Seeds for Cowboys' Greatness Were Planted Decades Earlier State University
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10A| FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 - 22, 2021| WAXAHACHIE DAILY LIGHT Seeds for Cowboys' greatness were planted decades earlier State University. Arkansas was ranked the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. After a Razor- Louisiana State in the 1966 Cotton Bowl. eighth. backs field goal in the first quarter, the In the 1960s, no national champion- Texas History The Razorbacks won the first game in Cornhuskers took a 7-3 lead in the sec- ship game existed. Reporters carried a Ken Bridges September against Oklahoma State, 14- ond quarter and hold it into the fourth lot of weight with their choices of teams Guest columnist 10. The next week, the Razorbacks ral- quarter. With only minutes left, Quar- based on their votes in Associated Press lied from a 14-0 deficit to overtake the terback Frank Marshall pushed the Ra- and United Press International polls. University of Tulsa. Arkansas would net zorbacks 80 yards downfield. Bobby Because of the embarrassment of writ- Texas has long been a football state. six interceptions against Texas Chris- Burnett then plowed through the Corn- ers trying to name the Crimson Tide the One of the most successful Texas foot- tian and force six turnovers from Baylor huskers defense for the last three yards champions in spite of their loss, future ball dynasties, the Dallas Cowboys of in their next two wins. By the fourth needed for the touchdown. Arkansas polls would not name a national winner the 1990s, stems from three players for week of the season, the team was only held on and won, 10-7. until after the bowl games had been the University of Arkansas and their ranked ninth nationally in spite of a per- AP writers, however, were unim- played. Johnson and Switzer would go 1964 championship season: Jerry Jones, fect record. But a hard-fought 14-13 win pressed. Instead of the undefeated Cot- on to coach at several universities be- Barry Switzer, and Jimmy Johnson. over the University of Texas the next ton Bowl champions, the national fore coming to the Cowboys. Jones For the Arkansas Razorbacks, the week, which included a stunning 81- championship was awarded by sports- would earn millions with several suc- 1963 season had been a disappoint- yard punt return touchdown by Ken writers to the University of Alabama, cessful business ventures before buying ment, with the team ending with a lack- Hatfield, catapulted the team to fourth who would lose the Orange Bowl to the the Cowboys in 1989. luster 5-5 record. Afterward, coach in the AP poll. Texas Longhorns. Others, however, The legendary 1964 season would Frank Broyles and the team began plot- The Razorbacks would shut out their named Arkansas the national champi- leave a lasting legacy in football. Coach ting a comeback for next season, and opponents in the next five games, send- ons, and the Helms Athletic Founda- Broyles would win two more bowl the team promised — and delivered ing them into the bowl season ranked tion, known for selecting the All-Amer- games until he stepped down as head —what would be an unforgettable year. second in the nation. The defense was ican Teams, awarded Arkansas its coach in 1976. The 1964 team produced This would include Switzer as assistant unstoppable, allowing the fewest points Grantland Rice Trophy as the nation’s the two NFL coaches who would go on to coach, Jones as an offensive lineman of any team and keeping their opponents top squad. The Football Writers Associ- lead teams to three Super Bowl wins in and team co-captain, and Johnson as a to only 180 yards per game. Hatfield, a fu- ation of America also named the Razor- the 1990s, Johnson winning in 1993 and defensive lineman. ture Razorbacks coach, boasted 518 yards backs the top team of 1964. 1994 and Switzer in 1996. As fall 1964 approached, the Associ- for punt returns, the best in the country. The 1964 season was part of an in- Ken Bridges is a writer, historian and ated Press writer’s poll offered little re- Linebacker Ronnie Caveness would be credible 22-game winning streak by the native Texan. He holds a doctorate from spect for the new Razorbacks squad. named to the All-American team. Razorbacks. The 1965 squad nearly re- the University of North Texas. Bridges The University of Mississippi was On January 1, 1965, Arkansas met the peated the 1964 season with a perfect can be reached by email at drkenbridg- ranked first, followed by Oklahoma University of Nebraska Cornhuskers at 10-0 regular season, narrowly losing to [email protected]. keeping them at home, where they re- students with disabilities from public 14 kids with disabilities file suit ceive a fraction of the education and education programs and activities. lose interaction to students without a The decision to enforce mask wear- Chuck Lindell lawsuit said. disability. ing should be left to school districts and Austin American-Statesman "Having