webmin download zone files Install and Configure Webmin on your System. The Webmin console is your answer to on-the-fly management of as an administrator. You can use any web browser to setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing, and much more. In this article, we will describe a step-by-step installation of Webmin on your Ubuntu system. We will also explain how to configure Webmin so that you can use your to access Webmin through an FQDN. The commands and procedures mentioned in this article have been run on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system. Webmin Installation on Ubuntu 18.04. Since the installation of Webmin is done through the Linux Command Line, we will use the Terminal application for this purpose. In order to open the Terminal, you can either use the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut or open it through Ubuntu Dash. The first thing to do is to add the Webmin repository to your sources list. There are two ways to do so: Method 1: Add Webmin Ubuntu repository. Open the /etc/apt/sources.list file to manually add the repository link to the list. In order to open the sources.list file, run the following command as root in your Terminal: This will open the file in the Nano editor. Move to the end of the file and paste the following line in order to add the Webmin repository to the list: Save and exit the file by pressing Ctrl+X and then Y for confirmation. The next step is to get the Webmin PGP key for the newly added repository. This way the system will trust this repository. Run the following command to do so: Then add the key through the following command: Method 2: An alternative to the manual method described above is to add the key and repository through the following method: Enter the following command in order to download and add the Webmin repository key: Then use the following command in order to download the Webmin repository to the list of sources on your system: Installing Webmin on Ubuntu. Once the repository has been added and recognized, let us update the list of packages on our system through the following command: Finally, install the Webmin application through the following command: Enter Y when prompted to continue installation. When the installation is complete, look up for these lines at the end of the output. This will give you information about how to access the Webmin console through your browser. Configure Webmin. In this step, we will make Webmin accessible remotely on port 80 by creating a proxy Vhost in Apache. This step is optional and assumes that you have an Apache installed, if you are fine with Webmin running on Port 10000 on localhost only, then skip this chapter and continue with Accessing Webmin chapter. Step 1: Create a new Apache virtual host file. If you want to access Webmin using an FQDN, for example, webmin.your_domainName, it is best to configure an Apache virtual host in order to proxy requests on Webmin server. Webmin uses port 10000 so we have to ensure that the port is open on the firewall. Let us create an Apache virtual host file as follows: Create the file through the following command: Enter the following script to the file: Exit and save the file through CTrl+X and then enter Y for confirmation. This file will tell the server to pass all requests to port 10000. Note: In case UFW is enabled on your system, you can allow incoming traffic from any source to TCP port 10000 using the following command: Step 2: Stop Webmin from using TLS/SSL. The next step is to tell Webmin to stop using TLS/SSL as we will later configure Apache for this purpose. Run the following command in order to access the miniserv.conf file: Spot the line ssl=1 and change it to ssl=0, as follows: Exit the file through Ctrl+X then save changes by entering Y . Step 3: Add your domain name to the list of allowed domains. The next thing to do it to add your domain name to the list of allowed domains in the Webmin configuration. Open the file through this command: Move to the end of the file and add the following line to allow your domain name: Step 4: Restart Webmin to apply configurations. Use the following command in order to restart Webmin. This will apply all the configurations that you have made in the previous steps: Step 5: Activate the Apache proxy_http module and your Apache Virtual Host. Run the following command in order to Apache’s proxy_http module: Then activate your newly created Apache virtual host through this command: Finally, this command will activate the Apache proxy_hhtp module along with your virtual host: $ sudo systemctl restart apache2. Access Webmin. (This is the link you got from the output when the Webmininstallation was complete) (This is the link you will use if you have configured Webmin through the above-mentioned process) The Webmin interface will open as follows; you can log in as root or another privileged user as follows: You can manage users and update packages, among many other things, through this Webmin console: Through this article, you got an in-detail information about installing Webmin on your system and configuring it for your domain. You can now use it for managing servers, packages, and users on the fly! Karim Buzdar. About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites. You can reach Karim on LinkedIn. Introduction. What Webmin is, why it was written and what you can expect from this