Newsletter of the Society of Descendants in the State of Florida

The Mayflower Chartered 31 July 1937 by Dr. Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs Director, American Pilgrim Museum Leiden, Netherlands Copyright (c) 2011-2016 J. D. Bangs. 2017-01-February Kenneth E. Carter, Editor All rights reserved. Used with Dr. Bangs’ written permission.


Kathleen and I were honored to represent FSMD, as your Actng Assistant General, at the GSMD Annual Meetng held in Indianapolis last September (see picture on right). We experienced a successful and well planned event, thanks to Governor Laura Stocker and the Indiana Society.

Since we last communicated with you, we have had the opportunity to visit the Colony (Naples), Colony (Winter Park), Colony (The Villages), William Bradford Colony (St. Petersburg) and the Stephen Hopkins Colony (Vero Beach). It was great to visit with so many of our cousins and their guests. So far, we have been able to visit 14 of the 17 FSMD Colonies. Governor Kenneth E. Carter and wife Kathleen Carter

NOTE: Our FSMD Spring Board Meetng will be held on Saturday, 29 April 2017 at the Holiday Inn Express Tampa North, 13294 Telecom Dr., Tampa, FL. Please call the hotel at <><> IN THIIS ISSUE <><> (813) 972-9800 as soon as possible to book a room for Friday night, 28 April (if needed) and make sure you state you are Governor’s Message 1 with the Florida Society of Mayfower Descendants, to receive the room rate of $94.00. If you are a Board Member or Colony News from our Colonies 2-5 Governor, please plan to atend—we have some very In Memorium 6 important items to vote one. Fall Meetng 2017 7-8

Membership Changes 9-13 Ken Legal “Stuf” from Editor 14 Kenneth E. Carter

FSMD Governor

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 1


Governor William Bradford Colony—St. Petersburg

The Governor William Bradford Colony met on Saturday 5 November 2016 at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. Members and guests enjoyed a dinner with turkey, its trimmings and pumpkin pie.

Governor Laura Brock presented new member Jef Berg with his certfcate. Jef is a descendant of William Brewster See photo at lef.

Elder Margaret Peggy Christe, who atended the General BOA in Indianapolis in September, showed a number of 2020 commemoratve items that she purchased and told us that they are available on line for purchase from the GSMD store.

Vice Governor Helen Bennet introduced our speaker, Will Michaels (picture on right). Mr. Michaels has served as the Executve Director and Trustee of the St. Petersburg Museum of History and is currently commissioner on the City Community Planning and Preservaton Commitee. Mr. Michaels is the author of The Making of St. Petersburg and The Hidden History of St. Petersburg. He spoke on “Early Thanksgiving Observances in St. Petersburg”. At the beginning of his talk, Will Michaels showed his collecton of early Thanksgiving postcards datng from the early 20th century.

Will then described John Bethell, who setled on Big Bayou in the 1800’s. The Bethell family might have celebrated Thanksgiving by feastng on the abundant food available in nature: such as oysters, mullet and gopher—and also from cultvaton: avocados and sweet potatoes. There were early community observances of Thanksgiving, but no one knows the actual date of the frst Thanksgiving observance in St. Petersburg.

GSMD HIGHLIGHTS: 1. We admited our 90 thousandth member since our founding in 1897 and have seen a 25% increase in applicatons 2. We welcomed over 2,000 visitors to the Mayfower Society House for tours and local events such as Illuminate Thanksgiving, Christmas on North Street and Pirates Ashore 3. We established our 53rd Member Society, the Society of Mayfower Descendants in Europe 4. We watched the transformaton of The Mayfower Magazine to The Mayfower Quarterly Magazine, a members-only, full -color, 24 page periodical 5. We published The Cry Of A Stone writen by Pilgrim in 1619, transcribed and annotated by historian and author Jim Baker 6. We introduced our new publicaton, Mayfower Journal, which features artcles on Pilgrim genealogy, history, literature and arts in Colonial New England.

