Part II-A


S.N. GHOSH of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS


This is the first Table Volume brought out as part of the 1981 Census publications. The data contained in this Volume Part II-A-'General Population Tables' are of vital importance to the Primary Census data-users, interested in the basic demo­ graphic trends in growth for different decades in the State. The present Volume containing Tables A-I to A-V has been prepared on the basis of the data available in the Primary Census Abstracts as also collected from other sources like different departments of the State Government. The instant publication is a glowing testimony to the competent leadership and personalinvolvement ofShri S.N. Ghosh, former Director of Census Operations, West Bengal who had conducted the 1981 Census very ably. This Volume is in fact the product of his labour of love, dedication and sincerity. Shri Ghosh had to resume his duties under the State Government in public interest, before this Volume could be finalised and printed. The credit for the successful operation of 1981 Census goes entirely to Shri Ghosh. One should not forget the innumerable officials right from the level of Enumerators to tbat of the Principal Census Officers in making the field operation a success. Nor can one lose sight of the fixed-pay employees in the various Regional Tabulation Offices who have prepared the tables, knowing fully well that one day they would all be thrown out into the street as retrenched Census-employees. No word of praise is enough to pay a tribute to their hard labour and dedication. In bringing out the Volume we are extremely grateful and indebted to Shri P. Padmanabha, former Registrar General, India, Shri V. S. Verma, present Registrar General, India, Shri V.P. Pandey, Joint Registrar General, India, Shri K. K. Chakraborty, Deputy Registrar General, (C&T), Dr. N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General, (S.S.), Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map), Shri N. Rama Rao. Assistant Registrar General, (C&T), Shri Madan Singh, Senior Research Officer and Shri S. C. Srivastava, Assistant Central Tabulation Officer in the Census Division of Registrar General's Office for various assistance and suggestions offered to us in different stages of the work. In thanks-giving one often faces the difficulty as to which name one should specially mention among a band or ded~ca~ed officials. Even the~, a word or two of gratitude for the excellent efforts m bnngmg out the Volume WIll not be out of place. Shri. M.N. Sarkar, Assistant Director of Census Operations, West Bengal (since retired) and Shri Swapan Guha, Investigator who had worked under Shri A.K. Dutta Deputy Director of Census Operations, in preparing the manuscripts, writing analytical notes, fly leaves etc., did an excellent job. Shri M.N. Sarkar had, however, shared the major burden of the work in preparing the analytical notes. Shri Dutta had overseen the work ably assisted by Shri Swapan Guha. Both of them did excellent jobs in their own spheres. Shri Guba was assisted remarkably well in his work by Smt. Anjali Das, Statistical Assistant, Smt. Sucheta Dutta, Statistical Assistant, Smt. Nira Chakraborty Com­ putor, Sm!. Mira Banerjee, Computor, Sm~. Kalpa!1a Chowdhury, Co~putor, Smt. Banam Ghosh, Computor, Smt. PravatI Munshl, Computor, Smt. Nandita Dutta, Computor and Sri Prasanta Kr. Burman, Proof Reader. Whatever is said in the preceding paragraphs relates to the preparation of tbe manus­ cript only. Another phase of the work starts with printing. Here too, Shri A.K. Dutta. Deputy Director of Census Operati

We believe this Volume will be of interest to one and all.

SUKUMAR SINHA Calcutta, Joint Director of Census Operations, Datod : 1 st January. 1986 West Bengal j

CONTENTS PAa. 1- General Note Table A-I Area, Houses and Population 89 Fly Leaf 75 General Note 81 Table A-I 89 Appendix-! : Statement showing 1981 territorial units and changes daring 1971-81 132 Appendix-2 : Number and Population of ..iIlages with population of 5,000 and ever and of towns 137 with population under 5,000 Appendix-3 : Houseless and Institutional Population

Table A-2 Decadal variation in population since 1901 193-199 Fly Leaf General Note 193 TableA-2 195 Appendix State and Districts at the 1981 Census showing 1971 area and population acx:ording to territorial jurisdiction in 1971, change in population of 1971 adjusted to jurisdiction of 1981 199

Table A-3 Villages classified by population size 101-117 Fly Leaf 201 General Note 203 Table A-3 204 TabJeA-4 Towns and urban Agglomerations classified by population in 1981 with variation since 1901 219 Alphabeticalliat of towns 239 General Note 243 Table A-4 245 Appendix -1 : New towns added in 1981 and towns in 1971 declassified in 1981 31S Explanatory Notes on Appendix-l 317 Sub-Appendix to Appendix-l 320 Appendix-2 : Places with a population of under 5,000 classified as towns for the first time in 1981 322 Appendix-3 : Places with a population of under 5,000 in 1971 which were towns in 1971 but have been declassified in 1981 323 Appendix-4 Changes between 1971 and 1981 in area and population of towns and reasons for change in area 324

Table A-5 Standard Urban Areas 317-395 A-5 General Note 321 Fly Leaf and Explanatory Note 338 Note 339 Table A-S 340 Annexe-A Schedule of 1981 Census (i) Housclist 13 (ii) Individual Slip (Universal and Sample) 14 (iii) Household Schedule (part I and Part II, important Instructions) 16 (iv) Degree Holder$ and Technical Personnel Survey (with Instructions) 20 (ii) iii


AlUlexe-B : lnstructions to Enumeratori for filling up the Household Schedule and Individual Slip 22 Appendix'! Principles of House-numbering S9 Appendix-II List of a few typical industries that can be conducted on a household industry basis. 62 Appendix-III Classified list of economic activities 64 Appendix-IV : Classified list of occupations i.e., description of work. 67 Annexe-C : The Census Act, 1948 68 Annexe·D : Post Enumeration Check 71


1. Admini~ative.Di.visians. West ~n&al, 1981 2. Position of West Bengal in India, 1981 3. Koch Standard Urban Area 4. Jalpaiguri Standard Urban Area 5. Siliguri Standard Urban Area 6. Rayganj Standard Urban Area 7. Balurghat Standard Urban Area 8. Maldah-English Bazar Standard Urban Area 9. Baharampur Standard Urban Area 10. Krishnanagar-Nabadwip Standard Urban Area 11. Santipur Standrad Urban Area 12. Ranaghat Standard Urban Are::! 13. Bongaon Standard Grban Area 14. Ashoknagar- 3tary.,dard Urban Area 15. Standard Uro" A,'ea 16. Calcutta Metropolitan Standard Urban Area 17. Kharagpur Standard Urban Area 18. Medinipur Standard Urban Area

19. Bankura Standar~ Urban Area

20. Puruliya Standard Urb~!1 Area 21. Asansol Standard Urban Area 22. Durgapur Standard Urban Area 23. Barddhaman Standard Urban An:a GENERAL NOTE deployed as Enumerator and Supervisor and all of them conducted the Pilot Study in this State very This publication contains all A-series tables, I.e., successfully. Tables A-I to A-5 and several appendices. These are basic population data compiled manually and based The experiences and results gathered from the Pilot on full count. Study led the Registrar General, India, to have another field survey which was calleg the First Pre-Test con­ Although this volume does not contain the Primary ducted between 15-9-78 and 3-10-78 all over tOO Census Abstract (PCA) , it is necessary to explain country, but in West Bengal for some compelling rea­ in brief what the P.C.A. is as the PCA is an adjunct sons the First Pre-Test was conducted between 19-9-78 of "A" series Tables. The Primary Census Abstract and 3-10-78. The First Pre-Test called for going is an important general population table which gives through all the stages required in the 1981 Census i.e., oasic informa,ion relating to area, occupied residential preparauon of Notional Maps, House-numbering, nouses, number of households, total population, sche­ House-listing, canvassing of the Household Establish­ duled castes and scheduled tribes population, main ment schedule, canvassing of the Individual slip-both workers (sub-divided into four broad categories of universal and sample and filling up of the population workers, i.e., cultivators agricultural labourers, workers Record form. In addItion to these, a Degree Holder in household industry, and other workers), marginal and Technical Personnel Schedule designed by the workers and non-workers by sex in respect of each Council of Scientific and IndustrIal Research was also area unit down to the Police Station and town levels. to be distributed among eligible individuals of the Households which were to be covered in the First The 1981 Censu'i Enumeration was conducted during Pre-Test. Once again the First Pre-Test was conducted February-March 1981. The enumeration commenced by the employees of this directorate under the super­ on 9th February 1981 and ended on 28th February, vlsion of the Senior Technical personnel of this Direc­ 1981 with a revisional round from 1st March to torate. Unfortunately, the First Pre-Test held in West 5th March, 1981 to bring the data up-to-date with Bengal did not reach its logical culmination due to reference the Census moment, i.e., the sunrise of 1st the devastating flood that submerged almost the entire March, 1981. lower Bengal towards the late ~eptember arld early October in that year. PREPARATORY MEASURES Preparation for evolving the Census Questionnaires, On the basis of the experiences gathered in canvassing concepts and procedures for 1981 Census were taken the various Census schedules in the Pilot Study and in hand by the office of the Registrar General, India the Hrst Pre-Test and the results obtained therefrom sometime in 1976. The draft questionnaire and the for­ the 2nd Data Users' Conference was convened by the mats were prepared by the office of the Registrar Registrar General, India during 21st to 23rd Decem­ General, Inoia and were thrown open to the discussion ber, 1978. The representatives of variq_us Ministries in the First Data Users' Conference held in, New and Departments of the Govt. of India and State Delhi between Febmary 13 to 15, 1978. The object Govts., Planning Commission, Research Insti utions of the Data Users' Conference was to find out what etc., joined the conference. In this conference, there was the data users wanted and how their wants could be a detaIled discussion on each item of the basic Cen­ acrommodated in 1981 Census Questionnaire. Data sus documents like the individual slips, the Ho!!selists, Users from ditIerent walks of life were present in the Establishment Schedules, Population Record, etc. The conference including the data users of the Central economic questions in particular were a matter of de­ Government, various State GovQrnments and the aca­ tailed discussion with special reference to the experi­ demic circles. The discussion in the conference evoked ences gathered from the earlier field studies. In this great enthusiasm and covered almost the entire gamut confereIl4Ce the questions were oriented in such &. man­ of Census including census dates, Enumeration pro­ ner as would yield meaningful information spedally cedure, Enumeration units, Tabulation Plan, Data en the economic characteristics, fertility and migration Processing, Census Schedules, Evalu?tion of Census which were considered great important. In this con­ data, Dissemination of Census results, sampling pro­ ference, there was a detailed and fruitful discussion cedure and finally analysis of the Census Data. On on the question of fulfilment of the basic requ4:ement the basis of this discussion in the conference, the of availability of data on a fairly wide spectrl!_m and in draft questionnaire, specially the economic questions the process achieving comparability with the results underwent some important changes. of earlier Censuses. The suggestions of the Registrar General, Indea about insertion of some new questions The next step was to put the questionnaire so devised in certain Census Schedules as improvement over into practical test in the form of a Pilot Study in West earlier censuses were discussed in details in the con­ Bengal alonwith nine other States of India. The ference and they were accepted in the House. Pilot Study was conducted in West Bengal from 12-6-78 to 21-6-78 keeping itself confined to canvassing of the On the basis of the discussion tin the 2nd Data Users' Individual (Universal) slips. The object of the Pilot conference as referred to above, the 1981 Census Study was to ascertain the feasibility of canvassing the questionnaires and schedules were finalised and they economic questions in particular of the Individual were tested in the Second Pre-Test held in West Ben­ (Unjversal) slip. The personnel of the Office of the gal during the period from 1-6-79 to 21-6-79. One Director of Census Operations, West Bengal were of the most important distinctions of the Second 2

Pre-Test was that the Enumerators were, in many in an en+erprise outside the census house and without cases, drawn from among the School teachers, Village premises, the enterprise list is to be filled in. The last level workers, Gram Sevaks, Panchayat officers and item of the information collected through the Houselist employees of the local bodies. The idea of deploying was to record the number of physically handicapped the above noted staff as Enumerator was to simulate i.e., totally blind, crippled or dumb persons of the as far as possible, the conditions that would prevail household. This is the item introduced for the first at the time of actual census taking. The ins'ructions time in the Census of free India as demanded by the to Enumerators for filling up the Houselists an Indivi­ Social Welfare Department in particular and other dual Slips and the connected schedules were translated data users in general. In the end it may be said that into Bengal and printed before the Second Pre-Test tbe Houselist form canvassed in 1981 Census was held. The enumeration of the Second Pre-Test extend­ very simple as compared to that canvassed in 1971 ed over 19 days from 6th to 18th June wi h a revi­ Census. sional round for 3 days from 19th to 21st June, 1979. The reference census moment was the sunrise of the HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE, INDIVIDUAL SLIP 19th Cune, 1979. AND DEGREE HOLDERS AND TECHNICAL PERSONNEL CARD In the end the following schedules were finalised and canvassed in 1981 Census: In 1981 Census, during the period of enumeration which is the main and most impor ant operation of the (1) Houselist entire census operations, Household ~h~u1e, Indivi­ (2) H~ushold Schedule (Part I & II) dual Slip and Degree Holders and Technical Personnel card were canvassed to collect through these schedules (3) IRdividual Slips (both universal and sample) the valuable information about the land and the people of West Bengal along with other parts of the country The Establishment schedule canvassed in 1971 Cen­ at a given point of time. sus was dropped in 1981 Census as the economic cen­ sus conducted through Enterprise List was integrated HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE-PART I : HOUSE· with the Houselisting Operation. The "Enterprise List" HOLD PARTICULARS devised by tbe Central Statisrcal Organisation was clUl­ vassed along wth houselist by the census Enumerators. The Household Schedule has been re-introduced il The filled in schedules were, later on, passed on to 1981 Census with a greater scope than the Household the Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics, Govt. Schedule canvassed in 1961 Census. In 1971 Censu. of West Bengal for processing the data. In West the Household Schedule was dropped. Special feature. Bengal the instructional booklets on Houselisting and of the Household Schedule of 1981 Census are that Enumeration were printed in Bengali and Nepali most of the items of 1971 Census Houselist havo languagJes. Ilndiv1.dual Slips, Household \ Schedules, been included in the Household Schedule of 1981 Houselists, Houselist Abstracts, Abri'd Houstlists Census considering thi concensus in the Data Users etc. were printed in Bengali, included Nepali, Hindi, Conference that this schedule will provide more useful and English laJIlguages for West Bengal. data. Beside these, some new items have been includ­ ed in this Schedule. This Schedule was filled in HOUSELIST for each household-whether normal or institutional or houseless household. Part-I Household particular of The Houselisting operation in West Bengal started this schedule contains, beside the identification parti­ on 28-8-80 and completed on 7-10-80. During this period the notional maps and layout sketches for each culars recorded in numeral five element code, 16 itemll on information pe£tainnng to ~ame of head of house­ Houselisting block which was later more or less co­ hold, religion of the head of houseold, name of terminous with the Enumeration block were also pre­ scheduled caste/scheduled tribe to which the head of p~ed .. Alongwit~ the work of Houselisting the Enter­ household, household lives in owned house or not, it pnse llst, a substitute for 1971 Establishment Schedule, not, does the household own a house or house site in ~as canvassed as a part of economic census which was the village or town of enumeration, predominant con­ mtegrated with the House1isting operation. The filled struction material of wall, roof or floor of the house in Enterprise lists were handed over to the Bureau occupied by the household, facidities available to the of Applied Economics and Statistics, Govt. of West household--drinking water supply with source within Bengal,. for processing the required data at their end or outside premises, electricity or toilet (for urban at the Instance of the Central Statistical Organisation. area only), number of living rooms, number of mar­ Beside the identification particulars of the Enumeration ried couple, does the household cultivate land, if yes, block, building No. and census House No. certain few whether owned, rented or owned and rented, local ?tber information were collected through the House­ name of tenancy and total population of the house­ lIst. They are-purpose for which census house is hold. used, household No., name of the head of housebold whe~her the household is engaged in an enterpris~ The new items included in the schedule are religion of outsIde the cen:ms house and without premises or not, the head of household, speciftc name of scheduled number of persons normally residing in the household caste/scheduled tribe of tbe head of household, langu­ and the number of phvsically handicapped persons. age mainly spoken in the household does the house­ If !he <;ensus house is W?ol!y or partly used for non­ hold own a house or house site in the village or town re&dentIal purpose and If the household is engaged of en'Umeration if the household does not live in owned 3 house, construction material of floor, facilities ava,l­ 14A. Worked any time at all last year? Yes/No able to the household-drinking water, electricity i.e. worker/non-worker br<_?ad categDry and toilet (for urban areas only), number of married of non-worker i.e. H for Housewife, ST for couples usually living in the household and local name Student, D for Dependent, R for Retired of tenancy of the cultivated land. persons or Rentiers, B for Beggars, etc., I for Inmates of Institutions and 0 for other HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE-PART II : POPULA· Non-workers. TION RECORD 14B. If yes in 14A did you work for major part There are altogether 35 columns in the form of the of last year ? Yes/No. populatl:on Record of which cols. 1 to 7 were canvas­ 15A. Main activity last year? If yes in 14B sed directly from the household before the enumera­ Broad category of worker i.e. C for Cultiva­ tion of individual members of the household was taken tor, AL for Agricultural Labourer, HHI for up by the enumerator. Cols. 1 to 7 depict the infor­ Household Industry, OW for Other Workers. mation such as serial no. of the individual members If no in 14B, broad category of non­ of the household, name of individual member, rela­ workers. tionship to head Of household (indicating sl. no. of mother within brackets if present in the household If HHI/OW in 15A the following particulars are to for ch'ldren up to 10 years) males, females, age and be collected : marital status. The entries in cols. 8 to 35 had to (i) Name of establishment be entered with reference to those in the Individual (ii) Description of work Slip which was filled up for each member of the (iii) Nature of industry, trade or service household, coIs. 8 :0 35 are divided into two com­ partments-one for the males (cols. 8 to 21) and the (iv) Class of worker. other for the females (cois. 22 to 35). In cDls. 8 to ISB. Yes in 14B-any other work any time last 21 or 22 t.o 35 the information such as name of SCI year? If yes broad category of worker (i.e., ST, literate Of illiterate, worker or nDn-worker, four secondary work). No in 14B-work done broad categories of main activities, marginal worker any time last year? If yes broad category and lastly whether seeking or available for work. In of worker (Le., marginal worker). 1981 Census, the enumerator prepared the working sheet for preparing enumerator's abstract on the basis If HBI/ (OW) in 15B, the following particulars are of the information enter.e~ in the 1?opulation record. to be collected : The Population J3:ecord was the bas's for compilation (i) Name of establishment, of Provisional Population Tables mare elabora~ely in (ii) Nature of indus ry, Trade or service, 1981 than in earlier Censuses. In compari'son to 1981 Census, the Population Record of 1971 contained (iii) Description of work, only 9 cols., i.e., s1. no., name, relationship to head, (iv) Class of worker. male or female, age, marital status, literacy and des­ cription of main activity. 16. If No in 14A (Le., non-workers) or in 14B (i.e., marginal worker) seeking/avail­ INDIVIDUAL SLIP able for work? Yes/No. The Individual Slip, a key schedule of popUlation census of 1981 consisted of altogether 22 questions INDIVIDUAL SLIP (SAMPLE) which are given below 1. Birth-place--(a) Place of birth, (b) Rural! INDIVIDUAL SLIP Urban, (c) District, (d) State/Country. (Universal) 2. Last reSl~dence--(a) Place of last residence, (b) Rural/Urban, (c) District, (d) ~tate/ 1. Name Country. 2. Relationship to head 3. Reason for migration from place of last 3. Male/Female residence (code) i.e., employment (1) Edu. 4. Age cation, (2) Family moved, (3) Marriage, and (4) Other ( 5 ) . 5. Marital Status 6. Mother tongue 4. Dliration of residence at the village or town of enumeration. 7. Two other languages known 8. Religion 5. For all ever-man-jed women only-Cal Age at marriage (b) Number of children sur­ 9. Whether scheduled caste/scheduled tribe vivf.ng at present (Male/Female/Total), (c) 10. Name of Caste/Tribe Number of children ever born alive (Male/ 11. Literate/Illiterate Female/Total). 12. Educational attainment 6. For currently married women only-Any 13. Attending Sl>hool/College. children bom alive during last one year. 4

The scope of the Individual slip had been extended The sample Individual Slip contalined information on in 1981 Census. For the first time in the Indian lllIgration and fertility. Some of the information on Census some items of informatJ:on perta;ning to il,di­ migration and fertility was collected in the 1971 CeI!­ vidual were canvassed on a sample basis. The Indivi­ sus Indivioual SlJp on a universal basis, but further dual slip of 1981 Census theretore, consis.ed of two details of information on migration and fertility were sets of items of infonnation-one is universal and the included in samp'e Individual Slip of 1981 Census. other is sample. The universal question were canvas­ These details were "reason for migration" "number sed for every individual, whlie the sample quest'lons of children ever born" and "number of children surviv­ were canvassed for every ,:ndividual covered by 20% ing" for ever married women. It will appear from the sample enumeration blocks both in rural and urban questions on fertility that in the 1981 Census the areas in addit',on to the universal questions. details of current as well as cumulated fertility were collected. It may be mentioned here that in West Bengal along DEGREE-HOLDERS AND TECHNICAL PERSON· with a few other States, both the sample questions of NEL CARD Indilvidual slips were canvassed all cent percent basis. As in the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, a Census of degree holder and techn:cal personnel was taken in the 1981 In respect of demographic, social and cultural items Census by canvassing a sche~ule called "Degree Hol­ (excluding fertility and migration) all questioi.ls in ders and Technical Personnel Survey" which was 1981 Census wele the same as in 1971 except for finalised by the COUllckl of Scientific and Industrial the item on school/college attendance which was a Research. The enumerator was asked to leave one new item included in 1981 Census questionnaire. or more of L'J.ese schedules, as the case might be, with Thes~ items have already been briefly described the household wherever he cam~ across a graduate earlier. or a pas -gradua e as also those with a technical dip­ loma or degree, for filling in the schedule(s) by the The economic questions, however, were dUIerent in eligible person(s) in the household. The enumerator the 1981 Census. The "work" concept of 19<:il and was ,:nstructed to collect the filled in schedule( s) from 1971 Censuses was adopted for 1981 Census. This the respondent(s) at the time of his visit to the house­ was opposed. to the "income" or "economic indepen­ hold during his revisional round or even earlier but dence" concept of the earlier Censuses. Though the before completing the enumeration. The respondent "work" concept of 1961 and 1971 Census was the could also d~rect1y post the schedule to the addressee same as adopted ~n 1981 Census, the criteria for by whom the postage cou:d be paid. classificat;on of persons as workers was different in The schedule of degree holders and technical personnel 1981 Census from that in 1961 and 1971 Censuses. survey contained the following items of information: In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses usual status and cur­ Name, designation and address, clate of birth, sex, mari­ rent status were adopted w',1h reference period of one tal status, scheduled caste/tribe, Home state, all acade­ year and one week for seasonal and for regular work respectively. But in the 1981 Census the usual status mic and professional qualifications, training undergone, approach was adopted for all work. In ifhe 1961 post graduate specialisations, professional specialisa­ Census a person was treated as a worker if he had tion/teehn'cal skills through experience present w()['ked regularly during the last season or if he had status, duration of. present unemployment, employ­ vlorked at least for a day in regular work cluing ment-presentjprevlOus/first-name of organ::sat;on the preceding fortnight from the day of enumeration. public/priva

Surveys of the Govt. of West Bengal well in advance. The Urban critetlon of the 1981 Census varies slightly These maps were updated by the Draughtsmen of this from that of the 1961 and 1971 Censuses. In the Directorate taking into consideration of all the admini­ 1961 and 1971 Censuses, the male working popula­ strative changes those had taken place since 1971 tion engaged in "Livestock, forestry fishing, hunting, and till the t.me for freezing the boundaries of the plantauons, orchards and allied actIvities" were treated administrative U11l1ts. The boundaries are generally as non-agricultural, but in the 1981 Census they were flOzen a year in advance of the Census enumeration. treated at par with the agricultural workers for the The up-to-date maps of the municipal towns, canton­ purpose of this criterio.!!. ments, notified areas, town committees were procured from the respect:ve competent autho111ties in West On the basis of the cri!eria as laid down ,Egainst item Beillgal. Beside these, the project town maps were (b) above, 78 new towns were created ~n West Ben­ collected from the project authorities. All these maps gal for the first dme in the 1981 Census. these 78 were very useful for conducting the census in West towns all of which are IlIOn-municipal towns, included Beng:.:l. The map for each ward of Calcutta was col­ '1 Project towns name1y-(i) Jaldhaka Hydel Power lected from the Corporation of Calcutta. Froject Town, (li Haringhata Dairy Farm Town, (iii) Bandel Thermal Power Project Town, (iv) Kola­ At the time of Houselisting operation in 1980, the ghat Thermal Power Project Town, (v) Digha Town­ enumerators had prepared the Notional maps and ship (a Tourist Centre), (vi) ~aontaldih Thermal layout sketches of their respective enumeration blocks, Power Project Town and (v;i) Bala.eswar T9Jlrist both in villages and towns locating and numbering in Centre Town. it every house of the enumeration block con.cerned. These Notional maps and lay-out sketches were drawn URBAN AGGLOMERATION free-hand by the enumerators and they were very Apart from the statutory towns and non-municipal much helpful ill achieving the total coverage both in towns, a concept of Urban Agglomeracion was adopted area and people. These Notional maps and lay-out in the 1981 Census. The concept of UrbaIl! Agglomera­ skeches are systematically preserved in bound Reg;s­ tion adopted for the first time during the 1971 Census ter volumes in the Directorate of Census Operations, was an improvement on the concept of town group West Bengal. adopted in the 1961 Census. The concept of Urban Agglomeration had been adopted in the 1981 Census RURAL AND URBAN AREAS also and data had been presented on the same line as in the 1971 Census. An Urban Agglomeration It has been the tradition of the Indian Census to pre­ formed a continuous urban spread constituting a town sent Census data for rural and urban areas separately. and its adjoining urban outgrowths, or two ()If more The basic unit for rural arcas in West Bengal is the physically contiguous towns together with cont:nuous mouza (village) wh:ch has definite surveyed bounda­ well recognised urban outgrowths, if ally, of such ries. The lists of such mouzas (villages) for each towns. It is necessary to explain what these urban Police Station were collected from the office of the ou~growths are. In several areas around a core city or Director of Land Records and Surveys of the Govt. statutory town or non-municipal town have come up of West Bengal and they were verified w~th reference fairly large well-recogn~ed railway colonies, university to the lists of mouzas (villages) obtained from the campuses, port areas, m litary camps etc. it may Block Development Officers, Govt. of West Bengal not be altogether realistic to treat such areas lying and then the lists of mouzas (villages) were finalised. outside the limi's of a town as rural units; at the same In unsurveyed mouzas (villages) within forest areas time eneh such individual area ]>y itself may not satisf:

The area constituting an Urban agglomeration may The Census hierarchy of 1981 Census in West Bengal keep on changing from one census to another depend­ 'Was as follows: ing upon the changing boundaries of the existing Director of Census Operation town(s) as well as the extent of urban outgrowth(s). Joint D;rector These changes were I~ot exception in West BengaL 1 Thele were altogether 13 Urban agglomerations III Deputy Directors 3 West Bengal in the 1971 Census. Ot these the boun­ Regional Deputy Directors 6 daries of 7 Urban agglomerations had undergone Assistant Directors 4 changes, the boundaries of one urban agglomeration remained unchanged aed 5 other urban agglomeration Principal Census Officers 15 had iOSl their indlv;dual identity by dint of being mer­ Distt. Census Officers 15 ged with Calcur a Urban Agglomeration as modified Addl. Distt. Census Officers 15 in the 1981 Census. In West Bengal there were altoge­ Subd;visional Census Officers 52 ther 32 Urban agglomerat~ons in the 1981 Census- 8 old and 24 new urban agglomerations. Municipal .cen,sus Officers/Non-Muni- cipal Town Census Officers 105 STANDARD URBAN AREA Charge Officers for Rural areas includ- A new concept of Standard Urban Area (SUA) was ing special charges of Tea Gardens and at first adopted in, the 1971 Census which envisaged a forests 637 constant stat stical spatial reporting unit which was to Charge Supdt. for Urban areas 658 serve as the basis of urban development planning for Special Charge Officers for Military & the concerned c ty or town. The Standard Urban Area Para Military areas 33 (SUA) was defined as "the projected growth area of a city or town having 50,000 or more population in Circle Supervisors 16,475 1971, as it would be in 1991, taking into account not Enumerators 88,039 on,ly the towns and villages which will get merged Into The Direc.or of Census Operations of West Bengal for i~ but also the intervening areas which are potentially the 1981 Census was in p

officer was designated as Subdivisional Census Officer, for each zOl1,e consisting of about 12 to 13 Calcutta each municipal Chairman/Executive officer was ap­ CorporaitJion Wards. 8 ,Statistlcal Assistants of thiS pointed Municipal Census Officer, an olllc.al or non­ Directorate took over charge as Zonal Census Olficers. official selected by the District Census Officer or the The Charge Superintendents of the Charges, other than -Subdivisional Census Officer was 'des-goated as Town the Special Charges, were mostly non-officials who Census Officer for the non-municipal town having were men of local eminel1,ce and influence. 10U Charge more than one charge, each Block Development Officer Assistants were recruited by the Director of Census was designated as Charge Officer and under h:8 guid­ Operat,ons to assist 100 Charge SupeLntendems. In ance and supervision the cen,sus of non-municipal Calcutta City there were, on the top, two Deputy town(s) within the jurisdiction of his Development Directors and immediately below them there were two Block was conducted. The Divisional Forest OfIicer and Assistant Directors. They had to shoulder~ the responsi­ the Tea Garden Managers or their authorise(\ persons bility of the taking of Census in Calcutta with the were also designated as Charge Officers (Special) to assistance of the three Reg.onal Census Officers, eight conduct Yhe Census in their forest and Tea Garde] Zonal Cel!sus Officers and 100 Charge Assistants w!to areas respectively. were aU Census men.

In urban areas, those selected by the Municipal Census In Haora MuniCipal Corporation, the Census was Officer/Town Census Officer were designated as Charge taken in. the 1981 Census in the same manner as in Superintendents. If the urban area-be it a munici­ Calcutta City. The Regional Deputy Director of Haora pality/Notified area/Cantonment, etc., or non-mun;­ and HugH Region remained in Charge of Census ill cipal town-had less than 50,000 population, the entire Haora ety and he was assisted by an Ass:stant Direc­ urban unit was treated only one Charge and fiJr that tor, There were neither Regional Census Officers nor urban unit only one Charge Superintendent was Zonal Census Officers in Haora City. The Region~l appointed. The big cities and toWD8 (except Calcutta Director and the Assistant Director were assisted by and Haora cities) were subdivided into more than one 10 Officials deputed from this Directorate. They in­ Charge--each Charge with 50,000 population or so. c1uged such variety of officials like Tabul~tion Officer, There were 33 special charges in military and para­ Statistical Assistant, Computer and Assista!?t Compiler. military areas all over the state. In the Railway Settle­ Haora Municipal Corporation bad 50 wards for each ment (Town) areas, such as Kharagpur Railway Settle­ of which one Charge Superintendent was appOinted, ment area (NM) and Adra (NM), the persons nomi­ It had only olle SpeCial Charge wh' ch was Eastern nated by the Railway authorWes were appointed Charge Railway Special Charge covering Haora Railway Sta­ Superintendent(s) and for the Project Towns, the tion and otber Railway installations located W:thiDi persons authorised by the Project authorities were Haora City. For 50 municipal corporaCon wards, 50 designated as Charge Superintendents, part-time cbarge Assistants were appointed with a monthly honorarium of Rs. 100 each. They were all As in the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, the taking of the employees of the Haora Municipal Corporation. Census in Calcutta City was the direct responsibility of the Director of Census Operations of West Bengal in Each Charge both in rural and urban areas, were the 1981 Census. For the first time in the 1981 Census divided in more than one Census Circle each cons!sting the Census of Haora City was also conducted under of, on an average, five Enumeration Blocks. At the the d'rect control of the Director of Census Operations lowest rung of the ladder of Census hierarchy was the of West Bengal. Naturally, the organisations of Census Enumerator assigned with enumeration work of one in Calcutta and Haora cities had to be set up on a Enumeration Block and in rare cases of two Enumera­ separate footin~ by the D:rector of Census Operations tion Bloc~s of the optimum population size of the two of this State. Calcutta Corporation had 100 wards each EnumeratIOn Blocks come to that of one Enumeration of which constitute a Census Char!!e and beside Block. Each Census Charge was placed under one these, there were 12 Special Charges in Calcutta City, Charge Officer or Charge Superintendent, each Census namely (1) Fort, (2') Port land area. (3) Canals, ~ircle was pla~ed under the Charge of a Circle Super­ (4) Sea-going Vessels (Port). (5) Inland vessels VIsOr and ultImately each Enumeration Block was (Port), (6) Eastern Railway (Sealdah), (7) Eastern placed under the Charge of one Enumerator who was Railwav (Chitpore), (8) South Eastern Railwav, the basic census worker. In rural areas a whole Mouza (9) Calcutta Police, (10) Border Security Force (Village) Or part of a Mouza (Village') constituted on~ Offices and installations within Calcutta district, Enumeration Block having approximately 750 popula­ (11) Indian Navy Offices and instal1ations within tion. In no case, the parts of two mouzas (village) Calcutta district, and (12) Indian Air Force Offices did form an Enumeration Block. In urban areas, and installafons within Calcutta district. For these 12 on the other hand, each Enumeration Block consists Special Char!!es, 12 Char~e Superintendents were of 600 population approximately. The appointment of appointed and they were all nominated by their res­ Charge Officers/Charge Superintendents has already pective authorities. Thus there were. in alL 112 ch~rge been discussed in forego:ng paragraph. Mainly from Superintendents in Calcutta district. Calcutta City ~mong the non-ofticial volunteers, the Circle Supervi­ was d:vided into three Regions for each of which one sors were appointed on the recommendation of the ReQional Census Officer was appointed. Three Investi­ Charge Officers/Charge Superintendents. Mostly the gators of this D'rectorate took over Charge 8S Regional Primary School teachers were appointed as Enumera­ Census Officer, Ap:ain each region was sub-divided into tors in rural areas. Others in rural areas appointed as 2 or 3 zones and there were a1torrether 8 zones in Enumerator were selected from among the village level Calcutta ety and a Zonal Census Officer was appOinted workers and Panchyat workers and local unemployed 8 youngmen. In Urban areas, on the other hand, the The Act empowers the States or such authority to employees of the local bodies and mostly the un... whom the State Governments delegate power to employed youngmen of the town concerned were appoint Census Officers at various levels to aid in, appointed as Ell.um~rators. supervise and take t.he census. The Act authorises the Census-takers to ask the prescribed census ques­ T1le District Census o.fficers, Subdivisional Census tions and enjoins upon all person to answer the ques­ Officers Charge Officers/Charge Superintendents-all tkms truthfully. The law lays down that the infor­ were r~quired to attend to Census duties as part of mation collected at the census will be used only for their normal duties. They were paid some honorarium statistical purposes and that the information about for their performance. The Crcle Supervisors and the indiViiduals will be kept confidential and cannot be Enumerators were also bonorary part-time Census used as evidence even in a court of law. The Act gives workers and they were also paid honorarium for their extra-ordinary powers to secure all kinds of assis­ census work. tance from the local bodies or any other person in order to complete the taking of census. The Census TRAINING Act is reproduced as Annexure 'C' in this volume. Training was a very important part of the Census Operations and every census worker had to take PROVISIONAL TOTALS training for being equipped fully to un,dertake the census dufes with proper understanding. Each one .in Soon after the 1981 Census enumeration in West the census hierarchy had to be very clear as to what Bengal was over on the 5th March, 1981, the provi­ his duties and responsibilities were. He had to under­ sional totals were communicated from the enumerator, stand the different census concepts adopted for census upwards to the Director of Census Operations and very clearly. Manuals of in,structions issued by the ultimately to the Registrar-General, India by the Registrar-General and Census Commissioner, India quickest possible means. were translated into Bengali and were issued to every In the 1981 Census, the enumerators had to prepare census workers down to the level of Enumerators. the "Working Sheet for preparing Enumerator's Abs­ These manuals of instructions con,tained specimens of tract" which contains more detailed information for a few typical filled in schedules. provisional totals than in earEer censuses. In West Bengal, on completr.on of the revisional round during Training was imparted at two stages-Houselisting the period between ls~ and 5th March, 1981, the stage and Enumeration stage. Four days' training at enumerators completed the preparation of Enumera­ Houselisting stage and five days' training at enumera­ tor's Abstracts (compiled from the working sheet for tion stage were given to each kind of census workers. preparin_g Enumerator's Abstract) and submitted to The training programme was divided into two parts­ the C;rcle Supervisors along w:th other documents one theoretical and the other practical. The Distric~ by the evening of the 6th March, 1981. The Circle Ct>n,sus Officers & the Additional District Census Supervisors made necessary scrutiny of the Enumera­ Officers got training from the Director of Census Opera­ tor's Abstracts received from the Enumerators and tions, West Bengal .and in their turn they imparted submitted to the Charge Officers by the evening of training to the Charge Officers/Charge Superintendents. the 7th M:1rch, 1981. The Char,!!e Officers, on receipt Apart from the D'strict Census Officers. about a dozen of 'he Enumerator's Abstract throUl;h the Circle trainers including the Director of this Directorate had Supervisors, prepared the CharlIe Abstracts and hand­ imparted intens've training to the Charf!e Officers and ed over the same to the District Census Officer by tlle Charge Superintendents. The Char,!!e Officers and the even'ing of the 10th March, 1981. The District the Charl1e Superintendents themselves trained tht>ir Census Officers, on their turn, prepared the District Circle Supervisors and Enumerators. Every Circle Abstm:::ts with rural urban break-up on the basis of Supervisor had to ensure that each of the Enumerators the Charge Abstracts a:liter thorough scrutiny and undf'r him had j!ot suffic' ent training- for perfect and communicated the same to the Director of Census smooth House]isting and Enumerations. Tiain'n!! of Operations, West Bengal and the Registrar-General, Census personnel in this State continued from Anril In01:3 on the 11th March. 1981 through telegrams, to Aw!Ust. 1980 preceding the House1isfing Ooeration telephon.es and Police Wireless grids. and from September, 1980 to January 1981 preceding the en,umeration ooeratiion. The traipees took keen On rece:pt of the District Abstracts the provisional interest in the tralnin!! classes and a "rpat enthll~i~<;m totals for the State of West Bengal were prepared at was observed amon,!! them. On comoletion of training th;s Directorate and the same was communicated to COllrse inc1lldinp- practical tra'nin!! of each hatch ('of the Registrar-General, Tndi~ on the 12t h March, 1981. CenSllS personn,el. the mist:lkes found in the nr~ctical Within 11 days from 12-3-81 this Directorate was training were elaborately discussed and rectified. able to publish ~he volumes called "Paper I of 1981 -Provisional Population Totals" of this St&te on THE CENSUS ACT 23rd March, 1981 and with this ended the phase of 1981 Census enumeration in the State of West Bengal. The Census ls conducted under the Census Act (Act No. XXXVII of 1948). This Act empowers the Cen­ POST·ENUMERATION CHECK trat Government to notify and conduct a census in the whole or part of the country. The Census Commis­ The Post Enumeration Check is essential for any sioner of India and the Dirootors of Census Opera­ systematic and comprehensive enquiry like the pOpu­ tions are appointed to supervise the taking of census. lation census. It goes into the coverage and validity 9 of the results. Along with 13 other major States and ST. Series-Special Tables for Scheduled Tribes Union Territory of Delhi, the Post Enumeration Check (in all 10 tables including part tables). was held in the State of West Bengal after the 1981 Census Enumeration was over. The 1;'_ost Enumera­ VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORIES tion Check was carried out in We~t Bengal dUring Of these, the tabies of H-Series are based on the the period between 23rd March and 8th April (both Houselist, the tables of HH-Series on the Household days inclusive) 1981. The instructions, objectives, schedule and all the tables of the remaining series, sample design, methods of data collection and organi­ except the village and Town Directories on the Indi­ sation of fie.d work, results etc. in connection with vidual Slip. The Village and Town Directories are the Post Enumeration Check are given an Annexure mainly based on information external to census. "D" in this volume. At the 1971 Census an Establishment schedule was COMPUTERISATION canvassed on the basis of which tables were produced A significant cbange in the 1981 Census has been the and presented as E-Series. As mentioned earfer, at introduction of Direct Data Entry (DDE) System for the 1981 Census an Ellterpris,e list was canvassed and processing the Census data of all kinds except those the processing and tabulaton of this had been taken of population Tables and Primary Census Abstract over by the Central Statistical Organisation in the which were compiled manually. All other ,abIes will 1981 Census, it was, therefore, not proposed to gene­ be generated on the DDE System. Processing the rate tables of E-Series. Similarly the Tables of G-Series data on DDE System means the Operators will key relating to data on Degree holders and Technical per­ the da"a through numeral coders assigned to ~e sonnel would be presented by the Department of entries in the Census schedules and these Wlm directly Science and Technology. go to the disc through the operator's terminal and from the disc tbe data will go on to the tape through PUBLICATION Supervisor's terminal. These tapes are then sent to the offiCe of the Registrar-General, India, New Delhi The 1981 Census publication will be made up of 32 for generation of tables in computor machine. series, the first which covering the all-India publica­ TABULATION tions and the remaining series one for each state and Union Territory in alphabetical order. They are as It has been a continuing endeavour to present tabula­ follows: tions which are essential and useful to the data user in each census. Based on the experience of the pre­ vious censuses, it has been a constant attempt to S1. No. Territorial Units improve upon the presentation of data and the tabula­ tion plan so that maximum utilisation of census 1. India data is made possible. With this objective in view, Andhra Pradesh a comprehensive tabulation plan to bring out the 2. housing stock, the quality of housing, the extent of 3. Assam physically handicapped, the socio-economic, cultural 4. Bihar and demographic profile of the people in general and 5. Gujarat of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in particular and the household economic situation has 6. Haryana been drawn up to meet the requirements of various 7. Himachal Pradesh departments of Government and other data users. 8. Jammu & Kashmir According to the tabulation plan of the 1981 9. Karnataka Census, the following series of tables will be pre­ 10. Kerala pared:- 11. Madhya Pradesh A. Series-General Population Tables (in all 5 tables and 8 appendices). 12. Maharashtra B. Series-General Economic Tables (in all 29 13. Manipur table including part tables). 14. Meghalaya C. Ser:es-Social and Cultural Tables (in all 18 15. Nagaland tables including part tables). 16. Orissa D. Series-Migration Table (in all 13 tables). 17. Punjab F. Series-Fertility Tables (in all 51 tables in­ 18. Rajasthan cluding part tables). 19. S;kkim H. Series-Tables on Houses and Disabled population (in all 2 tables). 20. Tamil Nadu HH. Series-Household Tables (in all 35 tables 21. Tripura including part tables and also one appencfIx). 22. Uttar Pradesh SC. Series-Soecial Tables for Scheduled Castes 23. West Bengal (in all 7 tables including part tables). 10

Sl. No. Territorial Units Station of the district, Enumeration, Block-wise popu­ lation and Scheduled Caste/Tribe population of town, village and Town Directories and alphabetical list of 24. Andaman & N!cobar Islands villages. The village and town Directories comprise 25. Arunachal Pradesh compilations of statistics, external to the census rela­ 26. Chandigarh ting to the villages and towns, which in conjunction with Census data will be very useful to data users. 27. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 28. Delhi The ser:es number for West Bengal is 23. The publi­ cation programme of the State of West Bengal started 29. Goa, Daman & Diu from the bringing out of tIle publication namely, 30. Laksbadweep "Paper-I of 1981-Provisional Population Totals" on 31. Mizoram the 23rd March, 1981 followed by Supplement to "Paper-I of 1981-Provisional PopulatiO!l Totals". 32. Pondicherry The Paper-! of 1982 namely "Final Population Totals" --~~-~------~------had also been brought out. The next publication will be "Paper-I of 1983-Primary Census Abstract of In each of these series the different series of tables Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes". This is ill will be brought out as different parts. Apart from press. these District Census Handbooks will be publisbed for each district in the State of West Bengal. These will For all-India and for each State and Union Territory contain District Primary Census AbStract, the village the Census Publications and reports will be publisbed and town Primary Census Abstract of each Police according to the following plan. --_---- Part No. and subject covered Sub-part No. if any, and the topics covered

2 ------Part I-Administraton Report (for official use only) Part lA-Administration Report-Enumeration Part IB-Administrative Report-Tabulation. Part II-General Population Tables Part IIA-General Population Tables A-Series. Part lIB-Primary Census Abstract. Part III-General Economic Tables Part IIIA-B-Series Tables of first priority covering population by economic activity, industrial category of main workers, marginal workers and their cross classification by age, literacy, educational level, sex, and non-workers and marginal workers by type of activity, seeking/available for work and their cross classification by age, literacy, educational1evel and sex.

Part UI-B-Series Tables of second priority covering industrial classification of main workers and marginal workers, occupationa classification and class of workers of main workers and main activity and seeking/available for work of marginal workers and non-workers and their cross classification by age, sex and edu­ cational level. Part IV -Social and Cultural Tables Part IYA·C-Series Tables of first priority covering age, sex and marital status, compositon of the population, single year age returns, educational level and school attendance. Part IVB·C-Series Tables of second priority covering mother tongue, bilinglJalismandreligion of population. Part lYC--Household CompOSition on the basis of population record. Part V-Migration Tables Part VA-D-Series Tables of first priority covering distribution of population by place of birth, migrants by place of last residence, by duration of residence and reason for migration and economic activity of migrants reporting "Employment" as leason and their cross-classificaton by age and literacy. Part VD-D-Series Tables of second priority covering migration for "Employment" to' urban areas from rural and urban within State and outside State origins, their composition by age sex and educational level and seeking/available for work and duration oflast residence. 11

2 ------Part VI-Fertility Tables Part VIA-F-Series Tables of first priority. This part will co\er the age at marriage pattern, current fertility and cumulated fertility for ever married and currently married women by present age and duration of marriage at State and disrtict levels. At State level the further cross classification by the socio-economic factors, religion, Scheduled Tribes, educational level and occupatlOn will be covered. Part VIB-F-Series Tables of second priority covering the surviving children of currently married women by present age and duration of marriage, religion etc., and also current fertility by duration of marriage at district leveL

Part VII-Tables on Houses and Disabled population Part VIIH-Series Tables covering census houses and their uses and disabled population by type of disability, with analytical notes_ part VIII-Household Table- Part VIIIA-HH-Series Tables covering material of constnlction of houses occupied by households, housing facilities available to households, household size and number of couples living in households and households by number of main worker, seeking/ available for work and literate members, cultivating and non-cuItiva­ ting households by tenure of land for general and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe households, literacy among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and economic activity of members of Sche­ duled Caste, and Scheduled Tribe households. These tables will also cover the household population by religion of hrad of house­ hold and language, mainly spoken in the household. Part Vnm-This part will contain HH-Series tables on tenancy. Part VIIIC-Report on Households covering an analytical report on the data presented in Part VIllA and Part VIIIB.

Part IX-Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part IX will contain the Tables of SC and ST-Series for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. This will cover industrial categories of main workers and marginal workers, type of activity of marginal workers and non-workers, seeking/available for work among marginal workers and non-workers, age, sex, marital status, comp05jtion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population and their educational level (for each caste/tribe separately). The

Part X-Town Directory Survey Reports on Towns and villag~ Part XA-Town Directory. Part XB-Survey Reports on selected towns. Part XC-Survey Reports on selected villages.

Part XI Ethnographic notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Part XU--<::onsus Atala Part XIIA-Census Atlas. Part XIIB-Administrative Atlas.

Pvt XIII-District Census Handbook Part XIIIA-Village and Town Directory. It contains two sections. Section I-Village Directory covering Police Station map, alpha­ betical list of villages, note explaining the codes used in village Directory, village directory and appendices (I-IV) to the Village Directory for each police station of a district. Section II-Town Directory covering note expJaining the codes used in the Town Directory, Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IVA) and Appendix to the Town Directory. Part XIIIB-Primary Census Abstract covenng District Primay Census Abstract showing figures for each police station with rural/ urban break-up and police station-wise Primary Census Abstract showing village-wise figures and townwise figures and wardwise figures within the town and an appendix showing Enumeration blockwise population and Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe population of the town. 12

The following special papers are also planned and It is also proposed to carry out some special studies will be published as and when they are ready as 1981 of 1981 Ccns!ls data in collaboration with other orga­ Census papers: nisations and the results of such studies -w'll be pu~i­ shed as occasional papers of the 1981 Census. (a) Special studies taken up by the Director of Census operations. ANCILLARY STUDIES (b) Special Areas Surveys (1) SURVEYS AND MONOGRAPHS (c) Special Tables for Standard Urban Area (d) Language Survey Reports It has been proposed to have a thorough study of (e) Post Enumeration Check Report socia-economic and demograph'c aspects of three towns and restudy of three villages and to study on three (f) Age Tables rural crafts in West Bengal. Th's will be taken up (g) Life Tables sometime after February, 1984. (h) Reports on estimates of inter..censal birth and death rates using 1971-1981 Life (2) CENSUS ATLAS PROJECT Tables and age data (i) Development of Vital Statistics in India The Census Organisation has been the largest single producer of maps of Indian sub-continent -apart from .!3esides these speCial papers, some monographs based the Survey of India and the Geological Survey. A on 1981 Census data on suojects of topical interest_ Census Atlas as such and Administrafve Atlas were to be prepared by scholars will be brought out as 1981 brought out in the 1971 Census in West Bengal. The Census Monographs. tradition is being continued in the 1981 Census also. 1,,)

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ANNEXE-- A (ii)

CONFIDENTIAL CENSUS OF INDtA 1981 tNOlYIDUAl SLIP (U..... ,) Pad No...... • Slip No...... Location Code...... '" ...... _{ ) Sf. No. of Household [ ] , Name_. ______,. ______. _____ • ______._

2 Relationship to head. ______• __ :...... ~ ...... ': 8 RefigioA - -' ------, ...... f ...... ~ ...... j ______r==g______i_._._=: : : 3 Male (1)/Female (2).______9 ~~~~ -~~~~ -~~~-~;~.~~~;;_-_-.-~~~'~'~'~'~~:lj 4 Age______l: 10 Name of easte/tribe------T ..... ;...... r ...... i 5 Marital status ______1...... 3 . .,

6 Mothertongue ______~ ...... ~...... ~ ...... T...... j 11 ~~~~-t~~~~-~~~~r:;~-(;)~~~~~~~~~~~·~~:~~·~Jj __ , ______' ___ . ___ . ____ L. .... L.... L ..... L. ....i ·12 Educational attainment ______. __

7 Two other languages known : ...... ; ...... _..... :...... , ...... ------.------_ .. '! ...... : ...... : ...... -: ~: ;: .. : : : .------.. ------t· .. t··· .. ·l...... ·r .... ~ 13 ______-- ______:~ ...... 1 ...... : ... 4 ..... : ...... : ;~:~in~-::;:~,~::;~~:~:~~~;~~~·~):~~D . I' " Yes f...... ·i 4 W 1 A ork ed. any tIme at a last year r No (HIST/D/R/B/I/O) ------Uu • ------.------;...... i 148 If ves in 14A, did you work for major part of last year? Yes (1 )lNo (2) ______-______0 . . . Yes in 148 (C/AUHHIIOW) £...... ; 15A Main activity last year? No in 14B (H/STfO/R/B/1IO) ______u ______------1...... 1

If HHI/OW in 15A (i) Name of establishment ------.-- _...... ------~---: ...... : ...... '\ : : ~ ! (ii) Description of work ______. ______. _____ i...... L..... L .... ; (iii) Nature of industry, trade or service ------T··· .. r····T .. ·.. ·l

------.. -- ...... _------_ ..:...... : ...... ~ ...... ~ (i\l) Class of worker ______~ ____ -- ______• ___ 1.. ... ~i 5 14B Yes-Any other work any time last year 7 Yes (C/AL/HHI/OW>/No r .. ·.. 1 1 8 148 No-Work done any time last year? (C/AL/HHI/OW) ------u---L. ... .J If HHI/OW in 15B (i) Name of establishment ______.. ______...... , ......

(ii) Description of work ______U ______--___ L.... L. .... L...1

(iii) Nature of industry, trade or.service ______• ______...... ~ ...... : : : ; : : : ; ... ______- ______... ______.. _ ... _ ... _. _ ... _____ - ____ 1 ...... ~ ...•... ~ ..•... .: : :

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1 Birth pi!!! 5 Por atl ever-married women only

(a) Place of birth ------0 AiJeat marriage_------.. -.-.D (b) Rural (1 )/Urban (2) ______., ••.. _ (b) Number of children surviving at present : : , lC) Distr'C1 ______... ______....•. L ... L .. ..i . .. ,. . (d) State/CountrY. ______l. ... J_._l_.1 Male 0 Female 0 Total 0 2 last residellCB

(a) Place of last residence (b) Rural (1)jUrban (2) .. ~~~~~--~---·--~~:.~.~~D (c) Number of children ever born alive : . ; (c) District______....• L .. J...... 1 : : I • (d) State/Country --- ______L. ... L... ) .... .J Male D Female D Total 0 Reasons for migration from place of lastresidence (code>·. ______D 6 For currently married women 0.11y

~ DUr'ation of residence at the village or Any child born alive during last one year ______. _. _____ . ______r town of enumeration ------.0 ~ ...... ;

-Employment (1) Education (2) Family moved (3) Marriage (4) others (5) .... 16

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----FIRST FOLO-----


....'5 ANNEXE-B INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS FOR FILLING UP THE HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE AND INDIVIDUAL SLIP 1. Part I-Household Particulars: You w.ill have to Serial number' of household record the Book No. and Form No. at the top right hand carner of this fOnD. Book No. is given on the 3. The serial number of the household as g,ven in cover page of the Household Schedule book and you column 7 of the Abridged Houselist will have to be have merely to copy this number on each Household entered in the Household Schedule at the appropr'ate Schedule form. The Form No. will run serially from place. As you will notice, seri

22 23

Q. 1 : Name of he1ld of household '2' in the case of a Scheduled Tribe in the box pro­ vided against this question. 1f the head returns nim­ 5. The head of the household for census purpo5es self as Scheduled Ca&te, you have to check hi!! reH­ is the person on whom ialls the chief respons:bility tor g on. He Or she should belong w lfindui[!Jm or Sikhism. the maintenance of the household. Thus, the hend A person belongihg to tt Scheduled Caste cannot of the household need not necessarily be the oldest belong to any other religion. Per~ons who belong to male member but may be a female or even a younger It reli~Ot1 other than lIinduism and Sikhism will nt)t member of either ~ex. However, you need not enter be treated all a member tif any of the Schedull\\d into an argument about this. You should record as Callte!!. aut a tnetnber of a Scheduled Tribe_ nitty head of the household the name of the penon who is belon~ to any religion. In case of institutiontH ond actually acknowledged as such. hon-S.C./S.t. head of household, write 'X' in the box. 5.1 In respect of in:.titutional households such as hostels, board ng houses, messes, jails, etc., the warden Q. 5: Name of caSte/tribe of head hooseholtl or the manager or the superintendent, who has admi­ 8. If you have recorded 'i' or '2' for Scheduled nistrative responsibility Or who, by common consent, is regarded as the heod, should be recorded as the Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be, head of the household. In such cases, write warden, against Question :3 you have to enter hete the I1linie manager, superintendent, jailer, etc., Us the case may ()f the Scheduled Caste or Seheduled Tribe wh'~h be, or write the name of the person if there is nO de­ finds place in the list prbvided to you. You have to signallon. If in a census house, Ijn which there i,s an be careful that only that name of Scheduled Castes institutional househOld, separate families are also liv­ or Scheduled Tribes should be entered wh'eh i~ ing, then each such family should be treated as a given in the list pertaining to your State/Union Ter­ cem;;us household and a separate Household Schedule ritory. If the head returns any other name which does nOt find a place in the list, it is not to be re­ should be filled. In ~uch cases, care should be taken to enter the name of the head of the household and corded and the head should be told that you tire not that of the head of the institution. authorised to record only tho~e caste~ and ttib~g which are g'ven in your list in relation to the State Or Union Territory concerned. It is quite likely that Q. 2 : Religion of the head of household at this point the head might retum the name of the caste or tribe which finds mention in your list. 1£, 6. You have to record the religion. of the head of however, the bead returns any other name which the household as given by him against this question. does not find place in the 1:st it should not be re­ Wh'le writing the religion, you have to write the corded and the entry in QuestiOn 3, if any, in the abbrev'ations as follows on the line against this ques­ box should be corrected accordingly. In case the tion and not in. any of the dotted boxes provid~d at head replies that he does not belong to S.C. or S.T. the end of the dotted line against this question: you have to put 'X' on the line and not in the box against this question. For institutional and non-S.C./ For Hindus-write H S.T. househOlds, write 'X' on the line, For Muslims-write M For Christians-wrac C Q. 5 : Language mainly sp&ken in the household For Sikhs-write S 9. You have to ascertain from the head of the For Buddhists-wtite B household about the language which is mainly spoken in the household. You have to record the For Jains-write J answer faithful1y as returned. There may be cases where one or two persons of the household may be 6.1 For 'others' record actual religion as reLurned speaking other languages also, but the language to fully. If a per'so says that he has no religion, ill may be recorded here is the one which is spoken mostly be recorded accord ngly. If a persoll refuses to &tate by the members of the household among themselves. his religion, you may write 'religion not stated'. You The language spoken in the household should not should not enter into any argument with the house­ be confused with the mother tongue of each indivi­ hold for fillig up this question. You are bound to re­ dual member of the household. For inst;tutional cord faithfully whatever religion is returned hy the households put 'X' on the line. Do not enter any­ head of the household. For institutional househOlds, thing in the dotted boxes against this question. put 'X' against this question. Q. 6: Does the household live in owned house? Q. 3 : Whether bead of household belongs to S.C. or S.T. 10. If a household is occupying a census house owned by itself and is not paying anything to any­ 7. You will be supplied with a list of Sehe4_uled body in the form of rent, then the household may Castes (S.C.) and Scheduled Tribes (S.T.) in relation be considered as living in owned house. Th·s should to your State/Union Territory by your Supervisor. be recorded by putting '1' in the box provided against Whrle filling up the Household Schedule you will have this question. A household living in a flat or a house to ascertain from the head whether he is a member of a taken on 'ownership' basis on payment of instal­ Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe. If in reply to ments, should be regarded so living in its own house, this question, the answer is in the affirmative, you notwithstanding the fact that all instalments have not have to record '1' in the case of a Schedule Caste or been paid. 10.1 If the household lives in a rented house or exposed to the weather and nOt the ceiling, is made in the house whieh is nbt owned, write '2' in the i.e., tiles, thatch, corrugated iron, zinc or asbesto~ box. A housing unit is rented if rent is paid or con­ cement sheets or conClete, wood, mud, etc. If th@ tracted for, oy the occupants in cash or in kind. Where roof is mainly made of bricks and stone and has Ii an owner permits a liousehold to live in a house, rent mud plaster, cement plaster or lime plaster exposed free, even then the household £Ihoul.d be treated as liv­ to the sky, the material of roof in such cases will ing in a rented house, as for example, rent free accom­ not be mud, cement or lime but it V\1ill ~ bricks, stone; modatlOn provided to employees py Government, Insti­ etc., which constitute the fabric of the roof. In multi.; tutions, Companies, etc. In such cases; the answer storeyed build;ngs the intervening floor will constitute would be 'No' and you should write '2' in the box. the roof of the lower floor. After ascertaining t~e For institutional and houseless households, put a material of the roof you have to give the suitable cross (X) in the box. numerical code in the box provided against this question. . Q. 7: If 'No' in 6, does the household own a house or house site in the village or town of enumeration? (c) Materia) of Hoor 11. If you have recorded '2' in the box for 15. For material of floor, 7 codes have been pro­ Question 6, i.e., the household does not live in its vided as indicated in the schedule itself. For the owned house then you have to ask this question. You material of floor you have again to take the major have to enquire whether that particular household portion of material out of wh'eh the floor of the owns a house of its own or a house site elsewhere in house is made. For example, if in a house only the the plaCe of enumerat"on, i.e., elsewhere in the village drawing room has mosaic floor while all other rooms or town of enumeration. If the answer to the question and corridors have just cement flooring, the material is in the affirmative, i.e., 'Yes', you have to record '1' of floor to be recorded here will be 'cement', i.e., in the box provided against this question. If the ans­ code 5. Again, if a house has tiled floor in the bath Wer is in the negative, i.e., 'No' and the head of the room and all other rooms have cement floor the househOld replies that this household does not have material of floor will again be 'cement'. For multi­ a house or house site in the village or town Q_f enu­ storeyed buildings the floor of the upper storeys wiM meration you have to indicate it by recording '2' in be determined in the usual manner as discussed above. the box provided. It is obv'ous that this question isnot It may be noted that the material of the roof of the applicable to institutional and houseless households intervening flOors of multi-storeyed buildings does not because you will have to put a cresr (X) against Ques­ automatically become the the material of floor of the tion 6 for such households. upper storeys. The floor material of the upper storey could be different from the fabric of the roof for the Q. 8: Predominant construction material CIt the bouse lower storey. For example. in a two storeyed build­ occupied by household ing, the roof of the ground floor could be RCC while the floor material of the first floor could be mosaic. 12. TIlis question has been divided into three parts, i.e., (,,) material of wall; (b) material of roof; (c) 15.1 It is again emphasised that while recording material of floor. For your convenience the descr'p­ the materials of wall, roof and floor you have only to tion of the predom:nant construction material has give the code number in the bm provided against been indicated within rectangles under each item, i.e., thi~ question and not description. wall, roof and floor. A numerical code for a group of materials has been indicated. What you hav,:: to do Q. 9:. Facilities available to the household is to enquire about the material and enter the appro­ priate code in the box provided with reference to thc 16. 1 his question is divided into three parts, i.e., description given within the rectangles for each of drink' ng water supply, electricity and toilet. The latter the materials of waIl, rouf and floor respectively. This is meant for urban ~:reas o'11v. This question is not questtou is not applicable to institutional and housc­ applicable to institutional and houseless households. less households. In the case of such hOtlscholrl~ put In the ca!'.c of such households put a crO~~ (X) in the a cross (X) in the box. boxes. (a) Material of wall (a) Drinking \\-flter supply 13. For material of wall. 10 codes have been pro­ 17. This question relating to drinking water supply vided which are indicated in the schedule itself. In has been divided into two sub-parts. The first sub-part c!eal~ with the ~Olll'CP of drinking water supply. The order to determine the material of wall YO'l h~l\'e tn take into <1ccount the material out of which the 111~i(1r sources have been put within blocks along- with inter­ portions of the walls of the house are made and then na~ional m:merical code against each. You have to select the appropriate code. The code thus se1cckd enter the appropriate numerical code in the box: pro­ should be entered in the box provided against this vided. question. 17.1 If a household gets drinking water from two (b) Material of roOf or more sources throughout the year, t>he source avail­ ed of during the greater part of t}1e year should be 14. For material of roof, 8 codes have bee., pro­ recorded. After recording the numerical code in the vided. These are indicated in the schedule itself. For box. oroceed further for recordin!! the answer of the detcrmining the material of the roof. vou have to take sub-pal'! (ii) of the same question, namelv, whether into account the material out of which the au'rer roof the drinking water supply is within the' premises or 25 outside premises. If the water supply is ava'lable with­ 20.3. tf a garage is used by "a syrvant and he lives in the premises Write '1' in the box prov'ded. If the in it as a separate household, it should be ledmned as water supply IS not available within the premise'i, a room available tb the servant's hou%hold. If the write '2,' in the box provided. servant is considered as a member of the househbld then the garage room should be reckoned a~ an ad­ 17 .2 You may have a problem in determining ditional room of the household. Write the Dumber of whether water supply is available within the premises or rooms ava lable to household in the box prov~ded. not. Local condWons vary tremendously in this country. We may have a well, a hand pump or tube well with­ in the house or even the backyard of the house open­ 20.4. A living room which is shared by more than ing to a river or canal. In all such cases, if within the one households will not be counted for any of them. hoose site the source of water is located, we may In other words, only living room exclusively in posses­ take it that drinking water supply is available within sion of the household will be counted. For l!xample, the prem·ses. Otherwise it is not available within the if two households share a single living room and there­ premises, fore neither has a living room exclusively, write "No regular room" in the line and also enter "0" in the (b) Electricity box in the Household Schedule of each of the hou~e­ 18. It electricity is available to the household, holds. If two households have a living room each but enter '1' in the box; if it is not available record '2' in addition also share a commOn living room, then in the box. It should be noted that we are cOl'cerned common room wiU not be counted for either of the with the avaiLablity of electricity to the household as households. Th's question is not applicable to insti­ distinct from actual use of electricity by the house­ tutional and houseless househdlds In th case of such hold. The household mayor may not }'Ie min!' elec­ households put a cross (X) in the box. tricity at the time of the visit but the fact that it is ava;lable is what we are interested in. Q. 11: Number of married couples usually Jiving in (c) Toilet (for urban area OIl'ly) the household -19. This question is to be canvassed for urban areas 21. Enter the number of married couples usually only. If toilet facilities are available to the household living in the household in the box prov·ded ar!ainst within the premises of the house, write '1' in the box this question. Count those couples' who arc usually otherwise record '2'. ' living together in the household 'even if one of the Q. 10: Number of living rooms in occupation of spouses is temporarily absent and therefore not in­ household cluded as part of that household fOr tlle purpose of enumeration in Part II. You may take ;nto considera­ 20. A room should have four walls with a doorway tion such persons for arriving at the llumbt:r of with a roof over head and should be wide and long couples. enough for a person to sleep in, i.e., it should have a length of not less than 2 metres and a breadth of at­ 21.1. This question must be canvassed for house­ least I! metres, and 2 metres in height. A room. how­ less households also. However, in the case of institu­ e'Ye!, whic~ is used in common for sleeping, sitting, tional households, put a cross (X) in the box. dlmng, stormg and cooking, etc., should be rep-ard­ ed as a room. An unenclosed verandah, kitchen. store, garage, cattleshed and laterine and rooms in whiCh a Q. 12: Does the household cultivate land? household industry such as a handloom is located. which are not normally usable for living or sleeping 22. Enquire if the householf] is cult;vating land or are excluded from the definition of a living room for not. If the household cultivates lalld, enter '1' in the the purpose of this question. box provided, otherwise record '2' in the box. For determining whether a household ·s cuWvating land 20.1 One is likely to come aCfllSS conical &haped or not, if would be necessary to ascertain if one or hut Or tent in which humvn-beings reside. Tn sHch more persons in the Il0usehold Oil Heda t ~mum, ground-nut, rape, cultivating it. mustard, linseed, castor, etc. Q. 14: U Reodted, enter local name el teuey (v) Ganjll, cinchona, op'um and medicinal 24. If in Question 13 you have recorded 2 or 3, 22.3. Thejrowing of the following crops }till lIot i.e., the household cultivates rented land either \yBoUy be COl1sidere as cult:vatiofl : or in combination with owned land, ask the local name of the tenancy. This local name should be recocd¢ (i) PIaBlation crops: Tea, coffee, rubber, fully. For example, a household may be cultivating tobacco, pepper, cardamom, ele. land taken on mortgage. It is known by diflerqlt names in different parts of the country, like sudbharana. (i") Edi~ (otbet daan ground-nut): Wal­ etc. Again, a household may be cultivat:ng land as a nut, almond, cashewnut, etc. 'share cropper' and the tenancy is known by diffel:ent names in different parts of the country, like Batai, (iii) Fruif.: Bananas, apples, grapes, mangoes, tehai, bargadar, etc. You may also come across- cases oranges, etc. where the household cultivates laDn taken Oft· C8$h rent locally known in some parts of the country ~ (iv) Coconut. Lagan Par, etc. You have to record the local name ef the tenancy in all such cases. If a household cultivates (v) Ganja, cinchona, opium and medicinal different parcels of rented 'land under different sys­ plants. tems of tenancy, record here the local name -of tenancy relating to the largest parcel of such rented (vi) Betel-nuts (areca). land. . (vii) Flowers. (vii) Roots and tubers, chillies and spices (other Q. 15: Total population of tbe household than pepper and cardamom). 25. Enter the total population of the househQld ~n (ix) Vegetables. the hox provided. This should be done after you -fill up columns 1 to 7 of the Population Record. Tot~ (x) Other crops not speeifica.11y included under of entries in column 2 of the Population Record should cultivation. be copied here. FILLING UP OF THE HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE, PART II-POPULATION RECORD-COLUMNS 1 TO 7

26. Part II of Household Schedule gives the format 27.2. Please note that if a person has been away of the Population Record. There are altogether 35 from his normal or usual place of residence through­ columns in this form. You have already been told that out the enumeration per,od, he will not be eligible for columns 1 to 7 of this form shouid be filled up first enumeration as a member of the household in which before you take up the numeration of the inc! vidual he is a normal r{jsident. He will be enumerated where­ members of the household. It must be re-emphasised ver he is actually found during the enumeration period. that it is abSOlutely necessary to fill up columns 1 to Similary, a person who would have normally res:ded 7 of this form after you have filled in Part I of the at another place but has been absent from that place Household Schedule and before you take up indivi­ for the entire enumeration period, will be enumerated dual enumeration of the members of the household. by you if he is found in any household in your juris­ This w'll ma'nly help you in counting all members of diction as a visitor. Such persons should, however be the household, missing none, and in recording age of cautioned that they should not get themselves ~llU­ the individuals more precisely. merated again, in case they move from this place. '27. The next question that arises is as to who are Col. 1: Serial No. the persons to be em.merated in the household. In othel words, it is necessary to know who are the: per­ 28. This column relates to serial number auel sons who are eligible for enumeration. Generallll hardly calls for any explanation. However, in entering speaking, persons who are presei1t in the household the members of the household in the Population during the entire period of enumeration or who are Record it would be betier if some system is followed. known to be usual residents of the household and After entering the name and other particulats of th0 have stayed there for part of the enumeration perioe! head of the household (columns 1-7), you should or who are expected to return before the February 28, cover the near relations such as wife or husband of 1981 are elig"b1e to be enumerated as members of the the head of the househOld, sons and daughters eacn son's wife and children, each daughter's husb:1n'd and househo'd concerned. So also, visitors who may be pre­ children, then other re1at:ons such as brothers, sisters, sent III the household wh:ch is be'ng enumerated by you mother, father, etc., of the head of the househotu, and who have been away from their place of usual resi­ dence during the entire enumeration period will also then domestic servants, vis'tors, boarders if any, etc. Please see that all these persons must form part of be treated as residents of the household. the llOusehold and must be entitled to be enumeralt;d 27.1. Thus, when you visit a household for the in terms of the eligibility criteria spe1t out in the purpose of enumeration, you will enumerate the follow­ various paragraphs. Such a system hting and entcring ing persons : of particulars in the Population Record w 11 ensure that omissions are avo:ded, particularly of small children-. (i) All those who normally stay and are pre­ It will also help in cross-checking replies regarding sent in the household during the entire age. period of enumeration, i.e., from February 9 to February 28, 1981 (both days inclu­ 28.1. ONE WORD OF CAUTION-You must s've) ; ask probing quest'ons regarding relafons such cs un­ married sisters, parents, domestic servants and chil­ (ii) Also those who are known to be normally dren. Otherwise, the head of the household may not residing and had actually stayed during a part IIldicate that there are such persons as members of of the enumeration period (February 9-28, the household. Please make repeated enqu 'ries about 1981) but are not present at the time of your infants and very yOung children because they are often visit; liable to be left out of the cOunt. (iii) Also those who arc known to be normally Col. 2: Name residing and are not present at the time of your visit but are expected to return before 29. Again, this question hardly calls for "any ex­ February 28, 1981; and planation, The name of the person enumerated, start­ ing with the head of the househOld, should b~_ entered {tv) Vis' tors who are present in the household here. At this point you may please recall the provi­ censl1sed by you and are away from the sions of Section 8(2) of the Census Act reproduced p1acc(s) of their usual res'dence during the in paragraph 3. entire enumeration period. For the purpose of enumeration such vis;tors will be treated 29,1. Do not insist on the name of the female mem­ as normal res;dents of the household where ber of the household if the respondent does not volun­ they are actually found during the enumera­ teer to give it. Similarly, do not insist on a female tiOn per:od pro\< , ded they have not been respondent giving the name of her IwsbClnd or of any enumerated elsewhere. other relation if by custom she is forbidden to do so. 27 86 MJP(D)42DCOCa1.-3 28

In the case of imaIlits also some times the name may note serial number of the mother (column 1 gives her not be forthcoming. In all such cases it should suffice if serial number) against the child's name in column 3 in thiS column, you write so and so's wlfe or sister or after 'relationship to head' w.thin brackets. For pur­ motller or father or son or daughter as the case may pose of this question, step mother Or adopted mother be. It needs hardly any re-emphasis that the members will not be reckoned. of the household should be enumerated and entered in a systematic order as discussed above. In the case 30.2. However, there may be cases, where the 01 an institutional lumsehold, there may be a non­ mother though alive has not been enumerated in this resident 'Head'. He is not eligible to be enumerated household because she was not present during the as a member of this household. enumeration period and hence, 110t el' gible to be enumerated here. Please note that in such cases, 110 29.2 Household Schedule form which conta:ns attempt should be made to record her name here (or Population Record would hove been supplied to you the purpose of this question. in sufficient quantity. For each household you have to fill one form. Even if a form has been filled in for a 30,3. The following illustration will help you in one member household and there is enough space to understanding the instructions better: enter particulars of another household you should not make further use of the form. You should take up a fresh form for each household. However, if in a large Sex SI. Relatiomhip r-,.A..--., Marital household there are more persons than what the popu­ No. Name tOhea.d F Age status lation Record farm can accommodate, you should M continue the entries on the next form, but do not 2 3 4 5 6 7 forget to write the word "cont:nued" on the top of the next Household Schedule and Population Record which you are using. The word "continued" should ]. Smt.ABC Head V 53 W be written in capital letters and re-write the Location Code and Serial No. of the household in the second 2. Sbri DEF Son V 32 M Household Schedule form also. Other entries in Part I 3. Smt.GHI Son's w:fe y' 25 M of the second Household Schedule form ~ed not bIc filled in such cases. 4. ShrLJKL Son's Son(3) y' 5 NM and so on Col. 3 : Relationship to head (Indicate Serhll No. of mother with:n bmckets if present in the household for children upto 10 years) Col. 4 & 5: Sex 30. In this column you will have to record the r_e­ 31. For males, put t:ck V in column 4 and for lat:onship to head in full. In the case of the head write females put tick V in column 5 against the parti­ 'Head'. For others write the full relationship. Do not cular person. For eunuchs and hermaphrodites, put use words like 'nephew', 'niece' or 'uncle', 'aunt' but tick V under column 4. Verify the reference to the state whether brother's or sister's son or daughter (for name and relationship to -head recorded under nephew or niece) or father's or mother's brother, columns 2 and 3 respectively that yOll have noted the father's or mother's sister's husband (for uncle), or sex correctly. It is obvious that there cannot be a tick father's or mother's sister or father's or mother's in both columns 4 and 5 in the same line. brother's wife (for aunt). Son or daughter will include adopted son or adopted daughter or step son/daughter. Col. 6: Age For brother-in-law, write wire's brother or sister's 32. Record the age of the person in total years husband as the case may be. For grandson, write completed last birthday in the column. Very often son's son or dal.~hter's son as the case may be. In there is a tendency on the part of individuals to the case of visitors, boarders or domesfc servallis/ return 'years running' rather than the 'years completed'. cooks, etc., who are enumerated as members of the Make sure that only the actual number of years com­ household, write visitor, boarder or domestic servant! pleted is recorded. cook, as the case may be. In the caSe of an institutio­ nal household, however, all the members of the house­ 32.1 In respect of infants who might not have hold should be treated as unrelated. It is pass'ble that completed one year by the day of enumeration, their in a hostel, the resident super:ntendent's son or age in completed years must be shown as '0', as daughter also happens to be a boarder, wh;}e the they have not yet completed one year of age. As has superintendent h'mself!herself is the head. Even been stated earlier make sure that infants even if one here the relationship of his/her son/daughter should day old are invariably enumerated. You should not be recorded as unrelated, because it is an institutional enter the age in months. The age of an infant who household. has not yet completed one year should invariably be noted as '0' only. 30.1. In the case of children of age 10 years and below, please enquire if the mother of the child is 32.2. Age is one of the inost important items of present in the household, i.e., she is elig'ble for enu­ demographic data and you should ascertain the age meration ;0 this household and you have entered her with greatest care. Many persons, particularly in the name in column 2 of the Population Record and other rural areas often times do not give their age correctly. particulars in columns 3 to 7, In such a case, please They should be assisted to state the correct age by 29 stimulating their memory w:tb reference to any his­ Write'M' also for persons who are recognis­ torical event, etc., well-known in the area. Sometimes ed by custom or society as murr.ed und for the age can be ascertained with reference to the ag~ the persons in stable 4e facto union. EvCl!l of another person of a known age, who may be living if a maniage is d:sputed in the locality, in the same household or in the neighbour;ng house­ write 'M' if the perso'n concened says he hold or that of a well known person of the village such or she Cis married or is in stable de fc.:tto as Headman of the village. A person can then easily U~QD. say whetber he was older or younger than .such a person and by how niany years. This will help you t'o (q) For a widowed person whose husband or record the age more preci~ely. wife is dead, and who has not been married a~ain, write 'wt. 33. The advantage of recording all eligible mem­ bers of the household in the Populat:on Record (d) For a person who has been separated from co:umns 1 to 7 first shoukl now be obvious to you. wife or husband and is living- apart with no For, you will have an opportunity of checking ttle apparent intention of living together again consistency of the age reported ~or each member of or who has been divorced either by decree the household in relationship to the age of other of a law court or by an accepted social or religious custom but who has not re-married, members. In case of any doubt you can certainly write'S'. - • check back with the respondent and ascertain correct age which should be ,recorded here. (e) For an independent woman return he marital 34. Please recall the instructions which have been status as declared by her. given under column 3-Relationship to head. You are required to indicate against the name of a child 35.2. This question must be answered for llil of age 10 years and below the serial number of the person i~spective of age. For very young ch ldr~n, mother in brackets in column 3. When you find that though we may lu!ow that they are not marred, the the age of any ch'ld whose details you are enter:ng appropriate abbreviation must be entered. in the Population Record is 10 years or below, please go back to column 3 to make sure that you have 35.3. 'M' is the abbreviation for 'currently' married. entered the serial number of the mother in brackets The word 'currently' does not mean 'recently'. It against the name of such a child, provided of course only means 'at present'. For example, a man may b~ that the mother has also been enumerated as part 80 years old and may have been married 50 years of this household. ago, if his wife is still alive and the marriage subsists, they are 'cl;1rrently married'. Col. 7: Marital status 35. In answering this quesCon use the following 35.4. The only conditions for the marital status to abbrevia ions: be reckoned as 'currently married' are that the man and woman are both alive and that their marriage NM: Never married; subs'sts, i.e., they are not divorced or separated. M : Currently married; Please note that we are not concerned with the lega­ W : Widowed; lity of a union. S : Separated or Divorced. 36. Having filled in Part I-Household Particulars 35.1. The entry is to be made in the Olanner indi­ and columns 1 to 7 of Part II-Population Record, cated below: you are now set for taking up individual enumeration of all the members of the household listed in columll! (~,) For a person who has never been marr;ed at 2 any time before, write 'NM'. of the Population Record. Column 8 to column 35 of the Populafon Record are to be entered with referenCe (h) For a person currently married, whether to the entries made in the individual Slip. The instruc­ for the first or another fme and whose tions for making the entr'es in column 8 to column 35 marriage is, subsisting at the time of enu­ are given later, aHer the instruct:ons on the Individual meration with the spouse living, write 'M'. slip.


37. In this booklet, you have been toid that you of enumeration such visitors will be treateii will be required to canvass the Household Schedule as normal residents of the household where for each household and an Individual Slip, containing they are actually found during the enumera­ 16 questions with parts, for each individual in the tion period provided they have not been household enumerated in your jurisdiction. If you are enumerated elsewhere. an enumerator in a sample area, 6 additional ques ions will have to be canvassed. The operations will be Please note that if a person has been away from his carried out in two stages, (a) enumeration during the normal or usual place of residence throughout the period February 9, 1981 to 28, February 1981, and enumeration period, he will not be eligible for enume­ (b) revisional round between March 1, 1981 and ratIon as a member of the household in which he is March 5, 1981. You have also been told in paragraph a normal resident. He will be enumerated wherever he 13 that the reference date for the 1981 Census will is actually fountd during the enumeration period. be the sunrise of March 1, 1981. In the same para­ Similarly, a person who would have normally resided graph, instructions have been given as to ~ow the a. another place but has be{Ul absent fr.om that place revisional round should be conducted. for the entire enumeration period, will be enumerated by you if he is found in a.ny household in your 38. In paragraph 27 of this booklet, you have been jurisdiction as a visor. Such persons shOuld, how­ told as to who are the persons to be enumerated in a particular household of your jurisdiction. The inSTruc­ ever, be cautioned that they should not get themselves tions are beriefly recapitulated below. enumerated again, in case they move from this place." "Generally speaking, persons who are present in 39. In paragraph 26 of the booklet you have been the household during the entire period of enumeration told that columns 1 to 7 of the Popplation Record or who are known to be usual residents of the house­ (Part II of the Household Schedule) shOUld be filled hold and ha.ve stayed there for part of the enumera­ up first before you take up the enumeration of the tion period or who are expected to return before the individual paticulars of the household. In paragraphs February 28, 1981 are eligible to be enumerated as 28 to 35, you have, been ,old hop columns 1 to 7 members of the household coocerned. So also, visi­ of the population Record are to be filled. The con­ tors who may be present in the household which is cepts and definitions associated 'With each column being enumerated by you anq who have been away have also been exp~ained at al?pr?~riate places. Yl>U from their place of usual residence during th~ entire are now set for taking up the mdlVldual enumeration enumeration period will also be treated as res:~e~ts of of all the members of the household listed in column the household. 2 of the PopUlation Record. Thus, when you visit a household for the purpose 40. You will be required to fill up an Individual of enumeration, you will enumerate the following Slip (Universal) for each member of the household. persons: If you are an enumerator of a sample block or you (i) All those who normally stay and are present have been ailked to c(;anvass the sample questions in that household during the entire period of also in your block you will have to canvass the enumeration, i.e., from February 9 to relevant questions conta.ined in the Sample Slip which February 28, 1981 (both days inclusive); will be found on the reverse of the Individual SI:p (Universal) for each persons. The in.structions for (ii) Also those who are known to be normally filling up the IndiViidual Slip (Un:versal) are given residing and had actually stayed during a hereafter. Those for fillng up the Sample Slip will part of the enumeration period (February be given at the end of the ,instructionS of the Indivi­ 9-28, 1981) but are not present at t1!e dual Slip (Universal). time of your visit; (iii) Also those who are known to be normally INDIVIDUAL SLIP (UNIVERSAL) residi.ng and are not present at the time of 41. A specimen of the Individual Slip (Universal) your visit but are expected to return be­ fore February 28, 1981; and is g'ven on page 31 Please note that this document is marked 'Confidential' which means that the parti­ (iv) Visitors who are present in the household culars entered in thO s slip will have to be treated as censused by you and are away from the confidential. Your attention at this s'age is in-vited place(s) of their residence during the en­ to the relevant provisions of the Census Act 1948 re- tire enumerat,:on per:,od. For the purpose produced of this booklet. '

30 31

CONFICEf>JTIAL CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 INDIVIDUAL SLIP ( Universal) Pad No ...... Slip No...... Location Code . ( ; SI. No. of HOlisehofd [ ] ------~------=------~~~~~~~ 1 Name ..... -...... - ... -""'~-- .. --- .... -- ... - ..... -..... -...... - .. -- ... ------.. -- .. -- -.-_-_-_ ------_ ... ., __ ... _-_ ... --- .... -_"'-_ .. 2 Relationship to head _._". ______r- .... T..... ~ 8 Re!igion ______. ______: ...... : ...... :

: :~~ (; ~ ;~:=~Ie ~~~'-:-:~',' _n ,- on '-----. 9:: ~~~~:;'~: ~: ';;; -~;~;-;;;~,~:t:.:~ !:':':'H 1\ • Name of caste/tribe ______. r-.....: ...... r...... ~ : :::::::~ :,:::: :: :: .';:.:.::.; ::: ;.:.:.:.:::::::: ,11 L;;~~'; 1)/1 ;I;t;'~~ '(~;:::::: :~~::~~::t J -.. ___ "______-.. L .... L .... L...... ,...... 1 12 Educational attainment ______.. _.

7 Two other languages known ...... : ...... : ...... : . ------.... ¥------~--- ... f~n .... ~ ...... : .. H ....:- 1 ------l...... L· .. ··Oi. ,','.-,:', -_',', _',C,: _-: :,','_- _-,'_-,·,;I~:::L.· :1'.:·.·::~· .'.-::1 '13 Attending schoolicoilege.Yes(1 )Jt.!o( 2) __

Yes :...... ~ 14A Worked any time at all last year? _ - . ------. - -- ~ - . ------~ ------: ; No t Hji;> T/D/f41B~fO) :...... , 148 If y'es in 14"\, did YOU' ~ork fer major" part of la~ year? Yes (1 )/No (2) __ . ______.. ___ .. _l J . . . Yes in 149 (CjAL/HHIYOW) i .... · .. ; 15A~Mam actavlty-fast year? No in :14B (H/STjO/Rd3/I{O), :------1. .... )

If HH I/OW in f5A (i) Name of establishment ______~_ .. ____ r_ ...... ~p_ .. _"~ ...... __ .,._ .. _____ ...... _ ... _____ : ••••• '1.:" •••••• =-~ ..... ~ (ii) Des~ription of work ______;:-. _____ ..- __ " ______. ______~ ______.L ..... L.... L.... J

~ (Mi) Nature of industry, trade or service ------.. ------1..... T... "i..... 1 t ------. -.. ------.... · .. ·· ..· ...... ·1 .. ··· .. 1 ,.ttl'> Class of worker ______. ______J...... : 148 Yes-Any other work any time last year? Yes (CjALjHHljOW)/No f...... ·; 1.58 148 No-Work done any time fast year? (C!AL!HHljOW) ______u ___ 'L ... J

If HHIJOW in 15B (i) Name of establishment ______• ______: ...... , .... ": .. : . : (ii) 'Oescription of wOlk ______1.. .. :...... :.

(iii) Nat~re of industry, trade or service ------i'""

(iv) Class of worker_ .. _

16 If NQ in 14A or 14B,seekin~/avaiia~!e for 'tv'Grk? Yes (1 )/No (2) ______,, ______~--- 32

CENSUS OF iNDlA 1981 INOMOUAL IUP CONFIOENTIAL ('.... ) e fOIaU ...... ried women only (a) Age at marriage... ______-_ •• .0 (I),' Number of dHldfen surviying at pre.e'lt

MMe 0 femeleD Totel 0 2 L8str~

(a) Place of IaIt I"Midence ' (b) RUral (1)/Urben (2)._~~~~_-_-~_-_·:_·:;~--n (c) NuMber of chitdren ItVM born alive ~ -H D~ l : (C ) ...... ------... - ... - ... - ...... ,., ...... ,.. •••• t

(d) St_,Coumry ______h __ n_-L:i:i .. _J..._J..... ,.: MMe DODF__ Totat

. t Reasons f" rn!A!a1ion from ... ..

of faat relidence (Co6t)· ___ h_~ _____ ~' _--D ~ • 'or c,!*,!! Married women !!!'Y 4 Dunrtion of ,residence at ttw vi'!le or Any child born anv. during ,...... : .: town of enumerIltiOft. ______D ... one year ______. ______L ...1

*Empk)vment (1.) Education (2) F.miry moved (3.) Marriag. (-4) others (5; 33

Pad No. and Slip No. Si. No. of Household 43. The serial number of the household as givt:n 42. On the right h~nd to~ CQrner of the slip will in column 7 of the Abridged Houselist supplied t{l be found Pad No. and Slip No. You will have to you wJI have been entered by you in the Household note the Pad No. on each slip of the pad. The Pad Schedule at the apP::OI,riate place. This number has No. will have been indicated on the cover page ot to be entered on each slip of the members in relat" on to the pad supplied to you by your Charge Officetr/ a particular household. It would be worthwhile your Supervisor. The Slip Nos. for each pad will run from reaa~rng; the instru~lons given -!lnder paragrapp 3 1 to 50 or 1 to 25, as the case may be. In some pads, of th;s booklet at this stage. the actual number of IndMdual Slips may, by mistake in binaing, be 11 little IlIore or littl~ less. The last serial number in such pads will, therefore, vary ac­ Q. 1 ; Name cordingly. The idea 's that every slip should be al­ 44. This question hardly calls for any explanation. lotted the Pad No. already assigned by your Charge It is obious that the name of each member of the OffiCers well as the distinct serial number on each household will have to be filled against this question slip in a sequence starting froIll 1. on different slips. At this point! you will be well-ad­ vised to recall the instructions. LQcatioD Code 45. Please remember that you hGl,le to fill in one 42.1 You will have to note the Location Code Individual Slip tor each member ot the ho~sehold re­ on each slip, as per instructions given in paragraph corded in column 2 of the Population Record. Please 2 of this booklet. Your Charge Officer Of Supervi­ also remember to fiJI the slips relating to the members sor would have already indicated to you the complete of the houJehold in the sequence in which the names Loeation Code of the rural or urban block assigned of the members of the household have been entered to ypu and noted thes~ particulars on the cover page in column 2 of the Population Record. of the pad. The Location Code consists of five ele­ ments, namely, State/Union Territory code, District, code, Tehsil/Taluk/PS/DeveloplUent Block/Circle or Q. 2 ; Relationship to bead Town code, village or the ward code (each separated by oblique stroke and enumeatidn block (EB) 46. It will be noticed that enough space has been District and Charge code (Tehsil, etc., or Town) provided for writing the relationship to head. You would have been rubber-stamped on each slip of the should record the re;ationship to head in full. The pads suplied to you. such cases, you will have to instructions in this regard are given in th:s booklet enter the remaining two elements namely, village or which may be read for refreshing your memory. In ward and EB code. If however, no such rubber­ the caSe of the head of the household, write "Head". Stamping has been done, you will have to write the Please do not write anyth;ng in the do:ted boxes. full Location Code consisting of the aforesaid five elements, as given by your Charge Officer or Super­ Q. 3 : Male(I)/Feml'Ie (2) visor, on each Individual Slip. It is advisable to Note the Location Code on each slip at home before start­ 47. For ma:e, write '1' and for female, write '2' ing actual enumeration, so that you do not waste in the box provided agains.t this quesfon. For eunuchs your valuable time in the field in fiWng up the Loca­ and hermaphrodities, write '1' i? the. box. Verify with tion Code. Please not that the code for town is to be reference to the name and relattonshlp to head record­ wiven in Roman numbers, while codes for other units ed under columns 2 and 3 respectively of the Popula­ will be given in international numerals. For example, tion Record that you have noted the sex correc Iy. Location Code 2/10/3/46(138) would mean enumera­ tion block No. 138 falling in vi'llage No. 46 in Tehsil No. 3 of District No. 10 in State N0. 2. Similarly, <1, 4 : Age Locmion Code 1O/6/II/5(22) would mean enumera­ tion block No. 22 fallmg in ward No. 5 af Town No. 48. Record the age of the person in total y~ars II in District No. 6 of State No. 10. .. - compared last birthday in the ree angle prov d~d against this question. The age should b~ recorded In internatiollal numerals. Very often, there IS a tend_elley 42.2 If by any chance, you have been put in, on the part of individuals to return 'year rUllnl:ng' charge of more than one enumeration bl_9ck, please rather than 'years completed'. Make sure that only make sure that you have separa1le pads for each the actual number of years completed is recorded. In enumeration block. Do ®t USe the same pad for respect of infants who m'ght not have completed one different enumeration blocks even if blank forms are year by the day of enumeration, their age in complet­ :available in a particular pad. ed years must be shown as '0' as they have not yet ~ completed one year of age. Make sure that i'nfants 42.3 Please note that the Location Code tallies even if one day old are :nvariably enumerated. You with the Location Code indicated in the fil!ed in Ab­ shoud not enter the age in months. The age of an ridged Houselist and the Household Schedule on the infant who has not yet completed one ye8f should basis of whi.ch you are Qllumerating the individuals invariable be no"ed '0' Daly. It will ~e useful t? recall in a particular household. the instructions in this booket in thIS connectlOn. 34

Q. 5: Marital status household may consist of persons retatled by b:ood or of unrelated persons or a mix of both, it is absolutely 49. Intructions given under the booklet may be fol­ to ask of every person about his mother tongue be­ lowed. You w;ll have to use the following abbrevia· cause the mother tongue of each member of a house­ tions in answering this question: hold need not necessarily be the same-these may be For never-marr¥ed, write 'NM' different for different pe..t.:sons in the household. For currently married, write 'M' Q. 7 : Two other languages known For widowed, write 'W' 51. You have recorded the mother tongue in Ques­ For separated or divorced, write'S' tion 6. Enquire whether the pelson knows any other language, Io:dian or foreign, and write languages return­ 49.1. The entry as above will have to be made on ed by hom/her on the lines and not in the dotted b~xes, the line and not in the dotted box. against this question. In case he/she does oot know any language apart from his/her mother tongue, put 'X' NOTE: The entries in Quest;on 1 to 5 cOr/'es­ on the line aga:nst this question, pond to the entries in columns 2 to 7 oj the Population Record and you will be well advised to make a tally of the entries 51.1. The number of languages recorded under this as and when you are filling up on Indivi­ question should not be more than two. These languages dual Slip for each of the members enter­ should be other than the mo her tongue of the person ed in column 2 of the Population Record. enumerated and these should be recorded one after the other in the order in which the person speaks and understands them best and can USG with understanding Q. 6 : Mother tongue i:n communicating wi h others. The person need not necessar'ly be able to read and write these languages. It 50. Mother tongue is the language spoken in is enough if he/she has a working knowledge of these childhood by the person's mother to the person, If the two languages to enable h:m/her to converse in those mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken languages ,vith understanding. Please do not write all\Y­ in the person's home in childhood will be the mother thing in the dotted boxes. tongue. In the case of infants and deaf m!:!tcs, the language usually spoken by the mother should be re­ Q. 8 : Religion corded. In case of doubt, the language mainly spoken

53.1. If the person belonging to a Scheduled Caste there is any doubt about a person's ability to read or Or a Scheduled Tribe returns IllS/her CDste or tribe by write, the test that may be applied for reading is his/ a synonym or generic name of a ca~te or a tribe, it her ability to read any portion of the printed matter should be reckoned as Scheduled Caste Or Scheduled in the Enumerator's Instruction Booklet (provided TrIbe only 1£ the name finds place in the ~ist furnished the person is familiar with the language used in the to you. SImilarly, if the answer to this question is in booklet) and similarly, for writing, he/she should be general terms, like Harijan/GirijJn or Aehhut/ Adi­ able to write a simple letter. Ability merely to sign vasi, you should not reckon the person enumerated as one's name is not adequate to qualify a person as belonging to Scheduled Caste/Schedul.;·d Tribes, as being able to write with understanding. If a person the case may be. In such a case, yOU should ascertain claims to be literate in some other language with the name of the castel ribe fully and if that name which the enumerator is not acquainted, the respon­ finds place in your Est, you should reckon the person dent's word has to be taken as correct. Other mem­ as belonging to Schedu'ed Caste or Scheduled Tribe, bers of the household may also be able to testify to as the case may be. If a person is negligent and in­ the literacy of the person enumera ed. sists on calling himself/herself merely 'Harijan' or 'Achhut' or 'Adivasi' or 'Girijan', as the case may be, 55.2. For a person who is illiterate, i.e., who can or reports the synonym or gener;c name of a caste or neither read nor write or can merely read but cannot tribe p:ease tell him/her that this description is not write in lan~uage, write '2' in the box aga'nst 'his adequate for census purposes and persuade him/her question. All children of the age of 4 years or less to give the actual name of the Scheduled &aste or should be treated as illiterate even if the child is Scheduled Tribe. This may bring out he actual name going to a school and may have picked up reading of the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the and writing a few odd words. cast may be, and record or in the box as may be '1' '2' Q. Educational attainment applicable. If the person merely claims to be a Sche­ 12 : duled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, but says that hel 56. This question will be asked of only those who she does not belong to any of the no ified communi­ are lit~rate and for whom '1' has been recorded aga~nst ties applicable to the area as reflected in the list sup­ QuestIon 11. For a person who is illiterate and for plied to you, he/she w;ll not be reckoned as belong­ whom '2' has been recorded in the answer to Ques­ ing to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe. ~on 11, there is no question of ascertaining the educa­ tional attainment even if he/she had at some stage 53.2. Scheduled Castes can belong to Hindu or ded Sikh rel;gion. If a person belong to S.C., he/she will atte!1 . s:hool and passed a standard and had relaps­ be either 'H' or'S' In the answer to Question 8: ed lllto IllIteacy. In such a caser you should put a dash. (-). ae in<1<;til1p" that a dash (-) should be Religion. Scheduled Tribes can belong to any religion. W~ put If there IS no educational attainment at d nn Q. 10: Name of caste/tribe cro~s (X), because we want to avoid confus;on wlt" 1 Oth standard ~hich a cross may signify. You will 54: For the person recorded as a Scheduled Caste, have to ~scerta!ll and record the highest educat;onal i.e., code '1' in the box against Quesll;on 9, write the !e~~l attamed by a person for literates, i.e., for wloom name of the caste in full on the lines and not in the 1 IS recorded in answer to Question 11. dotted boxes. For those for whom code '2' (that is S.T.) is recorded in the box against Question9, write 56.1. For a person who is still studying in a 1)arti­ the name of the tribe in full on the lines and not in ~lar class,. the highest educational level attained by the do~ted boxes. hIm/her w·n be o~e th~t he/she has actually passed and not the one 111 which he/she is studying. Fo 54.1. Please check that the name of caste/tribe, as example, a person studving- in 1st year B.A. shol1lJ the case may be, appears in the list of Scheduled be recorded as only 'PUC' or 'Higher Secopdary' as Castes/Scheduled Tribes supplied to you by your ~he case may be. Similarlv, for a person studying ~ay Charge Officer or Supervisor. III the 4th vear of M.B.B.S., his/ber educa~;ond Rtta;r,~ n:ent should he 3rd vear of M B B S, whkh is the 54.2. For those persons for Whom 'X' has been hIghest level he/she has actual'y at'ained You m t recorded against Question 9, there will be no entry record the 2ctua1 standard na~~ed su~h as. TTT st

56.3. In recording the educational level of a gradu. may be told that he has to fold the form, paste and ate Or a post-graduate, the major subject such as B.Sc. post it. No postage will be required as th·s will be (Maths.). M.A. (Economics). M. Sc. (Botany), B.Sc. paid by the addressee. (Agr~culture), etc., should be noted. You should not use abbreviations which are not in common use. In such cases, the degree or diploma should be spelt out Q. 13: Attending school/college, Yes (1)/No-(l) fUlly. For example, M.A. (Hindi) and diploma in Library Science or M.A. (Soc.) and Diploma in 58. After you have recorded the answer to Ques­ Labour Relat:ons. Adequate space has been pro~ided tion 12, you have further to ask whether the person in the slip and you are urged to record the qualIfica­ Whom you are enumerating is attending any school or tion accura ely and in sufficient detail. This inforn.Ia­ college. If the answer is 'Yes', you have to record '1' don is v:tal for manpower planning and should recelVe in the box provided against this ques:ion. If the answer your careful attention. is 'No', you should record '2' in the box. Please note that illiterates (code 2 aga'nst Ques:ion 11) can be found attending school. Therefore, this quesfon should be asked of all persons, includ:ng elderly men and 57. Whenever, you come across graduates or post­ women. graduates as also those with a technical diploma .or degree and those with ceI1Jificates from the IndustrIal Traiojng Institutes (ITI) , you will have to issue to 58.1. In recording answers to this question you are such persons 'Degree Holder and Technical Personnel not requ·red to ascertain whether the school/college Schedule' and ask the person(s) concerned to fill the being at'ended by the person enumerated is a recog­ schedule which will be collected by you during your nised or unrecogn!sed institution. The choice should rev':sional round between March 1 to 5, 1981. You be left fo the respondent as to whether the person is will be supplied with adequate number of Degree Hol­ attend'ng school/college. Thus, jf a person is receiving der and Technical Personnel Schedules and you are education through a correspondence course or attend­ urged to issue as many schedules as there might be ing some vocational course or attending the Adult graduates or post-graduates Or technical diploma or Education Prol!ramme and returns himself uS attend­ degree hoders in the household that you have enume­ ing school/college, he/she will be entered as snch rated. This :nformation will be readily available when and code '1' will be recorded in the box against this you have ascertained information regarding educational question. attainment aga'nf>t Question 12 of the Individual Slip. While issuing the Degree Holder and Technical Per­ ECONOMIC QUESTIONS sonnlel Schedule for each eligible person in the house­ hOld, you should not he Location Code in the Schedule 59. In the 1981 Census we intend collecting infor­ while issuing it. You should put a tick (v) against mation regarding the econom'c acrvity of the people in Question 12 of the person concerned for whom a great detail so that those who use these data have the Degree Holder and Techn:cal Personnel Schedule has type of information they want. The eConomic ques­ been issued. You will be required to furnish a state­ tions consist of three parts, namely : ment gi.ving the number of blank schedules issued to you, number of schedules issued to elrgible persons, number of filled in schedules collected by you and I ';1. 1 t \_ IV )c\od ny titlP /1.+ "II last yc"r?N~~~jST/DjR/BjljO number of blank schedules returned by you to your Q. 14Bif va, h 14<\, d;rl YOUWJrk [or m.jor pa.rtofla.st Supervisor. Therefore, it is necessary that you identify ye,H? yes (1) No (2) with the help of a tick ( \/) aga;nst Question 12 of II \...... Yesill14B (Cf_AL/HHT/OW the persons concerned for whom a Schedule Q. 15, M.ttn actIVIty la.st year. No in l4B (H/STjDjRjBfI/O) has been issued in oder to give an accurate account of schedules issued to eligible persons. During your rev:­ Q I5B14~_ Yes. j. ly other work a.ny time Ia.st yea.r? sional round between March 1 and 5, 1981 about wh'ch . Ye' (C/AL/HHI/OW)j~') instructions are given in this booklet, you must please 14B XI) -'VHkdo19 ",ytime last year collect all the filled in Degree Holder and Techn·cal «('(4.L/H.3.I/OW) - -_ -- Personnel Schedules issued by you to the members of III '",l If) If N);'1 ltA or 11B .'3ceki'lg/,w"ila.ble for work? the household ;n your jurisdiction and hand them over Yes (1)/No (2) to your Superv:sor. While collecting the Degree Hol­ 59.1. These ques:ons must be canvassed for every der and Technical Personnel Schdeule, you must put person, irrespective of nifv that the filled ~n schedule in respect of that instructions for filling these questions follow. indiv:dual has been collected. If, however, any parti­ cular ind'vidual in a household says that he has not 59.2. These questions are meant to get details of the been able to find time to fill in the scbedule, you may work done by the people with reference to last year. please request him to do so immediately and post ;t We may, therefore, first consider what is meant by .at the nearest post office or letter box. 1'he ind:vidual 'work' and what the 'reference period' is. 3i

Definition of work choice as to which of these two would be his/her main activity should be left to him/her. Those who 60. Work may be defined as participation in any have returned 'No' for Question I4B, i.e., those who economically productive activity. Such participation may have worked for less than six months or 183 days be physical or mental In IljatUle. Work involves not during the last year and for whom code '2' has been only actual work but also effective supervision and recorded in the box, will have to state whether accord­ direction of work. ing to them, they were engaged mainly in household Reference Period duti:es, or as student, or dependent or as retired per­ son, rentier, or beggar or inmates of institutions, and 61. In all t!te questions, the reference period is the if not in any of these categories, the person(s) shou.ld one year preceding the da e of enumeratlOn. Certain be put under 'Other' in Question I5A. types of work such as agrJculture, household industry like, gUT' making etc., are carried in either throygllout 62.3 In Questit'1l I5B, details of secondary work the year or only during certain seasons or parts of the or marginal work are sought to be obtained. Those year, depending on the local circumstances. In such who have worked for we major part of the year, i.e. cases what we are concerned with is the bload time­ those for whom '1' has been recordec! in the box span of the agicultural seasons preceeding the enume­ against Question I4B, may have had secondary work ration. and this should be entered in Question 15B. Those who have not worked for the major part of the year Explanation and for whom code '2' has been recorded in the box against Question I4B, must have done some marginal 62. There should be no confusion regarding these work and these details will be entered in Question questions. What we are trying to find out is the num­ ISB. It is important that probing questions are asked ber of workers and since workers can be full-time to elicit correct inf(ltmation in this question. workers or seasonal workers or marginal workers, it is necessary to collect data that will give us the correct 62.4. In Question 16, it is proposed to ask all per­ picture. This is what Questions 14A and 14B and sons returning 'No' in Question 14A, i.e. H/ST/D/R/ Ques ion 15A and ISB seek to do. The detailed B/I/O in Question I4A or 'No' in Question I4B, i.e., explanation and instructions for each of these ques­ code '2' in Queston 14B, whether he or she has been tions are given separately but it will be useful ~f we seeking work or is available for work. . look at these toge her to understand their purpose better. 62.5. It will thus be seen that these questions on economic aspects have been so designed as to identify 62.1.Question 14A seeks to find out if a person has all the workers, regular or seasonal, and non-workers done any work at all during the last year or whether with reference to the activities during the last one he or she d:d not work ~t all rlnd if it is the latter, year prior to the date of enumeration. It is very how the petson spent his/her time as a non-worke Important to remember that the period referred to in Then Qnestion 148 seeks [0 fino out who among tl e Questions I4A, I4B, 15A and 15B is one year pre­ persons returning 'Yes' in Question I4A had worked ceding the enumeration. Thus, if in some areas, a for the major part of the year. By major part of the person has been a cultivator or an agricultural year, it is intellided to find out how many had worked labourer, or has worked in an industry, etc., only in for 183 days or more or in other words, worked for 6 one season i.c., less than 6 months/I83 days he/she months or more. Those who have worked for 183 days is not to be treated as a worker for Question I4B. or more, will answer 'Yes' for Question 14B. For them His/her economic activity will be reflected in Ques­ code '1' has to be recol1ded in the box. But those who tion I5B. Thus, all those returning 'Yes' in Qllestion have worked for less than six months or 183 days will 14A must be netted as 'Yes' in Question I4B or in say 'No', and for them code '2' is to be recorded in Question I5B or both. the box for this question. Question 15A seeks to elicit information on the main activity of the workers in 63. Certain important points that need special em­ Question 14B, i.e. those for whom '1' has been record­ phasis are the following and these should be kept in ed in the box. It will also elicit information about the mind: main activity of the 'marginal workers' covered in (i) A person who normally works but has been Question I4B, i.e., those who have returned 'No' and absent from work during the reference for whom '2' has been recQrded in the box against period on account of illness, holiday, tem­ Question I4B. porary closure, strike, etc., must be treated '()2.2. The person may have worked for six monfhs as en~aged in the work he/she would other­ -Or 183 days or more in more than one activity. For wise have been doing but his/har tempo­ example, he/she may have worked for 3 months in rary absence. cuWvation, one month in gur making and 3 months (ii) Persons under train;ng such as apprentices, as an agricultural labourer. In Question 15A, he/she with or without stipends or wages. should is required to indicate which of these three activities be treated as workers. according to him/her was his/her main activity, i.e., in which capacity he/she spent more time. In the (iii) A person who has merelv been offered work instant case since the person has soont three months but has not actually ioined yet, should not each in cultivation -;md as agricultural labourer the be treated as engaged in this work. 38

(iv) A man or woman Wh0 is engaged primarily recorded, but 'I' should be recorded. A in household duties such as cooking for own question arises as to wh:lt should be de~me

68. It must be remembered that a man or a wo­ labourer ar cultivator and may also be attending to man who is doing only household duties or making household duties. Such a person is of course a worker someth:ng only for domestic consumpt~on (and not for and will be categorised appropriately in Question 15A sale) is not doing any work in census terminology. later, and she will be recorded as 'Yes' 5.n Question It is true that a housewife may be working harder than 14A. the others in the horne because she has to cook, look after the ch ldten, run the house, etc., but for the pur­ 72.3. It will be necessary for you to ask probing poses of census she is not a worker. questions, particularly in the case of women, to find out if they have any economic activity, even if it is 69. In th:s question every worker (even marginal marginal, apart from household duties. If they have, workers) will be ident~fied and in the(r cas,;s the they would be workers for the purposes of Ques­ answer will be 'Yes'. You must enquire regard ng each tion 24A, but the fact that they are ma nly engaged person that you enumerate, whether he or she worked in household duties will be reflected in Question 14B anytime at all during the la~t year. Even if the person and 15A as we will see later. has worked only for a few days, you have to record him/her as 'Yes', against th·s question. Students-ST 70. If the indi.vidual has not worked at all dur'ng 73. This will cover all full-time students and ch;Id­ the last year, the answer w:ll be 'No'. Then ascertain ren attending school. For student, write 'ST'. how he or she spent his or her time and record 'H' or 'ST' or 'D' or 'R' or 'B' or 'I' or '0' as the case 73.1. If a student participates in some economically may be, below the line aga'nst this question. productive work, say by help~ng sometimes as an un­ paid family worker in family cultivaf on, or in house­ 71. In Question 14A we are trying to find out hold industry, trade or business, such student sho~ld whether a person has worked any (me or has been be treated as a worker for the purposes of QuestlOn a non-worker throughout. If he or she '8 a non-worker 14A and not as a student. In such cases, even though throughout, the category has also to be ascertained such a person is no doubt rna 'nly a student, he or she which is as follows: is a worker for the purposes of Quest:on 14A. The fact that such a person is mainly a student, w]l be (i) Household duties-H reflected in Question 14B and 15A, as we shall see later. (i,:) Student-ST 73.2. Please note that a person has to be a full-time (iii) Dependents-D student for being class;tied as 'ST' in Question 14A. (iv) Retired persons or rentiers--R For example, a person who is ma:nly attending to household duties but taking a correspondence course (v) Beggars, etc.-B or attending part-fme classes will not be classified as 'ST' but would be 'R' in Question 14A. (vi) Inmates of institutions-I 73.3. Please do not presume that a person does not (vii) Other non-workers-O do any work because he is a student. It is very :mpor­ tant to ask probing questions from students so as to The symbols which should be used to indicate these net marginal workers. categories are also shown above against each category. 73.4. Please note that in most houses, the daughters 72. The definitions of the seven categories of !10n­ help in the household work though !hey are s!udying workers are given in the following paragraphs. full1-time. In such cases we are more nterested III find­ ing out if they are students and for th:B purpose you Household duties-H must ask if such girls are students or not. If they are, ,they should be recorded as 'ST' and not as 'R'. 72.1. This covers all persons who are engaged in unpaid home duties and who do no other work or Dependents-D have not done any work at all during the last one year. Such persons should be entered as 'R'. 74. This category includes all dependents such as infants or children not attending school or a person 72.2. If a person who normally attends to house­ permanently disabled from work because of illness or hold duties is also engaged in some economic activity, old age. then he or she is a worker for the purposes of Ques­ tion 14A and not a non-worker. For example, a house­ wife may help in family cultivation or agriculture or 74 1. Dependents will include even able-bodied make and sell cowdung cakes at odQ times, or pre­ persons who cannot be categorised in any othr cate­ pare papad, achar, etc. and sell them. She is a worker gory of non-worker but are ~ependent on ot~ers. and should be recorded as 'Yes' in Question 14A though However, if such a person who IS dependent on o.hers she is mainly a housewife. On the otber hand, a wo­ for subsistence as seeking work, h~ or she should be man may be working in a factory or office or as a categorised as '0'. 40

74.2. If a girl or an old women att~nds to b_ouse­ education or has stopped studying and is looking for hold duties she should be categorised as 'H' rather than work will come under this category. A pey~on who is 'D'. As you are aware, many persons may be depen. merely spendmg his/her time at home as a dependent dents in the general sense of the wor9 but are also and tis not doing any work and is not seeking any doing househOld work, studying or looking for work. work will come under 'D' rather than '0'. A persoh In such cases, they should be entered as 'H', 'ST' or irrespective of age and whether educated or not, if he '0' as the case may be, and not as 'D'. It is, there­ or she reports that he or she is not engaged in any fore, necessary for you to ask whether a person who other actiVIty but is seekmg WOrk w.ll come under this is said to be dependent is s udying or looking for work, category. etc., and if so, categorise him or her a~rPing1y rather than as 'D'. Such persons would particularly include 78.1. It must be noted that this category includes unemployed daughters, sisters, brothers, etc. only those who do not fall dntp any of the other cate· gones of non-workers discussed earlier. There may be Retired persons or ReDtiers-R cases of students who may be seeking work and quite prepared to give up stud es if they got a job. Such per­ 75. A person who has retired from service and is sons are students (ST) for Question 14A. The fact doing do other work, i.e., not employed again in some that they are seeking jobs will be reflected in Ques­ full-time work Or not engaged in some other work tion 16. Thus, category '0' need not necessarily re­ such as cutivation, business, trade, etc. or a pesron present all those who are seeking work. who is a rentier or living on agricultural or non-agri­ cultural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other person Q. 14B : If yes in 14A, did you work major part of of independent means for securing which he/she does last year? Yes (1)/No (2) not have to work, will come under Ithis category. 'R' should be noted for a person coming under mis cate­ 79. As mentioned earlier, through QUestion 14A gory in the space provided. you have classified all people dnto two broad streams of workers and non-workers. In doing so, workers 75.1. However, in such cases also a careful probe is would include a] those who have worked irrespective necessary. A retired person may be drawing pension of the quan urn of their contribution to the economy. and be doing some work, as for example, a retired Even marginal workers are categorised as workers in engineer may be working as a contractor. In such cases, Question 14A. he/she is a worker and should be entered as such. 79.1. Having found out that the person had worked Beggars, etc.-B any time at all during the last year (Yes in 14A), you have now to ascertain whether the person worked 76. This will cover beggars, vagrants or cases such for the major part of last year. By major part of last as persons without indication of source of income and year, is meant that the person had worked for 183 those with unspecified sources of subsistence who are days or more, or in other words worked for six months not engaged in any economically productive work. or more. If the answer to this quest.on is in the aflirma­ 76.1. For such persons, 'B' should be written in tive you should record '1' in the box against Question the space provided. 14B. If the person has worked for less than six months or 183 day~ during the last year, you shOUld record Inmates of institutions-I '2' fOr that person in this question. 77. This will cover convicts in jails or inmates of 79.2. A person may have worked in different capa­ a penal, mental or charitable institution, even if such cities dur;ng last year. For example, he/she may have persons are compelled to do some work such as cat­ worked as a daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an pen~ry, carpet weaving, ~~rabIe growing, etc., in agricultural labourer for 1 month and as a cultivator such institutions. But an undertrial prisoner enumerat­ for 2 months. There could even be breaks in between ed in a jail should be recorded for the work he/she the different types of work performed by him Iher. Tn was doing before he/she was apprehended. Similarly, computing whether the persoll worked for major part a person temporarily in a hospital or similar institution of the year, you should reckon all the three spells of should be recorded for the kind of work he/she was economic activity and if it safsfies the concept of work doing before he/she was admitted into the hospital or for major part of the year, treat him/her as 'Yes' for institution. But for a 1011lg~term undertrial prisoner or Question 14B and record '1' in the box. Similarly if convict in a prison or for long~term inmates of penal the total period of work falls short of six months or or charitable or mental institutJ:oos, the person's previ­ 183 days, treat him/her as 'No' and record '2' in the ous work should not be recorded, but'!' should be box for that person. recorded. A person will be considered as "long-term" if Q. 15A : Main activity last year? he or she is in such an: insti~ion for 6 months or more. Yes in 14B (C/AL/HHI/OW) Other non-workers-O No in 148 (H/ST/D/R/B/I/O) 78. This will include all non-workers who may not 80. In Question 14B you- would have ascertained come under any of the above six categories but who whether a person had worked for major part of the are looking for work. They should be noted as '0' in year or not. Now in Quest;on 15A, you will be required the space provided. A boy or girl who has completed to ascertain his or her main activity during last year. 41

That is to say how he or she engaged himself or herself Important mostly. Main activity of a person who was engaged in more than one activity will be reckoned in terms of 84. For certa:n reasons, the growing of certain time disposition. For example, if a person has. worked crops is not considered as agriculture. If a person is as a daJy wage labourer [or 4 months, as an agncultural engaged in the growing of such crops he or she wilL labourer for 1 month and as cultivgtor for 2 months and not be considered as a cultivator or agr;cultllral for him/her you have recorded '1' in the box: against labourer. Quest,oll 14B, then that person will be reckoned as 84.1. You must remember that a person can be daily wage labourer for Que~tion 15A and you will classified as a cultivator or as an agricultural labourer record 'OW' on the line (and' not in the box), since hel only o.n the basis of the crops grown. The grow llg she spent more time in th:s ~ct!vity than as a cultivator of the following crops is considered as cultivation. Or agricultural labourer. Slmllarly, for a person for Therefore, a person who grows these crops or who whom you have recorded '2' in the box in Question works on land on which these crops are grown can 14B, you shouid ascertain how he or she spent his/.her be classified either as a cultivator or an agricultural time mostly as a non-worker and record the approprIate labourer as the case may be. symbol below the line in the space prov:ded and not in the box. . (i) Cereal and mitlet crops: Paddy, wheat, jowar, bajra, ma'ze, ragi, barley, gram_, etc. 81. The main activity of workers is classified into (ii) Pulses: Arhar, moong, masur, urd, khesari, four categories, viz., cu!tivatnr, agricultural labourer, etc. household industry, and other work. These terms are expla:ned below. (iii) Fibre crops: Raw cotton, jute, mesta, sun­ hemp and kindred fibre crops. Cultivator (iv) Oil seeds: Sesamum, ground-nut, rape, 82. For purposes of the census a person is working mustard, linseed, castor, etc. as Cultivator if he or she is engaged eilher as employer, (v) Cash crops: Sugarcane. single worker or family worker in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from pLvate persons or institut'ons for payment in money, kind or The growing of the following crops will not be share. Cultivation includes supervision or direction of considered as cultivation: cultivation. (i) Plantation crops: Tea, coffee, rubber, tObacco, pepper, cardamom, etc. 82.1. A person, who has given out his/her land to another person or persons for cult vation for money, (ii) Edible nuts (other ground-nnt) : Walnut, kind or share of crop and who does not even supervise nut, almond, cashewnut, etc. or direct cultivation of land, will not be treated as culti­ (iii) Fruits: Bananas, apples, grapes, mangoes, vator. Similarly, a person working in another person's oranges, etc. land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural labourer ) will not be treated as cultivator (iv) Coconut. in this question. (v) Ganja, cinchona, opium and medicinal plants. 82.2. Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and harvesting and production of cereals and millet crops (vi) Betal nuts (areca). such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and other (vii) Flowers. crops such as sugarcane, ground-nuts, tapioca, etc., and pulses, raw jute and kindred fibre crop, cotton, (vii') Roots and tubers, chillies and 1>pices (other etc., and does not include fruit growing, vegetabl~ than pepper and cardamom). growing or keeping orchards or groves or working of plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona and other (ix) Vegetables. medicinal plantarons. For a person who is a cultivator, (x) Other crops not specifically included under write 'C' in the space provided. cultivation.

Agricultural labourert 85. Please remember that you must use the abbre­ viati?ns given in the instruct:ons, namely, 'C' or 'AL'. 83. A person who works in another person's land It wl~l be ev' de.nt that you will have to ask a specific for wages in money, kind or share should be regarded questIon regardIllg the crops grown in all cases where as an agr'cultural labourer. He or she has no risk in one merely says helshe is a cultivator or an agri­ the cultivation bnt he/she merely works in another cultural labourer. person's land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of lease or contract on land on which hel Household Industry she works. 86. For a. persC'n who returns h's/her main activity 83.1. For a person who returns his/her economic as enga¥ed III some production, processing, servicing activity as agricultural labourer, write 'AL' in the Or reprur of articles or goods such as handloom space provided. weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling, pottery 42

manufacture, bicycle reparing, blacksl!rithy, tailoring, 86.7. Certain activities even though conducted by etc., It has to be ascertamed If it is a household members of the same household will not constitute a indusuy and if so, it should be indicated by the Household Industry. These are indicated below and abbreviatiOn 'HHI' m the space provided. thereiore the members of the family working i!l such industries will be classified as 'OW' and nOt 'HHI'. 86.1. Household Industry is defined as an industry conducLed by the head of tlle household himsed/her­ (i) Plantation work. self and or by, the members of the household at home Or within the v !lage III rural areas and only within (ii) Livestock maintenance and plOducron such the prccints ("~ Lhe house where the household lives as cattle, goats, sheep breeding, poultry farms, in urban arCl,S. The larger proportion of workers in a bee-keeping, reaLng of sIlk worm and pro­ houscllold llldustry should consist of memb{(rs of the duction of cocoons and raw s(lk, Ploduction household including the head. The industry should of milk, eggs, honey, wax, llones, etc. not be run on the scale of a registered factory wh:ch (iii) Hunting, trapping and selling of the catch. would quaUy or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. (iv) Forestry and logging : log, fuel, charcoal product' on, gathering and selling of fodder 86.2. There may be an industry wh;eh is being run and other forest produce, etc. by a large jo nt family of more than 10 persons and where power is used or more than 20 persons where (v) Fishing including rearing of fis11, collection of power is not used. In such cases, though only family pearls, shells, sea products, etc. members are involved, this will not be treated as (vi) Mining and quarrying. 'HHI'. Thus, the meaning of the term 'run on the scale of a registered factory' refers to such cases even 86.8. In Our country Household Industry is a very if these are not registered as such. important part of our economy. We must get accurate data regarding those engaged in 'HHI'. You must 86.3. The main criterion of a Household Industry is carefully read these instruct ons and understand them. the participation of one or more members of a house­ The main po:nts are again indicated be:ow. hold. Th,s criterion will apply in urban arcas too. Even if the industry s not actually located at home in rural 'HHI' stands for worker in Household Indus'ry. areas there is greater poss:bilily of the members of the The main characteristics of the Household Industry household participating even if it i~ located anywhere are the following: w: hin the village limits. In the urban areas where (a) One or morc members of the household must organised industry takes greater prominence, the House­ participate. Part cipation by hired labour hOld Indus.ry should be confined to the precincts of must be minimum. the house where the participants live. In urban areas even if the members of the household by themselves (b) The activity should relate to some production, .run an industry but at a place away from the precincts processing, serv:cing, repairing or making of their home, it will not be considered a Household and selling of goods. Industry. It should be located within the precincts of (c) The goods produced should not be for con­ the house where (he memb~rs iive in the case of urban sumption by the househOld itself but should arC:1s. be wholly or partly for sale. 86.4. A Household Industry ~honld re!ate to produc­ (d) In an urban area the industry must be carried tion, processing, scrvic;ng,. repairing or making and on ill the precincts of the house in which the selling (hut not m~rely sellmg) of goods. It does not househo;d. lives. In the rural areas, the ;ndus­ inc1l!de professions such as a Pleader or poetor or try may be anywhcre within the limits of Barber, Mus cian, Dancer, Waterman, Dhobl, Astn la­ the village. ger, etC., Of merely t_rade or bus;ness, even if such professions, trade or services are run at hOTI?e by mem­ (e) The activity should not be on the scale of a bers of the household. A list of a few tYPical House­ Registered Factory. hold Industries is appcndcd to these instruction at Appendix II. (f) Professions such as those pract:sed by F1ea­ der, Doctor, Barber, Musician, Dancer, 86.5. Sometimes it is like~y that the person who may Dhobi, Astrologer, etc., will not be 'HHI'. not be working in his/her own Household Industry may be working in another Household Industry. You Other workers should, therefore, enquire whethcr the pelson who ~s not workng in his/her own Household Industry IS 87. All workel:s, i.e., those who have been engaged work'ng in any other Household Industry and record in some econom'c activity during the last one Veal', as per instru~tions given above. who are not cultivators or aoricultural labourers or in Household Industry, are 'Other Workers'-'OW'. The 86.6. As ment:011ed earlier, a Household Industry type of workers that come under this category of 'OW' should re'ate to production, processing, servic:ng re­ inclnde factory ,Yorkers, plantation workers. those :n pairing, or making and selling of goods. However, a trade, commerce, business, transport, m'ning, cons­ household can be engaged in ccrtain other activ:ties truction, political or social work, :1I1 gove1'llment ser­ coIlect:vely but fhcse may not qualify for being consi­ vants, municipal employees, teachers. priests, entertain­ dered as Household Industries. ment artists, etc. In effect, all those who work in any 43

_.-, - _ field of e~onomic activity other than cultivator, agri­ (h) A housewif~ (Ii), is generally engaged ill wltural laboUrer or housebold i-ndustry, :.Ire 'Other nmning her household but works on the Workers'. They w:n be entered as 'OW'. family land during the sowing 01 harvesting season (C). She is ma:nly engaged in 110U,S~~ 87.1. You will recall that it was mentioned that tho hold duties amI should be recorded as H growing of certain crops is not agriculture. . Those for Question l,SA and as 'c' for Question engaged in this activity would have tQ be classlfied as 15 B. Tn this example, if she works as an 'OW'. agricultural labourer or in a Household Industry, 5.he would be 'A~' or 'HHI', as Q. 15A-Furtker explanatio. the case may be, for QuestIOn 15B. 88. In Question ISA we are trying to find out what A person may bc 'mainly an agricultural a person's main activity is. You w;ll sec that if a persqn (c) is recorded as a worker in Question 14A but bas not labourer CAL) but may have worked in a Khandsari sugar factory during the lean worked for the major part of the yea;, the answer in season (OW). He \\ould be 'AL' for Que~­ Question I4B would be 'No', i.e., for him/her you tion 15A and 'OW' for Qut'stil)n ISH would have recorded '2' in the box against Question 14B. In such a case, yuu must find out what such a (d) A student (ST) may be \vork"ng for a few person has been doing mostly. He or she lIlay have hours in a shop to ~arn "omc mOlley lor mainly been doing household duties, or studying, or fees, etc., (OW). He/she I~ manly 'sr for being a dependent Of rentier or beggar or lodged in Question 15A and 'OW' for Question 15B. an institution or may fall under the category '0' des­ cribed earlier. In any case, even for these persons, we (e) A person who i~ mainly a cultivator (C) are interested in finding out their work details, though also keeps cows and seUs the milk. He/she this may not he what they wera mostly doing. The would be entered a~ 'C' in Question 15A work details will bc obtained through I...}llcstion lSD, and 'OW' in Qlle~liol1 15B. as we w]l sec later wllere the marginal or secondary Tllese example" w;ll help you to understand the work of a person is netted. I;oncepts better. 8B.I Question 15A gives iaformation about all 89. In the case of those who arc mainly engaged in workers on the basis of what they have been doing Household Industry (HHI) or as other workc~'s mostly. (OW), certain details should be collected regarding name of establishment, deseri ption of worL, nature 88.2. If in reply to Question 14A a person has said of industry, trade, .erofession or service, and class of that be/she bas worked any time at all in the last one worker. These details will have to be hUed in Ques­ year (for season) you would have entered him or her tion 15A(i) to 15A(iv). as 'Yes' against Question 14A. What you have now to do is to find out if this is what this person did or does 89.1. As you will see from the question i("clf, these mostly, i.e., whether it is his or her main work, on parts are applicable to persons for whom you have which the greater part of his/her time is spent. You recorded 'HHI' or 'OW' against Question 15A. If the do thili in Question 14B, where you ascortain whether economic activity has been shown as 'C' or 'AL' the person has worked for major part of the year, i.~., against Question 15A, there is no need to fill in the for six months or 183 days or more or less than six sub-sections 0) to (iv) of this question. Similarly. if months or 183 days. In the latter case you have an individual has been recorded as 'No' against Question recorded code '2' in the box against Question 14B. At 14B, i,e., code '2' has been recorded in the box against this stage you may recall the instructions given under Gu~stion ] 4B and H/ST /D/R/B/I/O~ as the ease Question ] SA (Paragraph 80) where it has been stated may be, has been recorded in Question 15A, sub­ that the person may have been engaged in mare than sections (i) to (iv) will not apply. In sllch cases a one activity and for the purposes of Question 15A, cr~ss (X) may be put on each of the lines ngainst his/her main activity has been identified. In such n these sub-sections. case as/her secondary work will be reflected in Ques­ tion lSB, as we will see later. Similarly, such persons Q. 15A (i) : Name of establishment who are identified as non-workers for their main activity 90. Record here the name of the factory, firm, work­ in Question I5A as H/ST/D/R/B/I/O will give detaUs shop, business house, company, shop, olfice, etc. In of their mru.-gina} work (on the basis of whi~h they respect of public offices you should clearly indicate were recorded as 'Yes' in Question 14A) will be whet}ler they are Central or State Government or local reflected in Question ISH. body offices, etc. If the eSlablishmem does 110t have 88.3. What is meant by main activity or the work any definite name such as, in the case of a household that a person has been doing mostly can be easily industry, like hand pounding of rice, gllr making, hand­ understood from the following examplils : loom weaving, potlar's home, blacksmithy, etc., e_nter the proprietor's name and the type of sbop ~o that if (:1) A person is a cultivator (C) hut during the necessary a link can be established between the variou,> nonJagricultun11. season works· as a cons­ sub-sections of this qcestion. For example, inste(ld of truction worker Or as a lWIIIQli (OW). He/ 'No particular name' the entry could read as 'Babulal's sHe is a cultivat6r mainly and next 'other Paintshop', etc. FOr refence and other similar personnel worker'. He/she shouW be recorded as 'C' as may be indicated to you, put a crOss (X ) on the ia Question ISA and 'OW' in Quel1tioQ I5H. line. 86·M!P(D)41DCOCal-5 44

Q. lSA (ii): Description of work The sector. of econo~y in which a person works may relate .~o (1). ~lantatlon, Forestry, Fishing, Livestock, 91. Under this question, the description of the actual fIe., (n) Ml.Illng and/or Quarrying, (,iii) Manufactur­ work, i.e .• the occupat;on that the person enumerated mg, Processmg, Servicing and Repa,lring (iv) Con­ is doing is to be recorded irrespective of the type of str:uction, (v) Electricity, Gas or W~ter Supply, industry, trade, profession or service that he/she may (VI) Transport and Communications, (vii) Trade be working in and which is to be recorded under sub~ and Commerce ,(viii) Professions and Services. In section (iii) of Question 15A. ord~r to enable us to classi!y a person properly. full details .of the nature of the lOdustry, trade, profession 91.1. His/her actual work Dr occupation should or servLCe should be given. Please avoid vague answers. always be given in sufficient detail. If, for example, a Full de.tails of the type of industry, trade, profession person is merely recorded as 'clerk' with no other or serVIce in whlch the person is. engaged will have details, it will be impossible to properly categorise him/ to be recorded here. It is not enough to say 'plantation' her by the type of work helshe does. He/she may be or 'livestock'. YOll should say whether it is tea planta­ clerk attending to correspondence or book-keeping a tion or banana plantation or sbeep rearing or accounting. Similarly, if a person were merely to be or cattle breeding. Similarly, it is not enough to say recorded as a technician, it will not help to determine what type of technician mechanic be/she is, whether ·manufacturing'. You should say whether it is manu­ facturing of cotton textile in handloom or manufac­ computer-technician or a meter-mechanic or a locomo­ tive-mechanic, etc. The description of tbe actual work tu.ring. khadi textile Of manuf~cturing silk textile. done by a person should be ascertaned in adequate LIkeWise mere 'trade' is not enough. It should be detail and recorded against this question. Similarly, in recorded as wholesale trading in food grains or pulses a trading establishment there could be a proprietor, or retail trading in spices Of grocery and so on. For cashier, book-keeper, salesman, etc. defence and similar personnel, writ~ 'Service'. 91.2. It is necessary to describe the actual occupa­ 92.1. To help you to appreciate the de'ails that may t~on adequately. It is not enough to say that one is a have to be furni~hed to classify the econom.:c activity Government official. Whether one is a Bill-clerk or appropriately, illustrative description of various econo­ Section Officer, Tehsildar, Police Chowkidar or Re­ mic activities are furnished in Appendix IV, catego­ search Officer, etc., has to be spelt out. There may be rised under certain broad classifications. It should, Assistant Directors, Deputy D;rectors, etc., doing however, be noted that the list in Appendix. IV is by djfierellt functions. It is necessary to describe the occu­ no means exhaustive. You must describe the nature pation aoequately in their case for proper classificatiQ,o, of industry, profession, trade or service of whatever it e.g., Assistant Director (Agriculture), Assistant Direc­ is, in as detai1ed a manner as possible. In the case of tor (Soil Conservation.), Senior Research Officer (Vital industries, the articles which are produced 0 serviced Statistics), Deputy Director (Health), Sub-Inspector or processed should be given. In the case of service, (Excise), Treasury Officer, Village Officer (Revenue), please describe fully the nature of the service to which Panchayat Secretary, Malaria Control Officer, Traffic the person belongs, extept in the case of defence or Inspector (Transport Department), etc. similar other personnel. 91.3. To guide you in answering Question 15A (ii). the type of particulars that need to be ascertained in respect of a few typical occupations are given in Important Appendix III. 93. There need be no confusion as to the scope of 91.4. Appendix: III is by no means exhaustive. This Questions !5A (ii) and 15A (iii). Question 15A just helps in bringing home the need to ascertain the (iii) would represent the nature of industry, trade, full details of the particulars of work performed by an profession or servi.ce, i.e., the sector of economy in individual (or being recorded against Question 15(A) which a person is engaged in work and Question 15A (li). - (ii) represents the occupation or the actual work the person performs in tbe industry, trade, profession or 91.5. It has been found in the past that a very large number of persons are recorded merely as 'genera] service in whfch he/she is enl!agerl. Thus, for example, if anSWer (iii) labourers'. It is necessary to make a probe and find the to Question 15A is 'cotton textile manufacture qn mill', the answer to Question 15A (ii) out in wh:ch type of work the person is mostly engaged as a labourer, such as a road mazdo()r, a loader or an could be 'chemical engineer' or 'bill clerk' or 'm.:coun­ unloader in market, a construction labourer, etc. tant' Or 'labourer' or 'truck driver' or the 'managing director' of that industry and so on. Similarly, in 91.6. For those in defence and similar service, it is Quest~on 15A (j,ij) the nature of service may be some enough if it is merely noted as 'Service'. Other details department of State Government Sen ice and in Ques­ need not be given. For other Government servants (lon 15A (ii) the descriotion of work may be 'bill full details must be j.?J;vell and the description of the clerk' or 'accountant'. 'Dircc'or of the department'. ' .... ork should be as detailed as possible. 'ieep driver' in the department, etc. Again ar,ainst Ouestion 15A (iii) the answer may be 'private medical Q. 15A (iii) : Nature of indus'ry, trade or service -practice' aIud in Question 15A (ii) 'orthopaed~c sur­ 92. The answer to this question will have to be geon', or 'nurse' or a 'sweeper', etc .. working in that given in detail to enable pro~ classification of the private medical practitioner's nursing home. The sample ~ctOt of economy in which the person is worlcing. answers furnished in Appendix. V at the e~ of this 45 booklet the Industrial and Occupational classifications else and in hi<;/her turn doe~ not employ any.body in App~ndices IV and III and the instructions given else. This definition of a Singlc Worker will include by your Supervisor and other Cerlsus Officers will person who works in joint partnership with one pr help you to clear any doubts you may have regp.rding several persons hiring 110 employees, and also a mem­ the scope of the questions relating to nature of industry, ber of a producer's c00pcrative. Each one of the trade, profession or service covered by Quest:on 15A partners or mcmbers of such producer's cooperatives (iii) and the description of actual work of the iI!givi­ ~hol1Jd be recorded as 'Single Worker'. Political work­ dual enumerated covered by Question 15A Oi). ers and social workers are to be treated as 'SW'.

Q. 15A (iv): Class of worker 94.4. A Family Worker i~ a member who works 94. For a person who is : witI.lOut receiving wages in cash or kind, in an industry, (i) an Employer, that is, who hires one or more bus:ness, trade or service. For example, the working persons in his work described in Question members in a family of dlzl)bies where they all partici­ 15A (ii), write ...... ER p~te and each does r~ot receive wages separately, wlll be family workers. There may be family workers (ii) an Employee, that is, who does his work in industry trade or professions as well. Family work­ described ,in Question 15A (ll) under ers must be related by ties of blood or marriage but 'Others' for y;ages or salary in cash or kind, such workers can belong to different households Thus write ...... ····.·········· EE what is important is that sueh workers must' neces~ (iii) a Single Worker, that is who is doing his sarily be related even though they may be livina in work described in Question 15A (ii) with different households. The family workers may or ~ay out employing others except casually, and not be entitled to a &harc of the profits in the work without the help of other members of the Or the business carried on either by the person or family ex.cept casually and a participant in head of the household or other relative. work as member of coopcratiye, write .... SW 94.5. Please note the followillg imponallt cases : (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing his (a) In the case of persons engaged in House­ work described in Question 15A (ll) dn a hold Industry, i.e., in the case of persons family enterprise along with other m~mberli for whom the answer to Question lSA is of the family Vv.:t!lOut wages or salary in cash or kind, write ...... , ...... FW. 'HHl', thele will be three classes of workers generally, I':Z., Family Worker, Single worker Explanation and Employee. There may not be a forlDal 94.1. An Employer is a person who has to employ 'Employer'. Househo~d Industry by its w!ry other persons in order to get the work mentioned in his/ definition is conducted by the head of the her case in Question 15A (ii) performed. That is to household himself/herself and/or other say, such a per~on is 110t only responsible for his/her members o[ the household, the role of hired own personal work but also for giving work to others w<;>rkers being secondary. If the head along for carrying out the activity mentioned in Question With the members of the household is work­ 15A, (iii). Please note that a person who employs il~g in a Household Industry employing domestic servants for household duties is not an emplo­ hIred wrukers, the head and other members yer. So also, a person who has subordinates under who arc working §>hould be treated' as him/her in an oflice where he/she himself/herself is 'Family Worker~'. If the head alone is employed by others, is not an employer, even if he/ working with the occasional assistance of she has the power to appoint another person in his/ hired worker(s), whose role should be secon­ her office on behalf of his/her own employer. A head dary as indicated above, he/she should be of department or a local manager of a company may treated as a 'Single Worker', although one have the power to appoint people but they are them­ might argue that in effect he/she becomes selves employees of someone else, in this case, govern­ an employer. The hired workers are of ment or the main office of the company, and cannot, courSe employees. therefore, be an employer. A government servant (b) Members of the household who help solely irrespective of the post he/she holds is an 'employee'. in household duties, i.e., economically non­ 94.2. An Employee is a person who usually work" productive work, should not be treated as under some other person for salary or wages in cash Family Workers. In fact, they are not or kind. These may be persons who are employed as workers. managers, superintendents, agents, etc., and in that (c) Members of a producer's cooperative society capacity employ or control other wmkers on behalf who have no other oc,cnpation or work except of their own employers. Such persons are only em­ this, should be categorised as Single ployees, as explained above, and should not be regard­ Worker-SW. ed as employers. Please note that a cook or domestic servant engaged by someone is an employee. The fact (d) In the case of partnel ship in which all, the partners are related, treat them as Family that his master may himself/herself be an employee i" irrelevant. Workers-FW. The partnership firm mayor may not emp!oy others, but this will not 94.3. A Single Worker is a person who works by change the category of the partners. They himself/herself. He/She is not employed by anyone would be 'FW'. 3 j \{ ?,;) H ~O COCol.-4(a) 46

(e) In the case of a pal1nership firm in which 15A. Such persons lllay or may not have had sf

~r prod.lction of good:! for purely domestic consump­ be rctlected ~omewhere. Since the person has not tion are not to be treated as economic activity. For worked in major part of the year as reflected by code exa,mple, a servant who works as a cook in his or '2' in Question 14B and also H/ST/D/R/B/I/O, as her e;nployer's home for wages wiIi be considered the case may be, in Question 15A the work done economically active but, a housewife even if she may by him/her ancl netted in Question 14A, must there­ work much !U0re than ~a paid servant in having to cook fore be reflected in Question 15B. Again, a person for the famIly or lookmg after the household will not who has worked in major part of the year and for be treated as economically active for the purposes whom code '1' has been recorded ill Question 14B, of this classification. Similarly, women who may you may have recorded as 'C' or 'AL' or 'HHI' or produce cloth on a loom at home for domestic con­ 'OW' for his main activity in Qustion 15A. It is quite sumption will not be treated as economically active possible that he/she may have done some other work, unles~ at least.a part of the product is sold. A boy though not on the scale of mJin activity. This secon­ wbo IS categolTsed as a student under Question lSA dary work should also be reflected in Question 15B. can have a marginal work, say, cultivation if he helped You will thus appreciate that probing questions are the head of the household in the family cultivation essential and you must ask questions again and again if during some parts of the season. But a girl student, to tind out if a person has had some secondary work: who is shown as 'S1"' under Question 15A also helped add marginal work in the case of those for whom in weaving cloth purely for domestic consumption on code 2 has been recorded in the box against Question a loom at home, or helped in attending to household 14B and record the same in Que~tion 15B. chores, she will not be treated as having any marginal work. 98.1. It would follow that if the answer to Question 14A is 'No' i.e .. you have recorded H/ST/D/R/B/ 96.6. Any other work or secondary work will be I/O, as the case may be, there will be a cross (x) reckoned only if the perSall is engaged in some econo­ on the lines against each of the Questions 14B, 15A mically productive work, even if marginal, in addition includiing sub-sections and 1,SB including sub-seotions. to whatever is his/her activity under Question 15A. If a .person whose economic activity is shown, as a Q. 16 : If No in 14A or 14B seeking/available for clerk m a government office or a teacher, also attends work? Yes (l)/No (2) to some cultivation even by way of direction or super­ vision or undertakes some tution, this will be shown 99. This question is intended to elicit some infor­ as 'any other work any time last year' under Question mation on the number of unemployed. If an individual ISB. A p6rson's main actiVilty may be cultivation and has replied that he/she has not worked at all last his secondary work may be money lending. Aaain year or during the major part of last year under Ques­ main activity may be agricultural labourer and se~on~ t:on 14A or 14B respectively and you have recorded dary work could be sugar factory labourer or vice 'No' against either of these two questions you have versa. (0 ask from him or her whether he or she is seeking 96.7. After it is established that the person is doing work or available for work? This question should be some work and he or she has been recorded accor­ asked of all persons for whom you have recorded dingly in Question ISB in any of the categories of H/ST/D/R/B/I/O, as the case may be, either in C, AL, HHI, OW, you have to proceed further and Question 14A or in Question ISA. Seeking work fill up the details of sub-sections of Question ISB(i) means that the person may have got himself/herself to (iv) in respect of entries 'HHl' or 'OW' only. The registered in the employment excha,uges or he/she may instructions for filling up the dctails in these sub-sec­ be applied for jobs or he/she may _have made oth~r tions will be the samc as given under Question ISA efforts for a job, such as looking into the newspaper and are explained in detail in paragraphs 90 to 94. advertisements with a view to applying for a job, the For those who are recorded as 'C' or 'AL' or for whom intention being in suitable cases, this person will offer you have entered 'No' in Question 15B, you have tc himself/herself as a candidate. It may be remembered put a 'X' against these subsections on the line. that seeking work is more applicable in urban areas where there are facilities of employment exchanges 97. A few illustrations ~howing specimen entries arc appended at Appendix VII and some illustrations for and greater awareness about availability of jobs. In recording answers against Questions 15A and ISB are rural areas there may be no facilities of employmept given in Appendix VI. You are adv:sed to study these exchanges. The person may be available for work instructions and illustrations before starting actual but not actually seeking work either because of lack enumeration and also consult these and the instructions of knowledge of work being avail~ble or absence of whenever you are in doubt during field operations employment exchanges. about what to record as the answer. 99.1. As mentioned earlier we are mainly interested Important in obtaining information on the unemployed. You may 98. It must particularly be noted that if there is come across people who already held jobs or do no~ an entry 'No' i.e., code '2' in Question 14B and H/ normally want to take up employment but may give ST/D/R/B/I/O, as the case may be, in Question YOll such general answers that they would not mind 15A, there must be an entry in Question 15B and taking up work if the salary is attractive enough. We this cannot be l~'a17k or cr(Jss (x). This is because are not interested in such persons since they o~vi~ a persoll who has worked any time at all last year. ousty are already employed or are not really job seek~ and has been entered as 'Yes' in Question 14A must crs. You witi have to make a prob to get the facts. 48

However, generally speaking, if in answer to this ques­ Importallt tion a person says that he is seeking or is available for work, you must enter code' l' in the box. 101. You must read the explanations and instruc­ tions on the economic questions very carefully. Ques­ 99.2. If the person replies that he/she is seeking or tions 14A, 14B, 15A and 15B should be canvassed available for work, you have to record '1' in the box together, otherwise, the- full and correct answers w'U provided. In case his/her reply is 'No' you have to not be available and you may have to make corrections. record '2' in the box. For example, if a lady is asked whether she is working, the usual ansWer is that she is working, because 99.3. It should be remembered that if the answer household work is naturally considered as work by to Question 14B is 'Ycs' and you have recorded "I' her. It is only if you ask further questions as to w.hat in the box against this question and in Question 15A she mostly does that her marginal work, if any, will you have recorded C/ AL/HHIIOW, as the case may come out and you will get a correct picture of the be, Question 16 is not applicable. You should put a facts. 1t is advisable to ask questions covering Questions cross (X) on the line against this question and 110t 14A, 148, 15A and 158 together and then fill up the in the box. . details.

