E1520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2016

RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- in the Pacific Fleet. In the years after his mili- enter their names into the CONGRESSIONAL SARY OF GLENBARD TOWNSHIP tary service, Jack would become a strong sup- RECORD today. HIGH SCHOOLS porter of our armed forces and our nation’s The veterans on this Honor Flight from Or- veterans. In recognition of his support and the egon are as follows: Shirley Boehmer, Army; HON. PETER J. ROSKAM many contributions of Stater Bros., Jack re- Arnold Ebert, Army; Gordon Nelson, Army; John Hull, Marine Corps; Clarence Kelm, Ma- OF ILLINOIS ceived the ‘‘Friend of the Veteran Award’’ from rine Corps; Albert Pule, Marine Corps; Bruce IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Riverside National Cemetery’s Veterans’ Advisory Committee as well as the Congres- Pence, Marine Corps; James Estep, Navy; Friday, November 18, 2016 sional Medal of Honor Society’s highest honor, William Isely, Navy; Johnny Johnson, Navy; Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, today I com- the ‘‘Patriot Award.’’ He was also a recipient of Wilma Norris, Navy; Marvin Stuber, Navy; and memorate the 100th Anniversary of Glenbard the prestigious Horatio Alger Award in honor Helen Watson, Navy. Township High School District 87. On Novem- of his efforts to fulfill the ‘‘American Dream’’ These 13 heroes join the over 150,000 vet- ber 26th, District 87 will celebrate its centen- and for his contributions to our nation. Jack is erans who have been honored through the nial, representing 100 years of dedication to survived by his wife Debbie, three beloved Honor Flight Network of volunteers nationwide academic excellence and student success. daughters: J. Kathleen Smith (Michael Smith), since 2005. I would also like to recognize the three Glenbard Township High School District 87 Cara Hoffman (Scott Hoffman) and Melissa guardians traveling on this trip who have also was first established in 1916 in the second Koss (Pete Koss). He had seven grand- served our country: Jeffrey Hull, Army; Rose- floor of the DuPage bank building. At that children, Kaitlyn, Colleen, Caden, Dylan, mary Agee, Navy; and Terry Haines, Navy. time, the school consisted of 120 students and Julianna, Jack Ryan and Emma. Terry served Oregon’s Second District for 5 facility members. Fast forward one hundred Jack’s life serves as an inspiration to all of many years as our veterans outreach liaison, years and District 87 is still based in Glen us, reminding us that a strong work ethic and and has always been a strong advocate for Ellyn but now consists of Glenbard South, a dedication to serving others can lead to a the men and women who have worn the uni- Glenbard North, Glenbard East, and Glenbard lifetime of happiness and fulfillment. His com- form. West high schools. It is now the third largest mitment to our country and community, as well I also want to thank and recognize Janet school district in the state and is known for its as his love for his family and work, has ce- Yakopatz and Rita ‘‘Sam’’ Boyd, the group fantastic academic achievement. mented his legacy as a true leader in our re- leaders on this flight, as well as the dedicated I applaud District 87’s commitment to its ex- gion. We are honored to have been able to Board Members of Honor Flight of Oregon, cellent teachers, who have consistently chal- call Jack a friend, and we will always miss who worked so hard to make this trip happen. lenged their students to achieve high stand- him. Our hearts go out to Jack’s friends and And, of course, none of this would be pos- ards and follow their dreams. District 87 family as they navigate this loss, but we know sible without Gail Yakopatz, the longtime schools have helped students consistently they may take comfort in the fact that the posi- President of Honor Flight of Southern Oregon. succeed at rigorous academic levels while in- tive impacts he made on our community will Gail is one of a kind. For many years, she has stilling the values of community, kindness, re- be felt by generations to come. been a tireless advocate for Oregon’s vet- spect, hard work, and love of learning. f erans, and I am proud to call her my friend. On this special occasion, we recognize Dis- Mr. Speaker, at the height of the Civil War trict 87’s rich history of academic excellence. PERSONAL EXPLANATION in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln wrote, We thank the District for its partnership with ‘‘Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everywhere, parents, who strive to educate the current HON. RYAN A. COSTELLO who bravely bears his country’s cause.’’ Each generation that will become our nation’s future OF PENNSYLVANIA of us in this Chamber and in this nation should leaders. For well over a century, Glenbard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be humbled by the courage of these brave Township High Schools have contributed to- veterans who put themselves in harm’s way Friday, November 18, 2016 ward this brighter future. for our country and way of life. As a nation, Mr. Speaker and Distinguished Colleagues, Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. we can never fully repay the debt of gratitude please join me in honoring the legacy of Speaker, unfortunately, on November 17, owed to them for their honor, commitment, Glenbard Township High School District 87, 2016, I missed three recorded votes on the and sacrifice in defense of the freedoms we and in wishing them continued success. House floor due to a family event. I ask that have today. f the RECORD reflect that had I been present, I My colleagues, please join me in thanking would have voted Nay on Roll Call 581, Nay these veterans and the volunteers of Honor TRIBUTE TO JACK H. BROWN on Roll Call 582, and Nay on Roll Call 583. Flight of Oregon for their exemplary dedication f and service to this great country. HON. PETE AGUILAR f TRIBUTE TO THE HONOR FLIGHT OF CALIFORNIA OF OREGON PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, November 18, 2016 HON. GREG WALDEN HON. EARL BLUMENAUER OF OREGON Mr. AGUILAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise on behalf OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of both myself and Representative KEN CAL- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VERT from Riverside County to honor and pay Friday, November 18, 2016 Friday, November 18, 2016 tribute to the remarkable Jack H. Brown who Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, had I passed away on Sunday, November 13, 2016. Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- been present for today’s votes on the amend- Jack was a pillar of the community in the In- nize the seven World War II veterans and six ments to H.R. 5982, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ land Empire, California, and he will be deeply Korean War veterans from Oregon who visited on the Conyers Amendment (Roll no. 581), missed. their memorial on the National Mall on Satur- ‘‘yea’’ on the Jackson-Lee Amendment (Roll A native of San Bernardino, California, Jack day, October 8, 2016 through Honor Flight of no. 582), and ‘‘yea’’ on the Connolly En Bloc began his career in the grocery business as a Oregon. Every time I have the chance to meet Amendment (Roll no. 583). I would have also box boy at Berk’s Market Spot in San one of these heroes from the ‘‘Greatest Gen- voted ‘‘yea’’ on the Democratic Motion to Re- Bernardino when he was just thirteen years eration,’’ I am reminded of the poignant words commit (Roll no. 584), which would add an ex- old. In 1981, Jack was hired by Stater Bros. of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. In a mes- emption to the underlying bill for any rule that Markets, where he would serve as President sage to Allied troops just before D–Day, he pertains to improving employment, job reten- and Chief Executive Officer for over thirty-five said, ‘‘The eyes of the world are upon you. tion, or the quality of the workforce. years and as Chairman for over thirty years. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on the final pas- Jack’s leadership and wisdom allowed Stater everywhere march with you.’’ sage of H.R. 5982 (Roll no. 585). Should it be- Bros. Markets to become Southern California’s He was right then, of course, Mr. Speaker. come law, H.R. 5982 would amend the Con- largest privately-owned supermarket chain, But over 70 years later, liberty loving people gressional Review Act (CRA) to allow for the and as of 2015, the Inland Empire’s largest everywhere continue to owe these heroes for en bloc disapproval of all regulations finalized private employer. their extraordinary service and their incredible near the end of presidential terms, jeopard- During the Vietnam War era, Jack proudly stories of sacrifice and bravery on behalf of izing important public protections affecting served his nation in the Navy and as a sailor our country. That’s why it is my privilege to public health, safety, and the environment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:53 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.004 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1521 Had I been present for the vote on the ‘‘Bill’’ Stanfill, Sr. Sadly, Bill passed away on that still stands today. His career sack total Democratic Motion to Recommit H.R. 5711 