Total Mobility Plan Technical Appendices
Total Mobility Plan Technical Appendices Cost Feasible Plan – Project Sheets US 17/Ogeechee Road Sector Plan Victory Drive / Skidaway Road Sector Plan Thoroughfare Plan PROJECT NAME: I-516 @ CS/1503/DeRenne Avenue GDOT PI #: 0008358 (DeRenne Boulevard Option) PROJECT TERMINI: I-516 to White Bluff Road PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Reduce traffic congestion on DeRenne Avenue by providing a new four-lane divided connector from I-516 to a realigned White Bluff Road. Thoroughfare Type: Major Map Project ID: A Arterial Suburban Total Project Cost: $48,234,299 Comments: This project, a priority for the City of Savannah, addresses congestion, safety, and includes coordination with adjacent land uses to enhance the visual appearance of the corridor and promote a sense of place while incorporating accommodations for all travel modes. Total Mobility Plan Goals addressed by the project: Safety Accessibility, Mobility, and Connectivity Environment and Quality of Life Intergovernmental Coordination PROJECT PHASE Cost Band 1 Cost Band 2 Cost Band 3 2015 - 2020 2021 - 2030 2031 - 2040 Preliminary Engineering Right-of-Way $6,200,000 Construction $42,034,299 PROJECT NAME: East DeRenne from SR 204 to Harry S Truman Parkway GDOT PI #: 0008359 (East DeRenne Avenue Improvements) PROJECT TERMINI: Abercorn Street to Truman Parkway PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construct a landscaped median and sidewalks, establish a parallel bicycle route along DeRenne Drive and improve signalized intersections Thoroughfare Type: Major Map Project ID: B Arterial Suburban Total Project Cost: $10,716,892 Comments: The project complements the interchange modifications at DeRenne Avenue and I-516 and improvements on West DeRenne. This project addresses multimodal accommodation, safety, and the operational efficiency of the facility.
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