Summary 102. Certain situations would call for some explana­ tion so that the enumerator is clear in his/her mind 100. It would be useful to summarise the m.!lin regarding classifying such activities. A few typical points with regard to the economic questions, i.e., cases are indicated below. Questions 14A, 14B, 15A, 158 ~nd 16. These are indicated below. . (a) If a sweet-meat makes, i.e., a Halwai makes sweets and sells them also, this would ~ (i) In Question 14A we are finding out if a per­ manufacturing and can be a 'HHI' too in SOil has worked Rny time at all last year. appropriate c~ses. The word 'year' includes all the seasons for agricultural and associated activities. Even (b) If a Halwai only sell sweets, having brought marginal workers must be covered by this them from some other place, he would be question. . earring on a trade and, this would pot be (ii) If the answer to Question 14A is 'No' then an indu~try. categorise at H/ST /D/RjB/I/O. (e) In many cases there are what are called tea (iii) The work on the basis of which 'Yes' is shops, dhabas, chat shops, etc., where eat­ recorded in Question 14A may be the main ables are prepared and sold. For example, in a dhaba, substantial meals such as chapa­ work of a person or what he/she has done lies. dal, etc., are prepared and sold. This or docs mostly. If so, 'Yes' i.e., code '1' in will not be an industry. It will be classified Question 14B and C/AL/HHI/OW, in as service, namely, running eating place. Question 15A would have been recorderl. Therefore, even if a household carried on If this perSall is not doing this work mostly this activity it will not be classified as 'HHI', 'No' i.e., code '2' in Question 14B and H/ but only as 'OW'. S/TD/R/B/I/O, in Question 15A would have been recorded. These details arc recor­ (d) In many places, there are pre~ons who keep ded in Question 15A. small electrical or hand-mixers or fruit crush­ ers and crush fruits to sell the juice. In (iV) Secondary work or the marginal WOrk of such cases since the iuice is produced for those recorded as C / AL/HHI/OW or as H/ consumption on the spot and is not bottled ST/D/R/B/J/O respectively in QUestion as sLlch for sale, such units arc carrying on 15A is obtained through Question 15B. trade and 110t manufacturing. Therefore, even if a household caries on this business (v) Note that if a person has been entered as this would not be 'HHI', but 'OW'. On 'Yes' ill Questoll 14A, 'No' i.e., code'2' in ,the other lIand, if there are manufacturing Ques:ion 14B, there m!ist be all entry such units, whether big or small. which bottle as C/AL/HHI/OW, ill Question 158. juice and sell it as bottled, this would be manufacturing and should be classified as (vi) Que~tiol1 16 is to be asked of all those whom industry. 'No' has been \uitten ill Question 14A or code '2' ill Qllestion 14B. (e) Tailoring is an industry at\d a household that carries on tailoring on household indus­ (vii) Details. of nam.,; of .establishment, industry, try basis can be 'HHI'. occupatIon and cla~s of worker, ill Questions 15A and 158 need be entered for 'HHl' (f) There may be cases of a person who sells <1110 ·OW'. cloth and also provides taaoring services. In such cases, the person may be asked 49

which activity he considers more important, obviate the need to visit the household again to collect i.e., the one on which he spends more tJ:me. the missing information. If he says that he considers selling of cloth is more important then he is carrying on a 104. As stated in paragraph 40 you will be required trade. On the other hand, if the tailoring to fill up Individual Slip (Universal) for all members business is more important to him than the of the household. During the course of your day's sale of cloth, such a person should then be work you will have covered a large number of house­ considered as manufacturing. If a household holds and filled in the requisite number: of IndiViidual carries on a business of this kind, this house­ Slips. After completing the day's work, you must fill hold will be considered as 'HHI' or non-HHl in columns 8 to 35 of the Population Record of the depending op. whether the household is in­ concerned household, in Part II of the Household volved mainly in trade or manufacturing and Schedule. Please do not allow this work to accumulate. taking into consideration the definition of Instructions for filting up columns 8 to 35 of the Popu­ 'HHI'. lation Record will be found in Chapter VI (Paragraphs 103. Havlng filled in the Individual Slip, you may 147-164). This will afford another opportunity to find it rewarding to go through all the entries. This you to detect errors or gaps in the information collectw will enable you to cross check the information, and ed, which you can conveniently collect by re-visiting gaps if any, can be filled in tben and there. This will the household(s). FILLING UP OF THE INDIVIDUAL SLIP (SAMPLE)

105. As stated in paragroph 37, if you are an enume­ 109.2. In indicating the birth place, 9nly the fuli rator in a sample area, six additional questions as name of town or village would have to be indicated and appearing in the Sample Individual Slip (specimen not hamlet or mohalia/ward names, The name of a appearing on page 32) will have to be canvassed by ward/hamlet should not be entered but the name of you for each individual. Tpe Sample Individual Slip the town/village to which it belongs should be entered. will, however, be canvassed in all areas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam Q. 1 (b) : Rural (l)/Urban (2) Chandigarh UT, Dadra and Nagar Havcli, Delhi UT: 110. For those born outside the village Of town of Goa, Daman and Diu, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and enumeration ascertain the place of birth)s a village Kashmir, Laksbadweep, Maharashtra, Monipur, Megha­ if or town at present. To enable a person to determine laya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Pondicherry, Sikkim"Tripura whether the place is a town or a village, he/she may and West Bengal. In the remaining states, this slip will be canvassed in £ample blocks only but will include be reqUired to indicate the status of the place of birth in comparison with a known town in the neighbour­ all the households in the sample block. hood of the place of enumeration. You may mention 106. The Sample Sl!p ~ontains six questions with some important urban' characteristics to enable the suh-parts, :ieating with migration and Jertility. These person to make out if the place Of his/her birth is questions appear on the reverse of the Universal rural or urban, e.g., existence of a local administrative Individual Slip. The instructions for Hlling up the body, industrial townships declared as towns, etc. Universal Individual Slip are given in paragraphs 37- FGr a person born in a yillage, wr;te '1' in the box. 104. You will be required to canvass the Universal For a person born in a town/city, write '2' in the Indiyidual Slip for every person in your block, irres­ pecLtve of the age or sex, and canvass the sample box. questions appearing on the reverse of the Individual For a person born in a fore;gl,.1 country, put 'X Slip for each person in the household. It is obvious in the box against this sub-part and also against that the fertility questions will be applicable to women su,b-part (c) on the line. / . only, as w:ll explained ~lt the appropriate place. 110.1. If all effort to classify the place of birth as 107. It is important for you to remember that both ruraL/urban fail, write 'not known' 01'1 the line. the slips should be canvassed for every person in your Q. 1 (c) : District block, i.e., in every block of the 19 States and Union Territories mentioned above and the sample blocks of 111. For a person born outside the v.lIage cr town the remaining state~. The term "Universal Slip" means of enumeration but within the district of enumer.ation, that the questions in this slip wilt be canvassed in all write 'D' on the line. the blocks in the country, while the term "Sample Slip" '1.11.1. For a person born in another district of the means that the questions in this slip will be asked only State of enumeraton, or in a d:strict in some other in the specified blocks, as stated above, in addition to State/Union territory in the country, write the name those in the Universal Slip, excep~ in the 19 States and of the district. Union Territories where it will be canvassed every­ where. 111.2. If the person cannot name the district, write 'not known'. Q. 1 : Birth place 108. Certain details regarding the place in which Q. 1 (d) : State/Country the person cnul11er;\ted was born are to be collected 112. For persons born with:11 the State of ellumera­ and entered in the sub-parts of this qnestion. For tion, write 'x' against this sub-part on the lille. Make defencc and similar per<;ol1ncl a~ may be indlcated (0 sure that the earlier entries made in sub-parts (a), (b) you, this question and its sub-parts are not applicable. and (c) are consistcRt with such an answer; that 'PL' The explanation and instructions as to how the four might have already been written agaist sub-part (a) or sub-parts are to be filled are a, follows: - 'D' is written against sub-part (c) or any other district of the State of enumeration is mentioned ag,'inst sub- Q. 1 (a) : Place of bil'lb part (c). ' 109. Write 'PL' for person born in the village or 112.1. For persons born outside the Statl:: of enu­ town where hehhc is being enumerated. Where 'PL' meration but within the country, write the llame of the is noted again~t this question put X' ,"gainst sub­ State/Union Territory where born. ( c;) and (d), 112.2. For those born outsidc India, note mercly the 109.1. For tho..,e horn (1ubide the village or town of name of the country and there is 110 need to enter the enumeration write the actual name of the place against name of tbe constituent stute of the foreign country. ~ub-part (a) and fill the other details against sll.b~ Where a person cnnnot name the country, the name of parts (b), (c) and Cd). the continent may be noted. 50 51

112.3. For a person born on the high seas, record will not be treated as the la~t residence. III the case of 'born at sea', against ~his sub-p.art and put 'X' against a child born in a hospital into which the mothe:r has sub-parts (a), (b) and (c). moved temporarily for delivery which is different from the usual place of residence of the mother, the place 112.4. If a person was born in a train, uoat or bus where the hospital is, will be treated as the place of or aircraft, etc., within the country, wr;te the parti­ last residence for the child, though the plaCe where the culars in sub-part (a), (b) and (c) with reference to hospital is will not be the place of th.: last residence of the. administrative territory where the event occurred the mother. or was registered. Q. 2 (a) Place of last residence Q. 2 : Last residence 114. For a person who has been in the village or 113. The answer to this question will have to be town of enumeration continuously since birth (except filled in respect of every person if he/she had another for shifting to other places outside the vJlage or town place of normal residence irrespective of his/her place of enumeration for a purely temporary stay), write of birth, before he/she came to the present place 'PL' against sub-part (a) and put 'X' against sub­ where he/she is enumerated. Even if a person was parts (b), (c) and (d). But for a person who had born at the place of enumeration but because of his/ his last previous residence at any place outside the her work or for studies, etc., he/she had shifted sub­ village or town of enumeration (irrespective of his sequently to another village or town and had come place of birth.), write the actual name of the village back again to tbe place of enumerat:on, he/she should or town or his actual previous residence against this be deemed to have had another place of residence sub-part (a) and fill the other details against ~ub-parts prior to his/her enumeration here. Far defence and (b), (c) and (d). similar personnel, this question is not applicable. Q. 2 (b) : Rural (1) Urban (2) 113.1. The immediate previous village or town of residence is relevant only if he/she hod been outside 115. For a person who had prev:ously resided out­ the village or town of enumeration and not simply in side the place of enumeration, ascertain if the place of last previous reSidence is rural or urban and record another house Or locality in the same place. For example, if a person born in one part of Bombay City the answer. For a person whose last previous residence is found residing in another part of Bombay at the is a town/city, write '2' in the box, and for 'Rural', time of enumeration, the change of residence should write '1', For a person who last resided ill a foreign not be ·trcated as change of place of residence because country, write' X '. both the areas arc with:n the same city of Bombay. 115.1. For a person whose immediate previous Similarly, a person born in hamlet 1 of village Rampur residence cannot be classified, write 'not known', and found in hamlet 2 of the same village at the time of enumeration, should not be deemed to have had 115.2. Rural or urban status has to be determined another place of resi'dencc than the village vo/herc he/ with reference to the status existing at the time of she is enumerated. Where a person had merely gone out enumeration. to another place or had been shiffng from place to place purely on tour or pilgrimage or for tcmporary Q. 2 (c): District business purposes, he/she should not be deemed to have had another res:dence different from the place 116. For a person who had previously resided in where he/she or his/her family normally resides. In another place, i.e., for whom 'PL' is not written against the case of a person who is enumerated elsewhere than sub-part (a), you have to fill in this sub-part after in his normal place of residence because of elig'bility enquiry. criteria laid down in paragraphs 38-40, the place of bis immediate previous normal residence will be re­ 116.1. For a person who previously resided in corded as the place of last residence. S:milarly, jf a another village or town within the district of enumera­ person is enumerated at a place other than h:s place of tion, write 'D'. birth and if he had 110 other place of normal residence before coming to the place of enumeration, the place 116.2. For a person who previously resided in of birth would be the place of last residence. another district of the State/Union Territory of enume­ ration or in a district in any other State/Union 113.2. It would not be possible to specify the dura­ Territory in the country, write the name of the district. tion of stay which wJI qualify for reckoning last If he/she cannot name tIle district, write 'not known'. residence. The circumstances of each case would have to be taken into consideration, in deciding whether a 116.3. For a person whose last previous residence person has had a last res;dence or not. For example. an was outside India, write X against this sub-part. officer who has been transfered for a short period. Q. 2 (d): Stahl/Country must be considered as moving from his/her place of previous posting which would become his/her place of 117. For a person whose last previous residence was last residence, irrespective of his/flcr stay ill the ncw outside the village or town of enumeration but within posting. However, temporary movement like WOmen the State or Union Territory of enumeration, write 'x' moving into a hospital for delivery. a person mavin:; agaipst this sub-part but if it was outside the State or into a hospital for treatment, etc., at a place other than Union Territory of enum~ration but within the country, their usual residence, will be ignored and t]le~e places write the name of the State/Union Territory. 52

117.1. For a person whose last prev;oLls residence whom the famJy is dependent has moved due to any was outside the country, write the name of the country reason such as transfer, etc, There are cases where one and if name of the country is not forthcoming, write or more members of the family move along with the the name of the continent. person who has moved in search of employment or educaton Or for otller reasons, While person who has Q. 3 : Reasons for migration from place of last resi­ moved for a particular reason will be assigned the dence appropriate code, the other members who moved along with that person will be assigned code '3', ie., 'Family 118. The question will be asked in the case of a moved'. person for whom information has been recorded in Question 2, i.e., last residence. However, please note 122. If a person has moved consequent on getting that this question will not be canvassed in the case of married, assign code '4' for that person. those for whom you may have written 'PL' against place of last residence. This is because they have had no place of last residence. In all the other cases you 123. Code '5' 'Others' will include all other reasons must find out the reasons for migration from the place for migration not covered by employment, education, of last residence and note the reasons by entering the family moved or marriage. This may include cases like appropriate code. The codes which must be entered movement due to retirement, movement for economic for the various reasons for migratiOn are as follows : reasons such as setting up of shops, start:ng of a busi­ ness, etc. (a) Employment 1 (b) Education 2 124. It is important to note that the reasons for migration are being noted for eaeh person separately (c) Family moved 3 since in any case you will have to fill up Sample 4 Individual Slips for each person separately. Therefore (d) Marriage in the same household, there may be cases where th~ (e) Others $, reasons for migration are different for different mem­ bers of the household. For example, if the head of 118.1. These codes have been orinted at the bottom the household is promoted and transferred in his/her of the Sample Slip. You must enter a code depending slip against Question 3 you will have to ~ssign code on the reasons for migration in the box against this '1' because his/her movement is consequent on employ­ question, For defence and similar personnel as may ment, while the spouse and other dependents shOUld be indicated to you by the D:rector of Cen,>us Opera­ be assigned code '3' because the fam!ly moves. There tions, this question will also not apply, since you wal are also cases, particularly from the rural areas to not have canvassed the Question 1 and 2 of the Sample urban areas, where a boy or a girl moves to a town Slip. or city for higher studies and in order to look after him 119. A person will have moved for employment in or her an elderly person also moves. In such a case the following cases: in the ease of the perSOn who moves for higher studie~ the reasons for migration will be 'Education' code '2' (a) If he Or she has moved in search of a job Or while in the case of the elderly person, the reasOn will hoping to get a job. be 'Others' code '5'. If in case the entire family has (Q) Because he/she has got a job and has moved moved along with the student, for all the other memol to take up the job. bers of the family you will have to assign code '3' 'Family moved'. It is, therefore, necessary for you to (c) Having already got a job, he/she has moved make coreful enquiries and not to get confused with because of a transfer, even if this is on the different reasons which may be applicable to promotion. different persons of the same household. 119.1. If a person has moved for any of the~e reasons, note code '1' in the box, 125. In particular, please note that you must make detailed enquiries in the case of any unrelated mem­ 120. A person can be said to haVe moved for edu. bers of the household, such as cook, servant, etc. In cafonal purposes if he or she has moved to the place their cases, their movement from the place of last of enumeration from h:s/her place of last residence for resIdence may have been due to employment. Similarly, joining a school/college or any other type of educa­ in the case of those members of the household who tional institution either for the first time or for conti­ are rather distantly related to the head of the household nuing his/her studies. However, please note that if JOU must also m'ake such detailed enquiries. ' this particular person has moved along with his/her family because the entire family bas moved due to any reason, you must note that this person has not 126. It must be remembered that the reason 'Fam:ly moved for educat:onal purposes. In such a case the moved', code '3', can only come up in cases where right code to be entered will be code '3', namely, some other member of the family has moved for any 'Family moved'. of the other reasons me?tioned in the Sample Slip. The members of the faml1y moved because e'ther the 121. The reason 'Family moved' code '3' will refer head of the household or the person 011 whom the to cases-where the entire family moves. Such cases will family depends has moved because of employment or come up if the head of the household or the person on for any other rcason. - 53

127. Please note that in the case of every person outside the cou9-try. The important point is the number who has come into India from any other country as a alive. result of partition or has been repatriated, the reasons for migration will be noted as 'Others', code '5' and 131.2. Having ascertained this number, enter the not any other code. details by sex and total in the boxes provided. 131. 3. If there are no male or female children sur­ Q. 4 : Duration of residence at the v:Uagc or town of viving at the time of enumeration, write '0' in the enumeration appropriate box or boxes. 128. Note here the period in completed years of the Q. 5 (c): Number of childnu ever bom alive continuous residence in the village or town where the person is being enumerated. This will apply even to 132. You :should ascertain the total number of a person born at the place of enumeration. But this children that the woml!n you are enumerating gave question does not apply to defence and similar person­ birth to from the time she got married. If married, nel. more than once, all the children born to her should be ascertained. 128.1. If he/she had left this village or twon and had lived elsewhere for sometime, i.e., in Question 2 132.1. The number of children born would include another place of last residence is reported and has all children born alive, eVen if later unfortunately any come back to this village or town, then the duration child died. Many persons, specially older people may of residence to be noted against this question is the only count children living with them. It is, therefor~ period of the latest continuous residence. But if a per­ essential to enquire about the number of children living son had been away on a temporary v:sit or tour, etc., at home, those living elsewhere and also those who that should not be taken as a break in the period of were born alive but who are unfortunately not alive his/her continuous residence here. now. Even if the child died with a few hours of his/her birth, he/she should be included in the count. Still 128.2. If the person was born a1. the place of enu­ births, i.e., children born d~ should not be included meration and also had no other place of last residence, in counting this number of children ever born. You i.e., 'PL' has been noted in Question 2 (a), then ' X' will have to ask politely but appropriate questions for may be put against Que§t:on 4 in the box. getting this information. 128.3. For a perSClrl whose duration Of continuous 132.2. YOll should ensure that all live births are residence at the place of enumeration is less ~~ 1 ascertained irrespective of whether the children are year, write '0' in the box. alive now. Q. 5 : For all ever-manied women only 132.3. It is our experience that the birth of a child may not be reported readily if the child is not actually 129. This question will be asked in the case of all living at the time of enumeration. The children who ever-married women. It will not be asked for a women are born but may have died before the enumeration who has never been married. Please note that the may not be indicated by the respondent unless you term 'ever-married' does not necessarily mean 'currently make detailed enquiries. This would be particularly married'. The 'ever-married' would include! aIt women true in the case of children who may have died as who may be currently married, the widowed, the infants. There is, therefore, need for a detailed probe separated and the d;voreed. This question, in other to ensure that you get the correct number. - words, will be asked of all women except those who are 'Never Married'. For all women for whom 'M' or 132.4. Ascertain the number of children ever born 'w' or'S' is entered in Question 5 of the Universal alive by sex and write the figures in international Slip, this question will be asked. In the case of women numerals in the boxes provided. Also give the total in who are 'NM' in Question 5 of the Universal Slip, put the box provided.-- -. 'X' in all parts of th's question. 132.5. If the woman reports that she has had no Q. 5 (a) : Age at marriage male or female children born alive write '0' in the appropriate box or boxes. " 130. You should ascertain the age at which the woman, whom you are enumerating, was married and Q. 6: For currently marr:ed women only If record that age in completed years. a woman has 133. This question has to be answered in respect of been married mare than once, the age at which she all currently married women only, i.e., all women got married far the first time should be recorded. whose marital status is shown as 'M' against Question Q. 5 (b) : Number of children surviving at present 5 of the Universal Slip. For all olhers, a cross (x) may be put against this question on the line. 131. In this question, you will have 10 find out how many of the children born are still surviving, i.e., at the Any child bOlD alive during last o. year time of enumeration. 134. YOli should ascertain if the currently married 131.1. Please note that the children need not neces­ woman, whom you are enumerating, gave birth to a sarily be staying with the mother, i.e., the woman you child in the last one year prior to the date of enumera­ are enumerating. They may be elsewhere due to any tion. If the respondent is not able to reckon one year, reason. What is imp')rtllJ::t is whether they arc alive, you can find out if a child was born alive in 1980 to not where they live. They may be any where, even the woman you ore ~numer!lting on or after any of 54 the festival indicated to you by the D'rector of Census 134.2. This may bring in the r~quircd responss. If Operations. Only if the ch'ld was born alive, and even she reports 'No' then you can be sure that no birth has if the child had died soon after birth, the answer should been missed. You lJave to make sure that any live birth be 'Yes', to this question. Still birth, i.c., a child lvhich that has occurred to the currently married woman in is bOrn dead should /lOt be taken into account for this the last one year is netted whether the child is sur­ purpOse. So while you should make sure that every viv:ng till the date of enumeration or not. A similar case of birth of a child born alive, even if it is not probe to eliminate still births may -also be necessary. ror alive on the date of enumeration, is reported, you example, when the answer is 'Ycs' under this question, should not reckon it if the child 'Nas born I:felcss. you might ask if the child is here in the house. If the answer is 'Yes', no further Question is needed. If 'No', you might ask where the ciiild has gone. The answ,rr 134.1. It is common experience that the birth of the may be 'dead' or that it has gone elsewhere. If dead, child may not be reported readily if the child is not then you might ask when the ch!ld died and this will actually SUrviV'llg at the time of enumeration. Infant bring out the fact whether or not ~t was a still birth. deaths lare still high in_ the country. There is a chance If the answer is 'Yes', then enter ')' es' in the space of a number of such cases being missed unless specifi­ below the question; jf the answer is 'No' enter 'NO' in cally questioned about. It is necessary to record all the space. Do not wr;te in the dotted ]1ox. live births even if the child had died soon thereafter or had not survived to the day of enl1ll1eration. There­ 134.3. In a case where the woman has 1lad twins or fore, where the initial answer to this question is 'No', multiple b!rths, please write 2, 3, etc., next to 'Yes' you should ask a specific question if there has been a as the case may be, thus 'Yes' (2) or 'Yes' (3). case of a child having been born alive in the last one year and later dying before the enumeration date. This 135. On the reverse of Append;ccs VII-1 to VII-14 is a delicate question and should be asked with tact specimen entries in answer to questions included in in a manner not to offend the sentiments of the res­ the Sample SHp have been shown fOr your facility. pondent. Where a cunently married woman first NOTE : You may find on your rcvbi0nal round frem March t answers that she had no child born in the last one to March 5, 1981 th

136. The enumeration of the hOllseless populatio,n 140. Please remember that Household Schedule wi,ll have to be carried out in all blocks irrespective will be filled for each houseless household in the of whether you are only incharge of '1 universa!. block manner explained in this booklet. Thereafter, you or incbarge of a sample block. This is because the will have to fill up the Universal Individual Slip for houseless can be found in any place and they should ea.::h member of the household, as per instructions not be omitted. given in paragraphs 3-'7-104. If you happen to be an enumeratQr for a sample block or the enumerator in 137. The Revis;onal Round, the instruction for any of the 19 States and Union Territories mentioned which are part of this chapter, must be carried out in paragraph 105 you will be required to fill in Ques­ for all blocks irrespective of whether it is a universal tions 1 to 6 of the Sample Slip also, for each indivi­ or sample block. This is because the revisional-rQund dual, as per instruction given in -paragraphs 105 to is an extremely important and essential step in the ] 35. Thereaf,ter, you will he required to fill in columns total process of enumeration and it is only after the 8 to 35 of the Population! Record (Part II of the revisional round is over that the correct population Household Schedule), as per instructions given later. figures will be available. Therefore, do not neglect to carry out the revisional round of the bloch. which you Uel·jsional Hound are enumerating. 141. You have been told in this booklet that in the Enumeration of the lIoliseless next five days, i_e., from March 1, 1981 to March 5, 1981, you wiU have to revist all the households in 138. As stated earlier you will be required to en­ your jurisd~ction and record any new births that had umerate the houseless population in your enumeration taken place after your last visit, but before the sun­ block(s) on the night of February 28, 1981. In order rise of March 1, 1981 and any visitor(s) that had to @o this, it would be necessary for you to complete moved into the household and who had been away the enumeration of all the persons in all the households from his/ber/their place of normal residence through­ liv;ng in census houses in your jurisdiction between out the enumeration period, i.e., from February 9, February 9 and February 28, 1981. During the period, 1981 to February 28, 1981, or an entire household you WIll have takeru note of the possible place where that has moved into your jurisdiction during this houseless population is likely to live, such as on !he period aad which has not been enumerated anywhere roadside, pavements, in hume pipes, under staircases, before. At this point, you may recall the instruction_s or in the open, temple mandaps, platforms and the like. given in paragraph 27 of this booklet where in!;truc­ On the night of February 18/Mareh 1, 1981, but tions about persons eligible to be enumerated in a before sunrise of March 1, 1981, you v,'m have to particular household have been given. qu:ekly cover all such houseless llOuscholds and efl\'­ merate them. If there is likely to be a very large number of houscless persons in your jur;sdiction 142. It is important to remember the lollo\\ing in whom you may not be to enumerate sing:c-hanued in this connection: one night, you should report to your Supervisor i,n advance, so that one or more extra enumerators can (1) If you are enumerating a new household in be deputed to assist you in the one-night ..:nuI1leratioll your block during the revisiollal round, of such houseless persons. You should keep particu­ please recall the instruction given in para­ lar watch on the large settlements of nomadic popula­ graph 3 about Serial number of house­ tion wbo are likely to camp on the outskirt5 of the hold and updating and filling up a Abridged village. These people will have to be covered on the Houselist. night of February 28, 1981. You should of course make sure that these persons have not been enume­ (2) In respect of every new birth, you should rated elsewhere. make sure that you give the correct Loca­ tion Code including the Serial number of 139. At this point, please read the instruction about hous~hold, fill up an Individual Slip and updating and filling up of the Abridged Housel'st. make necessary entries in PaIt II of the You will be required to enter the details of the hou5e­ Household Schedule concerned. Also correct less households in Section 3 of the Abridged Hou5e­ the entry in Question 6 of the SampJe Slip list in the manner described therein. Also pleas~recall (if applicable in your case, i.e., if you are the instruction given in paragraph 4 of this booklet an enumerator in a sample block or in any where you have been told that for houseless house­ of the 19 States and Union Territories men­ holds, you should record '0' in bold letters. In givin_g tioned earlier) pertaining to the mother of tbe Serial number of the household, you will have to the child whom you are enumerating during indicate the Serial number of the household with a the revisional round. Please make sur{, that prefix '0' separated by a desh (-), as explained in the birth has taken place before the sunrise the instructions. of March 1, 1981. 55 56

(3) You will have to ascertain if any death h_ad 145. You are now set for taking up the desk work unfortunately taken place in any of the house­ at home in connection with the census enumeration that holds since your last visit and the sunrise of you have just completed. These are, as you will recall March 1, 1981 and cancel the Individual from this booklet, (1) filling up of the ellUmerator's Slip of the dead pe,rson writing b91dly Dcross Working Sheet for preparing the Ell/umerator's it as 'died'. Please remember to make neces­ Abstract, (2) filling up of the Enumerator's sary correct:on in Part II of the Househoid Abstract, (3) filling up of Section 1 of the Abridged Schedule concerned. Houselist and (4) handing over all documents to your Supervisor, the documents being the Notional Map, the 143. If you have exhausted the entire Population Layollt Sketch, all filled in Household Schedule books, Record for recording the particulars of any household all filled in Individual Slip pads (Universal and Sample, and it becomes necessary to record a new birth or visi­ where applicable), filled in llnd updated Abridged tor, then you will fill in another Household Schedule Houselist, the Working Sheets for pr~paring the Enu­ containing Popu1ation Record form in continuation of merator's Abstract, the fi11ed in Enumerator's Abstract that Household Schedule, taking care that the Location and all blanik Household Schedule books, Individual Code and other particulars are noted in the second Slip pads and other blank forms. - Household Schedule form properly. In such a case, please write on the top right hand corner of the fresh 146. In addition, you have to colkct the filled in Household Schedule 'continued' and note the Book Degree Holder and Technical Personnel Schedules from and Form number of the connected Household Sche­ the households and individuals for whom you had dule. Similarly, on the connected Schedule note the issued these schedules vide instructions given in para­ word 'continued' and give the Book and Form number graph 57. You have to hand over the filled in schedules of the additional Household Schedule form. to your Supervisor. You will also be required to return the blank Degree Holder and Technical Personnel 144. Changes made in the Population Record like Schedules remaining surplus with you together w;th la additions for new births or recording of visitors or dele­ statement giving an account of the number of blank tion of entry in respect of deaths, should be done neat­ forms given to you, number of forms i~sued to eligi­ ly and consequent;al changes in the total should be ble persons in the households, number of filICOln sche­ made. It is this final total that must be entered in Ques­ dules collected and number of blank forms returned to tion 15 of Part I of the Household Schedule. the Supervisor. FILLING UP OF lHE HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE, PART II-POPULATION RECORD-COLUMNS 8 TO 35

147. As mentioned in the instructions relating to Cols. 10 & 24 Literate the filling up of columns 1 to 7 of the Population Re­ cord (P'art II of the Household SchcJule), columns 8 152. For the person entered in column 2 of the to 35 of the Population Record have to b<: entered with Po~u~aro~l ~ecord, chec~ from the corresponding reference to the entries in the Individual Slip. For each Ind.Vidual SlIP whether l' is recorded in the box member of the hOL'&ehold, you will have m:ed up an against Question 11. If so, put ,t tick (v') under Individual Slip. You will be required to copy out or column 10 for males or a tick (\1) mark under to enter the relevant parLculms from the Individual column 24 for females in the corresponding line. Slip in the line relating to that person in column 8 to Cots. 11 & 25: Illiterate column 35 of the Population Record. The foHowin" 'instructions tell you how to do this. '" 153. As in the previous paragraph check if '2' is recorded in the box against Quesfon of the Indivi­ 148. Please note that you should not allow this work 1I dual Slip for the person entered in column 2 of tbe to fall into arrears. You must fill up thes~ columns in the cnse of those households whom you have enume'rat. Population Record an:d if so, give tick (,,/) mark under column 11 for males or t;ck (v) mD:·k under cd each day at the end of the day itself. This would column 25 for females in the correspond;ng I;nc. save you a lot of tiouble and w.ll also C115tlfC that there are IlO en ors. Cols. 12 & 26: Entry in Q. 14A of Individual Slip 'Yes' 149. It would b-: noticed that columns 8 to 21 relate 154. For the person entered in column 2 check to males an.d columns 22 to 35 relate to females. whether 'Y cs' is recorded against Qucstion 14A of the Column 1 placed between columns 13 and 14 is a corr~sponding Individual Slip. If the person is a male, mere copy of column 1 already cntcn.. d by you. This put tIck (v') under column 12 and if female put tick is repeated on page 3 of the Hom,ehold Schedule to ( V) under column 26. ' facilitate your work, by obviating the need to trace back the entries for columns 14 onwards to column 1 Cois. 13 & 27 : Entry in Q. 14A of Individual Slip 'No' on page 2. The instructons that follow will mdicate how the entries from the Indiv:dual Slip should be 155. As in the preceding paragraph check if 'No' carried over to the appropriate columns (8 to 35) of i,e., 'H' or 'ST' or 'D' or 'R' or 'B" or 'r or '0' -i~ the Population Record separately for males and females. entered against Question 14A of the Individual Slip for the person entcred in column 2 of the Population Re­ Co)s. 8 & 22: Name of Scheduled Caste cord. If so and if the p.erson is a male, put a tick (v') under column 13 and If female, put a tick (v') under 150. For each person recorded in colll1nn 2 of the column 27. Population Record, check whether in the corresponding Individual Slip (Universal), '1' is lccorded in the box Cols. 14 & 28: Entry in Q. 14B of Individual Slip 'Yes' against Question 9. If so, copy out the Ilame of the !56. For the person eIltered in column 2 of the Popu­ Scheduled Caste written against Que~tion 10 of the Individual Slip in column 8 if the person is a male or latIOn Record, check against Question 14B of the in column 22 if the person is a female on the corres­ corresponding Individual Slip if '1' is entered in the ponding line. Please do not make any mistake is copy­ box. If so, put a tick (v') under column 14 for male ing out the correct spelling. but if the person is a female, put the tick (\/) unde; column 28 in the corresponding line. Cois. 9 & 23 : Name of Scheduled Tribe Cols. 15 & 29: Entry in Q. 14B of Individual SUp 'No' 151. As in the previous paragraph, for these columns 157. Check if '2' is recorded in the box against also, you will have to check from the correspondin~ Question 14B of the Individual Slip in respect of the Individual Slip of the person entered in column 2 of person entered in column 2 of the Population Record. the Populat;on Record if code '2' is recorded in the If so, put tick (v) under column 15 if} the case of a box aga'nst QUestion 9. If so, the natn0 of the Sche­ maie, but if the person is a female, put the tick (v') duled Tribe written against Question lOaf the Indivi­ under column 29 in the corresponding rne. dual Slip should be copied in column 9 of the Popula. Co!s. 16 & 30: Entry in Q. ISA of Individual Slip tion Record for males and in column 23 for females. 'c' 158. For the person entered in column 2 of the 151.1. It must be noted that if (hire i~ (/ crOss (» Population Record, check if 'C' is recorded against against Question 9 of the Indil':dulIl Slip for the persoll QuestiOn 15A of the corresponding Individual Slip and entered in coillmll 2 0/ the Population Record, the if so, put the tick (\/) under column 16 if male, and corresponding columns 8 and 22 and 9 and 23 of the if the person is a female, put the tick (\1) under Population Record should be left blank. column 30 of the corresponding line. 57 5~

Cois. 17 " 31, 18 & 32, 19 & 33: Entry in Q. 15A 33, C01UIIII1 20 alld column 34, (/lui column 21 and of Ind:vidual Slip 'AL'/'HHI'/'QW' column 35 just as there cannot be a tick (v) on the same line in column 4 and 5 oJ :/1(; Population Record. 159. As in the previous paragraph, check from Que§­ tion 15A of the Individual Slip relating to the person 162.1. Similarly, there cannOt be II tick (\ I) OJ! the entered in column 2 of the Population Record whether same line ill both col limns 10 and 11, 12 and 13, 14 'AL' or 'HI-n' or 'OW' is entered for the person entered and 15, 20 and 21, 24 and 25, 26 afl(i 27, 28 and in column 2 of the Population Record. If so, a tick 29, and 34 alld 35. It will be obviorts from the form ( yI) should be put under the appropriate column 17 itself that there cannot be a tick (,/) 011 the same or 18 or 19. as the case may be, in case the persoll is line in more than one of the colu!1m 16, 17, 18, 19 a male and under column 31 or 32 or 33, as the case and 30,31,32,33. may be, if the person is a female. 163. Having entered these particulars in columns 8 eols. 20 & 34: Whether seeking/available (Qr WOl'k to 35 for all the person enumercltcd in the household, 'Yes' you w;U have to strike the totals. l!1structions for strik­ 160. FOr the person recorded in column 2 of the ing totals for columns 2, 8, 9, 22 and 23 nrc given in Population Record, check from the corresponding the foot-note of the form itself. However, this is re­ Individual Slip whether '1' is entered ill the box against capitulated for your facility. Count the number of en­ Question 16. If so, put a tick (,/) under column 20 tries in column 2 and enter the iigurc against the total in the case of male, but if the persoll is a female, the for this column. You will notiCe that the last serial tick (\1) should be put under column 34. number would tally with the total given undec column 2. Similarly, for striking totals for :':01U11111<; 8, 9, 22, and cots. 21 & 35: Whether seeking/available for work 23, count the number of entries under e"ch column 'No' and enter the figure in the relevant rectangle against thQ total. In striking totals for columns 4, 5, 10 to 21, and 161. As in the previous paragraph, check if '2' is 24 to 35, there should be no difficulty. You have recorded in the box against Question 16 of the Indivi­ merely to count the ticks (\/) under d'fferent columns dual Slip for the person entered in column 2 of the and enter the total in the cell prov;ded for writing tl)e Population Record. If so, put a lick (\/) under colum-n total. 21 in the case of a male and if female, put the tick (yI) under column 35. 164. Having struck the totals, your job in respect of th:s Household Schedule form is over and you should 162. Please note that there CWlnOt be a tick ( \/) sign at the bottom right hand corner and give date also. on the same line in columns 8 and 22, coiulnn 9 and At this point you must please remember t11at Questi~n column 23, column 10 and column 24, column 11 and 15 of Part I of the Household Schedule i.e., total 2S, column 12 and column 26, column 13 alld column population of the household "\\';11 have to be filled after 27. column 14 and column 28, column 15 and column you have derived the total of column 2 of Part II of 29, column 16 and column 30, column 17 and column Populafon Record taking into account the extra forms 31, column 18 and column 32, column 19 and column you may have used in the caSe of large househOlds. APPENDIX I


Definition of Building, Census House and HouseholcJ an undertaking or company (.II government which arl:' occupied by their employees. Each such structure 1.1. You have ~o give numbers to 'Buildings' anu ~hould he treateD as a separate building. If such build­ 'Census H~uses'. in all areas. The instructions given IIlgs haVe a number of flats Of blocks which are inde­ hereafter wIll gUIde you to determine what a building pendent of one another having separate entrance from and a census house are for the purpose of houselisting. a common courtyard Of ~taircase and occupied by diffe­ A building is a readily distinguishable structure or rent households each; slleh fiat or block should he group of structures which is taken as the unit for considered a~ a separate censu'i house. house-numbering. The entire lmilding may be deemed one census house or sometimes part of it, as will be explained. The objectives is to ultimately number 1.0. Usually a ~tructurc ",ill have four walh and a and list out all physical units of eonstruetion~ which roof. But; in some areas the very nature of construction m~e used for different purposes. residential or other­ of houses is such that there may rtot be anv wall. wIse. For example, a conical roof almost touches the ground and an entrance is also provided and there will not 1.2. Building: A building i~ generally a singk he any wall as sllch. Such ~trueture~ should be treated ~tructure on the ground. Sometimes it is made up at 11, ha~}ding" and censu<; home~, as the ca<;c may he. more than one component unit which arc u~ed or likely to be used a<; dwellings (residenee~) (lr esta­ 1.7. If there i~ more thun ont: ~tructure within an hlishn_lent, ~uch as shop~, husines~ houses, office~. endosed or open compound (premises) belonging to j actoncs, workshed;" schools, places of entertainment the same per~on, e.g., the main house, the servants' plae~s of worship, godowm, store~, ctc. It is ais(; quarters, the garage etc., only one building DlImber POS51bic that building'> which have component ul1it~ should be given for this group and each of the consti­ may be used. for a combination of purpose~ such as tuent separate structures assigned a sub-number like <,hop-cum·resl(ience, wo('k~h()p-cl{ll1-resiclence, oflice­ ('!lIIl-residence, etc. ] ( 1 ), 1 (2), 1 (3), and so on, provided these structure~ 5atisfy the definition of a 'Censu~ House' given here­ 1.3. Sometimc~ a "enes of dilfcfI:nt buildings may after. he found along a :,treet which are joined with one .moth~r by common walls on either side looking like a. cont1~uous structure. These different units arc prac­ 1.8. The buildings should be numbered as follows: oeally ~depend~nt of o~e another and likely to have ( i) If in a vallage the lOCality ~nsists of a been bllll~ at dIfferent tImes and owned by different number of streets, buildings should be num­ persons, III such cases, though the whole structure bered continuously. Streets should be taken with all. t~e adjoining un_its apparently appears to be an uniform order from North-west to South­ pne bwldll1g, each portIOn should be treated ClS a ,"cparate building and given a separate nl}mber. 011 the east. It has been observed that the best way of numbering the buildings is to continue ?ther han,d: you may ~ome across cases particularly with one consecutive serial on one side of 111 large cItIes <;If multi-storeyed ownership flats. In these cases whIle the structure looks one buildinl! the the street and complete numbering on that Hats, are owned by different persons. In case o(~uch side before crossing over to the end of the other side of the street and continue with nlUltI-storey~d stlructures, having a number of fiats owned by dIfferent persons, the entire structure should the serial, stopping finally opposite to where be treated as one building and each flat as a separate the first number began. census house. (ii) In a town/city enumeration block, the num­ " .1.4. Sometimes in I?etropolitan CIties the local autho­ bering will have to run along the axis of tlle lltles may have conSidered the flats in a block or in st!e~t . and not in any arbitrary geographical large colonies as separate buildings and numbered lhrechon. them as suc~: If. the house-numbering system of the local authontIes IS adopted as such, you may treat (iii) International numerals i.e., 1, 2 . .3 eac? such flat ~s a separate building because th;" would etc., should he used for building numbers. aVOid your havlllg to renumber these. - (iv) A building under con~trcution, the roof of 1.5. If within a large enclosed area there are separate which has been completed should bt.' 'given ,tructures owned by different persons then each such a number in the serial. "tr~c~ure should. be treated as one or more separate bUlldm&s ..Sometlmes there may be a number of struc­ (\') If a new building either PUCCll or KlItc/UI is tures wlthlll an enclosed area or compound owned by found after the house-numbering has been

~5·M!p,r),.t!!)_:;.) Ctl)_·) 60

completed or in lhy m:dst of buildings al­ ~ame purpoes then each such sti ucture attached to the ready numbered, it should be gtven a new main hostel/hostel should be treated as a separate ceu­ number which lllay bear a sub-number of ",s ].0.,5e and will be given sub-numLers of the main the adjacent building number, e.g., 10/1. bmldtDg. In some parls of the co!!.ntry, in rural areas, the pattern of habitation is such that a glOUp of lmts NOH: : Thele should not be numbered as 10(1) or located :n a compound, whether enclosed or !!nenclo~­ 10(2), etc., as such numbering would apply to c~nsu~ ed, is occupied by one household. While the main r(;;sc­ houses within the same blllilding. On the other hand, dence may be located in one hut, other huts may be 10/1 would mean a separate building that has come used for sleeping, as a kitchen, balh room, baitizak, up after building No. 10. etc. Though each of tbe huts is a separate structure, they form a single _housing unit and, therefore, have to 2. Census House: A Census House is bUIlding or be treated collectively as a. single census house. If part of a building having a separate main entrance some of the huts are used by one household and the trom the road or common courtyard or staircase, etc., others by a second household as residence, tren the used or recognised as a separ~te unit. It may be two group of huts should be treated as separa e census occupied or vacant. It may be used for a residential or houses. However, if there are also other huts in the non-residential purpose or botb. compound used for other purposes and not as part of the household's residence such as, cattleshed, work­ 2.1. If a builcli:ng has a number of fiats or blocks shed etc., they should be treated as separate ce_nsus which are independent of one another having separate houses. entrances of their own from the road or a common staircase or a common courtyard leading to a main 2.4. It is also possible that a household uses anoth~r gate, they will be considered as separate census houses. structure., e.g., a baithak, separated from the mam If within a large enclosed area, tbere are separate residence by some distance or by other structure or buildings owned by different persons, then each such by a road. In such cases, it may become necessary building should be treated as one or more separate to treat that separate structure used as baithak as a build:ngs. You may come across cases where with­ separate censlls house. in an enclosed compound there may be separate build­ ings owned by an undertaking or company Or even 2.5. It is usual to find in municipal towns and cities government, actually in occupation of different persons. that every site, whether built upon or not, is numb~r­ For example, LO.C. colony where the buildings are ed by the municipal authorities on property baSIS. owned by the Corportation but these are in occupation Such open sites, even if they are enclosed by a com­ of their employees. Each such building should b~ rec­ pound wall, should not be listed for census purposes. koned as a separate buildiq,g. But if in anyone of Only cases where a structure with roof has come up these buildings there be flats in occupation of different should be treated as a census house and listed. But households, each such flat should be treated as a in some areas, the very nature of construction of houses separate census house. is such that there may not be any wall. Far example, a conical roof almost touches the ground and an ?n­ trance is also provided and there will not be any 2.2. It may be difficult to apply the definition of census house strictly in certain cases. For example in wall as such. Such structures should of course be an urban area, a flat has five rooms, each room treated as buildings and c~nsus houses and numbered having direct entrance to the common staircase or and listed. courtyard. By definition this has to be treated as five 2.6. Pump houses, temples and other similar struc­ census houses. If all these five rooms are occupied tures must also be numbered and given census house by a single housebold, it is not realistic to treat them numbers. These are places where people ean also as five cenSUS houses. In such a case, s~ngleness of live. Obviously such structures need not ?e ~umbered use of these rooms along with the main house should if they are so small that no person can hve III them. be considered and the entire flat should be treated as one census house. On the other hand, if two 2.7. Each census house should be nymbered. If a independent households occupy these five rooms, the building by itself is a single census house, then the first household living in 3 rooms and the second number of the census house will be the same as the household occupying 2 rooms, then considering the building number. But if different parts or constituent three rooms together should be treated as one census uncts of a building qualify to be treated as sep~ate house and the remaining rooms as another census census houses each census house should be given house. But if each room is occupied by an independent a sub-number within brackets after the building household, then each such rOom should be treated as number as 10(1), 10(2), etc., or ,11(1), 11(2) a separate census house. 11 (3), etC.

2.3. In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door 3. Households: A household is a group of persons of each room in which an inmate lives opens to a who commonly live together and would take their meals common verandah, stairc'ase, courtyard or a common from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire prevented any of them from doing so. There may hostel/hotel building should be treated as one census be a household of persons related by blood or a house­ house. But if such hostels/botel have outhouses or hold of unrelated persons or having a mix of both. oth'!l structures used f(lr different purposes or the Examples of unrelated households are boarding houses, 61

messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes jails, should be treated as a separate household. TIle ashrams', etc. These are called 'Instiutional househQlds'. important link in finding out whether there i'l a house­ There may be one member households, 2 member hold or not is a common kitchen. households or multi-member households. For census purposes, each one of these types is regarded as a 3.2. Each household will be listed according t9 the 'household. ' instructions that follow and a distinguishing number allotted to each household. As cach household will 3.1. If a group of persons who arc unreleated to be related to the physical structure of a censu& .house, each other live in a census house but do not have their the household number as such need not be painted meals from the common kitchen, they would not on the door of each census house. Only the building constitute an

Foodstulfs and khas khas tatties; making of cart wheels, wooden Production of flour by village chakkis or ftour mills· sandals, etc. milling or dehusking of paddy; grinding of chillies tur~ meric, etc.; production gur, khandsari, boora, etc.': pro. Paper and Paper Products duction of plckiess, chutney, jams, etc; processing Manufacture of pulp and paper by hand; mak;ng of of cashewnuts; making of dtied vegetables; manu­ envelopes, paper made articles ' card board boxes , facture of sweet-meats and bakery products; pro­ paper fi ower, paper kites, toys, etc. duction of butter, ghee, etc.; slau_ghtering and preserva­ tion ~f meat and fish; fish curing, etc.; oil pre~sing ghalll. Printing and Publishing Printing works, lithography block-making book Beverages binding etc. Manufacture of country liquor, toddy; I'roduction of soda water, ice, ice cream, sharfJats, etc.; processinf! Leather and Leather PI c.ducts of coffee, etc. - Flying and processiI!-g of hides and skins; making leather footwear, weanng apparel of leather and fur­ Tobacco Products repair of shoes or other leather products. ' Manufacture of bidi, cigar~, chE'rroot5, tobacco, snuff, etc. Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products

Textile Cotton Vulcanising tyres and tubes; manufacture of chap­ pals from torn tyres and other rubber footwear; manu­ Cotton ginning, carding, pressing and baling, spinn­ facture of rubber products from natural and synthct;c ing, etc.; dyeing and bleaching of cloth; "eaving in rubber. handlooms or powerlooms or manufacture of khadi; cloth printing; making of fishing nets, mosquito nets, Chemicals and Chemical Products cotton thread, rope, twine, etc. Manufacture of toys, paints, culours, etc.; manufac­ Textile Jute, Wool or Silk ture of matches, fireworks, perfumes, cosmetics; manu­ facture of ayurvedic medicines, soap, plastic products Similar type of production or processing as men­ celluloid goods; manufacture of ink, candles, boot tioned under Textile Cotton but pertaining to the polish, etc. material concerned. Non-metallic Mineral Products-other than Petroleum Textile Miscellaneous and Coal Making of durries, carpets, hosiery, embroidery Making of bricks, roofing tiles, sanitary fittings, work; lace garland making; manufacture of chrochet cement statues, stone or marble carvings, manufac­ headgear; making of newar, bed covers, (curtains, ture of stone structurals, stone dressing and stone pillow. pillow cases, etc.); making of mattress, qUilt crushing, mica splitting and manufacture of other (rezai), etc.,· making of namda felt, coconut fibre for mica products; making or earthenware and pottery, upholstery; making of brushes, brooms, etc., from co­ crockery, glass beads and bangles, earthen toys; manu­ conut fibres; coir sp:nning; manufacture and repair of facture of glass products, etc. umbrellas; manufacture of dolls and toys (rags and cotton), etc. Basic Metals arid their Products except Machinery and Manufacture of Wood and Wood Products Transport Equipment Sawing and planing of wood, manufacture of Manufacture of iron arms and weapons and their wooden furniture, structural goods like beams, door service and repair, iron and steel furniture, brass, bell­ and window farmes, etc., wooden agricultural imple­ metal utensils, aluminium utensils, tin utensilS, copper ments and their repair, wooden lacquerware, wooden utensils, etc.; nickeling and electroplating, black­ toys, wood carving, sawdust and plaster figure making, smithy; manufacture and repair of agricultural imple­ inlay work; match splinters, plywood and veneers, etc.; ments such as plough-share, etc.; making and repair­ making palm leaf mats, fans, umbrellas, etc., baskets ing of locks and trunks, cutlery, manufacture of scales, and broomsticks, caning of chairs: making of chicks weights and measures and foundry industry. etc. 63

Machinery (all kinds other than Transport) and Elec­ manufacture of animal-drawn and hand-drawn veh:cles trical Equipment such as bullock carts, wheel barrow, etc.

Manufacture of small machine tools and parts; re­ MrsceUaneous Manufactur.ng Industries pairing and servicing of fans, radios, domestic elec­ trical appliances, etc. Repair of spectacles, photographic cqaipment; goldsmithy, silver filigree industry; gold covering Transport Equipment work, bidriware; repair of musical instruments, foun­ tain pens; making ot cowdung cakes, manufacture of Repairing and servicing of automobiles; manufac­ sports goods; repairing of petroma.'{ lights; making of ture of cycle parts, rickshaw parts, I)oats and barges; buttons and beads from cOllchshell and horn goods. APP~NDIX III


(Do not merely say plantation or fishing, etc., but Manufacture of Beverages, Tobacco and Tobacco indicate the appropriate details as given here). Products Plantation Crops Rectif):ing and blending of spirits, w;ne industries; country lIquor and toddy, carbonated water industries Indicate the type of plantation such as tea, coffee, bidi, cigar, cigrarette, zerda, snuff, etc. ' rubber, tobacco, edible nuts, fruits, ganja, betel nutl, etc. Manufacture of Cotton Textiles Livestock Production . Cotton gi~ni~g, cleaning and baling; spinning weav­ mg. and fiOlshmg _of cotton in textile mills; printing; Indicate what kind of livestock is reared such as ?yemg and blea~hlO~ of cotton textiles; cotton spinn­ goats, sheep, horses, pigs, ducks bees, silk worm, mg ~ther than m mIlls (charkha); khadi production; elc. Production of wool, raw silk, etc., are also weavllJg etc. in handloom and powerlooms, etc. covered in this. Manufacture of Wool, Silk and Synthetic Fibre Tex- Agricultural Services tiles Indicate what type of agricultural service, e.g., pest Wool cleaning, baling and pressing weaving destroying, spraying, operation of irrigation system, and finishing in mills and other than' in mills, animal shearing and livestock services (other than dye~ng and bleaching; printing of silk, synthetic veterinary services), grading agricultural and live­ textiles, etc. stock products, soil conservation, soil testing, etc. Manufacture of Jute, Hemp a~ Mesta Textiles Hunting Indicate hunting, trapping and game prC'pagation S_pinnin& a~d pressing and baling of jute and me~ta; for commercial purpose only. dyClllg; pnntmg. and bleaching of jute textiles and manufacture of Jute bags are also covered in this. ForEstry and Logging Apart from planting and conservation of fore"ts. Manufacture of Textile products felling and cutting of trees, elc., this would cover of fodder, gums, resins, (Including wearing apparel other than footwear) production of fuel, gathering knitting mills, manufacture of all types of threads' lac, etc. cordage, ropes, etc./ embroidery; carpets; rain coats; hats; made up textde goods (except garments) oil Fishing cloth: tarpauli~; coir and coir products, linoieum, Sea, coastal and inland water fishing, pisci-culture, paddmg, wadd'ng, etc., are also covered in this. collection of pearls, conches, shells, sponges, elc. MaDUfac~ure of Wood and Wood Products, )<'nrn:tUlll MINING AND QUARRYING and FJxtures (Do not merely say mining or quarrying bu_t indi­ l'1anufacture ~f veneer, plywood and their products; cate further details.) Indicate what is mined such as ~awlllg and plamng of wood; wooden and cane boxes coal, lignite, crude petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, cr.ates, drums, bal~rels, e~e. bcams, posts, doors and manganese, gol9, silver, copper ore, quarrying of stones, \VIndows, wooden mdustnal goods like blocks, handles; clay and sand pits, preciom and ~emi-prcciolls stones, elc., cork products; wooden, bamboo and calle furni­ mica, gypsum, etc. ture and fixture, ele. MANUFACTURING AND REPAlR Paper and Paper Products and Printing, Publishiltg (Do not mcrely say engaged in a factory, but indi­ and Allied Industries tate what the manufacturin~ ;, c:onccrned with <15 .Manufact~re of pulp; paper, paper boards and news­ detailed hcrs;). pnnts; contalller and paper boxes; printing and pub­ Manufacture of Food Products ~ishing of news~apers; per:o?icals, books, etc., engrav­ Ing. block maklllg, book bIDding etc. Slaughtering, preparation and preservation of me:lt. dairy products; canning and preservation of fruits Leather and Fur Products and vegetables; fish. grain mill products; bakery pro­ ducts; sugar; boora; common salt; edible oils including Tanning currying etc., of leather; footwear (ex­ vanaspati; processing of tea or coffee; manufacture of cludfing rcpair); coats, gloves, currying, dyeing etc., of ur, and skin rugs, etc. ice; animal fecds, starch, etc. 65

Rubber, Plastic, Petroleum and Coal Products CONSTRUCTION Tyrc and tube industries; footwear made of val­ (Do not merely say engaged in construcLon but canized or moulded rubber; rubber and plastic pro­ give further particulars. Clear details of the type of ducls; petloleurn refineries, production of coaltar in construction and maintenance such as buildings, road, coke ovens, etc. railways, telegraph, telephone, water ways and water reservoirs, hydro electric projects, industrial plants, Chemica! and Chemical Products activities allied to construction such as plUJpbing, Manufacture of chemicals such as acids, alkalis, heating and air conditioning installation, setting of gases, etc., fert]lizers and pesticides; paints, varnishes, 1;les, marble, briCk, etc. construction of electrical drugs and medicines; perfumes, cosmetics, lot:ons; installation etc., should be given). synthetic resins, etc., explosive and ammunition and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'I RADE AND fireworks, etc. RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS Non-metallic Mineral Products Food, Textiles, Live Animals, Beverages and Intc.:od­ Structural clay products; glass and glass prodyct5; cants earthen ware and earthen pottery; china ware and Indicate clearly that the wholesale trade is dO)1e in porcelain ware, cement, lime and plaster; asbestos, cereals, pulses; foodstuff; textiles and textile products, cement, etc. e.g., garments, shirtings, etc., beverages, intoxicants Basic Metal and Alloys Industries like wines, opium, ganja, tobacco, etc.; wholesale trade in animals, straw and fodder is also covered in this. Iron and steel industries; casting foundr:es; ferro­ alloys; copper, brass, zinc and brass manufacturing Fucl, Light, Chemicals, Perfumery, Ceramics and etc. Glass Metal Products and Pads except Mach:nery and Wholesale trade in medicines, chemicals, fuel light­ Transport Equipment ing products; toilets; porcelain, glass utensil, crockery, etc. Metal cans from tin-platc, shccts metal, burrels, drums, pails, safe, etc.; structural metal products; All types of Machinery, Equipment, including Trans­ metal furniture and fixture; hand tools; utensils, port and Electrical Equipment cutlery, etc. Agricultural and industrial machinery, e.g., har­ Machinery, Machine tools and Parts except Electrical vcsters, threshers, etc.; electrical machinery; transport Machinery equipments, etc.

Agricultural machinery, cranes; road rollers; boilels, Miscellaneous Manufacturing diesel engine; refrigerators, a'r conditioners, etc. Wholesale trade in furn:ture, rubber and lubber Electrical Macbinery, Apparatus, Appliances and products, building materials, clocks, etc.; eye-glasses, Supplies and Parts etc.; medical and surgical instruments; precious metals, Electrical motors, ,generators, transformers, insu­ stones and jewellery, etc. lated w;rcs and cables; dry and wet batteries; radiO, television, etc.; X-ray apparatus; electric computors. Retail Trade in food alld food-articles, bevera~s, etc. tobacco and intoxicants Transport Equipments and Parts Indicate clearly that the retail trade is carried in grocery. vegetable, fruit selling, meat, poultry, b8kcry Ship building and repairing locomotives and parts; products, da:ry products, pan, bidi, acrat<,:g water. Railway wagons; coaches, etc., rail road equipmenb: etc. motor vehicles; bicycles; aircrafts; push-carts and hanel-carts, etc. Retail Trade in Textiles Other Manufacbwing Indulitries Do not merely say engaged in retail trade in te,tile, Do not say other 1!1anufacturing industrics but but indicate clearly what the 1( <~ ~ trade is concerned with. Dealers in textile (non ready-made), ready­ write clearly what IS being manufactured like manufacture of medical, surgical and scientific equip­ made garments, arc S0me examples. ments; photographic 8nd optical goods; watches: minting of coins; nlPsical inslruments, etc. Retail Trade in Others ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER Indicate clearly what kind of retail trade it is, like medical shops, booksellers, building material, etc. Indicate if generation and transmission of electric energy or distribution is involved, e.g., manufacture Restaurants and Hotels of gas 'Il gas works and its distribillion; water supply. i.e., collection, purification and distribution of water, Restaurants, cafes and oiliC!r eating places, hotels. etc. rooming houses, camps and other lodging places. 66

TRANSPORT. STORAGr Al\D COMMUNICA· dgcnb and blOkclS, auctioncering; d,:cuulHlllg; u..ll .. t TION processing, engineering; advertising ~ervices. ('Ie.; legal services rendered by advocates, harri~tel~. pleaclcr~ (Do not merely ~ay engaged in land, water, dir etc. transport but giv~ further p~rticulars). Indicate what kind of transport ~uch as railways, tramways, motor buses, bullock carts, ekka, tonga, etc.; ocean and COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PI R\)001AI. St:R­ coastal water, inland water transport, air transport. VICES ~ervices rendered to transport such as packing, crating, travel agencies, etc. It also includes storage, ,,:are­ It should be clearly indicated whcther ~clvicc b:­ housing, communication such as postal, telegraph, longs to public administration, union government, 5tah: government, police service, quasi-government bo(te~. wireless, t~lephone, etc. sanitary services, education, scientific and rcst::arch. FINANCING, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND etc. BUSINESS SERVICES Personal Services Indicate clearly whether services belong to bank­ ing; credit institutions other than banks, c.g., 10a[1 Do not merely say engaged in per~ollal 5erv;cc but societies, agricultural credit institutioJ)s, elc., money indicate clearly whether it is dome~tic service, ser­ lenders, financiers, etc. provident services, insurance vices relating to laundaries, cleaning and dyeing plants, carriers life, fire marine accident, health, etc. It also hair dressing, photographic studio~, intcrmlt:()nal and includes business services, e.g., purchase and sale ot her extra territorial bodies, elc. APPENDIX-IV CLASSIFIED LIST OF OCCUPA nONS i,e" DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Questions 15A and 15B)

Professional, Technh:al and Related Workers money lenders, pawn brokers, etc., will also be covered. (Do not merely sayan Engmeer, Doctor, Teacher, etc., in describing the \york of an individual but fur~ Service Workers nish mOre precise particulars as given bclow). Iml! cate clearly in respect of engineers to what branch (There are all types of service workers such as they belong such as civil, mechanical, elcctrical, metal­ those engaged as domestic servants or in personal lurgical, mining, elc. in respect of physicians, state if services or in police service or watch and ward, etc. they are allopathic, aY\,lrvedic, homoeoRathic, et, Give precise particulars). Hotel and restaurant k~(;pcrs, Physiologists and dentists, etc., should be recorded. husekeepers, matrons and stewards (domestic and As regards teachers, state if they are university tea­ institutional), cooks, waiters, bartenders and related chers, Secondary School, Middle School, Primary workers (domestic and institutional) maids and related School or Kindergarten teachers. There are variom hous~keeping service workers, building care-takers, other type~ of chemists, physicists, archaeologists, sweepers, cleaners and related workers, launderers, nurses, pharmacists, health technicians, jurists, social dry cleaners and pressers, hair dressers, beauticians scientists such as ~conomists, statisticians, geographers, and related workers, protection service workers, such historians, anthropologists, etc., as also artists, writers, as watchmen, ehowkidars, gate keepers, etc., other painters, sculptors, actors, etc., draughtsmen, labora­ ~crvice workers. tory assistants, librarians, ordained religious worker~, astrologers etc., who will have to be recorded with Farmers, Fishermen, H ..nters, Loggers, etc. and related particulars of their work. workers Administrative, Executive and Managerial Workers Deep sea fishermen, inland river water fishermen, (Do not merely say Government Officer, an ofIicer shell gatherers, forest rangers, charcoal burners, forest in a private firm or concern but give further particu­ product gatherers, plantation managers, farm machine lars). They may be in Government service or under operators, gardeners, toddf tappers, rubber tappers. a loc~l body or in a business firm, manufacturing hunters, bird trappers, etc., will be covered. establIshment or a catering establishment or a trans· port company and so on. Their full description should Production and other related workers, Transport equip­ be recorded sllch as for example, Secretary to th" men.t Operators and Labourers Government uf India, District COllector, MUl1icip,:1 C?mmissioner, . Executive Officer of a Panchayat, (This may cover a very large variety of craftsmen Director of a firm, Manager of a business concern and operators, etc., whose work will have to be given Proprietor and Manager of a hotel, elected and legis: in adequate detail.) Examples: minerals, quarrymen, lativc ofIicials, aircrafts and ships otllcers, c/(. well drillers, cotton ginners, spinners, dyers, knitters, lace makers, carpet makers, etc., tailors, cut­ Clerical Workers ters. hat makers, embro:ders, snoe makers Df (Do not merely denote the work of a person as repairers: saddle makers, leather cutters, etc., clerk or oJlicc worker but furnish further particular~). blacksmiths, furnacemen, moulders, etc., cart builders, State clearly the type of work done such as, cashier, wheel wlights, cabinet makers, etC., stone cutters, accountant, stenographer, typist, computing clerk, kc\ bricklayers, masons, hut builders, thatchers, well dig­ punch operator, omce assistant, guard, hrakeman gers, etc., jewellers, goldsmiths, watch and .clock maJ.cers traffic controller, railway ticket inspectDr, postman, or repairers, welders and plate cutters, sheet metal telephone/teleprinter/wireless operator, record keeper, workers, machine tool operators, electricians, electrical despatcher, e/e., ollice \vorkers would also include and electronic wire fitters, rad:o mechanic, electric peons, daftries, etc. linemen, cable jOinters, carpenters, ioin~rs, sawers, etc., printing type machine opera.tors, proof Readers, Sale Workers photo-litho operators, book binders, potters, moulders, (Do not merely say a worker in a shop but give firemen, kHnmen, blowers and makers of glass, millers, details). It should he clearly recorded whether the bakers, confeotioners, sweetmeat makers, food canners, proprietor of a business concern engages himself in coffee Of tea planters, tobacco curers, graders and blen­ wholesale or retail trade. Salesman Of shop assIstants, ders of tobacco, bidi or cigar makers, snuff or zarda agents of insUlance, brokers in share. auctioners malcers, tyre builders, crane or hoist operators, loaoers commercial, travellers. hawkers and street vendors, and unloaders, etc. ANNEXURE C THE CENSUS ACT, 1948 Act NO'. 37 af 1948 An Act to' provide for certain matters in connectian (4) The Sta e Government may delegate to. s~ch with the taking of census, author:ty as it thinks fit the pcwer of appomting [3rd September, 1948] census-officers conferred by sub-section 2), Whereas it is exped:ent to provide for the taking Status of census authorities as public servants of census in 1 * '" '" Ind' a or any part thereof when­ ever necessary or desirable and to provide for certain 5, The Census Commissioner, all Directors of matters in connection with the taking of such census; Census Operations' and all Ce~su.s-officers sh~l be deemed to be public servants wIthin the meamng of Short title and extent the Indian Penal Code. (45 of 1860) It is hereby enacted as follows:- Discharge of duties of census-officers in certain cases 1. (1) This Act may be called the Census Act, 6. (1) Where the District Magistrate ~r s?ch ~utho­ 1948. rity as the State Government. may appomt III thIS be­ 2[ (2) It extends to the whole of India3~ " .,. J half, by a written arder so d reets :- (a) Every officer in command of any body of 'Rule of construd:01l respecting enaclmen~s not extend­ ing to Jammu and Kashmir man belonging to the naval, military or air force, or cf any vessel af war, of India, 4. [2. Any reference in this Act to the Indian Penal (b) every person (except a pilot or harbour­ Code ar the Indian EvldeIlce Act, 1872 (45 af 1860, master) having charge or control of a: 1 cf 1872) shall, in relaticn to' the Sta'e of Jammu vessel, and Kashmir be construed as a reference to' the ccr­ responding e~actment in force in that State.] (c) every person in charge of a lunatic asylum, hospital workhouse, prison, refarmatory or Central Government to take census lock-up' or of any public, charitable, reli­ gious or educational institution, 3. The Central Gavernment may, by notification (d) every keeper, secretary ar manager of any in the Offic:al Gazette, declare its intentian of ~aki?g serai, hatel, boarding-house, lodging-house, a census in the whole or any part of the terntones emigration depot or club, fo which this Act extcnrs, whenever it may consider it necesssary or desirahle so to do, and thereupon the (e) every manager cr officer of 'a railway or census shall be taken. any commercial or industrial es:abrshmcnt, and Appointment of census staff (f) every occupant of immovable property 4. (1) The Central Government may appoint a wherein at the time of the taking of the Census Commissioner to supervise the takingS cf t4e census persons are living, census throughout the area in which tho census IS intended 10 be taken, and Directors of Census Ope­ shall perform such of the duties of a ce"sus~officer rations! to supervise the taking of the census within in relation to tbe persons who at the time of the several States. faking of the census are under his command or charge, or are inmates of his house, or are present (2) The State Government may ?ppoint persc;ns on or in such immovable prcperty or are employed as census-officers to take or aId Ill, or supervtse under him as may be specified in the order. the taking of, the census within any specified local area and such persons, when so appointed, shall be (2) All the provisions af this Act relating to bound to serve accordingly. census-officers shall apply, so far as may be, to all persons while performing such duties under this sec­ (3) A declaraticn in writing, signed by any autho­ tion, and 'any person refusing or neglecting to per­ rity authcrised by the State Government ~n this be­ form any duty which under this sectian he is directed half, that any person has been duly appointed. a to perform shall be deemed to have committed an ce~us-cfficer for any local area shall be concluslVe cffence under section 187 of the Ind:a.n Penal Code proof of such appointment. (45 of 1:860). 1. The words-"the provinces and Acceding S~a~-::s" "':ere rep., by the A. O. 1950. 2. Subs. ibid., for the form<;r sub-section. 3. The words "except the Slate of Jammu & Kashmir" omitted by Act. 22 of 1959. S. 2. 4. Ins. by s . .1. ibid. Tho Origin2.1 s. 2 W·.'.s omitted by Act 16 of ~957, s. 2 and sch. 5. Sub, for th~ wJrJs "Sq:J:rintcnJents 0[ CI)O,U5 O;',l'atioll)" by Sec l of Repealing an1 Amending Ac'. 1974. (Act N". 56 of 1914). 6S Power to call upon certain persons to give assistance within the local area for which he is appointed, leave or cause 10 be left a schedule at any dwelling house 7. The District l\lagistrate, or such authority as or with tbe manager or any omcer of any commer­ the State Government may appoint in this behalf for c;al or indus'rial e~tablishment, for the purpose of it.> any local 'area, may, by \vcitten order which s11.a11 being filled up by the occupier of such house or of have effeet throughout the exte.nt of his district or of :my 5pccitied part thereof or by such manager or such local area, as the case may be, call upon- officer with such particulars as the State Government (a) all owners and occupiers of land, tenure­ may direct regarding the inmates of such house Or holders, and fanners and 'assignees of land revenue, part thereof, or the persons employed under such of their agents, manager ~r officer, as the case m,ay be, at the time of the takmg of the census. (b) all memb>Clo, o( the dri~trict, municipa~, pan~ chayat and other local authorities and olficers and (2) When such schedule has been so left, the said servants of such author:t·cs, and occupier, ma.naber or oIllcer, as the case may be, ~han fill it up or cause it to be fil~cd up to the best of (c) all ofllccrs anJ members of staff of any factory, his knowledge or belief so far as regards the inmates firm or estabisbment, to give such assistance as shall of such house Or part thereof or tbe persons employ­ be specified ill the order towards the taking of a ed under him, as the case may be, at the time afor~ census of the p~rsons who are, at the time of the said, and shall sign his name thereto and, when so taking of tIle cen&us, on the lands of such owners, required, shall deliver the schedule so filled up and occupiers, tenure-ho~ders, farmers and assignees, or 5.i[3ned to the census-oflicer or to such person as the in the premises of factories, firJ1ls and other estab­ census-officer may direct. lishments, or within the areas for which such local authorities are established, as the case may be, and Penalties the persons to whom an order under this section is directed !.hall be bouPd to obey it and shall, while 11. (1) (a) Any census-officer or any person law­ acting in pursuance of such order. be deemed to be fully required to give assistance to..yards the taking public servants \vithin the meaning of the Indian of a census who refuses Or neglects to use reasonable Penal Code. (45 of 1860). cHIigence in performing any duty imposed upon him or in obeying any order issued to him in accordance Asking of questions and obHgatioll to answer w'th this Act .or any rule made thereunder, or any person who hmders Or obstracts another person in 8. (1) A census-officer may ask all such questions performing any sneh duty or in obeying any such of 'all persons within the limits of the local area for order, or which he is appointed as, by instructio.ns issued in this behalf by the S~ate Government and published (b) . any census-officer who intentionally puts any in the oTIdal Gazette, he may be d~rccted to ask. offenSive or ,;mproper questio 1 or knowi.ngly makes any false return or, without the previous sanction (2) Every person of whom any question is asked of the Central Government or the State Government under sub-section (1) shall be legally bound to discloses any infOlmation which he has received by answer such questions to the best of his knowledge means of, or for the purposes of, a census return, or belief: or Provided that no person shall be bound to state (c) allY sorter, compiler or other member of the the name of :1,~y female member of his household. census staff who removes, secretes, damages or des­ and no woman shall be bound to state the name o~ troys any census document or deals with any census her husband or deceased husband or of any other document in a manner Iikcly to fals;fy or impa;r the person whose lHlI'1e ,he i<; forbidden by custom to tabulations of cen,us results, or mention. (d) any pcrso!1 who inten f ioJ1ally gives a false Occupier to pennit access and fixing of numbers ansv'er to. or refu<;cs to ~lI1swer to the best of his 9. LVery pcr~on occupyin;! a-!1y house, enclosure, knowledge or belief, any question a~ked of him by a censu<;-ofTicer \v],ieh is legally bound by section vessel 0,· other phcc shall allow census-offIcers such h(' access thereto a<; they may require for the purpo<;es R to ~'Jl,wer. or flf the census and as having regard to the customs of the cOllntry. mav he reas0.nable and shall a1\o\\ (,~) ~ny person OCCU;iy: ng any house, enc:osurc, them to paint on, or alTix to, the place such letters, ';c'·sd or oth~r phlce WllO refuscs tn allow a census­ marks or numbers as may be neCessary for the pur­ o'YJcer <;uch rea50na~)lc a:cess thereto as he is re­ poses of the census. c: J'rcd l'y scct'on 9 to allow, or

Occupier or manager to fill lip schedule , (f) 21lY p:::r'on '."!:o [('moves, ('bli'clates, alters, or ll·'::l·I~;C<; U'ly ~ute··', mmk~ or Eumbers which have 10. (1) Subject to such orders as the State Gove­ lY'~ll f>~jnted l'r afl1xcd for the pl1rposes of the census, rnment may issue in th;5 behalf, a census-oillcn may, or (g) any person who, having beeH required under J 872, (l of 1872) no entry in lany such book, regis­ section 10 to fill up a schedule, knowingly and with­ ter, record or schedule shall be admissible as evi­ out sufficient cause fails to comply \"ith the pro­ dence in any civil proceed'ng whatsoever Or in any visions of that section, or makes any false return criminal proceeding other than a prosecution under thereunder, or this ~et or any other law for any act or omission which constitutes an offence under this Act. (h) any persOn who trespasses into a census offiee, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one TemllOrary suspension of othi!r laws as to mode of thous,and rupees and in case of a conviction under taking census in municipalities part (b) or (c) sh'all also be punishable with imprison­ ment which may extend to six months. 16. Notwithstanding anything in any enactment or rule with respect to the mode in which a census is (2) Whoever abets any offence under sub-section to be taken in any municipality, the municipal auth~ (1) shall be punishable \vith fine whieh may extend to rity, in consultation with the Director of Census one thousand rupecs. Opcrations2 or with such other authority as the State Sanctiol} required (or prosecution Government may authorise in this behalf, shall, at the time appointed for the tak:ng of any census cause 12. No prosecution under this Act &hall be in~ti­ the census of the municipality to be taken wholly tuted except with the previous sanction of the State Or in part by any methOd authorised by or under Government or of an authority authorised in dlis this Act. behalf by the State Government. Gmnt of statistical abstracts Opel'ation of other laws not barred 17. The Census Commissioner or any Director of 13. Nothing in this Aet shall be deemed to pre­ Census Operations2 or such person as the State Gove­ vent any person from being prosecuted under any rnment may authorise in this behalf may, if he so othr law for any act or omls,,;on which constitute:" thinks fit, at the request and cost (to be determined an offence under this Act: by him) of any local authority or person, cause Provided that no such prosecution shall be insti­ abstracts to be prepared and supplied containing any such statistical information as c,an oe derived from tuted except with the previous sanction referred to in 3 section 12. the census returns for [India or any State], as the caSe may be, being information which is not con­ J" urisdictitm tained in any published report and which in his opinion it is reasonable for that authority or person 14. No Court inferior to that of a Presidency 10 require. Magistrate of the second dassl~", *, shall try, ,,,hether under tbis Act or under any other law, any act or Power to make rules omission which constitutes an offence under this Act. 18. (1) The Central Government may make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. Records of cenSlLS n~t open to inspection nor admis­ sible in evidence (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the gene­ rality of the foregoing power, the Central Govern­ 15. No person shall have a right to inspect any ment may make rules providing for the appointment book, register or record madc by a census-omcer in of census-officers and of persons to perform any of the discharge of his duty as such, or any schedule the duties of census-officers or to give assista,nce to­ delivered under section 10, and notwithstanding any­ wards the taking of a census, and for the _general thing to the contrary in the Indian Evidence Act, instructions to be issued to such officers and persons.

1. The words "or III a Part B State, A Magistrate correspondIng to a Magistrate of the second class" ins by Act 51 of 1950. S. 4 omitted by the Adop(ion of Laws (No.3) Order, 1956. 2. Subs for the words "Superintendents of Census Opc!atiol1s" bi Sec 3 of the Repealing and Amanding Act. 1914 (Act No. 56 of 1974). 3. Suba by th>:l A.O. 1950. "for tbe provinces of India or the Province". ANNEXURE B


Introduction doing so the Institutional and Houseless households were' excluded. Re-numbering of the normal house­ Just after the 19'61 Census Enumeration was over, holds was made in the Abridged Houselist in a con­ a number of Census Directorates were to hold a post tinuous serial and then every 10th household was Enumeratipn Cheek Surve:y. Apart from the State selected after assigning the random number between of West Bengal, 13 other m:ajor states the un!on 1 and 10 to the first selected household. For these Terriory of Delhi conducted the Post-Enumeratlon 10(/0 households Form-II was canvassed. The con­ Check (PEC). tent error schcd~le i.e.. Form III was canvassed in a sub-sample of 50 blocks in each State in 10% Objectives household. The objectives of the PEC were to evaluate the Method of data collection coverage error and the content errOr. The coverage There were three stages in the post EnumeraLon error to be investigated in the PEC were of two Check Survey, i.e., Listing and Enumeration, (b) types. The cne was omission or duplication of pel­ Desk match between the PEC and the corresponding sons due to omissIon or duplication of households Ce,nsus records and (c) Field reconciliation. and the other was omission or duplication of indivi­ duals i,n censused households. These errors were (8) Listing and Enumeration-At this stage the ope­ called Type-l and Type-2 errors respectively. The rations to be performed were-(i) The lelisting of content errors 10 be inve&tigated ,;n the PEC were the Census houses in the s,elected Enumeration to check on the quality of information on items col­ Blocks; (ii) re-enumeration of all the members of a lected in the 1981 Census like age, literacy, whether 10% sub-sample qf households which had been enu~ worked any time during last one year and main merated in the Censm; and (iii) collection of certain activity. Three schedules were canvassed. These sche­ particulars like age, literacy, economic activity etc. dules were called PEC Form J, PEC Form II and in respect of individuals in the 10% sub-sample of PEC Form III. Forms I and II related to coverage censused household& for the purpose of content error error and Form lIT to content error. check in a 'Sub-sample of 50 Enumer',ation Blocks. Before the EJ1Umerator was sent to the field, a list of households had to be selected from the Abridged Sample Design House List. The notional maps and the layout sket­ The Enumeration Blocks where the PEC was to be ches of the sclected PEC Block and adjoining Blocks conducted were selected in the office of the Regis­ were to be assembled. trar-General, India New Delhi on sample basis, i.e. (b) Desk match between the PEC aud the corres­ by systematic sample. Out of the. total of 3,862 Enu­ pon'd~ng Census records: At this stage, the entries in meration Blocks selected for thIS purpose all over the Form I were matched with those in the Abridged India, our share in West Bengal was 350. For draw­ House List of the corresponding Enumeration Block. ing the sample Enumeration Blocks, sample frames Similarly, the entries in the Form II and III of the separately for rural, city urban and non-~ity urba~ PEC were matched with the corresponding entries in were prepared at the concerned State/Ul1lon Tern­ the Population Record, i.e., Household Schedule tory Census Directorate and seat to the office of the Part II. Before the Desk match starte(1 all the eDc Registrar-General, India, New Delhi. For rural area, tries in the population record were thoroughly check. tbe sample frame contained the number of En~mera­ ed with the corresponding entries in the Individual tion Blocks bv size class of population, that IS less slips in order to ensure that no mistake had been than 300, 300-499, 500-749 ar-d 750 + fOr each committed in transcribing t.he patticulari {rom one police st:ation of each district. Continuous notional record to another. numbers ""ere assigned to the Enumeration Blocks starting from the first block in the size class of less (c) Field reconciliation: Iteconciliations was made tran 300 and ending at the last block in the size in the field about the particillars of the households class Of 750 +-. In the case of city and non-city urban or individuals the entries in respect of which Or whom the sample frames contained the number of Enume­ were not unequivocally matched between the PEe ration Blocks arranged in ascending order separately and re:evant Census records. At this stage additional for each city and town of each district. inform;ation were also collecteJ whereve; needed.

In each block selected for PEC., a 10% sub-sample Organisation of Held work of Households was drawn at the State/Union Tcrri­ In West Bengal where no Regional Tabulation offices tory Census Directorate linear systematically. In were set up at the time of PEC Survey, we had to

71 72 deploy the State Government Employees with the The consUueul un.its of the Zones are as follows : concurrence of tllC Registrar-General, India in con­ ducting the PEe Survey. TIle services of the Assistant (1) Southern Zone-Andhra Pradesh, Karna­ Compilers as well as some of the charge Assistants taka, Kerala and Tamilnadu. of this Directorate were utilised 'as Enumerators in (2) Eastell1 Zone--Bih:lr, Orissa and West the Enumeration Blocks se\ccted in and around Benga1. Calcutta. In other districts, the District Magistrates/ (3) Central Zone-Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Deputy Commissioners were requ'csted to select some Pradesh. of the State Govt. employers at the Community (4) Western Zone-Maharashtra and Gujarat. Development Block level to work as £,numerator in the PEC. In few cases where State Govt. employees (5) Norther~ Zone-Delhi, IIaryana, Punjab were not available, wme non-omcinls were selected and Ra)'asth:m. to work as Enumerator. This mixed lot of people did the first operation of listing and cal1vassing of the At the national level, the omission rate is 17.95 per PEC forms Then the result were brought to the 1,000 persons enumerated in the Census Count. In District/Subdivisional Headquarters for desk match­ the case of males, the omission rate is 17.10 per 1,000 ing. A suitable number of Collectorate employees while in the case of female it is 18.85 per 1,000. The conducted the desk matching and as soon as the desk rates of net omission do not differs'gnificantIy for matching was over, the same sct of Enumerators con­ males and females bOlh in the rural and urban al as. ducted the field reconciliation, but they had to cover but the rural-urban difference in the omission rate is the Enumeration Blocks where they did not listing significunt. The omission rate in the rural arecls i9 work earlier. 1 he Clwrgc Assistants of this Directo­ 15.04 per 1,000 persons, while in the urban areas rate acted as Supervisors. They supervised the listing it is 27.63 per 1,000 persons. The omission rate of work, desk match ,md finally the field reconciliation. 17,95 per l,U()O person, at the n;ational level bas a On completion of ',he entire operations, they had to percentage relal ivc standard errOr (PRSE) of 4.69 per coI.:ect all the relevant PEe records and submit them cent. to tllis Directorate. The omis~:on of pcr50ns due 10 the mii>sing of the entire household in the Census is very low being 1.47 Calender for Field work of PEe per 1,000. It is extremely low in the rural areas being The following time-schedule for PEC Survey field 0.64 1,000 as against 4.14 per 1,000 in the urban work was followed in West Bengal- areas. TIle major component of tIle omission rate is the onllssion of persons in the households covered (a) Listing and canvassing by the Enumerators during the Census. It may, therefore, be said that the from the 23rd March to 31st March, 1981. coverage of household,s in the Census was fairly (b) Desk matching from the 1st April to 4th total. April, 1981. The statement below shows the omission rate for the (c) Field rconcilial~on from the 5th April [0 nation and the zones; . 8th April, 1981. STATEMENT-I The Results Net omission rate per 1,000 persons enumerated The results of the PEC are significant in the sense India!Zone~ Males Females Persons that it showed to what extent we were wrong in --~ - ~-----~---- Census enumeration. In order to throw some light 2 3 4 on the results of the PEe., a brief discussion is quO­ ----- ted below from the paper 4 of 1982-Rep~rt on India 17,10 18, S5 17·95 Post Enumeration Cheek published by the Registrar­ Southem 15·55 15·14 General, India : 14· 7l East~rn 11·52 11·95 11,72 The PE Cresults have been presented separately for Central 22 GG 28,64 25,50 each of the five zones, i.e., the Southern, E;astern, Central, Western and Northern zones and also at Western 11·0'> 16.95 11.03 national level. In the follOwing paragraphs we shall Northern 19,70 23,20 21,81 be discussing on t_he result of coverage error only. The net omis~ion rate at the z011.a1 level w,as estima­ ted with reasonable precision. The number of per­ The above statement indicates that the omission rate sons omitted, net of duplication and the nu1uber of III the Central ZOlle is the highest (25.50 per 1 000) persons enumerated have been estimated by unbiaied followed by th?t .in the Northern Zone (21.81' pc; method. The omission rate which is the ratio of the 1,000). The omlss:on rated ill the Western zone is close persons omitted (net) divided bv the nnmber of the to that of India (17.03 per 1,000). The omission rate persons enumerated, is a ratio of two estim,ated nurn­ in the Eastern zone is the lowest (11.72 per 1 000) bers. Therefore, the formula for ratio estimate assu­ while that in Southern zone is 15.14 per 1,000 per: ming simple random sampling has been used to sons. The statemellt also shows that the male-female estimate the variance. difference in the omission rate is very significant both 73 in the Central and Northern Zones. In both the among the. ~ales more in these areas probably be~ cas~s the omission rate among the females is very cause these mclude the large metropOlitan agglo­ higher compar~son to that among the males. memtion of Calcutta and Bombay. YV hue fe consider the omission rate by relationship The comparison of the all-India omission rate with to head of the household, it is observed that the the omission rate obtained in relation to 1971 Census omission rate in the case of members of the nuclear shows that the omlssion rate has remained falrly con­ families is 11.53 per 1,000 against 39.86 per 1,000 stant. At the naEoDal levI, the omission rate in the in tht:: case ot members of the other families. For 1971 Census was 16.74 per 1,000 as against 17.95 this purpose, a nuclear family is defined as consisting per 1,000 persons in the 1981 Census. The c?mpari­ of the head of the pousehold, his or her spouse and son of omission rate of the 1971 Census with that his or her sons and daughters. The difference in of the 1981 Census for the Southern and Eastern omission rates are high in al the zones, being pani­ Zones is possible as these zones of the 1981 Census cular,y It' gh ill the southern zone. are indent al to those adopted in the 1971 Census PEC. In both these zones the om!ssion rate of the Analysis of omission rates by marital status indicates 1981 Census is the same as that obtained in relation that the widowed/divorced/separated tend ~10 be omit­ to the 1971 Census. ted more. In their cases the omission rate is 23.64 per 1,000 as aga'nst 20.20 per 1,000 in the caSe of The pet omission rate in the age-group 0-4 is the the never married and 14.65 per 1,000 in the case highest (26.98 per 1,000) of those in the other age­ of the. married. groups ancJ, also that for all ages (17.95 per 1,000). The omission rates are higher in the case of females In the age-group 5-9, 30-39, 40-49 and SO-59, among the m1rried and widowed/divorced/separated the net omission rates are lower than the omISSIon being 16.65 per 1,000 and 25.51 per 1,000 rate f"t· a!l ages tobether at the n:.tional level. Besides respectively as against 12.53 per 1,000 and the younger age-group 0-4, the om"ss'on rate~ in 17.92 per 1,000 respectively in the case of the age-groups 10--19, 20-29 and 60 _L are higher males. In the case of the never married, the than that for all ages together. omiss"on rates among females and males are very The net omission rates by literacy do not differ signi­ close being 1[9.85 pCI' 1,000 and 20.51 per 1.000 res­ ficantly, being 17.75 per 1,000 in the case of the pectively. In urban areas, the widowed/divorced/ literafes and 18.06 per 1,000 in the case of the illi­ separated males and females are omitted relatively terates at the national level. Except for the northern more everywhere. Of all the zones, in rural areas zone in all other zones, the omission rates for illi­ of the eastern, central and northern zones, the terat~s appear to be I1umeJi:cally a litile h:gher than widowed/divorced/separated females tend to be omit­ that for literates. The literate-illiterate differentials in ted relatively more than marrled or g,lngle female3. the net omission rates in the case of urban males in Among males, the widowed/divorced/separated have the eastern and western zones seem to be of some a higher omission rate only in the rural areas of the significance. The illiterates seem to have been omitted Northern Zone.



Table A-I is the basic population table of 1':.181 A f!pcndi t -1 ~ho\V, 1981 tc:rritorial units and changes Censu~ which corresponds to the general population during 1971--81. During the decade 1971-81, it table A-I of the 1971, 1961 and 1951 Cen~us. The w!!l ~lp;)C;lr from the Appcpdix-1 that the State of 1981 Census data in this table have been presented \\,'est BC1Igdl \Va~ nOl ~dtected by any inter State for the State/District/Police Station/Town/Outgrow­ trall~lcr of t.:uitorics. i 111.:r di~trict transfer of tcrri­ the (O.G.) separately and upto level of Police Station lorie, ha~ ,1Ifected oilly the di<:tricts of Murshidabad separately for flIral and urban arca~. Besides these, and Nadia due to transter ot 7 villages from the the data have alst,! been presented for each Urhan Karimpur Polic,.: Station of 1'.Jadia di~trict to i,he Agglomeration (U.A.). For Calcutta and HaOnt Muni­ Ja;angi Police Station of aur~hidah"d Di~tr;ct. Dur:llg cipal Corporation the fiijures have been pi e~ented the In,! dCCis of the figun:s Appelldix that West Bengal h'ld, according to the supplied by the local bodies for the statutory towns 1981 Census 784 such villages with their popu­ and on the basis of the area figures of other non­ lati('t1 ?f 5,f,91, 402 as again,',t -1.6 + alld 3,383,561 statutory towns. The figures of aIr towns in a district/ respectIVely rewaled in the 1971 Census. The per­ Police Station have been added up and put [n col. 3 centage or the pOPlJlation of ~uch villages to total against "Urban". In aniving at the area jigure~ of rural population of We"t Bengal C~lme to 14.18 in the "Rural" the area figures of "Urban" havc been 1981 a~ D~ain,<,t 10.41 in 1971. It proves that the abstracted from the ''Total'' arca finures of the dist- "ambcr of \illagcs \dth population of 5,000 and more rict/Pohe Station. to he,d cOll,<,idcrably increa'~d in 1981 over that in 1971. 1 he total number of town~ ea..:h wi.th popula­ It may be noted here that thc area figures of Police tion under 5,DOO in the State had also increased to Station are those supplied by the Directorate of Land 20 with their tot a! population of 69,040 in 1981 RecOl(!s. & Surveys, Govt. of West Bengal. Hence the from 9 with the' r total population of 36,422 in 1971. summatIOn of area figures of Policc Stations (Total & The percentage of the population of such towns to Ruu,l) may not agree with that (Total & Rural) of total urban population of the State had registered an in­ the district. The derived district area figures (rural! crea~e in 1981 (0.48) over th:!t in 1971 (0.33). The urban) have been added up to arrive at the State District/Police Stat_ionw;,,-~ hreak-up of snch villages areas figures rural/urban). and t(mns with their other statistics can be had of the Appendix 2 given hereafter. The density figures per sq. km. shown under col. 4 A [!{Jt!lldi \-3 )C;i\es the Hou"ele~s and Institutional for urban area of the State/District/Police Station population with sex break-up, Homeless households have been worked out using the area figures correc­ :l11d Institutional hou"chold~ [or the State/District/ !ed upto second place of decimals obtained by add­ Police Station/ Town/Urban agglomeration of the lllg up the area figures of in,dividual towns in the state of We~t Bengal separately for "Total" "Rural" State/Distri~t/P~lice Station and not using the area and "Urban" aieas. It appears from the Appendix fig~res as given III the table against the correspondin'~ that the HOllseless poulation of the State of West UIlltS. Fur "Total" and "Rural" the density has be2~ Rengal have il1crea~ed to 132.802 in 1981 from worked out using the area figures corrected upto first 94,43,~ in 1971 and the Imtitutional population have place of decimals. ~ a'~,,} incre8sed to 372,995 in 1981 from 341,316 ill 197 i. Tn case of Homless population all the districts Table A-I Area, Houses and population has three except Calcutta and Barddhaman have marked a con­ Appendices and these are as follows: siderably increase in 1981 over that in 1971. The 7:5 86-Mj p(n )42nCOCal.~6 76

Houseless population of Clllcutta and Barddhaman (Transfer of Territories) Act 1956, territories were have gone down to 37,462 and 10,099 in 1981 from transferred to West Bengal from two district of Bih~ 48,802 and p,552 in 1971 respectively. In Case of viz., the districts of Purnea and Manbhum. Institutional population, all the districts except Mur­ shidabad, Calcutta and Barddhaman have accounted The area figures in sqr. kilometer have ben shown in for a sizeable increase in 19B( over that in 1971. The col. 3 of Table A-I against total for State and dist­ Institutional population of Murshidabad, Calcutta and ricts. These area figures supplied by the Surveyor Barddhaman have dwindled to 4,860; 149 573 and General are not available below the level of district 20,857 in 1981 from 6,156; 206,541 and '23 687 in or by rural-urban break-up. Hence the area figures 1971 respectively. ' for urban areas are those supplied by the local bOdies and are based on the area figures of individual towns. AREA FIGURES Rural area figures have been derived by substracting Considerable changes haVe taken place in the bOun­ the urban area figures from the total geographical daries of State of West Bengal and of its districts from area of each district. District rural area figures thus time to time, but as the State of West Bengal was derived were added up to anive at the State Rural created only in 1947, it is not possible to have a retro­ area figures. spective account of the changes in its area since 1901. Similar is the case with the districts affected by the The following Statement-l shows the geographical area partition of Bengal. The affected districts are Jalpai­ figures of State and districts supplied by the Surveyor guri, West Dinajpur, Maldah, Nadia, Twentyfour Par­ General and also shows the ranking 9f the districts of ganas and Puruliya. Under the Bihar and West Bengal West Bengal according to area figures:


Ranking of State/Districts in terms of Area

--~------_- - ---~------Proportion to Ranking of State/Districts Area in Km. 2 given by Ser­ Total area StatejDistrict veyor aeneral of State

----- ~------2 3 4

_.------~- -- ~------~------100.00 WEST BENGAL 88,752.0 3.82 12 Koch Bihar 3,387.0 6,227.0 7.02 6 2 Jalpaiguri 3,149.0 3.55 13 3 Darjiling 5,358.0 6.04 7 4 West Dinajpur 3,733.0 4.21 11 5 Maldah 5,324.0 6.00 8 6 Murshidabad 3,927.0 4.42 10 7 Nadia 14,136.0 15.93 1 8 Twenty Four Parganas 104.0 0.12 16 9 Calcutta 1,467.0 l.65 15 10 Haora 3,149.0 3.55 14 11 Hugli 14,081.0 15.86 2 12 Medinipur 6,882.0 7.75 4 13 Bankura 6,259.0 7.05 5 14 puruliya 7,024.0 7.91 3 15 Barddhaman 5.12 9 Birbhum 4,545.0 16 _------~ - ----~- ---

The area figures of the State of West Bengal as s1!owri In other words, it may be said that according to area, in the Statement-I abovt are 88,75.0 KM8 according Twentyfour Parganas is the biggest district and the to 1981 Census. According to area the district of second biggest distrtict is Medinipur the figures of Twentyfour Parganas ranks first with the -area of which are very close to one another. 14,136.0 KM8 and the district of Calcutta ranks last with the area of 104.0 KM2. The District of Twenty­ URBAN AREAS four parganas accounts for 15.93% of the total area of the state, while Calcutta shares only 0.12%, It has been the Indian Cens\l!'. tradition since 1951 to Medinipur district is just below the district of Twenty­ present Census data separately for rural and urban four Parganu& having area of 14,081.0 KM~ and ac­ areas. Such dichotomy of rural and urban has consi­ counting for 15.86% of the total area of the State. derable significance and is necessary from file view 77

point of assessing the di[ercl1tial in the social econo­ pronounced urban characteristics and amenities were mic, cultural and demographic characteristicd of the treated a~ urban. Under the last category was noted p'Opulation. Difficulties, however, arise on account of abovl, certain project town~ were declared in West lack of uniform definition of urban areas. Neverth­ Bengal in 1981. less, a fairly strict definition of urban arcas had started to be adopted in India from the 1961 Census. For 1981 Census the definition adopted for urban area was It may be pointed out here that in 1961 and 1(971 Cen­ by an large the same as that of 1961 and 1971. "u~es, non-agricultural pursuit ment:oned in criterion (c) above included male workers engaged in livestock, In 1981 Cen!.us, besides the Municipal Corporation forestry, logging, fishing, plantation, etc., but in 1981 Municipalities, Notified Area Authorities Town Com­ Census these male workers have been treated at par mittees and Cantonments, some selected places with with the agricultural workers and therefore excluded (a) density of not less than 400 persons per km2 from the non-agricultural workers for this purpose. (b) a population of 5,000 and mOre and (c) 75%' of the male ~orking population engaged in non-agri­ The following Statement-2 gives a brief historic sur­ c~ltural persult. and any other place(s) which accor­ vey of the changing definition of urban areas between dmg to the DIrector of Census Operations possess 1891 and 1981 :


Tests of elIgibility for places to be treated a~ towns, 1891-1981

1981 1971 1961 1951 1941

2 3 4 5

1. Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation Municipal C )rporation Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation

2. Municipal area Municipal area Municipal area Municipal area Municipal area

3. Town Committee Town Committee Town Committee Town Area Committee

4. Notified Area Committee Notified Area Committee Notified Area Committee Civil lines not included All civIl lines not in municipal limits. included in municipal limits.

5. Cantonment Board Cantonment Board Cantonment Board Cantonment Cantonment

6. Selected place with Selected place with Selected places with Test prescribed for distin- Every continuous col­ (a) density of not less than (a) density of not less than (a) density of not le;;s guishing towns from vill- lection of houses in ha­ 400 persons per Km'; 400 p~rsons per Km'; than 1000 per sq. mile; ages in different states bited by Dot les, than were based on Ideas com- 5,000 persons which thf: (b) a minimum population (b) a population of (b) a population of mon to all states, but provincial Superinten­ of 5,000; and 5,000; 5,00;); they were not indentical dent may decide to Irea t (c) at least 75 percent of (c) three-fo.lrths of the (c) three-fourths of the nor had they b~en applied as a town. the male working popula­ working popLilatio"l working population with meticulous umfor- tion engaged in non-agri­ should b: outside should be working oat­ mity. In the case of prin- cultural (and allied) acti­ agriculture; side agriculture; cely state3, the definition of vities. town was applied a little indiSCriminately.

(d) or any other place (d) or any other place, which, accordll1g to which according to the Director, possesses Superintendent of the pronounced urban state, pos~esses characteristics and pronounced urban amenities. characteristics and amenities. 78

STATEMENT-2 contd.

1931 1921 1911 1901 1891 6 7 3 9 10 Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation Muncipal area Municipal area Municipal area Municipal area Municipal area or any place brought undt;r some similar regulation for police or sanitary purposes. All civil lines not included All civil lines not includ- All civil hnes not includ- All civil lines not inlcud- in municipal limits. ed in municipal limits. ded in municipal limits. ed in municipal limits. Cantonment Cantonment Cantonment Cantonment Cantonment Every other continuous col­ Every other continuous Every other continuous Every other cOYltinuom (a) Every place where the lection of houses inhabit­ collection of houses in- collection of houses in- collection of houses per- proportion of the trad­ ed by not Ie,s than 5,000 habited by not less th~n habited by not less than manently inh~bited by ing and industrial popu­ persons, which the provin­ 5,000 persons, which the 5,000 per30ns, which not less than 5,000 per- lation to the total is equal cial Superintendent decide provincial Superinten- the provincial Superint- sons, which the provincial to or greater than that of to treat as urban. In mak­ dent may decide to treat endent may decide to Superintendent may dec- the agricultural populat- ing this decisionconsidera­ as a to""n for census pur- treat as a town for cen- ide to treat as a tOWll ion; tion was given to (0) tpe poses. In Indian states sus purposes. for census purposes. character of the population where there were no (b) 0V!ry othe" CO'1tinuous (6) relative density of the municipalities, this de­ Note: However, a few group of houses iu­ dwellings; (c) Importance finition was required to places, chiefly in the h~.bited by not less in trade, historic associat­ be extensively applied. Native states which did than 5,000 people. tions and to avoid treating not satisfy the require­ as towns overgrown villages Note : "In dealing with ments were treated as without urban characteris­ questions arising under towns for special pur­ tics. head (6), the provincial poses. "The Provincial Superintendents will have Superintendents were how­ regard to the character ever, instructed, when of the population, the considering the question relative density of the the question of treating dwellings, the importance places as towns on the of the place as a centre of basis of their population trade and its historic to take care to, exclude associations and will bear such as are merely over­ in mind that it is unde­ grown villages and have sirable to treat as towns no urban features. It is overgrown villages, true that the dis­ which have no urban creation thus allowed has characteristics. " occasionally led to a cer­ tain want of uniformity.

PROGRESS IN TilE NUMBER OF TOWNS: gress in the State of West Bengal and its districts in The following Statement 3 inicates the ~xtent of pro- number of towns since 1901. STATEMENT-3 Progress in the number of towns 1901-1981. ------State/Districts 1981 1971 1961 1951 19-H 1931 1921 1911 1901 ----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------WEST BENGAL 291 223 184 120 105 94 89 81 78 1. Koch Biar 7 7 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 Jalpaiguri 12 8 7 2 2 2 2 3 Darjiling 7 4 4 4 6 6 2 2 2 4 West Dinajpur 8 7 6 3 1 5 Maldah 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 Murshidabad 13 11 9 6 7 7 7 6 5 7 Nadia 16 13 12 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 Twenty Pour Parganas 74 70 49 33 29 27 28 26 25 9 Calcutta 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Haora 35 27 23 4 2 2 2 2 2 11 Hugli 26 17 16 12 11 11 11 9 9 12 Medinipur 19 16 14 11 9 9 8 8 7 13 Bankura 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 14 Puruliya 8 7 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 6 15 Barddhaman 49 22 19 14 10 9 6 6 7 16 Birbhum 6 6 5 5 2 3 -_ .. ------79

The above Statement-3 indicates that there has been four Parganas having 74 towns, followed by Barddha­ constant increase in the number of towns in the State man (49), Hoara (35), Hugli (26) and Medlnipur (19). of West Bengal since 1901 and the increase from 223 The highest increase in number of towns from 22 in to 291 during the decade 1971-81 is remarkable. 1971 to 49 in 1981 has been recorded by the district In 1981 Census 78 new towns have been declared and B'arddhaman, while during the decade 1961-71, the two towns namely Kharagpur Rly. S~ttlement Area district of Twenty-four Porganas had recorded the and Bally Municipality which were merged with highest increase from 49 in 1961 to 70 in 1971. It Kharagpur City and Haora Municipal Corporation is evident from the statement that the, number of respectively in 1971 have be·en shown as separate towns has increased in the industrially developed dis­ towns in 1981. So in 1981, 80 towns were added. tricts, i.e" Twenty-four Parganas, Haora, Hug11 and Jadabpur Municipality which was created after 1971 Barddhaman. includ'ng 9 exi.sting towns of 1971, viz., Purba Put,:ary, Chakdaha, Bansdroni, Kamdabari, Bpdemasar, Raja­ It may be mentioned here, that beside the creation of pur, Santoshpur. Garfa and Kasba. Gayehpur Notijied 78 new towns in 1981 in West Bengal as many as Area, Authority created after 1971 Census also inclu­ 79 Urban Outgrowths were treated for the first time ded one existing town in 1871, viz., Kataganj, Gokul­ in 1981. Urban outgrowth is, as explained earlier, a pur Government Colony. Beside these, two towns of unit geographically contiguous to a town and fulfilling 1971 namely Narayanpur and Haripal were declassified the criteria of density and work-participation, but not in 1981 Census. Thus in West Bengal 12(9 f- H-2) fulfilling the population criterion. towns existed in 1971 were reduced in 1981 either by losing their separate identity or being declassified. PROGRESS IN URIJAN POPULATION Finally in 1981 the total number of town comes to 291 (22380-12). The highest contribution to total The follow;ng statement-4 shows the progress in urban number of towns in 1981 is of the district of Twenty-' population for every census year since 1901 :


Progress in Urban Population of State Districts 1901-1981.

------~ ----- State/Districts ~ 81 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

------~------~----~~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------_------.------WEST BENGAL 14,446,721 10,967,033 8,540,842 6,281,642 4,740,222 2,895,867 2,517,874 2,349,608 2,066,550

1. Koch Bihar 122,260 96,652 71,446 50,180 26,821 18,030 17,261 15,794 14,060 2 Jaipaiguri 311,221 168,080 123,814 66,145 27,766 18,962 14,813 11,765 10,289 3 DarjiIing 282,153 180,212 144,637 94,481 58,164 43,479 28,703 24,579 21,393 4 West Dinajpur 268,726 173,690 93,969 41,940 6,952 5 Maldah 97,196 68,026 50,785 35,161 27,178 19,686 17,202 18,072 17,410 6 Murshidabad 346,018 248,425 195,464 134,927 120,449 91,808 87,885 83,4lB 75,908 7 Nadia 639,869 418,059 315,333 208,101 116,286 85,859 79,858 80,093 79,675 8 Twenty-Four Parganas 4,169,482 2,970,320 1,997,957 1,216,152 813,467 570,005 484,404 428,136 312,172 9 Calcutta 3,305,006 3,148,746 2,927,289 2,698,494 2,167,485 1,165,338 1,053,334 1,016,445 933,754 10 Haora 1,338,793 1,013,533 825,092 522,320 429,689 255,220 218,510 201,400 176,256 11 HugIi 1,050,529 760,270 579,2~3 394,839 321,186 230,855 204,763 176,775 160,723 12 Medinipur 572,757 420,156 334,286 252,880 188,047 138,584 96,869 101,855 89,876 13 Bankura 181,247 151,735 122,157 94,618 91,976 67,242 60,889 57,206 53,275 14 l'uruliya 166,762 132,367 92,478 78,470 61,258 40,037 34,391 30,688 26.319 15 Barddhaman 1,421,169 891,990 561,078 323,941 223,154 129,885 95,741 94,186 86,728 16 Birbhum 173,533 124,772 100,769 68,993 60,344 20,877 23,251 9,131 8,692

--'_ -- _"-- _------80

The following Statement-5 provides the indices of the above taking 1901 as base Census year for facility Of urban population figures of the Statement-4 given comparison:

STATEMENT-5 Indices of grov.lh in Urban Population of States and Districts 1901-1981

- ~ ---~ ------~ ------State/Districts 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

------~- ---~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~------_ ------WEST BENGAL 699 531 413 304 229 140 122 114 100 1 Koch Bihar 870 687 508 357 191 128 123 112 100 2 JaJpaiguri 3,025 1,634 1,203 643 270 184 144 114 100 3 Darjiling 1,319 842 676 442 272 203 134 115 100 4 West Dinajpur 3,865 2,498 1,424 603 100 5 Maldah 558 391 292 202 156 113 99 104 100 6 Murshidabad 456 327 258 178 159 121 116 110 100 7 Nadia 803 525 396 261 146 108 100 101 100 8 Twenty Four Parganas 1,136 952 640 390 261 183 155 137 100 9 Calcutta 354 337 313 289 232 125 113 109 100 10 Haora 760 575 468 296 244 145 124 114 100 11 Hugli 654 473 360 246 200 144 127 110 100 12 Medinipur 637 467 372 281 209 154 108 113 100 13 Bankura 340 285 229 178 173 126 114 107 100 14 Puruliya 633 503 351 298 233 152 131 117 100 15 Barddhaman 1,639 1,028 647 374 257 150 110 109 100 16 Birbhum 1,996 1,435 1,159 794 694 240 267 105 loo

It is evident from the above statcment-5 that the other districts as Calcutta has only one tOWll i.e. growth in urban population is very significant in the Calcutta Municipal Corporation and there is no possi­ State and in several districts as well. The maximum bility of increase in number of town in this district index in 1981 is ind.'catcd by the district of West Dinai­ like other districts. Moreover the pOpulation of Cal­ pur although its base year is 1941 and not 1901, cutta Municipal Corporation has been increasing at having the index of 3,865 in 1981. This is followed a very lower rate from decade to decade. by Jalpaiguri (3,025), Birbhum (1,336). Bardhaman (1,639), Twenty-four Parganas (1,336). and Darjiling The following statement-6 provides the information (1,319) in 1981 compared to 100 in base year 1901 pertaining to the places not treated as towns in 1971 against the State index of 699 in 1981 compared to but treated as such in 1981 arranged by State and 100 in base year of 1901. Indices recorded in 1981 districts and by size class (class 1 with population in comparison to 1901 by the districts of Maldah 100,000 and above, Class II with population of (558), Murshidabad (456), Calcutta (354), Hugli 50,000-99,999; Class III with population of 20,000- (654), Medinipur (637), Bankura (340) and Puruliya 49,999; Class IV with popUlation of 10,000-19,999; (633) are below the index of the State being 699. Class V with population of 5,000-9,999 and Class Phenomena of Calcutta district are quite different from VI with population below 5,000): STATEl\JENT --6 No. and Population of places not treated as town in 1971 but trealed as such in 1981 arranged by Slate and Districts. - - ---~------~------~------~ -- Total Class I Cla'is TI Class HI Class IV Class V Class VI State 'Districts r-~ -"""""'--1 r--______A..,~-.-... r----_).._--~ r-- _ _A_~ r- -___.A._---~r_ --_A_--lr-~-...A------, No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population ------~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

-~- _------~- -~----- _------_-_------_ -- - WEST BENGAL 78 664,962 · . 1 76,402 1 33,175 13 165,141 46 287,865 17 54,649 1 JaJpaiguri 4 97,911 76,402 .. 3 21,509 .. 2 Darjiling 3 23,279 · . I 11,038 I 8,708 3,533 3 West Dinajpur 1 6,362 · . I 6,362 .. 4 Maldah 2 7,311 2 7,311 5 Murshidabad 2 19,943 1 17,576 .. 1 2,367 6 Nadia 4 37,972 2 23,585 2 14,387 7 Twenty Four Parganas 14 1,41,380 .. 1 33,175 4 47,239 8 56,782 I 4,184 8 Haora 7 43,882 5 34,551 2 9,331 9 Hugli JO 68,418 · . 8 62,971 2 5,447 10 Medinipur 2 2,197 2 2,197 11 Puruliya 1 5,305 · . . . .. 1 5,305 . . J 2 Barddhamal1 27 210,816 · . 5 65,703 17 125,020 5 20,093 J Birbhum 1 186 · . 1 186 ------~------~--- - 81

The above statement-6 indicates that as many as 78 as rural. The basic unit of the rural area is a revenue new towns have been added up in 1981 Census with village having definite surveyed boundaries which are a population of 664,962 in the State of West Bengal. recognised by the district administration. The revenue Of the 78 towns as many as 46 towns are falling in village is the ultimate unit of area into which the Class V followed by 17 in Class VI and 13 in Class country is divided for purpose of land revenue. This IV. To the total 78 new towns of West Bengal, Bard­ revenue village may contain some hamlets not having dhaman district has contributed as many as 27 follow­ definite boundaries. The hamlets are not considered as ed by Twentyfour Parganas having 14, HugH having separate unit for presentation of Census data which are 10 and llaora having 7 new towns. The contributions presented only revenue villagewise. There may be of Barddhaman district to the total new towns of the some unsurveyed villages in the forest where the forest State in Class IV, in Class V and in Class VI are the workers and their families may habitate. Such places, greatest being; 5, 17 and 5 respectively. Only one town I1;aving no surveyed boundaries, have also been treated is in Class II which is contributed bv the district of as village for the purpose of census. To ensure com­ Jalpaiguri. The name of this town is Vabgram (NM) plete coverage in the census, even the uninhabited which is influenced by Siliguri Town close to each villages have been taken as separate rural units. There other. Again only one town is in Class III which is may be some villag~ the areas of whiCh fully or contributed by th<: district of Twentyfour parganas. partly have been merged with or included in their The name of this town is Township adjoining towns, In case of merging a part of village (NM). with a town, the remaining part lying outside the limits of the town, whether inhabited or uninhabited. RURAL AREAS has been treated as rural. As already mentioned earliea- that it is a Census tradition to present the census data by rural!urlJau The following Statement-7 shows State and district­ break-up. Now it is question which are the rural areas. wise number of villages and towns in 1981 with the Places which are not classified as urban on the basis break-up of villages fully or partly :nc1uded in town of the criteria mentioned earlier have to be treated and also the number of uninhabited villages: _

STATEMENT--7 State and District-wise number of villages and towns in 1981 -- --_ ------_._- ~--~----- State/Districts Total No. No. of No. of villages No. of No. 0f of Villages uninhabited included in town inhabited towns villages ~-. villages Fully Partly 82

The abovc ~ta:emCdl -; ,hows th~l: there arc 41,107 rict of medinipur hm ing 10,468 followed by Twenty­ total villages in West Bengal as per 1981 Census and (our Pargana~ (3,744) and Bankura (3,540). The lowest out of these 38,024 arc inhabited and 3,083 are un­ number of inhabited villages is again fOund in the dist­ lnhab'ted. The corrcspond:ng ;nhab:ted and un'nhab:tcd rict of Darjiling (659). As many as 960 villages fully villages ;n 1971 were 38,074 and 3,318 respectively. an 401 villages partly are included in 291 towns in There are 291 towns in 1981 in the State as against the State of West Bengal. 223 in 1971. Total villages accounting for 11,796 in the district of Medinipur are numerically the highest, followed by Bankura having 3,825 villages and Twenty­ four Parganas having 3,813 villages. The smallest The fo:lowing Statemcnt-8 gives the total numbcr of number is 710 found in the district of Darjiling. The inhabited villages of the State and districts for the number of inhabited villagr;s is the highest in the dist- Census year 1901 to 1981.


No. of Inhabited villages at each Census 1901-1981.

State} Distncts No. of inhabited villages --,-- _------~------1981 1971 191)1 1951 15.'<11 1931 1921 1911 1901

-- - -~-- - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------_ - ---_

"EST BENGAL 38,024 38,074 38,465 38,474 * * *

Koch BIhar 1.139 1,144 1,138 L181 1,383 1,183 1 154 1,180 1,175

2 Jalpaiguri 736 744 77~, 79, 906 446 429 1,401 431

3 Darjilin~~ 659 507 536 617 590 543 314 516 581 4 W(',( Dinajpllr 3,036 3,173 3.130 3,197 3,228 3,573 3,515 4,379 3,800 5 Maldah 1,(J5 1,611 1,601 1,577 1,415 1,711 1,645 3,502 2,634 6 Murshidabad 1.927 1,923 1,932 1,901 J ,891 i .829 1,967 1,879 3,668

7 l'hdi'l 1,2~5 1,?75 1,282 1,238 1,182 1,240 1,228 1,221 1,655

S T".;nly r OUi Pargdl1

13 B~{'kura ~,5,W J. 'i.j8 1,')53 3.525 3.522 3,476 3,999 4,634 5,592 14 PUfuliY·l "A52 '2/459 2,490 2,505

15 Barddh~mJn 2,570 2,609 2,665 2,6'\9 2,703 2,631 2,811 2,769 3,662 16 lIirbhum 2,229 2,2 i5 2,234 2,207 2,nl 2,402 2,299 2,216 3,317

--- --

AOIC: Stltte level n';UfCS fOl !"OI-19.'j have not b~,;'1 ,hown a, adjusted figufcs for Purultya district for these years are not available,

From the above 2,'~ ill :l1c ;,U!1 of the State and distriei~ for the Ccnsm year 1901 number of illh:,bl~\:d vdh'gc, of lh,: district, ()f Dar'iet> to 1981 03


Progress in rural populatIon of State Rnd Dt~tricts 1901-1981

______Rural PopulationA ___ _ (- - ~------State (Districi '> _ ------~~- ~-- -~-- 1931 1971 1961 1951 1941 1911 1921 1911 1901 _ ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

------W;':"iT lJENGAL 40,133,9?.6 33.3:14,978 26,385,437 21),018,338 18,489,330 16,001,169 14,956,474 15.649,161 14,837.538 1 Kodl Bihar 1,6 1'),3SJ 1,317,531 948,360 618,769 611,882 571,023 573,338 575,218 551,056 2 Jalpaiguri 1,903,655 1,582,079 1,235,478 850,602 820,075 722,031 681,133 651,457 536,475 3 Darjiiing 742,1 JI) 601,565 480,003 365,136 332,735 288,582 265.534 255,320 244,387 4 We,! Dinajpur 2,136,221 1,686,197 1,224,828 934,942 827,774 745,821 695,536 791,512 741,284 5 Maldah 1,934,675 1,544,631 1,171,138 902,419 817,137 700,754 668,972 680,475 586,239 6 Murshidabad 3,351,534 2,691,779 2,096,399 1,582;302 1,521,161 1,279,796 1,137,210 1,262,586 1,247,571 7 Nadia 1,32~,3S4 1,812,211 1,396,492 934,585 723,022 635,085 630,597 694,366 691,997 8 Twenty-Four Parganas 6,569,957 5,479,162 4,282,958 3,243,340 2,797,429 2,294.213 2,130,669 2,031,766 1,830,988 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 1,628,068 1,403,753 1,213,385 1,089,053 1,060,615 843,647 778,893 742,102 674,258 11 HugH 2,506,777 2,111,346 1,652,005 1,210,165 1,094,748 910,703 901,144 939,152 915,693 12 Medinipur 6,170,039 5,089,091 4,007,569 3,106,142 3,002,600 2,660,509 2,569,791 2,719,346 2,699,238 13 Bankura 1,193,568 1,879,304 1,542,356 1,224,641 1.197,664 1,044,479 959,052 1,081,464 1,063,136 14 PuruJiya 1,687,039 1,470,508 1,267,538 1,090,627 1,026,943 932,040 797,106 853,684 751,462 15 Barddhaman 3,414,219 3,024,184 2,521,539 1,867,719 1,667,572 1,445,809 1,339,025 1,439,682 1,441,555 16 Birbhu11l 1,922,296 1,651,137 1,345,389 997,896 987,973 926,677 828,474 931,031 898,199

------~- ---~------_------_ ----

From the above StaLcmcnt-9, it appears that at thc separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may State level thc rural population have shown a constant, be used for a resident,:al or non-residential purpose trend of increasc from one Census to another except or both. for the Census ycar 1921 when th.e population declined from that in 1911. In West Bengal the rural popu­ U a building has a number of fiats or blOCks which lation in 1981 haw increased to 40,133,926 from are independent of one another having separate en­ 33,344,978 in 1971. The same trend is noticed in trances of their OWn from the road or a common all the districts of West Bengal. Although during the staircase or a common courtyard leading to a main decade 1911-1921 the rural population of the State gate, they will be considered as separate Census had declined, the same, trend was not observed in houses. If within a large enclosed compound these all the districts. The rural population of the districts are separate buildings owned by different persons of Jalpaiguri. D(lrjilir [2. Twenty-h\!f p,1rganas ard then ea.ch. such b\~il~ing should be treated as a sepa~ Hnora had a sizeable increase during the decade fate bUlldlllg, but If III any of these buildings there be 1911-1921. flats or block in occupation of different house holds each such flat or block should be treated as a sepa: CENSUS HOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD: rate Census house. Columns 8 and 9 of Table A-I gives the number of HOUSEHOLD: occupied residential houses and households respec-< lively for the State, each district, eaCh Police Station, ~ household is a group of persons who commonly each town and each urban Agglomeration. Occupied live together and would take their meals from a rc~idential hO\1ses are those which are used wholly or common kitchen unless the exigencies of work pre­ partly for the rl1rposc of residence by one or more vented any of them from doing so. There may be hOll~eholds. household of persons related by blOod or a house­ hold of unrelated persons or havin_g a mix or both. At tl1(~ 1981 CCI1SLIS, the following definitions were Examples of households of unrelated members are adopted for Census house and households: boarding houses, messes, hostel, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, etc. These are called CENSUS HOUSE: "Institutional households". There may be one member A census house is a building or part of a building hOllsehulds, 3 member households or multi-member having a separate eiltrance from 1hc road or common households, 2 mebers households or multi-member court);:ml or staircase etc., mcd or recognised as a types is regarded as a "household", 84

Density per KM3 against "Urban" of the corresponding unit shown til the table: For "Total" and "Rural" the density has The density figures per sq. KM shown in col. 4 of been worked out using the area figures corrected upto the table A-I have been worked out by dividing the first place of decimals. total population by the area figures pertaining to a particular unit. In case of "Urban" areas of the State/ The fo]owing StatemeD,t-lO gives the umber of per­ District/Police, Station, density has be'en worked out sons ver 100 occupied residential census hous~ and using the area figures corrected upto second place of per 100 households, number of females per 1,000 decimals obtained by adding up the area figures of males and percentage of rural and urban population indivisual towns of the State/District/Police Station to total population of the State and Districts of 1981 concerned and not using the area figures as given Census: STATEMENf-l0

Person~ per 100 occupied residential census houses and per 100 households No. of females per 1,000 males, percentage of rural and urban populations to total population in States and Districts ------State/Districts Persoll'; per 100 Persons per 100 No. of females Percentag~ of rural occlpied households per 1000 males and urban to total cenen, houses populations r--_----A. r- -, r-----A.-----, r------A.------, Total :lural Urban TOlal Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


WEST BENGAL 569 580 541 560 571 532 911 947 819 100.0 73.53 26.47 1 Koch Bihar 540 537 581 536 534 561 935 936 927 100.0 93.10 6.90 2 JaJpaiguri 541 538 556 531 530 537 910 914 885 100.00 85.95 14.05 3 Darjiling 538 538 538 534 537 528 888 911 830 100.00 72.45 27.55 4 West DiMjpur 554 546 628 550 544 607 937 942 901 100.00 88.83 11.17 5 Maldah 589 588 607 585 585 582 949 950 927 100.00 95.22 4.78 6 Murshidabad 597 597 603 581 583 563 959 958 968 100.00 90.64 9.36 7 Nadia 600 608 573 593 600 567 946 944 954 100.00 78.41 21.59 8 Twenty Four Parganas 565 587 535 561 582 530 903 941 847 100.00 61.18 38.82 9 Calcntta 557 557 546 546 712 712 100.00 .. 100.00 10 Baora 564 612 515 555 606 504 873 951 787 100.00 54.88 45.12 11 Hugti 575 605 513 569 599 508 909 942 833 100.00 70.47 29.53 12' Medinipur 587 589 562 578 580 558 951 956 902 100.00 91. 51 8.49 13 Bankura 584 583 587 579 579 580 964 966 943 100.00 92.37 7.63 14 Puruliya 565 563 580 SSS 556 576 957 962 90S WO.OO 91.00 9.00 15 Barddhaman 548 572 498 523 537 492 897 934 815 100.00 70.61 29.39 16 Birbhum 574 574 572 559 560 542 962 966 920 100.00 91.72 8.28

The above statement 10 reveals that less than six household in 1981 Census in rural and urban areas persons are occupying a census house in the State and respectively against the corresponding figures of 5.6 III almost all the districts both in rural and urban and 5.1 recorded in 1971 at the State level. It proves areas. In the State, ill case of furnl areas 5.8 persons that the size of the household has slightly increased and in case of urban areas 5.4 persons are occupying in 1981 over that in 1971. There are seven districts, a Census house in 1981 Census as compared to 5.9 i.e., KocbJ1jl1ar, Jalpaiguri, Darjiling, West Dinajpur and 5.6 persons respectively in 1971 Census. It shows Puruliya, Barddhaman and Birbhum where the house~ that there is very little improvement in accommoda­ hold size is below the State average in 1981 Census tion both in rural and urban areas in 1981 oVer 1971 in rural areas. Similarly in urban areas there are five all over the State. There are three districts, namely districts, namely Darjiling, Twenty-four Pargana." Nadia, Haora and Hugli where more than six persons Haora, Hugli and Barddhaman where the household are occupying a Census House in rural areas, while size is below the State average according to 1981 in urban areas also three districts, namely West Dinaj­ Census. pur, Maldah and ¥urshidabad where more' than srx persons are occupyIng a census house. The statistics of sex ratio of both rural and urban We-st Bengal reveal a very interestin,!! characteristics. In rural areas in 1901 the sex ratio, i.e., number of females When we look at the statistics of household size, it per 1,000 males was 994 and since then the sex ratio is observed that there are 5.7 and 5.3 persons per had been declining gradually till 1951 when it was 939. 85

In 1961 the sex ratio came to 943, iIi 1971 it WM by the district of Murshidabad, followed by Nadia 942 and in 1981 it rose to 947. On the other hand, (954) and Bankura (943). the sex ratio in urban West Bengal too had been dec­ A looy at the above Statement-l0 which also pre­ lining from 1901, when it was 652, till 1941 when the sex ratio was 559. From 1951 the sex ratio had sents the rural-urban proportion of population of the State and the districts will show a significant differen­ been indicating an upward trend till 1981. The sex tials in the proportions of urban population from dis­ ratios as recorded in 1951, 1961, 1971 and in 1981 trict to district. The proportion of urban population in urban areas were 660, 701, 751 and 819 respec­ to total population at the State level shows that the tively. The quantum of increase in sex ratio in urban extent of urbanisation during the decade 1971-81 areas from decade to decade during the period bet­ has indicated an upward trend. The proportion of ween 1951 and 1981 is much more than recorded urban population of West Bengal in 1971 was 24.75% in rural West Bengal. and in 1981 it has come up to 26.47%. Beside the district of Calcutta which is entirely urban, five dist­ )'!:cts, namely Darjiling (27.55). Twenty-four Parganas During the last three dcades the sex ratios have (38.82) Haora (45.12), Hugli (29.53) and Barddha­ shown a steady upward trend in urban West Bengal. man (29.39) have recorded the higher proportions of In other words, it may be said that the number of urban population nn 1981 than that ~of 26.47% ac­ females per 1,000 males has increased in urban areas. counted for by the State of West Bengal. The pro­ The probable reasons may be-(l) female counter portion of ui'ban population in the district of DarjiIng parts are joining their male Counter parts urban: areas, which is in the northern extremity of the State and (2) female migration to urban areas from rural far away from the neighbourhood of Calcutta indus­ areas to urban areas 011 matrimonial ground, (3) fe­ trial zones is found to be pretty high. It is perhaps, males are coming to urban areas on getting employ­ because of the expansion of newly emerging town of ment and (4) treating of new urban units having the Siligul'i which is called the g;:tte way of north-eastem rural characteristics in sex ratio. India. The total urban population of Darjiling district as per 1981 Census is 2.82 lakh and Siliguri town alone has 1.54 lakh population, i.e. more th!Ul 50% The sex ratios in rural areas of all the districts except of the total urban population of the district. It is the districts of Maldah, Murshidabad, iNadia and obvious that the districts of Twenty-lour Parganas, Birbhum have increased in 1981 from those in 1971. Haora and Hugli which are within the Calcutta In­ On the other hand, in urban areas of all the districts, dustrial Belt and the district of Barddhaman having the sex ratios have gone up substant:ally. The highest Asansol-Durgapur Industrial Complex and vast area sex ratio has been recorded by the districts of Ban­ of mining should have higher proportions of urban kura and Birbhum both having 966 in their rural population than those in other agricultural districts. areas followed by Puruliya (962) and Murshidabad has 21.59% urban population as per (958). In urban areas of the districts of JaIpaiguri 1981 Census which is nearer to the State average (885) Darjiling (830), Twenty-four Parganas (847), and it has gained the above noted proportion in Calcutta (712), Haora (787), HugH (833) and Bard­ 1981 from 18.74% in 1971. Except the districts of dhaman (815) the sex ratios are below 900. Of these Koch Bihar, MaIdah and Bankura which have gained seven districts, JaJpaiguri and Darjiling are having vast very little in proportrons of urban population in 1981 tea plantation areas which might have attracted mOre from those in 1971. all other districts have recorded fema~e tea-leaf pluckers and the remaining five dist­ a substantial gain in the proportion of urban popu­ ricts are industrially developed areas where the sex lation during the decade 1971-81. The highest pro­ rat' os are found to bel lower than those in the agri­ portion is recorded by the district of Haora (45.12) cultural districts and districts of plantations. The lligh­ and the lowest one is recorded by the district of cst sex ratio (968) in urban areas has been recorded Maldah (4.78).

A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION GENERAL NOTE This is the bas:c population table of the 1981 Census which furnishes the population by sex for territorial units at different levels, separately for rural and urban areas. Table A 1 of 1981 Census corresponds to Table A 1 of 1951, 1961 and It971 Census. Be­ sides pOpUlation, this table also presents the area (in sq. kms.) , density of population, number of i,nhabi­ ted and uninhabited villages, number of towns, num­ ber of occupied resjdential houses and number of households for each of the territorial units. The data, in this table, are presented upto the level of police station for rural areas and upto the level of town and out-growth of a town, if any. Further, ihe data have been presented each urban agglomeration. The area figures for State and District shown against "Total" in col. 3 are those computed by the_ Surveyor General. The area figures as supplied by the Surveyor General are not available below the district level or by rural/urban break-up. The area figures for the territorial units below the ilistr;ct level have been sup­ plied by the Directorate of Land Records and Survey, Government of West Bengal or other local bodies.



~~- - ~------_------~- __ State/District/ Total Area Popula- No. of Villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural inkm' tion r----A----, towns Occupied house- r- U.A·fCityfTown Urban per Inha- Unin- residential holds Persons Males Females km2 bited habited houses

----~~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - -_------WEST BENGAL T 88,752_0 615 38,024 3,083 291 9,591,501 9,749,182 54,580,647 28,560,901 26,019,746 R 86,106.0 466 38,024 3,083 6,918,890 7,032,388 40,133,926 20,617,489 19,516,437 U 2,646.0 5,462 291 2,672,611 2,716,794 ..-----14,446,721 7,943,412 6,503,309 1 Koch Bihar District T 3,387.0 523 1,139 29 7 328,196 330,556 1,771,643 915,461 856,182 R 3,358.3 491 1,139 29 307,157 308,782 1,649,383 852,016 797,367 U 28.7 4,282 7 21,039 21,774 122,260 63,445 58,815 2 Jalpaiguri District T 6,227.0 356 736 20 12 409,697 416,936 2,214,871 1,159,843 ],055,028 R 6,079.5 313 736 20 353,706 359,014 1,903,650 994,747 908,903 U 147.5 2,112 12 55,991 57,922 311,221 165,096 146,125 3 Darjiling District T 3,149.0 325 659 51 7 190,543 191,666 1,024,269 542,567 481,702 R 3,088.8 240 659 51 138,055 138,261 742,116 388,346 353,770 U 60.2 4,681 7 52,488 53,405 282,153 154,221 127,932

4 West Dinajpur T 5,358.0 449 3,036 102 8 433,776 437,253 2,404,947 1,241,611 1,163,336 District R 5,297.4 403 3,036 102 390,967 392,965 2,136,221 1,100,216 1,036,005 U 60.6 4,431 8 42,809 44,288 268,726 141,395 127,331 5 Maldah District r 3,733.0 544 1,615 188 4 345,234 347,478 2,031,871 1,042,498 989,373 R 3,718_6 520 1,615 188 329,216 330,771 1,934,675 992,063 942,612 U 14.4 6,740 4 16,018 16,707 97,196 50,435 46,761 6 Murshidabad T 5,324.0 695 1,927 299 13 618,967 636,670 3,657,552 1,887,426 1,810,126 District R 5,224.0 642 1,927 299 .. 561,618 575,184 3,351,534 1,711,627 1,639,907 U 100.0 3,471 13 57,349 61,486 346,018 175,799 170,219 7 Nadia District T 3,927.0 755 1,255 97 16 494,218 500,149 2,964,253 1,522,936 1,441,317 R 3,721.3 625 1,255 97 382,548 387,206 2,324,384 1,195,489 1,128,895 U 205.7 l,109 16 111,670 112,943 639,869 327,447 312,422

8 Twenty Four Par- T 14,136.0 760 3,744 69 74 1,899,870 1,915,162 10,739,439 5,642,438 5,097,001 ganas District R 13,509.9 486 3,744 69 1,120,091 1,127,901 6,569,957 3,384,784 3,185,173 U 626.1 6,661 74 779,779 787,261 4,169,482 2,257,654 1,911,828 9 Calcutta District T 104.0 31,779 1 593,674 605,035 3,305,006 1,930,320 1,374,686 U 104.0 31,779 1 593,674 605,035 3,305,006 1,930,320 1,374,686

10 Haora District T 1,467.0 2,022 755 8 35 525,801 534,176 2,966,861 1,583,808 1,383,053 R 1,293.0 1,259 755 8 265,949 268,796 1,628,068 834,661 793,407 U 174.0 7,688 35 259,852 265,380 1,338,793 749,147 589,646 11 Hugli District T 3,149.0 1,130 1,899 29 26 618,936 625,352 3,557,306 1,863,782 1,693,524 R 2,994.8 837 1,899 29 414,315 418,606 2,506,777 1,290,615 1,216,162 U 154.2 6,815 26 204,621 206,746 1,050,529 573,167 477,362 12 Medinipur District T 14,081.0 479 10,468 1,328 19 1,149,406 1,166,311 6,742,796 3,455,375 3,287,421 R 13,780.8 448 10,468 1,328 1,047,528 1,063,626 6,170,039 3,154,183 3,015,856 U 300.2 1,909 19 101,878 102,685 572,757 301,192 271,565 13 Bankura District T 6,882.0 345 3,540 285 5 406,877 410,037 2,374,815 1,208,867 1,165,948 R 6,813.0 322 3,540 285 375,991 378,797 2,193,568 1,115,577 1,077,991 U 69.0 2,628 5 30,886 31,240 181,247 93,29_0 87,957 14 Puruliya District T 6,259.0 296 2,452 237 8 328,265 332,183 1,853,801 947,195 906,606 R 6,193.4 276 2,452 237 299,502 303,213 1,687,039 859,657 827,382 U 65.6 2,545 8 28,763 28,970 166,762 87,538 79,224 15 Barddhaman District T 7,024.0 688 2,570 109 49 882,754 925,077 4,835,388 2,548,603 2,286,785 R 6,548.6 521 2,570 109 597,324 636,070 3,414,219 1,765,697 1,648,522 U 475.4 2,991 49 285,430 288,957 1,421,169 782,906 638,263 16 Birbhum District T 4,545.0 461 2,229 232 7 365,287 375,191 2,095,829 1,068,171 1,027,658 R 4,484.6 429 2,229 232 334,923 343,196 1,922,296 977,811 944,485 U 60.4 2,874 7 30,364 31,995 173,533 90,360 83,173 ------_ -- - ~------Note,' T for Total R for Rural UfM Urban 89 90


---.~~-- State/District/ Total Area Popula- No. of Villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station! Rural in Jan' tion ,-___..______, towns Occupled hou;~- r-- -- ____.A._ __ - ---1 U.A./City/Town Urban per km' In- Un- in residen- holds Persons Males Females habited ha- tial bited houses

---- "-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

---~------I KOCH BIHAR T 3,387.0 523 1,139 29 7 328,196 330,556 12,771,643 915,461 856,182 DISTRICT R 3,358.3 491 1,139 29 307,157 308,782 1,649,383 852,016 797,367 U 28.7 4,282 7 21,039 21,774 122,260 63,445 58,815 MEKLIGANJ SUB- T 497.6 356 195 19 2 33,454 33,615 177,243 92,661 84,582 DIVISION R 492.2 336 195 19 31,279 31,341 165,579 86,474 79,105 U 5.4 2,188 2 2,175 2,271- 11,664 6,187 5,477 Haldibari T 200.7 369 56 6 13,836 L3,89L 73,975 38,548 35,427 R 199.2 336 56 6 12,506 12,515 66,845 34,805 32,040 U 1.5 4,917 I 1,330 1,376 7,130 3,743 3,387 Ha\dibari(T.C.) U 1.45 4,917 1 1,330 1,376 7,130 3,743 3,387 2 Mekliganj T 296.9 348 139 13 19,618 19,724 103,26); ~4,\ \3 49,155 R 293.0 337 139 13 18,773 18,826 98,734 51,669 47,065 U 3.9 1,169 1 845 898 4,534 2,444 2,090 Mekliganj (T.C.) U 3.88 1,169 1 845 898 4,534 2,444 2,090

MATHABHANGA T 888.4 468 260 5 78,036 78,195 416,0'.10 215,594 200,496 SUBDIVISION R 886.5 457 260 5 76,005 76,146 405,037 209,752 195,285 U 1.9 5,848 1 2,031 2,049 11,053 5,842 5,211

3 Mathabhanga T 626.8 463 193 2 54,238 54,346 290,380 150,675 139,705 R 624.9 447 193 2 52,207 52,297 279,327 144,833 134,494 U 1.9 5,848 1 2,031 2,049 11,053 5,842 5,211 Mathabhanga (T.C.) U 1.89 5,848 2,031 2,049 11,053 5,842 5,211 4 Sita\ Kuchi T 261.6 481 67 3 23,798 23,849 125,710 64,919 60,791 R 261.6 481 67 3 23,798 23,849 125,710 64,919 60,791 U

SADAR SUB- T 737.6 634 259 2 85,533 86,400 467,419 241,580 225,839 DIYISION R 720.4 538 259 71,935 72,334 387,318 200,264 187,054 U 17.2 4,660 2 13,598 14,066 80,101 41,316 38,785 - KochBihar T 737.6 634 259 1 2 85,533 86,400 467,419 241,580 225,839 R 720.4 538 259 1 71,935 72,334 387,318 200,264 187,054 U 17.2 4,660 2 13,598 14,066 80.101 41,316 38,785 .... l KOCH BIHAR (U.A.) .".... f U 17.19 4,660 2 13,598 14,066 80,10L 41,316 38,785 (a) Koch Bihar U 12.09 5,569 11,369 11,821 67,327 , 34,732 32,595 (i) Koch Bihar (M) U 8.29 7,494 10,425 10,875 62,127 v 32,053 30,074 (ii) Kharimala Khagrabari (OG)U 3.80 1,368 944 946 5,200 '" 2,679 2,521 (b) Guriahati (NM) U 5.10 2,505 2,229 2,245 12,774 .J 6,584 6,190 TUFANGANJ SUB- T 585.7 492 126 53,796 54,643 288,370 148,282 140,088 DIVISION R 584 8 485 126 52,966 53,748 283,464 145,71L 137,753 U 0.9 5,575 1 830 895 4,906 2,571 2,335

6 Tufanganj T 585.7 492 126 53,796 54,643 288,370 148,2R2 140,088 R 584.8 485 126 52,966 53,748 283,464 145,711 137,753 U 0.9 5,575 1 830 895 4,906 2,571 2,335 Tufanganj (T.C.) U 0.88 5,575 1 830 895 4,906 2,571 2,335

DINHATA SUB- T 704.2 600 299 3 77,377 77,703 422,521 217,344 205,177 DIVISION R 700.9 582 299 3 74,972 75,213 407,985 209,815 198,170 U 3.3 4,459 1 2,405 2,490 14,536 7,529 7,007 7 Dinhata T 546.2 647 246 3 1 64,303 64,520 353,149 181,704 171,445 R 542.9 624 246 3 61,898 62,030 338,613 174,175 164,438 U 3.3 4,459 1 2,405 2,490 14,536 7,529 7,007 Dinhata(M) U 3.26 4,459 1 2,405 2,490 14,536 7,529 7,007

---~-- 91


------_------~ State/District/ Total Area Popula- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural in kmt tion ,---___....-----, towns Occupied house· ,--___,.A..__ __ , U.A. /City/Town Urban perkm2 Inha· unin- residential holds Persons Males Females bited habited houses

-.~~.- ._------_- --_ - ~ ~ ~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - ~------_ ------~------~~-- 8 Sitai T 158.0 439 53 13,074 13,183 69,372 35,640 33,732 R 158.0 439 53 13,074 13,183 69,372 35,640 33,732 U

2 JALPAIGURI T 6,227.0 356 736 20 12 409,697 416,936 2,214,871 1,159,843 1,055,028 DISTRICT R 6,079.5 313 736 20 353,706 359,014 1,903,650 994,747 908,903 U 147.5 2,112 12 55,991 57,922 311,221 165,096 146,125 SADAR SUB- T 3,373.7 388 400 14 8 242,521 249,065 1,308,937 686,725 622,212 DIVISION R 3,257.3 335 400 14 202,605 207,490 1,089,954 570,239 519,715 U 116.4 1,884 8 39,916 4[,575 2[8,983 116,486 102,497 1 Rajganj T 636.6 310 28 32,795 37,355 197,090 104,524 92,566 R 590.7 204 28 17,788 22,325 120,688 63,521 57,167 U 45.9 1,666 1 15,007 15,030 76,402 41,003 35,399 Daogmlff (NM) U 45.86 1,666 15,007 15,030 76,402 41,003 35,399 2 Jalpaiguri T 503.0 531 29 48,914 49,170 266,925 139,426 127,499 R 492.9 416 29 37,898 37,973 205,182 107,222 97,960 U 10.1 6,125 1 11,016 11,197 61,743 32,204 29,539 JaJpaiguri (M) U 10.08 6,125 11,016 11,197 61,743 32,204 29,539

3 Mal T 543.6 378 101 5 2 38,624 39,922 205,644 109,074 96,570 R 531.8 346 101 5 35,602 35,671 183,766 96,907 86,859 U 11.8 1,849 2 3,022 4,251 21,878 12,167 9,711 Mal(NM) U 2.56 5,856 1,721 2,853 14,991 8,360 6,631 Odlabari (NM) U 9.27 743 1,301 1,398 6,837 3,807 3,080 4 Mitiali T 206.2 362 30 14,979 14,998 74,649 38,738 35,911 R 206.2 362 30 14,979 14,998 74,649 38,738 35,911 U 5 Maynaguri T 525.2 380 77 5 2 37,181 37,359 199,509 104,647 94,862 R 494.2 343 77 5 31,561 31,639 169,602 89,000 80,602 U 31.0 966 2 5,620 5,720 29,907 15,647 14,260 MAIN AGURI (U.A.) U l_- 30.95 966 2 5,620 5,720 29,907 15,647 14,260 (a) Domohari (NM) U 18.57 557 1 2,047 2,074 10,339 ' 5,398 4,941 (b) Mainaguri (NM) U 12.38 1,581 1 3,573 3,646 19,568 ' 10,249 9,319 6 Nagrakata T 284.0 247 23 13,887 13,903 70,148 36,714 33,434 R 284.0 247 23 13,887 13,903 70,148 36,714 33,434 U 7 Banarhat T 395.6 378 50 3 29,699 29,823 149,729 77,393 72,336 R 392.6 366 50 3 28,628 28,704 143,774 74,145 69,629 U 3.0 2,012 1 1,071 1,119 5,955 3,248 2,707 Gairkata (NM) U 2.96 2,012 1 1,071 1,119 5,955 3,248 2,707 8 Dhubguri T 279.5 520 62 26,442 26,535 145,243 76,209 69,034 R 264.9 4fil 62 22,262 22,277 122,145 63,992 58,153 U 14.6 1,SS7 1 4,180 4,258 23,098 12,217 10,881 Dhupguri (NM) U 14.55 1,587 4,180 4,258 23,098 12,217 10,881

ALIPURDUAR T 2,787.5 325 336 6 4 167,176 167,871 905,934 473,118 432,816 SUBDIVISION R 2,756.4 295 336 6 151,101 151,524 8\3,696 424,508 389,188 U 31.1 2,963 4 16,075 16,347 92,238 48,610 43,628 9 Birpara T 190.8 368 21 13,305 13,371 70,190 36,798 33,392 R 190.8 368 21 13,305 13,371 7v,190 36,798 33,392 U 10 Falakata T 317.5 532 63 30,420 3u,572 169,011 88,513 80,498 R 312.6 502 63 28,292 28,365 157,013 82,334 74,679 U 4.9 2,439 1 2,128 2,207 11,998 6,179 5,819 Falakata (NM) U 4.92 2,439 2,128 2,207 11,998 6,179 5,819


State/District/ Total AreJ Popu- Nc. of Villages No. of No. of No. of Population r------___.lI...... ,. __ ~ ...... - -., Police Station/ Fuml ill km2 l'ltiol1 ,--__ ,.A._~_-, towns Occupied house­ UA/City/Town Urban per km' In- Un- residen­ holds Persons Males Females habi- in- tial tcd habi- hou es ted

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ --_ ------.~ -- ~ _-- - _-- -_------~ 11 Madarihat T 189.7 280 28 9,987 t: 10,051 53,196 27,654 25,542 R 189.7 280 28 9,987 ~! 10/l51 53,196 27,654 25,542 U 12 Alipurduar T 693·5 481 129 2 60,634 60,852 333,265 174,305 158,960 R 674.0 388 129 .. 48,345 4R,419 261,692 136,463 125,229 IU 19.5 3,665 2 12,289 12,433 71,573 37,842 33,731

ALIPURDUAR U 19.53 3,665 2 12,289 12,433 71,573 37,842 33,731 CU.A.) (a) Alipurduar u 10.89 4,463 8,100 g,244 48,605 25,517 23,088 (i) Alipurduar lM) u 9.36 4,842 7,54; 7,684 45,324 23,798 21,526 (ii) Sobhaganj (OG) U 1.53 2,144 557 560 3,281 1,719 1,562 (b) Alipurduar Rly. Jun. U 8.64 2,6SR 4,t89 4,189 22,968 12,325 10,643 (i) Alipurduar Rly. Jun, (NI\1) U 7.20 2,469 3,391 3,39t 17,774 9,448 8,326 (ii) Chechakhata COG) U 1.44 3,607 798 798 5,194 2,877 2,317 13 Kakhini T 892 0 180 43 31,014 31,164 160,615 83,532 77,083 R 885.3 172 43 29,356 29,457 151,948 78,943 73,005 U 6 7 1297 1,658 1,707 8,667 4,589 4,078 Ut /ur Latat·w i (NM) U 6.68 1,297 1,658 1,707 8,667 4,589 4,078 14 Kumargram T 504.0 237 52 4 21,816 21,861 It9,657 62,316 57,341 R 504.0 237 52 4 21,816 21,861 119,657 62,316 57,341 U

3 DARJIUNG T 3,1-+9.0 325 65) 51 7 190,543 191,666 1024,269 542,567 481,702 R 3,088.8 240 65') 51 138,055 138,261 742,116 388,346 353,770 DISTRICT 127,1)32 U 60.2 4,681 7 52,488 53,405 282,153 154,221 1 'l35.5 30t 122 51,845 52,040 281,346 144,525 136,821 SAD 1R SUB­ 110,150 DIVISiON R 924.9 242 122 .. 41,295 41,347 223,743 113,593 U 10.6 5,450 1 10,550 10,693 57,603 30,932 26,671 14,197 Sukhiapokl i T 239.8 121 17 5,361 5,366 28,975 14,778 R 239 8 121 t I 5,361 5,366 28,975 14,778 14,197 U 21,575 2 Pulbazar T 137·3 21 8,186 8,222 44,146 23,171 R 137·3 21 8,186 8,222 44,146 23,171 21,575 U 50,026 3 Darjiling T 104 6 998 27 19,409 19,554 104,371 54,345 R 94 0 498 27 8,859 8,861 46,768 23,413 23,355 U 10.6 5,450 10,550 10.693 57,603 30.932 21},671 Daljiling (M) U 10.57 5,450 10.550 10,693 57,603 30,932 26,671 4 Rangli Ranglict T 307.7 166 29 9,226 9,235 51,225 26,006 25,219 25,219 R 307.7 166 29 ~,226 9,235 51,225 26,006 U 25,804 5 Jore Bungalow T 146. J 356 28 9,063 9,663 52,029 26,225 R 14fi.l 351, 28 9,663 9,663 52,029 26,225 25,804 U KALlMPONG SUB- T 1,056 5 ISO 104 2,+ 2 28,736 28,767 158,726 82,707 76,019 DIVISION R 1.047.0 121 101 24 22,671 22,702 126,308 65,595 60,713 U 9.5 3,416 2 6,065 6,065 32,418 17,112 15,306 57,162 6 Kalil1lpong T 609.7 194 7J 17 20,899 20,917 118,548 61,386 R 601.0 149 73 17 15,707 15,725 89,663 46,432 43,231 U 8.7 3,328 5,192 5,192 28,885 14,954 13,931 13,931 Kalimpong (M) U fl.68 3,328 5,192 5,192 28,885 14,954 93


------~ State/District/ Total Area Popu- No. of No. of No. of No. of Porulatioll Police Station/ Rural in Km" lation Villages towns Occu,:;ie

---_ -- ~ -_-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


7 Garuplthan T 446.8 90 31 7 7,837 7,850 40,178 21,321 J 8,357 R 446.0 82 31 7 6,964 6,977 36,645 19,163 17l,82 U 0.8 4,362 873 873 3,533 2,158 I, '175 Jo!dhaka Hyde! Power Project Town (NM) U 0.81 4,362 873 873 3,533 2,158 1,375

KURSEONG SUB- T 425.3 262 73 7 2 20,693 20,715 111,302 59,32·:), 51,')78 DIVISION R 402.3 204 73 7 15,096 15,101 82,256 -,-UI9 '3S,137 U 23.0 1,261 2 5,597 5,614 29,046 15,205 13. ~ t I 8 Kurseong T 327.9 250 60 5 2 15,364 15,381 81,882 41,510 37,372 R 304.9 173 60 5 9,767 9,767 52,836 29,305 2:',53 J U 23.0 1,261 2 5,597 5,614 29,046 15,205 13,841 Gart Road (NM) U 17.99 614 2,135 2,135 11,038 5,802 5,23:>

Kurseong (M) U 5.05 3,566 3,462 3,479 18,00S 9,W3 8,605

9 Mirik T 97.4 302 13 2 5,329 5,334 29,420 14,814 14,('1)6 R 97.4 302 13 2 5,329 5,334 29,420 14,814 14,606 U SILIGURI SUB- T 837.4 565 360 19 2 89,269 90,144 472,895 256,011 216,884 DIVISION R 820.3 378 360 19 58,993 59,111 309,809 1(;5,OD IM,770 IJ 17.1 9,498 2 30,276 31,033 163,086 90,972 72,114

10 Naxalbari T 206.7 393 94 10 16,214 16,349 81,175 43,461- 37,711 R 205.1 353 94 10 14,173 14,254 72,467 38,566 31,901 U 1.6 5,342 1 2,041 2,095 8,708 4,898 \RIO Uttar Bugdogra (NMJ U 1.63 5,342 2,041 2,095 8,708 4,')93 J,i,ll)

11 Siliguri T 174.8 1,331 85 1 43,502 44,223 232,610 128,379 1()·!,nt R 159.3 491 85 1 .. 15,267 15,285 78,232 42,305 35,927 U 15.5 9,934 1 28,235 28,938 154,378 86,07!f 6~.V)~

Siliguri (M) U 15.54 9,934 28,235 28,938 154,378 86,074 63,3()~

12 Phansidewa T 312.4 344 108 5 19,671 19,677 107,464 56,')63 50,6')1 R 312.4 344 108 5 19,671 19,677 107,464 56,863 SO,GOt U

13 Kharibari T 143.5 360 73 3 9,882 9,895 51,646 27,305 :2 \.31, R 143.5 360 73 3 9,882 9,895 51,646 27,305 24,3\1 U

4 WEST DINAJPUR T 5,358.0 449 3,036 102 8 433,776 437,253 2,404,947 1.241,611 1,163,333 DISTRICT R 5,297.4 403 3,036 102 .. 390,967 392,965 2,136,221 1,100,216 1,036,005 U 60.6 4,431 8 42,809 44,288 268,725 141,395 127.:131

ISLAMPUR SUB· T 1,751.8 431 733 23 2 137,761 133,471 754,916 39\,137 363,1'7) DIVISION R 1,735.7 415 733 23 .. 131,509 132,050 721,161 373/)17 348,1·14 U 16.1 2,095 2 6,252 6,421 33,755 13,l20 15,'l~ )

1 Chopra T 378.4 340 116 3 24,718 24,792 128,699 67,OS9 61,6h) R 378.4 340 116 3 24,718 24,792 128,699 67,089 6 \ ,61() U

2Islampur T 345.2 498 100 32,176 32,370 171,780 R9,334 ~2.4-lCi R 331.2 439 100 27,283 27,354 145,427 75,255 70,172 U 14.0 1,884 4,893 5,016 26,",53 14,079 12,27-1-

Islampur (NM) U 13.99 1,884 4,893 5,016 26,353 14,079 12,27-1- 1 3 Goalpokhar T 372.8 458 154 12 31,020 3 ,203 170,736 33,210 32,525 R 372.S 458 154 12 31,020 31,203 170,736 83.210 82,526 U

~~-_ ------~-- 86-M/P(D)42DCO (Cal)-7(a) 94


------_ ------~ State/District/ Total Area Popu· No.ofvlllages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural III kIll' lation (---___"'_----, towns Occupied house-1t .--___ A __ - __ -, U.A./CJty!toW!l Urban per Inha· Uninha. residential holds__J Persons Males Females kl11' blted bited houses

-~-. ----~ - -- -. ------~- 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

-~------~--~ 4 Chakalia T 266.4 430 156 20,821 20,980 114,530 59,269 55,261 R 266.4 430 156 20,821 20,980 114,530 59,269 55,261 U

5 Karandighi T 389.0 435 207 7 29,026 29,126 169,171 87,235 81,936 R 386.9 418 207 7 .. 27,667 27,721 161,769 S3,194 78,575 U 2.1 3,492 1 1,359 1,405 7,402 4,041 3,361 *Dalkhola (NM) U 2.12 3,492 1 1,359 1,405 7,402 4,041 3,361

RAIGANJ SUB· T 2,071. 7 452 1,264 31 3 167,442 168,509 936,432 482,245 454,187 DIVISION R 2,048.2 412 1,264 31 151,547 152,251 842,910 433,313 409,597 U 23.5 3,975 3 15,895 16,258 93,522 48,932 44,590 6 Raiganj T 482.8 562 220 3 2 47,573 48,040 271,532 141,278 130.254 R 468.3 437 220 3 .. 36,360 36,542 204,827 106,259 98,568 V 14.5 4,588 2 11,213 11 ,498 66,705 35,019 31,686 'RAIGANJ ~U.A,l U 14.54 4,588 2 11,213 11,498 66,705 35,019 31,686 (a) Raiganj (M) V 10.64 5,671 10,036 10,319 60,343 31,717 28,626 (b) Kasba (NM) V 3.90 1,631 1,177 1,179 6,362 3,302 3,060 7 Hemtabad T 191.6 406 113 3 14,252 14,301 77 ,881 40,574 37,307 R 191.6 406 113 3 14,252 14,301 77 ,881 40,574 37,307 V 8 Kaliaganj T 311.6 493 191 27,583 27,798 153,769 79,646 74,123 R 302.6 420 191 .. 22,901 23,038 126,952 65,733 61,219 U 9.0 2,983 1 4,682 4,760 26,817 13,913 12,904 Kaliaganj (NM) V 8.99 2,983 4,682 4,760 26,817 13,913 12,904 9 Kushmundi T 310.5 387 227 4 21,480 21,548 120,300 61,195 59,)(')5 R 310.5 387 227 4 21,480 21,548 120,300 61,195 59,105 U

10 Itahar T 427.6 426 244 8 32,545 32,638 181,977 92,826 89,151 R 427.6 426 244 8 32,545 32,638 181,977 92,826 89,151 U 11 Bansihari T 347.6 377 269 12 24,009 24,184 130,973 66,726 64,247 R 347.6 377 269 12 24,009 24,184 130,973 66,726 U 64,247

SADAR SUB- T 1,516.7 470 1,039 48 3 128,573 130,273 713,599 368,229 DIVISION 345,370 R 1,495.7 383 1,039 48 · . 107,911 108,664 572,150 293,886 278.264 U 21.0 6,732 3 20,662 21,609 141,449 74,343 67,106 12 Gangarampur T 328.4 467 198 5 1 26,528 26,710 153,406 78,847 74,559 R 3194 409 198 5 · . 23,604 23,748 130,639 66,996 U 63,643 9.0 2,532 1 2,924 2,962 22,767 11,851 10,916 Gangarampur (NM) U 8·99 2,532 2,924 2,962 22,767 11,851 10,916 13 Kumarganj T 286.9 365 205 13 20,538 20,589 104,627 53,703 50,924 R 286.9 365 205 13 20,538 20,589 104,627 U 53,703 50,924 14 Tapan T 441.1 335 269 10 26,985 27,203 147,633 75,552 72,081 R 441.1 335 269 10 26,985 27,203 147,633 U 75,552 72,081 IS. Balurghat T 372.2 692 293 16 44,595 45,797 257,417 134,164 123,253 R 363.9 398 293 16 .. 28,043 28,337 144,796 U 74,817 69,979 8.3 13,536 1 16,552 17,460 112,621 59,347 53,274 "jALURGHAT (VA) U 8.32 13,536 16,552 J 7,460 J 12,621 59,347 53,274 (i) Balurghat (M) ..,. u 6.37 16,428 15,189 16,090 104,646 55,192 49,454 (li) Crak Bhrigu j U (OG) 1.28 4,992 1,057 1,062, 6,390 3,382 3,008 (iii) Baldynathpara J (00) U 0.67 2,366 306 308 1,585 773 812 16 Hilli T 88. I 573 74 4 9,927 R 9,974 50,516 25,963 24,553 84.4 527 74 4 8,741 8,787 44,455 V 3.7 1,638 · . 22,818 21,637 1 1,186 1,187 6,061 3,145 2,916 Hilli (NMJ V 3.70 1,638 1 1,186 1,187 6,061 3,145 2,916 ,~_---.- - _----- ~-- ~------_ -.~------95

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-contil. ------State/Districtj Total Area in Popu- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Statio,! Rural km' Jation r---.A.-., towns occupied house- r---- -__,I.._--~~----l U.A·fCityjTown Urban per Inha- uninha- re3identiaI holds 2 km bited bited houses Persons Males Females ~-~ - _._- -~-- ---_ -- -~- _- --_ ~----- ~- -_ --~ --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .. ------_ ------5.M~AH DI RICT T 3,733.0 544 1,615 188 4 345,234 347,478 2,031,871 1,042,498 989,373 R 3,718.6 520 1,615 188 329,216 330,771 1,934,675 992,063 942,612 U 14.4 6,740 4 16,018 16,707 97,196 50,435 46,761 tNGLISH BAZAR (VA) Please see ANNEXURE-I at the end of this District.

