Mason to Begin Her 20 Year Sentence

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Mason to Begin Her 20 Year Sentence Serving Pickens County since 1871 INSIDE EDITORIAL OUTDOOR POST The face of domestic Investing in our Proper trophy care...... violence ...... pg. 5 future ...... pg. 4 pg. 9 Volume 143, No. 17 Wednesday, September 19, 2012 50¢ Mason to begin her 20 year sentence By Joe Toppe ence of a drug found in ries for the two boys that Stancil was in the custody Her lawyer scheduled count of reckless homi- Staff Writer aerosol canisters called, did survive,” said Pickens of DSS at the time of the a plea for April 26, 2012, cide,” said Bentley. Difluoroethane. County Assistant accident. but Mason fled police Mason was sentenced It has been more It is believed that she Solicitor Lisa “It is a tragedy and was later found in to 20 years at the Court than a year since Julie was rendered uncon- Bentley. all around, it is a Ohio by U.S. Marshals of General Sessions in Mason’s truck hit Crystal scious by the drug before Crystal Harrison tragedy for the vic- and returned to Pickens Pickens County by Judge Harrison’s sedan head on colliding into Harrison’s was an employee tim’s family, and County on July 16, Letitia Verdin. in Pickens County kill- car at 40mph. of the Department it is a tragedy for according to officials. “I believe that a sen- ing Harrison, 9-year-old “She made a horrible of Social Services Ms. Mason’s fam- Upon her return, Mason tence of 20 years was Raven Stancil, and badly criminal mistake the day (DSS) and a case ily,” said Bentley. pleaded guilty on Aug. 31. appropriate, and I think injuring two others. that she decided to huff worker for chil- Following “She was convicted of it was fair,” said Bentley. Officials say, on March those fumes and then dren. Julie Mason the accident, one count of felony DUI She is presently being 4, 2011, Mason got drive which resulted in Along with her Julie Mason was with death, two counts processed at Graham behind the wheel of her the loss of life of two two brothers, Jase Miller arrested and released on of felony DUI with great Reception and Evaluation vehicle under the influ- people and horrible inju- and Joshua Stancil, Raven $80,000 bond. bodily injury, and one Center in Columbia. Versa Capital Local resident Ole Time Music Festival shares personal announces the ties in Middle formation of East riots Billy Cannada Civitas Media, LLC Staff Writer EASLEY—If you have been keeping track Combines four with national news, there is a good chance you have caught a glimpse of some of the community news groups riots currently taking place in the Middle for growth, best practices East. Attacks were conducted on the United States Embassy in Cario recently, killing sev- PHILADELPHIA — Versa Capital eral Americans and causing a uproar in riots. Management, LLC (Versa), a private equi- Dangerous news like this hits close to ty investment firm, this week announced home for Easley resident Raye Harville, the creation of Civitas Media, LLC whose parents are United States Diplomats (Civitas), a new community news media in Iraq. company. Civitas, Latin for “community” “My first reaction was of concern for or “citizen”, combines four media enti- Muslim people living in America,” said ties owned by Versa: Freedom Central, Harville. “The average American is so shel- Heartland Publications, Impressions tered from the rest of the world it’s hard Media, and Ohio Community Media. for them to empathize with a culture that’s Locally, the former Heartland so vastly different. I still worry the radi- Publications owned the Easley Progress, cal Americans will take it out on innocent Pickens Sentinel and Powdersville Post. Photo by Lonnie Adamson bystanders for being Muslim or looking like Those three papers and their websites Don Bruton of Pickens plays banjo Saturday with Rocky Bottom Bluegrass at Hagood Mill. they come from the Middle East.” are now part of the new Civitas group. For more details and pictures of the Pickens County Ole Time Music Festival see page 3. Harville says she believes it was only “radi- Local, regional and senior management cals” who conducted these attacks, and says of the three local media companies they are in the minority. remains the same. “I believe the minority group of Islamic “We have assembled an excellent group radicals is just that- a minority,” said Harville. of community news publishers over the Saturday’s Founders Day Music “For them, it seemed fitting to protest on past 15 months and combining them the anniversary of the WTC attacks. I don’t together under the Civitas umbrella is believe the so called ‘anti-American’ senti- a logical and value-enhancing result,” ment has intensified. To me, the minority has stated Versa’s CEO Gregory L. Segall. Festival final plans announced always been there with that sentiment, but “Community-based media has remained this time their actions gave them a voice the profitable and largely avoided the level of