to make a choice between "Either outcome is a violation of stu- local public health officials "as they de- USA TODAY NETWORK my daughter’s education or her life — dents' rights ... and both are wholly termine is necessary," the lawsuit said. what kind of choice is that?" said Julia avoidable," said Melsheimer, one of the Lawyers said this was the first time Opening a new legal front against Longoria, whose 8-year-old attends lawyers with the Winston & Strawn law Abbott has been sued in federal court Gov. Greg Abbott's ban on mask man- school in San Antonio and is part of the firm who worked on the lawsuit at no over his mask policy. dates, a disability rights group has filed lawsuit. charge. The 14 students also sued Mike Mo- a federal lawsuit arguing that the prohi- Longoria said her daughter, identi- Renae Eze, Abbott's spokeswoman, rath, commissioner of the Texas Educa- bition should be struck down for violat- fied as JR in the lawsuit, has asthma, a said the governor "cares deeply about tion Agency, which oversees the state's ing the Americans with Disabilities Act. growth hormone deficiency and atten- the health and safety of disabled stu- public education system. The agency The lawsuit, filed in Austin by Dis- tion deficit hyperactivity disorder and dents, as he does for all Texas students." does not discuss pending litigation, ability Rights Texas on behalf of 14 chil- needs in-person instruction to succeed "Since his accident that left him par- spokesman Jake Kobersky said dren with cerebral palsy, asthma and in school. alyzed, the governor has worked Wednesday. other conditions that put them at a JR's health is at risk if schools open at throughout his career to protect the Abbott's mask order also has been higher health risk, said Abbott's execu- full capacity with masks optional while rights of all those with disabilities in challenged in several state courts, lead- tive order banning mandatory masks the highly infectious delta variant is Texas," Eze added. ing to a half-dozen temporary restrain- prevents their safe return to school producing a surge in COVID-19 infec- Abbott has used a wheelchair since in ing orders — some of which have been amid a worsening COVID-19 outbreak. tions, the lawsuit said. 1984, when a tree fell on the 26-year-old blocked by the Texas Supreme Court — The result is an "unlawful barrier" Lawyer Tom Melsheimer said the ban law school graduate as he was jogging in that allowed local mask mandates, par- that is preventing school districts from on mandatory masks requires parents Houston, crushing his spine and para- ticularly for public schools, where chil- providing a safe learning environment to choose between exposing medically lyzing him below the waist. dren under age 12 cannot receive the for their most vulnerable students, the fragile children to a severe illness or Abbott — insisting that Texans, not COVID-19 vaccine. governments, are in charge of health de- Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton cisions — issued a July 29 executive or- argues that Abbott's emergency powers TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY der that banned cities, counties, school during a declared disaster give his exec- districts and public health officials from utive orders the "force and effect" of a requiring masks to be worn indoors. state law. Opponents disagree, and that Filed Tuesday night, the lawsuit issue remains before the state Supreme seeks a temporary restraining order, Court. leading to a more permanent ban, block- According to an online list kept by ing enforcement of Abbott's order, argu- Paxton, 48 school districts and charter ing that it violates anti-discrimination schools, plus seven counties, had im- NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION AND INTENT TO OBTAIN WATER QUALITY PERMIT RENEWAL language in the Americans With Dis- plemented mandatory mask policies in PERMIT NO. WQ0002580000 abilities Act and the U.S. Rehabilitation defiance of Abbott's order as of Act, which prohibits the exclusion of Wednesday afternoon. APPLICATION. Holcim (US) Inc., 1800 Dove Lane, Midlothian, Texas 76065, which owns a limestone quarry and Portland cement manufacturing plant, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to renew Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0002580000 (EPA I.D. No. TX0090425) to authorize the discharge of stormwater at an intermittent and flow variable rate with provisions to dispose of treated wastewater via irrigation of approximately 0.08 acres of landscaped areas and to utilize effluent from the settling/cooling pond system for dust suppression. The facility is located at 1800 Dove Lane, Midlothian, in Ellis County, Texas 76065. The discharge route is from the plant site via Outfall 001 to an unnamed tributary of North Prong Creek; thence to North Prong Creek; thence to Massey Lake; thence to North Prong Creek; thence to an unnamed lake; thence to North Prong Creek; thence to Waxahachie Creek; thence to Bardwell Reservoir.