SADAR SUB- T 3,733.0 544 1,615 188 4 345,234 347,478 2,031,871 1,042,498 989,373 DiVISION R 3,718.6 520 1,615 188 329,216 330,771 1,934,675 992,063 942,612 U 14.4 6,740 4 16,018 16,707 97,196 50,435 46,761 Harishchandrapur T 388.0 572 175 4 37,382 37,427 221,890 114,216 107,674 R 388.0 572 175 4 37,3.32 37,427 221,890 114,216 107,674 U 2 Kharba (Chanchal) T 368.3 591 182 11 38,451 38,470 217,746 111,929 105,817 R 368.3 591 182 11 38,451 38,470 217,746 111,929 105,817 U 3 Ratua T 398.1 606 135 17 39,852 40,046 241,198 123,821 117,377 R 398.1 606 135 17 39,852 40,046 ! 241,198 123,821 117,377 U 4 Gajole T 513.6 351 286 7 32,105 32,328 180,315 92,248 88,067 R 513.6 35l 286 7 32,105 32,328 180,315 92,248 88,067 U 5 BaOlangola T 206.2 414 140 2 14,858 15,054 85,362 43,550 41,812 R 206.2 414 140 2 14,858 15,054 85,362 43,550 41,812 U 6 Habibpur T 397.1 355 235 56 25,499 25,682 141,070 71,743 69,327 R 397.1 355 235 56 25,499 25,682 141,070 71,743 69,327 U

7 Maldah T 226.4 436 114 6 17,496 17,561 98,767 50,560 48,207 R 223.2 404 114 6 .. 16,000 16,061 90,188 46,180 44,008 U 3.2 2,648 1 1,496 1,500 8,579 4,380 4,199 tOld Maldah (M) U 3.24 2,648 1,496 1500 8,579 4,380 4,199 8 English Bazar T 254.8 940 113 27 2 40,502 41,776 239,457 124,069 115,388 R 247.8 625 li3 27 .. 26,627 27,216 154,792 80,051 74,741 U 7.0 12,061 2 13,875 14,560 84,665 44,018 40,647 tEnglish Bazar (M) U 4.63 17,065 12,790 13,472 79,010 41,024 37,986 Jhali Jhalia U 2.39 2,366 1,085 1,088 5,655 2,994 2,661 (i) Jhali Jhalia (NM) U 1.67 2,011 652 655 3,359 1,772 1,587 (ii) Sherpur Makim- pur (OG) U 0.72 3,189 433 433 2,296 1,222 1,074 9 Manik Chak T 316.2 474 74 15 24,950 24,960 149,981 7('),190 73,791 R 316.2 474 74 15 24,950 24,960 149,981 76,190 73,791 U

10 KaliaChak T 536.4 850 161 43 74,139 74,174 456,085 2,34,172 221,91 R 532.2 850 161 43 73,492 73,527 452,133 2,32,135 219,99 U 4.2 950 1 647 641 3,952 2,037 1,91 Jagannathpur (NM) U 4.16 950 1 641 647 3,952 2,037 1,91

------_. -~----~-- Note: Town marked t are the Constituent Units of English Bazar U.A. ANNEXURE-l ENGLISH BAZAR {U.A.} U 10.26 9,088 3 15,371 16,060 93,244 48,398 _44,846 (a) Old Maldah (M) U 3.24 2,648 1,496 1,500 8,579 4,380 4,199 (b) English Bazar (M) U 4.63 17,065 12,790 13,472 79,010 41,024 37,986 (c) Jhali-Jhalia U 2.39 2,366 1,085 1,088 5,655 2,994 2,661 (i) Jhali-Jhalia (NM) U 1.67 2,011 652 655 3,359 1,772 1,587 (ii) Sherpur-Makim- pur (OG) U 0.72 3,189 433 433 2,296 1,222 1,074-

------~- -~-- 96


..... -~---- -_- ---~~-- . ---- State/District/ Total Area Popu)a- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of 2 Population Police/Station/ Rural inkm tion r------A-----,. towns Occupied house- r-- UA.jCity/Town Urban per Inha- Unin- residential holds Persons Males Females km2 bited habited houses

------~---. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - --~ .. -~---

6 MURSHiDABAD T 5,324.0 695 1,927 299 13 618.967 636,670 3,697,552 1,887,426 1,810,126 R 5,224.0 mSTRICT 642 1,927 299 .. 561,618 575,184 3,351,534 1,711,627 1,639,907 U 100.0 3,471 13 57,349 61,486 346,018 175,799 170,219 JAGli'UR SUB· T 1,132.1 798 469 106 6 146,097 152,008 903,803 456,070 R 1,099,2 447,733 DIT lSION 710 469 106 125,287 130,363 780,248 393,503 386,745 U 32.9 3,760 6 20,810 21,645 123,555 62,567 60,988 T 147.6 I Falrakka 911 62 7 2 23,441 23,'163 134,445 68,371 66,074 R 140.8 8~4 62 7 19,652 19,962 117,428 59,339 58,089 U 6.8 2,492 ·. 2 3,789 3,801 17,017 9,032 7,985 FARRAKKA BARR- AGETOWNSHIP lJ 6.83 2,492 (UA) 2 3,789 3,801 17,017 9,032 7,985 ': (a) Farrak~a Barrage 3.70 3,959 Township (NM) 0 3,364 3,376 14,650 7,836 6,814 3.13 (b) Srimall/apl//' (NM) U 756 1 425 425 2,367 1,196 1,171 T 110.1 2 Sh::ttmherganj 1,438 41 8 24,109 26,092 158,330 79,119 79,211 R 102.3 1,299 41 8 · . 20,375 21,727 132,864 66,409 66,455 U 7.8 3,277 1 3,734 4,365 25,466 12,710 12,756 U 7.77 3,277 Dhuli,m (M) 3,734 4,365 25,466 12,710 12,756 3 Suli T 265.0 773 83 25 2 32,374 34,252 204,749 103,440 R 254.5 658 101,309 83 25 · . 26,016 27,894 167,472 84,644 82,828 U 10.5 3,554 2 6,358 6,358 37,277 18,796 U 10.49 3,554 18,481 AURANGABAD 2 6,358 6,358 37,277 18,796 18,481 (UA) 2.77 7,112 (a) Aurangabad (NM)U 1 3,464 3,464 19,701 9,994 9,707 I Ii) Paschimpunl'upara ' (NM) U 7.72 2,277 1 2,894 2,894 17,576 8,802 8,774 T 264.2 943 4 Raghunathg:l11j 114 38 1 39,939 40.516 249,198 124,996 124,202 R 256.4 801 114 38 .. 33,010 33,395 205,403 102,967 U 7.8 5,636 102,436 1 6,929 7,121 43,795 22.029 21,766 U 7.77 5,636 Jangipur (M) 1 6.929 7,121 43,795 22,029 . 21,766 T 345.2 455 169 5 S:lgardigh 28 26,234 27,385 157,081 80,144 76,937 R 345.2 455 169 28 26,234 27,385 157,081 80,144 U 76,937 T 1,351.7 622 506 LA!3AGH SUB· 69 3 139,153 144,066 840,136 430,182 410,554 DIV18/oN R 1,321. ! 582 506 69 .. 127,564 131,259 768,943 393,722- U 30.6 2,357 375,221 3 11,589 12,807 71,793 36,460 35,333 T 216.3 720 84 6 L:\lgo1a 13 1 25,735 25,839 155,734 79,688 76,046 R 210.4 656 84 13 .. 22,832 22,936 138,007 70,688 U 5.9 3,030 67,319 1 2,903 2,903 17,727 9,000 8,727 U 5.85 3,030 Lalg'JiJ. (NM) 1 2,903 2,903 17,727 9,000 8,727 T 302.2 631 7 Bhagw:ll1goJa 107 23 31,500 31,924 190,766 97,510 93,256 R 302.2 631 107 23 31,500 31,924 190,766 91,510 U 93,256 T 319.6 623 RS S Rcl!linag:lr 16 32,202 33,384 200,693 103,045 97,648 R 319.6 628 85 16 32,202 33,384 200,693 103,045 U 97,648 155.9 697 9 h111i·,;hid1b:ld T 76 4 18,655 19,082 108,730 55,532 53,198 R 142.9 612 76 4 .. 14,979 15,217 87,389 44,724 U 13.0 1,648 42,665 1 3,676 3,865 21,341 10,808 10,533 U 12.95 1,648 Mmshidabad (M) 3,676 3,865 21,341 10,808 10,533 5l.0 1,196 10 Ji:lganj T 46 3 10,060 11,096 60,984 31,154 29,830 R 39.3 719 46 3 .. 5,050 5,057 28,259 14,502 11.7 13,757 U 2,807 1 5,010 6,039 32,725 16,652 16,073 Jiaganj-Azimganj 11.66 (M) U 2,807 1 5,010 6,039 32,725 16,652 16,073 - - --- 97


~ - - - -

Stat.:/Distridj Total Area in Popu~ No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Populatiof'. Police Station/ Rural km' lation r--"------, Towns Occupied house- ,-__. ____ --A.. ______, U.A. ICily/Town Urban per lnha- Unin- r0sidentml holds Persons Males Females km2 bited h. bited houses

~ -~~ - ~ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 1) 9 10 11 12

----~~ --- -- II. Nuhagram T 306.7 404 108 10 21,001 22,741 123,829 63,253 60,576 R 306.7 404 108 10 21,001 22,741 J 23,829 63,253 60,576 U

KANDJ SUB- T 1,176.6 602 507 45 125,006 128,499 708,625 361,945 346,680 ])JVlSION R 1,163.6 581 507 45 .. 119,552 122,652 676,044 345,178 330,866 U 13.0 2,516 1 5,654 5,847 32,581 16,767 15,814 12 Khargarm T 317.0 530 139 16 29,309 29,988 168,162 85,947 82,215 R 317.0 530 139 16 29,309 29,988 168,162 85,947 82,215 U

13 Burwan T 279.0 592 153 7 28,693 30,330 165,035 84,434 80,601 R 279.0 592 153 7 28,693 30,330 165,035 X4,434 ~0,601 U 14 Kandi T 238.5 680 84 9 28,871 29,533 162,203 82,942 79,261 R 225.5 575 84 9 23,217 23,686 129,622 66,175 63,447 U 13.0 2,516 1 5,654 5,847 32,531 16,767 15,814 Kandi (M) U 1] . 95 2,516 5,654 5,847 32,581 16,767 15,814 15 Bhmatpur T 342.1 623 J 31 13 38,333 38,648 213,225 108,622 104,603 R 342.1 623 131 13 38,333 38,648 213,225 108,622 104,603 U SADAR SUB- T 1,710.5 727 445 79 3 208,511 212,097 1,244,388 639,229 605,159 DIVISION R 1,687.0 668 445 79 .. 189,215 190,910 1,126,299 579,224 547,075 U 23.5 5,040 3 19,296 21,187 118,089 60,005 58,084

16. Beldallga T 371.1 873 118 19 53,335 53,523 324,035 167,362 156,673 R 367.1 840 118 19 .. 50,498 50,681 308,257 159,363 148,894 U 4.0 3,964 1 2,837 2,842 15,778 7,999 7,779 B!ldanga (M) U 3.98 3,964 2,837 2,842 15,778 7,999 7,779 17 Nawda T 230.3 56ll 29 9 22,632 22,865 130,726 66,868 63,858 R 230.3 568 29 OJ 22,632 22,865 130,726 66,868 63,858 U 18 Hasiharpura T 252.8 592 55 8 25,189 25,351 149,679 76,387 73,292 R 252.8 592 55 8 25,189 25,351 149,679 76,387 73,292 U

19 Berhampur T 325.6 962 130 15 2 52,056 54,678 313,250 160,185 153,065 R 306.1 689 130 15 .. 35,597 36,333 210,939 108,179 102,760 U 19.5 5,260 2 16,459 18,345 102,311 52,006 50,305 BAHARA.MPUR (UA) U 19.45 5,260 2 16,459 J8,345 102,311 52,006 50,305 (a) Baharampur -.u 16.67 5,693 15,152 17,033 94,896 48,268 46,628 (i) n .lharampur (M) JJ 16.19 5,737 14,808 16,689 92,88" 47,272 45,617 (ii) Budharpara (OG2J] 0.48 4,181 344 344 2,007 996 1,011 *(b) Kasimbazar (NM) U 2.78 2,667 1,307 1,312 7,415 3,738 3,677 20 Domkal T 304.3 631 72 15 32,707 32,971 192,125 98,772 93,353 R 304.3 631 72 15 32,707 32,971 192,125 ')8,772 93,353 U 21 Jaalngi T 226.4 594 41 13 22,592 22,709 134,573 69,655 64,918 R 226.4 594 41 13 22,592 22,709 134,573 69,655 64,918 U 7 NADIA DISTRICT T 3,927.0 755 1,255 97 16 494,218 500,149 2,964,253 1,522,936 1,441,317 R 3,721.3 625 1,255 97 382,548 387,206 2,324,384 1,195,489 1,128,895 U 205.7 3,109 16 111,670 112,943 639,869 327,447 312,421 BIRMAGAR (UA) Please See ANNEXURE-II at the end of this District. KXfSi:fNANAGA-R T 2,527.0 668 706 71 4 276,623 280,422 J ,687,358 865,944 ::;2J ,414 SUlJDIVISION R 2,491.1 581 706 71 .. 235,459 238,858 1,447,637 744,193 703,444 U 35.9 6,679 4 41,164 41,564 239,721 121,751 117,970 1 Karimpur T 4'1-5.7 547 129 17 41,522 41,539 243,697 125,463 118,234 R 445.7 547 129 17 41,522 41,539 243,697 125,463 118,234 U S8

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-eontd. - ---- ~-. . --~ -- --~- State/District/ Total Area in Popu- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km2 lation r- towns Occupied house- V.A./City/Town Urban in Inha- uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females km2 bited bited houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 Tehatta T 423.2 563 87 9 38,352 38,493 238,346 122,391 115,955 R 423.2 563 87 9 38,352 38,493 238,346 122,391 115,955 U 3 Kaliganj T 321.2 597 107 20 31,011 31,134 191,849 99,031 92,818 R 321.2 597 107 20 31,011 31,134 191,849 99,031 92,818 U 4 Nakashipara T 362.3 571 99 9 33,597 34,421 206,945 106,241 100,704 R 358.4 545 99 9 31,381 32,124 195,165 100,237 94,928 U 3.9 2,997 2,216 2,297 11,780 6,004 5,776 * Jagadanandapur (NM) U 3.93 2,997 2,216 2,297 11,780 6,004 5,776 5 Cbapra T 310.1 580 78 6 27,806 28,031 179,722 92,165 87,557 R 310.1 580 78 6 27,806 28,031 179,722 92,165 87,557 U 6 Krishnaganj T 151.2 602 52 2 15,102 15,107 91,061 46,705 44,356 R 151.2 602 52 2 IS,102 15,107 91,061 46,705 44,356 U Krishnagar T 409.2 842 131 7 56,354 58,538 344,635 176,344 168,291 R 393.4 627 131 7 .. 39,857 41,967 246,494 126,333 120,161 U 15.8 6,211 I 16,497 16,571 98,141 50,011 48,130 Krishnagar eM) u 15.S0 6,211 16,497 16,571 98,141 50,011 48,130 8 Nabadwip T 104.1 1,836 23 1 2 32,879 33,159 191,103 97,604 93,499 R 87.9 697 23 1 10,428 10,463 61,303 31,868 29,435 J U 16.2 8,032 2 22,451 22,696 129,800 65,736 64,064 NABADWIP (V.A.) U 16.16 8,032 2 22,451 22,696 129,800 65,736 64,064 (a) Nabacwip U 13.46 8,839 20,433 20,642 118,972 60,206 58,766 (i) Nabadwip (M) U 11.66 9,357 18,678 18,886 109,108 55,144 53,964 (ij) Char Maijdia (0.0.) V 0.37 10,968 772 772 4,058 2,109 1,949 (iii) Char Brahma- nagar (0.0.) U 1.15 3,701 706 707 4,256 2,166 2,090 (iv) MaeshganJ (0.0.) U 0.28 5,~36 277 277 1,550 787 763 (b) Gaaigachha \N.M.) u 2.70 4,010 2,018 2,0:4 10,828 5,530 ~,29g

RANAGliAT SUB- T 1,378.1 927 549 26 12 217,595 219,727 1,276,895 656,992 619,903 DIVISION. R 1,208.3 726 549 25 147,089 148,348 876,747 451,295 425,451 U 169.8 2,355 12 70,S06 71,379 400,148 205,696 194.452 9 Santipur T 194.0 1,028 61 8 2 32,766 32,922 199,508 102,290 97,218 R 154,4 584 61 8 15,214 15,214 90,167 46,458 43,709 U 39.6 2,760 2 17,552 17,708 109,341 55,832 5\509 Santipur (M) U 24.60 3,373 14,222 14,378 82,980 42,082 40,898 tPhulia (NM) U 15.02 1,755 3,330 3,330 25,361 13,750 12,611 10 HlIllskhah T 245.8 642 78 2 26,138 26,207 157,833 81,259 76.574 R 242.2 603 78 2 24,037 24,093 146,094 76,215 70,879 U 3.60 3,261 1 2,101 2,114 11,739 6,044 5,695 BaguJa (NM) U 3.60 3,261 2,101 2,114 11,739 6,044 5,695 11 Ranaghat T 441.2 953 174 7 4 71,581 72,665 420,587 215,979 204,608 R 395.8 748 174 7 49,759 50,515 296,138 152,452 143,686 U 45.4 2,739 4 21,822 22,150 124,449 63,527 60,922 tTaherpur (NM) U 21.83 1,197 1 4.590 4,592 26,124 13,216 12,908 tBirnagar (M) U 5.52 2,641 1 2,375 2,521 14,581 7,433 7,148 RANAGHAT CU.A.) U' 18.08 4,632 2 14,856 15,037 83,744 ../ 42,878 40,866 (a) Aistala (NM) U 2.94 4,339 2,284 2,289 12,757 6,556 6,20t 99


State/District/ Total Area in Popu· No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' lation .---.A------,towns Occupied hou~e- r- ---:--> U.A./City /Town Urban per Inha- uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females km' bited bited houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '_--' ----- (b) Ranar,hat J U 15.14 4,669 12,572 12,748 70,987 36,322 34,665 (i) Ranaghat (M) U 7.72 7,559 10,336 10,357 58,3,6 30,044 28,312 (it) Satig9chha -.I (OG) U 1. 36 2,528 6:l4 607 3,438 1,767 1,671 (iii) Ranaghat (OG) " U 2.94 996 424 467 2,928 1,492 1,436 (iv) Nasra (OG) -IU 3.12 2,008 1,208 1,317 6,265 3,019 3,246 12 Chakdaha T 237.6 1,057 131 7 2 42,700 43,138 251,231 128,887 122,344 R 218.8 841 131 7 31,063 31,321 184,027 9-1,721 89,306 U 18.8 3,567 2 11,637 11,817 67,204 34,166 33.038 Chakdaha (M) U 15.54 3,816 10,225 10,392 59,308 30,101 29,205 Mat/anpur (NM) U 3.30 2,393 1,412 1,425 7,896 4,063 3,833 13 Kalyani T 91.1 1,231 20 1 2 21,238 21,549 112,189 58,741 53,448 R 37.8 827 20 1 5,319 5,442 31,265 15,506 14,759 U 53.3 1,518 2 15,919 16,107 80,924 42,235 38,689 @ Kalyani U 23.30 1,685 1 8,153 8,270 39,257 21,075 111,182 (i) Kalyani (NA) U 21.91 1,750 7,979 8,090 38,33'<: 20,594 17,740 (ii) Kanchrapala (OG) U 1.39 564 174- 180 923 481 442 @ Ga.yespur (NA) U 30.00 1,389 7,766 7,837 .11,667 21,160 20,507 14 Haringhata T 168.4 805 85 1 23,172 23,246 135,547 69,836 65,711 R 159.3 810 85 I 21,697 21,763 129,056 65,944 63,112 U 9.1 711 1 1,47) 1,483 6,491 3,892 2,599 Halinghata Dairy Farm Towns (NM) U 9.13 711 1,475 1,483 6,491 3,892 2,599

Note: (1) Tow! sand OGs. Marked @ are the constitllant units (f Calcutta U.A. (2) Towns marked t ar~ constituent unit, of Birnagar u.A.

ANNEXURE-II V &IRNAGAR (U.A.) U 42.37 1,583 3 10,21)5 10,443 67,066 34,399 32,66' (a) Phulia (NM) I' u 15.02 1,755 3,3:0 3,330 26,361 13,750 12,611 (b) Taherpur (NM) . U 21.83 1,197 4,590 4,592 26,124 13,216 12,908 (c) Birnagar (M) I U 5.52 2,641 2,376 2,521 14,581 7,433 7,148

8 TWENTY FOUR R 14,136.0 760 3,744 69 74 1,899,870 1,915,162 10,739,439 5,642,438 5,097,001 PARGANAS R 13,509.9 486 3,744 69 1,120,091 1,127,901 6,569,957 3,384,784 3,185,173 DISTRICT U 626.1 6,661 74 779,779 787,261 4,169,482 2,257,654 1,911,828 SUB- T 828.3 764 362 3 106,318 106,764 633,037 }25,551 306,486 DIVISION R 812.7 693 362 3 94,439 94,607 ~63,152 290,524 272,628 U 15.5 4,488 1 11,879 12,157 69,885 36,027 33,858 1 Bagdah T 232.6 tll 106 2 23,763 23,792 142,014 73,169 68,845 R 232.6 611 106 2 23,763 23,792 142,014 73,169 68,845 U 2 Bangaon T 352.2 849 1<19 49,662 49,963 298,912 154,110 144,802 R 336.6 680 149 37,783 37,806 229,027 118,083 110,944 U 15.6 4,488 1 11,879 12,157 69,885 36,027 33,858 Banpcn (M) U 15.57 4,488 11,879 12,157 69,885 36,027 33,858 3 Gaighata T 243.5 789 107 n,893 33,009 192,111 99,272 92,839 R 243.5 789 107 32,893 33,009 192,1]1 99,272 92,839 U SUB- T 9696 1,2.0 555 4 11 209,097 210,280 1,211,855 623,262 588,593 DIVISION R 879.3 941 555 4 139,756 140,631 827,395 425,289 402.106 U 90.3 4,2~6 ii 69,341 69,649 384,460 197,973 186,487 ------_ 100

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-cont(!. --_-_. - ._ ------.- State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Stationl Rural km' per kmt ~towns occupied house r------'-- -. U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited houses ------~ -----~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

-~--~ -----_. ------~- --- - 4 Habra T 281.5 1,326 153 64,481) 64,881 373,355 19;),942 182,413 R 246.1 881 153 36,565 36,840 216,712 111,077 105,635 U 35.4 11,420 3 27,921 28,041 156,643 79,8)5 76,778 ~obardanga (M) U 10.36 2,609 4,975 4,993 27,033 13,78.) 13,25 ) , HABRA (UA) U 25.08 ;,158 2 22,945 23,0<18 129,610 66,082 6~,528 (

5 Dcgl\nga T 202.0 855 108 28,649 29,083 172,721 87,752 84,96'1 R 202.0 855 108 28,649 29,083 172,721 87,752 84,96'1 U 6 T 79.9 2,042 45 4 28,692 28,705 163,193 84,986 78,207 R 66 6 1,435 45 .. 16,055 16,060 95,567 49,788 45,779 U 1.).3 5,096 14 12,637 12,61-5 17,626 35,198 32,"28 *@KrishnaplIr (NM) U 9.12 2,772 4,744 4,744 25,277 13,010 12,267 @ Ro.ghunathpur U 1.37 9,130 2,31' 2,313 12,508 6,6')3 5,905 (i) Raghunathpul' (NM) U o 85 9,026 J ,~59 1 359 7,672 3,935 3,737 (ii) Mandalganti (OG) U 0.52 9,300 954 954 4,&3c 2,668 2,16& " 122,433 114,227 U 41.6 3,849 4 28,783 28,96~ 160,191 82,910 77,281 (if (NM) U 9.71 4,935 8,767 8,777 47,914 24,746 23,168 @Barasat U 20.77 3,350 ]2,482 ]2,589 69,586 36,215 33,371 (i) Bara~a( (M) U 2025 3,284 11,902 12,009 66,504 3',620 31,884 (Ii) Ramkrishnapur (OG) U 0.52 5,927 580 580 3,082 1,595 1,487 @Nabapally(NM) U 7.85 4,052 5,607 5,669 31,809 16,286 1:',523 *Nebadhai-Dutta- pukur (NM) U 3.29 3,308 1,867 1,928 10,882 5,663 5,219 8 Amdanga T 138.8 762 79 2 16,965 17,056 105,735 )4,239 51,496 R 138.8 762 79 2 16,965 17,066 105,735 54,239 51,496 U B)RRACKPORE T 352.8 6,737 76 1 32 451,239 454,704 2,376,969 1,30),485 1,071,484 SUBDIVISION R ]14.5 1,294 76 1 24,467 24,498 148,180 77,625 70,555 U 238.3 9,359 32 426,772 430,200 2,228,789 1,227,860 1,000,929 ~ Bijpur T 40.1 5,519 16 2 40,992 41,205 221,300 121,841 99,459 R 17.3 1,336 16 3,910 3,911 23,118 12,145 10,973 U 22.8 8,685 '2 37,082 37,294 198,182 109,696 88,486 @ U 12.72 7,769 17,934 18,050 93,&16 53,603 45,213 (I) K?nchrapara (M) U 9.07 9,790 16,118 16,234 88,798 48,258 40,540 (ii) Nanna (00) U 0.44 4,623 "34 334 2,034 1,()()2 972 (iii) }etia (00) U 1.97 1,774 583 583 3,495 1,804 1,691 (iv) Chakla (OG) U 0.75 4,328 6,)) 6)J 1,246 1,833 1,413 (v) Srotrib3ti (OG) U 0.4) 2,';37 209 2)9 1,243 646 597 @Halisahijr U 10.10 9,838 19,148 19,244 99,366 56,0'13 43,273 (i) (M) U 8.28 11,543 18,691 18,787 9~,579 5J ,115 41,464 (ii) (OG)U 1.82 2,081 4.57 457 3,787 1,978 1,809 10 T 40.4 4,234 14 2 28,753 29,843 171,042 9~,897 77,155 R 28.8 809 14 3,~74 3,579 23,289 12,Z22 11,067 U 11. 6 12,792 2 25,179 26,269 147,753 81,675 66,078 @Naihati (M) U 4.35 26,346 1 19,271 20,361 114,607 64,344 5J,Z&3 @Deulpara (NM) U 7.20 4,604 1 5,908 5,908 33,145 17,331 15,815 101


-~--- -- State/District/ Total Area in Popula- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km2 tion per ,------'------, towns occupied house ,------"--- -. U.A./City/Town Urban km" Inhabi- uninhabi- residential holds Persons Males Females ted ted houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------12

11 Jagatch1 T 58.5 <,674 14 4 64,882 66,195 331,92~ 194,019 137,906 R 300 1,055 14 5,257 5,257 31,569 16,538 15,131 U 28.5 10,532 4 59,625 60,938 300,256 177,481 122,775 @ U 15.85 16,746 53,624 5t ,9;)6 265,419 159,562 105,857 (i) Bhatpara (M) U 11.96 21,803 52,845 54,120 260,751 157,161 103,600 (ii) Sthirpara (OG) U 2.1) 1,645 6::>4 6::>7 3,1.54 1,777 1,677 (iii) Rahuta (OG) U 1. 79 673 175 179 1,204 624 .58) ·@Madlail Finga- para (NM) U 3.96 2,336 1,762 1,762 9,252 4,764 4,488 @Panpu, U 5.23 1,823 1,592 1,592 9,535 4,909 4,626 *(i) Pan pur (NM) U 3.71 1,590 980 980 5,90) 3,078 2,822 (ii) Narayanpur (OG) U 1.52 2,391 612 612 3,635 1,831 1,804 @Gurdal:a U 3.47 4,625 2,647 2,678 16,050 8,246 7,8A *(1) Gurdaha (NM) U l.64 5,118 1,422 1,434 8,394 4,331 4,063 (1;) Kaugachhi (OG) U 1. 83 .1,184 1,225 1,244 7,65G 3,915 3,741 12 Noapara T 17.2 8,679 3 30,188 30,243 149,271 81,136 68,135 R U 17·.2 8,674 3 30,188 30,243 149,271 81,136 68,135 @ (M) U 6.48 8,806 11,992 12,033 57,061 31,834 25,227 @ Ichbapur Defence Estate (NM) U 2.31 4,525 2,529 2,536 10,452 6,014 4,438 @North Barrackpur (M) U 8.42 9,710 15,667 \5,674 81,758 43,288 38,470 13 Barrackpur T 3 7 5,378 3,071 3,110 19,900 11,291 8,609 R U 3.7 5,408 1 3,071 3,110 19,900 11,291 8,609 @Barrackpur Can- tonment (Cantt.) U 3.68 5,408 3,071 3,110 19,900 11,291 8,609 14 T 29.0 8,367 10 2 49,925 50,079 242,651 139,177 103,474 R 12.1 1,868 10 3,744 3,754 22,601 11,954 10,647 U 16.9 13,044 2 46,181 46,325 220,050 127,723 92,827 @8arrackpur U 13.63 8,475 1 21,601 21,659 115,516 62,825 52,691 (i) Barrackpur(M) U 11.65 9,893 21,542 21,600 115,253 62,646 52,607 (il) (OG) U l.98 133 59 59 263 179 84 @Titagarh(M) U 3.24 32,264 1 24,580 24,666 104,534 6~,398 40,136 15 Khardah T 54.7 6,374 15 6 63,876 63,956 348,639 184,218 164,421 R 9.3 3,161 15 5,029 5,035 29,400 15,381 14,019 U 45.4 7,036 6 58,847 58,921 319,2'9 168,837 150,402 @Kbardaha(M) U 4.20 10,774 1 8,134 8,162 45,251 24,305 20,946 @ (M) U 19.40 10,604 3,917 39,216 205,718 109,228 96,490 @NewBarrackpur(M) U 17.17 2,710 7,640 7,641 46,530 24,010 22,520 "@Kerulia (NM) U 0.51 9,708 904 904 4,951 2,536 2,415 @Bandipur(NM) U 2.06 3,555 1,265 1,265 7,324 3,761 3,563 ·@(NM) U 2.03 4,663 1,733 1,733 9,465 4,997 4,468

16 BeIgharia T 11.0 21,359 44,314 44,417 234,951 131 ,81~ 103,139 R U 11.0 21.437 1 44,314 ~,417 234,9Si 131,812 103,139 @ (M) l' 10 0 ; 1.437 44,314 44,417 234,951 131,812 103,139 17 1 7 I 23,992 33,109 33,280 170,343 91,517 78,826 R U 7.1 23.9'" 1 33,109 33,280 170,343 91,517 78,826 @Baranagar (M) U 7. ' 23 Q2~ 33,109 33,280 170,343 91,517 78,826

.. ~ _._- 102

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA. HOUSES AND POPULATION-contd. ------State/District/ Total Area in Popula- No. of villages No. or No. of No. of Population Police Station Urban km' tion ~ towns occupied house- U.A./CityJTown Urban per Jan" Inhabi uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females ted bited houses 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

18 Dum-Dum T 12.3 22,495 ~ 53,572 53,676 276,691 145,077 131,614 R 1.6 4,357 1,157 1,157 6,971 3,610 3,361 U 19.8 13,643 3 52,415 52,519 269,720 141,467 128253 @SouthDum Dum (M) U 1.5 .49 14,865 44,930 45,005 230,266 121,061 109,205 ·@Oarui (NM) U 1.23 8,356 1,893 1,922 10,278 5,239 5,039 *@Sultanpur(NM) U 3.05 9,566 5,592 5,592 29,176 15,167 14,009 ·19 T 11.8 1,005 2 2,089 2,111 11,858 6,142 5,716 R 2.6 1,608 2 .. 696 699 4,\80 2,192 1,988 U 0.7 11,128 1 1,393 1,412 7,678 3.950 3,728 *@Bamlra (NM) U 0.69 11,128 1 1,393 1,412 7,678 3,950 3,728 *20 Airport T 20. t 8,091 3 5 28,959 29,059 162,6'Z8 86,549 76,079 R 3.7 1,178 3 686 692 4,357 2.235 2,122 U 38.1 4,158 5 28,273 28,367 158,271 84,314 73,957 @North Dum-Dum (M) U 19.42 4,965 1 17,209 17,259 96,418 49,676 46,742 *@Bisarpara (NM) U 1. 92 5,172 1 1,691 1,691 9,930 5,303 4,627 @ Aero- drorne Area U 7.90 400 653 653 3,159 1,750 1,409 (i) Dum Dum Aero- drome Area (NM) U 7.12 Residential areas have been covered under Dum-Dum (M) (ii) (OO) U 0.78 4,050 653 653 3,159 1,750 1,409 @Gopalpur (NM) U 5.71 2,655 2,579 2,581 15,160 7,898 7,262 @Dum-Dum(M) U 3.11 10,805 6,141 6,181 33,604 19,687 13,917 ·21 Lake Town T 3.2 R Population included in South Dum-Dum (M). U ·22 Salt Lake T 43.7 819 7,509 7,525 35,770 18,809 16,961 R 9.1 285 414 414 2,595 1,348 1,247 U 15.5 2,135 1 7,095 7,111 33,175 17,461 15,714 @Bidhan Nagar Township (NM) U 15 54 2,135 7,095 7,111 33,175 17,461 15,714 SAJ)AR SUBDIVI- T 2,837.6 1,142 999 21 26 574,282 579,831 3,240,080 1,702,694 1,537,386 SION R 2,624.6 729 999 21 329,564 331,696 1,912,263 988,452 923,811 U 213.0 6,234 26 244,718 248,135 1,327,817 714,242 613,575

23 Garden Reach T 13.0 14,701 32,917 32,921 191,107 106,817 84,290 R u 13.0 14,757 1 32,9ii 32,921 191,107 106,817 84,290 @G'uden Reach(M) U 1".95 14,757 1. 32,917 32,921 191,107 106,817 84,290 24 Metia Brwz T 7.9 6,484 9,141 9,158 51,223 27,789 23,434 R u 7.9 6,509 1 9,14i 9,158 51,223 27,789 23,434 @Panchur(NM) U 7.87 6,509 1 9,141 9,158 51,223 27,789 23,434 25 Maheshtola T 53.1 3,655 28 9 34,789 34,838 194,094 103,118 90,976 R 27.5 1,989 28 9,347 9,360 54,693 28,516 26,177 U 25.6 5,439 9 25,442 25,478 139,401 74,602 64,799 @Gobindapur U 1.12 6,944 1 1,325 1,325 7,777 4,131 3,646 (i) Gobjndapur (NM) U 0.48 12,621 1 986 986 6,058 3,178 2,880 (ii) Rampur (00) U 0.64 2,686 339 339 1,719 953 766 *@Jaganathgarh(NM) U 2.91 5,554 2,528 2,528 16,134 8,239 7,895 @Noapara (NM) U 0.74 8,389 998 998 6,208 3,250 2,958 @Krishnagar(NM) U 2.41 5,080 1,941 1,947 12,244 6,463 5,781

·Note: Area figures of Rural and Urban areas togther without agree with the total area of each of the Police Statbn, as s )me of the Villages of one P.S.are included in Towns of others P.S. But the Rural and Urban area figures of these P. S. together agree with the total area of these P.S.S. 103

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-colltd. -_ __ ------_----_ - State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural kill' per km" .----"------, towns occupied house------'-----. U.A·fCity/Town Urban Inhabi- Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females ted bited houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------*(i) Krishnagar (NM) U 1. 35 5,428 1,181 1,181 7,328 3,844 3,484 (ii) Jalkhura (OG) U 1.06 4,638 766 766 4,916 2,619 2,297 rgMahestola (NM) U 1.68 2,995 914 914 5,031 2,649 2,382 @;Chandannagar lJ 1. 71 5,192 1,528 1,556 8,878 4,709 4,169 (i) Chandallnagar (NM) U o 79 5,196 683 711 4,184 2,277 1,907 (ii) Memanpur (OG) U 092 5,102 845 845 4,694 2,432 2,'262 @,Batanagar U 2.49 7,234 1 3,668 3,675 18,012 10,578 7,434 (i) Batanagar (NM) U 2 09 7,316 1 3,221 3,22~ 15,291 9,152 6,139 (ii) Tentulkhult(OG)U 0.40 6,803 447 447 2,721 1,426 1,295 (lbNangi (NM) U 6.91 7,820 10,713 10,713 54,035 28,861 25,174 @Chata Kalikapur (NM) U 5.66 1,958 1,821 1,822 11,082 5,722 5,360 26 Budge Budge T 142.5 2,073 83 5 54,669 54,995 295,350 160,196 135,154 R 110.5 1,449 83 27,413 27,663 160,135 83,343 76792 U 32.0 4220 5 27,256 27,332 135,215 76.853 58.362 *ca. Uttar Raypur (NM) U 5.32 2,628 1 2,235 2,235 13,980 7,245 6,735 (<1 Budge Budge U 10.05 7,005 I 15,094 15,167 70.404 40,950 29,454 (i) Budge Budge(M) U 9.06 7,332 14,336 14,409 66,424 38,660 27,764 v4i) Kalipur(OG) U 0.99 4,020 758 758 3,980 2,290 1,690 __!!!:~Pl!.~ (UA) U 16.67 3,049 3 9,927 9,930 50,831 28,658 22,173 (a) Birlapur . U 6 56 3,693 5,244 5,244 24,229 14,584 9,645 (i) Birlapur(NM) U 4.84 4,229 4,637 4,637 20,470 12,575 7,895 (ii) Moukhali (OG) U 0.54 2,391 227 227 1,291 686 605 (iii) JagatBaJlavpur (OG) U 1.18 2,092 380 380 2,468 1,323 1,145 (b) Chak-Kashipur U 4.85 2,892 2,594 2,594 14,024 7,544 6,480 (i) Chak-Kashipur (NM) U 1.59 4,436 1,459 1,459 7,053 3,943 3,1l0 (ii) Chak-Alampur (OG) U 3.26 2,138 1,135 1,135 6,971 3,601 3,370 (c) Bowali U 5.26 2,391 2,089 .L,092 12,578 6,530 6,048 (I) Bowali (NM) U 3.62 2,414 1,421 1,424 8,737 4,573 4,164 (ii) Maheshwarpur (OG) U 0.49 2,718 229 229 1,312 682 650 (iii) Chakmanik (OG) U 1.15 1,182 439 439 2,509 1,275 1,234 27 Bishnupur T 213 4 1,349 154 2 49,885 50,313 287,811 149,256 138,555 R 210 1 1,312 154 2 47,741 48,162 275,593 142,830 132,763 U 3 3 3,669 1 2,144 2,151 12,218 6,426 5,792 KANYANAGAR(UA) U 3 33 3,669 1 2.144 2.151 12,218 6,426 5,792 , to Kanyanagar ,/ (NM) U I 80 4,232 1,292 1,292 7,617 4,009 3,608 (ii) Amta1a(OG) U 1 53 3,007 852 859 4,601 2,417 2,184 28 Bchala T 52.1 8,178 19 81,117 82,755 426,052 225,986 200,066 R 18.3 1,701 19 5,110 5,290 31,136 16,647 14,489 U 33.8 1\,677 1 76,007 77,465 394,916 209,339 185,577 @South-Sub urban U 33.82 11,677 76,007 77,465 394,916 209,339 185,577 (i) South-Sub- urban (M) U 30.38 12,468 72,611 74,069 378,765 200,241 178,524 (ii) Gopalpur(OG) U 3.44 4,695 3,396 3,396 16.151 9,098 7,053 29 Regent Park T R 66 L *Urban Area and Population included ill Jadabpur (M), under Kasba I'.S. U J 104


-~--~~- State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' per km" ,------"---, town occupied house· r------A.-----, U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited houses

- ~------~ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------~~---- ._------~--- -~---- - 30 Jadabpur T 10.6\. R * J Area and Population are included in Jadabpur (M) and Calcutta Corporation. U 31 Kasba T 15.8 15,947 44,776 46,483 251,968 133,490 118,478 R U 40.0 6.299 1 44,776 46,483 251,968 133,490 118,478 @Jadabpur (M) U* 40.00 ~,299 44,776 16,483 251,968 133,490 118,478

32 Tiljala T 16.2L (' R .J '" Area and Populaton art- included in Jadabpllf (M) :,:JC Calcutt". Cort"Oration. U

33 Bhangar T 299.3 829 143 1 42,314 42,621 248,071 127,504 120,567 R 299.3 829 143 1 42,314 42,621 248,071 127,504 120,567 U 34 Sonarpur T 170.7 1,414 92 3 4 42,178 42,250 241,434- 127,114 114,320 R 140.6 1,120 92 3 27,097 27,115 157,440 83,287 74,153 U 30.1 2,790 4 15,081 15,135 83,994 43,827 40,167 @Sripur Baghargo[ (NM) U 2.00 4,350 1,576 1,576 8,699 4,463 4,336 @Laskarpur U 2.96 4,919 2,601 2,617 14,561 7,534 7,027 (i) Laskarpur (NM) U 1.43 7,244 1,863 1,879 10,359 5,233 5,126 (ii) Kumara Khali U (OG) 1. 53 2,746 738 738 4,202 2,301 1,901 'ltAJPUR (VA) U 25.15 2,415 2 10,904 10,942 60,734 31,830 28,904 (a) Rajpur U 23.05 2,173 8,800 8,838 50,096 26,229 23,867 0) RajpuT (M) U 20.98 2,097 7,747 7,785 43,985 23,075 20,910 (ij) Chak Harinavi U (OG) 0.63 2,354 227 272 1,483 763 720 (iii) Chanhati (OG)U 1.44 3,214 781 781 4,628 2,391 2,237 (b) Sonarpur (NM) U 2.10 5,066 2,104 2,104 10,638 5,601 5,037 35 Baruipur T 214.5 1,073 132 6 40,009 40,121 230,238 119,006 111,232 R 205.4 993 132 6 35,459 35,551 204,009 105,412 98,597 U 9.1 2,892 1 4,550 4,570 26,229 B,594 12,635 Baruipur (M) U 9.07 2,892 4,550 4,570 26,229 13,594 12,635 36 Canning T 486.7 511 119 3 43,439 43,528 248,754 126,695 122,059 R 473.7 472 119 3 38,851 38,911 223,551 113,774 109,777 U 13.0 1,942 1 4,588 4,617 25,203 12,921 12,282 Canning (NM) U 12.98 1,942 4,588 4,617 25,203 12,921 12,282

37 Basanti T 409.7 421 65 2 30,205 30,587 172,353 88,545 83,808 R 409.7 421 65 2 30,205 30,587 172,353 88,545 83,808 U 38 Jaynagar T 364.4 698 113 2 44,429 44,711 254,478 131,209 123,269 R 359.2 663 113 2 41,613 41,886 238,135 122,625 115,510 U 5.2 3,155 1 2,816 2,825 16,343 8,584 7,759 Jaynagar Mazilpur (M) U 5.18 3,155 2,816 2,825 16,343 8,584 7,759

39 Kultali T 361.1 407 51 2 24,414 24,550 147,147 75,969 71,178 R 361.1 407 51 2 24,414 24,550 147,147 75,969 71,178 U

DIAMOND HARBOUR T 3,269.0 551 1,076 34 306,471 309,723 1,~01,527 928,361 873,166 SUBDlVION R 3,260.0 546 1,076 34 302,721 305,962 l,781,22~ 917,825 863,403 U 9.0 2,263 I 3,750 3,761 20,299 10,536 9,763

40 Mograhat T 255.1 1,247 170 5 53,793 54,587 318,136 164,269 153,867 R 255.1 1,247 170 5 53,793 54,587 318,136 164,269 153,867 U ------.----- ]05


~- ~~ - - - - _-- -- -~--- -~ ------State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station Rural km 2 per km' r-______.A_~-----. towns Occupied House r-~----~ U.A.jCity(Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited houses ---- _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------_ - ~------41 Falta T 135.7 1,188 133 28,345 28,352 161,181 83,489 77,692 R 135.7 1,188 133 28,345 2~,352 161,181 83,489 77,692 U 42 Diamond Harbo\lr T 196.3 1,167 165 40,052 40,211 229,167 118,456 110,711 R 187.3 1.115 165 36,302 36,450 208,868 107,920 100,948 U 9 0 2,263 1 3,750 3,761 20,299 10,536 9,763 Diamond Harbour U 8.97 2,263 3,750 3,761 20,299 10,536 Q,763 (NM) 43 Kulpi T 250.7 669 170 12 29,074 29,088 167,640 85,888 81,752 R 250 7 669 170 n 29,074 29.088 167,640 85,888 81,752 U 44 Mandir Bazar T 117.3 1,082 110 3 21,961 22.043 126,947 65,142 61,805 R 117 3 1,082 110 3 21,961 22,043 126,947 65,142 61,805 U 45 Mathurapur T 611. 8 400 121 6 41,881 42,138 244,609 126,624 117,985 R 611 8 400 121 6 41,881 42,138 244.609 126,614 117,985 U 46 Patha[ Pratima T 484 6 408 87 4 32,062 32.265 197,686 101,687 95,999 R 184.6 408 87 4 32.062 32,265 197,686 101,687 95,999 U 47 Kakdwip T 476.8 350 48 28,388 28.778 166.777 85,623 81,154 R 476.8 350 48 28,388 28,778 166,777 85,623 81,154 U

48 Sagore T 580.9 198 44 2 19,572 19,739 115,228 59,103 56,125 R 580.9 198 44 2 19,572 19,739 115,228 59,103 56,125 U 49 Namkhana T 159.8 464 28 1l,343 12,522 74,156 38,080 36,076 R 159.8 464 28 11,343 12,522 74,156 38,080 36,076 U BASIRHAT T 2,118.4 697 676 6 3 252,463 253,860 1,475,971 756,v85 719.886 SUBDIVISION R 2,058.5 650 676 6 .. 229,144 230,507 1,337,739 685,069 652,670 U 59.9 2,305 3 23,319 23,353 138,232 71,016 67,216 50 SwarUpnagal T 216.0 718 66 25.977 26,101 155,066 78,981 76,085 R 216.0 718 66 25,977 26,101 155,066 78,981 76,085 U 51 T 209.8 911 95 2 32,352 32,503 191,024 97,316 93,708 R 187.4 846 95 2 26,939 27,082 158.505 80.631 77,874 U 22.4 1,450 1 5,413 5,421 n,519 16,685 15,834 Baduria (M) U 22.43 1,450 1 5,413 5,421 32,5\9 16,685 15,834

52 Ra~irhat T 260.3 1,136 133 50,944 51,135 295,699 151,038 144,661 R 238.3 901 133 37,475 37,648 214,659 109,419 105,220 U 22.0 3,681 1 13,469 13,487 81,J.i0 41,599 39,441

Basirba, (M) ~ J 22.01 3,682 13,469 l? ,487 81,040 41,599 39,441 53 Haroa r 203.3 660 98 2 22,422 22,516 134,143 63,703 65,440 R 203.3 660 98 2 22,422 22,516 134,143 68,703 65,410 U 54 Minakhan T 110.1 695 64 13,189 13,319 76,564 39,041 37,523 R 110.1 695 64 13,189 13,319 76,564 39,041 37,523 U 55 Hasnab:ld 242.2 658 84 2 27,528 27,926 159,265 81,879 77,386 R 226.7 594 84 2 .. 23,091 23,481 134,597 69,147 65,445 U 15.5 1,5SR 1 4,437 4,445 24,673 12,732 11,941 (M) U 15.54 1.588 4,437 4,445 24,673 12,732 11,941 56 Sandeshkha1i T 343.2 557 54 32,139 32,233 191,076 98,080 92,996 R 343.2 557 54 32,139 32,233 191,076 98,080 92,996 U

------~- -~- - -_-_-_- -- 106


-----~------_ State/District/ Total Ara in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' per km9 ~----.., towns Occupied house- r- U.A./City[fown Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

------~----~---- -~-~- -~---~ -_------57 Hingalganj Total 162.1 647 32 18,696 18,712 104,799 53,993 50,806 Rural 162.1 647 32 18,696 18,712 104,799 53,993 50,806 Urban

58 Gosaba Total 371.4 453 50 29,216 29,415 168,335 87,054 81,281 Rural 371.4 453 50 29,216 29,415 168,335 87,054 81,281 Urban

CALCUTTA T 104.0 31,779 1 593,674 605,035 3,305,006 1,930,320 1,374,686 DISTRICT R . . .. U 104.0 31,779 1 593,674 635,035 3,305,005 1,920,320 1,374,686 CALCUTTA (UA) Please see ANNEXURE-III at the end of this District ! ~-- - -_-' Calcutta (MC) U 98.79 33,284 590,828 601,841 3,288,148 1,918,822 1,369,326 Ward No. 1 U 10,246 10,302 50,973 29,281 21,692 2 U 8,767 8,784 44,938 24,095 20,843 3 U 10,183 10,222 55,680 30,414 25,266 4 U 8,054 8,149 43,523 23,187 20,:336 5 U 4,949 5,044 28,397 16,455 11,942 6 U 8,828 8,957 42,626 25,940 16,686 7 U 2.105 2,Z01 22,667 12,692 9,975 8 U 4,372 4,686 26,203 14,712 11,491 9 U 4,202 4,355 25,549 14,191 11,358 10 U 5,264 5,300 30,596 16,857 13,739 11 U 4,847 4,860 29,063 18,295 10,768 12 U 4,565 4,623 26,481 15,855 10,626 13 U 5,565 5,603 28,840 16,/05 12,735 14 U 10,046 10,150 52,089 27,887 24,202 15 U 5,043 5,135 30,974 17,641 13,333 16 U 4,101 4170 22,690 12,809 9,881 17 U 5,037 5,078 28,951 16,085 1'2,866 18 U 5,584 5,627 25,131 13,883 11,248 19 U 4,517 4,592 23,747 13,416 10,331 20 U 3,897 4,135 22,634 13,782 8,852 21 U 4,471 4,809 23,900 15,294 8,606 22 U 2,362 ?,488 21,941 13,793 8,148 23 U 4,982 5,026 29,929 17,386 12,543 24 U 3,771 3,820 20,954 12,939 8,015 25 U 7,145 7,256 42,258 24,653 17,605 26 U 5,999 6,063 30,849 18,292 12,557 27 U 3,797 3,873 22,479 12,875 9,604 28 U 7,041 7,206 4},694 26,221 17,473 29 U 7,214 7,291 42,491 24,450 18,041 30 U 5,419 5,432 29,574 16,241 13,333 31 U 7,177 7,275 35,449 21,857 13,592 3~ U 7,522 7,648 43,295 ?3,910 19,385 3:1 U 7,242 7,553 43,718 23,792 19,926 34 U 6,822 6,902 38,354 20,301 18,053 3:> U 7,329 7,349 38,960 21,215 17,745 36 V 5,394 5,441 32,438 22,385 10,053 37 U 4,467 4,503 27,822 17,609 10,213 38 U 6,496 6,498 38,126 23,753 14,373 39 U 3,671 3,730 24,000 15,694 8,306 40 U 5,564 5,711 31,895 19,840 12,055 107


--~-- - -- State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km2 per km" r---"-----. towns Occupied house- .. .A. --. U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 -_._--_._------_------Ward No. 41 U 3,948 4,086 24,745 15,605 9,140 42 U 4,740 5,184 27,150 18,036 9,114 43 U ,. 3,786 3,853 24,(;54 17,527 7,127 44 U 4,773 4,904 33,623 21,890 11,733 45 U 2,359 2,483 12,357 8,648 3,709 46 U 3,872 4,000 21,298 15,464 5,834 47 U :,655 3,733 20,087 13,398 6,689 48 U .. 6,227 6,255 27,111 16,407 10,704 49 U 3,376 3,544 23,121 1:',350 7,771 ,. 50 U 4,748 4.779 26,219 16,454 9,765 51 U .. 3,557 4,013 21,882 13,080 8,802 52 U 3,418 3,541 21,536 15,569 5,967 53 " U .. 5,476 5,500 31,342 19,745 11,597 54 U 5,351 5,497 35,885 20,750 15,135 55 U 5,029 5,054 31,109 17,565 13,544 56 U 8,057 8,067 42,655 24,726 17,929 57 U 8,384 8,558 40,301 23,753 16,~48 58 U 9,090 9,097 44,917 26,115 18,802 59 U 9,624 9,630 48,669 26,776 21,893 60 U 6,787 6,821 42,231 23,694 18,537 61 U " 6,572 6,734 37,626 24,317 13,309 " 62 U 5,497 5,626 33,678 22,095 11,583 63 U 7,022 7,213 36,155 22,986 13,169 64 U 5,267 5,307 33,868 20,296 13,512 " 65 lJ 9,160 9,179 59,916 32,847 21,069 " 66 U 7,414 7,431 39,173 21,780 17.393 67 U 6,815 6,829 35,218 19,297 15,921 68 U 5,642 5,681 28,176 15,529 12,647 69 U 9,373 9,477 52,134 29,8S4 22,250 70 U 5,068 5,158 33,646 20,639 13,007 71 U 6,565 6,827 37,229 20,974 16,255 " 72 U 5,178 5,211 30,693 17,427 13,266 " 73 U 5,355 5,576 28,018 15,889 12,t29 74 U 6,521 6,563 38,733 25,906 12,827 " 75 U 5,472 5,566 26,441 17,594 8,847 76 U 5,911 6,517 31,897 19,841 12,056 77 U 8,149 8,438 49,420 30,959 18,461 78 U 8,800 8,976 55,675 32,316 23,359 79 U 12,124 12,209 46,144 29,936 16,208 " 80 U 10,738 11,817 40,481 26,889 13.592 81 U 7,099 7,376 43,817 24,142 19,675 82 - 21,16(; " U 8,755 ! 8,798 47,236 26,070 " 83 U 6,345 6,603 35,232 19,703 15,519 84 U 4,335 4,535 27,303 15,527 11,766 85 U 6,545 6,588 33,200 17.786 15,414 86 U 5,207 5,207 26,078 14,093 11,985 87 U 4,043 4,148 21,497 11,803 9,694 88 U 5,975 6,055 30,902 16,492 14,410 89 U 4,910 4,923 24,955 13,207 11,748 90 U 4,395 4,419 21,555 11,173 10.382 91 U 6,023 6,032 32,388 16,952 15,436 " 92 U 3,937 :,937 31,758 16,547 15,211 86-MfP(D)42DCO Cal.~9 lOS


------~------~ --_--- - Stl!tejDistrictj Total Area in Population No. of viJlaa:es 'Ne. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' per km' ,.--..---'--.----, tawAS Occupied hous-e- r- ~ U.A. ICily/Town Urban Inhabited uninlta· rcsidentia I holds PenolTS Males Femal~ bited houses - -_ ------2 3 4 5 0 7 8 I) 10 11 12 ------_------Ward No. 93 U 9,573 9,513 46,S2~ 24,766 21,76J 94 U 4,053 4,069 21,109 11,500 9,609 95 U 3,S1O 3,810 21,459 II ,itO 10,349 96 U 5,11' 5,126 27,851 14.171 13,630 97 U 4,3M 4,892 24,800 13mS 11,722 98 U .... .t5"6 4,482 24,960 12,719 12,241 99 U J,~43 3.369 19,221 9,961 9,260 100 U 5,038 5,088 27,2D7 13,987 13,220 Special Charges U 5.21 3,236 2,846 3,194 16,853 1l,488 5,3-60 Fort U 2,&44 2,347 14,734 9.395 5,l.W Canals U 21 51 51 Port Seagoing Yes,eIs U 2 2.8 918 897 21 Port Tnland Vessels U 298 1,155 1,155

C.<\LCUTTA (UA) U 852.23 10,78~ 107 1,721,143 1,746.839 9,194,018 S,162,231 4,031,787 COrvSTITUENTS OF C,ILCUTTA DISTRICTS U 104.0 31,779 ~3,674 605,035 3,305,006 1,930,320 1,374,686 1. Calcutta (Me) u (Including four Special Charges) 104.00 31,719 5.93,674 605,035 3,305.006 1,930,320 1,374,686 COflstituellfs of Nadia district U 53.30 1,518 2 15,919 16,107 80,924 42,235 38.689 1. Kalyani U 23.30 1,685 1,15) 3,270 39,257 21,tl75 18,182 (i) Kalyani (NA) U 21.91 1,750 7,979 8,690 38,334 20,594 17,740 fii) Kanchrapara (OG) U 1.39 664 174 130 923 481 442 2 Ganye~pur (NA). lJ 30.00 1,389 7.766 7,837 41,667 21,160 20,507 CONSTITUETNS OF TWENTY FOUR PARGANAS DISTRICTS U 43,036 8,323 56 676,114 682,~86 3,581,983 1,952,534 1,629,«9 1 Krishnapur (NM) U 9.12 2,772 4.744- 4.144 25,217 B,OIO 12,267 2 Raghunathpur U 1.37 9,130 2,313 2,313 12,508 6,603 5,905 (I) Raghunatppur (NM) U 0.85 9,026 1,359 1,35.9 7,672 3,935 3,737 (ii) Mandalganli (OG) U 0.52 9,300 9.54 954 4,836 2,66i 2,168 3 Jyangra (NM) U 1.96 9,083 3,270 3,278 17,803 9,290 8,513 4 Arjunpur (NM) U 0.82 14,680 2,310 2,310 12.,038 6.295 5,743 5 Barasat U 20.77 3,350 12,482 12,589 69,586 36.215 33,371 (i) Barasat (M) U 20.25 3,284 11,902 12,009 66,5O 1 34,620 31,884 (ii) Ramkrishpu- pur(OG) U 0.52 5,927 5ll.O 580 3,032 1,595 1,487 6 Madhyamgram (NM) U 9.71 4,935 8,767 8,777 47,914 1",746 23,168 7 Nabapally (NM) U 7.85 4.052 ~,667 5,669 31,809 16,286 15,523 X Kanchrapara U 12.72 7,769 17,934 18,050 98,816 53.603 4S,2B (;) Kanchrapara (M) U 9.07 9,790 16,1 IS 16,234 88,798 48.258 40,540 (il) Nanna (OG) U 0.« 4.623 334 :n4 2,034 1,062 972 (iii) (OG) U 1.97 1,774 583 583 3,495 1,804 1,691 (iP) Chakla (OG) U 0.75 4,328 690 690 3,246 1.833 1.413 (v) Srotribali (OG) U 0.49 2,537 209 209 1,243 646 597 9 Halisahar U 10.10 9,838 1~,148 19,244- 99,366 56,093 43,273 (i) Halisahar(M) U 8.28 11,543 13,691 18,787 95,579 54.ltS 41,464 (ii). Balibhara(OG) U 1.82 2,081 457 457 3,787 1,978 1.809 _------109

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-wlltJ. ------State/District/ Total Area in Population No, ~f villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' perkm' ~ towns occupied household, r------"------...... UA/City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential Persons Males Female~ bited houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -~------~~ _------10 Naihati (M) U 4.35 26,346 19,271 20,361 [[4,607 64.344 50,263 II Deulpara (NM) lJ 7.20 4,604 5,908 5,903 3\146 17,331 15,815 12 Bhatpara lJ 15.85 16,746 53.624 54,906 265,419 159,562 105,857 (i) Bhatpara (M) U 1l.96 2[,803 52,845 54,120 260,761 157,161 103,600 (ii) Sthirpara(OO) U 2.10 1,645 604 607 3,454 1,777 1,677 580 (iii) Rahuta (00) ~(J I 79 673 175 179 1,2M 624 13 Madrail Fingapara (NM) . . U 3.96 2,336 1,762 1,762 9,252 4,764 4,488 14 U 5.23 1,823 1,592 1,592 9,535 4,909 4,626 {i) Panpur (NM) U 3.71 1.590 980 980 5,900 3,078 2,822 (ii) Narayanpur (00) U 1.52 2,391 612 612 3,635 1.831 1,804 15 Ourdaha . U 3.47 4,625 2,647 2,678 16,050 8,246 7,804 • (i) Ourdaha (NM) tJ 1.64 5,118 1,422 1.434 8,394 4,331 4,063 (ii) Kaangachhi (OO)U 1.83 4,184 1,225 1,244 7,656 3,915 3,741 16 Oarulia (M) U h.48 8,806 11,992 12,033 57,061 31,834 25,227 17 Ichhapur Defence Estate (NM) U 2.31 4,525 2,529 2,536 10,452 6,014 4,438 18 North Barrack- pur(M) lJ 8.42 9,710 15,667 15,674 81,758 43,288 38,470 19 Barrackpur Can- tonment (Cant). U 3.68 5,408 3,071 3,110 19,900 11,291 8,609 , 20 Barrackpur U 13.63 8,475 21,601 21,659 115,516 62,825 5,2691 (i) Barrcckpur (M) ,u 11.65 9,893 21;542 21,600 115,253 62,646 52,607 (ii) Jafarpur (00) U 1.98 133 59 59 263 179 84 21 Titagarh(M) •. U 3.24 32,264 24,580 24,666 104,534 64,398 40,136 22 Khardah (M) '. u 4.20 10,774 8,134 8,162 45,251 24,305 20,946 23 Panihati (M) '. U 19.40 [0,604 39,171 39,216 205,718 10'),228 96,490 24 N~ w B.lrrackpur . (M) lJ 17.17 2,710 7,640 7,641 46,530 24,010 22,520 ,,- 25 Kerulia (NM) . U ().51 9,708 904 904 4,95[ 2,536 2,415 26 Bandipur (NM) U 2.06 3,555 1,265 1,265 7,324 3,761 3,563 77 Patulia (NM) . u 2.03 4,663 1,733 1,733 9,465 4,997 4,468 28 Kamarhati (M) U 10.96 21,437 44,314 44,417 234,951 131,812 103,139 29 Bsranagar (M) U 7 12 23,925 33,109 33,280 170,343 91,511 78.826- 30 (M) U 15.49 14,865 44,930 45,005 230,266 121,061 109,205 31 Oarui (NM) U 1.23 8,356 1 1,893 1,922 10,278 5,239 5,039 32 Sultan pur (NM) U 3.05 9,566 1 5,592 5,592 29,176 15,167 14,009 A Bandra (NM) U 0.69 11,128 1 1,393 1,412 7f78 3,950 3,728 34 North Dum-Dum 49,676 46,742 (M) , u [9.42 4,965 17,209 17,259 96,418 35 Bisarpara(NM) U 1. 92 5,[72 1,691 1,691 9,930 5,303 4,627

36 Dum-Dum Aero- drome Area .U 7.90 400 653 653 3,159 1,750 1,409 (i) Dum-Dum Aero- drome Area (NM) U 7.12 (ii) Kaikhali (00) U 0.78 4,050 653 653 3,159 1,750 1,409 37 Oopalpur (NM) U 5.71 2,655 2,579 2,581 15,160 7,898 7,262 38 Dum-Dum (M) U 3 11 10,805 6,141 6,183 33,604 19,687 13,917 39 Bidhan Nagar 17,461 15,714 Township (NM) u· 1~.54 :,135 7,095 7, III 33,175 40 Garaen_Reach (M) U 12.95 14,457 32,917 32,921 191,[07 106,817 84,290 ---,------~- .----~~------86-M/P(D)42DCO Cal.-9(a) 110


~ - - -~ ~------State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villaGes No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km2 per km' ~towns occupied house' r- ., U.A./CityjTown Urban Inhabited Uninha- rosidential holds Persons Males Females bittd houses ------~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

-~------~------_------~- _- 41 l'anchur(NM) U 7.87 6,509 9,141 9,15& 51,223 27,789 23.434 42 Gobindapur U 1.12 6,944 1,325 1,325 7,777 4,131 3,646 (I) Gobindapur (NM) # U 0.48 12,621 986 986 6,058 3,178 2,380 (ii) Rampur(OG) U 0.64 2,686 339 339 1,719 953 766 43 Jaganalhgarh (NM) U 2.91 5,544 2,528 2,528 16,134 8,239 7,895 44 Naopara (NM) U 0.74 8,389, m 998 6,208 3,l50 2,958 45 Krishnagar U 2.41 5,080 1,947 1,947 12,244 6,463 5,781 (0 Krisbnagar (NM) U 1.35 1,548 1,181 I,ISI 7,328 3,844 3,484 ' (ii) Jalkhura (OG) U 1.06 4,638 766 766 4,916 2,619 2,297 46 Mahestala (NM) U 1.68 2,995 914 914 5,031 2,649 2,382 47 Chandanllagar U 1. 71 5,192 1,528 1,556 8,278 4,709 4,169 (i) Chandannagar (NM) U 0.79 5,29.6 683 711 4,184 2,277 1,907 (it) Memanpur COG) U 0.92 5,102 845 845 4,694 2,432 2,262

48 Batanagar U 2.49 7,234 3,668 3,675 18,012 10,578 7,434 (i) Batanagar (NM) f U 2.09 7,316 3,221 3,228 15,291 9,152 6,139 (ii) Tentualkhuli (OG) U 0.40 6,803 447 447 2,721 J,426 1,295 49 Nangi (NM) U 6.91 7,820 10,713 10,713 54,035 211,861 25,174 50 Chata Kalikapur (NM) U 5.66 1,958 1,821 1,822 11,082 5,722 5,360 51 Budge Budge U 10.05 7,005 15,094 15,167 70,404 40,950 29,454 (i) Budge Budge (M) U 9.06 7,332 14,336 14,409 66,424 38,660 27,764 (ii) Kalipur (OG) U 0.99 4,020 758 758 3,980 2,290 1,690 52 Uttar Raypur (NM) U 5.32 2,628 2,235 2,235 13,980 7,245 6,735 53 South Suburban U 33.82 11,677 76,rm 77,4M 3'94,916 209,339 185,577 (i) South Suburban (M) . U 30.38 12,468 72,611 74,069 378,765 200,241 178,524 (ii) GopaJpur (OG) U 3.44 4,695 3,396 3,396 16,151 9,098 7,053 54 Jadabpur (M) U 40.00 6,2~ 44,776 46,483 251,%8 133,490 118,478 S5 Sripur Bagharghol (NM) ,v/ U 2.00 4,350 1,576 1,576 8,699 4,463 4,236

56 Laskarpur U 2.96 4.919 2,601 2,617 14,561 7,534 7,027 (i) Laskarpur (M) U 1.43 7,244 1,863 1,879 10,359 5,233 5,126 (ii) Kumarakhali (OG) U 1.53 2,746 738 738 4,202 2,301 1,901

CONSTITU ENT OF HAORA DISTRICT U 153.53 8,354 29 250,315 255,813 1,7.82,568 720,317 562,251 1. Bally(M) U 11.81 12,509 3l,

------_------~- - - - _._- - ~- - III


~ ~ - - -~ ------State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population house· ,-____..A.. ______---., Police Station! Rural km' per lema ~ towns Occupied U.A./C'ity(fown Urban Inhabited Uninaa- residential holds Persons Males Female, bited houses

--- -- ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------~ ~- - - 7 Nibra(NM') U 3.47 3,377 1,971 1,980 13,454 7,074 6,360 8 Mahiari (NM) U 2 12 4,633 1,730 1,744 9,821 5,092 4,729 9 Ripra Naopara (NM) U 2.40. 2,571 1,0.43 1,0~6 6,171 3,161 3,0.10 10 Kalara (NM) U 4.64 3,344 2,385 2,390 15,514 8,054 7,460 11 Andul (NM) U 0.52 9,225 1 849 854 4,797 2,472 2,325 12 Masilo. (NM) U 2.33 3,241 1 1,219 1,280. 7,552 3,892 .3,660. 13 Ramchandraplll U 1. 52 4,127 I,01(j 1,076 6,273 3,241 3,032 (NM) 14 Ihorhat U 2.51 7,712 3,&'1 3,885 19,385 10,518 8,840 (i) Ihorhat (NM) U 1.45 8,478 2,591 2,591 12,293 6,784 5,569 (ii) Hatgachha (OG) U 0.61 6,70.7 750 150 4.091 2,173 1,918 (iii) K 1 n:anll (OG) U o 45 6,609 520. 544 2,974 1,561 1,413 15 Dhuilye (NM) U 2.43 4,219 1,6S2 1,685 10.,252 5,258 4,994 16 Panch para U 2 42 4,018 1.530. 1,566 9,723 5,163 4,560 (i) Panchpara (NM) 4,648 1,371 1,395 8,924 -IU 1.92 4,685 4,239 (ii) Chak Radha- dasi (OG) U 0..50 1,598 159 171 799 478 321 17 Podara (NM) U 1.54- 4,8fi9 1,312 1,314 7,499 4,007 3,492 18 Banopur (NM) U 0.52 23,642 3,433 3,444 12,294 8,491 3,803 19 Sankrail (NM) U 2.82 6,853 3,909 3,915 19,326 10.,757 8,569 20 Manikpur (NM) U 2.41 6,171 2,922 2,929 14,873 8,598 6,275 21 Sarenga U 4.84 3,542 2,796 2,949 17,141 9,0.59 8',082 (;) Sarenga (NM) U 4 35 3,490 2,486 2,639 15,182 8,043 7,139 (ii) Chak Srikri~hna (OG) U 0..49 3,998 310 310 1,959 1,016 943 22 Raghudeb Bati (NM) U 2.15 3,442 1,194 1,195 7,400 3,828 3,572 23 Banitabla (NM) U 3.08 2,915 1,451 1,451 8,979 4,640. 4,339 24 Ulubaria U 6.08 4,752 5,017 5,059 28,893 15,143 13,750 (i) Ulubaria (NM) U 5.03 5,049 4,438 4,480 25,395 13,348 12,047 (ii) Kolalghata (OG) U 1.05 3,331 579 579 3,498 1,795 1,703 25 Chengail U 5.38 4,531 5,159 5,159 24,379 13,438 10,941 (i) Chengail (NM) U 4.0.4 4,850 4,263 4,263 19,593 10,835 8,758 (ii) Sijberia (OG) U 1.34 3,572 896 896 4,7&6 2,603 2,183 26 S"antoshpur (NM) U 1.14 4,()37 734 734 4,602 2,418 2,184 27 Burikhali (NM) U 1.86 3,676 1,273 1,279 6,837 3,621 3,216 28 Bawria (NM\ U 3.03 4,048 2,108 2,149 12,264 6,296 5,968 29 Fori Gloster U 3.67 7,343 6,184 6,215 26.949 16,139 10,810 (i) Fort Gloster (NM) U 2.36 9,072 5,237 ),268 21,411 12,927 8,484 (ii) Khas Khamar (OG) U 0.52 4,296 362 362 2,234 1,226 1,008 (iii) Chak Madhu (OG) U 0.79 4,182 585 585 3,304 1,986 1,318 CONST/TUSTNS OF HUGLl DISTRICT U ) 11.0.4 8,497 19 185,121 186,898 943,537 516,825 426,712 1 Raghttnathpur (NM) U 2.03 4,015 1,898 1,904 8,150 4,559 3,591 2 Madhusudanpur (NM) U 1.57 3,462 1,202 1,203 5,436 3,010 2,426 3 Bandel Thermal Power Pr{lject Town (NM) U 1.07 634 199 199 678 375 303

--~-~-...,.----- ~- --~- - 112

STATE TABLE A.I-AREA, HOUSES .AND PO~ULATION-Qontd. -----_- _------State/Districtl Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km" per km" r-~ towns Occupied house- r------""----., U.A./CityJTowns Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited' houses

------_------~---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

4 Banaberia U 13.88 6,382 18,025 18,167 88,581 48,999 39,582 0) Bansberia. (M) U 9.07 8,492 15,510 15,631 77,020 42,667 34,353 (Ii) Sankhanagar (00) U 0.73 5,981 832 837 4,366 2,354 2,012 (iii) Bara Khejuria (00) U 0.66 1,961 314 314 1,294 723 571 (Iv) Chak Bansberia (00) U 1.55 3,196 1,196. 1,202 4,954 2,733 2,221 (v) Khamarpara (OG) U 1.87 506 173 183 947 572 425 5 Keota (NM) U 3.79 2,638 2,07 2,182 9,997 5,607 4,390 6 Naldanga (NM) U 1.84 4,221 1,502 1,539 7,766 4,258 3,508 7 Hugli-Chiosurah U 17.28 7,461 22,794 23,383 128,918 66,911 62,007 (i) Hugli-Chlnsurah (M) U 16.06 7,795 22,113 22, 701 12),193 64,986 60,207 (ii) Narayanpur (00) U 0.53 4,032 391 391 2,137 1,082 1,055 (iii) Kodalia (OG) U 069 2,301 290 291 1,588 843 745 8 Khati£hani (NM) U 2 35 3,185 1,346 1,364 7,484 3,882 3,602 9 Bhadreswar (M) U 6 48 9,083 12,10.1 1221Z 58,858 33,602 ZS,256 10 Champdani (M) U 16-47 11,768 16,648 16,759 76,l38 45,030 31,108 11 Chandannagar (Me) U 9.66 10,551 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 12 Baidyabati (M) U 9.06 7,790 11,253 12,35Z 70,573 36,782 33,791 13 Serampore (M) U 5.88 21,650 25,593 25,723 127,304 70,585 56,719 14 Rishra (M) U 648 12,500 11,260 17,351 81,001 47,835 33,166 IS Nabagram Colony (NM) U 254 6,909 3,516 3,516 17,550 9,334 8,216 16 Konnagar (M) U 4 33 11,827 10,630 10,674 51,211 27,764 23,447 17 Uttarpara Kotrung U 7 25 10,979 15.542 15,659 79,598 41,726 37,872 18 Makla U 5 33 3,302 3,461 3,510 17,600 9,931 7,669 (I) Makla (NM) U 2 71 5,491 2,806 2,855 14,880 8,347 6,533 (ii) Bhadrakali (00) U 2 62 1,038 655 655 2,720 1,584 1,136 19 Kotrung (NM) U 3.76 1,268 964 971 4,769 3,077 1,692 10 HAORA DISTRICT T 1,4670 2,022 755 8 35 525,801 534,176 2,966,861 1,583,808 1,383,053 R 1,2930 1,259 755 8 265,949 268,796 1,628,068 834,661 793,407 U 174.0 7,688 35 259,852 265,380 1,338,793 749,147 589,646 SAI>AR SUB DIVISTON T 450.9 3,749 181 2 26 312,680 318,983 1,690,405 927,518 762,887 R 307 3 1,568 181 2 77,744 78,647 481,867 219,021 232,846 U 143 6 8,414 26 234,936 740,336 1,208,538 678,497 530,041 1 BaIly T 23 5 8,621 2 42,932 43,776 202,594 116,530 86,064 R U 23.5 8,625 2 42,932 43,776 202,594 116,530 86,064 @Bally(M) U 11 81 12,509 32,426 33.146 147,735 86,734 61,001 @Bally(NM) U 11 68 4,697 10,506 10,630 54,859 29,796 25,063 2 LUuah T IS 7 1,994 5 2 6,233 6,237 37,290 19,549 17,741 R 6.9 2,173 5 2,440 2,440 14,991 7,790 7,201 U 11.8 ),885 2 3,793 3,797 22,299 11,759 10,540 @Jagadishpur U R Il 1427 1,906 1,909 11,575 6,127 5,448 *(i) Jagadishpur (NM) U 4.59 1,558 U50 1,153 7,150 3,783 3,367 (ii) Chamr.:liJ (OG) U 3 52 1,257 756 756 4,425 2,344 2,081 .@Chakapara (NM)U 3.72 2,883 1,887 1,888 10,724 5,632 5,092

-~ -~--~- - -~- - ~ -----~ ------~-~- 113


-~ ~ ~------~--

Stale/District/ Total Area iu Popujalion No. of viUa~ No. of No. of No. of Population Police Stationj Rural k~s per km' r---~towns Occupied house- ,-- ---., U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited UDiIlhJ· residential hold~ Persons Male, FcmaIe~ bited ho~

------2 3 4- .5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

3 MlllipaflChsftara l 4 Oolabari 51. 7 Jllcl)tde.d ill Hllora Munkipal Corporation. S Haom ~ 6 Bantra I 7 Shibpur I II Japchha j

~Haora (M.e.) \J 51.74 14;3" 1-45,424 149,608 744,429 421,636 322,793

Ward No.1 U 2',452 2,525 9,124 6,548 2,576 2 U 3.473 3,554 13,963 8,912 5,051 3 U 2,783 2,784 13,972 7,693 6,279 4 U 3,289 3,305 17,053 10,152 6,901 5 (J 2,452 2,46.8 13,057 7,184 5,873 6 U 2.,411 2,45& 1:2,174 6,825 5,349 7 lJ 3,619 3,679 16,955 9,756 7,199 S U 3,072 3,125 15,123 8,355 6,768 9 "0 2,392 2,403 9,367 5,665 3,702 10 U 2,821 2,(m 14,347 8,151 6,196 11 U 2,068 2,072 10,497 5,743 4,754- 12 U 2,415 2,420 12,355 6,965 5,390 13 U 1,943 2,049 11,040 7,025 4,015 14- 1,501 1,588 7,983 5,418 " 0- 2,565 15 U 4.762 4,762 22,583 13,362 9,221 " 16 U 2,419 4,707 14,961 9,778 5;183 17 U 1,524 1,557 7,018 4,214 2,804 lIS U 2,576 2,577 14,269 8,041 6,225 19 U 1,904 1,927 10,397 5,736 4,661 .. 20 U 4,787 4,859 27,260 15,463 11,797 21 U 1,65& 1,689 10,058 5,431 4,627 22 2,325 2,370 12,079 6,860 5,219 23 U 2,898 2,963 17,473 9,487 7,986 24 U 2,472 2,490 13,795 7,474 6,321 25 U 2,791 2,801 15,901 8,408 7,493 26 U 3,040 3,064 16,724 8,869 7,855 27 U 2,382 2,435 11,802 6,792 5,010 28 U 2,175 2,196 11,127 6,029 5,098 29 U 3,749 3,860 14,663 10,041 4,622 30 U 3,439 3,497 15,267 9,315 5,952 31 U 2,746 2,751 13,263 8,003 5,260 32 U 1,355 1,376 7,694 4,067 3,627 33 U 1,069 2,073 11,543 6,060 5,483 34 U 2,423 2,430 13,552 7,41'5 6,137 35 U 1,968 2,029 8,446 5,487 2.959 36 U 3,305 3,324 18,264 10,409 7,855 37 U 3,655 3,<)37 13,714 7,464 6,250 .. 38 U 3,516 3,529 18,136 9,994 8,142 39 U 4,283 4,288 20,041 11,705 8,336 40 U 2,181 2,249 11,322 6,526 4,796 41 U 2,645 2,645 14,696 7,807 6,889 42 U 2,835 2,914 16,050 8,459 7,591 .. 43 U 2,128 2,142 12,214 6,560 5,654 114

STATE TARI.E A-I-ARH"A, HOUSES AND POPULAl'ION-4contd. ------' ----- State/District/ Total Area in Popula· No. of village~ No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station! Rural km' tion ,-~--"-----, towns oocupied house ,- U.A./City/Town Urban per kItl" lnhabi· Unil'lha- residential holds Persons. Males F~ ted bited boi,lsbs

------~--- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 ___A. .-----~~- _._------~------Ward N(. 44 U 1,754 1,754 10,359 5,422 4,937 45 U 5,606 5,649 28,067 15,064 13,003 46 lJ 4,103 4,104 23,292 12,189 11,103 47 U 5,199 5,199 27,466 14,519 12,9lJ7 48 U 3,546 3,560 18,678 10,007 &,671 49 U 3,667 3,681 19,994 11,185 8-,809' 50 u 4,848 4,85~ 25,251 13,599 11,m 9. Domjur T 97.3 2,066 46 II 32,81,) 33,382 201,053 103,456 97,597 R 71.2 1,587 46 18,279 18,730 112,982 57,834 ~5,148 U 26.1 3,380 8 14,596 14,652 88,071 45,622 42,449 @"'Bankra U 3.59 5,263 3,328 3,334 18,895 10,032 8,863 @'Nibra (NM) U 3.47 3,877 1,971 1,980 13,454 7,074 6,380 @·Mahiari (NM) U 2 12 4,633 1,730 1,744 9,821 5,092 4,729 @ Bipranopara 'NM; U 2.40 2,571 1,043 1,046 6,171 3,161 3,010 @Kalara (NM) \J 4.64 3,344 2,385 2,390 15,514 8,054 7,460 OOMJUR (U.A.) U 8.13 2,397 2 3,332 3,351 19,487 9,744 9,743 • (a) Dakshin Jhapar- daha (NM) U 4 30 1,897 1 1,359 1,378 8,158 4,183 3,975 ·(b) Domjur (NM) U 3.83 2,958 1 1,973 1,973 11,329' 5,561 5,768 MQkordoba (NM) U 1. 71 2,765 1 807 807 4,729 2,465 2,264 10 Sankrai1 T 60.5 3,264 22 12 35,780 36,248 197,469 107,116 90,353 R 34 5 1,768 22 9,997 10,156 60,981 31,832 29,149 U 26.0 5,248 12 25,783 26,092 136,488 75,284 61,204-

@ Andul (NM) . U 0.52 9,225 1 849 854 4,197' 2,472 2,32'5 @*Mi1sila (NM) U 2 33 3,241 1 1,219 1,280 7,552 3,892 3,660 @Rpm chandrapllr tNM) u 11.52 4,127 1,076 1,076 6,273 3,241 3,m2 @.Hwrhat U 2 51 7,712 3,861 3,885 19,358 10,518 8,840 (lr Jhorhat (NM) . U 1.45 8,478 2,591 2,591 12,293 6,784 5,509 (if) Hatgachha (OG) U 0.61 6,707 750 750 4091 2,173 1,91-8 520 5~4 2,974 1,561 1,413 (iii) Karr.ranga (OG) U ° 45 6,609 @A"DhuJiya (NM) U 2 43 4,219 1,682 1,685 10,252 5,258 4,994 @f'anchpara U 2.42 4,018 1,530 1,566 9,72;31 5,163 4,560 (I) Panchpara (NM) {I 1.92 4,648 1,371 1,395 8,924 4,685 4,239 (n) Chak Radhadasi (00) U 0.50 1,598 159 171 799 478 321 "'@ Podara (NM) U 1 54 4,869 1,312 1,314 7,499 4,001 3,492 @Banupur (NM) U 052 23,642 3,433 3,444 12,294 8,491 3,803 @Sankrail (NM) . U 2.82 6,853 3,909 3,915 19,326 10,757 8,569 @Manikpur (NM) U 2.41 6,171 ,:::,922 2,929 14,87> 8,598 6,275 @Sarenga U 4.84 3,542 2,796 2,949 17,141 9,059 8,082 (i} Sarenga (NM) U 4.35 3,490 2,486 2,639 15,182 8,043 7,139 (Ii) Chak Srikrishna (00) U 0.49 3,~98 310 310 1,959 1,016 943 @Rnghudebbali (NM) U 2.15 3,442 1,194 1,195 7,400 3,828 3,572 32 23,796 23,897 148,006 76,854 71,152 11 Panchla T 71 2,085 R 66 °5 7,005 32 21,388 21,486 133,349 69,188 64,161 U 4 5 3,250 1 2,408 2,411 14,657 7,666 6,991 Panehta (NM) U 4 51 3,250 1 7,408 2,411 14,657 7,666 6,991 12. Jagat Ballavpur T 128 2 1,245 76 1 25640 25,835 159,564 82,377 77,187 R 12'02 1,245 /6 1 25,640 2.5,835 159,564 82,317 77,181 U ULUBERIA SUB- T 999 S 1,277 574 6 9 213,121 215,193 1.276,456 656,290 620,166 DIVISION R 969.4 1,182 574 6 188,205 190,149 1,146,201 585,640 560,561 U 30 4 4,269 9 24,916 25,044 130,255 70,650 59,605 --_- ] 15


----~~ Statcl!District Total Area in POPUlll- No. of villages No. of No. of No of Population " __ ~~_.A______---. Police Station! Rural km' tiJn r----...A------. town, occupicJ hou,e- ~-- U.A.!City!Town Urban per km2 Inhabi- Uninha- rt!;idential hold~ Persons Males Females ted bited houses

------~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

- --~~- 13 Udaynaray:mpllr T 109 8 1,196 75 21,310 21,387 131,325 66,390 64,935 R 109.8 1,196 75 21,310 2i,387 131,325 65,390 61,935 U 14 Amta T 255 6 1,139 143 5 48,558 4';,730 291,192 146,446 144,746 R 251.2 ],113 143 5 46,595 46,759 279,623 140,474 139,149 U 4.4 2,612 1 1,963 1,971 11,569 5,972 5,597 Amta (NM) U 4.43 2,612 1,963 1,971 11,569 5,972 5,597 15 Dagnan T 164.0 1,422 98 1 35,125 35,142 233,189 120,770 112,419 R 162.2 1,407 98 1 34,098 34,115 277,406 111,787 109,619 U l.8 3,143 1 1,027 1,027 5,783 2,983 2,80) Khalor rNM) U 1.84 3,143 1,027 1,021 5,783 2,983 2,800 16 Uiubaria T 196.9 1,575 112 3 53,606 53,995 310,048 J 61,376 148,672 R 182.4 1,359 112 41,979 42,326 217,797 12S,155 J 19,642 U 14.5 4,281 3 11,627 11,669 62,251 33,221 21,030 @Banitabla (NM) U 3.08 2,915 1,451 1,451 8,979 4,MQ 4,339 @Uluberia U 6.08 4,752 1 5,017 5,059 28,893 15,143 13,750 (i) Uluberia (NM) U 5.03 5,049 1 4,438 4,480 25,395 13,348 12,047 (ii) KOlalghata (OG) U 1.05 3,331 579 579 3,498 1,795 1,703 @Chengail U 5.33 4,531 5,159 5,159 24.379 13,438 10,941 (i) Chengail (NM' U 4.04 4,850 4,263 4,263 19,~93 10,835 8,758 (ii) Sijberia (OG) U 1.34 3,572 896 896 4,786 2,603 2,183 17 lilay,Tia T 4,073 14.5 3 4 11,733 11,811 59,056 32,923 26,133 R 4.8 1,751 3 1,434 1,434 8,404 4,449 U 3,955 9.7 5,222 4 10,299 10,377 50,652 28,474 22,178 @Santoshplir (NN) U 4,037 1.14 1 734 734 4,602 2,418 2,184 @Burikhali (NM) U 1.86 3,676 1 1,273 1,279 6,837 3,621 3,216 @Bawria (NM) U 3.03 4,048 1 2,108 2,149 12,264 6,296 5,968 @Fort Gloster U 3.67 7,343 6,184 6,215 26,949 16,139 10,810 (i) Fort Oloster (NM) U 2 36 9,01! 5,237 5,268 21,411 12.927 (ii) Khaskhamar (OG) U 0.52 8,484 4,296 362 362 2,234 1,221} 1,008 (iii) C hak Madhu u 0.79 4,18·. 585 585 3,304 (OG) 1,986 1,318 18 5hampur T 259.0 972 143 42,189 44,123 251,646 128.385 J23,261 R 259.0 972 143 42,789 44,128 251,6~6 128,385 U 123,261 11 HUGLI DISTRICT T 3,149.0 1,Bll 1,899 29 26 618,93li 625,352 3,557,306 1,853,782 R 1,693,524 2,994.8 837 1,899 29 .. 414,315 418,605 2,505.777 1,290,615 1,216,162 U 154.2 6,815 26 204,621 206,746 ],050,529 573,167 477,362 A)UMBAG SUB- T 1,0744 161 550 16 132,412 133,905 824,160 421,125 403,035 DrVISON R 1,055 4 748 550 16 126,220 121,518 789,955 403,031 U 19,0 3i'6.924 1,796 6,192 6.327 34,:Oj 18,094 16.111 1 Goghat T 376.3 518 204 7 30,948 31,039 195,108 99,302 95,806 R 376.3 518 204 7 30,948 31,039 195,103 99,302 U 95,806 2 Arambag T 303.9 731 152 6 36,294 35,924 222,085 114,303 107,703 R 284.9 659 152 6 30,102 30,597 187,801 96,209 U 91,59~ 19.0 1,796 1 6,192 6,327 34,205 18,094 16,111 Arambag (M) U 19.04 1,796 6,192 6,327 34,205 18,094 16,111 3 Khanakul T 29~. 7 971 144 3 46,463 46,704 285,321 144,835 140,486 R 293.7 971 144 3 46,463 46,704 285,321 144,835 U 140,486 4 Pursurah T 100.5 1,211 50 18,707 19,238 121,??5 62,685 59,040 R 100 5 1,211 50 18,707 ., 19,238 ~ 121,725 62,6S5 U 59,040 SADAR SUB-DIVr· T 1154.9 913 747 7 8 188,289 190,473 1,054,069 548.231 R 505,838 SION 1109.6 710 7n 7 137,364 13S,753 737,2m .105,507 381,773 U 45.3 5,901 8 50,925 51,720 266.789 142,724 124,065 5. Dhaniakhali T 275.0 782 214 37,226 37,507 215.080 110,551 104,529 R 775.0 782 214 37,226 37,507 215,030 110,551 104,529 U 6 ~anduah T 2%.5 679 lS6 34,069 34,611 194,462 99,923 94,539 R 282 7 627 156 .. 30,941 31,468 177,199 90,918 86,281 U 3.8 4,603 1 3,128 3,143 17,263 9,005 8,258 Pandua (NM) U 3.75 .l,603 1 3,128 3,143 17,263 9,005 8,258 7 Balagarh T 207.7 729 133 3 25,732 15,975 151,381 77,999 73,382 R 207.7 729 133 3 25,732 25,975 151,381 77,999 73,382 Tj 116


----- ~ ------_-----_------No. of ,mages No. of No. of No. of Populatwn State/District/ Total Area in Popula- ,-____ A----., Police Station' Rural km' tion lowns occupied house- r------·-..}....___ ...... U.A./CityITown Urban per km" Inhabl- Uninha· resic!ential holds Persons Males Females ted bitel1 houses -_ - -~---~-~------_- _------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 -----~.------8 MOgI'a T 62.5 2,402 41 4 }0,136 30,302 150,112 81,680 68,432 R 43.9 1,077 41 8,812 8,829 47'267 24,737 22.530 U 18.6 5,544 4 21,324 21,473 102,845 56.943 45,902 (fL,Raglumar/ll'lIl (NM) U 2.03 4,015 1,898 1,904 8,150 4,559 3,591 @Madhll S"danplil (NM) U I. 57 3,462 1,202 1,203 5,436 3,010 2,426 @BanJe Thermal Power Project Town (NA!) U 1.07 634 199 199 678 375 303 ~i!Bans1:>eria . U 13.88 6,382 18,025 18,167 88,581 48,999 39,582 (i) Bansberia (M) U 9.01 8,492 '" 15,510 1~,631 77,020 4Z.667 '4,3~3 (ii) Sankhanagar (00) LJ 0.73 5,981 832 837 4,366 2,354 2,012 (iii) Bara l(hejuria (OG) U 0.66 1.961 314 314 1,294 723 571 (iv) Chak Bans- beria (00) U I. 55 3,196 1,196 1,201 4,954 2,733 2,221 (v) Khamarpara (OG) U 1.87 506 173 183 947 522 425 9 Chinsurah . T 37.5 4,492 II 3 30.461 31.218 168,456 88,026 80.430 R 14.6 1,491 II 3,988 4,114 21,775 11,250 10.525 U 22.9 6,402 3 26,473 27,104 146,681 76.776 69,90' @Keotu(NM) U 3.79 2,638 1 2,177 2,182 9.997 5,607 4,390 @Naldanga (NM) U 1.84 4,221 1,502 1,539 7,776 4,258 3,.508 @Hugli-Chinsurah U 17 .28 7461 22,794 23,383 128,918 66,911 61,OCJ7 (i) Hugli-Chin- surah (1\1) U 16.06 7,795 22,113 22,701 125,193 64,986 60,207 (ii) Narayanpur (00) U 0.53 4,032 391 391 2,137 1,082 I,OSS (iii) Kodalia (OG) U 0.69 2,301 290 291 J ,588 843 745 10 Polba. T 153.4 598 94 2 15,998 16,149 91,737 47,576 44,161 R 153.4 598 94 2 15,998 16,149 91,737 47,576 44,161 U II Dadpur T 132.3 626 98 14,667 14,lH 82,841 42,476 40,365 R 132.3 626 98 14,667 14,711 82,841 42,476 40,365 U CHANDERNA- GORE SUB DIVI- T 501. 1 1,536 354 4 6 131,808 134,402 769,690 410,125 359,565 SION R 464.0 1,064 354 4 .. 78,952 79,968 493.899 257,544 236,345 U 37.1 7,446 6 53,856 54,434 275,791 152,571 123,220 12 Tarakeswar T 119.9 1,181 89 1 23,356 23,788 141,658 73,640 68,018 R 116.0 1,079 89 1 .. 20,196 20,551 125,140 64,853 60,287 U 3.9 4,235 1 3,160 3,237 16,518 8,787 7,731 Tarakeswar(M) U 3.90 4,235 3,160 3,237 16,518 8,787 7,731 13 Haripal T 184.4 924 153 28,597 28,670 170,402 88,230 82,172 R 184.4 924 153 28,597 28,670 170,402 88,230 82,172 U 14 Singur T 147.3 1299 96 2 29,368 29,953 191,323 100,658 90,665 R 139.1 1,269 96 2 26,777 27,320 176,455 92,946 83,509 U 8.2 1,818 2,591 2,633 14,868 7,712 7.156 SINGUR (UA) U 8.18 1,818 2,591 2,633 14,868 7,712 7,156 (i) Singur (!'1M) U 6.40 2,061 2,261 2,303 13,189 6,789 6,400 (ii) Kamar Kundu (00) U I. 78 943 330 330 1,679 923 756 15 Bhadreswar T 39.8 4,130 16 3 33,477 33,762 164,382 94,039 70,343 R 24.5 894 16 3,382 3,427 21,902 It,525 10,377 U 15.3 9,312 3 30,095 30,335 142,480 82,514 59,996 @Kha/ishani (NM) U 2.35 3,185 1,346 1.364 7,484 3.882 3.602 @Bhadreswar (M) U 6.48 9,083 1 12,101 12,212 58,858 33,602 25,256 @Champdani (M) U 6.47 11,768 1 16.648 16,759 76,138 45,030 31,108 _------117


~~------State/District/ Total Area in Popula- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' tion ,-_____.A._ __---"\ towns occupied households ,..----"-- .. U.A.!CityjTown Urban per km Inhdbited Uninha- residential Persons Male. Females bited hou~es ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12


16 Chandernagore T 9.7 10,508 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 R ...... U 9.7 10,551 1 18,010 18,229 101,925 53,558 48,367 ®Chandernagore (MC) \J 9.66 10,551 18,010 18,229 101,925 53.558 48,367

SERAMPORE SUB- T 414.4 2,194 248 2 11 165,427 166,572 909,387 484,301 425,086 DIVISION R 361.6 1,205 248 2 71,779 72,307 435,643 224,523 211,120 U 52.8 8,961 11 93,648 94,265 473,744 259,778 213,966 17 Jaugipar:l T 164.0 887 128 23,258 23,562 145,399 74,779 70,620 R 164.0 887 128 23,258 23,562 145,399 74,779 70,620 U 18 ChanditaJa . T 163.4 1,584 98 3 43,286 43,584 258,835 J33,414 {25,42{ R 155.2 1,512 98 .. 38,857 39,076 234,697 120,670 114,027 U 8.2 2,929 3 4,429 4,508 24,138 12,744 11,39~ ccampur (NM) U 2,12 3,305 1,198 1,199 7,007 3,651 3,356 RIGALA (UA) . U 6.12 2,799 2 3,231 3,301 17,131 9,093 8.038 ~onoherpur ~) .. U 2.14 3,747 1 1,522 1,562 8,019 4,221 3,798 ariga/a (NM) U 3.98 2,289 1,709 1,747 9,112 4,872 4,240 19 Serampur T 58.0 5,464 16 3 61,558 61,883 316,898 174,999 141,899 R 36.6 1,039 16 .. 6,452 6,456 38,020 19,797 18,223 U 21.4 13,020 3 55,106 55,427 278,878 155,202 123,676 @Baidbati (M) U 9,06 7,790 12,253 12,352 70,573 36,782 33,791 @Serampore (M) U 5.88 21,650 25,593 25,723 127,304 70,585 56,719 @Rishra(M) . U 6.48 12,500 17,21)0 17,352 81,001 47,835 33,166 20 Uttar para T 29.0 6,492 6 5 37,325 37,543 188,255 101,109 87,146 R 5.8 3,022 6 3,212 3,213 17,527 9,277 8,250 U 23.2 7,356 5 34,113 34,330 170,728 91,832 78,896 @Nabagram Colony (NM) U 2.54 6,909 1 3,516 3,510 17,550 9,334 8,216 @Konnagar (M) U 4.33 11,827 1 10,630 10,674 51,211 27,764 23,447 @Uttarpara Kot- rung(M) . U 7.25 10,979 15,542 15,659 79,598 41,726 37,872 @Makhla U 5.33 3,302 3,461 3,510 17,600 9,931 7,669 (i) Makhla (NM) U 2.71 5,491 2,806 2,885 14,880 8,347 6,533 (ii) Bhadrakali (00) U 2.62 1,038 655 655 2.720 1,584 1136 @KotrungINM) U 376 1,268 964 971 4,769 3,077 1,692

12 MEDINIPUR T 14,081.0 479 10,468 1,328 19 1,149,406 1.166,311 6,742,796 3,455,375 3,287,421 DISTRICT R 13,780.8 448 10,468 1,328 ., 1,047,528 1,063,626 6,170,039 3,154,183 3,015,856 U 300.2 1,909 19 101,878 102,685 572,757 3,05,192 271,565

JHARGRAM SUB- T 3,071. 8 243 2,493 511 140,980 142,196 745,118 380,711 364,407 DIVISION R 3.054.8 235 2,493 511 ., 135,785 136,992 718,411 366,704 351,707 u 17.0 1,567 1 5,195 5,204 26,707 14,007 12,700 1 Binpur T 945.6 231 806 217 41,274 41,425 217,964 110,822 107,142 R 945.6 231 806 217 41,274 41,425 217,964 110,822 107,142 U 2 Jamboni T 326.6 230 281 57 14,646 14,836 75,253 38,316 36,937 R 326.6 230 281 57 14,646 14,836 75.253 38,316 36,937 U 3 Jhargram T 539.5 :64 491 122 26,748 26,775 142,369 73,231 69,138 R 522.5 221 491 122 21,553 21,571 115,662 59,224 56,438 U 17.0 1.567 1 5,195 5.204 26,707 14,007 12,700 Jhargram (NM) U 17 .04 1.567 I 5,195 5,204 26,707 14,007 12,700 4 GopibaUavpur T 478.9 293 370 38 26,603 27,013 140,542 72,219 68,323 R 478.9 293 370 38 26,603 27,013 140.542 72,219 68,323 U ------Note: -Towns and O.O's marked @ are the Constituent units of Calcutta U.A. 118


------~ ------State/District/ Total Aera in Popu'a- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population 2 -~-,..---- Police Station I Rural km tion .----"-______.., towns occupied house r------, U.A.lCity/Town Urban per km' Inhabi- Uninha- residential holds Person, Males Females ted bited hous.:;,

2 3 -+ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------_- 37,g44 5 Sank I ail T 275.6 280 248 38 14,623 14,890 77.114 39,270 R 275.6 280 218 3S 14,623 l't,890 77.111 39.270 37,X:t.4 L: 6 Nayagr

8 DanIan T 345.2 411 229 26 24,190 24.417 141,803 72,809 68,994 R 345.2 411 229 26 24,196 24.417 141,801 72,809 68,994 U 9 Mohanpur . T 140.6 471 101 2 10,896 10,969 66,196 33,651 32,545 R 140.6 471 101 2 10,896 10,969 66.196 33,651 32,545 U 10 BeIda T 289.2 477 274 36 22,472 23,061 137,906 71,230 66,676 R 289.2 477 274 36 22,472 23,061 137,906 71,230 66,676 U 11 Narayangarh T 311. 7 331 247 32 17,403 18,016 103,043 52,759 50,284 R 311.7 331 247 32 17,403 18,016 103,043 52,759 50,284 U 12 Sabang T 311.8 540 225 7 26,412 27,737 168,298 85,988 82,310 R 311.8 540 225 7 26,412 27,737 168,298 85,988 82,310 U 13 Pingla T 223.5 548 171 11 19,462 20,348 122,541 62,787 59,754 R 223.5 548 171 II 19,462 20,348 122,541 62,787 59,754 U

14 Kharagpur . T 465.7 445 550 71 37,999 38,172 207,183 106,193 100,990 R 465.7 445 550 71 37,999 38,172 207,183 106,193 100,990 U 15 Kharagpur Town T 123.0 1,891 2 41,579 42,064 232,575 123,176 109,399 R U 123.'0 1,891 2 41,579 42,064 232,575 123,176 109,399 KHARAGPUR (UA) U 123.02 1,891 2 41,579 42,064 232,575 123,176 109,399 (a) Kharagpur (M) U 90.65 1,660 25,939 26,289 150,475 79,864 70,611 (b) Kharagpur Rly. Settlement (NM) U 32.37 2,536 15,640 15,775 82,100 43,312 38,788 16 Medinipur . T 337.0 574 227 46 34,640 34,776 193,359 99,935 93,424 R 326.6 328 227 46 · . 19,952 20,008 107,241 54,672 52,569 U 10.4 8,313 1 14,688 14,768 86,118 45,263 40,855 Medinipur (M) U 10.36 8,313 14,688 14,768 86,118 45,263 40,855 17 Debra T 342.4 526 457 20 31,897 32,016 180,204 92,011 88,193 R 337.7 50s 457 20 · . 30,171 30,286 171,541 87,529 84,012 U 4.7 1,859 I 1,726 1,730 8,663 4,482 4,181 Balichak (NM) U 4.66 1,859 1,726 1,730 8,663 4,482 4,181 18 Keshpur T 481.5 408 537 97 33,490 33,579 196,384 100,154 96,2lO R 481.5 408 537 97 33,490 33,579 196,384 100,154 96,230 U 19 Salbani T 552.4 207 394 134 20,427 20,814 114,459 58,029 56,430 R 552.4 207 394 134 20,427 20,814 114,459 58,029 56,430 U 20 Goaltor T 507.0 247 342 87 21,634 21,785 125,366 63,734 61,632 R 507.0 247 342 87 21,634 21,785 125,366 63,734 61,632 U 21 Garhbeta T 550.8 354 403 91 2 33,124 33,401 195,224 99,772 95,452 R 533.3 325 403 91 29,189 29,442 173,362 88,469 84,893 U 17.5 1,252 2 3,925 3,959 21,862 11,303 10,559 119


~------~ State/District/ Total Ar<:alIl Popula- No. of ~lllages No. of o. of No:of Population ,. ____~____.A..._~ __ __. Police Station! Rural km' ,ion ,- -- _ _l~~------, towns occupied house U.A./CityITown ( 'rban per km2 lnhabi- Uninha- residential hold~ Pt,rsons Males Females ted bited hOuses

---~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

GARHBETA AMLAGORA (UA) U 17.46 1,252 2 3,935 3,959 21,862 11,303 10,559 (a) Amlagora (NM) U 10.70 1,137 2,205 2,223 12,162 6,313 5,849 (b) Garbeta (NM) . U 6.76 1,435 1,730 1,736 9,700 4,990 4,710

GHATALSUB- T 954.7 708 629 26 5 108,990 109,805 676,197 341,835 334,362 blVISION R 895.4 667 629 26 96,257 97,018 597,115 301,391 295,724 U 59.3 1,333 5 12,133 12,187 79,082 40,444 38,638 22 Chandrakona T 390.8 496 249 13 3 30,923 31,254 194,010 98,322 95,688 R 352.2 451 249 13 · . 25,101 2~,413 158,740 80,328 78,412 U 38.6 914 3 5,822 5,841 35,270 17,994 17,276 Chandrakona (M) U 16.58 809 1 2,224 2,229 13,410 6,880 6,530 ~irpai (M) U 11.65 820 1,604 1,617 9,552 4,890 4,662 Ramjibanpur (M) . U 10.36 1,188 1,994 1,995 12,308 6,224 6,084 23 Ghata1 T 232.6 806 138 7 2 29,657 29,823 187,427 95,384 '2,043 R 211.9 678 138 7 · . 22,746 22,877 143,615 72,934 70,681 U 20.7 2,114 2 6,911 6,946 43,812 22,450 21,362 Kharar (M) . U 10.36 808 1,447 1,451 8,369 4,215 4,154 Ohatal (M) U 10.36 3,421 5,464 5,495 35,443 18,235 17,208 24 Daspur T 331. 3 890 242 6 48,410 48,728 294,760 148,129 146,631 R 331.3 890 242 6 48,410 48,728 294,760 148,129 146,631 U TAMLUK SUB- T 1,940.4 840 1,198 27 5 273,964 279,465 1,629,051 838,060 790,991 DIVISION R 1,892.4 818 1,198 27 258,209 263,626 1,547,975 794,523 753,452 U 48.0 1,692 5 15,755 15,839 81,076 43,537 J7,S39 25 Panskura T 400.7 967 349 8 2 65,491 66,870 387,675 199,482 188,193 R 390.9 944 349 8 62,005 63,372 368,966 189,479 179,487 U 9.8 1,919 2 3,486 3,498 18.709 10,003 8,706 KOLAGHAT (VA) U 9.75 1,919 2 3,486 3,498 18,709 10,003 8,706 (0)* lSolaghat (NM)U 6.07 2,86S 3,176 3,188 17,406 9,135 8,271 (b) KV/<1ghaf Thermal power projecr(NM) U }.68 354 310 310 1,303 868 435 26 Moyna T 148.4 938 84 22,555 23,253 139,224 71,640 67,584 R 148.4 938 84 22,555 23,253 139,224 71,640 67,584 U 27 Tamluh. T 243.4 1,210 188 8 48,753 49.326 294,449 151,564 142,885 R 233.0 1,138 188 8 · . 43,757 44,325 265,082 135,961 129,121 U 10.4 2,835 I 4,996 5,001 29,367 15,603 13,764 Tamluk (M) U 10.36 2,835 4,996 5,001 29,367 15,603 13,764 28 Mahisadal . r 323.5 871 167 3 46,142 47,627 281,836 144,528 13 7,308 R 317.3 851 167 3 · . 44,034 45,514 269,958 138,449 131,509 U 6.2 1,910 I 2,108 2,113 11,878 6,079 5,799 Mahisadal (NM) U 6.22 1,910 I 2,108 2,113 11,878 6,079 5,799 29 Sutahata T 257.9 590 124- 26,264 26,437 152,233 77,815 74,418 R 257.9 590 124 26,264 26,437 152,233 77,815 74,418 U

30 Durga Chak. 1 34.0 815 23 5,021 5,024 27,726 14,236 13,490 R 34 0 815 23 5,021 5,024 27,726 14,236 13,490 U 31 Haldia T 37.8 1,043 12 2 8,709 8,791 39,433 21,569 17,864 R 16.2 r.r30 12 2 3.544 3,564 18,311 9,717 8,594 U 21.6 978 5,165 5,227 21,122 11,852 9,270 +Haldld. (NM)i U 21.59 978 5,165 5,227 21,122 11,852 9,270

-~------~- Note : tUrb,lI1 area of Haldia P.S. i.e. Haldia (NM) includes 13 Mouza~ of Durga Chak P.S. 120


------~------~--- State/Dstrict! Total Area in Population No. of village No. of No. of No of Population Police Station! Rural km' per km" r----'~ towns occupied house- r------'-- U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females _----_. bited houses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------_------32 Nandigram T 494.7 620 251 3 51,029 52,137 306,475 157,226 149,249 R 494.7 620 251 3 51,029 52,137 306,475 157,226 149,249 U CONT41 SUB- T 2,361.0 600 1,792 83 2 232,859 236,547 1,415,846 725,413 690,433 DIVISION R 2,340.7 589 1,792 83 226,592 230,213 1,379,172 706,433 672,739 U 20.3 1,810 2 6,267 6,334 36,674 18,980 17,694- 33 Khejri T 426.8 378 134 7 26,705 27,292 161,316 83,275 78,041 R 426.8 378 134 7 26,705 27,292 161,316 83,275 78,041 U 34 Bhagwanpur T 362.6 714 322 13 44,386 44,759 258,949 132,505 126,444 R 362.6 714 322 13 44,386 44,759 258,949 132,505 126,444 U 35 Patashpur T 357.9 600 278 13 35,460 35,751 214,720 110,430 104,290 R 357.9 600 278 13 35,460 35,751 214,720 110,430 104,290 U 36 Egra T 403.0 565 243 22 38,046 38,261 227,594 116,378 111,216 R 403.0 565 243 22 38,046 38,261 227,594 116,378 111,216 - U 37 Contai T 507.9 690 545 14 56,430 58,180 350,328 .179,711 170,617 R 493.6 637 545 14 50,346 52,048 314,548 161,211 153,336 U 14.3 2,511 1 6,084 6,132 35,780 18,500 17,28 Contai (M) U 14.25 2,511 6,084 6,132 35,780 18,500 17,2eQ,. 38 Ramnagar . T 270.9 680 243 8 29,019 29,362 184,166 93,508 90,658 R 270,9 680 243 8 29,019 29,362 184,166 93,508 90,658 U 39 Digha T 31.9 588 27 6 2,813 2,942 18,773 9,606 9,167 R 25.9 690 27 6 , . 2,630 2,740 17,879 9,126 8,753 U 6,0 149 1 183 202 894 480 414, Diglta Township (NA!) U 6,01 149 183 202 894 480 414

13 BANKURA DIS- T 6,882.0 345 3,540 285 5 406,877 410,037 2,374,815 1,208,867 l,l6S,948 TRIO R 6,813.0 312 3,540 285 ,. 375,991 378,797 1,193,568 1,115,577 1,077,997 U 69.0 2,628 5 30,886 31,240 181,247 93,290 87,951 SADA.RSUB- T 5,007.8 331 2,657 222 2 284,189 286,858 1,658,556 846,636 811,920 ' DIVISION R 4,981.2 312 2,657 222 266,470 268,846 1,552,761 791,648 761,113 U 26.6 3,932 2 17,719 18,012 105,795 54,988 50,807 1 Saltora T 314.7 301 145 12 15,073 15,242 94,734 48,572 46,162 _ R 314.7 301 145 12 15,073 15,242 94,734 48,572 46,162 U 2 Mejhia T 162.9 377 72 3 9,305 9,502 61,424 31,627 29,797 R 162.9 377 72 3 9,305 9,502 61,424 31,627 29,797 U 3 Barjora T 393.4 345 179 22 23,244 23,376 135,703 69,462 66,241 R 393.4 345 179 22 23,244 23,376 135,703 69,462 66,241 U 4 Ganga Jalghati T 371.2 336 151 14 20,586 20,763 124,814 63,522 61,292; R 371,2 336 151 14 20,586 20,763 124,814 63,522 61,292 U 5 Chhatna T 448.1 301 274 14 23,787 23,935 134,900 68,312 66,588 R 448,1 301 274 14 23,787 23,935 134,900 68,312 66.588 U 6 Bankura T 408.4 632 273 30 43636 44,045 258,014 132,582 125,432 R 389.3 419 273 30 27,848 27,965 163,060 83,162 79,898 '. U 19.1 4,982 1 15,788 16,080 94,954 49.420 45,534 Bankura (M) U 19.06 4,982 15,788 16,080 94,954 49,420 45,534 70nda T 502.2 320 268 23 27,721 27,796 160,838 81,741 79,097 R 502.2 320 268 23 27,721 27,796 160,838 81,741 79,097 U 121


---, -~ --'------_--- --~ - -- State/District/ Total Area in Population No, of villageb No, of No. of No. of Population r-______.,t.______-, Police Station! Rural km" per km' ,--"---., towns Occupied house U.A_lCity/Towll Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holdg Per~ons Males Females bited houses

------~- -~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------.- --~------~~------8 Indpur T 300.2 344 193 29 17,230 17,725 103.162 52,627 50,535 R 300.2 344 193 29 17,230 17,725 103,162 52,627 50,535 t· 9 Khalra T 431.2 306 259 12 23,197 23,320 132,121 67,592 64,529 R 423.7 286 259 12 21,266 21,388 121,280 62,024 59,256 U 7.5 1,444 1 1,931 1,932 10,841 5,568 5,273 Khatra (NM) U 7.51 1,444 1,931 1,932 10,841 5,568 5,273 10 Ranibandh T 428.4 194 170 16 15,688 15,805 8~,911 42,317 40,594 R 428.4 194 170 16 15,688 15,805 82,911 42,317 40,594 U

1J Raipur T 588.2 314 344 28 33,503 33,681 184,574 93,940 90,634 R S8X.2 314 344 28 33,503 33,681 184,574 93,940 90,634 U 12 Simlapal T 309.2 298 190 13 15,653 15,701 92,232 47,161 45,071 R 309.2 298 190 13 15,653 15,701 92,232 47.161 45,071 U 13 Taldangra T 349.7 266 139 6 15,566 15,967 93,129 47,181 45,948 R 349.7 266 139 6 15,566 15,967 93,129 47,181 45,948 U BISHNUPUR-SUB T 1,848.0 388 883 63 3 123,688 123,179 716,259 362.231 354,028 DIVISION R 1,805.6 355 883 63 109,521 109,951 640,807 323,929 316,878 U 42.4 1,780 3 13,167 13,228 75,452 38,302 37,150 14 Bishnupur . T 379.4 373 146 15 25,004 25,090 141,652 71,909 69.743 R 357.4 263 146 15 16,745 16,818 94,123 47,710 46,413 U 22.0 2,159 I 8,259 8,272 47,529 24,199 23,330 Bishnupur lM) U 22.01 2,159 8,259 8,272 47,529 24,199 2.1,330 15 Sonamukhi T 380.0 324 159 27 21,321 21,432 123,156 62.344 60,812 R 368.3 280 159 27 .. 17,865 17,928 103,266 52,259 51,007 lJ 11.7 1,707 I 3,456 3,504 19,890 ]0,085 9,805 Sonamukhi (M) . u 11.65 1,707 3,456 3,504 19,890 10,085 9,805 16 Patrasair T 321.7 360 149 10 lv,407 20,539 115,758 58,219 57,539 R 331.0 344 149 10 18,955 19,087 107,725 54,201 53,524 U 8.7 920 1 1,45~ 1,452 8,033 4,018 4,015 Patrasair (NM) U 8.73 920 1,452 1,452 8,033 4.018 4,015 17 Joypur T 261.3 392 137 2 17,388 17,399 102,435 51,590 50,845 R 261.3 392 137 2 17,388 17,399 102,435 51.590 50,845 U

18 Indas T 255.1 441 129 2 18,957 19,073 112,606 57,118 55,488 R 255.1 441 129 2 18,957 19,073 112,606 57.118 55,488 U 19 Kotalpur T 250.5 482 163 7 19,61 I 19,646 120,652 61,051 59,601 R 250 . .5 482 163 7 19,611 19,646 120,652 61.051 59,601 U 14 PURUU Y A T 6,259.0 296 2.452 237 8 328,265 332,183 1,853,801 947,195 906,606 -qJ5TRICT R 6,193.4 272 2.452 237 299,502 303,213 1,687,039 859.657 827,382 U 65.6 2,545 8 28,763 28,970 166,762 87.538 79,224 ADRA lU.A.) Please sec Annc-xure-lV at the e.ld of this District. SADAR SUB T 6,259.0 296 2,452 737 8 328,265 332.183 1,853,801 947,195 906,606 DIVISION R 6,193.4 272 2,452 237 .. 299,502 303,213 1,687,039 859,657 827,382 U 65.6 "'..545 8 28,763 28,970 166,762 87,538 79,224 Jhlllda T 5h9.8 330 250 24 34,966 35,178 187,947 95.571 92,376 R 565.9 30<) 250 24 32,599 32,804 174,753 88,690 86,063 U 3.9 3,401 1 2,367 2,374 13,194 6,881 6,313 Jhaida (M) . U 3.88 3,401 2,367 2,374 13,194 6.881 6,313 2 Jaipur T 230.5 333 106 7· 12,810 12,847 76,757 39,468 37,289 R 230.5 333 106 7 12,810 12,847 76,757 39,468 37.289 U 3 Arsha T 264.2 351 96 3 16.534 16,589 91..767 47,140 45,627 R 264.2 351 96 3 16,534 16,589 92,767 47.140 45.627 U 122

SfATE TABLE .\-l-.\REA, HOUSES AND POPULATIO;'\T-contd. - --- State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km' per km 2 ,----A...----, towns Occupied house- -, U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited._---- houses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Baghmundi T 445.5 182 136 6 14,911 15,756 81,259 41,716 39,543 R 445.5 182 136 6 14,911 15,756 81,259 41,716 39,543 U 5 Balarampur T 266.8 312 90 15,357 15,396 83,138 42,210 40,928 R 257.3 263 90 12,637 12,661 67,574 34,195 33,379 U 9.5 1,637 1 2,720 2,735 15,564 8,015 7,549 Balarampur (NM) U 9.51 1.637 2,710 2,735 15,564 8,015 7,549 6 Barabazar . T 414.4 261 198 18 20,007 20,053 10R,212 54,695 53,517 R 414.4 261 198 18 20,007 20,053 108,212 54,695 53,517 U 7 Puruliya Muffasil T 545.5 351 208 22 32,668 32,793 191,677 98,230 93,447 R 545.5 351 208 22 32,668 32,793 191,677 98,230 93,447 U 8 Puruliya Town T 139 5,317 12,287 12,430 73,904 38,601 35,303 R .. U 13.9 5,305 1 12,287 12,430 73,904 38,601 35,303 Puruliya (M) U 13.93 5,305 12,287 12,430 73,904 38,601 35,303 9 Para T 272.5 385 104 16 15,682 17,721 105,025; 53,503 51,525 R 269.6 364 104 16 14,475 16,503 98,193 49,903 48 290 U 2.9 2,382 1 1,207 1.218 6,835 3,600 3,1351 *Chapari (NM) U 2.87 2,382 1,207 1,218 6,835 3,600 3,235 10 Sao!1taldih . T 111.8 461 32 4 6,859 6,874 37,711 19,584 18,127 R 76.8 422 32 4 5,496 5,511 32,406 16,580 15,826 U 5 0 1,072 1 1,363 1,363 5,305 3,004 2,301 Satmtaldilt Th!?rmal Puwer Project Town(NM) U 4.95 1,072 1,363 1,363 5,305 3,004 2,301 11 Raghunathpur T 345.0 420 153 35 2 23961 24,003 144,868 74,080 70,788 R 323.4 353 153 35 19,091 19,128 114,016 58,033 55.983 U 21.6 1,429 2 4,870 4,875 30,852 16,047 14,805 Raghunathpur (M\ U 12.95 1,205 2,406 2,409 15,605 8,084 7,522 t*Arra (NM) U 8.64 1,765 2,464 2,466 15,246 7,963 7,283 12 Ncturia T 207.2 332 112 14 12,[76 12,195 68,892 36,200 32,692 R 207.2 332 112 14 12,176 12,195 68,892 36,200 32,692 U 13 Santuri T 181.3 286 94 10 8,593 8,680 51,777 26,579 25,198 R ]81.3 286 94 10 8,593 8,680 5!,777 26,579 25,[98 U 14 Kashipur T ~48.0 322 198 13 25,451 25,497 144,212 73,620 70,592 R 439.2 280 198 13 21,502 21,522 123,104 62,230 60,874 U 8.8 2.401 1 3,949 3,975 21,108 11,390 9,718 tA•• lra (NM) U R.79 2,401 3,949 3,975 21,108 11,390 9,718 15 Hura . T 393.7 242 111 5 16,772 16,807 95,471 48,780 46,69 [ R 393.7 242 111 5 ]6,772 15,807 95,471 48,780 46,691 U 16 Puncha T 583.0 173 155 19 18,838 18,890 100,952 51,180 49,772 R 583.0 173 155 19 18,838 18,890 100,952 51,180 49,772 U

17 Manbazar . T 603.2 252 278 37 29,32[ 29,353 151,786 77,068 74,718 R 603.2 252 278 37 29,321 29,353 151,786 77,068 74,718 U 18 Banduan T 367.8 156 131 4 11,072 11,121 57,443 28,970 21l,473 R 367.8 156 131 4 11,072 11,121 57,443 28,970 28,473 U A "INEXURE-IV ~RA(U.A.) U 17.43 2,086 2 6,413 6,441 36,354 19,353 17,001 (a) Arra (NMJ U 8.64 1,765 2,46+ 2,466 15,246 7,963 7,283 (b) Adrn (NM) . U 8.79 2,40[ 3,949 3,975 21,108 11,390 Q,718 --~- ~-----~--~~- _------123


State/District Total Area in Population No. ohillagcs No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station Rural km* per km a ,-- __.A.- __, towns occupied house- r--~--- --A....___ ---~ U.A.ICity/To\\-n Urban Inhabited Uninha- residentia I holds Persons Males Females bited houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - _------J5 BARDDHAMAN T 7,024.0 688 2,570 109 49 882,754 925,021 4,835,388 2,548,603 2,286,785 DISTRICT R 6,548.6 521 2.570 109 597,324 636,070 3,414,219 1,765,697 1,648,522 II 475.4 2,991 49 285,430 288,957 1,421,169 782,906 638,263

CHITI ARANJAN (U.A.) ASANSOL U.A. J ' ;"Please see Annexure V, VI, Vll & VIII at the end of this DI~tflct. RANIGAN] (U.A.) ONDAL U.A. J ASANSOL SUB- T 838.5 1,:l2S 285 19 30 213,074 216,616 1,113,854 616,751 497,103 DIVISION R 649.1 624 285 19 74,861 76,294 404,995 218,654 186,341 U 189.4 3,744 30 138,213 140,322 708,859 398,097 310,762

1 Chitaranjan T 21. 7 2,417 2 10,165 10,297 52,443 29,153 23,290 R 2.0 848 2 307 309 1,695 908 787 U 19.7 2,583 1 9,858 9,988 50,748 28,245 22,503 ··ChittaranJan (NM) U 19.65 2,583 9,858 9,98~ 50,74~ 28,245 22,503

2 Salanpur T 113.2 591 65 8 11,584 12,209 66,881 35,564 31,317 R 108.8 520 65 8 .. 9,577 10,170 56,"\84 30,131 26,453 U 4.4 2,356 I 2,007 2,039 10,297 5,433 4,864 .... Hlndusthan Cables Town U 4.37 2.356 2,007 2,039 10,297 5,433 4,864 "(i) Hindusthan Cables Town (NM) U 3.90 2,377 1,819 1,823 9,272 4,1l38 4,434 (ii) Benagarya (00) U 0.47 2,181 18R 216 1.025 595 430

J K.UItI . T 84.2 2,272 39 9 36,745 36,799 191,265 105,496 85,769 R 48.6 1,134 39 .. 10,650 10,666 55,131 29,854 25,277 U 35.6 3,826 9 26,095 26,133 136,134 75,642 60,492

KULTI (UA) U 15.27 4,914 5 13,337 13,342 75.031 41,229 33,802 (a) Lalbazar '(NM) U 2.CH 2,348 981 981 4,720 2,645 2,075 (b) Rarnnagar (NM) U 1.67 2,139 734 734 3,572 2,019 1,553 (c) Barakar (NM) U 3.24 5,394 3,045 3,045 17,476 9,644 7,832 ~ Petana (NM) , U 0.45 17,64

(i) Niamatpur (NM) U 6.45 2,361 2,640 2,640 15,231 8,143 7,088 (;i) Sitarampur (OG) U 0.64 3,978 574 574 2,546 1,471 1,075 DISHERGARH 'I (UA) U 13.22 3,277 9,544 9,577 43,326 24,799 18,527 1 4,118 (a) Chinakunri U 4.82 3,585 4,12tl 17,282 10,080 7,202 (i) Chi1lllkunri (NM) U 2.09 5,911 2,949 2,949 12,355 7,256 5,099 (ii) Bejdihi (OG) • U 2.73 1,805 1,169 1,179 4,927 2,824 2,103

(b) Sitalpur . U 2.70 4,461 2,985 3,005 12,045 7,239 4,806 • (i) Sila/pur (NM) . U 1.85 3,638 1,781 1,801 6,731 4,085 2,646 (ii) Asanbani (00) U 0.85 6,252 1,204 1,204 5,314 3,154 2,160 (c) Dishergarh U 5.70 2,456 2,441 2,444 13,999 7,480 6,519 (;) Dishergarh 2,251 (NM) U 4.81 2,741 2,254 n,182 7,039 6,143 190 (ii) Parra (00) U 0.89 918 190 817 441 376 ------86-M/P(D)4:DCO Cal.-l0 124


,~ - ._ --- _---- State/Distrktj Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Stationj Rural km' per kml r---->----, towns occupied house. ,-____-A. -. U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabited Unin- residential holds Persons Males Females habited houses - ~---- _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

~.--.---- 4 Hirapur T 63.8 2,251 20 1 2 28,243 28,445 143,592 80,256 63,336 R 42.7 552 20 1 3,988 4,003 23,578 12,685 10,893 U . 21. 1 5,691 2 24,255 24,442 120,014 67,571 52,443 tHurnpur U 9.41 3,52.9 6,446 6,592 33,211 19,182 14,029 (0 Hurnpur (NM) U 7.77 3,977 6,049 6,195 30,901 17,949 12,952 (ii) Nabaghanadi (OG) . U 1.64 1,409 397 397 2,310 1,233 1,077 tOuter Hurnpur (NM) . U 11.68 7,432 17,809 17,850 86,803 48,389 33,414

5 Asansol T 80.7 3,150 32 2 46,523 47,413 254,206 141,294 112,912 R 52.3 1,100 32 .. 11,452 11,516 57,506 31,940 25,566 U 28.4 6,928 2 35,071 35,897 196,700 109,3$4 87,346 tAsansol U 22.49 8,317 1 32,9U 33,740 187,039 103,875 83,164 (i) Asansol (M) U 20.02 9,160 1 32,278 33,101 183,375 101,743 81,632 (ii) Kalipahari (00) U 2.47 1,483 639 639 3,664 2,132 1,532 *Sarakdi Nadiha (NM) . U 5.90 1,637 2,154 2,157 9,661 5,478 4,182 (Sen Raleigh Township.) 6 Barabani T 155.2 509 50 14,323 14,439 78,931 42,056 36,875 R 148.5 454 50 .. 11,625 11 ,741 67,359 35,432 31,927 U 6.7 1,717 1 2,698 2,698 11,572 6,624 4,948 tBhanowara U 6.74 1,717 2,698 2,698 11,572 6,624 4,948 (i) Bhanowara (mf) U 4.11 2,009 2,028 2,028 8,258 4,821 3,437 (it) Charanpur (OG) U 2.63 1,260 670 670 3,314 1,803 1,511 7 Jamuria T 234.7 741 57 7 7 34,710 35,757 173,938 96,150 77,788 R 192.0 498 57 7 17,4-77 17,910 95,683 50,873 44,810 U 42.7 1,832 7 17,233 17,847 78,255 45,277 32,978 tPariharpur (NM) U 5.29 1,342 1,342 1,343 7,101 3,970 3,131 tSripur (NM) U 4.12 3,003 1 2,730 2,875 12,372 7,094 5,278 tNinga (NM) U 3.86 2,496 1 2,434 2,529 9,635 5,819 3,816' tBagra U 7.28 1,918 3,199 3,534 13,962 8,292 5,670 (i) Bagra (NM) U 3.40 2,45\ 2,066 2,223 8,333 5,038 3,295 (ii) Sat gram (OG) U 3.88 1,451 1,133 1,311 5,629 3,254 2,375

t::.Parasia (NM) U 4.49 1,074 1,329 1,329 4,823 3,073 1,750 t::.Kenda (NM) U 7.95 1,468 1 3,047 3,050 11,671 6,932 4,739 tJamuria U 9.72 1,923 1 3,152 3,187 18,691 ),0,097 8,594 (i) Jamuria (NM) . U 6.22 1,986 2,105 2,140 12,350 6,645 5,705 (ii) Kaithi (OG) U 2.20 1,423 575 575 3,131 1,747 1,384 ~iii) Damoderpur (00) U 1.30 2,469 472 472 3,210, 1,705 1,505 8 Raniganj T 85.0 1,795 20 1 7 30,781 31,257 152,598 86,782 65,816 R 54.2 876 20 1 9,785 9,979 47,459 26,831 20,628 U 30.8 3,415 7 20,996 21,278 105,139 59,951 45,188 *tJernari (NM) U 4.24 2,263 2,323 2,330 9,596 5,?45 3,951 (1. K. Nagar Township) tNimcha (NJ!) U 3.85 605 494 531 2,329 1,309 1,020 tSiarsol (N.U) U 8.52 1,917 4,347 4,361 16,336 9,728 6,608 tAmkula U 5.19 2,617 2,982 2,982 13,581 8,166 5,415 (i) Amkufa (N.ll) U 3.01 2,134 1,296 1,296 6,423 3,949 ,2,474 Murgathau1 eii) 4,217 '2,941 (00) U 2.18 3,283 1,686 1,686 7,158 t;Raghunath Chak (Nll1) U 0.87 5,818 1,192 1,194 5,062 2,935 2,127 125


State! Dilrie!/ Total Area in population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police St tion Rural km • per km" ,-----'.....______., town. Occupied households ,------_---A..___ _ U.A.{City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- residentlal Persons Males Females bited houses ------_------_.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

tBa.'/ol'plIr (NJ/) U 1.67 3,956 1,273 1,273 6,606 3,722 2,884 tRaniganj U 6.45 8,004 8,385 8,607 51,629 28,446 23,183 (;) Raniganj (M) U 4.79 10,167 7,890 8,031 48,702 26,865 21,837 (ii) Sahebganj (00) U [,66 1,763 495 576 2,927 1,581 1,346 DURGAPUR. SUB- T 975.0 782 232 14 12 160,357 161,694 762,811 415,595 347,216 DIVISION R 748.4 457 232 14 65,761 66,571 341,961 183,637 158,324 U 226_6 1,857 12 94,596 95,123 420,850 231,958 188,892 90ndal T 182.9 1,039 39 1 9 42,487 43,205 189,990 107,972 82,018 R 123.8 786 39 1 20,462 20,978 97,275 54,555 42,720 U 59.1 1,568 9 22,025 22,227 92,715 53,417 39,298 L:.Kajora U 11.92 1,214 4,040 4,049 14,474 8,651 5,823 (i) Kajora (NM) U 10.33 1,255 3,491 3,500 12,969 7,644 5,325 (ii) Oaidhoba (00) U 1.59 947 549 549 1,505 1,007 498 L:.Di~nala (NN) U 3.64 1,916 1,307 1,310 6,976 3,843 3,133 L Ondal (NM) U 2.77 5,387 2,712 2,789 14,921 8,148 6,773 6.Khandra (N JI) U 7 49 621 979 980 4,649 2,539 2,110 L Ukhra (NM) U 7 33 1,727 2,826 2,826 12,660 7,100 5,560 , Chak Banko/a (NM) U 1.78 3,779 2,154 2,195 6,726 4,280 2,446 LChhora U 8.95 1,265 2,464 2,464 11,322 6,516 4,806 (0 "hhora (N M) V 5.64 1,453 1,705 1,705 8,193 4,738 3,455 (Ii) Shankarpur (00) • V 3.31 945 759 759 3,129 1,778 1,351 L:.Bahula V 5.44 1,805 2,614 2,683 9,818 5,669 4,149 (I) Bahula (NM) U 3.59 2,230 2,105 2,114 8,007 4,588 3,419 (ii) Siduli (00) U 1.85 979 509 509 1,811 1,081 730 L:.Parashkol. V 9.82 1,137 1 2,929 2,931 11,169 6,671 4,498 (I) Parashko/ (Nit!) U 6.80 898 t 1,783 1,783 6,108 3,837 2,271 (ii) Madhu5udanpur (00) . • U 1.46 1,651 569 571 2,411 1,378 1,033 (iii) Mukundapur (00) • U 1.56 1,699 577 577 2,650 1,456 1,194 10 Faridpur T 140.2 447 47 3 12,524 12,647 62,690 33,738 28,952 R 140.2 447 47 3 12,524 12,647 62,690 33,738 28,952 U II Durgapur T 160.1 1,957 2 69,590 69,896 313,313 170,498 142,815 R 5.9 257 2 309 312 1,515 789 726 ·U 154.2 2,022 1 69,281 69,584 311,798 169,709 142,089 Durgapur (NA) U 154.20 2,022 69,281 69,584 311,798 169,709 I 42,08,} 12 New Township T 13.3 449 5 1,054 1,062 5,976 3,081 2,895 R 13.3 449 5 ., 1,054 1,062 5,976 3,081 2,895 *U Area and Population are included in Durgapur (NA) under Durgapur P.S. 13 Coke Oven*'" T "R U Area and Population are included in Durgapur (NA) under Durgapur P.S. 14 Kaksa T 280.9 345 83 6 I 17,503 17,566 96,893 50,034 46,859 R 272.2 321 83 6 . . 15,690 15,753 87,459 44,982 42,477 U 8.7 1,089 1 1,813 1,813 9,434 5,052 4,382 Kaksa (NU) U 8.66 1,089 1 1,813 1,813 9,434 5,052 4,382 ------Note: *The Urban area of Durgapur P.S. i.e. 154.2 Sqr. km. includes the Urban area to the extent of 61.0 Sqr. km. accounting for New Township and Coke Oven P.S. (New Township 14.0 and Coke Oven 47.0) ** :-It may please be noted that there is actually no rural population in Coke-Oven Police Station, but in our paper I of 1982- Final Population Totals of West Bengal at pages 92-93, the rural population whieh actually relate to Kaksa Police Station has wrongly been shown. 86 MIP(D)42DCOCal.-l0(a) 126

STATE TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-contd. ----_-- State/District! Total Area Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Stationj Rural in per kml .---J.-_..-, towns occupied house- r- --. U.A./City/Town Urban km' Inha- Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females bited biteJ houses ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

15 Bud Bud T 197.6 475 56 4 17,199 17,318 93,949 50,272 43,677 R 193.0 451 56 4 15,722 15,819 87,046 46,492 40,554 U 4.6 1,511 1 1,477 1,499 6,903 3,780 3,123 Sukdal (NM) U 4.57 1,511 1 1,477 1,499 6,903 3,780 3,123 SADARSUB T 3,129.5 539 1,155 39 3 292,331 325,385 1,685,448 866,288 819,160 DIVISION R 3,095.8 481 1,155 39 256,794 289,294 1,489,284 762,185 727,099 U 33.7 5,836 3 35,537 36,091 196,164 104,103 92,061

16 Ausgram T 506.2 344 142 7 30,896 31,723 174,121 88,596 85,525 R 501.3 322 142 7 28,570 29,371 161,596 81,980 79,616 U 4.9 2,572 1 2,326 2,352 12,525 6,616 5,909 Ouskara (NM) U 4.87 2,572 2,326 2,352 12,525 6,616 5,909 17 Oalsi T 373.1 465 125 30,103 30,903 173,592 88,613 84,979 R 373.1 465 125 30,103 30,903 173,592 88,613 84,979 U 18 Khandaghosh T 260.3 475 106 5 20,197 20,988 123,569 63,015 60,554 R 260.3 475 106 5 20,197 20,988 123,569 63,015 60.554 U 19 Raina T 478.6 475 195 12 38,895 57,901 227,120 116,801 110,319 R 478.6 475 195 12 38,895 67,901 22i,120 116,801 110,319 U 20 Jamalpur T 262.9 651 121 2 29,875 29,933 171,223 87.886 83,337 R 262.9 651 121 2 29,875 29,933 171,223 87,886 83,337 U 21 Memari T 427.1 644 218 48,098 48,912 275,177 141,598 133,579 R 421.0 615 218 .. 45,096 45,862 258,902 132,788 126,114 U 6.1 2,686 1 3,002 3,050 16.275 8,810 7,465 Memari lNM) U 6.06 2,686 1 3,002 3,050 16,275 8,810 7,465 22 Barddhaman T 406.9 !l88 143 10 63,777 64,456 361,413 188,46::> 172,953 R 384.2 505 143 10 33,568 33,7[:,7 194,049 99,783 94,266 U 22.7 1,379 1 30,209 30.689 167,364 88,677 78,687 Barddhaman (M) U 22.68 7,379 30,209 30,689 167,354 88,677 78,687 23 Bhatar T 414.4 433 lOS 2 30,~9O 30,569 179,233 91,319 87,914 R 414.4 433 105 2 30,490 30,569 179,233 91,319 87,914 U KATWASUB r 1,060.0 584 368 19 3 104,718 105,i53 619,348 315,509 303,839 DIVISION R 1,040.8 537 368 19 .. 93,755 94,688 559,075 284,';33 274,542 U 19.2 3,142 3 10,962 11,065 6J,273 30,976 29,297 24 MOllg

U 8.82 5,037 2 8,054 8,137 44,430 22,958 21,472 ~( ) U 5.86 6,302 6,f06" 6,739 36,930 19,071 17,859 (i) Katwa (M) U 5.18 6,349 5,887 5,960 32,890 16,898 15,992 (ii) Kesia (00) U 0.68 5,941 778 779 4,040 2,173 1,867 (b) Panuhat U 2.95 2.534 1,389 1,?98 7,500 3,887 3,613 (1) Panuhat (NM) U 2.2.. 2,9~9 1,200 1,2(02 5,584 3,395 3,189 (ii) Atuhat Chak (00) U 0.72 1,272 189 196 915 492 424 Dau,hat (M) U 10.36 1,529 1 2.908 2,928 15,P43 8,018 7,825

KALNA SUB T W7.5 656 530 IS 112,274 115,579 653,927 334,460 319,467 DIVISION R 991.0 625 530 18 .. 106,152 109,223 618,940 316,688 302,216 U 6.5 5,413 1 6,122 6,356 35,023 17,772 17,251 ------127


State/District Total Area in Pop.lla- No. of villages No. of No. of No. of , ____.A.. Population ______) Police Station} Rural km 2 Hon ,------""-----, towns occupied house- U.A./City/Town Urban per km' Inhabi- Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females ted bited houses - --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -_-- _"--_- -_----_----- 79,99(. 27 Monteswar T 305.4 514 136 8 26,()J9 16,~",3 157,077 77,082 R 305.4 514 J36 8 26,049 26,523 157,077 79,995 77,082 U 114,661 28 Purbasthali T 344.5 683 184 6 40,771 42,663 23',345 J 20,:'>84 R 344.5 683 184 6 40,771 42,663 235,3<5 120,684 114,661 U 261,505 133,781 127,724 29 Kalna T 347. 'l 752 210 4 45,454 46,393 R 341.1 664 210 4 39,332 40,037 226,482 116,009 110,473 6.5 5,413 1 6,122 6,356 35,02' 17,772 17,251 U 17,251 Kalra (M) U 6 47 5,413 1 6,122 6,356 35,023 17,772 ANNEXURE V r CHITTARANJAN' 27,367 (UA) U 24.02 2,541 2 11,865 12,027 61,045 33,678 (a) Chittaranjan 28,245 22,503 (NM) U 19.65 2,583 9,858 9,988 50,748 (b) Hindustllan 10,297 5,433 4,864 Cables Town U 4.37 2,356 2,007 2,039 (i) Hilldusthan 3.90 2,377 1,819 1,823 9,272 4,838 4,434 Cables Town((NM)U 216 1,025 595 430 (ii) Bena garya (OG) U 0.47 2,181 188 ANNEXURE VI 366,424 205,050 161,374 U 73.31 4,998 8 69,528 70,814 6,446 6,592 33,211 19,182 14,029 rnpur U 9.41 3,529 5,195 30,901 17,949 12,952 (i) Burnpur (NM) U 7.77 3,977 6,049 (ii) Nabaghanadi 397 397 2,310 1,2.B 1,077 (OG) U 1.1)..: 1,409 (b) Outer Burnpuf 17,850 86,803 48,389 38,414 (NM) U 11.68 7,432 17,809 33,740 187,039 103,875 83,164 (c) Asansol U 22.49 8,317 32,917 32,278 33,101 183,375 101,743 g1,632 (i) Asansol (M) U 20.02 9,160 (li) Kalipahari 639 3,604 2,132 1,532 (OG) U 2.47 1,483 639 2,698 ::>,698 11,572 6,024 4,948 (d} Bhanowara U 6.74 1,717 (i) Bhanowara 2,028 8,258 4,821 3.437 (NM) U 4.11 2,009 2,028 (ii) Charanpur 670 670 3,314 1,803 1,511 (OG) U 2 63 1,260 (e) Pariharpul 1,242 1,343 7,101 3,970 3,131 (NM) U S.29 1,342 2,730 2,875 12,372 7,094 -.278 (f) Sripuf (NM) U 4.12 3,003 2,434 2,529 9,635 5,819 3,816 (g) Ninga (NM) U 3.86 2,496 3,1c2 3,187 18,691 10,097 8,591 (h) Jamuria U 9.72 1,923 2,105 2,140 12,350 6,645 5,705 (i) Jamuria NM) U 6.22 1,986 575 575 3,131 1,747 1,384 (ii) Kaithi (OG) U 2.20 1,423 (iii) Damodarpur 472 472 3,210 1,705 1,505 (OG) U 1.30 2,469 ANNEXURE VII 8 24,195 24,812 119,101 68,243 50,858 RANIGANJ (UA) U 38.07 3,128 3,199 \534 13,962 8,292 5,670 U 7.28 1,918 1 (a) Bagra 2,(}66 2,223 8,333 5,038 3,295 U 3.40 2,451 (i) Bagra (NM) 3,2~4 2,375 1,451 1,133 1,311 5,629 (ii) Satgram (OG) U 3.88 -_-- Notes-(I) Towns marked ** are the constituent units of Chittaranjar. U.A. (2) Towns markecl t arc the constituent untits of Asansol UA. (3) Towns marked t are the constituent units of Raniganj U.A. (4) Town, marked 6. are the cOD9tituent units e>f Ondal U.A 12ts


State/District/ Total Area in Po~ultion No.ofvillages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Sta1ionl Rural km ~ per km' ..-----"------, towns occupied hou~e r- ...... , U.A.!City/Town Urban Tnhabi· Uninha- residential holds Persons Males Females ted bited houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------~.------~~~------ANNEXURE-VII (b) Jemari (NM) U 4.24 2,263 2,323 2,330 9,596 5,645 3,951 (J.K. Nagar Towll­ ship) Ccl Nimcba (NM) U 3.85 605 494 531 2,329 1,309 1,020

Cd) Siarsol CNM) U 8.52 1,917 4,347 4,361 16,336 9,728 6,608

Ce) Amkula. U 5.19 2,617 2,982 2,982 11,581 8,16{ 5,415

(i) Amkula (NM) U 3.01 2,1'4 1,296 1,296 6,423 3,949 2,474

(ii) Murgath2ul COG) U 2.IS 3,283 1,686 1,686 7,158 4,217 2,941 (0 Raghunath Chak (NM) U 0.87 5,818 1,192 1,194 5,062 2,935 2,127

\g) Ballavpur (NM) U 1.67 3,956 1,273 1,273 6,606 3,722 2,884

(h) Raniganj U 6.45 8,004 8,385 8,607 51,629 28,446 23,183

(i) Raniganj (M) U 4.79 10,167 7,890 8,031 48,702 26,865 21,837

Cii) Sahebpnj COG) U 1.66 1,763 495 576 2,927 1,581 1,346


ONDAL (1l.A.) U 71.5l; 1,526 J 1 26,4~)l 26,(l()6 109,209 63,422 45,787

(a) Parasia (NM) U 4.49 1,074 1,329 1,329 4,823 3,073 1,750

(b) Kcnda (NM) U 7.95 1,468 3,047 3,050 11,671 6,932 4,739

Cc) Kajora U 11.92 1,214 4,040 4,049 14,474 8,651 5,823

Ci) Kajora (NM) lJ 10.33 1,255 3,491 3.500 12,969 7,644 5,325

(ii) Gaidhoba (OG) U 1. 59 947 549 549 1,505 1,007 498

Cd) Dlgnala (NM) U 3.64 1,916 1,307 1,310 6,976 3,843 3,133

Ccl Ordal (NM) U 2.77 5,387 2,712 2,789 14,921 8,148 6,773

(f) Khandla (NM) U 7.49 621 979 980 4,649 2,539 2,110

(g) Ukhrr. (NM) U 7.33 1,727 2,826 2,826 12,560 7,100 5,560 (h) Chak BankClla (NM) U 1.78 3,779 2,154 2,195 6,716 4,280 2,446

(i) Chhora U 8.95 1,265 2,464 2,464 11,322 6,516 4,806

(i) Chhor" (NM) U 5.64 1,453 1,705 1,705 8,193 4,738 3,455

(ii) Shankarpur (OG) U 3.31 945 759 759 3,129 1,778 1,351

CiJ Bahula U 5.44 1,805 2.614 2,683 9,818 5,669 4,149

(i) Bahula (NM) U 3.59 1.130 ?,105 2,174 8,007 4,588 3,419

(ii) Siduli (OG) U 1.85 979 509 509 1,811 1,081 730

(k) Parashkol U 9.S2 1,137 2,929 2,931 11,169 6,671 4,4-"'13 129

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION-eollfd. ------_------State/District/ Total Area in Population No. of illages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station! Rural km • per km' ,--...A...---, towns occupied house· r- ., U.A./City/Town Urban Inhabi· Uninha· residential holds Persons Male~ Females ted bited house ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------

(i) Parashkol (NM) U 6.80 898 1,783 1,783 6,103 3,837 2,271 Cii) Madhu Sudao pur (00) U 1 46 1,651 569 571 2,411 1,378 1,033 (iii) Mukundapur (00) U 1.56 1,699 577 577 2,650 1,456 1,194

16. nmBHUM DI'>- T 4,545.0 461 2,229 232 7 365,287 375,191 2 095.829 1,068,171 1,027,658 TRICT R 4.484.6 429 2,229 232 334,913 343,196 1,922,296 977,811 944,415 U 60.4 2,874 7 30,364 31,995 173,533 90,360 83,173

RAMPURHAT T 1,569.& 551 718 35 2 148,940 152,909 865,271 440,989 424.282 SUB DIVISION R 1,558.0 523 718 35 140,115 143694 815,605 414,962 400,643 U 11.8 4,223 2 8,825 9,215 49,666 26,027 23,639

1 Muraroi T 356.9 585 142 9 36,184 36,931 208,843 105,602 103,241 R 356.9 585 142 9 36,184 36,931 208,843 105,602 103,241 U

2 Nalhati T 359.5 584 140 6 37,082 37,089 209,832 106,777 103.055 R 352.8 552 140 6 34,358 34,358 194.759 99,084 95,675 U 6 7 2,2(;3 1 2,724 2,731 15,073 7,693 7,380 Nalhati (NM) U 6.66 2,263 2,724 2,731 15,073 7,693 7,380 I .3 aampurhat T 472.4 548 204 7 43,939 45,685 258,869 132,653 126,216 R 467.3 480 204 7 .. 37,838 39,201 224,276 114,319 109,957 U 5.1 6,783 1 6,101 6,484 34,593 18,334 16,259

Rampurhat (M) U 5.10 6,78-3 6,101 6,484 34,593 18,334 16,259 .... Mayure,>war T 381.0 493 232 13 31,735 33,204 187,727 95.957 9J,770 R 381.0 493 232 H 31,735 33,204 187,727 95,957 91,770 U

SADAR SUB T 2,944.6 418 1,511 197 5 216,347 222,282 1,230,558 627,182 603,376 DIVISION R 2,896.0 382 1,511 199 .. 194,808 199,502 1,106,691 562,849 543,842 U 48.6 2,547 5 21,539 22,780 123,867 64,333 59.534 5 Muhammad Bazar T 313.4 296 134 24 17,192 17,334 92,853 47,372 45,481 R 313 4 296 134 24 17,l<}2 17,334 92,853 47,372 45,481 U

6 Rajnagar T 221.2 245 87 11 10,028 10,173 54,139 27,502 26,637 R 221 2 245 87 11 10,Ol8 10,173 54,139 27,502 26,637 U

7 Khoyraso!e T 273.5 369 125 44 17,944 17,944 100,817 51,380 49,437 R 273.5 369 125 44 17,944 17,944 !OO,817 51,380 49.4'7 U

8 Dubrajpur T 359.5 373 190 36 2 24.226 24,461 134,191 68,577 65,614 R 341.4 333 190 36 20,549 20,777 113,624 57,884 55,740 U 18.1 1,134 2 3,677 3,68'+ 20,567 10,693 9,874 Bakrewar Tourist Centre Township (NM) U 1.31 142 45 46 186 99 87 Dubrajpur (M) U 16.83 1,211 3,632 3,638 20,381 10,594 9,787

9 ~;uri T 292.4 535 188 20 27,252 28,569 156,576 80,575 76,001 R 282.9 409 188 20 20,654 21,041 115,793 59,394 56,399 U 9 5 4,302 1 6,598 7,528 40,783 21,181 19,602

Sllli (M) U 9.48 4,320 6.598 7,528 40,7~3 21,181 19,602 130

STATE TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION cOlic/d. ------State/District I Total Area in Population No. of villages No. of No. of No. of Population Police Station/ Rural km • per kro2 ,---..A.-..,towns Occupied house ,----______._____---.., U.A. [City/Town Urban Inhabited Uninha- resiential holds Persons Males Females bited houses

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.2

10 IIIam Bazar T 259.5 382 124 ]0 17,074 17,727 99.064 50,572 48,492 R 259.5 382 124 10 17,074 17,727 99,064 50.572 48,492 U

11 Sainthia T 311.1 493 215 16 27,136 28,299 153.399 78.618 74,781 R 303.2 427 215 16 22.780 23,827 129,318 66,036 63,282 U 7.9 3,056 1 4,356 4,472- 24,081 12.,S82 llA99 Sainthla (NA) U 7 88 3,056 4,356 4,472 24,081 12,582 11,499

12 Bolpur T 333.6 499 157 11 29,347 30,147 166,435 84,721 81,714 R 320.5 399 157 11 22,439 23,051 127,999 64,844 63,155 U 13.1 2,927 6,908 7,096 38,436 19,877 18,559 Bolpur (M) U 13.13 2,927 6,908 7,096 38,436 19,877 18,559

13 Labhpur T 271.2 480 159 19 21,418 22,780 130,132 65,793 64,339 R 271.2 480 159 19 21,148 22,780 130,132 65,793 64,339 U

14 Nanoor T 309.2 462 132 6 24.730 24,848 142,952 72,072 70,880 R 309.2 462 132 6 24,730 24,848 142,952 72,072 70,880 U

Note:-l. Totalareafiguresgiven in col. 3 against State and District represent the area figures provided by the Surveyor General. India. The area figures shown agianst Police Station have been Provided by he State Director of Land Records and Survey. The area figures shown against statutory towns have been obtained from the local bodies and those for the non-municipal Towns and OGs (out growths) have been Computed from the area figures of the constituent Mouzas (villages) of the non-municipal town and O.G. The area figures for Rural areas have been derived by subtracting the urban area figures from the total area figures of the State/District/Police Station. The summation of the area figures of the Police Stations under each district will not tally with the concerned district area figures because the former represents those supplied by the State Director of Land Records and Survey while the latter represents those supplied by the Surveyor Genreal, India.

