutter Dental Drill with hand piece etc Plaster of Paris, Suction tubes, Formalin and Syringes Special Temporal Bone Dissection Table.


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

SECTION A: Surgical Units of the Institution: (Maximum of 10 points)

The training Institution must have full accreditation in General Surgery by the Faculty of Surgery of the respective College.

This will include the hospital having the following surgical units for the postings of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) Residents: CardioThoracic (1), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ( or Maxillofacial) (1) Neurosurgery (1), Accident/Emergency (1), Ophthalmology (1) 4 points Other departments in the hospital with adequate facilities especially with regard to ORL patient care: Anaesthesiology, Radiology, Pathology departments, Blood banking; Pharmacy 2 points.

SECTION B: Otorhinolaryngology: 1. Administration/Staff (Maximum of 18 points)

The Department should be an autonomous ORL department of a hospital and/or College of Medicine, as appropriate. It may be a stand-alone hospital/institution. 1 point

It shall be headed by a Fellow of the College. 1 point There shall be adequate funding of the Departmental activities especially its training programme. 2 points

S/no Description and minimum Score Guideline Points number of staff scored ORL Consultant: At least 4 2 points per consultants of which at least 2 consultant up to


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

must be not less than 5 years a maximum of 8 Post Fellowship points; (3 part time consultants are equivalent to 1 full time consultant ) Audiologist/Audiometrician – 1 point each 2; (2points Speech pathologist/therapist – 2 1 point each (2 points max) ENT trained Nurses deployed 1 point each (2 in outpatient, wards and theatre points max)

2. Outpatient Clinic (Maximum of 16 points) s/n Description and minimum number Score Points Guideline scored 1 Consulting stations: minimum of 6 1/2 point per station

Minimum of (6) ENT Consoles with patient chair & Doctors’ chairs 1point each

Basic ENT clinic instruments 1.Jobson Horne’s probes (50); 2.Suction nozzles (50); 3.Tilley’s dressing forceps (50); 4.Crocodile forceps(50) 5.Cawthornes aural forceps (50); 6.Nasal specula (100) 238

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

7.Aural Specula (20); 8.Tongue depressors (100) 9.Tuning forks (20); 10.Laryngeal mirrors (50) 11.Otoscopes (10); 12.Head mirrors (10) 13.Suction machines (6) optional if consoles requirements are met 2 Treatment room with accessories 1 point

3. ENT Laboratory and other facilities (Maximum 16 points) Departments to provide portfolio of Departmental grand Rounds, Seminars, Clinical conferences, Clinicopathological conferences, joint meetings with other departments, revision courses in the department, etc. Description and minimum number Score Points guidelines Scored 1 Audiology Lab; Pure tone audiometer 5 points (1) Tympanometer (1); OAE machine (1), ABR machine (1) Audio booth or Sound proof room 2 Vestibular Lab: ENG machine (1), 2 points Caloric Machine (1) 3 Temporal bone dissection Laboratory 2 points with facilities – (drills, burrs, bone holder, microscope/loupe); Ear instruments accessories 4 Endoscopy/Otomicroscopy room for 2 points out-patient procedures, telescopes and flexible laryngoscope, CCU/Camera/monitor, Microscope 239

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

5 Speech Lab: Stroboscopy machine 1 point and accessories 6 Rhinometric Lab: Rhinometer and 1 accessories 7 Sleep Lab: Polysomnograph and other 1 accessories 8 Seminar room with audoiovisual aid, 1 multimedia facilities 9 Training programmes of the 1 Department in the past three years

4. Operating Theatre: (Maximum of 16 points) Operation Register in the past three years shall be provided for inspection. The instruments will be inspected.

s/n Description and minimum Score Points number guidelines scored 1 ORL theatre room space and 1 point per sessions op. session Minimum of two operating per week, sessions max 2 points 2 Sets of instruments for the common 1 point per ORL operations, set of 1.Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy set instruments 2.Nasal tray, Antrostomy tray & max 8 points Caldwell luc tray 3.Middle ear set and mastoid set 4.BasicSurgery (Minor and Major sets) 5.Laryngoscope (Adult and Paediatric)


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

6.Oesophagoscope (Adult and Paediatric) 7.Broncoscope (Adult and children) 8.Endoscope forceps and suction nozzles 3 Operating microscope with teaching 2 points arm or camera; - 4 Endoscopic Surgery instrument 2 points sets; telescopes, CCU/Camera/Monitor 5 Intensive Care Unit, well-equipped 2 points 6 Others- Departmental theatre - equipped

5. In-patient Wards: (Maximum of 9 points) There shall be a Ward dedicated to ORL in-patients and has a minimum of 20 bed spaces

In-patient register of the past three years to be sighted.

s/n Description and Score Guidelines Points minimum number scored 1 Bed space of 20 : 1 point for each 5 beds; 3 males - 7, females 7 points for a dedicated ward & children – 6 and 1 point for a non dedicated ward 2 Ward treatment 1 point room 3 Call room space for 1 point Residents 4 Others


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

6. Learning Resources of the Department (Maximum of 4 points)

s/n Description and minimum Score Points number Guidelines scored 1 Departmental Library with ENT 1 point reference books and current journals 2 Institution’s Library, if Residents 1 point have easy access 3 ICT facilities with Internet access 1 point 4 Museum for pathology pots, etc, 1 point 5 Others

7. Patient Work – load - (Maximum of 10 marks)

Patient load should reflect variety in number and types of ORL clinical conditions handled per annum in the training institution vis a vis the number of Residents in the training Department

New Out-patient attendance per annum: Points scored

- 1 point 501 - 1000 2 points 1001 - 2000 3 points 2001 - above 4 points

In-patient load (Total admissions per annum) 242

NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

< 50 - 1 point 51 - 100 2 points 101 - 150 3 points 151 - above 4 points

Patients operated upon per annum: Up to 50 patients/ annum - 1 point Equal to and more than 51 patients - 2 points

8. Accreditation status to recommend: Accreditation status will be determined by the total scores within the following guidelines:

8a. The Department should be able to score a minimum of 5 points from section A, and 45 points from section B. In addition, the scores from Section B shall meet the following minimum spread of the scores from various segments of section B

Section Minimum Actual Score score A: Surgical Units/other 5 Departments B1. Administration/Staffing 9 B2. Out patients 8 B3. Laboratory 8 B4. Op theatre 8 B5. Ward 5 B6. Learning Resources 2 B7. patient work load 5 Total


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

If the criteria set out in 8a are fulfilled, the Department becomes eligible to be considered further for accreditation as stated hereunder:


8b. 70 points plus: full accreditation for 5years 50 – 69 points: partial accreditation for 2years <50 points: denial of accreditation.

The number of Residents to be approved for the junior and senior stages will be determined by taking into cognisance the number and experience of personnel on ground, quality and variety of infrastructure in the Department, inherent strengths and comparative advantages of the training programme mounted in the department, the track record of the Department and the patient work load

Number of Residents Recommended for training: Junior : Senior:


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book

9. Signatures/Date

……………………………… ………………………………… Full Names/Signature Full Names/Signature Chairman/Team Leader Panel Member

……………………………… ……………………………… Full Names/Signature Full Names/Signature Panel Member/Secretary Panel Member


NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book



NPMCN, Faculty of Otorhinolaryngology, Residency Training Hand book