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John Howland Colony—Winter Park

The John Howland Colony met on Monday, 9 January 2017 at the Mayfower Retrement Center in Winter Park , Florida. In atendance with 25 members and guests were State Governor, Kenneth Carter and wife Kathleen. (Colony Governor & FSMD Treasurer, Hank Dressel and FSMD Governor, Kenneth Carter shown on right)

Everyone present enjoyed a lunch of Chicken Chowder, char-grilled rib-eye steak, sunburst squash, wild rice pilaf and white chocolate raspberry cake for dessert.

The speaker was David Head, (shown on the lef) Historian, Author and Professor at the University of Central Florida whose topic was “Privateers of the Americas: Spanish-American Privateering in the early years of the United States”. The early years of Amelia Island opened up a new picture in the beginning of the State of Florida.

GSMD HIGHLIGHTS (contnued from Page 2)

7. We installed an additonal 152 inscribed bricks in the Mayfower Society House garden as part of our Garden Walkway Project 8. We published a new Silver Book: , Volume 16, Part Five, Sarah Alden 9. The GSMD Historic Sites Commitee announced the itnerary for the 2017 Mayfower trip to visit historic Pilgrim sites in England and Holland 10. We established the Family Society Partnership and have welcomed fve family societes: Samson, Howland, White, Fuller and Hopkins 11. We have begun talks to bring the First Parish Meetnghouse, located at in , into the GSMD family. More informaton to come in 2017! 12. We presented the second Pilgrim Academic Research Award to Dr. David Landon and Dr. Christa Beranek for discovering evidence of the original setlement.

Our list of accomplishments for the year 2016 ended with the 75th anniversary celebraton of the purchase of the Mayfower Society House on December 5, 1941, making it the ofcial headquarters of the General Society of Mayfower Descendants.

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Myles Standish Colony– Naples

The Meetng of the Myles Standish Colony was held on Thursday, 19 January 2017 at “Grill Room” The Moorings in Naples with 55 members and guests in atendance. A lovely luncheon was enjoyed by all.

The speaker of the day was Colony Governor & FSMD Endowment Chair, Ruth Ann Fay. Her topic was “16th & 17th Century Clothing”.

Past FSMD, Fran Lopus talked about one of her ancestors.

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Stephen Hopkins Colony—Vero Beach

The Stephen Hopkins Colony held their Meetng on 9 February at C.J. Cannon’s Restaurant at the Vero Beach Executve Airport with 40+ members and guests present. Colony Governor, Brian McWaters, newly elected, presided. Guest speaker was FSMD Governor, Kenneth E. Carter (both shown at lef). A wonderful luncheon was enjoyed by all. Colony Historian, Kurt Bressner indicates that they have many new members working on various stages of their applicatons and they contnue to increase their membership.

James Chilton Colony—The Villages

The James Chilton Colony was pleased to have Doug Hughes as our speaker Saturday, January 21, 2017 during a general membership meetng.

Mr. Hughes spoke to us regarding Pilgrim Fables as they pertain to the History of Early New England. We learned that much of what is talked about regarding our Mayfower Pilgrims is only part of the whole story.

His talk took us from the village of Scrooby, Notnghamshire to Leyden, Holland to Plymouth, England and fnally to the New World and Plymouth Colony. He reviewed the Separatst (Saints) and the Strangers.

Our members were so interested and intrigued they were wantng for more when Mr. Hughes fnished his presentaton.


AGG and 2020 Chair, George Garmany has been working on putng together an extended 2020 Congress celebraton for our anniversary. Governor General, Lea Filson is assistng him in creatng an event that ofcers, members, and family societes will long remember. Details will be forthcoming , but tentatvely, we will begin the event in Boston and spend three days there before decamping for Plymouth for the fnal ceremonies and our Congress meetngs. The events will be memorable and worth the trip to Massachusets in September of 2020. You will begin hearing more about 2020 plans as 2017 unfolds.

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Former Utca, New York resident, Richard Spice Wheeler, 70 years old, died at his home in Eusts, Florida. He had been a Florida resident since 1983 and was an Atorney by profession, but his passions were American History (especially the Civil War) and Wheeler Family Genealogy.

Born June 22, 1946, in Utca, he was the eighth of nine children of Everet Jesse Wheeler, Sr. and Marjorie Elizabeth Spice who raised all their children in the same house at 72 Prospect Street. Like all his siblings, Richard atended John F. Hughes School and Utca Free Academy, graduatng in 1964. In 1968 Richard received a Bachelor’s Degree from Colgate University, his Father’s Alma Mater, and in 1971, a Juris Doctor Degree from Albany Law School of Union University, where he was an Editor of the Law Review. Afer graduatng from Law School and passing the New York Bar, Richard served a 2-year appointment as Confdental Law Assistant to the nine Justces of the Appellate Division, Fourth Department, of the New York State Supreme Court in Rochester, N.Y.

From 1973-93, Richard alternated between private practce in large law frms and service in the In-House Law Departments of large corporatons. From 1982-87, he practced law with Florida’s largest law frm, Holland & Knight, in Washington, DDC, Orlando, Miami and Tampa, before joining the In-House Legal Staf at Home Shopping Network, Inc., in Clearwater, FL. Since June 1993, Richard conducted a solo practce of Tax, corporate and estate planning in the Orlando, FL area.

Richard is survived by two sons, Andrew Colin Wheeler and his wife Christne and their two children, Alexander Curts Wheeler and Nicholas Richard Wheeler and Daniel Ethan Wheeler. Richard was pre-deceased by his Father in 1978, by his Mother in 1982, by his oldest Brother, Everet Jesse Wheeler, Jr. of Canton, CT also in 1982 and by his Brother Robert Bradford Wheeler of Whitesboro, NY in 2016; by his Sisters, Nancy Lee Wheeler Lawton of Fairport, NY in 1997 and Grace Elizabeth Wheeler Thomson of Hudson Falls, NY in 2006. He is survived by two Brothers, the Rev. William Ramsey (Darlene) Wheeler of Boonville and Jon Harold (Colleen) Wheeler of Jacksonville, FL and two Sisters, Marjorie Ann Wheeler (Bruce F.) Larlee of Island Falls, ME and Ellen Kay Wheeler (Mrs. James R. Winter) of Fairport, NY—by 22 nieces and nephews by 38 grand-nieces and nephews.

Richard traced his Wheeler lineage all the way back to Obadiah Wheeler who had been born in 1609 in Cranfeld, Bedfordshire, England and who died in 1671 in Concord, MA. Richard was also a 10th Generaton direct descendent of , who at the age of 5, along with his parents, William and Susanna White, were aboard the Mayfower in 1620. Richard was a member of the Mayfower Society and Jamestowne Society. He was one of the original members of the Pilgrim William White Society, providing legal guidance and serving as the original Editor of their newsleter.

He was actve in the Society of Mayfower Descendants in the State of Florida (FSMD), serving as Governor of the Colony, as Editor of the FSMD Newsleter “The Florida Pilgrim and as FSMD Counsellor and PR Chair. In his later years, Richard had edited and published several volumes of Wheeler Family History, including the bound volume, “Adirondack Life: The Boyhood Journals of Everet Jesse Wheeler of Boonville”, which is in the permanent collecton of the Erwin Library in Boonville and of the Onida County Historical Society in Utca. With his Brother Jon, he had also traced the history of the Wheeler’s “Old Homestead Farm” in Lyonsdale back to their great-grandfather William Sippell Wheeler’s purchase of that property in 1861 and had writen and published biographies of their Grandfather, Jesse John Wheeler (1867-1946) and Great-Grandfather William Sippell Wheeler (1811-1893).