documentation. Contents. What is Webmin? Webmin is a program that simplifies the process of managing a Linux or system. Normally you need to manually edit configuration files and run commands to create accounts, set up a web server and manage email forwarding. Webmin lets you perform these tasks and many more through an easy to use web interface and automatically updates all required configuration files for you. This makes the job of administering your system much easier. Some of the things you can do with Webmin are: Create, edit and delete Unix Accounts on your system. Export Files and Directories to other systems with the NFS protocol. Set up Disk Quotas to control the amount of space available to users for their files. Install, view and remove Software Packages in RPM and other formats. Change your system's IP address, DNS Server settings and routing configuration. Set up a Linux Firewall to protect your computer or give hosts on an internal LAN access to the Internet. Create and configure virtual web servers for the Apache Webserver. Manage databases, tables and fields in a MySQL or PostgreSQL Database Server. Share files with Windows systems by configuring Samba Windows File Sharing. These are just a few of the available functions. Webmin provides a simple web interface that lets you configure almost all common services and popular servers on Unix systems. It protects you from the syntax errors and other mistakes often made when editing configuration files directly and warns you before potentially dangerous actions. Because Webmin is accessed though a web browser, you can log in from any system connected to your network. There is no difference between running it locally and running it remotely, and it is much easier to use over the network than other graphical configuration programs. Webmin has a modular design: Each function is contained in a module that generally can be installed or removed independently from the rest of the program. Each module manages some service or server, such as Unix users, the Apache Webserver or Software Packages. If you have manually configured your system, Webmin will recognize all existing settings. Webmin reads the standard configuration files on your system and updates them directly rather than use its own database. This means you can freely mix Webmin, manual configuration and other programs or scripts that work in the same way. While Webmin was developed for Linux users, Webmin can be used with many other flavors of Unix, such as Solaris, FreeBSD and HP/UX. Webmin understands the differences between all these operating systems and can adjust its user interface and behavior to fit your OS. This means it often can hide the underlying differences between Unix variants and present a similar or identical interface no matter which OS you use. Webmin is a configuration tool, and so you must have programs installed for it to configure. For example, the Apache module requires that the actual Apache webserver be installed. Fortunately, all services and servers that Apache manages are either included with most standard Linux distributions or can be downloaded and installed freely. Who should use Webmin? Webmin was written for people with some Linux experience who might be unfamiliar with the intricacies of system administration. Even though it makes the process of creating Unix users or managing the Squid Proxy Server easy, you first must have some idea of what a Unix account is and what Squid does. The average user probably runs Webmin on a Linux system at home or on a company network. The program assumes you are familiar with basic TCP/IP networking concepts, such as IP addresses, DNS servers and hostnames. It also assumes the user understands the layout of the Unix filesystem, what users and groups are and where user files are located. If you use Webmin to manage some server like Apache or Sendmail, you should have some idea of what they can do and what kind of configuration you want. Webmin runs with full root privileges, which means it can edit any file and run any command on your system. This means it is quite possible to delete all files on your system or make it un-bootable, if you make a mistake when using the program, especially if you configure something you don't understand. Even though Webmin usually warns you before performing some potentially dangerous action, plenty of scope for causing damage remains. Even though it can be used on a system with no Internet connection, Webmin benefits if your system is on a network. It can download new software packages, modules or even new versions of Webmin for you, if connected. Because Webmin runs with root privileges, you must be able to log in to your system as root to install and start it. This means Webmin cannot be used on a system on which you have only a normal account, such as a virtual web server that is shared with other people. You might be able to get your system administrator to install and configure it for you, though. If you are an experienced system administrator, Webmin may not seem to be a good tool for you because using it generally is slower than directly editing configuration files and running commands. However, even experts can benefit from Webmin's automatic syntax checking and actions it performs automatically. You also can give different people different levels of access to Webmin so an experienced administrator safely can delegate