North Lincolnshire Libraries & Information Services WESLEY AND METHODISM COLLECTION The list below details all the holdings in the Wesley and Methodism collection held at Scunthorpe Reference Library. Please note that not all works are complete – e.g. there may be some gaps in journal holdings. Readers are advised to contact library staff to confirm details of holdings before visiting the library by telephoning 01724 860161 or by e-mailing
[email protected] Author Title Date of Pub Methodist directory 1948-50: a compendium of Methodist Publishing House: [c. 1950] information concerning the … Methodist heritage: Britain 1993-1998 Ministers and probationers of the Methodist Church Methodist Publishing House: [1957] Ministers and probationers of the Methodist Church Methodist Publishing House: [1952] Word to all members of quarterly meetings Voice of Methodism Association: [No date] Early days John Mason: 1857-1864 Wesleyan juvenile offering: a miscellany of 1861-1862 missionary information … Guild: organ of the Methodist Guild Department Methodist Guild: 1940-41 Wesley: the man, his teaching and his work Charles H. Kely: 1891 London quarterly and Holborn review Epworth Press:1956-64 Wesleyan juvenile offering 1844-1848 Methodism: its present responsibilities Epworth Press: 1929 Young Methodism 1934-37 Methodist manual and almanack: selections from Methodist Publishing House: 1936 the Standing Orders etc. Minutes of the Methodist conferences, from the 1813-1818 first, held in London Methodist hymn-book Methodist Conference Office: 1954 Methodist hymn-book Wesleyan Conference Office: [No date] Methodist free church hymns [No date] Wesley story Lincolnshire Standard Group: [No date] Aldersgate Primitive Methodist magazine 1925-1928 Evangelical magazine 1796-1829 Christian messenger 1867-1895 Methodist local preachers' who's who 1934 Shaw Publishing Co.