2 January 2018 India | Life Insurance | Sector Report Life Insurance Banca vs. Non-banca insurers – Gap continues to widen We continue to believe that insurers with strong bancassurance channel present a compelling Karan Singh, CFA, FRM
[email protected] | Tel: (91 22) 66303082 investment opportunity in the Indian Life Insurance sector. Banca insurers have consistently Nikhil Walecha seen an improvement in all key metrics such as persistency, opex, post-overrun margins,
[email protected] | Tel: (91 22) 66303027 operating ROEVs and have gained market share in the past 3 years; we believe such Bunny Babjee outperformance will continue. We expect insurers with strong bancassurance channel to
[email protected] | (+91 22) 6630 3263 report superior operating ROEVs of c.19.0% over FY17-20E vs. 10.1% for insurers driven by Sameer Bhise the agency channel. We expect a healthy 19% CAGR in APE over FY17-20E for the life
[email protected] | Tel: (+91 22) 66303489 insurance industry, driven by 1) strong long-term growth drivers such as a) robust double- Jayant Kharote
[email protected] | Tel: (91 22) 66303099 digit nominal GDP growth, b) favourable demographic profile, c) high financial savings, d) S Parameswaran rising income levels and e) increasing urbanisation; 2) increasing life insurance penetration to
[email protected] | +91 22 66303075 2.8% in FY20E from 2.7% in FY16; 3) strong equity markets which augurs well for the sale of unit-linked products. In this report, we initiate coverage on SBI Life (TP: INR 890) with BUY Valuation summary rating and HDFC Life with HOLD rating (TP: INR 410).