responsibility to less-skilled subordinates. For example, you might want someone to be able to manage the BIND DNS server but nothing else, while giving yourself full access to the system and all of Webmin's functions. How and why was it developed? Webmin was written by Jamie Cameron, author of Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration and Module Development . He released the first version of Webmin (version 0.1) in October 1997. Since then, its user interface, features and appearance have changed dramatically, and almost all of the code has been re-written. However, the basic concept of a web-based administration tool has been the same since that very first release. Jamie started writing Webmin when he was the administrator for a system running a DNS server and had to spend a lot of time updating the server's configuration files to add new host records requested by users. Giving them the root password was not an option because they did not have the experience to properly edit the zone files and re-start the server. The solution was a simple web interface that would display existing DNS records and allow them to be edited, created and deleted. Users were given access to this interface to make the changes they needed safely. DNS management was just the start, though. Once Jamie saw the possibilities for simplifying the configuration of a Unix system though a web interface, he started to add other features to the program and put them into modules. Next came modules for Unix users, Samba, mounting filesystems, NFS and Cron jobs. He thought up the name Webmin, made it available for anyone to download and announced it on a few mailing lists. The initial feedback was good, so he kept writing. Over the years, the program went through multiple user interfaces and dozens of modules, added support for non-English languages, advanced access control, supported a lot more operating systems and incorporated many other features. The companies Caldera and MSC.Linux have supported the project financially, and many users have made contributions of code patches, modules, translations and suggestions. Besides the standard modules, more than 100 others have been written by other users and can be added to Webmin on your system. What is this wiki about? This wiki includes information that explains how to install Webmin, how to use almost all of its modules and how to write your own. For example: Webmin Modules These pages cover the modules Webmin uses to configure itself. System Modules These pages cover modules that configure system services, such as filesystems, users, groups and printing. Server Modules These pages cover the configuration of servers that run on a Unix system, such as Apache, Sendmail and Squid. Other Modules Networking Hardware Cluster These pages cover Webmin modules that can be used to configure multiple systems from a single master server. Developer's Guide These pages explain how to write your own modules and themes. Conventions. The following special text styles are used in this wiki: Bold Used for text that appears in Webmin itself, such as error messages, icon names, buttons and field labels. Fixed width This style is used for the names of shell commands, Unix users, directories and files. Also used for text in configuration files, program code and API functions. Italics Used to indicate example input entered by the user into Webmin or example commands, directories and function parameters. Thanks to. The book Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration and Module Development , which serves as the foundation of this wiki, could not have been written without the support of Jill Harry and the others at Prentice Hall; Bob Kern for suggesting the idea; Jamie's wife, Foong Ching, for her constant support; and all the members of the Webmin mailing list for their ideas and suggestions over the years. How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04. Most system administration tasks are usually carried out on the terminal. They involve creating users, running updates and changing configuration files and so much more. It can be rather boring to work perpetually on the terminal. Webmin is an opensource web administration tool that allows users to easily monitor and manage servers. Some of the tasks that you can accomplish with Webmin include: Adding and removing users on the system Changing users’ passwords. Installing, updating, and removing software packages. Setting up a firewall. Configuring disk quotas to manage the space used by other users. Creating virtual hosts (If a web server is installed). And so much more. In this article, we take a look at how you can install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 so that you can seamlessly manage your system. Step 1: Update the System and Install Requisites Packages. To get started with installing Webmin , it’s advisable to update your package lists as follows: Additionally, install the prerequisites packages as shown. Step 2: Import Webmin Repository Key. Having updated the system and installed the packages, we are then going to append the Webmin GPG key as shown. Next, add the Webmin repository to the sources list file as shown. The above command also updates the system package lists. Step 3: Install Webmin in Ubuntu. At this point, we shall install Webmin using the APT package manager. Proceed and run the following command: When