The United States Walker Cup Side
USGA JOlJitNAL AND TURF l'JAi'iA\;EMENT: JULY, 1953 5 The United States Walker Cup Side The amateur team which will represent. influenced by age, geography or any the United States against Great Britain factors other than those named in the fourteenth l\iatch for the Walker above. Cup will comprise Charles R. Yates, of All three factors are, of course, matters Atlanta, Ga., non-playing Captain, and of opinion; but the final opinion is. that the following players: of the USGA Executive Committee, William C. Campbell~ Huntington, reached after its individual members have W. Va. evaluated each candidate on the basis of Richard D. Chapman, Pinehurst, all three criteria. I\. C. Pbying ability is a particularly diffi- Donald R. Cherry, New York. N. Y. cult element to judge in a country as Charles R. Coe, Oklahoma City, Okin. vast as ours where leading players of all James G. Jackson, St. Louis, Mo. sections rarely compete against one an- Gene A. Littler, San Diego, CaI. other. The USGA Amateur Champion- Sam Urzetta, East Rochester, N. Y. ship is the principal national get-to- Kenneth P. Venturi, San Francisco, gether. Therefore, performances in this CaI. event are given particular weight. E. Harvie Ward, Jr., Atlanta, Ga. Over the years the USGA has de- Jack Westland, Everett, Wash. veloped the following method of rating These choices represent a consider- players, and it seems to be as feasible able infusion of new personalities into and efiective as any others which are the competition, for five of the ten play- suggested from time to time.
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