Richard was a lifelong Episcopalian atending St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Eusts, FL and when growing up in Utca atending Grace Episcopal Church. He was a devout, God-fearing man who tried to live each day of his life as a true Christan. He was also a lifelong NY Giants football fan and used to remind Packer fans that Vince Lombardi started his professional coaching career in the 1950’s as an Assistant under Jim Lee Howell with the Giants. Richard’s favorite saying was one of Lombardi’s best quotes: “Perfecton is not atainable, but if we chase perfecton we can catch excellence”. That’s how Richard tried to live his life… only God can now judge how well he succeeded.

At Richard’s request, there are no calling hours and a private memorial service will be held at the convenience of the family. Richard’s ashes will be interred at the J.J. Wheeler plot at the Boonville Cemetery with Trainor Funeral Home, Inc. of Boonville being in charge of arrangements.

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The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 7 ALL members, their children & grandchildren, spouses, partners, and guests are cordially invited to atend the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Florida hosted bv the James Chilton Colony November 17-18, 2017

Waterfront Inn, 1105 Lakeshore Drive, The Villages, FL 32162

MEETING REGISTRATION FORM (deadline for receipt of meetng registraton is Saturday, October 31, 2017)

MEMBER NAME______GUEST NAME(S)______(please print clearly as these are the names which will be used on the meetng identfcaton badges)


PHONE (______)______E-MAIL______

COLONY NAME______TITLE (if an ofcer) ______

Friday, 17 Nov 2017 Non-Refundable Registraton Fee for each adult member & guest $4.00 ($4 X______=) $______ Social Hour (6-7pm): cash bar $ 0.00 Mayfower Banquet (7-10pm): $38.00 per person X ______people = $______

Thanksgiving Dinner including Harvest Salad, Chef’s Homemade Soup, Traditonal Roast Turkey with Pan Gravy, Cranberry Sauce and Dressing, Green Beans Almondine, Idaho Mashed Potatoes, Honey Ginger Glazed Baby Carrots, Fresh Baked Assorted Rolls, Cofee, Decaf or Iced Tea, Mayfower Cake for Dessert.

Those with special dietary requirements PLEASE SEND THAT INFO WITH THIS REGISTRATION FORM


SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Richard Pickering, Deputy Director of Plimoth Plantaton, Plymouth, MA

Saturday, 18 Nov 2017 BoA & General Membership Meetng (complimentary refreshments) $ 0.00 TOTAL ENCLOSED (if registering more than one person, you may write one check for the grand total) $______

All registraton forms with a check payable to “James Chilton Colony FSMD” should be mailed to colony treasurer Ken Carter, 1202 Arriago Way, The Villages, FL 32162-0106, so he received it before Saturday, October 31, 2017.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS (advanced registraton required; book before October 16, 2017 to get preferental group rate; please menton “Mayfower Society Special Rate”)

The Waterfront Inn Discounted room rates are as follows: 1105 Lakeshore Drive Standard (1 King or 2 double beds) guestroom $123.00 The Villages, FL 32162 Upgraded rooms at the following rates (subject to availability): Phone: 1-844-247-8929 Waterview $133.00 Waterview w/balcony $148.00 Website: PLUS Sumter County Occupancy Tax of 9% The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 8 “All natural persons over eighteen (18) years of age who can prove to FSMD’s and GSMD’s satsfacton that they are descended from a passenger on the Mayfower on the voyage which terminated at Plymouth, New England, in December 1620 shall be eligible for Regular Membership pursuant to Secton 3 of this Artcle IV.” Artcle IV, Secton 1, FSMD May Consttuton & By-Laws.” MEMBERSHIP CHANGES

(1 November 2016 through 31 January 2017)

New Members Name Location Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Kim Michelle Wheatley Jenkins Ponte Vedra 90,242/5291 John Howland Warren Carolyn Loghman Johnson The Villages 90,282/5296 Richard Warren Chilton Michael Dennis Briggs Crawfordville 90,344/5301 Richard Warren Winslow Janet Jolly Milliken Cape Canaveral 90,626/5311 Howland Robert Cushman Brown Tallahassee 90,624/5312 William Bradford Winslow Lisa Ellen Desmond Coral Springs 90,625/5313 William Brewster Alden Roger Palmer Bonnet Merrit Island 90,659/5314 William Brewster Hopkins Elizabeth Ann (Bangs) Maxwell Fort Myers 90,660/5315 Stephen Hopkins Samson David Lowell Nash The Villages 90,661/5316 William Bradford Chilton Alice Merle (Tinkham) Trice Bradenton 90,662/5317 Peter Brown Tilley Holly Ann Bruck Alachua 90,697/5319 Mullins Joyce Boughner Kreis Carmichael, CA 90,803/5320 Richard Warren Tilley Ann Coleman Twitchell Brown Burlington, VT 90,833/5321 Edward Fuller Standish Elizabeth Ann Rudicel Hintz Fort Myers 90,854/5322 John Howland Standish Kaylee Shay Krohn Fort Myers 90,855/5323 John Howland Standish Mary Williams Brown Combs Naples 90,886/5324 Richard Warren Standish Michael Tobey Whitney Tallahassee 90,872/5325 Edward Fuller Winslow Alice White Dunbar Barret Delray Beach 90,899/5326 William White Alden Kendall Wheeler Palm Beach 90,900/5327 William White Gloria Ann Kemp Lake City 90,930/5328 Richard Warren Mullins Randal Eric Soule Tallahassee 90,931/5329 George Soule Winslow Margaret Llyswen Dyer Berna Sarasota 90,942/5330 Stephen Hopkins Tilley George Arthur Munger Conger Lecanto 90,943/5331 Francis Cooke Chilton Bret Spencer Oetng Orlando 90,944/5332 William Brewster Howland Jeremy Robert Davids Ruskin 90,957/5333 Stephen Hopkins Tilley Elizabeth Harvey (Taylor) Thomson Palm City 61,018/5334 William Brewster Hopkins Dual w/MA #9636 Life Rodney Allen Hildebrant Coral Gables 90,970/5335 Richard Warren Brewster

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 9 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES (contnued)

(1 November 2016 through 31 January 2017)

Supplementals Name Effective Date Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Barbara Louise Evans Lezete 20 Dec 2016 84,293/4818 John Tilley Allerton Katherine Louise (Jameson) Adamo 23 Jan 2017 88,788/5165 Degory Priest Tilley

Reinstatements Name Effective Date Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Robert Miller Rogers Resigned in Error 84,503/4831 Thomas Rogers Bradford Scot Lindsey Arnold 15 Dec 2016 74,346/4096 William Bradford Bradford Roger Alan Crane, Jr. 19 Nov 2016 67,061/3609 John Alden Bradford George Albert Robbins, Jr. 15 Dec 2016 74,588/4108 Thomas Rogers Cooke Mary Catherine Martnez Dropped in Error 73,368/4041 George Soule Cooke

Transfers Name Location Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Elizabeth Ann (Arnold) Sluder Rockledge 68,600/5279 TRANSFER George Soule Howland IN FROM IN Brenda Victoria Neubauer Straus Palm Beach 31,992/5302 John Alden S.Fuller DUAL WITH NY#3629 Mark David Rhodes Boca Raton 87,739/5305 Isaac Allerton Allerton TRANSFER IN FROM IN Mark Stetson Herthum Lake Worth 89,955/5310 John Alden Allerton TRANSFER IN FROM VA Ann Elizabeth (Clark) Webb Palm Beach 88,596/5318 Francis Cooke S. Fuller TRANSFER IN FROM MA Robert Stanley Kryder 79,449/4438 William Bradford Bradford TRANSFER OUT TO GA Jean (Shea) Harden 70,068/3796 Francis Cooke E. Fuller TRANSFER OUT TO CA Glen Edward Walker 80,184/4496 William Bradford E. Fuller TRANSFER OUT TO CA Elizabeth Harvey (Taylor) Thomson Palm City 61,018/5334 William Brewster Hopkins Dual w/MA#9626—MA LIFE

