East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Partnership Meeting Held on Thursday 22Nd Sept 2016, Bishop Burton College
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Minutes of East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Partnership meeting held on Thursday 22nd Sept 2016, Bishop Burton College. Present: Sir Ian Macdonald of Sleat, Chair, Andy Black, Bishop Burton College, David Farnsworth, ERYC, John Brown, LEADER LAG, Cllr Jane Evison, ERYC Portfolio Holder Economy, Investment & Inequalities, Helen Wright, ERYC, Judith Warnes, ERYC, Cllr John Whittle, Member ERYC, David Morris, ERA RCB, Moya Throssel, Hatfield PC, Peter Hirschfeld, HWRCC. Claire Thomas, ERVAS, John Nicholson, Joint Local Access Forum, Tom Marshall, YWT, Dorothy Fairburn, CLA, Timothy Williams, ERYC, Gesa Reiss, YNYER LEP, Ralph Smith, Pocklington Future, Karen Riddle, Lissett & Ulrome Parish Council, Richard Mole, Driffield Methodist Church, Rebecca Hesketh, NFU, Andy Stephenson, NFU, Natalie Venning, ERYC, Tracey Thompson, ERYC. Apologies: Kevin Kendall, RKK Ltd, Howard Petch, Rural Churches, Jacqui Bruce, LANTRA, Paula Gouldthorpe, Hull University, Graham Ward, EY Local Food Network, Linsay Cunningham, Healthwatch, Margaret Cockbill, CPRE, Jan Garrill, Two Ridings Foundation, PC Julie Turrill, Humberside Police, Joan Burnett, NFU, Helen Watson, Beverley Town Council, Alan Gordon-Freeman, Sirius, Susan Oliver, HWRCC, Nicola Mitchell, Humberside Police. Item Action/ Responsibility 1 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed the group, some new members and guest speakers. 2 Apologies A number of apologies had been received prior to the meeting. 3 Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 16th June 2016 had been circulated and were agreed as a true record of the meeting. 4 Matters Arising There were no matters arising 5 Members Reports Update on Rural Broadband. Natalie Venning, Digital Services Officer, East Riding of Yorkshire Council. For Information NV outlined progress to date • Part of the national roll out of superfast broadband, Broadband Delivery UK. • Working with BT, we are helping residents and businesses access superfast broadband. • By December 2015, Phase 1 was completed and 42,000 local premises received access to superfast speeds of 24Mbps and above. • Demand for superfast soared in the last six months, and we reached our target for 30% take up. This has allowed BDUK and BT to release extra funding for the programme to reinvest in the East Riding. We’ve held a public consultation for where there will be commercial investment, and plans are being made where to use this extra funding. • We’re now working with BT to progress to the Phase 2 contract which will give access to superfast for another 4,500 properties. More than a 1,000 have already JW 1 Minutes of East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Partnership meeting held on Thursday 22nd Sept 2016, Bishop Burton College. been completed. • Once all roll-outs, both commercial and Broadband East Riding, is complete in December 2017, 95% of the East Riding should have access to 24Mbps • To ensure there is 100% coverage of basic broadband speed – defined as at least 2Mbps by Government, Better Broadband is in place. • Eligible premises for the Better Broadband Scheme can be found across East Yorkshire and predictably, they are mostly in rural areas where fibre roll outs are cost-prohibitive with current available funding. • Subsidy voucher helps cover the installation cost for alternative broadband technology. In East Yorkshire it can be used on Fixed Wireless or Satellite. • The voucher will ensure nobody pays more than £400 to access Better Broadband speeds in a 12 month period. • See www.broadband.eastriding.gov.uk for updates Rural Skills Provision. Andy Black, Director of Work Based learning, Apprenticeships and Employers, Bishop Burton College. AB outlined the changes to the current Apprenticeship programme which will take effect from April 2017. Some key changes are : New funding methodology – this has been simplified and the government will pay ONE rate to providers and this will cover all ages ( no differential between 16-18 and 19+ age groups) the new funding methodology means all employers will pay 10% for training of apprentices. Apprenticeship Levy Qualification Frameworks and Qualifications – current frameworks with less than 100 students in the last 12 months will finish. New frameworks will be developed by business groups and will be more generic Update on the East Riding Nature Tourism sector. Tom Marshall, Business Development Manager, Yorkshire Nature Triangle. TM gave a presentation about recent developments at the YNT .These include: New £600K visitor welcome centre at Tophill Low designed for mixed audiences Spurn Lighthouse renovation and re opening to the public Spurn Visitor Centre , planning re-submission TM reported that nature tourism has grown nationally and in the East Riding. East Riding on target for £30m from nature tourism by 2020 (£25m in 2015) with funding remaining the key challenge. Tabling the East Riding of Yorkshire & Kingston Upon Hull Joint Local Access Annual Report (2015-16). Tracey Thompson, Rural Officer, East Riding of Yorkshire Council. TT reported that the Local Access Forum concept was established in 2000 and there are currently over 80 LAF in England. The ERYC provides the secretarial support for the local joint LAF and all members are volunteers. Currently there is a focus on recruiting new members. The 12th Annual Report 2015- 2016 was tabled. 6 East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Strategy (2016-2020) and Action Plan Helen Wright led the update on the Rural Strategy and Action Plan. JW 2 Minutes of East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Partnership meeting held on Thursday 22nd Sept 2016, Bishop Burton College. The Rural Strategy final draft has been produced based on the feedback from the Rural HW and team Partnership and others on the initial draft. The external consultation process on the ERYC website for three weeks in August / September has been completed. All relevant comments have been included in the final draft Rural Strategy document and all responses to the consultation have been answered. HW thanked the Rural Partnership members for their input and support in developing the Rural Strategy. The Rural Strategy document will be presented at CMT on 3 October and at Cabinet on 18 October. The Rural Strategy Action Plan 2016/17 – workshop session HW introduced this session by stating this will be a joint document populated by the ERYC and the Rural Partnership representatives and it will be reviewed and updated annually. There will be ongoing consultation with partners/ stakeholders to ensure that activities in the Action Plan are aligned to the Key Objectives which are defined in the Rural Strategy and that any gaps in provision are identified. HW outlined the Rural Strategy Objectives listed below: 1. To ensure rural businesses are well connected and supported 2. To maximise the benefits of the rural landscape and heritage 3. To support the development of the Food & Farming sector. 4. To work with local communities to ensure the sustainable development of rural places including market towns 5. To work with rural communities to access, develop and maintain services and facilities to meet local needs 6. To ensure the needs of the Rural East Riding are recognized and addressed by promoting a “Think Rural “ approach Attendees were invited to attend one of two workshop sessions to discuss the economy based objectives ( 1,2 and 3) or the community focus objectives (4 and 5) Discussion was captured in the 2 workshop sessions and included in the final Action Plan 2016/17 draft document. HW thanked the group for their contributions and outlined the timeline for the Action Plan completion as follows: Late October – Complete Action Plan final draft and circulate 7 November – Present at CMT 29 November – Cabinet for approval Early December – Launch of the Rural Strategy and Action Plan 7 Any Other Business John Brown reminded the group of the “Yorkshire Wolds Conference” on 8 October at the Water Heritage Centre 9 Date of next meeting The next meeting date will be rescheduled to include the Rural Strategy launch event DF/HW JW 3 .