prompted, hit 'Y' to proceed with Webmin’s installation. Install Webmin on Ubuntu. The output below confirms that the Webmin installation has been successful. Installation of Webmin on Ubuntu. Upon installation, the Webmin service starts automatically. This can be confirmed by running the command. Check Webmin Status on Ubuntu. The output above confirms that Webmin is up and running. Step 4: Open Webmin Port on Ubuntu Firewall. By default, Webmin listens on TCP port 10000 . If the UFW firewall is enabled, then you need to open this port. To do so, execute the command: Next, be sure to reload the firewall. Open Webmin Port on Ubuntu. Step 5: Access Webmin on Ubuntu. Finally, to access Webmin , launch your browser and browse the address: You will encounter a warning message that the connection is not private, but don’t worry. This is because Webmin comes with a self-signed SSL certificate which is not validated by CA. To navigate this warning, simply click on the ‘ Advanced ’ button. Self Signed SSL Certificate Warning. Next, click on the link ‘ Continue to server-IP ’ as shown. Continue to Server IP. This presents you with a login page shown below. Provide your details and click the ‘ Sign In ’ button. You will be presented with a dashboard shown below that gives an overview of key system metrics such as CPU & RAM utilization, as well as other system details such as hostname, , system uptime, etc. On the left pane is a list of options that give you access to various server functionalities. From here you can perform a list of system administration tasks as discussed earlier in the introduction. Webmin Admin Dashboard. We have successfully installed Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 . If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. How to Install Webmin on Fedora Linux. Keeping an eye on your system’s performance is one of the essential tasks that any Linux user should undertake from time to time. This helps in diagnosing any bottlenecks that are likely to impact performance. Webmin is a free and open-source front-end monitoring and administration tool that helps Linux users have a glance at various system metrics and perform administration tasks without the need of running commands on the terminal. Webmin provides an intuitive and simple UI that provides metrics such as CPU , RAM , and Disk utilization. It also provides basic information such as the Operating system of the server, hostname, kernel version, uptime, Load average, running processes, and processor information to mention a few. Additionally, you can execute sysadmin tasks such as: Set up / remove user accounts. Change user account passwords. Installing, updating, upgrading & removing packages. Configuring firewall rules. Rebooting/shutting down. Viewing log files. Schedule cron jobs. And so much more. In this guide, we touch base on how to install Webmin on Fedora Linux . Step 1: Install Webmin YUM Repository. If you like to install and update Webmin via DNF package manager, create the /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo file. Add the following repository information into the file. Next, download and add the Webmin GPG key with which the packages are signed as shown. Step 2: Install Webmin on Fedora. With the installation of dependencies complete, let’s now install Webmin with the command. Install Webmin in Fedora Linux. All dependencies should be resolved automatically and the installation will get underway and will take a couple of minutes to complete. Upon completion, you can verify if Webmin is running by executing the old SysV init script as shown. Check Webmin Status. The output indicates that Webmin is up and running. Step 3: Open Webmin Port on Fedora Firewall. By default, Webmin listens on TCP port 10000 and you can confirm this by running the netstat command as shown. Check Webmin Port. If you are behind a firewall, you need to open the TCP port 10000 as shown. Open Webmin Port on Firewall. Step 4: Accessing Webmin . So far, we have installed Webmin and verified its status. The only thing remaining is to log into Webmin and manage our system. So, launch your favorite browser and browse the URL below. When you browse the URL for the first time, you will get a “ Your connection isn’t private ” alert on the browser. Nothing to worry about. This is due to the fact that Webmin comes with a self-signed SSL certificate which is not signed by the CA authority. As a workaround, click on the ‘ Advanced ’ button as shown. SSL Connection Warning. Then click to proceed to the server. You will get the login page below. Use root credentials and click on ‘ Sign In ’ to log in. Finally, you will get the Webmin dashboard that gives you a glance at your system’s metrics, and at the left pane, you will see administrative options at your disposal. Fedora Webmin Dashboard. This marks the end of this tutorial. We hope it made your work easy in installing Webmin on Fedora Linux . If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Millions of people visit TecMint! to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. HTML File Manager. On this page the HTML File Manager module is documented, and its features such as copying and pasting, creating files, and searching are explained. HTML File manager is included by default starting with webmin version 1.762. The HTML File Manager is called Filemin , and was created by Alexandr