Pickens — Event officials play a large model of the downtown world could hear.” financial pressure experienced by large announced final plans for this monument that will be construct- Harville says that while she is concerned daily metros in recent years. They are Saturday’s Founders Day Music ed to honor the city’s namesake. for her parents’ safety, she is also proud. the principal source of information and Festival in Pickens. The free event The Hagood-Mauldin House and “There are cities in Iraq getting bombed news content as well as the primary will begin at 10 a.m. and end around the Pickens County Museum will every day, while others the worst you come advertising vehicles for their communi- 9 p.m. be open for special tours. Living across are cobras, scorpions, and camel spi- ties, whether in print or online, and we The event schedule and plan illus- history reenactments of the War ders. I will always be concerned for my see a more stable and resilient future for trates the many activities, and the Between the States will be pre- parents’ safety. But I am extremely proud this sector.” 11 hours of music, that people can sented, on the hour, at Bruce Field. of them,” she said. “I know the majority of Civitas, which now employs 1,650 enjoy that day. Hundreds of roots A special shuttle will run between Middle Eastern people, Islamic and Christian people at 47 locations across 11 states musicians, including old time, coun- Main Street and the stadium. alike, are everyday people. They have the in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and South, try, blue grass and folk, will descend The Pickens County Museum same dreams and desires as Americans do- serves its communities through its dedi- on Pickens. Eleven bands will be will offer several unique events just wanting to be doctors, have families, be able cation to the delivery of local informa- featured on the Blue Ridge stage. for Founders Day. Jeanette Moody to afford nice things. Those are the people tion, including news and advertising Individual and groups are expected will be demonstrating quilting in my parents get to work with and help, those solutions, across a variety of platforms. to jam, at will, up and down Main front of the Settlers Cabin exhibit. are the people they are focusing on and try- These communities are served by 36 Street throughout the day. Early Daniel Brennan, as an authentic ing to help get back on their feet.” local daily newspapers including 19 with evening will bring all musicians Confederate soldier, will read his- “I trust my parents to know what to do weekend editions as well as 76 weekly together to set what is expected to torical letters as part of the “War in a bad situation, and if their commitment products. These papers have a combined be a record-setting jam. Between The States” exhibit, and to serving our country costs them (and me) average weekly circulation of 1.6 mil- Non-musical activities now Nick Hallman, Heritage Award the ultimate price, then I will know they died lion. Civitas also serves these communi- include numerous “lost craft’ winning musician, will offer trying to bring understanding to both sides ties with numerous free, advertisement experts providing demonstrations Appalachian style fiddle playing of the world and bridge the gap of distrust supported publications and a growing on blacksmithing, cotton ginning, in front of the “Music of Pickens with education, trust, and acceptance,” she on-line presence. In addition, Civitas quilting, musical instrument con- County” exhibit continued. publishes specialty products such as local struction, gunsmithing, and more. Organized by the Pickens Harville says she is often concerned about community directories, wine magazines, Special activities, such as face- Revitalization Association, the escalating protests so close to her parents. regional agricultural publications, realty painting and traditional games, Founders Day Music Festival gener- “It’s the escalation that concerns me. Every publications, local entertainment guides will entertain the kids. The new ous sponsors include the Historic embassy and consulate are protected by gates and on-line magazines and SEO solu- “Turtles On The Town” tour will City of Pickens, Cornell Dubilier, and guarded by Marine Security Guards who tions. guide visitors to various historical Blue Ridge Electric Co-op, Hiott are trained to deal with this type of situation,” The merged organization is led by CEO sites around Pickens. Vendors will For SC House, Nestfeathers Gallery said Harville. “It’s shocking to me how the Michael Bush, formerly the CEO of group offer traditional arts and crafts as of Art, Great Oaks Dental, Pickens protesters were able to scale the wall in Cairo member Heartland Publications, and well as food and beverage such as Guitar Company and the Roper and ultimately kill Ambassador Christopher Chief Operating Officer Scott Champion, homemade ice cream.
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