Policy & Planning Committee Agenda June 2020

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Policy & Planning Committee Agenda June 2020 Tuesday 9 June 2020, 10.30am Policy and Planning Committee - Agenda Date: Tuesday 9 June 2020, 10.30am Venue: Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford Members Councillor C L Littlewood (Committee Chairperson) Councillor N W Walker (Committee Deputy Chairperson) Councillor M G Davey Councillor M J McDonald Councillor D H McIntyre Councillor C S Williamson Councillor E D Van Der Leden Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio) Councillor M P Joyce (ex officio) Representative Councillor S Hitchcock (NPDC) Members Councillor G Boyde (SDC) Councillor C Young (STDC) Mr P Muir (Federated Farmers) Ms L Tester (Iwi representative) Ms B Bigham (Iwi representative) Mr P Moeahu (Iwi representative) Apologies Notification of Late Items Item Page Subject Item 1 4 Minutes Item 2 32 Lakes380: National Lake Health Research Project Item 3 43 Te Āhua o Ngā Kūrei - Ngāti Mutunga Estuary Project (Curious Minds) Item 4 48 Update on Environment Court Mediation on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Item 5 60 Tai Whenua, Tai Tangata, Tai Ao Item 6 177 Key Native Ecosystems Programme Update Item 7 217 Regional Monitoring Programme for Inhalable Particulate: 2016-2020 Item 8 308 Update on Old Man’s Beard Control Programme - Waingongoro River Item 9 313 Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Item 10 322 Iwi Member Inductions Closing Karakia and Karakia for kai 2 Policy and Planning Committee - Agenda Purpose of Policy and Planning Committee meeting This committee attends to all matters of resource management, biosecurity and related environment policy. Responsibilities Prepare and review regional policy statements, plans and strategies and convene as a Hearing Committee as and when required for the hearing of submissions. Monitor plan and policy implementation. Develop biosecurity policy. Advocate, as appropriate, for the Taranaki region. Other policy initiatives. Endorse submissions prepared in response to the policy initiatives of organisations. Membership of Policy and Planning Committee Councillor C L Littlewood (Chairperson) Councillor N W Walker (Deputy Chairperson) Councillor M G Davey Councillor M J McDonald Councillor D H McIntyre Councillor C S Williamson Councillor E D Van Der Leden Councillor D N MacLeod (ex officio) Councillor M P Joyce (ex officio) Representative Members Councillor C Young (STDC) Councillor S Hitchcock (NPDC) Councillor G Boyde (SDC) Mr P Moeahu (Iwi Representative) Ms B Bigham (Iwi Representative) Ms L Tester (Iwi Representative) Health and Safety Message Emergency Procedure In the event of an emergency, please exit through the emergency door in the committee room by the kitchen. If you require assistance to exit please see a staff member. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs make your way to the assembly point at the birdcage. Staff will guide you to an alternative route if necessary. Earthquake If there is an earthquake - drop, cover and hold where possible. Please remain where you are until further instruction is given. 3 Policy and Planning Committee - Minutes Date 9 June 2020 Subject: Minutes Approved by: A D McLay, Director - Resource Management B G Chamberlain, Chief Executive Document: 2513389 Resolves That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the confirmed minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee meeting held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on Tuesday 4 February 2020 at 10.30am b) receives the confirmed minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held via audio-visual link (zoom) on Tuesday 7 April 2020 at 10.30am c) receives the unconfirmed minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held via audio-visual link (zoom) on Tuesday 19 May 2020 at 10.30am. Background 1. Due to advice from Government around gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic the Policy and Planning meeting scheduled for Tuesday 17 March 2020 was cancelled. 2. In March 2020 the World Health Organisation declared a worldwide novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The New Zealand Government declared a series of alert levels aimed at moving fast and moving hard that essentially put New Zealand in a lockdown situation from 26 March 2020 in an effort to prevent widespread outbreaks of the disease. 3. On Wednesday 25 March 2020, the Emergency Ordinary meeting passed the following resolution: Resolved: THAT the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the memorandum Governance and Decision-making During Covid-19 Pandemic b) agrees to make delegations to the Chief Executive to make urgent decisions during the Covid- 19 pandemic as set out in Attachment 1 after due consultation with the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Committee Chairpersons and with reporting back on the exercise of those delegations 4 Policy and Planning Committee - Minutes c) agrees that if local government legislation is amended in relation to quorums at audio-visual meetings, the delegations will be revoked with the Council meeting as a “Committee of the Whole” using audio-visual means and Committee meetings suspended until after the Epidemic Preparedness (COVID-19) Notice 2020 expires. The Policy and Planning Committee minutes of Tuesday 4 February 2020 were therefore, confirmed at the Whole of Committee Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 7 April. Agenda items from the cancelled meeting of Tuesday 17 February 2020 were either received by the Ordinary Committee on Tuesday 7 April or Tuesday 19 May 2020 or were held over for the return of the usual meetings and committee structure. Decision-making considerations Part 6 (Planning, decision-making and accountability) of the Local Government Act 2002 has been considered and documented in the preparation of this agenda item. The recommendations made in this item comply with the decision-making obligations of the Act. Financial considerations—LTP/Annual Plan This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s adopted Long-Term Plan and estimates. Any financial information included in this memorandum has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. Policy considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long- term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work programmes has been recognised in the preparation of this memorandum. Legal considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations comply with the appropriate statutory requirements imposed upon the Council. Appendices/Attachments Document 2418293: Minutes - Policy and Planning Committee Meeting - 4 February 2020 Document 2466927: Minutes - Ordinary Committee Meeting - 7 April 2020 Document 2500502: Minutes - Ordinary Committee Meeting - 19 May 2020 5 Policy and Planning Committee - Minutes Date 4 February 2020, 10.30am Venue: Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford Document: 2418293 Members Councillors C L Littlewood Committee Chairperson N W Walker Committee Deputy Chairperson M G Davey M J McDonald D H McIntyre C S Williamson E D Van Der Leden M P Joyce ex officio Representative Members Councillors C Young South Taranaki District Council S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council G Boyde Stratford District Council Mr P Muir Federated Farmers Iwi representatives have not yet been appointed. Attending Messrs B G Chamberlain Chief Executive G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality M J Nield Director - Corporate Services A D McLay Director - Resource Management S R Hall Director - Operations G Severinsen Manager Policy and Strategy C Spurdle Planning Manager S Tamarapa Iwi Communications Officer M Simpson Team Leader - Riparian T McElroy Environmental Scientist – Marine Biology R Ritchie Communications Manager P Ledingham Communications Adviser T K Davey Communications Adviser (part meeting) Ms L Ingham Environmental Scientist – State of the Environment Ms M Lachmann Communications Adviser Mrs V McKay Science Manager Chemistry Miss L Davidson Committee Administrator Mr S Cronin University of Waikato Councillor D L Lean 6 Policy and Planning Committee - Minutes One member of the media and one member of the public. Apologies An apology from Councillor D N MacLeod was received and sustained. Notification of Late Items There were no late items. 1. Confirmation of Minutes – Tuesday 19 November 2019 Resolved THAT the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee meeting of Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford of Tuesday 19 November 2019 at 10.30am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 10 December 2019. McIntyre/Boyde Matters arising There were no matters arising. 2. National Survey of Pesticides and Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs) in Groundwater 2018 2.1 Mr G K Bedford, Director – Environment Quality, spoke to the report to present the results of the National Survey
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