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 10 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES (contnued)

(1 November 2016 through 31 January 2017)

Intercolony Transfers Name Effective Date Gen/FL #s From Colony To Colony Emily Conant Brown Jamieson 17 Nov 2016 55,383/2948 Howland Winslow Jacob John Walters 10 Feb 2016 80,408/5072 Howland Standish

Resigned in Good Standing Name Effective Date Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Elizabeth Ann Lee Dixon 12 Nov 2016 75,741/4196 Edward Fuller Brewster Brad Dan Woford, III 12 Nov 2016 79,895/4467 Stephen Hopkins Brewster Rosalind Allen Woford 12 Nov 2016 78,788/4399 Stephen Hopkins Brewster Marianne Mangels 18 Nov 2016 86,452/4983 William Brewster Standish Audrey Marie Gay Conner 22 Nov 2016 85,115/4876 John Howland Bradford Danielle Grei Doten 13 Nov 2016 84,712/4848 Bradford Brian Evan Niemann 13 Nov 2015 88,708/5158 Edward Fuller Bradford Marie Proulx 13 Nov 2016 86,711/5019 Thomas Rogers Bradford Erika Jean Livingston Albrecht 16 Oct 2016 57,282/3695 John Alden Chilton Barbara Anderson Kerr 16 Oct 2016 72,260/3968 William Bradford Chilton Barbara Pryce Roberts Moore 16 Oct 2016 72,605/3985 William Brewster Chilton Dr. David Blaire Ripley 16 Oct 2016 72,075/3948 William Bradford Chilton Sandra (Elbring) Castle 15 Mar 2016 66,975/3602 William Bradford Tilley Ned Granger Kendall, Jr. 15 Jan 2017 82,950/4727 James Chilton Standish Harold Eugene LaBelle 15 Jan 2017 76,852/4259 Myles Standish Standish Imogene Williamson MacDonald 15 Jan 2017 69,833/3766 John Howland Standish Nancy Devoe Webert 15 Jan 2017 87,181/5058 George Soule Standish Mary Elizabeth Smith 23 Jan 2017 7,112/4417 William Bradford Hopkins

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 11 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES (contnued)

(1 November 2016 through 31 January 2017) In Memorium Name Date of Death Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Robert Eugene Burt 30 Oct 2016 47,152/3699 James Chilton Brewster Jane Cromarte Williams 24 Nov 2016 79,393/4436 Stephen Hopkins Brewster Kathleen (Pixley) Baker 28 Oct 2016 64,109/3398 Stephen Hopkins Tilley Caryl Thorpe Dufy 31 Oct 2016 37,369/3627 William White Tilley Majorie Waite Hassell 17 Nov 2015 61,646/3443 Thomas Rogers Tilley Nelson Walter Kennerson 23 Oct 2016 68,889/3710 William Bradford Standish Winn Lowell Taplin 03 Dec 2016 73,130/4028 Stephen Hopkins Tilley Reginald Stuart Thompson 12 Dec 2016 46,259/5256 William Brewster Bradford Stephen Clarke Taber 25 Jun 2016 36,522/914-Life #32 Francis Cooke Cooke

First Parish Meetng House—Plymouth, MA

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 12 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES (contnued)

(1 November 2016 through 31 January 2017)