2. The density figures per Sqr.Km. shown III col. 4 for urban Areas of the State/District/Police Station have been worked out using the area figures corrected upto 2nd place of decimals obtained by adding up the area figures of all the urban Units under State/District/Police Station and not using the area figures shown in col. 3 against "Urban" of the State/District Police Station. Density for "Total and Rural" areas of the StatefDistrict/Police Station have been worked out using the area figures as shown against them, i.e., area figures corrected upto one place of dicimaJ.

3. Towns Treated for the first time in 1971 and also continuing as town in 1981 have been marked with asterisk (+) mark on their left.

4. Towns treated for the first time in 1981 have been undl!t'liut(:/I_ 5. The following abbreviations have been used for the status of Towns Me -Municipal OJrporation. M-Municipal Town. NA--Notified Area Authority ;-,1M - Non-municipal Town Cantt,-Cantonment T.e. Town Committtee O,G Out growth of Town TABLEA.I APPENDICES l32

~ --- ~ r-- <'! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -;- M M M 'l:>I: 0 N <'l + + I I I I !.S, I I '" -- >: . ~ 9..: B8~iI'J II>c:: ~.~ ,1, !!:.= ..-.:- '-' ."0 v.i ...... :l rIlOrll~ v.i ~ o.~ til ~e:..~e ~B ."C .... !UUCcd"'O ~ Q..;~ '(;i ~"O :l ~ '" Q..;", r:>.c:: e';:: .5!13~ 00 '(;itl ~ ._..o .>10 alt;_o-"'O tJ·_ -E"C"'--- nJ.~ zob1~ '" ",B ]~ !ill'" ",._ff~ C::i1 cil: -..<: ~.~ 018 Z'" ,..,Ol .. ~." ~tl Ill_, N I 'I; 0 ._~c:: i N ,.; r::i 00 a- a- a- a- N ,.; ,.; ." ~~ Ir-- - - "" "'" '"II> "0 '" j 00 c:: I ~ r--.,'" c/l ..0 "C '> 000 ::s a~ .... ", ...... til M I::: <'1 ('I> 00 ~ .§ ~ v.i OJ ~ .~ ~ e.g 1:1 v.i '" ~ :a :s :~ s.~~ : v.i vi ...... ~ ." ~~ V'> ~ ~ .~ .... ~q5 flo'-"'- .~ ~ .l;:j B ::s ..0 rIl e:~ i1 .;:: fl .., .... 0- ::s .... oS :~ .... .9 """ c:: tIl~ 'SUd:;'" .>I ~ "0 -...0.2 .., ::a~ 0.2 B 6t t'l >...... , 8 ....VS:: '" ~ll . r- bI) oS '0 ... .b.g ::::0:1 :a~Q..;"'--g !: I~ o S~l:>I:", .... .( ._u..!I I>- t: '0 I 2 '>~ .N....,::s- e .:1 11) M~8:a . I'" bI) ...... Or- ~ 'S < .5" 5 _ g,~~ ~ r.n .~:! lis_0 a :n.§Z c .... ""::s ~.s..c: fIj f!rJ.i ~ ~ ~ eOl ... r.n cit!:: o-~ 0 ..... 010 .... ~~ vb'" Z"O Z 'S: ZI.O~ z~""o = ...."" lZ d .... c:: o~ ~.... = .~ ~ 00 < r:>. ,.._ f-< co .>I s:: ~t) ';;;, .... ~Z -m .c ~ ;j ~< ~ ::s >. .iIIJ .~ §~ .c: ~Ci! i ~ j '" ::sf-< r.n ~ Z .. ~ ~o ~ :!;r.n 0 i ::E ~ = f-< .2 u ~ 3~ Ci! i3 .~ 1:1 tIl::s f-< ~ ..!I co til ~b '";;: 8a ~ t3 .~ 0: ...... l 25g ." ::>~ ~ ~8 rI'l. ._"0.., -< Ci! .c Q..;_ ... ~ f-< of-< ,.Q v.i v.i .J rn v.i .... fa ';;-00 ~ ~tIlOl. .., ~ :0 .... r.n'" ~ r.n= <>0- Z ~~ ~ ,_Q..; tl .c v.i >oA '""-l O.c oS ~ .... "50 ·c '(;i ~ l:i t-qi) .!a- _'" a'(;i~ rIl ~ Q, = ~ ~t3 '" -< z-< '" -

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r----..A.---~ 135

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f g '- g,;~ .>o:_ ci llogu ... ~ ie!:iu o r.Ii 0.: rJ:i .... rn :::I ~ ~ 0. <;j .;::'0 !i! c

'Villages-wi~h a pppulation of 5,000 and over J. Towns with a population of under 5,000 SfatefD;stricl/police Station ,- ,- .A. Number -f'l'ypuiation Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban population population of the Stale of the State ------2 3 4 5 ------_---_------_--- 6 7 ...... ", WEST" BEl\GAL 784 5,691,402 14,18 20 69,453 0.48 1 Koch Bihar District 47 352,633 0.88 2 9,440 0.06 2 Jalpaiguri District 62 588,220 1.47 3 Darjiling District 10 63,948 0.16 3,533 0.02 4 West Dinajpur Di,(rict 14 79,053 0.20 5 Maldah DIstrict 60 415,132 1.03 3,952 0.03 6 Murshidabad Disln.:t l33 1,044,916 2.60 2,367 0.02 7 Nadia District . 75 543,742 1.35 8 Twenty Four Parganas District 168 1,176,293 2.93 2 8,110 0.06 9 Calcutta Di,trict 10 Haoca District 34 237,139 0.59 3 14,128 0.10 II Hugli District 47 309,559 0,77 2 5,447 0.04 12 Medinipur District 42 283,737 0.71 2 2,197 0.01 13 Bankura District 4 27,444 0.07 14 Purutiya District 8 49-§t,5, 0.12 15 Barddhaman Distric( 59 371,590 0.92 5 20,093" O.lof 1,6 Birbhum District 21 151,371 0.38 186 N

Kcoh Bihar District 47 3SZ.6a3 0.88 2 9,440 0.07 Haldibari 11,108 0,03 2 MekliganJ '2 14,620 0.04 4,534 0'.03 3 Mathabhanga 7 43,897 0.11 4 Sitalkuchi 2 12,824 0.03 5 Koch Bihar 14 100,683 0.25 6 Tufanganj 12 109,684 0.27 1 4,906 0.04 7 Dinhata 8 53,868 0.13 8 Sitai 5,949 0.02

2 Jalpaigurl District 62 588,220 1.47 1 RaiganJ 6 82.032 0.20 2 Jalpaigun 12 186,505 0.46 3 Mal 3 19,638 0.05 4 Mitiali I 5,118 O.Ol 5, Maynaguri 2. 2\.1:58 0..,05 6 Nagrakata 3 23,091 0.06 7 Banarhat 11 66,8~8 0.17 8 Dhubguri 9 Birpara 3 34.1g4 0.09 10 Fa1akata I 7,427 0.02 11 Madarihat 2 10,198 0.03 12 Alipurduar 5 35,126 0.09 13 Kalchini 11 83,518 0.21 14 Kumargram 2 13,367 0.03

137 138

APPENDIX-2-conld. TABLE A-i-AREA HOUSES AND POPULATION Number and Populatioll of Villages with Population of 5,000 and over and of Towns with Population under 5,(J()a

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population 01 under 5,000 __A.______~ State/District/Police Station .A-.,...______-, r-- Number Population Pcrccnta,e to Number Population Percentage to Total R.ural Total Urban po~ation population o the State of the State

2 3 4 5 6 7

3 Darjiliag District 18 63,941 0.16 3,533 t.&1 1 Sukhia pokri 2 Pulbazar 5,140 0.01 3 Darjiling 4 Rangli Rangliat 2 13,330 0.03 5 Jore Bungalow 6 Kalimpong 2 13,035 0.03 7 Garubathan 7,050 0.02 3,533 0.02 8 Kurseong 9 Mirik 7,019 0.02 10 Naxalbari 11 Siliguri 1 6,917 0.02 12 Phansidewa 2 11,457 0.03 13 Kharibari

4 West Dluajpar District 14 79,&53 0.20

1 Chopra 5 27,227 0.07 2 Islampur 2 13,598 0.03 3 Goalpokhar 3 17,686 0.05 4 Chakalia 5 Karandighi 6 Rayganj 7 Hemtabad 8 Kaliaganj 9 Kushmundi 10 Itabar 2 9,136 0.02 11 Banshihari 12 Gangararnpur 5,863 0.02 13 Kumarganj 14 Tapan 5,543 0.01 15 Baiurghat 16 Hilli

5 Maklah Distriet 60 415,131 1.03 1 3,951 9.05

1 Harishchandrapur 3 18,784 0.05 2 Kharba (Chanchal) 2 11,218 0.03 3 Ratua 6 45,0424 0.11 4 Gajole 5 Bamangola 6 Habibpur 7 Maldah 2 14.731 0.03 8 English Bazar g 49,866 0.12 9 Manikchak: 7 51.-"6 0.13 10 Kaliachak 32 223.633 0.56 3,952 0.03 139

APPENDIX-2-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPUIJATION Number and Populetion of Villages with Population of 5,000 and over and of Towns with Population under 5,000

• ______Villages with a population..A.. ______of 5,000 and over -, Towns with a population.A--- of_____ under 5,000 --, State(District (Police Station r-- Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban Populaton of population of the State the State --_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Murshidabad District 133 1,044,916 2.60 1 2,367 0.02 1 Farrakka 8 65,753 0.16 2,367 0.02 2 Samsherganj 6 71,069 0.18 3 Suli 6 40,512 0.10 4 Raghunathganj 9 69,276 0.17 5 Sagardighi 3 19,235 0.05 6 Lalgola 6 36,570 0.09 7 Bhagwangola 6 62,849 0.16 8 Raninagar 12 95,341 0.24 9 Murshidabad 10 Jiaganj 11 Nabagram 2 13,001 0.03 12 Khargram 2 13,561 0.03 13 Barwan 2 10,526 0.02 14 Kandi 3 25,469 0.06 15 Bharatpur 6 48,548 0.12 16 Beldanga 19 131,312 0.33 17 Nawda 12 91,044 0.23 18 Hariharpara 8 63,084 0.16 19 Berhampur 3 18,731 0.05 20 Domkal 11 84,797 0.21 21 Jalangi 9 84,238 0.21

7 Nadia District 75 543,742 1.35

Karimpur 12 80,648 0.20 2 Tehatta 13 94,873 0.24 3 Kaliganj 6 56,000 0.14 4 Nakasipara 5 29,172 0.07 5 Chapra 5 42,749 0.11 6 Krishnaganj 2 10,491 0.03 7 Krishnagar 9 62,030 0.15 8 Nabadwip 4 24,854 0.06 9 Santi pur 2 12,165 0.03 10 Hanskhali 5 32,865 0.08 11 Ranaghat 7 64,572 0.16 12 Chakdaha 3 16,834 0.04 13 Kalyani 9,255 0.02 14 Haringhata 7,234 0.02

8 Twenty Four Parganas District 168 1,176,293 2.93 2 8,110 0.06 1 Bagdah 5,133 0.01 2 Bangaon 3 20,515 0.05 3 Gaighata 4 22,963 0.06 4 Habra 2 11,043 0.03 5 Deganga 2 11,361 0.03 6 Rajarhat 3 21,493 0.05

86M(P(D)42DCOcal-10 140

APPENDIX-2-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Number and P(JjJulatioll of Villages with P,)pUIOlion of 5,000 and over and of Towns with Population under 5,000

Village with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 ,---______A______----, Slate/District/Police Station ,-______~ _____A______~ Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban Population of POlmlation of the State the State 2 3 4 5 6 7

7 Barasat 3 8,720 0.02 8 Amdanga 9 Bijpur 10 Naihati 7,068 0.02 11 2 11,116 0.0, 12 Noapara Entirely {_Trban 13 Barrackpur Entirely Urban 14 Titagarh 6,639 002 15 Khardah 4,951 0.04 16 Belghoria EmireJy Urban 17 Baranagar Entirety Urban 18 DumDum 6,97! 0.02 19 Nimta 20 Airport 3,159 0.02 21 Laketown PJ,JUlllion included in South Dum Dum (M) 22 Salt lake 23 Garden Reach 24 Metiabruz 25 Maheshtala 5,076 0.01 26 Budge Budge 4 32,458 0.08 27 Bishnupur () 36,479 0.09 28 Behala 2 10,212 0.02 29 Regent Park PO,l'liaton included in Jadabpur (M) 30 Jadabpur 31 Kasba Ll1irely Urban 32 Tiljala Population included in Jadabpur (M) 33 Bhangar 5 31,185 0.08 34 Sonar pur 3 23,072 0.06 35 Baruipur 5 39,410 0.10 36 Canning 1\ 55,767 0.14 37 Basanti 9 55,056 0.14 38 Jaynagar 9 79,883 0.20 39 Kultali 9 63,860 0.16 40 Mograhat 14 92,322 0.23 41 Falta 6,069 0.01 42 Diamond Harbour 6,491 0.02 43 Kulpi 3 30,405 0.03 44 Mandir Bazar 2 15,570 0.04 45 Mathurapur 13 119,124 0_30 46 Pathar Pratima 2 13,993 0.03 47 Kakdwip 7 52,048 0.13 48 Sagore 49 Namkhana 50 Swarupmgar 5 41,739 0.10 51 Baduria 2 12,118 0.03 52 Basirh2t 5 32,837 0.08 53 Haroa 5 30,786 0.08 54 Minakhan 5,160 0.01

-~--.----- ~- ~--~- 141

APPENDIX·2-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Number and Population of Villages with population of 5,000 and over and of Towns with population under 5,000

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Townss with a population of under 5,000 St:ltefDistrict{Policc Station .------. r------.A.------, Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban population of population of the State the State 2 3 4 5 6 7

55 1 5,403 0.01 56 Sandesh Khali 10 61,026 0.15 57 Hingalganj 5 37,745 0.09 58 Gosaba 7 47,977 0.12

10 Haora D:~trict 34 237,139 0.59 3 14,128 0.10 Bally Entirely Urban------2 Liluah 1 5,185 0.01 9 Domjur 2 13,011 il.03 4,729 0.-03 10 Sankrail 1 13,411 0.04 4,797 0.04 11 Panchla 9 69,404 0.17 12 Jagat Ballavpur 4 29,004 0.07 13 Udaynarayanpur 14 Amta 4 26,429 0.07 15 Bagnan 5 28.1 60 0.07 16 Uluberia 7 47,117 0.12 17 Bauria 4,602 0.03 18 Shampur 5,412 0.01

11 Hugli District 47 309,559 0.77 2 5,447 0.04 Goghat 2 Arambag 4 30,944 0.08 3 Khanakul 10 66,753 0.17 4 Pursurah 5 30.129 0.08 5 Dhaniakhali 3 17,150 0.04 6 Panduah 2 13,371 0.03 7 Balagarh 5.070 0.01 8 Mogra 678 0.01 . 9 Chinsurah 5,163 0.01 10 Polba 11 Dadpur 1 3,006 0.01 12 Tarakeswar 3 19,033 0.05 13 Haripal 14 Singur ~ 33,617 0.08 15 Bhadrcswar 16 Chandernagore Er,tirely Urban- 17 Jargipara 1 8,083 0.02 18 Chanditala 9 €O,089 0.15 19 Serampore 2 11,647 0.03 20 Uttar para 1 5,504 0.01 4,769 0.03 12 Medinipur District 42 283,737 0.71 2 2,197 0.02 I Binpur 2 Jamboni 3 Jhargram 4 Gupiballavpur 5 Sankrail 6 Nayagram 7 Keshiari

.86 -M{P{D)42DCOCal-l0(a) 142

APPENDIX-l-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATlON- con/d. Number and Population of Villages with Population of 5,000 and over and of Towns with population under 5,000

r---Villages with a population.A-______of 5,000 and over.. Towns with a population of under 5,000 State/District/Police Station ,-______.A.- ______-, Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban population of population of the State the State 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 Danian 9 Mohanpur 10 BeIda 2 14,334 0.04 11 Narayangarh 12 Sabang 2 12,928 0,03 13 Pingla 6,144 0.02 14 Kharagpur 6,508 0.02 15 Kharagpur Town ------Entirely Urb~n··------16 Medinipur I 5,674 0.01 17 Debra 18 Keshpur 7,130 0,02 19 Salbani 20 Goaltor 21 Garhbeta 22 Chandrakona 23 Ghatal 0,024 0.02 24 Daspur 29,023 D.C? 25 Panskura 5 32,057 0.08 1,~03 0,01 26 Moyna 10,663 0.03 21 Tam!uk 11,477 0,03 28 Mahisadal 5 36,625 0.09 29 Sutahata 5,425 0,01 30 Durgachak 31 Haldia 5,543 0,01 32 Nandigram 1 19,020 0.05 33 Khejri 4 26,959 0.07 34 Bhagwanpur 35 Patashpur 2 16,980 0.04 36 Egra 4 26,056 0. (/(; 37 Contai 5,167 0.01 38 Ramnagar 39 Digha 894 N

13 Bankura Distrk:t 4 27,444 0.07

1 Saltora 2 Mejbia 3 Barjora 2 14,604 0.04 4 Gangajalghati 5,577 0.01 5 Chhatna 6 Bankura 7 Onda 7,263 0.02 8 Indpur 9 Khatra 10 Ranibandh 11 Raipllr 12 Simlapal 13 faldangra ------143


lVumber and population of Villages with Populatioll of 5,000 and over and of TOWn5 with population under 5,000

--~~------".-~------Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 .._~ ______..A- ______-. State/District/Police Station r----~----.A. -. Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban population of population of the State the State ------2 3 4 5 6 7

------~--~ --~----- 14 BishnupU! 15 Sonamukhi 16 Patrasair 17 Joypur 18 lndus 19 Kc>talpur 14 Puruliya District 8 46,625 0.12 Jhalda I 6,748 0.02 2 Jaipllr 6.532 0.02 3 ·\n.ha 4 Baghmundi 5 Balarampur 6 Bara bazar 7 Puruliya MufTa~il 5,286 0.01 8 Puruliya To" n ------Entirely Urban 9 Para 2 10,991 0.03 10 Santaldih 11 Raghunathpur 5,353 0.01 12 Neturia 5,410 0.01 13 Santuri 14 Kashipur 15 Hura 16 Puncha 17 Manbazar 6,305 0.02 18 Banduan

15 Barddhaman Di<;trict 59 371,590 0.92 5 20,093 0.14 1 Chittaranjan 2 Salanpur 3 Kulti 2 8,292 0.06 4 Hirapur 5 Asan'ol 8,792 0.02 6 Barabani 2 11,456 0.03 7 Jamuria 15,893 0.04 4,823 0.03 8 Raniganj 2 10,719 0.03 2,329 0.02 9 Ondal 6 36,911 0.09 4,649 0.03 10 Faridpur 2 10,348 0.03 11 Durgapur 12 New Township 13 Coke O~en 14 Kaksa 9,579 0.02 15 Bud Bud 6,564 0.02 16 Ausgram 5,738 0.01 17 Galsi 2 12,S38 0.03 18 Khandaghosh 5,384 0.01 19 Raina 5,112 0.01 20 Jamalpl'r 2 11,332 0.03 144

APPENDIX-2-concld. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Number and Population of Villages with Population of 5 ,000 and over and of Towns with population under 5,000

Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population of under 5,000 State/District/Police Station r------A...-- -") r------~------"'l Number Population Percentage to Number Population Percentage to Total Rural Total Urban population of Population the State of the State 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------21 Memari 4 24,609 0.00 22 Barddhaman 3 21,204 0.05 23 Bhatar 6 39,935 0.10 24 Mongalkote 2 13,527 0.03 25 Ketugram 4 22.651 0.06 26 Katwa 6 40,186 0.10 27 Montcswar 2 11,464 0.03 28 Purbasthali 3 23.994 0.06 29 Katna 4 23,654 0.06

16 Birbhurn Di~trict 21 151,371 0.38 1 186 N

1 Murarai 3 26,941 0.07 2 Nalhati 5 33,085 0.08 3 Rampurhat 4 33,758 0.08 4 Mayureswar 2 12,953 0.03 5 Muhammad Bazar 6 Rajnagar 7,862 0.02 7 Khayrasole 6,255 0.02 8 Dubrajpur 186 N 9 Suri 6,165 0.02 10 lllambazar 11 Saiuthia 1 5,798 0.01 12 Bolpur 5,710 0.02 13 Labhpur 6,610 0.02 14 Nanoor 5234 0.01 APPENDIX· 3 TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION HO!lseless and Institutional Population

Houseless population Insti'utionul ropC1,H:O" State/District/Police Station! Total [ ______...A ______• Urban Agglomeration ICily Rural ,-______.--I_.A..______-,. -. Town Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ----~~------. WEST BENGAL T 39,232 132,802 88,151 44,651 32,084 372,995 327,274 45,721 R 14,025 48,372 28,882 19,490 8,373 106,349 89,213 17,136 U 25,207 84,430 59,269 25,161 23,711 266,646 238,061 28,585 1. Koch Bihar T 1,664 5,324 2,879 2,445 212 2,749 2,395 354 R 1,128 3,573 1,921 1,652 82 963 804 159 U 536 1,751 958 793 130 1,786 1,591 195 2. JaJpaiguri T 1,846 4,863 3,144 1,719 1,293 13,077 11,01'; 2,060 R 928 2,833 1,745 1,088 1,051 9,464 8,021 1,443 U 918 2,030 1,399 631 242 3,613 2,996 617 3. Darjiling T 1,130 4,282 2,888 1,394. 1,145 16/,21 14,764 1,657 R 401 1,272 792 480 620 9,718 9,348 37G U 729 3,010 2,096 914 525 6,703 5,416 1,287 4. West Dinajpur T 2,375 7,835 5,237 2,598 491 6,811 5,696 1,115 R 1,352 4,049 2,593 1,456 301 3,510 2,973 537 U 1,023 3,786 2,644 1,142 190 3,301 2,723 578 5. Maidah T 524 1,488 886 602 446 4,810 4,199 611 R 441 1,337 777 560 283 2,936 2,599 337 U 83 151 109 42 163 1,874 1,600 274 6. Murshidabad T 1,013 3,044 1,595 1,449 650 4,860 4,009 851 R 808 2,519 1,291 1,228 469 2,881 2,387 494 U 205 525 304 221 181 1,979 1,622 357 7. Nadia T 719 2,350 1,420 930 721 13,092 9,689 3,403 R 364 1,152 636 516 379 6,244 4,551 1,693 U 355 1,198 784 414 342 6,848 5,138 1,710 8. TW

145 140


Houseless and In~titutional Population ------State!Di.>trict!Polic(.' Station! Total Houselss population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r-~-----...,A....-~-____ --, r------~..A------~ Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

~-- 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10

----.---~- ---_--_-_---- KOCH BIHAR DISTRICT T ].664 5,324 2,879 2,445 212 2,749 2,395 354 R 1,128 3,573 1,921 1,652 82 963 804 159 U 536 1,751 958 793 130 1,786 1,591 195 MEKLlGANJ (SUB DIVISION) T 94 235 138 97 29 393 350 43 R 59 143 75 68 8 105 92 13 U 35 92 63 29 21 288 258 30 1. Haldibari T 24 61 36 25 6 93 75 18 R 8 13 8 5 .. U 16 48 28 20 6 93 75 18 Haldibari (TC) U 16 48 28 20 6 93 75 18 2. Mekliganj T 70 174 102 72 23 300 275 25 R 51 130 67 63 8 105 92 13 U 19 44 35 9 15 195 183 12 Mekliganj (TC) U 19 44 35 9 15 195 183 12 MATHABHANGA SUB DlVISION T 135 298 162 136 46 278 255 23 R 119 274 150 124 19 109 103 6 U 16 24 12 12 27 169 152 17 3. Mathabhanga T 104 232 128 104 36 214 191 23 R 88 208 116 92 9 45 39 6 U 16 24 12 12 27 169 152 17 Mathabhanga (TC) U 16 24 12 12 27 169 152 17 4. Sital Kuehi T 31 66 34 32 10 64 64 R 31 66 34 32 10 64 64 U SADAR SUB DIVISiON T 432 1,469 779 690 67 1,300 1,l37 163 R 54 124 69 55 5 168 145 23 U 378 1,345 710 635 62 1,132 992 140 5. Koeh Bihar T 432 1,469 779 690 67 1,300 1,137 163 R 54 124 69 55 5 168 145 23 U 378 1,345 710 635 62 1,132 992 140 ~OCH BIHAR (V.A.) U 378 1,345 710 635 62 1,132 992 140 ---em- lEoOCb Blliar (M) U 376 1,338 707 631 62 1,132 992 140 (i) Koch Bihar (M) U 376 1,338 707 631 62 1,132 992 140 (ii) Kharimala Khagrabari (O.G.) U (b) Guriathti (NM) V 2 7 3 4 TUFANGANJ SUB DIVlSION T 805 2,900 1,554 1,346 2.6 307 286 21 R 742 2,688 1,445 1,243 19 188 171 17 U 63 212 109 103 7 119 115 4 6. Tufanganj T 805 2,900 1,554 1,346 26 307 286 21 R 742 2,688 1,445 1,243 19 188 171 17 U 63 212 109 103 7 119 115 4 Tufanganj (TC) V 63 212 109 103 7 119 115 4 DINHATA SUB DIVISiON T 198 422 246 176 44 471 367 104 R 154 344 182 162 31 393 293 100 U 44 78 64 14 13 78 74 4 7. Ditlhata T 143 326 192 134 38 435 332 103 R 99 248 128 120 25 357 258 99 U 44 78 64 14 13 78 74 4 Dinhata (M) U 44 78 64 14 13 78 74 4 8. Sitai T 55 96 54 42 6 36 35 R 55 96 54 42 6 36 35 U 147

APPENDIX-3 TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Hou!Jeless and Institutional Population ----_-- State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional popula! ion Urbani Agglomeration/City/Town Rural I------_;..____---~--. ,------"------, Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

JALPAIGURI DISTler T 1,846 4,863 3,144 1,719 1,293 13,077 11,017 2,060 R 928 2,833 1,745 1,088 1,051 9,464 8,021 1,443 V 918 2,030 1,399 631 242 3,613 2,996 617 Sadar-Sub division T 1.194 2,857 1,887 970 927 8,455 7,215 1,240 R 510 1,385 837 548 766 6,084 5,297 787 U 684 1,472 1,050 422 161 2,371 1,918 453 1. Rajganj T 79 287 218 69 152 1,657 1,495 162 R 36 157 134 23 96 1,000 865 135 tJ 43 130 84 46 56 657 630 27 Dabgram (NM) tJ 43 130 84 46 56 657 630 27 2. Jalpaiguri T 279 493 366 127 101 1,446 930 516 R 72 148 83 65 41 370 274 96 U 207 345 283 62 60 1,076 656 420 Jalpaiguri (M) U 207 345 283 62 60 1,076 656 420 3. Mal T 238 782 519 263 237 3,259 3,148 111 R 78 210 118 92 214 2,805 2,699 106 U 160 572 401 171 23 454 449 5 Mal (NM) U 109 355 243 112 16 379 375 4 Odlabari (NM) U 51 217 158 59 7 75 74 1 4. Miliali T 111 317 187 130 21 101 92 9 R 111 317 187 130 21 101 92 9 U 5. Maynagun T 168 358 192 166 22 278 263 15 R 70 170 89 81 11 168 153 15 U 98 188 103 85 11 110 110 _MAINAGURI (U.A.) U 98 188 103 85 11 110 110 (a) Domohani (NM) U 25 28 26 2 3 58 58 (b) Mainaguri (NM) tJ 73 l60 77 83 8 52 52 6 Nagrakata T 16 65 37 28 16 516 242 274 R 16 65 37 28 16 516 242 274 U 7 Banarhat T 173 341 229 112 367 1,122 971 151 R 99 267 160 107 365 1,108 957 151 U 74 74 69 5 2 14 14 Gairkata (NM) U 74 74 69 5 2 14 14

8 Dhubguri T 130 214 139 75 11 76 74 2 R 28 51 29 22 2 16 15 1 U 102 163 110 53 9 60 59 1 Dhubguri(NM) U 102 163 110 53 9 60 59 1 Alipurduar Sub-diyisior T 652 2,006 1,257 749 366 4,622 3,802 820 R 418 1,448 908 540 285 3,380 2,724 656 U 234 558 349 209 81 1,242 1,078 164 9 Birpara T 61 170 101 69 47 395 392 3 R 61 170 101 69 47 395 392 3 U 10 Falakata T 112 331 254 77 68 1,544 1,442 102 R 68 195 167 28 63 1,390 1,306 84 U 44 136 87 49 5 154 136 18 Falakata (NM) U 44 136 87 49 5 154 136 18 11 Madarihat T 62 190 100 90 4 28 14 14 R 62 190 100 90 4 28 14 14 U 148

, ' APPENDIX-3 TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION HJ'l~'!less a~d Irl~tituti1't21 Population


Stute/District/P<}lice S,ation/ Total Hou~kss population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural .--__~_~ ______...A- ____ -- - __"') r----.--~ ___~ __...A...______--... Vrbarl No. of Pers9ns Males Females No, of Per,uns Males Females house house- hotd§ holdS

------_------.~------2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---~------~------._------~ ---- 12 Alipurduar J 226 586 369 211 203 2,283 1,606 617 R 85 261 142 119 1~1 1,195 664 m tJ 141 319 227 92 76 I,OSS 941. 146 ALiplJRDUAR (UA) U 141 319 227 92 76 1.088 942 146 (a) Alipurduar U 137 302 218 84 44 529 387 142 (I) AlipUlduar (M) U 134 2~2 200 82 43 513 382 131 (il) Sabhaganj (OG) U :3 20 18 2 IS 5 11 (b) Alipurduar Rly In: U 4 11 9 8 32 559 555 4 (i) Alipurduar Rly Jnc(NM) U 4 17 9 8 31 203 199 4 (ii) Chechakhata COG) U 1 356 356 13 Kalchini T 134 522 280 242 28 244 241 j It 85 419 245 174 28 244 241 3 U 49 103 35 68 Uttar Latabari (NM) U 49 103 35 68 14 Ktlmargr~ rr1 T 57 213 153 60 16 128 107 21 It 57 213 153 60 16 128 107 21 u DARJiLING DISTRICT T 1,130 4,282 2,R88 1,394 1,145 16,+:21 14,76t 1,657 R 401 1,272 792 480 620 9,718 9,348 370 U 729 3,010 2,096 914 525 6,703 5,416 1,287 SAI)AR SUB DIVISION T IT! 59& 36! 237 199 2,711 2,345 :166 R 99 402 236 166 88 I,O:!) 96S 58 U 74- 196 125 71 111 1,688 l,3S0 308 Sukhiapokri . T 4 4 2 2 18 88 8~ R 4 4 2 2 18 88 88 U 2 Pulbazar T 36 149 77 72 41 367 36"! 5 R :J6 149 77 72 41 367 362 5 U 3 Dariiling T 123 402 242 160 115 1,713 1,403 310 R 49 206 117 89 4 25 23 2 U 74 196 125 71 111 1,688 1,380 308 Darjiling (M) U 74 196 125 71 111 1,688 1,38G 308 4 Rangli Rangliot T 9 40 39 8 80 6~ 11 R 9 40 39 8 80 63 11 U 5 lore Bungalow T 1 3 1 2 17 463 429 34 R 1 3 1 2 17 463 429 34 U KALIMPONG SUB DIVISION T 164 519 33, 186 140 2,296 1,639 657 R 155 468 295 173 46 588 5:'0 58 U 9 51 38 13 94 1,708 1,10) 599 6 Kalirnpong T 34 128 R5 43 91 1,846 1,191 655 R 25 77 47 30 33 490 43 + 56 Tf 9 51 38 13 5>l 1,356 757 599 Kalirnpong(M) U 9 51 38 13 58 1,356 757 599 7 Baru Bathan T 130 391 248 143 49 450 448 2 R 130 391 2tl8 143 13 98 96 2 U 36 352 352 8 Juldhaka HydeJ Power U 36 352 352 Project T('wn (NM) KURSIONG SUB DIVISION T 22 52 35 17 316 4,918 4-,680 238 R 5 9 7 2 277 4,408 4,408 74 U 17 43 28 15 39 510 346 164 149

APPENbtx·3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless a'ld Institutional Population _-_ ----- State/District/PoIic<' Station/Urban Total Houseless population Institutional population Agglomeration/City /Town Rural ...__ ~ ______...A.. ______., ...______.A- ______., Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Maks Females House house- holds holds

_- -- ~------_ - ---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -- -~-~~------~~------_ ------8 Kursiong T 17 43 28 D 303 4,863 4,631 232 R 264 4,353 4,285 68 U 17 43 28 15 39 510 346 164 Cart Road (NM) U 8 105 65 40 Kursiong (M) U 17 43 28 15 ~I 405 281 124 9 Mirik T 5 I) t 2 13 55 49 6 R 5 9 7 2 . 13 55 49 6 U 't' SILIGURI SUB-DIVISION 771 3,113 2,159 954 490 6,496 6,100 ~96 l{ 142 393 254 139 209 3,89'} 3,519 180 lJ 629 2,720 1,905 Sl~ 281 1,797 2,581 216 10 Naxalbari r 161 479 ~O'i n1 19 561 531 30 R i07 28t 186 98 14 532 506 26 lJ ~l 195 119 76 5 29 25 4 Uttar Bagdogra (NM) U 54 195 119 76 5 29 25 4 11 Siliguri T 596 2,591 1,826 765 391 5,095 4,756 jj9 R 21 66 40 26 115 2,327 2,200 127 lJ 575 2,525 1,786 739 276 2768 2,556 212

Siliguri (M) U 575 2,525 1,186 739 276 2,768 2,556 212 12 Phansidewa T 4 20 14 6 71 SO? 775 21 R 4 20 14 6 11 802 775 27 U 13 Kharibari T 10 23 14 9 9 38 38 R j() 23 14 9 9 38 38 U WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT T 2,375 7,835 5,237 2,598 491 6,811 5,696 1,1l5 R 1,352 4,049 2,591 1,456 301 3,510 2,973 537 U 1,023 3,786 2,644 1,142 190 3,301 2,723 578 ]SLAMPUR SUB DIVISION T 494 1,454 934 520 125 1,296 1,108 188 R 370 1,114 754 360 73 862 701 161 U 124 j40 180 160 52 434 407 27 Chopla T 77 186 115 7l 10 158 156 2 R 77 186 115 71 10 158 156 2 tJ 2 IsIampur T 143 438 225 213 49 340 313 27 R (,5 148 91 57 2 29 29 U 78 290 134 156 47 3Jl 284 27 Islampl r(NM) U 78 290 134 156 47 311 284 27 3 Goalpokhan T 162 583 414 169 7 50 50 R 162 583 414 169 7 50 50 U 4 Chakalia T 34 93 66 27 34 497 349 148 R 3-+ 93 66 27 34 497 349 148 U 5 Karandighi T 7S 154 114 40 25 251 240 11 R 32 104 68 36 20 128 117 11 U 46 50 46 4 5 123 123 *Dalkhola(NM) U 46 50 46 4 5 123 123 RAIGANJ SUB·DIVISION T 852 1,926 1,273 653 139 1,746 1,492 254 R 483 1,358 818 540 78 886 707 179 U 369 568 455 113 61 860 785 75 6 Raiganj T 427 716 544 172 64 1,029 821 208 R 136 313 199 114 15 240 104 136 U 291 403 345 58 49 789 717 72 ------


APPENDIX-3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Stationl Total Houseless population Institutional population ,-______A______~ Urb~n Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------..A..-----~-----.. Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons males Females housc- house- holds holds

------~--~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Kharba (Chanchal) T 67 184 103 81 35 165 153 12 R 67 184 103 81 35 165 153 12 U 3 Ratua T 11 25 12 13 9 27 14 13 R II 25 12 13 9 27 14 13 U 4 Gajole T 50 245 144 101 24 409 315 94 R 50 245 144 101 24 409 315 94 U 5 Bamangola T 5 20 14 6 3 61 61 R 5 20 14 6 3 61 61 U 6 Habibpur T 35 116 67 49 26 356 262 94 R 35 116 67 49 26 356 262 94 U 7 Maldah T 76 178 114 64 15 131 122 9 R n 164 105 59 7 73 69 4 U 4 14 9 5 8 58 53 5 .. Old Maldah (M) U 4 14 9 5 8 58 53 5 8 English BaLar T 167 298 196 102 244 2,753 2,388 365 R 88 161 96 65 91 949 853 96 U 79 137 100 37 153 1,804 1,535 269 t English Bazar (M) U 78 130 96 34 148 1,757 1,496 261 t /haJj-Jhalia V 7 4 3 5 47 39 8 (i) JhaJi-JhaJia (NM) V 7 4 3 4 44 37 7 (ii) Sherpur Makimpur (OG) U I 3 2 1 9 Manikchak T 57 226 118 108 21 138 127 11 R 57 226 118 108 21 138 127 II U 10 Kaliachak T 25 112 64 48 10 43 36 7 R 25 112 64 48 8 31 24 7 U 2 12 12 Jagannathpur (NM) U 2 12 12

MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT T 1,013 3,044 1,595 1,449 650 4,860 4,009 851 R 808 2,519 1,291 1,228 469 2,881 2,387 494 U 205 525 304 221 181 1,979 1,622 357 JANGIPUR SUB-DIVISION T 371 813 418 395 93 601 584 17 R 294 591 304 287 41 275 261 14 U 77 222 114 108 52 326 323 3 1 Farakka T 65 166 89 77 39 248 245 3 R 21 81 39 42 6 45 43 2 U 44 85 50 35 33 203 202 1 FARAKKA BARRAGE TOW- NSHIP (VA) U 44 85 50 35 33 203 202 *(a) Farakka Barrage To;vnship (NM) V 43 84 49 35 30 189 189 (b) Srimantapur (NM) U 3 14 13 2 Shamsherg:mj T 118 122 65 57 16 62 62 R 114 114 60 54 14 52 52 U 4 8 5 3 2 10 10 Dhulian(M) U 4 8 5 3 2 10 10 --_----- "Included in English Bazar (UA). Please see Annc}'.ure. Uncluded in English Bazar (VA) Please See Annexure. 152

APPENDIX-3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Popu/ution

State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population ~ ______..A______-, Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------.-----'-- -, Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 --_- ---_------_------3 Suti T 121 195 108 87 8 122 121 1 R 113 165 91 74 6 113 112 1 U 8 30 17 13 2 9 9 AURANGABAD (UA) U 8 30 17 13 2 9 9 (a) Aurangabad (NM) U 8 30 17 13 2 9 9 (b) Pasehim Punropara (NM) U 4 Raghunathganj T 38 174 83 91 17 109 107 2 R 17 75 41 34 2 5 5 U 21 99 42 57 15 104 102 2 Jangipur (M) U 21 99 42 57 15 104 102 2 5 Sagardighi T 29 156 73 83 13 60 49 11 R 29 156 73 83 13 60 49 11 U LALBAGH SUB-DIVISION T 342 1,099 577 522 261 1,155 857 298 R 271 978 483 495 238 873 615 258 U 71 121 94 27 23 282 242 40 6 Lalgola . T 24 59 26 33 4 31 21 10 R 18 44 18 26 2 16 6 10 U 6 15 8 7 2 15 15 Lalgola (NM) U 6 15 8 7 2 15 15 7 Bhaglwangola T 17 59 32 27 6 45 42 3 R 17 59 32 27 6 45 42 3 U 8 Raninagar T 46 146 52 94 6 30 30 R 46 146 52 94- 6 30 30 U 9 Murshidabad T 172 658 340 318 17 101 100 R 170 654 338 316 7 34 34 U 2 4 2 2 10 67 66 Murshidabad (M) U 2 4 2 2 10 67 66 10 Jiaganj T 69 137 104 33 145 654 422 232 R 6 35 20 15 134 454 261 193 U 63 102 84 18 11 200 161 39 Jiaganj-Azimganj (M) U 63 102 84 18 11 200 161 39 11 Nabagram T 14 40 23 17 83 294 242 52 R 14 40 23 17 83 294 242 52 U

KANDI SUB DIVISION T 77 246 131 115 118 733 552 181 R 64 217 114 103 92 547 398 149 U 13 29 17 12 26 186 154 32 12 Khargr:llu T 4 15 9 6 6 36 27 9 R 4 15 9 6 6 36 27 9 U

13 Burwan T 42 138 72 66 23 104 88 16 R 42 138 72 66 23 104 88 U 16 T 14 Kandi 15 41 24 17 34 353 321 32 R 2 12 7 5 8 167 167 U 13 29 17 12 26 186 154 32 Kandi (M) U 13 29 17 12 26 186 154 32 ------153

APPENDIX-3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

-----~~~' State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population .A._...... _____ ~ Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural .. - - _"_ ----_,.._----- ~-----.. r- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house· house- holds hold~ - ----~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


15 Bharatpur T 16 52 26 26 55 240 116 124 R 16 52 26 26 55 240 116 124 U SADAR SUB-DIVISION T 223 886 469 417 178 2,371 2,016 355 R 179 733 390 343 98 1,186 1,113 73 U 44 J53 79 74 80 1,185 903 282

16 Beldanga T 49 137 77 60 16 148 141 7 R 48 134 76 53 8 127 126 1 U 1 3 I 2 8 21 15 6 Beldanga (M) U 3 1 2 8 21 15 G 17 Nawda T 8 42 23 19 6 26 17 9 R 8 42 23 19 6 26 17 9 U 18 Hariharpara T 22 75 40 35 6 39 18 21 R 22 75 40 35 6 39 18 21 U 19 Berhal11pur T 81 293 155 138 82 1.439 1,163 276 R 38 143 77 66 10 275 275 U 43 150 78 72 72 1,164 888 276 BAHARAMPUR (U.A.) U 43 150 78 72 72 1,164 888 276 (a) Baharampur U 42 142 75 67 72 1,164 888 276 U) Baharampur (M) U 42 142 75 67 72 1,164 888 276 (ii) Budharpara (OG) U "'(b) Kasil11 Ba?ar (NM) U 8 3 5

20 Domkal T 29 83 42 41 22 109 69 40 R 29 83 42 41 22 109 69 40 U

21 Jalangi T 34 256 132 124 46 610 608 2 R 34 256 132 124 46 610 608 2 II

NADIA DISTRICT T 719 2.350 1,420 930 721 13,092 9,689 3,403 R :164 1,152 636 516 379 6,244 4,551 1,693 U 355 1,198 784 414 342 6,848 5,138 1,710 BIRNAGAR (UA) U Please See Annexure ][ at the end KJUS/WAGAR 5UBDIVIJ.ION T 397 1,191 741 450 373 6,797 5,042 1,755 R 218 665 385 280 213 3,262 2,700 562 U 179 526 356 170 160 3,535 2,342 1,193 ..,.. 1 Karil11pur . 23 66 31 35 15 901 895 6 R 23 66 31 35 15 901 895 6 U 35 87 60 27 21 169 144 2 Teha~ta T 25 R 35 87 60 27 21 169 144 25 U

3 Ka!iganj T 54 129 81 48 20 110 107 3 R 54 129 81 48 20 110 107 3 U 29 4 Naka,ipara T 18 81 40 41 233 131 102 R 14 62 32 30 20 190 102 88 U 4 19 8 11 9 43 29 14 'Jagadanandapur (NM) U 4 19 8 11 9 43 29 14 ------154

APPENDIX-3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station/ Total Hou~eless population Institutional population ,..-______~ ____.A... ______-, Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ,-~------"---~- --- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females hou5e- house- holds holds ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 Chapra T 32 95 60 35 84 624 413 211 R 32 '15 60 35 84 624 413 211 U

6 Krishnaganj T 28 104 58 46 9 63 63 R 28 104 58 46 9 63 63 U 7 Krishnagar T 138 448 311 137 93 3,463 2,248 ],215 R 27 98 51 47 20 824 660 174 U III 350 260 90 73 2,629 1,588 ],041 Krishnanagar (M) U ]11 '50 260 90 73 2,629 1,588 1,041 8 Nabadwip T 69 181 100 81 102 ],234 ],041 193 R 5 24 12 12 24 371 316 55 U 64 157 88 69 78 863 725 138 NAB_APWIl! (!IN u 64 157 88 69 78 8.638 725 138 (a) Nabadwip U 63 152 87 65 77 835 706 129 (i) Nabadwip (M) U 62 147 85 62 77 835 706 129 (ji) Char Maijda COG) U (iii) Char Brahmanagar COG) U 5 2 3 (iv) Maishganj (OG) U (b) Gadigachha (NM) U 5 4 28 19 9 RANAGHAT SUBDIVISION T 322 1,159 679 480 348 6,295 4,647 1,648 R 146 487 251 236 166 2,982 1,851 1,131 U 176 672 428 244 182 3,313 2,796 517

9 Santipur T 65 223 125 98 20 276 237 39 R 9 39 19 20 3 31 10 21 U 56 184 106 78 17 245 227 18 Santipur (M) U 51 155 89 66 ]2 133 ll5 ]8 ]7 t Phulia (NM) U 5 29 12 5 112 112 ]0 Hanskhali T 24 76 44 32 25 281 210 7] R 20 69 39 30 20 254 199 55 U 4 7 5 2 5 27 11 16 Bagula (NM) U 4 7 5 2 5 27 11 16

11 Ranaghat T 90 340 173 167 49 930 568 362 R 52 160 72 88 21 419 215 204 U 38 180 101 79 28 511 353 158 tTaherpur (NM) U ] 4 4 tBirnagar (M) U 7 28 ]4 14 4 24 22 2

-...._,~ ..B..ANAGHAT (UA) U 31 152 87 65 23 483 327 156 -~--.~----~- (a) Aistala (NM) U (b) Ranaghat U 31 152 87 65 23 483 327 156 (i) Ranaghat (M) U 6 81 56 25 18 186 180 6 (ii) Satigachha (OG) U 4 294 146 148 (iii) Ranaghat (OG) U 3 1 2 (iv) Nasra COG) U 24 70 30 4:>

tIncluded in Bimagar (UA). Picas.:: see Annexure at the end. 155

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A~l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Populatoill ------_--- --_------State/Distl'&a/PoliQe.3lalU>f.1/ Total Houselcss population Institutional population .-____~-.A- ____,_ ~___.... __ ~ Urban AQlomeratioll/City /Town Rural ,-- .__ ~~- _ ____,.A.----_~_-...., Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Male~ Female~ house- house- holds holds ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

--_--~---- ~---~--

12 Chaldaha T 74 233 133 100 55 601 344 257 R 44 \51 SS 6() 3R 472 234 238 U 30 82 48 34 17 129 110 19 Chakdaha (M) U 17 45 32 13 17 129 110 19 Madanpur (NM) U 13 37 16 21

13. Kalyani T 6 22 14 8 15-+ 3,592 2,724 8~ R 2 9 6 3 65 1,715 1,153 562 U 4 13 8 5 89 1,877 1,571 306 @ Kalyani U 4 13 8 5 78 1,088 1,045 43 (i) Kalyani (NA) U 3 12 7 5 78 I,OSS 1,045 43 (li) KaochrapalR COG) U 1 €, Gayespur (NA) U 11 789 526 263

14. Harinihala T 63 265 190 75 45 615 564 51 R 19 59 30 29 19 91 40 51 U 44 206 160 46 26 524 524 Haringbata Dairy-farm Town (NM) U « 206 160 46 26 524 524

TWENTY FOUR PARGANAS T 7,451 20,132 14,534 5,598 3,882 54,519 47,159 7,360 DISTRICT R 1,1ll 4,549 3,009 1,540 1,103 16,182 13,086 3,096 U 6,330 15,583 11,525 4,058 2,779 38,337 34,073 4,264

BANGAON SUB DIV1SION T 101 330 180 150 61 976 899 - 77 R 91 303 168 135 37 520 504 16 U 10 27 12 15 24 456 395 61

I. BaJd,lIh T 28 60 34 26 8 147 140 2 R 28 60 34 26 8 142 140 2 U

2. Bangllon T 28 95 45 50 ;II 656 591 65 R 18 68 33 35 7 200 196 4 1J 10 27 12 15 24 456 395 61 Ban:aon (M) U 10 27 12 15 24 456 395 61

3. Gaighata T 45 175 101 74 22 178 168 10 R 45 175 101 74 22 178 168 10 U

BARASA. SUB DIVISION T 569 1,896 1,073 823 307 4,434 3,835 599 R 332 1,146 647 499 180 1,551 1.278 Z73 U 237 750 426 324 127 2,883 2,557 326

4 Habra T 150 506 271 235 45 1,620 1,510 110 R 80 296 162 134 18 240 229 11 U 70 210 109 101 27 1,380 1,281 99 Goba.rdanSa (M) U 18 40 26 14 5 125 107 18 HABR.A (VA) U 52 170 83 87 22 1,255 1,174 81 (OJ l1abra (M) U 20 41 27 14 21 1,236 1,165 71 (h) Ashokeslacar Kalyanjarh (M) U 32 129 56 73 19 9 10

5 Deianp T 139 498 271 227 8 84 25 59 R 139 498 271 227 8 84 25 59 U

-~------_--- -~.~------86,M/P(D)42DCO Cal.-12 156

APPENDIX-3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houses and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station/ Total Housel~s population Imtitutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural .A.__ --. ,--- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

- --"_ --- _ ----~-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


6 Rajarhat T 11 51 21 30 31 302 299 3 R & 11 3 8 15 220 217 3 U 8 40 18 22 16 82 82 ·@Krishnapur (NM) U @Raghunathpur U (i) Raghunathpur (NM) U (i;) Mandalganti (00) U *@Jyangra. (NM) U 8 40 18 22 16 82 82 ·@Arjunpur (NM) U

7 Darasa! T 184 590 376 214 217 2,398 1,988 410 R 25 90 77 13 133 977 794 183 U 159 500 299 2{)1 84 1,421 1,194 227 @Madhyamgram (NM) U 10 21 13 8 19 236 203 33 @Barasat U 107 394 2II 183 52 1,015 865 150 (i) Barasat (M! U 107 394 211 183 52 1,015 865 150 (ii) Ramkrirhnapur (00) U @Nabapally (NM) U 2 10 9 11 137 95 42 ~Nebadhai () (NM) U 40 75 66 9 2 33 31 2 8. Amdanga T 85 251 134 117 6 30 13 17 R 85 251 134 II7 6 30 13 17 U SUB DIVISION T 2,340 8,497 5,438 3,059 1,251 22,971 21,024 1,947 R 12 17 9 8 55 1,854 1,407 447 U 2,328 8,480 5,429 3,051 1,196 21,1l7 19,617 1,500

9. Bijpur T 109 244 199 45 82 1,845 1,821 24 R 10 253 253 U 109 244 199 45 72 1,592 1,568 24 @Kanchrapara U 102 221 177 44 52 1,055 1,036 19 (i) Kanchrapara (M) U 102 221 177 44 51 1,052 1,034 18 (ii) Nanna (OG) U (iii) Jetia (OG) . U (il) Chakla (OG) U "Srotriboti (OG) U 3 2 @Halisahar U 7 23 22 20 537 532 5 (i) Halisahar (M) U 7 23 22 1 20 537 532 5 (ii) Ba1ibhara (OG) U

10. Naihati T 300 2,313 1.633 680 62 2,501 2,059 442 R 5 7 4 3 17 1,200 764 436 U 295 2,306 1,629 677 45 1,301 1,295 6 @Naihati (M) U 295 2,306 1,629 677 44 1,288 1,282 6 @De-ulpara (NM) U 13 13

t 1. Jagatdal T 1,269 4,176 2,399 1,777 136 1,461 1,398 63 R U 1,269 "-,176 2,399 1,777 136 1,461 1,398 63 @Bhatpara U 1,230 4,075 2,308 1,717 133 1,390 1,332 58 (i) Bhatpara (M) U 1,223 4,001 2,298 1,703 131 1.330 1,298 32 (ii) Slhirpara (OG) U 3 5 3 2 2 60 34 26 (iii) Rahuta (OG) U 4 19 7 12


APPENDIX-3-colltd. TA&LE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION House/ess and Imtitutionai Popu/utioll

State/District/Polko Stationl Total Houscl.css population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------"----.-----, ,----- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males h{}USe- house­ holds holds 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

*@Madrail Fin,apar.a (NM) u 37 37 @,Panpur u 29 27 2 *(i) Panpur (NM) U 29 27 2 (ii) Nara),anpur (OG) LJ @Gurdaha . U 39 151 91 60 5 2 3 *(i) Gurdaha (NM) U 5 2 3 (ii) K:mgac'hhi (OG) U 39 151 91 60 12 Noapar.a T 81 237 176 61 30 448 446 2 R U 81 237 176 61 30 448 446 2 (!tUarulia (M) U 41 45 44 34 34 i(j;1chhapur Dilfe:nce: Estate (NM) u 5 195 195 @ North BarraclLpur (M) U 40 192 132 60 17 :119 217 2 13 Barrackpur T 39 89 60 29 20 1,589 1,53" 57 R .. .. U 39 119 60 29 20 1,589 1,532 57 @ (Cantt.) LJ 39 89 60 29 20 1,589 1,531. 57

14 Titagarh T 134 278 206 72 304 4,953 4,931 22 R 3 3 3 17 315 315 U 131 775 203 72 287 4,638 4,616 22 i1J;BafrllClLpur U 45 60 48 J2 150 3,438 3,417 21 (i) Barrackpur (M) U 45 60 48 12 150 3,438 3,417 2l (il) Jafarpur (OG) U @Titagarh (M) U !!6 215 155 60 137 1,200 1,199

15 Khardah T 57 231 120 III 75 1,950 1,730 220 R 4 7 2 5 10 83 74 9 U 53 224 118 106 65 I,S67 1,656 211 @Khardah (M) U 28 100 58 42 13 1,008 996 12 @Paruhati (M) U 24 123 59 64 44 760 574 186 @New Barrackpur (M) U 1 5 38 34 4- *@K.crutia (NM) U @B.lndipur (NM) U *@Patulia (NM) U 3 61 52 9 16 Bclghoria T 94 418 238 180 152 1,765 1,537 228 R U 94 413 238 180 152 1,765 1,537 228 @Kamarhati (M) U 94 418 238 180 152 1,765 1,537 228

17 Sara-nagar T 126 142 138 4 176 1,395 1,176 219 R U 126 142 138 4 176 1,395 1,176 219 @Baranagar (M) U 126 142 138 4 176 1,395 1,176 219 *18. Dum Dum T 72 236 180 56 56 594 520 74 R U 72 236 180 56 56 594- 520 74 tiJ;South Dum Dum (M) U 72 236 180 56 52 585 511 74 *@Garui (NM) U 4- 9 9 *@Sultanpur (NM) U

g6.M/P(D}42DCOCal.-~11 (a)


APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Hous~less and Institutional Population


State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless ..A..population ______-. Institutional population r---- ____ ~_..A______. Urban Agglomeration/CityIToWn Rural 'r- l.:Jcban No. of Persons Male<; Female, No of Per~ons Males Females house house- holds holds ------2 3 4 5 6 7 is 9 10

--- ~------~--- @Batanagar U 7 R 8 337 1,484 J,484 (i) Batanagar (NM) U 7 8 8 377 1,484 1,484 (ii) Tentulkltuli (OG) U @Nangi(NM) U 32 141 113 28 @Chata Kalikapur (NM) U 2 26 Bl.ldge Budge T 122 262 167 95 467 2,567 2,480 87 R 36 95 64 31 51 459 433 26 U 86 167 103 64 416 2,108 2,047 6\ *@Uttar Rajpur (NM)" . U I 28 13 IS @Budge Budge U 82 162 99 63 382 1,871 1,849 22 (i) Budge Budge (M) U 82 162 99 63 363 1,674 1,653 21 eii) Kalipur (OG) U 19 197 196 \ ~IRLAPUR (VA) U ~ 5 4 33 209 185 24 raJ 1firlap~~ U 2 2 27 176 152 2'" (i) Birlapur (NM) U 2 2 18 87 82 (ii) Moukhali (OG) U (iii) Jagatballavpur (OG) U 9 89 70 (b) Chak Kashipur U 6 33 33 (i) Chak Kashipur (NM) U 6 6 33 33 (ii) Chak Alampur (OG) U (c) Bowali U 3 3 2 (0 Bowali (NM) U 3 3 2 • (ii) Maheswarpur (OG) U (iii) Chak Manik (OG) U 27 Bishnupur T 19 46 32 14 58 558 485 73 R 12 29 22 7 48 396 360 36 U 7 17 10 7 10 162 125 37 KANYANA6AR (UA.) U 7 17 10 7 10 162 125 37 ~ruiagar(NMj' u 9 153 117 36 (ij) Amtala (OG) U 7 17 10 7 1 9 8 1 28 BehaJa T 1,573 2,590 2,517 73 391 3,460 2,239 1,221 R 100 1,078 1.017 61 157 660 326 334 U 1,473 1,512 1,500 12 234 2,800 1,913 887 @South Suburban U 1,473 ),512 1,500 12 734 2,800 1,913 887 (i) South Suburban (M) U 1,473 1,512 1,500 12 227 2,679 1,835 844 (ii) Gopalpur (OG) U 7 121 78 43 29 Regent Park T Population included in Jadabpur (M) under Ka,b.\ p.S. R U 30 Jadabpur T Population included in Jadabpur (M) under Ka~ba P.S. R U 31 Kasba T 2,012 4,192 3,789 403 83 2,073 1,996 77 R .. U 2,012 4,192 3,789 403 83 2,073 1,990 77 @Jadabpur (M) U 2,012 4,192 3,789 403 83 2,073 1,996 77 32 Tiljala T Population included in Jadabpur (11.1) under Kasba P.S. R U

---~~-~ 160

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA. HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

-~- -~~ ------_------_ State/District/Police Station! Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------, .. -, Urban No. of Persons Males Females NO.l)f Persons Males Females house- house- holds h~d!

-- - ~ ------._ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~---- ~-- _------" ------33 Bhangar T 12 Ul 21 5 45 72') 614 115 R 12 26 21 5 45 129 614 liS U 34 Sonarpur T 54 DS 126 j2 III 2,088 2,358 330 R 17 19 55 24 SO 2,071 1,886 18S U 37 99 71 28 31 617 472 145 @,Sripul" Bagnargnol (NM) u 5 148 113 35 ®laskarpur U 8 155 128 27 0) Laskarpur (NM) U 11 7 (ii) Kumara Khali I(OG) U 7 144 121 23" 231 83 ~~ U 37 99 71 28 18 314 (a) Rajpur U 37 99 71 28 13 2-7.2 191 81 (i) Rajpur (M) U 37 99 71 28 12 268 137 81 (ii) Chak Harinavi (OG) U (iii) Chauhati (OG) U 4 4 (b) Sonarpur (NM) U 5 42 40 2

35 Baruipur T 63 143 85 58 22 355 284 71 R 43 87 53 34 17 289 221 68 U 20 56 32 24 5 66 63 3 Baruipur (M ) U 20 56 32 24 5 66 63 3

36 Canning T 48 130 57 73 18 100 94- 6 R 20 68 30 38 12 61 59 2 U 28 62 27 35 6 39 35 4 Canning (NM) U 28 62 27 35 6 39 35 4 37 Basanti T 32 126 84 42 22 564 204- 360 R 32 126 84 42 22 564 204- 360 U 38 Jaynagar T 35 97 64- 33 34- 417 330 87 R 19 63 47 16 32 397 310 87 U 16 34 11 17 2 20 20 Jaynagar Mazilpm (M) U 16 34 17 17 2 20 20 39 Kultali T 27 113 57 56 10 85 82 3 R 27 113 57 S6 to 85 82 3 U DIAMAND-HARBOUR SUB- T 205 758 448 :no 253 5,053 4,298 755 DIVISION R 194 730 425 3et5 246 4,866 4,125 741 U 11 28 23 5 12 187 173 14 40 Magrahat T 18 97 64 33 12 529 350 179 R 18 97 64 33 12 529 350 179 U 41 Falta T 3. 7 5 2 7 49 48 R 3 7 5 2 7 49 48 U 42 Diamond Harbour T 28 107 57 50 57 1,163 871 292 R 17 79 34- 45 45 976 698 278 U 11 28 23 5 12 187 173 14 DIAMOND HARBOUK (NM) U 11 28 23 5 12 187 173 14 43 KuJpi T 11 25 1 18 18 167 161 6 R il 25 7 18 18 167 161 6 U

------__------~- --- l G1

APPENDlX-3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

---~- State/District/Police Stationl Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------. r-- .. Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Per<;ons Males Female, house- house- holds holds ---- ~- --- - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-~------44 MandirbJ.Zar T 19 55 28 27 73 73 R 19 55 28 21 13 73 U 45 Mathurapur T 21 83 40 43 20 369 341 22 R 21 83 40 43 20 369 347 22 U 46 Patbarpratima T 15 56 34 22 39 621 594 21 R 15 56 34 22 39 621 594 21 U 47 Kakdwip T 55 212 116 96 60 1,395 1,199 196 R 55 212 116 96 60 1,395 1,199 196 U 48 Sagore T 20 55 37 18 24 201 194 7 R 20 55 37 18 24 201 194 7 U 49 Namkhana T 15 61 60 20 486 461 25 R 15 61 60 20 486 461 25 U BA,5/RH4T SUB DIVISION T 226 731 384 347 160 2,618 1,940 678 R 172 586 308 218 106 1,655 1,252 403 U 54 145 76 69 54 963 688 275 50 Swamp Nagar T 38 140 15 65 4 42 39 3 R 38 140 15 65 4 42 39 3 U 51 Baduria T 35 126 12 54 19 277 179 98 R 27 95 57 38 10 216 149 61 U 8 31 15 16 9 61 30 31 Baduria (M) U 8 31 15 16 9 61 30 31 52 Basirhat T 57 148 82 66 59 1,319 811 565 R 19 45 25 20 26 675 354 321 U 38 103 57 46 33 704 460 244 , Basirhat (M) U 38 103 57 46 33 70~ 460 244 53 Haroa T 14 26 18 8 2 11 10 1 R 14 26 18 8 2 11 10 1 U 54 Minakhan T 2 6 6 R 2 6 6 U 55 Hasnabad T 30 85 35 50 22 344 340 4 R 22 74 31 43 10 146 142 4 U 8 11 4 1 12 198 198 Taki (M) U 8 11 4 7 12 198 198 56 T 24 100 50 50 15 94 94 R 24 100 50 50 15 94 94 U 57 Hingalgani T 11 30 12 18 4 29 28 1 R II 30 12 18 4 29 28 1 U 58 Gosaba T 17 76 40 36 33 436 430 6 R 17 76 40 36 33 436 430 6 U ------Not· :-The towns marked @ are the Constituent Units of Calcutta U.A. 162

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-i-AREA HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

Stale/District/Police Station/ Total Housekss population In

CALCUTTA DISTRICT T 7,884 37,642 25,907 11,735 13,8'M 149,573 136,687 12,886 R U 7,884 37,642 25,907 11,735 13,898 149,573 136,687 12,886 CALCUTTA (UA) U Please See AllneJIure III at the end. CALCUTTA (Me) U 7,883 37,639 25,906 11,733 13,335 143,831 131,181 12,650 Ward No. 1 U 46 112 82 30 43 1,288 1,179 109 2 U 17 62 45 17 17 160 155 5 3 U 12 89 75 14 123 965 947 18 4 U 21 117 86 31 39 442 442 5 U 117 913 565 348 155 1,987 1,645 342 6 U 140 359 238 121 170 1,445 J,442 3 7 U 209 807 476 331 86 914 895 19 8 U 277 871 541 330 81 812 706 106 9 U 153 339 170 169 43 332 332 10 U 11 41 23 18 45 970 SOl 169 11 U 11 115 77 38 239 2,148 2,117 31 12 U 67 219 136 83 294 2,545 2,474 71 13 U 44 171 105 66 100 566 565 14 U 48 311 196 115 39 243 243 15 U 82 400 265 135 124 2,145 1,335 810 16 U 20 87 50 37 28 430 357 73 17 U 31 190 155 35 56 779 715 64 18 U 47 205 141 64 107 782 778 4 19 U 63 443 265 178 67 406 390 16 20 U 239 587 407 180 134 1,173 1,16J 12 21 U 338 915 594 321 256 1,472 1,458 14 22 U 145 381 291 90 179 J,020 1,008 12 23 U 46 183 128 55 44 423 390 33 24 U 53 155 131 24 117 906 902 4 25 U III 558 333 225 J33 J,217 1,120 97 26 U 63 299 212 87 183 J,490 1,420 7Q 27 U 2 8 5 3 164 1,277 1,206 71 28 U J21 459 303 156 458 4,630 4,335 295 29 U 68 386 249 137 58 662 660 2 ,0 U 22 441 345 96 31 U 97 426 338 &8 248 1,648 1,637 11 32 U 122 743 451 292 43 946 909 37 33 U 232 1,741 1,201 540 99 1,550 1,213 337 34 U 41 294 205 89 47 3~7 377 20 35 U 17 39 23 16 55 481 4tH 36 U 1,016 3,258 2,251 1,007 361 3,021 2,980 41 37 U 34 97 56 41 495 3,694 3,402 292 38 U 2 31 13 18 148 1,988 1,977 11 39 U 59 287 179 108 156 1,351 1,343 8 40 U 29 85 70 15 193 2,818 2,668 150 41 U 127 676 513 163 138 1,532 1,513 19 42 U 388 1,262 1,139 123 29 3,431 3,359 72 43 U 52 235 195 40 314 3,019 2,950 69 163

APPENDIX 3-colltd. TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station! Total Houseless population IJ Institutional population Urban Agglorneration/City/Town Rural .--- ._-----"------, .------~------. Urban No. of Person5 Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ward No. 44 u S5 358 237 121 300 4,914 4,117 797 45 U 118 612 431 18] 100 1,250 1,247 3 46 U 98 519 445 74 468 4,286 4,228 58 47 U 22 486 437 49 227 2,622 2,595 27 48 U 5 II 10 5[7 3,178 3,155 23 49 U 139 541 372 169 387 4,213 4,060 153 50 U 31 216 161 55 341 2,825 2,771 54 51 U 451 3,230 2,315 915 83 820 670 150 52 U 33 202 150 52 477 4,767 4,715 52 53 U 73 103 68 35 143 2,053 2,039 14 54 U 144 383 257 126 76 636 636 55 U 9 33 17 16 91 1,549 1,010 539 56 U 101 671 668 3 57 U 19 98 75 23 45 325 317 8 58 U 5 18 12 6 18 155 146 9 59 U 5 13 10 3 66 1,433 846 587 60 U 34 134- 94 40 75 1,347 1,202 145 61 U 26 177 165 12 354 3,685 3,244 441 62 U 11 54 24 30 483 4,909 4,203 706 63 U 207 883 638 245 201 2,238 1,764 474 64 U 40 162 110 52 65 809 764 45 65 U 19 109 62 47 57 477 476 I 66 U 17 80 39 41 28 218 203 15 67 U 4 4 3 1 51 377 372 5 68 U 29 133 76 57 56 724 578 146 69 U 10 37 21 16 71 836 784 52 70 U 60 226 124 102 96 1,029 907 122 71 U 17 103 68 35 81 1,906 [,547 359 72 U 34 2]6 183 33 89 1,703 1,1 ]7 586 73 U 25 78 45 33 11 231 228 3 74 U 42 178 114 64 188 8,174 ,7,l12 962 75 U 85 298 [76 122 109 1,205 1,020 185 76 U 101 396 256 14D 356 2,149 2,136 13 77 U 224 694 439 255 270 2,297 2,082 215 78 U 113 482 307 175 57 659 607 52 79 U 54 174 119 55 IG& 1,020 1,018 2 80 U 26 698 523 175 130 1,813 1,780 33 81 U 27 206 119 87 23 250 244 6 82 U 28 116 62 54 179 1,624 1,608 16 83 U 258 1,412 910 502 268 2,099 1,856 243 84 U 193 4,118 2,796 1,322 55 1,194 767 427 85 U 12 75 47 28 15 222 93 129 86 U 59 461 435 26 87 U 97 350 254 96 39 375 359 16 88 U 48 IS5 97 ~g 41 458 344 114 89 U 2[ 174 173 90 U 16 463 108 355 91 U 4 4 39 158 74 84 ---- -_--_ ------_------164

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

------.---~- - -.-- ~--- ~-- _--- -~------_ ------Houseless population Imtitutional population StatefI. ,jstriet/Police Station! Tolal ,-______.A. ______-. ____------A-.- _____ ------, Urban Agglomeration(City/Town Rural c- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

-~- _~ -~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _------_--- _------_----_ Ward No. 92 U 12 519 379 140 93 U 17 479 468 11 94 U 11 54 32 22 46 854 781 73 95 U 9 167 163 4 96 U 5 34 33 97 U 6 144 121 23 98 U 5 24 24 7 299 136 163 99 U 8 42 42 100 U 104 366 201 165

Spccir:t/ Charges Army (Fort) 3 2 217 3,621 3,406 215

Canal~ 21 51 51 Port Seagoing Ve.scls 28 918 897 21 Port Inland Vessels 297 1,152 1,152

HAORA DISTRICT T 4,503 12,286 9,257 3,029 1,597 15,061 13,835 1,226 R 468 2,217 1,447 770 241 2,121 1,590 531 U 4,035 10,069 7,810 2,259 1,356 12,940 12,245 695

$atft, r Subdivisioft T 4,262 11,303 8,561 2,742 1,290 13,094 12,249 845 R 282 1,401 873 528 52 676 504 172 U 3,980 9,902 7,688 2,214 1,238 12,418 11,745 673

1 Bally T 211 1,026 658 368 278 3,059 2,755 304 R . - .. U 211 1,026 658 368 278 3,059 2,755 304 @Bally (M) U 186 687 439 248 267 2,769 2,468 301 @Bally (NM) U 25 339 219 120 11 290 287 3 2 Liluah T 5 22 15 7 9 90 90 R 4 39 39 U 5 22 15 7 5 51 51 @Jagadishpur U 3 15 8 7 3 36 36 *(i) Jagadishpur (NM) U 3 15 8 7 3 36 36 {ii} Chamrail (OG) U "@Chakapara (NM) U 2 7 7 2 15 15 l 3 Malipane hghara 4 Go)abari 5 Haora ~InclUding in Haora Municipal Corporation. 6 Bantra ,I 7 Sibpur I 8 Jagachha J @Haora(MC) U 3,539 8,044 6,476 1,568 898 8,837 8,525 312 Ward No.1 U 73 251 215 36 53 404 401 3 2 U 81 203 124 79 47 227 224 3 " 3 U 2 1 6 37 36 4 U 16 141 117 24 64 483 482 5 U 16 82 69 13 5 29 29 6 U 6 50 39 11 5 15 15 7 U 46 132 113 19 4 97 97 8 U 50 152 133 19 16 64 64 loS

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station! TO{al Houseless population InstItutional population ~ Urban Agglomeration/City/To'l\n Rurdl r- - ____~ ___..A-_____ ., .--­ ______..A-______Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Male~ Females house- house­ holds holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ward No. 9 u 11 44 17 27 38 179 177 2 10 u 101 300 197 103 31 157 132 25 11 u 3 18 11 7 5 33 33 12 u 11 68 68 13 u 105 597 560 37 38 379 366 13 14 u 87 405 311 94 42 801 774 27 15 u 6 43 43 16 u 2,280 3,065 2,535 530 56 780 726 54 17 u 33 209 142 67 31 201 201 18 u 12 76 76 19 u 19 27 17 10 10 80 80 20 u 70 146 117 29 46 410 408 2 21 u 12 50 43 7 22 u 10 162 162 23 u 59 230 163 67 30 115 112 3 24 u 4 24 24 25 u 10 50 50 2 11 9 2 26 u 1 19 19 27 U. 32 84 72 12 29 164 103 61 28 U 7 43 43 29 U 88 429 318 111 35 676 623 53 30 U 58 460 413 47 11 62 62 31 U 3 3 2 1 27 271 269 2 32 U 1 17 17 33 U 8 43 34 9 34 U 14 90 81 9 35 U 59 224 208 16 35 446 445 1 36 U 6 34 25 9 4 34 32 2 37 U 15 133 133 38 U 10 20 11 9 8 392 392 39 U 28 833 805 28 40 U 68 274 247 27 8 51 50 41 U 42 U 79 150 77 73 7 7 43 U 3 22 22 44 U 4 14 45 U 28 139 81 58 15 164 164 46 U 1 14 14 11 59 57 2 47 U 23 144 140 4 48 U 14 35 22 13 13 69 66 3 49 U 14 24 12 12 25 203 202 50 U 3 16 16

DomeJur T 226 1,094 694 400 26 348 308 40 R 209 1,064 672 392 9 227 206 21 U 17 30 22 8 17 121 102 19 *(gBankra (NM) U I 3 2 4 36 34 2 @Nibra(NM) U 4 10 6 4 7 29 29 @Mahiari(NM) U 2 7 5 2 166

APPENDIX 3-colltd. TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/DIstrict/PolIce StatiOn! Total Houseless populatIon Instilutional population {_~ _____.A. ______-., Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r- --~------"- --~------) Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Male, Females house- hou~e- holds holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(@Bipra Noapara (NM) u \il)Kalara (NM) u 10 10 *(if,DOMJUR (UA) u 10 10 10 4 41 24 17 Dakshin Jhaparadaha (NM) u 10 10 10 4 41 24 17 (b) Domjur (NM) u (cl Makardaha (NM) U 5 5 10 Sankrail T 239 965 622 343 55 452 398 54 R 31 185 105 80 17 123 107 16 U 208 780 517 263 38 329 291 38 (f!,Andul (NM) U 3 12 1 [ 1 1 10 10 *@Masila (NM) U 2 10 10 @Ramchandrapur (NM) U @Jhorhat U 24 95 45 50 35 35 (i) Ihorhat (NM) U (ii) Hatgachha (OG) U (iii) Karnranga (OG) U 24 95 45 50 35 35 *@Dhuilya (NM) U @Panchpara U 28 152 108 44 3 25 25 (0 Panch para (NM) U 16 42 24 18 4 4 (ii) Chak Radha Dasi COG) U 12 110 84 26 2 21 21 @Padara (NM) U 4 30 26 4 @Banupur (NM) U 1 12 12 0,.Sankrail (NM) U 12 74 74 @Manikpur (NM) U 13 108 74 34 @Sarenga U 153 521 353 168 (i) Sarenga (NM) U 153 521 353 168 (li) Chak Srikrishna COG) U @Raghudebbati (NM) U 25 25 11 Panchla T 18 94 66 28 5 157 32 125 R 18 94 66 28 3 136 11 125 U 2 21 21 Panchla (NM) U 2 21 21 12 Jagatballavpur T 24 58 30 28 [9 15[ 141 10 R 24 58 30 28 19 151 141 10 U ULU BERIA SUB DW/SInN T 241 983 696 287 307 1967 1,586 381 R 186 816 574 242 189 1:445 1,086 359 U 55 167 122 45 118 552 500 22 13 Udaynarayanpur T 74 366 289 77 32 275 274 1 R 74 366 289 77 32 275 274 1 U 14 Amta T 38 143 69 74 9 57 45 12 R 37 138 65 73 8 49 38 11 U 1 5 4 1 1 8 7 1 Amta (NM) U 1 5 4 1 8 7 15 Bagnan T 2 3 2 1 59 376 274 102 R 2 3 2 1 59 376 274 102 U Khalor (NM) U 1(;7

APPENDIX 3~contd. TARLE A-t-AREA, HOUSES AND poputA'I'ION Houseless and Institutional Population ------State/DistrictjPolice Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population ..A. ____------... ,...-----______..,A.__ Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ,...--- ...... Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-~------~ 16 Uluberia T 52 145 101 44 33 476 335 141 R 42 94 54 40 13 303 175 128 U 10 51 47 4 20 173 160 13 @Banitabla (NM) U @U1uberia U 10 SI 47 4 8 87 77 10 (i) U1uberia (NM). u 10 51 47 4 8 87 77 10 (ii) Kotatghata (OG) U

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population -----~ - -_ ------State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City /Town Rural r----- r- Urban No. of Perwns Males Females" No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds --~ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------

Panduah (NM) U 3 17 5 12 9 67 64 3 7 Balagarh T 126 457 272 185 32 295 207 88 R 126 457 272 185 32 295 207 88 U 8 Magra T 107 253 173 80 183 1,108 888 220 R 5 19 12 7 14 135 79 56 U 102 234 161 73 169 973 809 164 @Raghunathpur (NM) . U 6 16 7 9 t(i,Madhu Sudanpur (NM) U 8 8 @,Bandel Thermal Power Project Town (NM) U 7 7 @Bansberia U 96 218 154 64 167 958 794 164 (i) Bansberia (M) U 43 104 72 32 82 470 388 82 (ii) Sankhanagar (OG) U (iii) Bars Khejuria (OG) U (iv) Chak Bansberia (00) U 5 5 5 6 6 (v) Khamarpura (00) U 4R 109 77 32 84 482 400 82 9 Chinsurah T 242 404- 276 128 81 1,891 1,405 486 R 1 1 1 21 291 251 40 U 241 403 275 128 60 1,600 1,154 446 ((l,Keota (NM) U 5 13 7 6 @Naldanda (NM) U 23 82 41 41 14 159 156 3 (ir HUgli Chinsurah U 213 308 227 81 46 1,441 998 443 (i) HUgli Chinsurah (M) U 213 308 22} 81 46 1,441 998 443 (i/) Narayanpur (OG) U (iii) Kodalia (OG) U 10 Polba T 56 226 206 20 92 1,510 999 511 R 56 226 206 20 92 1,510 999 511 U 11 Dadpur T 16 112 94 18 8 107 105 2 R 16 112 94 18 8 107 105 2 U CHANDERNAGORE SUB- T 580 2,065 1,240 825 249 4,756 4,111 645 DIVISION R 388 1,606 957 649 136 3,264 3,143 121 U 192 459 283 176 113 1,492 968 524 12 Tarakeswar T 317 1,337 778 559 30 290 280 10 R 248 1,105 654 451 22 218 209 9 U 69 232 124 108 8 72 71 1 Tarakeswar (M) U 69 232 124 108 8 72 71 13 Haripal T 28 104 64 40 37 371 352 19 R 28 104 64 40 37 371 352 19 U 14 Singur T 103 327 198 129 83 2,664 2,557 107 R 103 327 198 129 71 2,573 2,501 72 U 12 91 56 35 SINOUR(UA) U 12 91 56 35 (i) Singur (NM) U II 82 47 15 (ii) Kamar Kundu (OG) U 9 9 ------169

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station/ Total H0useless population Institutional I,)opulation Urban Agglomerat ion/City/Town Rural r- .A.. -----, .------~--.------. Urban No. of Persons Males _r';_ Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------15 Bhadreswar T 59 180 113 67 36 488 398 90 R 9 70 41 29 6 102 81 21 U 50 110 72 38 30 386 317 69 @Khalishani (NM) U 17 20 18 2 2 59 10 49 @Bhadreswar eM). U 14 28 24 4 17 126 106 20 @Champdani eM) u 19 62 30 32 11 201 201 16 Chandernagore T 73 117 87 30 63 943 524 419 R ...... U 73 117 87 30 63 943 524 419 Chandannagar (MC) U 73 117 87 30 63 943 524 419 SERAMPORE SUB DIVISION T 631 2,009 1,550 459 719 5,391 4,394 997 R 246 801 660 141 118 1,008 805 203 U 385 1,208 890 318 601 4,383 3,589 794 17 Jangipara T 40 217 183 34 16 108 101 7 R 40 217 183 34 16 108 101 7 U 111 Chanditala T 284 791 641 150 28 265 235 30 R 202 570 468 102 20 210 180 30 U 82 221 173 48 8 55 55 Begampur (NM) U 3 7 7 MRIGALA (VA) U 79 214 166 48 8 55 55 (0) Monoharpur (NM) U 41 50 50 3 19 19 (b) Mrigala (NM) U 38 164 116 48 5 36 36 19 Scrnmpur T 199 677 437 240 425 2,906 2,559 347 R 4 14 9 5 14 109 102 7 U 195 663 428 235 411 2,797 2,457 340 @Baidyabati (M) U 67 232 150 82 21 319 256 63 @Serampore (M) U 79 197 [45 52 176 1,6[4 1,36[ 253 @Rishra (M) U 49 234 133 101 214 864 840 24 20 Uttarpara T 108 324 289 35 250 2,112 1,499 613 R .. 68 581 422 159 U 108 324 289 35 182 1,531 1,077 454 @Nabagram Colony (NM) U 7 15 15 @Konnagar (M) U 8 130 130 93 441 419 22 @Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U 95 189 154 3S 20 492 177 315 @Makhla U 5 S 5 59 471 354 117 *(j) Makhla (NM) U 5 5 5 59 471 354 117 (ii) Bhadrakali (OG) U @Kotrung (NM) U 3 112 112 MEDINIPUR DISTRICT T 1,943 6,351 3,565 2,695 1,528 27.044 22,860 4,184 R 1,333 4,606 2,576 2,030 757 17,477 14,583 2,894 U 610 1,745 1,080 665 771 9,567 8,277 1,290 JHARGRAM SUB DIVISION T 93 236 125 III 208 3,907 3,249 658 R 84 217 116 101 137 1,106 2,744 362 U 9 19 9 10 71 SOl 505 296 1 Binpur T 21 48 25 23 33 611 558 53 R 21 48 25 23 33 611 558 53 U

---- ~ ~--- --~-- 170

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A.I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION HouseJess and Institutional Population - ~-- ~ -_ --- ~---~- - _-- -- ~ State/District/Police Station! Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City{Town Rural ------, ,.--- Urban No.of Persons Males Females No. of Persom Males Femalea house- house- holds holds

-~------~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 ------_ 2 Jambani T 19 41 17 24 16 528 473 55 R 19 41 17 24 16 528 473 55 U 3 Jhargram T 13 34 20 14 97 1,436 939 497 R 4 15 11 4 26 635 434 201 U 9 19 9 10 71 801 505 296 Jhargram (NM) U 9 19 9 10 71 801 505 296 4 Gopiballavpur T 16 34 18 16 28 405 400 5 R 16 34 18 16 28 405 400 5 U 5 Sankrail T 12 38 24 14 14 321 300 21 R 12 38 24 14 14 321 300 21 U 6 Nayagram T 12 41 21 20 20 606 569 27 R 12 41 21 20 20 (J06 569 27 U

SADAR SUB DIVISION T 808 2,419 1,480 939 623 12,869 11,302 1,567 R 316 1,097 621 476 265 7,521 6,348 1,173 U 492 1,322 859 463 358 5,348 4,954 394 7 Keshiari T 8 27 17 10 22 990 854 136 R 8 27 17 10 22 990 854 136 U 8 Dantan T 14 35 14 21 19 383 350 33 R 14 35 14 21 19 383 350 33 U 9 Mohanpur T 5 25 12 13 4 4 R 5 25 12 13 4 4 U

10 BeIda T 40 125 66 59 25 546 522 24 R 40 125 66 59 25 546 522 24 U 11 Narayanaarh T 8 100 87 13 18 792 749 43 R 8 100 87 13 18 792 749 43 U

12 Sabong T 32 113 66 47 32 1,557 1,307 250 R 32 113 66 47 32 1,557 1,307 250 U 13 Pingla T 29 113 61 52 10 300 285 15 R 29 113 61 52 10 300 285 15 U 14 Khargapur T 21 70 36 34 38 1,224 1,156 68 R 21 70 36 34 38 1,224 1,156 68 U 15 Khargapur Town T 453 1,168 770 398 200 3,126 2,910 216 R U 453 1,168 770 398 200 3,126 2,910 216

KHARAGPUR (UA) U 453 1,168 770 398 200 3.126 2,910 216 ------. (a) Kharagpur (M) U 280 886 586 300 143 2,508 2,367 141 (b) Kharagpur Rly. Settlement (NM) U 173 282 184 98 57 618 543 75 16 MedinipuT T 32 101 76 25 146 2,766 2,110 656 R 11 36 30 6 24 740 246 494 U 21 65 46 19 122 2,026 1,864 162 ~ --- - ~~------~-----~ 171-

APPENDIX 3-contd.

TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPUl~.ATION Houseless and Institutional Population -_------~------

, ______Houseless population.A.. Institutional population State/District/Police Station/ Total -, ,------'------._.-...... Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females Urban house· house· holds holds ._------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------Medinipur (M) U 21 65 46 19 122 2.026 1,864 162 17 Debra T 92 282 135 147 26 221 213 8 R 88 261 126 135 12 135 133 2 U 4 21 9 12 14 86 80 6 Balkhak (NM) U 4 21 9 12 14 86 80 6 18 Keshpur T 13 36 19 17 9 217 215 2 R 13 36 19 17 9 217 215 2 U ,. 19 Salbani T 4 16 10 6 5 81 51 30 R 4 16 10 6 5 81 51 30 U ,.

20 GGaltore T 6 20 11 9 6 62 62 R 6 20 11 9 6 62 62 U 21 Garhbeta T 51 188 100 88 66 600 514 86 R 37 120 66 54 44 490 414 76 U 14 68 34 34 22 110 100 10 GARHBETA AMLAGORA U 14 68 34 34 22 110 100 10 (UA) (a.) Amlagora (NM) U 8 24 14 10 11 65 60 5 (b) Garhbeta (NM) U 6 44 20 24 11 45 40 5 GHATAL SUB DIVISION T 544 1,919 1,053 866 97 991 863 128 R 491 1,752 967 785 42 474 428 46 U 53 167 86 81 55 517 435 82 22 Chandrakona T 59 255 129 126 29 394 351 43 R 39 180 91 89 9 160 147 13 U 20 75 38 37 20 234 204 30 Chandrakona (M) U 6 11 6 5 14 112 104 8 Kshirpai (M) U 13 63 31 32 5 98 76 22 Ramjibanpur (M) U 1 24 24 23 Ghatal T 130 436 225 211 46 387 317 70 R 97 344 177 167 11 104 86 18 U 33 92 48 44 35 283 231 52 Kharar (M) U 3 3 3 24 24 Ghatal (M) U 30 89 45 44 34 259 207 52 24 Daspur T 355 1,228 699 529 22 210 195 15 R 355 1,228 699 529 22 210 195 15 U TAMLUK SUB DIVISION T 229 817 441 376 423 5,921 4,857 1,064 R 200 664 365 299 192 3.814 2,936 878 U 29 153 76 77 231 2,107 1,921 186 25 Panskura T 81 291 158 133 103 1,051 1,026 25 R 80 290 157 133 39 647 640 7 U 1 1 1 64 404 386 18 KOLAQHAT (UA) U 64 404 386 18 ~ ~.- *(a) Kolaghat (NM) U 9 68 52 16 (b) Kolaghat Thermal Power Project Town (NM) U 55 336 334 2 26 Moyna T 6 30 13 17 18 668 359 309 R 6 30 13 17 18 668 359 301 U .~

---~------~-- --_._------_------86M/P(D)42DCOCalcutta-- 2 172

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPlJI,ATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/police Stationl Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ..A..-... -, r-- ._----, Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house holds holds

-~~----~~------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-~----~- . --~~-- ---~

27 Tamluk T 42 138 70 68 117 1,665 1,365 300 R 37 111 58 53 33 745 573 172 U 5 27 12 15 84 920 792 128 Tamluk (M) U 5 27 12 15 84 920 792 128 28 Mahishadal T 31 125 69 56 39 494 445 49 R 26 80 52 28 26 361 352 9 U 5 45 17 28 13 133 93 40 Mahishadal (NM) U 5 45 17 28 13 133 93 40 29 Sutahata T 18 50 32 18 12 319 235 84 R 18 50 32 18 12 319 235 84 U 30 Durgachak T 2 2 5 69 30 39 R 2 2 5 69 30 39 U 31 Haldia T 25 110 60 50 82 993 895 98 R 7 30 14 16 12 343 245 98 U 18 80 46 34 70 650 650 Haldia(NM) U 18 80 46 34 70 650 650 32 Nandigram T 25 7J 37 34 47 662 502 160 R 25 71 37 34 47 662 502 160 U CONTAI SUB DIVISION T 269 960 557 403 177 3,356 2,589 767 R 242 876 507 369 121 2,562 2,127 435 U 27 84 50 34 56 794 462 332 33 Khejri T 17 46 26 20 8 134 86 48 R 17 46 26 20 8 134 86 48 U 34 Bhagwanpur T 21 97 60 37 20 436 306 130 R 21 97 60 37 20 436 306 130 U

35 Patashpur T 45 147 91 56 39 842 642 200 R 45 147 91 56 39 842 642 200 U 36 Egra T 46 243 169 74 25 588 557 31 R 46 243 169 74 25 588 557 31 U 37 Contai T 41 75 35 40 70 1,150 801 349 R 33 53 24 29 18 373 356 17 U 8 22 11 11 52 777 445 332 Contai (M) U 8 22 11 11 52 777 445 332 38 Ramnagar T 78 285 136 149 9 150 145 5 R 78 285 136 149 9 150 145 5 U

39 Digha T 21 67 40 27 6 56 52 4 R 2 5 1 4 2 39 35 4 U 19 62 , 39 23 4 17 17 Digha Township (NM) U 19 62 39 23 4 17 17

-.-~ --_.. 173

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/police Station/ Total Houseless pol>u1ation Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural --. Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Mall"'; Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BANKURA DISTRICT T 582 1,700 1,105 595 1,020 9,303 7,639 1,664 R 480 1,454 943 511 850 6,426 5,316 1,110 U 102 246 162 84 170 2,877 2,323 554 SADAR SUB DIVISION T 436 1,186 798 388 866 7,438 6,044 1,394 R 349 967 652 315 763 5,530 4,550 980 U 87 219 146 73 103 1,908 1,494 414 1. Salton T 21 154 133 21 5 42 42 R 21 154 133 21 5 42 42 U 2. Mejhia T 10 33 17 16 5 21 21 R 10 33 17 16 5 21 21 U 3. Barjora T 41 154 77 17 9 49 49 R 41 154 77 77 9 49 49 U 4. Gangajalghati T 14 70 S3 17 12 176 176 R 14 70 53 17 12 176 176 U 5. Chhatna T 55 222 148 74 28 185 153 32 R 55 222 148 74 28 185 153 32 U 6. Bankura T 101 284 176 108 124 2,858 2,213 645 R 15 67 30 37 40 1,008 773 235 U 86 217 146 71 84 1,850 1,440 410 Bankura (M) U 86 217 146 71 84 1,850 1,440 410 7. Dnda T 17 29 19 10 9 105 104 1 R 17 29 19 10 9 105 104 1 U 8. Indpur T 39 69 53 16 138 1,192 887 305 R 39 69 53 16 138 1,192 887 305 U 9. Khatra T 9 26 17 9 137 385 380 5 R 8 24 17 7 118 327 326 1 U 1 2 2 19 58 54 4 Khatra(NM) U 4 2 2 19 58 54 4 10. Ranibandh T 94 84 74 10 203 904- 737 167 R 94 84 74 10 203 904- 737 167 U 11. Raipur T 33 56 29 27 167 1,234 1,On 223 R 33 56 29 27 167 1,234 1,011 223 U 12. Simlapal T 3 3 13 176 173 3 R 3 3 13 176 173 3 U 13. Taldangra T 2 2 16 111 98 13 R 2 2 16 111 98 13 U 14. BISHNUPU R SUB DIVISION T 146 514 307 207 154 1,865 1,595 210 R 131 487 291 196 87 896 766 130 U 15 27 16 11 67 969 829 140 14. Bishnupur T 41 107 67 40 60 1,062 887 175 R 30 86 53 33 8 250 214 36 U 11 21 14 7 52 812 673 139 Bishnupur (M) U 11 21 14 7 52 812 673 139 86.M/P(D)42DCOCalcutta--1 ),a) 174

APPENDIX 3---contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

------_-_ -~------~ - - ~~------_- --- State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban!Agglomeration!City/Town Rural r-----~~-"------, .------...)....------~ Urban N;).of Persom Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

--~- --~-- ---_ ------15. Sonamukhi T 49 258 130 128 25 215 194 21 R 45 252 128 124 12 62 42 20 U 4 6 2 4 13 153 152 I Sonamukhi (M) U 4 6 2 4 13 153 152 16. Patrasair T 22 41 31 10 10 78 77 R 22 41 31 10 8 74 73 U 2 4 4 Patrasair (NM) U 2 4 4 17. Jaypur T .3 19 16 3 3 31 31 R 3 19 16 J 3 31 31 U 18. Jndas T 21 55 41 14 13 64 61 3 R 21 55 41 14 13 64 61 3 U 19. Kotalpur T 10 34 22 12 43 415 345 70 R 10 34 22 12 43 415 345 70 U PURULlYA DISTRICT T 518 1,585 951 634 565 9,503 8,332 1,171 R 388 1,222 708 514 360 7,660 6,885 775 U 130 363 243 120 205 ],843 1,447 396 SADAR SUB DIVISION T 518 1,585 951 634 565 9,503 8,332 1,171 R 388 1,222 708 514 360 7,660 6,885 775 U 130 363 243 120 205 1,843 1,447 396 Jhalda T 36 98 65 33 50 503 483 20 R 29 75 47 28 21 358 348 10 U 7 23 18 5 29 145 135 10 Jhalda (M) U 7 23 18 5 29 145 135 10 2 Jaipur T 9 27 14 13 15 288 288 R 9 27 14 13 15 288 288 U 3 Arsha T 19 72 36 36 20 117 115 2 R 19 72 36 36 20 117 115 2 U 4 Baghmundi T 27 87 53 34 19 281 271 10 R 27 87 53 34 19 281 271 10 U

5 Balarampur T 29 80 42 38 20 119 111 8 R 13 48 20 28 5 56 54 2 U 16 32 22 10 15 63 57 6 Balarampur (NM) U 16 32 22 10 15 63 57 6 6 Barabazar T 13 35 16 19 5 36 35 R 13 35 16 19 5 36 35 U 7 Puruiiya Muffasil T 59 127 58 69 58 2,226 2,025 201 R 59 127 58 69 58 2,226 2,025 201 U 8 Puruliya Town T 70 158 99 59 89 1,171 897 274 R U 70 158 99 59 89 1,171 897 274 Puruliya (M) u 70 158 99 59 89 1,171 897 274 9 Para T 34 120 68 52 15 208 204 4 R 21 99 57 42 7 120 120 U 13 21 11 10 8 88 84 4 *Chapari (NM) U 13 21 11 10 8 88 84 4 -----~------_. ------~ ------IrS

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA. HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population ------_------_ ---_ State/Di~trict/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ,.----_._--"------, r- -"'------, Urban No. of Persons Males Fema!es No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds - _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -- -

10 Saontaldlh T 16 76 44 32 39 IB4 172 12 R 16 76 44 32 7 48 40 H U 32 136 132 4 Saontaldil1 Thermal Power Project Town (NM) U 32 136 132 4 11 Raghunathpur T 50 184 III 73 44 324 216 108 R 50 184 III 73 17 95 85 10 U 27 229 131 98 Raghunathpur (M) U 13 ISO 52 98 +Arra (NM) U 14 79 79 12 Netunu T 19 72 47 25 16 119 116 3 R 19 72 47 25 16 119 116 3 U 13 Santun T 24 80 57 23 16 360 346 14 R 24 80 57 23 16 360 346 14 U •• ..

14 Kashipur T 49 210 142 68 16 327 318 9 R 25 81 49 32 11 316 3tl7 9 u 24 129 93 36 5 11 II

tAdra (NM) U 24 129 93 36 5 II 11 15 Hura T 18 47 27 20 37 1,322 1,057 265 R 18 47 27 20 37 1,322 ],057 265 U .. 16 Puncha T 15 29 23 (, 19 804 696 108 R 15 29 23 (, 19 804 696 108 U .. .,

17 Man Bazar T 17 52 30 22 54 732 602 130 R 17 52 30 22 54 732 602 130 U ...

18 Banduan T 14 31 19 12 33 382 380 2 R 14 31 19 12 33 382 380 2 U

BARDDHAMAN DISTRICT T 3,051 10,099 6,203 3,896 2,396 20,857 18,520 2,337 R 1,982 6,833 3,956 2,877 918 7,361 6,183 1,178 U 1,069 3.266 2,247 1,019 1,478 13,496 12,337 1,159 CHITTARANJAN lOA) U, -~ANSOL (UA) u: RANIGANJ (VA) U~ Please see Annexure V, VI, VII & VIII ONDAL(UA) UJ

- ASANSOL SUB DIVISION T 784 2,236 1,667 569 1,333 9,469 8,550 919 R 225 783 538 245 253 1,626 1,384 242 U 559 1,453 1,129 324 1,080 7,843 7,166 677 1 Chutaranjan T 35 75 54 21 93 630 614 ]6 R .. U 35 75 54 21 93 630 614 16

t Included in Adra U.A. Please see Ann exure IV. 176

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r-- --. r- Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females House- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

•• Chittaranjan (NM) U 35 75 54 21 93 630 614 16 2 SaJanpur T 26 66 61 5 43 300 284 16 R 26 66 61 5 31 226 210 16 U 12 74 74 "'*Hindusthan Cables Town U 12 74 74 (i) Hindusthan Cables Town (NM) U 9 48 48 (ii) Benagarya (00) U 3 26 26 3 Kulti T 13 34 24 10 61 657 614 43 R 2 6 3 3 3 94 73 21 U 11 28 21 7 58 563 541 22 KULT!1UA) U 6 12 10 2 32 355 348 7 - (a)"Lalbazar (NM) U 2 23 23 (b) Ramnagar(NM) U 1 17 17 (c) Barakar (NM) U 2 4 2 2 11 80 80 (d) Pelana (NM) , U 4 8 8 5 60 60 (e) Kulti (NM) U 13 175 168 7 NIAMATPUR (UA) U :2 12 7 5 4 24 24 (I) Niamatpur (NM) U 2 12 7 5 4 24 24 (Ii) Sitarampur (00) U DISHERGARH (UA) U 3 4 4 22 184 169 15 (a) Chinakuci U 7 49 49 (i) Chinakuri (NM) U 7 49 49 (ii) Bejdihi (00) U (b) Sitalpur U 4 35 35 (i) Sitalpur (NM) U I 10 10 (ii) Asanbani (00) U 3 25 2S (c) Dishergarh U 3 4 4 II 100 85 15 (i) Dishergarh (NM) U 3 4 4 11 100 85 15 (ii) Parra (OG) U 04 Hirapur T 347 864 623 241 108 1,087 960 127 R 106 310 186 124 7 29 29 U 241 554 437 117 101 1,058 931 127 i'Burnpur U 217 454 377 77 68 738 636 102 (i) Burnpur (NM) U 215 452 377 75 68 738 636 102 (il) Nabaghanadi (00) U 2 2 2 tOuter Bumpur(NM) U 24 100 60 40 33 320 295 25 5 Asansol T 209 598 506 92 597 3,898 3,508 390 R 13 202 163 39 4 58 55 3 U 196 396 343 53 593 3,840 3,453 387 tAsansol U 196 396 343 53 583 3,790 3,407 383 (i) Asansol (M) U 196 396 343 53 578 3,596 3,251 345 (ii) Kalipahari (00) U 5 194 156 38 *Sarakdi-Nadiha (Sen Releigh Township (NM) U 10 50 46 4

--- _------~------~ _. ------.*Included in Chittaranjan (UA). Please see Annexure V. tlncluded in Asansol U.A. Please see Annexure VI. 177

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

Houseless population Institutional population State/District/Police Station/ Total , Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females Urban house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 IS 7 8 9 10

6 Barabani T 21 56 38 18 19 76 69 7 R 21 56 38 18 16 65 58 7 U 3 11 11

tBhanowara U 3 11 11 (i) Bhanowara (NM) U 3 11 11 (ii) Charanpur(OO) U

7 Jamuria T 90 390 263 127 111 678 595 83 R 29 59 36 23 54 336 290 46 U 61 331 227 104 57 342 305 37

t ParihaIpur(NM) U 13 31 17 14 2 21 17 4 tSripur(NM) U 3 3 3 9 28 28 tNinga (NM) U 10 15 12 3 tBagra U 28 81 60 21 11 87 87 (i) Bagra (NM) U 8 22 14 8 (ii) Satgram (OG) U 20 59 46 13 11 87 87 L',Parasia (NM) U 3 193 131 62 L',Kenda(NM) U 2 5 3 2 15 111 111 tJamuria U 2 3 2 20 95 62 33 (i) Jamuria (NM) U 2 3 2 20 95 62 33 (ii) Kathi (00) U (iii) Damodarpur (00) U

8 Raniganj T 43 153 98 55 301 2,143 1,906 237 R 28 84 51 33 138 818 669 149 U 15 69 47 22 163 1,325 1,237 88

·pemari (NM) U 4 13 13 (J. K. Nagar Township) tNimcha (NM) U 3 25 22 3 tSiarsol (NM) U 5 3 2 48 367 331 36 tAmkula U 25 237 221 16 (j) Amkula (NM) U 3 51 51 (ii) Murgathanl (00) U 22 186 170 16 tRaghunath Chak (NM) U 6 27 27 tBallavpur (NM) U 9 110 110 tRaniganj U 14 64 44 20 68 546 513 33 (i) Raniganj (M) U 14 64 44 20 65 503 470 33 (ii) Sahebganj (OG) U 3 43 43

DUJWAPUR SUB DIVISION T 403 1,063 689 374 341 3,472 3,260 212 R 40 101 75 26 125 961 877 84 U 363 962 614 348 216 2,511 2,383 128

90ndal T 20 193 106 87 65 599 586 13 R 18 41 27 14 48 395 382 13 U 2 152 79 73 17 204 204 ------*:tlncluded in Raniganj UA. Please see Annexure VII. lTi8

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/Di~trictfPolice Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population ~ ,-______.A..- ______~ Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ,..--______A... ______Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- h:>lds holds ------2 3 4 :i 6 7 8 9 10 ------_------_ ------/ Kajora U J 19 19 (i) Kajora (NM) U 1 4 4 (ii) Oaidhoba (OG) U 2 15 15 ;,Dignala (NM) U "Ondal (NM) U 2 152 79 73 4 38 38 :\Khandra (NM) U I 13 13 L" Ukhra (NM) U 4 70 70 !,Chak Bankola (NM) U Chhora U 42 42 (i) Chhora (NM) U 42 42 (it') Shankar pur (OG) U 6Bahula U 12 12 (i) Bahula (NM) U 12 12 (ij) Siduli (00) U L';Parashkol U 3 10 10 Ii) Parashkol (NM) U (ii) Madhusudanpur (OC;) U 3 10 10 (iii) Mukundapur (OG) U 10 Faridpur T 5 15 11 4 32 \85 181 4 R 5 15 Il 4 32 185 181 4 U 11 Durgapur 1 35() 792 522 270 186 2,l64 2,063 10l R U 356 792 522 270 186 2,164 2,063 101 Durgapur (NA) U 356 792 522 270 186 2,164 2,063 101 12 New Township T R U 13 Coke Oven T R U 14 Kaksa T (, 15 8 7 52 463 369 94 R 2 5 2 3 42 351 284 67 U 4 10 6 4 10 112 85 27 Kaksa (NM) U 4 10 6 4 10 112 85 27 15 Bud Bud T 16 48 42 6 6 61 61 R 15 40 35 5 3 30 30 U 1 8 7 1 3 3l 31 Sukdal (NMJ U 1 8 7 31 31

SADA ~ SUB DIVISION T 1,196 4,988 2,782 2,206 452 5,832 4,984 848 R l,I24 4,490 2,464 2,026 321 3,249 2,674 575 U 72 498 318 180 131 2,583 2,310 273 16 Ausgram T 38 136 74 62 41 385 380 5 R 22 74 36 38 28 307 302 5 U 16 62 38 24 13 78 78 Guskara (NM) U Hi (,2 3R 24 13 78 78

17 Gals] T III 402 230 172 19 298 267 31 R III 402 230 172 19 298 267 31 U

- ~- ~--- _-- -~- L::. Inducel in Ondal U.A. Please see Annexure VIIf. 17'9

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population ------_ -- State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population ~ ______A...._. _____-, Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------~--_"A._------"") Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

--~------~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------18 Khandagho;,h T 17 55 31 24 2 57 36 21 R 17 55 31 24 2 57 36 21 V 19 Raina T 121 475 277 198 52 441 350 91 R 121 475 277 198 52 441 350 91 V 20 Jamalpur T 140 509 290 219 50 498 368 130 R 140 509 290 219 50 498 368 130 V 21 Memari T 510 2,262 1,208 1,054 68 955 911 41- R 497 2,206 1,182 1,024 59 755 711 44 V 13 56 26 30 9 200 200 Memari (NM) V 13 56 26 30 9 200 200 22 Barddhaman T 234 1,080 6,4 446 180 3,148 2,634 514 R 191 700 380 320 71 843 602 241 V 43 380 254 126 109 2,305 2,032 273 Barddhaman (M) U 43 380 254 126 109 2,305 2,032 273 23 Bhatar T 25 69 38 31 40 50 38 12 R 2" 69 38 31 40 50 38 12 U KATWA SUB DIVISION T 147 648 351 297 171 962 695 267 R 83 313 179 134 143 655 420 235 V 64 335 172 163 28 307 275 32 24 Mongalkote T 32 91 64 27 3 23 18 5 R 32 91 64 27 3 23 18 5 V

25 Ketugram T 17 63 31 32 68 338 205 133 R 17 63 31 32 68 338 205 133 V 26 Katwa T 98 494 256 238 100 601 472 129 R 34 159 84 75 72 294 197 97 U 64 335 172 163 28 307 275 32 KATWA (VA) V 19 51 30 21 23 281 259 22 (u) Kalwa - V 19 51 30 21 15 233 216 17 (i) Katwa (M) V 9 36 18 18 14 209 194 15 (ii) Kesia (OG) V 10 15 12 3 1 24 22 2 (b) Panuhat . V 8 48 43 5 (i) Panuhat (NM) V (ii) Atuhat Chak lOG) V 8 48 43 5 Danihat (M) V 45 284 142 142 5 26 16 10 KALNA SUB DIVISION T 521 1,164 714 450 99 1,122 1,031 91 R 510 1,146 700 446 76 870 828 42 V II 18 14 4 23 252 203 49 27 Monteswar T 9 34 15 19, 6 81 81 R 9 34 15 19 6 81 81 U 28 Purbasthali T 43 120 64 56 34 218 193 25 R 41 120 M 56 34 218 193 25 U 29 Kalna T 469 1,010 635 375 59 823 757 66 R 458 992 621 371 36 571 554 17 V 11 18 14 4 23 252 203 49

Kalna (M) U _ lJ 18 _ - 14_ - A 23 252 203 49 ------~------_ - 180

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population

State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural .A...... r-- -. Urban No. of Persons Male Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BIRBHUM DISTRICT T 800 2,190 1,275 915 591 7,588 5,949 1,639 R 591 1,671 997 674 352 4,931 3,602 1,329 U 209 519 278 241 239 2,657 2,347 310 RAMPURHAT SUB DIVISION T 305 702 409 293 245 2,358 1,808 550 R 232 594 344 250 167 1,626 1,090 536 U 73 108 65 43 78 732 718 14 1 Muraroi T 19 40 21 19 18 156 150 6 R 19 40 21 19 18 156 150 6 U 2 Nalhllti T 70 186 116 70 19 418 276 142 R 65 168 107 61 11 357 217 140 U 5 18 9 9 8 61 59 2 Nalhati (NM) U 5 18 9 9 8 61 59 2 3 Rarnpurhat T 181 390 232 158 169 1,533 1,174 359 R 113 300 176 124 99 862 515 347 U 68 90 56 34 70 67l 659 12 Rarnpurhat (M) U 68 90 56 34 10 671 659 12

Mayurcswar T 35 86 40 46 39 251 208 43 R 35 86 40 46 39 251 208 43 U

SADAR SUB DIVISION T 495 1,488 866 622 346 5,230 4,141 1,089 R 359 1,077 653 424 185 3,305 2,512 793 U 136 411 213 198 161 1,925 1,629 296 4 Muhammad Bazar T 20 57 32 25 29 363 356 7 R 20 57 32 25 29 363 356 7 U

6 Rajnagar T 23 66 39 27 10 184 179 5 R 23 66 39 27 10 184 179 5 U

7 Khoyra~ole T 4 10 9 3 33 26 7 R 4 10 9 3 33 26 7 U 8 Dubrajpur T 120 331 180 151 32 804 747 57 R 88 212 127 85 24 468 417 51 U 32 119 53 66 8 336 330 6 Bakreswar Tourist Centre Township (NM) U 7 6 Dubrajpur (M) U 31 118 52 66 7 329 324 5 9 Suri T 139 371 243 128 82 1,179 960 219 R 93 295 195 100 20 376 299 77 U 46 76 48 28 62 803 661 142 Suri (M) U 46 76 48 28 62 803 661 142 10 IIIambazar T 22 58 32 26 18 297 287 10 R 22 58 32 26 18 297 287 10 U

11 Sainthia T 86 268 157 111 55 549 457 92 R 39 167 103 64 24 184 170 14 U 47 101 54 47 31 365 287 78 Sainthia (NA) U 47 101 54 47 31 365 287 U 181

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population ---- State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural ,..-- r---- ...... , Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------12 Bolpur T 42 192 101 91 109 1,738 1,051 687 p. 31 77 43 34 49 1,317 700 617 U 11 115 58 57 60 421 351 70 Bolpur (M) U I1 115 58 57 60 421 351 70 13 Labhpur T 22 82 48 34 4 41 41 R 22 82 48 34 4 41 41 U 14 Nanoor T 17 53 25 28 4 42 37 5 R 17 53 25 28 4 42 37 5 U


ENGLISH BAZAR (UA) U 83 151 109 42 161 1,862 1,588 274 (a) Old Maldah (M) U 4 14 9 5 8 58 53 5 (b) English Bazar (M) U 78 130 96 34 148 1,757 1,496 261 (c) Jhali-JhaJia U 7 4 3 5 47 39 8 (i) Jhali-Jhalia (NM) U 7 4 3 4 44 37 7 (ii) Sherpur Makimpur (OG) U 3 2


BIRNAGAR (UA) U 12 57 31 26 10 140 138 2 (a) Phulia (NM) U 5 29 17 12 5 112 112 (b) Taherpur (NM) U 1 4 4 (c) Birnagar (M) U 7 28 14 14 4 24 22 2


CALCUTTA (UA) U 18,714 64,385 46,101 18,284 18,837 207,053 187,630 19,423 CODStituents of Cakutta cUstriet U 7,884 37,647 25,907 11,735 13,898 149,573 136,687 12,886 1 Calcutta (M.C.) U 7,884 37,642 25,907 11,735 13,898 149,573 136,687 12,886 (Including Four Special Charges) Constituents of Nadia t: 4 13 8 5 89 1877 1571 306 1. Kalyani U 4 13 8 5 78 1,088 1,045 43 (;) Kalyani (NA) U 3 12 7 5 78 1,088 1,045 43 (ii) Kanempara (OG) U 2 Gayespur (NA) U 11 789 526 263 CODStituents of Twenty Four Parganas District U 6,033 14,825 11,(,78 3,747 2,587 34,508 30,846 3,662- 1 Krishnapur (NM) U 2 Raghunathpur U (i) Raghunathpur (NM) U (ii) Mandalganti (OG) U 3 Jyangra (NM) U 8 40 18 22 16 82 82 4 Arjunpur (NM) U 5 Barasat U 107 394 211 183 52 1,015 865 150 (i) Barasat (M) U 107 394 211 183 52 1,015 865 150 (ii) Ramkrishnapur (OG) U


APPENDIX 3~contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population ------_- _ ---- State/District/Police Station/ To al Houseless population Institutional population ~ ______..A. ______....., Urban Agglomeration!City(Town Rural .------~------~ Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 Madhyamgram (NM) L 10 21 13 19 236 203 33 7 Nabapally (NM) LI 2 10 9 II 137 95 42 R Kanchrapara U 102 221 177 44 52 1,055 1,036 19 (i) Kanchrapara (MI U 102 221 177 44 51 1,052 1,034 18 (ii) Nanna (OG) U (iii) Jelia (OG) U (ir) Chakla (OG) U (r) Srotrihati (OG) U 3 2 9 I [ali,ahar U 7 23 22 20 537 532 5 (i) Halisahar (M) U 7 73 22 20 537 532 5 (ii) Balibhara (OGI U 10 Naihati (M) • U 295 2,306 1,629 677 44 1,288 1,282 6 11 Deulpara (NM) U 1 13 D 12 Bhatpara U 1,230 4,025 2,308 1,717 133 1,390 1,332 68 (i) Bhatpara (M) U 1,223 4,001 2,298 1,703 131 1,330 1;'98 32 (ii) Sthirpara (OG) U 3 5 3 2 7 60 34 26 (iii) Rallllta (OG) U 4 19 7 12 13 Madrail Fingapara(NM) 1) 37 37 14 Panpur l i 29 27 2 (i) Panpur (NM) U 29 27 2 (ii) Narayanpur (OG) U 15 Gurdaha U 39 151 91 60 5 2 3 (i) Gurdaha (NM) U 5 2 3 (ii) Kaugachhi (OG) U 39 151 91 60 16 Garulia (M) LI 41 45 44 & 34 34 17 Ichhapur Defence Estate (NM) U 5 195 195 18 North Rarrackpur (M) U 40 192 132 60 17 219 217 2 19 Barrackpur Cantonment (Cant!.) U 39 89 60 29 20 1,589 1,532 57 20 Barrackpur u 45 60 48 12 150 3,438 3,417 21 (i) Barrackpur (M) u 45 60 48 12 150 3,438 3,417 21 (ii) Jafarpllr (OG) u 21 Titagarh (M) u 86 215 155 60 137 1,200 1,199 22 Khardah (M) U 28 100 58 42 13 1,008 996 12 23 Panihati (M) U 24 123 59 64 44 760 574 186 24 New Barrackpur (M) U 5 38 34 4 25 Kerulia (NM) U 26 Bandipur (NM) U 27 Patulia (NM) U 3 61 52 9 28 Kamarhati(M) U 94 418 238 180 152 1.765 1,537 228 29 Baranagar (M) U 126 142 138 4 176 1,395 1,176 219 30 South Dum Durn (M) 1.1 72 236 180 56 52 585 51t 74 31 Garui (NM) U 4 9 9 32 Sultanpur (NM) U 33 Bandra (NM) U 34 (M) U 17 93 83 10 35 eisarpara (NM) U 177 177 183

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-i-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Institutional Population - --- State/District/Police Station/ Total Houseless population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r-- -, r------'------, Urban No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds L ______------~ ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~------36 Dum-Durn-Aerodrome area U 9 35 35 (i) Dum-Dum Aerodrome area (NM) U (ii) Kaikhali COG) U 9 35 j5 37 Gopalpur (NM) U 2 6 4 2 14 767 454 :113 38 Dum-Dum eM) u 25 70 37 33 j2 2,305 2,183 122 39 Bidhan nagar Township (NM) U 31 56 41l 8 85 1,090 941 149 40 Garden Reach (M) U 3 4 3 159 2,743 1.966 177 41 Panchur (NM) U 40 297 273 24 42 Gobindapur U 4 42 39 3 (i) Gobindapur (NM) U (ii) Rampur (OG) U 4 42 39 3 43 Jagannathgarh (NM) U 44 Noapara (NM) V 45 Krishnagar U 6 135 93 42 (i) Krishnagar (NM) U 3 95 53 42 (Ii) Jalkhura (OG) U 3 40 40 46 M?,heshtala (NM) U 4 4 47 Chandannagar U (i) Chandannagar (NM) U (il) Mamanpur (OG) U 48 Batanagar U 7 8 8 337 1,484 1,484 (i) Batanagar (NM) U 7 8 8 337 1,484 1,484 (ii) Tentulkhuli (OG) U 49 Nangi (NM) U 32 141 113 28 50 Chat a Kalikapur (NM) U 2 51 Budge-Budge U 82 162 99 63 382 1,871 1,849 22 (i) Budge-Budge (M) U 82 162 99 63 363 1,674 1,653 21 (ii) Kalipur (OG) U 19 197 196 52 Ullar Raypur (NM) V 28 13 15 53 South Subarban t, IA73 1,512 1,500 12 234 2,800 1,913 887 (i) South Subarban (M) U 1,473 1,512 1,500 12 227 2,679 1,835 844 (ii) Gopalpur (OG) U 7 121 78 43

54 Jadabpur (M) U 2,012 4,192 3,789 403 ~3 2,073 1,996 77 55 Sripur Bagharghol (NM) U 5 148 113 35 56 Laskal pur V S 155 12~ 27 (i) Laskarpur (M) U 1 I I 7 4 (ii) Kumarakhali (OG) U 7 144 121 23

Constituents of Di~tfict HaOflt lJ 4,024 10,054 7,796 2,258 1,348 12,865 12,188 677 1 Bally (M) U 186 687 439 248 267 2,769 2,468 301 2 Bally (NM) U 25 339 219 120 11 290 287 3 3 Jagadishpul V 3 15 8 7 3 36 36 U) Jagadlshpur (NM) V 3 15 ~ 7 3 36 36 (ii) Chamrail (OG) U 4 Chakapara (NM) U 2 7 7 2 15 15 5 Haofa (MC) U 3,539 8,044 6,476 1,568 898 8,837 8,525 312 6 Bankra (NM) U 1 3 2 4 36 34 2


APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-l-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houselesv and Institut;onal Population contd. -_------State/District/Police Station/ Total Housele% population Institutional population Urban Agglomeration/City/Town Rural r------..A.------, r------..A.-_____----, Urban No. of Persons -Males Fem2le~ No. of Persons Males Females house- house- holds holds

------"_- --- ~ ---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _------~------~------7 Nibra (NM) U 4 10 6 4 7 29 29 8 Mahiari (NM) U 2 7 5 2 9 Ripra Noapara (NM) U 1 0 Kalara (NM) U 10 10 11 Andul (NM) U 3 12 11 1 10 10 12 Masila (NM) U 2 10 10 13 Ramchandrapur (NM) U 14 Jhorhat U 24 95 45 50 35 35 (i) Jhorhat (NM) U (ii) Hatgachha (OG) U (iii) Kamranga (OG) U 24 95 45 50 35 35 15 Dhuilya (NM) U 16 Panch para U 28 152 108 44 3 2S 25 (i) Panchpara (NM) U 16 42 24 18 1 4 4 (ii) Chak Radhadasi (OG) U 12 110 84 26 2 21 21 17 Podara (NM) U 4 30 26 4 18 Banupur (NM) U 12 12 19 Sankfdil (NM) U 12 74 74 20 Mani1

APPENDIX 3-contd. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION 'Houseless and Institutional Population

Houseless population Institutional population State/District/Police Station/ Total r------.A.------, -, Urban Agglomeration/City/Tawn Rural No. of Persons Males Females No. of Persons Males Females Urban house house. holds holds 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 Keota (NM) U 5 13 7 6 6 Naldanga (NM) U 23 82 41 41 14 159 156 3 7 Hugli Chinsurah U 213 308 227 81 46 1,441 998 443 (0 Hugli Chinsurah (M) U 213 308 227 81 46 1,441 998 443 Cii) Narayanpur (OG) U (iii) Kodalia (OG) U 8 Khalishani (NM) U 17 20 18 2 2 59 10 49 9 Bhadreswar (M) U 14 28 24 4 17 126 106 20 10 Champdani (M) U 19 62 30 32 11 201 201 11 Chandannagar (Me) U 73 IJ7 87 30 63 943 524 419 12 Baidyabati (M) U 67 232 150 82 21 319 256 63 13 Serampore (M) U 79 197 145 52 176 1,614 1,361 253 14 Rishra (M) U 49 234 133 101 214 864 840 24 15 Nabagram Colony (NM) U 7 15 15 1 6 Konnagar (M) U 8 130 130 93 441 419 22 17 Uttarpara Kotrung (M) U 95 189 154 53 20 492 177 315 18 Makla U 5 5 5 59 471 354 117 (i) Makla CNM) U 5 5 5 59 471 354 117 (ii) Bhadrakali (OG) U 19 Kotrung (NM) U 3 112 li2

ANNEXURE-IV ADRA (UA) U 129 93 36 19 90 90 (a) Arra (NM) U 14 79 79 (b) Adra (NM) U 24 129 93 36 5 Jl 11

ANNEXURE-V CHITTARANJAN (UA) U 35 75 54 21 105 704 688 16 1 Chittaranjan (NM) U 35 75 54 21 93 630 614 16 2 Hindusthan Cables Town U 12 74 74 (i) Hindusthan Cables Town (NM) U 9 48 48 (ii) Benagarya (OG) U 3 26 26


ASANSOL (UA) U 465 1,002 813 189 718 5,003 4,456 547 (a) Burnpur . U 217 454 377 77 68 738 636 102 (i) Burnpur (NM) U 215 452 377 75 68 738 636 102 (ii) Nabaghanadi (OG) U 2 2 2 (b) Outer Burnpur (NM) U 24 100 60 40 33 320 295 25 Cc) Asansol U 196 396 343 53 583 3,790 3,407 383 (i) Asansol (M) U 196 396 343 53 578 3,596 3,251 345 (ii) Kalipahari (OG) U 5 194 156 38 (d) Bhanowara U 3 1 t It (i) Bhanowara (NM) U 3 Jl 11 (ii) Charanpur (OG) U (e) Pariharpur (NM) U 13 31 17 14 2 21 17 4 (f) Sripur (NM) U 3 3 3 9 28 28 186 '

APPENDIX' 3-concld. TABLE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Houseless and Inst'tutional Population

-~-- --~- - -~-~------,---- .. ------Houwless popularioll Institutional population State/District/Police Station/ Total r------...... ___-----, ~------~-----~ Urban Agglomel('.tion/Cily/Towr. Rural No. of Persons Males Females No. of P"rsons Males Females Urban hou~e- house- holds holds

------,----~-- - -~------:2 j 4 .5 6 1 B <} 10 ------(It) Nihga (NM) U 10 15 12 j (h) Jamuria U :2 j t 2 20 95 62 33 (I) Jamuria (NM) U 2 3 I 2 20 95 62 33 (Ii) Kaithi (OG) tJ (iii) Damodarpur (OG) U


RANIGANJ (UA) U 43 150 107 43 174 1,412 1.324 88 (0) Bagra U 28 81 60 21 II 81 87 (i) Bagra (NM) U 8 22 14 8 Iii) Sakgram (OG) U 20 59 46 13 II 81 81 (b) Jemari (NM) U 4 13 13 (c) Nimeha (NM) U 3 25 22 3 (d) Siarsol (NM) U 5 2 48 367 331 36 (e) Amku1a U 2S 2)7 221 16 (i) Amkula (NM) U 3 51 51 (jj) Murgathanl (OG) U 22 186 170 16 (f) Raghunath Chak (NM) U 6 21 27 (g) Ballavpur (NM) U 9 110 110 (II) Raniganj U 14 64 44 20 68 546 513 33 (i) Raniganj (M) U 14 64 44 20 65 503 470 33 (ii) Sahebganj (OG) U 3 43 43


ONDAL (UA) U 7 350 213 137 32 315 315 (a) Parasia (NM) U 193 131 62 (b) Kenda (NM) U 2 5 3 2 15 111 111 (c) Kajora U 3 19 19 (i) Kajora (NM) U 1 4 4 (iil Gaidhoba (OG) U 2 15 15 (d) Dignala (NM) U (el Ondal (NM) U 2 152 79 73 4 38 38 (f) Khandra (NM) U 13 13 (101) Ukhra (NM) U 4 70 70 (II) Chak-Bankola (NM) U (i) Chhora U 1 42 42 (i )Chhora (N M) U 1 42 42 (,i) Shankarpur (OG) U (j) Bahula U 12 12 (i) Bahula- (NM) U 12 12 (ii) Siduli (OG) U (k) Parashkol U 3 10 10 0) Parashkol (NM) U (in Madhu Sudanpur (OG) U 3 10 10 (iii) Mukundapur (OG) U

- -- -_ - ---~------_-- --- ~---- A-2-DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1901

General Note AJ)JUSTMENT OF POPULATION This !abJe gives statistics on adjusted population for the rune censuses from 1901 to 1981 for the State The recasting of population of the affected districts of West Bengal and its sixteen districts conforming and police stations by transfer of territories was done to the present jurisdiction. This table correspond" to in this Directorate on the basis of the instruction. Table A-II of 1971, 1961 and 1951 CenSllses. issued by the ofiice of the Registrar General, India. To ensure comparability, the Jigures furnished in this The adjustment or reca<;ling 9f Population figur~s for table for previous cemmes have been adjusted, 1951, 1961 and 1971 Censuses was very simple as the villagewies population figures were avjalable for ~h~rever necessary, to correspond to the territorial bmlts as on 1-3-81 of the State and districts. For these Census Y car'>. For these three Census Years the population of the \ ill ages males and females ?is!ric.ts. whic!I have 110t undergone any change in separ~tely --tricts tran~ferred were subtracted and JUrIsdictIon SInce 1971 Census, adjusted population added upto the district to which they were transferred. figures of the Census years prior to 1981 Censuse~, have been reproduced from the table-II of 1971 But these vilJagewhe figures were not available for Census. The details of territorial transfers between 1941 Cen~llS and earlier Censuses. For these Census 1971 and 1981 have already been provided in Appendix yedrs tlle following methods were adopted for recasting J. to. Ta?le A-I.. Between 1971 and 1981 only two the population figures: . dlstnct:> I.C., Nadw and Murshidahad have been aJi"ectcd due to transfer of seven villages from Karimpur Police lor 19-11 (Mal~s) : Male, of lh~ Males of lhe district transferred from where the villa­ Station. of Nadia distr;ct to Jalangi Police Station of "lliages fOl ges have been tran~· Murshidabad district. Hence, for these two districts 1951 fetr..

STATEMENT-I Illustrating the method of estimation of prevIOus censuses -Population for transferred territories-PopulatIOn

Description 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 Remarks

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nadia district population as at 1971 Censlis (Per­ sons) 772,665 775,455 711,369 721,871 840,388 1,144,156 1,713,683 2,230,270 Male~ : (1) 764 431,960 ------590,573 Deduct-Population of 7 villages of P.S. Karimpur in 1971-81 to Murshida­ bad distrIct 993 996 914 927 1,080 1,470 1,853 6,359 (2) 555 , 370,047 ------.1 431,960

86·M/P(D)42DCO Cal - 13 187 STATEMENT-I-contd.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Population which should be shown in Table A-II of 1981 771,672 774,459 710,455 72-1,9+1. 839,30.8 1,142,636 1,711,830 2"W,911 (3) 475 x 363,775- 370,047 (4) 467 x 388,493 363,775 (5) 499 x 383,671 388,493 Nadia district Male popu- lation 8'l at 1971 C",n,u, H3,677 333,493 353,775 37J,On 431,96,) 590,573 879,710 1,144,977 Females: The same procedure as in case of males aoove, has been adopted for adjustment of females Deduct-Male populatior. of 7 villages of P.S. Karimpur to Murshida. bad district (5) (4) (3) (2) (I) 493 499 467 475 555 764 937 3,347 Male population which should be shown in Table A·II 1981 Nadia district Female population as at 1971 Census 383,184 387,994 363,308 369,572 431,405 589,809 878,773 1,141,630 388,988 386,962 347,594 351,824 408,428 553,583 833,973 1,085,293 Dtduct-Female popula­ tion 'of 7 vithges of P,S. tUtinipur to MUrShida- bali District 500 497 447 452 525 706 916 3,012 Female population which sliould be shOwn in Table A.II 1981 • 38~,488 386,465 347,147 351,372 407,903 552,877 833,057 1,082,281

The above statement 1 shows the es6mation of males to those of Murshidabad district to which the 7 vj~ and females separately fOr the 7 villages which have have been transferred. been transferred from the Karimpur Police Station of The following statement 2 gives the percentage of total, rural a~ urban separately for State and Nadia district. The sill_lilar figures have been added up districts:


Statement showing the percentage of decadal variation of population from 1901 to 1981 for Total, Rural and Urban

Sfate/District Total Rural 1901-81 1971-81 1961-71 1951-61 1941-51 1931-41 1921-31 1911-21 1901-11 Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

West Bengal T -'-222.20--'-23.17 '126.87 --'-32.80 -1--13.22 +22.93 +8.14 -2.91 +6.25 R "-169.83-'20.36 +26.38 -1-31.81 -I- 8.27 +15.55 +6.98 -4.43 +5.21 U --'-599,07+31.73 +28.41 +35.97 +32.52 +63.69 +15.01 -+7.16 +13.70

1. Kcch Bihar T -'-213.50 -25.28 +38.67 .J. 52.45 --'-4.74 -1--8.43 -0.26 ~0.07 +4.58 R -i.l99.31+25.19 +38.93 +53.27 +1.13 +7.16 -0.40 _,().13 + 4.38 U -1--769.56+26.50 +35.28 +42.38 +87.09 +48.76 +4.46 +9.29 +12.33 2. ],Ipaiguri T +305.09-'-26.55 +28.76 +48.27 +8.13 +14.42 +6.47 +4.93 +21.30 R --'-254.84+20.33 +28.05 +45.25 +3.72 +13.58 +6.00 +4.56 +21.43 U +2,924.79+85.16 +35.75 +87.19·j-l38.22 +46.43 +28.01 +25.91 +14.3S ST ATEMENf-Z--conld.

------~~------~------~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------

3. Darjiling T -L285.381-31.02 +25.16 +35.90 1-17.58 +17.72 ;-12 85 +5.12 +5.31 R +203.661-23.36 -;-25.33 ;-31.46 i-9.74 ;-I5.30 +8.63 H.O) :-4.47 U ->1,218.90 ;-56.57 _:-24_60 ; 53_00> +6244 !-33.77 ;-51.48 ;-16.78 + 14.89 ... Wc\l Dinajl>ur T :-224.43 ;-29.31 +40.50 -,35.51 -17.03 -i-II. 92 +7.23 -12.13 ;-6.78 R 188.18 ;-26.69 -:-37.67 1---31.01 '-12.95 -;-10.99 ; 7.23 -12.13 ;-6.78 U .. -, 54.72 '--75.50 L135.98 ' 503.28 5. Maldah T ,-236.60+26.00 31.98 ,-30.33 ' 11.05 -; 17.19 -; 4.99 ~1.77 ' 15.72 R -:-230.01 +25.25 -, 31. 89 -' 29.78 -, 10.44 -, 16.61 ,4.75 -1.69 ;-16_07 U 458.28-:-42.88 +33.95 44.44 ;-29.37 ~-3S.06 -: 14.44 -4.S1 -; 3.80 6. Mursbidabad T -:-179.38 -;-25.49 -:-2S.57 .-33.46 I--- 4_61 :-19_ 69 '-11.96 -8.99 '-1.71 R +168.64+24.51 -:-28.40 j-32.49 + 4.02 j-lS.86 +12.54 -9.93 ;-1.20 U -1-355.84+39.28 1---27.10 . 44.87 -:-12.02 +31.20 -;-4.46 +5.27 +9.98 7. Nadia T +284.13,33.29 ;-29.91 +49.81 -;--'36.15 ;--.16.42 -;-1.48 -3.26 :-0.36 R +235.90-'-28.26 :-29.77 +-49.42 +29.26 -13.85 ,-0.71 --9.18 : 0.34 U +703.10.-53.06 +32.57 [-51.53 ;-78.96 ,35.44 +7.51 -3.29 10.52

S. Tmnty Four Par:ana~ T +401.10+27.10 -;-34.53 -1-40.84 -:-23.50 -j-26.07 +9.53 ,6.31 +14.78 R +258.82 ;-19.91 ,-27.93 -;-32.05 +15.94 .-21.93 .-7.68 +4.87 -.-10.97 U -'--.1,235 _64 +-40.37 +48.67 ,-64.29 :---49.50 '-42.71 ;-17.67 -;-13.14 '-37.15 9. Calcutta T -.-253.95 +4.96 +7.57 +8.48 -'--.24.50 1-86.00 +10.63 -: 3.63 1-8.86 R U : 253.95 -i-4.96 -:-7.57 +8.48 :--24.50 :-86.00 HO.63 :-3.63 +-8.86 10. Haora T +248.83+22.74 ,-18.58 +26.51 ,-8.12 -'-35.62 , 10.17 +5.71 :-10.93 R -,141.46-'-15.98 -115.69 :-11.42 '-2.68 .25.72 -,8.31 +4.96 HO.06 U -,-659.57 -1-32.09 ,-22.84 +57.97 :-21. 56 1 68.36 !---l(i.80 !- 8.50 +14.27

11. H.ua1i T +230.48+23.86 +28.72 +39.02 +13.35 l..24.04 +3.22 -0.90 +-3.67 R +- 173.76+18.70 -,-27.84 +36.5l +10.54 j 20.2l +1.06 ~4.05 +2.56 U : 553.63 +38.18 +31.24 -;-46.71 -: 22.93 -f 39.13 -;-12.74 : 15.83 +9.99 12. Mcdinipur T ' 141.75+22.39 +26.89 +29.26 '-5.28 +13.99 +4.97 -!-5.48 -1-1.15 R -I- 12. 58 +21.24 +26.99 +29.02 :-3.45 +12.86 -: 3.53 +5.50 +0.74 U -. t37.27+36.32 +25.69 +32.19 -!-34.48 -1-35.69 +43.06 ! 4.90 ; 13.33 T ,-Il2. 72,- 16.93 -,-22.02 +26.17 -.-2.30 ,-16.00 +9.00 -10.43 +1.99 R +106.33+16.72 +21.85 +25.94 +2.25 j-14.67 -:-8.91 -11.32 -:-1. 72 U ---'---240.21 +19.45 .. 24.21 +29.11 -:-2.87 -1-36.78 +10.43 +6.44 +7.38 14. Puruliya T -:-138.34+ 15.65 +17.86 -:--16.33 +7.43 -1-11.95 +16.91 -5.98 +13.70 R ,-124.50+14.72 +16.01 -1-16.22 -l..6.20 +10.18 ;-16.93 -6.63 +13.60 U +533.14-';-25.98 +43.13 ,17.85 :---23.10 +53.00 +16.42 H2.07 ,I6.5l 15. 8ar4-haman T +2l6.391~23.47 +27.04 +40.65 1 15.92 ;-19.99 :-9.82 -6.46 :-0.37 R +136.84+12.90 ---;-19.93 +35.01 +12.00 -,-15.34 --'-7.97 -S.99 ~0.13 U +-1,538.65 +59.33 -:-58.98 +73.20 -:-43.16 -;-71.81 +35.66 +1.65 .-8.60

16. Birbhum T -1-131.10+18.01 +22.80 +35.55 +1.77 )-10.63 + 11. 25 -9.41 +3.67 R +114.02+16.42 +22.73 +34.82 ---'---1.00 +6.61 +11.85 --11.02 -;-3.66 U -1-1,896.47+39.08 +23.82 1--46.06 .. 14.33+ 189.05 -10.2l j-154.64 +5.05

The above stiltement 2 shows that the population of while during the decade 1971-81 it has come down West Bengal bas registered a growth of 22.20% in to 23.17%. The population in lUral West Bengal have 1981 from 1901. The population of West Bengal, in shown more or less the same trend in the growth rate other w.ords, ro&e to 54.58 million in 1981 from 16.94 as indicated in all areas of West Bengal, while the mmion in 1901. The highest growth rate has been growth rate (If populati(\_11 in urb!ln West Bengal has iecorded during the decade 1951-61 i.e., 32.80% shown a positive trend with fluctuations from decade UJcrea~ in population during the decade. This high to decade. This trend also indicates the extent of urba'.... growth rate was due to influx of displaced persons nization in the State of West Bengal. --" from 'Bast Pakistan (now Bangladesh) after partition. The negative growth rate to the extent of 2.91 % was Looking at the population growth rate in different r~ord¢ duri4g the qecade 1911-21. This was, per­ districts of Wcst Bcngal, it is evidenced that in all naps, due to die dreaded epidemic of influenza broke the districts except the districts of Darjiling, Nadia out in the c~ntry during the same decade. Since 1961 and Haora, the growth rate has gone down in the the gr~wth rate bas been declining till 1981. During decade 1971-81 from those in the decade 1961-71. the decade 1961-71 the growth rate was 26.87%, In the districts of Darjiling, Nadia and Haora th~e ~6·Mrp(D)42DCO Cal.-13(a) 190 growth rate of population in the decade 1971-81 ,'ate (85.16) in urban population during the decade have gone uptD 31.02, 33.29 and 22.74 from 25.16. 1971-81 has been recorded by the district of J al- 29.91 and 18.58 respectively recorded in the dcc'ade paiguri, followed by Barddhaman (59.33), Darjiling 1961-71. The districts of Calcutta (4.96), Haora (56.57), West Dinajpur (54.72), Nadia (53.06 and (22.74), Medinipur (~2.39), Bankura (16.93), Puru- Twenty Four Parganas (40.37). llya (15.65) and Birbhum (18.01) have accounted fOr the growth rates which are below the State average (23.17) during the decade 1971-81. The highest The following Statement 3 shows the changes in scx- growth rate (33.29) has been marked by the district ratio (females per 1,000 males) for the State of West of Nadia, during the decade 1971-81 and the lowest Bengal and its 16 districts during the last 80 years is recorded by Calcutta (4.96). The highest growth separately for total, rural and urban areas:-

STATBMENf-3 Changes in the SexRatio (Female> per 1,000 Males) 1901-1981. ------State; District T 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1<}51 1961 1971 1981 R U

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

--~-~------~------WEST BENGAL T 945 925 905 890 852 865 878 891 911 R 994 982 971 961 945 939 943 942 947 U 650 614 591 578 559 660 701 751 819 1. Koch Bihar T 881 873 877 886 879 855 890 9[6 935 R 892 885 888 896 893 867 899 923 936 U 540 529 575 62[ 608 713 774 837 927 2. JaJpaiguri T 843 829 856 830 836 8-:5 854 887 910 R 849 335 862 838 846 838 863 893 914 U 580 559 616 58[ 594 679 768 829 885 3. Darjiling T 876 871 898 881 884 863 864 882 888 R 894 893 9[2 906 912 903 909 9[0 911 U 690 666 777 728 736 721 731 793 830 4. West Dinajpur T 918 920 929 923 910 884 906 921 937 R 918 920 929 923 913 890 914 928 942 U 583 771 821 863 901 5. Maldah T 1,007 1,004 991 989 983 966 965 948 949 R 1,012 1,008 996 995 988 971 969 951 950 U 854 861 802 814 827 853 873 896 927 6. Murshidabad T 1,040 1,022 1,006 1,005 990 973 974 956 959 R 1,046 1,0~8 1,012 1,011 996 978 979 958 958 U 940 941 935 926 919 923 920 933 96S 7. Nadia T 1,014 996 956 951 946 937 948 948 946 R 1,006 988 946 947 941 940 951 952 944 U 1,082 1,067 1,035 981 973 927 933 929 954 8. Twenty Four Parganas T 918 881 855 849 826 846 866 882 903 R 952 941 938 933 912 924 932 935 941 U 740 639 577 574 581 666 737 793 847 9. Calcutta T 518 492 487 468 456 580 612 636 712 R U 518 492 487 468 456 580 6ii 636 712 10. Haora T 935 !l92 864 834 788 810 808 833 873 R 1,054 1,006 990 948 921 925 940 941 951 U 584 564 520 537 528 610 644 702 787 11. Hugli T 983 959 921 879 864 883 892 896 909 R 1,027 1,014 998 956 944 955 949 940 942 U 760 707 642 627 633 690 749 784 833 12. Medinipur T 1,006 1,000 991 975 955 955 952 945 951 R 1,009 1,006 997 985 966 961 963 952 956 U 935 847 829 803 798 885 830 865 902 13. Bankura T 1,032 1,024 1,002 996 978 981 981 958 964 R 1,031 1,025 1,006 1,000 984 984 987 961 966 U 1,D42 1,012 956 927 904 946 905 920 943 L)l

ST \ TEMENT-3-colltd.

----~- -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

~------14 puruliya T 1,011 1,001 997 989 977 983 973 963 951 R 1,015 1,006 1,002 995 985 988 979 970 962 U 900 889 881 861 848 921 889 890 905 15 Barddhaman T 1,004 997 965 934 893 888 858 886 897 R 1,015 1,010 979 958 926 909 898 918 934 U 833 813 788 694 678 777 699 785 815 16 Blrbhum T 1,029 1,017 1,004 1,005 999 974 973 968 962 R 1,031 1,019 1,009 1,010 100 984 984 974 966 U 848 861 825 798 861 851 844 893 920

Sex-latio is an important demographic characteristic &:llnc has declincd C'ven in 1951 also, but in 1981 which helps in studying the birth rate, death rate and the sex ratio has come up to 947. In urban areas, availability of man power etc. Sex ratio is expressed since 1951 the sex ralios have gained from 660 in in Indian Census by number of females per 1,000 1951 to 819 in 1981. In Statement 10 under Table A-I males. From the Statement 3 above, it appears that above ddailed discussion on sex-ratio has been made. there has been a prepondcrance of males over females Tr is indicated that seA-ratio has never remained in the whole of West Bengal since 1901 with vari­ Static. The main factors affecting the differences in ations from decade to decade. Since 1901, the sex numbels 01 males and females have been attributed ratios both in rural and urban areas have been dec­ to different al birth, differential death or high female lining till 1941 in West Bengal. In rural area, the mortalities, or selective sex migration, etc. _'


GENERAL NOTE This table A-2 gives statistics on adjusted population for nine censuses from 1901 to 1981 for the State of West Bengal and its sixteen districts conforming to the present jurisdiction. This table corresponds to table A-II of 1971, 1961 and 1951 censuses.

The important purpose of this table is to indicate the growth of population from decade to decade on the basis of the present administrative ju~lsdiction. The decadal variation h'as been computed both in absolute figures and in percentage figures. To ensure compara­ bility, the figures furnished in this table for previous censuses have been adjusted, wherever necessary, to correspond to the territorial limits as on 1-3-81 of the State and districts. For districts which have not undergone any change in jmisd]ction since 1971 Census, adjusted population figures of the census years prior to 1981 censuses have been reproduced from the table A-II of 1971 Census. Only two districts i.e. Nadia and Murshidabad have been affected due to transfer of seven villages from Karlmpur police station of Nadia district to Jalangi police station of Murshidabad district.

TABLE A-2-DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1901 - -- ~-~~ __ ------State/District Year Persom Decade Percentage Male~ Females valiation Decade variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 --_- ---- WEST BENGAL 1901 16,940,0811 8,703,978 8,231,110 1911 17,998,769 1,058,681 6.25 9,349,419 8,649,350 1921 17,474,348 -524,421 -2.91 9,173,148 8,301,200 1931 18,897,036 1,422,688 8.14 9,997,035 8,900,OJI 1941 23229,552 ~ ";,332,516 22.93 12,545,269 JO,684,283 1951 26,299,980 , 3,070,428 -13.22 14,105,519 12,194,461 1961 34,926,279 L8,626,299 -32.80 18,599,144 16,327,135 1971 44,312,011 _l 9,385,732 -26.87 23,435,987 20,876,024 1981 54,580,647 ·10,268,636 -23.17 28,560,901 26.019,746 1 Koch BIhar 1901 565,116 .. 100,413 264,703 1911 591.012 25,896 -4.58 315,536 275,476 1921 590,599 -413 -0.07 314,631 275,968 1931 589,053 -1.546 -0 26 312,265 276,788 1941 638,703 49,650 8.43 339,845 298,858 1951 668,949 30,246 4 74 "l60,670 308,279 1961 1,019,806 -350,857 52..15 539,694 480,112 1971 1,414,183 ·394,377 -38.67 737,93 I 676,252 1981 1,771,643 -357,460 L 25.28 915,461 85G,182 2 Jalpliguti 1901 546,764 296,630 250,134 1911 663,222 116,458 21.30 362,649 300,573 1921 659,940 -32,724 -4.93 375,025 320,921 1931 740,993 -45,047 '-6.47 404,87:J 336,120 1941 847,841 106,848 :-14.42 461,676 386,165 1951 916,747 -I- 68,906 :-8.11 502,280 414,467 1961 1,359,292 -442,545 48.27 733,339 625,953 1971 1,750,159 r390,367 28.76 927,707 822,452 1981 2,214,871 -464,712 -26.55 1,159,843 1,055,028 3 Darjiling 1901 265,780 141,697 124,083 1911 279,899 :-14,119 , 5.31 149,636 130,263 1921 194,237 14,338 ·5.12 155,014 139,223 1931 332,061 37.824 -12.85 176,551 155,510 1941 390,89'l I 58,838 17.77. 207,508 183,391 1951 459,617 -' 68,718 -17.58 246,738 212,879 1961 624,640 165,023 --35.90 335,036 289,604 1971 781,777 157,137 -25.16 415,442 366,335 1981 1,024,269 242,492 31.02 542,567 481,702 4 West Dinaipur 1901 741,2S4 386,432 354,852 1911 791,512 50,228 6.78 412,237 379,275 1921 695,536 -95,976 . -12.13 360,542 334,994 1931 745,821 -50,285 7.23 387,874 357,947 1941 834,72G 88,905 11.92 437,005 397,721 1951 976,882 142,156 17.03 518,484 458,398 1961 1.323,797 346,915 35.51 094,372 629,425 1971 1,859,887 536,090 40.50 967,937 891,950 1981 2,404,947 -'-545,060 29.31 1,241,611 1,163,336

5 Maldah 1901 603,649 .. 300,741 302,906 1911 698.547 94,8911 15.72 148,522 350,025 1921 686,174 --12,373 -1.77 144,650 341,524 1931 720,440 34,266 4.99 362,16S 358,272 1941 844,315 123.875 17.19 425,832 418,483 1951 937,580 93,265 11 05 476,794 460,786 1961 1,221,923 284,343 30.33 621,990 599,933 1971 1,612,657 390,734 31.98 827,706 784,951 1981 2,031,871 419,214 26.00 1,042,498 989,373 6 Mur,hidab.td 1901 1,323,479 648,836 614,643 1911 1,146,069 22,590 1.71 665,726 680,343 1921 1,225,095 120.974 8.99 610,629 614,466 1931 1,371,604 146,509 11.96 683.958 687,646 1941 1,641,610 270,006 19 69 825,038 816,572 1951 1,717,229 75,619 4.61 1>70,222 847,007 1961 2,291,863 574,634 33.46 J,161.220 1,130,643 1971 2,946,563 654,700 -28 57 1,506,774 1,419,7R9 1981 3,697,552 750,989 ·25.49 1,887,426 1,810,126 ------__ 195 19(,

Tt\PLL \-2- Or:CAD \}. VARIATION IN rOPl1I,Al10N ~Jl\CE 1901

- -~ ------_ StatejDl;(llct Yem Persons Decade Percengage Males Females vanatlOn Decade vanation

~.------_------~ ~------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 --- ~- -~-- --- 7 NadIa 1901 771,672 383,134 388,488 1911 774,459 12,787 o 36 387,994 386,465 1921 710,455 - 64,004 -826 363,308 347,147 1931 720,944 10,489 1 48 369,572 351,372 1941 S39,308 118,364 16 42 431,405 407,903 1951 1,142,686 303,378 36 15 589,809 552,877 1961 1,711,830 -569,144 49 81 878,773 833,057 1971 2,223,911 512,081 29 91 1,141,630 1,082,281 1981 2,964,253 74::>,342 -j 33 29 1,522,936 1,441,317

8 Twenty FOUl Parganas 1901 2,143,160 1,117,332 10 258,828 1911 2,459,902 316,742 14 78 1,307,891 1,152,009 1921 2615,071 155,171 6 31 1 A09,572 1,205,501 1931 2,864,218 249,1<15 9 53 1,549,057 1,315,161 1941 3,610,896 746,678 26 07 1,977,485 1,633,411 1951 4,459,<192 848,596 23 50 2,415,487 2,044,010 1961 6,28::>,915 1 ,1l21 ,423 1[0 84 1,366,805 2,914,110 1971 8,4.19,482 21 ,6~'i,567 ,4 53 4,488,441 396,041 1981 10,739,419 2,289,957 27 10 5,642,438 5,097,001

9 Calcutta 1901 933,75 t 615,149 318,605 1911 1,016,445 82,691 'l 86 6)11,385 335,060 1921 1,053,334 36,889 3 63 708,201 345,133 '931 1,16\3J8 112001 10 63 793,617 171,721 ,941 2,167,485 1,002,147 86 00 1 1-88,800 686,625 195 1 2698,49:1- 531,009 24 50 ' ,707,389 991,105 1961 2,927,289 228,795 8 40, 1,815,791 1,111,498 1971 3,148,746 221,457 7 57 1,924,505 1,224,241 1()81 3305,006 156,260 496 1,930,320 1,374,686

10 Haora 1901 850,51 f 439,525 410,989 1')11 943,502 ,92,988 10 91 498,641 444,861 1921 997,40, 53,901 5 71 535,151 462,252 1931 1,098,867 101,L1.61 1017 599,075 499,79~ 1941 1, t90,301- 391,437 35 62 833,431 656,871 195t 1,611,373 121.069 8 12 890,204 721,169 1')1} 1 2,038,477 427,104 -26 51 1,127,392 911,085 197t 2,417,2% 378,800 18 58 1,318,715 1,098,571 19'H 2966,861 549,575 22 7<1 1,583,808 1,383,055

11 Hugh 1901 1,076,416 51 ),958 533,458 1911 1,115,927 39,511 3 67 509,771 546,156 1921 1,105,907 10,020 -0 90 575,739 530,168 1931 1,141,558 35,651 3 22 607,547 534,011 1941 1,415,934 274,376 2404 759,814 656,120 1951 1605,001- 189,070 13 35 852,510 752,494 1961 2231,288 626,284 39 02 1,179,121 1,052,167 1971 2,872,116 640,828 -28.72 1,514,874 1,357,242 1981 3,557,306 _J 685,190 +23 86 1,863,782 1,693,524

12 Medmlpur 1901 2,789,114 1,930,233 1,398,881 1911 2,821,201 1 32,087 1 15 1,410,714 1,410,487 1921 2,666,660 - 154,541 5 48 1,339,652 1,327,008 1931 2,799,093 , 1 ,2,433 4 97 1,417,025 1,382,068 1941 3,190,647 391,554 13 99 1,631,673 1,558,974 1951 3359,022 168,375 r5 28 1,718,459 1,640,563 1961 4,341,855 982,833 2926 2,224,073 2,117,782 1971 5,509,247 rl,167,392 26 89 2,831,863 2,677,384 1981 6,742,796 1,233,549 ~22 39 3,455,375 3,287,421

12 Bankura 1901 1,116,411 549,484 566,927 1911 1,138,670 22,259 -I 1 99 562,585 576,085 1921 1,019,941 118,729 -10 43 509,334 510,607 1931 1,111,721 91,780 9 00 557,074 554,647 1941 1,289,640 177,919 16.00 651,881 637,759 1951 1,319,259 29,619 2 10 665,853 653,406 1961 1,664,513 3~5,254 26 17 840,423 824,090 1971 2,031,039 366,526 22 02 1,037,267 993,772 1981 2,374,815 341,776 16 93 1,208,867 1,165,948 --_-- --- 197


State/Dis:trict Ycxr 1 Persons Decade Percentage Male~ FemalC'l variation Decade variation

~~ ---~- -- 2 3 4 5 6 7

~---- - ~--

14 Puruhya 1901 777,801 386,741 391,060 1911 &84,372 f-l06,571 -13.70 441,874 442,498 1921 831,497 -52,875 -5.98 416,347 415,150 1931 972,077 1-140,580 +16.91 488,80~ 483,273 1941 1,088,201 116,124 ,11.95 550,477 537,724 1951 1,169,097 1-80,896 +7.43 589,507 579,590 1961 1,360,016 190,919 16.33 689,351 670,665 1971 1,61)2,875 +242,859 d7.86 816,544 786,331 1981 1,853,801 -'-250,926 +15.65 947,195 906,606

15 Barddhaman 190t 1,528,Z83 762,691 765,592 1911 1,533,868 -'-5,585 ,-0.37 768,129 765,739 1')21 1,4-34,166 -99,101 ---G,46 110,395 7M,4S\ 1931 1,575,694 140,928 r9.82 814,888 760,806 1941 1,890,726 ,315,032 19.99 998,822 891,904 1951 2,191,660 ,-300,934 -15.92 1,160,757 1,030,903 1%1 3,082,617 '-890,957 -40.65 1,658,842 1,423,775 1971 3,916,174 -833,557 -27.04 2,076,210 1,839,964- 1981 4,835,383 r919,214 ,-23.47 2,548,603 2,286,785

}I) 81rbhum 1gal 905,891 4~,9JO 459.961 1911 940,162 ,33,271 d.67 466,127 474,035 1921 851,725 -88,437 -9.41 425,038 426,687 1931 747,554 -95,829 rll.25 472,687 474,867 1'l41 1,048,317 IOJ,763 riO. 63 524,517 523,800 J95t 1,066,889 ~18,S72 ~1. 77 540,36t 526,528 1961 1,446,158 ,-319,269 1-35.55 132,922 713,236 1971 1,175,909 329,751 1"'22.80 902,441 873,468 1981 2,095,829 ,-319,920 -18.01 1,068,171 1,027,658

---- ~-~ --- --~ -- -_ ~------


APPENDlX State and D.'streIY al the 1981 Cens"ls show'ng 1971 area alld population aecord;ng to territorial jllr:sd.'ction ill 197}, change ill POPU/.rftiOlt of 1971 adjusted to jur;sdictioll Of 1981

------~--~ .. ------~.------. State/District Arel in 1931 Arel in 1971 Popula- Pupula- Net increai! 1981(Km9) Population 1971 (Km9) tion according tion in 1971 or decrease to jurisdiction adjusted to between (Cols. prevailing in jursidiction 5&6) 1971 of 1981 2 3 4 5 6 7

WEST BENGAL 88,752.0 54,580,647 87,853.0 44,312,011 4t,312,011 Koch Bihar 3,387.0 1,771,643 3,386.0 1,414,183 1,414,183 .." Jatpaiguri 6,227.0 2,214,871 6,245.0 1,750,159 1,750,159 3 Darjiling 3.149.0 1,024,269 3,O75.() 781,777 781,777 4 West Dinajpur 5,358.0 :,404,947 5,206.0 1,859,887 1,859,887 :5 Maldah 3,733.0 2.031,871 \713.0 1,612,657 1,61'2,657 6 Murshidabad" 5,324.0 3,697,552 5,341.0 2,940,204 2,9-l6,563 ·;·6,359 7 Nadia· 3,927.0 2,964,253 3,926.0 2,230,270 2,223,911 ·-6,359 8 Twenty four Parganas 14,136.0 10,739,439 13,796.0 8,449,482 8,449,482 9 Calcutta 104.0 3,305,006 104.0 3,148,746 3,148,746 10 Haora 1,4,i7.0 2,966,861 1,474.0 2,417,286 2,417,286 11 Hug\i 3,149.0 3,S57,30fi 3,145.0 2,872,\16 2,872,116 12 Medinipul 14,081.0 6,742,796 13,724.0 5,509,247 5,509,247 13 Bankura 6,882.0 1,374,815 6,881.0 2,031,039 2,031,039 14 Puruliya 6,259.0 1,853,801 6,259.0 1,602,875 1,602,875 15 Barddhaman 7,024.0 4,835,388 7,028.0 3,916,174 3,916,174 16 Birbhum 4,545.0 2,095,829 4,550.0 1,775,909 1,775,909

Note: The differences in area figures between 1971 and 1981 are due to revised computation as supplied by th~ Survey of India. '·7 (Seven) Villages (MJUZ1S) have b~~:1 tran;ferrel fro!} Kcuimp



This table corresponds to Table AlII of 1971, 1961 population in the State of West Bengal as against and 1951 Censuses and gives the total number of 38,074 and 3,33,44,978 respectively in 1971 Census. inhabited villages with total rural population classi­ As revealed from the T,able, the district of Medinipur fied by seven broad population ranges viz. (1) less has contributed the largest number (10,468) of inhabi­ that 200-499, (3) 500-999 (4), 1,000-1,999 (5) ted villages to the total number of those of the State 2,000-4,999 (6) 5,000-9,999 and (7) 10,000 and as p~r 1981 Census, followedby Twenty Four Parganas above. In each range of population the number of (3,744), Bankura (3,540) and West Dinajpur (3,036). inhabited villages and ~heir population with sex break­ up have been shown for the State, districts and police The fo~IOwi?~ st~ten:-ent 1 gives. the percentage of Station. populatIOn bVlllg In villages of vanous population sizes Wilh reference to the total rural popUlation of tbe unit This table shows that there are 38,024 inhabited vil­ concerned in 1981 Census for the State of West lages in the 1981 Census with 4,033,926 rural Bengr.l and its 15 districts; STATEMEl'

Percentage of pOJ,Julatio:11iving il1 viI\ag~s ofv:trioll> pO;:lUl'ition sizes with reference to the total r,lral population ia 1981.

~------.- --~------Percentage ofpopuiatio:1living in village of population size. State/District .------"- .., Less 200- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000 than 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 200 ----~------. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

WEST BENGAL 1.68 8.31 16.84 26.63 32.36 11.28 2.90 1 Koch Bihar 1.00 4.77 10.82 24.67 37.36 16.90 4.48 2 Ja\paiguri 0.13 0.71 2.98 18.93 46.35 15.23 15.67 3 Darjiling 1.06 6.07 17.31 32.67 34.27 8.62 4 West Dinajpur 2.93 16.08 29.84 30.76 16.69 3.70 5 Maldah 1. 35 7.93 13.78 21.49 33.94 18.46 3.00 6 Murshidabad 0.50 3.26 9.88 21.55 33.64 23.48 7.69 7 Nadia 0.34 2.06 9.17 23.74 41.30 18.22 5.17 8 Twenty Four-Parganas 0.21 2.3() 10.32 26.74 42.52 14.64 3.27 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 0.10 0.88 5.68 23.73 55.05 12.87 1.69 II Hugli 0.38 5.07 17.68 31.40 33.12 11.37 0.98 12 Medinipur 5.41 18.70 24.30 25.69 21.31 3.86 0.73 13 Bankura 3.50 19.10 33.23 26.98 15.94 1.25 14 Puruliya 2.91 16.10 30.17 30.33 17.73 2.76 15 Barddhaman 0.42 5.12 15.28 32.25 36.05 10.57 0.31 16 Birbhum 1.78 12.03 24.81 31. 78 21.73 6.19 1.68

It is evident from the above statement 1 that the (21.73), percentages are high in the villages with maximum population (32.36%) of the State of West populat,ion ranges of 2,000-4,999. The hi!!hest Bengal are found to be living in the villages with range percentage in this range is recorded by the district of of population of 2,000-4,999 in 1981 as against Haora (55.05) and the lowest is of Bankura (15.94). 29.19% in 1971 which was also the highest percent­ T~er~ are only four districts, namely Darjiling, West age in that year. In population ranges of less than 200, DmaJpur, Bankura and Puruliya where no village 200-499, 500-999, and 1,000 to 1,999 the percen­ is found in the popUlation range of 10 000 + . In this tages of population to total rural population in 1981 range it is also found that the distri~t of J alpaiguri Census have gone down from those in 1971 Census has the highest percentage (15.67), followed by the in the State of West Bengal while those in population Murshidabad (7.69) and Nadia (5.17). More than ranges of 2,000-4,999, 5,000-9,999 and 10,000+ 50% of around 40 per cent population are found to have gone up. In all the districts except in the districts be living in. the vil~ag~s with popUlation range of less of West Dinajpur (16.69), Medinipur (21.31), than 1,000 III the dlstncts of Bankura. Pumliyu Medi- Bankura (15.94), PUruliya (17.73) and Birbhum nipur, Birbhum and West Dinajpur. ' :::01 202

The following statement 2 gives percentage of villages and populatigl1 by cIa" of villages in 1971 and 1981 for the State and district:


Percentage o[vill;;lges and population by cla% of\illage~ inl971 and 1981 ------State/District Year Less than 500 500-999 1,000--1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,000 10,000 ,---A---l r--~\,,_ ---, ,---''-----.. , r-~-..A--~ (----l ___~ r-~--A----""'"'""" Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent- Percent· age of age of age of age of age of age of age of age of age of age of age of ag~ of No. of po up la- No. of popula- No. of Popula- No. of Poputa- No. of Popula- No. of Popula· Villages lion in villages tion in villages lion in Villages tion in villages lion in ~illages lion in H\ this this in this this in thi~ this in this this in this this in this this rauge range to range to range range range range to range to r:lnge to range to range to range to tot at total total to total to total tototal total total total total total to total popula­ No.of popula- No. of popula- No .of popuJa No. of Popula· No. of Popula- No.of tion villages flon Villages tion villages tion Villages tion vi1lage~ liOil village,

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

WEST B~"'GAL 1971 48.75 13.61 Z3.86 19.38 17_39 27_68 8_78 29 19 1 .O~ 7.96 (U4 2_18 1981 41.88 9.99 24.71 16.84 19.82 26.63 I I .53 32 36 1 85 11,28 0.21 2.90 1 Koch Bihar 1971 38.29 8 _I ~ 24.56 15.62 22.38 27.71 12.50 32.72 1.92 10.94- 0.35 4 83 1981 32. I3 5.77 2[,42 10_82 24.94 24.67 17.38 37.36 3_69 16,90 0.44 4.48 2 Jalpaiguri 1971 9.14 [,20 15.32 5.67 40.59 27.84 29.17 40.37 4.4~ 13.47 1.3+ 11.45 1981 8.56 0.84 10.33 2.98 32.47 18.93 40.22 46.35 6_11 15,23 2.31 15.67 3 Darjiling 1971 39.25 8.78 23.27 13.83 22.09 26.15 12.23 29.05 2.76 15.32 0.40 6 87 1981 31. S6 7 _13 26.71 17.31 26.71 32.67 13_ 50 34.27 L52 8.62 4 West Dinajpur 1971 63.88 30.18 23.61 30_79 10.02 25.10 2AO 12_72 _0.09 1,21 1981 49.47 19.01 30.24 29_84 15.71 30.76 4.12 16.69 0.46 3.70 5 Maldah 1971 48.85 12.84 22.10 16.41 16_95 25.51 10.24 32 50 1.67 10.51 0.19 2.23 1981 41_98 9.33 22.97 13 _78 17.89 21.49 13.44 33.94 3.47 18.46 0_25 3.00 6 Murshidabad 1971 31.15 5.79 24.75 12.94 23.87 24.21 15.81 33.93 3.90 18.31 0.5? 4.82 1981 24.75 3.76 23.50 9.88 25.64 21.55 19.20 33.64 5.92 23,48 0.99 7.69 7 Nadia 1971 24.47 4.70 25.96 13.50 27.37 27.20 19.53 40.80 2.28 10.56 0.39 3.24 1981 17.05 2.40 21.67 9.17 30.04 23.74 25_26 41.30 5.26 18.22 0.72 5.17 8 Twenty Four 1971 19.57 4.21 27.32 13.P 31.54 30.83 19.06 38.82 2.27 10.31 0.24 1.96 Parganas 1981 14.00 2.51 23.88 10.32 32.83 26.74 24_81 42.52 4.03 14.64 0.45 3.27 9 Calcutta 1971 1981 10 Haora 1971 9.08 I. 57 21.40 8.88 35.02 27.51 31.26 50.21 2.98 10.25 0.26 1.58 1981 6A9 0.98 16_03 5.68 35.23 23.73 37.75 55.05 4.24 12.87 0.26 1.69 II Hugli 1971 30.11 8.24 32.16 20.68 24.07 29.77 12.14 32.24 1.47 8.53 0.05 0.54 1981 22.85 5.45 31.65 17.68 28.12 31.40 14.90 33.12 2.37 11. 37 0.11 0.98 12 Medinipur 1971 70.11 30.74 18.04 25.59 8.62 24.18 3.0i- 16.96 0.19 2.53 .. 1981 63.69 24.11 20.48 24.30 10.99 25.69 4.44 21.31 0.36 3.86 0.04 0.73 13 Bankura 1971 62.18 28.68 25.64 33.33 9.50 24.12 2_62 13.22 0.06 0.65 1981 55.00 22.60 29.16 33.23 12_20 26.98 3_53 15_94 0_11 1.25 14 Puruliya 1971 '56.98 24.28 26_84 3L32 13.09 29.66 2_93 13.20 0_16 1.54 1981 50.33 19.01 29.44 30.1715.41 30.33 4.49 17.73 0.33 2.76 15 Barddhaman 1971 29.78 7.70 28.48 17.71 27.10 32.32 13.15 33.17 I. 34 7.42 0.15 1.68 1981 23.73 5.54 27.51 15.28 29.96 32.25 16.50 36.05 2.26 10.57 O.Oi 0.31 16 Birbhum !971 48.55 17.55 29.62 28.58 16.47 30.43 4.78 18.0t 0.49 3.80 0.09 1.60 1981 42.62 13.81 29.83 24.81 19.88 31. 78 6.73 21.73 0.85 6.19 0.09 1.68

From the above statement-2, it appears that the per' the size class of less than SOO is recorded by the dist­ centage of number of villages in size class of less than 'det of Medinipur (63.6Y as against 70,11 in 1971) 500 in the State of West Bengal is 1he highest (41.88) and the lowest is recorded by the district of Jalpai­ in 1981 Census in comparison to 48.75 in 1971 which guri (8.56 as aginst 9.14 in 1971). In 1981 Census was also the highc~t in 1971. It has gradually declined in the next higher classes both in 1981 and 1971 in the size class of 500-999 the percentage at the Censuses. In the size class of less than 500, the per­ Slate l.?wl is 24·.71 and below this State average come centages of villages have gone down in 1981 from those of the districts of Koch Bihar (21.42), JaJpai­ those in 1971 in the State and in all the districts. The guri (10.33), Maldah (22.97), Murshidab'ad (23.51), highest decline (from 63.88 in 1971 to 49.47 in 1981) Nadia (21.67), Twenty Four Parganas (23.88), Haora is recorded by the district of West Dinajpur. (16.03), and Medinipnr (20.48). Regarding the per­ ceqtage of population this has been dealt with while In 198 I Census th.e highest percentage of villages in dIscussing on the data of the Statement 1 above. *A-3 VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION SIZE -

GENERAL NOTE This table A-3 corresponds to table A-III of 1971, 1961 and 1951 Censuses and gives the distribution of inhabited villages with reference to the seven broad population sizes such as (1) less than 200, (2) 200- 499, (3) 500-999, (4) 1,000-1,999, (5) 2,000- 4,999, (6) 5,000-9,999 and (7) 10,000 and above. The figures in this table have been presented for the State, District and Police Statio;n by sex and by popu­ lation range of villages.

This table shows that th~e are 38,024 inhabjted villages in the 1971 Census with 40,133,926 rural population in the State of West Bengal as against 38,074 and 33,344,926 respectively.

87-MP(D)42DCOCaTcatta-14 ~03 204


Total Rural Porul.tion Les< than 200 200 -499 State/District/Police St.tion Total No. r- ~--~--~-"---~------, 1 ------'----~ -~~ ( ".-- ---~----'------' ofTnhabiteu Population population Number r ___J..... ____ -, Vill'g

2 4 6 10 I[

WEST BENGAL 38,024 40,133,926 20,617,489 19,516,4J7 6,168 344,271 329,342 9,755 1,781,624 1,632,976 Koch Bihar 1,139 1,649,383 852,016 797,367 132 8,456 8,012 234 40,736 37,914 2 Jalpaiguri 736 1,903,650 994,747 908,903 24 1,315 1,132 39 6,981 6,491 DarjilinB 659 742,116 388,346 353,770 70 4,305 3,548 138 23,732 21,312 4 Weill Dinaipur 3,036 2,136,221 1,100,216 1,036,005 498 32,073 30,556 1,004 175,979 167,607 5 Maldah 1,615 1,934,675 992,063 942,612 221 13,315 12,780 457 78,338 76,105 Ii Murshldabad 1,927 3,351,534 1,711,627 1,639,907 165 88,630 8,152 312 55,830 53,310 Nadia 1,255 2,324,384 1,195,489 1,128,895 83 4,115 3,855 131 24,430 23,394 S Twt1lt} Four rar!:"na, 3,744 6,569,957 3,384,784 3,185,173 127 7,259 6,904 397 77,524 73,331 9 Calcutta Fntirely 10 Haora 755 1,628,068 834,661 793,407 II 861 79' 38 7,270 7,084 11 Huali 1,899 2,506,777 1,290,615 1,216,162 81 4,902 4,606 353 64,805 62,258 12 Med,nipur 10,468 6,170,039 3,154,183 3,015,856 3,177 170,050 163,695 3,490 587,504 566,064 13 Bankura 3,540 2,193,568 1,115,577 1,077,991 717 38,897 37,863 1,230 212,984 205,940 J4 PunIliya 2,452 1,687,039 859,657 827,382 444 25,135 23,951 790 137,924 133,662 15 Barddhaman 2,570 3,414,219 1,765,697 1,648,522 127 7,349 6,911 483 89,754 85,082 16 Birbhum 2~229 1,912,296 977,811 944,485 291 17,609 16,586 659 1[7,833 113,362

KOCH BIHAR DISTRICT 1,139 1,649,383 852,016 797,367 132 8,456 8,012 234 40,736 37,974

M~k/izmTj Sub divisIOn 195 165,579 86,474 79,105 55 3,371 3,131 64 11,026 10,048 Haldibari 56 66,845 34,805 32,040 15 876 860 17 2,947 2,668 2 MekliganJ 139 98,734 51,669 47,065 40 2,495 2,271 47 8,079 7,380 MQtJrabltanga Sub tiid.!);OIl 260 405,037 209,752 195,285 21 1,194 UI7 40 6,816 6,384 Mathabhanga 193 279,327 144,833 134,494 16 883 816 33 5,659 5,331 125,710 64,919 60,791 5 311 " Sltallmchi 67 301 1,157 1,0~3 SaJtu Subdiviskm 259 387,318 200,264 187,054 23 1,573 1,494 47 8,173 7,S47 K=h Biltar 259 387,318 200,264 187,054 23 1,573 1,494 47 8,173 7,847 TlifaltgQ", Sub dil .. hioll 126 283,464 145,711 137,753 II 840 789 19 3,516 3,341 Tufanganj 126 283,464 145,711 137,753 11 840 789 19 3,516 3,341 Dinh-ota Sub (/iv/sion 299 407,985 209,815 198,170 22 1,478 1,481 64 11,205 IO,3~4 174,175 7 Dinhata 246 338,613 164,438 1,267 1,303 56 9,634 8,986 33,732 Sitai 53 69,372 35,640 211 173 1,521 1,368

2 JALPAIGURI DISTRICT 73. 1,903,650 994,747 908,903 24 1,315 1,132 39 6,981 6,491 Saciar Sub division 400 1,089,954 570,239 519,715 13 560 542 26 4,581 4,340 Rajpnj 2R 120,688 63,521 57,167 176 158 1 154 153 2 Jalpaiguri 29 205,182 107,222 97,960 2 106 92 4 570 521 183,766 96,907 86,859 135 Mal 101 124 10 1,872 1,711 38,738 35,911 4 Miliali 30 74,649 4 714 632 5 Maynaauri 77 169,602 89,000 80,602 93 81 Nagrakata 23 70,148 36,714 33,434 442 311 74,145 62,629 Banarhat SO 143,774 50 87 4 622 820 63,992 58,153 Dhubgu" 62 122,145 I 207 192 Alipurallar Sub dfl.'ision 336 813,696 424,508 389,188 II 755 590 13 2,400 2,151 9 Bicpara 21 70,190 36,798 33,392 145 IJ<) 82,334 74,679 10 Falakata 63 157,013 116 122 27,654 25,542 I I Madarihat 28 53,196 93 104 169 148 12 ' Alipurduar 129 261,692 136,463 125,229 149 134 1,035 932 )3 Kalehilli 43 151,948 78,943 73,005 368 213 453 395 62,316 57,341 14 Kumargram 52 119,657 627 554

3 DARJ1LlNG DISTRICT 659 742,116 311S,346 353,770 70 4,305 3,548 138 23,732 21,312 Sm/Dr Sub diviSion 122 223,743 113,593 110,150 6 1,028 917 14,197 I Sukhiapokri 17 28,975 14,778 211 140 2 Pulhazar 21 44,746 23,171 21,575 23,413 23,355 3 Darjiling 27 46,768 2 230 221 4 Ransli Rangliot 29 51,225 26,006 25,219 587 556 5 Jor. Bungalow 28 52,029 26,225 25,80~ Kaliml'ong Sub dil'ision 104 126,308 65,595 60,713 16 977 786 23 4,024 3,639 46,432 43,231 11 6 Kalimpong 73 89,663 738 582 15 2,527 2,323 Garubat1raa 31 36,645 19,163 17,482 239 204 8 1,497 1,316 205


500--999 1.000-1,999 2,000-4,'199 5,OOO--9,99~ 10,000 and abo\e

_ ~.A. _____ """"\ ~------"--- --j --~"""-----. -_-'------...... -----~ _ population PopulatlOr, population population population Number .-----'--~_. Number ~----'---, Number ~---.... ~---, Numbc: r ~ _ __A.---; Number - __A- __, Males FemaJe~ Males Females J...lales Female... Males Females !\falc"i Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 16

',396 3,45',866 3,301,159 7,538 5.488.429 5,198,811 4,383 6,687,995 6,298,051 702 2,335,421 2,192,632 82 599,883 563,466 244 92,400 86,013 284 209,854 197,103 198 318,488 297,714 42 144,027 134,671 38,055 35,880 76 29,808 26,914 239 188,796 171,623 296 460,986 421,38~ 45 150,430 139,539 17 156,431 141,820 176 67,164 61,300 176 127,975 114,521 89 131,555 122,756 10 33,615 30.333 918 327,338 310,059 477 339,130 317,983 125 184,956 171,487 14 40,740 38,313 , 371 138.389 130,203 289 213,590 202,134 217 336,498 320,191 56 1&4,085 173,118 4 29,848 28,081 453 169,892 161,189 494 368,254 353,929 370 575,942 551,490 114 401,544 385,558 19 131,~35 126,279 272 109,504 103,683 377 283.960 267,787 317 493,628 466,286 66 218,009 205,544 9 61,843 58.349 894 399,057 328,939 1,229 903,777 853,220 929 1,439,698 1,353,955 151 497,032 464,703 17 110,437 104,121 tlrban 121 46,871 45,495 266 196,821 189,501 285 460,712 435,523 32 107,884 101,694 2 14,242 13,319 601 227,202 216,119 534 406,705 380,330 283 427,858 402,433 45 146,439 138,463 2 12,704 11,953 2,144 766,177 732,88~ 1,150 810,863 774,056 465 673,427 641,581 38 123.158 115,184 4 23,OM 22,391 1,032 370,777 358,080 432 301,304 290,502 125 177,472 172,305 4 14,143 13,301 722 257,413 251,547 378 260,780 250,841 110 154,101 145,060 8 24,304 21,321 707 267,880 253,812 770 565,791 535,188 424 640,316 590,546 58 189,156 171,645 5,451 5.338 665 241,994 234,921 443 310,829 300.093 150 212,358 205,340 19 60.855 58,245 2 16,333 15,938

244 92,400 86,013 284 209,854 197,103 198 318,488 297.714 42 144,027 134,671 38,055 35,880 32 11,457 10,350 29 19,779 18,210 12 27,484 24.995 2 7,520 7,100 5,837 5,271 7 2,377 2,184 13 8,748 8,158 3 14,020 12,899 5,837 5,271 25 9,080 8,166 16 11,031 10,052 9 13,464 12,096 2 7,520 7,100 61 23,087 21,410 73 55,050 51,385 56 94,207 87,666 9 29,398 27,323 47 17,496 16,273 51 38,808 36,089 39 59,179 54,896 7 22,808 21,089 14 5,591 5,137 22 16,242 15,296 17 35,028 32,770 2 6,590 6,234 62 23,813 22,219 72 53,753 50.297 41 60,740 56,726 14 52,212 48,471 62 23,813 22,219 72 53,753 50,297 41 60,740 56,726 14 52.212 48,471 1& 6,442 6,067 30 21,633 20,581 36 56,955 53,616 9 29,676 27,953 26,649 25,406 18 6,442 6,067 30 21,633 20,581 36 56,955 53,616 9 29,676 27,953 26,649 25,406 71 27,601 25,967 80 59,639 56,630 53 79,102 74,711 25,221 23,824 5,569 5,203 52 20,;08 19,218 68 51,418 48,836 43 63,52:1 60,002 22,206 20,890 5,569 5,203 19 7,093 6,749 12 8,221 7,794 10 15,579 14,709 3,015 2,934

76 29.808 26,914 239 188,796 171,623 296 460,986 421,384 45 150,430 139,539 17 156,431 141,820 40 19,541 17,610 119 94,964 86,410 155 239,649 217,367 24 79,130 73,455 14 131,814 119,991 4 1,604 1,300 8 5,700 5,089 7 12,690 11,632 2 6,487 5,938 4 36,710 32,897 5 2,177 1,968 2,231 1,964 1 4,748 4,300 9,902 8,931 9 87,488 80,184 16 6,556 5,784 33 25.979 23,701 32 52,318 45,948 10,047 9,591 2 657 582 2,399 2,290 20 32,458 29,799 2,510 2,603 9 3,635 3,329 31 24,591 22,421 34 49,642 44,652 3,423 3,209 7,616 6,910 3 1,282 1,111 4 3,766 3,151 11 19,039 17,955 12,185 10.906 4 1.362 1,523 8 5,960 5,551 22 31,575 29,376 II 34,576 32,272 6 2,268 2,013 29 24,338 22,243 26 37,179 33,705 27 10,267 9,304 120 93,832 85,213 141 221,337 204,017 21 71,300 66,084 24,617 21,829 4 1,348 1,172 5 4,200 3,654 7 12,963 12,375 2 7,625 7,060 10,517 8,99Z 484 496 20 16,625 15,358 40 60,910 55,475 1 4,199 3,228 272 270 17 11,909 10,705 6 10,075 9,253 2 5,136 5,062 14 5,182 4,716 54 42,313 38,462 .7 69,588 64,055 18,196 16,930 4 1.652 1,457 7 5,335 4,768 14 27,739 26,050 9 29,196 27,285 2 14,100 12.837 1,329 1,193 17 13,450 12,266 27 40,062 36,809 2 6,848 6,519

176 67,164 61,300 176 127,975 114,521 89 131,555 122,756 10 33,615 30,333 26 9.944 9,927 46 33,990 32,289 41 59,200 57,978 9,431 9,039 475 409 9 6.578 6,285 6 7,514 7.363 4 1,554 1.534 6,292 5,666 12,733 11,827 2,592 :,548 1,754 1.885 9 5,913 6,049 II 15,516 15,200 8 3,024 2,960 II 8,000 7,522 5 2,556 7.690 2 6,839 6,491 3,137 3,139 9 7,207 6,767 II 15,881 15,898 19 7,502 7,144 26 19,321 17,766 17 23,215 21.849 10,556 9,529 14 5,434 5,176 18 13,270 12,212 13 17,669 16,697 2 6,794 6,241 2,068 1,968 8 6,051 5,554 4 5,546 5,152 3,762 3,244 ------86-LIP(D)42DCOCalcutta-14(a) 206


Less tl,an 200 200--499 Total Rural PopuJ..ttion I ______J-.~~ __~ ____. -----"------, -A----..--___----... Population Population St~(e/District/Pohcc St.tion Total No. persons Females Number ,-___-J...------, Number r---~-"'____-"" of Inbabited Males Females Males Females ViJlages

2 4 6 7 9 10 II

Kurseong Subdlvrsion 73 82,256 44,119 38,137 4 251 199 18 3,359 2,732 8 Kursconll 60 52,836 29,305 23,531 4 251 199 17 3,16& 2,585 9 Mirik 13 29,420 14,814 14,606 191 147 Silgurl Subdo'i'ion • 360 309,809 165,039 144,770 50 3,077 2,563 91 15,321 14,024 10 Naxalban 94 72,467 38,566 33,901 18 1,227 981 21 3,550 3,354 11 Siliguri 85 78,232 42,305 35,927 8 365 298 23 3,644 3,218 12 Phansidcwa 108 107,464 56,863 50,601 17 1,072 903 24 4,378 3,876 13 Kbaribari 73 51,646 27,305 24,341 7 413 381 23 3,749 3,576

4 WEST DINAJPUR 3,036 2,136,221 1,100,216 1,036,005 498 32,073 30,556 1,004 175,979 167,607

/Sillll1PUt Subdil.tiyioll 733 721,161 373,017 348,144 67 4,243 3,986 186 33,270 31,196 Chopra 116 128,699 67,089 61,610 12 752 700 33 5,834 5,150 2 lslampur 100 145,427 75,255 70,172 7 527 486 17 2,947 2,781 Go.lpokhar 154 170,736 88,210 82,526 10 598 560 35 6,421 5,858 4 a..kalia 156 114,530 59,269 55,261 16 997 905 51 9,263 8,940 Karandighi 207 161,769 83,194 78,575 22 1,369 1,335 50 8,805 8,467 Raignnj Subdivision 1,264 842,910 433,313 409,5')7 200 12,820 12,207 426 76,025 72,545 6 Raill.nj 220 204,827 106,259 9R,568 IS 939 857 61 11,501 10,621 6,518 7 Aemtabad 113 77,881 40,574 37,307 II 591 572 40 7,085 10,397 8 Kaliallanj 191 126,952 65,733 61,219 22 1,401 1,327 66 11,173 15,404 9 Kushmundi 217 120,300 61,195 59,105 48 3,316 3,140 90 15,982 12,957 10 Itahar 244 181,977 92,826 89,151 29 1,646 1,62-1 74 13,276 16,648 11 B .... shihari 269 130,973 66,726 64,247 75 4,927 4,687 95 17,008 63,866 Sflflar Subdivision 1,039 572,150 293,886 278,264 231 15,010 14,363 392 66,684 12,502 12 G .ng,rampur 198 130,639 66,996 63,643 32 2,193 2,073 76 13,166 13,698 13 Ku llarganj 205 104,627 53,703 50,924 47 3,018 2,931 82 14,243 17,220 16,679 14 Tapan 269 147,633 75,552 72,081 61 4,125 4,010 104 17,630 16,744 15 Balarghat 293 144,796 74,817 69,979 77 4,948 4,603 108 4,425 4,243 16 Hjlli 74 44,455 22,818 21,637 14 726 746 22 78,338 76,105 5 MALDAH DISTRICT 1,615 1,934,675 992,063 942,612 221 13,315 12,780 457 77,338 76,103 Satlnr Subdivision 1,615 1.934,675 992,063 942,612 221 13,315 12,780 457 57,912 7,653 Harieltchanclrapur 175 221,890 Il4,216 107,674 12 604 570 43 5,281 5,101 2 Kharba (Chaneh.l) 182 217,746 11 1,929 105,817 12 622 601 29 26 4,929 4,649 Ratua 135 241,198 123,821 117,377 4 226 140 114 19,414 18,817 4 Gajole 286 180,315 92,248 88,067 59 3,700 3,677 1,386 1,436 62 10,689 10,321 S Bamangola 140 85,362 43,550 41,812 20 16,791 16,799 235 141,070 71,743 69,327 54 3,601 3,382 102 6 Habibpur 7,035 22 1,474 1,369 45 7,237 7 Maldah 114 90,188 46,180 44,008 887 814 22 3,637 3,383 S English Bazar 113 154,792 80,051 74,741 21 1,055 1,047 74 149,981 76,190 73,791 7 221 218 7 9 Manik Chak 1,300 10 594 573 7 1,393 10 Kalia CIld!.. • 161 452,133 232,135 219,998 8,152 312 55,830 53,310 6 MURSHIOAIlAD DISTRICT 1,927 3,351,534 1,711,627 1,639,907 165 8,630 13,415 3,156 2,971 80 13,921 Jallgipur Subdivhiolt 469 780,248 393,503 386,745 61 1,900 1,820 62 117,428 59,339 58,089 12 4,715 485 II Farrak!... 624 622 2 6~ 65 4 2 s,msherganj 41 132,864 66,409 66,455 1,056 1,031 83 167,472 84,644 82,818 482 414 3 Suti 10 3,152 2,968 114 205,403 102,967 102,436 471 429 4 Raghunathganj 6,974 76,937 32 1,6G4 1,518 39 7,189 Sagar dighi 169 157,081 80,144 14,523 56 2,792 2,649 87 15,173 Lalbag" SUbliivisioll 506 768,943 393,722 375,221 19 3,649 3,451 84 138.007 70,688 67,319 361 366 6 Lalgola 3,370 3,152 93,256 10 739 713 17 7 Bhagawango]a 107 190,766 97,510 10 1,701 1,634 85 200,693 103,045 97,648 332 26') 8 Ranina&ar 15 2,106 2,014 76 87,389 44,724 42,665 10 519 476 9 Murshidabad 9 1,418 1,417 46 28,259 14,502 13,757 14 502 469 10 Jia~anJ 2,929 2,855 63,253 60,576 6 339 356 17 11 Naba&ram 108 123,829 17,9 '1 330,866 21 1,316 1,228 102 18,841 X(wdi Subdh hdoll 507 676,044 345,178 21 3,745 3,607 139 168,162 85,947 82,215 12 644 620 12 Khargram 44 8,065 7,644 153 165,035 84,434 80,601 4 332 309 13 Burwan 10 1,938 1,829 84 129,622 66,175 63,447 3 266 235 11 Kandl 5,093 4,845 104,603 2 74 6. 27 Bharatpur 131 213,225 108,622 ~------207


500-999 1,000-1.999 2,OOO-4,Q99 50,00-9,999 10,000 and above r---- ______-A.., ____ --, 'r------A.___ ~l r------...A_-----__...... r---- .--A._--~-...... r------.....,______, population Population PopulatIOn population r-- ____..A.. __ -. Population Numberr---_ _A.__ -. Number Number r-----'----. Number ,-----'----~ Number ,---_,,_____...... Males Females :f\.faJes Females MJles Fern,lies Male~ Females Males. Fern"des

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

23 8,549 7,413 18 14,090 12,187 9 14,254 12,203 3,616 3,403 21 7,927 6,741 14 JI,099 9,261 4 6,860 4,745 2 622 672 4 2,991 2,926 5 7,394 7,458 3,616 3,403 108 41,169 36,816 86 60,574 52,279 22 34,886 30,726 10,012 8,362 28 10,501 9,589 21 14,016 12,367 6 9,272 7,610 12 8,810 7,628 27 18,637 15,471 -I 6,871 6,373 I 3,978 2,939 31 12,389 11,043 25 18,921 16,734 9 14,069 12,622 2 6,034 5,423 27 9.469 8,556 13 9,000 7,707 4,674 4,121

918 327,338 310,059 477 339,130 317,983 125 184,956 171,487 14 40,740 38,313 236 84,666 79,555 169 120,630 112,626 65 l00,D38 92,440 10 30,170 28,341 29 10,184 9,731 26 18,868 17,354 11 17,37-1 15,525 5 14,077 13,150 29 10,889 10,279 26 20,273 18,927 19 33,567 31,153 2 7,052 6,546 46 16,800 15,764 41 28,381 26,557 19 26,969 25,142 9,041 8,645 53 18,998 17,576 30 21,313 19,835 6 8,698 8,005 79 27,795 26,205 46 31,795 29,953 10 13,430 12,615 391 139,855 132,694 205 145,210 136,806 40 5-1,721 50,891 2 4,682 4,454 70 26,169 24,408 56 41,282 38,531 18 26,368 24 ,151 40 14,735 13,601 21 16,776 15,273 1 1,387 1,343 64 22,737 21,226 34 23,661 21,927 5 6,761 6,342 63 22,541 21,722 23 15,548 15,095 3 3,808 3,744 79 27,203 26,098 50 33,721 32,538 10 12,298 11,480 2 4,682 4,454 75 26,470 25,639 21 14,222 13,442 4,099 3,831 291 102,817 97,810 103 73,290 68,551 20 30,197 28,156 5,883 5,518 58 20,558 19,662 24 16,986 16,128 7 11,102 10,406 2,991 2,872 51 17,889 16,929 24 17,512 16,385 1,041 9Rl 74 26,463 25,325 23 16,933 15,918 6 7,914 7,503 2,897 26,Mb 27,544 26,161 25 17,396 15,872 4 ,7,299 6,599 10,363 9,733 7 4,463 4,248 2 2,841 2,667 371 136,389 130,203 289 213,590 202,134 217 336,498 320,191 56 184,085 173,118 4 29,848 28,081 371 136,389 130,203 289 213,590 202,134 217 336,498 320,191 56 184,085 171,118 4 29,848 28,081 45 17,177 16,238 41 30,542 28,886 31 48,226 45,2?8 9,755 9,02Y 56 20,665 19,417 60 45,947 42,981 21 33,538 32,375 2 5,876 5,342 24 9,977 9,564 35 26,706 25,202 40 58,666 55,715 5 17,212 16,355 6,105 5,752 64 22,224 21,239 33 23,197 21,909 16 23,713 22,415 33 11,605 11,297 22 15,710 14,958 4,160 3,800 46 16,217 15,848 21 14,541 14,094 12 20,593 19,2M 23 7,813 7,634 13 9,042 8,619 9 12,857 12,377 2 7,757 6,974 29 11,514 10,823 17 13,107 12,174 16 25,021 23,566 25,885 23,981 17 6,362 6,025 15 10,600 10,077 21 31,594 31,306 26,358 25,118 34 12,835 12,118 32 24,198 23,234 46 78,130 7~,125 29 91,242 86,319 23,7·B 22,329 453 169,892 161,189 494 368,254 353,929 370 575,942 551,490 lU 401,541 385,558 19 131,535 1,26,219 104 38,340 36,821 lOS 76,83& 75,149 84 128,344 125,448 27 96,245 96,196 36,659 36,745 10 3,362 3,203 14 10,269 10,082 7 10,133 9,946 7 25,774 25,242 7,426 7,311 & 3,132 3,075 9 6,703 6,811 12 20,414 20,485 3 12,036 12,042 23,436 23,555 15 5,485 5,314 20 14,018 13,830 29 43,335 41,935 6 20,268 20,244 25 8,947 8,743 30 22,554 21,904 22 33,727 33,232 8 28,319 29,281 5,797 5,879 46 17,414 16,486 35 23,294 22,512 14 20,735 20,050 9,848 9,387 137 50,953 48,408 118 88,831 85,294 82 129,257 123,302 22 76,964 73,001 4 29,752 28,044 18 6,734 6,513 14 10,775 10,338 18 30,367 28,878 6 18,802 17,768 26 9,572 9,124 26 19,681 19,118 22 31,961 30,487 4 17,038 16,260 2 15,149 14,40.2 20 7,516 7,250 20 16,310 15,472 16 23,077 26,791 10 34,506 32,590 .2 14,693 13,642 18 6,979 6,692 22 16,449 15,757 II 18,671 17,726 14 5,090 4,660 7 4,468 4,233 3,02·t 2,978 41 15,062 14,164 29 21,143 20,376 13 17,157 16,442 2 6,618 6,383 136 51,520 49,037 160 116,759 112,325 75 106,752 102,237 11 44,502 42,923 5,488 5,191 35 12,787 12,185 50 35,227 33,968 19 26,460 25,358 7,084 6,477 42 15,870 15,050 45 32,126 30,735 16 21,703 21,675 2 5,338 5,188 26 10,063 9,662 30 22,187 21,122 12 18,873 17,978 3 12,848 12,621 33 12,800 12,140 35 27,219 26,50Q 28 30,716 37,226 5 19,232 18,637 5,488 5,191 208

TABLE A~3-VILLAGES CLASSIFIED ----_-_._------~-- Total Rural Population Less than 200 200-499 ,.~ ___ .A _____-, ,-______J _____ .... ,- . -----' ------~ .... Population Population ____-A..~-, State/District!Police Station Total No. Penons Males Females Number r- ____ A ___ ~- Number of inhabited Males Females Maleo Females Villages

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II ------.---- Sadar Subdivision 445 1,126,299 519,224 547,075 27 1,366 1,304 43 7,895 7,441 16 Beld.nga 118 308,257 159,363 148,894 4 231 191 10 1,823 1,699 17 Nawda 29 130,726 66,868 63,858 2 1 IS Hariharpara 55 149,679 76,387 73,292 2 150 ISS 474 482 19 Berhampur 130 210,939 108,179 102,760 13 725 713 22 3,917 3,667 20 Domkal 72 192,125 98,772 93.353 3 130 114 2 449 441 21 Jalangi 41 134,573 69,655 64,918 4 122 130 6 1,232 1,158

7 NADIA DISTRICT 1,255 2,324,384 1,195,489 1,128,895 83 4,115 3,855 131 24,430 23,394 Krishnagar Sub-Division 706 1,44,7637 744,193 703,444 44 2,025 1,994 71 12,548 12,116 Karimpur 129 243,697 125,643 118,234 10 547 559 11 2,527 2,424 2 Tehatta 87 238,346 122,391 115,955 5 231 223 3 483 454 Kaliganj 101 191,849 99,031 92,818 13 4l! 392 14 2,679 2,552 4 N.kasipara 99 195,165 100,237 94,928 6 374 359 6 1,048 1,111 S Chapra 78 179,722 92,165 87,557 80 62 5 935 938 6 Krishnaganj 52 91,061 46,705 44,356 83 85 8 1,632 1,583 7 Krishnagar 131 246,494 126,333 120,161 299 314 16 2,926 2,837 8 Nabadwip 23 61,303 31,868 29,435 2 318 301 ](anazhal Subdivision 549 876,144 451,296 425,451 39 2,090 1,861 60 11,882 11,218 9 Santipur 61 90,167 46,458 43,709 172 174 4 912 817 10 Hanskh.1i 78 146,094 75,215 70,819 2 100 94 8 1,350 1,263 11 Ranagbat 174 296,138 152,452 143,686 17 815 759 15 2,836 2,64~ 12 Chakdaha 131 184,027 94,721 89,306 11 786 693 17 3,757 3,552 13 Kalyani 20 31,265 16,506 14,759 62 60 6 1,248 1,228 14 Haringhata 85 129,056 65,944 63,112 95 81 10 1,179 1,716

8 TWENTY FOUR PAR. GANAS DISTRICT 3,744 656,995 3,384,784 31,85,173 127 7,259 . 6,904 397 77,524 73,331 Ballgaon Subdil:ision 36% 56,152 290,524 272,628 6 457 424 38 8,339 7,776 Bagdah 105 142,014 73,169 68,845 96 84 16 3,886 3,653 1 Bang.on 149 229,027 118,083 110,944 361 340 12 2,382 2,199 Gaillhata 101 192,111 99,272 92,839 10 2,071 1.924 Barasal Subdivision 555 827,395 425,289 402,106 11 77 697 44 9,980 9,576 4 H.bra 153 216,712 111,077 105,635 4 314 331 10 1,901 1,845 , Deganga 108 172,721 87,752 84,969 3 204 171 7 1,218 1,189 6 Rajarhat 45 95,567 49,788 45,779 2 429 400 7 Barasat 170 236,660 122,433 114,227 112 94 18 4,192 4,683 8 Amdanga 79 105,735 S4,239 51,496 91 101 1,520 1,459 Barrackpore Subrfivision 76 148,180 77,625 70,555 2 163 171 653 568 9 Bijpur 16 23,118 121,145 10,973 9~ 100 2 495 425 10 Naihati 14 23,289 12,222 11,067 158 143 11 Jagatdal 14 31,669 16,538 15,131 69 71 12 Noapara Enlitely 13 Barrackpur Entirely 14 Titagarh 10 22,601 11,954 10,641 IS Khardah 15 29,400 15,381 14,019 16 Entirely 17 Baranagar Entirely 18 DumDum 6,971 3,610 3,361 19 Nimta 2 4,180 2,192 1,988 20 Airport 3 4,357 2,235 2,122 11 Lake·town Area and Population are includec in urban area 22 Sail Lake 2,595 1,348 1,247 Sardar Subdb,h,ioll 999 1,912,263 988,452 923,811 27 1,598 1,519 91 17,471 16,459 23 aarden Reach Entirely 24 Metiabruz Entirely 25 Maheshtola 28 54,693 28,516 26,177 2 454 410 26 Bud&e Budge 83 160,135 83,343 76,792 2 111 125 :I 972 913 ~7 Bishnupur 154 275,593 142,830 132,763 22 23 12 2,400 2,206 28 Behala 19 31,136 16,647 14,489 2 353 303 29 Regent Park Entirely ------209


500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and obo\c r-_~--A_--___-, ------~----~ I~~~----"------~ -. ,------"-._---- .. Popuation population PopulatIOn Populaiton populatioQ N.mber ..----.1'---, N~lmber , ___ ~_..A___ -_~ NlI'nber r-___A __-, Number ( ------'------, Number ,-____A__~ Mal., Femalts Males Femalc~ Ma le., Ferna lc~ Male~ Females Mal.. Female.

12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 26

76 29,079 26,923 lOG 85,826 SI,161 129 211,589 200,503 53 183,833 173,438 9 59,636 56,299 21 8,4)2 7,827 2S 22,232 20,852 16 58.684 54.948 18 60,221 56,241 7,714 7,136 676 697 5 3,688 3,621 9 15,918 1',079 9 28,681 27,432 17,903 17,028 12 4,602 4,398 11 9,179 8,584 17 29,733 28,838 26,704 25,503 5,545 5,332 16 9,437 8,893 27 23,584 22,429 39 60,945 57,898 3 9,571 9,160 (1) II 4,052 1,&4<> 2& 22,\6& 1

272 109,504 7 317 493,628 466,286 66 218,009 205,544 103,683 37 283,960 267,787 61,143 51,34'

122 325,372 308,049 49 161,465 46,989 44,797 206 150,840 142,030 207 152,454 7 44,954 41,9044 29 11,193 10,846 32 23,149 21,056 29 46,613 34,135 10 29,83S 28,031 11,596 11,1$3 12 4,655 4,331 20 15,149 14,504 34 53,016 50,427 II 37,159 35,191 11,69S 10,825 22 36,109 33,88-1 4 18 6,886 6,548 34 23,831 22,581 15,091 13,980 14,018 12,905 19 7,179 6,969 27 19,853 18,922 36 56,806 53,366 5 14,977 14,195 1.%8 2,859 28 20,991 19,893 31 45,214 43,033 4 14,335 13,741 7,642 7,031 9 3,614 3,335 16 12,676 12,009 16 23,252 22,301 2 5,448 5,Q43 25 9,551 9,057 41 28,648 26,908 53,123 50,801 9 31,786 30,244 94) 8''2 6,541 6,1'1 7 11 ,239 10,102 4 12,82-' 12,029

150 62,515 58,886 171 113,1.20 125,757 110 168,256 158,237 17 56,544 53,090 2 16,889 16,402 22 8,282 7,832 16 11,879 11,111 15 18,996 17,821 2 6,271 5,948 20 7,940 7,487 24 17,984 17,005 19 30,777 29,229 5 17,064 15,801 39 14,095 13,301 54 40,479 38,175 42 61,095 57,309 16,183 15,098 16,889 16,462 43 22,430 21,065 40 34,129 32,23l 17 24,989 23.561 8,630 8,204 4 1,172 1,143 5 4,012 3,561 5,213 4,311 4,799 4,456 22 8,596 B,058 3~ 24,637 23,668 17 27,186 26,006 3,651 3,5~3

894 349,057 328,939 1,229 903,777 853,110 929 1,43Y,6Y8 1,353,955 151 497,032 464,701 17 110,417 104,121 89 34,276 32,061 141 102,922 97,201 80 119,255 111,830 25,275 23,336 28 10,590 9,900 42 30,656 29,114 18 25,265 23,637 2,676 2,457 41 15,565 14,573 56 40,612 38,163 32 48,587 45,725 10,576 9,939 20 8,121 7,588 43 11,654 2<),91<; 30 45,403 42,468 12,023 10,940 161 72,118 68,654 219 153,523 145,528 110 161,691 152,284 10 27,250 25,367 53 21,626 20,549 57 41,768 39,936 27 39,830 37,569 5,638 5,405 30 11,615 11,244 41 31,065 30,119 25 37,799 36,736 5,851 5,510 7 2.813 2,542 18 13,671 12,572 15 21,643 20,004 11,212 10,261 48 27,273 25,871 65 39,205 36,336 33 46,402 43,052 4,529 4,191 23 K,791 8,448 3~ 27,814 26,565 10 16,017 14,923 13 4,541 4,092 32 25,399 23,143 21 30,290 27,366 16,579 15,215 3 1,107 1,016 7 6,051 5,503 ~,398 3,929 994 940 4,759 4,443 2 2,615 2,169 3,696 3,372 1,062 899 2,486 2,138 7,1 R7 h,541 2 5,714 5, '82 Urban Urb.[\ 2 550 504 .. 3,309 2,956 4,566 4,OS7 3,539 3,100 456 395 to 7,995 7,23Y 4 6,130 6,385 Urban Urban 1,610 3,361 2 2,192 1,9R8 372 338 799 764 1,064 1,020 of other P. S. of this SubdivIsion. 1,348 1,247 272 418,064 389,152 225 85,776 80.407 323 242,121 227.238 55 181.954 175,244 6 ,15,461 33.7tJ Urbao Urban 6 2,226 2,016 10 7,406 6,829 15,781 14,500 2,649 2,427 7,910 30 23,090 21,581 20 33,605 30,868 3 12,140 10,880 22 8,495 4,923 4,SU 36 14,811 13,929 56 40,814 38,188 43 65,830 60,831 6 18,8')3 17,586 8 3,185 3,052 4 2,298 2.274 4,954 4,505 5,857 4,355 Urban 210


Total Rural Population Less than 200 2()().499 Total No. ,.. -----....__------, r------'------""\ r----"------of[nhabited POpulation Population State/District/Police Station Villages Porsons Males Females Number ,___ .A.____ ...., Number ,---...,____""\ Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It

3(, Jadabpur Entirely Urban 31 Kasba Entirely Urban 32 Tlljala Entirely Urban 33 Dhaogar 143 248,071 127,504 120,567 4 327 299 11 2,241 2,136 y, Sonarpur 92 157.440 83,287 ,4,tH \1Q 151 10 2,Qll 1.&9! 3$ Barwpur 132 204,009 105,412 98,597 4 310 301 17 3.473 3,261 36 Cannini 119 223,331 113,774 109,777 8 324 325 15 2.394 2,35' 31 Dasanti 65 172,353 88,545 83,808 2 364 303 38 Jayaaagar 113 238.135 122.625 115,510 4 221 210 11 2.038 1.992 39 Kultali 51 147,147 75,969 71.178 107 79 4 749 682 DllJmtmd HtJbour Sub dl.l3lon 1.076 1,781.228 917,825 863.043 58 3.177 2,983 153 28,355 26.539 40 Mage,hat 170 318,136 164,269 153.867 3 239 227 17 3,375 3,169 41 Falta 133 161.181 83,489 77.692 6 212 207 18 3.472 3,270 42 Diamond Hubour 165 208,868 1,07.920 100,948 3 167 172 24 4,942 4,'2S 43 Ku11)i 170 167.640 85,888 81,752 23 1.282 1.204 41 7,087 6.716 44 Mandir Bazar 110 126,947 65.142 61.805 10 548 540 19 3,469 3,293 4' Mathurapur. 121 244,609 126,624 117,985 9 565 504 28 5.174 4,805 46 Pathar Pratima 87 197,686 101.687 95.999 I 98 93 3 428 409 47 Kakdwip 48 166,777 85.623 81.154 48 Sagore 44 115.228 59,103 56,125 409 347 49 Namkhana 28 74,136 38,080 36,076 66 36 IltlsI,Jmr Sub dMs/on 676 1.337,739 685,069 652.670 23 l.ll7 1.110 68 12,725 12.418 '0 Swarupna,ar 66 155,066 78,981 76,085 2 240 212 51 Baduria 95 158.503 80,631 77.874 2 94 88 14 2,665 2,618 '2 Basirhat 133 214.659 109.439 103,220 56 47 18 3.291 3.247 " Haroa 98 134.143 68.703 63.440 7 361 330 15 2.986 2.815 54 Minakhan 64 76,564 39.041 31.523 5 283 295 8 1,486 1,435 '5 Hasnabad 84 134.392 69.147 65.445 223 235 11 2,057 2,031 '6 $ande.hkbali 34 191.076 98.080 92.996 S1 HlnsalsanJ 32 104,799 53,993 50,806 2 120 115 '8 Oosaba 50 168.335 87.054 81.281

10 HAORA DISTRICT 755 1,628.068 834,661 793.407 11 861 791 38 170 1.1184 Sadar Subdixlslon 181 481.867 249,021 232,846 2 139 140 4 735 686 1 Bally Entirely 2 Lilnh 5 14.991 7,790 7.201 (3.8) Haora City Entirely 9 Domj"f 46 112.982 57,834 55.148 2 390 379 to Sankrail 22 60.981 31,832 29,149 ISO 128 11 Panchl. 32 33.349 69.188 64.161 2 139 140 11 lagat Ballsvpur 76 159,364 82,377 77,187 195 t79 Uluberla Subdivls:on 574 1.146.201 585.640 560.561 9 722 651 34 6.535 6,396 13 Udaynarayanpur 75 131.325 66.390 64.935 2 204 112 2 465 497 14 Amta 143 279,623 140,474 139,149 3S() 326 11 2,142 2,111 IS BalDan 98 227.406 117.787 109.619 74 ~9 259 226 16 Ulubcria 112 247.797 128,155 119.642 6 1.086 1,012 11 Bawna . 3 8.404 4.449 3,955 18 Shampur 143 251.646 128.385 123.261 94 94 14 2,583

HUGU DISTRICT 1,899 2.506,777 1.290,615 1.216.162 81 4,902 4.606 353 64,805 62,158

Arambar Sub DiYision 550 789,955 403,031 386,924 28 1,933 1.913 105 18.641 18,154 Goghat 204 195,108 99.302 95.806 17 1,227 1,191 57 9,912 9,773 2 Arambag 152 187,801 96,209 91.592 4 311 300 33 5.771 5.606 3 Khaaakul 144 285.321 144.835 140.486 7 450 422 13 2.606 2.463 4 Pursurah 50 121.725 62,685 59,040 2 332 312 Sada, Sub dMsion 747 787.280 405,507 381.773 39 2.124 1.965 167 30.780 29.419 5 Dhaniakhali 214 215,080 110,531 104,529 5 241 253 54 9,854 9.573 6 Panduah 156 177.199 90,918 86,281 8 476 478 29 5.301 4,982 7 Dalagarh 133 151.381 77.999 73,382 9 556 488 28 5.018 4.705 8 Nagra 41 47,267 24,737 22.530 4 214 191 8 1.633 1.485 211


2,000-4,999 500-999 r· ____1,000--1,999__J.__ ___ -. 5,000--9,999 10,000 and above ,------'----. r-----'------. -_-, population population population POPulation ------Number r--.A.____ -. Number r----"---..... Number r-~--"------""\ Number r--.....___..... Number r----""----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26

30 11,055 10,554 53 4~,144 37,898 40 57,798 54,434 15,939 15,246 22 8,143 7'536 29 21,927 19,942 25 38,796 33,766 12,218 10,854 41 15,173 13,902 42 31,504 29,591 23 34,568 32,516 4 14,470 13,440 5,914 5,586 21 7,844 7,596 34 25,049 23,957 33 49,833 48,107 7 22,203 21,456 6,127 5,981 9 3,374 3,165 19 15,088 14,232 26 41,526 39,245 9 28,193 26,863 24 8,903 8,399 35 25,781 24,239 30 44,726 41,743 6 22,452 21,217 18.504 17,710 6 2,507 2,348 11 9,020 8,512 20 30,646 28,631 9 32,940 30,920 279 10,5221 98,508 293 215,471 203,134 250 391,597 370,225 36 123,871 115,340 50,132 46,67)

39 15,724 14,794 60 45,654 42,821 37 51,512 48,299 13 40,950 38,394 6,815 6,163 42 16,198 14,70') 48 33,437 31,323 18 26,955 25,329 3,215 2,854 S4 20,205 19,061 59 43,450 40,311 24 35,703 33,835 3,453 3,038 56 20,665 19,740 34 24,180 23,073 13 17,089 16.119 2 7,402 6,996 8,183 7,824 42 14,620 13,651 22 16,506 15,741 15 21,873 21,130 2 8.126 1,444 28 10,926 10,0')0 2J 16,193 15,358 20 32,081 29,789 9 34,403 31,866 4 27,2821 25,573 9 3,333 3,0')8 25 18,943 18,031 47 71,626 67,628 2 7,259 6,734 4 1,678 1,668 10 7,338 7.168 27 49,692 47,185 6 19,063 18,014 7,852 7,119 1,175 1,110 9 7,301 7,000 29 50,218 47,668 2 697 587 3 2,469 2,290 20 34,848 33,163 127 47,125 45,217 221 164,341 156,976 196 131.801 303,0')8 37 116,103 110,201 4 24,837 23,650 16 5,887 5,668 24 17,501 16,790 19 34,137 32,892 3 8,673 8,417 2 12,543 12,106 18 6,470 6,309 29 22,572 21,649 30 42,640 41,282 2 6,190 5,928 31 11,549 11,119 49 36,177 34,638 27 41,707 39,991 16,659 16,[78 29 10,735 10,080 29 20,997 20,002 13 17,752 17,239 5 15,872 14,9[4 16 5,800 5,574 27 18,805 18,054 7 10,008 9,664 2,659 2,501 13 4,973 4,820 34 25,130 23,902 21 33,990 31,828 2,774 2,629 488 489 11 8,918 8,468 32 57,299 54,388 10 31,375 29,651 2 795 71S 9 1,332 6,945 14 26,3$7 24,675 4 13,102 12,331 6,287 6,0.1$ 428 443 9 6,909 6,528 33 54,911 51,139 6 18,799 17,652 6,001 5.519

111 46,871 45,495 166 196,811 189,501 285 460,712 435,523 32 107,884 101,694 2 14,242 13,319 28 11,240 10,791 56 41,108 39,035 74 128,621 119,351 15 52,936 49.524 2 14,242 13,319 Urban 920 854 3 4,154 3,878 2,716 2,469 Urban 8 3,175 3,167 14 10,193 9,916 20 37,534 35,211 2 6,542 6,475 432 416 10 8,114 7,550 9 16,t85 14,595 6,951 6,460 5 3,960 3,581 16 29,232 26,887 8 28,566 26,688 7,291 6,859 19 7,633 7,208 26 17,921 17,128 26 41,516 38,780 4 15,112 13,892 93 35,631 34,704 210 155,713 150,466 211 332,091 316,172 17 54,948 52,170 18 6,740 6,762 31 23,118 22,790 22 35,863 34,714 18 6,955 7,047 54 40,315 40,506 51 77,539 75,903 4 13,173 13,256 14 5,501 5,165 33 24,370 22,720 44 72,937 67,935 5 14,646 13,514 19 7,587 7,137 35 26,293 24,634 45 68,849 64,082 7 24,340 22,777 3 4,449 3,955 24 8,848 8,593 57 41,617 39,816 46 12,454 69,583 2,789 2.623

601 217,101 116,119 534 406,705 3S0,330 283 427,858 402,433 4S 146,4l9 138,463 11,704 11,1153 143 53,137 51,101 152 111,384 106,085 103 152,753 146,973 18 59,503 57,304 5,625 5,394

62 23,658 22,730 44 31,064 30,265 24 33,441 31,847 53 19,047 18,304 43 33,422 31,399 15 21,798 20,899 4 15,860 15,084 25 9,120 8,863 43 29,863 28,443 46 69,110 67,228 9 28,061 27,673 5,625 5,394 3 1,1l2 1,204 22 17,035 15,978 18 28,404 26.999 15,582 14,547 265 99,496 94,077 193 137,884 199,855 75 112,669 105,251 8 22,554 21,206 81 29,810 28,396 53 36,959 34,574 18 24.801 23,469 3 8,886 8,264 52 19,524 18,626 46 32,168 30,742 19 26,558 24,973 2 6,891 6,480 47 17,528 16,516 32 23,682 22,497 16 28,620 26,701 2,595 2,475 11 4,590 4,213 11 7,789 7,214 7 10,491 9,427 212


. _____Total Rural POPuldtlOn.A. Less than 200 200-499 r-______A _____ -,~ r-______.A.______, ---, PopulllioD population StatejDi.tri

9 Chinsurah 11 11,775 11,250 10,525 156 136 10 Pol\m 94 91,137 47,516 44,161 6 251 230 21 4,150 4,032 II Dadpur 98 82,841 41,476 40,365 7 386 325 26 4,648 4,506 Clu",dernagqrr Sub division 354 493,899 257,5.14 236,345 7 410 393 47 8,643 2,242 12 Tarak.swar 89 12~,140 64,853 60,287 15 2,905 2.698 13 Harlpal 153 170,402 88,230 82,172 196 185 20 3,733 3,616 14 Singur 96 176,455 92,946 83,509 4 214 208 10 1,677 1,621 1$ Dhadr.... ar 16 ~1,902 11,525 10,377 328 307 16 Cbandemagorc Fntircly Serampo,. sub dl,'isIOIl 248 435,643 224,523 211,120 7 380 335 34 6,741 6,441 17 Jalllllpara 128 145,399 74,779 70,620 251 230 22 3,90~ 3.853 18 Chonditar. 98 234,697' 120,670 114,027 129 105 10 2,H8 2.163 1q Serampur 16 38,020 19,797 18,223 222 223 2() Uttarpara 6 17,527 Q,277 8,250 183 204

MHDINIPUR DISTRICT 10,468 6,170,03' 3,154,183 3,015,856 3,177 170,050 163,695 3,~90 587,504 566,064

Jhargram Sub division 2,493 718,411 366,704 351,707 1,194 61,745 59,821 %9 I 56,O~5 150,967 1 Binpur 806 211,964 110,822 107,142 427 21,068 20,536 278 43,713 42.592 2 Jambori 281 75,253 38,316 36,937 166 8.664 8,507 78 12,357 12,168 3 Jhararllm 491 115,662 59,224 56,438 265 12.792 12.:214 184 29.672 28,060 4 Gopiballavpur 370 140,542 71,219 68,323 117 6,991 6,719 186 31,493 29,980 $ Sankrail'- 248 77,114 39,270 37,844 99 5,936 5,724 114 18,380 18,042 6 Nayqr_ 297 91,876 46,853 45,023 120 6,294 6,111 119 20,391 20,125 Sadar Sub di>ision 4,356 1,927,366 985,132 941,234 1,555 84,753 81,203 1,559 259,008 249,348 7 Kc.biari 199 92,043 47,128 44,915 67 4,086 3,920 75 12,197 11,814 8 Danton' 229 141,803 72,809 68,994 45 2.560 2,381 76 12,953 12,499 9 -Mahanpur 101 66,196 33,651 32,545 15 890 928 37 6,487 6.292 10 BeIda 274 137,906 71,230 66,676 106 6,062 5,674 77 13,207 12,253 11 Narayaoaarh 247 103,043 52,159 50,284 81 4,286 4,094 105 16,486 15,861 12 'Sabang 225 168,298 85,988 82,310 35 2,007 1,970 80 14,326 13,647 13 Pioala 171 122,541 62,787 ' 59,754 31 1,764 1,706 60 10,225 9,868 14 Kharagpor 550 207,183 106,193 100,990 230 12,700 12,136 203 33,870 32,858 15 KharlllPur Town Entirely I 6 'Medm, pur 227 107,241 54,672 52,569 75 3,956 3,793 90 14,930 14,409 11 Debra 457 171,541 87,529 84,012 151 9,117 8,499 192 31,248 30,234 18 Kcshpur 537 196,384 100,154 96,230 218 1l,734 11,153 199 32,453 31,149 19 Salboni 394 114,459 58,029 56,430 195 9,423 9,143 129 20,579 19,954 2() Goattor 342 125,366 63,734 61,632 139 7,640 7,448 118 20,299 19,572 21 Garhbcta: 403 173,362 88,4(;9 84,893 167 8,528 8,358 118 19,748 18,937 Ghalal Sub division 629 597,115 301,391 295,724 54 3,474 3,333 187 33,565 32,742 22 Cbandrakona 249 158,740 80,328 78,412 41 2,614 2,487 100 18,317 17,633 23 Ghatal 138 143,615 72,934 10,681 7 430 417 40 6,729 6,648 24 D ...pur 242 294,760 148,129 146,631 6 430 429 47 8,519 8,461 Tam/uk Sub divlsloll 1,198 1,547,975 794,523 753,452 60 3,314 3,206 215 39,051 37,625 2' Panskura 349 368,966 189,479 179,487 15 988 1,043 96 16,829 16,322 26 Mayna 84 139,224 71,640 67,584 2 55 49 9 1,649 1,561 27 Tamluk 188 265,082 135,961 129,121 4 174 142 18 3,787 3,646 41 II 2,232 2,119 28 Mahisada I 167 269,958 138,449 131,509 2 51 29 Sutabata 124 152,233 77,815 74,418 10 606 568 20 3,743 3,643 3 739 740 30 Durgacha" 23 27,726 14,236 13,490 I 5 4 31 Haldia 12 18,311 9,717 8,594 2 108 97 32 Nandiaram 251 306,475 157,226 149,249 24 1,327 1,263 57 10,072 9,594 Contat Sub Ju'i,ioll 1,792 1,379,172 706,433 672,739 314 16,764 16.132 560 99.874 95,382 33 Khijuri 134 161,316 83,215 78,041 9 562 500 36 6,259 5,844 34 Bb_gwaopur 322 258,949 132,505 126,444 63 3,552 3,454 94 16,261 15,356 35 Patashpur 278 214,720 110,430 104,290 41 2,499 2,313 8S 16,873 16,233 36 Eara 243 227,594 116,378 111,216 29 1,337 1,319 74 12,922 12,360 37 Contai 545 314,548 161.211 153,331 121 6,424 6.215 189 33,547 31,934 lS Ramnagar 243 184,166 93,508 90,658 48 2.289 2,250 70 12,350 12,016 81 39 Diaha 27 17,879 9,126 8,753 3 101 9 1,662 1,639 213

BY POPULATION SIZE-contd. ------500-999 . 1,000-1999 2,OO~,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and baove ,,- ...... ,.-____-..A-- ___ .... r-----...... ---...... ____A ___-:-_-, r- ~ ___-, Population Popl.llation Population Population Population Number t __..A. ___ , Number r----'--_...... Number ,------'----, Number r-----'----__ Number r-~-.-~-, Males Females Males Females l\lales rCl:1~les Malts Females Males Female,

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 ------~------1,320 1,245 2,054 1,912 5,112 4,677 2,608 2,555 34 12,J61 11,671 25 19,502 17,896 11,112 10,332 37 14,163 13,410 23 15,730 15,020 4 5,975 5,672 1,574 1,432 126 48,313 45,656 104 77,184 69,193 63 95,575 87,640 6 20,350 18,662 7.079 6,559

31 11,421 11,004 25 18,387 17,047 IS 22,254 20,391 3 9,886 9,141 66 24,994 23,615 43 31,035 28,658 21 28,272 26,098 26 10,728 9,991 27 20,878 17,292 25 40,906 38,323 10,464 9,515 7,079 6,559 3 1,170 1,046 9 6,884 6,196 2 3,143 2,828 Urban 67 26,256 25,285 85 80,253 75,197 42 66,861 62,569 13 44,032 ~1,29j

51 17,864 17,150 38 31,986 30,086 11 16,495 15,492 4,274 3,809 16 8,392 8,135 38 41,630 39,100 23 37,224 35,302 9 30,867 29,222 5,760 5,182 5 7,802 7,184 2 6,013 5,634 876 829 3 5,HO 4,591 2,878 2,626

2,144 766,177 732,885 1,150 810,863 774,056 465 673,427 641,581 38 123,158 115,18-l 2J,OO~ 22391 254 87,023 82,893 63 43,817 4,1083 13 18,113 16,943 77 26,309 25,094 20 13,804 13,218 4 5,928 5,642 28 10,179 9,761 7 4,725 4,219 2 2,391 2,282 34 10,646 10,342 7 4,983 4,729 1,131 1,083 47 17,300 16,264 15 9,823 9,201 6,612 6,159 29 9,158 8,915 5 3,745 3,386 2,051 1,777 39 13,431 12,517 9 6,737 6,270 835 292,596 280,651 323 218,755 209,421 16 101,507 96,406 27,51J 25,205 36 13,045 12,329 16 10,959 10,262 6,841 6,~90 70 24,738 23,344 30 21,614 20,157 10,944 10,613 30 10,354 10,029 15 9,843 9,466 6,077 5,830 56 20,406 19,335 28 18,076 17,014 6,027 5,518 2 7,452 6,882 42 15,588 14,680 16 12,485 11,907 3 3,914 3,741 61 21,281 20,380 36 25,641 24,609 11 16,150 15,359 2 6,583 6,345 46 16,058 15,193 21 14,365 13,922 12 17,214 16,082 3,161 2,983 80 27,935 26,572 30 19,933 19.167 6 8,070 7,434 3,685 2,823 Urban 33 11,167 10,883 25 17,657 16,993 3 4,052 3,727 2,910 2,764 92 30,895 29,696 17 10,603 10,282 5 5,666 5,301 84 28,197 27,239 31 19,351 18,760 4 4,697 4,521 3,722 3,405 58 1'1,286 18,769 11 7,116 7,087 1,625 1,477 65 23,0% 22,416 20 12,709 12,196 82 30,560 29,786 27 18,403 11,599 9 II ,230 10,213

201 75,135 73,471 128 92,521 90,026 55 79,175 78,626 2 5,839 5,6S5 11,682 11,841 64 23,401 23,192 37 25,630 24,982 7 10,366 10,118 42 15,585 15,286 31 23,595 22.143 17 23,482 22,676 3,113 2,911 95 36,149 34,993 60 43,296 42,301 31 45,327 45,832 2,726 2,774 2 11,682, 11,84 351 130,947 124,124 350 254,831 241,467 203 303,922 288,678 18 56,878 53,228 5,580 5,124 102 17,362 35,769 99 72,603 68,429 n 45,024 42,540 5 16,673 x5,384 21 ~,154 7,715 27 19,763 18,593 23 36,627 34,395 2 5,392 5,271 ~3 20,685 19,578 75 54,328 51,868 36 51,006 48,391 2 5,981 5,496 63 23,755 22,446 47 33,881 32,450 39 59,541 56,817 4 13,409 12,512 5,580 5,124 30 13,134 12,436 34 24,638 23,499 23 32,928 31,613 1 2,766 2,659 6 2.168 1,978 8 5,819 5,488 4 5,505 5,281 4 1,757 1,620 4 3,418 2,957 1 1,473 1,338 2,961 2,:182 66 23,932 22,582 56 40,381 38,183 45 71,818 68,303 9,696 9,324 503 180,476 171,746 286 200,937 192,O~9 118 169,710 160,928 10 32,928 31,066 5,742 5,426 38 14,349 13,345 28 19,560 18,314 19 28,716 26,908 4 13,829 13,130 81 29,543 28,048 58 40,306 38,699 24 34,124 32,626 2,917 2,835 5,742 5,426 80 28,009 26,162 51 36,259 34,383 18 26,790 25,199 69 23,606 22,763 44 30,804 29,570 23 34,241 32,616 4 13,468 12,588 158 56,456 53,810 61 42,427 40,405 15 19,703 18,460 2,654 2,513 67 24,830 24,079 39 27,903 21,194 19 26,136 25,119 to 3,683 3,~39 3,680 3,494 .------214


200--499 Total Rural Population Less !ban 200 ~, r-______.A ______, ------~------~ population Population State/Distri.t/Policc Station Total No. Persoo51 Mules Females Number ,----~--~-, Number ;----"------, of Inhabited Males Female. Males Females Village

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 II

13 BANKURA DISTRICT 3,540 2,193,568 1,115,577 1,077,991 717 38,897 37,863 1,230 212,984 205,940 Sadar SuI, ,Ii, isio" 2,657 1,552,761 791,648 761,113 573 30,944 30,162 943 163,774 157,580 1 Saltora 145 94,734 48,572 46,162 23 1,162 1,12g 58 9,653 9.073 2 Mejh.a n 61,424 31,627 29.797 10 516 498 21 4.192 3.967 3 Barjora 17'1 135,703 69,462 66,241 44 2,328 2,318 44 8,106 7,869 4 Qangajalghati lSI 124,814 63,522 61,292 20 1,075 984 41 7,672 7,365 Chhatna 274 134,900 68,312 66,588 61 3,629 3,509 102 17,318 16,846 6 Bankura 273 163,060 83,162 79,898 67 3.186 3,178 81 14,032 13,585 Onda 268 160,838 81,741 79,097 59 2.772 2.676 96 17.109 16,250 8 Jodpur 193 103,162 52,627 50,535 42 2,324 2,295 67 11,218 10,504 9 Khalra 259 121,280 62,024 59,256 59 3,237 3,071 110 18,721 18,092 10 Ranibandh 170 82,911 42,317 40,594 33 2,067 2,041 78 13,717 11,133 1\ Raipu[ 344 184,57' 93,~40 90,634 81 4,484 4,369 120 20,843 20,387 12 Simtapal 190 92.232 47,161 45,071 49 2,862 2.770 7-1 13.086 12,546 \3 Taldaozro 119 93,129 47,181 45,948 25 1.302 1,324 47 8,107 7.963 Bishnupur Suh division 883 640,807 ~23,929 316,878 IH 7,953 7,701 287 49,210 48,360 i4 Bishnupur 146 94,123 47,710 46,413 31 1,341 1.325 47 7,868 7.637 15 Sonamukhi 159 103,266 52.259 51,007 27 1,205 1,193 57 9.823 9,701 16 Pottasair 149 107,725 54,201 53,524 26 1,608 1,469 42 7,321 7,166 II loypur 137 102,435 51,590 50,845 17 1,088 1,056 49 8,550 8,511 IS Jlldas 129 112,606 57,1 IS 55,488 11 735 741 35 6,257 6,152 19 Kotalpur 163 120.652 61,051 59,601 32 1,976 1.917 57 9,191 9.193

14 PURUUADlSTRICT 2,452 1,687,039 859,657 827,382 444 25.135 23,951 790 137,924 133,662 Sadar Sub division 2,452 1.687,039 859,657 827,382 444 25.135 23.951 790 137,924 1.13,662 1 JbaJda 250 174,753 88,690 86,063 39 2,153 1,951 79 13,922 13,645 2 Jaipur 106 76,757 39,468 37,289 9 506 516 36 6,500 5,979 II 3 Arsha 96 92,767 47,140 45,627 574 624 22 3,902 3,864 4 Baghmundi 136 81,259 41,716 39,543 41 1,999 1,876 37 6,305 6,028 5 Balarampur 90 67,574 34,195 33,379 10 330 313 26 4,696 4,587 6 Barabazar 198 IOS,212 54,695 ~3,517 31 1,826 1,774 80 13,746 13.350 7 Purulia Muff.sil 208 191,677 98,230 93,447 16 1,007 949 55 9,86) 9,610 8 PuruJia Town Entirely ') Para 104 98,193 49,903 48,290 16 698 711 25 4,725 4,582 10 Saontaldib 32 32,406 16.580 15,826 9 I R 1.544 1.496 11 Raghunathpur 153 114,016 58,033 55,983 32 1,944 1,835 44 7,842 7,541 12 Neturia 112 68,892 36,200 32,692 26 1,374 1,262 41 6,787 6,605 13 Santuri 94 51,777 26,579 25,198 17 987 913 39 6,736 6,306 198 123,104 62,230 60,874 33 1,858 1,704 72 12,220 11,990 14 Ka:shipu[ , III 59,171 46,691 , 545 1~ Hura 48.780 509 33 5,562 5"n 16 Punch. ISS 100,952 51,180 49,772 40 2,497 2,423 50 8,749 8,446 17 Manbazar 278 151,786 77,068 74,718 76 4,424 4,203 89 15,680 15,097 18 Banduan 131 51,443 28,970 28,473 36 2,404 2,382 54 9,139 8,Q94

15 B!\RDDHAMAN DISTRICT 2,570 3,414,219 1,765,697 1,648,522 127 7,349 6,911 483 89,754 85,082 IbanJo/ Sub division 285 404,995 218,654 186,341 15 801 700 54 9.362 8,634 Chittaranjan 2 1,695 908 787 156 128 2 Salanpur 65 56,584 30,131 26,453 4 249 236 17 2,945 2,806 Kulti 39 55,131 29,854 25,277 6 289 225 S 1,201 1,000 -4 Hirapur 20 23,578 12,685 10,893 4 740 716 , Asansol 32 57,~06 31,940 25,566 4 654 588 6 Baro.bani 50 67,359 35,432 31,927 2 93 91 II 2,003 1,832 7 Jamuria 57 95,683 50,873 44,810 2 153 1-16 8 1,552 1,439 8 Ranillanj 20 47,459 26,831 20,628 17 III 125 DlU1lopur Sub dMwn 232 341,961 1,83,637 158,324 26 1,158 1,063 41 7,767 7,276 9 Onda! 39 97,275 54,555 42,720 2 139 98 4 719 714 10 Faridpur 47 62,690 33,738 28,952 5 195 174 1.521 1,357 Ii Dargapur 2 1,515 789 726 12 New Township 5 5,976 3,081 2,895 2 335 339 13 Ceka Oven Entirely 14 Kaksa 83 87,459 44,982 42,477 13 636 617 23 4,485 4,153 I~ Bud Bud 56 87,04' 46,4n 40,554 6 188 179 4 657 713 215


500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000--4,999 5,000- 999 10,000 and above .----~--~ --. r-~------..A,-----, I--~----"'------~ ..... -----, population population Population Population population Number r--_..... _--. Number r-__-.A..._--.-~ Number r---__.A.. __ , Number r--_..... _---, Number r- _les..A..-_~ ~ Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma r;n.;,

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

1.032 370,777 358,080 432 301,304 290,502 125 177,472 172,305 4 14,143 13,301 772 276,921 267,132 293 204,141 195,505 72 101,725 97,433 4 14,143 13,301 36 13,370 12,643 21 14,094 13,163 7 10,293 10,154 19 7,160 6,705 13 9,570 9,057 7 10,189 9,570 54 19,013 18,160 26 1~,925 17,745 9 13,640 12,995 2 7,450 7,154 46 16,248 15,719 30 20,815 20,406 11 14,856 14,097 2,856 2,721 90 31,447 30,817 19 12,709 12,416 2 3,209 3,000 82 29,095 27,929 35 26,454 25,089 8 10,395 10,117 69 24,979 24,316 35 23,087 22,632 8 9,957 9,797 3,837 3,426 "2 22,112 21,416 20 14,127 13,647 2 2,846 2,673 67 24,145 22,773 22 14,896 14,334 1,025 986 44 15,096 14,814 12 8,081 7,607 3 3,356 2,999 109 40,216 38,805 28 18,523 17,733 6 9,874 9,340 55 19,881 19,119 9 6,329 5,836 5,003 4,800 39 14,159 13,916 23 16,531 5'840 5 7,082 6,905 260 93,856 90,948 139 97,163 94,997 53 75,747 74,872 43 15,574 15,151 17 11,825 11,217 11,102 11,083 43 15,116 14,594 25 17,178 16,718 7 8,937 8,801 48 18,212 17,892 28 19,559 19,431 5 7,501 7,566 42 14,291 14,165 18 12,312 12,044 11 15,349 15,069 42 15,604 14,810 31 21,624 21,257 10 12,898 12,528 42 15,059 14,336 20 14,665 14,330 12 19,960 19,825

722 257,413 251,547 378 260,780 250,841 110 154,101 145,060 8 24,304 22,321 722 257,413 251,547 378 260,780 250,841 110 154,101 145,060 8 24,304 22,321 86 28,859 28,583 32 21,023 20,053 13 19,328 18,488 3,405 3,343 40 13.329 12,713 16 10,740 10,138 4 5,064 4,740 3,329 3,203 27 10,775 IU,487 28 20,026 19,434 8 11,863 11,218 10 10,860 10,289 24 17,126 16,143 4 5,42G 5,207 2,816 2,702 2~ 9,802 9,576 24 16,551 16,1% 2 65 22,079 21,919 20 13,015 12,672 1,239 1,306 2,790 2,496 69 25,204 24,702 46 33,841 32,351 22 28,309 25,835 UrbRn 31 11,774 11 ,453 21 14,3 !O 14,018 9 12,708 12,193 2 5,658 5,333 14 5,372 5,342 7 5,348 5,020 4,307 3,967 42 15,534 14,868 24 16,442 15,916 10 13,524 13,217 2,747 2,606 31 10,937 10,437 8 5,690 5,182 5 8,287 6,921 3,125 2,285 25 8,555 8,226 12 8,923 8,430 1 1,378 1,323 59 20,799 20,718 28 19,465 18,934 6 7,888 7,528 37 12.961 12,603 19 12,719 12,143 12 16,993 15,8)4 3U 10,666 10.465 28 19,686 19,119 9,582 9,319 3,250 3,055 78 29,069 28,549 30 19,256 18,612 4 5,389 5,202 30 10,838 10,617 11 [6,589 6,480 707 l6' ,S3J 253,812 770 565,7'1l 533,138 424 610,316 5JO,546 58 189,156 171,645 5,451 5,338 78 31,046 27,954 71 53,615 47,025 59 98,287 80,711 8 25,543 21,317 752 659 6 8,988 7,661 28 10,631 9,754 10 7,318 5,996 19,540 16,445 6 2,871 2,360 8 5,953 5,197 11 1,088 1,029 11 7,888 7,076 2 2,969 2,072 7 14,914 11,699 5,275 3,517 10 3,705 3,333 10 7,392 6,429 8 12,287 10,714 2 6,059 5,397 14 5,522 5,106 13 9,468 8,787 16 24,115 20,373 3 8,262 7,631 15 6,396 5,799 13 10,395 9,422 15,474 11,697 2 5,947 4,772 2 833 573 4,449 3,459 9 71,305 60,869 10 34,999 28,403 51 20,888 19,510 61 47,520 41,198 43 18,594 6 21,009 15,902 6 2,447 2,091 6,299 5,321 13 23,942 8,071 2 5,799 4,549 12 4,762 4,423 15 11,256 10,378 5 10,205 789 726 1,578 387 380 651 598 1,658 Urban 14,837 13,949 4,842 4,737 17 6,858 6,438 18 13,324 12,583 11 18,677 3,349 3,215 13 5,645 5,452 19 15,990 12,318 13 20,663 216


Tottil Rural Population Les<) than 200 200--499 ~ ______..A.--_~~~ ~ r------~---- , ------"'------"""1 population Population Number ___....A..-- ___ .... State/District/Police Station Total No Pcrsono;; r--~- -"------. Number r----""---...., o flnhablted Ma 1c" Fema les Males Female'S Males Female. VIllages

2 4 6 7 9 10 11

Soda, Sub divlsoll 1,155 1,489,284 162,185 727,099 47 2,852 2,745 219 41.111 38,968 16 Ansgram 142 161,596 81,980 179,616 5 262 269 36 6,592 6,22l 17 Galsi 125 173,592 88,613 84,979 7 288 287 19 3,405 3,255 18 Khandallhosh 106 123,569 63,015 60,554 6 373 363 21 4,000 3,736 19 Raina 195 227.120 116,801 110,319 6 475 477 38 7,113 6,751 20 Jamalpur 121 171,223 87,886 83,337 3 264 249 16 2,915 2,765 21 Memari 218 258,902 132,788 126,114 9 581 525 54 10,188 9,603 22 Barddhaman 143 194,049 99,783 94,266 8 471 439 26 5,112 4,192 23 Bhoton 105 179,233 91,319 87,914 3 138 136 1,736 1,724

Kalwa Sub div;gfoll 368 559,075 284,533 274,542 18 1,130 I,O~5 61 11,206 10,787 24 Mongalkot. 129 111,140 90,090 87,050 9 611 528 20 3,"9 3,478 25 Kctugram 117 185,836 94.632 91,204 221 221 23 4,360 4,133 26 Kat",a 122 196,099 99,811 96,288 6 298 296 18 3,327 3,176 Kalna Sub division 530 618,904 316,688 302,216 21 1,408 1,353 108 20,308 19,417 21 Montaswar 136 151,017 79,995 77,082 7 417 377 32 6,117 ~,769 28 Purbaslhati 184 235,345 120,684 114,661 4 296 268 38 7,610 7,352 29 Kalna 210 226,482 116,009 110,473 10 695 708 38 6,581 6,296

16 BIRBHUM DISTRICT. 2,229 1,922,296 977,811 944,485 291 17,609 16,586 659 117,833 113,362 Rampurhat Sub div;,t;;on 718 815,605 414,962 400,643 52 3,327 3,179 187 33,423 32,195 Muraroi 142 208,843 105,602 103,241 4 317 323 25 4,529 4,423 2 Nathali 140 194,759 99,084 95,675 7 403 406 25 4,463 4,267 3 Rampurhat 204 224,276 114,319 109,957 14 834 823 58 10,328 10,109 4 Mayureswar 232 187,121 95,957 91,770 27 1,773 1,627 79 14,103 13;396 Sodar SlIb dlvlsan 1.511 1,106,691 562,849 543,842 239 14,282 13,407 472 84,410 81,167 Muh'UWllad bazar 134 92,853 47,372 45,481 24 1,315 1,214 38 6,784 6,510 6 Rajnagar 87 54,139 27,502 26,637 21 1,090 916 32 5,851 5,638 7 Khoyrasole 125 100,817 51,380 49,437 19 967 911 34 5,798 5,461 3 Duhrajpur 190 113,624 57,884 55,740 38 2,513 2,355 68 12,400 11.665 9 Suli 188 115,793 59,394 56,399 43 2,602 2,440 58 10,716 10,027 10 mambazar 124 99,064 50,572 48,492 13 778 683 34 5,941 5,81S 11 Sainlbia 215 129,318 66,036 63,282 34 1,977 1,973 89 15,820 15,323 12 Bolpur 157 127,999 64,844 63,155 17 1,023 1,023 50 8,610 8,479 13 Labhpur 159 130,132 65,793 64,339 20 1,434 1,336 53 9,622 9,422 14 Nanoor 132 142,952 72,072 70,880 10 583 556 16 2,868 2,827 217


500-99Q 1,000-1,999 2,000--4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and ahove ~ ~_A. ~ ___ ~ _____ ..A.. ______--., ,______~_A. ______. -- --. I ---__~ _____~ ,,-----~ __ ~~ __J....---.- ~- 1 population Population population Population Population Number ,- ___A ___-. Number ,..---__"_--~ l'{umber r---~---~ Number r- ___..A... __~ NUmber r-___"_ t"c~nd.l~ Male!i Females Mlles Female; M'es Fe'113Jes Males Fema'e~ Males es ------'------_-_------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

316 118,589 112,889 370 268,917 258,372 183 266,015 252,947 20 64,701 61,151 34 11,546 11,785 48 34,122 33,71' 18 25,548 24,797 2,910 1,828 33 12,314 11,856 40 28,924 27,86-1 24 37,151 35,710 6,531 6,007 40 15,547 14,848 21 14,158 13,898 17 26,145 25,117 2.792 2,592 64 23,982 22,966 57 40,358 38,459 29 42,171 39,256 2,702 2,410 32 11,998 11,284 49 37.411 35,6OS 19 29,483 27,914 5,815 5,517 57 20,895 19,772 63 46,819 44,705 31 41,708 39,537 4 12,597 12,012 29 10,972 10,533 53 38,694 36,736 24 33,532 3[,444 11,002 10,202 27 10,335 9,885 39 28.431 17,387 21 30,277 29,199 6 20,352 19,583

83 30,6~9 29,661 117 87,265 84,563 78 115,266 111,139 12 39,017 37,347 33 12,424 11,109 40 29,677 28,836 25 36,942 35,489 6,917 6,610 22 8,067 7,733 34 26,510 25.!582 31 43,883 42,475 11,591 11,060 27 10,158 9,819 4' 31,078 30,145 22 34,441 33,175 20,509 19,677 180 66,708 63,798 151 108,474 104,030 61 89,443 84,8.53 24,896 23,417 5,451 5,338 40 15,122 14,612 37 27,419 26,644 18 25,078 24,058 5,842 5,662 65 24,275 23,023 46 33,489 31,831 38 42,704 40,503 2 6,859 6,346 5,451 5,338 75 27,311 26,163 68 47,566 45,555 55 21,661 20,292 4 12,195 11,459

665 241,994 234,921 443 310,S29 300,093 150 212,358 205,340 19 60,855 58,245 2 16,3J3 15,938 194 79,212 67,058 187 133,431 128,286 84 12,154 117,503 12 37,982 36,484 2 16,333 15,938 38 13,734 13,658 44 30,757 30,004 28 42,617 41,540 2 6,004 5,839 7,644 7,454 35 13,215 12,705 44 31,575 30,140 24 32,636 31,864 16,792 16,293 56 19,827 19,142 53 38,910 37,131 19 27,269 26,145 8,4~2 8,[23 8,689 8,484 65 22,436 21,553 46 32,189 31,011 13 18,732 17,954 6.724 6.219 471 172,787 167,863 256 177,398 171,807 66 91,104 87,837 22,873 21,761 45 16,522 15,854 21 15,068 41,455 6 7,683 7,448 20 6,951 6,816 12 7,111 7,037 2,486 2,381 4,013 3,84~ 42 16,152 15,576 16,308 15,636 9,019 8,1.l4 3,136 3,119 50 17,434 17,195 )0 20,111 19,302 4 5,426 5,223 54 19,798 18,776 29 18,937 18,142 4,200 3,990 3,141 3,024 46 18,036 17,189 ~6 19,755 19,191 6,062 5,614 60 21,622 21,051 29 21,165 20,0,2 2 2,153 2,184 3,09' 2,699 49 18,391 17,847 31 20,891 20,607 12,516 11,902 3,413 3,297 50 18,379 18,283 22 14,583 14,214 13 IH,432 17,817 I 3,3t) 3,267 5S 19,497 19,276 34 23,469 23,171 16 22,927 22,544 I 2,728 2,506


A-4-TOWN AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CI,ASSIFIED BY 110PULA'fION IN 1981 WIm VARIA TIONS SINCE 1901 Flv-Leaf The table indicates the growth of urban population This table corresponds to table A-IV of 1951, 1961 alone and as such the figures for previous census year and 1971 Censuses and gives the variation in ul-ban to the census year in which a town has been created population separated by males and fema1es, decade for the first time have not been shown in this table variation 'and p~rcentage decade variation for each as the population of the tow11 for the previous year town and urban agglomeration during the last eighty rural population. Again, if any place was treated as years. In col. 3 of the table the name of the district a town in any Census year and declassified as rural to which the town belongs has been entered. In column in subsequent census year(s) and again classified as 5 the status of each town has been shown in abbre­ town, then in such cases the population particulars viations which have been explained at the end of the have been given only for those Census year(s) in which table, while in col. 6, the area figures of each town it was a town. In some cases a town might have been and urban agglomeration has been, recorded jln Km·. merged with any other town, then the population of In the cases of the towns which have been continuing the to~vn so merged hal', been shown as included in from a Census Year prior to 1961 and those created those of the town with which it was merged for the las towns for the first time in 1961, )he area figures back Census years. In every such case a suitable foot have been shown for the Census years 1961, 1971 and note has been appended at the relevant p:age of the 1981. Decade variations in absolute figures and those table. In some cases also the population of a town in in percentage have been shown in eols. 8 and 9 res- back Census years has hau to be adjusted with refelr­ pectively. eIlCe to 1981. A suitable foot note nas also been given in the table in this respect. The urban agglomerations and towns have been )If­ ranged according to their size class of populations and The definitions of town and urban agglomeration have in each size class the urban agglomerations and towns already been discussed earlier in great details. The have been arranged in the order of population she. concept of town group as adopted in 19611 Census Again in each urban agglomeration, the towns have had been replaced by the concept of urban agglomera­ been arranged in the discending order of popula~ion tion in 1971 Census with a stricter aI',d more uniform size. As in 1971, all towns and urban agglomeratIons definition. In short it may be defined that an urban have been grouped into the followin!!; six classes ac­ agglomeraton was formed by taking into account a cording to population size: continuous urban spread constituting it town and its adjoining urban outgrowths, or two or more physically contiguous tewns together with continuous weU recog­ Class I-population of 1,00,000 and above. nised urban outgt:0wth(s), if any, of sllch town(s). Class II-population of 50,000 to 99,999. In striking class totals, an urban agglomeration has Class III-Population of 20,000 to 49,999. been created as a unit not only for 1981, but also Class IV-population of 10,000 to 19,999. for previous Census years. In doing so, a constituent Class V-Population of S,OOO to 9,999. of an urban agglomeration has been reckoned not ac­ cording to its class in a. parf cular Census year, but Class Vl_popu1,ation of less than 5,000. according to the cla5s of urban agl'.lomerations as a whole in that Census year. In case of merger of towns, The total urban population of the State of west Bengal the merged units arc treated as absorbed in the unit for each Census year from 1901 to 1981 has been in which it/they merged. So the unit and not the shown at the beginning of th1S table followed by class­ merged town, has been presented according to its class wise to totals of the similar figures and those of each in each Census year prior to. that Census year in which urban agglomeration and town in the respective size the merger took place. class. An alphabetical list of all towns and urban agglome­ rations of West Bengal as per 1981 Census showing The classification of tOWIlS shown in the table is based the $me of town, name of district to which it be­ on their 1981 Cemus population. Many towns have longs, class of town and page no. of the t'able where changed their class since 1901, so the class totals it is inserted is given at the end of the Fly Leaf. shown in this table for previous Census years are The Table A-4 has been supplemented by the follow­ not the totals of respective pOpulation of all towns ing four appendices, one sub-appendix and explanatory shown in that class in 1981. the", are actually the notes of appendix; totals of population of all towns which on the basiS Appendix-1 presents the area and population of the of populatiol1 were included in that class in thos.e new towns added in 1981 and of the towns declassi­ Census years except the towns which arc the consti­ fied in 1981. The poplilation for new towns and the tuents of urban agglomerations. 219 86-MIP(D)42DCO Cal. -15 220 towns declassified have, been shown for the Census had been created in 1981. Alongwith th~ name of years 1981 and 1971. In the caSe of new towns Jle ciistrict, the names of Police Stations in which the population shown for 1971 is the rural population outgrowth(s) are locatcd have been mentioned in col. 1 and in the case of declassified town the population of thc sub-appendix. shown for 1981 is the nlral population. The abbre­ Appcndix-2 gives the particulars of places classified viation "NA" rr:cntioned in coulmn 5 of the appendix rs ncw towns in 1931 with a popubtion under 5,000 indicates that the popUlation of 1971 is not aV'l'lable, :.IS pcr 1981 Census. It appears from thc appendix that This relates to only to the project towns and Bidhan­ there arc 17 towns out of 78 new towns of 1981 n


Growth in the number of cities o'ld towns and their population in We,( Bengal St'lte and D:,hict" 1901-1981

C!a~s- I Class-I! Class--111 Class-IV Cla~s -V Cla&~-VI All Classes Year r----..A..- ~ ~ __..A.-.. __ ~ r---"";"___ -:-"'""' r- __ ,..A___--, r--_...A..- .. - -~ 1- ____ ...A-__ --, ,.-__ ~_A._~ __~ No. Popuh ic>n No. Population No. PopulatIon No. PopulatIon No. Population Nc>. Popu1atic>n No. Population

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


1901 2 1,005,390 16 463,853 2q 409,568 21 158,955 iO 28,784 78 2,066,550 1911 2 1,075,073 2 104,181 21 626,461 25 354,061 22 164,457 9 25,375 81 2,349,608 1921 2 1,103,152 4 241,906 25 667,841 21 279,655 29 205,178 (\ 20,1.12 89 2.517,874

1931 2 1,421,607 2 143,109 23 699,126 27 391,663 26 198,219 1 + 42,1~3 94 2,895,867 1941 3 2,605,227 10 630,756 30 928,341 27 370,727 25 183,718 10 21.453 105 4,740,222 1951 7 3,609,891 14 907,244 29 982,827 41 603,075 18 136,868 II 41.737 120 6.281,642 1961 12 4,738,454 18 1,209,S20 48 1,524.161 45 636,170 49 379,973 12 52,282 184 8,500,842 1971 15 6,021,965 31 2,125,395 49 1,517,674 60 824,642 59 440.935 9 36,422 223 10,967,033 1981 24 8,037,309 40 2,905,113 52 1,631,120 92 1,314,159 63 489,567 20 69,453 291 14 ,446,721

-- - --~

Note : The cor.stifuents of an Ur~an agglomerati~n where t'1e cons~itucnt~ werc rcck9ncd a, ,cPaIa~e to\\m, ltl their O\\n right llave bten clas,iiied accordmg (0 theIr own populatl~m and not accordll1g to the populatIOn of Urban agg'olTIerat ion. \\ nt;re, however, UA.S. w<'re forrr.ed ""ilh outgrowth, the populatl<1n of the outg~owt.h(s) was adde~ to the town whose outgro\vlh it was. The combined population of town and outgrowth(s) was ("ken for detem11l1atlon of the class III the ahove Statement. 221


------~~------Class-I Class-II Oass-IlI Class-IV Class -V Class-VI All Classes r-----A-_____, ,--' --'------, ,-___..._____, r---..J'.------., r---''------, ,----'- --,,- ~ -'---., Year No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population

-~-- ~---~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------~-. _ ---~-.- ---_------_ KOCH BIHAR 1901 10,458 .. 3 3,602 4 14,060 1911 10,841 .. 3 4,953 4 15,794 1921 11,461 .. 3 5,800 4 17,261 1931 11,837 .. 3 6,193 4 18,030 1941 16,000 .. 5 10,821 6 26,S21 1951 33,242 .. 5,848 4 J 1,090 6 50,lSI) 1961 41,922 11,306 6,980 3 11,238 6 71,446 1971 53,684 .. 1I,737 3 23,245 2 7,986 7 96,652 1981 67,327 3 38,363 I 7,130 2 9,440 7 122,260


1901 " 1 9,708 581 2 10,289 1911 11,469 .. 296 2 11,765 1921 14,520 193 2 14,813 1931 18,962 1 8,962 1941 I 27,766 · . 1 27,766 1951 2 66,145 · . 2 66,145

1961 2 77,665 2 21,587 3 24,562 " 7 123,814 1911 I 55,159 1 36,667 4 61,354 2 14,900 .. 8 168,080 1981 2 138,145 3 94,671 4 56,896 3 21,509 .. . . 12 311,221 DARJILING ISO! 16,924 .. 4,469 2 21,393 1911 1~,OO5 5,574 .. 2 24,579 1921 22,258 · . 6,445 · . 2 28,703 1931 1 19,903 3 22.294 2 1,282 6 43,479 1941 25,873 2 22,445 8,495 2 1,351 6 58,164 1951 66,085 2 28,396 .. 4 94,481 1961 65,471 2 65,756 13,410 .. 4 144,637 1971 97,484 2 66,303 16,425 .. 4 180,212 1981 154,378 57,603 28,885 2 29,046 8,708 3,533 7 282,153 WEST DINAJPUR 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 6,952 · . 6,952 1951 2 33,594 1 8,346 · . 3 41,940 1961 2 59,289 14,478 3 25,202 6 98,969 1971 67,088 2 64,360 2 30,524 2 11,718 .. 7 173,690 1981 112,62[ 60,343 3 75,937 3 19,825 8 268,726 MALDAH 1901 13,667 .. 3,743 2 17,4[0 1911 14,322 .. 3,750 2 18,072 1921 14,057 .. 3,145 2 17,202 1931 16,907 .. 2,779 2 19,686 1941 23,333 .. 3,845 2 27,178 1951 30,663 .. 4,498 2 35,161 1961 45.900 .. 4,885 2 50,785 1971 61,335 .. 6,691 2 68,026 1981 79,010 2 14,234 3,952 4 97,196 ---- ._-_ 86-M/P(Dl42DCO CaI.-15(al 222

STATEMENT-l-c<>ntd. --- Class-I Class-II Class-III Class-IV Class-V Class-VI All Classes ,----"------, ,----"------, ~ -"------. ,-_.A._...... ,-----._.A.__ ...... -----...... _____, Year No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ---_----- MURSHIDABAD 1901 24,397 4 51,511 .. 3 75,908 1911 26,143 4 49,042 8,298 .. () 83,483 1921 26,670 4 44,426 2 16,789 .. 7 87,885 1931 27,403 3 36,410 3 27,995 .. 7 91,808 1941 41,558 5 72,889 1 6,002 .. 7 120,449 1951 55,613 .. 5 79,314 .. 6 134,927 1961 62,317 2 47,876 5 77,430 7,841 .. 9 195,464 1971 72,605 4 104,700 3 46,921 3 24,199 .. 11 248,425 1981 94,896 5 155,908 5 85,432 1 7,415 2,367 13 346,018 NADIA 1901 2 51,445 1 10,880 2 14,226 1 3,124 6 79,675 1911 2 50,178 1 12,480 1 9,850 2 7,585 6 80,093 1921 2 47,101 15,584 2 14,868 2,305 6 79,858 1931 2 49,276 2 30,256 .. 2 6,327 6 85,859 1941 3 92,491 1 16,488 5,494 1,813 6 116,286 1951 2 106,340 2 70,477 2 27,391 .. 3,893 7 208,101 1961 3 194,491 2 70,355 2 22,368 2 15,167 3 12,957 12 315,338 1971 3 241,293 2 94,160 4 55,056 3 22,923 4,627 13 418,059 1981 1 118,972 4 311,416 4 133,409 5 61,685 2 14,387 . . .. 16 639,869 TWENTY FOUR PARGANAS 1901 7 198,447 11 149,777 6 45,689 4,217 25 398,130 1911 2 104,181 6 223,677 12 177,109 6 43,547 .. .. 26 548,514 1921 4 241,906 8 227,120 8 107,788 8 53,073 .. .. 28 629,887 1931 1 84,975 8 257,321 10 142,741 6 44,512 2 9,060 27 538,609 1941 1 117,044 5 319,128 11 315,443 6 75,618 6 44,828 .. . . 29 872,061 1~51 4 497,948 6 399,371 8 277,679 10 150,686 5 40,285 .. 33 1,365,969 1961 6 808,789 8 523,428 14 415,866 13 188,643 6 52,456 2 8,775 49 1,997,957 1971 7 1,260,891 12 830,918 19 569,176 14 195,614 14 97,559 4 16,156 70 2,970,320 1981 11 2,279,345 14 1,009,298 16 506,067 20 276,885 11 89,777 2 8,110 74 4,169,482 CALCUTTA 1901 847,796 .. 847,796

1911 896,067 " 896,067 1921 1 907,851 · . 1 907,851 1931 1 1,196,734 · . 1 1,196,734 1941 2,108,891 · . 2,108,891 1951 2,548,677 .. 2,548,677 1961 2,927,289 · . 2,927,289 1971 3,148,746 · . 3,148,746 1981 3,305,006 .. 3,305,006 HAORA 1901 157,594 .. 18,662 .. 2 176,256 1911 1 179,006 · . 22,394 .. 2 201,400 1921 1 195,301 " 1 23,209 .. 2 218,510 1931 224,873 · . 1 30,347 .. 2 255,220 1941 379,292 50,397 .. 2 429,689 1951 433,630 1 63,183 .. 2 25,552 . . 4 522,320

1961 2 643,494 " 5 69,673 13 97,498 3 14,427 23 825,092 1971 737,877 · . 2 58,987 8 104,196 14 104,820 2 7,653 27 1,013,533 1981 2 892,164 54,859 3 80,221 IS 213,225 II 84,196 3 14128 35 1,338,793 ----- 223

STATEMENT-l-contd. -- -" Class-I Class-II Class-III Class-IV Class-V Class-VI All Classes , __.A..- __, , ___ -"-__, r-----"----, ,--__..A.. __, ..------'------. ,----"""----, ,-----"""----, Year No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------_ ----.------._------HUGLl 1901 3 100,665 2 32,324 4 21,734 · . 9 160,723 1911 5 148,672 .. 4 28,103 · . 9 116,775 1921 6 158,550 16,411 4 29,142 · . .. 11 204,763 1931 6 174,177 2 32,707 3 23,971 .' .. 11 230,855 1941 55,339 7 233,844 1 13,610 2 18,393 .' .. 11 321,186 1951 2 131,129 7 220,947 3 42,763 .. 12 394.839 1961 3 241,730 8 287,534 16,551 4 33,468 ., .. 16 579,283 1971 2 207,264 6 380,766 3 105,602 5 58,193 S,445 .' .. 17 760,270 1981 3 358,147 7 505,960 1 34,205 5 83,799 8 62,971 2 5,447 26 1,050,529

MEDINIPUR 1901 1 33,140 2 24,789 4 31,947 .' 7 89,816 1911 1 32,740 2 31,021 4 33,489 4,605 8 101,855 1921 2 54,245 10,770 4 2S,098 3,756 8 96,869 1931 1 58,134 1 32,021 12,400 5 32,336 3,693 9 138,584 194i 1 87,185 1 43,171 2 29,305 4 24,763 1 3,623 9 188,047 1951 129,636 .. 45,476 3 42,462 4 26,254 2 9,052 11 252,880 1961 147,253 59,532 2 43,156 2 31,951 8 52,394 .' .. 14 334,186 1971 161,257 71,326 3 77,403 3 42,972 8 67,198 .' .. 16 420,156 1981 150,415 2 168,218 5 148,419 S 67,164 4 36,284 2 2,197 19 512,757

BANKURA 1901 1 20,731 2 32,538 ., 3 53,215 1911 2 43.931 1 13,275 .. 3 57,206 1921 25,412 2 30,042 5,435 .' 4 60,889 1931 31,703 2 30,685 .. 4,854 4 67,242 1941 2 71,578 14,667 5,731 .. 4 91,976 1951 2 73,350 12,352 ., 2 8,196 5 94,618 1961 62,833 30,958 15,027 2 13,339 ., 5 122,157 1971 1 79,129 38,135 18,974 2 15,974 .. 5 151,735 1981 1 94,954 47,529 2 30,731 8,033 .. 5 181,247 PURULIA 1901 17,291 .. 2 9,048 3 26,339 1911 20,886 .. 5,616 4,186 3 30,688 1921 22,161 .. 2 12,230 .. 3 34,391 1931 25,974 .. 2 14,063 ., 3 40,037 1941 30,445 .. 4 30,S13 .. S 61,258 1951 1 41.161 1 10,577 3 26,432 .. S 78,470 1961 1 48,134 3 34,652 1 9,692 .. 5 92,478

1971 57,708 o. 5 68,905 1 5,754 o. 1 132,367

1981 73,904 1 21,108 4 59,610 2 12,140 00 8 166,762 BARDDHAMAN 1901 35,022 2 30,777 3 20,959 .. 6 86,728 1911 2 57,840 15,497 3 20,849 .. 6 94,186 1921 2 61,115 1 14,536 2 15,247 4,843 6 95,741 1931 2 70,904 2 27,947 3 23,079 2 7,955 9 129,885

1941 2 118,707 1 22,839 4 56,945 3 24,663 00 00 10 223,154 1951 2 151,653 2 57,302 6 89,102 3 20,996 4,288 14 323,941

1961 o. .0 2 211.629 S 243,554 5 73,184 4 32,711 '0 19 561,078 1971 3 505,924 1 56,900 7 218,665 7 82,045 4 28,456 .. 22 891,990 1981 3 666,201 3 189,180 4 146,487 21 296,250 13 102,958 5 20,093 49 1,421,169 ------_._------224


Year Class-I Class-II Class-Ill Class-IV Class-V Class -VI All Classes . ..A.,_ ,_.,.A....____~ .-_--A-_-, ,-___.....___-, ,-___ -"----~ ,-__.A.._--., ,-_.-L-_--, ~opulatio~ No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Population No. Populati on - .------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

BlRBIU1M 1901 86,922 81i.922 1911 9,131 9,131 1921 3 23,251 3 23,151 1931 1O,90K 9,969 .. 2 2C,877 194! 4 52,760 7,584 5 60.344 1951 4 60,286 8,707 5 68.993 1961 2 46,196 3 45,910 8,663 .. (i 100,769 1971 3 83,516 ",. 31.726 9,'j10 6 124,772 1981 5 158,274 15,073 186 7 173,533

~ - --- -_ -~

The above statement-1 indicates that there are 291 SUS~". the htlmber 01 toWn'> in CIClss IV is the highest, cities and towns in West Bengal as per 1981 Census i.e., in 1971 it was 60 and in 19&1' it is 92 This against 223 as per 1971 Census. Thus, there has heen is due to creation of new towns. The increase in a net increase of 68 towns dming the decade 1971- the number of towns in CJass I and Class II since 81 in West Bengal. Similarly the urban population 1901 is steady, but it marks the fluctuation, of course has also gone un from 10,967,033 i:1 1971 to very little, in other cla~ses. Of the total 291 tOwns 14,446,721 in 1981. The growth of urban population in 19R 1, the contrihut:on of the d'strict of Twenty Four during the decade has been to the extent of 31. 7 3 per ParganCls is the highest (74), followed _by Barddha­ cent. The highest increase is noticed in C'h,,, TV towns man (49), Haora (35) and HugH (26)-a11 of which where 32 towns have been increased during the decade are industrially developed areas. Of the 24 cities tIl 1971-81 followed hy class Vf(1l), Class H(9), da..,s West Bengpj ac; per 1981 Census, the share of T,wenty 1(9), Class V(4) and Class 1I!(3). It ;" si!~llificant that Four Parganas is to the extent of 11 i.e., nearly half the number of cities, i.e., class 1 towns has increased of the t0tc11 cities. from 15 in 1971 to 24 in 1981. Accirding to Indian Census convention, any town with a population of The follow'ng State;ment-2 givqs nne percentage of 100,000 and more is called a city. Till 1931, the towns in percentage of population in each class to Dumber of cities remained 2. from 1901. but from towns and percentage of population in each class to 1941 the number of cities in West Beng

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.0\ .r" 00 ~""NNOO11')00 _ :8~to ~:q~~g :8888 .N '~N 00 ..t M~"":""';oO 0";-0 ..;..;.0.00 0000 I""- ...._. ,....; ('Ijrf"l_ NNN.q- - "'''' - --'" - .- OO--"_V')~- '0", ..... r-,-t("4"l~OO '0\ N \O<'"l .N",-.:too . Nil) .M\Ct-N oo("f")('I")OON~ N~Q'\r-Mt") ·MNO\ .... 0- \Cio\v1",,:._cO N-O..o~ ;:t...i.,.;r-: ~rr100r--:,....; 0;"" ~NN....-4 ION ...... M ~"""'",,"",N

'M", \O("f")....-4NI,{)f'f"') .0000 NN\O\o~"""",, :~ NI,{)('f"'J('1'lOtrl :~888 ·1,(")",00 -"!"""""~OOtnN .""", ~o~'-Ci_;o NNO"'; ~-OOOC--i~O -'< :Ii ;:::J ...1 Ci Z Ci :Ii .... ~ ::J g:; .... > ...... > .... g:; """,,-...c> lo0oi &1 ~=~~» ~ ~=S~» ::J .... :::;S~>s: -< ...... ~ .... » :..... """"==~» ::e ~ p., ~ ~ 228

The above Statement 2 shows that the proportion of of population in all the Census Years is noticed in number of towns is the highest in 1981 census in Class VI. In the district of Twenty FOUr Parganas the Gass IV (31.62), while that of population is in the percentage of population in Class I has been increas­ Class I (55.63). Similar is the caSe with 1971 Census ing steadily since 1941 prior to which there was no with 26.91 per cent in number of towns and 54.91 Gass I town in that district. In 1941 the percentage per cent of population. In all other Census years was only 13.42 and it has gone upto 54.67 in 1981. the percentage~ of population in Class I are the high­ est, but the hlghc5t pcrcwtage of number of towns varies from one class to another in others Census The followil1g Statemoot-3 gives t(he peccC'lltage of Years. It appears from the statement that the percell­ area of towns in each class to total urban area of the age of population in Class I is more than 50% in State of West Ec;-;gal rald density of population per the Census years 1941-1981. The lowest percentage Km." in each Class:

STATEMENT-3 Percentage of area of town in each class to tolalurban area of Slate of Wev! Bengal alld density of population per Km2 in each class

------_--_----__----~------1981 1971 , ~ -~------, r­ ------~------, Class Percentage of Density per Percentage of Density per area to total Km2 area to total Km2 urban area urban area ------2 3 4 5

--- -~ -.- -_------WEST BENGAL 1 53.67 7,839 46.51 9,004 II 15.37 3,819 12.33 4,736 III 17.37 2,342 20.40 2,481 IV 8.85 2,202 12.89 1,798 V 4.03 1,415 7.63 1,296 VI 0.71 1,212 0.24 1,678 -----_ -~------~------The above Statement-3 reveals that both in 1971 and density has decreased in 1981 compared to that in 1981 Census Class I town [lccount for the largest 1971 in ail classes except the classes IV & V. Another share of total urban area at West Bengal, having pl1enomenoll that density increases from lower class 53.67% in 1981 and 46.51% in 1971. Next come to upper classes beth in 1971 and 1981 is noticed the Clas::, III towns having the f>hare of 17.37% in irun the Statement, but in 1971 the density in Class 1981 and 20.40% in 1971. lIre percentages of area V IS less th'<'n that in Class VI. This is the only vari­ fiE.ures in 1981 have increased to 53.67 in 1981 from ation between the characteristics of density of 1971 4651 'n 1971 for Class I towns to 15.37 in 1981 and 1981. from 12.33 in 1971 for Class II, and to 0.71 in 1981 from 0.24 ill 1971 for Class VI. For all other classes ThJ follmving Stal~ll1ent-4 gives the number and the percentages of area figures have gone down in 1981 population of cities and towns of 1971 and 1981 from thme in 1971. Censuses arranged in six classes, i.e. Ciass I to Class It is also evident from the above Statem_ent-3 that th~ VI for the State of West Bengal. STATEMENT-4

Number and population of cities ond towns of 1971 and 1981 Censuses arrallged hI Six Class 1 to VI. ------1981 1971 State Cla5s of Town ,--.-"-----....., r-.------~.----~ Increase Increase and Percentage No. of Total No. of Total and decrease decrease increase Town Populations Town Populations in No. of in or decrease Town populatIOn 1971-1981 of Class ------_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

WEST BENGAL ALL CLASSES TOTAL 291 14,446,721 223 10,967,033 +68 +3,479,688 +31.73 Class-I 24 8,037,30'} 15 6,021,965 +9 +2,015,344 +33.47 (a) Cities with one million and above population 3,305,006 3,148,746 -1-156,260 ..L.4.96 ------229


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(b) Cities with 500,000 to 999,999 Popu­ lation 744,429 1 737,877 1-6,552 -t 0.89 (t") Citie<; with 100,000 to 499,999 Popula­ tion 22 3,987,874 13 2,135,341 +9 +1,852,532 +86.76 Class·II 40 2,905,113 31 2,125,395 -9 +779,718 +36.69 Class-III 52 1,631,120 49 1,517,674 ,3 ,113,446 ,7.47 Class-IV 92 1,314,159 60 824,642 -32 -'-489,517 -59.36 Class-V 63 489,567 59 440,935 4 ,48,632 ~ 11.03 Class-VT 20 69,453 9 36,422 -,--11 d3,031 ,90.69

-- ---~---~ ------In the above Sratement-4 the stalistics of Class I clt;e" e"t (86.76), and the highest is recorded in Class VI have been sub-divided into 3 categories, viz., (a) cities (90.69). The number of towns in Class IV has increa­ with one million and above population, (b) cities with sed to 32 during the decade accounti,1g for 59.36% 500,000 to 999,999 population and c ties with growth. Increase in number of tOWllS in this class is 1000,000 to 499,999 popula'ion. This statement will the highest during the decade mostly because of new indicate how the towns have moved from one class to [Owns in 1981. the next higher classes during the decade 1971-8 L To Class I cities alone in the populatioll range of 100,000 to 499,999 nine towns have moved from The following Statement-5 furnishes the movement of lower c1a:,s and the percentabe of increase in this citie~ and towns from one class to another during clu<;s during the decade 1971-81 is the second high- 1971-81 for the State of West Bengal and its district: 230

STATEMENT-S Movem'3nt of Cities and town from one class to another during 1971~19al

State/District Cate- gory of 1971 1981 move- Class No. Population Population ment ---_ ---,_ 2 3 4 5 6

WEST BENGAL a b n 8 689,023 973,0%8

c 1 Koch Bihar a b c 2 Jalpaiguri a b c '3 Darjiling a b II 97,484 154,378 c 4 West Dinajpur a b II 1 67,088 112,621 c 5 Maldah a b c 6 Murshidabad a b c 7 Nadia a b II 94,204 118,972 c 8 Twenty Four Parganas a b II 3 267,187 334,657 c .. 9 Calcutta a b c to Haora a b c 11 Hugli a b II 75,238 101,925 c ..

12 Medinipur a b II 1 87,822 150,475 c

13 Bankura a b c 14 puruliya a b c Barddhaman a 15 b c Birbhum a 16 b c 2al

&tATlilIBHT-5--t:onM Movement of Cities--- and town froni one cldss to anotRer during 19h-l~81 Cate~ it III State,'Distiret gory r- .... dr Class No. 1971 1981 Class No. 1971 1981 fu8ve- Popu- Popu- Popu- Popu- ment lation Jation lation Jation 2 , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

WEST BENGAL a b (i) m 14 590,743 801,500 (i) IV 17 284,259 420,521 (il) IV 1 38,859 76,402 (Il) V 1 9,968 21,122 (iii) VI 1 4,627 26,361 (Iv) IV 1 N.A. 33.175 c .. (Iv) IV 2 46,841 34,821 Koch Bihar a b c 2 JaJpaiguri a b IV 1 38,8S9 76,402 IV 2 34.595 46,066 c 3 Darjiling a b III ·i 4~18H ~7,603 c 4 West Dinajpur a .. b III · i 43,191 60,343 iv '1 30,5i4 49,1io c .. 5 Maldah It b c • • 6 Murshidabad II. .. b .. tv 1 17,1i6 21,34i c 7 Nadia II. b III '2 94,160 130,295 (i) IV 2 31,4i4 65,381 .. (li) VI 1 4,627 26,361 c .. .. 8 Twenty Four Parganas a b III 5 210,777 28S,9S4 (I) iv 4 62,729 95,008 (li) IV 1 N.A. 33,175 c IV 1 25,031 19,900 7 Calcutta a b c 10 Haora a. b III 1 38,892 54,859 IV 2 38,086 51,328 c 11 Hugli a b III 2 80,010 110,069 c 12 Medinipur a b (i) IV 1 19,237 26,707 (ii) V 1 9,968 21,122 c 13 Bankura a b c 14 Puruliya a b IV 18,838 21,108 c 15 Barddhaman a b III 1 80,840 102,371 c IV 1 21,sio 14,921 16 Birbhum a -- b IV 2 31,726 44,462 c .. 232

STATEMKltN~-cQn(d. Movement of Cities and town rrom one class to ,mother during 1911-J981

~ ~~-- - --~~- .~-----.-- .~-- ~~~ -~~-~-~-~--- IV V State/Distrlct Cate- r~------'-~- ---~~----, ,----~--~~~~...... Jo...--.----'l Il:Cryof Class No. 1971 1981 Class No. 1971 1981 mov~· Popu- Popu· Popu- Popu- ment lation lat!on lation Iatlon ~------~~~ --- ~---~----~.~-- 1 2 15 16 17 1S 19 10 21 22. ---~-~~-~ -~-~--.------~~-~~~,"-.------~------~-~ - -~-- --~ WESTBENGAt Ii 111 2 46.841 34,821 ., Il (ij Y jl 251,499 401,941 mH 2. 8,7SS 15,177 (it) IV jj 131,016 165;141 (ij) IV 4(; (V155,78Z 33$,595

G 1 Koch Bihar a · . b v '2 18,147 23,827 e :1 Jalpalguri a · . · . · , · . · , · . b v '1 14,900 22,B7 lV 3 15,532 21,509 i;:

j tlarjiling a ,. · . · . · . ·, .. b IV t 14,637 11,038 Jv [ 5,624 8,708 e

4 West Dinajpur ~ · . .. .. b lV 1 5,190 6,362 c 5 Maldah fI b .. b " 6 Murshidabad a · . b (0 v 2 17,895 30,428 Oil tv I 11,440 17.,576 t; 7 Nadia. a · . · . · . .. .. b (i) V· 2 14,714 :n,519 IV 2 9,537 14,387 (Ii) 1v 2 J6,405 23~585 c 8 Twerlty Four Parganas a HI 1 25,031 19,900 · . · . .. b (i) V 7 50,898 91.,722 (I) VI 1 4.704 7.678 fii) IV 4 32,901 47~239 ((1) lV 8 41,851 56,782 c 9 Calcutta a b C

10 Haora a .. · . · . · . .. · . \:l V 9 72,684 118,756 (i) VI 1 4,051 7,499 (h') TV :5 27,582 34,551 c

1 t Hu;;li a · . b IV R 45,864 62,971 ;; 12 Medinipllr a · . · . b V 3 27,975 37,450 c 13 Bankura a · . · . · . .. b V I 8,511.) 10,841 c 14 Puruliya a · . · . b IV 1 N.A. 5,305 c 15 Barddhaman a HI 1 21,810 14,921 b (i} V 2 16,237 28,988 · . · . · . · . (ii) lV 5 55,6}3 65,703 V 17 104,602 125,020 c 16 Birbhum a · . · . . · . · . b V I 9,530 15,073 c 233

STATE:ltENT-5-col1 c:d. Movem..:nt of cbes and towns from one class to another during 1971--1981

----~-~---,-~- ---~-- - VI VII~Not treated as town in 1981 ____ ~ __ J..... ,___, State/District C:tte- r- ---~-- --- '---, r- gory of Class No. 1971 1981 Class No. t971 1981 move- Popu- Popu- Popu- Popu- ment lation lation lation latieil - ---_------~------2 23 24 25 26 27 111 29 30 ------. ------~------WEST BENGAl, II b tv ;7 1157.772 54,"49

c ,i 'f 81445 10103~ 1 Koch Bihar 11 b c 2 Jalpaiguri a b c 3 Darjiling a b lV N.A: 3,j33 c 4 West Dirtajpur II b IV '1 9,339 7;311 c 5 Milldah a b c 6 Murshidabad a h IV 6,511 2,367 c 7 Nadia a b c 8 TWenty Four Parganas a . j h IV 5,201 4,184

<.: 9 Calcutta a b c 10 Raora a b IV 2 8,776 9,331 c 1l Hugli a b IV 2 4,910 5,441 c V 8,445 10,089 12 Medinipur a ,. b IV 2 439 2,197 c 13 Bankura a b c 14 Puruhya a b c 15 Barddhaman a b c IV 5 71.596 20,09} 10 Birbhum a b lV N.A. 186 c --~---- _-- - - -.------.-~-----~------Note :--@Does not include the population of towns given in Annexure' A' Statement. 234

The above S~atetnent 5 indicates the mobilitf of STATEMENT-6 towns i.e. moving up or moving clown from one elass to another during the decade 197i-81. 2 3 4

The figures against (a) indicate number 'and popll~a­ Jll:LPAIGURI tion of towns which a particular class of 1981,_ ha~ I .. received by process of decrement from the higher class II i 38,859 76,402 +96.61 range(s) of 1971, those against (b) indicate number III and population of towns which a Pilrticular class of IV 1981 has received by process of increment from .:he V 3 15,532 21,509 +38.48 next ,ower or allY other lower range of 1971 and VI those against (c) indicate number and population of towns WnIch a panicular class of 1971 has passed down by a process of decrement to the next lower or DARJILING any other lower range of 1981. I II It is evident from the above Statement 5 that at the III State level as may as 31 towns have moved from Class IV 11,440 11,038 -3.51 V to IV during the decade 1971-81, followed by V 5,624 8,708 +54.84 17 from Class IV to Class III, 14 from Class III to VI Class II and 8 from Class II to Class I. Another town namely Jadabpur Municipality which w:as newly cre­ WEST DINAJPUR ated after 1971 has got population of Class I cities I in 1981, but this has not been shown her';!' as Jadab­ II (NM) pur of 1971 with population of only 12.685 III in In1 has got the population of 251,968 as Jadab­ IV pur Municipality in 1981 engulfing 9 more non--muni­ V 5,190 cipal ,OW!lS of 1971. only two towns have moved 6,362 + 22. 58 from Class VI to V. It is also interesting to notice that VI one town each from Class V and (la"~ VI have gone to the higher Class III during the dec3de of 1971 - MALDAH 81. Only two towns of Cia5~ III in 1971 have gone r down to Class IV in 1981 Th~ Statement III so ~hows II the similar mobility of towns for each district. III IV The following Statement-6 gives the percentage va~i­ V ation of popula'ion during the decade 1971-81 of VI 2 9,339 7,311 -21.72 i,la:es which were not tn~,1fI~n a~ towns III 1971 bnt treated .18 such in 1981 Ch,~,l L'e,l t y State and dist­ MURSHIDABAD rict and by s:ze Class: I II III STATEMENT-6 IV 14,637 17,576 ,20.08 pacMtage v2riation of popull'Jion 1971.1981 of pll'ces which V were not treated as town in 1971 but treated as such in 1981 c1assi. Vi 6,511 2,367 -63.65 fied by State/District and size class. NADIA Class Number of Popu- Popu- Percentage Town lation in lation in variation 1971 1981 in 1981 Population Ii over 1971 i.? III 1981-1971 x 100 IV 2 16,405 23,585 +43.77 197[ V 2 9,537 14,387 +50.85 Vi 2 3 4 5 TWENTY FOUR WEST BENGAL PARGANAS I I II 38,859 76,402 -j 96.61 II III III IV 13 131,016 165,141 +26.05 IV 4 32,901 47,239 +43.58 V 45 255,782 330,290 +29.13 V 8 41,851 56,782 +35.68 VI 13 57,772 48,949 -15.27 VI 5,201 4,184 -19.55 235

STATEMENT-6---.contd. ANNEXURE-A OF STATEMENT-6 Class Number Popu­ Popu­ Percentage Statement showing places which were not treated as towns in 1?71 of Town lation lation variation but treated as such in 1981 for whicn com;Jarable 1971 populatton in 1971 in 1981 in 1981 is not available. population over 1971 I.e. State Class Name of Towns 1981 1981-1971 x 100 Population ~2c------3------.1 1971 WEST BENGAL III Bidhannagar Township 33,175 V Saontaldih Thermal Power 2 3 4 5 Project Town 5,305 VI Jaldhaka Hydel Power Pro- HAORA ject Town 3,533 VI Kolagat Thermal Power I Project Town 1,303 II vr Bandel Thermal Power Pro- III ject Town 678 IV V[ Bakreswar Tourist Centre V 5 27,582 34,551 +25.27 _ _!owns~ip______~~ __ VI 2 8,776 9,331 -t 6.32 The above Statement-6 contains the statistics of 72 towns out of 78 new towns of 1981. Six towns-5 HUGLI falling in Class VI and one falling in Class Ill-bave I not been taken into account in this Statement as they II do not have comparable 1971 population data. As III many as 45 new towns which fall in Cl'ass V have IV been created in 1981 at the State level out of which V 8 45,864 62,971 +37.30 the share of Barddhaman district is 17, followed by VI 4,910 4,769 -2.87 Hugli (8), Twenty Four Parganas (8) and Haora (5). In this class the percen~age growth of population du­ MEDINIPUR ring the decade is 29.13 as against 26.05 in Class IV I in which again-as many as 13 new towns are there II. in 1981. Except in Class VI where tIle negative grow­ m th of population has been accounted by 15.27 per IV cent, in all other classes there has been a substantial V positiv,!l growth. VI 439 894 +103.64 The follow:ng Statement-7 gives the percentage vari­ ation of population during the decade 1971-81 of PURULIYA places treated as towns in 1971, but removed from I the list of towns in 1981 classified by State and Dist­ II rict and by size Class: III STATEMENT-7 IV Percentage variation of Population 1971-1981 of places treated a~ V towns in 1971 but lemoved from the list of town in 1981 classified VI by State/District and siz<') cl,'.>,. BARDDHAMAN Class Number Popu­ Popu­ PercenlaJe of Town lation in lation in variation in I t. 1971 1981 1981 II population III over 1971 i.e. 1981-1971 xl00 IV 5 55,633 65,703 +18.10 V 17 104,602 125,020 +19.52 1 VI 5 22,596 20,093 -11.08 WEST BENGAL BIRBHUM I I II II m IV III V 8,445 10,089 ~ 19,47 IV VI V HUGLI VI I II HI Note :-Th~5e t?NnS for which 1971 !comparable population is IV not. avaIlable have not been taken into account both foc V 8,445 10,089 + 19 4') 1971 and 1981 Censuses. . VI ~6.M/P(D)42DCOCalcutta-l

The above Statement 7 shows that ollly one town in fhe following Statement 8 gives the number of town \Vest Bengal has beell declassilied in 1981. Haripal of each class during period 1901-81 for the State of is the only town in lihe district of Hugli which has i)~en declassified. West Bengal and its districts:-


Numh.:r of Town, of c:t.::h Clas~ during 1901 -1981 (An Urban Agglomeration hd~ been cla"ined accorJing !o Tow! Population)

----- ~--- S(atc/Di,>(rict 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -- -_ ------~ -_- ----


"" t,-ST RENGAL 130 112 102 78 67 58 55 51 49 1 Koch Bihar 6 6 (, 6 (, 4 4 4 4 2 Jalpaiguri 10 6 (, 2 2 2 2 3 Darjilling 7 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 West Dinajpur 7 7 6 3 I 5 Maldah 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 Murshidabad 10 10 9 6 7 7 7 fi 5 7 Nadia 10 8 7 6 6 6 6 (, (, 8 Twenty Four Parganas 14 14 n 10 8 7 7 7 9 Calculia 1 1 I lOHam-a 5 3 3 11 Hugli 6 5 4 1 J 1 12 Medinipur 16 15 13 11 9 9 8 R 7 13 Rankura 5 '5 5 5 4 4 4 3 14 Puruliya 7 6 5 5 5 3 1 3 3 15 Barddhaman 17 15 14 12 8 8 6 6 6 16 Birbhum . 7 6 6 5 5 2 , 1


WEST BENGAL 12 51 4 2 ! Koch Bihar 2 Jalpaiguri 3 Darji!iing 4 West Dinajpur 5 Maluah () Mur~hidabad 7 Nadia 8 Twenty Four P,lrgdna~ *9 Calcu!ta 10 Haora 11 Hugli 12 Medinipur 13 Bankura 14 Puruliva 1~ Barddhaman 5 3 2 16 Birbhum

NflIe : -*Calcut\a di'-lr:ict .repre-

STATEMENT-8-co11 Id. I -, ., ,1) Number of Towns of each Class during 1901--1981 (An Ulb3'j Agglomeration h~h b~'n db lei': .lc~o·,lil1"; ',) T)t f); ~------~~ - --- State/Dislrict 1981 1971 1961 1951 19·~ 1 1'>31 1921 1911 l'll)!

2 3 4 5 6 7 0" 9 10 ------CLASS-f[ WEST BENGAL 21 16 10 5 3 1 1 Koch Bihar 1 2 Jalpaiguri 3 2 3 Darjilling 4 We5t Dinajpur 5 Matdah 6 Murshidabad 7 Nadia 5 3 2 8 Twenty Four Parganas 4 3 2 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 11 Hugli 12 Medinipur 13 Bankura 1 14 Puruliya 1 15 Barddhaman 2 2 2 16 Birbhum CLASS-III WEST BENGAL 35 32 29 16 ]-1 10 10 9 6 1 Koch Bihar 1 2 Jalpaiguri 2 1 3 2 3 Darjiling I 2 2 2 4 West Dinajpur 3 2 2 5 Maldah 6 Murshidabad 6 ~ 2 I 7 Nadia 3 3 2 3 2 2 .!. 2 8 Twenty Four Pargana~ 6 5 J '? 9 CalcUlta 10 Haora 11 Hugli 12 Medinipur 6 2 1 2 13 Bankura 2 2 _: 14 Puruli~a 1 I 1 15 Barddhaman 3 6 7 2 2 J 2 16 Birbhum 5 3 2 " CLASS-IV <0, WEST BENGAL 35 32 29 28 22 .u" i'i 1'1 J 1 Kc;;h Bihar 2 I 2 Jalpaiguri 2 2 I 3 Darjiling 2 1 2 2 4 West Dinajpur 2 1 2 5 Maldah 6 Murshidabad 3 3 5 5 ..! ~ 7 Nadia 2 ::' 8 Twenty Four Parganas 3 4 7 4 4 2 3 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 3 I 11 HugJi 4 3 12 Mcdinipllr 4 4 3 3 /. 2 ~ 13 Ballkllra 2 I I 2 -, 14 Puruliya 3 3 3 15 Barddhaman 4 5 2 4 2 2 2 16 Birbhum 2 4 4 ------~------~- --~------~ 1l6-MIP\ D)--I~DCOCllcutta -16(a) 238


Number of Towns of each Class during 1901-1981 (An Urban Agglomeration ha~ been classified according to Total poJpulation)

---_------~ ----~ -- StatefDistrict 1981 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

7 8 9 10 '"'" 3 4 5 6 CLASS-V 15 WEST BENGAL 20 25 26 17 20 20 22 17 1 Koch Bihar I 2 :2 lalpaiguri 3 2 3 Darjiling I 3 4 West Dinajpur 2 2 3 5 Maldah 6 Murshidabad 2 3 2 2 7 Nadia 2 2 2 1 8 Twenty Four Parg:anas 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 2 3 11 Hugli 1 1 3 1 4 12 Medinipur 3 6 6 4 4 5 4 4 13 Bankura 1 2 2 1 14 PUfuliya 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 15 Barddhaman 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 I 16 Birbhum 3 1

CLASS-VI 9 WEST BENGAL 7 2 4 10 7 10 7 8 3 1 Koch Bihar '2 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 2 Jalpaiguri 3 Darjiling 4 West Dinjapur 5 Maldah 6 Murshidabad 7 Nadia 2 2 8 Twenty Four Parganas 9 Calcutta 10 Haora 11 HugH 12 Medinipur 2 13 Bankura 2 2 14 Puruliya 15 Barddhaman 2 16 Birbhum ------_------While preparing the above Statement 8, an urban ag­ increase from 1901 to 1981. In 1901 it was only 49 glomeration bas been classified according to its popu­ and it h:as gone up to 130 in 1981. The increase laton size, In other words, the urban agglomeration during the decade 1971-81 is the largest having 112 of 1981 has been treated as a single unit in the pre­ in 1971 and 130 in 1981, U we look at the classwise vious decades also and classified according to the de­ rived population of urban agglomeration in that Census number of towns for each Census Year since 1901 Year. to 1981 at the State level, it IS noticed that no where the number of towns has decreased, on the. other hand The main utility of the statement is that it gives, at it either remained in some Census Years or it a glance, the comparative picture of number of towns sta~ic including urban agglomerations of 1981 durin!! the increased in Classe·s 1 to III, In Class IV the number last 80 years which is not available in the ma'n Table, shows a steady increase since 1931, but in Classes V A-4, and VI the number shows a capr:cious trend. The districtwise statistics need not giscusseq in getails The Statement shows that, at the State level, the num­ b~ ber of towns of all classes together mainltains a steady as they lIr? lieU-explanatory, 239


SI. Name of Town District Class SI. Name of Town District Class No. of Town No. of Town 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------I Adra(NM) Puruliya III 48 Beldanga (M) Murshidabad IV 2 Aistala (NM) Nadia IV 49 Bhadreswar (M) Hugli II 3 Alipur Duar (M) Jalpaiguri III 50 Bhanwara (NM) Barddhaman IV 4 Alipur Duar Rly Jalpaiguri III 51 Bhatpara (NM) Twenty Four Par­ June (NM) ganas 5 AmImia (NM) Barddhaman IV 52 Bidhan Nagar Town- Twenty Four Par- III 6 Amlagora (NM) Medinipur IV ship (NM) ganas 7 Amta(NM) Haora IV 53 Bipra Noapara (NM) Haora V 8 Andul (NM) Haora VI 54 Birlapur (NM) Twenty Four Par- III ganas 9 Arambagh (M) Hugli III 55 Birnagar (M) Nadia IV 10 Arjunpur (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV ganas 56 Biserpara (NM) Twenty Four Par- '" ganas 11 Arra (NM) Puruliya IV 57 Bishnupur (M) Bankura 12 Asansol (M) Barddhaman I III 58 Bolpur Birbhum III 13 Ashok Nagar Kal­ Twenty Four Par- II yangarh (M) ganas 59 Bowali (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV ganas 14 Aurangabad (NM) Murshidabad IV 60 Budge Budge (M) Twenty Four Par- II 15 Baduria (M) Twenty Four Par- ift parganas ganas 61 Burikhali (NM) 16 Bagra (NM) Barddhaman IV Haora V 62 Burnpur (NM) 17 Bagula (NM) Nadia IV Barddhaman III 63 Calcutta (MC) I 18 Baharampur (M) Murshidabad II Calcutta 64 Canning (NM) Twenty Four Par- III 19 Bahula (NM) Barddhaman V ganas 29 Baidyabati (M) Hugli II 65 Cart Road (NM) Darjiling IV 21 Bakreswar Tourist Birbhum VI Centre Township (NM) 66 Chak Bankola (NM) Barddhaman V 22 Balarampur (NM) Puruliya IV 67 Chaka Para (NM) Haora IV 23 Balichak (NM) Medinipur V 68 Chakdaha (M) Nadia II 69 Chak Kashipur (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 24 Ballavpur (NM) Barddhaman V ganas 25 Bally (M) Haora I 70 Champdani (M) HugH II 26 Bally (NM) Haora II 71 Chandannagar (NM) Twenty Four Par- V 27 Balurghat (M) West Dinajpur I ganas 28 Bandel Thermal Hugli VI 72 Chandannagar(MC) Hugli Power Project Town (NM) 73 Chandrakona (M) Medinipur IV 74 Chapari (NM) Puruliya V 29 Bandipur (NM) Twenty Four Par- V ganas 75 Chata Kalikapur Twenty Four Par- IV (NM) ganas 30 Bandra (NM) Do. V 76 Changail (NM) Haora II( 31 Bangaon (M) Do. II 77 Chhora (NM) Barddhaman IV 32 Banitabla (NM) Haora V 73 Chinakuri (NM) Barddhaman IV 33 Bankra (NM) Haora IV 79 Chittaranjan (NM) Barddhaman II 34 Bankura (M) Bankura II 80 Contai (M) Medinipur III 35 Bansberia (M) Hugli II 81 Dabgram (NM) Jalpaiguri II 36 Banurur (NM) Haora IV 82 Dainhat (M) Barddhaman IV 37 Barakar (NM) Barddhaman IV 83 Dakshin Jhapardaha Haora IV 38 Baranagar (M) Twenty Four Parganas I (NM) 39 Barasat (M) Do. II 84 Dalkhola (NM) West Dinajpur V 40 Barddhaman (M) Barddhaman I 85 Darjiling (M) Darjiling II 41 Barrackpur (M) Twenty Four Par- I 86 Deulpara (NM) Twenty Four Par- III ganas ganas 42 Barrackpur Canton- Do. IV Jalpaiguri III tonment (Cantt.) 87 Dhubguri (NM) 88 Dhulian(M) Murshidabad III 43 Baruipur (M) Do. III 89 Dhuilya (NM) Haora IV 44 Basithat (M) Do. II 90 Diamond Harbour Twenty Four Par- III 45 Batanagar (NM) Do. IV (NM) ganas 46 Bawria (NM) Haora IV 91 Digha Township Medinipur VI 47 Begampur (NM) Hugli V (NM) ::'40


- - - -~ -- _--- -_- - _-- 2 3 4 2 3 4 - ---~------92 DignaLl (NM) Barduhaman V 135 Jagnnathpur(NM) Maldah VI 93 Dmhata (M) Koch Bihar IV 136 Jaldhaka Hydel Power Darjiling VI 94 Dlsllcrgarh (NM) Barrldhaman IV ProJect Town (NM) 95 DomJur (NM) Ha:Jra IV 137 Jalpaiguri (M) Jalpaigun II 138 Jamuria (M) Barddhaman IV 9" DOllloila-ni (NM) Jalpaigurt IV 139 Jangipur (M) Murshidabad III 97 Dubr"JICUf (M) Birbhum III 98 Dum Dum eM) Twenty Four Par- m 140 Jaynagar Mazllpur Twenty Four Par- IV ganas (M) ganas V 99 Dum Dum Acro- Twenty Four Par- VI 141 Jemari (J.K. Nagar Barddhaman drome Area (NM) ga11as Twonship) (NM) 10) Durgapur (NA) Bafddhaman 142 .Thalda (M) PuruJiya lV 143 Jhah Jhalia (NM) Maldah V E,1gldl Bazar (M) Maldah U 101 144 Jhargram (NM) Medinipur III F .ila\ata (NM) Jalpaigun l'n IV 145 Jhorhat (NM) Haora IV \03 Murshidabad IV Farrakka Harra.,e 146 Jiaganj-Azimganj Murshidabad III Town Slllr (Ni\l) (M) IJ.j. ("!'~M) Haora Fort Gloster III 147 Jayanara (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 105 Gadigachha (NM) Nadia IV ganas 106 Gairkata (NM) JaJpaigun V 148 Kajora (NM) Barddhaman IV 10 7 ::J.lOgaral11pur (NM) West Dll1ajpur III 149 Kaksa (NM) Barddhaman V 103 Garden Reach (M) Twenty Four Par· I 150 Kala,a (NM) Haora . 1'-' ganus 151 Kallaganj (NM) West Dinajpur III lOol Garhb.::ta (M) Medinipur V 152 Kalimpong (M) Darjiling III ,10 Garul (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 153 Kalna (M) Barddhaman III ganas 154 J Kalyani (NA) Nadia III 111 Garull., (M) Twenty Four Par- IV ,155 Kamarhati (M) Twenty Four Par- I ga.1as ganas Nu(lia 112 Gayesput (NA) III 156 Kanchrapara (M) Twenty Four Par- n ganas 113 Ghata1 (l\l) Medinipur III 157 Kandi (M) Murshidabad III 11.J. GuD'}l J)!l;_..l 1\ L) Tl>enty Four Par- m 158 J Kanyaaagar (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV ganas ganas 115 GOblild.H)ur (;\'ivl) Twenty rour Par- V J West Dinjapur V ganas 159 Kasba (NM) 160 (Kashim Bazar (NM) Murshidabad V 116 Gopalpur (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV gana~ 161 Katwa (M) Barddhaman III 117 Gurdaba (N/I,I) Tv>cnty FOllr Par- IY 162 'Kendd (NM) Barddhaman IV gan", 163 Keota (NM) Hugli V 1[8 GUllcL1"Ll (NM) Koch BllJar IV '-164 (Kerulia (NM) Twenty Four Par- VI 119 GUSh.,ll.! (Ni\l) BdrJJ.b.1rn ..ln IV ganas 120 Habra (lvlj Twenty Four Pdl- n 165 Khalishani (NM) I Hugli V t;U11llS 166 Khalaf (NM) Haora V 121 ,Iald,a (NM) lYkdlmpur III 167 Kh:lO..lra (NM) Barddhaman VI iL2 HaiJlban (TC) Koch Blhrr V 168 Kh:U:lgi):.F (M) Medinipur I 123 ilalisu.il,ll" (M) Tv.cnty FOUl Par- H 169 Khar:lgpur Rly· Medinipur II g.ll1as Settlement (NM) l2-1- ;1,oI.1 (\liC) Haord I 170 Kharar ~M) Medll1lpUr .. V 125 1 !anl)gt1 ,!_1.1 Dalry~ Nadia V 171 (M) Twenty Four Par- m }',lrm rawn (NM) ganas 1 6 Jillli(NM) West DinajfJur V 172' Khatra (NM) Bankura IV 127 Hllldu,,(ltan Cable:; RarddlJaman IV 173 Koch BIhar (M) Koch Bihar II TO\>!1 ('1M) 174 Kolaghat (M) Medinipur IV ,28 Hush Ch'l1sulah (M) Hugh I 175 Kolaghat Thermal Medinipur VI 129 !~hhapur Defence Twenty Four Par- IV power Project Town Estate (N!"'J) gr..nas (NM) II 130 Isl~.mpur (NM) West DinaJPur III 176 Konnagar (M) HugJi i31 J"dabr'ur (M) Twenty Four Par- I 177 Kotrung (NM) Hugli VI ganas 178 Krishnagar (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 132 JdddnJ ldapur (NM) Nadia IV ganas 133 Jagadl'ihpur (NM) Haora IV 179 Krishnanagar (M) Nadia II 134 Je:; l,]nathgarh (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 180 Krishnapur (NM) Twenty Four Par- III ganas ganas

----~- 241


-~ ------_------2 3 4 2 3 4

--~ -- -~---~- - - ~- - lSI K,hirpai (M) Medinipur V 227 Panchla (NM) Haora LV 18.2 Kulti (NM) Barddhaman III 228 Panch para (NM) Haora y 183 Kurscong (1\1) Darjiling IV 229 Panchur (NM) Twenty Four Par- H 134 Lalbazar (NM) Barddhaman VI ganas 230 Pandua (NM) IS5 L:llgo1a (NM) Murshidabad IV Hugli IV 231 Panihati (M) 1'36 Lashk.arpur (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV Twenty rour Par- ganas ganas 232 Panpur (NM) Twenty F()ul' Par- Y 187 Madanpur (NM) Nadia V ganas 188 Madusundanpur Hugli V 233 Palluhat (NM) (NM) Barddhaman V 234 Parashkol (NM) Barddhaman 189 Madhyam Gram Twenty Four Par- m IV (NM) ganas 235 Parasia (NM) Barddhamall VI 190 Madrial Fingapara Twenty Four Par- Y 236 Pariharpur (NM) Barddhaman V (NM) ganas 237 Paschim Punropara Murshidabad IV 191 Mahcstala (NM) Twenty Four Par- V (NM) ganas 238 Patrasiar (NM) Bankura V 192 Mahian (NM) Haora V 239 Patulia (NM) Twenty Four Par- V 193 Mahl~hadal (NM) Medinipur IV ganas 194 l\lainaguri (NM) Jalpaiguri IV 240 Pet ana (NM) Barddhaman V 195 Makardaha (NM) Haora VI 241 PllUlia (NMJ Nadia Iff 196 Makhal (NM) Hugli IV 242 Podara (NM) Haora V 197 Mal (NM) JaJpaiguri IV 243 Puruliya (M) Puruliya II 198 Mafilkpur (NM) Haora IV 244 Raghunath Chak Barddhaman V V (NM) 199 Masila (NM) Haom 245 Raghudebbati (NM) Haora V 200 Mathabhanga (T.C.) Koch Bihar IV 246 Raghunathpur (M) Puruliya Medinipur (M) Medinipur II 1\ 201 247 Raghtinathpur (NM) Twenty Four Par- IV 202 Mekliganj (TC) Koch Bihar VI ganas 203 Memari (NM) Barddhaman IV 248 Raghunathpur (NM) Hugli V 204 Monoharpur (NM) Hugli V 249 Rajpur (M) TwnetYFour Par- I[ 205 Mrigala (NM) Hugli V glinas 206 Murshidabad (M) Murshidabad III 250 Ram Chandrapur Haora Y (NM) 207 Nabadwip (M) Nadia I 251 Ramjibanpur (M) Medinipur IV 208 Nabagram Colony HugH IV (NM) 252 Ramnagar (NM) Barddhaman VI 253 Rampurhat (M) Birbhum III 209 NabapaUy (NM) Twenty Four Par- m ganas 254 Ranaghat (M) Nadia 1I 210 Naihati (M) Twenty Four Pa- l 255 Ranigallj (M) Barduhaman II ganas 256 Rai ganj (M) West Dinajpur II 211 Naldanga (NM) Hugli V 257 Rishra (M) Hugli 11 212 Nalhati (NM) Birbhum IV 258 Sainthia (NA) Birbhulll III 213 Nangi (NM) T¥lenty Four Par- H 259 Sankrail (NM) Haora ganas IV 260 Santipur(M) Nadia 11 Twenty Four Par- IV 214 Nebadhai Duttapur 261 Santoshpur (NM) Haora (NM) ganas VJ 262 Saontaldih Thermal Puruliya V 215 New Barrackpur (M) Twenty Four Par- III ganas Power Project Town (NM) Barddhaman IV 216 Niamatpur (NM) 263 Sarakdi Nadiha Barddha!l1Jl 217 Nlbra (NM) Haora IV (NM) 218 Nimeha (NM) Barddhaman VI 264 Sarenga (NM) Haora IV 219 Nmga (NM) Barddhaman V 265 Serampur (M) Hugli 2~0 Noapara (NM) Twenty Four Par- V 266 Siarsol (NM) Barddhaman IV ganas 267 Siliguri (M) Darjiling Twenty Four Par- II 221 North Barrackpur 268 Singur (NM) Hugli (M) ganas LV 269 Sitapur (NM) Barddhaman IY 222 North Dum Dum Twnenty Four Par- I[ (M) ganas 270 Sonamukhi (M) Bank.ura IV Odlabari (NM) Jaipaiguri V 271 Sonarpur (NM) Twnetny Four Par- IY 223 gnaas 224 Old Maldah (M) Maldah V 225 Ondai (NM) Barddhaman IV 272 South Dum Dum Twenty Four Par- (M) ganas 226 Outer Burnpur (NM) Barddhaman II ------_- .- ---_ 242


2 3 4 ~~--~- ~------1 2 3 4 .~--.------273 South Suburban (M) Twenty Four Par- I ganas 6 BALURGHAT West Dinajpur I 274 Srimantapur (NM) Murshidabad Vl 7 BIRLAPUR Twenty Four Par- II 275 Sripur (NM) Barddhaman IV ganas 276 Sripur Bagherghol Twnenty Four Par- V 8 BIRNAGAR Nadia II (NM) ganas 277 Sukdal (NM) Barddhaman V 9 CALCUTIA Calcutta, Haora, I Hugli, Nadia, 278 Sultanpur (NM) Twenty Four Par- m Twenty Four Par- ganas ganas 279 Suri (M) Birbhum III 10 CHITTARANJAN Barddhaman II 280 Teherpur (NM) Nadia III 11 281 Taki (M) Twenty Four Par- III DISHERGARR Do. III ganas 12 DOMJUR Haora IV 282 Tamluk (M) Medinipur III 13 ENGLISH BAZAR Maldah II 283 Tarakeswar (M) Hugli IV 284 Titagarh (M) Twenty Four Par- I 141 FARRAKKA BAR. Murshidabad IV ganas RAGE TOWNSHIP 285 Tufanganj (TC) Koch Bihar VI 15 GARHBETA AMLA Medinipur III 286 Ukhar (NM) Barddhaman IV GORA 287 Uluberia (NM) Haora I~I 16 HABRA Twenty Four Par- 288 Uttar Bagdogra Darjiling V ganas (NM) 17 KANYANAGAR Do. IV 289 Uttar Latabari (NM) Jalpaiguri V 290 Uttar Raypur (NM) Twnety Four Par- IV 18 KATWA Barddhaman III ganas 19 KHARAOPUR Medinipur I 291 Uttar Kotrung (M) Hugli II 20 KOCH BmAR II ~~- Koch Bihar -----~--- __-- 21 KOLAOHAT Medinipur IV 22 KULTI Bacddhaman II ALPHABETICAL LIST OF URBAN AGGLOMERATION 1981 23 MAINAOURI Jalpaiguri III

--~~-___ ---- - 24 MRIOALA Hugli IV NI. Name of Urban District Class No. Agglomeration urban 25 NABADWIP Nadia I Agglo- mera· 26 NIAMTPUR Barddhaman IV tion 27 ONDAL Do. I -~------_._--- 2 3 4 28 RAJPUR Twenty Four Par- II ganas Puruliya ADRA 111 29 RANAGHAT Nadia II 2 ALiPURDUAR Jalpaiguri 11 RANIGANJ Barddhaman I 3 ASANSOL Burddhaman 30 West Dinajpur 4 AURANGABAD Murshidabad III 31 RAIGANJ II 5 BAHARAMPUR Do. I 32 SINGUR HugH IV

- -~ ---- ~----- ~ -_- ---~~--~ A-..i-·'fOWN ANi) UREAN AGGLOMERATION CL\SSIFI~~G l1Y l'OPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901


rhi~ table gives all the towns including Urban agglo­ llh::rat;ons and the;r population by sex since 1901 and i: s decadal variation both in absolute figures and in p":l centage fic!Jres. The cities/towns/urban agg'ome- 1 ations have b:cn :1rranged in discending order of their 1981 POpu;;!tio!1 and shown under the six popu­ laron s;ze c]:',sses, I.e., I--Popuh,tion of 1,00,000 aid above; ll- Popu'ation of 50,000 to 99,999; I1I­ Population of 20,000 to 49,999; IV-Population of 10,000 to 19.999; V--Populahm of 5,000 to 9,999 ;1'1d Vl--Population less than 5,000. Under urban agglomeration, data hJve also been presented for each of its constituent units. The importance of this table is to indicate tl~c trend of population j::.rowth of each unit since 1901.

In Col. 3 of the table the name of the district to which the urban unit belongs Has been noted. In Col. 5, the status of each urban unit has been shown in abrevialiol1s which have been explained at the end of the tahl(,. In Col. 6, the area figures in Sqr. Km. have been shown for each town since 1961.


TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMFRATIONS CI,ASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901 (Class of TO~l1s and number of Towl1.IjUrban Agglomerations ill that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Clas~ III-20,OOO-49,999 Cia" s V-5.000 -9,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class IV-IO,000-19,999 ______g.m VT-:_!,I~'_!l_l'l~5,0_QO_ SI. NameofTown!Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade PercentaGe Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Town Km.' variation Dcc-ade vari'ltion 2--- --"3----4 -----5----6 ------7------8 ------~-- 9 10 11 ------ALL CLASSES-32 URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS AND 98 TOWNS WEST BENGAL 1901 *2,066,550 *tI,236,175 "'i 803,544 1911 *2,349,608 ,283,058 +13.70 * 1,455,635 "'893,973 1921 *2,517,874 +168,266 +7.16 *1,582,981 *934,893 1931 2,895,867 +377,993 +15.01 1,835,302 1,060,565 1941 t4,740,222 -f 1,844.355 +63.69 3,041,242 1,698,980 1951 t-I- t6,281,642 + 1,541,420 +32.52 tt3,783,102 H2,498,540 1961 1,709.8~ 8,5"0,842 +2,259,200 +35.97 5,020,100 3,520,742 1971 1,954.13 10,967,033 +2,426,191 +28.41 6,262,435 4,704,598 1981 2,645.10 (D446,721 +3,479,688 31. 73 7,943,412 6,503,309 CLASS 1 100,000 AND ABOVE 9 URBAN AGGLOMERATION AND 3 TOWNS 1901 j ,510,008 t~..j.6,280 t536,897 1911 1,745,198 1235,190 ,15.58 1,134,750 610,448 1921 Hl,884,584 ~ 139,386 ,799 1,244,172 640,412 1931 *+2,138,563 .,-253,979 + 13.48 1,420,228 718,335 1941 **3,621,413 +1,482,850 +69.34 2,422,647 1,198,766 1951 tt4,799,195 +1,177,782 +32.52 2,976,846 1,822,349 1961 682.48 6,425,051 +1,652,856 -r-33 88 3,869,911 2,555,140 1971 908 80 8,182,937 +1,757,886 ~ 27.36 4,781,456 3,401,481 1981 1,419.64 1 J,129,209 +2,946,272 ,36.01 6,209,753 4,919,456 CALCUTTA 1901 1,510,003 .. t946,280 t536,897 URBAN 1911 1,745,198 +235,190 +15.58 1,134,750 610,448 AGGLOMERATION 1921 ** 1,884,584 -,139,386 +7.99 1,244,172 640,412 1931 H2,138,563 +253,979 +13.48 1,420,228 718,335 1941 ":;.3,621,413 +1,482,850 +69.34 2,422,647 1,198,766 J951 H4,669,559 +1,048,146 .L28.94 2,908,936 1,760,623 1961 590.33 5,983,669 +1,314,110 .+-28.14 3,616,007 2,367,662 1971 662.45 7,420,300 + 1,436,631 .,-2401 4,354,762 3,065,538 1981 852.23 9,194,018 +1,773,718 +23.90 5,162,231 4,031,787 \/ (i) Calcutta tt Calcutta 1901 933,754 615,J<1') 318,605 (including 4 Spl. charge,;) 1911 1 1,016,445 +82,691 +8.86 681,385 335,060 1921 L (M) 1,053,334 1-36,889 +3.63 708,201 345,133 1931 ( 1,221,210 .L 167,876 +15.94 829,748 391,462 1941 I 2,167,485 +946,275 +77.49 1,488,860 678,625 1951 J 2,698,494 +531,009 +24.50 1,707,389 991,105 196fj (a) 102.95 2,927,289 +228,795 +8.48 1,815,791 1,111,498 1971 ~ (MC) 104.00 3,148,746 +221,457 -17.57 1,924,505 1,224,241 __ 19~~ __(~2 104.00 3,305,006 +156,260 t 4.96 1,930,320 1,374,686 ---_------Note :-tD:>e, not include m'l.!es an 1 f'3mlle:l of Ch'l.ndannager as they are not available separat0ly. + + Includes the populo}ion of l',,"C('D' 12,0 19 (Malos 6,:97 and iemales 5,722) of Kan('hJal'ara Rural Dt:velopment Colony which gave place to Kalya'1i and G:tY~"l'ur G,;vt. Colony lawns. Separate figures o~ 1< alyani and G:iyespur Govt. Colony's portions are not available and as ,uch theoe figure, have not been inc1uc:ed in an) clm,s of town, but the "ALL CLASSES include,} the said figU10. *Includes the Population of persons 581 (Males 501 and Females 80) in 1901, Persons 296 (Males 258 and Females 38) in 1911 and Persons 293 (Males 200 and Females 93) in 1921 of Buxa Cantonment in the dish ict of Jalpaiguri which was treated as town in 1901, 1911 and 1921 and was declassified as rural since 1931. **Includes the population of Per~ons 23,259 (Males 15,030 and Females 8,229), Persons 26,868 (Males 17,528 and Females 9,340) and Persons 37,432 (Males 24,837 and Female, 12,595) reopectively for the years 1921, 1931 and 1941 of the town Rishra-Konnagar". Separate figures for Ri3hra and Konnagar towns are not available for the said years., H1951 Population figures have not be"n shown against Kalyani town though this place was the part of Kanehrapara Rural Development Colony. Separate figures for Kalyani is not available. For the same reasons figures for Calcntta Urban Agglomeration as also for class I total does not include the figures of Kanchrapara Rural Development Colo ny though Kalyani is on of its constituents. ttCossipur-Chitpur was a separate town in 1901, 1911 and 1921 with a population of persons 40,750 (Males 26,189 and Females 14,561), Persons 48,178 (Malcs 30,793 and Females 17,385) and Pcrsons 56,474 (Males 36,289 and Female 20,185) in the respective Censusyears.ln 1931 this town was merged in Calcutta. The 1901, 19lt and 1921 Population figure of Calcutta shown in this table include Maniktala was a separete town in 1901,1911 and 1921 with the Population of Person 32,387 (Males 19,142 and Females 13,245), Persons 53,767 (Males 31,735 and Females 22.032) and Persons 67,372 (Male 40,996 and Females 26,376) in the respective Census years. In 1931 this town was merged in Calcutta. The 1901, 1911 and 1921 popnlation figures of Calcutta shown in ,his table include the f'guref, for Manikt31a. Tollygurge was a separate town in 1901, 1911, 1921, 1931. 1941 Inri 1951 with the population of persons 12,821 (Males 7,222 and Females 5,599), Person 18,433 (Males, 19,183 and Females 7,250), Persons 21,637 (Males 13,326 and Females 8,311) Person, 24,476) Males 14,800 and Females 9,676) Persons 58,594 Males, 36,4S8 and Females 22,096) and Persons 149,817) (Males 84, 178 and Females 65.139) in the re~pect;vc Census Years. In 1961 this town was merged in Calcutta. The 1901, 1951 Populalion figures of Calcntta shown in this table include the figures for Tollygunge. (a) Includes the area and Population of Calcutta (M.C.) and other four separate charges. (b) D-:llotes the area figures as supplied by the Surveyor General for Calcutta. It is known as Calcutta City and includes the Popu­ latIOn of Calcutta (MC) and four Special Charges 101,103,104, and 105 which are outside Calcutta. (M.C.). 245 246


(Class of Towns and number of TOl\'l1sj Urbcll Agglomeroticll 111 tl,at dC's.l)

Cla~~ I -100,000 and above Cla~s III--20,OCO -49,999 Cia'" V--'i,000--9,999 Clas~ H - 50,000- 99,999 Clas< IV- 10,000- 19,999 Cia," VI -Le~s than 5,000


SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area 111 Per~ons Dccade Percentage Malc> Female> No. Agglomeration Dhtnct of Km.' v"riatIOn Decade TOVln v riatlOn

- ---- _------~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

~------~-- -~~------_---

"(ii) Haorat Haora 19011 157,594 .. 99,904 57,690 1911 179,006 -21,412 ,13.59 114,566 64,440 1921 I 195,301 - 16,295 ., 9 10 128,472 66,829 1931 (M) 224,873 +29,572 - 15 14 145,120 79,753 1941 J 379,292 +154419 r68.67 246,959 132,333 1951 ' 433,630 +54,338 - 14.33 268,412 165,218 1961 28.83 512,598 +78,968/ -+ 18 21 314,538 198,060 ,,1971"1._ (MC) 61.50 * 737,877 *439,457 ¥298,420 1981f 51. 74 744,429 f-6,552 -t- 89 421,636 322,793 , (iii) SOclth Suburb'ln Twenty 1901 26,374 14,171 12,203 Four Par- 1911 31,533 , 5,159 +19.56 17,683 1 ',850 ganas 1921 33,345 ,1,812 f-5 75 19,083 14,262 1931 39,499 -l6,154 ,18 46 22,183 17,316 1941 63,479 +23,980 -1i0 71 36,068 27,411 1951 104.055 ,..40,576 +63 92 58,075 45,980 1961 30.38 185,811 -r81.756 ,..78 57 102,674 83,137 1971 30 38 272,600 +86,789 +46.71 147,284 125,316 1981 33.82 394,916 + 122,316 +-44.87 209,339 185,577

a) South Suburban Twenty 1901') 26,374 14,171 12,203 Four Par- 1911 I 31,533 +5,159 : 19.56 17 ,683 13,850 ganas 1921 \ 33,345 + 1,812 +5.75 19,083 14,262 1931 39,499 ,6,154 +18.41i 22,183 17 ,316 1941 (M) 63,479 23,980 ,60.71 36,06~ 27,411 1951 r 104,055 -40,576 -+ 63.92 58,075 45,980 961 30.38 185,811 +81,756 +78.57 102,674 83,137 1971J 30 38 272,600 +86,789 r46.71 147,284 125,316 1981 30.38 n8,765 +106,165 +-38.95 200,241 178,524

(b) Gopalpur Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 COG) 3.44 16,151 9,098 7,053

(iv) Bha,tpara Twenty 1901 21,540 13,978 7,562 Four Par- 1911 50,414 +28,874 +13.05 34,739 15,675 ganas 1921 65,609 +15,195 +30.14 45,723 19,886 1931 84,975 +19,366 +29.52 60,134 24,841 1941 117,044 f-32,069 +37.74 78,162 38,882 1951 134,916 +17,872 +15.27 88,025 46,891 1961 11.96 147,630 +12,714 +9.42 93,128 54,502 " 1971 11.96 204,750 + 57,120 +38.69 126,061 78,689 1981 15.85 265,419 ..L 60,669 -+ 29.63 159,562 105,857 (a) Bhatpara . 1901 21,540 .. 13,978 7,562 1911 1 50,414 +28,874 +134.05 34,739 15,675 65,609 +15,195 +30.14 45,723 19,886 19211931 f 84,975 +19.366 29.52 60,134 24,841 1941 (M) 117,044 +32.069 +37.74 78,162 38,882 1951 134,916 +11,872 15 27 88,025 46,891 1961 11.96 147,630 +12,714 -+ 9.42 93,128 54,502 1971 11.96 204,750 +57,120 +38.69 126,061 78,689 1981 J 11.96 260,761 +56,011 +27.36 157,161 103,('00

Note; -"'Includes the figures of Bally (M). Separate figures of Bally (M) are not available. tSantragachhi (NM) Unsani (NM) and Jagachha (NM) were treated as separate towns on 1961 having Population of Persons 8,701 (Males 4,902 and Females 3,799), Persons 6635 (Males 3,471 and Females 3,164) and Persons 4,758 (Males 2582 and Females 2,176) respectively. In 1971 Census these towns had been merged with Haora (Me). The 1961 Populatio~ of Haora (MC) incluces population of Santragachi Unsani and Jagachba town. 247

TABI.E A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPlJIATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901 -('Ollld. eClass of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban /,gglomerctirll in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,OOO -49,999 Class V-5,OOO -9,999 Class U-50,()(}I)- -99,999 Cla~s IV-IO,OOO--19,999 ('lass VI-Less than 5,00,) ------_._--- SI. Name of Town/Urban State,' Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.· v.\riation Decade Town variation ------_. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

(b) Sthirpura Twenty Four Par­ 1901 ganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 2.10 3,454 1,777 1.677

«() R'lhata Twenty 1901 Four Par­ 19_1 g~mas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1. 79 1,204 624 580 ,. (v) Ja,hbpurt TWJnty 1901 Four Par­ ganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 (NM) 13.57 62,935 33,853 29,082 1971 16.35 140,IIX +77,183 --1--122 64 74,679 65,439 1981 (M) 40.00 251,968 +111,850 +79.83 133,490 118,478

v(v;) Kamlrhati Twenty 1901 13,216 7,751 5,465 Four Par­ 1911 18,015 +4,799 +36.3i 11,243 6,772 ganas 1921 23,018 t 5,053 -l27.77 14,965 8,053 1931 30, ~34 -t 7.~16 131 78 20,037 10,~47 1941 (M) 42,545 _j 12,211 +40.26 28,558 13,987 1951 77,251 +34,706 I 81.57 46,839 30,412 1961 10.96 125,457/ +48,206 +62.40 76,134 49,323 "' 1971 10.96 169,404/ +43,947 _j 35.03 96,520 72,884 1981 10.96 234,951 ~ +65,547 +38.69 131,812 103,139 ------Note :-tJadabpur has been declared as Municipality after 1971 covering the following non-municipal Towns of 1961 and 1971. That Population of respcctivc Censm years are given below:

1961 1971 Name of Town r- ____._J.-..___ r------J____~-----.-l Persom Males Females Persons Males Fem11e<;

-AI. K'lsbl (NIVI) C-­ 16,080 8,633 7,397 23,728 12,597 11,131 \- 2. G lrfa (NIVI) V 8,892 4,715 4.177 22,8+9 12,007 10.812 3. Bansdroni (NM) 9,139 4,782 4,357 16,411 8,711 7,700 4. Santoshpur (NM) 9,428 4,995 4,433 16,004 8,475 7,529 5. Rajapur (NM) , 9,405 5,022 4,383 14,660 7,600 7,060 6 Jadabpur (NM) ~ 5.928 3,464 2,461 12,685 7,460 5,225 7. Badema,ar(NM) , 12,28Sl 6,562 5,726 8. Kamdahari (NM) 9.722 5,175 4,547 ~ 9. Chakdaha (NM) 6,217 3,218 2,999 .;<10. Purba Putiary (NM) 1/ 4,063 2,192 l.R71 5.584 2,874 2.710 248

TABLE A-4-TOWNS ;\ND URBAN AGGI,OMERATTONS CI~ARSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901 --contd. (C/aH of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agg/on;cratioJ1 in that closs)

C,aS6 I-10r"OOC ,tn,; above Clas~ IU- 20,000 - 49,999 Class V- 5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class TV-IO,000--19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/Urban Statej Year Status Area in Persons Decade Perentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km 2 v1riation Decade Town variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

V (vii) Sou'h Dum Dum Twenty 1901 10,904 .. 6,253 4,651 Four Par­ 1911 1 12,874 , 1,970 ,-18.07 7,760 5,114 g~na.;;: 14,030 1-1,156 f-8.98 8,736 5,294 19211931 ~ 18,471 14,441 31 65 11,983 6,488 1941 (M) 25,833 f-7,367 39.88 16,796 9,042 1951 61,391 -1- 35,553 +137 60 36,062 25,329 1961 I 15.49 111,2S4 +49,893 - 81.27 62,592 48,692 ,,1<)71 I 15.49 174,142 _' 63,058 --56.66 96,194 78,148 1981 J 15.49 230,266 I 55,924 +3208 121,061 109,205 ("iii) Panihati Twenty 1901 1 11,178 .. 6,055 5,123 Four Par­ 1911 I 11,118 -60 --0.54 6,339 4,779 ganas 1921 , 10,161 -957 -8.61 6,148 4,013 J93J I 11,699 + 1,538 15.14 6,738 4,961 1941 r (M) 27,~ 10 l15,711 ] 3 ~ 29 lR,944 8,466 lY51 I 49,514 22,104 ~I) 64 30,902 18,612 1961 I 19 43 93,749 44,235 89.34 53,536 40,213 '1971 I 19.43 148,(J46 , 54,297 57.92 tll,764 66,282 1981 J 19.40 205,718 57,672 -38.96 109,228 96,490 , i (ix) Gaf(lcn Reach. Twenty J901} 28,211 16,928 11,283 Four Par­ 1911 (M) 45,295 , 17,084 HO.56 27,665 17,630 gana, 1921 45,567 1272 +0.60 29,373 16,194 1931 ** 19411 85,188 55,763 29.425 1951 I 109,160 23,972 28 14 66,242 42,918 1961 ~ (M) 12 95 110,770 21,610 19.80 79,246 51,524 ...r971 1 12.95 154,913 124.143 18.46 89,590 65,323 19~1 J 12.95 191,107 3fi,194 f 23.36 106,817 84,290

V (x) Baranagar Twenty 19011 25,432 14,748 10,684 Four Par- 1911 I 25,R95 '-:63 , 1.82 14,982 10,913 ganr" 192 i , 32,084 6,18S' 23.90 19,989 12,095 1931 I 37,050 J,966 15 48 23,116 13,934 1941 ~ eM) 54.451 17.40; -46 97 33,717 20,734 1951 I 77,126 22,675 41.64 44,925 32,201 1961 7.12 107,837 I 30,71! I 39 82 61,206 46,631 .t971 I 7.12 136,8·12 29,005 21).90 76,010 60,832 19>i1 J 7.12 170,343 33,501 24 -}8 91,517 78,826

(xi) Bally 19011 18,662 . . 11,383 7,279 lOll I 22,394 ,3,732 20.00 14,217 8,177 1921 I 73,209 815 3 64 15,264 7,945 1931 I 30,347 T 7,138 30.76 20,944 9,403 (M) 50,397 20,050 66.07 34,213 1941 16,184 1951 r 63,138 --l-J2,741 _L_25 28 41,185 21,953 1961 4 56 101,159 --l-38,021 -'-60.22 66,301 34,858 V' 1971J (The figure is included in Haora Municipal Corporation 1981 11. 81 147,735 t- t-- 86,734 61,001

(xii) Hugli Chinsura Hugli 1901 29,383 15,377 14,006 1911 28,916 --467 1 1.59 15,817 13,099 1921 29,938 : 1,022 I 3 53 16,723 13,215 1931 32,634 2,696 ,9 01 18,799 13,835 1~j.1 49,081 : 16,+17 , 50,40 27,695 21,386 1951 56,805 -17,724 +-15.74 30,683 26,122 1961 15.54 83,104 126,299 +46.30 44,560 38,544 1971 15.54 105,241 ,22,137 126.64 56,069 49,172 1981 17.28 128,918 : 23,677 22.50 66,911 62,007 -----_.-_-- NOTll :-*In 1931 Gard.en Reach (lV!) with a population of Persons 55,81". (Males 36,131, and Females 19,741) was the part of Calcutt~ (M) the combll1cd populatIon of Garden Reach (M) and Calcutta (M) l1:1s been shown against Calcutta (M)

tD~cade g(,)wth rate In, not b~~n c.),n_).l_~J a; th~ 'J.'l .. ,t) fi~u 'JlIJ: Bllly (M) f.), 191! ar0 nJt w.l.il\jl), 249

T/~J~LE A--i---TO\VNS AJ',{D t:RFAN ACGIO!,'W~~~\nO~~S C1 J:Ef:'F'lD PV JJCPLJ fr(lN fl\: 1~!f'! \:Vrni V.I'"YL\ fEe :'"'~; :: '1',' c': i ':(! ,"nrd.

Cia,;:; 1--100,01)0 'Hl(' ~lb{)y~ Cims HI· ~:lOOO,) -,49,Q!),} Cla"s V· -5,000--9,999 Cl"ss II -50,000---99,99') ~.-!:h: IV--W,OOO,19,999 Cia,s VI --LC~3 than 5,030

SI. Name of Town/Urban Slate; Ye~r Statu~ Area in Persons Decade PerC'cntagc Males Females No. Agg!(lmer:ltion Distrd of Kill." v;::riation Decade Town variation

2 .1 5 7 9 lO 11

(II) HugH Chitlsura Hugii 190,11 29,383 15,377 14,006 19: 1 2~LtjlG ~-467 ~--l .59 15,SH 13,099 :nl 29,938 n.022 ,·3.53 16,123 13,215 1'J31 I 12,634 : 2,696 : 9 OJ 18,799 13,l1:l5 1 '}j.l ~ (M) 49,081 I I (]~4tt7 15040 27,(]')5 21,386 ~ ')5 1 r 5(',305 -'·7.724 15. 7'~ 30,6:;3 26,122 11)(,1 I 15.54 8.\10·1 ·26,299 >46 3\) 44,5GO 38,544 1<)71 I 15.54 105,241 '22,137 .26 64 56,069 49,172 InlJ 10,06 125,191 19,952 18.96 64,986 W,207 (b) N:lrapnpur Hu~li 1901 (,)11 1921 19.11 19~1 1951 1%1 1971 1981 (OG) 0.53 J,082 1,055 (I') Kodalia Hugli i001 ;911 1921 1931 I ,-}·1 [ 1951 1%1 (,)71 Iq~q (OG) O.(j9 l.5RS 843 745

(xiii) SCfHmrur Hugli J90h 44A5L , . . , 26,921 17,530 1(} 11 I 49,594 ! 5,143 11.57 30.363 19,231 1921 I :l3 197 J6,397 33.06 20.210 12,987 ;931 I 39,056 5,859 17.65 23,935 15,071 i~jl (M) 55,339 I 16,283 41.69 34,424 20,915 r 74,324 l8,9W; ·34.31 45.306 29,018 1%1 5.8S- 91,521 17.197 -, '";}. 14 53A79 38,042 19';! J 5.88 102,023 W.5C2 ! 1.47 57,809 44,214 19~: 5.83 127,30";' 25,281 ::.~-~ 7g 70,585 56,719 (xir) Ib rrackpm Twentv 19fi I 19,307 .. \ 1,249 8,058 Four l'ar- I'.),: 27,605 8,298 : 42.98 17, f32 10,473 !.~an~1:1 ~ 9:' I 22A60 5,145 . ·18.64 1·L.877 7,58} 19".1 !4,413 :-1,047 -}5.83 9,31 ll 5,095 I(_; ',I 21,773 --7,360 51.07 13,8Sg 7,915 1951 42,639 : 20,866 (jj.X3 26,151 16,488 1961 1 j. 65 ('3.77i1, : 21,139 .49.58 37,Z(,:! 26,516 ,1971 1 i .65 ~(),8S9 ; 33,11 J 51.92 54,390 42,499 1%1 13.63 115,516 1!l,627 18 95 62,646 52.691 (a) Blrrackpur Tw~nty 19011. Y9;307 .. 11,249 8,058 Four Par- 1911 27,605 ! 8,298 f42.9S 17,132 10,473 [!:ana~ 1921 I 22,4(1) --5,145 -18.64 14,877 7,583 1931 I 14,413 ·-8,047 -35 83 9,313 5,095 19,'!-1 ~ (M) 2\,773 +7,360 ,:·5i .07 [3,858 7,915 1951 I 42.639 ! 20.S66 95 83 2,',.151 16,488 !961 I 11.65 63, 778 j 2(139 ·4Y.58 37,262 26,516 197! i 11.65 9f),8W) 33,111 i5l 92 54,390 42,499 19:11 J J J .65 115,253 ·]8,364 L 18.95 26,(}.16 sum (b) Jafarpur Twenty 1901 Four Par- 191J gan3s lnt 193\ 1941 1951 !96~ [971 19S1 (00) 1.98 '263 170 250


(Chl ls (if TOlWS a ld 11l"I'ber of TOll '1s/ Uil'(iIl An.;lo/1lll afl(1l In that clas5)

Cbs, T- 101,000 and above Cia,s III -20,000 4~ 999 Cla~s V-5,OOO-9,99

------~------SI Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Are::! In PCf'ons Decade Percentage Males Females No AgglomeratIon Dbtrlct of Km' v'na!Jon Decade Town v nation -- - - 2 3 4 5 (, 1 8 9 10 II

(\"V) N3lh'ltl Twcnty t 19911 71,751 14,130 Cl,623 Four Par- 1911 I 18,219 -5,5,4 -23 30 11,685 6,534 gan's 19~1 I ~1, 86 -5,0 )7 -~7 81 15,41)4 7,P2 1931 I 3091}Q 7,622 32 71 20,123 10,185 1941 )- (M) 422()O 11,292 +36 51 26655 15,515 1951 • 55,113 11,113 31 07 13,464 21,1l49 1961 4 35 51< 4~7 13,144 -5 68 34,185 24,272 1971 I 4 35 82,(l~0 21,623 4041 46,614 35,466 19'11 4 15 114,607 12,527 39 63 64,344 50,263

(>,:,1) Tlt,o'lh Tw nlv 19011 1Ii 06~ 11,461 4,601 Four P I· 1911 1 t "17' 2),106 -rl~1 1~ 31,225 11,"4, g'u" l'l21 'i?,A'i1 7,280 6 12 16 ';33 15,918 1911 I H''i~1 ?,U,7 -~ 47 14,252 15,332 19l1 (1\1) ">7,lf(, 7 q32 15 8) 39,600 17,816 1951 1 71,612 14,206 ,24 7~ 46,735 24,887 1°61 I 1 24 76,429 -14,807 c 6 71 51,050 25,379 1971 , 3 24 ~"l,218 L 11.789 -1542 55,719 32,499 198J J 1 24 104534 16316 18 50 64,398 40,136 (X'If) Ch'lndanlg'lr Hug1! 26831 * .. 19111901l 2'; 291 1,51'1 -5 73 13,1)86 11,607 1921 (1\1) /~,L1'23 130 -051 14,298 11,125 1931 27,21)'2 -j ]'81'l ~ 7 23 1\437 11,1l25 1941 3R,284 ~ 11,022 40 43 21,2R7 16,997 19<;1 49909 -11,625 30 17 2l;,221) 21,689 ') 61i 1961} 67,105 17,196 t 34 45 36,441 30,664 \ 1971 (MC) 9 66 75,21'1 8,133 L P 12 40,702 34,536 1981 9 66 101,925 26,61<7 f-35 47 51,558 48,367

(nll~ J-l,ll~"h'lr Twent, 1901 Tow'1 FOUlPlr- 1911 11,421 8,371 5,1)52 [,ana, 10 71 7,11~ -6,10~ -4~ 48 4,654 2,664 1911 16,770 9 ~~2 f-179 16 12,188 4,582 1941 "6 '101 Cl,031- f-51 87 18,230 7,574 1951 H/i66 886::> +34 14 21,812 10,854 1961 14 21 51,423 16,757 48 34 31,3')3 2')'120 j 0 71 14 21- 6'1,006 17,481 -114 00 40,740 28,166 19~1 10 10 9916<' 10 160 4~ 21 5'),0')3 4\273 (a) H lh

--~ --- -~ ------~---- 251

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Clas5 of TOWlls and number of TownsJ Urban Agglomeration in rhat cla5S)

Class I-I 00,000 and above Class III-20,OO~9,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Class U-50,000-99,999 Cla~s IV-I0,000--19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 - ---- S1. Name of Town/Urban .. State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.· variation Decade Town v~riation

--~~"------~~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _-- -_--- --~ ~------~- --~-- (a) Kanchrapara Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1, 10,332 .. 7,182 3,150 1931 I 15,005 14,673 T 45.23 10,113 4,892 1941 (M) 24,015 +9,010 60.05 15,716 8,299 1951 I 56,668 -,32,653 -,135.97 32,250 24,418 1961 9.07 68,966 -12,298 -r21.70 38,814 30,152 1971 r 9.07 78,768 --1-9,802 +14.21 43,729 35,039 1981 J 9.07 88,798 +10,030 +12.73 48,258 40,540 (b) Nanna 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 044 2,034 1,062 972 (c) Jetia Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.97 3,495 1,804 1,691 (d) Chakla Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.75 3,246 1,833 1,413 (e) Srotribati Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.49 1,243 646 /-" 597 (xx) North Dum Twenty 1901 9,916 6,073 3,843 Dum Four 1911 1 8,865 -1,051 -10.60 5,151 3,714 Parganas 8,224 -641 -7.23 4,860 3,364 19211931 } 4,535 -3,689 --44.86 2,544 1,991 1941 (M) 5,974 +1,439 +31.73 3,394 2,580 1951 12,156 +6,182 +103.48 6,762 5,394 1961 • 19.43 38,140 +25,984 +213.75 20,364 17,776 ,/1971 J 15.60 63,873 +25,733 +67.47 33,817 300,056 " 1981 19.42 96,418 +32,545 +50.95 49,676 46,742 /(XXi) Bansberia HugIi 1901 6,473 3,365 3,108 1911 6,108 -365 -5.64 3,443 2,665 1921 6,382 +274 1..4.49 4,032 2,350 1931 14,221 !-7,839 -'-122.83 9,797 4,424 1941 23,716 +9,495 +66.77 16,350 7,366 1951 30,622 +6,906 +29.12 18,989 11,633 1961 9.07 45,463 +14,841 +48.47 26,969 18,494 1971 9.07 61,748 +16,285 +35.82 34,977 26,771 - 1981 13.88 88,581 y.. +26,833 +43.46 48,999 39,582 .------~- -~------86.M/P(D)4ZDCOCaIcutta- -17 252

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomeration in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 111-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,OOO -9,999 Class Il-50,000-99,999 Class IV--I0,000----19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Statub Area in Persons Decade Precentage Males Females No Agglomeration District of Km" vdriation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------11 (a) Bansbura Hugli 1901, 6,473 .. 3,365 3,108 1911 I 6,108 --365 -5.64 3,443 2,665 1921 ' 6,382 +274 +4.49 4,032 2,350 1931 I 14,221 +7,839 +122.83 9,797 4,424 1941 r (M) 23,716 +9,495 +66.77 16,350 7,366 1951 f 30,622 +6,906 +29.12 18,989 11,633 1961 I 9.07 45,463 +14,841 +48.47 26,969 18,494 1971 i 9.07 61,748 +16,285 +35.82 34,977 26,771 1981j 9.07 77,020 +15,272 +24.73 42,667 34,353 (b) Sankhanagar Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.73 4,366 2,354 2,012 (c) Bara Khejuria Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 COG) 0.66 1,294 723 571 -d) Check Bansberia HugH 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 COG) 1.55 4,954 2,733 2,221 (e) Kamarpara Hugli 1901 " 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) ~ I 1.87 522 425 (xtii) North Barrack- Twenty 1901") 1~ .. 6,823 5,777 pur Four Par­ 1911 j 11,847 -753 -5.98 6,993 4,854 ganas 1921 I 15,433 +3,586 30.27 9,452 5,981 1931 I 16,258 +825 +- 5.35 9,751 6,507 1941 r (M) 26,966 +10,708 65.86 16,993 9,973 1951 I 32,173 +5,207 19.31 18,543 13,630 1961 I 8.42 56,683 +24,510 76.18 32,175 24,508 1971 1 8.42 76,335 +19,652'· 34.67 42,301 34,034 1981 J 8.42 81,758 1-5,423 +-7.10 43,288 38,470 (xxiii) Rlshra"~ Hugli 1901") 1911 1 1921 I 19411931l 1951 27,465 17,598 1961 (M) 9,861 3.24 38,535 Hl,070 40.31 24,790 13,745 1971 JI 3.24 63,486 +24,951 64.75 1981 39,055 24,431 6.48 81,001 -I 17,515 27.59 47,835 33,166 --_ --~ N~;_:--~~RI,IH,t and Konnagar formed a single town "Rishr~ K~;;nag~;'-;-in 1921 ,-1 93i--;nd 1941 with a po~~lation of persons 23,259 (Mdlc> 15,~30 and Fem~les 8,229), Persons 26,868 (Males 17,528 and Females 9,340) and Persons 37,432 (Males 24,837 and temulcs 1_,595) respectIvely. Separate figures of Rishra and Konnagar Towns arc not available for these years. 253


(Class oj Towns and number of Tcmns/ Urban Agglomeration In tliat (lass)

Class 1-100,000 and above Gas> JII-20,OOO---49,999 Clas~ V--5,000 -9,999 Class II-50,000--99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

------~- Sl. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area In Per;,on~ Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration Dlstnct of Km? vanatlOn Decade Town vanatlon ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .11

(.\XlV) Uttarpara- Hugh 1901 12,980 7,703 5,277 Kotrung** 1911 13,947 -r 967 ,7 45 8,515 5,432 1921 15,503 T 1,556 - 11.16 9,479 6,024 1931 16,510 1-1,007 16.50 9,638 6,872 1941 (M) 23,011 -,6,501 -,39.38 13,528 9,483 1951 31,303 -8,292 ,-36.03 17,477 13,826 1961 7.25 52,163 +20,860 -,-66.64 28,682 23,481 1971 J 7.25 67,568 ,15,405 -29.53 36,975 30,593 1981 7.25 79,598 +12,030 +17.80 41,726 37,872 (xxv) Champdani Hugh 19011 1911 j 1921 I 24,652 17,193 7,459 1931 ~ 25,365 +-713 +-2.89 17,499 7,868 1941 (M) 31,833 ,6,468 +25 50 21,311 10,522 1951 I 31,543 -290 -0.91 18,537 13,006 1961 I 6.47 42,129 1-10,586 ,33.56 26,329 15,800 1971 J 6.47 58,596 ,16,467 +39.09 35,879 22,717 1981 6.47 76,138 +-17,542 1-29.94 45,030 31,108 '(X.Hi) Baidyabati Hugh 19011 17,174 9,859 7,315 1911 1 20,516 ,3,342 ,19.46 11,792 8,724 1921 I 16,471 -4,045 -19.72 9,174 7,297 1931 ~ 18,486 +2,015 -L 12.23 10,368 8,117 1941 (M) 25,825 +7,339 -"-39.70 14,908 10,917 1951 l 24,883 -942 -3.65 14,293 10,590 1961 I 9.06 44,312 <19,429 -"-78.08 24,090 20,222 1971! 9.06 54,130 )-9,818 -"-22.16 28,937 25,193 1981J 9.06 70,573 ,16,443 30.38 36,782 33,791 , (xxvii) Budge·Budge TweUlY 19011 13,051 8,041 5,010 Four Pa· 1911 I 17,982 +4,931 ,37.78 11,529 6,453 ganas 1921 1 25,723 +7,741 -43.05 17,883 7,840 1931 j 24,183 -1,540 -5.99 15,514 8,669 1941 r 32,394 .J 8,211 33.95 20,986 11,408 1951 i 32,196 -198 -0.61 20,381 11,815 1961 I 7.77 39,824 +7,628 23.69 24,353 15,471 1971 j 7.77 51,039 +11.215 28 16 30,445 20,594 1981) 10.05 70,404 +19,365 -37 94 40,950 29,454 (a) Budge.Budge Twenty 19011 13,051 8,041 5,010 Four Par· 17,982 ,4,931 - 37.78 11,529 6,453 ganas 19111921 25,723 --7,741 +43 05 17,883 7,840 1931 l -1,540 -5.99 15,514 8,669 24,183 1941 (M) 32,394 +8,211 -33.95 20,986 H,40S 1951 t 32,196 --198 -0.61 20,381 lJ,815 1961 I 7.77 39,824 ,7,628 +-23.69 24,353 15,471 1971 I 7.77 51,039 -11,215 -28.16 30,445 20,594 1981 J 9 06 66,424 +15,385 +30.14 38,660 27,764 (b) KaJipur Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.99 3,980 2,290 1,690 Note :-"*Uttarpara (M) and Kotrung eM) were t~~ated ~s sep;-ate town~~901-1%lCen~us havmg populatIon of Per-ons 7.03~ (Males 4,203 and Females 2,833), Persons 7,373 (Males 4,412 and Females 2,961), Persons 8,657 (Males I 5.14! 6~~) Females 3,508). Pelsons 9,355 (Males 5,480 and Females :,8,0) Persons 13,610 (Male, 7931' and Fem; ~~i)' d Persons 17,126 (Males 9,041 and Females 8,085), Persons 21,132 (Males 1l,567 and Females , - an Persons 5,944 (Males 3,500 and Females 2,4#), Persons 6,574 (I\fdes 4,103, ud Females 2,471), Persons 6,F46 (Males 4,330 and Females 2,516), Persons 8,160 (Males 4.1 58) and Females 3,002) Persons 9,401 (Males 5,590 and FentleS {,SU1i Pgsons 14,177 (Males 8,436 and Females 5,741) Persons 31,031 (Males 17,115 and Females 13,916) respectlvtr ~f these ~nsu~ these towns are marged together to form a single tOl>11 Uttarpara-Kotrung (M). ComnJl1cct popu a Ion ow have been shown against Uttarpala-Kotrung (M) [01 the years 1901- 1961. 86-M/P(D)42DCOCalcutta-17(a) 254

tABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED By POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATlO~S SINCE 1901--contd. (Class of Towns and number of Townsl Urban Agglomeration in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1lI-2.0,OOO-49,999 ClassV--5,000-9,999 Class 1I-50,000 -99,999 Class IV -10,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

------~~ - ---- Sl. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No_ Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

~-~-~------~ -- -- -_-_ ------"{xxviii Barasat Twenty 1901, 8,634 4,561 4,073 Four Par- 1911 8,790 1-156 - 1_ 81 4,731 4,059 ganas 1921 I 8,211 -579 -6.59 4,498 3,713 1931 I 8,672 +461 +5.61 4,730 3,942 1941 >- 11,230 +2,558 +29.50 6,112 5,118 1951 i 16,027 +4,797 +42.72 8,596 7,431 1961 \ 14.25 29,281 +13,254 +82.70 16,022 13,259 1971 j 14.25 42,642 +13,361 +45.63 22,565 20,077 1981 20.77 69,586 +26,944 +63.19 36,215 33,371 (a) Barasat TWenty 1901, 8,634 4,561 4,073 Four Par- 1911 I 8,790 -r- 156 +1.81 4,731 4,059 ganas 8,211 -579 -6_59 4,498 3,713 19311921 f 8,672 +461 +5.61 4,730 3,942 1941 (M) 11,230 1-2,558 +-29.50 6,1 )2 5,118 1951 16,027 +4,797 ..L42.72 8,596 7,431 1961 I, 14.25 29,281 +13,254 +82.70 16,022 13,259 1971 J 14.25 42,642 +13,361 +45.63 22,565 20,077 1981 20.25 66,504 +23,862 +55.96 34,620 31,884 (b) Ramkrisbnapur Twenty 1901 Fuur Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.52 3,082 1,595 1,487 (xxix) Bhadreswar Hugli 1901 15,150 9,376 5,774 1911 24,353 1-9,203 +60.75 15,862 8,491 1921 1I 22,081 -2,272 -9.33 14,487 7,594 1931 22,992 +911 +4.13 14,938 8,054 1941 ~ (M) 27,673 +4,681 +20.36 17,559 10,114 1951 36,292 +8,619 +31.15 23,865 12,427 1961 I 6.47 35,489 -803 -2.21 21,188 14,301 vf971 I 6.47 45,586 +10,097 --28.45 27,097 18,489 1981 J 6.48 58,858 +13,272 +29.11 33,602 25,256 (xxx) Garulia Twenty 1901 7,375 5,021 2,354 Four Par- 1911 1 11,580 +4,205 +57_02 7,876 3,704 ganas 1921 ( 13,096 +1,516 +13.09 9,077 4,019 1931 14,033 +937 +7.15 9,282 4,751 1941 (M) 20,150 +6,117 +43.59 13,411 6,739 1951 l 28,304 +8,154 +40.47 18,692 9,612 961 3.88 29,041 +737 +2.60 17,724 11,317 A1971 I 3.88 44,271 L15,230 +-52.44 25,928 18,343 1981) 6.48 57,061 + 12,790 +2.8.89 31,834 25,227 I(xxxi) Bally Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961'1 11.68 29,731 .. 18,010 11,727 .11971 j (NM) 11.68 38,892 +-9,155 +30.79 22,543 16,349 1981 11.68 54,859 -L 15,967 +41.05 29,796 25,063 : (xxxii) Nange Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 6.91 30,992 j 7,018 13,974 1971 (NM) 6.91 47,555 1-16,563 +53.44 25,699 21,856 1981 6.91 54,035 +-6.480 L13.63 28,861 25,174 ------255

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGCI,OMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY PoprLATiON IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Crass of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class)

Class 1-100,000 and above Clas· Ill·~20,000 - 49,999 Cla~s V-\OOO-9,999 Class Il-50,000-99,999 Cla

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Female~ No. Agglomeration District of Kr.n 2 v?riation Decade Town 'IIariation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

txxxiii) Panchur lfwcht' 1901 Fcur Per· 1911 gana~ 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961,) 7 S7 25,111 14,433 10,698 1971 ~(NM) 7.87 59,021 - 33.890 134.85 34,523 24,498 1981 ) 7.87 51.223 --7,798 -13.21 27,789 23,434

(xxxiv) Konnagar** Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19511 20,233 12,549 7,684 1961 L 4.33 29,443 +9,210 +45.52 17,679 11,764 1971 r (M) 4.33 34,424 +-4,981 Ll6.92 18,873 15,551 1981) 4.33 51.211 +-16,787 +48.77 27,764 23,447

(xxxv) Madhyam- Twenty 1901 gram Four Par­ 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961,) 9.71 18,483 9,976 8,507 1971 ~ (NM) 9.71 31,629 +13,146 L71.12 16,759 14,870 1981) 9.71 47,914 '-16,285 +51.49 24,746 23,168

(xxxvi) New Barrack- Twenty 1901 pur Four Pal 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 10,840 10,031 1961} (NM) 2.90 20,871 1971 (M) 2.90 32,512 + 11,641 -L 55.78 17,029 15,483 1981 17.17 46,530 + 14,018 +43.12 24,010 22,520

(xxxvii) Khardaha Twenty 1901 Four Par­ 1911 2,374 ganas 1921, 5,486 3,112 1931 I 6,018 +532 +9.70 3,334 2,684 5,422 4,146 1941 I 9,568 +3,550 +58.99 +93.60 10,677 7,847 1951 ~ (M) 18,524 +8,956 3.88 28,362 +9,838 +53.11 16,215 12,147 J961 I 17,392 14,910 1971 3.88 32,302 +3,940 +13.89 I -L40.09 24,305 20,946 1981 J 4.20 45,251 +12,949

(xxxviii) Gayespurtt Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 8,917 8,784 1.84 17,701 10,334 1961} .J_ 3 590 +20.28 10,957 1971 (NA) 1.84 21,291 21,160 20,507 1981 30.00 41,667 +20)76 +95.70

Note :-**Please see note as shown Pertaining to Rishra (M) earlier . .L arate town in 1961 and t,Gayespur Gov!. Colony (NM) and Kataganj and Gokulpur Govt. Colony (NM) were aach a ~eJ' and Females 6264) and 1971 with a population of 10,147 (Males 5,267 and female~ 4,890), Persons 13,052 (M,ale~ ~~O) respectively. These two Persons 7,544 (Males 3,650 and Females 3,894), lY~ons 8.209 (Males 4.139 and F~ml!,es , towns have formed Gayespur (NA) in 1981 Census. 256

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSlFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901---contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation

-~~- ---~- --~-- ~~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------

(xxxix) Iv Kalyani Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 21.91 4,616 2,952 1,664 1971 21.91 18,310 +13,694 +296.66 10,186 8,124 1981 Town 23.30 39,257 +20,947 +114.40 21,075 18,182

(Cl) Kalyani Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 (NM) 21.91 4,616 2,952 1,664 1971 L. (NA) 21.91 18,310 +[3,694 j-296.66 10,186 8,124 1981'[ 21.91 38.334 +20,024 t-109.36 20,594 17,740

(b) Kanchrapara Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.39 923 481 442

(xl) . DumDum"'· Twenty 1901 Four Pat- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 5,350 4,036 1,314 1941 1 7,622 +2,272 +42.47 5,597 2,025 1951 ~ (M) 14,002 +6,380 +83.71 9,023 4,979 ~961 2.90 20,041 +6,039 +43.13 13,019 7,022 1971 I 0.20 31,363 +11,322 +56.49 19,344 12,019 1981J 3.11 33,604 +2,241 +7.15 19,687 13,917

(xli) Bidhannagar Twenty 1901 (NM) Township Fonr Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 15.54 33,175 17,461 15.714

(xlii) Deulpara Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 7.20 17,797 9,578 8,219 1971 (NM) 7.20 26,445 +8,648 +48.59 14,194 12,251 1981, 7.20 33,146 +6,701 +25.34 17,331 15.815

!Vote :-**In 1901, 1911 and 1921-Dum Dum (M) with the Population of Persons 4,920 (Males 3,471 and Females 1,449), Per~ons 3,818 (Males 2,342 and Females 1,476) and Persons 3,855 (Males 2,445 and Females, 1,410) respectively was marged mto North'pum Dum (M). The combined figures of Dum Dum (M) ancl North Dum D~m (M) for tile years 1901, 1911 and 1921 have been shown alJainst North Dum Dum (M). 257

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGI,OMERATiONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of TOWflS and number of ro~nsl Urban Agr;/omerLftions in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Ciass IlI-20,OOO-49,(9) Class V-5,OJO-J,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class IV-lO,DOO -19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 _------~- Sl. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Stats Area 1t1 Person" Decade Percentage Males Female, No. AgglomeratIOn Distnct of Km." v. natIOn Decade Town variation ------2 3 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 -_- ---- (xliii) Nab:lpall.)' Twemy 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 7.85 13,857 7,225 6,632 196t1 10,435 197I..1(NM) 7 85 21,455 17,598 -54 83 1l,020 1981 7 S5 31,809 -10,354 48.26 16.286 15.523 txliv) Sultanpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 11,729 10,123 19711.(NM) 3.05 21,851 1981 J 3.05 29,176 +7,324 +33.52 15,167 14,009 . (x)v) Uluberia_ Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 12,575 6,559 6,016 1951 }(NM) 1961 5.03 18,509 1-5,934 +47.19 10,641 7,868 1971 5.03 20,095 +1,586 +8.57 10,743 9,352 1981 6.08 28,893 +8,798 +43.78 15,143 13,750 (a) Uluberia Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 12,575 6,559 6,016 1951 7,868 19611 5.03 18,509 +5,934 +47.19 10,641 5.03 20,095 +1,586 +8.57 10,743 9,352 1971 j(NM) 12,047 1981 5.03 25,395 +5,300 +26.37 13,348 (b) Kotalghata 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1,703 1981 (OG) 1.05 3,498 1,795 (xlvi) Fort Gloster Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 9,245 4,540 1961 LCNM) 2.41 13,785 6,176 2.36 18,241 +4,456 +32.32 12,065 1971j 16,139 10,810 1981 3.67 26,949 +8,708 +47.74 (0) Fort Gloster Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 9,245 4,540 1961l 2.41 13,785 12,O(iS 6,176 1971 JCNM) 2.36 18,Z41 +4,456 +32.32 12,927 8.484 1981 2.36 21,411 +3,170 +17.38 --,-----~------25g

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class I1I-20,000---49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 1I-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

~- -~------~ SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade variation Town --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ----- (b) Khas Khamar Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 0.52 2.234 1,226 1,008

(c) Cbak Madbu Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OO~ 0.79 3,304 1,986 1,318

(xlvii) Krishnapur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 1971 (NM\ 9.12 14,905 1,175 7,130 1981 9.12 25,271 +10,372 +69.59 13,010 12,267

(xlviii) Chengail Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 4.04 14,831 9,291 5,540 1971 4.04 19,845 +5,oi4 +33.81 12,391 7,454 1981 5.38 24,379 +4,534 +22.85 13,438 10,941

(a) Chenganil Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 9,291 5,540 1961} 4.04 14,831 1971 (NM) 4.04 19,845 +5,oi4 +33.si 12,391 7,454 1981 4.04 19,593 -252 -1.27 10,835 8,758

(b) Sijberia Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) l. 34 4,786 2,603 2,183

------.-- --- ~------....,....------~-- 259

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,()()().-49,999 Class V-fJ,000-9.999 Class II-50,000--99,999 Cla~s IV-IO,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

------_.------. SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons becade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade Town variation ------_------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------

(xlix) Barrackpur Twenty 1901 Cantonment** Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 10,982 7,002 3,980 1941 10,978 -4 -0.04 6,734 4,244 1 Cantt. 16,189 +5,211 +47.47 9,861 6,328 18611951 J 3 68 16,912 +723 +4.47 9,997 6,915 1971 3.68 25,031 +8,119 +48.01 14,788 10,243 1981 3 68 19,900 -5,131 -20.50 11,291 8.609

W 1horhat Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} (NM) 1.45 6,438 3,485 2,953 1971 1.45 6,379 -59 -0.92 3,406 2,973 1981 2.51 19,358 +12,979 +203.46 10,518 8,840

(a) 10rhat Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 1.45 6,438 3,485 2,953 1971 (NM) 1.45 6,379 -59 -O.~2 3,406 2,973 1981 1.45 12,293 +5,914 +92.71 6,784 5,509

(b) Hatgachha Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.61 4,091 2,173 1,918

(c) Kamranga Haora 1901 1911 1121 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.45 2,974 1,561 1,413

(LI) Sankrail Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 6,936 4,908 1961} 2.82 11,844 1971 (NM) 2.82 11,300 -544 --4.59 6,136 5,164 1981 2.82 19,326 +8,026 +71.03 10,757 8,569

~------!vOle :-*'''In 1901, 1911 and 191.1 Barrackpur Cantonment (Cantt.) with a population of Persons 9,888 (Males,6,042 ~n1 Femaies3,846 Persons 11,435 (Males 7,352 and Female~ 4,133) and Persons 11, 738(Males, 7,836 and Fema~s 3,902) resp=ve y~was a part ~f Barrackpur (M) the Combined figures of ~arrackpur CantQnment (Cantt.) 81"1d Bar_ra<;kpur (M) have . n . o~ llgalq Barrackpur (M) for these year. 260

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATlOl\'S CLASSHIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIO!lolS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III -20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 1I-50,000-99,999 Class IV-1O,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

_ .. ------51. Nlm~ of TownjUrban Stltei Yelr Statui Ar.::.! In Per,ons D.::cade Percentage Males Females No, Agglomeration District of Km,' variation Decade Twon variation -_--_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ------_ -----_- ~ _- - (Lii) *Bankra Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971l (NM) 3.59 10,781 6,003 4,778 1981) 3 59 18,895 1-8,114 1-75.26 10,032 8,863 (Liii) Batanagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 19S1} 6,874 4,388 2,486 1961 (NM) 1.22 9,664 +2,790 +40.59 6,524 3,140 1971 1.22 9,108 --556 -5.75 6,083 3,025 1981 2.49 18,012 +8,9(» --'-97.76 10,578 7,434 (a) Batanagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1931 1941 1951~ 6,874 4,388 2,4B6 1961 (NM) 1.22 9,664 +2,7;0 t4O.59 6,524 3,140 1971 1.22 9,108 -$66 -5.75 6,OB3 3,025 1981) 2.09 15,291 +-6,183 +67.89 9,152 6,139 (b) Tentalkhali Twenty 1901 Four I'll Parpnas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.40 2,721 1,426 1,295 (Liv) *Jyangra Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganal 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} (NM) 1.96 10,009 5,308 4,701 1981 1.96 17,803 +7,194 +77.87 9,290 8,513 (Lv) Makhla HUlli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19!H 1961 1971 2.71 11.450 6,739 4,711 1981 5.33 17,600 +6,1~ +53.7i 9,931 7,669 (a) ·Makhla Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 lMI 1951 1961 1971'\. (NM) 2.71 11,450 6,739 1981! 4,711 2.71 14,880 +3,430 +29.96 8,347 6,533 261

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000---49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Per~ons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------(b) *Bhadrakali Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 2.62 2,720 1,584 1,136 £."1) Nabagram Hugli 1901 Colony 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 2.54 8,886 4,789 4.077 1971 (NM) 2.54 11,439 +2,573 +29.02 5,896 5,543 1981 2.54 17,550 +6,111 +53.42 9,334 8,216 (Lv;i) Sarenga Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961"'1 4.35 10,704 5,813 4,891 1971 _) (NM) 4.35 11,516 -812 +7.59 6,190 5,326 1981 4.84 17,141 +5,625 +48.85 9,059 8,082 (a) Sarenga Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 4.35 10,704 5.813 4,891 1971 4.35 11,516 +812 -7.59 6,190 5,326 1981 4.35 15,182 +3.666 +31.83 8,043 7,139 (b) Chak Srikrishna Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 0.49 1,959 1,016 943 (Lviii)· Jagnnathgarh Twenty Four 1901 Parganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 (NM) 2.91 11,922 6,341 5,581 1981 2.91 16,134 +4,212 +35.33 8,239 7,895 (Lix) Gurdaha Twenty Four 1901 Pargana 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1.64 6,518 3,356 3,16a 8)46 7,804 ----- 1981 3.47 16,050 +9,532 .ti46.24 262

TABLE A~4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPUI~ATlON IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomeration in that class)

Class I~I()(),OOO and abov~ Class 1II-20,OOO -49,999 Class V--5,OO0---9,999 Class 11-50,000--99,999 Class IV--10,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 --- Sl. Name of Town/Urban State I Year Status Area in Persons Decade Perc ntage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km. 2 variation Decade Town variation ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------(a) *Gurdaha Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19711. (NM) 1.64 6,518 3,356 3,162 1981.! 1.64 8,394 l-J,S76 L2R.78 4,331 4,063 (b) Kaugaehhi Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.83 7,656 1,915 3,741 (Lx) Kalara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 4.64 8,495 4,376 4,119 1971 (NM) 4.64 11,007 +2,512 +29.57 5,750 5,257 1981 4.64 15,514 +4,507 +40.95 8,054 7,640 (Lxi) Gopalpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 5.71 15,160 7,898 7,262 ff,xii) Manikpur Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 2.41 7,844 4,679 3,165 1971 (NM) 2.41 9,301 +4,157 +18,57 5,634 3,667 1981 2.41 14,873 +5.572 , +59.91 8,598 6,275 (Lxii) Laskarpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 2.96 14,561 7,534 7,027 (ll) Laskarpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971, 1981 (NM) 1.43 10,359 5,233 5,126 -~ .. ------...... -.-.. 263

TABU: A~4- TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class)

Class 1.-100,000 and above Cla~s I11-20,OOO -49,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Cilss II-50,OOO-99,999 Class IV-1O,OOO·-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Stats Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Female& No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation

_------~~--~------~--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ---- (b) Kumarakhali Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganai> 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.53 4,202 2,301 1,901 (Lxiv) *Uttar Raypur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana> 1921 3191 1941 1951 1961 1971 L 5.32 ll,713 6.111 5,602 1981f 5.32 13,980 +2,267 +19.35 7,245 6,735 (Lxv) Nibra Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 3.47 6,599 3,482 3,117 1971 (NM) 3.47 9,864 +3,265 +49.48 5,156 4,708 1981 . 3.47 13,454 +3,590 +36.39 7,074 6,380 (Lx~) Raghunathpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1.37 12,508 6,603 5,905 (a) Raxhur.athpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pagrgans 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 0.85 7,672 3,935 3,737 (b) Mandalganti Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 7961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.52 4,836 2,668 2,168 (Lx vii) Banipur Hawra 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1,824 1961} 0.52 5,654 3,830 1971 (NM) 0.52 9,301 +l,647 +64.50 7,481 1,820 1981 0.52 12,294 f 2,993 I 32.18 8,491 3,803 ------264

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomeration in that class) Clas' 1-100,000 and above Class 1I1-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class U-50,()()()'-99,999 Class IV- -10,000-19,999 Class VI--Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons D"cade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation ------~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

------~---- - (Lxviii) Bauria Hawra 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 12,977 8,219 4,758 1961} (NM) 3.03 8,492 4,485 - 34.56 4,528 3,964 197J 3.03 10,610 + 2,118 -,-24.94 5,828 4,782 1981 3.03 12,264 + J,654 +15.59 6,296 5,968 (Lxix) Krishnagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1.35 6,445 3,543 2,902 1981 2.41 12,244 +5,799 -I- 89.98 6,463 5,781 (a) *Krishnagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} (NM) 1. 35 6,445 3,543 2,902 1981 1.35 7,328 +883 +13.70 3,844 3,484 (b) Jalkhura Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.06 4,916 2,619 2,297 (Lxx) *Arjunpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 'r971't (NM) 0.82 8,446 4,484 3,962 1981) 0.82 12,038 +3,592 H2.53 6,295 5,743 (Lxxi) Jagadishpur Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} (NM) 4.59 5,800 3,094 1981 2,706 8.11 11,575 + 5,775 +99.57 6,127 5,448 (a) "'Jagadishpur Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} 4.59 5,800 3,094 1981 (NM) 4.59 7,150 2,706 +1,350 +- 23 1 3,783 3,367 ------~-- 265

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Cla,,'s of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations il1 that class) Class 1--100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV--I0,OOO -19,999 Class VI-Les~ than 5,000

~ ---- - ~------Sf. Name of Town/Urban Stater Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Female~ No. Agglomeration District of Km.· variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------(b) Chamrail Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 3.52 4,425 2,344 . 2,081 (Lxxii) Chala Kali- Twenty 1901 kapur Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 5.66 11,082 5,722 5,360 . (Lxxiii) *Chakapara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 ]961 ]971} (NM) 3.72 8,126 4,352 3,774 1981 3_72 10,724 +2,598 +31.97 5,632 5,092 (Lxxiv) Ichhapur Twenty 1901 Defence Four 1911 Estate Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 14,600 9,250 5,350 1961 1 (NM) 2.31 12,382 -2,218 -15.19 7,653 4,729 1971 2.31 11,975 -407 -3.29 7,297 4,678 1981 f 2.31 10,452 -1,523 -12.72 6,014 4,438 I (Lxxv) Garui Twenty 1901 / Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971'l (NM) 1.23 6,526 3,465 3,061 1981f 1.23 10,278 ,-3,752 + 57.49 5,239 5,039 (Lxxvi) *Dhuilya Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971'l (NM) 2.43 6,819 3,582 3,237 1981f 2.43 10,252 +3,433 +50.34 5,258 4,994 (Lxxvii) Keota Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.79 9,997 5.607 4,390

- - - - ~---_-- ---_---- .- --- -~------266

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urbans Agglomeration in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,000---49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,000-19,999 Class VI-Lt'ss than 5,000

Sl. Name of Tow l/Urban State! Year Status Area in Per~ons Decae Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(L >:xviii) Bisarpara Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 "I.. (NM) 1.92 5,438 2,887 2,551 1981.[ 1.92 9,930 +4,492 +82.60 5,303 4,627 (Lx*) Mahiari Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} (NM) 2.12 7,07~ 3,769 3,310 1971 2.12 7,765 -r6.86 +9.69 4.155 3,610 1981 2.12 9,821 +2,056 +26.48 5,092 4,729 (Lxxx) Panchpara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 2.42 9,723 5,163 4,560 (a) Panchpara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.92 8,924 4,685 4,239 (b) Chak Radhadasi Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 0.50 799 478 321 (Lxxxi) *Panpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931

1941 :)! f 1951 , 1961 1971} (NM) 3.71 ~ 2,739 2,387 1981 5.23 9,535 +4,409 +86.01 4,909 4,626 (a) *Panpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971"1.. (NM) 3.71 5,126 2,739 2,387 1981; 3.71 5,900 i 774 + 15.10 3,078 2,822 267


(CIcISI (~r TOil /11 and l1umber of TOll 1/.1/ UrbaJ1 Agglomerafiom in thut (!uss)

Cia,,, 1-- 100,000 and above Class ([1- -20,000-49,999 Clas., V-5,000-9,999 Clasb II -50,000-99,999 Class IV--I0,000-19,999 Cia" VI-Less than 5,000

------~------~----- Sf. Name of Town/Urban State Year Statu" Area in Person> Decade Percentage Males Fenlales No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade . " Town variation -- _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II - ---~ - - (b) Narayanpur** Twenty 190! Four 1911 Pargana, 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 L (NM) I. 52 2,841 1,477 1,364 1981 J (OG). I. 52 3,635 T 794 27.95 1,831 1,804 (Lxxxii) *Patulia Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 L (NM) 2.03 8,338 4,509 3,829 1981J 2.03 ' 9,465 1,127 13.52 4,997 4,468 (Lxxxiii) *Madrail Twenty 1901 Fingapara Four 1911 Pargana" 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 L (NM) 3.96 6,236 3,200 3,036 1981 J 3.96 9,252 3,016 48.36 4,764 4,488 (Lxxxiv) Banitable Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961"1 (NM) 3.08 4,979 2,557 2,422 1971 J 3.08 6,496 )-1,517 30.47 3,440 3,056 1981 3.08 8,979 1-2,483 -38 22 4,640 4,339 (Lxxxv) Chandan- Twenty 1901 nagar Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1%1 1.71 0,878 4,709 4,169 (a) Chandanllagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana" 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 19XI lNM) 0.79 4,184 2,277 1,9l)7 (b) Memanpur lwenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.92 4,694 / ~,43~ 2,262

llute ;--Narayanpur (NM) wa, for (he fir';t tIme Heated 8> (own in 1971, but in 1981 thl~ town has been decl8s,ified and treated a, O(i of Pampur (N M) 86.M/1'(D )42DCOCaJcut ta -18 268


(C{as~ of Towns and number of' Towns) Urban Agg/omcrmiol1s in that class)

Clas, 1- 100.000 and above CIa,s III -20,OOO~49,999 Class V-S,000---9,999 Class II 50,000 99,999 CIa,s IV 1O.OOO~19,999 Cia,s VI- Le Decadc Perct;;ntage Males Females No. Agglo111er(.ltlon Distfict of Km.' ,,,,riation Decade Town variatlOll - - - -~ ~------~-- - 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

- -~------~-~- - - (Lx U J'i) SI'I[){lr Bligh- Twenty 1901 arghol Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 200 8,699 4,463 4,236 (Lxxxvii) Raghuuarh- Hugh 1901 p/lr 1911 In1 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.03 8,150 4,559 3,591 :Lxxxviii) Bandra Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 L~ ) n:f 1981 (NM) 0.69 7,678 3,950 3,728 (Lx:nix) Gobmda- Twenty 1901 pur Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1.12 7,777 4,131 3,646 (a) Gobilldapur Twenty 1901 Four IYIl l'argal1d' 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) o 48 6,058 3,178 2,880 (b) Rampur Twenty 1901 Fcur 1911 Pargana" 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.64 1,719 953 766 [X,) Naldal1ga Hugli 1901 \, 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19a1 1981 (NM) 1 84 7,766 4,258 3,508

- --~------~ - --~------269


(C/(/)\ of TOil /11 ([lid number of Tcmns! Urbans Agglomeration If1 that dOH)

C1as~ I 100,000 and dbove Clas, III -20,000- 49,999 Class V 5,000--9,999 Cia" IT -50,000- 99,999 Cia" IV -I O,0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

(Xci) ·Ma'illa Haofa 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971"l (NM) 2 33 5,767 3.084 2.683 1981J 2 33 1,552 1,785 30.95 3,892 3,660 ~XCll) Podara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971l... (NM) 1.54 4,051 2,112 1,939 1981 J 2.54 7,499 1 3,448 85 11 4,007 3,492 (XCIII) Khalishart Hugh 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.35 7,484 3,882 ~,6()2 (Xoiv) Raghuebba/l Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.15 7,400 1,828 1, ~72 (Xcv) Baridpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 11~}'l y, (\.> \l- Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.06 7.324 3,761 3,56l (Xcvi) Banbhali Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 1.86 5,703 3,iH 2,550 1971 (NM) 1.86 5,527 -1.76 -3.09 2,955 2,752 198\ 1 86 6,837 • 1,310 "23.70 3.621 1,21 (J (Xcvii) Romchandra- Haora 1901 pur 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) I 52 6,273 3,241 3,052 l:l6.M/P(D)42DCOCalcut!a-~J 8(,1) 270


«(fass of TOII'ns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in ,hat d{/~J) ('la" 1-100,000 and above Class If[ --20,000-49,999 Class V-5,OOO-9,999 Ciao" If-50,OOO -99,999 CIa,s IV - 10,000 -19,999 Class VI-Les. than 5,000 ------

SI. Name of TownjU,ban Stakl Year Statu,; Area In Pero,ons Decade Percentage Males Female~ No. Agglomeration District of Km. 2 vanation Decade Town variation ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_------(Xcviii) Noapara Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 0.74 6,208 3,250 2,958 (Xcix) Bipra Noapara Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.40 6,171 3,161 3,010

~c) Madhusudanpur Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.57 5,436 3,010 2,426 (ci) }.1aite5htala Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.68 5,031 2,649 2,382 (cii) *Kerulia Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19711.. (NM) 0.51 4,377 2,304 2,073 1981 J (NM) 0.51 4,951 .1..574 ..L13.1! 2,536 2,415 (ciii) Audul RaoTa 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 0.52 4,690 2,825 1,865 19711.. (NM) 0.52 3,602 -10,88 1,938 1,664 1981 J 0.52 4,797 +1,195 -2:.!2.~ 2,472 2,325 (fir) Kotrlillg Rugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.76 4.769 3,077 1,692 --_ - 271

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CI,ASSIFIED B): FOPUlATION I~ 19&1 WITH VARIATIOI\S SINCE 1901- (()ntd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Aggioml'ratlOns in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III -20,000 -49,999 Cla'>s V -5,000-9,999 Cla% II -50,000----99,999 Cla~~ IV - 10,000 19,999 Cla~s VI Less than 5,000

- ---~ ~----~ ~~ --- - SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area m Per,ons Decade Percentage '\Ilales Female,> No. Agglomeration District of Km.2 hmation Decade Town vanation

---~ --~-~------~~- --- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

~ ~--2 _------~-- --- Xc~,) '<;,/lI/Ollil'll' H:lOra 1901 191' 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1 14 4,602 2,418 2,184 ,. (cl'i) Dum Dum Twenty 1901 Aerodrome Area Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 7.12 4,712 2,838 1,874 1971 7.12 4,234 ---478 -10 14 2,386 1,84X 19R1 7.90 3,159 -1,075 -25 39 1,750 1,409 (a) Dum Dum Twenty 1901 Aerodrome l'our 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 7.12 4,712 2,838 1,874 1971 (NM) 7.12 4,234 478 -10.74 2,886 1,848 1981 7.12 * (b) Kaikhali Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.78 3.159 1.750 1.409 (cvii) Bandel Thermal Hugli 1901 P(lWI'T PI (ljerl 1911 T(lW7I 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.07 678 375 303 ASANSOL URBAN Bardhman 1901 14,906 8,400 6,506 AGGLOMERA- 1911 21,919 ,7,013 147.05 12,486 9,433 nON 1921 26,499 +4,580 ..L20.90 15,464 11,035 1931 - 37,026 +10,527 -39.73 23,236 13,790 1941 / I" 59;:4+S-- +32,449 -+-87.64 43,407 26,068 1951 94,764 ..L25,289 ..L36.40 51,422 43,342 1961 36.11 185,905 +91,141 +96.18 112,074 73,831 1971 36.11 251,424 +65,519 1-35.24 143,114 108,310 1981 73.31 366,424 +115,000 -4574 205,050 161,374 (a) Asan~ol Barddhman 1901 14,906 8,400 6,506 1911 21,919 L7,013 +47.05 12,486 9,433 1921 26,499 -+-4,580 +20.90 15,464 11,035 1931 31,286 +4,787 +18.06 18.710 12,576 1941 55,797 +24,511 +78.34 33,211 22,586 76,277 +20,480 +36.70 39,387 36,890 1951 41,254 1961 10.44 103,405 +27,128 +35.57 62,151 10.44 155,968 +52,563 +50.83 89,083 66,885 1971 83.164 1981 22.49 187,039 ' 131,071 -+-19.92 103,875

~-~-- Note : *Restricted areas have been covered qnder I}um Dum (M). .. 272

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class oj Towns and number oj To'wnsj Urban Agglomerations in that cfass) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,OOO-9,999 Class 1I-50,()()()'-99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

-~------~------S1. Name of Tomn/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decae Perc ntage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade Town variation ----- _------"-_------~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-- -~-- --"_. (i) Asansol Barddhaman 1901 (M) 14,906 8,400 6,506 1911 21,919 +7,013 +47.05 12,486 9,433 ~921 26,499 +4,580 +20.90 15,464 11,035 1931 31,286 +4,787 +18.06 18,710 12,576 1941 55,797 1--24,511 +78.34 33,211 22,586 1951 76,277 -L20,480 +36.70 39,387 36,890 1961 10.44 103,405 +27,128 +--35.57 62,151 41,254 1971 10.44 155,968 L 52,563 +50.83 79,083 66,885 1981 20.02 183,375 ". j-27,407 -1--17.57 101,743 Rl,632 (ii) Kalipahari Braddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 2.47 3,664 , 2,132 1,532

I (b) Outer Bumpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} (NM) 11.68 44,260 26,271 17.989 1971 11.68 56,900 +12,640 +28.56 31,945 24,955 1981 11.68 8(i,803 +29,903 +52.55 48,389 38,414 (c) Burnpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 5,740 4,526 1,214 1941 1 13,678 +7,938 +138.29 10,196 3,482 1951 f (NM), 18,487 +4,809 +35.16 12,035 6,452 1961 7.77 -L2,537 +13.72 13,223 7,801 1971 7.77 +7,900 +37.58 16,712 12,212 1981 J 9.41 : -L4,287 +14.82 19,182 14,029 (I') Bumpur Barddhaman 1901 ~ 1911 1921 19311 5,740 4,526 1,214 1941 13,678 +7,938 1-138.29 10,196 3,482 1951 t (NM) 18,487 +4,809 +35.16 12,035 6,452 1961 7.77 21,024 +2,537 +13.72 13,223 7,801 1971J 7.77 28,924 ...!-7,900 +37.58 16,712 12,212 1981 7.77 30,901 ...!-1,977 +6.84 17,947 12,952 (ii) Napaghanadi Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 1.64 2,310 'v 1,233 J,,077 (d) Jamuria Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 6.22 17,216 10,429 6,787 1971 (NM) 6.22 9,632 -7,584 -44.05 5,374 4,258 1981 9.72 18,691 .-eJ +9,059 +94.05 10,097 85,94 -- --_ --_ ------_-- -_ ~- - --~- ---~-----.--~- ~- 273


(Class of Towns (/nd number of Towns/ Urban AgglomeratIOns In that dass) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1lI.- 20,000 -49,999

(i) Jamuna D:lrddh lInall 190 I 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 196 11 6 22 17,216 10,429 6,787 1971] (NM) 6 22 9,632 -7,584 - 44 05 5,374 4,258 1981 6 22 12,3~0 2,718 t 28 22 6,645 5,705 (ii) Kaithl Barddhaman 1901 ' 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 2 20 3,131 1,747 1,384 (iii) Damodarpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1 30 3,210 1,705 1,505 (e) Sripur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 4.12 12,372 7,094 5,278 (I) Bhanwar Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 6.74 11,572 6,624 4,948 (i) Bhanowara Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 3,417 1981 (NM) 4.1] 4,821 (ii) Charanpu! Barddhprnan 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1,803 1,511 1981 (00) 2,63 3,314 ------~------274

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (C1asl' of Towns and number of Towns! Urban Agglomeraflons In that class)

Class 1--100,000 and above Class IU-20,000-49,999 Clas~ V-5,OO()'-9,999 Class lJ-50,OOO-99,999 Class IV -·)0,000 -19,999 C[as,> VI--Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State; Year Status Area !O Decade Percentage Male, Fema[es No. Agglomeration District of Km. 2 variatIOn Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(11') Ninfla 1901 1911 1921 ]931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.86 9,635 5,819 3,816 (h) Parih(mpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 5.29 7,tOl 3,970 3,131 3 Durgapur.... Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 (NM) 73.69 41,696 31,174 10,522 1971 \. (NA) 154.20 206,638 -+ 164,942 L395.58 117,135 89,503 1981J [54.20 311,798 '-105,160 1-50.89 169,709 142.089 4 KHAR,AGPUR Mednipur 1901 URBAN AGGLO­ 19I1 18,957 11,739 7,218 MERATION 1921 25,280 +6,323 -1-33.25 15,154 10,126 1931 58,134 -32,854 L129.96 33,443 24,691 1941 87,185 +-29,051 +49.77 48.724 38,461 1951 129,636 '-42,451 L48.69 67,910 61,726 1961 33.38 147,253 1-17,617 -13.59 81,352 65,901 1971 33.38 161,257 '-14,004 9.51 87,124 74,133 1981 123.02 232,575 1-71,318 '-44.23 123,176 109,399 (a) Kharagpur'" i Medinipur loot 1 1911 18,957 11,739 7,218 1921 25,280 .1.6,333 +33.35 15,] 54 10,126 1931 >- (NM) 20,263 -5,017 -19.85 10,949 9,314 194{ I 87,185 '-66,922 L 330.27 48,724 38,461 1951J 79,252 -7,983 -9.10 41,569 37,683 J961} 33.3R 80,708 1-1,456 ~ 1.84 44,867 35,841 1971 (M) 33.38 87,822 7,114 J 8.81 48,14R 38,674 1981 90 (is 150,475 62,651 11.34 79,864 70.611 (h) KharagpurRly. Medinipur 1901 Settlementt 1911 1921 1931 37,871 22,494 15,377 J941 1951 (NM) 50,384 26,341 24,043 1961 NA 66,545 1-16,161 +32.08 36,485 30,060 1 NA 73,435 +5,890 1--10.35 38,976 34,459 1971 J 1981 32.37 82,100 1-8,665 +118.80 43,312 38,788 Note: **Durgapur State Plant Are~ and Durgap~r Coke Over Plant kea weretreat~;s town i;t96t Ce~us having a Population of person 35,346 (Males 26,535 and Females 8,811) and Persons 6,350 (Males 4,639 and Females, 1,7l 1) respectively. Tn 1971 Census both thC;se towns were merged with Durgapur (NA). The combined figure of the~e two towns for the year 1961 have been shown agamst DUrgaplir CNA). *tIn 1961 and 1971 Kharagpur (NM) and Indian In~titute ofTechnology Area (NM) were separate town~, In 1961 and 1971 Kharagpur (NM) had ~ popldation of person~ 13,035 (Males 6906 and Females 6,129) and Persons 18,718 (Males 9,800 and Females 8,918) respectJvely. In 1961 and 1971 Indian Instttute of technology Area (NM) had a population of Person 5,835 (Males 4,077 and Females 1,758) and Person 7,321 (males 4.839 and Females 2,482) respectively. The conbined figures of Kharagpur (M), Kharagpur (NM) and Indian Institute of Technology Area (NM) have been shown against Kharagpur (M) for theyeat 1961 and 1971. Kharagpur (M) and Kharagpur Railway Settlement Area (NM) were separate towns in 1931, but in 1941 the. figures of Kharagpur Rly. Settlement Area and were included in those of Kharagpur (M) than in 1941 Kharagpur (M) mcludes the population figures of l'haragpgr R1y. Settlement Area. 275


(Class of Tmrn~ and number (~f Towns/ Urban Agglomemtiolls in that class)

Class 1--100,000 and above Cia,s III 20,000 -4<),999 Clas~ Y- -5,000--9,999 Class IT -50,000--99,999 ClclS~ IY--l0,000--19,999 Cla<;s YI-Le<;s than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Dccad.: P.:rc~ntage Males re nale, No, Agglomeration District of Km. 2 variation Decade Town variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ------_------_ 5 Barddhaman Barddhaman 1901, 35,022 .. 19,413 15,609 1911 1 35,921 : 899 -2.57 20,527 15,394 1921 I 34,616 --1,305 -3_63 19,583 15,0.33 (M) 39,618 1-5,002 14.45 23,485 16,133 19411931 ~ 62,910 23,292 - 58.79 38,050 24,860 1951 75,376 12,466 19.82 43,101 32,275 22.66 tG8,224- , n,84-g - 43.58 60,478 4-7,14-6 l%lJ1971 22.66 143,318 35,094 32.43 79,321 63,996 1981 22.68 167,364 24,04h 1-16.78 88,677 78,687 6 Siliguri Darjilillg 1901 1911 1921 19311.. (NM) fi,067 4,182 1,885 1941{ 10,487 14,420 '-72.85 7,121 3,366 1951 (M) 32,480 -,21,993 209.72 20,903 J 1,577 I ')til _r 15 54 6~,471 32,991 101. 57 39,651 25,820 1971 15.54 ()7,484 , 32,013 , 48.90 56,139 41,345 19XI 15 54 154,378 , 56.894 58.36 86,074 6X,304

7 NABADWIP URBAN 1901 10,880 4,975 5,905 AGGLOMERATION Nadia 1911 12,480 - 1,600 -'--14.71 5,821 6,659 1921 15,584 -3,104 +24.87 7,291 8,293 1931 18,861 -3,277 --21.03 8,912 9,949 1941 30,583 I 11,722 I 62.15 14,591 15,992 1951 56,298 I 25,715 184.08 28,511 27,787 1961 11.66 72,861 16,563 29.42 37,226 35,635 1971 11.66 94,204 , 21,343 -2929 48,417 45,787 1981 16.16 129,800 35,596 -37.79 65,736 64,064 (a) Nabadwip Nadia 1901 10,880 4,975 5,905 1911 12,480 -1,600 14.71 5,821 6,659 1921 15,584 , 3104 +24.87 7,291 8,293 1931 18,864 1-3;277 ,-21. 03 8,912 9,949 1941 30,583 11,722 -62.15 14,591 15,992 1951 56,298 , 25,715 -84.08 28,511 27,787 1961 11. 66 72,861 -16,563 r29.42 37,226 35,635 1971 11. 66 94,204 - 21,343 -29.29 48,417 45,787 1981 13.46 118,972 J 24,768 ~26.29 60,206 58,766 (n Nabadwip Nadia 1901 (M) 10,880 .. 4,975 5,905 1911 12,480 -'-1,600 -14 71 5,821 6,659 1921 15,584 3,1M , 24.87 1.29\ 8,293 1931 18,861 , 3,277 21.03 8,912 9,949 1 30,583 11,722 62 15 14,591 15,992 1941 >- 1951 1 5&,29K 25,715 84.0R 28,511 27,787 1961 I 11. 66 72,861 16,563 c 29.42 37,226 35,635 21.343 -29.29 28,417 1911J \ 1.66 94.204 45,787 1981 II 66 109,108 +14,904 1-15 82 55,144 53,964 (ii) Char Maijdia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) o 37 4.058 2,109 1,949

• (iii) Char Brahman­ 1'>01 nagar Nadia 1911 1<)21 \931 1941 \951 \961 1971 2, \ 66 1,0% 1981 (OG) 0.15 4,256 276

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPUIoATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901 Contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomeration in that class) Class J-l00,ooo and above Class II1-20,OOO--49,999 Class V-5,OOO-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-10,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 ------SI. Name of Town/Urban Statel Year Status Area in Per~ons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' v.lriation Decade Town variation ------" ------j " 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 9 10 11 - -- (i~ Mahc'ihganJ NadIa 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.28 1,550 7S7 763 (h) Gadigachhll Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.70 10,818 5,530 5,298

8 HA,BRA URBAN Twenty Four 1901 AGGLOMERATION Parganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1951 1961 24.76 64,716 33,185 31,531 1971 20.14 93,351 +28,635 + 44.25 48,043 45,308 1981 25.08 129,610 1-36,259 +38.84 66,082 63,528

(a) Habra Twenty Four 1901 Parganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 (NM) 1961 L 12.64 26,466 13,864 12,602 1971J 12.64 51.435 +24,969 +94.34 26,805 24,630 1981 (M) 17.52 74,434 +22,999 +44.71 38,488 35.946

(b) Ashoknagar 1901 Katyangarh Twenty Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} (NM) 12.12 38,250 19,321 18,929 1971 7.50 41,916 +3,666 +9.58 21,238 20,678 1981 (M) 7.56 55,176 +13,260 +31.63 27,594 27,582

9 RANIGANI URBAN 1901 15,841 8,891 6,950 AGGLOMERATION Barddhaman 1911 15,497 -344 -2.17 8,417 7,080 1921 14,536 -961 -6.20 8,040 6,496 1931 16,373 +1,837 +12.64 9,162 7,211 1941 22,839 +6,466 --1..39.49 12,779 10,060 1951 25,939 +3,100 +13.57 13,756 12,183 1961 4.79 30,113 +4,174 +16.09 16,987 13,126 1971 9.03 46,537 +16,424 +54,54 26,500 20,037 1981 38.07 119,101 ,72,564 155.93 68.243 50,858

--~-- --~---~ 277


(Class oj TOH'IH and number of Towns! Urban Agglomeration ltI thM (lass), Class 1-100,000 and above Class IlI-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,OOO-9,999 Class 1I-50,OOO-99,999 Class lV-10,OOO -19,999 Cia,s VI-Less than 5,000 - -- ~---- -~~------~-- -- __ -- - -- SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Ptf'iOnS Decade Percentage Males Femak'i No. Agglomeration Di:;trict of Km." variation Decade Town variation _------_ ------_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11

- - --~ ------~-~- - -_-- - (a) Raniganj Barddhaman 1901 15,841 8,891 6,950 1911 15,497 -344 -2 17 8,417 7,080 1921 14,536 -961 --6.20 8,040 6,496 1931 16,373 ,.1,837 12 64 9,162 7,211 1,)41 22,839 6,466 39 49 12,779 10,060 1951 25,939 - 3,100 I ]3,57 13,756 12,183 1961 4.79 30,113 14,174 16.09 16,987 13,126 1971 4.79 40,104 9,991 33.18 22,534 17,570 1981 6 45 51,629 " 11,525 28 74 28,446 23,183 (i) Raniganj Barddhaman (M) 15,841 8,891 6,950 1%\11911 15,497 -344 --2 17 8,417 7,080 1921 14,536 -961 -6.20 8,040 6,496 1931 16,373 I 1,837 I 12.64 9,162 7,211 1941 22,839 -I

" (c) Bagra Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 7.28 13,962 v 8,292 5,670 (i) Bagra Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.40 8,333 V 5,038 3,295 (ii) Satgram Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 3.88 5,629 3,254 2,375

----~--- 278

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981' WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomeration in that class)

Class 1-100,000 and above Class II1-20,~9.999 Class V-5,000-9.999 Class II--50,000-99,999 Class IV-IO,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban Statej Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.· variation Decade Town variation ----~ ------~----- _-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 r-- - _-- (d) Amkula Barddhaman 1901 19J1 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 5.19 13,581 8,166 5,415 (j) Amkll/a Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.01 6,423 3,949 2,474 (ii) Murgathaul Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 2.18 7,158 4,217 2,941 '(I') *Jemari Barddhaman 1901 19i1 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971l_ (NM) 4.24 6,433 3,966 2,467 1981J 4.24 9,596 5,645 3,951 «() Ballav pur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.67 6,606 3,722 2,884 (g) Raghunath Barddhaman 1901 Chak 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 0.87 5,062 2,935 2,l2.7 (h) Nimeha Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.8~ 2,329 1,309 1,020 279

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1 901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,OOO-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

------_---- ~-- -- SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Femalc~ No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ---_------10 BALURGHAT URBAN 1901 AGGLOMERATION W. Dinaj· 1911 pur 1921 1931 1941 1951 18,121 10,015 8,106 1961 6.37 26,999 +8,878 +48.99 14,619 12,380 1971 6.37 67,088 i 40,089 148.48 35,947 31,141 1981 8.32 112,621 ,45,533 +67.87 59,347 53,274 (I) Balurghat W. Dina,r'ur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951l 18,121 10,015 8,106 1961 ~ (M) 6.37 26,999 +8,878 +-48.99 14,619 12,~80 1971 j 6.37 67,088 140,089 I 148.4? 35,947 31,141 1981 6.n 104,646 -. 37,558 ,55.98 55,192 49.454 (ii) Chak Bhrigu W. Dinajpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) I. 28 6,390 3,382 3,008 (iii) Baidyanathpur W. Dinajpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 19S1 (O.G.) 0.67 1,5SS 773 812 II ONOAL URBAN B3rddhaman 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 19~1 3,110 2,055 1,055 1941 9,856 ~ 6,746 '1"216.91 5,657 4,199 11)51 4,288 -5,568 -56.49 2,438 1,850 19,,1 10.10 26,516 . 22,228 +518.38 15,895 10.621 1971 10.10 32,469 f-5,953 +22."5 18,558 13,911 191'(1 71.58 109,209 76,740 ,236.35 63,422 45.n7

...,_/ (,) Ondal Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1911 1 3,Il0 2,055 1,055 1941 j 9.856 +6,746 i 216.91 5,657 4,199 1951 r (NM) 4,288 -5,568 -56.49 2,4]~ 1.850 1%1 2.77 18,645 f-14,357 '334.82 11,256 7,389 1971 I 2.77 21,810 -.-3,165 -' 16.98 12,521 9.289 19S1 j 2.77 14,921 -{i,889 -31.59 8.148 6773 (0) Kajora Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 19tH 11.92 14,474 8,!}51 5,823 ------_------_- 280


(Claj~ of TOHfll and Illll1lbcl ot T0l1l1S/ Urban Agglol11e1 at IOns 111 that c!as.5)

Clas~ T ~ 100,000 an,1 above Class lU~20,000---49,999 Clas' V -5,000--9, 999 Cia" II 50,000 99999 Cia" rv 10,000 19,999 Cla~, Vr-Lc" than 5,000 -- - SI N,IIllC ot Town Urh

-~ -~- 2 5 6 7 8 9 IO II _...------~------~--- (,) Kalora Balddhamal1 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19~1 1981 (NM) 10 33 12,909 7,644 5.325

(If) Galdhobe Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.59 1505 1,007 498 «) Ukhra Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 7.13 7,871 4,639 3,232 1971 1 (NM) 7 33 10,659 +2,788 3S .42 6m7 4,622 1981 J 7.13 12,660 J_ 2,001 -! 18.77 7,100 5.560 (d) Kenda Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 7.95 11,671 6,932 4,739

(") rara~hkol Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 9.82 11,169 6,671 4,498 (I) Puraskltol Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 6.80 6,108 3,837 2,271 (Ii) Madhusudanpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.46 2,411 1,378 1,033


TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of TO'wnsj Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class lII-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class lV-I 0,000-1 9,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

---~ --~~-- ~ - - _------~------~ -- SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Female~ No. Agglomeration District of Km.J variation Decade Town variation

~-~~------~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------~------~----~ ------_ ------(iii) Mukundapur Barddbaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.56 2,650 1,456 1,194 (f) Chhora Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 8.95 11,322 6,516 4,806 (I) Clihora Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 5.64 8,193 4,738 3,455 (ii) Shankarpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 3.31 3,129 1,778 1,351 (g) Bahula Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 5.44 9,818 5,669 4,149 (I) Bahula Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.59 8,007 4,588 3,419 (ii) Siduli Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.85 1,811 1,081 730 ------~ ------~ ------282

'fABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URl:HN AGG! GMFI~ATIONS CLASSIF;FD BY rOPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (C/au of TOlll/s ({lid number of Towns/ Urban Agg/OTn('f{lliol1s in that claJ \)

Class 1-100,000 ann above Class III -20,000-~49,999 etas, V-5,000-9,999 Cla~s JI-50,000--99,999 Clas, IV-I0,000~-19,999 Class VI -Less than 5,000 _--- _------_ _ ------SI. Name of Town/Urban State Ye,ll' Statu, Area 111 Persons Decalk Percentage Males Femdlcs No. AgglomeratIon District of Km.' v1.riatlon Decade Town v,lriation

------_ - - -_ -_------~ - -- 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 II ------(Il) DiglUJ/a Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.64 6,976 3,843 3,133 (i) Cllak Ballko/a Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1. 78 6,726 4,280 2,446) (j) ParaSza Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 4.49 4,823 3,073 1,750 (k) Khalldra Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 7.49 4,649 2,539 2,110

1901 24,397 13,003 11,394 '2 BAHARAMPUR URBAN AGGr~OMERAT[ON Murshidabad 1911 26,143 +1,746 +7.16 14,302 11,841 1921 26,670 +527 -2.02 14,719 11,951 1931 27,403 +733 +2.75 15,166 12,237 1941 41,558 d4,155 +51.65 22,492 19,066 1951 55,613 +14,055 1-33.82 29,757 25,856 1961 16.19 62,317 +6,704 +12.05 33,325 28,992 1971 18.97 78,909 +16,592 !-26.63 41,148 37,761 1981 19.45 102,3\ \ l23,402 -29.66 52,006 50,305 (a) Baharampur Murshidabad 1901 24,397 13,003 11,394 1911 26,143 !-1,746 -L7.16 14,302 11,841 1921 26,670 +527 '-2.02 14,719 11,951 1931 27,403 +733 +2.75 15,166 12,237 1941 41,558 +14,155 _L51.65 22,492 19,066 1951 55,613 +14,055 +33.82 29,757 25,856 1961 16.19 62,317 +6,704 +12.05 33,325 28,992 1971 16.19 72,605 +10,288 Ll6.51 37,945 34,660 1981 16.67 94,896 t 22,291 i-30.70 48,268 46,628 (0 Baharampur Murshidabad 1901, 24,397 13,003 11,394 1911 I 26,143 +1,746 +7.16 14,302 11,841 1921 I 26,670 +527 '-2.02 14,719 11,951 1931 ~ 27,403 +733 +2.75 15,166 12,237 1941 (M) 41,558 +14,155 +51.65 22,492 19,066 1951 I 55,613 +14,055 +33.82 29,757 25,856 1%\ \ 16.19 62,317 +6,704 +12.05 33,325 28,992 19/1 16.19 72,605 -HO,288 1-16.51 37,945 34,660 1981 3 16.19 92,889 '-20,284 r 27.94 47,272 45,617 ------283

TARLE .\-t--TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERA'flONS CLASSIFmO BY PQPLLA1'lON IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901- ('onTd. (Class of Towns alll/number of Towns! Urban Agg/ornerafiol's ;/1 Illat dass)

Clas~ 1ll-"10,OOO--·49,999 C1a~s V---5,OOO--9,,)99 Cla:;s I --100.000 and above O,hS VI· --Less than 5.00<) Cl,l:,~ 11-- 50.000 - 99,999 Class fV--IO,000---19,999 ------"_ --- ._----- _------~ .. -.---.-~---~------_ ... _------~-. --- _.-.------Percentage Males Femaks $1. Name ofTowll/Urb~jn State! Year Status Area in Persons Deca<'c No. Agg!ornera [ion District of Km.2 v"riation Decade Town w.riation ------.~~ -_ .. --- - -_ ..------~------3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 ------. ___ .-- -'~-- ---'" --. .--~-~-- - (ii) Budharpara Murshidabad 1901 x911 1921 193J 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 lOG) 0.48 2,()U7 \)'-)(J 1,llll (ill) Kasimbazar Murshidabad 1901 1911 1921 1931 t941 \951 1961 1971l (NMI 2.78 6,304 - . .1,:20.'\ 3,101 1981f 2.78 7,415 1,\ II 17.62 3,7,1.S 3,677

C , \).) f[ j J, 5'}) -)J,))) TO:> U{~AN '\O ..:L'_)\(ciR\Tf0:H ,\:'U rr T,)N,'I'; WEST BENGAL 1901 1911 1921 1931 58,134 .. . ' 33,443 24,691 1941 219,570 ; 161,4Jh : 277,70 130,18 L 89,389 1951 .. 332,093 112,523 -51.25 179,350 152,743 196' 166.92 614,OSS , 281,995 ·84.';)1 327,983 286,105 \971 240,92 1,140.945 - 526,857 -,- 85.80 (J06,034 534,911 1981 406.46 1,552,152 .411,207 .36.04 812,492 739,660 12.253 12,294 1 Kri~hnagar Nadia 1901-i 24,547 191 t : 23,475 --1,072 --4.37 11.767 11,708 J921 \ 22,309 -1,166 "-4.97 11,377 10,932 1931 i 24,284 ~-- 1,975 :·8.85 12,807 11.477 194\ ~lM) 32,016 7,732 31.84 16,955 15,061 195t " 50,042 -18,026 ,- 56.30 26,559 23,483 1961 " 15.80 70,440 ' -20,398 40.76 36.777 33,663 1971 : 15.80 85,923 -15,483 + 21. 98 44,655 41,268 1981J 15.80 98,141 ·12,218 -1-1422 50,OIl 48,130 2 Bankura Bankura 1901j 20,737 .. 10.532 10,205 191 I I 23,453 ,2.716 13,10 12,]56 11.297 ]921 ! 25,412 1,959 8.35 13,523 11 :889 1931 I 31,703 -I 6,291 24.76 17,280 14,423 1941 r(M) 46,617 14,914 47.04 25,564 21,053 1951 ' 49,369 - 2,752 -5.90 26,289 23,080 1961 1 18.13 62,833 13,464 - 27.21 33,473 29,360 '-25.94 41,5')4 37,535 1971 J 18.13 79,129 ,-16,296 1981 19.06 94,954 ·15,825 -20.00 49,420 45,5Jt1. 3 ENGLISH BAZAR Maida 1')01 17,410 .. 9.388 8,022 URBAN AGGLO- 1911 18,072 662 -3.80 9,711 8,361 MERATION 1921 17,20Z -- 870 - -4, SI 9,545 7,657 1931 19,680 r 2,484 _-14.44 10.855 8,831 1941 27,178 -7,492 - 38.0() 14,879 12,299 1951 35,161 +7,983 ' 29.37 18,974 16.187 1961 7.87 50,785 :-15,624 ! 44.44 27,110 23.675 lq71 7.87 68,G26 .. 17,241 33,95 35,87(' 32.150 1981 10.26 93,244 25,218 ' 37,07 48,39l'l 44,846 7,314 6,353 (a) English Bazar' Maida 1901'1 13,667 ' . . . 7,(,97 1911 ! 14.~2:! : 6$.5 '4.n 6,625 1921 ' 14,057 ---265 1.85 7,S{),) 6,1l'\8 7,52Q 1931 I 16,907 - 2,850 .20.27 9.387 1941 23,333 :- 6,426 38.01 12,:·lJ 5 10,518 i(M' 16,348 14,315 1951 i 30,663 ' 7,330 -; 31.41 1961 .: 4.63 45,900 --15,237 ; 49.69 24,495 21,405 1971 : 4,63 61,335 ,-15,435 -·-3.>.63 32,382 28,953 1981 J 4. (J3 79,010 17,675 -1 28.82 41,024 37,985 ------. - ---~ -.------... - -~,--".~ 3 i \1l_) ) ) ~;:) CO Calcutta-19 284

T;\BtE A-4--TOWNS AND rRBAN AGGLOME.FAT!ONS CLASSIFIED BY POPu!.ATION IN 1981 , ¥.WrVA!RIAn'ONS SINCE 1901-confd. , .' ~ l jf ~ -.,~ ,; • .' (Clcss of'TmHls and f1wnber of Towns/Urban Agglomc_rations in that class) Class r-~100,O(}0 and above etas:> IH--20,OOO--49,999 Class V--5,OOO·-9,999 Class n~50,OOO--99,9~9 Class rV--LO,()()()'-19,999 Class Vl-wss than 5,000

----~- ----~~--~------.~ .'-~ SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Female? No. Agglomeration DisUict of Km.2 variation Decade Town variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-~~------~ ------~- ~~------(b) Old MaIda MaIda 19011 3,743 .. 2,074 1,669 1911 j 3,75() +7 +0.19 2,014 1,736 1921 j 3,145 '-605 -16,]3 1,676 1,469 1931 2,779 -366 -11.64 1,468 1.311 1941 ,..{M) 3,845 -+-1',066 +38.36 2,064 1,18( 1951 I 4,498 +653 +16.98 2,626 1,872 1961 I 3.24 4,885 -l- 387 .,8,60 2,615 2,270 ]971 I 3.24 6,691 + ],806 +3fi.97 3,494- 3,197 1981 J 3.24 8,579 +J.888 +28.22 4,380 4,199 (c) JhaTI Jbalia Maida 1901 1911 1921 193( 1941 ]95] 1961 197i 1981 2.39 5,655 2,994- 2.66] (;) Jhali Jhalia Maida 1901 1911 . 1921 193] 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.67 3,359 1,772 1,587 {ii) Sherpur Makinpur Maida 1901 ]911 1921 1931 .1941 1951 19'61 11m '1981 (06) 0.72 .. 2,296 1,222 1,074 4 Medinipur Medinipur 1901 1 33,140 . , 17,641 15,499 1911 I 32,140 -400 ~1.21 17,577 15,163 1921 i 28,965 -3,775 -11.53 15.724 13.241 1931 ) 32,021 -3,056 +10.55 17,807 14,214 1941 reM) 43,t71 +- 11,150 +34.82 24,608 18,563 1951 1 45,416 .; 2,305 i-5.34 25,131 2(J,345 1%1 10.36 59,532 -;-14,056 +30.91 32,859 26,673 1971 I 10.36 71,326 [-1l,19~ 19_81 39,044 32,282 .l981 J 10.36 86,118 :-(4.792 ~f"2{). 74 45,263 40,855 ~ RANAGHAT UR- Nadia HOI 8,744 4,429 4,315 BAN AGGLOME- 1911 9,850 +1,106 +12.65 5,210 ·4,640 RATION 1921 9,652 -198 -2.01 5,279 4,373 1931 It ,395 +1,743 +18.06 6.334 5,061 1941 16,488 +5,093 +44.70 9,064 7,424 1951 28.064 +1E,576 +70.21 .. '1961 15,235 12,829 7.72 35,266 +7,202 +25.66 (8,674 16,592 1971 7_72 47,815 . +12,549 +35.58 24,987 22,828 1981 18.08 8),744 +35,929 +75.14 42,878 40,866 (a) Ranaghat Nadia: 1901 8,744 4,429 4,315 1911 9,850 +1;106 -'-12.6S 5,210 4,640 -·1921 9,652 - --'1:98 ;:;:':2.01 5,279 4,373 ··1931 11,395 +1,743 -LlS.06 6,334 5,06 ( 1941 16,488 +5,093 +44.70 9,064 7,424 1951 28,064 '- +11,576 +-70.21 15.235 12,829 .1%1 7.12 35,266 +7,202 +25.66 18,674 16,592 1971 7,12 47,815 -1-1Z,549 :-35.58 24.987 22,828 1931 15.14 70,987 +23,172 + 48.46 36,322 34,665 -----'-~ -.. --~-~--- 285

TABLE A,.4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class oj TOM ns and number oj Towns! Urban Agglomerations ill that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 111-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class II 50,000 -99,999 Cla~~ IV-IO,OOO-J9,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

---~ --,------, SI. Name of Town/Urban State Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agg[omeration District of Km." variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-- -- ~----- (i) Ranaghat Nadia 19011 8,744 4,429 4,315 19\\ I 9,850 1,106 - 12.65 5,210 4,640 1921 I 9,652 -198 -2.01 5,279 4,373 1931 I 11,395 1,743 -18.06 6,334 5,061 1941 ~(M) 16,488 5,093 44.70 9,064 7,424 1951 i 28.064 11,576 -70.21 15,235 12,829 1961 I 7.72 35,266 7,202 25.66 18,674 16,592 1971 I 7.72 47,815 -12,549 35.58 24.987 22,828 1981) 7.72 58,356 + 10,541 -L22 05 30,044 28,312 (ii) Satigachha Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.36 3,431l 1,767 1,671 / (iii) Ranaghat Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 2.94 2,928 1,492 1,436 (iv) Nibra Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 3.12 6,265 3,019 3.246 (b) Aistala N..ttiIa 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.94 12,757 6,556 6,201 6 Santipur Nadia 1901 26,898 12.514 14,384 1911 1 26,703 --195 --072 12,186 14,517 1921 \ 24,792 - -1,911 -716 [1.342 13,450 1931 I 24,992 -ZOO o 81 12,016 12.976 1941 )-(M) 29.892 ,4,900 19.61 14,465 15,427 1951 42,413 -12,521 41 89 21,434 20,979 1961 I 24.60 51,190 -Lf/,,717 -20.69 25,937 25.253 1971 I 24.60 61,166 +9,976 ' 19.49 31,368 29,798 1981 J 24.60 82,980 ,21,814 +35.66 42,082 40,898 7 Basirhat 1901, 17.001 8,543 8,458 1911 I 18,331 - 1,330 7 82 9,517 8,814 1921 I 19,267 936 5.11 10,162 9,105 1931 I 21,287 2,020 10 48 11,106 10,181 1941 }-(M) 26,348 5,061 23 78 1',782 12,566 1951 i 34,823 8,475 32 17 18,645 16,178 1961 . 22.01 53,943 19,120 154.91 28,440 25,503 1971 I 2201 63,816 9,873 18.30 32.876 30,940 1981 ) 22.01 81,040 17,224 )-26.99 41,599 39,441 ---_ ---_ -----~- -~------~------~------85 M!P(D)42DCOC~lcutta-19(a) 286

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS'CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in that class)

Class 1-100,000 and above Class II1-20,OOO·~49,999 Class v~ 5,OOO~9,999 Class I1·~50,OOO·~99,999 Class IV~-10,000---19,999 Class VI -Less th 1Il 5,000

--~- - ~~--- _------~-- -~ ------Sl. Name of Town/Urban State Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' v~.riation Decade Town vc.riation ------_------2 3 <4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

---~---- 8 KOCH BlHAR Koeh Bihar 1901 10,458 6,529 3,929 UR BAN AG

(a) Koch Bihar Koch RihM 1901 10,458 6,5)9 3,92) 1911 10,841 +383 +3.66 6,852 3,98) 1921 1I,461 +620 +~.72 7,018 4,443 1931 11,837 +376 ,3.28 7,144 4,693 1941 16,000 +4,163 +35.17 9,599 6,401 1951 33,242 +-17,242 I 107.76 19,339 13,903 1961 8.29 41,922 +8,680 +26.1I 23,435 18,487 1971 8.29 53,684 + 11,762 +28.06 29,267 24,417 1981 12.09 (57,327 + 13,643 ,,25.41 34,732 32,595 (i) Koch Bihar Koch Bihar 1901 10,458 6,529 3,9'!9 1911 10,841 +383 --'-3.66 (,,852 3,989 1921 1 11,461 +620 + 5.72 7,018 4,443 1931 I 11,837 +376 +3.28 7,144 4,693 1941 HM) 16,000 +4,163 -+ 35.17 9,599 6,401 1951 \ 33,242 +17,242 ,-107.76 19,339 13,9m 1961 \ 8.29 41,922 +8,680 --1-26.11 23,435 18,487 1971 t 8.29 53,684 +11,762 !-28.06 29,267 74,417 1981J 8.29 62,127 +8,443 ' 15.73 32,053 30.074 (ii) Kharmala Koch Bihar 1961 Khagrabari 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 3.80 5,200 2,679 2,521 (b) *Guriahati Koch Bihar 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 } (NM) 5.10 8,980 4,747 4,233 198! S.10 12,774 +3,794 +42.25 6,584 6,190 9 Dahgram Ja1paiguri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1%1 1971 1981 (NM) 45.86 76,402 41,003 35,399 10 KULTl URBAN Barddhaman 1901 AGGLOMERA- 1911 nON 1921 1931 11,574 7,180 4,394 1941 29,194 +11,620 +152 24 17.762 11,432 1951 41,803 +12,609 +43.19 24,637 17,166 1961 11.14 48,454 + 6,651 +15.91 28,147 20,307 1971 11.14 44,289 - 4,165 -860 24,802 19,487 1981 15.27 75,031 + 30,742 + 69.41 41,229 33,802 --_._------~~~- ~------287


(Class of Towns and number of To~ns/Urban Agg!onllrM1Ms In lliat elms)

Class I~I00,OOO and above Class III -20,000 -49,999 Class V~5,OOO -9,999 Clas~ II--50,OOO -99,999 Class IV -10,000-19,999 Cldss VI -Less than 5,000

--- - -~------SI Name of Town/Urban State Year Status Area In Person~ Decade Percentage Males Females No AgglomeratIOn DistrIct of Km 2 v natIOn Decade To\\n v. natIOn ------~-~ - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------~------(a) Kultl Barddham~n 190] 1911 1921 1931 11,574 7180 4,394 19411 19,423 T 7,849 67 82 12,114 7,239 1951 ~ 31,363 1',940 ,61 47 18,5157 12,776 1961 (N'III) 790 34,280 1--2.917 930 19,895 14,385 1971 J 790 29,665" ....7'4,615 -1346 Ifi,624 13,041 1981 790 41,323 11,658 -'-39 30 22,613 18,710 (b) Barakar Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 194Il 9,771 5 578 4,193 1951 I 10,440 ~669 6 S5 (,050 4,390 19£1 ~ 3 24 14,174 3,734 35 77 8,252 5,922 1971 \ 3 2-l- 14,62t t-450 ,3 17 8,178 6,446 1981) 3 24 17,476 -, 2,852 19 50 9,644 7,832 (c) Pelan'! Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) o 45 7,940 4,308 3,632 (d) Lal BazO/ Bard'lhaman 1901 1911 192\ 1931 19-H 19" 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2 01 4.720 2 ')f') 2,)75 (e) Ram lagar Barddh !m,m 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19~1 1961 1971 1981 ,"lM) 1.67 3,572 2,019 1,553 11 Puruhya Puruhya 1901,) 17,791 9,335 7,956 1911 \ 20,886 ~3,595 20 79 11,377 9.509 1921 r 22,161 ,1,275 .6 10 12,169 9,992 1931 ~ 25,974 .L3,813 17 21 14,3'l8 11,~86 1941 (M) 30,445 -14,471 17 21 16,463 13,982 1951 \ 41,461 11,016 36 18 21,175 20286 1961 I 13 93 48,134 ~6,673 16 09 25,61b 22,516 1971 I 13 93 57,708 -19,574 19 89 '0.400 27,108 1981J 13 93 73,904 ~16,196 28 07 3~ 601 15,303 12 ALIPtJR DUAR Jalpalgun 1901 URBAN AGGl 0- 1911 MERATION 1921 1931 1941 10,052 1951 24,886 14 814 4,i41 1624 16 H6 12,581 196! 9 30 28,927 25,005 54,454 25,527 88 25 29449 1971 16 50 17,841 33,7H 1981 19 53 71,573 17,119 -31 44 ------2))8

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class)

Cla~~ I -100,000 an 1 above Class 111-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Clas~ TI-'i0,000--99.999 Class tV-l 0,000-1 9,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

- - - _------~~------~----- ~ -- -- ~- S!. Name of Town!Urban State! Year Statu~ Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.· variation Dt:eade Town variation -- --_-- --- ~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_ -- -- - _---- -~~-~------_ (a) Allpur Du'r Jalpaiguri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 24,886 14,834 10,052 1961 9.30 28,927 ,4,041 +16.24 16,346 12,581 1971 9.30 36,667 +7,740 +26.76 19,737 16,930 1981 10.89 48,605 ,11,938 32 56 25,517 23,088 (0 Alipur Dual' Jalpailluri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 (NM) 24,886 14,834 10,052 J9611 9.30 28.927 ..L4,041 +-16 24 16,34 6 12,5Hl 1971 )- (M) 9.30 36,667 +7,740 .- 26.76 19,737 16,930 1981J 9 36 45,324 - 8,657 -23 61 23,798 21,526 (ii) Sobaganj Jalpaiguri J901 1911 \921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.53 3,281 1,719 1,562

(h) Aiipur Duar Rh. Jalp.liguri 1901 Jnc. 1911 192J 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 7.20 17,787 9,712 8,075 1981 8.04 22,968 5,181 29.11 12,325 10,643

(i) *Alipur Duar Rly. Jalpaiguri 1901 Jnc 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1 1971 )- (NM) 7.20 J 7,787 9,712 8,0"'1, 1981 J 7 20 17,774 --13 0.7 9,448 8,326 (ii) Cheeha Khata Jalpaig1iri 1901 1911 1921 193\ 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 1.44 5,194 'l,877 2,317 13 Bagaon Twenty 1901 Four Par- 1911 ganas 1921 1931 1941l.. (NM) 8,990 4,983 4,007 1951 J 23,364 14,374 ~ 159,89 12,134 11,230 1961 15.57 41,082 17.718 -75.83 21,702 19,380 1911 1 (M) 15.57 50,538 L9,456 - 23.02 26,399 24,139 1981J 15 57 69,885 0- 19,347 -38.28 36,027 33,858 _--- __,_ ------289

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND {)RBAN~Gl:P·l'P.L~¥f_Ia~~'fItAn&wlED BY rOIT'lATtCl',; 11\1 g81 Wn'H VAlUATIONS SINCli l~m -"contd. (Class of Towns m;d mm:her c1 TOll'r;s/ U:'bOl Agg!,:n;{ rOiors in tI!(it clcss) I .' : _ , l . ~ Class 1-100,000 and above Cia", III; -·2IJ.

SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year St'ltus Area in Persons.' Decade Percet.tRf,e Males Fcrr.::: les No. Agglomeration District of T,-,w.; Km.2 vcl.Ti:ltion Decade v.riation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

14 BIRNAGAR URBAN Nadia 19DI 3,124 .. 1,472 1,652 AGGLOME- J911 2,65,t ----'no 15.0t 1,301 1,353 RATION '1~21 2,305 ~-;_349 --13.15 1,185 1,120 1931 2,341 1-36 ·1 1.56 1,265 1,076 ·1941 ],813 ---528 ---21.55 963 850 1951 3,893 2,000 :- 114.73 2,012 1,881 1961 10.93 23,645 IJ,752 :507.37 12,309 11,336 1971 10.9.,' 2<,291 Lct,646 '19.65 14,536 13,755 1931 42.37 ()7,066 38,775 137 06 34,399 31,667 (a) Phulia Nadia 1901 1911 1921 ]931 1941 1951 19611 (NM) 3.50 3,811 2,072 1.739 1971 r 3.50 4,627 +816 +21.41 2,410 2,217 1981J 15.02 26,361 i 21,73-1 t-469.72 13,750 12,611 (b) Taterpur Nadia 1901 1911 ]921 1931 1941 1951 19611 (NM) 1.91 12,211 , . 6,162 6.049 1971 r 1. 91 13,104 1-893 +7.31 6,645 6,459 1981 J 21.83 26,124 .: 13,020 -,99.36 13,21 C) 12,908 (c) Biru'lg'lr N:dia 1901, 3,124 1,472 1,652 1911 \ 2,654 -470 -15.04 1,301 1,353 1921 I 2,305 ~349 -13.15 1,185 1,120 1931 [ 2,341 +36 ! 1.56 1,265 1,076 1941 reM) 1,813 ~528 --22.55 963 850 1951 'I 3,893 : 2,080 114.73 2.012 1,881 1961 I 5.52 7,623 ~! 3,730 i 9S. 81 t~,075 3,54H 1971 I 5.52 10,560 : 2,937 38.53 5,4:-[ 5,07(' 1981J 5.52 14,581 ··.4,021 -f3S.08 7/~::) 7,148 15 RAYGANJ URBAN W. Dinajpur 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 15,473 8,768 6,70:; 1961 10.64 32,290 J IG,.817 1 108.69 17,574 14,716 1971 10.64 .' 43,191 +10,901 +33.76 22,EG2 20,329 1981 14.54 66,705 +23,514 ! 54.44 35,190 31,6f6 (a) Rayganj W. Dinajpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951",) 15,473 8,768 (,,705 1961 L (M) 10.64 32,290 116817 + 108.69 17,574 14,716 1971f 10.64 4:1,191 + 10;901 -f 33.76 22,[62 20,329 1981 10.64 60,343 .+ j 7,152 -! 39.71 31,717 28,626 (b) Kasba W. Dinajpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.90 6,362 3,302 3,060 --_._-_ ~-.---.---- .....- --- .. ------.------_ .. _- - 290

TARU~ ·\-4-TOWNS AND lJRBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED HY POPl (A'IIO:-'; IN 198] WlTH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901---contd. (Class r._r TOII'/1S and nllmber of TOII'IIS/ Urban 1991omeratio/ls ill ,ilo/ ( la,1j ) Cia', I --100,000 and above ChlS'> 111-20,OOO--49,999 (:la,s V--5,OOO--9,999 Cia,s II 50,000 - 99,999 Class IV-I0,000·-19,999 Class VI- -Lcs'i than 5,000 ------~------~- -_------_-

SI. N,Hn~ of Town/Urban State! Year Statu~ of Area in Persons PecadG Perc0ngagt: 1'.1d](:, remale~ Nl). Agglllffi'!ration Di5trict Town .t: Km. 2 v:lriation Decade v,uiation _------2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II

16 Jalpaiguri JaJpaiguri 1901 (M) 9,708 6,012 3,696 1911 11,469 +1,761 +18.14 7,289 4,180 1921 14,520 +3,051 -1 26.60 8,965 5,555 1931 18,962 +4,442 30.59 11,995 6,967 1941 27,766 -\ 8,804 +46.43 17,420 \0,346 1951 41,259 -'- 13,493 +-48.60 24,551 16,708 1961 10.08 48,738 7,479 ' 18.13 27,608 21,130 1971 10.08 55,159 +6,421 ! 13.17 30,665 24,494 1981 10.OR 61,743 -'-6,584 :_ 11. 94 32,204 29,539 17 CIHTTARANJAN BardJharnan 1901 URBAN AGGLO- 1911 MERATlON 1921 1931 1941 1951 16,162 .. 11,337 4,825 1961 16.91 28,957 + 12,795 +'19.17 16,515 12,442 1971 20.81 47,341 + 18,384 -63.49 26,686 20,655 1981 24.02 61,045 -'- 13,704 --28.95 33,678 27,167 (0) ChitL,ranjan Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951-1 16,162 11,337 4,825 1961 t. (N1\1) 10.91 28,957 - 12,795 -7').17 16,51,) 12,442 1971 r 16 91 4'),736 i-11,779 -40.63 2l,959 17,777 1981J 19.65 50,748 +10,012 -'-24.58 28,245 22,503

(h) Hil"\du~\han (',Ible~ Barddhaman 1901 TOlIn 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 .L90 6,605 3,727 2878 1981 4.37 10,297 3,692 '-55.90 5,433 4,864

Ii) Hindusthan Cable" Barddh:'man 1901 TO\\11 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19711.. (NM) 3.90 6,605 .. 3,727 2,878 1981 f 390 '>,27:- 2(,(,7 .(0 ~~ 4.R18 -1.414 Iii) Bcrag,lrya Rarddhal11an 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.47 1,025 595 4:l0 lR RAJPLTR URBAN Twenty 1901 10,713 5,205 5,508 AGGLO\1ERATION Four 1911 II,fi)7 -:-894 - 8.35 5,762 5,845 Pargana<; 1921 11,412 --195 - -I .68 5,760 5,652 1931 11,433 L21 0.18 5,788 5,645 1941 13,('14 --2,181 19.08 7,041 6,573 1951 16,310 12,696 19.80 8,554 7,756 1961 20.98 24,812 - 8,502 ·52.11 13,123 II,SS9 1971 20.98 34,393 - 9,581 l 38 61 18,257 16,136 19~1 25.15 60,734 ' 26,341 76 59 31,830 28,')04 ------_-_ - -- 291

"' \BLl \-4- I O\\:\~ \ "\ n t RBAi'. <\(.(,1 (Ji\II:R \ llO~S U A~~IHhD 8\ POPU AlIOl'o IN 1981 " n II V ARIAHONS SINLE 1901-contd

«( /,\ \ (! 1,11\/11 lIlld Ill,/) bu uj f011I1S, [/bali AXf!oni(Jutlol1 /f1 thai (ias~)

Clas'; I 100,000 ,tntl ab,)h ( It\, III 20,()()()- 49,9'19 Class V -5,000-9,999 Cla~s Ii 50000 99999 (I t''; IV 10,000 19,999 Class VI- Less than 5,()(X)

- --~

SI NalTK ( t TLo VII Ulbdll ~td I 1. t" tI Statu,> Aid 'n P(,l ,n D0AtlL P.eicentage Mil.!, [emile, No Agglomer,hLOll j)l''lIU of Km V(_~1 Jot Jon Dycadc TO\\11 I Y.lfl~

2 4 5 (, '7 h 9 10 11

(u) RaJPur TIH'nt, 19('1 10,713 5,205 5,508 lour 1911 II (i()7 L 894 18 15 5,762 5,845 Parq;8nas 1921 11,412 H95 --1,68 5,760 5,652 1931 II ,411 121 o 18 5,7811 5,645 1941 13,614 2,181 -r1908 7,041 (i,573 19~1 16,310 2,696 ,19 80 8,554 7,756 19)1 20 9'l 24 PI2 8,502 ,52 13 13,223 11,589 1')'1 "'0 98 '4,193 9,~81 +38 61 18,257 16,136 19,1 21 O"i 'i.I096 15701 +45 66 26,229 23,867

(1) R l)r"lr T\\enl> I')()li IV 713 5,205 5,')0~ }- ur 1911 I 11,607 894 8 35 ~,762 5 ~45 P .:; Inl II ·112 195 ~I 68 5,760 ~,652 1'131 11,433 21 o 18 5,788 5,64) I 'f! (\1, 11,644 2 181 19 08 7,041 6,571 I lJ'i I 16,110 2696 19 80 8,554 7,756 1'l() I ~(l 9'. 24 qp <, "02 ~2 n H,221 II, ~89 I )" I J(l 'I, 14,)'1, 9581 38 61 18.257 16,]3() 1') I 2() lJ' l ',9QS , 592 27 89 23075 20,910

~1I) Chak Hanna" T\\,n(\ 1901 [l1Ur 1911 Pln!aln, 1921 911 !'HI 1051 1961 19 7 1 I,)U (OG) I) ()"1 1, 1~ , 763 720 , (Ill) Ch,,] I " I 1\ ~ '\) () J ('l I PUgdl1'" 1921 19,] 1941 1951 1"6t 19-1 1'1' I lUG) I 11 1 62~ 2,391 2,237

(b) Sonarpur ["en!\ 1901 r Ollr 1911 PctI~aI :15 19 ' 1 1931 1941 Iq~ I 1% I 10'1 1981 (NJ\1) 2 II) 1'),638 \601 'i 037

'i,~~2 2617 2,S6' 19 Ch~kd.lha NaliIa I JOt 1911 4,931 -551 -10 0, 2,l69 7 -1-62 '.216 2~'i 5 78 2769 2,447 192 ' 1,970 19,j \.9~6 1,230 21 53 2,01 (, L.60S 'r (1\1) -; 49i 1.~O8 j 17 81 :2 <'r (, 1911 7416 19'51 1'57:12 -9,878 179 80 7 9~h I" 99() 17 099 1961 I~ 'i4 3'5 ON 19,717 ~ 128 27 2~ 9(-.4 22,181 l'i '54 4f , ,4~ 11256 32 08 1('71 ,n 10, 29,2()'i 1981 I 1-; ",1 '19,,08 12,96, 27 9" 292

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CI.ASSIFlED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of TQwns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-·5,000--9,999 Class II-50,~99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO-19,999 Class Vl-Less than 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/Urban Stale/ Year Status Are:! in PerSO:1S De::lde PecC<"atage M:lIe; Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 Darjiling* Darjiling 1901, 16.924 10,241 9,683 1911 19,005 +2,081 +12.30 11,613 7,374 1921 22,258 +3,253 1-17.12 12,877 9,381 1931 21,185 ~I,073 --4.82 12,101 9,084 1941 (M) 27,224 +6,039 +28.51 15,203 12,021 1951 33,605 +6,381 +23.44 18,414 15,191 1961 10.57 40,651 +7,046 +20.97 22,736 17,915 1971 10.57 42,873 +2,222 +5.47 22,986 19,887 1981 10.57 57,603 + 14,730 ..)...34.36 30,932 26,671

21 BIRLAPUR Twenty 1901 URBAN Four 1911 AGGLOMERA· Parganas 1921 TIONS 1931 1941 1951 1961 4.84 11,601 7,455 4,146 1971 4.84 16,046 -+ 4,445 + 38.32 10,257 5,789 1981 16.67 50,831 +34,785 +216.78 28,658 22,173

(a) Birlapur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 4.84 11,601 7,455 4,146 1971 4.84 16,046 --j 4,445 +38.32 10,257 5,789 1981 6.56 24,229 ..)...8,183 ..)...51.00 14,584 9,645

(i) Birlapur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana~ 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961-i (NM) 4.R4 11,601 7,455 4,146 1971 <,. 4.)\4 16,046 4,445 38.32 10,257 5,789 1981j 4.84 20,470 < 4,424 27.57 12,575 7,895

(ii) Moukhalt Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargan:h 1921 1931 1941 19$1 1961 1971 1981 COG) 0.54 1,291 686 605

(Iii) Jagatballarpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) l.18 2,468 1,323 1,145

-~- "------_- Note .* Jal ~pahar was a Separate tow') in 1931 and 1941 with a Population of Persons 718 (Males 421 and Females 297) and Persons 905 (Males 561 and Females 344) respectively. In 1951 the town was merged with Darjiling(M). The 1931 and 1941 Population figures of Darjiling (M) shown in this table include the figures for Jal :pahar. Leb"'n~ was a separate town in 1931 and 1941. with a Population of Person~ 564 (Males 352 and Female) 212) and Persons 446 (Males 301 and Females 145) respectively In 1951 the town was merged with Darjiling(M). The 1931 and 1941 Population figures of Darjiling(M) shown in this table include !he figures for Lebong. 293

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED :BY POPl'lATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (ell!"'s of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1- 100,000 and above Class IJI -20,000 -49,999 Class V -5,000-9,999 Class II-50,OOO-99,999 Class IV-1O,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 ------

Sl. Name of Town/Urb1.n State/ Year Statu, Areil in PCl'sons Decad

-/---_ - --~------(b) Chak Kasipur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana'l 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 4.85 14.024 7,544 6,485 (i) Chak Kasipur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1 59 7,053 3,943 3,110 (ii) Chak Alampur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 3.26 6,971 3,601 3,370 (c) Bowali Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 5.26 12,578 6,530 6,048 (i) Hawaii Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana<; 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.62 8,737 4,573 4,164 (ii) Maheswarpur Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Pargana~ 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.49 1,332 682 650 (iii) Chak Manik Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganac• 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 1.15 2,509 1,275 1,234 -_ _------294


(Class of TOWIlS (.111£1 Ilumb!:'/' 0/ Tuwns/ Urban Agglomerations in tliat class) Class 1--100,000 and above CI IV -10,000 -19,999 Clas~ VI·-L!.!ss than 5,000

SI. Name of To.vnjUrb,lIl Stale! Y"ar St,ltUi A""l in P\!l:~d,l'; D~;.ld) P0t..;~ It tg~ Mile; Femctle3 No. AggI()m~r

C" \SS III :-'0,000 4'),999 G URBAN AGG",.OMERA.TIONS AND 29 TOWNS WEST BENGAL 1901 164.741 85,356 79,385 1911 231,718 J 66,977 ,40.66 122,403 109,315 1921 258,962 ·1 27,244 +11.76 141,93~ 117,030 1931 285,493 -26,531 ,10.25 159,392 126,101 1941 419,792 l-IS·l,l9"J ,54 0) ,19,158 ZOO 434 1951 557,326 . 117,534 ! 26.72 307,154 250,172 1961 416 34 883,393 1-326,067 I 58.51 489,681 393,712 1971 398.70 9,,9,172 -105,779 HI.97 5~5,733 463,439 1981 459.56 1,076,390 . R7,21 ~ , 8 82 5~1).91: 5!6.473 I Bi>hnupur B:lnkura 1901,) 19,090 9,205 9,885 1911 20,478 -+- 1,3R8 +7.27 10,025 10,453 1921 19,11)8 -1,080 -5.27 9,736 9,662 1931 I 19,616 1298 1.54 9,767 9,929 19-t1 ~ (M) 24,961 5.265 . 26.73 12,395 12,566 1951 , .23,9'11 -91<0 --3.93 11,703 12,278 1961 0 7~ 30,')53 . 6.977 - 29.0<) 16,286 14.672 1971 20.72 38,115 7,177 23.IS 19,659 18,476 1981J 20.01 47,529 9,394 - 24.(,3 24,199 23,330 K,'\IWA L'RR,\N BJrddln.llln 19\)1 7,220 3,631 3,589 AGG ,.o'vrr R \ 1911 6.904 -316 -4.3R 3,459 3,445 'f ION 1921 (,.X2J -Sl -1.17 3,482 3,341 1931 7,772 -949 - 11.91 3,928 3,844 1941 11,2~2 3,510 _. 45 16 ),884 5,398 19'1 15,533 ·4,251 37,68 8,190 7,343 1961 5.18 20,621 1-5,088 ' 32.76 11,099 9,522 1971 5.18 28,~32 -" 8,211 -39.82 15.019 13,813 1981 8.82 44,430 15,598 - 54 09 22,958 21,472 (a) Kit",..! Blrddh~m l'l 1901 7,220 3,631 3,53') 1911 6 <)O~ ·-316 ·-1-.Y; 3.45<) 3,41-5 19!1 6.'~ ~ 1. ',901 --·316 ·4 3fl 3,459 3,445 I 'J~ I i 1i,~21 -31 -1.17 ,,4''2 1.311 1')31 7,772 ·-91 ) 1191 3,92-< 1,SH 1'111 ). 1\1) I I,'! i3 ". SIO t) l(i 5.SQ 1 5.n~ I ); I 1 'i, ~3) t 2~ I 37 6~ :<.19() 7,143 I W) I I); ~) (l~l ~,O)X J"l 71, 11.0')9 9,52.2 I') 71 1:-< 1 ~.R12 -3.211 3) S3 15.019 13,813 I ) '.1 I~ I~ ~~) - ~.()q 1 I Ol Ih,'\H 15,g'n (iiI Kc,i

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND UBRAN ACGLQMFRA'i'IONS CLASSIFIED BY POrl'I.ATION IN IS8} WITH VAIHA1IOl\S SINCE 1901-- cGnrd. (Class of TOItns and number of Towns/Urban Ag&lurLI"(Iliclis in (hat dr.'ss)

Class 1·-100,000 and above Cia,s IU~20,~- ·49,999 Chss II· - 50,000· -·99,999 CL::m V--·5,OOO -9,999 (:las~ IV·-·10,000 -19,999 CI<1sS vr· ·Leis th'm 5,000 -_------SI. Naffi') of Town/Urban S:",'(/ Y"'1T S·'lf.U-; ;\r'~]. :'1 pr..'r·;r'.n) DJ:1'i: p,;.~ 'l~a:;·: M\Ie; F.:,nlki No, AgglomcriH ion 2 Di.itrkt of Km. V', i ~;.i '1 nJ~,tJ; Town va-i,t'_j')!1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II (i) Panuhut Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 197J 1981 (NM) 2 24 6,584 3,395 3,189 (ji) Atuhat Chak Barddh-.man ]901 1911 1921 1931 19-1-1 1951 1961 1971 (OG) 1981 0.72 916 492 424 3 Jangipur Murshidabad 1901 10,921 - . . . 5,179 5,724 1911 IIA08 ,-487 '446 5,493 5,915 1921 10,739 --669 -5.86 5,167 5,572 1931 12,796 r2,057 i 19.15 6,283 6,513 19·11 16,903 14,107 i 32.10 8,487 8,416 1951 18,255 I 1,352 + 8.00 9,061 9,194 1961 7.77 24,201 5,946 +32.57 12,366 11,835 1971 7.77 29,872 ·;-5,671 +23.43 15,342 14,530 1981 7.77 43.795 +13,923 +46.61 22,029 21,766 4 DlSHERGARH Barddhaman URBAN 1901 AGGLOMER>\. nON 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 7,842 .. 4,261 3,581 1961 4.81 9,437 +1,595 +20.34 5,241 4,196 1971 4.81 10,084 .j 647 + 6.86 5,438 4,646 1981 J3.22 43,326 +33,242 + 329. 65 24,799 18,527 (a) Chinakuri Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 4.82 17,282 10,080 7,202 (i) Chmakllri Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.09 12,355 7,256 5,099 (ii) Bejdihi Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 2.73 4,927 2,824 2,103 -_.- .~------._--_. 296

TABI~E A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CI A~SJFJED BY rOPUIATTCl\ IN 1981 WITH VARIATIOl\S SINCE 190!-,'rntd. (Class of Towns alld number of T01Ms/Urban Agghmc/"r tirrs ill fly.t clv,s) Class 1-100,00 and above Class III--20,()()().- 49,999 Cia,s V -'i,000 -9,999 Class II·-50,000-- 99,999 Cla,,~ IV ·100,000-19,999 Cla,s VI -Les, than 5,000

------_------_._ -~-~--

Sf. Name ()f Town/Urban S'atej YC;J.r St'llU, A·C.l lil p,~', ~l, D?;ti' p)';' \ \~) M,I" F·~ n ll.~ I No. Aggl('meration Di'3trici of K.n ~ \a '~1ti) 1 D~;l1' Town ':a ., ,'j , \ .. -_------~ ---- _-_ - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ---_---- "------_-- (b) Dishergarh Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 7,842 4,261 3,581 1961 4 81 9,437 +1,595 +2034 5,241 4,196 1971 4 81 10,084 +647 +686 5,438 4,646 1981 5.70 13,999 +3,915 +38.82 7,480 6,519 (i) Dishergarh Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951, 7,842 4,261 3,581 1961 ~ (NM) 4.81 9,437 +1,595 +20.34 5,241 4,196 1971 , 4.81 10,084 ..,..647 +6.86 5,438 4,646 1981J 4.81 13,182 +3,098 +30.72 7,039 6,143 (ii) Parta Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 COG) 0.89 817 441 376 (c) Sitalpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 2.70 12,045 7,239 4,806 (i) Sitalpur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.85 6,731 4,085 2,646 (ii) Asanbani Barddharnan 190' 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (OG) 0.85 5314 3,154 2,160 5 SUfi Birbhum 1901, 8,692 .. 4,703 3,989 1911 I 9,131 +439 +5.05 4,907 4,224 1921 r 8,915 -216 -2.37 4,809 4,106 1831 ~ 10,908 +1,993 +22.36 6,089 4,819 1941 (M) 15,867 4,959 '-45.46 8,550 7,317 1951 j 18,135 2,268 t 14.29 9,912 8.223 1916 9.48 22,841 r 4,706 +25.95 12,626 11,215 1971 \ 9.48 30,110 ,7,269 31.82 16,179 13,931 1981J 9.48 40,783 -10,673 ~35 .45 21,181 19,602 297


(Class of Town~ and number of TcwnsjVrban Agglcmerati(,Fs in that «lass)

Cla5~ 1-100,000 and above Class III -20,000-49,999 Class V -5,000 ·9,999 Class I1--5D,000-99,999 Cla'iS IY·-IO,OOO -19,999 Class YI·-Lcss than 5,000

51. Name of T(>wn!Urban State! Year Status Arc'! in Peno;}> D~Clde P·m;",t;tgc Males No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variati,n D,~:ade Town va7iat io.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -~-----~------~~ ------_------~ 6 Bolpur Birbhum 1901 1911 1921 (NM) 5,896 3,315 2,581 1931 1941 (NM) 13,856 7,533 6,323 14,802 +946 6 83 8,007 6,795 ~g~~I (M) B.B 23,335 +8,553 -1-57.78 12,747 10,608 1971 13.13 29,636 +6,281 -26.89 15,492 14,144 1981 13.1] 38,436 +8,800 +29.69 19,877 18,559

7 AURANGABAD Murshidabad 1901 URBAN AGGLO· 1911 MERATION 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 2.77 12,783 6,426 6,357 1971 2.77 16,392 +3,609 -r28.23 8,367 8,025 1981 10.49 37,277 +20,885 +127.41 18,796 18,481 (a) Aurangabad Murshidabad 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961,) 2.77 12,783 6,426 6,357 1971}· (NM) 2.77 16,392 +3,609 +28.23 8,367 8,025 1981) 2.77 19,701 +3,309 ..,20.19 9,994 9,707 (b) Paschim Murshidabad 1901 Punropara 1011 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 7.72 17,576 8,802 8,774 8 ADRA URBAN Puruliya 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 7,516 4,334 3,182 1951 10,577 +3,061 +40.73 5,794 4,783 1961 3.24 13,215 +2,683 +24.94 7,251 5,964 1971 11.88 31,480 +18,265 +138.21 16,969 14,511 1981 17.49 36,354 +4,874 +15.48 19,353 17,001 (a) Adra Puruliya 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 7,516 4,334 3,182 1951 (NM) 10,577 +3,06i +40.73 5,794 4,783 Station 3.24 13,215 + 2,638 +24.94 7,251 5,964 196111971 Committee 3.24 18,838 +5,623 +42.55 10,222 8,616 19~1 (NM) 8.79 21,108 +2,270 +12.05 11,390 9,718

(b) ·Arra Puruliya 1901 J911 1921 1931 1941 1951 ]96] 8.64 6,747 5,895 1971 \_ (NM) 12,642 7,283 1981.f 8.64 15,246 +2,604 +20.60 7,963 298

TABI_·E A-;1-TO\VNS rAND URBAN AGGLOl\t:FRATICl\S CIJ~\SSnlED BV tOFl T XT10N IN 19th WITH vARIAlIONS SINCE 19U!- ccnfci. (Class of Towns and number of TOWfls/UrbanAgg!oll\rr,tir.ns ill ll/lI' elm.l)

Class I-100,000 and above Cla~s III·~-2(),OOO .~·t'),9n ('1;135 V -5,(I~ -:),9:l9 Cas> II· - 50,000·-99,999 Class IV -.10,000- ·19,99"9 CLI.~s VI·--L-:.s tfl m 5,OOl)

-_---_---_------_."-_._-_.--- ~ --~------_ ------_ Nal11'; of Tc'wn!Urban State/ Year Statu~ Arci in PC ..... 'J'E O-J.' ,J; l\~ '_~)J ag; MIL; F';,nd '; SI. 2 No. Ar gll'n1cr;V ion District of Km. \'tri!':]'1 D:~l.l0 Town '",' Lri tti\J 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () 10 11 ..... -_._ -_--_---- -_._ "------~-

9 Contai Medinipuf 1901 1911 1921 1931} (NM) 5,259 .. . . 3,021 2,238 1941 6,746 I- 1,487 128.28 3,852 2,894 1951 12,738 15~992 T 88.82 6,808 5,930 1961 14.25 22,094 .~ 9,35b i-73.45 12,078 10,016 1971 (M) 14.25 27,355 i 5,261 j~23.81 14,506 12,849 1981 14.25 35,780 +8,425 , ~0.80 18,500 17,280

W Ghatal Medinipur 1901 14,525 1,277 7,248 191 J 12,064 -2,461 -16.94 6,216 '5,848 1921 10,770 -1,294 -10.73 5,655 '5,115 1931 12,400 -;-1,630 +15.13 6,422 5,978 1941 (M) 17,226 -4,826 +38,92 9,614 7,612 1951 16,125 -1,LOI -6.39 8,546 7,579 1961 10.36 21,062 +4,937 -3D.ti2 11 ,OJ 7 10,025 1971 10.36 27,570 i-6,503 --·30.9:) 14,IOJ 13,467 1%1 10.36 35,443 T 7,873 ;- 28.56 18,235 17,208 1901 8,121 II Kqlna Barddhaman 4,252 3,869 1911 8,603 +482 : 5.94 4,52l 4,082 1921 8,424 --119 --2.08 4,573 3,851 1931 9,567 +1,143 -;- 13.57 5,169 4,398 1941 (M) 12,562 l-2;995 -;-31,31 6,950 5,612 195J 17,324 t 4,762 1 37.91 9,263 8,061 1961 5.18 22,603 F5,219 +30.47 11,713 10,890 '1971 5.lS 28,594 +5,991 : 26.51 14,886 P,708 1981 {l,47 35,023 +6,429 f~22.48 17,772 17,251 12 Rampurhat Birthum 1901 1911 1921 8,440 .. 4,6lJ 3,827 1931 (NM) 9,969 + 1 ;52.9 -c-18.12 5,525 4,444 1941 12,22S. +2;25'6 -;-22.63 6,637 5,588 1951 IS, l44 +2,919 ,23.88 8,279 6,865 1961 (M) 5.10 19,987 +4;153 -+ 31 .39 lO,864 9,033 1971 5.10 23,770 +-3,873 -19.47 12,650 ] 1 ,120 1981 5.10 34,953 " + 10;823 +45.53 18,334 ]6,259 I' ' ,~ ; 13 Arambagh Hugli 19011 8,281 . . .. .4,1M. 4,087 1911 8,048 -Z33 -2.81 4,061 3,987 1921 7,857 -191 -2.37 4,11 ! 3,746 1931 7,461 -'7396 --5.04 3,913 3,548 1941 (M) 8,992 +),531 20.52 4,766 4,226 "1'951 11,460 +~,468 +27.45 6,139 5,321 '1-9,61 19.43 16,551 +5-,O~l1 +44.42 9,024 7,527 :(971 . 19.43 25,592 +<),041 +54.63 13,818 11,774 '1981 19.04 34,205 +8,613 +33.66 18,094 16,111 13,385 14 Jioganj-Azimganj Murshidabad 19011 7,381 6,004 1911 12,327 -.},OS8 -7,90 6,725 5,602 1921 11,231 -1,096 -~8.89 5,876 5,355 1931 10,998 ~233 -2.01 5,774 5,224 J1M-J. (M) 15,223 . +4,225 +38.42 7,727 7,496 1951 19,148 +1,925 -125.78 9,783 9,365 1961 11.66' 21,6-15 +4,527 +23.64 12,190 11,485 1971 11.66 26,S3r +2,860 + 12.08 13,485 13,050 f981 11.66 32,72 +6,190 +23.33 16,652 16,073 , 12,037 15 Kandi Murshidabad 1901 5,902 6;1'35 1911 [2,638 +Ml +4.99 6,212 6,426 1921 11,787 28'51 -6.73 5,903 5,884 1931 12,616 +g29 +7.03 6,403 6,213 1941 (M) 16,652 _J_,H:I36 +31.99 8,557 8,095 1951 15,220 -1:4'32 -8.60 7,909 7,311 1961 12.95 19,780 -+-4;560 +29.96 10,:334 9,446 1971 12.95 26,225 +6,445 +32.58 13,538 12,687 ~t!)Sl 12.95 . 32,581 + 5,356 +24.24 16,767 15,8_1j 299

TABLE A 4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPlJLATJON IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of TOHIIS/ Urban Agglomerations in that clas.r;) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-2f),000-49,999 Oass V-5,(}()()"'-'9,999 Class I1-SO,OOO-99,999 Class IV-IO,()()()-19,999 Class VI·-Less than 5,()()(J ------_------51. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Statu~ Area ill Person> Decade Perccnla~c Male, Fem'll~ No. Agglomeration District of Km.Z variation Decade Town variation ------_ ------~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------16 Baduria Twenty 1901l 12,921 6,502 6,419 Four 1911 13,680 ;-759 -,-5.87 7,508 6.622 Parganas 14,057 +377 T2.7~ 7,434 6,623 19"1931 13,677 --380 --2.70 1,168 6,S09 1941 r(M) 14,527 +850 +6.21 7,642 6,885 1951 16,385 T 1,858 1 12.79 8,832 7,553 1961 22.43 23,573 1-7,138 -f 43.87 11,989 11,584 1971 22.43 27,647 +4,074 - 17.28 14,102 13,545 1981 J 22.43 32.519 +4,872 +17.6Z 16.685 15,834 17 MAINAGURI Jalpaiguri 1901 URBAN AOOW· 1911 MERATION 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 30.95 20,014 11,048 8,966 1971 30.95 23,514 ,3,500 ·d7.49 12,631 10.883 1981 30.95 29,907 .. 6,383 -'--27.19 15,647 14,260 (0) Mainaguri Jaipaiguri 1901 1911 192] 1931 1941 1951 1961 } 12.38 10,9S0 6,046 4,904 1971 (NM) 12.38 15,808 r4,858 T44.37 8,523 7,285 1981 12.38 19,568 +3,760 +23.79 10,249 9,319 (b) Domohani Jalpaiguri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 } 18.57 9,064 5,002 4,062 1971 (NM) 18.57 7,706 -1,358 1,498 4,108 3,598 1981 18.57 10,339 +2,633 -1..3,417 5,398 4,941 18 Tamluk Medinipur 8,085 4,480 3,605 1911 8,048 -37 -0.46 4,355 3,693 1~ll1921 8,348 -300 +3.73 4,474 3,874 1931 9,095 +747 +8.95 4,998 4,097 1941 (M) 12,079 ,2,984 ';'32.81 6,631 5,448 1951 13,559 +-1,520 ~12.58 7,169 6,430 1961 10.64 17,986 +4,387 -32.26 9,948 8,038 1971 10.36 22,478 +4,492 +24.97 12,os8 10,420 198 , 10.36 29,367 +6,889 +30.65 15,603 13,764 19 K81impong Darjiiing 1901 1911 1921} 1931 (NM) 8,776 4,870 3,906 1941 11,958 +3,182 +36.16 6,664 5,294 1951 16,677 +4,719 +39.46 9,208 7,469 1961 8.68 25,105 +8,428 +59.54 13,950 11,155 1971 (M) 8.68 23,430 -1,675 -(,.67 12,768 10,752 1981.."1 8.68 28,885 +5,455 +23.28 1,4954 13,931 20 Oobardanp Twenty 5,865 2,883 2,982 Four 1911I~I} 5,070 -795 -13.SS 2,533 2,537 Parganas 1921 5,112 +42 +0.83 2,651 2,461 1931 4,5ZS -S87 :'11.48 2,298 2,227 1941 (M) 5,544 -1,019 Tn.S2 2,927 2,617 1951 6,519 +975 +17.59 3,471 3,048 1961 10.36 13,476 +6,957 +106.72 7,047 6,429 10,508 9,676 1971 J 10.36 20,184 ... 6,708 +49.78 1981 10.36 27,033 +6,849 +33.93 13,783 13,250 _,.,.."...... S5·MfP(D)4:!D8.)ClIcutta-20 300


(Class of Towns and number oj Towns/Urban Agglomerations ill thot clas~) Class I -100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 1I-50,OOO-99,999 Class IV-I0,OOO·-19,999 Class VI -Less than 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/Urban State I Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.2 variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------21 Kaliaganj West 1901 Dinajpur 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 8.99 14,478 7,973 6,505 1971 (NM) 8.99 21,169 +6,691 +46.21 11,273 9,896 1981 8.99 26,817 -1-5,648 -1-26.68 13,913 12,904 22 Jhargram Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951l 7,975 4,409 3,566 1961 (NM) 17.04 13,965 +5,990 +75.11 7,882 6,083 1971 17.04 19,237 +5,272 +37.75 10,353 8,884 1981J 17.04 26,707 +7,470 +38.83 14,007 12,700 23 Islampur West 1901 Dinajpur 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 13.91 9,499 5,789 3,710 1971 (NM) 13.91 15,715 +6,216 +65.44 8,848 6,867 1981 13.99 26,353 +10,638 +67.69 14,079 12,274 24 Baruipur Twenty 19011 4,217 2,250 1,967 Four 1911 6,375 +2,158 +51.17 3,907 2,468 Pargana~ 1921 5,114 +1,261 -19.78 2,816 2,298 1931 6,483 +1,369 +26.77 3,709 2,774 1941 (M) 7,130 +647 +9.98 3,919 3,211 1951 9,238 +2,108 +29.57 4,882 4,356 1961 9.07 13,608 +4,370 +47.30 7,209 6,399 1971 9.07 20,051 +6,893 +50.65 10,668 9,833 1981 9.07 26,229 +5,728 +27.94 13,594 12,635 25 Dhulian Murshida- 1901 bad 1911 8,298 4,016 4,282 1 8,435 + 137 +1.65 4,091 4,344 m: 9,767 +1,332 +15.79 4,703 5,064 1941 (M) 12,613 +2,846 +29.14 6,415 6,198 1951 15,935 +3,322 +26.34 8,208 7,727 1961 7.77 17,220 +1,285 +8.06 8,859 8,361 1971 7.77 22,068 +4,848 +28.15 11,203 10,865 1981 J 7.77 25,466. +3,398 +15.40 12,710 12,756 26 Canning Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931

19511941J 7,836 4,642 3,194 1961 (NM) 12.98 12,575 --4,739 +60.48 6,763. 5,812 1971 12.98 18,706 +6.131 +48.76 9,888 8,818 1981J 12.98 25,203 12,921 12,282 27 Taki Twenty 1901 5,089 2,454 2,635 Four 1911 5,202 +113 +2.22 2,627 2,575 Parganas 1921 5,200 -2 -.04 2,497 2,703 1931 8,234 +3,034 +58.35 4,263 3,971 1941 (M) 11,051 +2,817 +34.21 5,856 5,195 1951 13,138 +2,087 +18.89 6,860 6,278 1961 15.54 17,560 +4,422 +33.66 9,357 8,203 1971 15.54 20,931 [-3,371 +19.20 10,828 10,103 1981) 15.54 24,673 +3,742 +17.88 12,732 11,931 301

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (C/rss of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class IV -10,000 -19,999 Class VI -Less than 5,000

- ----~--- SI. Name of Town/Urban Statel Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Male3s Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.' variation Decade Town variation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --_._- 9 10 11 28 Sainthia Birbhum 1901 1911 1$21 1931 19411 7,584 4,289 3,295 1951 ~ (NM) 8,707 +1,123 +14.81 4,791 3,916 1961 3.37 12,096 +3,389 +38.92 6,549 5,547 1971) 3.37 15,929 +3,833 +31.69 8,486 7,443 1981 NA 7.88 24,081 +8,152 +51.18 12,582 11,499 29 Dhupguri .Ialpaiguri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 14.55 10,637 6,126 4,511 1971 (NM) 14.55 16,808 +6,171 +58.01 9,181 7,627 1981 14.55 23,098 -!-6,29O -37.42 12,217 10,881 30 Gangarampur W. Dinajpur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 8.99 9,671 5,179 4,492 1971 (NM) 8.99 14,809 +5,138 +53.13 7,849 6,960 1981 8.99 22,767 +7,958 +53.74 11,851 10,916 31 GARHBBTA Medinipur 1901 AMLAGORA URBAN 1911 AGGLOMERATION 1921 . 1931 1941 1951 4,806 2,689 2,117 1961 17.46 14,135 +9,329 +194.11 7,442 6,693 1971 17.46 15,854 +1,719 +12.16 8,152 7,702 1981 17.46 21,862 +6,008 +37.90 11,303 10,559 (a) Amlagora Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 7,590 3,964 1961} 01.70 3,626 1971 (NM) 10.70 8,312 +722 +9.51 4,265 4,047 1981 10.70 12,162 +3,850 +46.32 6,313 5,849 (b) Garhbeta Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 4,806 2,689 2,117 6,545 +1,739 +36.18 3,478 1961} 6.76 3,067 1971 (NM) 6.76 7,542 +997 +1551.23 3,887 3,655 1981 6.76 9,700 +2,158 +28.61 4,990 4,710 32 Murshidabad Murshidabad 19011 15,168 7,658 7,510 1911 l 12,669 -2,499 -16.4& 6,259 6,410 10,669 -2,000 -15.79 5,401 .5,268 19211931 ~ 9,483 -1.186 -11.12 4,904 4,579 1941 (M) 11,498 +2,015 +21.25 6,004 5,494 1951 10,756 -742 -6.45 5,459 5,297 1961 \ 12.95 16,990 +6,234 +57.96 8,873 8,111 1971 : 12.95 17,110 +120 ..1...0.71 8,761 8,349 1981 ) 12.95 21,341 +4,231 +24.73 10,808 10,533

86·M/p(.D)42DCOCaloutta~20(a) 302

TABLE A·4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901--contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 aa~ IV-I0,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration Distnct of Km.' variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

33 *Haldia Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} (NM) 21.59 9,968 6,029 3,939 1981 21.59 21,122 +11,154 +111.90 11,852 9,270 34 Dubr&ljpur Birbhum 1901 1911 1921 1931 10,812 .. 5,424 5,388 1941}1951 (NM) 12,205 ,1,393 +12.88 6,277 5,928 1961 7.51 13,917 +1,712 +14.03 7,193 6,724 1971 7.51 15,797 +1,880 +13.51 8,147 7,650 1981 (M) 16.83 20,381 f-4,584 +29.02 10,594 9,787 35 Diamond Harbour Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 9,818 5,432 4,386 1961 (NM) 6.47 10,135 ,317 -;-3.23 5,474 4,661 "51}1971 6.47 13,072 +2,937 +28.98 6,997 6,075 1981 8.97 20,299 +7,227 +55.29 10,536 9,763 CLASS IV 10,000-19,999-1 URBAN AGGLOMERATION AND 28 TOWNS WEST BENGAL 1901 253,183 131,975 121,208 1911 224,320 -28,863 -11.40 120,956 103,364 1921 203,277 -21,043 -9.38 107,093 96,184 1931 224,201 +20,924 ·:"10.29 120,613 103,588 1941 301,808 +77,607 -t-34.61 162,363 139,445 1951 413,774 +111,968 +37.10 222,339 191,437 1961 271.36 401,768 -12,008 -2.90 215,415 186,353 1971 251.93 452,202 +51,134 112.73 241,620 211,282 1981 234.13 515,494 +62,592 +13.82 268,416 247,078 1 Sonamukhi Bankura 13,448 6,349 7,099 1911l~lt 13,275 ·-173 -1.29 6,254 7,021 1921 10,644 --2,631 -19.82 5,140 5,504 1931 10,989 +345 -+3.24 5,337 5,652 1941 (M) 14,667 +-3,678 : 33.47 7,337 7,330 1951 12,352 -2,315 -15.78 6,008 6,344 1961 11.65 15,027 +2,675 +21.66 7,521 7,506 1971 1 11.65 18,974 +3,947 +26.27 9,661 9,313 1981J 11.65 19,890 +916 +4.83 10,085 9,805 2 DOMJUR URBAN Haora 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 3.83 8,670 4,551 4,119 1971 8.93 17,477 +8,807 -;-101.58 9,126 8,351 1981 8.13 19,487 +2,010 +11.50 9,744 9,743 (0) Domjur Haora 1901 1911 1911 1931 1941 1951 196t} 3.83 8,670 4,551 4,119 1911 (NM) 3.83 10,896 +2,226 +25.67 5,631 5,265 1981 3.83 11,329 +433 +3.97 5.561 5,768 303

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class oj TUWlls and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000- and above Class 1II-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class U-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,ooo-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5.000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomerat ion District of Km." variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11

(b) *Dakshin Haora 1901 Jhapardaha 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 1971 (NM) 4.30 6,581 3,495 3,086 1981 4.30 8,158 -f 1,577 ' 23 96 4,183 3,975 3 KOLAGHAT URBAN Medinipur 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 6.37 13.371 7,127 6,244 1981 9.75 18,709 +5,338 -L39.92 10,003 8,706 (a) "Ko)aghat Medinipuf 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 6.37 13,371 7,127 6,244 1981 6.07 17,406 +4,035 +30.18 9,135 8,271 (n) Kolaghat Thermal 1901 Power Project Town 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.68 1,303 868 435 4 Kurseong Darjiling 1901 4,469 2,418 2,051 1911 1 5,574 , l,l()S -1-25.73 3,126 2,448 1921 6,445 +871 +15.63 3,275 3,170 1931 l 7,451 +1,006 +15.61 4,014 3,437 1941 (M) 8,495 +1,044 +14.01 4.507 3,988 1951 \ 11,719 +3,224 +37.95 6,387 5,332 1961 5.05 13,410 +1,691 +14.43 7,202 6,208 1971 J 5.05 16,425 +3,015 ., 22.48 8.705 7,720 1981 5.05 18,008 +1,583 -1-9.64 9,403 8,605 5 NIAMATPUR UR- Barddhaman 1901 BAN AGGLOME· 1911 RATION 1921 1931 1941 1951 11,756 6,661 5,095 1961 6.45 12,630 +874 ''-7.43 6.952 5,678 1971 6.45 12,680 +50 +0.40 7,005 5,675 1981 7.09 17.777 +5.097 +40.20 9,61 8,163 (i) Niamatpuf Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19511 11.756 6,661 5,095 1961 ~ (NM) 6.45 12,631} +874 -, 7.43 6.952 5.678 1971 6.45 1"!.58'J +50 \-0.40 7.OOS 5,675 1911 J 6.45 15.'231 j-2.551 1-20.12 8,143 7,08 ---_- -~ --_-- 304

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number 0/ Towlls/ Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,000--49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class II-50,OOO-99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO-19,999 Class VI-L.ss than 5,000 .. ------SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persons Dv"Cade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km." variation Decade -_----_.Town variation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(ii) Sitarampur Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 11141 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) 0.64 2,546 1,471 1,075 6 Lalgola Murshidabad 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 5.85 10,657 5,352 5,305 1971 (NM) 5.85 13,419 +2,762 +25.92 6,778 6,641 1981 5.85 17,727 +4,308 +32.10 9,000 8,727 7 Pandua HugJi 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 3.75 8,159 4,534 3,625 1971 (NM) 3.75 12,388 +4,229 +51.83 6,632 5,756 1981 3.75 17,263 +4,875 +39.35 9,005 8,258 8 MRIGALA URBAN HugJi 1901 AGGLOMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 6.12 17,131 9,093 8,038 (0) Mrigala HugH 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.98 9,112 4,872 4,240 (b) Monoharpur Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.14 8,019 4,221 3,798 9 FARRAKKA BAR- Murshidabad 1901 RAGE TOWNSHIP 1911 URBAN AGGLO- 1921 MERATION 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 3.70 8,096 4,7'19 3,317 1981 6.83 17,017 +8,921 +110.19 9,032 7,985 305


(Cla~~ oj TOWIIS and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,()()()...... 49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class IV-I0,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban Statel Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km.· variation Decade Town variation

----~---~~ ~---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(a) *Farrakka Bar- Murshidabad 1901 rage Township 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971\ (NM) 3.70 8,096 4,779 3,317 1981.[ 3.70 14,650 +6,554 +80.95 7,836 6,814 (b) Srimantapur Murshidabad 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 3.13 2,367 1,196 1,171 10 Tarakeswar Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 3.29 8,528 4,~71 3,957 1971 (NM) 3.29 11,959 +3,43i +40.23 6,506 5,453 1981 (M) 3.90 16,518 +4,559 +38.12 8,787 7,731 11 Jaynagar Mazilpur 24 Parganas 1901'1 8,810 4,371 4,439 1911 \ 9,245 +435 +4.94 4,631 4,614 8,408 -837 -9.05 4,209 4,199 19311921 l 9,755 +1,347 +16.02 5,139 4,616 1941 (M) 14,218 +4,463 +45.75 7,626 6,592 1951 I 13,355 -863 -6.07 6,949 6,406 1961 \ 5.18 14,177 +822 +6.15 7,424 6,753 1971 5.18 15,218 +1,041 +7.34 8,048 7,170 1981J 5.18 16,343 +1,125 +7.39 8,584 7,759 12 Memari Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 5,005 2,646 2,059 1961 1 6.06 8,386 +3,381 +67.55 4,754 3,632 1971 r(NM) 6.06 11,046 +2,660 +31.72 6,104 4,942 1981J 6.06 16,275 +5,229 +47.34 8,810 7,465 13 Dainhat Barddhaman 1901 5,618 2,721 2,897 1911 5,342 -276 -4.91 2,534 2,808 1921 4,843 -499 -9.34 2,405 2,438 1931 4,845 +2 +0.04 2,437 2,408 1941 5,036 +191 +3.94 2,518 2,518 1951 8,149 +3,113 +61.81 4,299 3,850 1961 10.36 10,519 +2,370 +29.08 5,281 5,238 1971 10.36 12,906 +2,387 +22.69 6,481 6,425 1981 10.36 15,843 +1,937 +22.76 8,018 7,825 14 Beldenga Murshidabad 1901 1911 4,092 8,354 4,262 1921} +4.68 4,443 4,302 1931 (NM) 8,745 +391 2,907 1941 6,002 -2,743 -31.37 3,095 1951 4,062 3,779 1961\ (NM) 2.23 7,841 +24.97 5,149 4,650 1971.[ 2.23 9,799 +1,958 7,999 7,779 1981 (M) 3.98 15,778 +5,979 +61.02 306

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1'981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901--contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/ Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III- 20,000-49,999 Class V-5,OOO-9,999 Class II-SO,OOO--99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

------~ ------_-- SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Person~ Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Toy,n Km" vl'.riation Decade v.... riatbn ----_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------_------U Raghunathpur Puruliya 1901') 4,171 2,079 2,092 1911 I 4,186 15 0.36 2,087 2,099 1921 ' 6,493 2,307 55.11 3,257 3,236 7,139 +-646 --9.95 3,654 3,485 1941 (M) 8,390 1,251 -17.52 4,277 4,113 1951 9,028 1-638 7.60 4,732 4,296 19"J1961 12.95 10.556 1.528 16.9"1 5,409 5,147 1971 12.95 12,721 2,165 20.51 6,630 ~.091 1981 1295 15,606 2.885 22.68 8,084 7,522 16 Sal.uampur Purullya 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 7,725 4,082 3,643 1951 (NM) 9,121 1,396 18.07 4,787 4.334 19611 Union 9.51 10,881 -1,760 - 19. '30 5,700 S,181 1911 f Commi tc~ 9.51 12,957 -2,076 .,-19.08 6,748 6.209 1981 (~\f) <) 51 15,564 - 2,607 -20.1~ 8,015 7,549

11 ~alhati BiIhhum 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 -I ('.66 8,663 .. 4,668 3,995 1911 ( (NM) 6 66 9,530 807 -10.01 4,944 4,586 1981~ (, 66 15,07'1 5.54~ 58.16 7,693 7,380 Mal J.ilpal;!lLfJ 1901 18 1911 Inl 1931 1941 1951 19611 2.56 9,085 .. 5,381 3,704 1971 J (NM) 2.56 10,951 1,866 20.54 (',128 4,823 1981 2 56 14.991 ' 4.040 -!-36.89 8,360 6,631 19 SINGUR URBAN Hugl. 1901 AGOl.OMERATION 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 6.40 7,915 4,162 3,753 1971 6.40 10,957 3,042 -38.43 5,899 5,058 1981 8.18 14,868 !..3,911 35.69 7,712 7,156

(Ii) Si(n~ur Hugli 1901 (NM) 19)1 1921 1931 1941 1951 19611 6.40 7,915 4,162 3,753 1971 J (NM) 6.40 10,957 - 3,042 38.43 5,899 S,OS8 1981 640 13.1!l9 L 2.232 - 20.37 6,789 6,4(0 (Ii) Kamar Kund.'1 Hugli 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (00) I. 78 1.679 923 756 307

TABU A-4--TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 190I-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that elMs) Class 1-100,000 and above Class IlI-20,000-49,999 Clasa V-S,000-9,999 Class II-SO.OOO-99,999 Class IV-IO,000-19,999 aUl VI-Less tban 5,000

Sl. Name of Town/ State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Pcrceotalll Males Fomales No. Urban Agg!omer- District of Town Km' variation Decade ation variatioB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , 20 Panch!a, Haora '901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 19611 4.51 9,102 4,689 4,41:3 1971 J (NM) 4.51 7,317 -1,185 -19.61 3,n4 3,543 1981 4.51 14,657 -'-7,340 -:-100.31 7,666 6,991 21 Dinhata Koch Bihar 1901 1 1,207 859 348 1911 i 1,833 :-'26 '·51.8"6 1,305 528 1921 ( (M) 2,290 +457 -1-24.93 1,601 689 1931 2,516 -r-126 +9'.87 1,629 887 1941 J 3,536 +-1,020- +-40.$4 2,338 1,198 1951 ..1...2,)12· M ) 5,848 +65.38 3,$49 2,299 1961 srown 1.61 11,306 +5,458· +93.33 6,525 4,781 1971 Committee 1.61 11,737 +.01' +3.81 6,444 5,293 1981 (M) 3.26 14,536 "-2,799 -:-23.85 7,529 7,001 21 Chandrakona Mcdinipur 1901") 9,309 4,658 4,651 1911 I 8,121 -1,11& -12.76 4,034 4.081 1921 T 6,470 --l,6St -20.33 3.251 3,219 1931 ~ 6,016 -454 -1.02 3,121 2,889 1941 (M) 6,411 +395 +6.S7 3,,336 3,075 1951 : 5,717 -6N· -10.83 2,920 2,797 1961 ' 16.57 7,383 +1.666 +19.14 3.785 3,598 1971 J 16.57 9,811 +2,421 +32.89 4,976 4,835 1981 16.511 13,410 L 3,599 "'36.68 6,880 6,~30 23 Jhalda Puruliya 1901 J 4,817 2,4.52 2.425 1911 : 5.616 !-7)9 ,15.15 2.781 2,835· 1921 I 5,737 -Ill +2.15 2,862 2,875 1931 ; 6,924 ' 1.187 +20.69 3.470 3,454 1941 }-(M) 7,128 -'-2S8 +3.73 3,996 3.186 1951 I 8,783 +1,101 !-13.33 4,366 3,917 1961 I 3.88 9.692 1,..09 +17.01 4,973 4,719 1971 ' 3.88 11,747 +2.055 +21.10 6.147 5,600 198d 3.88 13,194 !-1,447 +12.32 6,881 6,313 24 Ouskara Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19S1 1961} 4.87 7,017 4,O()l 3.016 1971 (NM) 4.87 10,046 ·!.-3.019 +43.17 .5,468 4,578 1981 4.87 12,525 +M79 +24.68 6,616 5,909 25 Ramjibanpur Medinipur 10,264 5.015 5,249 1911IWIJ 8.481 -1,783 -17.17 4,224 4.2.57 1921 6,700 -1,781 -21.00 3,409 3,291 1931 6,230 --470 -7.01 3,216 3,014 1941 (M) 6,036 -194 -3.U 3,102 2,934 1951 7,359 :-1,503 +24_90 3,818 3,721 1961 1 10.36 7,621 +82 +1.09 3,871 3,750 1971 I 10.36 10,364 +2,743 +35.99 5,259 5,105 1981 J 10.36 12,308 .L 1,944 .L 18.76 6,224 6,084 26 KANYANAGAR Twenty 19i1 tJllBAN AOOLO- Four 1911 ~BRATION Paraanas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1.80 5,61.9 2,977 2.652 1981 3.33 12,218 -:-6,589 +117.05 6.426 5,792 308

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomeratiom in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class UI-20,()()()..-.49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-1O,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade P~roentage Males Females No. Agglomerati :m District of Km.' variation De:ade Town variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(i) "'Kanyanagar Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 "l 1.80 5,629 2,977 2,652 1981 f(N·M.) l.80 7,617 +1,988 +35.32 4.009 3,608 (ii) Amtala Twenty 1901 Four 1911 Parganas 1921 1931 1941 1951 1?61 1971 1981 (OG) 1.53 4,601 2,417 2,184 27 Falakata Jalpaiguri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 19th, 4.92 6,413 3,532 2,881 1911 J (N.M.) 4.92 7,194 + 781 +12.18 3,851 3,343 1981 4.92 11,998 +4,804 +66.78 6,179 5,819 28 Mahishadal Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 3.68 5,210 2,945 2,265 1971 (N.M.) 6.22 9,852 +4,642 +89.10 5,153 4,699 1981 6.22 11,878 2,026 +20.56 6,079 5,799 29 '" Jagadanandapur Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 19711. 3.93 7,915 4,096 3,819 1981f (NM) 3.93 11,780 +3,865 +48.83 6,004 5,776 30 Bannla Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 3.60 4,530 2,384 2,146 1911 "\ (NM) 3.60 6,799 +2,269 +50.09 3,533 3,266 1981J 3.60 11,739 4,940 -L72.66 6,044 5,695 31 Amta Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 4.43 8,086 4,168 3,918 1971 (NM) 4.43 9,777 +1,691 +20.91 5,086 4,691 1981 4.43 11,569 +1,792 +18.33 5,912 5,591 309

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-Contd. (Class of Towns and number of Towns/Urban Agglomeratiom in that class) Class 1-100,000 and abpvlI: Class IlI-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Class II-50,OOO-99,999 Class VI-I0,OOO-I9,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban Statel Yea.r Status Area in Person5 Deca:ie Per'}!'1tage Miles No. Agglomeration Distdct of Km.2 variation D:lClde Town v~riatj.Jn 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


32 Mathabhanaga Koch-Bihar 1901 1,283 955 328 1911 1,740 +457 +35.62 1,246 494 1921 (M) 2,008 +268 +15.40 1,314 694 1 1,521 910 1931 I 2,431 +423 +21.07 1941) 3,cm +576 +23.69 1,943 1,064 1951 (NM) 4,256 + 1,249 + 41.54 2,530 1,726 1961} 1.89 6,980 +- 2,724 +64.00 3,844 3,136 1971 (TC) 1.89 9,167 +2.187 +31. 33 5,041 4,126 1981 1.89 11,053 +1,886 +20.57 5,842 5,211 33 Cart Road Darjiling 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 17.99 11,038 5,802 5,236

34 *Nebedha Dutta­ Twenty Fcur 1901 pukur Parganas 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971} (NM) 3.29 8,226 4,354 3,872 1981 3.29 10,882 +2,656 +32.29 5,663 5,219 35 Khatra Bankura 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19511 427 2,142 1,985 1961 L (NM) 7.51 6,757 1- 2,630 +63.73 3,610 3,147 1971 ( 7.51 8,519 +1,762 +26.08 4,563 3,956 1981 ) 7.51 10,841 +2,322 +27.26 5,568 5,273 CLASS-V 5,000-9,999--20 TOWNS WEST BENGAL 1901 113,577 58,791 54,786 1911 126,747 +13.170 +11.60 65,640 61,107 1921 154,054 +27,307 + 21.54 80,190 73,864 1931 155,929 +1,875 +1.22 83,221 72,718 1941 141,382 + 14,547 -9.33 76,839 64,543 1951 129,994 -li,388 -8.05 70,763 59,231 1961 162.92 200,774 +70,780 +54.45 108,250 92,524 1971 149.02 *193,091 -7,683* -3.83 103,228* 89,863* 1981 106.55 150,742. +42,349 +21.93 80,580 70,162

Sarakdi Nadiha Barddhaman 1901 (Sen Releigh Town- 1911 ship) 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 L (NM) 5.90 5,786 3,268 2,518 1981 J 5.90 9,661 +3,875 +66.97 5,479 4,182

. . f H gl' ~ the Note :~ *Includes the Population of Person~ 8,445 (Males 4,392 and Females (4,053) of Haripal (NM) of the dls~t °decl u '6edfa d Census year 1971 in which Haripal was fOf the first time declared as Town. In 1981 Census Hanpal has n asu n treated as ruraL 310

TABI,E A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901~contd. (Class o/' Towns and nlmbi'r of Towns/Urban Agg/omeratiom in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class III-20,000-49,999 CIIII V-S,000-9,999 Class JI-50,000-99,999 Class IV-tO 000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000 .------

Sl. Name of Town/Urban State Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentage Males Females No. Agglomeral ivn District of Km '. variation Decade Town variation 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 Kshirpa Mcdinipur 1901 1 5,045 2,500 2,545 1911 ! 4,605 -440 -8.72 2,294 2,311 1921 i 3,756 -849 -18.44 1,862 1,894 3,693 --63 -1.68 1,851 1,842 1941I~I t (M) 3,623 -70 -1.90 1,806 1,817 1951 4,246 +623 +17.20 2,204 2,042 1961 10.36 5,803 +1,557 +36.67 2,993 2,810 1971 10.36 7,075 +1,272 +21.92 3,638 J.437 1981) 11.65 9,552 ~2,477 -1-35.01 4,890 4.662 3 Kaksa Barddhaman 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 8.66 9,434 5.052 4,382 4 Uttar Bagdogra Darjiling 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.63 8,708 4,898 3,810 5 Uttar Latabari Jalpaigu.ri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 6.68 8,6<)7 4,589 4,078 6 Balicbak Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 195) 1961} 4.66 6,333 3,558 2,775 1971 (NM) 4.66 7,376 +1,043 +16.47 4,058 3.318 1981 4.66 8,663 + 1,287 +17.45 4,482 4,181 7 Kharar Medinipuf 1901) 9,508 4,886 4,622 1911 8,839 -669 -7.04 4,714 4,125 1921 6,580 -2,259 -25.56 3,448 3,132 1931 5,736 -844 -12.83 2,963 2,773 1941 (M) 5,570 -166 -2.89 2,919 2,651 1951 5,023 -547 -9.82 2,565 2,458 1961 10.36 5(909 +886 +17.64 2,937 2,972 1971 10.36 7,262 -'-1,353 +22.90 3,673 3,589 1981 10.36 8,369 +1,101 -Ll5.24 4,215 4,154 8 Patrasaer Bankura 1901 1911 5,435 2,737 2,698 1931 4,854 -581 -10.69 2,512 2,342 ml}1941 (NM) S,731 +877 -18.07 3,002 2,729 19S1 4.789 -942 --16.44 2,469 2,320 1961 8.73 6,582 +1,793 +37.44 3,243 3,339 1971 8.73 6.978 +396 +6.02 3,534 3,444 1981 8.73 8,033 +1,055 -15.12 4,018 4,015 311

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Cla~s of To ,Vii S and n'1mb::r of Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class 1II-20,OOO-49,999 Class V-5,000--9,999 Class II-50,000-99,999 Class IV-IO,000-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in P::rsons Decaie P.:n;~ntagc Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km'. variation Decade Town variation ------_" --" ---~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ---__ . -- 9 Madanpur Nadia 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1861 1971 1981 (NM) 3.30 7,896 4,063 3,833 10 Dalkhola West 1901 Dinajpur 1911 1921 1931 1941 t9~1 1961 '" 1971} (NM) 2.12 5,622 3,280 2,342 1981 2.11 1,401 +1,780 -;-31.66 4,041 3,361 II Hald'rari Koch Bihar 10911 1.112 787 32.5 1,380 -,268 -t-24.io 926 454 1921 (M) I ,SOl +122 +8.'M 1,027 475 1931"H} 1,246 +256 -17.04 831 '~15 1941 1,568 +322 -+-25.84 1,076 492 1951 (NM) 3,162 -1,594 +101.66 1,770 1,392 2,559 1,812 1961} 1.45 4,371 T'1,209 +38.24 1971 (TC) 1.45 5,098 +727 +16.63 2,765 2,333 1981 1.45 7,130 ;-'2,032 -:-39.86 3,743 3,387 12 Blgaml'lII Hugh 1901 1911 1921 ]931 1941 1"'<1 1961 1971 1981 (NM) :' .12 7,007 3,651 3,356 13 Sukdal B.Hddhaman 1901 1911 In! 19.'1 10.11 1951 1961 19,\ 1981 (NM) 4.57 6,903 3,780 3,123

14 Od!abari Jalp~;:Uli 1901 1911 19':1 1')3 I I'HI 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 9:27 6,S''7 :.(107 3.080 , 5 *Chapari Puruliya 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 2,630 1971} (NM) 2.87 5,745 3,124 1981 287 6,835 +1,081 +18.79 3,600 3.235 312

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIO~S CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd (Claslf a/Towns and number oj Towns/Urban/Agglomeratiolls in that class) Class J.:-l00,OQO and above Class UI-20,000-49,999 Class V-5,000-9,999 Class II-50,000--99,999 Class IV-10,OOO--19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Per:lJ:1S D~;:t.d<;) Pt!rcenta~~ Mlle, Females No. Agglom~ration District of K'U·. vlriatio:1 D!~:lde Town variation

-~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .----.-----~ ------., ---~ ------16 Haringhata Dairy Nadia 1901 Form Town 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 9.13 6,491 3,892 2,599

17 Hilli West 1901 Dinajpur 1911 1921 1931 1941') 6,952 4,392 2,560 1951 , 8,346 : 1,394 --20.95 4,893 3,453 1961 J(NM) 3.70 6,032 -2,314 -27.73 3,209 2,823 1971 3.70 6,096 +64 1.06 3,191 2,905 1981 3.70 6,061 -35 -.57 3,145 2,916

18 Gairkala Jalpaisuri 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 2.96 5,955 3.24fl 2,707

19 Khalor Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.84 5,783 2,983 2,800

20 Saontaldih Therll171 Puruliya 1901 Power Project 1911 Town 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 4.95 5,305 3,004 2,301

CL<\SS VI~LE3S TH<\N 5,000-7 TOWN'> WEST BENGAL 1901 '25,041 13,773 11,268 1911 ·21,615 -3,416 -13.64 11,886 9,739 1921 *16,997 -4,628 -21.40 9,594 7,403 1931 33,547 .L 16,550 +97.37 18,415 15,132 1941 16,257 -17,290 -51.54 9,854 6,403 1951 37,239 \-20,982 +129.06 20,353 16,8S6 1961 9.81 15,768 -21,471 -57.66 8,860 6,908 1971 4.76 7,986 -7,782 -49.35 4,364 3,622 1981 18.76 22,734 '-14,748 --184.67 12,254 10,480 -- __ No(/! : 1 *Includes a population of Persons-58 1 (Males 501 and Females 80) in 1901, Persons 296 (Males 258 and Females 38) in 1911 and Persons 293 (Males 200 and Females 93) in 1921 of Buxa Cantonment in the district of Jalpaiguri which was treated as town in 1901, 1911 and 1921 and Was declassified as rural since 1931. 313

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLAsSt:FI'ED BY POPUtATiON IN 1981 WI'TII VARIATIONS SINCE 1901--cOlltd. (Class of Towns and number of Town/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Class 1-100,000 and above Class IIl-20,OOO-49,999 Class V-5,ooO-9,999 Class 1I-50,000-99,999 Class IV-1O,OOO-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

81. Name of Town/Urban State/ Year Status Area in Persom Decade Percen$age Males Females No. Agglomeration District of Km". variation Decade Town variation 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 ------Tufanganj Koch 1901 Bihar 1911 1921 1931 1941 (M) 1,412 892 520 1951 (NM) 2,316 +904 +64.02 1,305 1,011 1961} 0.88 3,473 +1,157 +49.96 1,991 1,482 1971 (IC) 0.88 4,209 +736 +21.19 2,329 1,880 1981 0.88 4,906 +697 +16.56 2,571 2,335

2 Makardaha Haora 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961} 1971 1981 (NM) 1. 71 4,729 2,465 2,264

3 Mekliganj Koch Bihar 1901 1911 ' 1921 1931 1941 (M) 1,298 836 462 1951 (NM) , 1,356 +58 +4.47 794 562 +2,038 +150.29 1,926 1961} 3.88 3,394 1,468 1971- (IC) 3.88 3,777 +383 +11.28 2,035 1.742 1981 3.88 4,534 • +757 +20.04 2,444 2,090

4 Jagannathp,/I' Maldah 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 4.16 3,952 2,037 1,915

5 Jaldhaka Hydel Darjiling 1901 Power Project 1911 Township 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 2,158 1,375 1981 (NM) 0.81 3,533 314

TABLE A-4-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLO'1ERATIO~S CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901-contd. (Class o/Towns and number o/Towns/Urban Agglomerations in that class) Oass h-l00,OOO and above Class IIl-20,OOO--49,999 Class V-jO,000-9,999 Ous 11-50,000-99,999 Class IV-IO,OOO·-19,999 Class VI-Less than 5,000

SI. Name of Town/Urban State! Year Status Area in Persons Decade Percentag~ Males Females No. Agglomeration Dktrict of KJnI. variation Decade Town variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

6 Di,lril Township Medinipur 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 6.01 894 480 414

7 BakreswdT T ourin Birbhum 1901 Centre Township 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 (NM) 1.31 186 99 87

Hofer: 1 Towns treated for the tint time in 1971 continue in 198) are shown with asterisk mark (ot) on the left of their names. 1 Towns treated for the fint time in 1981 have been printed in italics. 315

TABU£ A·f-T9WNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN ]981 WITH VARIATIONS SINCE 1901 APPENDIX I Nt'w TotvnS addl'd ill 1981 and TOII,ns in 1971 de(/assijied in 1981

New Towns added In 1981 Towns In 1971 whIch have been decIas~ified a<; r-----~-----~~ --"------, rural in 1981 ,-~-----~ - ______.. ------_ -_ ~ State/Di-Slrict NamcofTgwn Area PopulatIOn N~.me of Town Alea Population Km" ,-_ ___.)o.____ -, Km' ,-- _____.A._ -, 1981 1971 1981 1971

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

WfiSTBENGAL Jalpail'uri I. DabtJram (NM) 45.86 76,402 38,859 2. Odtabari (NM) 9.27 6,887 4,773 3. Gairkata (NM) 2.96 5,955 4,479 4. Vttar Latabari (NM) 6.68 8,667 6,280 5. Jaldhllka Hydel Powel Project Town (NM) 0.81 3,533 N.A. 6. Cart Road (NM) . 17.99 11,038 11,440 7. Vital' Bagdogra (NM) 1 63 8,708 5,624

8. Kasba (NM) 3 90 6,362 5,190

9. Jhali jhlliia (NM) 1.67 3,359 4,397 10. JagaftllathpttT (NM) 4.16 3,952 4,942

Murshidabad 11. SrimaBtapur (NM) 3.13 2,367 6,511 12. Paacbim Pumopara (NM) 772 17,576 14,637 13. Gldigachl'ta (NM) 2 70 1O,'n~ 8, IllS 14. Airtala (NM) 2.24 12,757 8,220 15. Madanplolt (NM) 3.30 7,896 5,945 16. HariRgbala Diary Farm Town (NM) 9.13 6.491 3,592

Twenty Four Paraana~ 17 . .Raahunalhpur (NM) 0.85 7,672 4,636 18. Bandipur (NM) 2.06 7,324 4,820 19. Oopalpur (.M) 5.71 15,160 9,064- lO. Bidbannagar TOWR'ihip 15.54 33,175 N.A. (NM) 21. Oobindapur (NM) 0.43 6,058 5,325 21. Noapara (NM) 0.74 6,208 4,244 23. Mabeshtala (NM) 1.63 5,081 4,812 24. Cbandannagar (NM) 0.79 4,184 5,201 25. Chata Kalikapur (NM) 5.56 11,082 8,722 26. Chak Kashipur (NM) I 59 7,053 5,352 27. Bowali (NM) 3.62 8,737 7,757 28. Sripur Bagharghol (NM) 200 8,699 4,905 29. Lasltarplolt (NM) 1 43 10,359 7,551 30. SonarpllC (NM) 210 10,638 7,564 31. Bipra Noparll (NM) 2.40 6,171 5,102 32. Makardaba (NM) 1. 71 4,729 4,160 33. Ramcbandrapur (NM) 1.52 6,273 4,742 34. Panch~ra (NM) 1.92 8,924 6,911 35. Rachudebbati (NM) 2 IS 7,400 5,683 36. Khalor (NM) 1.84 5,783 5,144 37. Sanfoshpur.(NM) 1.14 4,602 4,616

86-M/P{D)42DCO Calcutta-21 316


Ntw TOHIIS added in 1981 and Towns in 1971 declassified lf1 1981 --_ ------~~-- ---~ ---~ New Towns added in 1981 Towns In 1971 which have been declassified as rural in 1981 ( State/Distrtct r------__jo.___------. r------'------~--. Name of Town Area Population Name of Towll Area PopulatIOn Km" r- ---"------, Km' r-~---A._--______'" 1981 1971 1981 1971 ---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------_-- ~------HugIi 38. Raghunathpuf (NM) 2 03 8,150 4,669 1. Haripal (NM) 6 02 10,089 8,445 39. Madhusudanpur (NM) 1 57 5,436 4,077 40 Bandel Thermal Power PIOjCc! Town (NM) 1 07 678 N.A 41 Keota (NM) 3 79 9,997 5,747 42 Ndldanga (NM) 184 7,766 7,279 43 Khalishani (NM) 2 35 7,484 6,428 44 Begampur (NM) 2.12 7,007 6,217 45. Monoharpur (NM) 2 14 8,019 5,214 46 Mllgaia (NM) 3 98 9,112 6,233 47. KOl!ugn (NM) 3 76 4,769 4,910 Medinipur 48. Kolaghat Thermal Power Project Town (NM) 3 68 1,303 N.A. 49. Dlgha Township (NM) 6.01 894 439 Puruliya 50. Saontaldlh Tilermal Po- wer Project Town (NM) 4.95 5,305 N.A. Barddhaman 51. Lalbazar (NM) 2.01 4,720 4,737 52. Ramnagar (NM) 1.67 3,572 4,096 53. Petana (NM) 0.45 7,940 5,662 54. Chinakuri (NM) 2.09 12,355 7,581 55. SitaJpur (NM) 1 85 6,731 5,012 56. Bhanowara (NM) 4.11 8,258 6,917 57. Pariharpur (NM) 5.29 7,10] 8,610 58. Sripur (NM) 4.12 12,372 11,959 59. Ninga (NM) 3 86 9,635 6,176 60. Basra (NM) 3.40 8,333 6,511 61. Parasia (N M) 4.49 4,823 5,021 62. Kenda (NM) 7.95 11,671 7,824 63. Nimeha (NM) 3.85 2,329 4,592 64. Siarsol (NM) 8.52 16,336 13,874 65. Amkula (NM) 3.01 6,423 7,590 66. Raghunath Chak (NM) 0.87 5,062 4,294 67. BaUavpur (NM) 1.67 6,606 5,180 68. KaJora (NM) 10.33 12,969 14,395 69. Dignala (NM) 3.64 6,976 4,742 70. Khandra (NM) 7.49 4,649 4,150 71. Chak Bankola (NM) 1. 78 6,726 5,643 72. Chhora (NM) 5.64 8,193 5,523 73. Bahula (NM) 3.59 8,007 10,486 74. Parashkol (NM) 6.80 6,108 6,728 75 KJl.ksa (NM) 8.66 9,434 6,592 76 Sukdal (NM) 4.57 6,903 4,901 77 Panuhat (NM) 2.24 6,584 4,303 78 Bakreshwar Tounst Cen- Blrbhum tre Township (NM) 1 31 186 N.A. ------~~-~ Nolcs- 1 (NM) mclcatc> non-mumclpal_T0wn,. 2 N A imhcales figures not available. 317 .


Particldars of the Constituent Villages of Nell' TOl1'f1\' add~d in 1981

Particulars of cOl1\\ituent villages of the New Towns added in 1981 ___ A ______~ ____~ .------. ---~-. - ~ -- ".J J.L. No. Area in Population Name of State/District/ Name of New Towns added in Name of Village (Mouza) of the KM2 of J971 Police Station (P.S.) 1981 (Whole or part) Village All Non-municipal TOWn> (NM) (Mouza) 2 3 4 5 6 ------WEST BENGAL

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT Rajganj P.S. I. Dabgram (NM) Dabgram (whole) 2 45.86 38,859 Mal P.S. 2. Odlabari (NM) OJlabari (whole) 20 9.27 4,773 Banarhat P.S. 3. Gairkata (NM) Gairkata (whole) 25 2.96 4,479 Kalchini P.S. 4. Uttar Latabari (NM) Uttar Latabari (whole) 14 6.68 6,280 DARJILING DISTRICT 5. Jaldhaka Hydel Power Garubathan P.S. Project Town (NM) Patengodak Khasmshal (Part) 3 0.81 N.A. Kurseong P.S. 6. Cart Road (NM) Carl Road (whole) 1 17.99 11,440 Naxalbari P.S. 7. Uttar Bagdogra (NM) Uttar Bagdogra (wh0Ie) 82(S) I. 63 5,624 WEST DlNAJPUR DISTRICT RaigRnj P.S. 8. Kasba (NM) Kasba (whole) 145 3.90 5,190 MALDAH DISTRICT English Bazar P.S. 9. Jhali Jhalia (NM) Jhali Jhalia (whole) 72 1.67 4,397 Kaliachak P.S. 10. Jagannathpur (NM) Jagannathpur (whole) 35 4.16 4,942 MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT Farrakka P.S. 11. Srimantapur (NM) Srimantapu( (part) 36 3.13 6,511 Suti P.S. 12. Paschim Punropara (NM) Paschim Punropara (whole) 63 7.72 14,637 NADIA DISTRICT Nabadwip P.S. 13. Gadigachha (NM) Gadigachha (whole) 17 2.70 3,185 Ranaghat P.S. 14. Aistala (NM) Aistala (whole) 114 2.94 8,220 Chakdah P.S. 15. Madanpur (Ntvl) Madanpur (whole) 94 3.30 5,945 Haringhata P.S. 16. Haringhat Dairy Farm Toawn Haringhata Farm (whole) 90/7 9.13 3,592 (NM)

TWENTY FOUR PARGANAS DISTRICf Rajarhat P.S. 17. Raghunathpur (NM) Raghunathpur (whole) 8 0.85 4,636 Khardaha P.S. 18. Bandipur (NM) Bamlipur (whole) 17 2.06 4,820 Airport P.S .. 19. Gopalpur (NM) Gopalpur (Wh01e) 2 5.71 9,064 Saltlake P.S. 20. Bidhannagar Township (NM) Golaghat (part) 271 NA. Do. Do. Kankuri (part) 28 N.A. Do. Do. Gharbhaga Purba (whole; 1 N.A. D'. Do. Gharbhanga Paschim (whole) N.A. Do. Do. Dutt:lbad (whole) ~I J5.54 N.A. Do. Do. Krishnapur (part) 17 r N.A. Do. Do. Mahisbathan (Part) N.A. Do. Do. Dhapa Monpur (part) N.A. Lake Town P.S. Do. Patipukur (part) N.A. Dum DumP.S. Do. Shyamnagar (part) 20/32:!J N.A. Mahestala P.S. 21. Gobindapur (NM) Gobind3.pur (whole) 9 0.48 5,325 Do. 22. Noapara (NM) Noapara (whole) 6 0.74 4,244 Do. 23. Mahestala (NM) Mahestala (whole) 5 1.68 4,812 Do. 24. Chandannagar (NM) Chandannagar (whole) 3 0.79 5,201 Do. 25. Chala Kalikapur (NM) Chata Kalikapur (whole) 22 5.66 8,722 Budae Budge P.S. 26. Chak Kashipur (NM) Chak Kashipur (whole) 48 1.59 5,352 Do. 27. Howali (NM) Bowali (whole) 54 3.62 7.757 86-M/P(D)42DCO Calcutta-2la 318

EXPLANATORY NOTES OF APPENDIX 1 TO TABLE A~4-contd. Particulars of the Constituent Villages of New Towns added in 1981 ------Particulars of con<;tituen\ villages of the New Towns added in 1981 ,--..- J.L. No. Name of New Towns added in Name of Village (Mouza) of the Name of State/District/ 1981 (whole or part) Village Area in Population Police Station (p.S.) All Non-municipal Towns (NM) (Mouza) KMI of 1971 1 '} 3 4 5 6

Sonarpur P.S. 28. Shripur Bagharghol (NM) Shripur Bagharghol (whole) 59 2.00 4,905 Do. 29. Laskarpur (NM) Laskarpur (whole) 57 l.43 7,551 Do. 30. Sonarpur (NM) Sonarpur (whole) 39 2.10 7,564


Domjur P.S. 31. Bipra Naopara (NM) Bipra Naopara (whole) 27 2.40 5,102 Do. 32. Makardaha (NM) Makardaha (whole) 34 1.71 4,160 Sankrail P.S. 33. Ramchandrapur (NM) Ramchandrapur (whole) 31 1.52 4,742 Do. 34. Panchpara (NM) Panch para (whole) 37 1.92 6,911 Do. 35. Raghudebbati (NM) Raghudebbati (whole) J3 2.15 5,683 Bagnan P.S. 36 Khalor (NM) Khalor (whole) 74 I. 84- 5,144- Bawria P.S. 37. Santoshpur (NM) Santoshpur (whole) 1.14 4,616

HUGLI DISTRICT Mogra P.S. 38. Raghunathpur (NM) Raghunathpur (whole) 26 2.03 4,669 Do. 39. Madhusudanpur (NM) Madhusudanpur (whole) 25 l.57 4,077 Do. 40. Bandel Thermal Power Project Town (NM) Gaharpur (Part) N.A. Do. Do. Uttar Hazipur (Part) 32}33 l.07 N.A. Do. Do. Benipur (Part) 34 N.A. Do. Do. Amodghata (part) 40 N.A. Chinsurah P.S. 41. Keota (NM) Keota (Part) 7 3.79 5,747 Do. 42. Naldanga (NM) Natdanga (whole) 6 l.84 7,279 Bhadreswar P.S. 43. Khalishani(NM) Khalishani (whole) 2.35 6,428 Chanditala P.S. 44. Begampur (NM) Begampur (whole) 73 2.12 6,217 Do. 45. Monaharpur (NM) Manoharpur (whole) 98 2.14 5,214 Do. 46. Mrigala (NM) Mrigala (whole) 102 3.98 6,233 Uttarpara P.S. 47. Kotrung (NM) Kotrung (part) 8 3.76 4,910

MEDINIPUR DISTRICf Panskura P.S. 48. Kolaghat Thermal Power Project Town (NM) Bar Barisha (pari) 288 N.A. Do. Do. Barisha (part) 289 N.A. Do. Do. Babua(pan) 290 N.A. Do. Do. Amalhara (part) 291 N.A. Do. Do. Mecheda (part) 292 3.68 N.A. Do. Do. Raksha Chak (part) 293 N.A. Do. Do. Kharisha (part) 294 N.A. Do. Do. Mihitikri (part) 300 N.A. Tamluk P.S. Do. Santipur (part) 3 1 N.A. Do. Do. Kakdihi (part) 5J N.A.

Digha P.S. 49. Digha Township (NM) Padima (part) N.A. Do. DO. Duttapur (whole) 7776] 104 Do. Do. Paschim Gadadharpur (whole) 78 293 Do. Do. Bhagi Brahmapur (part) 79 N.A. Do. Do. Champabani (part) 80 ~ N.A. Do. Do. Palsandapur (whole) 81 6.01 42 Do. Do. Ratanpur (part) 821 N.A. Do. Do. Jalimati (part) 83 N.A. Do. Do. Bailamria (part) 85 1 N.A. Do. Do. Khadalgobra (part) 86) N.A. Do. Do. Gobindabasan (part) 89 N.A. 319

EXPLANATORY NOTES OF APPENDIX 1 TO TABLE A-4-contd. Particulars of the Constituent Villages of New Towns added in 1981 --- -- Particulars of constituent villages of the New Towns added in 1981 ,------___..A. ----. J.L. No. Name of New Town added in of the Name of State/District/ 1981 Name of village (Mouza) Village Area in Population Police Station (P.S.) All Non-municipal Towns (NM) (whole or part) (Mouza) KM" of 1971 2 3 4 5 6

PURULIA DISTRICT Saontaldih P.S. 50. Saontaldih Thermal Power Project Town (NM) Nabagram (part) 31 N.A. Do. Do. Poradih (part) N.A. Do. Do. Erendi (part) N.A. Do. Do. Chakbad (part) 4.95 N.A. Do. Do. Bogra (part) N.A. Do. Do. Shyampur (part) N.A. Do. Do. Kanki (part) if6SJ N.A. BARDDHAMAN DISTRICT

Kulti P.S. 5!. Lalbazar (NM) Lalbazar (whole) 10 2.01 4,737 Do. 52. Ramnagar (NM) Ramnagar (whole) 11 1·61 4,096 Do. 53. Petana (NM) Petana (whole) 15 0.45 5,662 Do. 54. Chinakuri (NM) Chinakuri (whole) 60 2.09 7,581 Do. 55. Sitalpur (NM) Sitalpur (whole) 40 1.85 5,012 Darabanl P.S. 56. Bhanowara (NM) Bhanowara (whole) 44 4.11 6,917 Jamuria P.S. 57. Pariharpur (NM) Pariharpur (whole) 23 5.29 8,610 Do. 58. Sripur (NM) Sripur (whole) 24 4.12 11,959 Do. 59. Ninga (NM) Ninga (whole) 28 3.86 6,176 Do. 60. Bagra (NM) Dagea (whole) 30 3.40 6,551 Do. 61. Parasia (NM) Parasia (whole) 74 4.49 5.021 Do. 62. Kenda(NM) Kenda (whole) 73 7.95 7,824 Raniganj P.S. 63. Nimcha(NM) Nimcha (whole) 16 3.85 4,592 Do. 64. Siarsol (NM) Saianal (whole) 17 8.52 13,874 Do. 65. Amkula (NM) Amukla (whole) 14 3.01 7,59~ Do. 66. Raghunath Chak (NM) Raghunath Chak (whole) 26 0.87 4,294 Do. 67. Ballavpur (NM) Ballavpur (whole) 27 1.67 5,180 OndaIP.S. 68. Kajora (NM) Kajora (whole) 41 10.33 14,395 Do. 69. Dignala (NM) Dignala (whole) 43 3.64 4,472 Do. 70. Khandra (NM) Khandra (whole) 32 7.49 4,150 Do. 71. Qlak Bankola (NM) Chak Bankola (whole) 19 1. 78 5,643 Do. 72. Chhora (NM) Chbora (whole) 29 5.64 5,523 Do. 73. Bahula (NM) Bahula (whole) 30 3.59 10,486 Do. 74. Parashkol (NM) Parashkol (whole) 38 6.80 6,728 Kaksa P.S. 75. Kaksa (NM) Kaksa (whole) 86 8.66 6,592 BudBudP.S. 76. Sukdal (NM) Sukdal (whole) 35(0) 4.57 4,903 Katwa 'no Panuhat (NM) Panuhat (whole) 23 2.24 4,30J BIRBHUM DISTRICT Dugrajpur P.S. 78. Bakre~wu Tourist Bakreswar (part) 42 1.31 N.A. Centre Township (NM)

Note :--1 (NM) indicates Non-municipal Towns. 2 N.A. indjcat~ figures Not Available. 320



Ollt-growths ofTO\\ 11.1 ('{lS~~fted ill 1981

--~~------~~------J. L. No. of the Mouza form- Population 109 theouI- r----...... _____~-~ State/District/Police Station (P.S.) Na'ne of_out-growth growth Area in Km2 1981 1971

-~-- -- ~- --~- 2 3 4 5 6 ------~.~- WEST BENGAL

KOCH BIHAR DISTRICT Koch Bihar P. S. I. Kharimala Khagrabali 125 3 80 5,200 2,916


Alipurdwar P. S. 2. Sobaganj 52 1.5'3 3,281 2.368 3. Chechakhata 57 144- 5,194 3,371

WEST DINAJPUR DI'HRICT Balurghat P.S. 4, Chak BhriiU • 90 I 28 6,390 2,990 5. Baidyanathpara 11 1 . 0.67 1,585 1,195 MALDAH DISTRICT English Bazar P.S 6. Sherpur Makimpul' 63 072 2,296 1,040

MURSHIDABAD ()(STRICT BClhampur P.S. 1. Budharpara 17 0.48 2,007 1,497 NADIA DISTRICT Nabadwip P. S. 8. Char Maijdia 19 0.37 4,058 3,849 9. Char Brahmanagal' 21 1. 15 4,256 3,040 10. Maeshganj 16 0.28 1,550 1,551 Ranaghat P.S. 11: Satigachha 154 1. 36 3,438 2,137 12. Ranaghat 155 2 94 2,92R 2.223 13. NasTa 156 3.12 6,265 4.890 Kalyani P.S. 14. Kanchrapara. 57 I. 39 923 701

TWENTY FOUR PARGANAS DISTRICT Rajarhat P.S. 15. Mandalganli 6 0.52 4,836 3,489 Barasat P.S. 16 Ramkrishnapul' Sl 0.52 3,082 1,906 Bijpur P.S. 17. Nanna 15 0.44 2,034 1,423 18. Jelia 16 I. 97 3,495 2,666 19. Chakla 17 o 75 3,246 2,861 20. Srotribal i 20 o 49 1,243 1,016 21. Balibhara 9 I 82 3,787 1,615 Jagaldai P.S. 22. Sthirpara II 210 3.454 2,285 23. Rahuta. 22 t. 79 1.204 3,471 *2~. Nara::,:anpur 4 I. 52 3,635 2,841 25. Kaugachhi 20 1.83 7,656 3.780 Titagarh P.S. 26. Jafarpur 9 1.98 263 3,74l Airpol t P.S. 27. Kaikhali 5 0.78 3,159 1,995 Maheshlala P.S. 2R. Rampur 10 0.64 1,719 1,095 29. Jalkhura 4 1.06 4.916 3,910 30. Memanpul' 16 0.92 4,694 3,S40 31. Tentulkhuli 2 o 40 2,72l 2,669

/l.utl! ; -'NalayallpUI \\a, heated for the fir,t time in 1971 as NO'l-municipallown but in 1981 it W.lS declassified and treated a~ ou -growth of t he tOIl 11 p,lIlpur (NM) 321

. '.• TABLE A-4~r.OWN8·-AND-l.1RBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1981 WITH VARIA TION SINeR 1901 SUB-APPENDIX TO APPENDIX-I--col1td. Out growths of TOI';'I1S classified in 1981 J.L No. of Population the Mouza form r-~-...A----~ ing th! out Area In ~tat'~/District/PQlice Statiofl (P.S.) Name of out.growth growth Km' 1981 1971 2 3 4 5 6

~------Budge Budge P.S. 32. Kalipur 36 0.99 9,980 3,008 33. MoukhaJi 39 o 54 1,291 1,154 34. Jagatballavpur 4S 1.18 2,468 1,958 35. Chak AlampUl 49 3.26 6,971 5,663 36. Maheswarplll 55 o 49 1,332 1,160 37. Chak Mamk 58 1 15 2,509 2,129 . Bishnerpur P.S. 38. Amtala 73 I 53 4,601 3,910 Behala P.S. 39. Gopalpur I 3 44 16,151 10.643 Sonarpur P.~. " 40. Kumarakhah 48 I 53 4,202 3,615 41. Chak Harinavi 33 0.63 1,483 434 42. Chauhati 76 1.44 4,628 3,709 HAORA DISTRICT Liluah P.S. 43. Chamrail 5 3.52 4,425 3,164 Sankrail P.S. 44. Hatgachha 13 0.61 4,091 1,131 45. Kamranga 34 0.45 2,974 1.589 46. Chak Radhadasi 36 0.50 799 1.173 47. Chak Sri Krishna 14 0.49 1,959 1,717 Uluberia P.S. 48. Kotalghata 107 1 05 3.498 2,643 49. Sijberia 106 1. 34 4.786 3,666 Bawria P.S .• 50. Khas Khamar 10 0.52 2,234 2,008 51. Chak Madhll 11 0.79 3,304 2,251 HUGLI DISTRICT Chinsurah P.S. 52. Sankhanagar 38 0.73 4,366 1,900 53. Bara Khejuria 49 066 1,294 672 54. Khamrpara 22 J 87 947 2,610 55. Narayanpur II o 53 2,137 1,539 56. Kodalia 12 0.69 1,583 926 Mogra P.S. 57 Chak Bansberia 52 1 55 4,954 3,903 Singur P.S. 58. Kamar Kundu 53 1 78 1,679 1,562 Uttarapra P.S. 59. Bhadra Kali 9 2 62 2,720 2.199 BARDDHAMAN orSTRfCT Sal an pur P.S. 60 Benagarya 37 o 47 1,025 708 Kulti P.S. 61. Sitarampur 48 o 64 2,546 3,048 62. Ba;dihi 58 2 73 4,927 3.094 63. A~anbani 45 0.85 5,314 2,911 64. Parra 36 o 89 817 763 Hirapur P.S. 65. Nabaghanadi 25 1.64 2,3[0 1.961 Asansol P.S. 66. Kalipahari 16 2.47 3,664 3,055 Barabani P.S. 67. Chlfanpur 52 2 63 3,314 ,,639 Jamuria P.S. 68. Satgram 33 3 88 5,629 4,514 69. Kaithi . 22 2.20 3,131 2,754 70. Damodarapur 20 1 30 3,210 2,879 Raniganj P.S. 71 Murgathaul 15 2 18 7.158 2,458 72. S3.hebganj 25 1. 66 2,927 2,432 Ondal P.S. 73. Gaidhoba J7 1 59 1.505 1,114 74. Shankarpur 28 3 31 3,129 2,710 2,859 75. Siduli 31 1 85 1.811 1,330 76. Madhusundanpur 34 I 46 2,411 1,941 77. Mukundapur 13 1 5(' 2,650 3,25 K atwa P.S. 78. Kesia 20 o 6~ 4,040 71 916 433 79. Atuhat Chak 19 o ------~ -_------~-- 322


Places with Cl population of lInder 5,OOO:.c/assijied as Towns for the first time in 1981

---~-~------~------Area in Km" Population in Town District in 1981 1981

-----~------(\) (2) (3) (4)

1 laldhaka Hydel Power Project Town (NM). Darjiling 0.81 3,533 2 Ihali-lhalia (NM) Maldah 1.6:7 3,359

3 lagannathpur (NM) Do. 4.16 ~.952 4 Srimantapur (NM) Murshidabad 3'.13 2,367 5 Chandannagar (NM) Twenty Four Parganas 0.79 4,184 6 Mkardaha (NM) Haora 1. 7f 4,7Z9 7 $antoshpur (NM) Do. 1.14 4,601 Hugli 1.07 678 8 Bandel Thermal Power Project Town (NM) Do. 3.76 4,76~ 9 Kotmng (NM) 10 Kolaghat Thermal Power Project Town (NM) Medinipur 3.6& 1,303 Do. 6.01 894 11 Digha Township (NM) Barddhallllln 2.gl 4-,720 12 Lalbazar (NM) Do. 1.67 3,572 13 Ramnagar (NM) Do. 4.49 4,823 14 Parasia (NM) 3.85 1.,329 15 Nimcha (NM) Do. Do. 1.49 4,649 16 Khandra (N M) Birbhum 1. 31 186 l7 Bakreswar Tourist Centre Township (NM) ------Note : (NM) indicates Non-municipal Town. 323



Place.v 14/ith a populatioll of under 5,000 in 1971 which were Towns in 1971 but have been declassified in 1981

Area in km! in Place District 1971 Population in 1971

(I) (2) (3) (4) _------

Narayanpur (NM) Twellty Four Parganas 1.52 2,841

Ng/~ : (NM) indicates Non-municipal Town. 324



Changes b"tlrcCI1 1971 alld 1981 in area {Il1d popu1atiol1 ot 101\'/1S {/lid rcas(J/Ij /"1 (hang£' III Area

Alca Population Area , _____ .A. __ -, Name of Towns (ll} Km2) (m Krn2) . - (District) in 1971 in 1981 1971 1981 Reasons for the change in area

2 3 4 5 6

Dinhata (M) I 61 3,26 11,737 14,536 O;nhata has beon declaleJ as mUi1lcipality (Koch Bihar) after 1911 including adc'itional areas de­ tail, of which arc not available. 2 Alipur Ouar (M) 9 30 9.36 36,667 45,324 Inclunal areas.

8 Ashokenagar-Kalranagcr (M) 7 50 7.56 41,916 55,176 Computational error. (Twenty Four Parganas) 9 Barasat (M) 14 25 20.25 42,642 66,504 Do. (Twenty Four Parganas) 10 Halisahar (M) 14 24 8.28 68,906 95,579 Do. (Twenty Four Parganas)

11 Garulia (M) 3 88 6.48 44,271 57,061 Tnclu,1011 of addItIonal alt',] of ·he vcillage (Twenty Four Pdrgana, J L. N0. 19 of Jagdtdal P.S after 1971 12 Khardaha (M) 3 RR 4.20 32,302 45,251 (l1111putatioll;11 error. (Twenty Four Pargana.,.

13 Panihati (M) 19 43 19.40 IIR,046 205,71R Do. (Twenty Four Pargana~)

14 New Barrackpur (M) 2 90 17 17 32,512 46,530 D". (Twenty Four Pargana~.)

15 SouthOum-Oum(M) . 15 19 15 49 174.142 230,266 Del (Twenty Four Parganas

16 North Dum-Durr (M) 15.60 19 42 63,873 Del. (Twenty Four Parg'lna<.) 96,418

17 Dum-Dum (M) o 20 3 II 31,363 33,60.J. l),) (Twenty Four Pargana,)

1g Batanagar (NM) 1. 22 2 09 9,lO8 (Twenty Four Pargana,)

19 Budgc-Budge(M) 777 9 06 51,039 (Twenty Four Purgana<) 325


Changes between 1971 and 1981 in area and population of tOWIlS and reasonsfor change in area

Name of Towns Area Area Population (District) (in Km2) (in Km2) r------"- ~- -0 --, R'.::tsGns for the ch:tngc in arca in 1971 III 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 6 ------20 Jadabpur (M) 0.57 40.00 12,685 251,968 Jadabpur was a N·./n-municipal town in 1971' (Twenty Four P-uganas) After 1971 Jadabpur was declared a~ Muni­ cipality covering Purba Putiary, Chakdaha, Bansdroni, Kumdahari, Bademasar, Rajapur Santoshpur, Garfa and Kasba-all Non-muni­ cipal towns of 1971 and some other additional village,. 21 Diamond Harbour (NM) 6.47 8.97 13,072 20,299 Inclusion of the rem:lining parts of the vii· (Twenty Four Parganas) lages J.L. Nos. 143 and 144 of Diamond Harbour P.S. after 1971. 22 Habra (M) 12.64 17.52 51,435 74,434 Till 1971, Habra was a NO'1-m~lnicipal (Twenty Four Parganas) town and only after 1971 Habra had been declared as Municipal town after inclusion of additional areas.

23 BaHy (M) lU~l 147,735 BaHy (M) was indudd in Hama {Me) ill (Haora) 1971. In 1981 Bally (M) has been shown as independent municipality. 24 Haora (MC) 61. 50 51.74 737.877 744.429 In 1971 Haora (MC) included Bally (M) (Haora) In 1981 Bally (M) has been excluded from Haora (MC) and included a village wholly J.L. NO.7 of LIluah P.S. 25 AI ambagh (M) 19 43 19.04 25,592 24,205 ComputationJ I error. (Hugli) 26 Hugli-Chinsurah (M) 15 54 16.06 105,241 125,193 Do. (HuglQ 27 Bhadreswar (M) 6.47 6.48 45,586 58,858 Do. (Hugli) 28 Rishra (M) 3.24 6.48 63,486 81,001 Do. (HugIi) 29 Tarakeswar (M) 3.29 3.90 11,959 16,518 TIll 197J, Tdl"dkesw:\r was a Non-muni­ (Hugli) cipal town and only after 1971 Tarakeswar had been declared as MunicIpal town after inclusion of additIonal areas.

30 Kharagpur (M) 90.65 87,822 150,475 In 1981 Kharagpur (M) has includeJ Indian (Mcdinipur) Imtitute of Technology Area (N'vf) and Kharagpur (NM) of 1971 and som~ other additional v:llagc5. No separate area of Kharagpur (M) for 1971 is available. Til 1971 Kharagpur city has an area of 33.38 '\q. km., covering Kharagpur (M), Indian Tmtitute of Technology area(NM) Kharagpur Rly. SettJement(NM) and Kharagpur (NM). 31 Kharagpur Rly. 32.37 73,435 82,103 Do. Settlement (NM) (Medinipur)

32 Chandrakona (M) 16.57 16.5~ 9,811 13,410 Computational error (Medinipur) 33 Kshirpai (M) 10.36 11.65 7,075 9,552 Do. (Medinipur) 34 Kolaghat (NM) 6.37 6.07 13,371 17,406 In 1971 Kolaglnt (N\1) inc1ude,i thr"~ vil­ lages each wholly of Panskura P.S. ~ut in 1981 Kobgll'lt Thermal Pow;)r Project Town (NM) newlv crc:lted .in 1981 has in­ cluded parts of th~ three vtllage-s J.L. Nos. 288,289 and 290 of P.mskura P.S. 326

TABLE A-4-TOWNS ANn URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPUIJATION IN 1981 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 APPEND lX-4-concld. Changes between 1971 and 1981 in area and population of tOWllS and reasOnS for challge in area

-- ~------

Area (Area Population Name of Towm (inKm' inKm' r-- ____...._ - ____.., (District) in 1971 in 1981 1971 1981 Reasons fOl the change in area

2 3 4 5 6

35 Bankura (M) 18.13 19.06 79,129 94,954 Inclusion of part of a village J.L. No. 21 (Bankura) ofBankura P.S. after 1971. 36 Bishnupur (M) 20.72 22.01 38,135 47,529 Computational error. (Bankura 37 Adra(NM» 3.24 8.79 18,838 21,108 Do. (Puruliya) 38 Chittaranjan (NM) 1691 19.65 40,736 50,748 Inclusion of a village wholly J.L. No.2 of (Barddhaman) Chittaranjan P.S. after 1971. 39 Asansol (M) 10.44 20.02 155,968 183,375 Inclmion of a addition'll villages of A:lansol (Barddhaman) P.S. after 1971. 40 Barddhaman (M) . 22.66 22.6'3 143,318 167,364 Computational error. (Bardhaman) 41 Kalna(M) 5.18 6.47 28,594 35,023 Do. (Barddhaman) 42 Sainthia (NA) 3.37 7.88 15,929 24,031 In 1971 Sainthia was a Non-municipal (Birbhum) town. In 1981 Sainthia has been declared as Notified Area Authority covering some additional villages of Sainthia P.S. 43 Dubrajpur (M) 7.51 16.83 15,797 20,381 Till 1971, Dubrajpur was a Non-municipE>l (Birbhum) town and only after 1971 Dubrajpur had been declared as Municipal town after inclusion of additional areas.

Note: (MC) indicates Municipal Corporation. (M) Municipality. (NA) Notified Area Authority. (NM) Non-municipal Town. A·5-STANDARD URBAN AREAS GENERAL NOTE

(1) I&.tory and deii.nit~n of tbe Standard Urban This covers all extra muniCipal growths such as sub­ Area (SUA), concept including criteria for deli· urbs (industrial and residential), railway colonies, niation of the SUAs. civil lines, cantonments and villages which are likely to be urbanised by 1991. The difference betwee~ th~ The Census organisaCon has been endeavouring to U.A 'and S.U.A is that the former represents the process and pref,cnt census data on certain well de­ actual urban spread at a given poiQt of time, while fined ,;reas, delineated on the basis of a number of the latter represents a larger areal unit which includes physical and demographic characterstics, in response not only the urban units, but also all the surrounding to cvergrow:ng demand of planners, adm:nistrators. and intervening rural areas which are expected to be scholars and others. The introduction of the concept urbanised by 1991 and thus it stands as a constant of town group in 1961 was one such attempt in this statistical reporting unit for three Censuses, $., 1971, direction to provide suitable data on the trend of 1981 and 1991-irrespective of the change in the urbanis.ation. The town group was formed comprising local administrative boundaries of Units within the independent urban units not necessarily cont:guous to limits of SUA. The suitability of the concept of SUA one another. The concept of the town group had some basically lies in the fact that when the limits of exis­ limitations as i: was realised that the data of this unit ting towns change, the S.U.A. area as such is not ex­ became incomparab!e from one Census to another pected to undergo any change. Consequently, the data owing to the changes in areas of the towns, and inter­ generated by the Census for S.U.As become mar€? mediate areas being left out of reckoning. For prepa· mea..'1ingful as it is comparable w:th different decades. ring the master pJan for cifes and towns, the town planners were finding it difficult to assemble census The characteristic feature of the SUA is that it (i) should data for the urban'sablc areas around the urban cen­ have a core town of a minimum populoat:on of tres. In any case the data of the town group were 50,000 (ii) contiguous arOOs made up of other urban not deemed to be much useful for prcparing master as well as rural administrative units should have Close plans for cities and tOV'Lns or for perspective planning mutual socio-economic Hnkages the core town and for urban areas. The Internation:al Geographical Con­ (iii) the probability is that the entire area will get ur­ ference he1d in New Delhi in 1969 emphasized on banised within a period of 2-3 decades. the desirability of evolving a suitable concept which would ensure comparability over space and time and The SUA is normally identified with respect to the help in urban planning. administrative units such as cities, towns or villages encompassed by it. The boundary of a SUA remains coterminous with the administrative boundaries of the This is how the idea of SUA was mooted and this peripheral units. was further developed and refined through discussion in a series of meetings participated by the represen­ Prior to 1971 Census, for delineation of SUA, the tatives of the Ministry of Works and Housing, Town State Town and Country Planning Department with and Country Planning Organisation and the Office of the assistance of the State Directorate of Census Ope­ the Registrar General, India. Thus, in the 1971 rations formulated ten.tative proposals for showing the Census, the concep,t of town group was replaced by urban areas, limits, of cities and towns, and the vil­ two. other concepts, viz., the concept of urban agg,1o­ Jarges and towns on the periphery of the core-city! meration (UA) and the concept of SUA. town which together were to constitute the SUA tract. In identifyin.l! the units of composition of SUA, die The U.A. represents a contiguous urban spread con­ fClllowing yardsticks were conventionally used: stituting a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths or two or more physically contiguous towns together with (a) A core town with a population of 50,000 and contiguous well recognised urban outgrowths, Which above by 1971 Census. may actually fall within the revenue limits of la vil­ lage or villages. These urbanised villages or outgrowths (b) Predominant urban land use. deserve to be reckoned along with the town in (c) Intensive inter-action with the urban centres conformity with the continguous urban spread. In as reflected in commutation for the purposes other words, it may be said that the U.A. represents of work and secondary education facilities; a spatial urban spread at a given time. The extension of city bus services; sales of com­ S.U.A.. on the other hand, is the projected growth modities like milk, daily products, vegc::tables area of a city or town as it would be in 1991. This (other than those transported by rail or take into account not only the towns and villages truckhaul) and purcliase of food-grains, which are expected to get merged with it, but also cloth and general provisions, etc., by tho intervening rural areas which 'are potentially urban. consumers directly. 327 328

(d) Antcipated urban growth as a result of 10- of the State Government and unexpected growth of eational d~cisions relating to industry, mar­ town, it became necessary to ch,ange the boundary of ket, transport 'and communication, adminis- S.U.A. slightly. On the eve of 1>981 Census, 28 fresh trative and servicing functions. S. U.As Jlave been delineated a'll over th~ country which had population of 50,000 or more in 1971 (e) Existence of big villages w;th a large pro­ census but some how eould not be then included. Balur­ portion of wor!<,;ng fprces engaged in non­ ghat S.U.A. in the district of West Dinajpur of our agricultural categories. State is one of the 28 fresh SUAs of the country. It is emp}lasised that this should not give the impression It is clear from the concept that the SUA is a constant that fresh SUAs are required to be deineated during are~l _statistic'al reporting unit and it is not supposed the sllcceeding Censlls of 1981 and there'after in res­ to. ul1dergo any areal change after its initial delinea­ pect of such core towns having population of 50,000 tion. But, in a few cases, in view of the urban policy or mOre at the 1981 Census or subsequently . . (ii) List of SUAs of West Bengal

---. --~ ~--- Sl. Name of S. U. A. Name of district in No. which it is located ------~ 2 3 ----~---~--~-- ---~ -~-~~----

1. Koch Bih,ar Koch Bihar 2. Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri 3. Siliguri Darjiling 4. Rayganj West Dinajpur *5. Balurghat do 6. M".ldah-English Bazar Maldah l' Baharamj:ur Murshidabad 8. 'Krishnanagar-Nabadwip Nadia 9. Santipur do 10. ,Ranaghat do II. ,Bongaon Twenty Four Pargs. 12. Ashoknagar·Habra do 13. ,Basirhat do 14. Calcutta Metropolitan Nadia Twenty Four pargs. Calcutta Haora HugH IS. Kharagpur Medinipur 16. Menidipur do 17. 'Bankura Bankura 18. Puruliya Puruliya 19. Asansol Barddhaman 20. Durgapur do 21. Barddhaman do

----~------Note :- *A ,terisk(*) milrk indicate3 th:lt the Balurghat SUA h:u been delineate1 fresh in 1981 Census.

(~ii) Inset Tabre with Explanatory Note urban component with another urban com­ ponent. According to the concept of SUA which is a dynamic (c) Formation of new towns(s)jOG(s) in 1981 areal spread, it is obvious that the constituent units Census from among the rural components within the SUA tract are supposed to undergo various of the SUA. Changes-both physical and Demographic over the (d) Declassification of constituent towns(s)/ period of 1971-811. The nature of identifiable changes OG(K) oe the SUA. in general at the 1981 Census may be the following: (e) Deurbanisation of a portion of constituent (a) Annexation of viUage(s) wholly Ipartly from urban unit of the SUA. within the SUA tract to one of the urban The following inset table-} shows the changes in con­ components. stituent units of urban components in the SUA in­ cluding change the boundary between 1971-1981 (b) Merger of outgrowths (OGS) lany other and nature and reason(s) of cbanges: 329


U~ba.n Compone.nts in Nature & reasons . _,- >... :.__:_.,.----.J;:.-__:__A_~_.-.-. __.~.- ______-~~ Name 'of' ("7 ---~------of change between Standard Urb,.:' 1971 1981 1971-81 : ''Arcl (Specify)

-....------: ',1 2 5 6 7 8

KOCH BIHAR DISTRICT I .' Koch Biha r (a) Koch Bihar (1\1') R.29 53,684 (a) Koch-Bihar (M) 8.29 62,127 One rural Unit ofl971 (b) Guriahati (NJ\1) 5.10 8,9~0 (h) Kharimala Khari- 3.80 5,200 SUA has been treated . bliri ~ .. as OG in 1981 as (c)' Guriahatl (NM) 5 :10 '12,774 shown at Sl. (b) in col. 5.

Total Urban Groups 13.39 .. 64,6.64 Tolal Urban Group, 17.19 80,101 DISTRICT Siliguri (M) 15.54 97,484 (a) Siliguri (M) 15.54 154,378 Two rural units of (b) Dcbgram (NM) 45.86 76,402 1971 SUA treated as new towns in 1981 (c) Uttar Bagdogra 1. 63 8,708 as shown at 81 (NM) Nos (b) & (c) in col. 5 Tolal Urban Group 15.54 97,484 TptaIUrban Groups 63.03 239,488


3 Balurghar~'" (a') Balurghat{M) 6.37 . lQ4,~ H isa newS.UAin 1981 (b) Chak Bhrigu I. 28 6,390 (OG) (c) ~aidynathpur 0.67 1,585 (OG) Total Urban Groups Total Urban Groups 8.32 112,621 4 Rayganj (a) Rayganj (M) 10.64 43,191 (a) Rayganj (M) 10.64 60,343 One ·rural. unit of f971 ' (b) Kasba (NM) 3.90 6,36~· SUA treated as new town in 1981 'as ... shown at SI. No. Total Urban groups 10.64 . 43,191 Total Urban Groups 14.54 66,705 (b) in Col. '5. MALDAH DJSTRICT 5 Ma~4ah Ertglish' . (a) English Bazar (M) 4.63~ 6t;335 (a) En'glishBazar(M) 4:63 79,010 Two rural units of 1971 'Bazar .. (b) Old Ma1dah (M) 3.24 6,69) (b) ,Old Maldah(M) 3.24 8,579 SUA-one treated as new town & one as (c) ,Thali Jhalia (NM) 1.67 3,359 OG in 1981 as shown at S1. Nos. (c) and (d) Sherpur Makimpur 0.72 2,296 (d) respectively in . (00)' column No.5. Total Urban Group/s/ 7.87 68,026 Total Urban Group 10.26 93,244 1 Rural unit was wholly included in urban but wrongly shown as rural in 1971 SUA. MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT 6 Baharampur (a) BaharampuF (M) 16.19 .72,605 (a) Baharampuc (M) 16: 19" , 92,889 One rural unit of 1971 treated as ':b SUA O.G.in 1981 a~ shown (b). Kashim Bazar. (NM) 2,78. ,6;304 (b) Budharpara (OG) , 048 2,007 atSI. No. (b) in column. 5. (c) Kashim Bazar (NM) 2.78 7,415 2 rural units were shown wrongly in Urban in 1971. They are shown as rural in 1981. Total Urban oreup 18.97 78;909 Tolal Urb:m Group 19.45 102,311 ---- .. ------.-- 330


6 Krishnapr (a) Krishnanagr (M) 15.80 85,923 (a) Krishnanasar (M) 15.80 98,141 Thre.;: rural units of 1971 SUA-2 treated (b) Nabadwip (M) 11.66 94,204 (b) Nabadwip (M) 11.66 109,lOS as O.G. aq shown at SI. Nos. (c) and (d) and one treated as (c) Char Btahma- 1.15 4,256 new town as shown nagar (00) at 81. Nos (f) in (d) Cbar Maijdia column. 5 in 1981. (00) 0.37 4,058 One rural unit has been added to (e) Macshganj (00) 0.28 1,550 SUA 1981 from out of (0 Gadigachha (NM) 2.70 10,828 the SUA limit of 1971 i.e. as OG Ili shown at SI. No. (e) in column No.5. Total Urban Groups 27.46 180,127 Total Urban Groups 31.% 2,279,941 Two rural units of 7 Ranaahat (a) Ranaghat (M) 7.72 47,815 (a) Ranaghat (M) 7.72 58,356 1971 SUA shown at S. Nos. Cc) and (el (b) Nasra (OG) 3.12 6,265 in Col. 5 treated town as O.G. and new (c) Satigachha (O.G.) 1. 36 3,438 respectively in 1981 Two rural units IU (d) Ranaghat (OG) 2.94 2,928 shown at Sl. Nos. (b) and (d) in col. 5 (e) Aistala (NM) 2.94 12,757 have been added to 1971 SUA in 1981 being 00 of Rana- ghat U.A. Total Urban Groups 7.72 47,815 Total Urban Groups 18.08 83,744 TWE.NTY FOUR PARGANAS DISTRIcr 8 Ashoke Napr (a) Habra (NM) 12.64 51,435 (a) Habra (M) 17.52 74,434 Area ChanfCS due to Habra (b) Ashokenagar 7.56 55,176 Computational error (b) AshoKenagar Kalyan- 7.50 41,916 Kalyangarh (M) 7.56 55,176 in 1971. garh(M) Total Urban Groups 20.14 93,351 Total Urban Groups 25.08 1,29,610 2 rural units of 1971 SUA incouded in Urban area in 1981 CALCU'ITA DISTRIcr Habra (M). 9 Calcutta Metropo- Sub Unit-II !itan (a) South Dum-Dum (M) 15.19 174,342 (a) South Dum Dum 15.49 230,266 Four ruzal units of (M) 1971 SUA-2 treated (b) Kamarhati (M) 10.96 169,404 (b) Kamarhati (M) 10.96 234,951 as new town, is shown at Sl. No. (a) (c) Baranagar (M) 7.12 136,842 (c) Baranagar (M) 7.12 170,343 and (n) in col. 5 and 2 treated as 00 (d) North Dum-Dum(M) 15.60 63,873 (d) North Dum Dum 19.42 96,418 as shown at SI. Nos. (0) and (q) Ce) Dum Dum (M) 0.20 31,363 (e) Dum Dum (M) 3.11 33,604 in col. 5 in 1981. (f) Sultanpur (NM) 3.05 21,852 (f) Sultanpur (NM) 3.0S 29,176 (g) Krishnapur (NM) 9.12 14,905 (g) Krishnapur (NM) 9.12 25,277 (h) Jyanagra (NM) 1.96 10,009 (h) Jyangra (NM) 1. 96 17,803 Ci) Arjunpur (NM) 0.82 8,446 (i) Gopalpur (NM) 5.71 15,160 Ul Garui (NM) 1.23 6,526 (j) Arjunpur (NM) 0.82 12,038 (k) Bisarpara (NM) 1.92 5,438 (k) Garui (NM) 1.23 10,278 0) Bandra (NM) 0.69 4,704 (I) Bisarpara (NM) 1.99 9,930 (m) Dum-Dum Aero- (m) Bandra (NM) 0.69 7,678 drome Area (NM) 7.12 4,234- (n) Raghunathpur 0.85 7,672 (NM) (0) Mandalganti 0.52 4,836 (O.G.) (p) Dum Dum Aero· drome Area (NM) 7.12 Kaikhali (O.G.) 0.78 3,159 Total Urban Groups 74.98 651,938 Total Urban Groups 89.87 908,589 331

INSET TABLE-l-collld.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sub Unit-Ill

(a) Bldhall Nagar 15 54 33,175 One lural Unit a~ Tl'WI1ship (NM) ~hown in 1971 Salt Lake has been Totd! UI ban GIOUp, 10tal Urban Groups 15 54 33,175 treated as new (own in 1981. 5 rural units of 1971 SUA included 111 Urban in 198{ Sub Unit-IV (a) Kasba (NM) 4 92 23,728 (a) Jadavpur (M) 40.00 251,968 8 NOll - municipal towns i e. Kasba, (b) GMfa (NM) 1.97 22.819 (b) Laskarpur (NM) 1.43 10,359 Garfa, Bansdroni, Santoshpur, Raja­ Cc) Ban,droni (NM) 2.33 16,411 Ccl Kumara Khali (OG) 1.53 4,2.02 pur, Bademasar. Kamdahari and Cd) Santo,hpur (NM) 1 32 16,004 (d) Sri pur Bagilargho! 2 00 8,699 Chakdaha arc merg­ (NM) ed with newly (e) Rajapur (NM) 1.50 14,660 created Jadvapur(M) in 1981. (f) Jadavpur (NM) 0.57 12,685 3 rural units of 1971 SUA-2 treated (g) Bademasar (NM) 0.69 12,288 as town as shown. at Sl. No. (b) and (h) Kamdhari (NM) 1.24 9,722 (d) and I as OG as ~hown at SI. No. (e.) (i) Chakdaha (NM) 0.85 6,217 in col. 5 in 1981. One [ural unit i e. village Nayabad J.L­ No. 24 of Jadvab pur P.S. (old) has been added to SUA of 1971 in 1981 as constituent units of Jadavpur (M) 16 rural unit of 1971 SUA included in urban in 1981. Total Urban Groups 15.39 134,534 Total Urban Groups 44.96 275,228 Sub Unit-V 4) South Subarban (M) 30 38 272,600 (a) South Suburban 30.38 378,765 I Non-municipal tOWll (M) i.e. Purba Putiari h (b) Garden Reach (M) 12.95 154,913 (b) GopaJpur (O.G.) 3.44 16,151 merged with newly created Jadavpur (c) Panchur (NM) 7.87 59,021 (cl Garden Reach (M) 12.9'5 191,]07 (M) (Sub-unit IV). Cd) Jagannath Garh (NM) 2.81 11,922 (d) Panchur(NM) 7.87 51,223 5 rural units. of (e) Purba Putiari (NM) 0.96 5,584 (e) Jagannath Garh 2 9! 16,134 1971 SUA-3 treated a5 shown as shown (f) Noapar

INSET TABLE-l-coll(d.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~------~- -_------(k) Mahiari (NM) 2.12 9,821 1 fural unit of 197 1 SUA-i.e. Kona J.L. (I) Mrigala (NM) 3.98 9,112 No.7 of Liluah P.S. (m) Monohorpur (NM) 2.14 8,019 has been included in (n) Dakshin Jhapara- 4.30 8,158 Haom(MC)in 1981. daha (NM) (0) Jogadishpur (NM) 4.59 7,150 3 Urban units outside Cp) Chamrail (OG) 3.52 4,425 the 1971 SUA as (q) Bipra Noapai(NM) 2.40 6,171 shown at SI. N05. (i) (r) Kotrung (NM) 3.76 4,769 (n) and (5) in oJ. 5 (5) Makardha (NM) 1.71 4,729 have been added (r) Kotrung (NM) (0 1971 SUA ill Mokardha (MM) 1981. Total Urban Groups 46.00 206,109 Total Urban Groups 24.26 337,574

Sub-Unit -VII (a) Hooghly Chinsurah 15.54 105,241 (a) Hug1i Chinsurah 16.06 125,193 8 rural units of 1971 (M) (M) SUA-2 treated as new (b) Bansberia (M) 9.07 61,748 (b) Narayanpur (O.G.) 0.53 2,137 town as shown at SI. Nos. (i) and (k) and (c) Kodalia,(O.G.) 0.69 1,588 6 treated as O.G. as shown at SI. No. (b), Cd) Bansberia (M) 9.07 77,020 (c) and (e), (f), (g) & (h) in col. 5 in 1981. (e) Chak Bansberia 1.55 4,954 (O.G) (f) Sankha Nagar 0.73 4,366 (O.G.) 1 New town as shown at SI. No. (m) in (g) Bara Khejuria (0. 0.66 1,294 col. 5 has beell G.) created with parts of (h) Khamarpara (OG) 1.87 947 4 villages i.c. Gharpur J. L. 32, (i) Keota (NM) 3.79 9,997 Uttar Hazipur J.L. No. 33, Benipur J.L. (j) Raghu Nathpur (NM) 2.03 8,150 No. 34, and Amod­ gha1a J. L. No. 40 (k) Naldanga (NM) 1 .84 7,766 of l\1ogra P.S. of Hugli district which (I) Madlmsl1danpur 1 .57 5,436 were rural units of (NM) 1971 SUA. (m) Bandel Thermal 1.07 678 2 rural II lits oubidc POWl"f Project Town the 1971 ::iUA treated (NM) at SI. Nos. (j) and (I) in col. 5 in 1981 which are the cons· tituent V'1its of Cal­ cutta U.;\. in 1981. Total Urban Groups 24.6i 166,989 Totai Urban Groups 41.46 349,526

Sub Unit-VIII

(a) Naihati (M) 4.35 82,080 (a) i\.lihati (M) 4.35 11.1,607 6 1l1l.:!1 u ,it> of 1971 (b) Kanchapara (M) 9.07 78,768 (b) Hali51har (M) 8.28 95,579 SUA-a:J treated a, (c) Halisahar (M) 14.24 68,906 Cc) B"l]ibahar (O.G.) 1 82 3,787 OG,

[NSET TABLE-I- conld. ------_---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Suo Unit-IX (a) 5erampur (M) 5.88 102,023 (a) 5erampur (M) 5.88 177,304 rural unit of 1971 SUA shown (b) Chandan Nagar 9.66 75,238 (b) Chandan nagar 9 66 101,925 at SI. No. (g) in (MC) (Me) col. 5 has been (c) Rishra (M) 3.24 63,486 (c) Rishra (M) 6.48 81,001 trealed as new town in 1981. (d) Champdani (M) 6.47 58,596 (d) Champdani (M) 6.47 76,138 (e) Baidyabati (M) 9.06 54,130 (e) Baidyabati (M) 9 06 70,573 (f) Bhadraswar (M) 6.47 45,586 (f) Bhadraswar (M) 6.4R 58,858 (g) Khalisani (NM) 2.35 7,484 Total Urb:m Groups 40.78 399,059 Tutal Urban Gr()up~. 46 38 523,283 Sub Unit-X (a) Bhatpara (M) 11. 96 204,750 (a) Bhatpara (M) 11 96 260,761 4 rurdl unit, of 1971 SUA as shown (b) Barrackpur (M) 11.65 96,889 (b) Sthirpara (O.G.) 2.10 3,454 at 51. Nos. (b), (c), (c) Nerth Barrackpur 8.42 76,335 (c) Rahuta (O.G.) 1.79 1,204 Ce) and (I) in col. 5 (M) have been trealed as OG., in 1981. (d) Garulia (M) 3.88 44,275 (d) Barrackpur (M) 11. 65 115,253 (e) Ichhapur Defence 2.31 11,975 (c) Jafarpur (0.0.) 1. 98 263 Estate (NM) (f) Gurdaha (NM) 1.64 6,518 (f) North Barakpur (M) 8.42 81,758 2 urban units of 1971 (g) Madrail Fingapara 3.96 6,236 (g) Garulia (M) 6.48 57,061 SUA shown there as (NM) (h) Barrackpur Can­ 3.68 19,900 Barrackpur Air field tonment and Palta Water (h) Pan pur (NM) 3.71 5,126 Work> were actually (i) Narayanpur (NM) 1.52 2,841 (i) Ichhapore Defence 2.31 10,452 included in North Estate (NM) Barrackpur (M). So (j) Barrackpur Canton- 3.68 25,031 (j) Fingapara (NM) 3.96 9,252 the~e have been ment (k) Gurdaha (NM) 1.64 8,394 dropped from urban (I) Kaugachhi (O.G.) 1.83 7,656 unils in 1981. (m) Panpur (NM) . 3.71 5,900 (n) Narayanpur (O.G.) 1. 52 3635 Total Urban Groups 52.73 479,972 Total Urban Groups 63.03 5,84,943 Sub Unit-XI (a) Panihati (M) 19.43 148,046 (a) Panihati (M) 19.40 205,718 2 rural units of (b) Titagarh (M) 3.24 88,218 (h) Titagarh (M) 3.24 104,534 1971 SUA-l as (c) New Barrackpur (M) 2.90 32,512 (c) Barasat(M) 20.25 66,504 shown at 51. No. (j) (d) Khardaha(M) 3.88 32,302 Cd) Ramrkishnapur 0.52 3,082 in col 5 treated as (O.G.) new town in 1981 and 1 treated as O.G. as shown at SI. No. (e) Madhyam gram(NM) 9.71 31,629 (e) Madhyam Gram 9.71 47,914 (d) in col. 5 in 1981. (NM) (f) Nabapally (NM) 7.85 21,455 (f) New Barrackpur 17.17 46,530 1 Urban unit as (M) shown at SL. (c) in (g) Patulia(NM) 2.03 8,338 (g) Khardaha(M) 4.20 45,251 col. 5 was inadver­ (h) Kerulia (NM) 0.51 4,377 (It) NabapaUy(NM) 7.85 31,809 tently kept out­ (i) Patulia(NM) 2.03 9,465 side 1971 SUA, but (j) Bandipur(NM) 2.06 7,324 in 1981 it has been (k) Kerulia (NM) 0.51 4,951 included. 2 rural uniti of 119 1971 SUA included in Urban area in 1981. Total Urban Groups 49.55 366,877 Total Urban Groups 86.94 573,082 Sub Unit-XII (I) Uluberia(NM) 5.03 20,095 (1) U1uberia(NM) 5.03 25,395 11 rural units of (2) Chengai1(NM) 4.04 19,845 (2) Kotaighata(OG) 1.05 3,498 1971 SUA-7 treat­ (3) Fort Gloster(NM) 2.36 18,261 (3) Fort Glostar(NM) 2.36 21,411 ed as OGs as shown at SL. No~ (2), (5), (4) Sarenga(NM) 4.35 11,516 (4) Chak Madhu (OG) 0.79 3,304 (7) (11), (16), (17) (NM) & '(22) in col. 5 (5) Sankrail(NM) 2.82 11,300 (5) Khaskhamar 0.52 2,234 in 1981 and 4 treat­ (OG) ed as new town as (6) Kalara (NM) 4.64 11 ,007 (6) Chengail(NM) 4.04 19,593 shown at SI. Nos. (21), (25), (27) and (7) Bauria (NM) 3.03 11,610 (7) Sijberia(OG) 1. 34 4,786 (29) in col. 5 in 1981 --- -. - ----"------_._---- 86.MIP(D)42DCO C\I.- 22(a) 334

INSET TADLE-l- contd.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (8) Banupur(NM) 0.52 9,301 (S) Sankrail(NM) 2.82 19,326 1 rural unit out side (9) Mamckpur(NM) 2.41 9,301 (9) Kalara(NM) 4.64 15,514 the 1971 SUA treat­ (10) Panchla (NM) 4.51 7,317 (10) Sarenga(NM) 4.35 15,182 ed as OG as shown 0\) Dhuilya(NM) 2.43 6,'il19 (\ 1) Chak Sri Kn­ OA9 1,959 at SI. No.4-in co\. 5 shna(O.G.) in 1981 and added to (12) Banitabla(NM) 3.08 6,496 (12) Manickpur(NM) 2.41 14,873 1971 SUA in 1981 as (13) M'lsila(NM) 2.33 5,767 (13) Panchla(NM) 4.51 14,657 comtituent of Cal­ cutta UA. (14) Burikhali(NM) 1.86 5,527 (14) Banupur(NM) 0.52 12,294 1 rural unit of 1971 (15) I'odara(NM) 1. 54 4,051 (15) Jhorhat(NM) 1.45 12,293 SUA included in (16) Andul(NM) 0.52 3,602 (16) Hatgacha(O.G.). 0.61 4,091 Urban in 1981. (17) Jhorhat(NT\1) 1.45 63,79 (l7) Kamranga(O.G.) 0.45 2,974 (IS) Bawria(NM) 3.03 12,264 (19) Dhuilya(NM) 2.43 10,252 (20) Banitabla(NM) 3.08 8,979 (21) Panchpara(NM) 1.92 8,924 (22) Chak Radha Dasi(O.G.) 0.50 799 (23) Mashila(NM) 2.33 7,552 (24) Podara(NM) 1.54 7,499 (25) Ragbudebbati (NM) 2.15 7,400 (26) Burikhali(NM) 1.86 6,837 (27) Ramchandrapur (NM) 1.52 6,273 (2S) Andul(NM) 0.52 4,797 (29) Santosh Pur(NM) 1.14 4,602

Total Urban Groups 46.92 167,174 Total Urban Groups 59.40 279,562 Sub Unit-XliI Ca) Budge Budge(M) 7.77 51,039 (a) Budge Budge(M) 9.06 66,424 6 rural units of (b) NanE;i (NM) 6.91 47,555 (b) Kalipur(O.G.). 0.99 3,9%0 1971 SUA-I, trea­ (c) Uttar RaYPUl(NM) 5.32 11,713 (c) Nangi(NM) 6.91 54,035 ted as 00 as (d) Batanagar(NM) 1.22 9,108 (d) Batanagar(NM) 2.09 15,291 shown at SL. Ncs. (e) Krishnagat(NM) 1.35 6,445 (e) Tentulkhali (b), (e), (i) & (k) (0.0.) 0.40 2,721 in col. 5 in 1981 (f) Uttar Raypur(NM) 5.32 13,980 and 2 treated as new towns shown (g) Chata Kalikapur 5.66 11,OS2 at SL. Nos. (g) and (NM) (j) in col. 5 in 1981. (h) Krishnagar(NM) 1. 35 7,328 One rural unit of (i) Jalkhura(O.G.). 1.06 4,916 1971 SUA in- (j) Chandannagar cluded in urban (NM) 0.79 4,184 in 19SI-Batanagar (1<) Memanpur(O.G.). 0.92 4,694 (NM). '1 <'ld III b"n Grollp~ 22 51 125,860 Total Urban Groups 34.55 188,635 Sub U/,it·XIV (a) RaJllul (M) 20.98 34,393 (p) Rajpur(M) 20.98 43,985 2 rural nnits of (b) Baruipur(M) 9.07 20,501 (b) Chauhati (0.0.) 1.44 4,628 1971 SUA treated (c) Chak Harinavi as O.G.s as shown (O.G.) 0.63 1,483 at SI. Nos. (b) and (d) Baruipur(M) 9.07 26,229 (c) in col. 5 in 1981. (e) Sonarpur (NM) 2.10 10,638 1 rural unit out­ side the 1971 SUA as shown at SI. No. (e) in col. 5 has been treated as new town added to \97\ SUA in 1981 as constitu­ ent unit of Calcutta U.A. One rural unit shown in 1971 as marged with town wrongly. This has been treated as rural in 1981. Total Urban GrollP~ 30.05 54,894 Total Urban Gronps 34 22 86,963 335

INSET TABLE-I-conc!a. ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------_------Sub Unit-XV (a) Haora (Me) 61. 50 737,877 (al H[lOra (MC) 51.74 7·!-4,,;:::» Bally (M) wa~ mer· (b) Bally (M) 11. ti I In.735 s·cu \> ilh Haora (MC) in 1971, but in 198J it i'i shown a \ in(.:ependent town. Total Urban Groups 61.50 737,877 Total Urban Group 63.55 892,164 MEDINrpUR DISTRICT 10 Kharagpur Kharagpur City 33.38 161,257 Kharagpur(M) 90.65 150,475 Kllaragpur Rly. Kharagpur Rly. Settlement (NM) Settlement(N\1) 32_37 82,100 was part of Kha- fagpur City ill 1971. but it is show 11 as independent to 1981. 7 rural units of i 971 SUA included in Urban in 1981. ::: rural ullit shown in lJrb:ll1 in 1971 SUA wrongly. These have been shown as rural in 1981. Total Urban Group 33.38 161,257 Total Urban Group 123.02 232,575 BARDDHMAN DISTRICT

11 Asansol 1 Asansol(M) 10.44 155,968 1 Asansol(M) 20.02 183,375 21 rUlal units of 2 Outer Burnpur(NM) 11.68 56,900 2 Kalipahari (O.G.) 2.47 3,664 1971 SUA-12treat 3 Raniganj(M) 4.79 40,104 3 Outer Burnpur(M) 11.68 E6,803 eJ. as new towns as 4 KuIti (NM) 7.90 29,665 4 Raniganj(M) 4.79 48,702 shown at SI. No', 5 Burnpur(NM) 7.77 28,924 5 Sahebganj(O.G.) 1.66 2,927 (10), (16). (22), (24), 6 Barakar(NM) 3.24 14,624 6 Kuiti(NM) 7.90 41,323 (28), (30), (32), 7 Niamatpur(NM) 6.45 12,680 7 Burnpur(NM) 7.77 30,901 (33), (35), (36), 8 DisergarhCNM) 4.81 10,084 8 Naba Ghanadi(OG) 1.64 7,310 (37) and (38) in col. 9 Jemari(NM) 4.24 6,433 9 Barakar(NM) 3.24 17,476 5 in 1981 and 9 10 Sarakdi Nadiha treated as O.Gs as (Sen Rorleigh Towmhip) 5.90 ,. 5,786 10 Siarsol(NM) 8.52 J () ~36 shown at sl. Nos. 11 Niamatpur(NM) 6.45 15,231 (2) (5) (8) (12), 12 Sitaranipur(O.G.) 0.64 2,546 (14) (17), (25). (31) 13 Dishergarh(NM) 4.81 13,182 and (34) in col. 5 14 Panra(O.G.) 0.89 817 in 1981. 15 Sripur (t-{M) 4.12 12,372 7 rural unils out­ 16 Chinakuri (NM) 4.09' , 12,355 ~ide the 1971 Sl.JA- 17 Bejdihi(O.G.) 2.73 4,927 3 treated as new 18 Jamuria(NM) 6.22 12,350 towns as shown, at 19 DamodarPur(O.G.) 1. 30 3,210 SJ. Nos. (18), (26) 20 Kaithi (O.G.) 2.20 3,131 and (29) in col. 5 21 Sarakdi Nadiha (NM) 5.90 9,661 and 4 treated as 22 Ninga (NM) 3.86 9,635 OGs as shown 23 Jemari (NM) 4.24 9,596 at SI. Nos. (15) 24 Bagra (NM) 3.40 8,333 19, (20), and 27 in 25 Satgram(O.G.) 3.88 5,629 col. 5 have been 26 Bhanwara(NM) 4.11 8,258 added to 1971 SUA .. 27 Charanpur(O.G.) 2.63 3,314 in 1981 as consti­ \28 Petarna(NM) 0.45 7,940 tuent units of ex­ 29 Pariharpur(NM) 5.29 7,101 tended Asansol U.A. 30 Sitalpur(NM) 1.85 6,731 31 Asanbanri(O.G.) 0.85 5,314 32 Ballavpur(NM) 1.67 6,606 One rural unit 33 Amkula(NM) 3.01 6,423 shown as urban in 34 MurgathauI(O.G.) 2.18 7,158 1971 wrongly. This 35 Raghun"lth has been shown as Chak(NM) 0.87 5,062 rural in 1981. 36 Lalbazar(NM) 2.01 4,720 37 Ramnagar(NM) 1.67 3.572 3 rural units which 38 Nimcha (NM) 3.85 2,329 'Were included in urban area shown !is rural wrongly III 1971. Total Urban Groups 67.22 361,168 Total Urban Groups 152.86 631,320 _-- --_._------~~------Note : In case of Bankura (M) and Barddhaman(M) tht!re is a change in area figures reported in 1971, if c,?mpared with 198ft fi~UJ~~ In the formar case the change is due to inclusion of additional area in the statutory town whereas III the Jatter case I to computational error. 336

The above in~ct table-1 has been prepared for only ponents! of c~ange in a_rea figures and of change in those SUAs in \\hich change in status of the consti­ populatIon WhICh have taken place during the decade tuent urban units or change in their boundary has 1971-81. taken place during the decade 1971-81. In column 1 of the inset table 1, the name of SUAs have been The reasons for changes in the boundaries of the shown and in column 2 and 5 the names of the urb'an mban sectors of the SUAs have been clearly described component have been provided according to the frame in column 8 of the above inset tabe-1. In maximum of SUAs in 1971 and 1981 respectively with status cases it will be noticed that a considerable number of in abreviation in brackets. In colmuns 3 and 6 area rural units of 1971 SUA tracts have become urbani­ figures of each component and total urb'an group for sed in 1981 being treated as new towns, outgrowths 1971 and 1981 have been shown respectively and the ur being included in 1971 existing towns. population figures for the same units for 1971 and 1981 have becn provided in column 4 and 7 respec­ The extent of urbanisation within the limits of 1971 tively. SUA tracts can be studied from the figures at a glance provided in the following inset table-2 prepared on From this inset table-l the readers will easily make an the basis of the descriptions of reasons shown in inset idea of the extent of ch,ange in number of urban com- table-I.


Showing the nature of changes in number of components of 1971 SUA in 1981 (Urban Components only). --~- --- SI. Name orS.U.A. No. of rural units of 1971 SUA included No. of rural units outside the 1971 SUA No. of No. of No. m 1971 town or created in 1981 as added to 1981 as Urban 1971 Urlnn .- r- _.A._ .., units out- units of New O.G. Included Total New O.G. Included Total side 1971 1971 SUA Town in town Town in town of SUA merged 1971 1971 added with other to 1981 towns

... ~----- ~------~~~~------_--_ ----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _---10 11 12 WEST BENGAL (ALLSUAs) 41(4) 52 45 138(4) 6 8 15 4 10 1 Koch Bihar 1 2 Siliguri 2 2 3 Rayganj 4 Maldah English Bazar 1 1 3 5 Baharampur 1 1 6 Krishnanagar- Nabadwip 1 2 3 1 7 Ranaghat 1 1 2 2 2 8 Ashoknagar-Habra 2 2 9 Calcutta Metropoli- tan 23(4) 37 32 92(4) 3 5 4 10 (a) Sub Unit II 2 2 4 (b) Do. m 5 6 (c) Do. IV 2 16 19 8 (d)- Do_ V 3 2 5 (e) Do. VI 4 2 7 3 (f) Do. VII 3(4) 6 9(4) 2 2 (g) Do. VIII 6 6 12 (II) Do. IX 1 (i) Do. X 4 4 (j) Do. XI 1 2 4 (k) Do. XII 4 7 12 (I) Do. XIII 2 4 7 (111) Do. XIV 2 2 10 Kharagpur 7 7 Il Asan~ol 12 9 3 24 3 4 7 ----

Note: (1) This inset table has been prepared with reference to the descriptive note on reasons of changes of col. 8 of inset Table-l (2) The figures within brackets in col. 3 and 6 indicate number of part villages included in urban area in 1981. 337

The above: in<;ct table-2 reveals that as many as 138 villuges, 41 including 4 part villages have been treated villages (rural units including 4 part villages of the as non-municipal lowns for the first lime in 1981, 1971 SUAs in the State of West Bengal 'as a whole while 52 villages have been treated as outgrowths and have been treated either as new towns or outgrowths, 45 villages have been included In 1971 existing towns. or included in 1971 existing towns due to their en­ compassing the adjoining areas, Of the 138 villages, 15 villages which were outside the 1971 SUA tracts the share of Calcutta Metropolitan SUA is to the ex­ have been added to the 1971 SUAs in 1981 in the t.:nr of 92, while that of Asansol SUA is to the ex­ whole of West Bengal being treated as new towns or tent of 24. It proves how quickly the village encom­ outgrowths or included in 1971 existing towns. these passed by the 1971 SUAs are getting urbanised. It is villages being treated as urban units in 1981 have been ~iglljficant that Ca]cuCa Metropolitan SUA has spread included in 1981 SUA being the constituent units of one over the areas mostly OIf the districts of Nadia, Twenty or other urb,an agglomerations (UA). The number of Four Pargun3s, Haora and Hugli bes de Calcutta dist­ urban units which were outside the 1971 SUAs, but rict which is entirely urban area, and Asansol SUA is included in 1981 SUA being the constituent units of spread over the industrial belt and coal mining areas one or other UAs is to the extent of 4 only, 10 towns where the vilages are getting urbanised with a quicker of 1971 SUAs have been merged with one or other space. towns in 1981 Census. The figures within brackets indicate the parts of the The following inset table-3 shows rural-urban com­ numb::-r of viII3gcs have been U1 banised. Of the 138 ponents of the SUAs in 1971 and 1981.

INSET TABLE-3 Sl10wingthe comparative Statement of rural and urban components oftheSUAsfor 1971 and 1981

--- -~-_-- .----~--- -.-----~------.~---~------Number of rural Number of Urban components in components in SI. Name of S. U.A. Name of District in which the No. the SUA is located 1971 1981 1971 1981

-----~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 - -_------~------WEST BENGAL-ALL SUAs 812. 68S 131 2.35 1 Koch Bihar Koch Bihar 5 4 2 3 2 Jalpaiguri Jaipaiguri 1 3 Siliguri Darjiling 3S 33 3 4 Balurghat (New SUA) West Dinajpur ~. 3 3 5 Rayganj Do. S 4 I 2 6 Maldah English Bazar Maldah 12 9 2 4 7 Baharampur Murshidabad 16 17 2 3 8 Krishnanagar-Nabadwip Nadia 22 19 2 6 9 Ranaghat Nadia 13 11 1 5 10 Santipur Nadia 7 7 1 1 II Ashok Nagar-Habra Twenty Four Parganas 7 5 2 2 12 Bat1gaon Do. 9 9 13 Basirhat Do. 10 10 14 Calcutta Metropolitan Nadia, Twenty Four Parganas, Calcutta, Haora, and Hu&li 475 385 98 155 15 Kharagpur Medinipur 22 17 1 2 16 Medinipur Medinipur 11 11 1 17 Bankura Bankura 12 12 18 Puruliya PuruJiya 5 5 19 Asansol Barddhaman 123 100 10 38 20 Barddhaman Barddhaman 14 14 1 21 Durgapur Barddhaman 8 9 - _-- _------Notes : (1) Rural units each in part have been included in urban in 1981. (2) 7 Rural units wrongly included in urban in 1971. they have been treated as rural unit in 1981. (3) 3 Rural units have been added newly as constituent of Balurghat SUA, new SUA in 1981. 338

The above inset table-3 indicates that th~e were 812 occupied residential hOUl>es, number of houaeholds, rural units in 1971 as against 685 in 1981 in whole populati(lll with householls and popUlation with sex of West Bengal. It means as many :as 127 rural units break-up for 1he houseless l>CX break-up, and institu­ have been urbanised during the decade 1971-81, tional households, etc., for each component of the but in inset table-2 it is noticed that 138 rural units standard urban Area (SUA) have been presented in have been urbansed. The discrepancy of 11 is due to this table. The popu]\ation shown in colUl1ln 16 and fact that 4 rural units each partly have been included 17 are the adjusted population figures of 1981 and in Urban, while 7 rural units which were wrongly 1971 with reference to the territOlial changes accoun­ shown as urban in 1971 have been actually shown as ted for in 1981 Census. rural in 1981. The tab1e also indicates-that the number In 1971 there were 20 SUAs in the State of West of towns nas increased to 235 in 19~1 from 131 in 1971. ' Bengal, while in 1981 there are 21 S.U.A.s with the addition of Balurghat SUA in the district of West (iv) Fly Leaf and Explanatory Note to A-5 Table Dinajpur in 1981. For facilities for easy identification of the components of Cakutta Metroplitan S U.A. This table cortesponds to A-V table of 1971 with wh:.ch spread over the distr.cts of Nada, Twenty Four only change that 1971· table contained total' popula­ Parganas, Calcutta and Hugli, the Calcutta Metropoli­ tion of 1951, 1961 and 1971 in columns 16, 17 and tan S.U.A. has been divided jnto 15 sub-units. In 18 respectively, while in 1981 they contam the total case of rural components of the USAs, the names populaton of 1961, 1971 and 1981. In tms table the of Police Stations in which the villages are lOCated basic data, such as, area in Km2, density, number of have been noted in column 2 of the table.


All SUAs of West Bengal

------_ -~-_ _- - -_- Houseless Institutional Year Total Area in No.ofOccu- No. of Population r---.A.----, Rural Sqr. Kms. pled Resdential Households House- Po pula- House· Popu\a- Urban Houses holds tlons holds tions.

------~----_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1981 T 2,970.15 2.549.501 2,587,541 13.789.498 23,633 81,009 22,398 254,006 R 1,286,95 251,510 253,118 1,423,067 702 3,126 709 9,227 U 1,683,20 2,297.991 2,333,823 112,366,431 22,931 77,883 21,689 244,779

1971 T 2,724,32 1,935,644 2,143,133 10,588,235 35,117 66,052 44,461 265,715 R 1,527,79 253,294 277,228 1,028,737 1,304 4,455 1,574 7,781 U 1,196,53 1,682,350 1,865,905 9,559,498 33,813 61,597 42,887 257,934

Decadal Percentage of growth rate (1971-1981) T +9.02 +31.71 +20.74 +30.23 -32.70 -"-22.64 -49.62 -4.41 R -15.76 -0.70 - 8.48 +38.33 - 46.17 -29.83 -54.96 +18.58 U +40.46 +36.59 +25.08 +29.36- -32.18 +2644 -4943 -5 10

It is evident from the above Statement that the total· of 1971. Population in 'all area have substantially in­ area has increased by 9.02% during the decade


This table gives the area, density, number of occu­ pied residential houses, number of households and the popu'lation by sex of 1981 for Standard Urban Areas and their rural and urban components. It also provides the population of 1961 and 1971 Censuses for each Standard Urban Area and its rural and urban components, hence it will facilitate for comparison of growth of population of the Standard Urban Ar$S between the two decades, i.e .. 1961-1971 and 1971- 1981. This table also contains the Houseless and Insti­ tutional households and their population by sex in such areas. New Standard Urban Areas have been in­ dicated by an asterisk (*) in this table.


URllAN AREAS-contd.

-- -~-.- -_------Total POI)ulation (Induding Institutional Institutional Population & Houseless Population) Population during 1961·1981 ~ ______A____ ~ ___., , ______-----A- r------..A..------, ., No. of Males Fema!e~ No. of households Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

---- -~------~------. ----- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------~--

22,398 227,2(;9 26,797 2,587,541 7,599,524 6,189,974 8,311,964 10,588,235 13,789,498 21,6R~ 219,750 25,029 2,333,823 6,850,563 5,515,868 7,512,092 9,559,498 12,366,431 709 7,459 1,768 253,718 748,961 674,106 799,872 1,028,737 1,423,067

64 1,013 255 17,759 52,387 49,367 55,275 79,978 101,754 (57.331)* (80,874)·

62 992 140 10,875 32,053 30,074 41,922 53,684 62,127 946 2,679 2,521 5,200 2,245 6,584 6,190 8,980 12,774 62 992 140 14,066 41,316 38,785 41,922 62,664 80,101

3 1,624 4,741 4,414 5,178 7,591 9,155 976 2,998 2,878 3,183 4,935 5,876

18 115 362 1,042 1,134 2,132 1,768 2,176 731 2,290 2,156 2,860 3,020 4,446 2 21 115 3,693 11,071 10,582 13,353 17,314 21,653 (15,409)* (18,210)*

80 804 478 19,073 55,412 51,067 71,920 89,421 106,479

60 656 420 11,197 32,204 29,539 48,738 55,159 61,743 60 656 420 11,197 32,204 29,539 48,738 55,159 61,743

20 148 58 7,876 23,028 21,528 23,182 34,262 44,736 20 148 58 7,876 23,208 21,528 23,182 34,262 44,736

338 3,220 243 54,844 156,471 128,134 87,781 117,322 284,605 (102,265)* ( 161,805)*

276 2,556 212 28,938 86,074 68,304 65,471 97,484 154,378 56 630 27 15,030 41,003 35,399 76,402 5 25 4 2,095 4,898 3,810 8,708 337 3,211 243 46,063 131,975 107,513 65,471 97,484 239,488

412 1,081 871 1,884 Merged with 1,952 other Mouza 225 618 525 428 1,143 365 987 859 916 1,608" 1,846 136 324 332 112 60 656

110 258 189 271 Merged with 447 other Mouza 131 377 288 397 665

1 9 138 337 298 174 635

~ ~ - - ~ ------342


No. of State/District Sandard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- Occupied Houseless Population Component Units Status Km' tion per Residen- r----- _.A. __ ------., Km' tial No. of Houses H· ,usehold~ Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(8) Raja Jhar (J.L. No. 101) 2.29 449 179 (9) Bharat Sing (J.L. No. 102) 0.82 357 53 (10) Ranidinga (J.L. No. 103) 2.31 898 429 (11) Sia Bhita (J.L. No. 104) 2.45 417 177 (12) Rangapani (J.L. No .. 105) 2.29 496 211

Siliguri P.S. ""'(1) Bairatisal 0.1. No. 70) 2.54 2,723 1,272 .,,(2) Bara Mohan Sing 2.90 817 434 N.A. NA. (1.L. No. 71) ./ (3) Kama Kheri (J.L. No. 72) 0.81 954 157 N_A. N_A. (4) Pelku (J.L. No. 73) 1.21 541 141 N.A. N.A. (5) Thiknikata (J.L. No. 74) 1.24 809 228 N.A. N.A. (6) Kanakhali (J.L. No. 75) 1.82 837 402 N.A. N.A. (7) Kalam O.L. No. 76) 1.95 108 51 N.A. N.A. (8) Paliram (J.L. No. 77) 1. 96 809 280 N.A. (9) Jornba (J.L. No. 78) 1.45 531 149 N.A. (10) Mathapari (J.L. No. 79) 2.06 1,231 504 N.A. (11) Matigara Hat (J.L. No. 80) 0.29 6,355 307 N.A. (12) Gourcharan (J.L. No. 81) 2.34 642 373 N.A. _j(13) Mandlaguri (J.L. No. 85) 2.13 501 117 N.A. (14) Ujanu (J.L. No. 86) 2.24 1,963 853 N.A.