Thursday, November 10, 2016. A memorial stands at 671⁄2, which places him among the (Roll no. 586), which would have prohibited service was held on Monday, November 14, greatest Dolphins pass rushers of all time. He the Secretary of the Treasury from authorizing 2016 at Albany First United Methodist Church was a four-time Pro Bowler in his eight-year a transaction by any U.S. financial institution in Albany, Georgia. career with Miami. engaged in business with a foreign entity that A Georgia man through and through, Bill After suffering numerous injuries, Bill retired has been found to have engaged in or author- Stanfill was born in Cairo, Georgia. According from football but unfortunately, those injuries ized cyber-attacks targeting any election held to him, growing up on a farm doing farm work followed him for the rest of his life. Neverthe- in the United States, I would have voted helped prepare him to play football. While at less, Bill always remained close to the sport ‘‘yea’’. Cairo High School, Bill was selected as the and his former teammates. He was inducted Additionally, had I been present for the vote Class Double-A Lineman of the Year. He also into the ’ Honor Roll, the Geor- on Final Passage of H.R. 5711 (Roll no. 587), led the basketball team to the state champion- gia Sports Hall of Fame, and the UGA Circle a bill to prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury ship and was named MVP of the state tour- of Honor. nament. As if that were not enough, Bill ex- from authorizing certain transactions by a U.S. Bill followed his NFL career with a success- celled in track and field, earning three state financial institution in connection with the ex- ful business career with Dozier-Stanfill Real Double-A discus championships and a shot port or re-export of a commercial passenger Estate Company in Albany, Georgia. He was aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran, I would put title. Afters high school, Bill attended the Univer- a member of the First United Methodist have voted ‘‘nay.’’ I oppose H.R. 5711, which Church of Albany and served as the Sec- would undermine the Joint Comprehensive sity of Georgia on a football scholarship. He was in the first recruiting class of legendary retary/Treasurer of the Monk Thompson Sun- Plan of Action, the agreement reached be- day School Class. tween Iran, the United States and five other UGA football coach, . As a de- countries designed to force Iran to back away fensive tackle for the , he Bill is survived by his wife, Gail; four chil- from the nuclear threshold. I celebrate the played on two SEC championship teams in dren, Stan, Jake, Kristin, and Scott; five agreement—that Iran is complying, that the 1966 and 1968. In 1968, he was elected per- grandchildren, Cole, Jack, Samuel, Grace, and U.S. can benefit, and that we have an oppor- manent team captain, was a consensus All- Luke; two sisters, Beth and Tommie; and nu- tunity to strengthen ties with a former enemy. American, and became Georgia’s first and merous nieces and nephews. f only winner of the , which is Mr. Speaker, my wife Vivian and I, along awarded annually to the best college football with the more than 730,000 residents of the IN HONOR OF BILL STANFILL interior lineman in the country. Second Congressional District of Georgia, sa- Bill was drafted in the first round with the lute Bill Stanfill for his drive, perseverance, HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. eleventh overall pick by the Miami Dolphins in and dedication, which contributed to the long OF GEORGIA the 1969 draft. That year, he was named AFL list of accomplishments still remembered and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rookie of the Year runner up. In 1972, he was admired by many today. I ask my colleagues the leader of the ‘‘No-Name Defense’’ on the in the House of Representatives to join us in Friday, November 18, 2016 undefeated Miami Dolphins team that went on extending our deepest condolences to Bill Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is to win the . He was also the start- Stanfill’s family and friends during this difficult with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance ing defensive end on the Dolphins’ 1973 time. We pray that they will be consoled and that I pay tribute to an outstanding athlete, Super Bowl team. That year, he recorded 18 comforted by an abiding faith and the Holy businessman, and citizen, William Thomas 181⁄2 sacks, a single season Dolphins record Spirit in the days, weeks and months ahead.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:53 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.008 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS