containing one bell. The register dates from the year 1662. New House, half a mile west; Old Mill, half a mile west j The living is a chapelry attached to the rectory of St. Deve- and Keyo, one mile west, are places here. . reux, joint net yearly value £ 195, in the gift of Percy Archer Clive esq. of Whitfield, and held since 1880 by the Rev. Post Office.-James Sayee, sub-postmaster. Letters are Thomas Hopkins EytonTh.A.K.C.L.who resides at Trelough, received from Tram Inn R.S.O. at 9·30 a.m. j dispatched St. Devereux. The charities amount to 6s. 8d. only. Percy at 5·45 p.m. Postal Orders are issued here, but not paid. Archer Clive esq. D.L. of Whitfield, who is lord of the manor, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Pontrilas. and Philip Lewis esq. are the landowners. The soil is clay National School (mixed), with master's residence attached, and loamy; subsoil, red sandstone. The chief crops are for 80 children; average attendance, 50; Frederick Wm. wheat and barley. The area is 732 acres j rateable value, Francis, master. Children from Didley, Criseley, Howton, £1,244 j the population in 1891 was 86. • Treville & Whitfield attend here COMMERCIAL. l\Iorgan George, wheelwright Walby John James, carpenter, decorator Brace George Gwynne, farmer & rate Sayee Edwin, farmer, New House farm & builder , collector, Court farm Sayee George, farmer &miller (water), Willi,ams Thomas, blacksmith, agricul. Lewis Philip, farmer, Keyo Wormbridge mill tu~ implement repairer, shoeing & Matthews Hy. Benj. frmr. Old Mill frm Sayce James, boot &shoe maker,Post off general smith WORMESLEY is a parish, on the old Weobley and is a perpetual curacy, gross yearly value £78, from land, in high road, 6 miles north-east from Moorhampton the gift of Andrew J. Rouse-Boughton-Knight esq. and held station on the Hereford, Hay and Brecon railway, 3 south since 1891 by the Rev. Henry Auriol Barker M.A. of Wadham from Weobley and 8 north-west from Hereford, in the College, Oxford, also vicar of King's Pyon, where he re8ides. Northern division of the county, Grimsworth hundred, The parish commands delightful views of the Malvern and Weobley union, Hereford county court district and petty Clee Hills and May Hill. Andrew J. Rouse-Boughton-Knight sessional division, rural deanery of Weobley (1st division) esq. of Downton Castle, who is lord of the manor, the Rev. and archdeaconry and . The church of George Horatio Davenport M.A. and Daniel Henry Theo­ St. Mary is a small but ancient and interesting building of philus Peploe esq. are the principal landowners. The soil stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western is clayey and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are turret containing 2 bells: the communion plate includes a turnip, wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 1,249 pewter flagon dated 1716, but the plate now in use is of acres; rateable value, £1,076 j the population in 1891 silver, and was the gift of the Rev. Christopher Jones, vicar was 85. here from 1819: there is also a silver paten-cover, dated Parish Clerk, James Reece. 1571 : the church has been restored and affords 50 sittings: The children of this place attend Mansell Lacy & King's in the churchyard are several monuments, with Latin in- Pyon schools scriptions, one to two sisters, Ursula and Barbara Knight, Letters through Hereford arrive at IX a.m. Weobley is 1775-7. The register dates from the year 1749. The living the nearest money order & telegraph office Rouse-Boughton-Knight Andrew Gre- I Minton John, cowkpr.Raven's causeway I G. Rouse ~ Boughton - Knight ~~ ville, Wormesley grange 1 Ray Francis, farm bailiff to Andrew I Wormesley grange Lloyd William, farmer, Court house 1 Y ARKHILL is a parish, 1~ miles north from and Malvern Hills on the right and left in the distance. station on the Hereford and Worcester section of the Great The parochial charities amount to £5 lOS. yearly. The Western railway, 8 north-west from , 7 north-east principal landowners are Lady Emily Foley, who is lady of from Hereford and 135 from London, in the Southern the manor, esq. of Prestwood, Staffordshire, H. division of the county, Radlow hundred, Ledbury union, W. Taylor esq. and Samuel Smith esq. of Woodmarton. county court district and petty sessional division, rural The soil is a stiff clay, producing abundant crops of wheat, deanery of Frome (southern division) and archdeaconry and beans and hops; subsoil, clay. The area is 2,3°2 acres; diocese of Hereford. The little river Frome flows through rateable value, £3,860; the population in 1891 was 474. the parish. Under Local Government Board Orders (1885) ParIsh Clerk, James Hall Lewis. some parts of Stoke Edith, Stretton Grandison and Weston Post Office, YarkhilI. - William Davies, sub-postmaster. Beggard were transferred to this parish and Longland Bars Letters through Hereford arrive 8.30 a.m.; despatched and Poppingerfarm, detached parts of theparish,toWesthide 4.40 p.m. Stamps only to be had. 'l'arrington is the and . The church of St. John the Baptist is a nearest money order office & Bartestree the nearest tele- plain building of stone principally in the Decorated style, graph office and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry and an Post Office, Lower Eggleton.-Henry Mayfield Turner, New- embattled western tower containing a clock and 4 bells: town, sub-postmaster. Letters through Ledburyarrive the church (with the exception of the tower) was rebuilt in at 9.45 a.m. j dispatched at 3.20 p.m. Postal orders are 1862 at a cost of £1,180, under the direction of Mr. T. issued here, but not paid. is the nearest Blashill, architect, of London: an organ was erected in money order office, & telegraph office Withington railway 1868 at a cost of £100, and enlarged in 1889. The register station dates from the year 1559. The living is a discharged vicar- Letters posted in Wall Letter Box at Woodmanton, age, average tithe rent-charge £178, net yearly value £240, through Hereford j box cleared at 4.30 p.m. week days including IQ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of only the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, and held since 1883 by Schools, with residence for teachers, built in 1856 & en- the Rev. Alexander George Jones M...!. of Queen's College, larged in 1874 to admit the children from Weston Beg- Cambridge. The vicarage house commands a fine view of gard; they will hold 140; average attendance, 99 j Ralph Stoke Edith Park in the foreground, and of the Hatterill H. Bromley, master j Mrs. Bromley, mistress (Marked thUB t letters through Ledbury.) Cox Albert, cooper, Grove . tSmith Albert, farmer, hop grower & Bromley Ralph H. School house tCox Alfred, cooper, Monkhide cider merchant, Grove Derry James, Woodbury honse t Hinds Herbert, shopkeeper Smith SI. farmer & hop grower,Garford Jones Rev. Alexander Geo. M.A.(v:clr) tHolder Charles, blacksmith, Newtown tTaylor Henry William, farmer & hop Taylor Misses, The Castles tHollings John, farmer, Green lane &; cider grower & cattle breeder, tLewis Arthur & Lewis, agricultural Showle court COMMERCIAL. implement makers & machinists, Low tTurner Henry Mayfield, grocer & pro- tAbel Alfred Jas. New inn, Newtown Cotts vision dealer, Post office, Lower t Baker James Thomas, farmer & hop tLewis James Hall, wheelwright & Eggleton grower, Whitwick parish clerk, Upper eotts Vevers John Edwards, landowner & tBowlcott James, farmer, Middle court tMills William E. farmer & assistant farmer & hop grower, court Bow!cott William, farmer & coal dealu, overseer, New house, Watery lane tWargent Thomas, shoe maker Monkhide tMorris WiIliam, farmer, Monkhide tYeomans John H. farmer & hop tCole Henry, shoe maker, Newtown tSavagar Thomas, farmer, Newtown grower, Monksbury court Y ARPOLE is a village and parish near the junction of March, 1887, a part of this parish has been transferred to the roads from Ludlow to Kington and , 2i Luston. The church 01 St. Leonard is a building of stone miles west-by-north from Berrington and Eye station on in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south the Shrewsbury and Hereford (Great Western and London porch and detached tower with spire, standing south-west and North Western joint) railway, 5 north-north-west from of the church, and containing 3 bells: the pulpit is of Leominster, and 18 north from Hereford, in the Northern carved oak: in the south wall of the chancel are a piscina division of the county, Wolphy hundred, Leominster union, and double sedilia: the stained east window was given in petty sessional division and county court district, rural 1864 by Mrs. Dunne, of Bircher Hall, in memory of deanery of Leominster and archdeaconry and diocese of Thomas Dunne esq. J.P. who died in August 1854: in 1853 Hereford. By a Local Government Board Order, dated 24 the chancel was rebuilt at the cost o( the Governors of