Phansidewa P.S. (1) Raghunath Chhat 0.22 668 23 (J.L. No. 66) (2) Abhiram (J.L. No. 67) 2.40 386 172 (3) Turibhita (J.L. No. 68) 2.88 225 115 (4) Narayan (J.L. No. 75) 2.32 343 138 (5) Kalaram (J.L. No. 76) 0.90 1,614 276 (6) Chhota Pathuram 2.04 321 129 (J.L. No. 78) (7) Dwara Baksa (J.L. No. 79) 1.89 236 84 Total Rural Group 61.45 734 8,755 12 16

WEST DINAJPUR 4. Balurshat C;tandard Urban Areas TOTAL 13.19 8,944 17,548 492 1,962 839 Urban Components (1) Balurghat (M) 6.37 16,428 15,189 490 1,960 839 I. Chak Bhrigu (O.G.) 1.28 4,992 1,057 II. Baidyanath Para (O.G) 0.67 2,366 306 2 2 Total Urban Group 8.32 13,536 16,552 492 1,962 839 Rural Components (1) Khiderpur (J.L. No. 89) 2.44 1,216 552 (2) Mangalpur (J.L. No_ 107) 1.05 677 133 (3) Bangi (J.L. No. 108) 1.38 1,207 311 Total Rural Group 4.87 1,097 996 343


---- -_------~.--- - Total Population (Including Institutional & Instit utional Populat 1011 Houseless Population Population during 1961-1981 .----______..A.._~ __ • ,.----- ____~ _____ ..A___ ~~ _____ -. _"_-.- -, r------~- _ _A___ ------~---- -~ No. of No. of Houseolds Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981 ------~------10 1i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -~------_. ----- ~ -----_

179 539 490 557 746 1,029 53 166 127 166 203 293 429 1,072 1,003 4,550 1,381 2,075 177 558 463 920 638 1,021 211 629 506 740 555 1,135

1,272 3,978 2,939 391 2,167 6,917 , 434 1,256 1,112 818 604 2,368 L

157 398 375 195 345 773-0 141 342 313 351 416 655 ... 228 594 409 293 281 1,003 " 402 844 679 109 393 1,523 " 51 109 102 198 124 211 -. 280 842 744 102 663 1,586 9, 149 413 357 320 696 770 i' 504 1,335 1,201 1,270 1,705 2,536 ') 317 1,112 731 881 2,350 1,843 " 373 815 687 479 271 1,502 I;?_..- 117 583 484 738 473 1,067 ,- 853 2,273 2,125 2,905 1,194 4,398 I '-I

23 88 59 17 Merged with 147 other Maouza 172 451 475 205 291 926 115 333 31 480 500 647 ' 138 424 371 556 574 79S 276 774 679 152 759 1,453 129 342 312 437 508 654

84 244 202 298 333 446 9 8,781 24,496 20,621 22,310 19,838 45,117 (36,794)'" (64,321)*

58 1,312 242 18,456 62,094 55,871 29,927 71,481 117,965

53 1,269 177 16,090 55,192 49,454 26,999 67,088 104,646 3 41 14 1,062 3,382 3,008 6,390 2 2 51 308 773 812 1,585 58 1,312 242 17,460 59,347 53,274 26,999 67,088 112,621

552 ],535 1,432 1,803 2,366 2,967 133 373 338 383 602 711 311 839 827 742 1,425 1,666 996 2,747 2,597 2,928 4,393 5.344 344


--~-- - _------~~------

No. of Houseles~ Population Occupied r- .A...... StatefDistrict Standard Urban Aroa and Civic Area in Popula- Residen- No. of Males Females Component Units Status Km" lion Per tial Hou<;ehold~ ... Kmll Houses ~ ------~- -_------_--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------~- -_-- - _--_- -- -- 5. Rayganj Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 21.57 3,415 12,485 362 449 89

Urban Componellts (I) Rayganj (M) 10.64 5,671 10,036 289 342 56 (2) Kasba (NM) 3.90 1,631 1,177 2 3 2

Total Urban Group 14.54 4,588 1\,213 291 345 58 Rltrol Components (1) Chandra (J.L. No. 154) 0.61 1,802 173 70 102 29 (2) Udaypur (J.L. No. 155) 0.84 1,995 299 (3) Bogram (J.L. No. 156) 1.63 774 226 2 2 (4) Karanajora (J.L. No. 157) 3.95 739 574 Total Rural Group 7.03 990 1,272 71 104 31

MALDAH 6. Maldah English Bazar Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 22.48 5,318 20,258 146 169 75

Urball Component· (l) English Bazar (M) \I 4.63 ./ 17,065 12,790 78 96 34 (2) Old Maldah (M) v 324/ 2,648 1,496 4 9 5 (3) Jhali Jhalia (NM)'" 1.67 \ 2,011 652 I 4 3 J. Sherpur Makimpur (O.G.) -../ 0.72 3,189 433 Total Urban Group 10.26 9,088 15,371 83 109 42

Rural Components Maldah P.S. (I) Ban<;hata (J.L. No. 102) 1.01 v' 238 47

(2) Maulpur (J.L. No. 103) 2.56 y 19, 91 (3) Bachamari (J.L. No. 104) 0.41 .. 4,117 2R7 1 (4) Mangalbari Samanclai (J.L. No. 105) 2.06 'f 4,136 1,493 2 1

(5) Khan;ata (J.L. No. 105) 1.04 \. > 1,364 295 English Bazar P.S. (I) Sac'~kpur (J.L. No. 61) V' 0.65 ~ 503 42 61 53 31 (2) Khaltapara (J.L. No. 62) j I 05 ... 8,256 1,744 (3) Makdumpur (J.L. No. 68) ~8 1.09.- 1,662 325 (4) Pirojpur J.L: No. 69 :):, 2.35 1,332 563 T0tal Rural Group 12.22 2.152 4,887 63 60 33

MURSHIDABAD 7. Baharampur Standard Ur- ban Areas TOTAL 66.91 2,270 2S,3~2 59 113 ]03

Urboll Components (1) B:tharampur (M) 16.19 5,737 14,808 42 75 67 I. Budharpara (O.G.) 0.48 4,181 344 "(2) Kashimbazar (NM) 2.78 2,667 1,307 3 5 Total Urban Group 19.45 5.260 16,459 43 78 72 _------.. __------_ 345


~~------~----~------Total Population (Including Institutional & Institut iona! Population Houseless Population) Population during 1961-1981 ____ ..A.. ___ ~_------__ .-...... A..______.., ,---- ~-----. ,-- -.., No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

-~------~- ---_------_ 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

----~ ~~--- -

53 757 72 12,841 38,696 34,967 35,249 49,838 73,663 (37,694)+ (550,28)+

47 588 72 10,319 31,717 28,626 32,290 43,191 60,343 2 129 1,179 3,302 3,060 6,362 49 717 72 11,498 35,019 31,686 32,290 43,191 66,705

243 616 483 508 668 1,099 299 873 803 760 1,112 J ,676 227 650 612 648 970 1,262 4 40 574 1,538 1,383 1,043 3,897 2,921 4 40 1,343 3,677 3,281 2,959 6,647 6,958 (5,404)* (11 ,837)*

224 1,889 275 21,027 62,338 57,205 55,040 74,644 J 19,543 (56,443)* (80,081)*

148 1,496 261 13,472 41,024 37,986 45,900 61,335 79,010 8 53 5 1,500 4,380 4,199 4,885 6,691 8,579 4 37 7 655 1,772 1,587 3,359 1 2 433 1,222 1,074 2,296 161 1,588 274 16,060 48,398 44,846 50,785 68,026 93,244

47 107 133 66 73 240 91 243 251 173 239 494 288 833 855 573 917 1,688 5 1,494 4,537 3,983 1,465 2,806 8,520 295 788 631 128 122 1,419

106 185 142 81 Uninhabited 327 62 296 1,758 4,713 3,956 1,021 1,083 8,669 325 966 846 228 476 1,812 563 1,568 1,562 520 902 3,130 63 301 4,967 13,940 12,359 4.255 6,618 26,299 (5,658)* (12,055)*

78 J,061 276 27,336 77,588 74,328 87,182 " 112.114 151,916 (88,053)* (113,611)*

72 883 276 16,689 47,272 45,617 62,317 72,605 92,889 344 996 1,011 2,007 1,312 3,738 3,677 6.304 7,415 72 888 276 18,345 52,006 50,305 62,317 78,909 102,311 ------346


No. of Stale/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in popula- Occupied HOUi,eless Population Component Units Status Km2 tion Per Residen- .------.----'------.., Km3 tial No. of Hou'>es Households Males Fcmale~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Rural Components (I) Nialispara (J·L.. No. 13) 0.7i 1,455 186 (2) Goaljah (J.L. No. 15) l. 9[ 1,711 579 (3) Arazi Budharpara (J.L. No. 16) 0.25 Depopulated (4) Gopjan (J.L. No. 18) 9.62 1,070 1,728 (5) Tarakpur (J.L. No. 78) 4.56 779 627 2 (6) Shibdanga Badarpur (J.L. No. 79) 2.81 982 496 16 33 30 (7) Pakusia (J.L. No. 80) O.S[ 640 79 (8) Chaltia (J.L. No. 81) 5.13 1,399 1,200 (9) Bairagachhi (J.L. No. 82) 5.39 816 850 (10) Haridasmati '(J.L. No. 87) 2 [2 1,833 756- (11) Baliakhan (J.L. No. 88) 1.57 411 95· (\2) Ajodhyanagar 1. 79 2,291 749 (J.L.No. 89) (13) Gorabazar (J.L. No. 90) 2.29 930 417 (14) Gar Baharampur 3.60 129 66 (J.L. No. 91)

(15) Kalikapur Kadam Khandi 1.00 IS[ 3S (J.L. No. 101) (16) Nagpanl (J. L. 103) 0.53 2,209 2[2 (17) Banjetia (J.L. No. 105) 3.37 1,205 818 Total Rural Group 47.46 1,045 8,893 16 35 31

NADIA 8 Krishnanagar-Nabadwip STANDARD URBAN AREAS TOTAL 119.53 2,478 50,9[8 180 353 165

Urban Co'Inponellts (I) Krishnanagar (M) 15.80 6,211 16,497 III 260 90 (2) Nabadwip (M) 1 [.66 9,357 18,678 62 85 62 (i) Char Brahma Nagar (O.G.) 1.15 3,701 70(1 2 3 I (ii) Char Maijdia (O.G.) 0.37· 10,968 772 r (iii) Maheshganj (O.G.) 0.28 5,536 277 J(3YGodigachha (NM) 2.70 4,010 2,018 4 Total Urban Group 31. 9G 7,132 38,948 175 348 159 Rural Cowponorts Kri,hnanagar P.S. (I) Simultala (J.L. No. 53) 1. 96 1,'i1O 477 (2) Subarna Behar 12.64 576 1,345 (J.L. No. 54) (3) Amghata (J.L. No. 57) /99 1,125 6[3 (4) Usidpur (J.L. No. 58) 6.28 464 469 (5) Jahangirpur (J.L. No. 88) 4.67 652 539 (6) Satgachhi (J.L. No. 89) 1.08 392 62 (7) Paschim Bhat Jangla 3.71 1,175 727 (J.L. No. 90) (8) Baruihuda (J.L. No. 91) 1. 85 2,136 768 2 2 2 (9) Krishnagar (J.L. No. 92) 1.965 388 1,336

------_._-----_--- -_ -- -~ - --_.---- 347


Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population) Population during 1961-1981 ___,.A.~ ___-----, r------"------__ No. of No. of House~lds Males Females Households Males Femaies 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

186 542 491 636 .. 759 l,O.B 579 1,650 1,618 2,195 . 2,825 3,268

2 19 1,728 5,296 4,993 5,194 6,681 10,289 627 1,855 1,695 1,480 2,092 3,550 496 1,453 1,307 943 1,949 2,760

86 268 250 244 345 518

1 17 1,261 3,659 3,519 (1z_6ij 5,196 < 7,178 859 2,267 2,133 2,713 3,449 4,400 764 1,980 1,907 2,208 3,176 3,887 95 340 305 515 671 645 757 2,074 2,027 2,173 2,511 4,101

417 1,073 1,056 In 1961 & 1971 these two 2,129 2 lIS 66 290 175 Villages were wrongly 465 shown under Baharmpur (M) 35 84 67 51 221 151

212 633 538 514 780 1,171 1 22 823 2,118 1,942 1,830 2,550 4,060 6 173 8,991 25,582 24,023 24,865/ 33,205 49,605 (25,736)* (34,702)*

156 2,360 1,183 51,293 150,685 145,541 181,596 229,420 296,226 (193,668)* (244,494)·

73 1,588 1,041 16,571 50,011 48,130 70,440 85,923 98,141 77 706 129 18,886 55,144 53,964 72,861 94,204 109,108 707 2,166 2,090 4,256 772 2,109 1,949 4,058 277 787 763 1,550 1 19 9 2,054 5,530 5,298 10,828 151 2,313 1,179 39,267 115,747 112,194 143,301 180,127 227,941

3 3 524 1,482 1,477 1,266 1,856 2,959 1,345 3,675 3,604 4,747 5,899 7,279

616 1,720 1,643 2,228 2,617 3,363 470 1,498 1,415 1,768 2,229 2,913 . 539 1,610 1,437 1,820 2,374 3,047 62 225 198 347 260 423 727 2,264 2,096 2,429 2,988 4,360 .

2 4 768 2,046 1,905 1,400 1,604 3,951 • 1,336 3,951 3,675 2,354 4,761 7,626

86-M/P(D)42DCOCa!cutta-23 348


No. of Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- Occupied r------"---______Components Units Status Km' tion Per Residen- No. of Km· tial House- Males Femal~ Houses holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(10) Ghurni (J.L. No. 95) 1.29 302 75 (11) Sonda (J.L. No. 97) 5.75 153 160 -t(2) Dogachi (J.L. No. 113) 3.31 904 574 2 2 4 (13) Dakshin Jhitkipota 3.22 1,138 626 (J.L. No. 116) Nabadwip P.S. (1) Sankarpur (J.L. No.2) 4.02 395 261 (2) Bablari Dewanganj 3.41 1,134 747 I' (J.L. No.3) ,(3) Maijdia (J.L. No. 18) 2.12 2,443 934 (4) Brahma Nagar (J.L. No. 1.44 996 244 22) (5) Godkhai (J.L. No. 28) 3.75 423 280 Purbasthali P.S. (Barddhaman Dist.) (6) Srirampur (J.L. No. 135) 4.43 2,435 1,733 Total Rural Oroup 87.57 780 11,970 5 5 6

9. Ranaghat Standard Urban Areas TOTAL. 38.17 3,424 23.709 37 98 76

Urban Components (l) Ranagbat (M) 7.72 7,559 10,336 6 56 2S Ai) Nasra (0.0.) 3.12 2,008 1,208 24 30 40 (ii) Satigachha (0.0.) 1.36 2,528 604 1 (iii) Ranaghat (0.0.) 2.94 996 424 (2) Aistala . (NM) 2.94 4,339 2,284 Total urban group 18.08 4,632 14,856 31 87 65

Rural Components (1) Panpara (J.L. No. 7) 2.08 1,2(1() 436 (2) Simaistala (JL. No.9) 0.25 4,672 Q.22 1 2 (3) Krishnapur Chak (J. L. 11) 0.51 4,581 480 3 7 S (4) Haialpu Krishnapur (JL. 2.49 1,016 417 12) --1-<5) Hi~uli (J.L. No. 112) 4.12 1,677 1,236 (6) Habibpur (J.L. No. 116) 1.39 4,315 1,001 (7) Dayabari (J.L. No. 152) 1.98 1,619 543 (8) Anulia (J.L. No. 153) 2.54 989 452 (9) Kumar Shatpur (J.L. 157) 1. 74 617 197 ~10) Magur Khali (JL. No. 158) 2.60 7,609 3,742 2 3 4 (11) Hydapatila (J.L. 159) 0.99 880 127 •• Total Rural group 20.69 2,359 8,853 . 6 11 11

10 Santipur Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 39.85 2,408 16,404 51 89 66 Urltan COfflpOnent$ (1) Santipur (M) 24.60 3,373 14,222 51 89 66 Total Urban groUp 24.60 3,373 14,222 51 89 66------349

UllBAN AREAS-contd.

Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population) Population during 1961·1981 "------. ------, -., No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Male~ Females 1961 1971 1981 .-_-- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------75 201 188 261 375 389 160 448 431 357 265 879 575 1,578 1,413 1,439 1,973 2,991 2 36 626 1,820 1,843 1,762 2,161 3,663

261 792 795 1,211 1,288 1,587 747 1,983 1,884 2,912 3,416 3,867

934 2,642 2,537 2,596 3,607 5,179 247 746 688 1,019 1,310 1,434

4 280 806 780 1,549 2,092 1,586

],734 5,451 5,338 6,824 8,218 10,789 5 47 4 12,026 34,938 33,347 38,295 49,293 68,285 (50,367)" (64,367)*

2S 393 128 24,111 67,704 65,062 51,491 83,692 132,766 (157,370)* (94,049)·

18 180 6 10,357 30,044 28,312 35,266 47,815 58,356 1,317 3,019 3,246 .. 6,265 .. 146 148 «17 1,767 1,671 3,438 1 2 467 1,492 1,436 .. 2,928 2,289 6,556 6,201 12,757 23 327 156 15,037 42,878 4,866 35,266 47,815 83,744

436 1,291 1,206 989 1,584 2,497 223 596 572 506 757 1,168 483 1,249 1,225 840 1,511 2,474 417 1,304 1,225 1,567 1,847 2,529

1,246 3,559 3,352 3,757 .." 4,475 6,911 1,001 3,105 2,893 3,466 4,367 5,998 2 71 72 547 1,484 1,721 1,435 1,918 3,205 452 1,331 1,181 1,414 1,716 2,512 197 553 520 380 1,446 1,073 3.945 9,884 9,900 1,513 .., 15,633 19,784 127 470 4()1 358 623 871 2 71 72 9,074 24,826 24,196 16,225 35.877 49,022 (22,104)* 46,234}*

95,974 13 116 18 16,560 48,773 47,201 58,398 70,434

61,166 82,980 12 115 18 14,378 42,082 40,898 51,l90 61,166 82,980 12 115 18 14,378 42,082 40,898 51,190 3~


No. of Houseless Population StatejDistrict Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- Occupied ~----. Component Units Status Km' tion Per Residen- No. of Km' tial House- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Rural Components (1) ChakRaghumathipur (J.L. No. 19) 0.27 2,441 129 (2) Banl

TWENTY FOUR PAR- (ii) Ashoknagar Habra Standard Urban Areas, PARGANAS TOTAL 36.10 3,896 24,653 52 83 87

Urban Components (1) Habra (M) 17.52 4,249 12,711 20 27 14 (2) A~hoknagar Kalyangarh (M) 7.56 7,289 10,235 32 56 73 Total Urban Group- 25.08 5,168 22,946 52 83 87 Rural Components (1) Dabar Thuba (J.L. No. 74) 1.27 1,480 314 (2) Janaphul (J.L. No. 71) ./ 5.13 975 836 (3) Akrampur (J.L. No. 82) J 0.94 474 74 (4) Man,lt< Nagar (J.L. No. 89) 2.0j 887 142 (5) Goh!llbati (J.L. No. 136) 1.65 1,162 341 Total Rural Group 1,102 1,002 1,707

12. Bangaon Standard_Urban Areas TOTAL 52.84 1,996 17,689 14 18 22 Urban Components

(1) Bangaon (M) 15.57 4,488 11,879 10 12 15 Total Urban Group 15.57 4,488 11,879 10 12 15 Rural Components (I) Ghat Boor (J.L. No. 61) 1.22 1,376 288 (2) Barakpur (J.L. No. 73) 2.71 1,;248 538 (3) Gopal Nagar (J.L. No. 74) 0.74 ],769 232 (4) Khamarkalla (J. L. Nu. 75) 4.66 1,479 1,089 3 4 4 (5) Cbalki (J.L. No. 103) 3.19 730 397 (6) Polta (J.L. No. 104) 3.04 752 377 (1) Chhayyagharia (J.L. No. 7.47. 929 1,175 115) 2 3 (8) KaJupur (J.L. No.lSl) 8.75 764 1,103 (9) Parma Bangaon (J.L. No. (153) 5.49 743 611 Total Rural Group 37.27 9S5 5,810 4- 6 7 351


Total Population (Including Institutional & IRStitutional Population Houseless Population Population during 1961-1981 r------,.A-----, No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

129 337 322 395 828 659 122 388 372 335 390 760 123 443 402 583 657 845 256 776 751 894 937 1,527 1,051 3,135 3,000 3,326 4,275 6,135 391 1,250 1,162 1,427 1,829 2,412 .. 110 362 294 248 352 656

1 2,182 6,691 6,303 7,208 9,268 12,994

23 1,182 81 24,777 71,779~ 68,877 74,816 103,379 140,656 (81,108)· (107,018)·

21 1,165 71 12,778 38,488 35,946 26,466 51,435 74,434 9 10 10,270 27;'94 27,~82 382,50 41,916 55,176 '22 1,174 81 23.048 66,081 63,528 64,716 93,351 129,610

314 972 908 896 1,292 1,880 838 2,526 2,476 3,166 4,368 5,002 74 238 208 908 877 446 8 162 990 810 3,973 2,105 1,800 341 971 957 1,186 1,386 1,918 8 1,729 5,697 5,349 10,100 10,028 11,046 (16,392)· (13,667)*

27 417 64 17,790 54,366 51,097 60,563 76,609 105,463

24 395 61 12,157 36,027 33,858 41,082 50,538 69,885 24 395 61 12,157 36,027 33,858 41,082 50,538 69,885

288 863 816 1,020 1,294 1,679 538 1,720 1,663 2,039 2,654 3,383 232 665 644 769 888 1,309 10 I,O~2 3,491 3,403 3,451 4,825 6,894 397 1,223 1,106 1,027 1,785 2,329 377 1,174 1,112 1,365 1,728 2,286 5 3 1,175 3,604 3,312 3,957 5,194 6,936

1,103 3,481 3,204 3,675 4,952 6,685

7 611 2,118 1,959 2,178 2,751 4,017 3 22 3 5,813 18.339 17.239 19,481 26.071 35,518 ---- 352


No. of Occupied HOUse'4HS Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popu!a- Residen- r-----'"-- Component Units Status Km" tion per tial No. of Males Females""""' Km" Houses Households ---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13. Basirhat Standard Urban Areas. TOTAL 50.67 1,923 16,485 39 59 56 Urban Componenty (l) Basirhat (M) 22.01 3,682 13,469 38 57 46 Total Urban Group 22.01 3,682 13,469 38 57 46 Rural Components (1) RamnarayaI'pur (J.L.No.37) 0.49 1,224 97 (2) Raghunathpur (J.L. No.38) 2.e8 1,444 552 (3) Mathurapur (J.[. No. 59) 2.12 1,721 660 (4) Paikara (J.L. No. 86) 0.55 1,684 1117 (5) Tyantra Near.' (J.L. No. 93) 6.58 374 450 (6) Jirakpur (J.L. No. 94) 2.84 351 247 (7) BaJipur (J.L. N. 100) 0.65 338 32 (8) (J.L. N. 101) 3.37 545 371 (9) Dhaltitha U.L. No. 122) 5.93 332 313 (10) Nalkcra (J.L. No. 123) 4.05 185 127 2 4 Total Rural Grc,up 28.65 573 3,016 2 4

CALCUTTA 14. Calcutta Metropolitan StandArd Urban Areas Nadia TwentvFour TOTAL 1,488.38 - 6,795 1,879,747 19,193 47,908 18,710 Parganas Calcutta Total Urban Group 900.92 10,295 1,746,375 18,860 46,380 18,384

Haora Total Rural Group 581.46 1,336 133,372 333 1,528 326

HUSly Urban Componrllts Sub Unit-I Calcutta (MC) 104.00 31,779 593,674 7,884 25,907 11.735 Total Urban Group Sub Unit-II Twenty Four Parganas rI) Kr.marhati (M) 10.96 21,437 44,314 94 238 180 (2) South Dum-Dum (M) 15.49 14,865 44,930 72 180 56 (3) Baranagar (Twenty Four (M) 7.12 23,925 33,109 126 138 4 Parganas) (4) Ncrth Dum Dum Dv. (M) 19.42 4,965 17,209 1 (5) Dum Dum Do. (M) 3.11 10,805 6.141 25 37 33 (6) SuItanpur Do. (NM) 3.05 9,566 5,592 (;) Krishnapur Do. (NM) 9.12 2,772 4,744 (8) Jyal gra Do. (NM) 1.95 9,083 3,270 8 18 22 (9) Gopalpur Do. (NM) 5.71 2,655 2579 2 4 2 (10) Arjunpur Do. (NM) 0.82 14,680 2,310 (11) Garui Do. (NM) 1.23 8,356 1,893 (I:!) Bisarpara Do. (NM) 1.92 5,172 1,691 (13) Bandra Do. (NM) 0.69 11,128 1,393 (14) Raghunathpur Do. (NM) 0.85 9,026 1,359 V I Mandalganti (OG). Do. ~ 1-->1'1 0.52, 9,300 954 (1;) Dum Dum Aerodrome Do. (NM) 7.12 IT Kaikhali (O.G.) Do. 0.78 4,050 653 Total Urban Group 89.87 10,110 172.141 328 615 298 353


Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Housdess Population) Population during 1961-1981 r------"------, ,---- ~------. r--- .A..______...... No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

35 469 248 16,555 49,953 47,501 63,557 79,034 97,454

33 460 244 13,487 41,599 39,441 53,943 63,816 81,040 33 460 244 13487 41599 39441 53,943 63,816 81,040

97 321 279 555 517 600 553 1,501 1,502 1,973 2,393 3,003 660 1,876 1,773 2,172 2,764 3,649 167 456 470 511 586 926 450 1,248 1,215 1,896 2,191 2,463 246 510 487 285 400 99'} 32 107 113 137 190 220 4 371 944 893 2 9 916 1,205 1,837 363 999 971 756 3,425 1,970 128 392 357 413. 1,547 749 2 4 3,068 8,353 8,060 9 9,614 15,218 16,414

1,906,675 5,644,951 19,399 193,866 21,O:n 4,469,085 6,468,707 8,069,919 10,114,036 (6,617,216)· (8,297,340). , 18,875 188,029 19,526 1,772,229 5,236,623 4,100,362 6,039,861 7,499,988 9,3~,985 (6,001,910)· (7,439,869)· 1,507 134,446 408,328 368,723 524 5,837 428,846 569,931 777,051 (615,306)- (857,471)·

650,035 1,930,320 13,898 136,687 12,886 1,374,686 2,927,289 3,148,746 3,305,006

1,537 228 44,417 131,812 103,139 152 125,457 169,404 234,951 74 45,005 121,016 109,205 52 Sl1 111,284 174,342 230,266 1,176 219 33,280 91,517 78,826 176 107,837 136,842 170,343 83 10 17,259 49,676 46,742 38,140 17 63,873 96,418 2,183 122 6,183 19,687 13,917 32 20,041 31,363 33,604 5,592 15,167 14,009 21,852 29,176 4,744 13,010 12,267 14,905 25,277 3,278 9,290 8,513 16 82 10,009 17,803 7,898 14 454 313 2,581 7,262 15,160 6,295 2,310 5,743 8,446 12,038 4 9 1,922 5,239 5,039 6,526 10,278 177 1,691 5,303 4,627 5,438 9,930 1,412 3,950 3,728 4,704 7,678 1,359 3,935 3,737 7,672 954 2,668 2,168 4,836 4,712 4,234 9 35 653 1,750 1,409 3,1';9 473 6,247 966 172,640 488,258 420,331 407,471 651,938 908,589

86-MJP(D)42DCOCalcutta-23(a) 354


No. of Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- Occupied Component Units Status KIn' tion Per Residen- No. of Kml tial House- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sub Unit-III Urban Components (1) Bidhan Nagar Township (NM) 15.54 2,135 7,095 31 48 8 Total Urban Group 15.54 2,135 7,095 31 48 8

Sub Unit-IV

11) Jadabpur (M) 40.00 6,299 44,776 2,012 3,789 403 (2) Laskarpur (NM) 1.43 7,244 1,863 I Kumarakhali (O.G) 1.53 2.746 738 (3) Sripur Bahargho( (Twenty (NM) 2.00 4,350 1,576 Four Parganas) Total Urban Group 44.96 6,122 48,953 2,012 3,789 403

Sub Unit-V I (i) So1tth Suburban (Twenty (M) 30.38 12,468 7."511 1,473 1,500 12 . Four Pargan!ls)"l' :1) Gopalpur (O.G.) Do. 3.44 4,695 3,396 (2) Garden Reach 1< Do. (M). 12.95 14,757 32,917 3 1 3 (3) Panchur 00. (NM) 7.81 6,509 9,141 r (4) Jagannathgarh (NM) 2.91 5,544 2,528 ~5) Noapara Do. (NM) 0.74 8,389 998 (6) Gobindapur. Do. (NM) 0.48 12,621 986 (ii) Raml'ur (O.G.) Do. 0.64 2,686 339 /(7) Mahestala Do. (NM) 1.68 2,995 914 Total Urban Group 61.09 11,007 123,830 1,476 1,501 15

Sub Unit-VI

(1) Uttar para Kotrung (Hugli). (M) 7.25 10,979 15,542 95 154 35 (2) Bally (Haora) (NM) 11.68, 4,697 10,506 25 219 120 (3) KG! nagar (Hugli) (M) 4.33 11,827 10,630 8 130 «1.) Ran1

Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population) Population during 1961·1981 r------_.A._ ____ --_;...... _ --l ,--._---_._-'------, .---__~A-- _____ -~ No. of No. ;)f Homeholds Males Females Hou,eholds Males Females 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

85 941 149 7,111 17,461 15,714 33,175 85 941 149 7,111 17,461 15,714 33,175

83 1,996 77 46,483 133,49.Q_ 62,935' 140,118 251,968 - 118,4~ 7 4 1,879 5,233 5,126 10,359 7 121 23 738 2,301 1,901 4,202 5 113 35 1,576 4,463 4,236 8,699

96 2,237 139 50,676 145,487 129,741 62,935 140,118 275,228

221 1,835 844 74,069 200,241 [78,524 ISS,8Il ~ 272,600 378,765

7 78 43 3,396 9,098 7,053 16,151 159 1,966 777. 32,921 106,817 84;290 130,770 154,913 191,107 40 273 24 9,158 27,789 23,434 25,131 59,021 51,223 2,528 8,239 7,895 11,922 16,134 998 3,250 2,958 6,208 986 3,178 2,880 6,058 4 39 3 339 953 766 1,719 1 4 914 2,649 2,382 5,031 438 4,195 1,691 125,309 362,214 310,182 341,712 49,8456 672,396

20 177 315 15,659 41,726 37,872 52,163 67,568 79,598 , 11 287 3 10,630 29,796 25,063 29,737 38,892 54,8592-. 93 419 22 10,674 27,164 23,441 29,443 34,424 51,2tl '\ 4 34 2 3,334 10,032 8,863 10,781 18,895 " 1 15 3,516 9,334 8,216 8,866 11,439 17,550 ~ 59 354 117 2,855 8,347 6,533 11,450 14,880 ::, 655 1,584 1,136 2,720 ~ 7 29 1,980 7,074 6,380 6,599 9,864 13,454 ~ 1,973 5,561 5,768 8,670 10,896 11,329 " 2 15 1,888 5,632 5,092 8,126 10,724 1,74'1 5,092 4,729 7,079 7,765 9,821 5 36 1,747 4,872 4,240 9,112 3 19 1,562 4,721 3,798 8.019' ""' 8,158 '-0 4 24 17 1,378 4,183 3,975 6,581 .,,- 3 36 1, [53 ~,783 3,367 5,800 7.150

756 2,344 2,081 4,425 1,046 3,161 3,010 6,171 3 112 971 3,017 1,692 4,769 5 807 2,465 2,264 4,129 222 1,562 476 64,328 180,048 151.526 142,557 223,586 337,514 3:56


State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- No. of Houseless Population Component Units Status Km" tion Occupied r------""""'--- Per Kml Residen- No. of tial House- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sub Unit-VII (1) HugH Chinsurah (Hugli) (M) 16.06 7,795 22,113 213 227 81 (i) Narayanpur (O.G.) Do. 0.53 4,032 391 (ii) Kodalia (O.G.) Do. 0.69 2,301 190 (2) Bansberia (HugJi) (M) 9.07 8,492 1,5510 43 72 32 (i) Chak Bansberia(O.G.) Do. 1.55 3,196 1,196 5 5 (ii) Sankhanagar (O.G.)\ Do. 0.73 5,981 832 (iii) Barakijuria (O.G.) Do. 0.66 1,961 314 32 (iv) Khamarpara (O.G.) Do. 1.87 506 173 48 77 6 (3) Keeta (HugH) (NM) 3.79 2,638 2,177 5 7 9 (4) Raghunathpur (HugJi) (NM) 2.03 4,015 1,898 6 7 41 (5) Naldanga (HugJi) (NM) 1.84 4,221 1,502 23 041 (6) Madhusudanpur (NM) 1.57 3,462 1,202 (7) Bandel Thermal Pewer Projed town (Hugli) (NM) 1.07 634 199 Total Urban Groups 41.46 6,018 47,797 343 436 201 Sub Unit-VIII (1) Naihati (Twenty Four Par· (M) 4.35 26,346 19.271 2.95 1,629 677 ganas) (2) Halisabar (do.) (M) 8.28 11,543 18,691 7 22 _ (i) Balibhara (O.G.) Do. 1.82 2,OSI 457 (3) Kanchrapara Do. (M) 9.07 9,790 16,118 102 177 44 (ii) Jetia (O.G.) Do. 1.97 1,774 583 (iii) Chakla (O.G.) Do. 0.75 4,328 690 (iv) Nanna (O.G.) Do. 0.44 4,623 334 (v) Srotriboti (0.0.) Do. 0.49 2,537 209 (4) Gayespur (Nadia) (NA) 30.00 1.389 7,766 (5) Kalyani Do. (NA) 21.91 1,750 7,979 3 7 5 (vi) Kanchrapara (O.G.) 1.39 664 174 (6) Deulpara Do. (NM) 7.20 4.604 5.908 Total Urban Group 87.67 4,869 78,180 408 1,336 727 Sub Unit-IX (1) Serampore (Hugli) (M) 5.88 21,650 25,593 79 145 52 (2) Chandan nagar Do. (MC) 9.66 10,551 18,010 73 87 30 (3) Rishra Do. (M) 6.48 12,500 17,260 49 133 101 (3) Chatllpd'mi Do. (M) 6.47 11,768 16.648 19 30 32 (5) Baidyabati Do. (M) 9.06 7,790 12,253 67 150 82 (6) Bhadreswar Do. (M) 6.48 9,083 12,101 14 24 4 (7) Khalisani Do. (NM) 2.35 3,185 1,346 17 18 2 Total Urban Group 46.38 11,283 103,211 3]8 587 303 Sub Unit-X (1) Bhatpara (Twenty Four (M) 11.96 21,803 52,845 1,223 2,291 1,703 Parganas) (i) Sthirapara (O.G.) Do. 2.10 1,645 604 3 3 2 (ii) Rahuta (0.0.) Do: 1. 79 673 175 4 7 12 (2) Barrackpur Do. (M) 11.65 9,893 21,542 45 48 12 (iii) Jafarpur (O.G.) Do. 1.98 133 S9 357

URBAN .AR.EAS--contd.

Total Population (Including Institutional & Houseless Population Population during 1961-1981 Institutional Population '--.__ • ___..A... ___ r-- ---...... ___-_.-.~ r- _---'--- No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

46 998 443 22,101 64,986 60,207 83,104 105,241 125,193 391 1,082 1,055 2,137 291 843 745 1,588

~ 388 82 15,631 42,667 34,353 45,463 61,748 77,0;.0 6 1,202 2,733 2,221 4,954 837 2,354 2,012 4,366 314 723 571 1,294 84 400 82 183 522 425 947 2,182 5,607 4,390 9,997 1,904 4,559 3,591 8,150 14 156 3 1,539 4,258 3,508 7,766 8 1,203 3,010 2,426 5,436

1 7 199 375 303 678 129 1,963 610 48,577 133,719 115,807 128,~67 166,989 249,526

44 1.282 6 20,361 64,344 50,263 58,547 82,080 114,607

20 532 5 18,787 54,115 41,464 51,423 68,906 95,579 457 1,978 1,809 3,787 51 1,034 18 16,234 48,258 40,540 68,966 78,768 88,798 583 1,804 1,691 3,495 690 1,833 1,413 3,246 334 1,062 972 2,034 2 209 646 597 1,243 11 526 263 7,837 21,160 20,507 17,701 21,291 41,667 78 1,045 43 8,090 20,594 17,740 4,616 18,310 38,334 180 481 442 923 1 13 5,908 17,331 15,815 17,797 26,445 33,146 206 4,434 336 79,670 233,606 193,253 218,960 295,800 426,859

176 1,361 253 25,723 70,585 56,719 91,521 102,023 127,304 63 524 419 18,229 53,558 48,367 67,105 75,238 101,925 214 840 24 17,352 47,835 33,166 38,535 63,486 81,001 11 201 16,759 45,030 31,108 42,129 58,596 76,138 21 256 63 12,352 36,782 33,791 44,312 54,130 70,573 17 106 20 12,212 33,602 25,256 35,489 45,586 58,858 2 10 49 1,364 3,882 3,602 7,484 504 3,298 828 103,991 291,274 232,009 319,091 399,059 523,283

131 1,298 32 54,120 157,161 103,600 147,630 204,750 260,761

2 34 26 607 1,777 1,677 3,454 179 624 580 1.204 150 3,417 21 21,600 62,646 52,607 63,778 96,889 115.253 59 179 84 263 358


No. of . Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- OcCupied ..------"---~-~ Component Unils Status Km' tion Per Residen- No. of Km" tial House- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(3) North Barrackpur Do. (M) 8.42 9,710 15,667 40 132 60 (4) Garulia D.,. (M) 6.48 8,806 1,1992 41 44 1 (5) Barrackpur Cantt. D.,. (Cant) 3.68 5,408 3,071 39 60 29 (6) Ichhapore Defence Do. (NM) 2.31 4,525 2,529 Estate (7) Madrail Figapora Do. (NM) 3.96 2,336 1,762 (8) Gurdaha Do. (NM) 1.64 5,118 1,422 (N) Kavgachhi (0.0.) Do. 1.83 4,184 1,225 39 91 60 (9) Panpur Do. (NM) 3.71 1,590 980 (v) Narayanpur (0.0.) Do. 1.52 2,391 612 Total Urban Group 63.03 9,280 114,485 1,434 2,683 1,879 Sub Unit-XI (1) Panihati (Twenty Four (M) 19.40 10,604 39,171 24 59 64 Parganas) (2) Titagarh Do. (M) 3.24 32,264 24,580 86 155 60 (3) Barasat Do. (M) 20.25 3,284 11,902 107 211 183 V Ram Krishnapur(O.G.)Do. 0.52 5,927 580 (4) Madhyamgram Do. (NM) 9.71 4,935 8,767 10 13 8 (5) New Barrack-pore Do. (M) 17.17 2,710 7,640 1 1 (6) Khardaha Do. (M) 4.20 10,774 8,134 28 58 42 (7) Nabapally Do. (NM) 7.85 4,052 5,667 :2 9 (8) Patuiia Do. (NM) 2.03 4,663 1,733 (9) Bandipur Do. (NM) 2.06 3,555 1,265 (10) Kerulia Do. (NM) 0.51 9,708 904 Total Urban Group 86.94 6,592 110,343 258 506 358

Sub Unit XII (1) Uluberia (Haora) (NM) 5.03 5,049 4,438 10 47 4 (i) KotalgluJ.ta (0.0.) Do. 1.05 3,331 579 (2) Fort Oloster Do. (NM) 2.36 9,072 5,237 (ii) Chak Madhu (0.0.1 Do. 0.79 3,182 585 (iii) Khas ].(hamar (O.G.) Do. 0.52 4,296 362 , (3) Chengail Do. (NM) 4.04 4,850 4,263

(iv) Syberia (0.0.) F Do. 1.34 3,572 896 (4) Sankrail Do. (NM) 2.82 6,853 3,909 (5) Kalara Do. (NM) 4.64 3,344 2,385 (6) Sarenga • Do. (NM) 4.35 3,490 2,486 153 353 168 (~)__Chak Sri Krishna(O.G.lDo. 0.49 3,998 310 (7) MaSJi.kpur Do. (NM) 2.41 6,171 2,922 (8) Panelala. Do. (NM) 4.51 3,250 2,408 (9) Banupur Do. (NM) 0.52 23,642 3,433 (10) Jhorhat Do. (NM) 1.45 8,478 2,591 (vi) Hatgachha (O.GJ Do. 0.61 6,707 750 (vii) Kamranga (O.GJ Do. 0.45 6,609 520 24 4S SO (11) Bawria Do. (NM) 3·03# 4,048 2,108 38 53 31 (12) Dhuilya Do. (NM) 2.43 4,219 1,682 (13) Banitabla Do. (NM) 3.08 2,915 1,451 (14) Panchpara (Haora) (NM» 1.92 4,648 1,371 16 24 18 (viii) Chak Radhadasi 0.50 1,598 159 12 84 26 (0.0) Do. 359

WRDAN AllEAS--cootd.

Total Population (Including In. titutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population Population during 1961-1981 J.... r-~~- ~-. r---- ~---. ,- --. No<. of No. of Households Males Females Househclds Males Females 1961 1971 1981 ------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

17 217 2 15,674 43,288 38,470 56,683 76,335 81,758 8 34 12,033 31,834 25,227 29,041 44,271 57,061 20 1,532 57 3,110 11,291 8,609 16,912 25,031 19,900 S 195 2,536 6,014 4,438 11,382 11,975 10,452

37 1,762 4,764 4,488 .. 6,236 9,252 2 3 1,434 4,331 4,063 6,518 8,394 1,244 3,915 3,741 7,656 27 2 980 3,078 2,822 5,126 5,900 612 1,831 1,804 2,841 3,635

336 6,793 143 115,950 332,733 252,210 326,426 479,972 584,943,

44 574 186 39,216 109,228 96,490 93,749 148,046 205,118

137 1,199 24,666 64,398 40,136 76,429 88,218 104,534 52 865 150 12,009 34,620 31,884 29,281 42,642 66,504 580 1,595 1,481 3,082 19 203 33 8,777 24,746 23,168 18,483 31,629 47,914 5 334 4 7,641 24,010 22,520 20,871 32,512 46,530 13 996 12 !!,162 24,305 20,946 28,362 32}02 ' 45,251 11 95 42 5,669 16,286 15,253 13,857 21,455 31,809 3 52 9 1,733 4,997 4,468 8,338 9,465 1,265 3,161 3,563 7,324 904 2,536 2,415 4,371' 4,951- 284 4,018 437 110,622 310,482 262,600 281,032 409,519 573,082

8 77 10 4,480 13,348 12,047 18,509 20,095 25,395 579 1,795 1,703 3,498 93 296 5,268 12,927 8,484 13,785 18,241 21,411 3 22 585 1,986 1,318 3,304 362 1,226 1,008 2,234 12 83 3 4,263 10,835 8,758 14,831 19,845 19,593 896 2,603 2,183 4,786 12 74 3,915 10,757 8,569 11,844 11,300 19,326 1 10 2,390 8,054 7,460 8,495 11,007 15,514 2,639 8,043 7,139 10,704 11,516 15,182 310 1,016 943 1,959 13 74 34 2,929 8,598 6,275 7,844 9,301 14,873 2 21 2,411 7,666 6,991 9,102 7,317 14,657· 12 3,444 8,491 3,803 5,654 9,301 12,294 ' 2,591 6,784 5,509 6,438 6,379 12,293 ' 750 2,173 1,918 4,091 35 544 1,561 1,413 2,974 • 2,149 6,296 5,968 8,492 10,610 12,264 ' 1,685 5,258 4,994 6,819 10,252 1,451 4,640 4,339 4,979 6,496 8,979 1 4 1,395 4,685 4,239 8,924 2 21 171 478 321 799 360


No, of Houselcss p, pUlation State/District Standard Urban Area and CivIc Area in Popula- occupied A.. Component Units Status Km* tion Per Residen- No. of Males Females Km" Hal House Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(15) Mursila (Haora) (NM) 2.33 3,241 1,219 (16) Podara Do. (NM) 1. 54 4,869 1,312 (17) Raghudehbati Do. (NM) 2.15 3,442 1,194 ~(18) Burikhali Do. (NM) 1.86 3,676 1,273 6 18 9 (19) Ramchandrapur ' Do. (NM) 1. 52 4,127 1,076 (20) .A!ldul Do. (NM) 0.52 9,225 849 3 11 (21) Santoshpur Do (NM) 1.14 4,037 734 Total Urban Oroup 59.40 4,706 52,502 262 635 307 Sub Unit-XlII (1) BudaI." Budge (24-Pargans) (M) 9.06 7,332 14,336 82 99 63 (0 Kalipur (0.0.) Do. 0.99 4,020 758 (2) Nangi Do. (NM) 6.91 7,820 10,713 (3) Batanagar Do. (NM) 2.09 7,316 3,221 7 8 (ti) Tentutkhali (0.0.) Do. 0.40 6,803 447 (4) Uttar Raypur Do. (NM) 5.32 2,628 2,235 (5) Chata Kalikapur Do. (NM) 5.66 1,958 1,821 1 (6) Krishnagar Do (NM) 1.35 5,428 1,181 (iii) Jalkhura (0.0.) Do. 1.06 4,638 766 (7) Chandannaga.. Do. (NM) 0.79 5,296 683 (iv) Memanpur (O.G.) Do. 0.92 5,102 845 Total Urban Group 34.55 5,460 37,006 90 108 64 Sub Unit-XIV

(1) Rajpur (Twenty Four Par- (M) 20.98 2,097 7,747 37 71 28 ganas) (2) Baruipur Do. (M) 9.07 2,892 4,550 20 32 24 (3) Sonarpur Do (NM) 2.10 5,066 2,104 (i) Chauhati (0.0.) 1.44 3,214 781 (iI) Chak Hari Navi (0 G.) 0.63 2,354 272 Total Urban Group 34.22 2,541 15,454 57 103 52 Sub Unit-XV (1) Haora (Haora) (MC) 51. 74 14,388 145,424 3,539 6,476 1,568 (2) Bally (Haora) (M) 11. 81 12,509 32,426 186 439 248 Total Urban Group 63.55 14,039 177,850 3,725 6,915 1,816 . Rural CompOllet'lts=- Sub Unit-I Sub Unit-II Rajathat p..s_ (1) Dasgron (JL No.4) 0.56 3,063 289 (2) Teghase (JL No.9) 0.55 4,024 368. (3) Atghara (JL No. 10) 0.67 4,376 485 Airport P.S. OJ Ganti-- (JL No.1) 1.25 1,667 326 (2) Salua (JL No.3) 0.91 1,718 279 (3) Banu &nkra (IL 47) 1.02 Un-inhabited (4) Donnag"r (JL No. 48) 0.50 1,420 81 361

URBAN AREAS---cootd.

Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population Population during 1961-1981 -, No. of -- No. of Households Males Females Households Males Feales 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

2 10 1,280 3,892 3,660 5,767 7,552 4 26 4 1,314 4,007 3,492 4,051 7,499 25 1,195 3,828 3,572 7,400 , 15 8 1,279 3,621 3,216 5,703 5,527 6,837 ' 1,076 3,241 3,032 6,273 10 854 2,472 2,325 4,690 3,602 4,797 734 2,418 2,184 4,602 158 815 59 52,939 152,699 126,863 131,070 167,174 279,562

363 1,653 21 14,409 38,660 27,764 39,824 51,039 66,424 19 196 1 758 2,290 1,690 3,980 32 113 28 10,713 28,861 25,174 30,992 47,555 54,035 337 1,484 3,228 9,152 6,139 9,664 9,108 15,291 447 1,426 1,295 2,721 1 13 15 2,235 1,245 6,735 11,713 13,980 1,822 5,722 5,360 11,082 3 53 42 1,181 3,844 3,484 6,445 7,328 3 40 766 2,619 2,297 4,916 711 2,277 1,907 4,184 845 2,432 2,262 4,694 758 3,552 107 37,115 104,528 84,107 80,480 125,860 188,635

12 187 81 7,785 23,075 20,910 24,812 34,393 43,985

5 63 3 4,570 13,594 12,635 13,608 20,501 26,229 5 40 2 2,104 5,601 5,037 10,638 1 4 781 2,391 2,237 4,628 272 763 720 1,483 23 294 86 15,512 45,424 41,539 38,420 54,894 86,963

898 8,525 312 149,608 421,636 322,793 633,851 737,877 744,429 267 2,468 301 33,146 86,734 61,001 NA. N.A. 147,735 1,165 10,993 613 182,754 508,370 383,794 633,851 737,877 892,164

NIL 289 922 793 696 1,162 1,715 2 75 368 1,211 1,002 926 1,361 2,213 3 29 485 1,566 1,366 1,506 2,176 2,932

2 332 1,064 1,020 803 1,231 2,084 279 799 764 595 1,022 1,563 Un-inhabited 189 54 Uninhabited ,. 81 372 338 488 683 710 362


No. of Houseless Population StatefDistrict Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Pooula- Occupied r------A._ -, Component Units Status Km' tion Per R0Siden- No. of km" dal House- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

\ D mDumP.S. 1) at Kal (JL No. IS) 1.62 4,303 1,157 Nimta P.S. (1) Fatullapur (JL No.3) 1.29 1,587 331 (2) FilIP (lL No.4) 1.28 1,666 365 Total Rural Group 9.65 2,318 3,681

Sub-Unit-III Salt-Lake P.S. (l) Mahisbathan (JL No, 18) 1.09 2,381 414 BhaRSNPL Dhapa Manpur (lL No.1) 24.18 308 1,454 Total Rural Group 25.27 398 1,868 Sub Unit·IV Sonarpur P.S. (l) Dhillna (lL No. 43) 0.80 3,959 606 (1) Tgulbaria (lL No. 44) O.~,.. 5,644 975 (3) Gauagaehha OL NO': 45) 0.27 5,393 311 (4) Balia (JL No. 46) 0.59 4,308 472 (5) Barhans Fartabad 2.32 3,928 1,683 or; NO'. 47) (6) Kandarpapur Boalia 2.54 1,685 741 (JL No. 49) (7) Kasumba (lL No. 50) 1.45 1,606 420 (8) lagannathpur (JL No. 51) 0.82 1,598 224 (9) Tegbari (JL No. 52) 0.59 2,212 243 (10) Nischintapur (JL No. 53) 0.49 927 88 (11) Ukhila Paikpara (JL NO'. 56) 1.85 1,367 263 (12) R

(17) Danga (JL No. 64) 1.83 2,228 661 (18) Ban Hugli (JL No. 65) 3.84 1,632 1,039 (19) Jyenpur (JL No. 66) 1.02 525 89 6 29 3 (20) HO'gal kuria OL No. 67) 1.12 1,239 239 (21) Dingelpota (JL No. 69) 0.89 1,530 280 T<>tal Rural Group 28.72 2,039 10,162 12 43 17

·Nofe-Major_Portion:ofVillagc Dhapa JL No. 2·are included in CaJcuttta. 363


TOldl Populallon (inciuulIlg In,IIlU\lllndl & Institutional Population Hnu,elc', Popul.lllol1) Popul.ttH'11 dLlllllg 1961-1')8 r------"------. .------_ .-- - - -"------, r-- -"- ., No. of No. of Household, Males Female, Household, Mdle' lemdk, 1% I 1971 1981

- - -- - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------

1,157 3,610 3,361 1,547 4,063 6,971

331 1,062 985 1,104 1,499 1,047 368 1,130 1,003 595 1,239 2,133 6 105 3 3,690 11,736 10,632 8,449 14,490 21,368

414 1,348 1,247 1,247 1,532 2,595

10 106 1,464 3,780 3,673 3,192 5,577 7,453 to 106 1,878 5,128 4,920 4,439 7,109 10,048

606 1,642 1,525 842 1,952 3,167 9 67 975 2,662 2,305 1,538- 3,484 4,967 311 765 691 564 806 1,456 -2 13 472 1,350 1,192 777 1,377 2,542 1 12 5 1,684 4,864 4,250 4,783' 7,510 9,114

8 742 2,238 2,042 1,631 1,970 4,280

420 1,252 1,077 1,708 2,221 2,329 224 706 604 gSO 1,129 1,310 243 678 627 769 799 1,305 88 248 206 357 1,859 454 33 1,281 263 1,927 602 1,512 2,099 2,529 19 298 168 304 1,036 870 705 1,291 1,906

6 47 373 1,173 995 1,377 776 2,16X

13 112 12 626 2,126 1,809 1,674 1,892 3,935 99 245 254 377 1,174 499 432 1,526 1,451 1,784 2,111 2,977

661 2,114 1,963 2,665 3,555 4,077 1,039 3,278 2,990 3,851 4,863 6,268 95 291 244 425 658 535 239 708 680 905 1,248 1.388 280 724 638 633 1,187 1.362 84 1,838 185 10,176 31,553 27,015 29,697 44,961 58,568

an($!adavpur. Very small Porlion remains in Rural Area. 86-M/P,D)42DCOCalcutta-24 3M


No. of Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- Occupied ,----.- -"------. Component Units Status Km' tioo Per Resideo- No. of Km! tial House- Males Females _. House. holds --~------_-- ~ - ---~-~- --_ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - -_._ _--_ ------_-- _------Sub Unit-V

Mahestal~ (1) Chak Mira (JL No.8) 0.85 3,098 176 (2) Sanpa Mirza Nagar 1.09 2,915 1,023 (JL No. 11) (3) Sanpa Raypur (JL No. 12) 0.48 2,554 209 (4) Ganipur (lL No. 13) 1. 78 2,289 697. (5) Mahadebpur (JL No. 14) 0.46 6.230 436 (6) Chak Kendua (JL No. 24) 0.49 1,712 141 (7) Chak Jatbibrampur 0.69 2,632 258 (JL No. 25)

Behal~ P.S. d? Hanspukuria (JL No.20) 1.63 1,366 333 Joka (JL No. 21) 1.23 4,080 757 99 996 61 (3) Kalua (JL No. 22) 2.97 1,250 614 (4) Purba Barisha (JL No. 23) 4.97 257 23Q. (5) Chak Thakurani (JL No. 24) 0.67 1,348 160

(6) Haridebpur (JL No. 25) 1.59 513 149 (7) Rarnkantapur (JL No. 27) 0.46 467 34 (8) Krisbnanagar (JL No. 28) 0.64 1,695 207 (9) Jiadargat (JL No. 29) 0.48 2,242 171 (10) Chak Raronagar (JL No. 30) 0.67 1,696 192 . (11) Ramchandrapur (JL No. 31) 1.32 2,667 559 21

(12) Gopalnagar(JL No. 32) 0.77 573 70 (13) Sajnaberia (JL No. 33) 0.52 1,729 156 (14) Ramjibanpur (JL No. 34) 1.03 712 132 (15) Magurkhali (JLNo. 35) 0.54 1,274 129, Total Rural Group 25.33 J,594 6,833 100 .. 1,017 61 Sub Unit-VI DomjurPS. ~ Prasatha (JL No. 29) 1.12 2,484 402 40 70 53 ) Ankurhati (lL No. 30) 2.18 2,070 572 58 102 52 JI) Kantila (JL No. SO) 1.46 2,751 803 ..('1l) Salap (JL No. 52) 1.14 4,041 867 (5) Tentul Khuli (JL No. 53) 1.58 2,023 528 3 (6) Pakuria QL No. 54) 1.53 1,293 288 Liluah P.S. (1) Belgachhi (JL No.1) 2.01 883 296 (2) Fiksara (JL No.4) 0.75 3,795 437 (3) Khalia (JL No.6) 1.02 2,870 545 (4) Jaypur Bil (JL No. 13) 2.66 1,949 792 Chanditala P.S. (1) Dankuni (JL No. 93) 2.32 2,316 936 (2) Chakundi (JL No. 94) 0.79 2,406 309 (3) Satghara (JL No 95) 0.68 616 61 (4) Kharial (lL No 96) 1.23 1,558 317 ...... (5) Kusaigachhi (JL No. 97) 1.07 303 96 5 20 365

UItIJ.AN AIlEAS-contd.

Total PGPulation (Includini InstitutIonal & Institutional Population Houseless Population Population dUlIng 1961 -1981 ,----___-- 4""","- _ __ ~ _~ _. r-- _..__ ----, r-~ ------_---"--- --~ -- --~ No. of No. of Households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

------_- - ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

176 1,349 1,284 1,766 2,455 2,633 1,023 1,710 1,467 1,367 2,495 3,177

209 648 578 1,078 1,197 1,226 697 2,084 1,990 2,684 3,165 4,074 446 1,491 1,375 889 1,222 2,866 141 457 382 2,036 718 839 2 8 258 986 830 2,038 1,605 1,816

5 316 q~ 364 1,311 915 888 1,350 2,226 362 3,118 1,900 1,944 2,859 5,018 10 138 626 1,824 1,888 1,162 2,995 3,712 , .. 230 667 608 482 638 1,275 160 468 435 434 842 903

149 403 412 353 299 815 34 116 99 147 257 215 7 207 523 562 574 959 1,085 202 543 533 634 853 1,076 192 565 571 523 702 1,136 560 1,819 1,702 1,584 2,860 3,521

70 237 204 346 474 441 156 452 447 475 669 899 132 387 346 378 584 733 129 337 351 403 560 688 9 332 334 7,023 21,495 18,879 22,185 29,758 40,374

442 1,449 1,333 1,051 1,439 2,782 630 2,379 2,134 2,625 - 2,990 4,513 2 t2 803 2,155 1,862 2,210 < 2,575 4,017 1 7 867 2,402 2,205 1,812 ./ 2,981 4,607 545 1,634 1,563 2,039 2,675 3,197 317 1,052 927 1,433 1,773 1,979

296 920 854 1,024 1,325 1,774 437 1,463 1,383 1,703 1,902 2,846 545 1,510 1,417 1,320 1,911 2,927 1 19 792 2,716 2,469 3,288 3,858 5,185

3 18 936 2,863 2,509 3,012 4,221 5,372 309 973 928 1,042 1,397 ],901 61 228 191 308 341 419 317 961 955 1,198 1,576 1,916 96 231 93 348 101 324

--- -~~ - - - _------86-M/P(D)42DCOCalcutta-24(a) 366



No \If Hou~·k" .... Pi.)J)d!~\tlon Slate/District Sland..u(\ lJrb• .\n Arca and Civic Area in 1',1 pula- O,;cUI'iccl r- ..A.. -., Lomp,lflcnt uni , Status lIOn Per Rc,iJc'l1- ,No~ \If ' Km' Km' 'i.t! HOll'c- M.ll~" fun,It.;, hOcl,c$ hohh ------~------~ ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------

'" Il:lrpar.i P ~, (1) Naodpara (Jl No, 1) 1.66 1,027 290 (2) B:l<,li (JL "fo, 2) 2.68 779 401 ~ B:l<;ipola (Jl ~cl, 3) 0.55 704 68 1';:111 1,)lll (1L ::-.10. 4) 1.60 1,093 884 (5) R.1ghull.11hpur iJL No. 10) 1.50 3,669 973 ((1) LllUP:J.f.1 (.JL NO. 121 1.81 1,599 596

10la! RlII.1! (jl)IIlP 31. 34 1,956 10,461 105 196 107

~ub L.nit-VII Mogr.t PS.

11) Rcjait;lLll (lL No. 29) 0.17 14,482 483 (5) eltar Il;\ZJj'"r (JL No. 33) 0.10 4,640 87 (6) ll.1Ill;)Uf 1][ ~o. 34) o 87 2,726 470 (7) Amodghata ,JL NO. 40) 1 19 3.125 662 (8) Galaghan(a tJL N0. 41) 0.90 1,364 217 (')) ]\[Il1uJPur (J L No. 42J o 39 ],244 94 10) :\ II !Zllc)Z.1 (J L No 43) J 1'.1 1.934 443 (11) U",~,1:J.,,: IJL )..,,1. 44) . l.J2 1.143 251 (11) S.Lp~,t!\l~l!l (]L :-;". -i5) . o 51 2,537 219 (13) l)"k,llJ'1 Hd.lLipur ( JL o 3b In 10 5 l~ 7 :\",). 10) (I.I) Chilo' ,\ Khc] uri:! (JL No. 47) 0.80 1,460 231 (!5) T"ghal;.l (JL No. 48) 0.44 2,234 164 (16) Tl-;,bi:;l.:t IJL No. 50) o 50 1,968 225 (17) NJIlnjg,lf OL No. 51) o 83 1,216 161 (lJ) B, "Lvi i., (JL ~(). 53) 2.75 160 132 Chic ,urah P.S. (1) K-i,hnapur Chandanpur (JL No. 1) 1. 55 889 240 (2) Iswal baha (JL No.2) 0.56 1,670 145 (3) Debanalldapur (JL No. 3) . 1.40 1,076 286 (4) Mamushpur (JL No.4) 1.67 1,214 373 (5) Hazidanga eJL No.5) 0.48 2,252 222 (6) Kanagar (JL No. 13) 0.75 1,199 186 (7) Akna (JL No. 14) 0.70 417 51 (8) Benabharai (JL No. 15) 1. 51 484 109 (9) Simla (JL No. 16) . 3.70 1,337 952 ~1O) Dharampur (JL No. 17) o 93 3,028 547 (11) Kulihanda (JL No. 18) 2.46 2,099 877 Polba P.S.

(1) Hosen [bad (JL No. 148) 1.00 1,047 155 (2) Dhuli.ua pL No. 149 3.49 508 259 (3) Jhanpa (JL No' 150) 0.74 695 58 307

URBAN AREAS -~ontd . . ,. ,. - . I ~l: :

Total PppulatiLlfi (Including [n~titulionat & Imtitu~io;la( Popuiatil)11 H- 'usc: ;ss P()pulation) POPUlatilll1 during 1901-1981 r------"'.-_:_ --.~--•... " ,-'-_._,,_:,, r-.. -....." ,"- .-- --' --. _A._ --- _____ , __ .A. _ _ No. 0f -~ -, -;.. ; , No.of Hou~ehold~; M'ales' / Females ' R0usehold~ Males Females 1961 1971 1981 ":.f:

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ._- . ~-~---

290 876 829 873 1,141 1,705 1 7 402 1,102 986 859 1,136 2,088 68 183 204 285 341 387 2 16 884 2,568 2,380 _ 1,010 3,916 4,948 10 100 25 973 2,878 2,626 3,843 4,552 5,504 56 306 134 596 1,670 1,225 1,113 1,137 2,895 76 485 159 10,606 32,213 29,073 32,396 43,288 61,286

3 10 23 483 1,309 1,153 1,317 2,186 2,462 N.A. Uninhabited Merged with other Mouzas Undcr River Walcr .. 149 361 335 106 260 696 1 5 44 139 140 1,002 250 279 87 240 224 379 464 470 1,300 1,072 685 1,232 2,372 . 662 1,894 1,825 1,767 3,867 3,719 217 646 582 454 778 1,228 94 284 201 294 416 485 448 1,222 1,080 1,285 2,063 2,302 251 784 725 - 78t 1,237 1,509 219 671 623 506 1,068 1,294 11 49 26 10 31 21 Uninhabited 43 52

231 651 517 294 548 1,168 164 539 444 877 524 983 225 547 437 365 672 984 161 498 511 542 1,045 1,009 132 262 178 102 249 440

11 99 35 240 749 629 640 939 1,378 148 470 465 619 780 935

286 761 746 852 1,187 1,507 373 1,030 997 3,960 1,367 2,027 222 544 537 350 516 J,081 186 471 428 620 728 899 51 156 136 218 ~1-4.' 292 17 109 379 352 505 658 731 981 2,677 2,269 2,738 3,209 4,946 2 28 3 547 1,405 1,411 200 3,48 2,816 971 2,608 2,555 2,865 3,41,5 5,163

155 563 484 589 584 1,047 10 191 136 259 944 828 898 1,128 1,772 10 126 12'1 58 262 252 202 191 514 .' ------368


No. of Houselcss population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula­ OcaJpied .---~______,.____-- -- - ... Component Units Status Km" tion Per Re5.lden- No. of Km' tial Ho~- Males Females Houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

(4) Jaralihari (JL No. 151) 0.90 833 83 (5) Barrackpur Naopara (JL No.152) 0.61 1,143 110 (6) Kalora(JL No. 153) 1 50 597 158 (7) Panchrakhi (JL No. 154) 1.11 468 8.04- (8) Nandipur (J.L. No. 155) 0.09 411 8 (9) Rajghat (J.L. No. 156) 3.03 640 353 (10) Haral Malinpur (J.L. No. 157) 0.61 926 110 (11) Purushottambati (J.L. No. 175) 1. 32 442 119 (12) Amarpur (J.L. No. 176) 1.26 545 115 (13) Jagannathbati (J.L. No. 177) 0.72 682 92 (i4) Mahespur(J.L. No. 178) 1. 76 388 112 (15) Kamdebpur (J.L. No. 179) 2.00 640 213 (16) Sugandha(J.L. No. 180). 1. 27 1,258 268 (17» Erenga (J.L. No. 190) . 1.18 690 127 (18) Jarura (J.L. No. 191) 1.82 877 276 (19) Bhmhnara (J.L. No. 192) 1. 34 295 52 (20) Amdabad (J.L. No. 193) 1.04 465 79 (21) Sankarbati (J.L. No. 194) 1.18 750 141 Total Rural Group 57,48 1,069 11,002 5 12 7

Sub-Unit-VlII .Jiialyani P.S. (I) ~uratJPur (J.L. No. 51) 3.06 575 324 (2) Birpara (J.L. No. 52) 2.76 166 85 (3) Charjadubati (J.L. No. 53) 0.98 2,038 192 (4) Majherchar (J.L. No. 54) 2.06 1,137 355 (5) Char Nandanbati (J.L. No. 55) 0.22 6,505 (6) Char Kanchrapara (J.L. No. 56) 1. 30 401 95 (7) Krishnadebhati( J.L. Nc'. 60) 1.43 345 92 (8) Dakshim Ghorhpara (J.L. No. 63) 0.65 Uninhabited (9) Chandmari (J.L. No. 78) 3.62 1,286 845 (10) Joydebbati (J.L. No. 79) 0.92 341 56 (11) Saguna (J.L. No. 80) 5.06 1.829 1,665 (12) Krishnapur (J.L. No. 81) 0.74 904 131 (13) Raghunathpur (J.L. No. 82) 0.90 579 100 (14) Kulia (J.L. No. 83) 3.36 641 ,(02 . (15) Dogachhia (J.L. No. 88) 2 67 166 78

Hijpvr P.S. (iWerity Four Parganas (I) Jayanpur (J.L. Nf'. 4) 0.43 3,851 278 (2) Palladaha (J.L. No.5) 1. 77 810 229 (3) Rampllr (H.L. No. 10) . 0.47 934 63 ---- ._------369

~, ,UltBAN AREAS- l'Olltd. ---- Inslilutional Population Total Population (Including Institutional & Population during 1961-1981 ,-----__ • ____.A. ______Hou.:)'a Population .- -- -.---"") -"----~ r----~-~-----,.A...------~-~ ,------~ -, No. of No. of Households M~les Females Households Males Females 1961 1971 1981

------~-~------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 ------9 182 198 83 384 366 196 337 750

14 112 20 110 424 273 237 35fi 697 158 460 436 654 682 896 84 270 250 371 477 520 8 17 20 54 52 37 3 15 353 1,007 933 1,158 1,53! 1,940

3 51 3 110 341 224 406 526 565

119 315 269 278 396 584 115 359 328 395 512 687

92 247 244 284 48! 49! 112 360 323 384 560 683 2 13 213 650 630 767 1,01! 1,280 4 27 268 870 728 942 1,372 1,598 4 32 127 445 369 473 600 814 276 854 743 989 1,341 1,597 52 205 190 275 213 395 79 240 244 299 378 484 141 441 444 544 858 885 88 957 571 11,133 32,286 29,171 34,339 43,817 61,457

324 895 864 149 1,335 1,759 85 240 219 1,078 1,308 459

300 1,091 906 644 498 1,997 355 1,628 1,085 4,530 1,176 2,713

248 830 601 1,082 100 1,431

95 275 246 625 324 521

92 258 236 122 925 494

6 Uninhabited 845 2,464 2,193 1,480 1,684 4,657 56 145 169 370 292 314 1,665 4,799 4,456 3,722 6,228 9,255 131 334 335 483 409 669

100 .271 250 99 102 521 402 1,121 1,033 4,673 125 2,154 78 212 231 516 653 443

278 829 827 647 907 1,656 229 759 674 615 1,105 1,433 63 241 198 433 530 439 r----__ --_- _--- -___..------~-~ ------370


Nl'. l,f HL)U,c1;\\ p,)pui.tt ion Slate Dbtrict Siandatd Ltban Atea and Ci\IC Alea in P('puia- Occupied ,~ - _A_. ~ _ ------... Component Ulllts Slatus Km" ti()n PCI' Re~iden- No. of Km' tial Hou~e- Maie~ Females Hou.,e~ hold, -~ -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(4) Malancha (l.L. No. II) 1.14 889 147 (5) Bi,wc<;warbati (J.L. No. 12) 0.42 462 30 (6) Jadunathbati(J.L. Nil. 13) O.4J 3.821'1 255 (7) Chcndua (J.1. No. 18) 3.2g 606 345 N:.ihati P.S. (i) Dogachhi,\ (J.L. No.6) 2.20 1,205 450 (2) Manudpur (J.L. No.9) 6.98 1,013 1,119 (3) Rajcl1(liapur (J.L. No. 10) 1.81 909 238 Toal Rural GrOllp 48.66 968 7.822 Sub Unit-TX Singul' P.S.

(I) Noapara (J.L. No. 29) 3.22 643 338 Bah c1 re,war P.S. (I) Belkuli (J. L. No.2) 1.47 881 203 (2) Nabagram (J.L. No.3) 1.68 867 268 (3) Bejra (l'r . No.4) 1.30 544 104 (4) Swetpur (J.L. No.5) 0.86 600 95 (5) Gar7i (J.1. No.6) 2.94 593 258 8 29 27 (6) Madhabpur (J.1. No.7) 0.44 748 40 (7) Altara (J.L. No.8) 1. 33 747 166 (S) Rhadre,war (J.L. No. 12) 2.56 490 245 12 2 (9) Dhilara (J.L.No. 13) 4.10 454 31 f (10) Bighati (J.L. No. 14) 5.22 693 558 (II) Goural,gapur (J.L. No 18) 0.93 1,369 202 (12) Digra Mallikhat i (J.L. No. 19) 2.51 939 337 (13) Khurigachhi (J.L. No. 20) 1.43 1,3()() 224 Serampore P. S.

(I) Piarapore (J.L. No.7) 7.71 330 438 (2) Bclu-Milki (J.L. No 1]) 8.12 570 797 0) Jhoramara (J.L. No' 16) 1.44 955 267 (4) Pandit Sa!ghara (J L No. 17) 2.09 742 252 (5) Simla (.lL. No. 18). 2.4R 858 354 Ai) Dakshim Rajyadharpur (J.L. No. 19) 3.98 1,388 965 (7) Madpur (J.I . No .. 20) 3.41 130 78 (8) Bangihati (J.L. No. 211 5.04 342 264 (9) Bhadua (.1.1. No. 23) 2.45 520 193 nO) Mirpur (J.t. No. 24) 2.70 513 244 (11) Bamunari (J.L. No' 25) 5.41 628 543 (12) Jagannalhpur (JL, No. 26) 2.6~ 473 195 (13) Rishra (J.L. No. 27) 15.92 384 1,094 Tot" I Rural Group 93.37 586 9,023 9 41 29 -----~------~-~ ------~ - *111 1961 & 197 L Bhadle~war village was included in Bhadreswar (M) wrongly. But in 1981 part of this village is included in Bhadre~­ war (M). 371

URBAN AREAS (,oil/d.

IrhtHutlt\f1,i/ Pl' 'll~ttjl)n T,".d 1\'I'ulatl()fl (Including rrl'tllllli('Il~11 &. P"I'UI,tllnll dUllflg 19h1 1981 HOll'ck,~ P"plII,tIIPIl - - ,- '- -, ( -" No. or N". of Hou,e!wld, Males rcmalcs Hou'chold, Male, FCIll,tie, 1961 1971 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

147 535 479 5L8 80--1 1,014

3L 94 100 214 189 19-1- 255 814 832 778 1,156 1,646 133 345 L,113 876 1,342 1,662 L,989

450 L,367 L,2~3 1,504 2,228 2,650 1,120 3,696 3,372 3,049 4,988 7,068 16 238 860 786 1,050 1,500 1.646

6 149 7,932 24,87L 22,751 29,729 30.22~ 47,122

338 1,099 970 1,363 1,796 2,069

LO 15 210 667 628 788 I,L64 1,295 19 6 269 779 678 72L 1,166 1,457 122 385 322 488 1,162 707 10 95 261 255 323 537 516 3 39 21 273 886 856 1,101 1,486 1,742 40 170 159 149 213 329 166 524 469 758 995 993 246 657 597 70 7 1,254 14 311 963 900 1,655 2,411 1.863 15 558 1,912 1,703 2,409 3,172 3,615

13 202 662 611 898 1,216 1,273

337 1,231 I, 125 1,699 2,076 2,356 227 1,011 848 1,064 2,865 1,859

438 1,330 1,212 1,537 1.975 2,542 797 2,372 2.260 2,928 3,577 4,(,32 267 748 627 650 818 1,375

2 12 252 826 725 1.061 1,235 1,551 354 1,089 1,040 1,356 1.525 2,129

5 16 965 2,912 2,614 3,432 4,006 \526 78 222 223 297 350 445 2 10 5 264 889 835 998 1,353 1,724 5 193 672 603 756 976 1,275 244 747 639 716 979 1,386 --13 543 1,826 1,573 1,741 2,286 3,399

8 2 195 648 596 828 995 1,244 2 1,084 3,101 3,020 3,818 2,444 6,121 54,677 22 216 4'> 9,068 28,"89 :6,088 33,534 4 ~,77S ------_---_------_---- - ~------372


No. of Housekss Population StatefDistrict Standard UI ban Area and Civic Area in Popula­ Occupied r------....A....------~ Component units Status Km' tion Per Residen­ No. of Males Females Km' tial House- Houses hollis ----.---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


JagatdaLf~ (1) Abhirampur (J.L. No. R) 0.66 930 101 (2) Keutia (J.L. No.9). 6.15 614 607 (3) Mandalpara (J.L. No. 10) O.tlS 2,364 355 (4 Chak Mulajar (J.L. No. 15) 0.85 165 24 (5) Bidyadharpur (J.L. No. 17 17) 2.75 2,145 1,032 '(6) Gar Shyamna~ar (J. L. No. 1~) 1. 08 4,831 944 (7) Basudebpur (J.L. No. 23) 4.19 632 405 (8) Hansia (J.L. No. 24) 2.36 1,197 435 (9) Paltapara (J.L· No. 25) t. 71 1,077 297 (10) Mathurapur (J.L. No. 26) [,07 1,401 230 (11) Kayrapur (J.L. No' 27) 0.38 1,755 92

Titagll!'h j>_,§. (I) Babaupur (J.L. No.1) 1. 34 3,013 685 (2) ChakKanthalia (J.L. No- 6) 0.71 2,561 307 (3) Bara Kanthalia (J.L. NQ- 7) 1.20 1,791 330 (4) Mohanpur (J.L. No.8) 1.45 1,694 422 3 3 (5) Teliripara (J.L. No. 10) 7.81 850 1,076 (6) Chhola Kanthalia(J.L.No. 11) 1.06 1,864 331 (7) Ganeshpur (J.L. No. 12) 0.39 1,279 87 (8) Nilganja (J.L. No. 13) 0.94 1,356 255 (9) Suriyapm (J.L. No. 14) 1. 79 668 175 (10) Nabhal'anda (J.L. No. 15) 0.93 597 76 Total Rural Group 39.70 1,255 0,266 3 .3

Sub Unit-XI '\5 P, Barasat p_"s,. (I) (J.L. No.8) 3.23 793 764 (2) Panchgharia O.L. No.9) 0.42 5,017 628 (3) Jagannathpur (J.L. No. 10) 0.43 947 72 (4) Kokapur (J.L. No. 11) 1.48 2,936 1,035 (5) Rangl1pur (J.L. No. 12) 0.45 7,740 258 (6) Selarhat (J.L. No. 13) 0.50 1,234 119 (7) Fatabad (J.L. No. 14) 0.74 2,231 320 (8) Jalsukha (J.L. No.15) 0.89 675 98 (9) Saibana (J.L. No. 16) 0.53 779 71 (10) Jamtagarh (J.L. No. 17) 0.73 626 67 (11) Berunan Pukhuria (J.L. No. 18) . 1.53 1,362 500 (12) Rudr:tpur (J.L. No. 19) 0.52 1,194 104 (13) Malikapur (J.L. No. 20) 0.68 996 99 ([4) Ahira (J.L. No. 21) 0.54 687 64 (15) Kapasia (J.L. No. 22) 1.44 724 177 (16) Jaldharia (J.L No. 23) 0.56 1,800 169



Institutional population Total population (IncludIng In~titutionat & population during 1961 --1981 J-[ouseless Population) .-______A.______~--~ ~ r--~----.A.-----~- --.., No. of No. of HOuseholds Males Female, Housolholds Males Females 1%1 1971 1981

10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

101 351 263 473 384 614 601 1.958 1.818 1.522 2.546 3.776 355 1,081 993 2,284 1,681 2,080 24- 69 71 265 91 140

1,032 3,039 2,860 2,768 3,453 5,899

944- 2,695 2,522 3.501 3,8[2 5,217 405 1,381 1,268 1,496 1,978 2,649 435 1,473 1,352 1,636 2,360 2,825 297 985 857 660 1,433 1,842 230 797 702 945 1,307 1,499 92 339 328 436 581 667

685 2,096 1,941 1,436 2,845 4,0:n

307 943 875 642 802 1,818

155 330 1,220 929 806 1,544 2,149 425 1,240 1,217 1,414 2,012 2,457 16 160 1,076 3,539 3,100 3,607 4,559 6,639

331 1,046 930 496 1,242 1,976 87 265 234 823 457 499 255 682 593 1,180 1,360 1,275 182 638 558 563 819 1,196 76 285 270 357 454 555

11 315 8,276 26,12~ 23,681 27,310 35,720 49,809

7 40 7 765 1,445 1,118 703 1,602 2,563 16 84 8 628 1,168 939 287 871 2,107 16 72 215 192 790 523 407 15 101 20 1,035 2,277 2,068 822 1,742 4,345 1 5 258 666 567 936 1,617 1,233 2 23 3 119 338 279 232 338 617 320 837 814 234 278 1,651 98 325 276 263 408 60\ 2 8 71 222 19[ 151 141 413 67 246 211 334 41R 457

04 049 500 1,136 948 1,003 1,577 2,084 104 326 295 418 560 621 99 354 323 376 553 677 64 199 172 202 259 371 1,043 4 47 177 588 455 476 750 1,008 169 557 451 567 723

---,_....,.,------~-- -- -_------~ _------374


Nt). of If )_I-de., I\'pul.ltion .A. ______---, Sta'c,'Dislricl Standard l'lh,Ul An;~ and Ci"ic Area ppputa· OC;CUpIC,\ r­ Component unm. Statu' in " (10l1 Per Re,jdcl1- "J,'. of Km' Km' tial Hl)u,>e- 'Vfak~ Femnle~ HOlhCS hold' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(17) Panihara (J.L. No. 24) 0.83 3,755 589 (18) Kom (J.L. No. 27) 2.33 1,251 512 (19) Chandanpur (J. L. No. 28) 0,46 1,233 99 (20) Katura O.L. No. 30) 0.78 688 92 (21) Moch Pol (J.L. No. 31) 0.65 2,060 255 (22) Sqd"Lrpur (I.L. No. 32) 0.85 846 154 (23) Anantapur(T.L. No. 33) 0.41 1,432 109 (24) Chaturia (LL. No. 34) 0.80 750 165 (25) Chak B[1rbaria (J.L. No. 35) 0.54 794 77 (26) Chak Chaturia (J.L. No,; 36) . 0.50 4,602 407 (27) Abdatpur (J.L. No. 53) 1.03 1,314 210 (28) Singhapara (J.L. No. 65) 0.71 459 55 .. (29) Kaclma (J.L. No. 66) 0.85 535 73 (30) Bagberia (J.L. No. 68) 0.60 1,667 154 (31) Digberia (J.L. No. 74) 1.60 527 139 (32) Nabibhog U.L. No. 75) 0.72 1,164 112 (33) Mollapara U.L. No. 76) 0.59 1,190 98 (34) Palpakuria (J.L. No. 82) 1.06 2,099 421 (35) Sikdes Pukhuria (J.L. No. 95) • 1.21 1,145 261 .. (36) Mandalganti (J.L. No. 98) 0.98 2,100 353 (37) Murali (J.L. No. 99) 0.83 1,567 243 (38) Maliakur (J.L. No. 100) 0.68 1,329 167 (39) Piragachha (J.L.No. 107) 0.66 4,320 691 (40) Kubcrpur (J.L. No. lOS) 0.76 963 123 (41) Chandigori (J.L. No. 109} 0.93 888 134 (42) Sarabaria (.I.L. No 112) 0.78 2,163 444 10 36 (43) Bara (J.L. No. 113) 3.67 743 471 2 4 2 (44) Kayemba (J.L. No. 17j) 2.57 1,l)l7 416 (45) Bagband Saiberia (J.e Nlv 172) .. (1.82 1,173 163 (46) Krishnapur 1\hdaupur (J.L. No. 181) 2.84 584 274

Khardah P.S,

(I) Dopere (J.L. No. 18) 0.77 1,445 167 (2) Danga Dighila (J.L No' 19) 1.38 1,654 408 (3) (J.L. No. 20) I. 98 J ,591 496 (4) Iswari pur (J.L. No. 21) 2.57 729 296 (5) Balagar Singerbir (J.L. No. 22) 2.45 1,154 223 (6) Bhatpara Noapara (J.L. No. 23) J. 71 705 203 2 2 (7) Karma Madhobpur O.L. No. 24) 2.11 830 295 (8) Bilkonda(J.L. No. 25) 0.53 3,608 381 (9) Mahshpota (J.L. No. 92) 1.10 1,255 23~ ~I 0) Bodai (J.L. No. 27) 1. 37 800 178 2 2 3 ~11) Talbanda (J.L. No. 28) 1.00 4,624 830 375

URBAN AllEAS cOllid.

, - .. _------_.----_._-_._--_. _._------.------_ -~.------_ .. ~ .. ----.------."------~- ---_ fn,,' itlJl.iI.)Il,~l Popukl;_i\'11 TUal 1)(li-·t,la:i V !1 (Including fn,lill tiollal <'I: p,)pubtion dllring 1961 1981 , , _ Hpu-,~k~s l'op,ulaliol1) • _____ ,_.A...,- ______----, _, ~_-;-- ___ ' ___ ..A.. _ • __, _____ --, , .... :~ .. "--~ '--:-""1- r- - r~'------A..--:-,-- ---'-"'~--i No. (If ' ,No. cf " M':~"':~ }~emak, 1%1 1971 1981 11 '"'lb,'ho"" :'lalc-; F';rnalc:, Hou',dlc1l,:,

- ~ . _._. - ...... -,-.-~"~~- -- _------.-- - _._------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18

3 I~ 509 1.5')4 1,523 . Im5 824 3,117 512 j,.-l90 1,425 972 1,580 2,915 'J"') 99 ~/~ 295 355 520 567 92 272 265 317 435 537 19 (15 53 23t'l 695 644 724 1,130 1,339 -+ 2+ 154 376 3+3 383 595 719 109 275 312 405 384 587 2 9 5 165 319 2~1 2J'J 332 600

77 206 223 235 321 429

5 .1-07 1,110 1,131 508 1,300 2,301 210 701 652 600 1,010 1,353 55 170 156 240 310 326 73 239 2[6 279 377 455 154 514 486 587 857 1,000 JO 21 139' 4+2 401 525 672 843 III " 431 407 454 533 838 98 358 344 340 493 702 421 1,144 1,081 506 686 2,225

6 2hl 708 677 1,016 1,012 1,385 10 353 ],OS3 975 888' ] ,545 2.058 243 703 59R 580 S81 1,301 1 2 167 450 354 449 5.f5 904 10 48 691 1,572 1,279 507 J,515 2,S51 123 361 371 387 h23 732 6 19 134 433 393 457 644 826 444 ],063 624 392 1,064 1,687 . . .. 471 3,182 1,343 1,172 1.925 2,725 1 8 416 1,369 1,244" 1,618 2,278 2,613

163 498 464- 400 665 962

274 864 795 1,082 1,304 1,659

167 595 518 593 1,152 1,113

408 1,239 1,043 1,198 1,754 2,282 496 1,622 1,529 1,290 2,151 3,151 296 956 917 897 1,339 1,873

223 901 772 963 1,325 ],673

205 632 573 675 952 1,205

3 23 2 295 922 830 1,028 ],298 1,752 383 991 921 134 238 1,912 1 9 3 234 722 658 725 993 1,380 180 582 51 f 724 750 1,096 5 39 34 830 2,384 2,240 1,382 2,718 4,624

_, ____~~ ______.~~~_L ____ .. ___ -'_ ~ - --~-~-_- .. _.... ' --- 376

TABLE A-5-STANDARD ------_------_------

No. of HOuse1ess Populatioll • .A..-___.. --, State/Ohtrict Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- occupied , C\)m\)(me\\t Units St\\\us Kmt \\\)\\ Per ~'l>ilk\\· No. of M?J.e<> l"tma~ Km' tial House- Houses hClds _._------~--~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~----~- ~------~-~- (12) Jggberia (J.L. No. 29) 0.59 1,442 158 (13) Muaragachba (J.L. NQ. 30) 1.21 1,570 357 (14) (J.L. No. 31) 0.77 1,727 229 (15) Chandpur (J.L. No. 32) 0.62 5,255 574

Total Rural Group 65.87 1,369 17,035 17 43 7

Sub Unit-XII Pomejur P.S. (I) Amre (J.L. No. 21). 0.55 1,275 97 (2) Sankharidaha (J.L. No. 22) 1.61 1,#9 242 Sal1krail P.S.- (I) -lala Ohulagari (J.L. No. 2) 3.71 75 "'3 13 59 41 (2) Sulati (J.L. No.3) . 1.20 1,495 274 (3) Sandhipur (J.L. No.4) 0.63 2,763 262 (4) Kendua (J.L. No.5) 1.93 1,982 610 (5) Nabaghara (J.L. No.6) . 0.82 3,526 488 (6) Bbagabatipur(c.L. No 7 . 3.68 515 308 (7) Ohoraghat (J.L. No.8) 1.39 747 175 (8) Dabpur (1.L. No.9) 0.62 1,368 149 (9) Betiari (J.L. No. 10) 0.51 2,822 237 (10) Monaharpur (J.L No. 11) 0.51 3,871 343 (11) Nalpur (1.L. No. 12) 1. 53 2,420 580 (12) Kanyamani (l.L No. 16) 0.77 2,051 269 (13) Ula (J. L. No. 17) 1.29 3,160 110 (14) Osmanpur (J. L. No. 18) 1.16 1,697 507 (15) Sankrailjala (1. L. No. 21) 4.17 818 586 (16) Mahisgot (LL. No. 22) 0.41 3,820 265 (17) Chaturbhui Kathi (J. L.- 0.73 2,105 316 No. 23) (18) Alampur (J. L. No. 25) 1.18 1,701 377 (19) Mirjapur (J. L. No. 26) 0.87 3,078 470 .(iO) Argari (1. L. No. 27) 1.80 2,889 801 (21) Jangalpur (J. L. No. 28) 0.85 1,296 171 3 2

Panchla (P. S.) (1) Ranihati (3. L. No. 11) 0.99 2,6/3 4i)S 1 36 21 (2) Biki Hakala (J. L. No. 18) 1.93 3,513 1,094 (3) Dhamsa (J. L. No. 25) 0.58 4,102 402 (4) Kulai (J. L. No. 26) 1 10 1,565 310 (5) Satgharia (1. L. No. 27) 0.61 308 34 (6) Paniara (J. L. No. 28) 1.60 2,802 702 (1) lalakendua (1. L. No. 29) 1.52 2,159 563 (8) Beldubi (J. L. No. 30) 3.13 2,21)7 1,113 (9) Belkulai (J. L. No. 31) 1.14 1,985 384 (10) Khayjipur (1. L. No. 32) 0.59 2,186 213 (11) Sahapur (J. L. No. 33) 2.73 1,972 878 S 377

U.R8AN AREAS-colltd.

Institutional Population Total Popl.'Jation (Including Institutional & Population during 1961-1981 Houselss Popluation) ,..- ___._~~~__A.. ______.., r- ~--t - - --t __--"'- __~ __._ - ____'-- ~ r--- ~--~- - ...... _ --~~---... No. of Male, Femalc5 No. of :Males Femaleg 1961 1971 1981 Household~ Households

------_ - -- _------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


158 456 395 467 569 851 357 1,007 893 1,167 1,439 1,900 229 687 643 601 704 1,330 3 574 i,685 1,573 192 1,498 3,258

121 678 106 17,025 47,434 42,720 37,482 57,600 90,154

113 357 344 361 454 701 320 1,244 1,089 1,015 1,615 2,333

56 150 128 39 86 278 280 926 868 1,044 1,483 1,794 262 935 806 1,072 1,409 1,741 619 2,026 1,799 2,375 2,979 3,825 509 1,476 1,415 1,609 1,920 2,891 309 953 941 1,094 2,175 1,894 177 535 503 554 774 1,038 149 432 416 441 692 848 240 735 704 893 1,187 1,439 344 1,024 950 1,220 1,537 1,947 4 587 1.913 1,790 2,345 3,068 3,703 269 854 725 956 1,181 1,579 717 2,102 1,974 2,522 3,225 4,076 508 1,563 1,423 1,711 2,373 2,98t) 590 1,793 1,610 1,911 2,064 3,413 265 778 788 991 1,276 1,566 316 809 728 766 1,040 1,537

7 74 3 379 1,143 864 1,282 1,683 2,007 6 15 2 485 1,427 1,251 1,223 2,178 2,678 2 5 5 840 2,74~ 2,459 3,062 3,565 5,201 9 6 179 565 537 851 781 1,102

417 1,386 1,260 1,391 1,88(; 2,646 1,094. 3,508 3,273 4,758 6,041 6,781 402 1,265 1,114 1,680 1,968 2,379 310 910 812 841 1,226 1,722 34 93 95 68 90 188 702 2,331 2,152 2,559 3,457 4,483 572 1,691 1,591 1,921 2,468 3,282 1,114 3,:68 3,340 4,165 5,557 6,908 384 1,197 1,066 1,346 1,899 2,263 213 663 627 789 1,072 1,290 879 2,784 2,599 3,240 4,492 5,383 378

TABLE A-5-STANDARD ------___ 0- ______

No. of Ht)u,dG>' Population Statc.'Disir;Ct 5t InJanl Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula• Occupi..:J r- - -- -~____._ ------., CompuncJ1l unit> SfalUs Km' tion P..:r Residen. No oj" Male, Female, Km' tial Hou,,) Hou".:, hold~ ------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------_------Ului:>clla (P. S.)

(I) Baltir (J,lI1garam],ur (1. L. No. 85) 1.72 2,\&& 716 (2) ladurbcria (J. L. No. 88) 1. 95 2,335 776 (3) J.lgatpur (J. L. No. 95) 1.16 3,444 488 (14) Kh,tlkll1i (J. L. No. 96) 2.77 2,758 1,292 (5) 5UliUl.lli (J. L. No. 98) 1.35 2,072 481 (6) Rd.g:hudcbpur (J.L. No. 99) 2.62 1,885 813 (7) CharbhaIlga B,budebpur (J. L. 1(0) 0.88 2,753 379 (8) Gho'al Chak (J.L. No. 101) 0.59 5,015 506 (9) Shyam Sundar Chak (J. L. No. 102) 0.79 3,844 503 (10) Balarampota (J. L. No. 103) 0.87 3,403 488 (11) Dasbhaga (J. L. No. 104) 1. 16 2,532 417

Bauria (p. S.) (I)"KajiiChara (J. L. No.3) 0.68 3,512 418 (2) Baul Khali O. L. No.5) 0.50 5,072 460 (3) Khajuri (J. L. No.9) 0.76 4,579 556

Total Rural GroulJ 66.24 2.088 22.674 23 100 70

Sub Unit-XIII Mahestala (P. S.) (1) Raypur (1. L. No. 15) 1.05 3.821 649 (2) Chak Krishnagar (J. L. No. 18) 0.41 4,434 279 (3) Dau!atpur (J. L. No. 19) 1.92 2.644 878 (4) Rameswatpur (J.L. No. 20) 2.32 1.797 765 (5) Shifhugli (J. L. No. 21) 0.91 1.343 212 (6) Chakchata (J .L .No. 23) 0.47 ~.204 153 (7) Ramnagar O. L. No. 26) 0.54 2.781 263 (8) Jagannathpur (J. L. No. 27) 0.55 1.498 151 (9) Ganye Gangadharpur (J. L. No. 28) 1.47 1,787 382 (10) Asuti O. L. No. 29) 1.68 2,283 668 (11) Sanpukaria (J. L. No. 30) 1.23 1,229 277 (12) Chandigar O. L. No. 31) 0.90 1.200 169 (13) Khanberia O. L. No. 32) 2.39 1.208 451 2 2 (14) Krishnarampur (J. L. No. 33) 0.40 1.613 111 (15) Sonamukhi (J. L. No. 34) 1.27 ],513 311 (16) Naoabad (J. L. No. 35) 0.63 692 71 (17) Sankharipota (J. L. No. 36) 0.72 1.035 123 (18) Dad Bagpota (J. L. No. 11) 0.47 911 tn (19) Sonamukhi Krishna1!ar (J. L. No. 38) 0.60 970 96 (20) Bakpota (J. L. No. 39) 0.49 1,239 118 (21) Kalagachhia (J. L. No. 40) 0.89 1,233 197 379


lnSti:utional Population Total Population (Including Institutional &: Houseless Population) Population during 1961-1981 ___._ ,.--__ __._A. ______r----- r-,------"-~----_, No. of Males Females No. of Males Females 1%1 19n 19U Households Households

10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

716 1,941 1,823 1,967 2,584 3,764 805 2,341 2,213 3,132 3,671 4,554 488 2,063 1,932 2,035 2,534- 3,995 1,292 3,961 3,f18 4,832 6,051 7,639 481 1,454 1,343 1,818 2,357 2,797

813 2,599 2,341 3,041 3,966 4,940

379 1,299 1,124 1,673 2,230 2,423 509 1,554 1,405 1,742 2,370 2,959

507 1,601 1,436 1,244 2,150 3,037

488 1,574 1,387 1,844 2,411 2,961 417 1,488 1,449 1,841 2,517 2,937

418 1,261 1,127 1,515 1,720 2,388 460 1,339 1,197 1,541 2,265 2,536 556 1,849 1,631 2,331 2,138 3.480 Ii 107 16 22,963 72.202 66,137 82,6TI 107.419 138,339

5 649 2,100 1,912 3,285 3,293 4,012

279 951 867 1,004 1,640 1,818 2 7 878 2,649 2,427 2,432 3.403 5,076 765 2,161 2,008 2,546 3,406 4,169 212 637 585 556 708 1,222 153 522 514 341 866 1,036 7 263 796 706 1,006 1,249 1,502

151 432 392 542 543 824

382 1,368 1,259 1,945 2,580 2,627 668 2.02\) 1,815 2,515 2,941 3,835 2n 745 767 877 1,132 1,512 169 551 529 519 809 1,080 454 1,498 1,390 1,287 2,383 2,888

111 336 309 434 542 645 311 989 932 1,362 1,993 1,921 71 227 209 263 354 436 123 384 361 . 426 595 745 83 227 201 276 354 423

96 301 281 493 647 582 118 316 291 719 953 «)7 197 581 516 1,054 1,429 1,097 g6'M/P(D)42DCO Cal.- 25 TABLE A..-5i--SrANDtUtD

No. of Houseless Population State,fDistrict Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula· Occupied r-- Component Units. Status Kml non per Residen· No. of Males Female- Km" tial House- Houses holds 2 :} 4 5 6 7 8 9

Budge Budge (P. S.) (1) Abhirampur O. L. No. 12) 0.49 6,188 578 11 (2) ~aria Charial (J. • No. 13) 1.07 3,193 565 (3) Chak Nabasan (J. L. No. 20) 0.52 3,467 298 (4) Nandarampur (J. L. No. 21) 0.87 866 130 (5) Bala:rampur (J. L. No. 22) 1.43 2,209 538 2 2 3 (6) Chingripota (J. L. No. 23) 0.91 1,680 268 (7) Atmarampur (J. L. No. 24) 0.40 1,778 124 (8) Santoshpur (J. L. No. 25) 1.46 1,947 415 2 4 (9) Betuabati Rajarampur (J. L. 26) 0.51 1,827 164 (to) Nischintapur (J. L. No. 35) 1.87 2,613 844 (11) Uttar Ramcbandrapur (J. L. 37) 1.12 2,754 535 (12) Ragbunatbpur (J. L. No. 40) 0.71 2,348 285 (13) Rajarampur (J. L. No. 41) 0.94 2,518 355 (1'4) Pujali (J. L. No. 42) 2.87 2,994 1,595 (15) Rajibpur 0. L. No. 43) 1.00 3,474 666 (16) AcbhiRur (J. L. No. 44) 0.87 3,022 462 Total Rural Group 3,835 2,163 14,229 7 19' 4 Subl'tJidt-XIV Sonarpur (p. S.) (1) Raghunathpur (J. L. No. 68) 2.71 582 290 (2) Polghat (J. L. No. 72) 1.03 1,211 222 (3) Sarmastapur (J. L. No. 73) 1.09 657 120 (4) Ragliabpur (J. L. No. 74) 0.40 1,230 111 (5) Manikpur (J. L. No. 77) 0.98 2,015 371 (6) Bade Hugli (J. L. No. 80) 1.41 1,173 307 (7) Gobindapur (J. L. No. 81) 0.76 1,680 233 (8) Srirampur (J. L. No. 82) 0.57 932 81 (9) Baruli (J. L. No. 83) 3.09 763 449 (10) Barapchhia (1. L. No. 84) 2.24 786 321 (11) Sri Krisbnapur (J. L. 85) 0.51 288 28 (12) (N. L. No. 86) 2.01 692 236 (13) Radhaballabhpur (J. L. 87) 0.43 1,640 99 (14) ~beria (1. L. No. 88) 0.88 1,335 179 (IS) Ja~ (J. L. No. 89) 0.57 1,626 150 (16) Andhdria (J. L. No. 90) 0.52 1,063 97 Banifpur (p. S.) (1) ~pur(J., L. No. 10) 1.34 1,313 295 (2) I¥arpur (J. L. No. 11) 1. 75 2,267 654 23 25 11 (3) ~Pru (1. L. No~ 12) 0.70 1.171 110 (4) S pur (J. L. No. 16) 0.92 550 72 (S) ~ (J. L. No. 17>)' 0.87 661 109 (6) I{aJlindapll' (J. L. No. 18) 0.68 1,331 154 (7) BaPpur (J. L. NO;. Ji) 10.00' 1,150 1,934 2 2 _--- 381

URBAN AREAS-contd. ------Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Hou~eless Population) Population during 1961-1981 r-~-----"--~------, ~--~--~--~------~-~ r--~-___'-..A------~ No. of Males Females No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981. Homeholds Households

10 11 12 13 14 1:- 16 17 18 ------

579 1,613 1,419 907 1,672 3,032

565 1,768 1,649 2,002 2,177 3,417 298 951 852 1,213 1,603 1,803 130 390 363 358 599 753 13 540 1.664 1,495 1,614 2,542 3,159 268 783 740 1,095 1,120 1,529 124 371 340 461 570 711 471 1,519 1,323 1,626 1,882 2,842

164 479 453 614 682 932 844 2,514 2,373 2,638 3,941 4,887

535 1,606 1,479 2,067 1,051 3,085

285 892 775 1,103 1,378 1,667 355 1,235 1,132 1,493 2,412 2,367 18 212 19 1,595 4,688 3,906 3,853 4,639 8,594 8 88 666 1,882 1,592 2,244 3,361 3,474 18 115 462 1.426 1,203 1,391 1,850 2,629 49 447 19 14,291 43,572 39,371 48,561 63,399 82,943

290 831 747 1,098 1,413 1,578 222 662 585 693 1,028 1,247 120 386 330 437 549 ,716 111 259 233 214 363 492 372 995 980 1,395 1,557 1,975 5 307 856 798 1,110 1,425 1,654 5 233 689 588 887 1,153 1,277 81 276 255 461 538 531 449 1,253 1,100 1,653 2,252 2,359 321 940 821 1,528 1,947 1,761 28 80 67 110 153 147

236 744 647 1,069 1,326 1,391 99 357 348 517 634 705 179 605 570 939 1,288 1,175 150 361 466 595 751 927 97 280 273 396 542 553

295 897 862 889 1,409 1,759 4 29 9 677 2,058 1,909 2,090 2,723 3,967 140 420 400 469 584 820 72 260 246 287 411 506 109 312 263 288 225 575 154 475 429 341 758 90S .. 9,077 11,500 1,949 5,914 5,586 7,239_----- 86-M/P(D)42DCOC".I-26 382


No. of Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Population Occupied Component Units Status km" per km" residential No. of Males Females houses House- holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(8) Subuddhipur (J. L. No. 32) 1. 21 56 11 26 27 12 (9) Salipur (J. L. No. 33) 0.83 1,961 331 (l0) Dihi Madarunolla (1. L. No. 34) 0.96 1,558 258 (11) Khasroallik (1. L. No. 35) 0.79 2,139 270 (12) Baikunthapur (J' L. No. 36) 0.65 1,752 173 (13) Biral Dhamnagar (J. L. 37) 0.84 1,243 189 (14) Uttar Kalyanpur (J. L. No. 38) 0.60 1,238 125 (15) Purandarpur (J. L. No. 39) 0.59 2,239 236 (16) Khodar Bazar (J. L. No. 40) 0.88 3,280 508 (17) Dakshin Kalyanpur (J. L. 41) 0.57 1,551 164 (18) Madhya Kalyanpur (J. L. No. 42) 0.54 1,593 136 (19) Dhopagachi (1. L. No. 43) 1.57 1,559 417 (20) Nihata (J. L. 49) 1.18 1,175 226 (21) Sanpukuria (J. L. No. 50) 0.47 398 31 (22) Pasehim Madhabpur (1. L. 51) 0.41 1,383 96 (23) Sasan (1. L. No. 66) 3.23 776 418 (24) Beliaghata (J. L. No. 67) 0.70 761 lOS Total Rural Group 51.48 1,164 10,316 52 54 24 Sub Unit-XV Rural Components Nil MEDINIPUR 15 Kharagpur Standard Urban Areas. TOTAL 140.10 1,762 44,445 456 771 400

Urban Components (1) Kharagpur (M) 90.65 1,660 25,939 280 586 300 (2) Kharagpur Rly. Settlement (NM) 32.37 2,536 15,640 173 184 98 Total Urban Group 123.02 1,891 41,579 453 770 398 Rural Components (1) Kalaikunda (J. L. No. 64) 2.17 2,999 1,400 (2) Dewanmora Bentehati (1. L. 87) 1.40 634 192 3 1 2 (3) Salatpur (1. L. No. 89) 1.52 672 226 (4) Hiradihi (J. L. No. 148) 0.87- 711 123 (5) Kasiasol (J. L. No. 149) 0.78 718 107 (6) Ghagra (J. L. No. 187} 0.60 492 51 (7) Walipur O. L. No. 207) 1.40 738 186 (8) Uttar Jharia (1. L. No. 208) 0.67 Uninhabited (9) Daimong Chak (1. L. No. 209) 0.29 3 (10) Ruisanda (J. L. No. 211) 1.59 19 7 (11) Mirpur (1. L. No. 240) 1.44 395 103 (12) Amlataria (1. L. No. 241) 0.72 1,008 122 ------383

URlJ'xN' AREXS --contd. ------InstitutiQl}al Population Total Population (Including Inslitutional & Population during 1961-1981 Houseless Population .A. .-- -, .-- ______.A.. .-- ---, No. of. , Males Females No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981 Households Households

---~------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ---~------

9 51 9 11 34 34 Wrongly included in Baruipur 68 (M) in 1961 & 1971 331 887 741 490 1,076 1,628

5 258 769 727 855 994 1,496 2 7 270 866 824 794 649 1,690

173 611 528 849 1,081 1,139 181 536 508 719 948 1,044

;{25 392 351 536 658 743 236 fJ76 645 655 1,001 1,321

508 1,492 1,394 1,53J 2,124 2,886

164 485 399 741 975 884

136 478 382 580 661 860 417 1,243 1,204 1,456 1,556 2,447 47 226 664 722 754 1,069 1,386 31 100 87 145 127 187

96 298 269 354 489 567 418 1,304 1,203 2,531 3,362 2,507 105 275 258 353 488 533 19 102 65 10,385 31,121 28,785 38,048 49,364 59,906

200 2,910 216 44,932 130,853 115,979' 155,115 167,837 24?,(~P (157,8tolt (173,220)t

143 2,367 141 26,289 79,864 70,611 80,708 87,822 150,475 57 543 75 15,775 43,312 38,788 06,545 73,435 82,100 200 2,910 216 42,G64 123,176 109,399 147,253 161,257 232,575

1,400 3,685 2,823 3,911 1,790 6,508

194 467 420 98 128 887 226 544 477 68'1 490 1,021 123 313 306 411 393 619 107 269 291 383 437 560 51 141 154 46 196 295 185 522 511 630 788 1,033

Uninha bited Uninhabited 1 7 18 12 Uninhabited Uninhabited 30 103 302 267 Wrongly included in urban 569- area 122 379 347 456 595 726

86 M/P(D)42DCOCal-26(a) 384


No. of Homeless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula- occupied Component Units Status Ktul tion residential No. of per KIn' Houses house· Males Females holds 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9

(13) Gharbarpur O. L. No. 242) 0.11 1,264- 24 (14) Amchhata (J. L. No. 243) 0.39 444 31 (IS) Kashba O. L. No. 245) 0.61 1,.552 167 (16) Soladahar (J. L. No. 246) 1.26 300 62 (17) Madan Mohan (J. L. No. 308) 1.26 294 64 Total Rural Group 17.08 835 2,866 3 2 16 Medinipur Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 24.39 4,089 11,440 21 46 19 Urban Components (1) Medinipur (M) 10.36 8.313 14.688 21 46 19 Total Urban Group 10.36 8,313 14,688 21 46 19 Rural compopenls ~l} Ranga Mati (J. L. No. I50}) 2.02 1,284 549 i2) Tantigere (J. L. 151) 2.401 2,364- 1,175 3} K.has JangaJ r. L. No. 167} 2.50 184 317 (4) Jalkui (J. L. No. 190) 1.38 383 102 (5) Abasgar (J. L. No. 191) 0.35 1,529 89 (6) Jamllnabati Basantapur (I.L. No. 193) 0.60 451 54 (7) Babar Baroua {J.L, No. 194} 0.74 208 3S (8) Hoscnabad (I.L. No. 200) 1.23 788 106 (9) Narayanpur (J.L. No. 201) 0.11 927 20 (10) Keshabpur (I.L. No. lOS) 1.65 201 65 (11) Narendrapur (1. L. No. . 219) LOS 458 80 Total Rural Group 14.03 970 2,752 BANKURA 17 Bankura Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 33.67 3,219 18,141 86 146 71 Urban Components (1) Bankura (M) 19.06 4,982 15,188 86 146 71 Total Urban Group 19.06 4,982 15,788 86 146 71 Bankura (p. S.) Rural Components • (1) Ekteswar (J. L. No. 202) 1.88 957 296 (2) Sankarhati O. L. No. 203) 0.83 388 51 (3) ShYf'lJldaspur O. L. No. 2(6) 0.73 1.970 322 (4) Bhadul (J. L. No. 207) 1.38 487 133 (5) S81l)banda (1. L. No. 210) 0.84 2,011 309 (6) Sal"-ni (1. L. No. 222) 1.30 1,458 292 (7) Asna (J. L. No. 224) 1.30 596 116 (8) Panchbhaga (1. L. No. 225) 0.76 379 56 (9). BadIa (J. L. No, 226) 1.82 488 142 (10) lunbeda O. L. No. 229) 1.65 85g 238 (11) Kesekol (J. L. No. 232) 1.01 1,474 264 (12) Mithila (1. L. No. 233) 1.11 669 134 Total Rural Group 14.61 918 2,353 ~S~


Instltutlona I Population T'>tal Population (Including Institutional & Population during 1961-1981 Houseless Population ------"-- No. of NO'. of households Males Females Households Males Females 1961 1911 1981

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

24 68 71 120 115 139 31 79 94 111 154 173 167 504 443 552 881 947 62 188 190 204 262 378

•.4 197 174 259 351 371 2,868 7,677 6,580 7,862 6,580 14,257

122 1,864 Ib2 17,534 51,301 4",421 60,782 81,201 99,722

122 1,804 1.,2 14,768 45,263 40,855 59,532 71,326 86,118 122 1,864 162 14,768 45,263 40,855 59,532 71,326 86,118

551 1,388 1,206 763 1,298 ' 2,594 1,180 2,910 2,764 2,572 3,796 5,674 377 1,010 951 1,471 1,665 1,961 102 270 269 312 485 529 89 289 246 95 362 535 54 136 138 189 173 274 35 77 77 188 90 154 206 509 460 846 1,138 969 20 48 54 20 Uninhabited 102 67 168 163 287 302 331

85 243 238 507 566 481 2,766 7,038 6,566 7,250 9,875 13,604

92 1,560 410 18,475 56,367 52,003 71,874 90,140 108,370,. 84 1,440 410 16,080 49.420 45.534 62.833 79,129 94,954 84 1,440 410 16,080 49.420 45,534 62,833 79,129c 94,954

296 905 895 1,274 1,473 1,800 57 172 150 247 299 322

323 744 694 527 679 1,438 133 373 299 652 693 672 309 878 811 1,161 1,480 1,689 315 961 935 1,363 1,708 1,896 50 116 418 357 459 605 775 56 147 141 140 198 288 153 448 441 732 775 889 239 731 684 1,042 1,284 1,415 7 70 254 776 713 969 1,168 1,489 134 394 349 475 649 743 8 120 2,395 6,947 6,469 9,041 ll,Oll 13,416 3:)6


Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Population No. of Component units Status Km." per km2 Occupied No. of Male3 Females Residential Heuse- -- Houses holds I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PURULlA 18 Purulia Standard Urban Areas TOTAL 33.98 2,409 13,566 70 99 59 Urban Components (1) Purulia (M) 13.93 5,305 12,287 70 99 59 Total Urban Group 13.93 5,305 12,287 70 99 59 Rural Components (1) Manguria (J.I. No. 40) 4.37 608 412 (2) Balguma (J.L. No. 41) 1.33 283 58 (3) Raghabpur (J.L. No. 66) 6.17 492 504 (4) Palanja (J.L. No. 274) 3.39 368 201 (5) Keleka (J.L. No. 284) 4.79 132 104 Total Rural Group 20.05 396 1,279

BARDDHIMAN 19 Asansol Standard urban Areas TOTAL 331.56 2,427 155,466 673 1,513 467

Urban Components (1) Asansol (M) 20.02 9,160 32,278 196 343 53 ~(i) K.alipahari (O.G.) 2.47 1,483 639 'r2) Outer Burnpur. (NM) 11.68 7,432 17,809 24 60 40 (3) Raniganj (M) 4.79 10,167 7,890 14 44 20 (ii) Sahebganj (O.G.) 1.66 1,763 495 N) Kulti (NM) 7.90 5,231 7,389 -is) Burnpur ~(NM) 7.77 3,977 6,049 215 377 75 (iii) N'abaghanadi (O.G.) 1.64 1,409 397 2 2 0(6) Bar~ar (NM) 3.24 5,394 3,045 2 2 2 (7) Siarsol (NM) 8.52 1,917 1,347 3 2 (8) Niamatpur (NM) 6.45 2,361 2,640 2 7 5 (iv) Sitarampur (O.G.) 0.64 . 3,978 574 (9) Disergarh (NM) 4.81" 2,741 2,251 3 4 (v) Parra (O.G.) 0.89 918 190 (10) Sripur (NM) 4.12 3,003 2,730 3 3 (11) China Kunri (NM) 2.09' 5,911 2,949 (vi) Begclihi (O.G.) 2.731 1,805 1,169 (12) Jamuria (NM) 6.22 1,986 2,105 2 2 (I'ii) Damodarpur (O.G.) 1.30 2,469 472 (viii) Kaithi (O.G.) 2.20 1,423 575 (13) Sarakdj Nadiha (NM) 5.90 J,637 2,154 (14) Ninga (NM) 3.86 2,496 2,434 10 12 3 (15) Jemaria (NM) 4.24 2,263 2,323 (16) Bagra (NM) 3.40 2,451 2,066 8 14 8 (ix) Satgram (O.G,) 3.88 1,451 1,133 21) 46 13 (17) Bhanowara (NM) 4.11 2,009 2,028 (x) Charanpur (O.G.) 2.63 1,260 670 0(18) Patana (NM) 0.45 17,644 1,188 4 8 (19) Pariharpur (NM) 5.29 1,342 1,342 13 17 14 387


Institutional Population Total Population (Including Institutional & Population during 1961-1981 Houseless Population) r------~~------_, r- .---- _A__ -----. No. of Males Females No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981 Households Households

10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

90 908 274 13,730 42,787 39,061 53,601 62,695 81,848

89 897 274 12,430 38,601 35,303 48,134 57,708 73,904 89 891 214 12,430 38,601 35,303 48,134 57,708 13,904

433 1,464 1,192 2,202 1,639 2,656 58 198 179 165 342 377 504 1,549 1,485 2,294 2,374 3,034 201 643 603 690 439 1,246 1 11 104 332 299 116 193 631 1 11 1,300 £1,186 3,158 5,467 4,987 7,944

1,017 6,943 664 157,773 449,737 354,875 415,848 507,236 804,612 (477,730)* (593,215)*

578 3,251 345 33,101 101,743 81,632 103,405 155,968 183,375 5 156 38 639 2,132 1,532 3,664 33 295 25 17,850 48,389 38,414 44,260 56,900 86,8Q.3 65 470 33 8,031 26,865 21,837 30,113 40,104 48,702 3 43 516 1,581 1,346 2,927 13 168 7 7,392 22,613 18,710 34,280 29,665 41,323 68 636 102 6,195 17,949 12,952 21,024 28,924 30,901 397 1,233 1,077 2,310 11 80 3,045 9,644 7,832 14,174 14,624 17,476 48 331 36 4,361 9,728 6,608 16,336 4 24 2,640 8,143 7,088 12,630 12,680 15,231 574 1,471 1,075 2,546 11 85 15 2,254 7,039 6,143 9,437 10,084 13,182 190 441 376 817 9 28 2,875 7,094 5,278 12,372 7 49 2,949 7,256 5,099 12,355 1,179 2,824 2,103 4,927 20 62 33 2,140 6,645 5,705 17,216 9,632 12,350 472 1,705 1,505 3,210 575 1,747 1,384 3,131 10 46 4 2,157 5,479 4,182 5,786 9,661 2,529 5,819 3,816 9,635 4 13 2,330 5,645 3,951 6,433 9,596 2,223 5,038 3,295 8.333 11 87 1,311 3,254 2,375 5,629 3 11 2,025 4,821 3,437 8,258 670 1,803 1,511 3,314 5 60 1,190 4,308 3,632 7,940 2 17 4 1,343 3,970 3,131 7,101 388


No. of Houseless Population State/District Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Population Occupied .., Component units Status Km' per km' Residen. No. of tial house Males Females Houses holds -_------_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(20) Sitalpur (NM) 1.85 ' 3,638 1,781 (xi) Asanbani (O.G.) I 0.85 6,252 1,204 (21) BaHavpur (NM) 1.67 3,956 1,273 (22) Amkula (NM) 3.01 2,134 1,296 (Aii) Murgathaul (O.G.) 2.18 3,283 1,686 (23) Raghunath Chak (NM) 0.87 5,818 1,192 (24) Lalbazar (NM) 2.01 2,348 981 .(25) Ramnagar (NM) 1.67 2,139 734 (26) Nimcha (NM) 3.85 605 494 Total Urban group 152.86 4,130 121,972 519 941 239

Rural Components (Kulti Side)

~) Manberia (J.L. No. 12) 0.54 7,719 778 (2) Bamara (J.L. 13) I 0.62 7,156 880 (3) Dedi (J.L. No. 20) ·1.35 248 55 (4) KuItara (J.L. No. 21) ~.24 1,675 378 (5) Badir Chak (J.L. No. 23) .1.30 Uninhabited (6) Mahutdi (J.L. No. 24) -1.26 781 205 (7) Shipur (J.L. No. 25) ./ 0.69 1,355 139 (8) Gangutia (J.L. No. 28) 3.37 1,079 609 (9) Raydi (J.L. No. 29) ,- 0.65 1,351 237 (10) Chungari (J.L. No. 31) 0.68 1,032 99 N.A. N.A. N.A. (11) Mahatadi (J.L. No. 32) 1. 73 74 25 \12) Boldi (J.L. No. 33) 0.82 348 46 (13) Narayan Chak (J.L. No. -0.67 304 27 34) (14) Hatinala (J.L. No. 35) ~.28 680 261 (15) Jasaidi (J.L. No. 37) 1.26 1,741 372 (16) Manoharchak '0.41 527 44 (J.L. No. 41) (17) Chhota Dhenua 1.13 1,131 220 (J. L. No. 12> , (18) (J.L. No. 43) 1.66 954 302 (19) Radhanagar (J.L. No. 44) 't .81 1,990 733 (20) Kolikapur (J.L. No. 47) 0.46 207 20 (21) Belrui (J.L. No. 49) 1.19 3,655 814 (22) Hachhipur (J.L. No. 50) 1.26 2,180 723 (23) Bamandiha (J.L. No. 53) 0.78 2,876 477 3 132 28 (24) Aldihi (J.L. 54) '2.06 2,043 778 (25) Paidi (J.L. No. 59) '0.57 404 74

Hirapur P.S.

(1) Jamdiha 9.L. No.1: 0.92 717 106 (2) JunQt (J.L. No.2) 1.31' 787 150 (3) Bhaladi (J.L. No.3) 0.76 1,772 231 (4) Namabara (J.L. No.4) 0.78' Uninhabited (5) Bharat Chak (J.L. No. 7) 0.78' 487 69 3$9 tJRBAN AREAS -contd.

Total PopuJatiOft (IlICludins IftStitutioDal A Institutional Population Houseless Population .Population duriDll961-1981 r------~____. r-- --.. No. of Males Females l'f~•. of Males FflIIIdea' 1961 1911 ItIf Households HOUSeholds

10 11 12 13 14 U 16' 17 18

10 1,801 4,085 2,646 6,731 3 25 1,204 3,154 2,160 5,314 9 110 1,273 3,722 2,884 6,606 3 51 1,296 3,949 2,474 6,4l3 22 170 16' 1,686 4,217 2,94t 1,158 6 27 1,194 2,935 2,111 5,062 2 23 981 2,645 2,07S 4,720 17 734 2,019 1,553 3,572 3 22 3 531 1,309 1,_ 2,329

960 6,367 661 l.u.916 354,414 27~1106 370,800 631,320 <.. (361,168)·

778 2,359 1,809 2.9f9' 3,559 4,168 880 2,5ZS 1.909 3.828 3,176 4,437 55 168 167 232 265 335 378 1,091 916 IASI U56 2,077

1 31 205 564 GO 617 663 984 139 437 44i. 80S. n1 935 615 1,943 1,691 2,4a5 3,426 3,635 237 527 351 IS. 425 878 N.A. N.A. N.A•. 99 371 31f. 510 113 702 25 69 59 125 124 ~18 46 153 Ul 251 146 285 27 99 lOS 98 259 204

261 795 755 1.0f9 1,343 1.550 373 1,182 1.011 1.l79 1,763 2.194 44 112 104 2e6 190 216 222 663 615 '" 1,00l 1,278 302 821 1C. I,m. 1,590 1,583 733 1,960 1.641 3.21& 3,225 3.601 20 4S 50 73 75 95 814 2,392 1,958' 2,895 3,835 4,350 723 1,407 J.34f): 1;7# 1,523 2,747 479 1,191 l.eJ1., 3S7 579 2,243 781 2,251 1.957 " 3,713 4,208 74 167 6J ..-, m 230

106 34(j 314 331 537 660 150 530 501 670 1,031 231 175 m· 1,"74""' 1.070 1,347 Uninhabited 69 197 183 359 313 ., 390


--~------__ ------

No. of Houseless Population State/District Standacd. Urban Area and , I Civic ,tea in Papulation r-----"------, Component units - , . Status m'. per, "01' Resi ential No. of Males Females Occ=Hou~es House· holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Asansol Side Kulti P.S. (1) Methani (J.L. No. S>)-' 1.01 , 1,509 350 (2) Kamalpur (J.L. No,~:. 1.11 827 159 (3) Heurilgaria (J.L. No,- p1) 0.72 561 66

Hiraptlr P.S (1) Chapradi (J.T . No. 52' 3.29 ,,534 314 (2) Aluthta (J.L. No.6) 0.71 2,35.1 270 (3) Paunohilfm.(J.l.. No.~, 2.05 1,317 736 (4) Bidyanandapur 1.30 867 198 • (J.L. No.9) tS) Baradigari (J.L. No. 10) 2.11 258 88 (6) Shaurmara (J.L. No. 12) 0.76 484 58 (7) pur~thampur 2.32 .557 185 (J.L. _ O. 13) I (8) Kuila~ (J.L. No. 14) 0.71 662 76 (9) Dih'hli (J.L. No. 15) '" 3.66 640 425 10) Shy~~'iJihi (J.L. No. 1'6) 2.89 '397 130 11) Bangram (J.L. No. 17) 1.16 205 40 12<) Lakdsta' (J.L. No. 19) 1.46 -932 202 13) TeUt'thrri (J.L. No. 23) 2.36 424 145 14) BarafIror (J.L. No. N) 1.86 491 116 IS) Kala~ariya (J.L. N~;26) 2.53 '530 206 16) Dhenua (J.L. No. 27) r 3.08 614 243 106 186 124 JI;!:t Asansofii;S. (1) Ragnunath Bati 0.86 1,780 277 (J.L. No.3) . ~ .J \ (2) Ra11UIlJanpur (J.L. No.4) 0.90 332 53 (3) Bara phemo (J.L. No.5) 03.39 2,251 1,875 (4) Jagatdi (J.L. No.6) ~0.49 1,294 95 (5) Ph~pur (J.L. No.7) 0.76 1,155 142 31 (6) Bartoria (J.L. No.8) . 1.71 880 281 (7) N~muda (J.L. lS'Q, 9) 1.52 914 242 (8) Gopalpur (J.L. No. to) 1.50 465 114 (9) Bara Chak (J.L. NOh! 1) 1.05 1,052 207 (l0) Palasdl):Ja (J.L No.,H) 1.24 510 116 (11) Gobinc;lapur (J.L. IN.,. 18) 1 66 612 195 (12) Kutml'Pur (J.L. No 19) 0.88 742 82 (13) Shi_.4J.L. No. 21) 1.82 787 no (14) Ban_kdi (J.L. Na.,22) 0.78 740 102 (15) Mahujuri (J.L. No. 23) 0.78 1,821 281 (16) Garparira (J.L. No. 25) 1.72 1,247 376 (17) Ut~hadka 0.91 1,523 273 3 (J.L. 0.26) (18) KaltitJ. L. No. 28: 2.60 1,682 803 3 132 28 , (19) Satp-utJAn-ia (J.L. No-:29) 1.81 671 177 (20) Banbishnupur 0.65 1,271 149 (J.L.1'II'0. 31) ;f}J (21) Nischinta (J.L. No. 32) 3.98 819 502 9 30 8 391


Total Population (Including Institutional & Institutional Population Houseless Population) .- ____Population during.A- __ 1961-1981..!... __ .... ~--_____-A _____~~ .------~------, No. of Males Female:; No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981 Householtis Households

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

350 910 614 2,703 2,044 1,524 159 499 419 651 657 918 66 204 200 303 240 404

314 923 833 2,975 1,212 1,756 270 860 809 1,239 1,305 1,669 6 27 736 1,644 1,056 1,333 2,520 2,700 198 587 540 1,233 1,145 1,127

2 12 88 277 267 SOP 355 546 58 185 183 315 397 368 185 682 610 1,167 1,405 1,292

76 243 227 373 408 470 2 425 1,325 1,016 1,729 1,913 2,341 145 606 542 664 956 1,148 40 115 123 139 197 238 202 720 641 967 1,381 1,361 145 526 475 642 685 1,001 116 465 448 499 639 913 206 692 649 922 1,134 1,341 243 987 904 1,088 1,180 1,891

297 861 670 1,077 898 1,531

53 143 156 146 343 299 2 16 1,892 4,494 3,138 7,034 3,640 7,632 95 339 295 594 466 634 142 460 418 786 767 878 283 824 681 577 969 1,505 242 723 667 1,883 1,236 1,390 114 352 346 1,771 385 698 207 593 512 694 802 1,105 117 345 288 475 511 633 195 518 498 891 840 1,016 82 350 303 1,304 535 653 222 773 659 1,371 1,162 1,432 103 279 298 710 606 577 281 775 645 541 540 1,420 376 1,145 1,000 756 1,778 2,145 274 758 628 691 1,179 1,386 806 2,383 1,990 2,011 3,406 4,373 177 629 586 774 790 1,215 149 443 383 658 770 826

508 1,677 1,581 2,121 2,474 3,258 392


Houseless PopulatioD f tatc/Diltrict Standard Urban Area and Civic Area in Popula· No. or Component units Status km' tioDper Occupied No. or km' Residential Houses- Males Females houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(22) Keshabganj (J.L. No. 33) 0.60 590 66 (23) Chak Keshabganj 0.70 413 53 (J.L. No. 34) (24) Muhishila (J.L. No. 37) 5.44 563 486 8 3 (25) Kataldihi (J.L. No. 38) 4.21 433 262 .(26) Ghoshik (J.L. No. 39) 2.64 1,222 994 (27) Damra (J.L. No. 40) 3.45 846 582 Barabani.U (1) Panchgechhija 1.22 2,299 625 (J.L. No. 34)

Jamuria ~ (1) Chanda (J.L. No. 29) 1.16 1,493 296 (2) Banali (J.L. No. 31) 5.84 948 924 3 3 3 Rajganj P.S. (1) Saora (J.L. No.1) 2.19 802 265 1 (2) Ratlbati (J.L. No.2) 1.38 2,949 757 (3) Chapui (J.L. No.3) 1.18 3.569 966 (4) Kumardiha(J.L. No.4) 0.82 1,706 368 (5) Chelad (J.L. No.5) 3.93 1,395 1,137 (6) Ticat (J.L. No. 6) 3.95 767 595 (7) Chalba1pur (J.No. 7) 2.22 1,055 635 (8) Bebbathan (J.L. No.9) 2.95 1,017 638 (9) Harbhanga (J.L. No. 10) 2.63 531 236 (10) Damalia (J.L. No. 11) 2.13 266 101 (11) Nacankuri (J.L. No. 12) 1.15 1,190 219 (12) Egara (J.L. No. 13) 3.72 1,408 900 (13) Amrasola (J.L. No. 18) 3.06 650 442 26 48 31 (14) Chak Janadhara 0.38 Uninhabited (J. L. No. 19) (15) Banshara (J.L. No. 20) 3.01 763 804 (16) Sonachora (J.L. No. 21) 1.12 17 14 (17) Mangalpur (J.L. No. 22) 4.88 172 204 (18) Ronai (J.L. No. 23) 2.14 1,096 399 (19) Chak Brindabanpur 0.62 381 63 (J.L. No. 29) (20) Baktarnagar (J.L. No. 30) 4.21 811 575 (21) Napur (J.L. No. 31) 5.33 462 467 Total Rural Group 178.70 970 33,494 154 572 228

(20) Barddhaman Standard Urban Area TOTAL 48.62 3,723 32,813 74 310 170 Urban Components (1) Barddhaman (M) 22.68 7,379 30,209 43 2S4 126 Total Urban Group 22.68 7,379 30,209 43 254 126 Rural Components (1) Birutikri (J.L. No. 27) 1.48 426 105 3 5 9 (2) Goda (J.L. No. 41) 4.55 445 376 16 18 3 393

'UIlBAN AllEAS -contd.

Total Population (Including Institutional & lDstitutioaal Population Houseless Population) Population during ,1961-1981 --, r- No. of Males Females No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981 Households Households

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

67 170 184 148 189 354 53 141 148 111 191 289

487 1,625 1,438 5,365 2,912 3,063 262 938 883 1,266 1,773 1,821 994 1,963 1,262 2,440 3,723 3,225 583 1,627 1,290 2,110 2,878 2,917

628 1,659 1,146 3,634 3,930 2,805

2 28 332 940 792 638 1,354 1,732 6 14 969 2,916 2,618 3,618 3,850 5,534

2 14 414 1,005 752 510 702 1,757 22 274 2 757 2,493 1,577 3,208 3,281 4,070 7 67 1 966 2,495 ],716 2,032 3,196 4,211 368 858 541 1,023 785 1,399 6 91 1,137 3,213 2,268 3,]49 3,106 5,481 595 1,700 1,330 1,330 1,600 3,030 635 1,395 947 1,862 2,704 2,342 638 1,661 1,340 2,523 2,080 3,001 267 743 653 650 560 1,396 101 301 266 469 50S 567 219 703 665 1,192 1,312 1,368 911 2,734 2,504 2,893 3,326 5,238 442 1,140 848 880 856 1,988

804 1,474 824 1,275 1,916 2,298 14 17 2 13 34 19 204 532 307 270 625 839 402 1,189 1,156 1,228 1,644 2,345 63 111 125 387 309 236

575 1,761 1,653 2,769 3,230 3,414 467 1,306 1,154 1,490 2,316 2,460 57 576 3 33,857 95,323 77,969 129,309 136,436 173,292 (208,407)· (232,047)·

117 2,080 274 33,304 95,759 85,249 115,120 153,054 181,008 (114,999)·

109 2,032 273 30,689 88,677 78,687 108,224 143,318 167,364 109 2,032 273 30,689 88,677 78,687 108,224 143,318 167,364

106 337 293 371 508 630 379 1,052 973 153 1,024 2.025 394



No. of Houseless Population r- -____'~ ____.A..., _____ -.... State/District Standard Urb:m Alea and Civic Area in Popula O~cupied Component Units St~tus Km2 tion per Resic<;,n- No. of Male3 Fetll'1Ies km' tial house- ' Houses holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------(3) Krishnapur (J.L. No. 43) 0.57 2,367 269 4 5 10 (4) Jotgoda (J.L. No. 44) 0.53 1,523 150 (5) Nari (J.L. No. 70) 4.83 511 488 (6) Kalyanpur (J.L. No. 71) 0.60 615 67 (7) Nalldara (J.L. No. 72) 0.66 1,205 140 (8) Dangachha (J.L. No. 73), 0.72 406 44 (9) Bamchandipur 3.21 583 359 7 26 19 (J.L. No. 74) JO) Ichhlabad (J.L. No. 75) 2.64 92 369 :11) Kanainatsal (J.L. No. 76) 1.05 68 )2) Alisa (J.L. No. 77) 0.68 468 70 )3) Gopinagar (J.L. No. 78) 0.64 1,748 234 :14) Becharhat (J.L. No. 7fj) 3.78 334 234 2 3 Total Rural Group 25.94 526 2,604 31 56 44 21 Durgapur Standard Urban Areas Total Urban Components 181. 58 1,810 72,183 356 522 270

(1) Durgapur (N.A.) 154.20 ~,022 69,281 356 522 270 Total Urban Group 154.20 2,022 69,28] 356 522 270 Rural Components Ondal P.S. (1) Andal (J.L. No. 52) 8.34 466 643 (2) Srirampur (J.L. No. 56) 4.44 • 695 496 Durgapur P.S, (1) Duchururia (J.L. No. 55) 1.29 1,526 329 New Township P.S. (1) KaIiganj (J.L. No. 83 (F) 1.99 628 214 (2) Sankarpur (J.L. 95/83 (F) 1.03 447 81 (3) Tatikhala (96 F) 0.58 455 60 Kansa P.S. (1) Bamunara (J.L. 58) 5.00 497 462 (2) Khat Pukur (J.L. 59) 0.94 506 63 (3) Arrii (91j5A) 3.'77' 779 554 Total Rural Group 27.38 614 2,902

Notes: (1) S.U.A. Indicates Standard Urban Area. P.S. . Indicates Police Station. J.L. No.' Indicates,-1Wisdiction List No. M.C. Indicates Municipal Corporation. M. Indicates MUnicipality."­ N.A: Indicates Notified Area. Cantt. Indicates Cantonment. N.M. Indicates Non-municipality Town. O.Or Indicates Out growth(s) of a town under which they are shown. (2) Th~figures within bracket in column 16 and 17 indicate those figures for 1961 & 1971 already published in 1971 Part-II of publication. The figures within brackets have been shown only in such cases Where the area of the S. U.A. has undergone change in 1981 due to inclusion or certain need units of even otherwise. 395

URBAN AREAS-concld. ----- Total population Including Institutional & Population during 1961-1981 Institutional Population Houseless Population ----. ---A.. No. of No. of Males Females 1961 1971 1981 Household~ Males Females House- holds 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

273 692 657 692 1,044 1,349 10 1 150 408 399 482 495 807 488 1,264 1,204 1,153 1,421 2,468 67 200 169 159 340 369 140 427 368 530 648 795 44 143 149 146 125 292 7 38 359 960 910 1,047 1,441 1,870 23i 402 340 70 176 164 98 70 171 147 293 235 318 234 590 529 617 895 1,119 235 662 600 1,132 1,158 1,262 8 48 2,615 7,082 6,562 6,896 9,736 13,644 (6,775)*

187 2,080 101 72,516 178,523 150,083 52,122 218,787 328,606 186 2,063 101 69,584 169,709 142,089 41,696 206,638 311,798 186 2,063 101 69,584 169,709 142,089 41,696 206,638 311,798

652 2,022 1,865 2,527 3,374 3,887 503 1,623 1,461 2,794 2,733 3,084

330 1,046 922 1,221 1,512 1,968

217 651 598 643 581 81 240 220 1,249 137 580 460 61 145 119 Uninhabited 264-

1 17 470 1,290 1,194 1,192 1,518 2,484 63 261 215 820 434 476 555 1,536 1,400 1,092 1,417 2,936 17 2,932 8,814 7,994 10,426 12,149 16,808




400 200




" MUNICIPAL TOWN AREA WITH LOCA­ r-.. _ .. -. TION CODE NO ••. •..:'-- .. _XI .. __..: " URBAN AGG~OMERATION ••••••••••...---, 0 ••••••• OTHER TOWN WITH LOCATION CODE NO"'L __XIA J ,.------, " VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NO .. "'L __157 __ j ~ RAILWAY, BROAD GAUGE ... ------NATIONAL HIGHWAY ... NH 34




APPROX!MATE \ 400 f 200 I I 1DO I I J I

1 I

'BOUNDARY,lNTERN"j!ONAL .. ' •. _-...... _ .•

." STANDARD URBAN AREA "-----. " POlleE STATION.. ." ... .---. .. -~-.- ._ " MUNICIPAL. TOWN AREA WITH LOCATION CODE NO .. r.=:.:.:r:::':"l VILLAGE 'WITH LOCATION. . " CODE HUt>tBER... '" •• C-=-_-=-_1iC.==-=-J RAILWAV, BROAD GAUGE •. , .. ___ upr_!s._: .. NATIONAL HIGHWAy/STATE HIGHWAY.. NH3S SH 1 RIVER AND HtlBUTARIES...... ~




( ~ . • I>






!;.~.~,~e\!>~.o .. : IV : MUNICIPj\L TOWN AREA WITH LOCATION CODE NUMBER> ~o.~o o~ •• ..a r------. ! 167 J 1.. _ ....~ _~ __ ~ ___ _, " Vic_LAGE WITH LOC~>TION CODE NUMBER .. URBAN BUiLT UP ARSA. CENSUS VilLAGE WITH SETTLEMENT SPREAD :mr • RS RAilWAY. BROAD GAUGE. ,J :r:w.t



FOREST Ivv"vvvvi




100 I J HECTt\RE,5

FROM CHAr'mll BOUNDARY, STANDARD URBAN AREA ... _-- " t~UNiCIPAL TOWN AREA WITH : .. ~.'-' LOCATfON CODE NO ... ". • JII : L.aa. • • --=- • • _.. VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NO "'1- 293- ~ L.. ___ _ RAfLWAY, BROA.D GAUGE •.• --r-l RS NARROW GAUGE .. , " " II II II Ii If



trl~ APPROXIMATE \I J 32 400 ~< 200 tfIIIII'" CIII' - ' ~ r..,_ 100 r '-P1'J t·- . c...... 27 ~) ~~ \,26 HECTARES I'~8;' (_ ..- .. - ~~~~,: ~19·,-?o.. , ~.








RIV<::Ro;i '~ND TRiBUTARIES '~ .









200 100










APP~OX(MATE 400 200 4 HECrt.RES


, .. POLICE STATION ••• ----



r-- - ~ ------1 ., VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NO . L __ Z----1 ~ RAILWAY. BPlOAD G~UOE ::RilL ...Jib ---









TO MrEDINIPUR. _...... p. 5. f:?41N4



r------, I I'. " I " 10. __:~. ___j

U~2,"~~ BU:LT UP/ AREl" .. CENSUS VIL LAG E WIT H SETTELE M2NT """" __ ~ ~,,~ .~1 SPREAD • • • • • ~ "~~f. ;:;_!~ p ~~ RAILWAY, METRE GAUGE .. ~~~





.... I I I o % o ! I I ~ ..; IX I ; i '"a...... X T l- i

:£ ...... e> i ::> 0







10021° I I _____ ._1 ___ J I HECTARES

BOUNDARY, STANDARD URBAN AREA ... ----- " POLICE STATION... .., " MUNICIPAL TOWN AREA _" _ •• _ ,._ ." WITH LOCATION CODE NO .. , , .. :._ .. -'=.X?<~I .. _, ...... J " VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NO .•. , C =59 -=_.J .. ' __ ~S _ _ RAILWAY, BROAD GAUGE .. . SHZ STATE HIGHWAY...... , RIVERS AND TRIBUTARIES ... ~

BASED UPON SURVEY OF INDIA Mll,p WITH THE PERMISSION ©GOVERNNIENT 0'" .NOIA COPYRIGI4T ,'982 OF THE SURVEVbR GENERAL OF INDIA 409 1l"""'-----...... ---.4- __.;...... __~_ ...... _____~ ___,____ ,.~_~ __ _.; KHARAGPUR STANDARD URBAN AREA



MUNIC!PAt. TOWN AREA WI'I'H LOCATION COt>E NUMBER ·· Ii .. j C ... -= ...... ,.6 O,l-lEI'l TOWN WiTH L~CATION CODe NUMBER .. .---,L _I!!_ _ J













BOUNDARY, StANDARD URBAN ARU "','" ... POLICE STATION ....• , ~ .. ---- ... -.-.- " MUNICIPAL TOWN AREA WITH " ""'U'ii--·'l lOCATION CODE NUM8fl\ •.• '" .~."_.1III!i:I:IlIo .~.,,_ •• _ ••

URSAN AGGLOMERATION •• ...... ~. "'" iII« ... ~.,

" V!!.U,GE WITH LOCATION CODE NO .... L------) _17 __ I RAILWAV, BROAD GAUGE. _ .2;3. a:



~~~~~------.----______~ ______, ______~,~~ __J IlASEll UPou S.iJ~IIEY (If INl))", MAP Wlfd ,HE PERMISSI',N ® CCVERIIMHIT OF INOlA COi>Vl<1lHIT, 1981 OF THE SUR"EYOR GEt4ERAl l;lF INOlA. BALURGHAT S.TANDARD URBAN AREA


400 200



!: "---:) .~~.~ /...a vila·• . -., /. AIOYANA-· i.\ ~,RA ., .•.. ..~ 89 .~ . .. .~ .~.",.. ---~~,~ / BOUNDARY, STANDARD URBAN AREA ... _-- >, MUNICIPAL TOWN AREA WITH ...... LOCATION CODE NO _ _, L .. ~l•• _ •• " URBAN AGGLOMERATION •....•.••... Do. " OTHER TOWN WITH LOCATION CODE NO ,...--- .... L'_"~_-_' r------I VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NO... I 107 I L.. ______J STATE HIGHWAY SH 10



100 I





~------~------~~------~BASED UPON SURVEY OF INDIA MAP WITH ,HE PERMISSION © GOVERNMENT OF INDIA COP"'R'~I88a. OF THE SURVEYOR GENERAL or INDIA - .&13 ------" '" ,.: L !? ,.'" .0 v I~ I~ I ~ ~ _! ~

C' 0 10

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- _C' q --t -, _> " 2: () , -£:-1 ~" C ;;: 0 1:"" 2' c;J ,_ ) U) LJ e:: (( ~ V) i :r: « _( I T :. :t u u - ~ i'(::;':= 0 '--" <{ C) 'u " -l~-' '.' 9

."• 0 ~

: ~ C> : 3 -< z z "' : E : 0 ~" ~ ~ ,_ "':t u : z t- :j .'0 " 0 ::; S ;: ,. ~ : ~ · :; : "< • a · " .. :z z .. w :: •·0 u ,_"' ;: J ,~ ?" : Q ~ Ct ~ ...... I.LI....J Z '" ;: ~ ::; • z '" L Z ;, .. ~w'9: " '" w __ ;< , ~ .." " I C> J Q "- ::~¥~~ ,_ 0 " "0 ~ ~O~Oa: "' U Q a. ~ U ;:J 0 U "~ 0U " > '" '"J ~ '::; J 5 ;; ii: !?" .." CD ~ z" ~ ~ Z n'" Z 0 o" ~ .. " .. => ~ '" " ;:'" ~ 0 ..1S "


DISTRICT TWENTY FOUR PARGI\NA$ .... Bijpur Police- Station DISTRICT HAORA. NANNA XIIIA Liluoh Police Station z .JETIA CHAI(LA lUll C CHAMR"'L )::.

Dornjur Police StCltior. o ".)(1\1 A IIIPRAHOAPARA IX NOlnoti Police Station , OAK5HI N JHAP""'O"HA ""AKARD"HA J( III Jogctdol Police StatIon Sonkroil Police StaH'On SHilRPARA )(VII A (/) ANDL'L XIV t.!AORAII. f"INGAPAFlA RAMCHANDRAPLJR


aowrlo Poll ce Station NEW aARRACKPYIOI () SANTQ5HPUR >(XIV FORT GlOSTER Borasat Police Station KHAS I(HAMAR RAMK.USHHAPUR CHAI': MADHU X)(XV II « MAOHVA.MGIIIIA"" a: ~ Nlmto Police Stotion 0 ..&~ ... I- ,o~ DI,IITl Ou", PolIce Station· SUBERII>. XX)(I A

DISTRICT NADIA Kalyani Police Stalion Airport Police Stotion

"'AfKI-IAlJ XLI A GOPALPtJR XLII o Rajal no: POlice Station


Sonarpur Police Station



Beholo Police Station

Mohesh/Okl PolIce StatIon



CIo4.a.TA KALI"' ...... " LV Q >- Budge_Budqe Police Station I- TO OISTIRICT t·HJG.L1 KHARAGPUR Ut"'Jrpcra Pol.ce Station z ".AB"'GcRAM cO(.QlWY >

Bhadreswar Police Stot.i-on \

BOUNDARY, STAH~ URBAN AR.EA I Chinsurah Polic. Statjon ~STRICT •••••••••••• ::: .... :C ICEOT .... "1 .... 1.0""10" VIII PO\~ICE STATION.•••••••• " •••• NAitAYANPIjR \: KOOAUA MUl\4, CIPAL TOWN AREA WITH , .. _ .. _.. _ LOC~TlON COOE NUMBER •••• " ••. l_ .. _L.~ _ •• ...1 _----""T OTHER TOWN WITH LOCATION CODE NUMBER , XVIII I Mogr-a Police Station -."'-----~ 1II"4HYIU,T",,,,,,, r------., VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CqOE NUM8E~ '" ~!. NADHU.""",.",,, •.. L______J IIANS8E.UA VI $AHICH"NAGAA V I A ." ..... 1I(HE.JUAI"" VI. RAILWAY. BROAD GAUGE ... CHAM .""""I:.IA VI C ' AP§1jPROX."A T! KHA"A"PA~ It C NATIONAL HIGHWAY._..... NH i J_ L. No )0 1.1"_ MOfj(Iro Police 510100/1 IS I" o STATE HIGHWAY ••• ". River Gon9a olkt I\ot ..hown in the mop o

RIVER_ .. __... _ .,~ _ • HECTARES ... ~

i 9a".d upon Survey of IndIO mop with the permiSSIon of tl'le SlJrveyor G.n.~ol of India. © Government of IndiO Copyright 19@2