Bezenkov. The 'old' File Manager has been renamed to Java File Manager, and File Manager will now point to HTML File manager. Contents. Under the Others category in Webmin is a module that is quite different from any of the others. Instead of configuring some server or service, it allows the user to view and manipulate files on the server through an HTML interface. This HTML File Manager replaces the old Java-based File Manager. At the top you will see a row of buttons similar to a toolbar. Below that is a list of files and directories that are in the current directory. When you first load the file manager, you will see the contents of the root directory on your system, or the user's home directory, depending on who you are logged in as. To enter another directory, just single-click on it in the list. To go back up a directory, click the left arrow at the top-left of the file manager. The contents of any file on your system can be displayed and edited by clicking the Edit icon under the Actions column. If you want to download a file from your Webmin system to the computer that your browser is running on, just click the file name. To rename a file or directory, click the Rename icon under the Actions column. The HTML File Manager module allows you to rename, move and copy files. To select the file that you want to manipulate, just click the checkbox to the left of it. To move files to a different directory, select one or more and click the Cut button on the toolbar. Then navigate to the destination and click the Paste button. If a file with the same name already exists, Webmin will prompt you to rename the pasted file to avoid the clash. If you choose not to rename, the file in the destination directory with the same name will be overwritten. To copy files, select them in the right-hand pane and click the Copy button. Then go to the directory that you want them to be copied to, and click Paste . As when moving files, you will be prompted to rename any that clash with files that already existing in the destination directory. Multiple copies of a file can be made by pasting in different directories. To create a copy of a file in the same directory, just select it and hit Copy and Paste , and enter a new filename. You can delete one or more files and directories by selecting them and clicking the Delete button on the toolbar. Before they are actually removed, a confirmation window listing all chosen files will be displayed. When the Delete button in the window is clicked, all chosen files, directories and their contents will be permanently deleted. A single file can be renamed by selecting it in the right-hand pane and clicking the Rename button on the toolbar. This will bring up a window containing the current filename and a text box for entering a new name. If the new name is the same as an existing file in the same directory, it will be overwritten when the Rename button in the window is hit. The HTML File Manager module offers two methods for creating new files - you can either create a text file from scratch, or upload data from the host that your web browser is running on. To create a new empty text file, click File then Create File . This will bring up a window in which you can enter the filename. To upload a file from the PC your browser is running on, click File then Upload File on the toolbar. This will open a dialog window where you can choose the file to upload. When you are ready, click the Upload Files button to have the file(s) sent to your Webmin server. Once the upload is complete, the directory list will be updated to show the new file. You can also retrieve a file from a remote URL. To do that, click File then Get from URL . There, you can enter the URL where your document is remotely hosted, as well as an optional username and password. Each file or directory on a Unix file system is owned by a single user and group, and have a set of permissions that determines who can access it. Normally these are changed by the chown and chmod commands, but you can edit them in the file manager as well. To do this, select a file or files from the right-hand pane and click Tools then Chmod Selected or Chown Selected in the toolbar. This will bring up a permissions window. In the Chmod window, you can select the appropriate read, write, and execute permission for the file(s). In the Chown window, you can select the user and group you want as the owner for that file or directory. If you want, you can tell it to apply the permissions recursively if you have selected a directory. Just be careful when using that option not to apply the permissions to files you didn't mean to give them to! The file manager can be used to search for files or directories on your system that match certain criteria. This can be useful if you know the name of a file but not the directory it is located in. To search for files, click on Tools in the toolbar, then click 'Search' to bring up the search window. In the Search query field, enter a search pattern to look for. This can be something like *.txt or foo?.c . It is possible to bookmark folders, so that future access to that folder can be done quickly. To bookmark a folder, use the HTML File Manager to browse to that folder, then click Bookmarks then Bookmark Current Folder in the toolbar. To access the bookmarks later, click Bookmarks , and you will see the bookmarks you created at the bottom of the menu.