General Guide to the Science and Art Museum, Dublin
- -, / t PLAN FIRST FLOOR. - OF GALLERY OF ROTUNDA :-CASTS OF art J1 SitbuetriaI Department MODERNSCULPTURE. GALLERY OF CES'l'RAL COURT:- (Ncto Bt~iZdiizg.) I~isrrAND OTHER CELTIC ANTIQUI- TIES, hLECTItOTTPES, METAL WORK, mc. Roosi I., W.--TEXTILESAND Loorru. ,, 11. ,, IKDCSTRIAL 3IODEbS. ,, 111. ,, I'OR Itorar, Iiirsr~ ACA DEVS COLLECTIONS. ,. IV. ,, I, ,, ,, y. ,. .\R>!S ASD ziRXOUE. ,, A., 8.--idACES, XXUROiDERIES. ,, 11. ,, \vocu- AXlJ IvoI<u-Caev- ITGS. ,. n:. i, (:L><s ASI) FORCELAIX. ). i'?. (, 1:unsir:aE. ,, V ,, Cas::.s 01.'IVORIES, ~I~TAL, \%-0:1D.ETC. SEGGKD FLOOR _. x V. BALL, LL.D., F.R.S., DIRECTOR OF TIIE iwmuv. - --._a_l 1”ART I.-NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENT (IN TIIE OLD NUSEUM BUILDING). PART 11,-ART AND INDUSTRIAL DEPART MENT (IN TIIE K I ;\iusi:tiir~ DUILDISG). SECOND EDITION. I 1 CONTENTS. t, \ - I T'r Page PREFACE,. 5 I PART I. THENATURALHISTORY DEPARTMENT. INTRODUCTION,. .. 8 Allotment of Rooms and Galleries, . 9 Collections of Invertebrates, . .. * 10 Collections of Vertebrates, . 11 I. The Collection of Fish, . 11 11. The Collection of Arnphibia, . , .12 111. The Collection of Reptiles, . .. 12 IV. The Collection of Birds, . * . I12 V. The Collection of Mammals, . 13 A.-The Systematic Collection of Mammals, . 13 B.-Human Skulls, . , , . 14 C.-The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, , 14 The Geographical Distribution of Animals, . 14 The Palaontological Collection, . 15 Fossil Plants, . 16 ), Invertebrates, . 16 ,, Vertebrates, .. 17 ,, Fish, . .. .17 ,, Amphibia, . .... 17 ,, Reptiles, . 17 ,, Birds, .. .18 ,, Mammals, . , .1s 9, Mammals of Ireland, . .. 18 PART 11. THEARTAND INDUSTRIALDEPARTMENT. Introduction, .. , 23 Allotment of Courts, Galleries and Rooms, . 22 A2 4 GROUNDFLOOR.
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