Drops Name Effective Date Gen/FL #s Ancestor Colony Roger Alan Crane, Jr. 19 Nov 2016 67,601/3609 John Alden Bradford Beverly Baha Hand 19 Nov 2016 72,632/3988 Myles Standish Bradford Karen Kase Quintero 19 Nov 2016 86,948/5044 John Howland Bradford Phyllis Westcot (Haig) Tifany 19 Nov 2016 53,899/2860 John Howland Bradford Debra Lynn Wallace Artgliere 19 Nov 2016 84,714/4850 Cooke Ruth Harvey Bissell 19 Nov 2016 68,173/3666 James Chilton Cooke Raymond Lewis 19 Nov 2016 81,266/4602 Richard Warren Cooke Sylvia Ann Frederic McAullife 19 Nov 2016 40,318/2667 Richard Warren Cooke Christna Frederick-Recascino 19 Nov 2016 72,602/3982 Francis Cooke Cooke Mary-Catherine (Casey) Martnez 19 Nov 2016 73,368/4041 George Soule Cooke John Allen Reynolds 19 Nov 2016 79,740/4458 Stephen Hopkins Cooke Warren Chandler Baxley, Jr. 19 Nov 2016 68,204/3673 John Howland Doty Danica Aislinn Roark 19 Nov 2016 80,738/4551 William Bradford Doty Emily Anne Atwood 19 Nov 2016 87,538/5081 Stephen Hopkins Howland Stephen Sheldon Atwood 19 Nov 2016 87,539/5082 Stephen Hopkins Howland Shirley Ann (Herrington) Jordan 19 Nov 2016 72,007/3945 William Brewster Howland Beverly Jo (Lindsley) Muraski 19 Nov 2016 86,577/5000 Peter Brown Howland Beverly Jean Laun Nelson Landis 19 Nov 2016 80,438/4525 Richard Warren Mullins Victoria Leigh Witng Lowell 19 Nov 2016 68,225/3678 James Chilton Mullins Kenneth George McKelvy 19 Nov 2016 73,275/4033 Peter Brown Mullins Vanessa Thomas Mikesell 19 Nov 2016 66,025/3533 Degory Priest Mullins Jack Burton Ashcraf 19 Nov 2016 71,188/3888 William Brewster Tilley David Aaron Cole 19 Nov 2016 84,481/4830 James Chilton Tilley Bety Sue Palmer Moury 19 Nov 2016 61,328/3506 John Howland Tilley David Endicot Webster 19 Nov 2016 40,524/4172 Degory Priest Tilley Gloria Toland Traxler 28 Dec 2016 75,421/4162 Edward Fuller Chilton

The Florida Pilgrim - 2017-1-February page 13

Society of Mayfower Descendants in the State of Florida

Kenneth E. Carter, Editor

NOTE: The Pilgrim Newsleter will NOT be mailed—it will be e-mailed to all BoA Members and Colony Governors with the expectaton that they will forward it to their Colony Members. This has a two-fold purpose: (1) it saves tme and FSMD funds and; (2) it helps me to be able to get the message out to all FSMD members.


he Florida Pilgrim is the ofcial newsleter and the copyrighted property (© 2011-2017 — all rights reserved) of the Society of Mayfower Descendants in the State of Florida (“FSMD”), an unincorporated voluntary T membership organizaton recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) educatonal organizaton. It is published periodically during the year. Please send submissions, comments or suggestons to the Editor at the email address listed above. Items submited for publicaton may be edited and published at the Editor’s discreton. Photos should be in jpg format, be taken using a high resoluton setng on your camera, and be accompanied by identfcaton of all persons depicted so an appropriate capton can be included. Sister Mayfower societes have permission to reprint any material with appropriate atributon. All others must obtain prior writen permission from the Editor. All published items refect the views and opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of FSMD. As a mater of privacy, we will not publish specifc fnancial informaton about FSMD or any of its colonies. Also we will publish the name and email address of FSMD ofcers, BoA members, colony ofcers and members but not their postal addresses or phone numbers except in extraordinary circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: MEMBERSHIP INFO CHANGES: If you have had (or expect to soon have) a change in any of the following:

Your name (e.g., in case of marriage or divorce) Your permanent mailing address Your email address Your phone number

Please send an email to the state secretary at [email protected]. Please put “Membership Info Change - ______Colony” in the “Subject” line and fll in the blank space with the name of your colony. Thank you. If you have a friend or family member who’s a FSMD member and who passes away, please let our state secretary know that too so we can send a note of condolences and include the departed member in an appropriate memorial service.

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